TY - JOUR A1 - Zhu, Hui A1 - Shprits, Yuri A1 - Spasojevic, M. A1 - Drozdov, Alexander T1 - New hiss and chorus waves diffusion coefficient parameterizations from the Van Allen Probes and their effect on long-term relativistic electron radiation-belt VERB simulations JF - Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics N2 - New wave frequency and amplitude models for the nightside and dayside chorus waves are built based on measurements from the Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite and Integrated Science (EMFISIS) instrument onboard the Van Allen Probes. The corresponding 3D diffusion coefficients are systematically obtained. Compared with previous commonly-used (typical) parameterizations, the new parameterizations result in differences in diffusion rates that depend on the energy and pitch angle. Furthermore, one-year 3D diffusive simulations are performed using the Versatile Electron Radiation Belt (VERB) code. Both typical and new wave parameterizations simulation results are in a good agreement with observations at 0.9 MeV. However, the new parameterizations for nightside chorus better reproduce the observed electron fluxes. These parameterizations will be incorporated into future modeling efforts. KW - Inner magnetosphere KW - Radiation belts KW - Chorus waves KW - Diffusion coefficients KW - VERB code Y1 - 2019 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jastp.2019.105090 SN - 1364-6826 SN - 1879-1824 VL - 193 PB - Elsevier CY - Oxford ER - TY - THES A1 - Kerutt, Josephine Victoria T1 - The high-redshift voyage of Lyman alpha and Lyman continuum emission as told by MUSE T1 - Die Reise der Lyman alpha- und Lyman Kontinuumsemission bei hoher Rotverschiebung erzählt von MUSE N2 - Most of the matter in the universe consists of hydrogen. The hydrogen in the intergalactic medium (IGM), the matter between the galaxies, underwent a change of its ionisation state at the epoch of reionisation, at a redshift roughly between 6>z>10, or ~10^8 years after the Big Bang. At this time, the mostly neutral hydrogen in the IGM was ionised but the source of the responsible hydrogen ionising emission remains unclear. In this thesis I discuss the most likely candidates for the emission of this ionising radiation, which are a type of galaxy called Lyman alpha emitters (LAEs). As implied by their name, they emit Lyman alpha radiation, produced after a hydrogen atom has been ionised and recombines with a free electron. The ionising radiation itself (also called Lyman continuum emission) which is needed for this process inside the LAEs could also be responsible for ionising the IGM around those galaxies at the epoch of reionisation, given that enough Lyman continuum escapes. Through this mechanism, Lyman alpha and Lyman continuum radiation are closely linked and are both studied to better understand the properties of high redshift galaxies and the reionisation state of the universe. Before I can analyse their Lyman alpha emission lines and the escape of Lyman continuum emission from them, the first step is the detection and correct classification of LAEs in integral field spectroscopic data, specifically taken with the Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE). After detecting emission line objects in the MUSE data, the task of classifying them and determining their redshift is performed with the graphical user interface QtClassify, which I developed during the work on this thesis. It uses the strength of the combination of spectroscopic and photometric information that integral field spectroscopy offers to enable the user to quickly identify the nature of the detected emission lines. The reliable classification of LAEs and determination of their redshifts is a crucial first step towards an analysis of their properties. Through radiative transfer processes, the properties of the neutral hydrogen clouds in and around LAEs are imprinted on the shape of the Lyman alpha line. Thus after identifying the LAEs in the MUSE data, I analyse the properties of the Lyman alpha emission line, such as the equivalent width (EW) distribution, the asymmetry and width of the line as well as the double peak fraction. I challenge the common method of displaying EW distributions as histograms without taking the limits of the survey into account and construct a more independent EW distribution function that better reflects the properties of the underlying population of galaxies. I illustrate this by comparing the fraction of high EW objects between the two surveys MUSE-Wide and MUSE-Deep, both consisting of MUSE pointings (each with the size of one square arcminute) of different depths. In the 60 MUSE-Wide fields of one hour exposure time I find a fraction of objects with extreme EWs above EW_0>240A of ~20%, while in the MUSE-Deep fields (9 fields with an exposure time of 10 hours and one with an exposure time of 31 hours) I find a fraction of only ~1%, which is due to the differences in the limiting line flux of the surveys. The highest EW I measure is EW_0 = 600.63 +- 110A, which hints at an unusual underlying stellar