Sonderforschungsbereich 632 - Informationsstruktur
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- yes (25)
Document Type
- Article (11)
- Conference Proceeding (7)
- Monograph/Edited Volume (6)
- Working Paper (1)
- Information Structure (5)
- Akan (4)
- Focus (3)
- information structure (3)
- Contrast (2)
- Givenness (2)
- Ngizim (2)
- Topic (2)
- additive particle (2)
- exhaustivity (2)
Modality in Kakataibo
This paper explores the semantic space of modality in Kakataibo
(Panoan). It is found that Kakataibo makes a distinction in the modal
space based on the modality type. Circumstantial modality is encoded
by a construction while the epistemic space is conveyed by the second
position enclitics =dapi ‘inferential’, =id ‘second-hand information’
and =kuni ‘contrastive assertion’. However, none of these strategies to
encode modality restricts the quantificational force, leaving it
underspecified. These facts are consistent with the predictions of
current typologies of modal systems.
It has been observed for many African languages that focussed subjects
have to appear outside of their syntactic base position, as opposed to
focussed objects, which can remain in-situ. This is known as subjectobject
asymmetry of focus marking, which Fiedler et al. (2010) claim
to hold also for Akan. Genzel (2013), on the other hand, argues that
Akan does not exhibit a subject-object focus asymmetry. A questionnaire
study and a production experiment were carried out to investigate
whether focussed subjects may indeed be realized in-situ in Akan. The
results suggest that (i) focussed subjects do not have to be obligatorily
realized ex-situ, and that (ii) the syntactic preference for the realization
of a focussed subject highly depends on exhaustivity.
Sentence type marking is realized by two suffixes in Aymara, one marks
declaratives and the other polar sentences (polar questions and negated
sentences) by picking out one or two propositions, respectively. A third
suffix, initially associated with wh-questions, turns out to be a (scalar)
additive and unrelated to sentence type. The sentence-type-related suffixes
associate with focus and the additive can associate with focus by
attaching to the focused constituent.
According to Aikhenvald (2007:5), descriptive linguistics or linguistic
fieldwork “ideally involves observing the language as it is used,
becoming a member of the community, and often being adopted into
the kinship system”. Descriptive linguistics therefore differs from
theoretical linguistics in that while the former seeks to describe natural
languages as they are used, the latter, other than describing, attempts
to give explanations on how or why language phenomena behave in
certain ways. Thus, I will abstract away from any preconceived ideas
on how sentences ought to be in Awing and take the linguist/reader
through focus and interrogative constructions to get a feeling of how
the Awing people interact verbally.
This paper reopens the discussion on focus marking in Akan (Kwa,
Niger-Congo) by examining the semantics of the so-called focus marker
in the language. It is shown that the so-called focus marker expresses
exhaustivity when it occurs in a sentence with narrow focus. The study
employs four standard tests for exhaustivity proposed in the literature
to examine the semantics of Akan focus constructions (Szabolsci 1981,
1994; É. Kiss 1998; Hartmann and Zimmermann 2007). It is shown that
although a focused entity with the so-called focus marker nà is
interpreted to mean ‘only X and nothing/nobody else,’ this meaning
appears to be pragmatic.
Die vorliegende Publikation umfasst einen Teil der Dissertation „Wortstellungsvariation aus informationsstruktureller Perspektive. Eine Untersuchung der linken Satzperipherie im gesprochenen Deutsch“ von Sören Schalowski. In diesen Kapiteln wird aus synchroner Perspektive auf die Wortstellungsvariation in der linken Satzperipherie, also die Besetzungs- und Linearisierungsvarianten der syntaktischen Domäne vor dem finiten Verb, genauer eingegangen. Dabei werden die für das Standarddeutsche bekannten und in der Literatur diskutierten (oberflächlichen)
Abweichungen von der V2-Stellung in Aussagesätzen des Deutschen genauer diskutiert.
The paper discusses the distribution and meaning of the additive particle -m@s in Ishkashimi. -m@s receives different semantic associations while staying in the same syntactic position. Thus, structurally combined with an object, it can semantically associate with the focused object or with the whole focused VP; similarly, combined with the subject it can semantically associate with the focused subject and with the whole focused sentence.
In a production experiment and two follow-up perception experiments on read German we investigated the (de-)coding of discourse-new, inferentially and textually accessible and given discourse referents by prosodic means. Results reveal that a decrease in the referent’s level of givenness is reflected by an increase in its prosodic prominence (expressed by differences in the status and type of accent used) providing evidence for the relevance of different intermediate types of information status between the poles given and new. Furthermore, perception data indicate that the degree of prosodic prominence can serve as the decisive cue for decoding a referent’s level of givenness.
In this paper, doubling in Russian Sign Language and Sign Language of the Netherlands is discussed. In both sign languages different constituents (including verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and whole clauses) can be doubled. It is shown that doubling in both languages has common functions and exhibits a similar structure, despite some differences. On this basis, a unified pragmatic explanation for many doubling phenomena on both the discourse and the clause-internal levels is provided, namely that the main function of doubling both in RSL and NGT is foregrounding of the doubled information.