Document Type
- Monograph/Edited Volume (4)
- Article (1)
- Preprint (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- yes (6)
- Anfragesprache (1)
- Benutzerinteraktion (1)
- Betriebssysteme (1)
- Carrera Digital D132 (1)
- Datenbank (1)
- Datensatz (1)
- Echtzeit (1)
- Erfahrungsbericht (1)
- Forschungskolleg (1)
- Geschäftsanwendungen (1)
First-class concepts
Ideally, programs are partitioned into independently maintainable and understandable modules. As a system grows, its architecture gradually loses the capability to accommodate new concepts in a modular way. While refactoring is expensive and not always possible, and the programming language might lack dedicated primary language constructs to express certain cross-cutting concerns, programmers are still able to explain and delineate convoluted concepts through secondary means: code comments, use of whitespace and arrangement of code, documentation, or communicating tacit knowledge. <br /> Secondary constructs are easy to change and provide high flexibility in communicating cross-cutting concerns and other concepts among programmers. However, such secondary constructs usually have no reified representation that can be explored and manipulated as first-class entities through the programming environment. <br /> In this exploratory work, we discuss novel ways to express a wide range of concepts, including cross-cutting concerns, patterns, and lifecycle artifacts independently of the dominant decomposition imposed by an existing architecture. We propose the representation of concepts as first-class objects inside the programming environment that retain the capability to change as easily as code comments. We explore new tools that allow programmers to view, navigate, and change programs based on conceptual perspectives. In a small case study, we demonstrate how such views can be created and how the programming experience changes from draining programmers' attention by stretching it across multiple modules toward focusing it on cohesively presented concepts. Our designs are geared toward facilitating multiple secondary perspectives on a system to co-exist in symbiosis with the original architecture, hence making it easier to explore, understand, and explain complex contexts and narratives that are hard or impossible to express using primary modularity constructs.
Die Komplexität heutiger Geschäftsabläufe und die Menge der zu verwaltenden Daten stellen hohe Anforderungen an die Entwicklung und Wartung von Geschäftsanwendungen. Ihr Umfang entsteht unter anderem aus der Vielzahl von Modellentitäten und zugehörigen Nutzeroberflächen zur Bearbeitung und Analyse der Daten. Dieser Bericht präsentiert neuartige Konzepte und deren Umsetzung zur Vereinfachung der Entwicklung solcher umfangreichen Geschäftsanwendungen. Erstens: Wir schlagen vor, die Datenbank und die Laufzeitumgebung einer dynamischen objektorientierten Programmiersprache zu vereinen. Hierzu organisieren wir die Speicherstruktur von Objekten auf die Weise einer spaltenorientierten Hauptspeicherdatenbank und integrieren darauf aufbauend Transaktionen sowie eine deklarative Anfragesprache nahtlos in dieselbe Laufzeitumgebung. Somit können transaktionale und analytische Anfragen in derselben objektorientierten Hochsprache implementiert werden, und dennoch nah an den Daten ausgeführt werden. Zweitens: Wir beschreiben Programmiersprachkonstrukte, welche es erlauben, Nutzeroberflächen sowie Nutzerinteraktionen generisch und unabhängig von konkreten Modellentitäten zu beschreiben. Um diese abstrakte Beschreibung nutzen zu können, reichert man die Domänenmodelle um vormals implizite Informationen an. Neue Modelle müssen nur um einige Informationen erweitert werden um bereits vorhandene Nutzeroberflächen und -interaktionen auch für sie verwenden zu können. Anpassungen, die nur für ein Modell gelten sollen, können unabhängig vom Standardverhalten, inkrementell, definiert werden. Drittens: Wir ermöglichen mit einem weiteren Programmiersprachkonstrukt die zusammenhängende Beschreibung von Abläufen der Anwendung, wie z.B. Bestellprozesse. Unser Programmierkonzept kapselt Nutzerinteraktionen in synchrone Funktionsaufrufe und macht somit Prozesse als zusammenhängende Folge von Berechnungen und Interaktionen darstellbar. Viertens: Wir demonstrieren ein Konzept, wie Endnutzer komplexe analytische Anfragen intuitiver formulieren können. Es basiert auf der Idee, dass Endnutzer Anfragen als Konfiguration eines Diagramms sehen. Entsprechend beschreibt ein Nutzer eine Anfrage, indem er beschreibt, was sein Diagramm darstellen soll. Nach diesem Konzept beschriebene Diagramme enthalten ausreichend Informationen, um daraus eine Anfrage generieren zu können. Hinsichtlich der Ausführungsdauer sind die generierten Anfragen äquivalent zu Anfragen, die mit konventionellen Anfragesprachen formuliert sind. Das Anfragemodell setzen wir in einem Prototypen um, der auf den zuvor eingeführten Konzepten aufsetzt.