population, possibly with a very low metallicity. With the knowledge of the redshifts and positions of the LAEs detected in the MUSE-Wide survey, I also look for Lyman continuum emission coming from these galaxies and analyse the connection between Lyman continuum emission and Lyman alpha emission. I use ancillary Hubble Space Telescope (HST) broadband photometry in the bands that contain the Lyman continuum and find six Lyman continuum leaker candidates. To test whether the Lyman continuum emission of LAEs is coming only from those individual objects or the whole population, I select LAEs that are most promising for the detection of Lyman continuum emission, based on their rest-frame UV continuum and Lyman alpha line shape properties. After this selection, I stack the broadband data of the resulting sample and detect a signal in Lyman continuum with a significance of S/N = 5.5, pointing towards a Lyman continuum escape fraction of ~80%. If the signal is reliable, it strongly favours LAEs as the providers of the hydrogen ionising emission at the epoch of reionisation and beyond. N2 - Die Materie zwischen den Galaxien im Universum, das sogenannte intergalaktische Medium, besteht zum größten Teil aus Wasserstoff, welcher sich zusammensetzt aus einem Proton und einem Elektron. Etwa ~10^8 Jahre nach dem Urknall änderte sich der Ionisationszustand des Wasserstoffs im intergalaktischen Medium. Durch Strahlung wurden Proton und Elektronen getrennt, der Wasserstoff wurde ionisiert. Die Strahlung mit der nötigen Energie um Wasserstoff zu ionisieren nennt man Lyman Kontinuum Strahlung. Woher diese stammt ist bis heute eine offene Frage. In der vorliegenden Arbeit diskutiere ich die wahrscheinlichsten Kandidaten für die Emission dieser ionisierenden Strahlung: die Lyman alpha Emitter (LAE), eine Gruppe von Galaxien die man im frühen Universum antrifft. Hat nämlich ein Lyman Kontinuum Photon ein Wasserstoffatom ionisiert, kommt es häufig vor, dass sich Proton und Elektron wieder zu einem neutralen Wasserstoffatom verbinden. Bei diesem Prozess wird dann ein Lyman alpha Photon freigesetzt, was den LAE ihren Namen gibt. Da wir in den Spektren dieser Galaxien die Lyman alpha Photonen beobachten können, deren Voraussetzung die Existenz von Lyman Kontinuum Emission in der Galaxie ist, liegt es nahe anzunehmen, dass die Lyman Kontinuum Emission auch in das intergalaktische Medium vordringen kann um den Wasserstoff dort ebenfalls zu ionisieren. Durch diesen Mechanismus sind Lyman alpha und Lyman-Kontinuumsstrahlung eng miteinander verbunden und werden in dieser Arbeit beide untersucht, um die Eigenschaften von Galaxien im frühen Universum und den Zustand des Wasserstoffs im intergalaktischen Medium besser zu verstehen. Der erste Schritt ist jedoch die Detektion und korrekte Klassifizierung von LAE. Dafür benutze ich Daten des Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE), ein Instrument mit dem Beobachtungen möglich sind, die zwei räumliche Dimensionen mit einer spektralen Dimension verbinden. Somit ist in jedem Pixel der Daten ein Spektrum zur Verfügung, in dem nach Emissionslinien gesucht werden kann. Nach der Detektion von Emissionslinien in den MUSE-Daten wird die Aufgabe der Klassifizierung von der grafischen Benutzeroberfläche QtClassify unterstützt, die ich in dieser Arbeit entwickelt habe. Sie bietet dem Benutzer eine schnelle und übersichtliche Identifizierung der gefundenen Emissionslinien, was einen entscheidenden ersten Schritt zur Analyse der Eigenschaften der LAE darstellt. Da Lyman alpha Photonen in neutralem Wasserstoff, der im Inneren von Galaxien in Gaswolken vorkommt, gestreut wird, verändert sich die Form der Lyman alpha Emissionslinie im Spektrum. Nachdem also die LAE mit Hilfe von QtClassify identifiziert werden konnten, analysiere ich die Lyman alpha Linie hinsichtlich ihrer Breite, ihrer Symmetrie und ihrer Stärke und suche nach Doppellinien, die Hinweise auf die Kinematik der Wasserstoff Gaswolken geben. Besonders wichtig dabei ist die Stärke der Linie im Vergleich zum restlichen Spektrum, die sogenannte Äquivalentbreite. Dabei zeige ich, dass die übliche Methode die Verteilung der Äquivalentbreiten als Histogramme darzustellen ohne die Detektionsgrenzen der Beobachtungen miteinzubeziehen keine Aussage über die Eigenschaften der LAE, sondern lediglich über die Grenzen der Beobachtungen treffen. Daher konstruiere ich eine unabhängigere Verteilungsfunktion, die diese Grenzen mit einbezieht. Ich verdeutliche dies durch einen Vergleich des Anteils von Objekten mit hoher Äquivalentbreite in zwei verschiedenen Datensätzen, die auf Beobachtungen mit unterschiedlicher Belichtungszeit beruhen. Dabei finde ich in dem Datensatz mit der kürzeren Belichtungszeit einen Anteil von ~20% an Objekten mit hohen Äquivalentbreiten (über >240A) und nur ~1% im Datensatz mit der zehnfach längeren Belichtungszeit obwohl die Eigenschaften der LAE gleich sind. Zudem finde ich eine Galaxie mit einer Äquivalentbreite der Lyman alpha Linie von 600 +- 110A, was auf eine ungewöhnliche Sternpopulation hindeutet. Als letzten Schritt suche ich in den