Institut für Biochemie und Biologie
Year of publication
Document Type
- Article (3823)
- Doctoral Thesis (1051)
- Postprint (286)
- Review (128)
- Other (98)
- Conference Proceeding (58)
- Monograph/Edited Volume (50)
- Preprint (20)
- Habilitation Thesis (17)
- Master's Thesis (7)
- Arabidopsis thaliana (63)
- climate change (47)
- Arabidopsis (40)
- ancient DNA (31)
- biodiversity (30)
- Dictyostelium (26)
- evolution (25)
- functional traits (23)
- animal personality (22)
- population dynamics (21)
- Institut für Biochemie und Biologie (5547)
- Extern (83)
- Institut für Umweltwissenschaften und Geographie (35)
- Institut für Geowissenschaften (23)
- Institut für Chemie (15)
- Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät (13)
- Zentrum für Umweltwissenschaften (6)
- Institut für Physik und Astronomie (5)
- Institut für Mathematik (4)
- Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Musterdynamik und Angewandte Fernerkundung (4)
The vertical flux of marine snow particles significantly reduces atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration. In the mesopelagic zone, a large proportion of the organic carbon carried by sinking particles dissipates thereby escaping long term sequestration. Particle associated prokaryotes are largely responsible for such organic carbon loss. However, links between this important ecosystem flux and ecological processes such as community development of prokaryotes on different particle fractions (sinking vs. non-sinking) are yet virtually unknown. This prevents accurate predictions of mesopelagic organic carbon loss in response to changing ocean dynamics. Using combined measurements of prokaryotic heterotrophic production rates and species richness in the North Atlantic, we reveal that carbon loss rates and associated microbial richness are drastically different with particle fractions. Our results demonstrate a strong negative correlation between prokaryotic carbon losses and species richness. Such a trend may be related to prokaryotes detaching from fast-sinking particles constantly enriching non-sinking associated communities in the mesopelagic zone. Existing global scale data suggest this negative correlation is a widespread feature of mesopelagic microbes.
A key in controlling the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is the assessment of the immune status of the population. We explored the utility of SARS-CoV-2 virus-like particles (VLPs) as antigens to detect specific humoral immune reactions in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
For this purpose, SARS-CoV-2 VLPs were produced from an engineered cell line and characterized by Western blot, ELISA, and nanoparticle tracking analysis.
Subsequently, we collected 42 serum samples from before the pandemic (2014), 89 samples from healthy subjects, and 38 samples from vaccinated subjects. Seventeen samples were collected less than three weeks after infection, and forty-four samples more than three weeks after infection.
All serum samples were characterized for their reactivity with VLPs and the SARS-CoV-2 N- and S-protein.
Finally, we compared the performance of the VLP-based ELISA with a certified in vitro diagnostic device (IVD). In the applied set of samples, we determined a sensitivity of 95.5% and a specificity of 100% for the certified IVD.
There were seven samples with an uncertain outcome. Our VLP-ELISA demonstrated a superior performance, with a sensitivity of 97.5%, a specificity of 100%, and only three uncertain outcomes.
This result warrants further research to develop a certified IVD based on SARS-CoV-2 VLPs as an antigen.
Simple Summary
Urokinase-type plasminogen activator (urokinase, uPA) is a widely discussed biomarker for cancer prognosis and diagnosis. The gold standard for the determination of protein biomarkers in physiological samples is the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Here, antibodies are used to detect the specific protein.
In our study, recently published urokinase aptamers were tested for their use in a sandwich assay format as alternative specific recognition elements. Different aptamer combinations were used for the detection of uPA in a sandwich-assay format and a combination of aptamers and antibodies additionally allowed the differentiation of human high and low molecular weight- (HMW- and LMW-) uPA. Hence, uPA aptamers offer a valuable alternative as specific recognition elements for analytical purposes. Since aptamers are easy to synthesize and modify, they can be used as a cost-effective alternative in sandwich assay formats for the detection of uPA in physiological samples.
Urokinase-type plasminogen activator (urokinase, uPA) is a frequently discussed biomarker for prognosis, diagnosis, and recurrence of cancer.
In a previous study, we developed ssDNA aptamers that bind to different forms of human urokinase, which are therefore assumed to have different binding regions.
