Document Type
- Article (7)
- Monograph/Edited Volume (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- yes (8)
- Asteroids: individual: Ryugu (1)
- Astrobiology (1)
- Atmosphere (1)
- Biosignature (1)
- Database model (1)
- Distribution (1)
- Enceladus (1)
- Fernerkundung (1)
- Fluvial processes (1)
- Geographic information systems (1)
The Low Earth Orbit (LEO) experiment Biology and Mars Experiment (BIOMEX) is an interdisciplinary and international space research project selected by ESA. The experiment will be accommodated on the space exposure facility EXPOSE-R2 on the International Space Station (ISS) and is foreseen to be launched in 2013. The prime objective of BIOMEX is to measure to what extent biomolecules, such as pigments and cellular components, are resistant to and able to maintain their stability under space and Mars-like conditions. The results of BIOMEX will be relevant for space proven biosignature definition and for building a biosignature data base (e.g. the proposed creation of an international Raman library). The library will be highly relevant for future space missions such as the search for life on Mars. The secondary scientific objective is to analyze to what extent terrestrial extremophiles are able to survive in space and to determine which interactions between biological samples and selected minerals (including terrestrial, Moon- and Mars analogs) can be observed under space and Mars-like conditions. In this context, the Moon will be an additional platform for performing similar experiments with negligible magnetic shielding and higher solar and galactic irradiation compared to LEO. Using the Moon as an additional astrobiological exposure platform to complement ongoing astrobiological LEO investigations could thus enhance the chances of detecting organic traces of life on Mars. We present a lunar lander mission with two related objectives: a lunar lander equipped with Raman and PanCam instruments which can analyze the lunar surface and survey an astrobiological exposure platform. This dual use of testing mission technology together with geo- and astrobiological analyses will significantly increase the science return, and support the human preparation objectives. It will provide knowledge about the Moon's surface itself and, in addition, monitor the stability of life-markers, such as cells, cell components and pigments, in an extraterrestrial environment with much closer radiation properties to the surface of Mars. The combination of a Raman data base of these data together with data from LEO and space simulation experiments, will lead to further progress on the analysis and interpretation of data that we will obtain from future Moon and Mars exploration missions.
Vermessung im Sonnensystem
Die bisherigen Missionen ins Sonnensystem lieferten eine enorme Fülle an Daten in unterschiedlichen Formaten und in Form von Bildern und digitalen Messergebnissen. Die Oberflächenprozesse der planetaren Körper, die mit Hilfe dieser Daten erforscht werden können, sind äußerst vielfältig und reichen von Einschlagskratern über Vulkanismus und Tektonik zu allen Formen der Erosion und Sedimentation. Um diese Prozesse verstehen zu können werden Verfahren angewendet, die für die Datenanalyse auf der Erde entwickelt wurden. Allerdings ist es notwendig all diese Verfahren zum Teil mit erheblichem Aufwand und unter Berücksichtigung der jeweiligen physikalischen Rahmenbedingungen anzupassen. Die Entwicklung kartographischer Verfahren zur Abstraktion der hier angesprochenen Informationen, also die Erfassung, geomorphologische Analyse und Visualisierung planetarer Oberflächen und Prozesse, hat jedoch gerade erst begonnen. Um diese Entwicklungen voranzutreiben, hat das Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt in Kooperation mit der Universität Potsdam (Institut für Geographie, Fachgruppe Geoinformatik, Prof. Dr. Asche), im Rahmen von Dissertationen und Forschungsvorhaben, in einem ersten Schritt kartographische Analyseverfahren für den Mars und die Asteroiden Ceres und Vesta entwickelt.
Hartmut Asche prägte über ein Vierteljahrhundert maßgeblich die Forschungsfelder der Geoinformation, Visualisierung und Kartographie. Die vorliegende Festschrift stellt eine würdige Gabe von Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern des Institutes für Geographie der Universität Potsdam anlässlich seiner Emeritierung im März 2017 dar. International renommierte, Herrn Asches Karriere begleitende Autorinnen und Autoren, konnten für Fachbeiträge aus den Bereichen Geographie, Geoinformatik, Kartographie und Fernerkundung gewonnen werden. Es werden in fachlich hervorragender Weise Schwerpunkte umrissen, mit welchen Herr Asche sich in seiner von zahlreichen Höhepunkten geprägten wissenschaftlichen Karriere beschäftigte.
