Technische Berichte des Hasso-Plattner-Instituts für Digital Engineering an der Universität Potsdam
ISSN (print) 1613-5652
ISSN (online) 2191-1665
URN urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-series-822
Herausgegeben von den
Professoren des Hasso-Plattner-Instituts für Digital Engineering an der Universität Potsdam
Titel der Reihe bis Nummer 119: Technische Berichte des Hasso-Plattner-Instituts für Softwaresystemtechnik an der Universität Potsdam
Die Schriftenreihe Technische Berichte des Hasso-Plattner-Instituts für Digital Engineering (HPI) informieren über laufende Forschungsarbeiten und Projekte der Fachgebiete auf Deutsch und Englisch.
ISSN (online) 2191-1665
URN urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-series-822
Herausgegeben von den
Professoren des Hasso-Plattner-Instituts für Digital Engineering an der Universität Potsdam
Titel der Reihe bis Nummer 119: Technische Berichte des Hasso-Plattner-Instituts für Softwaresystemtechnik an der Universität Potsdam
Die Schriftenreihe Technische Berichte des Hasso-Plattner-Instituts für Digital Engineering (HPI) informieren über laufende Forschungsarbeiten und Projekte der Fachgebiete auf Deutsch und Englisch.
Has Fulltext
- yes (159)
Year of publication
Document Type
- Monograph/Edited Volume (157)
- Conference Proceeding (1)
- Preprint (1)
- English (122)
- German (35)
- Multiple languages (2)
- Hasso-Plattner-Institut (10)
- cloud computing (10)
- Cloud Computing (9)
- Hasso Plattner Institute (9)
- Forschungskolleg (8)
- Klausurtagung (8)
- Service-oriented Systems Engineering (8)
- Forschungsprojekte (7)
- Future SOC Lab (7)
- In-Memory Technologie (7)
Um in der Schule bereits frühzeitig ein Verständnis für informatische Prozesse zu vermitteln wurde das neue Informatikfach Digitale Welt für die Klassenstufe 5 konzipiert mit der bundesweit einmaligen Verbindung von Informatik mit anwendungsbezogenen und gesellschaftlich relevanten Bezügen zur Ökologie und Ökonomie. Der Technische Report gibt eine Handreichung zur Einführung des neuen Faches.
HPI Future SOC Lab
The “HPI Future SOC Lab” is a cooperation of the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) and industry partners. Its mission is to enable and promote exchange and interaction between the research community and the industry partners.
The HPI Future SOC Lab provides researchers with free of charge access to a complete infrastructure of state of the art hard and software. This infrastructure includes components, which might be too expensive for an ordinary research environment, such as servers with up to 64 cores and 2 TB main memory. The offerings address researchers particularly from but not limited to the areas of computer science and business information systems. Main areas of research include cloud computing, parallelization, and In-Memory technologies.
This technical report presents results of research projects executed in 2020. Selected projects have presented their results on April 21st and November 10th 2020 at the Future SOC Lab Day events.
The “HPI Future SOC Lab” is a cooperation of the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) and industry partners. Its mission is to enable and promote exchange and interaction between the research community and the industry partners.
The HPI Future SOC Lab provides researchers with free of charge access to a complete infrastructure of state of the art hard and software. This infrastructure includes components, which might be too expensive for an ordinary research environment, such as servers with up to 64 cores and 2 TB main memory. The offerings address researchers particularly from but not limited to the areas of computer science and business information systems. Main areas of research include cloud computing, parallelization, and In-Memory technologies.
This technical report presents results of research projects executed in 2019. Selected projects have presented their results on April 9th and November 12th 2019 at the Future SOC Lab Day events.
Digital technology offers significant political, economic, and societal opportunities. At the same time, the notion of digital sovereignty has become a leitmotif in German discourse: the state’s capacity to assume its responsibilities and safeguard society’s – and individuals’ – ability to shape the digital transformation in a self-determined way. The education sector is exemplary for the challenge faced by Germany, and indeed Europe, of harnessing the benefits of digital technology while navigating concerns around sovereignty. It encompasses education as a core public good, a rapidly growing field of business, and growing pools of highly sensitive personal data. The report describes pathways to mitigating the tension between digitalization and sovereignty at three different levels – state, economy, and individual – through the lens of concrete technical projects in the education sector: the HPI Schul-Cloud (state sovereignty), the MERLOT data spaces (economic sovereignty), and the openHPI platform (individual sovereignty).
Digitale Technologien bieten erhebliche politische, wirtschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Chancen. Zugleich ist der Begriff digitale Souveränität zu einem Leitmotiv im deutschen Diskurs über digitale Technologien geworden: das heißt, die Fähigkeit des Staates, seine Verantwortung wahrzunehmen und die Befähigung der Gesellschaft – und des Einzelnen – sicherzustellen, die digitale Transformation selbstbestimmt zu gestalten. Exemplarisch für die Herausforderung in Deutschland und Europa, die Vorteile digitaler Technologien zu nutzen und gleichzeitig Souveränitätsbedenken zu berücksichtigen, steht der Bildungssektor. Er umfasst Bildung als zentrales öffentliches Gut, ein schnell aufkommendes Geschäftsfeld und wachsende Bestände an hochsensiblen personenbezogenen Daten. Davon ausgehend beschreibt der Bericht Wege zur Entschärfung des Spannungsverhältnisses zwischen Digitalisierung und Souveränität auf drei verschiedenen Ebenen – Staat, Wirtschaft und Individuum – anhand konkreter technischer Projekte im Bildungsbereich: die HPI Schul-Cloud (staatliche Souveränität), die MERLOT-Datenräume (wirtschaftliche Souveränität) und die openHPI-Plattform (individuelle Souveränität).
Like conventional software projects, projects in model-driven software engineering require adequate management of multiple versions of development artifacts, importantly allowing living with temporary inconsistencies. In the case of model-driven software engineering, employed versioning approaches also have to handle situations where different artifacts, that is, different models, are linked via automatic model transformations.
In this report, we propose a technique for jointly handling the transformation of multiple versions of a source model into corresponding versions of a target model, which enables the use of a more compact representation that may afford improved execution time of both the transformation and further analysis operations. Our approach is based on the well-known formalism of triple graph grammars and a previously introduced encoding of model version histories called multi-version models. In addition to showing the correctness of our approach with respect to the standard semantics of triple graph grammars, we conduct an empirical evaluation that demonstrates the potential benefit regarding execution time performance.
Modular and incremental global model management with extended generalized discrimination networks
Complex projects developed under the model-driven engineering paradigm nowadays often involve several interrelated models, which are automatically processed via a multitude of model operations. Modular and incremental construction and execution of such networks of models and model operations are required to accommodate efficient development with potentially large-scale models. The underlying problem is also called Global Model Management.
In this report, we propose an approach to modular and incremental Global Model Management via an extension to the existing technique of Generalized Discrimination Networks (GDNs). In addition to further generalizing the notion of query operations employed in GDNs, we adapt the previously query-only mechanism to operations with side effects to integrate model transformation and model synchronization. We provide incremental algorithms for the execution of the resulting extended Generalized Discrimination Networks (eGDNs), as well as a prototypical implementation for a number of example eGDN operations.
Based on this prototypical implementation, we experiment with an application scenario from the software development domain to empirically evaluate our approach with respect to scalability and conceptually demonstrate its applicability in a typical scenario. Initial results confirm that the presented approach can indeed be employed to realize efficient Global Model Management in the considered scenario.
Decubitus is one of the most relevant diseases in nursing and the most expensive to treat. It is caused by sustained pressure on tissue, so it particularly affects bed-bound patients. This work lays a foundation for pressure mattress-based decubitus prophylaxis by implementing a solution to the single-frame 2D Human Pose Estimation problem.
For this, methods of Deep Learning are employed. Two approaches are examined, a coarse-to-fine Convolutional Neural Network for direct regression of joint coordinates and a U-Net for the derivation of probability distribution heatmaps.
We conclude that training our models on a combined dataset of the publicly available Bodies at Rest and SLP data yields the best results. Furthermore, various preprocessing techniques are investigated, and a hyperparameter optimization is performed to discover an improved model architecture.
Another finding indicates that the heatmap-based approach outperforms direct regression.
This model achieves a mean per-joint position error of 9.11 cm for the Bodies at Rest data and 7.43 cm for the SLP data.
We find that it generalizes well on data from mattresses other than those seen during training but has difficulties detecting the arms correctly.
Additionally, we give a brief overview of the medical data annotation tool annoto we developed in the bachelor project and furthermore conclude that the Scrum framework and agile practices enhanced our development workflow.
The RailChain project designed, implemented, and experimentally evaluated a juridical recorder that is based on a distributed consensus protocol. That juridical blockchain recorder has been realized as distributed ledger on board the advanced TrainLab (ICE-TD 605 017) of Deutsche Bahn.
For the project, a consortium consisting of DB Systel, Siemens, Siemens Mobility, the Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering, Technische Universität Braunschweig, TÜV Rheinland InterTraffic, and Spherity has been formed. These partners not only concentrated competencies in railway operation, computer science, regulation, and approval, but also combined experiences from industry, research from academia, and enthusiasm from startups.
Distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) define distributed databases and express a digital protocol for transactions between business partners without the need for a trusted intermediary. The implementation of a blockchain with real-time requirements for the local network of a railway system (e.g., interlocking or train) allows to log data in the distributed system verifiably in real-time. For this, railway-specific assumptions can be leveraged to make modifications to standard blockchains protocols.
EULYNX and OCORA (Open CCS On-board Reference Architecture) are parts of a future European reference architecture for control command and signalling (CCS, Reference CCS Architecture – RCA). Both architectural concepts outline heterogeneous IT systems with components from multiple manufacturers. Such systems introduce novel challenges for the approved and safety-relevant CCS of railways which were considered neither for road-side nor for on-board systems so far. Logging implementations, such as the common juridical recorder on vehicles, can no longer be realized as a central component of a single manufacturer. All centralized approaches are in question.
The research project RailChain is funded by the mFUND program and gives practical evidence that distributed consensus protocols are a proper means to immutably (for legal purposes) store state information of many system components from multiple manufacturers. The results of RailChain have been published, prototypically implemented, and experimentally evaluated in large-scale field tests on the advanced TrainLab. At the same time, the project showed how RailChain can be integrated into the road-side and on-board architecture given by OCORA and EULYNX.
Logged data can now be analysed sooner and also their trustworthiness is being increased. This enables, e.g., auditable predictive maintenance, because it is ensured that data is authentic and unmodified at any point in time.
The “HPI Future SOC Lab” is a cooperation of the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) and industry partners. Its mission is to enable and promote exchange and interaction between the research community and the industry partners.
The HPI Future SOC Lab provides researchers with free of charge access to a complete infrastructure of state of the art hard and software. This infrastructure includes components, which might be too expensive for an ordinary research environment, such as servers with up to 64 cores and 2 TB main memory. The offerings address researchers particularly from but not limited to the areas of computer science and business information systems. Main areas of research include cloud computing, parallelization, and In-Memory technologies.
This technical report presents results of research projects executed in 2018. Selected projects have presented their results on April 17th and November 14th 2017 at the Future SOC Lab Day events.
Anlässlich des 10-jährigen Jubiläums von openHPI informiert dieser technische Bericht über die HPI-MOOC-Plattform einschließlich ihrer Kernfunktionen, Technologie und Architektur.
In einer Einleitung wird die Plattformfamilie mit allen Partnerplattformen vorgestellt; diese belaufen sich inklusive openHPI aktuell auf neun Plattformen. In diesem Abschnitt wird außerdem gezeigt, wie openHPI als Berater und Forschungspartner in verschiedenen Projekten fungiert.
Im zweiten Kapitel werden die Funktionalitäten und gängigen Kursformate der Plattform präsentiert. Die Funktionalitäten sind in Lerner- und Admin-Funktionen unterteilt. Der Bereich Lernerfunktionen bietet detaillierte Informationen zu Leistungsnachweisen, Kursen und den Lernmaterialien, aus denen sich ein Kurs zusammensetzt: Videos, Texte und Quiz. Darüber hinaus können die Lernmaterialien durch externe Übungstools angereichert werden, die über den Standard Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) mit der HPI MOOC-Plattform kommunizieren. Das Konzept der Peer-Assessments rundet die möglichen Lernmaterialien ab.
Der Abschnitt geht dann weiter auf das Diskussionsforum ein, das einen grundlegenden Unterschied von MOOCs im Vergleich zu traditionellen E-Learning-Angeboten darstellt. Zum Abschluss des Abschnitts folgen eine Beschreibung von Quiz-Recap, Lernzielen, mobilen Anwendungen, spielerischen Lernens und dem Helpdesk.
Der nächste Teil dieses Kapitels beschäftigt sich mit den Admin-Funktionen. Die Funktionalitätsbeschreibung beschränkt sich Neuigkeiten und Ankündigungen, Dashboards und Statistiken, Berichtsfunktionen, Forschungsoptionen mit A/B-Tests, den Kurs-Feed und das TransPipe-Tool zur Unterstützung beim Erstellen von automatischen oder manuellen Untertiteln. Die Plattform unterstützt außerdem eine Vielzahl zusätzlicher Funktionen, doch eine detaillierte Beschreibung dieser Funktionen würde den Rahmen des Berichts sprengen.
Das Kapitel geht dann auf gängige Kursformate und openHPI-Lehrveranstaltungen am HPI ein, bevor es mit einigen Best Practices für die Gestaltung und Durchführung von Kursen schließt.
Zum Abschluss des technischen Berichts gibt das letzte Kapitel eine Zusammenfassung und einen Ausblick auf die Zukunft der digitalen Bildung.
Ein besonderes Merkmal des openHPI-Projekts ist die bewusste Entscheidung, die komplette Anwendung von den physischen Netzwerkkomponenten bis zur Plattformentwicklung eigenständig zu betreiben. Bei der vorliegenden deutschen Variante handelt es sich um eine gekürzte Übersetzung des technischen Berichts 148, bei der kein Einblick in die Technologien und Architektur von openHPI gegeben wird. Interessierte Leser:innen können im technischen Bericht 148 (vollständige englische Version) detaillierte Informationen zum Rechenzentrum und den Geräten, der Cloud-Software und dem openHPI Cloud Service aber auch zu Infrastruktur-Anwendungskomponenten wie Entwicklungstools, Automatisierung, Deployment-Pipeline und Monitoring erhalten. Außerdem finden sich dort weitere Informationen über den Technologiestack und konkrete Implementierungsdetails der Plattform inklusive der serviceorientierten Ruby on Rails-Anwendung, die Kommunikation zwischen den Diensten, öffentliche APIs, sowie Designsystem und -komponenten. Der Abschnitt schließt mit einer Diskussion über die ursprüngliche Microservice-Architektur und die Migration zu einer monolithischen Anwendung.
Pictures are a medium that helps make the past tangible and preserve memories. Without context, they are not able to do so. Pictures are brought to life by their associated stories. However, the older pictures become, the fewer contemporary witnesses can tell these stories.
Especially for large, analog picture archives, knowledge and memories are spread over many people. This creates several challenges: First, the pictures must be digitized to save them from decaying and make them available to the public. Since a simple listing of all the pictures is confusing, the pictures should be structured accessibly. Second, known information that makes the stories vivid needs to be added to the pictures. Users should get the opportunity to contribute their knowledge and memories. To make this usable for all interested parties, even for older, less technophile generations, the interface should be intuitive and error-tolerant.
The resulting requirements are not covered in their entirety by any existing software solution without losing the intuitive interface or the scalability of the system.
Therefore, we have developed our digital picture archive within the scope of a bachelor project in cooperation with the Bad Harzburg-Stiftung. For the implementation of this web application, we use the UI framework React in the frontend, which communicates via a GraphQL interface with the Content Management System Strapi in the backend. The use of this system enables our project partner to create an efficient process from scanning analog pictures to presenting them to visitors in an organized and annotated way. To customize the solution for both picture delivery and information contribution for our target group, we designed prototypes and evaluated them with people from Bad Harzburg. This helped us gain valuable insights into our system’s usability and future challenges as well as requirements.