In this study, we demonstrate the development of aptamer-based sandwich assays that use different combinations of these aptamers to detect high molecular weight- (HMW-) uPA in a micro titer plate format.
By combining aptamers and antibodies, it was possible to distinguish between HMW-uPA and low molecular weight- (LMW-) uPA.
For the best performing aptamer combination, we calculated the limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) in spiked buffer and urine samples with an LOD up to 50 ng/mL and 138 ng/mL, respectively.
To show the specificity and sequence dependence of the reporter aptamer uPAapt-02-FR, we have identified key nucleotides within the sequence that are important for specific folding and binding to uPA using a fluorescent dye-linked aptamer assay (FLAA). Since uPA is a much-discussed marker for prognosis and diagnosis in various types of cancers, these aptamers and their use in a micro titer plate assay format represent a novel, promising tool for the detection of uPA and for possible diagnostic applications.
Microviridins are a prominent family of ribosomally synthesized and posttranslationally modified peptides (RiPPs) featuring characteristic lactone and lactam rings. Their unusual cage-like architecture renders them highly potent serine protease inhibitors of which individual variants specifically inhibit different types of proteases of pharmacological interest.
While posttranslational modifications are key for the stability and bioactivity of RiPPs, additional attractive properties can be introduced by functional tags.
To date - although highly desirable - no method has been reported to incorporate functional tags in microviridin scaffolds or the overarching class of graspetides.
In this study, a chemoenzymatic in vitro platform is used to introduce functional tags in various microviridin variants yielding biotinylated, dansylated or propargylated congeners.
This straightforward approach paves the way for customized protease inhibitors with built-in functionalities that can help to unravel the still elusive ecological roles and targets of this remarkable class of compounds and to foster applications based on protease inhibition.
Studies investigating the effect of aboveground herbivory on plants often use clipping to simulate the effects of herbivores, for practical reasons. However, herbivore movements and transfer of oral secretions during herbivory may cause a different response in plant physiology and morphology compared to clipping.
While studies have compared effects of real herbivory vs. clipping on biomass production, plant physiology, and shoot morphology, no study has compared such effects on root morphology.
Therefore, we investigated the effect of herbivory by grasshoppers, herbivory simulated by clipping, and no herbivory on root morphological traits of ten grassland plant species. Root morphological traits were differently affected by the two herbivory treatments. Grasshopper herbivory significantly changed root morphology toward thinner roots with increased specific root length and root area, and decreased root tissue density compared to untreated control plants.
Clipping had mostly similar, but weaker effects on root morphology than grasshopper herbivory.
On the species level, grasshopper herbivory led to strongest changes in root morphology in almost all cases. In contrast, depending on the species, clipping resulted in varying root morphological trait values similar to grasshopper-damaged plants, or in some cases, more closely aligned with control plants.
Though clipping was partly able to mimic the effects of herbivory by grasshoppers, results also indicate that, depending on the species, grasshopper herbivory had different but mostly stronger effects. We, therefore, recommend that future studies apply herbivory with real herbivores to better reflect natural responses in plants and related processes that root morphological traits mediate.
The BEEHAVE model simulates the population dynamics and foraging activity of a single honey bee colony (Apis mellifera) in great detail. Although it still makes numerous simplifying assumptions, it appears to capture a wide range of empirical observations.
It could, therefore, in principle, also be used as a tool in beekeeper education, as it allows the implementation and comparison of different management options.
Here, we focus on treatments aimed at controlling the mite Varroa destructor. However, since BEEHAVE was developed in the UK, mite treatment includes the use of a synthetic acaricide, which is not part of Good Beekeeping Practice in Germany.
A practice that consists of drone brood removal from April to June, treatment with formic acid in August/September, and treatment with oxalic acid in November/December. We implemented these measures, focusing on the timing, frequency, and spacing between drone brood removals.
The effect of drone brood removal and acid treatment, individually or in combination, on a mite-infested colony was examined. We quantify the efficacy of Varroa mite control as the reduction of mites in treated bee colonies compared to untreated bee colonies. We found that drone brood removal was very effective, reducing mites by 90% at the end of the first simulation year after the introduction of mites. This value was significantly higher than the 50-67% reduction expected by bee experts and confirmed by empirical studies.
