TY - THES A1 - Peitz, Diana T1 - Mindful Eating N2 - Maladaptive eating behaviors such as emotional eating, external eating, and loss-of-control eating are widespread in the general population. Moreover, they are associated to adverse health outcomes and well-known for their role in the development and maintenance of eating disorders and obesity (i.e., eating and weight disorders). Eating and weight disorders are associated with crucial burden for individuals as well as high costs for society in general. At the same time, corresponding treatments yield poor outcomes. Thus, innovative concepts are needed to improve prevention and treatment of these conditions. The Buddhist concept of mindfulness (i.e., paying attention to the present moment without judgement) and its delivery via mindfulness-based intervention programs (MBPs) has gained wide popularity in the area of maladaptive eating behaviors and associated eating and weight disorders over the last two decades. Though previous findings on their effects seem promising, the current assessment of mindfulness and its mere application via multi-component MBPs hampers to draw conclusions on the extent to which mindfulness-immanent qualities actually account for the effects (e.g., the modification of maladaptive eating behaviors). However, this knowledge is pivotal for interpreting previous effects correctly and for avoiding to cause harm in particularly vulnerable groups such as those with eating and weight disorders. To address these shortcomings, recent research has focused on the context-specific approach of mindful eating (ME) to investigate underlying mechanisms of action. ME can be considered a subdomain of generic mindfulness describing it specifically in relation to the process of eating and associated feelings, thoughts, and motives, thus including a variety of different attitudes and behaviors. However, there is no universal operationalization and the current assessment of ME suffers from different limitations. Specifically, current measurement instruments are not suited for a comprehensive assessment of the multiple facets of the construct that are currently discussed as important in the literature. This in turn hampers comparisons of different ME facets which would allow to evaluate their particular effect on maladaptive eating behaviors. This knowledge is needed to tailor prevention and treatment of associated eating and weight disorders properly and to explore potential underlying mechanisms of action which have so far been proposed mainly on theoretical grounds. The dissertation at hand aims to provide evidence-based fundamental research that contributes to our understanding of how mindfulness, more specifically its context-specific form of ME, impacts maladaptive eating behaviors and, consequently, how it could be used appropriately to enrich the current prevention and treatment approaches for eating and weight disorders in the future. Specifically, in this thesis, three scientific manuscripts applying several qualitative and quantitative techniques in four sequential studies are presented. These manuscripts were published in or submitted to three scientific peer-reviewed journals to shed light on the following questions: I. How can ME be measured comprehensively and in a reliable and valid way to advance the understanding of how mindfulness works in the context of eating? II. Does the context-specific construct of ME have an advantage over the generic concept in advancing the understanding of how mindfulness is related to maladaptive eating behaviors? III. Which ME facets are particularly useful in explaining maladaptive eating behaviors? IV. Does training a particular ME facet result in changes in maladaptive eating behaviors? To answer the first research question (Paper 1), a multi-method approach using three subsequent studies was applied to develop and validate a comprehensive self-report instrument to assess the multidimensional construct of ME - the Mindful Eating Inventory (MEI). Study 1 aimed to create an initial version of the MEI by following a three-step approach: First, a comprehensive item pool was compiled by including selected and adapted items of the existing ME questionnaires and supplementing them with items derived from an extensive literature review. Second, the preliminary item pool was complemented and checked for content validity by experts in the field of eating behavior and/or mindfulness (N = 15). Third, the item pool was further refined through qualitative methods: Three focus groups comprising laypersons (N = 16) were used as a check for applicability. Subsequently, think-aloud protocols (N = 10) served as a last check of comprehensibility and elimination of ambiguities. The resulting initial MEI version was tested in Study 2 in an online convenience sample (N = 828) to explore its factor structure using exploratory factor analysis (EFA). Results were used to shorten the questionnaire in accordance with qualitative and quantitative criteria yielding the final MEI version which encompasses 30 items. These items were assigned to seven ME facets: (1) ‘Accepting and Non-attached Attitude towards one’s own eating experience’ (ANA), (2) ‘Awareness of Senses while Eating’ (ASE), (3) ‘Eating in Response to awareness of Fullness‘ (ERF), (4) ‘Awareness of eating Triggers and Motives’ (ATM), (5) ‘Interconnectedness’ (CON), (6) ‘Non-Reactive Stance’ (NRS) and (7) Focused Attention on Eating’ (FAE). Study 3 sought to confirm the found facets and the corresponding factor structure in an independent online convenience sample (N = 612) using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The study served as further indication of the assumed multidimensionality of ME (the correlational seven-factor model was shown to be superior to a single-factor model). Psychometric properties of the MEI, regarding factorial validity, internal consistency, retest-reliability, and observed criterion validity using a wide range of eating-specific and general health-related outcomes, showed the inventory to be suitable for a comprehensive, reliable and valid assessment of ME. These findings were complemented by demonstrating measurement invariance of the MEI regarding gender. In accordance with the factor structure of the MEI, Paper 1 offers an empirically-derived definition of ME, succeeding in overcoming ambiguities and problems of previous attempts at defining the construct. To answer the second and third research questions (Paper 2) a subsample of Study 2 from the MEI validation studies (N = 292) was analyzed. Incremental validity of ME beyond generic mindfulness was shown using