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- Smalltalk (2)
- Algorithmen (1)
- Blockheizkraftwerke (1)
- Debugging (1)
- Effizienz (1)
- Energiesparen (1)
- Forschungskolleg (1)
- GraalVM (1)
- Hasso Plattner Institute (1)
- Hasso-Plattner-Institut (1)
Version control is a widely used practice among software developers. It reduces the risk of changing their software and allows them to manage different configurations and to collaborate with others more efficiently. This is amplified by code sharing platforms such as GitHub or Bitbucket. Most version control systems track files (e.g., Git, Mercurial, and Subversion do), but some programming environments do not operate on files, but on objects instead (many Smalltalk implementations do). Users of such environments want to use version control for their objects anyway. Specialized version control systems, such as the ones available for Smalltalk systems (e.g., ENVY/Developer and Monticello), focus on a small subset of objects that can be versioned. Most of these systems concentrate on the tracking of methods, classes, and configurations of these. Other user-defined and user-built objects are either not eligible for version control at all, tracking them involves complicated workarounds, or a fixed, domain-unspecific serialization format is used that does not equally suit all kinds of objects. Moreover, these version control systems that are specific to a programming environment require their own code sharing platforms; popular, well-established platforms for file-based version control systems cannot be used or adapter solutions need to be implemented and maintained.
To improve the situation for version control of arbitrary objects, a framework for tracking, converting, and storing of objects is presented in this report. It allows editions of objects to be stored in an exchangeable, existing backend version control system. The platforms of the backend version control system can thus be reused. Users and objects have control over how objects are captured for the purpose of version control. Domain-specific requirements can be implemented. The storage format (i.e. the file format, when file-based backend version control systems are used) can also vary from one object to another. Different editions of objects can be compared and sets of changes can be applied to graphs of objects. A generic way for capturing and restoring that supports most kinds of objects is described. It models each object as a collection of slots. Thus, users can begin to track their objects without first having to implement version control supplements for their own kinds of objects. The proposed architecture is evaluated using a prototype implementation that can be used to track objects in Squeak/Smalltalk with Git. The prototype improves the suboptimal standing of user objects with respect to version control described above and also simplifies some version control tasks for classes and methods as well. It also raises new problems, which are discussed in this report as well.
Software development tools that work and behave consistently across different programming languages are helpful for developers, because they do not have to familiarize themselves with new tooling whenever they decide to use a new language. Also, being able to combine multiple programming languages in a program increases reusability, as developers do not have to recreate software frameworks and libraries in the language they develop in and can reuse existing software instead.
However, developers often have a broad choice with regard to tools, some of which are designed for only one specific programming language. Various Integrated Development Environments have support for multiple languages, but are usually unable to provide a consistent programming experience due to different features of language runtimes. Furthermore, common mechanisms that allow reuse of software written in other languages usually use the operating system or a network connection as the abstract layer. Tools, however, often cannot support such indirections well and are therefore less useful in debugging scenarios for example.
In this report, we present a novel approach that aims to improve the programming experience with regard to working with multiple high-level programming languages. As part of this approach, we reuse the tools of a Smalltalk programming environment for other languages and build a multi-language virtual execution environment which is able to provide the same runtime capabilities for all languages.
The prototype system Squimera is an implementation of our approach and demonstrates that it is possible to reuse development tools, so that they behave in the same way across all supported programming languages. In addition, it provides convenient means to reuse and even mix software libraries and frameworks written in different languages without breaking the debugging experience.
Eine dezentrale Energieversorgung ist ein erster Schritt in Richtung Energiewende. Dabei werden auch in Mehrfamilienhäusern vermehrt verschiedene Strom- und Wärmeerzeuger eingesetzt.
Besonders in Deutschland kommen in diesem Zusammenhang Blockheizkraftwerke immer häufiger zum Einsatz, weil sie Gas sehr effizient in Strom und Wärme umwandeln können. Außerdem ermöglichen sie, im Zusammenspiel mit anderen Energiesystemen wie beispielsweise Photovoltaik-Anlagen, eine kontinuierliche und dezentrale Energieversorgung.
Bei dem Betrieb von unterschiedlichen Energiesystemen ist es wünschenswert, dass die Systeme aufeinander abgestimmt arbeiten. Allerdings ist es bisher schwierig, heterogene Energiesysteme effizient miteinander zu betreiben. Dadurch bleiben Einsparungspotentiale ungenutzt.
Eine zentrale Steuerung kann deshalb die Effizienz des Gesamtsystems verbessern.
Mit ecoControl stellen wir einen erweiterbaren Prototypen vor, der die Kooperation von Energiesystemen optimiert und Umweltfaktoren miteinbezieht.
