TY - JOUR A1 - Schwager, Monika A1 - Johst, Karin A1 - Jeltsch, Florian T1 - Does red noise increase or decrease extinction risk? Single extreme events versus series of unfavorable conditions N2 - Recent theoretical studies have shown contrasting effects of temporal correlation of environmental fluctuations ( red noise) on the risk of population extinction. It is still debated whether and under which conditions red noise increases or decreases extinction risk compared with uncorrelated ( white) noise. Here, we explain the opposing effects by introducing two features of red noise time series. On the one hand, positive autocorrelation increases the probability of series of poor environmental conditions, implying increasing extinction risk. On the other hand, for a given time period, the probability of at least one extremely bad year ("catastrophe") is reduced compared with white noise, implying decreasing extinction risk. Which of these two features determines extinction risk depends on the strength of environmental fluctuations and the sensitivity of population dynamics to these fluctuations. If extreme ( catastrophic) events can occur ( strong noise) or sensitivity is high ( overcompensatory density dependence), then temporal correlation decreases extinction risk; otherwise, it increases it. Thus, our results provide a simple explanation for the contrasting previous findings and are a crucial step toward a general understanding of the effect of noise color on extinction risk Y1 - 2006 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wichmann, Matthias A1 - Johst, Karin A1 - Schwager, Monika A1 - Jeltsch, Florian A1 - Blasius, Bernd T1 - Extinction risk, coloured noise and the scaling of variance N2 - The impact of temporally correlated fluctuating environments (coloured noise) on the extinction risk of populations has become a main focus in theoretical population ecology. In this study we particularly focus on the extinction risk in strongly autocorrelated environments. Here, in contrast to moderate autocorrelation, we found the extinction risk to be highly dependent on the process of noise generation, in particular on the method of variance scaling. Such variance scaling is commonly applied to avoid variance-driven biases when comparing the extinction risk for white and coloured noise. In this study we found an often-used scaling technique to lead to high variability in the resulting variances of different time series for strong auto-correlation eventually leading to deviations in the projected extinction risk. Therefore, we present an alternative method that always delivers the target variance, even in the case of strong temporal correlation. Furthermore, in contrast to the earlier method, our very intuitive method is not bound to auto-regressive processes but can be applied to all types of coloured noises. We recommend the method introduced here to be used when the target of interest is the effect of noise colour on extinction risk not obscured by any variance effects. Y1 - 2005 UR - http://www.agnld.uni-potsdam.de/~bernd/papers/tpb1.pdf ER - TY - THES A1 - Schwager, Monika T1 - Climate change, variable colony sizes and temporal autocorrelation : consequences of living in changing environments T1 - Klimawandel, variable Koloniegrößen und zeitliche Autokorrelation : Leben in einer variablen Umwelt N2 - Natural and human induced environmental changes affect populations at different time scales. If they occur in a spatial heterogeneous way, they cause spatial variation in abundance. In this thesis I addressed three topics, all related to the question, how environmental changes influence population dynamics. In the first part, I analysed the effect of positive temporal autocorrelation in environmental noise on the extinction risk of a population, using a simple population model. The effect of autocorrelation depended on the magnitude of the effect of single catastrophic events of bad environmental conditions on a population. If a population was threatened by extinction only, when bad conditions occurred repeatedly, positive autocorrelation increased extinction risk. If a population could become extinct, even if bad conditions occurred only once, positive autocorrelation decreased extinction risk. These opposing effects could be explained by two features of an autocorrelated time series. On the one hand, positive autocorrelation increased the probability of series of bad environmental conditions, implying a negative effect on populations. On the other hand, aggregation of bad years also implied longer periods with relatively good conditions. Therefore, for a given time period, the overall probability of occurrence of at least one extremely bad year was reduced in autocorrelated noise. This can imply a positive effect on populations. The results could solve a contradiction