hierarchical regression models concerning the outcome variables of maladaptive eating behaviors (emotional eating and uncontrolled eating) and nutrition behaviors (consumption of energy-dense food). Multiple regression analyses were applied to investigate the impact of the seven different ME facets (identified in Paper 1) on the same outcome variables. The following ME facets significantly contributed to explaining variance in maladaptive eating and nutrition behaviors: Accepting and Non-attached Attitude towards one`s own eating experience (ANA), Eating in Response to awareness of Fullness (ERF), the Awareness of eating Triggers and Motives (ATM), and a Non-Reactive Stance (NRS, i.e., an observing, non-impulsive attitude towards eating triggers). Results suggest that these ME facets are promising variables to consider when a) investigating potential underlying mechanisms of mindfulness and MBPs in the context of eating and b) addressing maladaptive eating behaviors in general as well as in the prevention and treatment of eating and weight disorders. To answer the fourth research question (Paper 3), a training on an isolated exercise (‘9 Hunger’) based on the previously identified ME facet ATM was designed to explore its particular association with changes in maladaptive eating behaviors and thus to preliminary explore one possible mechanism of action. The online study was realized using a randomized controlled trial (RCT) design. Latent Change Scores (LCS) across three measurement points (before the training, directly after the training and three months later) were compared between the intervention group (n = 211) and a waitlist control group (n = 188). Short- and longer-term effects of the training could be shown on maladaptive eating behaviors (emotional eating, external eating, loss-of-control eating) and associated outcomes (intuitive eating, ME, self-compassion, well-being). Findings serve as preliminary empirical evidence that MBPs might influence maladaptive eating behaviors through an enhanced non-judgmental awareness of and distinguishment between eating motives and triggers (i.e., ATM). This mechanism of action had previously only been hypothesized from a theoretical perspective. Since maladaptive eating behaviors are associated with eating and weight disorders, the findings can enhance our understanding of the general effects of MBPs on these conditions. The integration of the different findings leads to several suggestions of how ME might enrich different kinds of future interventions on maladaptive eating behaviors to improve health in general or the prevention and treatment of eating and weight disorders in particular. Strengths of the thesis (e.g., deliberate specific methodology, variety of designs and methods, high number of participants) are emphasized. The main limitations particularly regarding sample characteristics (e.g., higher level of formal education, fewer males, self-selected) are discussed to arrive at an outline for future studies (e.g., including multi-modal-multi-method approaches, clinical eating disorder samples and youth samples) to improve upcoming research on ME and underlying mechanisms of action of MBPs for maladaptive eating behaviors and associated eating and weight disorders. This thesis enriches current research on mindfulness in the context of eating by providing fundamental research on the core of the ME construct. Thereby it delivers a reliable and valid instrument to comprehensively assess ME in future studies as well as an operational definition of the construct. Findings on ME facet level might inform upcoming research and practice on how to address maladaptive eating behaviors appropriately in interventions. The ME skill ‘Awareness of eating Triggers and Motives (ATM)’ as one particular mechanism of action should be further investigated in representative community and specific clinical samples to examine the validity of the results in these groups and to justify an application of the concept to the general population as well as to subgroups with eating and weight disorders in particular. In conclusion, findings of the current thesis can be used to set future research on mindfulness, more specifically ME, and its underlying mechanism in the context of eating on a more evidence-based footing. This knowledge can inform upcoming prevention and treatment to tailor MBPs on maladaptive eating behaviors and associated eating and weight disorders appropriately. N2 - Maladaptives Essverhalten wie emotionales Essen, externales Essen und Essen mit Kontrollverlust sind in der Allgemeinbevölkerung weit verbreitet. Neben anderen negativen Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit, ist maladaptives Essverhalten bekannt für seine Rolle bei der Entwicklung und Aufrechterhaltung von Essstörungen und Adipositas (die unter dem Begriff Ess- und Gewichtsstörungen zusammengefasst werden können). Ess- und Gewichtsstörungen sind mit einer erheblichen Belastung für den Einzelnen und hohen Kosten für die Gesellschaft im Allgemeinen verbunden. Gleichzeitig zeigen bisherige Behandlungsansätze keine zufriedenstellende Wirksamkeit. Daher werden innovative Konzepte benötigt, um die Entwicklung von Präventions- und Behandlungsansätzen zu unterstützen. Das buddhistische Konzept der Achtsamkeit (d.h. die Aufmerksamkeit auf den gegenwärtigen Moment zu richten, ohne zu urteilen) und seine Umsetzung in Form von achtsamkeitsbasierten Interventionsprogrammen (englisch: mindfulness-based intervention programs; MBPs) hat in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten im Kontext von maladaptivem Essverhalten und damit assoziierten Ess- und Gewichtsstörungen große Popularität erlangt. Obwohl die bislang gefundenen Effekte vielversprechend sind, lässt die derzeitige Messung von Achtsamkeit sowie ihre vorherrschende Anwendung im Rahmen von MBPs mit mehreren Komponenten keine Rückschlüsse darauf zu, inwieweit die der Achtsamkeit innewohnenden Qualitäten selbst für die gefundenen Effekte verantwortlich sind (z. B. für die Veränderung maladaptiven Essverhaltens). Dieses Wissen ist jedoch von zentraler Bedeutung, um Interventionen richtig zuzuschneiden und potenziell schädliche Effekte in besonders vulnerablen Gruppen - wie beispielsweise denjenigen mit Ess- und Gewichtsstörungen - zu vermeiden. Um die derzeitigen Limitationen bezogen auf die Erforschung zugrunde liegender Wirkmechanismen zu adressieren, hat sich jüngste Forschung auf den kontextspezifischen Ansatz des achtsamen Essens (englisch: mindful eating, ME) konzentriert. ME kann als ein Unterkonstrukt der generischen Achtsamkeit betrachtet werden, welches sich