Year of publication
Document Type
- Monograph/Edited Volume (27)
- Article (18)
- Report (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- yes (46)
- Lively Kernel (4)
- Smalltalk (4)
- Debugging (3)
- Squeak (3)
- Experimentation (2)
- Forschungskolleg (2)
- Hasso Plattner Institute (2)
- Hasso-Plattner-Institut (2)
- Java (2)
- JavaScript (2)
Defining Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) through functional abstractions can reduce the complexity that arises from mutable abstractions. Recent examples, such as Facebook's React GUI framework have shown, how modelling the view as a functional projection from the application state to a visual representation can reduce the number of interacting objects and thus help to improve the reliabiliy of the system. This however comes at the price of a more rigid, functional framework where programmers are forced to express visual entities with functional abstractions, detached from the way one intuitively thinks about the physical world.
In contrast to that, the GUI Framework Morphic allows interactions in the graphical domain, such as grabbing, dragging or resizing of elements to evolve an application at runtime, providing liveness and directness in the development workflow. Modelling each visual entity through mutable abstractions however makes it difficult to ensure correctness when GUIs start to grow more complex. Furthermore, by evolving morphs at runtime through direct manipulation we diverge more and more from the symbolic description that corresponds to the morph. Given that both of these approaches have their merits and problems, is there a way to combine them in a meaningful way that preserves their respective benefits?
As a solution for this problem, we propose to lift Morphic's concept of direct manipulation from the mutation of state to the transformation of source code. In particular, we will explore the design, implementation and integration of a bidirectional mapping between the graphical representation and a functional and declarative symbolic description of a graphical user interface within a self hosted development environment. We will present Transmorphic, a functional take on the Morphic GUI Framework, where the visual and structural properties of morphs are defined in a purely functional, declarative fashion. In Transmorphic, the developer is able to assemble different morphs at runtime through direct manipulation which is automatically translated into changes in the code of the application. In this way, the comprehensiveness and predictability of direct manipulation can be used in the context of a purely functional GUI, while the effects of the manipulation are reflected in a medium that is always in reach for the programmer and can even be used to incorporate the source transformations into the source files of the application.
Bei der Erstellung von Visualisierungen gibt es im Wesentlichen zwei Ansätze. Zum einen können mit geringem Aufwand schnell Standarddiagramme erstellt werden. Zum anderen gibt es die Möglichkeit, individuelle und interaktive Visualisierungen zu programmieren. Dies ist jedoch mit einem deutlich höheren Aufwand verbunden.
Flower ermöglicht eine schnelle Erstellung individueller und interaktiver Visualisierungen, indem es den Entwicklungssprozess stark vereinfacht und die Nutzer bei den einzelnen Aktivitäten wie dem Import und der Aufbereitung von Daten, deren Abbildung auf visuelle Elemente sowie der Integration von Interaktivität direkt unterstützt.
Dynamic service adaptation
Change can be observed in our environment and in the technology we build. While changes in the environment happen continuously and implicitly, our technology has to be kept in sync with the changing world around it. Although we can prepare for some of the changes for most of them we cannot. This is especially true for next-generation mobile communication systems that are expected to support the creation of a ubiquitous society where virtually everything is connected and made available within an organic information network. Resources will frequently join or leave the network, new types of media or new combinations of existing types will be used to interact and cooperate, and services will be tailored to preferences and needs of individual customers to better meet their needs. This paper outlines our research in the area of dynamic service adaptation to provide concepts and technologies allowing for such environments. Copyright (C) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
First-class concepts
Ideally, programs are partitioned into independently maintainable and understandable modules. As a system grows, its architecture gradually loses the capability to accommodate new concepts in a modular way. While refactoring is expensive and not always possible, and the programming language might lack dedicated primary language constructs to express certain cross-cutting concerns, programmers are still able to explain and delineate convoluted concepts through secondary means: code comments, use of whitespace and arrangement of code, documentation, or communicating tacit knowledge. <br /> Secondary constructs are easy to change and provide high flexibility in communicating cross-cutting concerns and other concepts among programmers. However, such secondary constructs usually have no reified representation that can be explored and manipulated as first-class entities through the programming environment. <br /> In this exploratory work, we discuss novel ways to express a wide range of concepts, including cross-cutting concerns, patterns, and lifecycle artifacts independently of the dominant decomposition imposed by an existing architecture. We propose the representation of concepts as first-class objects inside the programming environment that retain the capability to change as easily as code comments. We explore new tools that allow programmers to view, navigate, and change programs based on conceptual perspectives. In a small case study, we demonstrate how such views can be created and how the programming experience changes from draining programmers' attention by stretching it across multiple modules toward focusing it on cohesively presented concepts. Our designs are geared toward facilitating multiple secondary perspectives on a system to co-exist in symbiosis with the original architecture, hence making it easier to explore, understand, and explain complex contexts and narratives that are hard or impossible to express using primary modularity constructs.