Our web application is already being used daily by our project partner. During the project, we still came up with numerous ideas for additional features to further support the exchange of knowledge.
On the occasion of the 10th openHPI anniversary, this technical report provides information about the HPI MOOC platform, including its core features, technology, and architecture.
In an introduction, the platform family with all partner platforms is presented; these now amount to nine platforms, including openHPI. This section introduces openHPI as an advisor and research partner in various projects.
In the second chapter, the functionalities and common course formats of the platform are presented. The functionalities are divided into learner and admin features. The learner features section provides detailed information about performance records, courses, and the learning materials of which a course is composed: videos, texts, and quizzes. In addition, the learning materials can be enriched by adding external exercise tools that communicate with the HPI MOOC platform via the Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standard. Furthermore, the concept of peer assessments completed the possible learning materials.
The section then proceeds with further information on the discussion forum, a fundamental concept of MOOCs compared to traditional e-learning offers. The section is concluded with a description of the quiz recap, learning objectives, mobile applications, gameful learning, and the help desk.
The next part of this chapter deals with the admin features. The described functionality is restricted to describing the news and announcements, dashboards and statistics, reporting capabilities, research options with A/B testing, the course feed, and the TransPipe tool to support the process of creating automated or manual subtitles. The platform supports a large variety of additional features, but a detailed description of these features goes beyond the scope of this report.
The chapter then elaborates on common course formats and openHPI teaching activities at the HPI. The chapter concludes with some best practices for course design and delivery.
The third chapter provides insights into the technology and architecture behind openHPI. A special characteristic of the openHPI project is the conscious decision to operate the complete application from bare metal to platform development. Hence, the chapter starts with a section about the openHPI Cloud, including detailed information about the data center and devices, the used cloud software OpenStack and Ceph, as well as the openHPI Cloud Service provided for the HPI.
Afterward, a section on the application technology stack and development tooling describes the application infrastructure components, the used automation, the deployment pipeline, and the tools used for monitoring and alerting. The chapter is concluded with detailed information about the technology stack and concrete platform implementation details. The section describes the service-oriented Ruby on Rails application, inter-service communication, and public APIs. It also provides more information on the design system and components used in the application. The section concludes with a discussion of the original microservice architecture, where we share our insights and reasoning for migrating back to a monolithic application.
The last chapter provides a summary and an outlook on the future of digital education.
Modeling and Formal Analysis of Meta-Ecosystems with Dynamic Structure using Graph Transformation
The dynamics of ecosystems is of crucial importance. Various model-based approaches exist to understand and analyze their internal effects. In this paper, we model the space structure dynamics and ecological dynamics of meta-ecosystems using the formal technique of Graph Transformation (short GT). We build GT models to describe how a meta-ecosystem (modeled as a graph) can evolve over time (modeled by GT rules) and to analyze these GT models with respect to qualitative properties such as the existence of structural stabilities. As a case study, we build three GT models describing the space structure dynamics and ecological dynamics of three different savanna meta-ecosystems. The first GT model considers a savanna meta-ecosystem that is limited in space to two ecosystem patches, whereas the other two GT models consider two savanna meta-ecosystems that are unlimited in the number of ecosystem patches and only differ in one GT rule describing how the space structure of the meta-ecosystem grows. In the first two GT models, the space structure dynamics and ecological dynamics of the meta-ecosystem shows two main structural stabilities: the first one based on grassland-savanna-woodland transitions and the second one based on grassland-desert transitions. The transition between these two structural stabilities is driven by high-intensity fires affecting the tree components. In the third GT model, the GT rule for savanna regeneration induces desertification and therefore a collapse of the meta-ecosystem. We believe that GT models provide a complementary avenue to that of existing approaches to rigorously study ecological phenomena.
Cyber-physical systems often encompass complex concurrent behavior with timing constraints and probabilistic failures on demand. The analysis whether such systems with probabilistic timed behavior adhere to a given specification is essential. When the states of the system can be represented by graphs, the rule-based formalism of Probabilistic Timed Graph Transformation Systems (PTGTSs) can be used to suitably capture structure dynamics as well as probabilistic and timed behavior of the system. The model checking support for PTGTSs w.r.t. properties specified using Probabilistic Timed Computation Tree Logic (PTCTL) has been already presented. Moreover, for timed graph-based runtime monitoring, Metric Temporal Graph Logic (MTGL) has been developed for stating metric temporal properties on identified subgraphs and their structural changes over time.
In this paper, we (a) extend MTGL to the Probabilistic Metric Temporal Graph Logic (PMTGL) by allowing for the specification of probabilistic properties, (b) adapt our MTGL satisfaction checking approach to PTGTSs, and (c) combine the approaches for PTCTL model checking and MTGL satisfaction checking to obtain a Bounded Model Checking (BMC) approach for PMTGL. In our evaluation, we apply an implementation of our BMC approach in AutoGraph to a running example.
Learning from failure
Regression testing is a widespread practice in today's software industry to ensure software product quality. Developers derive a set of test cases, and execute them frequently to ensure that their change did not adversely affect existing functionality. As the software product and its test suite grow, the time to feedback during regression test sessions increases, and impedes programmer productivity: developers wait longer for tests to complete, and delays in fault detection render fault removal increasingly difficult.
Test case prioritization addresses the problem of long feedback loops by reordering test cases, such that test cases of high failure probability run first, and test case failures become actionable early in the testing process. We ask, given test execution schedules reconstructed from publicly available data, to which extent can their fault detection efficiency improved, and which technique yields the most efficient test schedules with respect to APFD?
To this end, we recover regression 6200 test sessions from the build log files of Travis CI, a popular continuous integration service, and gather 62000 accompanying changelists. We evaluate the efficiency of current test schedules, and examine the prioritization results of state-of-the-art lightweight, history-based heuristics. We propose and evaluate a novel set of prioritization algorithms, which connect software changes and test failures in a matrix-like data structure.
Our studies indicate that the optimization potential is substantial, because the existing test plans score only 30% APFD. The predictive power of past test failures proves to be outstanding: simple heuristics, such as repeating tests with failures in recent sessions, result in efficiency scores of 95% APFD. The best-performing matrix-based heuristic achieves a similar score of 92.5% APFD. In contrast to prior approaches, we argue that matrix-based techniques are useful beyond the scope of effective prioritization, and enable a number of use cases involving software maintenance.
We validate our findings from continuous integration processes by extending a continuous testing tool within development environments with means of test prioritization, and pose further research questions. We think that our findings are suited to propel adoption of (continuous) testing practices, and that programmers' toolboxes should contain test prioritization as an existential productivity tool.
Digitale Medien sind aus unserem Alltag kaum noch wegzudenken. Einer der zentralsten Bereiche für unsere Gesellschaft, die schulische Bildung, darf hier nicht hintanstehen. Wann immer der Einsatz digital unterstützter Tools pädagogisch sinnvoll ist, muss dieser in einem sicheren Rahmen ermöglicht werden können. Die HPI Schul-Cloud ist dieser Vision gefolgt, die vom Nationalen IT-Gipfel 2016 angestoßen wurde und dem Bericht vorangestellt ist – gefolgt. Sie hat sich in den vergangenen fünf Jahren vom Pilotprojekt zur unverzichtbaren IT-Infrastruktur für zahlreiche Schulen entwickelt. Während der Corona-Pandemie hat sie für viele Tausend Schulen wichtige Unterstützung bei der Umsetzung ihres Bildungsauftrags geboten. Das Ziel, eine zukunftssichere und datenschutzkonforme Infrastruktur zur digitalen Unterstützung des Unterrichts zur Verfügung zu stellen, hat sie damit mehr als erreicht. Aktuell greifen rund 1,4 Millionen Lehrkräfte und Schülerinnen und Schüler bundesweit und an den deutschen Auslandsschulen auf die HPI Schul-Cloud zu.
The analysis of behavioral models such as Graph Transformation Systems (GTSs) is of central importance in model-driven engineering. However, GTSs often result in intractably large or even infinite state spaces and may be equipped with multiple or even infinitely many start graphs. To mitigate these problems, static analysis techniques based on finite symbolic representations of sets of states or paths thereof have been devised. We focus on the technique of k-induction for establishing invariants specified using graph conditions. To this end, k-induction generates symbolic paths backwards from a symbolic state representing a violation of a candidate invariant to gather information on how that violation could have been reached possibly obtaining contradictions to assumed invariants. However, GTSs where multiple agents regularly perform actions independently from each other cannot be analyzed using this technique as of now as the independence among backward steps may prevent the gathering of relevant knowledge altogether.
In this paper, we extend k-induction to GTSs with multiple agents thereby supporting a wide range of additional GTSs. As a running example, we consider an unbounded number of shuttles driving on a large-scale track topology, which adjust their velocity to speed limits to avoid derailing. As central contribution, we develop pruning techniques based on causality and independence among backward steps and verify that k-induction remains sound under this adaptation as well as terminates in cases where it did not terminate before.
This technical report presents the results of student projects which were prepared during the lecture “Operating Systems II” offered by the “Operating Systems and Middleware” group at HPI in the Summer term of 2020. The lecture covered ad- vanced aspects of operating system implementation and architecture on topics such as Virtualization, File Systems and Input/Output Systems. In addition to attending the lecture, the participating students were encouraged to gather practical experience by completing a project on a closely related topic over the course of the semester. The results of 10 selected exceptional projects are covered in this report.
The students have completed hands-on projects on the topics of Operating System Design Concepts and Implementation, Hardware/Software Co-Design, Reverse Engineering, Quantum Computing, Static Source-Code Analysis, Operating Systems History, Application Binary Formats and more. It should be recognized that over the course of the semester all of these projects have achieved outstanding results which went far beyond the scope and the expec- tations of the lecture, and we would like to thank all participating students for their commitment and their effort in completing their respective projects, as well as their work on compiling this report.
Scrollytellings are an innovative form of web content. Combining the benefits of books, images, movies, and video games, they are a tool to tell compelling stories and provide excellent learning opportunities. Due to their multi-modality, creating high-quality scrollytellings is not an easy task. Different professions, such as content designers, graphics designers, and developers, need to collaborate to get the best out of the possibilities the scrollytelling format provides. Collaboration unlocks great potential. However, content designers cannot create scrollytellings directly and always need to consult with developers to implement their vision. This can result in misunderstandings. Often, the resulting scrollytelling will not match the designer’s vision sufficiently, causing unnecessary iterations. Our project partner Typeshift specializes in the creation of individualized scrollytellings for their clients. Examined existing solutions for authoring interactive content are not optimally suited for creating highly customized scrollytellings while still being able to manipulate all their elements programmatically. Based on their experience and expertise, we developed an editor to author scrollytellings in the live-programming environment. In this environment, a graphical user interface for content design is combined with powerful possibilities for programming behavior with the morphic system. The editor allows content designers to take on large parts of the creation process of scrollytellings on their own, such as creating the visible elements, animating content, and fine-tuning the scrollytelling. Hence, developers can focus on interactive elements such as simulations and games. Together with Typeshift, we evaluated the tool by recreating an existing scrollytelling and identified possible future enhancements. Our editor streamlines the creation process of scrollytellings. Content designers and developers can now both work on the same scrollytelling. Due to the editor inside of the environment, they can both work with a set of tools familiar to them and their traits. Thus, we mitigate unnecessary iterations and misunderstandings by enabling content designers to realize large parts of their vision of a scrollytelling on their own. Developers can add advanced and individual behavior. Thus, developers and content designers benefit from a clearer distribution of tasks while keeping the benefits of collaboration.
Cyber-physical systems often encompass complex concurrent behavior with timing constraints and probabilistic failures on demand. The analysis whether such systems with probabilistic timed behavior adhere to a given specification is essential. When the states of the system can be represented by graphs, the rule-based formalism of Probabilistic Timed Graph Transformation Systems (PTGTSs) can be used to suitably capture structure dynamics as well as probabilistic and timed behavior of the system. The model checking support for PTGTSs w.r.t. properties specified using Probabilistic Timed Computation Tree Logic (PTCTL) has been already presented. Moreover, for timed graph-based runtime monitoring, Metric Temporal Graph Logic (MTGL) has been developed for stating metric temporal properties on identified subgraphs and their structural changes over time. In this paper, we (a) extend MTGL to the Probabilistic Metric Temporal Graph Logic (PMTGL) by allowing for the specification of probabilistic properties, (b) adapt our MTGL satisfaction checking approach to PTGTSs, and (c) combine the approaches for PTCTL model checking and MTGL satisfaction checking to obtain a Bounded Model Checking (BMC) approach for PMTGL. In our evaluation, we apply an implementation of our BMC approach in AutoGraph to a running example.
In recent years, computer vision algorithms based on machine learning have seen rapid development. In the past, research mostly focused on solving computer vision problems such as image classification or object detection on images displaying natural scenes. Nowadays other fields such as the field of cultural heritage, where an abundance of data is available, also get into the focus of research. In the line of current research endeavours, we collaborated with the Getty Research Institute which provided us with a challenging dataset, containing images of paintings and drawings. In this technical report, we present the results of the seminar "Deep Learning for Computer Vision". In this seminar, students of the Hasso Plattner Institute evaluated state-of-the-art approaches for image classification, object detection and image recognition on the dataset of the Getty Research Institute. The main challenge when applying modern computer vision methods to the available data is the availability of annotated training data, as the dataset provided by the Getty Research Institute does not contain a sufficient amount of annotated samples for the training of deep neural networks. However, throughout the report we show that it is possible to achieve satisfying to very good results, when using further publicly available datasets, such as the WikiArt dataset, for the training of machine learning models.
Proceedings of the HPI Research School on Service-oriented Systems Engineering 2020 Fall Retreat
Design and Implementation of service-oriented architectures imposes a huge number of research questions from the fields of software engineering, system analysis and modeling, adaptability, and application integration. Component orientation and web services are two approaches for design and realization of complex web-based system. Both approaches allow for dynamic application adaptation as well as integration of enterprise application.
Service-Oriented Systems Engineering represents a symbiosis of best practices in object-orientation, component-based development, distributed computing, and business process management. It provides integration of business and IT concerns.
The annual Ph.D. Retreat of the Research School provides each member the opportunity to present his/her current state of their research and to give an outline of a prospective Ph.D. thesis. Due to the interdisciplinary structure of the research school, this technical report covers a wide range of topics. These include but are not limited to: Human Computer Interaction and Computer Vision as Service; Service-oriented Geovisualization Systems; Algorithm Engineering for Service-oriented Systems; Modeling and Verification of Self-adaptive Service-oriented Systems; Tools and Methods for Software Engineering in Service-oriented Systems; Security Engineering of Service-based IT Systems; Service-oriented Information Systems; Evolutionary Transition of Enterprise Applications to Service Orientation; Operating System Abstractions for Service-oriented Computing; and Services Specification, Composition, and Enactment.
Crochet is a popular handcraft all over the world. While other techniques such as knitting or weaving have received technical support over the years through machines, crochet is still a purely manual craft. Not just the act of crochet itself is manual but also the process of creating instructions for new crochet patterns, which is barely supported by domain specific digital solutions. This leads to unstructured and often also ambiguous and erroneous pattern instructions. In this report, we propose a concept to digitally represent crochet patterns. This format incorporates crochet techniques which allows domain specific support for crochet pattern designers during the pattern creation and instruction writing process. As contributions, we present a thorough domain analysis, the concept of a graph structure used as domain specific language to specify crochet patterns and a prototype of a projectional editor using the graph as representation format of patterns and a diagramming system to visualize them in 2D and 3D. By analyzing the domain, we learned about crochet techniques and pain points of designers in their pattern creation workflow. These insights are the basis on which we defined the pattern representation. In order to evaluate our concept, we built a prototype by which the feasibility of the concept is shown and we tested the software with professional crochet designers who approved of the concept.