speziell auf den Prozess des Essens selbst sowie die damit verbundenen Gefühle, Gedanken und Motive bezieht und somit eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Einstellungen und Verhaltensweisen umfasst. Allerdings existiert bislang keine allgemeingültige Operationalisierung. Zudem ist die derzeitige Erfassung von ME von unterschiedlichen Limitationen betroffen. Insbesondere sind die derzeitigen Messinstrumente nicht für eine umfassende Erfassung der zahlreichen Facetten des Konstrukts geeignet, die derzeit in der Literatur als wichtig diskutiert werden. Dies wiederum erschwert den Vergleich verschiedener ME-Facetten, der es ermöglichen würde, ihre jeweils spezifische Wirkung auf maladaptives Essverhalten zu bewerten. Dieses Wissen wird benötigt, um die Prävention und Behandlung von Ess- und Gewichtsstörungen angemessen zu gestalten und um mögliche, bisher hauptsächlich theoretisch angenommenen Wirkmechanismen näher zu erforschen. Die vorliegende Dissertation zielt darauf ab, evidenzbasierte Grundlagenforschung zu betreiben, die zu unserem gegenwärtigen Verständnis darüber beitragen kann, wie Achtsamkeit, und genauer gesagt ihre kontextspezifische Form von ME, bei der Veränderung von maladaptivem Essverhalten wirkt und wie sie folglich in geeigneter Weise eingesetzt werden könnte, um die derzeitigen Präventions- und Behandlungsansätze für Ess- und Gewichtsstörungen in Zukunft zu bereichern. Auf dieser Grundlage werden in der vorliegenden Dissertation drei wissenschaftliche Manuskripte präsentiert, die die folgenden Fragen beleuchten: I. Wie kann ME umfassend und auf reliable und valide Weise gemessen werden, umbesser zu verstehen, wie Achtsamkeit im Kontext des Essens funktioniert? II. Hat das kontextspezifische Konstrukt von ME einen Vorteil gegenüber demgenerischen Konzept, um zu verstehen, wie Achtsamkeit mit maladaptivemEssverhalten zusammenhängt? III. Welche Facetten von ME sind besonders nützlich, um maladaptives Essverhalten zuerklären? IV. Führt das Training einer bestimmten ME-Facette zu Veränderungen immaladaptiven Essverhalten? Diese Forschungsfragen wurden mit Hilfe von vier Studien beantwortet, die in drei Artikeln in wissenschaftlichen peer-reviewed Journals veröffentlicht oder zur Begutachtung eingereicht wurden und verschiedene qualitative und quantitative Techniken beinhalteten. Zur Beantwortung der ersten Forschungsfrage (Paper 1) wurde ein multimethodaler Ansatz mit drei aufeinander folgenden Studien angewandt, um ein umfassendes Selbstauskunftsinstrument zur Erfassung des multidimensionalen Konstrukts ME zu entwickeln und zu validieren - das Mindful Eating Inventar (MEI). Studie 1 zielte auf die Erstellung einer ersten Version des MEI mit Hilfe von drei Schritten ab: Erstens wurde ein umfassender Itempool zusammengestellt, indem Items aus den bestehenden ME-Fragebögen ausgewählt und angepasst wurden. Zudem wurden Items ergänzt, die aus einer umfangreichen Literaturrecherche abgeleitet wurden. Zweitens wurde dieser vorläufige Itempool durch Experten (N = 15) aus dem Bereich Essverhalten und/oder Achtsamkeit ergänzt und die Inhaltsvalidität überprüft. Drittens wurde dieser vorläufige Itempool durch Einbeziehung der Meinung von Laien mittels zweier qualitativer Methoden verfeinert: Drei Fokusgruppen (N = 16) prüften die Anwendbarkeit der Items im Alltag. Schließlich dienten Think-Aloud-Protokolle (N = 10) der letzten Überprüfung der Verständlichkeit und der Beseitigung von Unklarheiten. Die daraus resultierende erste MEI-Version wurde in Studie 2 mit Hilfe einer Online-Stichprobe (N = 828) getestet, um die Faktorenstruktur mittels explorativer Faktorenanalyse (EFA) zu untersuchen. Anschließend wurde der Fragebogen nach qualitativen und quantitativen Kriterien gekürzt. Hieraus resultierte die finale MEI-Version mit 30 Items. Diese Items sind den folgenden sieben ME-Facetten zugeordnet: (1) ‘Akzeptierende, nicht-anhaftende Haltung gegenüber der eigenen Essenserfahrung‘ (ANA), (2) ‘Gewahrsein der Sinneserfahrung während des Essens‘ (ASE), (3) ‘Essen in Abhängigkeit zum Gewahrsein der Magenfülle‘ (ERF), (4) ‘Gewahrsein von Essmotiven- und -triggern‘ (ATM), (5) ‘Verbundenheit‘ (CON), (6) ‘Nicht-reaktive Haltung‘ (NRS) und (7) ‘Auf das Essen fokussierte Aufmerksamkeit‘ (FAE). Studie 3 diente dazu, diese finale Faktorenstruktur in einer unabhängigen Online-Stichprobe (N = 612) mittels konfirmatorischer Faktorenanalyse (CFA) zu bestätigen und die angenommene Multidimensionalität des Konstrukts ME zu belegen (das korrelative Sieben-Faktoren-Modell erwies sich dem Ein-Faktoren-Modell überlegen). Die psychometrischen Eigenschaften des MEI hinsichtlich faktorieller Validität, interner Konsistenz, Retest-Reliabilität und beobachteter Kriteriumsvalidität unter Verwendung eines breiten Spektrums essensspezifischer und allgemeiner gesundheitsbezogener Outcomes zeigten, dass das Inventar für eine umfassende, reliable und valide Bewertung von ME geeignet ist. Diese Ergebnisse wurden durch den Nachweis der Messinvarianz des MEI in Bezug auf das Geschlecht ergänzt. In Anlehnung an die Faktorenstruktur des MEI konnte eine empirisch abgeleitete, operationale Definition bereitgestellt werden, die die Probleme und Ambiguitäten bisheriger, meist theoriegeleiteter Definitionsversuche überwindet. Zur Beantwortung der zweiten und dritten Forschungsfrage (Paper 2) wurde eine Teilstichprobe der Studie 2 aus den MEI-Validierungsstudien (N = 292) analysiert. Die inkrementelle Validität von ME über die allgemeine Achtsamkeit hinaus in Bezug auf die Outcomevariablen maladaptives Essverhalten (emotionales Essen und unkontrolliertes Essen) und Ernährungsverhalten (selbstberichteter Verzehr von energiereichen Nahrungsmitteln) konnte mit Hilfe hierarchischer Regressionsmodelle gezeigt werden. Multiple Regressionsanalysen wurden angewandt, um den Einfluss der sieben verschiedenen Facetten von ME, die in Paper 1 identifiziert wurden, auf dieselben Outcomes zu untersuchen. Die folgenden ME-Facetten erklärten deren Varianz signifikant: ‘Akzeptierende, nicht-anhaftende Haltung gegenüber der eigenen Essenserfahrung‘ (ANA), ‘Essen in Abhängigkeit zum Gewahrsein der Magenfülle‘ (ERF), ‘Gewahrsein von Essmotiven- und -triggern‘ (ATM), ‘Nicht-reaktive Haltung‘ (NRS, d.h. eine beobachtende, nicht-impulsive Haltung gegenüber Essenstriggern). Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass diese ME-Facetten vielversprechend sein könnten, um a) die zugrunde liegenden Mechanismen von Achtsamkeit und MBPs im Kontext von Essen zu untersuchen und b) maladaptives Essverhalten direkt oder im Rahmen der Prävention und Behandlung von Ess- und Gewichtsstörungen korrekt und gewinnbringend zu adressieren. Zur Beantwortung der vierten Forschungsfrage (Paper 3) wurde ein Training zu einer klar umschriebenen, isolierten Übung ('9 Hunger') auf der Grundlage der zuvor identifizierten ME-Facette ATM konzipiert, um deren potenziellen Zusammenhang mit Veränderungen im maladaptiven Essverhalten zu erforschen und sich so einem möglichen Wirkmechanismus anzunähern. Die Online-Studie wurde in Form einer randomisiert kontrollierten Studie (RCT) durchgeführt. Latent Change Scores (LCS) über drei Messzeitpunkte (vor dem Training, direkt nach dem Training und drei Monate später) wurden zwischen der Interventionsgruppe (n = 211) und einer Wartelisten-Kontrollgruppe (n = 188) verglichen. Es konnten kurz- und längerfristige Effekte des Trainings auf maladaptives Essverhaltens (emotionales Essen, externes Essen, Essen mit Kontrollverlust) und assoziierte Outcomes (intuitives Essen, achtsames Essen, Selbstmitgefühl, Wohlbefinden) gefunden werden. Die Ergebnisse dienen als vorläufige empirische Unterstützung des bislang nur theoretisch angenommenen Mechanismus, dass MPBs maladaptives Essverhalten und damit Ess- und Gewichtsstörungen durch ein verbessertes, nicht-wertendes Gewahrsein unterschiedlicher Essmotiven und Trigger sowie deren Unterscheidung beeinflussen könnten. Die Integration der Ergebnisse erlaubte die Ableitung mehrere Vorschläge, wie ME zukünftige Interventionen für maladaptives Essverhalten bereichern könnte, um die Gesundheit im Allgemeinen sowie die Prävention und Behandlung von Ess- und Gewichtsstörungen zu verbessern. Die Stärken der Dissertation (z. B. aufeinander aufbauende, spezifische Methodik, Vielfalt von Designs und Methoden, großer Stichprobenumfang) werden hervorgehoben. Die wichtigsten Einschränkungen, insbesondere in Bezug auf die Stichprobencharakteristika der inkludierten Studien (z.B. höheres Bildungsniveau, weniger Männer, selbst-selektiert) werden kritisch diskutiert, um Ideen und Notwendigkeiten für kommende Forschung abzuleiten (z.B. Einschluss multimodaler und multimethodaler Ansätze, klinischer Essstörungsstichproben und Jugendlichenstichproben), um die zukünftige Forschung zu ME und den zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen von MBPs im Kontext von maladaptivem Essverhalten und assoziierten Ess- und Gewichtsstörungen zu verbessern. Diese Arbeit bereichert die aktuelle Forschung zu Achtsamkeit im Kontext von Essverhalten und assoziierten Ess- und Gewichtsstörungen, indem sie Grundlagenforschung zum Kern des Konstrukts ME liefert. Dabei stellt sie ein reliables und valides Instrument zur umfassenden Erfassung von ME in zukünftigen Studien sowie eine operationale Definition zur Verfügung. Die Ergebnisse auf der Ebene der ME-Facetten können von Forschung und Praxis genutzt werden, maladaptives Essverhalten in der Prävention und Behandlung angemessen zugeschnitten zu adressieren. Der vorläufig identifizierte Wirkmechanismus von ATM sollte in repräsentativen Bevölkerungsstichproben und spezifischen klinischen Stichproben weiter untersucht werden, um die Gültigkeit der Ergebnisse in diesen Gruppen zu prüfen und eine breitere Anwendung des Konzepts in der Allgemeinbevölkerung sowie in spezifischen Gruppen mit Ess- und Gewichtsstörungen zu rechtfertigen. Zusammenfassend können die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit dazu beitragen, die Forschung zu ME und zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen auf eine stärker evidenzbasierte Grundlage zu stellen. Dieses Wissen kann genutzt werden, um künftige MBPs in Prävention und Behandlung von Ess- und Gewichtsstörungen entsprechend anzupassen. KW - mindful eating KW - mindfulness KW - eating behavior KW - achtsames Essen KW - Achtsamkeit KW - Essverhalten Y1 - 2024 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-634515 ER - TY - THES A1 - Blaser, Berenike Lisa T1 - Premenstrual symptoms as a function of altered central autonomous nervous activity T1 - Prämenstruelle Symptome als Funktion veränderter zentralautonomer Netzwerkaktivität BT - a neurovisceral integration perspective on premenstrual syndrome BT - eine neuroviszerale Integrations-Perspektive auf das Prämenstruelle Syndrom N2 - The experience of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) affects up to 90% of individuals with an active menstrual cycle and involves a spectrum of aversive physiological and psychological symptoms in the days leading up to menstruation (Tschudin et al., 2010). Despite its high prevalence, the precise origins of PMS remain elusive, with influences ranging from hormonal fluctuations to cognitive, social, and cultural factors (Hunter, 2007; Matsumoto et al., 2013). Biologically, hormonal fluctuations, particularly in gonadal steroids, are commonly believed to be implicated in PMS, with the central factor being varying susceptibilities to the fluctuations between individuals and cycles (Rapkin & Akopians, 2012). Allopregnanolone (ALLO), a neuroactive steroid and progesterone metabolite, has emerged as a potential link to PMS symptoms (Hantsoo & Epperson, 2020). ALLO is a positive allosteric modulator of the GABAA receptor, influencing inhibitory communication (Rupprecht, 2003; Andréen et al., 2006). Different susceptibility to ALLO fluctuations throughout the cycle may lead to reduced GABAergic signal transmission during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. The GABAergic system's broad influence leads to a number of affected physiological systems, including a consistent reduction in vagally mediated heart rate variability (vmHRV) during the luteal phase (Schmalenberger et al., 2019). This reduction in vmHRV is more pronounced in individuals with high PMS symptoms (Baker et al., 2008; Matsumoto et al., 2007). Fear conditioning studies have shown inconsistent associations with cycle phases, suggesting a complex interplay between physiological parameters and PMS-related symptoms (Carpenter et al., 2022; Epperson et al., 2007; Milad et al., 2006). The neurovisceral integration model posits that vmHRV reflects the capacity of the central autonomous network (CAN), which is responsible for regulatory processes on behavioral, cognitive, and autonomous levels (Thayer & Lane, 2000, 2009). Fear learning, mediated within the CAN, is suggested to be indicative of vmHRV's capacity for successful VI regulation (Battaglia & Thayer, 2022). Given the GABAergic mediation of central inhibitory functional connectivity in the CAN, which may be affected by ALLO fluctuations, this thesis proposes that fluctuating CAN activity in the luteal phase contributes to diverse aversive symptoms in PMS. A research program was