CSOM/PL is a software product line (SPL) derived from applying multi-dimensional separation of concerns (MDSOC) techniques to the domain of high-level language virtual machine (VM) implementations. For CSOM/PL, we modularised CSOM, a Smalltalk VM implemented in C, using VMADL (virtual machine architecture description language). Several features of the original CSOM were encapsulated in VMADL modules and composed in various combinations. In an evaluation of our approach, we show that applying MDSOC and SPL principles to a domain as complex as that of VMs is not only feasible but beneficial, as it improves understandability, maintainability, and configurability of VM implementations without harming performance.
Developing rich Web applications can be a complex job - especially when it comes to mobile device support. Web-based environments such as Lively Webwerkstatt can help developers implement such applications by making the development process more direct and interactive. Further the process of developing software is collaborative which creates the need that the development environment offers collaboration facilities. This report describes extensions of the webbased development environment Lively Webwerkstatt such that it can be used in a mobile environment. The extensions are collaboration mechanisms, user interface adaptations but as well event processing and performance measuring on mobile devices.
Pattern matching is a well-established concept in the functional programming community. It provides the means for concisely identifying and destructuring values of interest. This enables a clean separation of data structures and respective functionality, as well as dispatching functionality based on more than a single value. Unfortunately, expressive pattern matching facilities are seldomly incorporated in present object-oriented programming languages. We present a seamless integration of pattern matching facilities in an object-oriented and dynamically typed programming language: Newspeak. We describe language extensions to improve the practicability and integrate our additions with the existing programming environment for Newspeak. This report is based on the first author’s master’s thesis.
In 1997, Henry Lieberman stated that debugging is the dirty little secret of computer science. Since then, several promising debugging technologies have been developed such as back-in-time debuggers and automatic fault localization methods. However, the last study about the state-of-the-art in debugging is still more than 15 years old and so it is not clear whether these new approaches have been applied in practice or not. For that reason, we investigate the current state of debugging in a comprehensive study. First, we review the available literature and learn about current approaches and study results. Second, we observe several professional developers while debugging and interview them about their experiences. Third, we create a questionnaire that serves as the basis for a larger online debugging survey. Based on these results, we present new insights into debugging practice that help to suggest new directions for future research.
Distributed applications are hard to debug because timing-dependent network communication is a source of non-deterministic behavior. Current approaches to debug non deterministic failures include post-mortem debugging as well as record and replay. However, the first impairs system performance to gather data, whereas the latter requires developers to understand the timing-dependent communication at a lower level of abstraction than they develop at. Furthermore, both approaches require intrusive core library modifications to gather data from live systems. In this paper, we present the Peek-At-Talk debugger for investigating non-deterministic failures with low overhead in a systematic, top-down method, with a particular focus on tool-building issues in the following areas: First, we show how our debugging framework Path Tools guides developers from failures to their root causes and gathers run-time data with low overhead. Second, we present Peek-At-Talk, an extension to our Path Tools framework to record non-deterministic communication and refine behavioral data that connects source code with network events. Finally, we scope changes to the core library to record network communication without impacting other network applications.