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A coordinated X-Ray and optical campaign of the nearest massive eclipsing binary, delta ORIONIS Aa. III. Analysis of optical photometric (most) and spectroscopic (ground based) variations

  • We report on both high-precision photometry from the Microvariability and Oscillations of Stars (MOST) space telescope and ground-based spectroscopy of the triple system delta Ori A, consisting of a binary O9.5II+early-B (Aa1 and Aa2) with P = 5.7 days, and a more distant tertiary (O9 IV P > 400 years). This data was collected in concert with X-ray spectroscopy from the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Thanks to continuous coverage for three weeks, the MOST light curve reveals clear eclipses between Aa1 and Aa2 for the first time in non-phased data. From the spectroscopy, we have a well-constrained radial velocity (RV) curve of Aa1. While we are unable to recover RV variations of the secondary star, we are able to constrain several fundamental parameters of this system and determine an approximate mass of the primary using apsidal motion. We also detected second order modulations at 12 separate frequencies with spacings indicative of tidally influenced oscillations. These spacings have never been seen in a massive binary, making this systemWe report on both high-precision photometry from the Microvariability and Oscillations of Stars (MOST) space telescope and ground-based spectroscopy of the triple system delta Ori A, consisting of a binary O9.5II+early-B (Aa1 and Aa2) with P = 5.7 days, and a more distant tertiary (O9 IV P > 400 years). This data was collected in concert with X-ray spectroscopy from the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Thanks to continuous coverage for three weeks, the MOST light curve reveals clear eclipses between Aa1 and Aa2 for the first time in non-phased data. From the spectroscopy, we have a well-constrained radial velocity (RV) curve of Aa1. While we are unable to recover RV variations of the secondary star, we are able to constrain several fundamental parameters of this system and determine an approximate mass of the primary using apsidal motion. We also detected second order modulations at 12 separate frequencies with spacings indicative of tidally influenced oscillations. These spacings have never been seen in a massive binary, making this system one of only a handful of such binaries that show evidence for tidally induced pulsations.show moreshow less

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Author details:Herbert Pablo, Noel D. Richardson, Anthony F. J. Moffat, Michael Corcoran, Tomer ShenarORCiDGND, Omar Benvenuto, Jim Fuller, Yael Naze, Jennifer L. Hoffman, Anatoly Miroshnichenko, Jesus Maiz Apellaniz, Nancy Evans, Thomas Eversberg, Ken Gayley, Ted Gull, Kenji Hamaguchi, Wolf-Rainer HamannORCiDGND, Huib Henrichs, Tabetha Hole, Richard Ignace, Rosina Iping, Jennifer Lauer, Maurice Leutenegger, Jamie Lomax, Joy Nichols, Lidia M. OskinovaORCiDGND, Stan Owocki, Andy Pollock, Christopher M. P. Russell, Wayne Waldron, Christian Buil, Thierry Garrel, Keith Graham, Bernard Heathcote, Thierry Lemoult, Dong Li, Benjamin Mauclaire, Mike Potter, Jose Ribeiro, Jaymie Matthews, Chris Cameron, David Guenther, Rainer Kuschnig, Jason Rowe, Slavek Rucinski, Dimitar Sasselov, Werner Weiss
Title of parent work (English):The astrophysical journal : an international review of spectroscopy and astronomical physics
Publisher:IOP Publ. Ltd.
Place of publishing:Bristol
Publication type:Article
Year of first publication:2015
Publication year:2015
Release date:2017/03/27
Tag:binaries: close; binaries: eclipsing; stars: early-type; stars: individual (delta Ori A); stars: mass-loss; stars: variables: general
Number of pages:11
Funding institution:Chandra grant [GO3-14015A, GO3-14015E]; Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique (Belgium); Communaute Francaise de Belgique; PRODEX XMMAction de Recherche Concertee (CFWB-Academie Wallonie Europe); CRAQ (Centre de Recherche en Astrophysique du Quebec); Spanish Government Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) [AYA2010-15 081, AYA2010-17 631, AYA2013-40 611-P]; Consejeria de Educacion of the Junta de Andalucia [P08-TIC-4075]; Austrian Science Fund (FWF); Chandra X-ray Center NASA [NAS8-03060]; NASA [NNX13AF40G]; NSF [AST-0807477]
Organizational units:Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät / Institut für Physik und Astronomie
Peer review:Referiert
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