Learning from failure
Regression testing is a widespread practice in today's software industry to ensure software product quality. Developers derive a set of test cases, and execute them frequently to ensure that their change did not adversely affect existing functionality. As the software product and its test suite grow, the time to feedback during regression test sessions increases, and impedes programmer productivity: developers wait longer for tests to complete, and delays in fault detection render fault removal increasingly difficult.
Test case prioritization addresses the problem of long feedback loops by reordering test cases, such that test cases of high failure probability run first, and test case failures become actionable early in the testing process. We ask, given test execution schedules reconstructed from publicly available data, to which extent can their fault detection efficiency improved, and which technique yields the most efficient test schedules with respect to APFD?
To this end, we recover regression 6200 test sessions from the build log files of Travis CI, a popular continuous integration service, and gather 62000 accompanying changelists. We evaluate the efficiency of current test schedules, and examine the prioritization results of state-of-the-art lightweight, history-based heuristics. We propose and evaluate a novel set of prioritization algorithms, which connect software changes and test failures in a matrix-like data structure.
Our studies indicate that the optimization potential is substantial, because the existing test plans score only 30% APFD. The predictive power of past test failures proves to be outstanding: simple heuristics, such as repeating tests with failures in recent sessions, result in efficiency scores of 95% APFD. The best-performing matrix-based heuristic achieves a similar score of 92.5% APFD. In contrast to prior approaches, we argue that matrix-based techniques are useful beyond the scope of effective prioritization, and enable a number of use cases involving software maintenance.
We validate our findings from continuous integration processes by extending a continuous testing tool within development environments with means of test prioritization, and pose further research questions. We think that our findings are suited to propel adoption of (continuous) testing practices, and that programmers' toolboxes should contain test prioritization as an existential productivity tool.
Visuelle Programmiersprachen werden heutzutage zugunsten textueller Programmiersprachen nahezu nicht verwendet, obwohl visuelle Programmiersprachen einige Vorteile bieten. Diese reichen von der Vermeidung von Syntaxfehlern, über die Nutzung konkreter domänenspezifischer Notation bis hin zu besserer Lesbarkeit und Wartbarkeit des Programms. Trotzdem greifen professionelle Softwareentwickler nahezu ausschließlich auf textuelle Programmiersprachen zurück.
Damit Entwickler diese Vorteile visueller Programmiersprachen nutzen können, aber trotzdem nicht auf die ihnen bekannten textuellen Programmiersprachen verzichten müssen, gibt es die Idee, textuelle und visuelle Programmelemente gemeinsam in einer Programmiersprache nutzbar zu machen. Damit ist dem Entwickler überlassen wann und wie er visuelle Elemente in seinem Programmcode verwendet.
Diese Arbeit stellt das SandBlocks-Framework vor, das diese gemeinsame Nutzung visueller und textueller Programmelemente ermöglicht. Neben einer Auswertung visueller Programmiersprachen, zeigt es die technische Integration visueller Programmelemente in das Squeak/Smalltalk-System auf, gibt Einblicke in die Umsetzung und Verwendung in Live-Programmiersystemen und diskutiert ihre Verwendung in unterschiedlichen Domänen.