Floor-Fractured Craters (FFCs) represent an impact crater type, where the infilling is separated by cracks into knobs of different sizes and shapes. This work focuses on the possible processes which form FFCs to understand the relationship between location and geological environment. We generated a global distribution map using new High Resolution Stereo Camera and Context Camera images. Four hundred and twenty-one potential FFCs have been identified on Mars. A strong link exists among floor fracturing, chaotic terrain, outflow channels and the dichotomy boundary. However, FFCs are also found in the Martian highlands. Additionally, two very diverse craters are used as a case study and we compared them regarding appearance of the surface units, chronology and geological processes. Five potential models of floor fracturing are presented and discussed here. The analyses suggest an origin due to volcanic activity, groundwater migration or tensile stresses. Also subsurface ice reservoirs and tectonic activity are taken into account. Furthermore, the origin of fracturing differs according to the location on Mars. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Implementation of cartographic symbols for planetary mapping in geographic information systems
The steadily growing international interest in the exploration of planets in our Solar System and many advances in the development of space-sensor technology have led to the launch of a multitude of planetary missions to Mercury, Venus, the Earth's moon, Mars and various Outer-Solar System objects, such as the Jovian and Saturnian satellites. Camera instruments carried along on these missions image surfaces in different wavelength ranges and under different viewing angles, permitting additional data to be derived, such as spectral data or digital terrain models. Such data enable researchers to explore and investigate the development of planetary surfaces by analyzing and interpreting the inventory of surface units and structures. Results of such work are commonly abstracted and represented in thematic, mostly geological and geomorphological, maps. In order to facilitate efficient collaboration among different planetary research disciplines, mapping results need to be prepared, described, managed, archived, and visualized in a uniform way. These tasks have been increasingly carried out by means of computer-based geographic information systems (GIS or Cl systems) which have come to be widely employed in the field of planetary research since the last two decades. In this paper we focus on the simplification of mapping processes, putting specific emphasis on a cartographically correct visualization of planetary mapping data using GIS-based environments. We present and discuss the implementation of a set of standardized cartographic symbols for planetary mapping based on the Digital Cartographic Standard for Geologic Map Symbolization as prepared by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) for the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC). Furthermore, we discuss various options to integrate this symbol catalog into generic GI systems, and more specifically into the Environmental Systems Research Institute's (ESRI) ArcGIS environment, and focus on requirements for symbol definitions in the field of planetary mapping. A symbology of this type can be embedded into any modular GIS environment capable in dealing with external stand-alone as well as database-driven management of symbol sets. Using such a uniform GIS-based symbol catalog will give the research community access to map results already cartographically elaborated, enabling them to create digital maps as a secondary data source in subsequent studies.
After landing on C-type asteroid Ryugu, MASCOT imaged brightly colored, submillimeter-sized inclusions in a small rock. Hayabusa2 successfully returned a sample of small particles from the surface of Ryugu, but none of these appear to harbor such inclusions. The samples are considered representative of Ryugu.
To understand the apparent discrepancy between MASCOT observations and Ryugu samples, we assess whether the MASCOT landing site, and the rock by implication, is perhaps atypical for Ryugu.
We analyzed observations of the MASCOT landing area acquired by three instruments on board Hayabusa2: a camera (ONC), a near-infrared spectrometer (NIRS3), and a thermal infrared imager. We compared the landing area properties thus retrieved with those of the average Ryugu surface.
We selected several areas and landforms in the landing area for analysis: a small crater, a collection of smooth rocks, and the landing site itself. The crater is relatively blue and the rocks are relatively red. The spectral and thermophysical properties of the landing site are very close to those of the average Ryugu surface. The spectral properties of the MASCOT rock are probably close to average, but its thermal inertia may be somewhat higher.
The MASCOT rock can also be considered representative of Ryugu. Some of the submillimeter-sized particles in the returned samples stand out because of their atypical spectral properties. Such particles may be present as inclusions in the MASCOT rock.
The near-Earth asteroid (162173) Ryugu, the target of Hayabusa2 space mission, was observed via both orbiter and the lander instruments. The infrared radiometer on the MASCOT lander (MARA) is the only instrument providing spectrally resolved mid-infrared (MIR) data, which is crucial for establishing a link between the asteroid material and meteorites found on Earth. Earlier studies revealed that the single boulder investigated by the lander belongs to the most common type found on Ryugu. Here we show the spectral variation of Ryugu's emissivity using the complete set of in-situ MIR data and compare it to those of various carbonaceous chondritic meteorites, revealing similarities to the most aqueously altered ones, as well as to asteroid (101955) Bennu. The results show that Ryugu experienced strong aqueous alteration prior to any dehydration.
Spectral characteristics can be used to link asteroid and meteorite materials. Here, the authors show in-situ mid-infrared data of a boulder on asteroid Ryugu, compared with laboratory spectra of various meteorites, indicate that Ryugu experienced strong aqueous alteration prior to dehydration.