designed to empirically test these propositions. Study 1 investigated fear discrimination during different menstrual cycle phases and its interaction with vmHRV, revealing nuanced effects on acoustic startle response and skin conductance response. While there was heightened fear discrimination in acoustic startle responses in participants in the luteal phase, there was an interaction between menstrual cycle phase and vmHRV in skin conductance responses. In this measure, heightened fear discrimination during the luteal phase was only visible in individuals with high resting vmHRV; those with low vmHRV showed reduced fear discrimination and higher overall responses. Despite affecting the vast majority of menstruating people, there are very limited tools available to reliably assess these symptoms in the German speaking area. Study 2 aimed at closing this gap, by translating and validating a German version of the short version of the Premenstrual Assessment Form (Allen et al., 1991), providing a reliable tool for future investigations, which closes the gap in PMS questionnaires in the German-speaking research area. Study 3 employed a diary study paradigm to explore daily associations between vmHRV and PMS symptoms. The results showed clear simultaneous fluctuations between the two constructs with a peak in PMS and a low point in vmHRV a few days before menstruation onset. The association between vmHRV and PMS was driven by psychological PMS symptoms. Based on the theoretical considerations regarding the neurovisceral perspective on PMS, another interesting construct to consider is attentional control, as it is closely related to functions of the CAN. Study 4 delved into attentional control and vmHRV differences between menstrual cycle phases, demonstrating an interaction between cycle phase and PMS symptoms. In a pilot, we found reduced vmHRV and attentional control during the luteal phase only in participants who reported strong PMS. While Studies 1-4 provided evidence for the mechanisms underlying PMS, Studies 5 and 6 investigated short- and long-term intervention protocols to ameliorate PMS symptomatology. Study 5 explored the potential of heart rate variability biofeedback (HRVB) in alleviating PMS symptoms and a number of other outcome measures. In a waitlist-control design, participants underwent a 4-week smartphone-based HRVB intervention. The results revealed positive effects on PMS, with larger effect sizes on psychological symptoms, as well as on depressive symptoms, anxiety/stress and attentional control. Finally, Study 6 examined the acute effects of HRVB on attentional control. The study found positive impact but only in highly stressed individuals. The thesis, based on this comprehensive research program, expands our understanding of PMS as an outcome of CAN fluctuations mediated by GABAA receptor reactivity. The results largely support the model. These findings not only deepen our understanding of PMS but also offer potential avenues for therapeutic interventions. The promising results of smartphone-based HRVB training suggest a non-pharmacological approach to managing PMS symptoms, although further research is needed to confirm its efficacy. In conclusion, this thesis illuminates the complex web of factors contributing to PMS, providing valuable insights into its etiological underpinnings and potential interventions. By elucidating the relationships between hormonal fluctuations, CAN activity, and psychological responses, this research contributes to more effective treatments for individuals grappling with the challenges of PMS. The findings hold promise for improving the quality of life for those affected by this prevalent and often debilitating condition. N2 - Das prämenstruelle Syndrom (PMS) betrifft bis zu 90% aller Personen mit einem aktiven Menstruationszyklus und umfasst ein Spektrum aversiver physiologischer und psychologischer Symptome in den Tagen vor der Menstruation (Tschudin et al., 2010). Trotz der hohen Prävalenz bleiben die genauen Ursachen von PMS weitgehend unklar, wobei Einflüsse von hormonellen Schwankungen bis hin zu kognitiven, sozialen und kulturellen Faktoren reichen (Hunter, 2007; Matsumoto et al., 2013). Von einer biologischen Perspektive werden hormonelle Schwankungen insbesondere in den Geschlechtshormonen häufig mit PMS in Verbindung gebracht. Dabei gelten individuelle und zyklusabhängige Anfälligkeiten gegenüber der hormonellen Schwankungen als zentraler Faktor (Rapkin & Akopians, 2012). Allopregnanolon (ALLO), ein neuroaktives Steroid und ein Progesteronmetabolit, hat sich als potenzielle Verbindung zu PMS-Symptomen herausgestellt (Hantsoo & Epperson, 2020). ALLO ist ein positiver allosterischer Modulator des GABAA-Rezeptors, der die inhibitorische Kommunikation beeinflusst (Rupprecht, 2003; Andréen et al., 2006). Eine unterschiedliche Anfälligkeit für ALLO-Schwankungen im Verlauf des Menstruationszyklus kann zu einer verminderten GABAergen Signalübertragung während der Lutealphase führen. Der breite Einfluss des GABAergen Systems führt zu einer Vielzahl von betroffenen physiologischen Systemen, einschließlich einer konstanten Reduktion der vagal vermittelten Herzfrequenzvariabilität (vmHRV) während der Lutealphase (Schmalenberger et al., 2019). Diese Reduktion der vmHRV ist bei Personen mit starken PMS-Symptomen stärker ausgeprägt (Baker et al., 2008; Matsumoto et al., 2007). Studien zur Furchtkonditionierung haben inkonsistente Assoziationen mit den Zyklusphasen gezeigt, was auf ein komplexes Zusammenspiel zwischen physiologischen Parametern und PMS-spezifischen Symptomen hindeutet (Carpenter et al., 2022; Epperson et al., 2007; Milad et al., 2006). Das neuroviszerale Integrationsmodell postuliert, dass die vmHRV die Kapazität des zentralen autonomen Netzwerks (CAN) widerspiegelt, das für regulatorische Prozesse auf Verhaltens-, kognitiver und autonomer Ebene verantwortlich ist (Thayer & Lane, 2000, 2009). Das innerhalb des CAN vermittelte Furchtlernen wird als Indikator für die Fähigkeit der vmHRV zur erfolgreichen Regulation betrachtet (Battaglia & Thayer, 2022). Angesichts der GABAergen Vermittlung der zentralen inhibitorischen funktionellen Konnektivität im CAN, die durch ALLO-Schwankungen beeinflusst werden kann, postuliert diese Arbeit, dass eine fluktuierende CAN-Aktivität in der Lutealphase zu den vielfältigen aversiven Symptomen des PMS beiträgt. Ein Forschungsprogramm wurde konzipiert, um diese Annahmen empirisch zu überprüfen. Studie 1 untersuchte die Furchtdiskriminierung während verschiedener Menstruationszyklusphasen und deren Wechselwirkung mit vmHRV. Dabei wurden nuancierte Effekte auf