in the literature, where opposing effects of autocorrelated noise were found in very similar population models. In the second part, I compared two approaches, which are commonly used for predicting effects of climate change on future abundance and distribution of species: a "space for time approach", where predictions are based on the geographic pattern of current abundance in relation to climate, and a "population modelling approach" which is based on correlations between demographic parameters and the inter-annual variation of climate. In this case study, I compared the two approaches for predicting the effect of a shift in mean precipitation on a population of the sociable weaver Philetairus socius, a common colonially living passerine bird of semiarid savannahs of southern Africa. In the space for time approach, I compared abundance and population structure of the sociable weaver in two areas with highly different mean annual precipitation. The analysis showed no difference between the two populations. This result, as well as the wide distribution range of the species, would lead to the prediction of no sensitive response of the species to a slight shift in mean precipitation. In contrast, the population modelling approach, based on a correlation between reproductive success and rainfall, predicted a sensitive response in most model types. The inconsistency of predictions was confirmed in a cross-validation between the two approaches. I concluded that the inconsistency was caused, because the two approaches reflect different time scales. On a short time scale, the population may respond sensitively to rainfall. However, on a long time scale, or in a regional comparison, the response may be compensated or buffered by a variety of mechanisms. These may include behavioural or life history adaptations, shifts in the interactions with other species, or differences in the physical environment. The study implies that understanding, how such mechanisms work, and at what time scale they would follow climate change, is a crucial precondition for predicting ecological consequences of climate change. In the third part of the thesis, I tested why colony sizes of the sociable weaver are highly variable. The high variation of colony sizes is surprising, as in studies on coloniality it is often assumed that an optimal colony size exists, in which individual bird fitness is maximized. Following this assumption, the pattern of bird dispersal should keep colony sizes near an optimum. However, I showed by analysing data on reproductive success and survival that for the sociable weaver fitness in relation to colony size did not follow an optimum curve. Instead, positive and negative effects of living in large colonies overlaid each other in a way that fitness was generally close to one, and density dependence was low. I showed in a population model, which included an evolutionary optimisation process of dispersal that this specific shape of the fitness function could lead to a dispersal strategy, where the variation of colony sizes was maintained. N2 - Änderungen in der Umwelt - sowohl natürliche Variabilität als auch anthropogene Änderungen - beeinflussen Populationen auf verschiedenen Zeitskalen. Wenn sie räumlich heterogen wirken, verursachen sie räumliche Variabilität in der Abundanz. In dieser Dissertation habe ich drei Themen bearbeitet, die sich auf den Effekt von Änderungen in der Umwelt auf Populationsdynamiken beziehen. Im ersten Teil untersuchte ich an einem einfachen Populationsmodell den Effekt von positiver zeitlicher Autokorrelation im Umweltrauschen auf das Extinktionsrisiko einer Population. Der Effekt der Autokorrelation hing davon ab, wie empfindlich eine Population gegenüber singulären, katastrophenähnlichen Ereignissen schlechter Umweltbedingungen war. War die Population nur dann direkt bedroht, wenn eine Serie von schlechten Umweltbedingungen auftrat, erhöhte positive Autokorrelation das Extinktionsrisiko. Konnte eine Population auch dann aussterben, wenn schlechte Umweltbedingungen einzeln auftraten, verringerte positive Autokorrelation das Extinktionsrisiko. Diese unterschiedlichen Effekte konnten durch zwei Eigenschaften autokorrelierter Zeitreihen erklärt werden. Einerseits erhöht positive Autokorrelation die Wahrscheinlichkeit, daß in einer Zeitreihe Serien von schlechten Bedingungen auftreten. Andererseits führt die Aggregation von schlechten Jahren auch zu langen Zeiträumen mit relativ guten Bedingungen. Deshalb ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, daß innerhalb eines bestimmten Zeitraums zumindest ein extrem schlechtes Jahr auftritt, geringer unter positiver Autokorrelation. Die Ergebnisse konnten einen Widerspruch in der Literatur aufklären, in dem unterschiedliche Effekte von autokorreliertem Umweltrauschen auf das Extinktionsrisiko gefunden