klassifizierten LAE nach Lyman Kontinuum, was für die Ionisierung des Wasserstoffs im intergalaktischen Medium verantwortlich ist, und untersuche den Zusammenhang zwischen der Lyman alpha und der Lyman Kontinuumsstrahlung. Um das Lyman Kontinuum detektieren zu können benutze ich Daten des Hubble-Weltraumteleskops (HST) und finde sechs Lyman Kontinuum Kandidaten unter den LAE. Um zu testen ob die Lyman Kontinuumsstrahlung lediglich von diesen Objekten ausgeht oder auch im der Gesamtheit der LAE zu finden ist, addiere ich die Daten des HST und finde ein Signal, was darauf hindeutet, dass ~80% der Lyman Kontinuumsstrahlung aus den Galaxien entkommen und in das intergalaktische Medium vordringen kann. Wenn das gefundene Signal zuverlässig ist deutet es darauf hin, dass in der Tat LAE für die Ionisierung des Wasserstoffs im Universum verantwortlich sein könnten. KW - astronomy KW - LAEs KW - reionization KW - Lyman alpha KW - Lyman continuum KW - VLT/MUSE KW - emission line classification KW - QtClassify KW - LAEs KW - Lyman alpha KW - Lyman Kontinuum KW - QtClassify KW - VLT/MUSE KW - Astronomie KW - Emissionslinienklassifikation KW - Reionisierung Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-478816 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Vojta, Thomas A1 - Skinner, Sarah A1 - Metzler, Ralf T1 - Probability density of the fractional Langevin equation with reflecting walls JF - Physical review : E, Statistical, nonlinear and soft matter physics N2 - We investigate anomalous diffusion processes governed by the fractional Langevin equation and confined to a finite or semi-infinite interval by reflecting potential barriers. As the random and damping forces in the fractional Langevin equation fulfill the appropriate fluctuation-dissipation relation, the probability density on a finite interval converges for long times towards the expected uniform distribution prescribed by thermal equilibrium. In contrast, on a semi-infinite interval with a reflecting wall at the origin, the probability density shows pronounced deviations from the Gaussian behavior observed for normal diffusion. If the correlations of the random force are persistent (positive), particles accumulate at the reflecting wall while antipersistent (negative) correlations lead to a depletion of particles near the wall. We compare and contrast these results with the strong accumulation and depletion effects recently observed for nonthermal fractional Brownian motion with reflecting walls, and we discuss broader implications. Y1 - 2019 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.100.042142 SN - 2470-0045 SN - 2470-0053 VL - 100 IS - 4 PB - American Physical Society CY - College Park ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Goychuk, Igor T1 - Fractional Hydrodynamic Memory and Superdiffusion in Tilted Washboard Potentials JF - Physical review letters N2 - Diffusion in tilted washboard potentials can paradoxically exceed free normal diffusion. The effect becomes much stronger in the underdamped case due to inertial effects. What happens upon inclusion of usually neglected fractional hydrodynamics memory effects (Basset-Boussinesq frictional force), which result in a heavy algebraic tail of the velocity autocorrelation function of the potential-free diffusion making it transiently superdiffusive? Will a giant enhancement of diffusion become even stronger, and the transient superdiffusion last even longer? These are the questions that we answer in this Letter based on an accurate numerical investigation. We show that a resonancelike enhancement of normal diffusion becomes indeed much stronger and sharper. Moreover, a long-lasting transient regime of superdiffusion, including Richardson-like diffusion, proportional to t(3) and ballistic supertransport, proportional to t(2), is revealed. Y1 - 2019 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.180603 SN - 0031-9007 SN - 1079-7114 VL - 123 IS - 18 PB - American Physical Society CY - College Park ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Haene, Janick A1 - Bruehwiler, Dominik A1 - Ecker, Achim A1 - Hass, Roland T1 - Real-time inline monitoring of zeolite synthesis by Photon Density Wave spectroscopy JF - Microporous and mesoporous materials : zeolites, clays, carbons and related materials N2 - The formation process of zeolite A (Linde Type A) was monitored inline at 1.5 L scale by Photon Density Wave (PDW) spectroscopy as novel process analytical technology for highly turbid liquid suspensions. As a result, the reduced scattering coefficient, being a measure for particle number, size, and morphology, provides distinct process information, including the formation of amorphous particles and their transfer into crystalline zeolite structures. The onset and end of the crystallization process can be detected inline and in real-time. Analyses by powder X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy, based on a sampling approach, support the interpretation of the results obtained by PDW spectroscopy. In addition, the influence of the molar water content was investigated, indicating