The noble way to substantiate decisions that affect many people is to ask these people for their opinions. For governments that run whole countries, this means asking all citizens for their views to consider their situations and needs.
Organizations such as Africa's Voices Foundation, who want to facilitate communication between decision-makers and citizens of a country, have difficulty mediating between these groups. To enable understanding, statements need to be summarized and visualized. Accomplishing these goals in a way that does justice to the citizens' voices and situations proves challenging. Standard charts do not help this cause as they fail to create empathy for the people behind their graphical abstractions. Furthermore, these charts do not create trust in the data they are representing as there is no way to see or navigate back to the underlying code and the original data. To fulfill these functions, visualizations would highly benefit from interactions to explore the displayed data, which standard charts often only limitedly provide.
To help improve the understanding of people's voices, we developed and categorized 80 ideas for new visualizations, new interactions, and better connections between different charts, which we present in this report. From those ideas, we implemented 10 prototypes and two systems that integrate different visualizations. We show that this integration allows consistent appearance and behavior of visualizations. The visualizations all share the same main concept: representing each individual with a single dot. To realize this idea, we discuss technologies that efficiently allow the rendering of a large number of these dots. With these visualizations, direct interactions with representations of individuals are achievable by clicking on them or by dragging a selection around them. This direct interaction is only possible with a bidirectional connection from the visualization to the data it displays. We discuss different strategies for bidirectional mappings and the trade-offs involved. Having unified behavior across visualizations enhances exploration. For our prototypes, that includes grouping, filtering, highlighting, and coloring of dots. Our prototyping work was enabled by the development environment Lively4. We explain which parts of Lively4 facilitated our prototyping process. Finally, we evaluate our approach to domain problems and our developed visualization concepts.
Our work provides inspiration and a starting point for visualization development in this domain. Our visualizations can improve communication between citizens and their government and motivate empathetic decisions. Our approach, combining low-level entities to create visualizations, provides value to an explorative and empathetic workflow. We show that the design space for visualizing this kind of data has a lot of potential and that it is possible to combine qualitative and quantitative approaches to data analysis.
Language developers who design domain-specific languages or new language features need a way to make fast changes to language definitions. Those fast changes require immediate feedback. Also, it should be possible to parse the developed languages quickly to handle extensive sets of code.
Parsing expression grammars provides an easy to understand method for language definitions. Packrat parsing is a method to parse grammars of this kind, but this method is unable to handle left-recursion properly. Existing solutions either partially rewrite left-recursive rules and partly forbid them, or use complex extensions to packrat parsing that are hard to understand and cost-intensive. We investigated methods to make parsing as fast as possible, using easy to follow algorithms while not losing the ability to make fast changes to grammars.
We focused our efforts on two approaches.
One is to start from an existing technique for limited left-recursion rewriting and enhance it to work for general left-recursive grammars. The second approach is to design a grammar compilation process to find left-recursion before parsing, and in this way, reduce computational costs wherever possible and generate ready to use parser classes.
Rewriting parsing expression grammars is a task that, if done in a general way, unveils a large number of cases such that any rewriting algorithm surpasses the complexity of other left-recursive parsing algorithms. Lookahead operators introduce this complexity. However, most languages have only little portions that are left-recursive and in virtually all cases, have no indirect or hidden left-recursion. This means that the distinction of left-recursive parts of grammars from components that are non-left-recursive holds great improvement potential for existing parsers.
In this report, we list all the required steps for grammar rewriting to handle left-recursion, including grammar analysis, grammar rewriting itself, and syntax tree restructuring. Also, we describe the implementation of a parsing expression grammar framework in Squeak/Smalltalk and the possible interactions with the already existing parser Ohm/S. We quantitatively benchmarked this framework directing our focus on parsing time and the ability to use it in a live programming context. Compared with Ohm, we achieved massive parsing time improvements while preserving the ability to use our parser it as a live programming tool.
The work is essential because, for one, we outlined the difficulties and complexity that come with grammar rewriting. Also, we removed the existing limitations that came with left-recursion by eliminating them before parsing.
The formal modeling and analysis is of crucial importance for software development processes following the model based approach. We present the formalism of Interval Probabilistic Timed Graph Transformation Systems (IPTGTSs) as a high-level modeling language. This language supports structure dynamics (based on graph transformation), timed behavior (based on clocks, guards, resets, and invariants as in Timed Automata (TA)), and interval probabilistic behavior (based on Discrete Interval Probability Distributions). That is, for the probabilistic behavior, the modeler using IPTGTSs does not need to provide precise probabilities, which are often impossible to obtain, but rather provides a probability range instead from which a precise probability is chosen nondeterministically. In fact, this feature on capturing probabilistic behavior distinguishes IPTGTSs from Probabilistic Timed Graph Transformation Systems (PTGTSs) presented earlier.
Following earlier work on Interval Probabilistic Timed Automata (IPTA) and PTGTSs, we also provide an analysis tool chain for IPTGTSs based on inter-formalism transformations. In particular, we provide in our tool AutoGraph a translation of IPTGTSs to IPTA and rely on a mapping of IPTA to Probabilistic Timed Automata (PTA) to allow for the usage of the Prism model checker. The tool Prism can then be used to analyze the resulting PTA w.r.t. probabilistic real-time queries asking for worst-case and best-case probabilities to reach a certain set of target states in a given amount of time.
The analysis of behavioral models is of high importance for cyber-physical systems, as the systems often encompass complex behavior based on e.g. concurrent components with mutual exclusion or probabilistic failures on demand. The rule-based formalism of probabilistic timed graph transformation systems is a suitable choice when the models representing states of the system can be understood as graphs and timed and probabilistic behavior is important. However, model checking PTGTSs is limited to systems with rather small state spaces.
We present an approach for the analysis of large scale systems modeled as probabilistic timed graph transformation systems by systematically decomposing their state spaces into manageable fragments. To obtain qualitative and quantitative analysis results for a large scale system, we verify that results obtained for its fragments serve as overapproximations for the corresponding results of the large scale system. Hence, our approach allows for the detection of violations of qualitative and quantitative safety properties for the large scale system under analysis. We consider a running example in which we model shuttles driving on tracks of a large scale topology and for which we verify that shuttles never collide and are unlikely to execute emergency brakes. In our evaluation, we apply an implementation of our approach to the running example.
Visuelle Programmiersprachen werden heutzutage zugunsten textueller Programmiersprachen nahezu nicht verwendet, obwohl visuelle Programmiersprachen einige Vorteile bieten. Diese reichen von der Vermeidung von Syntaxfehlern, über die Nutzung konkreter domänenspezifischer Notation bis hin zu besserer Lesbarkeit und Wartbarkeit des Programms. Trotzdem greifen professionelle Softwareentwickler nahezu ausschließlich auf textuelle Programmiersprachen zurück.
Damit Entwickler diese Vorteile visueller Programmiersprachen nutzen können, aber trotzdem nicht auf die ihnen bekannten textuellen Programmiersprachen verzichten müssen, gibt es die Idee, textuelle und visuelle Programmelemente gemeinsam in einer Programmiersprache nutzbar zu machen. Damit ist dem Entwickler überlassen wann und wie er visuelle Elemente in seinem Programmcode verwendet.
Diese Arbeit stellt das SandBlocks-Framework vor, das diese gemeinsame Nutzung visueller und textueller Programmelemente ermöglicht. Neben einer Auswertung visueller Programmiersprachen, zeigt es die technische Integration visueller Programmelemente in das Squeak/Smalltalk-System auf, gibt Einblicke in die Umsetzung und Verwendung in Live-Programmiersystemen und diskutiert ihre Verwendung in unterschiedlichen Domänen.
The “HPI Future SOC Lab” is a cooperation of the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) and industry partners. Its mission is to enable and promote exchange and interaction between the research community and the industry partners.
The HPI Future SOC Lab provides researchers with free of charge access to a complete infrastructure of state of the art hard and software. This infrastructure includes components, which might be too expensive for an ordinary research environment, such as servers with up to 64 cores and 2 TB main memory. The offerings address researchers particularly from but not limited to the areas of computer science and business information systems. Main areas of research include cloud computing, parallelization, and In-Memory technologies.
This technical report presents results of research projects executed in 2017. Selected projects have presented their results on April 25th and November 15th 2017 at the Future SOC Lab Day events.
Technical report
Design and Implementation of service-oriented architectures imposes a huge number of research questions from the fields of software engineering, system analysis and modeling, adaptability, and application integration. Component orientation and web services are two approaches for design and realization of complex web-based system. Both approaches allow for dynamic application adaptation as well as integration of enterprise application.
Commonly used technologies, such as J2EE and .NET, form de facto standards for the realization of complex distributed systems. Evolution of component systems has lead to web services and service-based architectures. This has been manifested in a multitude of industry standards and initiatives such as XML, WSDL UDDI, SOAP, etc. All these achievements lead to a new and promising paradigm in IT systems engineering which proposes to design complex software solutions as collaboration of contractually defined software services.
Service-Oriented Systems Engineering represents a symbiosis of best practices in object-orientation, component-based development, distributed computing, and business process management. It provides integration of business and IT concerns.
The annual Ph.D. Retreat of the Research School provides each member the opportunity to present his/her current state of their research and to give an outline of a prospective Ph.D. thesis. Due to the interdisciplinary structure of the research school, this technical report covers a wide range of topics. These include but are not limited to: Human Computer Interaction and Computer Vision as Service; Service-oriented Geovisualization Systems; Algorithm Engineering for Service-oriented Systems; Modeling and Verification of Self-adaptive Service-oriented Systems; Tools and Methods for Software Engineering in Service-oriented Systems; Security Engineering of Service-based IT Systems; Service-oriented Information Systems; Evolutionary Transition of Enterprise Applications to Service Orientation; Operating System Abstractions for Service-oriented Computing; and Services Specification, Composition, and Enactment.
Creating fonts is a complex task that requires expert knowledge in a variety of domains. Often, this knowledge is not held by a single person, but spread across a number of domain experts. A central concept needed for designing fonts is the glyph, an elemental symbol representing a readable character. Required domains include designing glyph shapes, engineering rules to combine glyphs for complex scripts and checking legibility. This process is most often iterative and requires communication in all directions. This report outlines a platform that aims to enhance the means of communication, describes our prototyping process, discusses complex font rendering and editing in a live environment and an approach to generate code based on a user’s live-edits.
Graph repair, restoring consistency of a graph, plays a prominent role in several areas of computer science and beyond: For example, in model-driven engineering, the abstract syntax of models is usually encoded using graphs. Flexible edit operations temporarily create inconsistent graphs not representing a valid model, thus requiring graph repair. Similarly, in graph databases—managing the storage and manipulation of graph data—updates may cause that a given database does not satisfy some integrity constraints, requiring also graph repair.
We present a logic-based incremental approach to graph repair, generating a sound and complete (upon termination) overview of least-changing repairs. In our context, we formalize consistency by so-called graph conditions being equivalent to first-order logic on graphs. We present two kind of repair algorithms: State-based repair restores consistency independent of the graph update history, whereas deltabased (or incremental) repair takes this history explicitly into account. Technically, our algorithms rely on an existing model generation algorithm for graph conditions implemented in AutoGraph. Moreover, the delta-based approach uses the new concept of satisfaction (ST) trees for encoding if and how a graph satisfies a graph condition. We then demonstrate how to manipulate these STs incrementally with respect to a graph update.
Graph repair, restoring consistency of a graph, plays a prominent role in several areas of computer science and beyond: For example, in model-driven engineering, the abstract syntax of models is usually encoded using graphs. Flexible edit operations temporarily create inconsistent graphs not representing a valid model, thus requiring graph repair. Similarly, in graph databases—managing the storage and manipulation of graph data—updates may cause that a given database does not satisfy some integrity constraints, requiring also graph repair. We present a logic-based incremental approach to graph repair, generating a sound and complete (upon termination) overview of least-changing repairs. In our context, we formalize consistency by so-called graph conditions being equivalent to first-order logic on graphs. We present two kind of repair algorithms: State-based repair restores consistency independent of the graph update history, whereas deltabased (or incremental) repair takes this history explicitly into account. Technically, our algorithms rely on an existing model generation algorithm for graph conditions implemented in AutoGraph. Moreover, the delta-based approach uses the new concept of satisfaction (ST) trees for encoding if and how a graph satisfies a graph condition. We then demonstrate how to manipulate these STs incrementally with respect to a graph update.
Die HPI Schul-Cloud
Die digitale Transformation durchdringt alle gesellschaftlichen Ebenen und Felder, nicht zuletzt auch das Bildungssystem. Dieses ist auf die Veränderungen kaum vorbereitet und begegnet ihnen vor allem auf Basis des Eigenengagements seiner Lehrer*innen. Strukturelle Reaktionen auf den Mangel an qualitativ hochwertigen Fortbildungen, auf schlecht ausgestattete Unterrichtsräume und nicht professionell gewartete Computersysteme gibt es erst seit kurzem. Doch auch wenn Beharrungskräfte unter Pädagog*innen verbreitet sind, erfordert die Transformation des Systems Schule auch eine neue Mentalität und neue Arbeits- und Kooperationsformen.
Zeitgemäßer Unterricht benötigt moderne Technologie und zeitgemäße IT-Architekturen. Nur Systeme, die für Lehrer*innen und Schüler*innen problemlos verfügbar, benutzerfreundlich zu bedienen und didaktisch flexibel einsetzbar sind, finden in Schulen Akzeptanz. Hierfür haben wir die HPI Schul-Cloud entwickelt. Sie ermöglicht den einfachen Zugang zu neuesten, professionell gewarteten Anwendungen, verschiedensten digitalen Medien, die Vernetzung verschiedener Lernorte und den rechtssicheren Einsatz von Kommunikations- und Kollaborationstools.
Die Entwicklung der HPI Schul-Cloud ist umso notwendiger, als dass rechtliche Anforderungen - insbesondere aus der Datenschutzgrundverordnung der EU herrührend - den Einsatz von Cloud-Anwendungen, die in der Arbeitswelt verbreitet sind, in Schulen unmöglich machen. Im Bildungsbereich verbreitete Anwendungen sind größtenteils technisch veraltet und nicht benutzerfreundlich.
Dies nötigt die Bundesländer zu kostspieligen Eigenentwicklungen mit Aufwänden im zweistelligen Millionenbereich - Projekte die teilweise gescheitert sind. Dank der modularen Micro-Service-Architektur können die Bundesländer zukünftig auf die HPI Schul-Cloud als technische Grundlage für ihre Eigen- oder Gemeinschaftsprojekte zurückgreifen. Hierfür gilt es, eine nachhaltige Struktur für die Weiterentwicklung der Open-Source-Software HPI Schul-Cloud zu schaffen.
Dieser Bericht beschreibt den Entwicklungsstand und die weiteren Perspektiven des Projekts HPI Schul-Cloud im Januar 2019. 96 Schulen deutschlandweit nutzen die HPI Schul-Cloud, bereitgestellt durch das Hasso-Plattner-Institut. Weitere 45 Schulen und Studienseminare nutzen die Niedersächsische Bildungscloud, die technisch auf der HPI Schul-Cloud basiert. Das vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung geförderte Projekt läuft in der gegenwärtigen Roll-Out-Phase bis zum 31. Juli 2021. Gemeinsam mit unserem Kooperationspartner MINT-EC streben wir an, die HPI Schul-Cloud möglichst an allen Schulen des Netzwerks einzusetzen.
The term blockchain has recently become a buzzword, but only few know what exactly lies behind this approach. According to a survey, issued in the first quarter of 2017, the term is only known by 35 percent of German medium-sized enterprise representatives. However, the blockchain technology is very interesting for the mass media because of its rapid development and global capturing of different markets.
For example, many see blockchain technology either as an all-purpose weapon— which only a few have access to—or as a hacker technology for secret deals in the darknet. The innovation of blockchain technology is found in its successful combination of already existing approaches: such as decentralized networks, cryptography, and consensus models. This innovative concept makes it possible to exchange values in a decentralized system. At the same time, there is no requirement for trust between its nodes (e.g. users).
