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The effects of conformation and zwitterionic tautomerism on the structural and vibrational spectral data of anserine

  • In this study, the stable conformers of neutral anserine were searched by molecular dynamics simulations and energy minimization calculations using the MM2 force field. Thermochemical calculations at B3LYP/6-31G(d) level of theory followed these preliminary calculations. The results confirmed that neutral anserine has quite a flexible structure and many stable gauche and trans conformers at room temperature. Nevertheless, two are considerably more favourable in energy than the others and expected to dominate the gas-phase and matrix IR spectra of the molecule. The corresponding structural and vibrational spectral data for these two conformers of neutral anserine, whose relative stabilities were also examined by high-accuracy energy calculations carried out using G3MP2B3 method, and for the most stable conformer of anserine in zwitterion form were calculated at B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) level of theory. The calculated harmonic force constants were refined using the Scaled Quantum Mechanical Force Field (SQM-FF) method and then used toIn this study, the stable conformers of neutral anserine were searched by molecular dynamics simulations and energy minimization calculations using the MM2 force field. Thermochemical calculations at B3LYP/6-31G(d) level of theory followed these preliminary calculations. The results confirmed that neutral anserine has quite a flexible structure and many stable gauche and trans conformers at room temperature. Nevertheless, two are considerably more favourable in energy than the others and expected to dominate the gas-phase and matrix IR spectra of the molecule. The corresponding structural and vibrational spectral data for these two conformers of neutral anserine, whose relative stabilities were also examined by high-accuracy energy calculations carried out using G3MP2B3 method, and for the most stable conformer of anserine in zwitterion form were calculated at B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) level of theory. The calculated harmonic force constants were refined using the Scaled Quantum Mechanical Force Field (SQM-FF) method and then used to produce the refined wavenumbers, potential energy distributions (PEDs) and IR and Raman intensities. These refined data together with the scaled harmonic wavenumbers obtained using another method, Dual Scale factors (DS), enabled us to correctly analyse the observed IR and Raman spectra of anserine and revealed the effects of conformation and zwitterionic tautomerism on its structural and vibrational spectral data. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.show moreshow less

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Author details:K. Balci, Y. Akkaya, S. Akyuz, W. B. Collier, M. C. Stricker, D. D. Stover, G. Ritzhaupt, Andreas KochORCiDGND, Erich KleinpeterORCiDGND
Title of parent work (English):Vibrational spectroscopy : an international journal devoted to applications of infrared and raman spectroscopy
Place of publishing:Amsterdam
Publication type:Article
Year of first publication:2016
Publication year:2016
Release date:2020/03/22
Tag:Anserine; Dual scale factors; Matrix IR spectrum; SQM-FF; Tautomerism
Number of pages:13
First page:277
Last Page:289
Funding institution:Istanbul University (IU BAP) [N-3341, N-1650]; Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) [Bidep 2221]
Organizational units:Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät / Institut für Chemie
Peer review:Referiert
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