Optimality theory and minimalism : a possible convergence?
- This issue of Linguistics in Potsdam contains a number of papers that grew out of the workshop Descriptive and Empirical Adequacy in Linguistics held in Berlin on December 17-19 December, 2005. One of the goals of this meeting was to bring together scholars working in various frameworks (with emphasis on the Minimalist Program and Optimality Theory) and to discuss matters concerning descriptive and empirical adequacy. Another explicit goal was to discuss the question whether Minimalism and Optimality Theory should be considered incompatible and, hence, competing theories, or whether the two frameworks should rather be considered complementary in certain respects (see http://let.uvt.nl/deal05/call.html for the call for papers). Five of the seven papers in this volume directly grew out of the oral presentations given at the workshop. Although Vieri Samek-Lodovici’s paper was not part of the workshop, it can also be considered a result of the workshop since it pulls together some of his many comments during the discussion time. The paperThis issue of Linguistics in Potsdam contains a number of papers that grew out of the workshop Descriptive and Empirical Adequacy in Linguistics held in Berlin on December 17-19 December, 2005. One of the goals of this meeting was to bring together scholars working in various frameworks (with emphasis on the Minimalist Program and Optimality Theory) and to discuss matters concerning descriptive and empirical adequacy. Another explicit goal was to discuss the question whether Minimalism and Optimality Theory should be considered incompatible and, hence, competing theories, or whether the two frameworks should rather be considered complementary in certain respects (see http://let.uvt.nl/deal05/call.html for the call for papers). Five of the seven papers in this volume directly grew out of the oral presentations given at the workshop. Although Vieri Samek-Lodovici’s paper was not part of the workshop, it can also be considered a result of the workshop since it pulls together some of his many comments during the discussion time. The paper by Eva Engels and Sten Vikner discusses a phenomenon that received much interest from both minimalist and optimality theoretic syntax in the recent years, Scandinavian object shift. The paper may serve as a practical example for a claim that is repeatedly made in this volume: minimalist and OT analyses, even where they might be competing, can fruitfully inform each other in a constructive manner, leading to a deeper understanding of syntactic phenomena.…
URN: | urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-11909 |
ISBN: | 978-3-939469-54-4 |
ISSN: | 1616-7392 |
Publication series (Volume number): | Linguistics in Potsdam (25) |
Publisher: | Universitätsverlag Potsdam |
Place of publishing: | Potsdam |
Editor(s): | Hans Broekhuis, Ralf Vogel |
Publication type: | Monograph/Edited Volume |
Language: | English |
Publication year: | 2006 |
Publishing institution: | Universität Potsdam |
Release date: | 2007/01/18 |
Number of pages: | vii ; 231 |
RVK - Regensburg classification: | EQ 3310 |
Organizational units: | Humanwissenschaftliche Fakultät / Strukturbereich Kognitionswissenschaften / Department Linguistik |
DDC classification: | 4 Sprache / 40 Sprache / 400 Sprache |
Collection(s): | Universität Potsdam / Schriftenreihen / Linguistics in Potsdam: LIP, ISSN 1864-1857 |
Publishing method: | Universitätsverlag Potsdam |
Institution name at the time of the publication: | Humanwissenschaftliche Fakultät / Institut für Linguistik / Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft |
License (German): | Keine öffentliche Lizenz: Unter Urheberrechtsschutz |
External remark: | Zugleich in Printform erschienen im Universitätsverlag Potsdam: Optimality theory and minimalism: A possible convergence? / Hans Broekhuis & Ralf Vogel (eds.) - Potsdam : Univ.-Verl., 2006. - vii, 231 S. (Linguistics in Potsdam ; 25) ISSN (print) 1616-7392 ISBN 978-3-939469-54-4 --> Bestellen |