With this study the Hasso Plattner Institute would like to help readers form their own opinion about blockchain technology, and to distinguish between truly innovative properties and hype.
The authors of the present study analyze the positive and negative properties of the blockchain architecture and suggest possible solutions, which can contribute to the efficient use of the technology. We recommend that every company define a clear target for the intended application, which is achievable with a reasonable cost-benefit ration, before deciding on this technology. Both the possibilities and the limitations of blockchain technology need to be considered. The relevant steps that must be taken in this respect are summarized /summed up for the reader in this study.
Furthermore, this study elaborates on urgent problems such as the scalability of the blockchain, appropriate consensus algorithm and security, including various types of possible attacks and their countermeasures. New blockchains, for example, run the risk of reducing security, as changes to existing technology can lead to lacks in the security and failures.
After discussing the innovative properties and problems of the blockchain technology, its implementation is discussed. There are a lot of implementation opportunities for companies available who are interested in the blockchain realization. The numerous applications have either their own blockchain as a basis or use existing and widespread blockchain systems. Various consortia and projects offer "blockchain-as-a-serviceänd help other companies to develop, test and deploy their own applications.
This study gives a detailed overview of diverse relevant applications and projects in the field of blockchain technology. As this technology is still a relatively young and fast developing approach, it still lacks uniform standards to allow the cooperation of different systems and to which all developers can adhere. Currently, developers are orienting themselves to Bitcoin, Ethereum and Hyperledger systems, which serve as the basis for many other blockchain applications.
The goal is to give readers a clear and comprehensive overview of blockchain technology and its capabilities.
Various kinds of typed attributed graphs are used to represent states of systems from a broad range of domains. For dynamic systems, established formalisms such as graph transformations provide a formal model for defining state sequences. We consider the extended case where time elapses between states and introduce a logic to reason about these sequences. With this logic we express properties on the structure and attributes of states as well as on the temporal occurrence of states that are related by their inner structure, which no formal logic over graphs accomplishes concisely so far. Firstly, we introduce graphs with history by equipping every graph element with the timestamp of its creation and, if applicable, its deletion. Secondly, we define a logic on graphs by integrating the temporal operator until into the well-established logic of nested graph conditions. Thirdly, we prove that our logic is equally expressive to nested graph conditions by providing a suitable reduction. Finally, the implementation of this reduction allows for the tool-based analysis of metric temporal properties for state sequences.
Every year, the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) invites guests from industry and academia to a collaborative scientific workshop on the topic Operating the Cloud. Our goal is to provide a forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience between industry and academia. Co-located with the event is the HPI’s Future SOC Lab day, which offers an additional attractive and conducive environment for scientific and industry related discussions. Operating the Cloud aims to be a platform for productive interactions of innovative ideas, visions, and upcoming technologies in the field of cloud operation and administration.
In these proceedings, the results of the fifth HPI cloud symposium Operating the Cloud 2017 are published. We thank the authors for exciting presentations and insights into their current work and research. Moreover, we look forward to more interesting submissions for the upcoming symposium in 2018.
Version control is a widely used practice among software developers. It reduces the risk of changing their software and allows them to manage different configurations and to collaborate with others more efficiently. This is amplified by code sharing platforms such as GitHub or Bitbucket. Most version control systems track files (e.g., Git, Mercurial, and Subversion do), but some programming environments do not operate on files, but on objects instead (many Smalltalk implementations do). Users of such environments want to use version control for their objects anyway. Specialized version control systems, such as the ones available for Smalltalk systems (e.g., ENVY/Developer and Monticello), focus on a small subset of objects that can be versioned. Most of these systems concentrate on the tracking of methods, classes, and configurations of these. Other user-defined and user-built objects are either not eligible for version control at all, tracking them involves complicated workarounds, or a fixed, domain-unspecific serialization format is used that does not equally suit all kinds of objects. Moreover, these version control systems that are specific to a programming environment require their own code sharing platforms; popular, well-established platforms for file-based version control systems cannot be used or adapter solutions need to be implemented and maintained.
To improve the situation for version control of arbitrary objects, a framework for tracking, converting, and storing of objects is presented in this report. It allows editions of objects to be stored in an exchangeable, existing backend version control system. The platforms of the backend version control system can thus be reused. Users and objects have control over how objects are captured for the purpose of version control. Domain-specific requirements can be implemented. The storage format (i.e. the file format, when file-based backend version control systems are used) can also vary from one object to another. Different editions of objects can be compared and sets of changes can be applied to graphs of objects. A generic way for capturing and restoring that supports most kinds of objects is described. It models each object as a collection of slots. Thus, users can begin to track their objects without first having to implement version control supplements for their own kinds of objects. The proposed architecture is evaluated using a prototype implementation that can be used to track objects in Squeak/Smalltalk with Git. The prototype improves the suboptimal standing of user objects with respect to version control described above and also simplifies some version control tasks for classes and methods as well. It also raises new problems, which are discussed in this report as well.
Software development tools that work and behave consistently across different programming languages are helpful for developers, because they do not have to familiarize themselves with new tooling whenever they decide to use a new language. Also, being able to combine multiple programming languages in a program increases reusability, as developers do not have to recreate software frameworks and libraries in the language they develop in and can reuse existing software instead.
However, developers often have a broad choice with regard to tools, some of which are designed for only one specific programming language. Various Integrated Development Environments have support for multiple languages, but are usually unable to provide a consistent programming experience due to different features of language runtimes. Furthermore, common mechanisms that allow reuse of software written in other languages usually use the operating system or a network connection as the abstract layer. Tools, however, often cannot support such indirections well and are therefore less useful in debugging scenarios for example.
In this report, we present a novel approach that aims to improve the programming experience with regard to working with multiple high-level programming languages. As part of this approach, we reuse the tools of a Smalltalk programming environment for other languages and build a multi-language virtual execution environment which is able to provide the same runtime capabilities for all languages.
The prototype system Squimera is an implementation of our approach and demonstrates that it is possible to reuse development tools, so that they behave in the same way across all supported programming languages. In addition, it provides convenient means to reuse and even mix software libraries and frameworks written in different languages without breaking the debugging experience.
While offering significant expressive power, graph transformation systems often come with rather limited capabilities for automated analysis, particularly if systems with many possible initial graphs and large or infinite state spaces are concerned. One approach that tries to overcome these limitations is inductive invariant checking. However, the verification of inductive invariants often requires extensive knowledge about the system in question and faces the approach-inherent challenges of locality and lack of context.
To address that, this report discusses k-inductive invariant checking for graph transformation systems as a generalization of inductive invariants. The additional context acquired by taking multiple (k) steps into account is the key difference to inductive invariant checking and is often enough to establish the desired invariants without requiring the iterative development of additional properties.
To analyze possibly infinite systems in a finite fashion, we introduce a symbolic encoding for transformation traces using a restricted form of nested application conditions. As its central contribution, this report then presents a formal approach and algorithm to verify graph constraints as k-inductive invariants. We prove the approach's correctness and demonstrate its applicability by means of several examples evaluated with a prototypical implementation of our algorithm.
Today, software has become an intrinsic part of complex distributed embedded real-time systems. The next generation of embedded real-time systems will interconnect the today unconnected systems via complex software parts and the service-oriented paradigm. Therefore besides timed behavior and probabilistic behaviour also structure dynamics, where the architecture can be subject to changes at run-time, e.g. when dynamic binding of service end-points is employed or complex collaborations are established dynamically, is required. However, a modeling and analysis approach that combines all these necessary aspects does not exist so far.
To fill the identified gap, we propose Probabilistic Timed Graph Transformation Systems (PTGTSs) as a high-level description language that supports all the necessary aspects of structure dynamics, timed behavior, and probabilistic behavior. We introduce the formal model of PTGTSs in this paper and present a mapping of models with finite state spaces to probabilistic timed automata (PTA) that allows to use the PRISM model checker to analyze PTGTS models with respect to PTCTL properties.
Every year, the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) invites guests from industry and academia to a collaborative scientific workshop on the topic Every year, the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) invites guests from industry and academia to a collaborative scientific workshop on the topic "Operating the Cloud". Our goal is to provide a forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience between industry and academia. Co-located with the event is the HPI's Future SOC Lab day, which offers an additional attractive and conducive environment for scientific and industry related discussions. "Operating the Cloud" aims to be a platform for productive interactions of innovative ideas, visions, and upcoming technologies in the field of cloud operation and administration.
On the occasion of this symposium we called for submissions of research papers and practitioner's reports. A compilation of the research papers realized during the fourth HPI cloud symposium "Operating the Cloud" 2016 are published in this proceedings. We thank the authors for exciting presentations and insights into their current work and research.
Moreover, we look forward to more interesting submissions for the upcoming symposium later in the year. Every year, the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) invites guests from industry and academia to a collaborative scientific workshop on the topic "Operating the Cloud". Our goal is to provide a forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience between industry and academia. Co-located with the event is the HPI's Future SOC Lab day, which offers an additional attractive and conducive environment for scientific and industry related discussions. "Operating the Cloud" aims to be a platform for productive interactions of innovative ideas, visions, and upcoming technologies in the field of cloud operation and administration.
Die digitale Entwicklung durchdringt unser Bildungssystem, doch Schulen sind auf die Veränderungen kaum vorbereitet: Überforderte Lehrer/innen, infrastrukturell schwach ausgestattete Unterrichtsräume und unzureichend gewartete Computernetzwerke sind keine Seltenheit. Veraltete Hard- und Software erschweren digitale Bildung in Schulen eher, als dass sie diese ermöglichen: Ein zukunftssicherer Ansatz ist es, die Rechner weitgehend aus den Schulen zu entfernen und Bildungsinhalte in eine Cloud zu überführen.
Zeitgemäßer Unterricht benötigt moderne Technologie und eine zukunftsorientierte Infrastruktur. Eine Schul-Cloud ( kann dabei helfen, die digitale Transformation in Schulen zu meistern und den fächerübergreifenden Unterricht mit digitalen Inhalten zu bereichern. Den Schüler/innen und Lehrkräften kann sie viele Möglichkeiten eröffnen: einen einfachen Zugang zu neuesten, professionell gewarteten Anwendungen, die Vernetzung verschiedener Lernorte, Erleichterung von Unterrichtsvorbereitung und Differenzierung. Die Schul-Cloud bietet Flexibilität, fördert die schul- und fächerübergreifende Anwendbarkeit und schafft eine wichtige Voraussetzung für die gesellschaftliche Teilhabe und Mitgestaltung der digitalen Welt. Neben den technischen Komponenten werden im vorliegenden Bericht ausgewählte Dienste der Schul-Cloud exemplarisch beschrieben und weiterführende Schritte aufgezeigt.
Das in Zusammenarbeit mit zahlreichen Expertinnen und Experten am Hasso-Plattner-Institut (HPI) entwickelte und durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) geförderte Konzept einer Schul-Cloud stellt eine wichtige Grundlage für die Einführung Cloud-basierter Strukturen und -Dienste im Bildungsbereich dar. Gemeinsam mit dem nationalen Excellence-Schulnetzwerk MINT-EC als Kooperationspartner startet ab sofort die Pilotphase. Aufgrund des modularen, skalierbaren Ansatzes der Schul-Cloud kommt dem infrastrukturellen Prototypen langfristig das Potential zu, auch über die begrenzte Anzahl an Pilotschulen hinaus bundesweit effizient eingesetzt zu werden.
Graphs are ubiquitous in Computer Science. For this reason, in many areas, it is very important to have the means to express and reason about graph properties. In particular, we want to be able to check automatically if a given graph property is satisfiable. Actually, in most application scenarios it is desirable to be able to explore graphs satisfying the graph property if they exist or even to get a complete and compact overview of the graphs satisfying the graph property.
We show that the tableau-based reasoning method for graph properties as introduced by Lambers and Orejas paves the way for a symbolic model generation algorithm for graph properties. Graph properties are formulated in a dedicated logic making use of graphs and graph morphisms, which is equivalent to firstorder logic on graphs as introduced by Courcelle. Our parallelizable algorithm gradually generates a finite set of so-called symbolic models, where each symbolic model describes a set of finite graphs (i.e., finite models) satisfying the graph property. The set of symbolic models jointly describes all finite models for the graph property (complete) and does not describe any finite graph violating the graph property (sound). Moreover, no symbolic model is already covered by another one (compact). Finally, the algorithm is able to generate from each symbolic model a minimal finite model immediately and allows for an exploration of further finite models. The algorithm is implemented in the new tool AutoGraph.
Um den zunehmenden Diebstahl digitaler Identitäten zu bekämpfen, gibt es bereits mehr als ein Dutzend Technologien. Sie sind, vor allem bei der Authentifizierung per Passwort, mit spezifischen Nachteilen behaftet, haben andererseits aber auch jeweils besondere Vorteile. Wie solche Kommunikationsstandards und -Protokolle wirkungsvoll miteinander kombiniert werden können, um dadurch mehr Sicherheit zu erreichen, haben die Autoren dieser Studie analysiert. Sie sprechen sich für neuartige Identitätsmanagement-Systeme aus, die sich flexibel auf verschiedene Rollen eines einzelnen Nutzers einstellen können und bequemer zu nutzen sind als bisherige Verfahren. Als ersten Schritt auf dem Weg hin zu einer solchen Identitätsmanagement-Plattform beschreiben sie die Möglichkeiten einer Analyse, die sich auf das individuelle Verhalten eines Nutzers oder einer Sache stützt.
Ausgewertet werden dabei Sensordaten mobiler Geräte, welche die Nutzer häufig bei sich tragen und umfassend einsetzen, also z.B. internetfähige Mobiltelefone, Fitness-Tracker und Smart Watches. Die Wissenschaftler beschreiben, wie solche Kleincomputer allein z.B. anhand der Analyse von Bewegungsmustern, Positionsund Netzverbindungsdaten kontinuierlich ein „Vertrauens-Niveau“ errechnen können. Mit diesem ermittelten „Trust Level“ kann jedes Gerät ständig die Wahrscheinlichkeit angeben, mit der sein aktueller Benutzer auch der tatsächliche Besitzer ist, dessen typische Verhaltensmuster es genauestens „kennt“.
Wenn der aktuelle Wert des Vertrauens-Niveaus (nicht aber die biometrischen Einzeldaten) an eine externe Instanz wie einen Identitätsprovider übermittelt wird, kann dieser das Trust Level allen Diensten bereitstellen, welche der Anwender nutzt und darüber informieren will. Jeder Dienst ist in der Lage, selbst festzulegen, von welchem Vertrauens-Niveau an er einen Nutzer als authentifiziert ansieht. Erfährt er von einem unter das Limit gesunkenen Trust Level, kann der Identitätsprovider seine Nutzung und die anderer Services verweigern.
Die besonderen Vorteile dieses Identitätsmanagement-Ansatzes liegen darin, dass er keine spezifische und teure Hardware benötigt, um spezifische Daten auszuwerten, sondern lediglich Smartphones und so genannte Wearables. Selbst Dinge wie Maschinen, die Daten über ihr eigenes Verhalten per Sensor-Chip ins Internet funken, können einbezogen werden. Die Daten werden kontinuierlich im Hintergrund erhoben, ohne dass sich jemand darum kümmern muss. Sie sind nur für die Berechnung eines Wahrscheinlichkeits-Messwerts von Belang und verlassen niemals das Gerät. Meldet sich ein Internetnutzer bei einem Dienst an, muss er sich nicht zunächst an ein vorher festgelegtes Geheimnis – z.B. ein Passwort – erinnern, sondern braucht nur die Weitergabe seines aktuellen Vertrauens-Wertes mit einem „OK“ freizugeben.