a linear increase of the time needed to reach the end of the zeolite A crystallization with increasing molar water content. Further experiments indicate a strong influence of the silica source on the course of the crystallization. The applicability of PDW spectroscopy under even more demanding chemical and physical conditions was investigated by monitoring the synthesis of zeolite L (Linde Type L). KW - Photon density wave spectroscopy KW - Process analytical technology KW - Zeolite synthesis KW - Molar water content KW - Silica source Y1 - 2019 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.micromeso.2019.109580 SN - 1387-1811 SN - 1873-3093 VL - 288 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Jelken, Joachim A1 - Henkel, Carsten A1 - Santer, Svetlana T1 - Solving an old puzzle: fine structure of diffraction spots from an azo-polymer surface relief grating JF - Applied physics : B, Lasers and optics N2 - We report on the experimental and theoretical interpretation of the diffraction of a probe beam during inscription of a surface relief grating with an interference pattern into a photo-responsive polymer film. For this, we developed a set-up allowing for the simultaneous recording of the diffraction efficiency (DE), the fine structure of the diffraction spot and the topographical changes, in situ and in real time while the film is irradiated. The time dependence of the DE, as the surface relief deepens, follows a Bessel function exhibiting maxima and minima. The size of the probe beam relative to the inscribed grating (i.e., to the size of the writing beams) matters and has to be considered for the interpretation of the DE signal. It is also at the origin of a fine structure within the diffraction spot where ring-shaped features appear once an irradiation time corresponding to the first maximum of the DE has been exceeded. Y1 - 2019 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s00340-019-7331-8 SN - 0946-2171 SN - 1432-0649 VL - 125 IS - 11 PB - Springer CY - Heidelberg ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Metzler, Ralf T1 - Brownian motion and beyond: first-passage, power spectrum, non-Gaussianity, and anomalous diffusion JF - Journal of statistical mechanics: theory and experiment N2 - Brownian motion is a ubiquitous physical phenomenon across the sciences. After its discovery by Brown and intensive study since the first half of the 20th century, many different aspects of Brownian motion and stochastic processes in general have been addressed in Statistical Physics. In particular, there now exists a very large range of applications of stochastic processes in various disciplines. Here we provide a summary of some of the recent developments in the field of stochastic processes, highlighting both the experimental findings and theoretical frameworks. KW - 15 KW - 4 Y1 - 2019 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-5468/ab4988 SN - 1742-5468 VL - 2019 IS - 11 PB - IOP Publ. Ltd. CY - Bristol ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bohdan, Artem A1 - Niemiec, Jacek A1 - Pohl, Martin A1 - Matsumoto, Yosuke A1 - Amano, Takanobu A1 - Hoshino, Masahiro T1 - Kinetic Simulations of Nonrelativistic Perpendicular Shocks of Young Supernova Remnants. II. Influence of Shock-surfing Acceleration on Downstream Electron Spectra JF - The astrophysical journal : an international review of spectroscopy and astronomical physics N2 - We explore electron preacceleration at high-Mach-number nonrelativistic perpendicular shocks at, e.g., young supernova remnants, which are a prerequisite of further acceleration to very high energies via diffusive shock acceleration. Using fully kinetic particle-in-cell simulations of shocks and electron dynamics in them, we investigate the influence of shock-surfing acceleration (SSA) at the shock foot on the nonthermal population of electrons downstream of the shock. The SSA is followed by further energization at the shock ramp where the Weibel instability spawns a type of second-order Fermi acceleration. The combination of these two processes leads to the formation of a nonthermal electron population, but the importance of SSA becomes smaller for larger ion-to-electron mass ratios in the simulation. We discuss the resulting electron spectra and the relevance of our results to the physics of systems with real ion-to-electron mass ratios and fully three-dimensional behavior. KW - Shocks KW - Space plasmas KW - Supernova remnants KW - Interstellar medium Y1 - 2019 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/ab43cf SN - 0004-637X SN - 1538-4357 VL - 885 IS - 1 PB - IOP Publ. Ltd. CY - Bristol ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Plat, A. A1 - Charlot, S. A1 - Bruzual, G. A1 - Feltre, A. A1 - Vidal-Garcia, A. A1 - Morisset, C. A1 - Chevallard, Jacopo A1 - Todt, Helge Tobias T1 - Constraints on the production and escape of ionizing radiation from the emission-line spectra of metal-poor star-forming galaxies JF - Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society N2 - We explore the production and escape of ionizing photons