Dazu stellt die Software eine einheitliche Bedienungsoberfläche zur Konfiguration aller Systeme zur Verfügung. Außerdem bietet sie die Möglichkeit, Optimierungsalgorithmen mit Hilfe einer Programmierschnittstelle zu entwickeln, zu testen und auszuführen.
Innerhalb solcher Algorithmen können von ecoControl bereitgestellte Vorhersagen genutzt werden. Diese Vorhersagen basieren auf dem individuellen Verhalten von jedem Energiesystem, Wettervorhersagen und auf Prognosen des Energieverbrauchs. Mithilfe einer Simulation können Techniker unterschiedliche Konfigurationen und Optimierungen sofort ausprobieren, ohne diese über einen langen Zeitraum an realen Geräten testen zu müssen.
ecoControl hilft darüber hinaus auch Hausverwaltungen und Vermietern bei der Verwaltung und Analyse der Energiekosten.
Wir haben anhand von Fallbeispielen gezeigt, dass Optimierungsalgorithmen, welche die Nutzung von Wärmespeichern verbessern, die Effizienz des Gesamtsystems erheblich verbessern können.
Schließlich kommen wir zu dem Schluss, dass ecoControl in einem nächsten Schritt unter echten Bedingungen getestet werden muss, sobald eine geeignete Hardwarekomponente verfügbar ist. Über diese Schnittstelle werden die Messwerte an ecoControl gesendet und Steuersignale an die Geräte weitergeleitet.
Polyglot programming allows developers to use multiple programming languages within the same software project. While it is common to use more than one language in certain programming domains, developers also apply polyglot programming for other purposes such as to re-use software written in other languages. Although established approaches to polyglot programming come with significant limitations, for example, in terms of performance and tool support, developers still use them to be able to combine languages.
Polyglot virtual machines (VMs) such as GraalVM provide a new level of polyglot programming, allowing languages to directly interact with each other. This reduces the amount of glue code needed to combine languages, results in better performance, and enables tools such as debuggers to work across languages. However, only a little research has focused on novel tools that are designed to support developers in building software with polyglot VMs. One reason is that tool-building is often an expensive activity, another one is that polyglot VMs are still a moving target as their use cases and requirements are not yet well understood.
In this thesis, we present an approach that builds on existing self-sustaining programming systems such as Squeak/Smalltalk to enable exploratory programming, a practice for exploring and gathering software requirements, and re-use their extensive tool-building capabilities in the context of polyglot VMs. Based on TruffleSqueak, our implementation for the GraalVM, we further present five case studies that demonstrate how our approach helps tool developers to design and build tools for polyglot programming. We further show that TruffleSqueak can also be used by application developers to build and evolve polyglot applications at run-time and by language and runtime developers to understand the dynamic behavior of GraalVM languages and internals. Since our platform allows all these developers to apply polyglot programming, it can further help to better understand the advantages, use cases, requirements, and challenges of polyglot VMs. Moreover, we demonstrate that our approach can also be applied to other polyglot VMs and that insights gained through it are transferable to other programming systems.
We conclude that our research on tools for polyglot programming is an important step toward making polyglot VMs more approachable for developers in practice. With good tool support, we believe polyglot VMs can make it much more common for developers to take advantage of multiple languages and their ecosystems when building software.
Technical report
Design and Implementation of service-oriented architectures imposes a huge number of research questions from the fields of software engineering, system analysis and modeling, adaptability, and application integration. Component orientation and web services are two approaches for design and realization of complex web-based system. Both approaches allow for dynamic application adaptation as well as integration of enterprise application.
Commonly used technologies, such as J2EE and .NET, form de facto standards for the realization of complex distributed systems. Evolution of component systems has lead to web services and service-based architectures. This has been manifested in a multitude of industry standards and initiatives such as XML, WSDL UDDI, SOAP, etc. All these achievements lead to a new and promising paradigm in IT systems engineering which proposes to design complex software solutions as collaboration of contractually defined software services.
Service-Oriented Systems Engineering represents a symbiosis of best practices in object-orientation, component-based development, distributed computing, and business process management. It provides integration of business and IT concerns.
The annual Ph.D. Retreat of the Research School provides each member the opportunity to present his/her current state of their research and to give an outline of a prospective Ph.D. thesis. Due to the interdisciplinary structure of the research school, this technical report covers a wide range of topics. These include but are not limited to: Human Computer Interaction and Computer Vision as Service; Service-oriented Geovisualization Systems; Algorithm Engineering for Service-oriented Systems; Modeling and Verification of Self-adaptive Service-oriented Systems; Tools and Methods for Software Engineering in Service-oriented Systems; Security Engineering of Service-based IT Systems; Service-oriented Information Systems; Evolutionary Transition of Enterprise Applications to Service Orientation; Operating System Abstractions for Service-oriented Computing; and Services Specification, Composition, and Enactment.