GrassPlot is a collaborative vegetation-plot database organised by the Eurasian Dry Grassland Group (EDGG) and listed in the Global Index of Vegetation-Plot Databases (GIVD ID EU-00-003). GrassPlot collects plot records (releves) from grasslands and other open habitats of the Palaearctic biogeographic realm. It focuses on precisely delimited plots of eight standard grain sizes (0.0001; 0.001;... 1,000 m(2)) and on nested-plot series with at least four different grain sizes. The usage of GrassPlot is regulated through Bylaws that intend to balance the interests of data contributors and data users. The current version (v. 1.00) contains data for approximately 170,000 plots of different sizes and 2,800 nested-plot series. The key components are richness data and metadata. However, most included datasets also encompass compositional data. About 14,000 plots have near-complete records of terricolous bryophytes and lichens in addition to vascular plants. At present, GrassPlot contains data from 36 countries throughout the Palaearctic, spread across elevational gradients and major grassland types. GrassPlot with its multi-scale and multi-taxon focus complements the larger international vegetationplot databases, such as the European Vegetation Archive (EVA) and the global database " sPlot". Its main aim is to facilitate studies on the scale-and taxon-dependency of biodiversity patterns and drivers along macroecological gradients. GrassPlot is a dynamic database and will expand through new data collection coordinated by the elected Governing Board. We invite researchers with suitable data to join GrassPlot. Researchers with project ideas addressable with GrassPlot data are welcome to submit proposals to the Governing Board.
Semi-natural grasslands, biodiversity hotspots in Central-Europe, suffer from the cessation of traditional land-use. Amount and intensity of these changes challenge current monitoring frameworks typically based on classic indicators such as selected target species or diversity indices. Indicators based on plant functional traits provide an interesting extension since they reflect ecological strategies at individual and ecological processes at community levels. They typically show convergent responses to gradients of land-use intensity over scales and regions, are more directly related to environmental drivers than diversity components themselves and enable detecting directional changes in whole community dynamics. However, probably due to their labor- and cost intensive assessment in the field, they have been rarely applied as indicators so far.
Here we suggest overcoming these limitations by calculating indicators with plant traits derived from online accessible databases. Aiming to provide a minimal trait set to monitor effects of land-use intensification on plant diversity we investigated relationships between 12 community mean traits, 2 diversity indices and 6 predictors of land-use intensity within grassland communities of 3 different regions in Germany (part of the German 'Biodiversity Exploratory' research network). By standardization of traits and diversity measures, use of null models and linear mixed models we confirmed (i) strong links between functional community composition and plant diversity, (ii) that traits are closely related to land-use intensity, and (iii) that functional indicators are equally, or even more sensitive to land-use intensity than traditional diversity indices. The deduced trait set consisted of 5 traits, i.e., specific leaf area (SLA), leaf dry matter content (LDMC), seed release height, leaf distribution, and onset of flowering. These database derived traits enable the early detection of changes in community structure indicative for future diversity loss. As an addition to current monitoring measures they allow to better link environmental drivers to processes controlling community dynamics.
Eine verbesserte Zusammenarbeit und Abstimmung von Fachwissenschaft, Fachdidaktik, Bildungswissenschaften und schulpraktischen Lernorten ist einer der Förderbereiche der „Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung“. Zahlreiche der geförderten Projekte haben für dieses Handlungsfeld im Bereich Vernetzung von Fachwissenschaft, Fachdidaktik und Bildungswissenschaften hochschulspezifische Maßnahmen konzipiert und umgesetzt.
Der vorliegende Tagungsband beinhaltet Beiträge von 15 entsprechenden Projekten, von denen sieben anlässlich von zwei standortübergreifenden Projekt-Tagungen in Hannover und Potsdam vorgestellt und in Workshops diskutiert wurden. Insgesamt geben die Beiträge einen theoretisch fundierten und gleichzeitig praxisorientierten Überblick über aktuelle Ansätze und Konzepte zur besseren Vernetzung fachwissenschaftlicher, fachdidaktischer und bildungswissenschaftlicher Studienanteile im Lehramtsstudium. Dargestellt werden Projektarbeiten der Hochschulen, die auf verschiedenen Ebenen wirksam werden (curricular-inhaltliche Ebene, kollegiale Ebene, hochschul-strukturelle Ebene). Die Maßnahmen sind so beschrieben, dass sie als Grundlage für einen Transfer auf andere Fächer bzw. andere Standorte genutzt werden können.
Die Beiträge richten sich an alle Lehrenden im Bereich der Lehramtsbildung sowie sonstige Akteure im Bereich der Lehr- und Qualitätsentwicklung an den Universitäten. Sie alle können den beschriebenen Konzepten und Umsetzungsformaten transferierbare Ideen und Impulse entnehmen.
Identifying drivers of species diversity is a major challenge in understanding and predicting the dynamics of species-rich semi-natural grasslands. In particular in temperate grasslands changes in land use and its consequences, i.e. increasing fragmentation, the on-going loss of habitat and the declining importance of regional processes such as seed dispersal by livestock, are considered key drivers of the diversity loss witnessed within the last decades.