den akustischen Schreckreflex und die Hautleitfähigkeitsreaktion aufgedeckt. Während eine gesteigerte Furchtdiskriminierung in akustischen Startlereaktionen bei Teilnehmenden in der Lutealphase festgestellt wurde, zeigte sich in den Hautleitfähigkeitsreaktionen eine Wechselwirkung zwischen Menstruationszyklusphase und vmHRV. In dieser Variable war eine erhöhte Furchtdiskriminierung während der Lutealphase nur bei Personen mit hoher Ruhe-vmHRV sichtbar; Personen mit niedriger vmHRV zeigten eine verringerte Furchtdiskriminierung und insgesamt stärkere Reaktionen. Trotzdem PMS die Mehrzahl aller menstruierender Personen betrifft, gibt es im deutschen Sprachraum wenige Instrumente, die die Symptomatik reliabel erfassen. Um diese Lücke zu schließen, übersetzte und validierte Studie 2 eine deutsche Version der Kurzversion der Premenstrual Assessment Form (Allen et al., 1991), wodurch ein reliables Instrument für zukünftige Untersuchungen bereitgestellt wurde. Dieses schließt eine Lücke in PMS-Fragebögen in der deutschen Forschungslandschaft. Studie 3 verwendete ein Tagebuchstudienparadigma, um tägliche Zusammenhänge zwischen vmHRV und PMS-Symptomen zu erforschen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten klare simultane Fluktuationen zwischen den beiden Konstrukten mit einem Höhepunkt in PMS und einem Tiefpunkt in vmHRV einige Tage vor Beginn der Menstruation. Die Assoziation zwischen vmHRV und PMS wurde hautsächlich durch psychologische PMS-Symptome verursacht. Basierend auf den theoretischen Überlegungen zur neuroviszeralen Perspektive auf PMS, ist ein weiteres interessantes zu betrachtende Konstrukt Aufmerksamkeitskontrolle, da diese eng mit Funktionen des CAN zusammenhängt. Studie 4 untersuchte Aufmerksamkeitskontrolle und Unterschiede in der vmHRV zwischen der Luteal- und Follikelphase des Menstruationszyklus und zeigte eine Wechselwirkung zwischen Zyklusphase und PMS-Symptomen. In einer Pilotstudie fanden wir eine reduzierte vmHRV und Aufmerksamkeitskontrolle während der Lutealphase ausschließlich bei Teilnehmenden, die starke PMS-Symptome berichteten. Während die Studien 1-4 Evidenz für die Mechanismen hinter PMS lieferten, untersuchten Studien 5 und 6 Kurz- und Langzeitinterventionsprotokolle zur Verbesserung der PMS-Symptomatik. Studie 5 untersuchte den Effekt von Herzratenvariabilitätsbiofeedback (HRVB) auf PMS-Symptome und einer Reihe anderer Outcomemaße. In einem Wartelisten-Kontroll-Design durchliefen die Teilnehmenden eine 4-wöchige Smartphone-basierte HRVB-Intervention. Die Ergebnisse zeigten positive Effekte auf PMS, mit größeren Effektstärken in psychologischen Symptomen, sowie bei depressiven Symptomen, Ängstlichkeit/Stress und Aufmerksamkeitskontrolle. Schließlich untersuchte Studie 6 die akuten Effekte von HRVB auf Aufmerksamkeitskontrolle. Die Studie zeigte positive Effekte, jedoch nur bei stark gestressten Personen. KW - premenstrual syndrome KW - prämenstruelles Syndrom KW - heart rate variability KW - Herzratenvariabilität KW - biofeedback KW - Aufmerksamkeit KW - attention Y1 - 2024 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-645970 ER - TY - THES A1 - Schwetlick, Lisa T1 - Data assimilation for neurocognitive models of eye movement T1 - Datenassimilation für Neurokognitive Modelle in der Blickbewegungsforschung N2 - Visual perception is a complex and dynamic process that plays a crucial role in how we perceive and interact with the world. The eyes move in a sequence of saccades and fixations, actively modulating perception by moving different parts of the visual world into focus. Eye movement behavior can therefore offer rich insights into the underlying cognitive mechanisms and decision processes. Computational models in combination with a rigorous statistical framework are critical for advancing our understanding in this field, facilitating the testing of theory-driven predictions and accounting for observed data. In this thesis, I investigate eye movement behavior through the development of two mechanistic, generative, and theory-driven models. The first model is based on experimental research regarding the distribution of attention, particularly around the time of a saccade, and explains statistical characteristics of scan paths. The second model implements a self-avoiding random walk within a confining potential to represent the microscopic fixational drift, which is present even while the eye is at rest, and investigates the relationship to microsaccades. Both models are implemented in a likelihood-based framework, which supports the use of data assimilation methods to perform Bayesian parameter inference at the level of individual participants, analyses of the marginal posteriors of the interpretable parameters, model comparisons, and posterior predictive checks. The application of these methods enables a thorough investigation of individual variability in the space of parameters. Results show that dynamical modeling and the data assimilation framework are highly suitable for eye movement research and, more generally, for cognitive modeling. N2 - Die visuelle Wahrnehmung ist einer der komplexesten Sinne, die dem Menschen zur Verfügung stehen. Jede Sekunde werden 108 - 109 bits Information von Lichtrezeptoren in den Augen aufgenommen und verarbeitet. Dieser Verarbeitung liegen komplexe und dynamische Prozesse zugrunde, die diese große Menge an Informationen in ein kohärentes Perzept verwandeln. Da nur ein kleiner Bereich, die Fovea, hohe Auflösung aufnehmen kann, bildet die Anordnung der Lichtrezeptoren in der Retina den ersten Filtermechanismus dieses Systems. Um trotzdem das gesamte visuelle Feld scharf sehen zu können, bewegen sich die Augen nach und nach über die verschiedenen Elemente der visuellen Welt. Dabei werden interessante oder relevante Inhalte in den Fokus gerückt. Die Bewegung erfolgt in einer Reihe von schnellen Bewegungen (Sakkaden) und relativen Ruheperioden (Fixationen). Während der Fixationen ist das Auge allerdings nicht still, stattdessen sorgen mikroskopische Bewegungen, ein langsamer Drift und schnelle Mikrosakkaden, für eine konstante Bewegung des Auges. Die Auswahl der Fixationsorte sowie die Bewegung an sich bieten Hinweise auf die Verarbeitungsprozesse, die der visuellen Wahrnehmung zugrunde liegen. Wahrnehmung und Handlung sind besonders im Falle der Blickbewegung eng verknüpft und voneinander abhängig: die Bewegung beeinflusst, welche visuelle Information auf die Rezeptoren trifft und die Wahrnehmung ist entscheidend für die Auswahl der Bewegung. In meiner Dissertation entwickele ich einen dynamischen Ansatz zur Modellierung von kognitiven Prozessen, der die Entfaltung