Ändert sich das Nutzungsverhalten – etwa durch andere Bewegungen oder andere Orte des Einloggens ins Internet als die üblichen – wird dies schnell erkannt. Unbefugten kann dann sofort der Zugang zum Smartphone oder zu Internetdiensten gesperrt werden. Künftig kann die Auswertung von Verhaltens-Faktoren noch erweitert werden, indem z.B. Routinen an Werktagen, an Wochenenden oder im Urlaub erfasst werden. Der Vergleich mit den live erhobenen Daten zeigt dann an, ob das Verhalten in das übliche Muster passt, der Benutzer also mit höchster Wahrscheinlichkeit auch der ausgewiesene Besitzer des Geräts ist.
Über die Techniken des Managements digitaler Identitäten und die damit verbundenen Herausforderungen gibt diese Studie einen umfassenden Überblick. Sie beschreibt zunächst, welche Arten von Angriffen es gibt, durch die digitale Identitäten gestohlen werden können. Sodann werden die unterschiedlichen Verfahren von Identitätsnachweisen vorgestellt. Schließlich liefert die Studie noch eine zusammenfassende Übersicht über die 15 wichtigsten Protokolle und technischen Standards für die Kommunikation zwischen den drei beteiligten Akteuren: Service Provider/Dienstanbieter, Identitätsprovider und Nutzer. Abschließend wird aktuelle Forschung des Hasso-Plattner-Instituts zum Identitätsmanagement vorgestellt.
Der Begriff Blockchain ist in letzter Zeit zu einem Schlagwort geworden, aber nur wenige wissen, was sich genau dahinter verbirgt. Laut einer Umfrage, die im ersten Quartal 2017 veröffentlicht wurde, ist der Begriff nur bei 35 Prozent der deutschen Mittelständler bekannt. Dabei ist die Blockchain-Technologie durch ihre rasante Entwicklung und die globale Eroberung unterschiedlicher Märkte für Massenmedien sehr interessant.
So sehen viele die Blockchain-Technologie entweder als eine Allzweckwaffe, zu der aber nur wenige einen Zugang haben, oder als eine Hacker-Technologie für geheime Geschäfte im Darknet. Dabei liegt die Innovation der Blockchain-Technologie in ihrer erfolgreichen Zusammensetzung bereits vorhandener Ansätze: dezentrale Netzwerke, Kryptographie, Konsensfindungsmodelle. Durch das innovative Konzept wird ein Werte-Austausch in einem dezentralen System möglich. Dabei wird kein Vertrauen zwischen dessen Knoten (z.B. Nutzer) vorausgesetzt.
Mit dieser Studie möchte das Hasso-Plattner-Institut den Lesern helfen, ihren eigenen Standpunkt zur Blockchain-Technologie zu finden und dabei dazwischen unterscheiden zu können, welche Eigenschaften wirklich innovativ und welche nichts weiter als ein Hype sind.
Die Autoren der vorliegenden Arbeit analysieren positive und negative Eigenschaften, welche die Blockchain-Architektur prägen, und stellen mögliche Anpassungs- und Lösungsvorschläge vor, die zu einem effizienten Einsatz der Technologie beitragen können. Jedem Unternehmen, bevor es sich für diese Technologie entscheidet, wird dabei empfohlen, für den geplanten Anwendungszweck zunächst ein klares Ziel zu definieren, das mit einem angemessenen Kosten-Nutzen-Verhältnis angestrebt werden kann. Dabei sind sowohl die Möglichkeiten als auch die Grenzen der Blockchain-Technologie zu beachten. Die relevanten Schritte, die es in diesem Zusammenhang zu beachten gilt, fasst die Studie für die Leser übersichtlich zusammen.
Es wird ebenso auf akute Fragestellungen wie Skalierbarkeit der Blockchain, geeigneter Konsensalgorithmus und Sicherheit eingegangen, darunter verschiedene Arten möglicher Angriffe und die entsprechenden Gegenmaßnahmen zu deren Abwehr. Neue Blockchains etwa laufen Gefahr, geringere Sicherheit zu bieten, da Änderungen an der bereits bestehenden Technologie zu Schutzlücken und Mängeln führen können.
Nach Diskussion der innovativen Eigenschaften und Probleme der Blockchain-Technologie wird auf ihre Umsetzung eingegangen. Interessierten Unternehmen stehen viele Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten zur Verfügung. Die zahlreichen Anwendungen haben entweder eine eigene Blockchain als Grundlage oder nutzen bereits bestehende und weitverbreitete Blockchain-Systeme. Zahlreiche Konsortien und Projekte bieten „Blockchain-as-a-Service“ an und unterstützen andere Unternehmen beim Entwickeln, Testen und Bereitstellen von Anwendungen.
Die Studie gibt einen detaillierten Überblick über zahlreiche relevante Einsatzbereiche und Projekte im Bereich der Blockchain-Technologie. Dadurch, dass sie noch relativ jung ist und sich schnell entwickelt, fehlen ihr noch einheitliche Standards, die Zusammenarbeit der verschiedenen Systeme erlauben und an die sich alle Entwickler halten können. Aktuell orientieren sich Entwickler an Bitcoin-, Ethereum- und Hyperledger-Systeme, diese dienen als Grundlage für viele weitere Blockchain-Anwendungen.
Ziel ist, den Lesern einen klaren und umfassenden Überblick über die Blockchain-Technologie und deren Möglichkeiten zu vermitteln.
The correctness of model transformations is a crucial element for model-driven engineering of high quality software. In particular, behavior preservation is the most important correctness property avoiding the introduction of semantic errors during the model-driven engineering process. Behavior preservation verification techniques either show that specific properties are preserved, or more generally and complex, they show some kind of behavioral equivalence or refinement between source and target model of the transformation. Both kinds of behavior preservation verification goals have been presented with automatic tool support for the instance level, i.e. for a given source and target model specified by the model transformation. However, up until now there is no automatic verification approach available at the transformation level, i.e. for all source and target models specified by the model transformation.
In this report, we extend our results presented in [27] and outline a new sophisticated approach for the automatic verification of behavior preservation captured by bisimulation resp. simulation for model transformations specified by triple graph grammars and semantic definitions given by graph transformation rules. In particular, we show that the behavior preservation problem can be reduced to invariant checking for graph transformation and that the resulting checking problem can be addressed by our own invariant checker even for a complex example where a sequence chart is transformed into communicating automata. We further discuss today's limitations of invariant checking for graph transformation and motivate further lines of future work in this direction.
Design and Implementation of service-oriented architectures imposes a huge number of research questions from the fields of software engineering, system analysis and modeling, adaptability, and application integration. Component orientation and web services are two approaches for design and realization of complex web-based system. Both approaches allow for dynamic application adaptation as well as integration of enterprise application.
Commonly used technologies, such as J2EE and .NET, form de facto standards for the realization of complex distributed systems. Evolution of component systems has lead to web services and service-based architectures. This has been manifested in a multitude of industry standards and initiatives such as XML, WSDL UDDI, SOAP, etc. All these achievements lead to a new and promising paradigm in IT systems engineering which proposes to design complex software solutions as collaboration of contractually defined software services.
Service-Oriented Systems Engineering represents a symbiosis of best practices in object-orientation, component-based development, distributed computing, and business process management. It provides integration of business and IT concerns.
The annual Ph.D. Retreat of the Research School provides each member the opportunity to present his/her current state of their research and to give an outline of a prospective Ph.D. thesis. Due to the interdisciplinary structure of the research school, this technical report covers a wide range of topics. These include but are not limited to: Human Computer Interaction and Computer Vision as Service; Service-oriented Geovisualization Systems; Algorithm Engineering for Service-oriented Systems; Modeling and Verification of Self-adaptive Service-oriented Systems; Tools and Methods for Software Engineering in Service-oriented Systems; Security Engineering of Service-based IT Systems; Service-oriented Information Systems; Evolutionary Transition of Enterprise Applications to Service Orientation; Operating System Abstractions for Service-oriented Computing; and Services Specification, Composition, and Enactment.
Defining Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) through functional abstractions can reduce the complexity that arises from mutable abstractions. Recent examples, such as Facebook's React GUI framework have shown, how modelling the view as a functional projection from the application state to a visual representation can reduce the number of interacting objects and thus help to improve the reliabiliy of the system. This however comes at the price of a more rigid, functional framework where programmers are forced to express visual entities with functional abstractions, detached from the way one intuitively thinks about the physical world.
In contrast to that, the GUI Framework Morphic allows interactions in the graphical domain, such as grabbing, dragging or resizing of elements to evolve an application at runtime, providing liveness and directness in the development workflow. Modelling each visual entity through mutable abstractions however makes it difficult to ensure correctness when GUIs start to grow more complex. Furthermore, by evolving morphs at runtime through direct manipulation we diverge more and more from the symbolic description that corresponds to the morph. Given that both of these approaches have their merits and problems, is there a way to combine them in a meaningful way that preserves their respective benefits?
As a solution for this problem, we propose to lift Morphic's concept of direct manipulation from the mutation of state to the transformation of source code. In particular, we will explore the design, implementation and integration of a bidirectional mapping between the graphical representation and a functional and declarative symbolic description of a graphical user interface within a self hosted development environment. We will present Transmorphic, a functional take on the Morphic GUI Framework, where the visual and structural properties of morphs are defined in a purely functional, declarative fashion. In Transmorphic, the developer is able to assemble different morphs at runtime through direct manipulation which is automatically translated into changes in the code of the application. In this way, the comprehensiveness and predictability of direct manipulation can be used in the context of a purely functional GUI, while the effects of the manipulation are reflected in a medium that is always in reach for the programmer and can even be used to incorporate the source transformations into the source files of the application.
Fehlerinjektion ist ein essentielles Werkzeug, um die Fehlertoleranz komplexer Softwaresysteme experimentell zu evaluieren.
Wir berichten über das Seminar zum Thema Software-Fehlerinjektion, das am Fachgebiet für Betriebssysteme und Middleware am Hasso-Plattner-Institut der Universität Potsdam im Sommersemester 2015 stattfand.
In dem Seminar ging es darum, verschiedene Fehlerinjektionsansätze und -werkzeuge anzuwenden und hinsichtlich ihrer Anwendbarkeit in verschiedenen Szenarien zu bewerten.
In diesem Bericht werden die studierten Ansätze vorgestellt und verglichen.
Developing large software projects is a complicated task and can be demanding for developers. Continuous integration is common practice for reducing complexity. By integrating and testing changes often, changesets are kept small and therefore easily comprehensible. Travis CI is a service that offers continuous integration and continuous deployment in the cloud. Software projects are build, tested, and deployed using the Travis CI infrastructure without interrupting the development process. This report describes how Travis CI works, presents how time-driven, periodic building is implemented as well as how CI data visualization can be done, and proposes a way of dealing with dependency problems.
Complexity in software systems is a major factor driving development and maintenance costs. To master this complexity, software is divided into modules that can be developed and tested separately. In order to support this separation of modules, each module should provide a clean and concise public interface. Therefore, the ability to selectively hide functionality using access control is an important feature in a programming language intended for complex software systems.
Software systems are increasingly distributed, adding not only to their inherent complexity, but also presenting security challenges. The object-capability approach addresses these challenges by defining language properties providing only minimal capabilities to objects. One programming language that is based on the object-capability approach is Newspeak, a dynamic programming language designed for modularity and security. The Newspeak specification describes access control as one of Newspeak’s properties, because it is a requirement for the object-capability approach. However, access control, as defined in the Newspeak specification, is currently not enforced in its implementation.
This work introduces an access control implementation for Newspeak, enabling the security of object-capabilities and enhancing modularity. We describe our implementation of access control for Newspeak. We adapted the runtime environment, the reflective system, the compiler toolchain, and the virtual machine. Finally, we describe a migration strategy for the existing Newspeak code base, so that our access control implementation can be integrated with minimal effort.
Graph queries have lately gained increased interest due to application areas such as social networks, biological networks, or model queries. For the relational database case the relational algebra and generalized discrimination networks have been studied to find appropriate decompositions into subqueries and ordering of these subqueries for query evaluation or incremental updates of query results. For graph database queries however there is no formal underpinning yet that allows us to find such suitable operationalizations. Consequently, we suggest a simple operational concept for the decomposition of arbitrary complex queries into simpler subqueries and the ordering of these subqueries in form of generalized discrimination networks for graph queries inspired by the relational case. The approach employs graph transformation rules for the nodes of the network and thus we can employ the underlying theory. We further show that the proposed generalized discrimination networks have the same expressive power as nested graph conditions.
Every year, the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) invites guests from industry and academia to a collaborative scientific workshop on the topic “Operating the Cloud”. Our goal is to provide a forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience between industry and academia. Hence, HPI’s Future SOC Lab is the adequate environment to host this event which is also supported by BITKOM.
On the occasion of this workshop we called for submissions of research papers and practitioner’s reports. ”Operating the Cloud” aims to be a platform for productive discussions of innovative ideas, visions, and upcoming technologies in the field of cloud operation and administration.
In this workshop proceedings the results of the third HPI cloud symposium ”Operating the Cloud” 2015 are published. We thank the authors for exciting presentations and insights into their current work and research. Moreover, we look forward to more interesting submissions for the upcoming symposium in 2016.
When realizing a programming language as VM, implementing behavior as part of the VM, as primitive, usually results in reduced execution times. But supporting and developing primitive functions requires more effort than maintaining and using code in the hosted language since debugging is harder, and the turn-around times for VM parts are higher. Furthermore, source artifacts of primitive functions are seldom reused in new implementations of the same language. And if they are reused, the existing API usually is emulated, reducing the performance gains. Because of recent results in tracing dynamic compilation, the trade-off between performance and ease of implementation, reuse, and changeability might now be decided adversely.
In this work, we investigate the trade-offs when creating primitives, and in particular how large a difference remains between primitive and hosted function run times in VMs with tracing just-in-time compiler. To that end, we implemented the algorithmic primitive BitBlt three times for RSqueak/VM. RSqueak/VM is a Smalltalk VM utilizing the PyPy RPython toolchain. We compare primitive implementations in C, RPython, and Smalltalk, showing that due to the tracing just-in-time compiler, the performance gap has lessened by one magnitude to one magnitude.
New programming language designs are often evaluated on concrete implementations. However, in order to draw conclusions about the language design from the evaluation of concrete programming languages, these implementations need to be verified against the formalism of the design. To that end, we also have to ensure that the design actually meets its stated goals. A useful tool for the latter has been to create an executable semantics from a formalism that can execute a test suite of examples. However, this mechanism so far did not allow to verify an implementation against the design.
Babelsberg is a new design for a family of object-constraint languages. Recently, we have developed a formal semantics to clarify some issues in the design of those languages. Supplementing this work, we report here on how this formalism is turned into an executable operational semantics using the RML system. Furthermore, we show how we extended the executable semantics to create a framework that can generate test suites for the concrete Babelsberg implementations that provide traceability from the design to the language. Finally, we discuss how these test suites helped us find and correct mistakes in the Babelsberg implementation for JavaScript.
Traditionally, business process management systems only execute and monitor business process instances based on events that originate from the process engine itself or from connected client applications. However, environmental events may also influence business process execution. Recent research shows how the technological improvements in both areas, business process management and complex event processing, can be combined and harmonized. The series of technical reports included in this collection provides insights in that combination with respect to technical feasibility and improvements based on real-world use cases originating from the EU-funded GET Service project – a project targeting transport optimization and green-house gas reduction in the logistics domain. Each report is complemented by a working prototype.
This collection introduces six use cases from the logistics domain. Multiple transports – each being a single process instance – may be affected by the same events at the same point in time because of (partly) using the same transportation route, transportation vehicle or transportation mode (e.g. containers from multiple process instances on the same ship) such that these instances can be (partly) treated as batch. Thus, the first use case shows the influence of events to process instances processed in a batch. The case of sharing the entire route may be, for instance, due to origin from the same business process (e.g. transport three containers, where each is treated as single process instance because of being transported on three trucks) resulting in multi-instance process executions. The second use case shows how to handle monitoring and progress calculation in this context. Crucial to transportation processes are frequent changes of deadlines. The third use case shows how to deal with such frequent process changes in terms of propagating the changes along and beyond the process scope to identify probable deadline violations. While monitoring transport processes, disruptions may be detected which introduce some delay. Use case four shows how to propagate such delay in a non-linear fashion along the process instance to predict the end time of the instance. Non-linearity is crucial in logistics because of buffer times and missed connection on intermodal transports (a one-hour delay may result in a missed ship which is not going every hour). Finally, use cases five and six show the utilization of location-based process monitoring. Use case five enriches transport processes with real-time route and traffic event information to improve monitoring and planning capabilities. Use case six shows the inclusion of spatio-temporal events on the example of unexpected weather events.