wurden, obwohl sehr ähnliche Modelle verwendet wurden. Im zweiten Teil, verglich ich zwei Methoden, die häufig verwendet werden, um den Effekt von Klimawandel auf die zukünftige Verbreitung und Abundanz von Arten vorauszusagen: Ein "Raum-ersetzt-Zeit-Ansatz" ("space for time approach"), in dem Voraussagen aufgrund der aktuellen geographischen Verbreitung und Abundanz einer Art in Relation zum Klima getroffen werden, und ein "Populationsmodell-Ansatz", der auf Korrelationen zwischen demographischen Parametern und der jährlichen Variabilität im Klimas beruht. In einer Fallstudie verglich ich die beiden Methoden, um den Effekt einer Änderung im mittleren Niederschlag auf eine Population des Siedelwebers Philetairus socius vorauszusagen. Der Siedelweber ist eine häufige, koloniale Vogelart in semiariden Savannen im südlichen Afrika. Im "space for time approach" verglich ich zwei Populationen des Siedelwebers in Gebieten mit stark unterschiedlichem mittleren Niederschlag. Die Untersuchung zeigte keinen Unterschied zwischen den beiden Populationen. Sowohl dieses Ergebnis als auch das weite Verbreitungsgebiet des Siedelwebers implizieren keine sensitive Reaktion der Art auf eine geringfügige Änderung im mittleren Niederschlag. Im Unterschied dazu zeigte der "Populationsmodell-Ansatz", der auf einer Korrelation zwischen Niederschlag und dem Reproduktionserfolg des Siedlerwebers beruhte, eine sensitive Reaktion in den meisten der untersuchten Modelltypen. Die Inkonsistenz der Ergebnisse wurde in einer Kreuz-Validierung der beiden Ansätze bestätigt. Aus der Untersuchung folgerte ich, daß die unterschiedlichen Ergebnisse dadurch verursacht wurden, daß die beiden Methoden unterschiedliche Zeitskalen widerspiegeln. Auf einer kurzen Zeitskala reagiert die Population sensitiv auf Änderungen im Niederschlag. Auf einer großen Zeitskala oder im räumlichen Vergleich kann die sensitive Reaktion jedoch durch eine Reihe von Mechanismen gepuffert oder kompensiert werden. Diese Mechanismen können Anpassungen im Verhalten oder in der Lebensgeschichte ("life history"), Änderungen in den Interaktionen mit andern Arten oder Unterschiede in der physikalischen Umgebung beinhalten. Diese Studie zeigt, daß ein Verständnis, wie solche Mechanismen funktionieren, und auf welcher Zeitskala sie wirken, eine wesentliche Voraussetzung ist, um Prognosen über ökologische Effekte des Klimawandels treffen zu können. Im dritten Teil untersuchte ich, warum Kolonien des Siedelwebers so stark in ihrer Größe variieren. Die Variabilität der Koloniegrößen ist erstaunlich, da man in Untersuchungen zur Kolonialität bei Tieren oft davon ausgeht, daß eine optimale Koloniegröße besteht, bei der die individuelle Fitneß maximiert ist. Aufgrund dieser Annahme sollten Vögel sich so im Raum ausbreiten, daß die Koloniegrößen möglicht nahe am Optimum liegen. In dieser Arbeit konnte ich jedoch anhand von Daten zum Reproduktionserfolg und zur Überlebensrate in Relation zur Koloniegröße zeigen, daß die Funktion der Fitneß in Abhängigkeit von der Koloniegröße nicht einer Optimumskurve folgt. Statt dessen überlagern sich positive und negative Effekte der Koloniegröße so, daß die Populationswachstumsrate generell nahe eins ist, und die Dichteabhängigkeit gering ist. Auf diesen Ergebnissen aufbauend zeigte ich in einem Populationsmodell, das einen evolutionären Optimierungsprozeß der Dispersal-Strategie beinhaltet, daß die spezifische Form der Fitneßfunktion zu einer Dispersal-Strategie führen kann, bei der die hohe Variabilität der Koloniegrößen aufrecht erhalten wird. T2 - Climate change, variable colony sizes and temporal autocorrelation : consequences of living in changing environments KW - Populationsbiologie KW - Ökologie KW - Theoretische Ökologie KW - Ökologische Modelle KW - Klimawandel KW - Umweltrauschen KW - Extinktionsrisko KW - Kolonialität KW - ecological modelling KW - red noise KW - extinction risk KW - coloniality KW - climate change Y1 - 2005 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-5744 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Jeltsch, Florian A1 - Moloney, Kirk A. A1 - Schurr, Frank Martin A1 - Köchy, Martin A1 - Schwager, Monika T1 - The state of plant population modelling in light of environmental change N2 - Plant population modelling has been around since the 1970s, providing a valuable approach to understanding plant ecology from a mechanistic standpoint. It is surprising then that this area of research has not grown in prominence with respect to other approaches employed in modelling plant systems. In this review, we provide an analysis of the development and role of modelling in the field of plant population biology through an exploration of where it has been, where it is now and, in our opinion, where it should be headed. We focus, in particular, on the role plant population modelling