Interdisciplinary studies on information structure : ISIS ; working papers of the SFB 632
ISSN (print) 1614-4708
ISSN (online) 1866-4725
URN urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-series-190
Herausgegeben vom
Sonderforschungsbereich Informationsstruktur
ISSN (online) 1866-4725
URN urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-series-190
Herausgegeben vom
Sonderforschungsbereich Informationsstruktur
Has Fulltext
- yes (20)
Year of publication
Document Type
- Monograph/Edited Volume (17)
- Article (1)
- Conference Proceeding (1)
- Working Paper (1)
- focus sensitive expressions (2)
- information structure (2)
- methodology (2)
- prosody (2)
- semantic fieldwork (2)
- syntax (2)
- Adverbial Quantification (1)
- Adverbs of Frequency (1)
- Adverbs of Quantity (1)
- Akan (1)
Die vorliegende Publikation umfasst einen Teil der Dissertation „Wortstellungsvariation aus informationsstruktureller Perspektive. Eine Untersuchung der linken Satzperipherie im gesprochenen Deutsch“ von Sören Schalowski. In diesen Kapiteln wird aus synchroner Perspektive auf die Wortstellungsvariation in der linken Satzperipherie, also die Besetzungs- und Linearisierungsvarianten der syntaktischen Domäne vor dem finiten Verb, genauer eingegangen. Dabei werden die für das Standarddeutsche bekannten und in der Literatur diskutierten (oberflächlichen)
Abweichungen von der V2-Stellung in Aussagesätzen des Deutschen genauer diskutiert.
The papers collected in this volume were presented at a Graduate/Postgraduate Student Conference with the title Information Structure: Empirical Perspectives on Theory held on December 2 and 3, 2011 at Potsdam-Griebnitzsee. The main goal of the conference was to connect young researchers working on information structure (IS) related topics and to discuss various IS categories such as givenness, focus, topic, and contrast. The aim of the conference was to find at least partial answers to the following questions: What IS categories are necessary? Are they gradient/continuous? How can one deal with optionality or redundancy? How are IS categories encoded grammatically? How do different empirical methods contribute to distinguishing between the influence of different IS categories on language comprehension and production? To answer these questions, a range of languages (Avatime, Chinese, German, Ishkashimi, Modern Greek, Old Saxon, Russian, Russian Sign Language and Sign Language of the Netherlands) and a range of phenomena from phonology, semantics, and syntax were investigated. The presented theories and data were based on different kinds of linguistic evidence: syntactic and semantic fieldwork, corpus studies, and phonological experiments. The six papers presented in this volume discuss a variety of IS categories, such as emphasis and contrast (Stavropoulous, Titov), association with focus and topics (van Putten, Karvovskaya), and givenness and backgrounding (Kimmelmann, Röhr).
This is the 16th issue of the working paper series Interdisciplinary Studies on Information Structure (ISIS) of the Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB) 632. The present issue continues the series on Linguistic Fieldnotes providing data elicited and documented by different members of the Sonderforschungsbereich 632. Here, the focus is placed on primary linguistic data from Gur and Kwa languages, collected and prepared by Anne Schwarz, former investigator in Project B1 and D2, and Ines Fiedler, former investigator in Project B1 and D2 and current member of Project B7 at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
This is the 15th issue of the working paper series Interdisciplinary Studies on Information Structure (ISIS) of the Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB) 632. This online version contains the Questionnaire on Focus Semantics contributed by Agata Renans, Malte Zimmermann and Markus Greif, members of Project D2 investigating information structural phenomena from a typological perspective. The present issue provides a tool for collecting and analyzing natural data with respect to relevant linguistic questions concerning focus types, focus sensitive particles, and the effects of quantificational adverbs and presupposition on focus semantics. This volume is a supplementation to the Reference manual of the Questionnaire on Information Structure, issued by Project D2 in ISIS 4 (2006).
15, 2nd E.
This is the 15th issue of the working paper series Interdisciplinary Studies on Information Structure (ISIS) of the Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB) 632. This online version contains the Questionnaire on Focus Semantics contributed by Agata Renans, Malte Zimmermann and Markus Greif, members of Project D2 investigating information structural phenomena from a typological perspective. The present issue provides a tool for collecting and analyzing natural data with respect to relevant linguistic questions concerning focus types, focus sensitive particles, and the effects of quantificational adverbs and presupposition on focus semantics. This volume is a supplementation to the Reference manual of the Questionnaire on Information Structure, issued by Project D2 in ISIS 4 (2006).
Dieser Band versammelt Originaldaten aus einer Erhebung, die im Rahmen des SFB-Teilprojekts B6 „Kiezdeutsch“ im Frühjahr 2010 in Berlin und İzmir, Türkei, durchgeführt wurde. Sämtliche hier dokumentierten Daten wurden schriftlich produziert; sie stammen von drei verschiedenen Sprechergruppen: Jugendliche aus einem multiethnischen Berliner Wohngebiet, die untereinander Kiezdeutsch sprechen, Jugendliche aus einem monoethnischen Berliner Wohngebiet, in dem der traditionelle Berliner Dialekt vorherrscht, und türkische Jugendliche in İzmir, die Deutsch als Fremdsprache gesteuert erworben haben.
This is the 13th issue of the working paper series Interdisciplinary Studies on Information Structure (ISIS) of the Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB) 632. It is the first part of a series of Linguistic Fieldnote issues which present data collected by members of different projects of the SFB during fieldwork on various languages or dialects spoken worldwide. This part of the Fieldnote Series is dedicated to data from African languages. It contains contributions by Mira Grubic (A5) on Ngizim, and Susanne Genzel & Frank Kügler (D5) on Akan. The papers allow insights into various aspects of the elicitation of formal correlates of focus and related phenomena in different African languages investigated by the SFB in the second funding phase, especially in the period between 2007 and 2010.
This paper deals with Kiezdeutsch, a way of speaking that emerged among adolescents in multiethnic urban neighbourhoods of Germany. We show that, in Kiezdeutsch, we find evidence for both grammatical reduction and new developments in the domain of information structure, and hypothesise that this points to a systematic interaction between grammar and information structure, between weakened grammatical constraints and a more liberal realisation of information-structural preferences. We show that Kiezdeutsch can serve as an interesting test case for such an interaction, that this youth language is a multiethnolect, that is, a new variety that is spoken by speakers from a multitude of ethnic backgrounds, including German, and forms a dynamic linguistic system of its own, thus allowing for systematic developments on grammatical levels and their interfaces with extragrammatical domains.
The article analyzes the system of focus-sensitive particles and, to a lesser extent, clefts in Vietnamese. EVEN/ALSO/ONLY foci are discussed across syntactic categories, and Vietnamese is found to organize its system of focus-sensitive particles along three dimensions of classification: (i) EVEN vs. ALSO vs. ONLY; (ii) particles c-commanding foci vs. particles c-commanding backgrounds; (iii) adverbial focus-sensitive particles vs. particles c-commanding argument foci only. Towards the end of the paper, free-choice constructions and additional sentence-final particles conveying ONLY and ALSO semantics are briefly discussed. The peculiar Vietnamese system reflects core properties of the analogous empirical domain in Chinese, a known source of borrowings into Vietnamese over the millennia.