Document Type
- Article (1)
- Monograph/Edited Volume (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- yes (2)
- Fluorescence imaging (1)
- Frauenliteratur (1)
- Neutron radiography (1)
- Oxygen mapping (1)
- Rhizosphere (1)
- Root respiration (1)
- Water distribution (1)
- soziale Bewegung (1)
The rooted zone of a soil, more precisely the rhizosphere, is a very dynamic system. Some of the key processes are water uptake and root respiration. We have developed a novel method for measuring the real-time distribution of water and oxygen concentration in the rhizosphere as a biogeochemical interface in soil. This enables understanding where and when roots are active in respect to root respiration and water uptake and how the soil responds to it.
We used glass containers (15 x 15 x 1 cm), which were filled with a quartz sand mixture. Sensor foils for fluorescence dye imaging of O-2 were installed on the inner side of the containers. A lupine plant was grown in each container for 2 weeks under controlled conditions. Then we took time series of fluorescence images for time-lapsed visualization of oxygen depletion caused by root respiration. Changing water content was mapped in parallel by non-invasive neutron radiography, which yields water content distributions in high spatial resolution. Also it can detect the root system of the lupine plants. By this combined imaging of the samples, a range of water contents and different oxygen concentration levels, both induced by root activities, could be assessed.
We monitored the dynamics of these vital parameters induced by roots during a period of several hours. We observed that for high water saturation, the oxygen concentration decreased in parts of the container. The accompanying neutron radiographies gave us the information that these locations are spatially correlated to roots. Therefore, it can be concluded that the observed oxygen deficits close to the roots result from root respiration and show up while re-aeration from atmosphere by gas phase transport is restricted by the high water saturation.
Our coupled imaging setup was able to monitor the spatial distribution and temporal dynamics of oxygen and water content in a night and day cycle. This reflects complex plant activities such as photosynthesis, transpiration, and metabolic activities impacting the root-soil interface. Our experimental setup provides the possibility to non-invasively visualize these parameters with high resolution. The particular oxygen imaging method as well as the combination with simultaneously mapping the water content by neutron radiography is a novelty.
Brüche und Umbrüche
Einen Überblick über historische Veränderungen der Bedingungen, unter denen Frauen geschrieben haben, sollte eine Ringvorlesung vermitteln, die das Institut für Germanistik der Universität Potsdam in zwei Semestern der Jahre 2005/06 veranstaltete. Unter dem Titel »Lesen und Schreiben in Umbrüchen« macht der Lehrplan in Brandenburg und Berlin für die Sekundarstufe II mindestens zwei der drei Umbrüche von 1933, 1945 und 1989 verbindlich zum Gegenstand des Literaturunterrichts. Als Institut der einzigen lehrerbildenden Universität des Landes wollten wir nicht nur Vorschläge machen, welche Autoren sich zur Behandlung dieser Umbrüche des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts anbieten, sondern zum einen durch die Beschränkung auf weibliche Autoren in den Umbrüchen, der Veränderung gesellschaftlichen Verhältnisse, die Geschlechterverhältnisse hervorheben und über ihnen die Brüche in den Biographien nicht aussparen, zum anderen dem Blick auf die Umbrüche zwischen 1933 und 1989 durch eine Einbeziehung früherer Umbrüche historische Tiefenschärfe geben. Von der Französischen Revolution bis zur ›Wende‹ haben gesellschaftliche Umbrüche nicht nur das Leben weiblicher Autoren im Allgemeinen bestimmt, sondern auch ihr Schreiben als eine Auseinandersetzung mit ganz individuellen Brüchen.