could play in ecological forecasting, an urgent need given current rates of regional and global environmental change. We suggest that a critical element limiting the current application of plant population modelling in environmental research is the trade-off between the necessary resolution and detail required to accurately characterize ecological dynamics pitted against the goal of generality, particularly at broad spatial scales. In addition to suggestions how to overcome the current shortcoming of data on the process-level we discuss two emerging strategies that may offer a way to overcome the described limitation: (1) application of a modern approach to spatial scaling from local processes to broader levels of interaction and (2) plant functional-type modelling. Finally we outline what we believe to be needed in developing these approaches towards a 'science of forecasting'. Y1 - 2008 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ppees.2007.11.004 SN - 1433-8319 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Jeltsch, Florian A1 - Tews, Jörg A1 - Brose, Ulrich A1 - Grimm, Volker A1 - Tielbörger, Katja A1 - Wichmann, Matthias A1 - Schwager, Monika T1 - Animal species diversity driven by habitat heterogeneity/diversity : the importance of keystone structures N2 - In a selected literature survey we reviewed studies on the habitat heterogeneity-animal species diversity relationship and evaluated whether there are uncertainties and biases in its empirical support. We reviewed 85 publications for the period 1960-2003. We screened each publication for terms that were used to define habitat heterogeneity, the animal species group and ecosystem studied, the definition of the structural variable, the measurement of vegetation structure and the temporal and spatial scale of the study. The majority of studies found a positive correlation between habitat heterogeneity/diversity and animal species diversity. However, empirical support for this relationship is drastically biased towards studies of vertebrates and habitats under anthropogenic influence. In this paper we show that ecological effects of habitat heterogeneity may vary considerably between species groups depending on whether structural attributes are perceived as heterogeneity or fragmentation. Possible effects may also vary relative to the structural variable measured. Based upon this, we introduce a classification framework that may be used for across-studies comparisons. Moreover, the effect of habitat heterogeneity for one species group may differ in relation to the spatial scale. In several studies, however, different species groups are closely linked to 'keystone structures' that determine animal species diversity by their presence. Detecting crucial keystone structures of the vegetation has profound implications for nature conservation and biodiversity management. Y1 - 2004 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Grimm, Volker A1 - Revilla, Eloy A1 - Groeneveld, Jürgen A1 - Kramer-Schadt, Stephanie A1 - Schwager, Monika A1 - Tews, Jörg A1 - Wichmann, Matthias A1 - Jeltsch, Florian T1 - Importance of buffer mechanisms for population viability analysis Y1 - 2005 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Rossmanith, Eva A1 - Blaum, Niels A1 - Keil, Manfred A1 - Langerwisch, F. A1 - Meyer, Jork A1 - Popp, Alexander A1 - Schmidt, Michael A1 - Schultz, Christoph A1 - Schwager, Monika A1 - Vogel, Melanie A1 - Wasiolka, Bernd A1 - Jeltsch, Florian T1 - Scaling up local population dynamics to regional scales BT - an integrated approach N2 - In semi-arid savannas, unsustainable land use can lead to degradation of entire landscapes, e.g. in the form of shrub encroachment. This leads to habitat loss and is assumed to reduce species diversity. In BIOTA phase 1, we investigated the effects of land use on population dynamics on farm scale. In phase 2 we scale up to consider the whole regional landscape consisting of a diverse mosaic of farms with different historic and present land use intensities. This mosaic creates a heterogeneous, dynamic pattern of structural diversity at a large spatial scale. Understanding how the region-wide dynamic land use pattern affects the abundance of animal and plant species requires the integration of processes on large as well as on small spatial scales. In our multidisciplinary approach, we integrate information from remote sensing, genetic and ecological field studies as well as small scale process models in a dynamic region-wide simulation tool.
Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Musterdynamik und Angewandte Fernerkundung Workshop vom 9. - 10. Februar 2006. Y1 - 2006 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-7320 N1 - [Poster] ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Blaum, Niels A1 - Seymour, Colleen A1 - Rossmanith, Eva A1 - Schwager, Monika A1 - Jeltsch, Florian T1 - Changes in arthropod diversity along a land use driven gradient of shrub cover in savanna rangelands : identifcation of suitable indicators N2 - Shrub encroachment linked to heavy grazing has dramatically changed savanna landscapes, and is a major form of rangeland degradation. Our understanding of how shrub encroachment affects arthropod communities is poor, however. Here, we investigate the effects of shrub encroachment on abundance and diversity of ground-dwelling (wingless) arthropods at varying levels of shrub cover in the southern Kalahari. We also ascertain if invertebrate assemblage composition changes with habitat structure and identify which aspects of habitat structure (e.g., grass cover, herbaceous plant cover, shrub density) correlate most strongly with these changes. Ant, scorpion and dung beetle abundance increased with shrub cover, whereas grasshoppers and solifuges declined. Spider and beetle abundance exhibited hump-shaped relationships with shrub cover. RTU richness within orders either mirrored abundances, or exhibited no trend. Shrub density was the habitat component most correlated with similarities between invertebrate assemblages. Ground-dwelling arthropods showed clear shifts in species assemblage composition at a similarity level of 65% according to shrub density. Changes in indicator species showed that within the Tenebrionidae (darkling beetles), certain species respond positively to shrub thickening, replacing other species within the Family. Small-bodied, wingless Scarabaeidae (dung beetles) tended to increase with increased shrub density and three species emerged as significant indicators of more thickened habitats, although this might be a response to greater dung availability, rather than habitat structure itself. We conclude that because ground- dwelling invertebrates showed such clear responses in species assemblage composition, they present excellent candidates for use as indicator species in further studies into bush encroachment. Y1 - 2009 UR - http://www.springerlink.com/content/100125 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-008-9498-x SN - 0960-3115 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schwager, Monika A1 - Covas, Rita A1 - Blaum, Niels A1 - Jeltsch, Florian T1 - Limitations of population models in predicting climate change effects : a simulation study of sociable weavers in southern Africa Y1 - 2008 UR - http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/118531693/home U6 - https://doi.org/10.1111/j.0030-1299.2008.16464.x SN - 0030-1299 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Blaum, Niels A1 - Schwager, Monika A1 - Wichmann, Matthias C. A1 - Rossmanith, Eva T1 - Climate induced changes in matrix suitability explain gene flow in a fragmented landscape - the effect of interannual rainfall variability JF - Ecography : pattern and diversity in ecology ; research papers forum N2 - In fragmented landscapes, the survival of species and the maintenance of populations with healthy genetic structures will largely depend on movement/dispersal of organisms across matrix areas. In this article, we highlight that effects of fragmentation and climate change occur simultaneously and may enhance or mitigate each other. We systematically analyzed the effect of increasing interannual variation in rainfall on the genetic structure of two neighbouring small mammal subpopulations in a fragmented savanna landscape. The effect of interannual rainfall variation is analyzed for two contrasting scenarios that differ in mean annual rainfall and are both close to a dispersal threshold. Scenario 1 (low mean annual rainfall) lies slightly below this threshold and scenario 2 (high mean annual rainfall) slightly above, i.e. the amount of rainfall in an average rainfall year prevents dispersal in scenario 1, but promotes gene flow in scenario 2. We show that the temporal dynamics of the matrix was crucial for gene flow and the genetic structure of the neighbouring small mammal subpopulations. The most important result is that the increase in rainfall variability could both increase and decrease the genetic difference between the subpopulations in a complex pattern, depending on the scenario and on the amount of variation in rainfall. Finally, we discuss that the relevance of the matrix as temporarily suitable habitat may become a key aspect for biodiversity conservation. We conclude to incorporate temporal changes in matrix suitability in metapopulation theory since local extinctions, gene flow and re-colonization are likely to be affected in fragmented landscapes with such dynamic matrix areas. Y1 - 2012 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1600-0587.2011.07154.x SN - 0906-7590 VL - 35 IS - 7 SP - 650 EP - 660 PB - Wiley-Blackwell CY - Hoboken ER -