Has Fulltext
- yes (1)
Year of publication
- 2018 (1)
Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- English (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- yes (1)
- Collision cross-section (1)
- Flüssigkeitszerstäubung (1)
- IR-MALDI (1)
- Ion mobility spectrometry (1)
- Ionenmobilitätsspektrometrie (1)
- Liquid dispersion (1)
- Molecular dynamics (1)
- Molekulardynamik (1)
- Peptiden (1)
- Peptides (1)
The aim of this doctoral thesis was to establish a technique for the analysis of biomolecules with infrared matrix-assisted laser dispersion (IR-MALDI) ion mobility (IM) spectrometry. The main components of the work were the characterization of the IR-MALDI process, the development and characterization of different ion mobility spectrometers, the use of IR-MALDI-IM spectrometry as a robust, standalone spectrometer and the development of a collision cross-section estimation approach for peptides based on molecular dynamics and thermodynamic reweighting.
First, the IR-MALDI source was studied with atmospheric pressure ion mobility spectrometry and shadowgraphy. It consisted of a metal capillary, at the tip of which a self-renewing droplet of analyte solution was met by an IR laser beam. A relationship between peak shape, ion desolvation, diffusion and extraction pulse delay time (pulse delay) was established. First order desolvation kinetics were observed and related to peak broadening by diffusion, both influenced by the pulse delay. The transport mechanisms in IR-MALDI were then studied by relating different laser impact positions on the droplet surface to the corresponding ion mobility spectra. Two different transport mechanisms were determined: phase explosion due to the laser pulse and electrical transport due to delayed ion extraction. The velocity of the ions stemming from the phase explosion was then measured by ion mobility and shadowgraphy at different time scales and distances from the source capillary, showing an initially very high but rapidly decaying velocity. Finally, the anatomy of the dispersion plume was observed in detail with shadowgraphy and general conclusions over the process were drawn.
Understanding the IR-MALDI process enabled the optimization of the different IM spectrometers at atmospheric and reduced pressure (AP and RP, respectively). At reduced pressure, both an AP and an RP IR-MALDI source were used. The influence of the pulsed ion extraction parameters (pulse delay, width and amplitude) on peak shape, resolution and area was systematically studied in both AP and RP IM spectrometers and discussed in the context of the IR-MALDI process. Under RP conditions, the influence of the closing field and of the pressure was also examined for both AP and RP sources. For the AP ionization RP IM spectrometer, the influence of the inlet field (IF) in the source region was also examined. All of these studies led to the determination of the optimal analytical parameters as well as to a better understanding of the initial ion cloud anatomy.
The analytical performance of the spectrometer was then studied. Limits of detection (LOD) and linear ranges were determined under static and pulsed ion injection conditions and interpreted in the context of the IR-MALDI mechanism. Applications in the separation of simple mixtures were also illustrated, demonstrating good isomer separation capabilities and the advantages of singly charged peaks. The possibility to couple high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to IR-MALDI-IM spectrometry was also demonstrated. Finally, the reduced pressure spectrometer was used to study the effect of high reduced field strength on the mobility of polyatomic ions in polyatomic gases.
The last focus point was on the study of peptide ions. A dataset obtained with electrospray IM spectrometry was characterized and used for the calibration of a collision cross-section (CCS) determination method based on molecular dynamics (MD) simulations at high temperature. Instead of producing candidate structures which are evaluated one by one, this semi-automated method uses the simulation as a whole to determine a single average collision cross-section value by reweighting the CCS of a few representative structures. The method was compared to the intrinsic size parameter (ISP) method and to experimental results. Additional MD data obtained from the simulations was also used to further analyze the peptides and understand the experimental results, an advantage with regard to the ISP method. Finally, the CCS of peptide ions analyzed by IR-MALDI were also evaluated with both ISP and MD methods and the results compared to experiment, resulting in a first validation of the MD method. Thus, this thesis brings together the soft ionization technique that is IR-MALDI, which produces mostly singly charged peaks, with ion mobility spectrometry, which can distinguish between isomers, and a collision cross-section determination method which also provides structural information on the analyte at hand.