In today’s life, embedded systems are ubiquitous. But they differ from traditional desktop systems in many aspects – these include predictable timing behavior (real-time), the management of scarce resources (memory, network), reliable communication protocols, energy management, special purpose user-interfaces (headless operation), system configuration, programming languages (to support software/hardware co-design), and modeling techniques. Within this technical report, authors present results from the lecture “Operating Systems for Embedded Computing” that has been offered by the “Operating Systems and Middleware” group at HPI in Winter term 2013/14. Focus of the lecture and accompanying projects was on principles of real-time computing. Students had the chance to gather practical experience with a number of different OSes and applications and present experiences with near-hardware programming. Projects address the entire spectrum, from bare-metal programming to harnessing a real-time OS to exercising the full software/hardware co-design cycle. Three outstanding projects are at the heart of this technical report. Project 1 focuses on the development of a bare-metal operating system for LEGO Mindstorms EV3. While still a toy, it comes with a powerful ARM processor, 64 MB of main memory, standard interfaces, such as Bluetooth and network protocol stacks. EV3 runs a version of 1 1 Introduction Linux. Sources are available from Lego’s web site. However, many devices and their driver software are proprietary and not well documented. Developing a new, bare-metal OS for the EV3 requires an understanding of the EV3 boot process. Since no standard input/output devices are available, initial debugging steps are tedious. After managing these initial steps, the project was able to adapt device drivers for a few Lego devices to an extent that a demonstrator (the Segway application) could be successfully run on the new OS. Project 2 looks at the EV3 from a different angle. The EV3 is running a pretty decent version of Linux- in principle, the RT_PREEMPT patch can turn any Linux system into a real-time OS by modifying the behavior of a number of synchronization constructs at the heart of the OS. Priority inversion is a problem that is solved by protocols such as priority inheritance or priority ceiling. Real-time OSes implement at least one of the protocols. The central idea of the project was the comparison of non-real-time and real-time variants of Linux on the EV3 hardware. A task set that showed effects of priority inversion on standard EV3 Linux would operate flawlessly on the Linux version with the RT_PREEMPT-patch applied. If only patching Lego’s version of Linux was that easy... Project 3 takes the notion of real-time computing more seriously. The application scenario was centered around our Carrera Digital 132 racetrack. Obtaining position information from the track, controlling individual cars, detecting and modifying the Carrera Digital protocol required design and implementation of custom controller hardware. What to implement in hardware, firmware, and what to implement in application software – this was the central question addressed by the project.
Technical report
Design and Implementation of service-oriented architectures imposes a huge number of research questions from the fields of software engineering, system analysis and modeling, adaptability, and application integration. Component orientation and web services are two approaches for design and realization of complex web-based system. Both approaches allow for dynamic application adaptation as well as integration of enterprise application.
Commonly used technologies, such as J2EE and .NET, form de facto standards for the realization of complex distributed systems. Evolution of component systems has lead to web services and service-based architectures. This has been manifested in a multitude of industry standards and initiatives such as XML, WSDL UDDI, SOAP, etc. All these achievements lead to a new and promising paradigm in IT systems engineering which proposes to design complex software solutions as collaboration of contractually defined software services.
Service-Oriented Systems Engineering represents a symbiosis of best practices in object-orientation, component-based development, distributed computing, and business process management. It provides integration of business and IT concerns.
The annual Ph.D. Retreat of the Research School provides each member the opportunity to present his/her current state of their research and to give an outline of a prospective Ph.D. thesis. Due to the interdisciplinary structure of the research school, this technical report covers a wide range of topics. These include but are not limited to: Human Computer Interaction and Computer Vision as Service; Service-oriented Geovisualization Systems; Algorithm Engineering for Service-oriented Systems; Modeling and Verification of Self-adaptive Service-oriented Systems; Tools and Methods for Software Engineering in Service-oriented Systems; Security Engineering of Service-based IT Systems; Service-oriented Information Systems; Evolutionary Transition of Enterprise Applications to Service Orientation; Operating System Abstractions for Service-oriented Computing; and Services Specification, Composition, and Enactment.