Bei der Erstellung von Visualisierungen gibt es im Wesentlichen zwei Ansätze. Zum einen können mit geringem Aufwand schnell Standarddiagramme erstellt werden. Zum anderen gibt es die Möglichkeit, individuelle und interaktive Visualisierungen zu programmieren. Dies ist jedoch mit einem deutlich höheren Aufwand verbunden.
Flower ermöglicht eine schnelle Erstellung individueller und interaktiver Visualisierungen, indem es den Entwicklungssprozess stark vereinfacht und die Nutzer bei den einzelnen Aktivitäten wie dem Import und der Aufbereitung von Daten, deren Abbildung auf visuelle Elemente sowie der Integration von Interaktivität direkt unterstützt.
Design and implementation of service-oriented architectures impose numerous research questions from the fields of software engineering, system analysis and modeling, adaptability, and application integration. Service-oriented Systems Engineering represents a symbiosis of best practices in object orientation, component-based development, distributed computing, and business process management. It provides integration of business and IT concerns. Service-oriented Systems Engineering denotes a current research topic in the field of IT-Systems Engineering with high potential in academic research and industrial application.
The annual Ph.D. Retreat of the Research School provides all members the opportunity to present the current state of their research and to give an outline of prospective Ph.D. projects. Due to the interdisciplinary structure of the Research School, this technical report covers a wide range of research topics. These include but are not limited to: Human Computer Interaction and Computer Vision as Service; Service-oriented Geovisualization Systems; Algorithm Engineering for Service-oriented Systems; Modeling and Verification of Self-adaptive Service-oriented Systems; Tools and Methods for Software Engineering in Service-oriented Systems; Security Engineering of Service-based IT Systems; Service-oriented Information Systems; Evolutionary Transition of Enterprise Applications to Service Orientation; Operating System Abstractions for Service-oriented Computing; and Services Specification, Composition, and Enactment.
Graph databases provide a natural way of storing and querying graph data. In contrast to relational databases, queries over graph databases enable to refer directly to the graph structure of such graph data. For example, graph pattern matching can be employed to formulate queries over graph data.
However, as for relational databases running complex queries can be very time-consuming and ruin the interactivity with the database. One possible approach to deal with this performance issue is to employ database views that consist of pre-computed answers to common and often stated queries. But to ensure that database views yield consistent query results in comparison with the data from which they are derived, these database views must be updated before queries make use of these database views. Such a maintenance of database views must be performed efficiently, otherwise the effort to create and maintain views may not pay off in comparison to processing the queries directly on the data from which the database views are derived.
At the time of writing, graph databases do not support database views and are limited to graph indexes that index nodes and edges of the graph data for fast query evaluation, but do not enable to maintain pre-computed answers of complex queries over graph data. Moreover, the maintenance of database views in graph databases becomes even more challenging when negation and recursion have to be supported as in deductive relational databases.
In this technical report, we present an approach for the efficient and scalable incremental graph view maintenance for deductive graph databases. The main concept of our approach is a generalized discrimination network that enables to model nested graph conditions including negative application conditions and recursion, which specify the content of graph views derived from graph data stored by graph databases. The discrimination network enables to automatically derive generic maintenance rules using graph transformations for maintaining graph views in case the graph data from which the graph views are derived change. We evaluate our approach in terms of a case study using multiple data sets derived from open source projects.
Graph transformation systems are a powerful formal model to capture model transformations or systems with infinite state space, among others. However, this expressive power comes at the cost of rather limited automated analysis capabilities. The general case of unbounded many initial graphs or infinite state spaces is only supported by approaches with rather limited scalability or expressiveness. In this report we improve an existing approach for the automated verification of inductive invariants for graph transformation systems. By employing partial negative application conditions to represent and check many alternative conditions in a more compact manner, we can check examples with rules and constraints of substantially higher complexity. We also substantially extend the expressive power by supporting more complex negative application conditions and provide higher accuracy by employing advanced implication checks. The improvements are evaluated and compared with another applicable tool by considering three case studies.
Parts without a whole?
This explorative study gives a descriptive overview of what organizations do and experience when they say they practice design thinking. It looks at how the concept has been appropriated in organizations and also describes patterns of design thinking adoption. The authors use a mixed-method research design fed by two sources: questionnaire data and semi-structured personal expert interviews. The study proceeds in six parts: (1) design thinking¹s entry points into organizations; (2) understandings of the descriptor; (3) its fields of application and organizational localization; (4) its perceived impact; (5) reasons for its discontinuation or failure; and (6) attempts to measure its success. In conclusion the report challenges managers to be more conscious of their current design thinking practice. The authors suggest a co-evolution of the concept¹s introduction with innovation capability building and the respective changes in leadership approaches. It is argued that this might help in unfolding design thinking¹s hidden potentials as well as preventing unintended side-effects such as discontented teams or the dwindling authority of managers.
An increasing demand on functionality and flexibility leads to an integration of beforehand isolated system solutions building a so-called System of Systems (SoS). Furthermore, the overall SoS should be adaptive to react on changing requirements and environmental conditions. Due SoS are composed of different independent systems that may join or leave the overall SoS at arbitrary point in times, the SoS structure varies during the systems lifetime and the overall SoS behavior emerges from the capabilities of the contained subsystems. In such complex system ensembles new demands of understanding the interaction among subsystems, the coupling of shared system knowledge and the influence of local adaptation strategies to the overall resulting system behavior arise. In this report, we formulate research questions with the focus of modeling interactions between system parts inside a SoS. Furthermore, we define our notion of important system types and terms by retrieving the current state of the art from literature. Having a common understanding of SoS, we discuss a set of typical SoS characteristics and derive general requirements for a collaboration modeling language. Additionally, we retrieve a broad spectrum of real scenarios and frameworks from literature and discuss how these scenarios cope with different characteristics of SoS. Finally, we discuss the state of the art for existing modeling languages that cope with collaborations for different system types such as SoS.
Design and Implementation of service-oriented architectures imposes a huge number of research questions from the fields of software engineering, system analysis and modeling, adaptability, and application integration. Component orientation and web services are two approaches for design and realization of complex web-based system. Both approaches allow for dynamic application adaptation as well as integration of enterprise application.
Commonly used technologies, such as J2EE and .NET, form de facto standards for the realization of complex distributed systems. Evolution of component systems has lead to web services and service-based architectures. This has been manifested in a multitude of industry standards and initiatives such as XML, WSDL UDDI, SOAP, etc. All these achievements lead to a new and promising paradigm in IT systems engineering which proposes to design complex software solutions as collaboration of contractually defined software services.
Service-Oriented Systems Engineering represents a symbiosis of best practices in object-orientation, component-based development, distributed computing, and business process management. It provides integration of business and IT concerns.
The annual Ph.D. Retreat of the Research School provides each member the opportunity to present his/her current state of their research and to give an outline of a prospective Ph.D. thesis. Due to the interdisciplinary structure of the Research Scholl, this technical report covers a wide range of research topics. These include but are not limited to: Self-Adaptive Service-Oriented Systems, Operating System Support for Service-Oriented Systems, Architecture and Modeling of Service-Oriented Systems, Adaptive Process Management, Services Composition and Workflow Planning, Security Engineering of Service-Based IT Systems, Quantitative Analysis and Optimization of Service-Oriented Systems, Service-Oriented Systems in 3D Computer Graphics sowie Service-Oriented Geoinformatics.
Every year, the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) invites guests from industry and academia to a collaborative scientific workshop on the topic “Operating the Cloud”. Our goal is to provide a forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience between industry and academia. Hence, HPI’s Future SOC Lab is the adequate environment to host this event which is also supported by BITKOM.
On the occasion of this workshop we called for submissions of research papers and practitioners’ reports. “Operating the Cloud” aims to be a platform for productive discussions of innovative ideas, visions, and upcoming technologies in the field of cloud operation and administration.
In this workshop proceedings the results of the second HPI cloud symposium "Operating the Cloud" 2014 are published. We thank the authors for exciting presentations and insights into their current work and research. Moreover, we look forward to more interesting submissions for the upcoming symposium in 2015.
Eine dezentrale Energieversorgung ist ein erster Schritt in Richtung Energiewende. Dabei werden auch in Mehrfamilienhäusern vermehrt verschiedene Strom- und Wärmeerzeuger eingesetzt.
Besonders in Deutschland kommen in diesem Zusammenhang Blockheizkraftwerke immer häufiger zum Einsatz, weil sie Gas sehr effizient in Strom und Wärme umwandeln können. Außerdem ermöglichen sie, im Zusammenspiel mit anderen Energiesystemen wie beispielsweise Photovoltaik-Anlagen, eine kontinuierliche und dezentrale Energieversorgung.
Bei dem Betrieb von unterschiedlichen Energiesystemen ist es wünschenswert, dass die Systeme aufeinander abgestimmt arbeiten. Allerdings ist es bisher schwierig, heterogene Energiesysteme effizient miteinander zu betreiben. Dadurch bleiben Einsparungspotentiale ungenutzt.
Eine zentrale Steuerung kann deshalb die Effizienz des Gesamtsystems verbessern.
Mit ecoControl stellen wir einen erweiterbaren Prototypen vor, der die Kooperation von Energiesystemen optimiert und Umweltfaktoren miteinbezieht.
Dazu stellt die Software eine einheitliche Bedienungsoberfläche zur Konfiguration aller Systeme zur Verfügung. Außerdem bietet sie die Möglichkeit, Optimierungsalgorithmen mit Hilfe einer Programmierschnittstelle zu entwickeln, zu testen und auszuführen.
Innerhalb solcher Algorithmen können von ecoControl bereitgestellte Vorhersagen genutzt werden. Diese Vorhersagen basieren auf dem individuellen Verhalten von jedem Energiesystem, Wettervorhersagen und auf Prognosen des Energieverbrauchs. Mithilfe einer Simulation können Techniker unterschiedliche Konfigurationen und Optimierungen sofort ausprobieren, ohne diese über einen langen Zeitraum an realen Geräten testen zu müssen.
ecoControl hilft darüber hinaus auch Hausverwaltungen und Vermietern bei der Verwaltung und Analyse der Energiekosten.
Wir haben anhand von Fallbeispielen gezeigt, dass Optimierungsalgorithmen, welche die Nutzung von Wärmespeichern verbessern, die Effizienz des Gesamtsystems erheblich verbessern können.
Schließlich kommen wir zu dem Schluss, dass ecoControl in einem nächsten Schritt unter echten Bedingungen getestet werden muss, sobald eine geeignete Hardwarekomponente verfügbar ist. Über diese Schnittstelle werden die Messwerte an ecoControl gesendet und Steuersignale an die Geräte weitergeleitet.
Process models specify behavioral execution constraints between activities as well as between activities and data objects. A data object is characterized by its states and state transitions represented as object life cycle. For process execution, all behavioral execution constraints must be correct. Correctness can be verified via soundness checking which currently only considers control flow information. For data correctness, conformance between a process model and its object life cycles is checked. Current approaches abstract from dependencies between multiple data objects and require fully specified process models although, in real-world process repositories, often underspecified models are found. Coping with these issues, we introduce the concept of synchronized object life cycles and we define a mapping of data constraints of a process model to Petri nets extending an existing mapping. Further, we apply the notion of weak conformance to process models to tell whether each time an activity needs to access a data object in a particular state, it is guaranteed that the data object is in or can reach the expected state. Then, we introduce an algorithm for an integrated verification of control flow correctness and weak data conformance using soundness checking.
In today’s life, embedded systems are ubiquitous. But they differ from traditional desktop systems in many aspects – these include predictable timing behavior (real-time), the management of scarce resources (memory, network), reliable communication protocols, energy management, special purpose user-interfaces (headless operation), system configuration, programming languages (to support software/hardware co-design), and modeling techniques. Within this technical report, authors present results from the lecture “Operating Systems for Embedded Computing” that has been offered by the “Operating Systems and Middleware” group at HPI in Winter term 2013/14. Focus of the lecture and accompanying projects was on principles of real-time computing. Students had the chance to gather practical experience with a number of different OSes and applications and present experiences with near-hardware programming. Projects address the entire spectrum, from bare-metal programming to harnessing a real-time OS to exercising the full software/hardware co-design cycle. Three outstanding projects are at the heart of this technical report. Project 1 focuses on the development of a bare-metal operating system for LEGO Mindstorms EV3. While still a toy, it comes with a powerful ARM processor, 64 MB of main memory, standard interfaces, such as Bluetooth and network protocol stacks. EV3 runs a version of 1 1 Introduction Linux. Sources are available from Lego’s web site. However, many devices and their driver software are proprietary and not well documented. Developing a new, bare-metal OS for the EV3 requires an understanding of the EV3 boot process. Since no standard input/output devices are available, initial debugging steps are tedious. After managing these initial steps, the project was able to adapt device drivers for a few Lego devices to an extent that a demonstrator (the Segway application) could be successfully run on the new OS. Project 2 looks at the EV3 from a different angle. The EV3 is running a pretty decent version of Linux- in principle, the RT_PREEMPT patch can turn any Linux system into a real-time OS by modifying the behavior of a number of synchronization constructs at the heart of the OS. Priority inversion is a problem that is solved by protocols such as priority inheritance or priority ceiling. Real-time OSes implement at least one of the protocols. The central idea of the project was the comparison of non-real-time and real-time variants of Linux on the EV3 hardware. A task set that showed effects of priority inversion on standard EV3 Linux would operate flawlessly on the Linux version with the RT_PREEMPT-patch applied. If only patching Lego’s version of Linux was that easy... Project 3 takes the notion of real-time computing more seriously. The application scenario was centered around our Carrera Digital 132 racetrack. Obtaining position information from the track, controlling individual cars, detecting and modifying the Carrera Digital protocol required design and implementation of custom controller hardware. What to implement in hardware, firmware, and what to implement in application software – this was the central question addressed by the project.
摘要。哈索•普拉特纳研究院 (HPI) 的新型互动在线教育平台 openHPI ( 可以为从事信息技术和信息学领域内容的工作和感兴趣的学员提供可自由访问的、免费的在线课程。与斯坦福大学于 2011 年首推,之后也在美国其他精英大学提供的“网络公开群众课”(简称 MOOC)一样,openHPI 同样在互联网中提供学习视频和阅读材料,其中综合了支持学习的自我测试、家庭作业和社交讨论论坛,并刺激对促进学习的虚拟学习团队的培训。与“传统的”讲座平台,比如 tele-TASK 平台 ( 不同(在该平台中,可调用以多媒体方式记录的和已准备好的讲座),openHPI 提供的是按教学法准备的在线课程。这些课程的开始时间固定,之后在连续六个课程周稳定的提供以多媒体方式准备的、尽可能可以互动的学习材料。每周讲解课程主题的一章。为此在该周开始前会准备一系列学习视频、文字、自我测试和家庭作业材料,课程学员在该周将精力用于处理这些内容。这些计划与一个社交讨论平台相结合,学员在该平台上可以与课程导师和其他学员交换意见、解答问题和讨论更多主题。当然,学员可以自己决定学习活动的类型和范围。他们可以为课程作出自己的贡献,比如在论坛中引用博文或推文。之后其他学员可以评论、讨论或自己扩展这些博文或推文。这样学员、教师和提供的学习内容就在一个虚拟的团体中与社交学习网络相互结合起来。
HPI Future SOC Lab
The “HPI Future SOC Lab” is a cooperation of the Hasso-Plattner-Institut (HPI) and industrial partners. Its mission is to enable and promote exchange and interaction between the research community and the industrial partners. The HPI Future SOC Lab provides researchers with free of charge access to a complete infrastructure of state of the art hard- and software. This infrastructure includes components, which might be too expensive for an ordinary research environment, such as servers with up to 64 cores. The offerings address researchers particularly from but not limited to the areas of computer science and business information systems. Main areas of research include cloud computing, parallelization, and In-Memory technologies. This technical report presents results of research projects executed in 2013. Selected projects have presented their results on April 10th and September 24th 2013 at the Future SOC Lab Day events.