in young galaxies by investigating the ultraviolet and optical emission-line properties of models of ionization-bounded and density-bounded H II regions, active-galactic-nucleus (AGN) narrow-line regions, and radiative shocks computed all using the same physically consistent description of element abundances and depletion on to dust grains down to very low metallicities. We compare these models with a reference sample of metal-poor star-forming galaxies and Lyman-continuum (LyC) leakers at various redshifts, which allows the simultaneous exploration of more spectral diagnostics than typically available at once for individual subsamples. We confirm that current single- and binary-star population synthesis models do not produce hard-enough radiation to account for the high-ionization emission of the most metal-poor galaxies. Introducing either an AGN or radiative-shock component brings models into agreement with observations. A published model including X-ray binaries is an attractive alternative to reproduce the observed rise in He II lambda 4686/H beta ratio with decreasing oxygen abundance in metal-poor star-forming galaxies, but not the high observed He II lambda 4686/H beta ratios of galaxies with large EW(H beta). A source of harder ionizing radiation appears to be required in these extreme objects, such as an AGN or radiative-shock component, perhaps linked to an initial-mass-function bias towards massive stars at low metallicity. This would also account for the surprisingly high [O I]/[O III] ratios of confirmed LyC leakers relative to ionization-bounded models. We find no simple by-eye diagnostic of the nature of ionizing sources and the escape of LyC photon, which require proper simultaneous fits of several lines to be discriminated against. KW - galaxies: general KW - galaxies: high-redshift KW - galaxies: ISM Y1 - 2019 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stz2616 SN - 0035-8711 SN - 1365-2966 VL - 490 IS - 1 SP - 978 EP - 1009 PB - Oxford Univ. Press CY - Oxford ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Diercke, Andrea A1 - Denker, Carsten T1 - Chromospheric Synoptic Maps of Polar Crown Filaments JF - Solar physics : a journal for solar and solar-stellar research and the study of solar terrestrial physics N2 - Polar crown filaments form above the polarity inversion line between the old magnetic flux of the previous cycle and the new magnetic flux of the current cycle. Studying their appearance and their properties can lead to a better understanding of the solar cycle. We use full-disk data of the Chromospheric Telescope (ChroTel) at the Observatorio del Teide, Tenerife, Spain, which were taken in three different chromospheric absorption lines (H alpha lambda 6563 angstrom, Ca II K lambda 3933 angstrom, and He I lambda 10830 angstrom), and we create synoptic maps. In addition, the spectroscopic He I data allow us to compute Doppler velocities and to create synoptic Doppler maps. ChroTel data cover the rising and decaying phase of Solar Cycle 24 on about 1000 days between 2012 and 2018. Based on these data, we automatically extract polar crown filaments with image-processing tools and study their properties. We compare contrast maps of polar crown filaments with those of quiet-Sun filaments. Furthermore, we present a super-synoptic map summarizing the entire ChroTel database. In summary, we provide statistical properties, i.e. number and location of filaments, area, and tilt angle for both the maximum and the declining phase of Solar Cycle 24. This demonstrates that ChroTel provides a promising data set to study the solar cycle. KW - Chromosphere, quiet KW - Prominences, quiescent KW - Prominences, magnetic field KW - Solar Cycle, observations KW - Instrumentation and data management Y1 - 0201 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s11207-019-1538-z SN - 0038-0938 SN - 1573-093X VL - 294 IS - 11 PB - Springer CY - Dordrecht ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Drozdov, Alexander A1 - Aseev, Nikita A1 - Effenberger, Frederic A1 - Turner, Drew L. A1 - Saikin, Anthony A1 - Shprits, Yuri T1 - Storm Time Depletions of Multi-MeV Radiation Belt Electrons Observed at Different Pitch Angles JF - Journal of geophysical research : Space physics N2 - During geomagnetic storms, the rapid depletion of the high-energy (several MeV) outer radiation belt electrons is the result of loss to the interplanetary medium through the magnetopause, outward radial diffusion, and loss to the atmosphere due to wave-particle interactions. We have performed a statistical study of 110 storms using pitch angle resolved electron flux measurements from the Van Allen Probes mission and found that inside of the radiation belt (L* = 3 - 5) the number of storms that result in depletion of electrons with equatorial pitch angle alpha(eq) = 30 degrees is higher than number of storms that result in depletion of electrons with equatorial pitch angle alpha(eq) = 75 degrees. We conclude that this result is consistent with electron scattering by whistler and electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves. At