von Wahrnehmung und Handlung über die Zeit in den Vordergrund stellt. Darüber hinaus sind die angewendeten Modelle mechanistisch, d.h. sie stützen sich auf biologisch plausible Mechanismen zur Erzeugung von Verhalten. Ein mechanistischer, dynamischer Modellierungsansatz birgt einige entscheidende Vorteile für den wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisgewinn. Ergebnisse aus der Literatur und der experimentellen Forschung dienen als Grundlage, um Verhalten zu erklären. Zeigt das Modell auf Basis dieser Mechanismen tatsächlich das erwartete Verhalten, so ist dies ein starkes Indiz für die aufgestellten Hypothesen für dessen Ursache. Des Weiteren entsteht komplexes Verhalten zumeist nicht monokausal, sondern aus einer Zusammenkunft an Ursachen oder als emergente Eigenschaft. Die Modellieung erlaubt es uns, solche komplexen Prozesse durch Variationen und Veränderungen des Modells im Detail besser zu verstehen. Der methodische Rahmen des Modellierungsansatzes stützt sich auf die umfangreiche Literatur zur dynamischen Modellierung und die Bayes’sche Likelihood-basierte Parameterinferenz. Modelle werden mithilfe dieser statistischen Methoden optimiert, sodass die statistisch bestmögliche Passung von Modell und Daten erreicht wird. Möglich gemacht wird diese Optimierung durch die Likelihood Funktion des Modells, d.h. es wird die Wahrscheinlichkeit der Daten gegeben des Modells errechnet. Zudem werden durch das Variieren der Parameter oder durch analytische Verfahren jene Parameter gewählt, welche die höchste Wahrscheinlichkeit ergeben. Darüberhinaus kann mit Hilfe eines Bays’schen Ansatzes auch eine Approximation der Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilung (Marginal Posterior) pro Parameter errechnet werden. Wenn durch das Modell eine Likelihood Funktion definiert wird, existiert eine gute statistische Grundlage, die starke Inferenzen erlaubt. Wenn eine solche Likelihood Funktion für ein gegebenes Modell nicht formuliert werden kann, muss die Parameterinferenz anhand von anderen Qualitätsmetriken erfolgen. Obwohl dies in der Vergangenheit in den Kognitionswissenschaften häufig der Standard war, bietet die Likelihood-basierte Modellierung doch klare Vorteile, so zum Beispiel die Unabhängigkeit von der Wahl der Metrik und eine starke statistische Basis. Modellparameter in einem mechanistischen Modell haben außerdem typischerweise eine eindeutige Bedeutung für die Mechanismen des Modells. Sie repräsentieren zum Beispiel die Größe der räumlichen Aufmerksamkeitsspanne oder die zeitliche Gedächtnisspanne. Die statistische Parameterinferenz erlaubt daher auch direkte Rückschlüsse auf die Ausprägung der Mechanismen. Zudem sind die hier behandelten Modelle auch generativ, sodass es möglich ist, Daten zu simulieren. Mithilfe von sogenannten Posterior Predictive Checks ist es möglich, das Modellverhalten direkt mit experimentell beobachtetem Verhalten zu vergleichen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird der beschriebene Modellierungsansatz auf zwei Modelle menschlicher Blickbewegungen angewandt. Das erste Modell beschreibt dabei die Auswahl der Fixationsorte bei der Betrachtung von Szenen. Es modelliert explizit die Dynamik der Aufmerksamkeit und deren Auswirkungen auf die Blickbewegung. Das zweite Modell beschreibt die mikroskopischen fixationalen Driftbewegungen mithilfe eines Self-Avoiding Walks. Beide Modelle sind dynamische Modelle mit interpretierbaren Parametern und einer Likelihood Funktion. Somit kann für beide Modelle Bayes’sche Parameterinferenz auf Versuchspersonenebene ermöglicht werden. In der ersten im Rahmen dieser Dissertation präsentierten Arbeit verwenden wir das SceneWalk Modell. Dieses besteht grundsätzlich aus einer Aktivations- und einer Inhibitionskomponente, die sich jeweils über die Zeit mittels einer Differenzialgleichung entwickeln. Die Summe beider Komponenten ergibt für jeden Punkt auf einem diskreten Gitter die Wahrscheinlichkeit eine Sakkade zu diesem Punkt. Experimentelle Forschung zeigt, dass die visuelle Aufmerksamkeit kurz vor einer Sakkade bereits auf den nächsten Fixationsort verlagert wird. Des Weiteren gibt es nach der Sakkade Evidenz für eine Verschiebung der Aufmerksamkeit in die Richtung der Sakkade, aber über den intendierten Fixationsort hinaus. Hier erweitern wir das SceneWalk Modell, indem wir Aufmerksamkeitsprozesse rund um den Zeitpunkt der Sakkade implementieren. Diese Aufmerksamkeitsprozesse erwirken bei den Modiellierungergebnissen eine verbesserte Passung zwischen Daten und Modell und bieten einen Erklärungsansatz für die charakteristischen Winkelverteilungen von aufeinanderfolgenden Sakkaden. In dieser Arbeit zeigen wir außerdem, dass es möglich ist, mittels Bayes’scher Inferenz, separate und aussagekräftige Parameter für einzelne Individuen zu schätzen. In der zweiten Arbeit wenden wir dasselbe Modell, SceneWalk, und die Bayes’sche Inferenz nicht nur auf die Modellierung von verschiedenen Individuen, sondern auch verschiedenen Aufgaben an. Wir zeigen hier Evidenz für systematische Unterschiede in den dynamischen Aufmerksamkeitsparametern, die durch das Modell erfasst werden können. Überdies erweitern wir das SceneWalk Modell in dieser Arbeit um eine zeitliche Komponente (Spatiotemporal Likelihood), sodass jetzt auch die Fixationsdauer im Rahmen des Modells miterfasst wird. Mithilfe dieser Erweiterung finden wir Evidenz für eine Kopplung von Fixationsdauer und Salienz. Die dritte Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit einem Modell für fixationale Driftbewegungen. Das SAW-Modell verwendet einen statistischen Self-Avoiding Random Walk, d.h. eine quasi-zufällige Bewegung auf einem diskreten Gitter, die statistisch ihre eigene Trajektorie vermeidet. Das Gedächtnis der eigenen Trajektorie ist durch einen Parameter definiert. Diese Bewegung wird durch ein Potential daran gehindert, sich zu weit von ihrem Ausgangspunkt zu entfernen. Wir verwenden die selbe Methode der Bayes’schen Parameterinferenz und schätzen so Parameter für Individuen. Des Weiteren stellen wir eine explorative Analyse vor, die einen Zusammenhang zwischen der latenten Aktivierung des Models und Mikrosakkaden findet. In dieser Dissertation wird ein dynamischer Ansatz zur Modellierung von Kognition untersucht, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf Blickbewegungen und visueller Wahrnehmung liegt. Die Arbeit basiert auf der Beobachtung, dass Wahrnehmung und Handlung voneinander abhängig sind und sich im Laufe der Zeit dynamisch entfalten und, dass biologische und neurophysiologische Erkenntnisse die Randbedingungen für verhaltensbezogene Erklärungen liefern sollten. Beide