Erysiphe deutziae (Bunkina) U. Braun & S. Takam. is powdery mildew fungus that is currently spreading in Europe. The anamorph of this species has been found in France, Germany, Poland and Switzerland on Deutzia sp. (cult.), Deutzia x magnifica (Lemoine) Rehder and Deutzia scabra Thunb. The morphology, taxonomy and worldwide distribution of Erysiphe deutziae are described, illustrated and discussed
Erysiphe deutziae (Bunkina) U. Braun & S. Takam. is powdery mildew fungus that is currently spreading in Europe. The anamorph of this species has been found in France, Germany, Poland and Switzerland on Deutzia sp. (cult.), Deutzia x magnifica (Lemoine) Rehder and Deutzia scabra Thunb. The morphology, taxonomy and worldwide distribution of Erysiphe deutziae are described, illustrated and discussed
Oidium pedaliacearum sp. nov. (; O. sesami, nom. inval.) and Podosphaera macrospora comb. et stat. nov. (; Sphaerotheca alpina f. macrospora) are introduced, and the taxonomy and distribution of Erysiphe celosiae is discussed. New host species and new collections of Erysiphe cruciferarum (on Cleome hassleriana), E. flexuosa (on Aesculus hippocastanum), E. hedwigii (on Viburnum carlesii), E. heraclei (on Tinguarra montana), E. cf. macleayae (on Macleaya cordata), E. prunastri (on Prunus cerasifera), E. sedi (on Sedum aff. spectabilis), E. trifolii (on Trigonella caerulea), Golovinomyces cichoracearum (on Argyranthemum pinnatifidum subsp. succulentum), G. cf. hydrophyllacearum (on Nemophila menziesii), G. orontii (on Nolana spp.), G. cf. orontii (on Tiarella cordifolia), Neoerysiphe cumminsiana (on Bidens cf. ferulifolia), Oidium clitoriae (on Clitoria ternatea), O. cf. hortensiae (on Philadelphus coronarius), O. pedilanthi (on Pedilanthus tithymaloides), Oidium (Pseudoidium) sp. (on Utricularia alpina), Podosphaera sp. (on Bergia capensis), Sawadaea bicornis (on Acer platanoides) and S. tulasnei (on Acer ginnala and A. tatarica) are recorded from France, Germany, Greece and Mexico.
The introduction of a new powdery mildew disease on Rhus hirta in various parts of Germany (Brandenburg, Rhine- Westphalia, Sachsen-Anhalt and Saxony) is reported. The anamorph found on this host agrees well with the North American Podosphaera pruinosa. Although the teleomorph has not yet been found in Germany and a molecular study has not yet been possible due to the lack of fresh North American material for a comparison, there is little doubt that the European outbreak of the Rhus powdery mildew disease may be referred to as Podosphaera pruinosa. Morphology, taxonomy and distribution of Podosphaera species on Rhus and other hosts of the Anacardiaceae are discussed in detail.
The conidial stage and chasmothecia of Golovinomyces orontii have been found in Germany on cultivated Limnanthes douglasii. A powdery mildew anamorph found in the Netherlands on Malva alcea agrees morphologically with the Oidium of the latter species as well. Golovinomyces sp. (anamorph) on Parthenium integrifolium is described and discussed. Erysiphe sp. has been found in Germany on Acer opalus, and E. magnifica is recorded from Germany and Switzerland on Magnolia spp. Oidium passiflorae is new to Switzerland. An Oidium morphologically agreeing with the anamorph of Podosphaera aphanis has recently been collected on Exacum macranthum cultivated in a greenhouse, and conidiophores and conidia of a species of Podosphaera sect. Sphaerotheca subsect. Magnicellulatae (P. fusca complex) on Phlox paniculata and Polemonium caeruleum have been found in Germany.
The new species Erysiphe asclepiadis is described, illustrated and discussed. A new Chinese collection of Erysiphe robiniicola has recently been found that can be used to elucidate and discuss the confused taxonomy and nomenclature of this species and other taxa of Erysiphe s. lat. on Robinia spp. Based on a re-examination of type material in connection with the data given in the protologue, it can be shown that Capnodium lygodesmiae must be reduced to synonymy with Ampelomyces quisqualis. The confusion surrounding the name C. lygodesmiae, caused by the occurrence of the hyperparasite A. quisqualis on a powdery mildew fungus with abundant chasmothecia, is discussed in detail. The new combination, Golovinomyces caulicola (; Spolverinia caulicola), is proposed for the powdery mildew that serves as host of C. lygodesmiae.
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Alexander von Humboldts und Aimé Bonplands Pflanzen im Herbarium der Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Die Pflanzensammlung (Herbarium) der Universität Halle-Wittenberg enthält eine beträchtliche Anzahl von Pflanzenexemplaren, die von Alexander von Humboldt und Aimé Bonpland während ihrer amerikanischen Reise (1799–1804) gesammelt wurden. Wir erläutern die wissenschaftliche Bedeutung der Herbarbelege und wie sie ihren Weg nach Halle fanden.