Cloud security mechanisms
Cloud computing has brought great benefits in cost and flexibility for provisioning services. The greatest challenge of cloud computing remains however the question of security. The current standard tools in access control mechanisms and cryptography can only partly solve the security challenges of cloud infrastructures. In the recent years of research in security and cryptography, novel mechanisms, protocols and algorithms have emerged that offer new ways to create secure services atop cloud infrastructures. This report provides introductions to a selection of security mechanisms that were part of the "Cloud Security Mechanisms" seminar in summer term 2013 at HPI.
Die Automatisierung von Geschäftsprozessen unterstützt Unternehmen, die Ausführung ihrer Prozesse effizienter zu gestalten. In existierenden Business Process Management Systemen, werden die Instanzen eines Prozesses völlig unabhängig voneinander ausgeführt. Jedoch kann das Synchronisieren von Instanzen mit ähnlichen Charakteristiken wie z.B. den gleichen Daten zu reduzierten Ausführungskosten führen. Zum Beispiel, wenn ein Onlinehändler zwei Bestellungen vom selben Kunden mit der gleichen Lieferanschrift erhält, können diese zusammen verpackt und versendet werden, um Versandkosten zu sparen. In diesem Papier verwenden wir Konzepte aus dem Datenbankbereich und führen Datensichten für Geschäftsprozesse ein, um Instanzen zu identifizieren, welche synchronisiert werden können. Auf Grundlage der Datensichten führen wir das Konzept der Batch-Regionen ein. Eine Batch-Region ermöglicht eine kontext-bewusste Instanzen-Synchronisierung über mehrere verbundene Aktivitäten. Das eingeführte Konzept wird mit einer Fallstudie evaluiert, bei der ein Kostenvergleich zwischen der normalen Prozessausführung und der Batchverarbeitung durchgeführt wird.
HPI Future SOC Lab
The “HPI Future SOC Lab” is a cooperation of the Hasso-Plattner-Institut (HPI) and industrial partners. Its mission is to enable and promote exchange and interaction between the research community and the industrial partners. The HPI Future SOC Lab provides researchers with free of charge access to a complete infrastructure of state of the art hard- and software. This infrastructure includes components, which might be too expensive for an ordinary research environment, such as servers with up to 64 cores. The offerings address researchers particularly from but not limited to the areas of computer science and business information systems. Main areas of research include cloud computing, parallelization, and In-Memory technologies. This technical report presents results of research projects executed in 2012. Selected projects have presented their results on June 18th and November 26th 2012 at the Future SOC Lab Day events.
Durch die immer stärker werdende Flut an digitalen Informationen basieren immer mehr Anwendungen auf der Nutzung von kostengünstigen Cloud Storage Diensten. Die Anzahl der Anbieter, die diese Dienste zur Verfügung stellen, hat sich in den letzten Jahren deutlich erhöht. Um den passenden Anbieter für eine Anwendung zu finden, müssen verschiedene Kriterien individuell berücksichtigt werden. In der vorliegenden Studie wird eine Auswahl an Anbietern etablierter Basic Storage Diensten vorgestellt und miteinander verglichen. Für die Gegenüberstellung werden Kriterien extrahiert, welche bei jedem der untersuchten Anbieter anwendbar sind und somit eine möglichst objektive Beurteilung erlauben. Hierzu gehören unter anderem Kosten, Recht, Sicherheit, Leistungsfähigkeit sowie bereitgestellte Schnittstellen. Die vorgestellten Kriterien können genutzt werden, um Cloud Storage Anbieter bezüglich eines konkreten Anwendungsfalles zu bewerten.
Design and Implementation of service-oriented architectures imposes a huge number of research questions from the fields of software engineering, system analysis and modeling, adaptability, and application integration. Component orientation and web services are two approaches for design and realization of complex web-based system. Both approaches allow for dynamic application adaptation as well as integration of enterprise application. Commonly used technologies, such as J2EE and .NET, form de facto standards for the realization of complex distributed systems. Evolution of component systems has lead to web services and service-based architectures. This has been manifested in a multitude of industry standards and initiatives such as XML, WSDL UDDI, SOAP, etc. All these achievements lead to a new and promising paradigm in IT systems engineering which proposes to design complex software solutions as collaboration of contractually defined software services. Service-Oriented Systems Engineering represents a symbiosis of best practices in object-orientation, component-based development, distributed computing, and business process management. It provides integration of business and IT concerns. The annual Ph.D. Retreat of the Research School provides each member the opportunity to present his/her current state of their research and to give an outline of a prospective Ph.D. thesis. Due to the interdisciplinary structure of the Research Scholl, this technical report covers a wide range of research topics. These include but are not limited to: Self-Adaptive Service-Oriented Systems, Operating System Support for Service-Oriented Systems, Architecture and Modeling of Service-Oriented Systems, Adaptive Process Management, Services Composition and Workflow Planning, Security Engineering of Service-Based IT Systems, Quantitative Analysis and Optimization of Service-Oriented Systems, Service-Oriented Systems in 3D Computer Graphics sowie Service-Oriented Geoinformatics.
There are two common approaches to implement a virtual machine (VM) for a dynamic object-oriented language. On the one hand, it can be implemented in a C-like language for best performance and maximum control over the resulting executable. On the other hand, it can be implemented in a language such as Java that allows for higher-level abstractions. These abstractions, such as proper object-oriented modularization, automatic memory management, or interfaces, are missing in C-like languages but they can simplify the implementation of prevalent but complex concepts in VMs, such as garbage collectors (GCs) or just-in-time compilers (JITs). Yet, the implementation of a dynamic object-oriented language in Java eventually results in two VMs on top of each other (double stack), which impedes performance. For statically typed languages, the Maxine VM solves this problem; it is written in Java but can be executed without a Java virtual machine (JVM). However, it is currently not possible to execute dynamic object-oriented languages in Maxine. This work presents an approach to bringing object models and execution models of dynamic object-oriented languages to the Maxine VM and the application of this approach to Squeak/Smalltalk. The representation of objects in and the execution of dynamic object-oriented languages pose certain challenges to the Maxine VM that lacks certain variation points necessary to enable an effortless and straightforward implementation of dynamic object-oriented languages' execution models. The implementation of Squeak/Smalltalk in Maxine as a feasibility study is to unveil such missing variation points.
Constraints allow developers to specify desired properties of systems in a number of domains, and have those properties be maintained automatically. This results in compact, declarative code, avoiding scattered code to check and imperatively re-satisfy invariants. Despite these advantages, constraint programming is not yet widespread, with standard imperative programming still the norm. There is a long history of research on integrating constraint programming with the imperative paradigm. However, this integration typically does not unify the constructs for encapsulation and abstraction from both paradigms. This impedes re-use of modules, as client code written in one paradigm can only use modules written to support that paradigm. Modules require redundant definitions if they are to be used in both paradigms. We present a language – Babelsberg – that unifies the constructs for en- capsulation and abstraction by using only object-oriented method definitions for both declarative and imperative code. Our prototype – Babelsberg/R – is an extension to Ruby, and continues to support Ruby’s object-oriented se- mantics. It allows programmers to add constraints to existing Ruby programs in incremental steps by placing them on the results of normal object-oriented message sends. It is implemented by modifying a state-of-the-art Ruby virtual machine. The performance of standard object-oriented code without con- straints is only modestly impacted, with typically less than 10% overhead compared with the unmodified virtual machine. Furthermore, our architec- ture for adding multiple constraint solvers allows Babelsberg to deal with constraints in a variety of domains. We argue that our approach provides a useful step toward making con- straint solving a generic tool for object-oriented programmers. We also provide example applications, written in our Ruby-based implementation, which use constraints in a variety of application domains, including interactive graphics, circuit simulations, data streaming with both hard and soft constraints on performance, and configuration file Management.
The new interactive online educational platform openHPI, ( from Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI), offers freely accessible courses at no charge for all who are interested in subjects in the field of information technology and computer science. Since 2011, “Massive Open Online Courses,” called MOOCs for short, have been offered, first at Stanford University and then later at other U.S. elite universities. Following suit, openHPI provides instructional videos on the Internet and further reading material, combined with learning-supportive self-tests, homework and a social discussion forum. Education is further stimulated by the support of a virtual learning community. In contrast to “traditional” lecture platforms, such as the tele-TASK portal ( where multimedia recorded lectures are available on demand, openHPI offers didactic online courses. The courses have a fixed start date and offer a balanced schedule of six consecutive weeks presented in multimedia and, whenever possible, interactive learning material. Each week, one chapter of the course subject is treated. In addition, a series of learning videos, texts, self-tests and homework exercises are provided to course participants at the beginning of the week. The course offering is combined with a social discussion platform where participants have the opportunity to enter into an exchange with course instructors and fellow participants. Here, for example, they can get answers to questions and discuss the topics in depth. The participants naturally decide themselves about the type and range of their learning activities. They can make personal contributions to the course, for example, in blog posts or tweets, which they can refer to in the forum. In turn, other participants have the chance to comment on, discuss or expand on what has been said. In this way, the learners become the teachers and the subject matter offered to a virtual community is linked to a social learning network.
Die neue interaktive Online-Bildungsplattform openHPI ( des Hasso-Plattner-Instituts (HPI) bietet frei zugängliche und kostenlose Onlinekurse für interessierte Teilnehmer an, die sich mit Inhalten aus dem Bereich der Informationstechnologien und Informatik beschäftige¬n. Wie die seit 2011 zunächst von der Stanford University, später aber auch von anderen Elite-Universitäten der USA angeboten „Massive Open Online Courses“, kurz MOOCs genannt, bietet openHPI im Internet Lernvideos und weiterführenden Lesestoff in einer Kombination mit lernunterstützenden Selbsttests, Hausaufgaben und einem sozialen Diskussionsforum an und stimuliert die Ausbildung einer das Lernen fördernden virtuellen Lerngemeinschaft. Im Unterschied zu „traditionellen“ Vorlesungsportalen, wie z.B. dem tele-TASK Portal (, bei dem multimedial aufgezeichnete Vorlesungen zum Abruf bereit gestellt werden, bietet openHPI didaktisch aufbereitete Onlinekurse an. Diese haben einen festen Starttermin und bieten dann in einem austarierten Zeitplan von sechs aufeinanderfolgenden Kurswochen multimedial aufbereitete und wann immer möglich interaktive Lehrmaterialien. In jeder Woche wird ein Kapitel des Kursthemas behandelt. Dazu werden zu Wochenbeginn eine Reihe von Lehrvideos, Texten, Selbsttests und ein Hausaufgabenblatt bereitgestellt, mit denen sich die Kursteilnehmer in dieser Woche beschäftigen. Kombiniert sind die Angebote mit einer sozialen Diskussionsplattform, auf der sich die Teilnehmer mit den Kursbetreuern und anderen Teilnehmern austauschen, Fragen klären und weiterführende Themen diskutieren können. Natürlich entscheiden die Teilnehmer selbst über Art und Umfang ihrer Lernaktivitäten. Sie können in den Kurs eigene Beiträge einbringen, zum Beispiel durch Blogposts oder Tweets, auf die sie im Forum verweisen. Andere Lernende können diese dann kommentieren, diskutieren oder ihrerseits erweitern. Auf diese Weise werden die Lernenden, die Lehrenden und die angebotenen Lerninhalte in einer virtuellen Gemeinschaft, einem sozialen Lernnetzwerk miteinander verknüpft.
Companies strive to improve their business processes in order to remain competitive. Process mining aims to infer meaningful insights from process-related data and attracted the attention of practitioners, tool-vendors, and researchers in recent years. Traditionally, event logs are assumed to describe the as-is situation. But this is not necessarily the case in environments where logging may be compromised due to manual logging. For example, hospital staff may need to manually enter information regarding the patient’s treatment. As a result, events or timestamps may be missing or incorrect. In this paper, we make use of process knowledge captured in process models, and provide a method to repair missing events in the logs. This way, we facilitate analysis of incomplete logs. We realize the repair by combining stochastic Petri nets, alignments, and Bayesian networks. We evaluate the results using both synthetic data and real event data from a Dutch hospital.
Business processes are instrumental to manage work in organisations. To study the interdependencies between business processes, Business Process Architectures have been introduced. These express trigger and message ow relations between business processes. When we investigate real world Business Process Architectures, we find complex interdependencies, involving multiple process instances. These aspects have not been studied in detail so far, especially concerning correctness properties. In this paper, we propose a modular transformation of BPAs to open nets for the analysis of behavior involving multiple business processes with multiplicities. For this purpose we introduce intermediary nets to portray semantics of multiplicity specifications. We evaluate our approach on a use case from the public sector.
The service-oriented architecture supports the dynamic assembly and runtime reconfiguration of complex open IT landscapes by means of runtime binding of service contracts, launching of new components and termination of outdated ones. Furthermore, the evolution of these IT landscapes is not restricted to exchanging components with other ones using the same service contracts, as new services contracts can be added as well. However, current approaches for modeling and verification of service-oriented architectures do not support these important capabilities to their full extend.In this report we present an extension of the current OMG proposal for service modeling with UML - SoaML - which overcomes these limitations. It permits modeling services and their service contracts at different levels of abstraction, provides a formal semantics for all modeling concepts, and enables verifying critical properties. Our compositional and incremental verification approach allows for complex properties including communication parameters and time and covers besides the dynamic binding of service contracts and the replacement of components also the evolution of the systems by means of new service contracts. The modeling as well as verification capabilities of the presented approach are demonstrated by means of a supply chain example and the verification results of a first prototype are shown.
Enacting business processes in process engines requires the coverage of control flow, resource assignments, and process data. While the first two aspects are well supported in current process engines, data dependencies need to be added and maintained manually by a process engineer. Thus, this task is error-prone and time-consuming. In this report, we address the problem of modeling processes with complex data dependencies, e.g., m:n relationships, and their automatic enactment from process models. First, we extend BPMN data objects with few annotations to allow data dependency handling as well as data instance differentiation. Second, we introduce a pattern-based approach to derive SQL queries from process models utilizing the above mentioned extensions. Therewith, we allow automatic enactment of data-aware BPMN process models. We implemented our approach for the Activiti process engine to show applicability.
Die wertschöpfenden Tätigkeiten in Unternehmen folgen definierten Geschäftsprozessen und werden entsprechend ausgeführt. Dabei werden wertvolle Daten über die Prozessausführung erzeugt. Die Menge und Qualität dieser Daten ist sehr stark von der Prozessausführungsumgebung abhängig, welche überwiegend manuell als auch vollautomatisiert sein kann. Die stetige Verbesserung von Prozessen ist einer der Hauptpfeiler des Business Process Managements, mit der Aufgabe die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Unternehmen zu sichern und zu steigern. Um Prozesse zu verbessern muss man diese analysieren und ist auf Daten der Prozessausführung angewiesen. Speziell bei manueller Prozessausführung sind die Daten nur selten direkt zur konkreten Prozessausführung verknüpft. In dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir einen Ansatz zur Verwendung und Anreicherung von Prozessausführungsdaten mit Kontextdaten – Daten die unabhängig zu den Prozessdaten existieren – und Wissen aus den dazugehörigen Prozessmodellen, um ein hochwertige Event- Datenbasis für Process Intelligence Anwendungen, wie zum Beispiel Prozessmonitoring, Prozessanalyse und Process Mining, sicherstellen zu können. Des Weiteren zeigen wir offene Fragestellungen und Herausforderungen auf, welche in Zukunft Gegenstand unserer Forschung sein werden.