However, literature reports varying percent reductions in mite numbers from 10 to 85% after drone brood removal. The discrepancy between model results, empirical data, and expert estimates indicate that these three sources should be reviewed and refined, as all are based on simplifying assumptions.
These results and the adaptation of BEEHAVE to the Good Beekeeping Practice are a decisive step forward for the future use of BEEHAVE in beekeeper education in Germany and anywhere where organic acids and drone brood removal are utilized.
How predictable is the next move of an animal? Specifically, which factors govern the short- and long-term motion patterns and the overall dynamics of land-bound, plant-eating animals in general and ruminants in particular? To answer this question, we here study the movement dynamics of springbok antelopes Antidorcas marsupialis. We propose several complementary statistical-analysis techniques combined with machine-learning approaches to analyze—across multiple time scales—the springbok motion recorded in long-term GPS tracking of collared springboks at a private wildlife reserve in Namibia. As a result, we are able to predict the springbok movement within the next hour with a certainty of about 20%. The remaining about 80% are stochastic in nature and are induced by unaccounted factors in the modeling algorithm and by individual behavioral features of springboks. We find that directedness of motion contributes approximately 17% to this predicted fraction. We find that the measure for directedeness is strongly dependent on the daily cycle of springbok activity. The previously known daily affinity of springboks to their water points, as predicted from our machine-learning algorithm, overall accounts for only about 3% of this predicted deterministic component of springbok motion. Moreover, the resting points are found to affect the motion of springboks at least as much as the formally studied effects of water points. The generality of these statements for the motion patterns and their underlying behavioral reasons for other ruminants can be examined on the basis of our statistical-analysis tools in the future.
Step selection analysis (SSA) is a common framework for understanding animal movement and resource selection using telemetry data. Such data are, however, inherently autocorrelated in space, a complication that could impact SSA‐based inference if left unaddressed. Accounting for spatial correlation is standard statistical practice when analysing spatial data, and its importance is increasingly recognized in ecological models (e.g. species distribution models). Nonetheless, no framework yet exists to account for such correlation when analysing animal movement using SSA.
Here, we extend the popular method integrated step selection analysis (iSSA) by including a Gaussian field (GF) in the linear predictor to account for spatial correlation. For this, we use the Bayesian framework R‐INLA and the stochastic partial differential equations (SPDE) technique.
We show through a simulation study that our method provides accurate fixed effects estimates, quantifies their uncertainty well and improves the predictions. In addition, we demonstrate the practical utility of our method by applying it to three wolverine (Gulo gulo) tracks.
Our method solves the problems of assuming spatially independent residuals in the SSA framework. In addition, it offers new possibilities for making long‐term predictions of habitat usage.
Protist grazing pressure plays a major role in controlling aquatic bacterial populations, affecting energy flow through the microbial loop and biogeochemical cycles. Predator-escape mechanisms might play a crucial role in energy flow through the microbial loop, but are yet understudied. For example, some bacteria can use planktonic as well as surface-associated habitats, providing a potential escape mechanism to habitat-specific grazers.
We investigated the escape response of the marine bacterium Marinobacter adhaerens in the presence of either planktonic (nanoflagellate: Cafeteria roenbergensis) or surface-associated (amoeba: Vannella anglica) protist predators, following population dynamics over time.
In the presence of V. anglica, M. adhaerens cell density increased in the water, but decreased on solid surfaces, indicating an escape response towards the planktonic habitat. In contrast, the planktonic predator C. roenbergensis induced bacterial escape to the surface habitat. While C. roenbergensis cell numbers dropped substantially after a sharp initial increase, V. anglica exhibited a slow, but constant growth throughout the entire experiment.
In the presence of C. roenbergensis, M. adhaerens rapidly formed cell clumps in the water habitat, which likely prevented consumption of the planktonic M. adhaerens by the flagellate, resulting in a strong decline in the predator population.
Our results indicate an active escape of M. adhaerens via phenotypic plasticity (i.e., behavioral and morphological changes) against predator ingestion.
This study highlights the potentially important role of behavioral escape mechanisms for community composition and energy flow in pelagic environments, especially with globally rising particle loads in aquatic systems through human activities and extreme weather events.