Document Type
- Article (2)
- Conference Proceeding (1)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- Other (1)
- English (5)
Is part of the Bibliography
- yes (5)
- physical computing (2)
- Bildung (1)
- Computer Science Education (1)
- Defining characteristics of physical computing (1)
- Entwurfsprinzipien (1)
- ICT (1)
- Informatics (1)
- Informatik (1)
- Informatikdidaktik (1)
- Key Competencies (1)
In our rapidly changing world it is increasingly important not only to be an expert in a chosen field of study but also to be able to respond to developments, master new approaches to solving problems, and fulfil changing requirements in the modern world and in the job market. In response to these needs key competencies in understanding, developing and using new digital technologies are being brought into focus in school and university programmes. The IFIP TC3 conference "KEYCIT – Key Competences in Informatics and ICT (KEYCIT 2014)" was held at the University of Potsdam in Germany from July 1st to 4th, 2014 and addressed the combination of key competencies, Informatics and ICT in detail. The conference was organized into strands focusing on secondary education, university education and teacher education (organized by IFIP WGs 3.1 and 3.3) and provided a forum to present and to discuss research, case studies, positions, and national perspectives in this field.
In computer science, computer systems are both, objects of investigation and tools that enable creative learning and design. Tools for learning have a long tradition in computer science education. Already in the late 1960s, Papert developed a concept which had an immense impact on the development of informal education in the following years: his theory of constructionism understands learning as a creative process of knowledge construction that is most effective when learners create something purposeful that they can try out, show around, discuss, analyse and receive praise for. By now, there are numerous learning and programming environments that are based on the constructionist ideas. Modern tools offer opportunities for students to learn in motivating ways and gain impressive results in programming games, animations, implementing 3D models or developing interactive objects. This article gives an overview of computer science education research related to tools and media to be used in educational settings. We analyse different types of tools with a special focus on the categorization and development of tools for student adequate physical computing activities in the classroom. Research around the development and evaluation of tools and learning resources in the domain of physical computing is illustrated with the example of "My Interactive Garden", a constructionist learning and programming environment. It is explained how the results from empirical studies are integrated in the continuous development of the learning material.
The target article discusses the question of how educational makerspaces can become places supportive of knowledge construction. This question is too often neglected by people who run makerspaces, as they mostly explain how to use different tools and focus on the creation of a product. In makerspaces, often pupils also engage in physical computing activities and thus in the creation of interactive artifacts containing embedded systems, such as smart shoes or wristbands, plant monitoring systems or drink mixing machines. This offers the opportunity to reflect on teaching physical computing in computer science education, where similarly often the creation of the product is so strongly focused upon that the reflection of the learning process is pushed into the background.
Physical computing covers the design and realization of interactive
objects and installations and allows students to develop concrete,
tangible products of the real world that arise from the learners’
imagination. This way, constructionist learning is raised to a level that
enables students to gain haptic experience and thereby concretizes the
virtual. In this paper the defining characteristics of physical computing
are described. Key competences to be gained with physical computing
will be identified.
Physical computing covers the design and realization of interactive objects and installations and allows learners to develop concrete, tangible products of the real world, which arise from their imagination. This can be used in computer science education to provide learners with interesting and motivating access to the different topic areas of the subject in constructionist and creative learning environments. However, if at all, physical computing has so far mostly been taught in afternoon clubs or other extracurricular settings. Thus, for the majority of students so far there are no opportunities to design and create their own interactive objects in regular school lessons.
Despite its increasing popularity also for schools, the topic has not yet been clearly and sufficiently characterized in the context of computer science education. The aim of this doctoral thesis therefore is to clarify physical computing from the perspective of computer science education and to adequately prepare the topic both content-wise and methodologically for secondary school teaching. For this purpose, teaching examples, activities, materials and guidelines for classroom use are developed, implemented and evaluated in schools.
In the theoretical part of the thesis, first the topic is examined from a technical point of view. A structured literature analysis shows that basic concepts used in physical computing can be derived from embedded systems, which are the core of a large field of different application areas and disciplines. Typical methods of physical computing in professional settings are analyzed and, from an educational perspective, elements suitable for computer science teaching in secondary schools are extracted, e. g. tinkering and prototyping. The investigation and classification of suitable tools for school teaching show that microcontrollers and mini computers, often with extensions that greatly facilitate the handling of additional components, are particularly attractive tools for secondary education. Considering the perspectives of science, teachers, students and society, in addition to general design principles, exemplary teaching approaches for school education and suitable learning materials are developed and the design, production and evaluation of a physical computing construction kit suitable for teaching is described.
In the practical part of this thesis, with “My Interactive Garden”, an exemplary approach to integrate physical computing in computer science teaching is tested and evaluated in different courses and refined based on the findings in a design-based research approach. In a series of workshops on physical computing, which is based on a concept for constructionist professional development that is developed specifically for this purpose, teachers are empowered and encouraged to develop and conduct physical computing lessons suitable for their particular classroom settings. Based on their in-class experiences, a process model of physical computing teaching is derived. Interviews with those teachers illustrate that benefits of physical computing, including the tangibility of crafted objects and creativity in the classroom, outweigh possible drawbacks like longer preparation times, technical difficulties or difficult assessment. Hurdles in the classroom are identified and possible solutions discussed.
Empirical investigations in the different settings reveal that “My Interactive Garden” and physical computing in general have a positive impact, among others, on learner motivation, fun and interest in class and perceived competencies.
Finally, the results from all evaluations are combined to evaluate the design principles for physical computing teaching and to provide a perspective on the development of decision-making aids for physical computing activities in school education.