the outer edge of the radiation belt (L* >= 5.2) the number of storms that result in depletion is also large (similar to 40-50%), emphasizing the significance of the magnetopause shadowing effect and outward radial transport. Y1 - 2019 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JA027332 SN - 2169-9380 SN - 2169-9402 VL - 124 IS - 11 SP - 8943 EP - 8953 PB - American Geophysical Union CY - Washington ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Teomy, Eial A1 - Roichman, Yael A1 - Shokef, Yair T1 - Multiple peaks in the displacement distribution of active random walkers JF - Journal of statistical mechanics: theory and experiment N2 - We consider a simple model for active random walk with general temporal correlations, and investigate the shape of the probability distribution function of the displacement during a short time interval. We find that under certain conditions the distribution exhibits multiple peaks and we show analytically and numerically that the existence of these peaks is governed by the walker?s tendency to move forward, while the correlations between the timing of its active motion control the magnitude and shape of the peaks. In particular, we find that in a homogeneous system such peaks can occur only if the persistence is strong enough. KW - 16 KW - 4 Y1 - 2019 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-5468/ab4fde SN - 1742-5468 VL - 2019 IS - 11 PB - IOP Publ. Ltd. CY - Bristol ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Powierza, Bartosz A1 - Gollwitzer, Christian A1 - Wolgast, Dagmar A1 - Staude, Andreas A1 - Bruno, Giovanni T1 - Fully experiment-based evaluation of few digital volume correlation techniques JF - Review of scientific instruments : a monthly journal devoted to scientific instruments, apparatus, and techniques N2 - Digital Volume Correlation (DVC) is a powerful set of techniques used to compute the local shifts of 3D images obtained, for instance, in tomographic experiments. It is utilized to analyze the geometric changes of the investigated object as well as to correct the corresponding image misalignments for further analysis. It can therefore be used to evaluate the local density changes of the same regions of the inspected specimens, which might be shifted between measurements. In recent years, various approaches and corresponding pieces of software were introduced. Accuracies for the computed shift vectors of up to about 1 parts per thousand of a single voxel size have been reported. These results, however, were based either on synthetic datasets or on an unrealistic setup. In this work, we propose two simple methods to evaluate the accuracy of DVC-techniques using more realistic input data and apply them to several DVC programs. We test these methods on three materials (tuff, sandstone, and concrete) that show different contrast and structural features. Published under license by AIP Publishing. Y1 - 2019 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5099572 SN - 0034-6748 SN - 1089-7623 VL - 90 IS - 11 PB - American Institute of Physics CY - Melville ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bolotov, Dmitry A1 - Bolotov, Maxim I. A1 - Smirnov, Lev A. A1 - Osipov, Grigory V. A1 - Pikovskij, Arkadij T1 - Twisted States in a System of Nonlinearly Coupled Phase Oscillators JF - Regular and chaotic dynamics : international scientific journal N2 - We study the dynamics of the ring of identical phase oscillators with nonlinear nonlocal coupling. Using the Ott - Antonsen approach, the problem is formulated as a system of partial derivative equations for the local complex order parameter. In this framework, we investigate the existence and stability of twisted states. Both fully coherent and partially coherent stable twisted states were found (the latter ones for the first time for identical oscillators). We show that twisted states can be stable starting from a certain critical value of the medium length, or on a length segment. The analytical results are confirmed with direct numerical simulations in finite ensembles. KW - twisted state KW - phase oscillators KW - nonlocal coupling KW - Ott - Antonsen reduction KW - stability analysis Y1 - 2019 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1134/S1560354719060091 SN - 1560-3547 SN - 1468-4845 VL - 24 IS - 6 SP - 717 EP - 724 PB - Pleiades publishing inc CY - Moscow ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hsu, H. F. A1 - Krekhov, Andrey A1 - Tarantola, Marco A1 - Beta, Carsten A1 - Bodenschatz, Eberhardt T1 - Interplay between myosin II and actin dynamics in chemotactic amoeba JF - New journal of physics : the open-access journal for physics N2 - The actin cytoskeleton and its response to external chemical stimuli is fundamental to the mechano-biology of eukaryotic cells and their functions. One of the key players that governs the dynamics of the actin network is the motor protein myosin II. Based on a phase space embedding we have identified from experiments three phases in the cytoskeletal dynamics of starved Dictyostelium discoideum in response to a precisely