Developing rich Web applications can be a complex job - especially when it comes to mobile device support. Web-based environments such as Lively Webwerkstatt can help developers implement such applications by making the development process more direct and interactive. Further the process of developing software is collaborative which creates the need that the development environment offers collaboration facilities. This report describes extensions of the webbased development environment Lively Webwerkstatt such that it can be used in a mobile environment. The extensions are collaboration mechanisms, user interface adaptations but as well event processing and performance measuring on mobile devices.
Die Komplexität heutiger Geschäftsabläufe und die Menge der zu verwaltenden Daten stellen hohe Anforderungen an die Entwicklung und Wartung von Geschäftsanwendungen. Ihr Umfang entsteht unter anderem aus der Vielzahl von Modellentitäten und zugehörigen Nutzeroberflächen zur Bearbeitung und Analyse der Daten. Dieser Bericht präsentiert neuartige Konzepte und deren Umsetzung zur Vereinfachung der Entwicklung solcher umfangreichen Geschäftsanwendungen. Erstens: Wir schlagen vor, die Datenbank und die Laufzeitumgebung einer dynamischen objektorientierten Programmiersprache zu vereinen. Hierzu organisieren wir die Speicherstruktur von Objekten auf die Weise einer spaltenorientierten Hauptspeicherdatenbank und integrieren darauf aufbauend Transaktionen sowie eine deklarative Anfragesprache nahtlos in dieselbe Laufzeitumgebung. Somit können transaktionale und analytische Anfragen in derselben objektorientierten Hochsprache implementiert werden, und dennoch nah an den Daten ausgeführt werden. Zweitens: Wir beschreiben Programmiersprachkonstrukte, welche es erlauben, Nutzeroberflächen sowie Nutzerinteraktionen generisch und unabhängig von konkreten Modellentitäten zu beschreiben. Um diese abstrakte Beschreibung nutzen zu können, reichert man die Domänenmodelle um vormals implizite Informationen an. Neue Modelle müssen nur um einige Informationen erweitert werden um bereits vorhandene Nutzeroberflächen und -interaktionen auch für sie verwenden zu können. Anpassungen, die nur für ein Modell gelten sollen, können unabhängig vom Standardverhalten, inkrementell, definiert werden. Drittens: Wir ermöglichen mit einem weiteren Programmiersprachkonstrukt die zusammenhängende Beschreibung von Abläufen der Anwendung, wie z.B. Bestellprozesse. Unser Programmierkonzept kapselt Nutzerinteraktionen in synchrone Funktionsaufrufe und macht somit Prozesse als zusammenhängende Folge von Berechnungen und Interaktionen darstellbar. Viertens: Wir demonstrieren ein Konzept, wie Endnutzer komplexe analytische Anfragen intuitiver formulieren können. Es basiert auf der Idee, dass Endnutzer Anfragen als Konfiguration eines Diagramms sehen. Entsprechend beschreibt ein Nutzer eine Anfrage, indem er beschreibt, was sein Diagramm darstellen soll. Nach diesem Konzept beschriebene Diagramme enthalten ausreichend Informationen, um daraus eine Anfrage generieren zu können. Hinsichtlich der Ausführungsdauer sind die generierten Anfragen äquivalent zu Anfragen, die mit konventionellen Anfragesprachen formuliert sind. Das Anfragemodell setzen wir in einem Prototypen um, der auf den zuvor eingeführten Konzepten aufsetzt.
HPI Future SOC Lab
Together with industrial partners Hasso-Plattner-Institut (HPI) is currently establishing a “HPI Future SOC Lab,” which will provide a complete infrastructure for research on on-demand systems. The lab utilizes the latest, multi/many-core hardware and its practical implementation and testing as well as further development. The necessary components for such a highly ambitious project are provided by renowned companies: Fujitsu and Hewlett Packard provide their latest 4 and 8-way servers with 1-2 TB RAM, SAP will make available its latest Business byDesign (ByD) system in its most complete version. EMC² provides high performance storage systems and VMware offers virtualization solutions. The lab will operate on the basis of real data from large enterprises. The HPI Future SOC Lab, which will be open for use by interested researchers also from other universities, will provide an opportunity to study real-life complex systems and follow new ideas all the way to their practical implementation and testing. This technical report presents results of research projects executed in 2011. Selected projects have presented their results on June 15th and October 26th 2011 at the Future SOC Lab Day events.
Für die vorliegende Studie »Qualitative Untersuchung zur Akzeptanz des neuen Personalausweises und Erarbeitung von Vorschlägen zur Verbesserung der Usability der Software AusweisApp« arbeitete ein Innovationsteam mit Hilfe der Design Thinking Methode an der Aufgabenstellung »Wie können wir die AusweisApp für Nutzer intuitiv und verständlich gestalten?« Zunächst wurde die Akzeptanz des neuen Personalausweises getestet. Bürger wurden zu ihrem Wissensstand und ihren Erwartungen hinsichtlich des neuen Personalausweises befragt, darüber hinaus zur generellen Nutzung des neuen Personalausweises, der Nutzung der Online-Ausweisfunktion sowie der Usability der AusweisApp. Weiterhin wurden Nutzer bei der Verwendung der aktuellen AusweisApp beobachtet und anschließend befragt. Dies erlaubte einen tiefen Einblick in ihre Bedürfnisse. Die Ergebnisse aus der qualitativen Untersuchung wurden verwendet, um Verbesserungsvorschläge für die AusweisApp zu entwickeln, die den Bedürfnissen der Bürger entsprechen. Die Vorschläge zur Optimierung der AusweisApp wurden prototypisch umgesetzt und mit potentiellen Nutzern getestet. Die Tests haben gezeigt, dass die entwickelten Neuerungen den Bürgern den Zugang zur Nutzung der Online-Ausweisfunktion deutlich vereinfachen. Im Ergebnis konnte festgestellt werden, dass der Akzeptanzgrad des neuen Personalausweises stark divergiert. Die Einstellung der Befragten reichte von Skepsis bis hin zu Befürwortung. Der neue Personalausweis ist ein Thema, das den Bürger polarisiert. Im Rahmen der Nutzertests konnten zahlreiche Verbesserungspotenziale des bestehenden Service Designs sowohl rund um den neuen Personalausweis, als auch im Zusammenhang mit der verwendeten Software aufgedeckt werden. Während der Nutzertests, die sich an die Ideen- und Prototypenphase anschlossen, konnte das Innovtionsteam seine Vorschläge iterieren und auch verifizieren. Die ausgearbeiteten Vorschläge beziehen sich auf die AusweisApp. Die neuen Funktionen umfassen im Wesentlichen: · den direkten Zugang zu den Diensteanbietern, · umfangreiche Hilfestellungen (Tooltips, FAQ, Wizard, Video), · eine Verlaufsfunktion, · einen Beispieldienst, der die Online-Ausweisfunktion erfahrbar macht. Insbesondere gilt es, den Nutzern mit der neuen Version der AusweisApp Anwendungsfelder für ihren neuen Personalausweis und einen Mehrwert zu bieten. Die Ausarbeitung von weiteren Funktionen der AusweisApp kann dazu beitragen, dass der neue Personalausweis sein volles Potenzial entfalten kann.
Am 29. und 30. November 2012 fand am Hasso-Plattner-Institut für Softwaresystemtechnik GmbH in Potsdam der 5. Deutsche IPv6 Gipfel 2012 statt, als dessen Dokumentation der vorliegende technische Report dient. Wie mit den vorhergegangenen nationalen IPv6 Gipfeln verfolgte der Deutsche IPv6-Rat auch mit dem 5. Gipfel, der unter dem Motto „IPv6- der Wachstumstreiber für die Deutsche Wirtschaft” stand, das Ziel, Einblicke in aktuelle Entwicklungen rund um den Einsatz von IPv6 zu geben. Unter anderem wurden die Vorzüge des neue Internetstandards IPv6 vorgestellt und über die Anwendung von IPv6 auf dem Massenmarkt, sowie den Einsatz von IPv6 in Unternehmen und in der öffentlichen Verwaltung referiert. Weitere Themen des Gipfels bezogen sich auf Aktionen und Bedingungen in Unternehmen und Privathaushalten, die für den Umstieg auf IPv6 notwendig sind und welche Erfahrungen dabei bereits gesammelt werden konnten. Neben Vorträgen des Bundesbeauftragten für Datenschutz Peter Schaar und des Geschäftsführers der Technik Telekom Deutschland GmbH, Bruno Jacobfeuerborn, wurden weiteren Beiträge hochrangiger Vertretern aus Politik, Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft präsentiert, die in diesem technischen Bericht zusammengestellt sind.
Cost models are an essential part of database systems, as they are the basis of query performance optimization. Based on predictions made by cost models, the fastest query execution plan can be chosen and executed or algorithms can be tuned and optimised. In-memory databases shifts the focus from disk to main memory accesses and CPU costs, compared to disk based systems where input and output costs dominate the overall costs and other processing costs are often neglected. However, modelling memory accesses is fundamentally different and common models do not apply anymore. This work presents a detailed parameter evaluation for the plan operators scan with equality selection, scan with range selection, positional lookup and insert in in-memory column stores. Based on this evaluation, a cost model based on cache misses for estimating the runtime of the considered plan operators using different data structures is developed. Considered are uncompressed columns, bit compressed and dictionary encoded columns with sorted and unsorted dictionaries. Furthermore, tree indices on the columns and dictionaries are discussed. Finally, partitioned columns consisting of one partition with a sorted and one with an unsorted dictionary are investigated. New values are inserted in the unsorted dictionary partition and moved periodically by a merge process to the sorted partition. An efficient attribute merge algorithm is described, supporting the update performance required to run enterprise applications on read-optimised databases. Further, a memory traffic based cost model for the merge process is provided.
The development of self-adaptive software requires the engineering of an adaptation engine that controls and adapts the underlying adaptable software by means of feedback loops. The adaptation engine often describes the adaptation by using runtime models representing relevant aspects of the adaptable software and particular activities such as analysis and planning that operate on these runtime models. To systematically address the interplay between runtime models and adaptation activities in adaptation engines, runtime megamodels have been proposed for self-adaptive software. A runtime megamodel is a specific runtime model whose elements are runtime models and adaptation activities. Thus, a megamodel captures the interplay between multiple models and between models and activities as well as the activation of the activities. In this article, we go one step further and present a modeling language for ExecUtable RuntimE MegAmodels (EUREMA) that considerably eases the development of adaptation engines by following a model-driven engineering approach. We provide a domain-specific modeling language and a runtime interpreter for adaptation engines, in particular for feedback loops. Megamodels are kept explicit and alive at runtime and by interpreting them, they are directly executed to run feedback loops. Additionally, they can be dynamically adjusted to adapt feedback loops. Thus, EUREMA supports development by making feedback loops, their runtime models, and adaptation activities explicit at a higher level of abstraction. Moreover, it enables complex solutions where multiple feedback loops interact or even operate on top of each other. Finally, it leverages the co-existence of self-adaptation and off-line adaptation for evolution.
Scalable compatibility for embedded real-time components via language progressive timed automata
Die korrekte Komposition individuell entwickelter Komponenten von eingebetteten Realzeitsystemen ist eine Herausforderung, da neben funktionalen Eigenschaften auch nicht funktionale Eigenschaften berücksichtigt werden müssen. Ein Beispiel hierfür ist die Kompatibilität von Realzeiteigenschaften, welche eine entscheidende Rolle in eingebetteten Systemen spielen. Heutzutage wird die Kompatibilität derartiger Eigenschaften in einer aufwändigen Integrations- und Konfigurationstests am Ende des Entwicklungsprozesses geprüft, wobei diese Tests im schlechtesten Fall fehlschlagen. Aus diesem Grund wurde eine Zahl an formalen Verfahren Entwickelt, welche eine frühzeitige Analyse von Realzeiteigenschaften von Komponenten erlauben, sodass Inkompatibilitäten von Realzeiteigenschaften in späteren Phasen ausgeschlossen werden können. Existierenden Verfahren verlangen jedoch, dass eine Reihe von Bedingungen erfüllt sein muss, welche von realen Systemen nur schwer zu erfüllen sind, oder aber, die verwendeten Analyseverfahren skalieren nicht für größere Systeme. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Ansatz vorgestellt, welcher auf dem formalen Modell des Timed Automaton basiert und der keine Bedingungen verlangt, die von einem realen System nur schwer erfüllt werden können. Der in dieser Arbeit vorgestellte Ansatz enthält ein Framework, welches eine modulare Analyse erlaubt, bei der ausschließlich miteinender kommunizierende Komponenten paarweise überprüft werden müssen. Somit wird eine skalierbare Analyse von Realzeiteigenschaften ermöglicht, die keine Bedingungen verlangt, welche nur bedingt von realen Systemen erfüllt werden können.
Cyber-physical systems achieve sophisticated system behavior exploring the tight interconnection of physical coupling present in classical engineering systems and information technology based coupling. A particular challenging case are systems where these cyber-physical systems are formed ad hoc according to the specific local topology, the available networking capabilities, and the goals and constraints of the subsystems captured by the information processing part. In this paper we present a formalism that permits to model the sketched class of cyber-physical systems. The ad hoc formation of tightly coupled subsystems of arbitrary size are specified using a UML-based graph transformation system approach. Differential equations are employed to define the resulting tightly coupled behavior. Together, both form hybrid graph transformation systems where the graph transformation rules define the discrete steps where the topology or modes may change, while the differential equations capture the continuous behavior in between such discrete changes. In addition, we demonstrate that automated analysis techniques known for timed graph transformation systems for inductive invariants can be extended to also cover the hybrid case for an expressive case of hybrid models where the formed tightly coupled subsystems are restricted to smaller local networks.
INTRICATE/SEC 2012 Workshop held in Conjunction with The 11th Information Security South Africa Conference (ISSA 2012).
Data dependencies, or integrity constraints, are used to improve the quality of a database schema, to optimize queries, and to ensure consistency in a database. In the last years conditional dependencies have been introduced to analyze and improve data quality. In short, a conditional dependency is a dependency with a limited scope defined by conditions over one or more attributes. Only the matching part of the instance must adhere to the dependency. In this paper we focus on conditional inclusion dependencies (CINDs). We generalize the definition of CINDs, distinguishing covering and completeness conditions. We present a new use case for such CINDs showing their value for solving complex data quality tasks. Further, we define quality measures for conditions inspired by precision and recall. We propose efficient algorithms that identify covering and completeness conditions conforming to given quality thresholds. Our algorithms choose not only the condition values but also the condition attributes automatically. Finally, we show that our approach efficiently provides meaningful and helpful results for our use case.
Am 1. und 2. Dezember 2011 fand am Hasso-Plattner-Institut für Softwaresystemtechnik GmbH in Potsdam der 4. Deutsche IPv6 Gipfel 2011 statt, dessen Dokumentation der vorliegende technische Report dient. Wie mit den vorhergegangenen nationalen IPv6-Gipfeln verfolgte der Deutsche IPv6-Rat auch mit dem 4. Gipfel, der unter dem Motto „Online on the Road - Der neue Standard IPv6 als Treiber der mobilen Kommunikation” stand, das Ziel, Einblicke in aktuelle Entwicklungen rund um den Einsatz von IPv6 diesmal mit einem Fokus auf die automobile Vernetzung zu geben. Gleichzeitig wurde betont, den effizienten und flächendeckenden Umstieg auf IPv6 voranzutreiben, Erfahrungen mit dem Umstieg auf und dem Einsatz von IPv6 auszutauschen, Wirtschaft und öffentliche Verwaltung zu ermutigen und motivieren, IPv6-basierte Lösungen einzusetzen und das öffentliche Problembewusstsein für die Notwendigkeit des Umstiegs auf IPv6 zu erhöhen. Ehrengast war in diesem Jahr die EU-Kommissarin für die Digitale Agenda, Neelie Kroes deren Vortrag von weiteren Beiträgen hochrangiger Vertretern aus Politik, Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft ergänzt wurde.