controlled chemotactic stimulation. In the first two phases the dynamics of actin and myosin II in the cortex is uncoupled, while in the third phase the time scale for the recovery of cortical actin is determined by the myosin II dynamics. We report a theoretical model that captures the experimental observations quantitatively. The model predicts an increase in the optimal response time of actin with decreasing myosin II-actin coupling strength highlighting the role of myosin II in the robust control of cell contraction. KW - actin KW - myosin II KW - chemotaxis KW - oscillations KW - coupling KW - delay differential equation KW - contraction Y1 - 2019 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1088/1367-2630/ab5822 SN - 1367-2630 VL - 21 IS - 11 PB - IOP Publ. Ltd. CY - Bristol ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Göttgens, Fabian A1 - Husser, Tim-Oliver A1 - Kamann, Sebastian A1 - Dreizler, Stefan A1 - Giesers, Benjamin A1 - Kollatschny, Wolfram A1 - Weilbacher, Peter Michael A1 - Roth, Martin M. A1 - Wendt, Martin T1 - A stellar census in globular clusters with MUSE: A spectral catalogue of emission-line sources JF - Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal N2 - Aims. Globular clusters produce many exotic stars due to a much higher frequency of dynamical interactions in their dense stellar environments. Some of these objects were observed together with several hundred thousand other stars in our MUSE survey of 26 Galactic globular clusters. Assuming that at least a few exotic stars have exotic spectra (i.e. spectra that contain emission lines), we can use this large spectroscopic data set of over a million stellar spectra as a blind survey to detect stellar exotica in globular clusters. Methods. To detect emission lines in each spectrum, we modelled the expected shape of an emission line as a Gaussian curve. This template was used for matched filtering on the di fferences between each observed 1D spectrum and its fitted spectral model. The spectra with the most significant detections of H alpha emission are checked visually and cross-matched with published catalogues. Results. We find 156 stars with H alpha emission, including several known cataclysmic variables (CV) and two new CVs, pulsating variable stars, eclipsing binary stars, the optical counterpart of a known black hole, several probable sub-subgiants and red stragglers, and 21 background emission-line galaxies. We find possible optical counterparts to 39 X-ray sources, as we detected H alpha emission in several spectra of stars that are close to known positions of Chandra X-ray sources. This spectral catalogue can be used to supplement existing or future X-ray or radio observations with spectra of potential optical counterparts to classify the sources. KW - globular clusters: general KW - stars: emission-line, Be KW - novae KW - cataclysmic variables KW - catalogs KW - techniques: imaging spectroscopy Y1 - 2019 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/201936485 SN - 0004-6361 SN - 1432-0746 VL - 631 PB - EDP Sciences CY - Les Ulis ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Padash, Amin A1 - Chechkin, Aleksei V. A1 - Dybiec, Bartlomiej A1 - Pavlyukevich, Ilya A1 - Shokri, Babak A1 - Metzler, Ralf T1 - First-passage properties of asymmetric Levy flights JF - Journal of physics : A, Mathematical and theoretical N2 - Lévy flights are paradigmatic generalised random walk processes, in which the independent stationary increments—the 'jump lengths'—are drawn from an -stable jump length distribution with long-tailed, power-law asymptote. As a result, the variance of Lévy flights diverges and the trajectory is characterised by occasional extremely long jumps. Such long jumps significantly decrease the probability to revisit previous points of visitation, rendering Lévy flights efficient search processes in one and two dimensions. To further quantify their precise property as random search strategies we here study the first-passage time properties of Lévy flights in one-dimensional semi-infinite and bounded domains for symmetric and asymmetric jump length distributions. To obtain the full probability density function of first-passage times for these cases we employ two complementary methods. One approach is based on the space-fractional diffusion equation for the probability density function, from which the survival probability is obtained for different values of the stable index and the skewness (asymmetry) parameter . The other approach is based on the stochastic Langevin equation with -stable driving noise. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages for explicit calculations and numerical evaluation, and the complementary approach involving both methods will be profitable for concrete applications. We also make use of the Skorokhod theorem for processes with independent increments and demonstrate that the numerical results are in good agreement with the analytical expressions for the probability density function of the first-passage times. KW - Levy flights KW - first-passage KW - search dynamics Y1 - 2019 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1088/1751-8121/ab493e SN - 1751-8113 SN - 1751-8121 VL - 52 IS - 45 PB - IOP Publ. Ltd. CY - Bristol ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Maheswaran, Rathinasamy A1 - Agarwal, Ankit A1 - Sivakumar, Bellie A1 - Marwan, Norbert A1 - Kurths, Jürgen T1 - Wavelet analysis of precipitation extremes over India and teleconnections to climate indices JF - Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment N2 - Precipitation patterns and extremes are significantly influenced by various climatic factors and large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns. This study uses wavelet coherence analysis to detect significant interannual and interdecadal oscillations in monthly precipitation extremes across India and their teleconnections to three prominent climate indices, namely, Nino 3.4, Pacific Decadal Oscillation, and Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). Further, partial wavelet coherence analysis is used to estimate the standalone relationship between the climate indices and precipitation after removing the effect of interdependency. The wavelet analysis of monthly precipitation extremes at 30 different locations across India reveals that (a) interannual (2-8 years) and interdecadal (8-32 years) oscillations are statistically significant, and (b) the oscillations vary in both time and space. The results from the partial wavelet coherence analysis reveal that Nino 3.4 and IOD are the significant drivers of Indian precipitation at interannual and interdecadal scales. Intriguingly, the study also confirms that the strength of influence of large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns on Indian precipitation extremes varies with spatial physiography of the region. KW - Extreme precipitation KW - Teleconnection patterns KW - Wavelets KW - Partial wavelet coherence KW - India Y1 - 2019 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s00477-019-01738-3 SN - 1436-3240 SN - 1436-3259 VL - 33 IS - 11-12 SP - 2053 EP - 2069 PB - Springer CY - New York ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Le Quang Phuong, A1 - Hosseini, Seyed Mehrdad A1 - Koh, Chang Woo A1 - Woo, Han Young A1 - Shoaee, Safa T1 - Measuring Competing Recombination Losses in a Significantly Reduced Langevin System by Steady-State Photoinduced Absorption and Photocurrent Spectroscopy JF - The journal of physical chemistry : C, Nanomaterials and interfaces N2 - Understanding and disentangling photophysical properties of long-lived photoexcitations in bulk heterojunction (BHJ) solar cells, which contribute mostly to photocurrent, provide essential guidelines to their improvement. However, to construct improved physical models, their rational design relies on reliable measurement techniques for charge recombination. Here, we combine photocurrent and photoinduced absorption spectroscopy (PCPIA) to directly probe the free carrier concentration and investigate loss mechanisms of long-lived excitations in nearly 10% efficient PPDT2FBT/PC70BM BHJ solar cells under steady-state operational conditions. From the PCPIA data obtained under open- circuit and short-circuit conditions, the absorption cross section and the concentration of photoexcitations are obtained. This material system exhibits an exceptionally low bimolecular recombination rate, about 300 times smaller than the diffusion-controlled electron and hole encounter rate. Furthermore, we observe that the fill factor is limited by losses originating from long-lived photoexcitations undergoing dispersive bimolecular recombination. Y1 - 2019 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b08901 SN - 1932-7447 SN - 1932-7455 VL - 123 IS - 45 SP - 27417 EP - 27422 PB - American Chemical Society CY - Washington ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Liu, Ji-Cai A1 - Vaz da Cruz, Vinicius A1 - Polyutov, Sergey A1 - Föhlisch, Alexander T1 - Recoil-induced dissociation in hard-x-ray photoionization JF - Physical review : A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics N2 - We predict the recoil-induced molecular dissociation in hard-x-ray photoionization. The recoil effect is caused by electronic and photon momentum exchange with the molecule. We show the strong role of relativistic effects for the studied molecular fragmentation. The recoil-induced fragmentation of the molecule is caused by elongation of the bond due to the vibrational recoil effect and because of the centrifugal force caused by the rotational recoil. The calculations of the x-ray photoelectron spectra of the H-2 and NO molecules show that the predicted effects can be observed in high-energy synchrotrons like SOLEIL, SPring-8, PETRA, and XFEL SACLA. The relativistic effect enhances the recoil momentum transfer and makes it strongly sensitive to the direction of ejection of the fast photoelectron with respect to the photon momentum. Y1 - 2019 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.100.053408 SN - 2469-9926 SN - 2469-9934 VL - 100 IS - 5 PB - American Physical Society CY - College Park ER -