vorgestellten Modelle erfassen zentrale Aspekte des Blickverhaltens sowie individuelle Unterschiede. Die Modelle erlauben eine Untersuchung der zeitlichen Dynamik ihrer jeweiligen Prozesse und können zur Simulation verschiedener Bedingungen und Aufgaben verwendet werden, um deren Auswirkungen auf das Verhalten zu analysieren. Der vorgestellte Modellierungsansatz beinhaltet die Verwendung von dynamischen und mechanistischen Modellen, statistische Inferenz von Parametern, Vergleich von statistischen Eigenschaften simulierter und experimenteller Daten und ermöglicht auch objektive Modellvergleiche. Der dynamische Ansatz zur Modellierung von Kognition ist eine plausible und adäquate Methode um die Interdependenz von Wahrnehmung und Handlung zu beschreiben. Sie bietet die Möglichkeit, Verhalten unter Verwendung theoriebasierter und experimentell fundierter Mechanismen zu erzeugen. Die hier vorgestellten Modelle zeigen das Potenzial dieses Ansatzes und können als Grundlage für weitere Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der kognitiven Modellierung dienen. KW - eye movement KW - mathematical modeling KW - dynamical models KW - data assimilation KW - scan paths KW - attention KW - Aufmerksamkeit KW - Datenassimilation KW - dynamische Modelle KW - Blickbewegungen KW - mathematische Modellierung KW - Blickpfade Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-598280 ER - TY - THES A1 - Ewert, Christina T1 - The role of self-compassion in effective stress processing T1 - Die Rolle von Selbstmitgefühl bei einer effektiven Stressverarbeitung BT - a multimethod approach BT - eine multimethodische Analyse N2 - Background: The concept self-compassion (SC), a special way of being compassionate with oneself while dealing with stressful life circumstances, has attracted increasing attention in research over the past two decades. Research has already shown that SC has beneficial effects on affective well-being and other mental health outcomes. However, little is known in which ways SC might facilitate our affective well-being in stressful situations. Hence, a central concern of this dissertation was to focus on the question which underlying processes might influence the link between SC and affective well-being. Two established components in stress processing, which might also play an important role in this context, could be the amount of experienced stress and the way of coping with a stressor. Thus, using a multi-method approach, this dissertation aimed at finding to which extent SC might help to alleviate the experienced stress and promotes the use of more salutary coping, while dealing with stressful circumstances. These processes might ultimately help improve one’s affective well-being. Derived from that, it was hypothesized that more SC is linked to less perceived stress and intensified use of salutary coping responses. Additionally, it was suggested that perceived stress and coping mediate the relation between SC and affective well-being. Method: The research questions were targeted in three single studies and one meta-study. To test my assumptions about the relations of SC and coping in particular, a systematic literature search was conducted resulting in k = 136 samples with an overall sample size of N = 38,913. To integrate the z-transformed Pearson correlation coefficients, random-effects models were calculated. All hypotheses were tested with a three-wave cross-lagged design in two short-term longitudinal online studies assessing SC, perceived stress and coping responses in all waves. The first study explored the assumptions in a student sample (N = 684) with a mean age of 27.91 years over a six-week period, whereas the measurements were implemented in the GESIS Panel (N = 2934) with a mean age of 52.76 years analyzing the hypotheses in a populationbased sample across eight weeks. Finally, an ambulatory assessment study was designed to expand the findings of the longitudinal studies to the intraindividual level. Thus, a sample of 213 participants completed questionnaires of momentary SC, perceived stress, engagement and disengagement coping, and affective well-being on their smartphones three times per day over seven consecutive days. The data was processed using 1-1-1 multilevel mediation analyses. Results: Results of the meta-analysis indicated that higher SC is significantly associated with more use of engagement coping and less use of disengagement coping. Considering the relations between SC and stress processing variables in all three single studies, cross-lagged paths from the longitudinal data, as well as multilevel modeling paths from the ambulatory assessment data indicated a notable relation between all relevant stress variables. As expected, results showed a significant negative relation between SC and perceived stress and disengagement coping, as well as a positive connection with engagement coping responses at the dispositional and intra-individual level. However, considering the mediational hypothesis, the most promising pathway in the link between SC and affective well-being turned out to be perceived stress in all three studies, while effects of the mediational pathways through coping responses were less robust. Conclusion: Thus, a more self-compassionate attitude and higher momentary SC, when needed in specific situations, can help to engage in effective stress processing. Considering the underlying mechanisms in the link between SC and affective well-being, stress perception in particular seemed to be the most promising candidate for enhancing affective well-being at the dispositional and at the intraindividual level. Future research should explore the pathways between SC and affective well-being in specific contexts and samples, and also take into account additional influential factors. N2 - Hintergrund: In den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten erregte das Konzept Selbstmitgefühl (SMG), eine besondere Art des Mitgefühls um sich im Umgang mit stressigen Lebensumständen zurechtzufinden, zunehmend Aufmerksamkeit in der Forschung. Zahlreiche Untersuchungen haben bereits gezeigt, dass SMG positive Auswirkungen auf das affektive Wohlbefinden sowie auf die psychische Gesundheit im Allgemeinen hat. Allerdings ist wenig darüber bekannt wie SMG unser affektives Wohlbefinden in Stresssituationen verbessern kann. Daher war es ein zentrales Anliegen dieser Dissertation, die Frage zu beantworten, welche zugrundeliegenden Prozesse den Zusammenhang zwischen SMG und affektivem Wohlbefinden beeinflussen können. Zwei etablierte Komponenten im Stressverarbeitungsprozess, die in diesem Zusammenhang ebenfalls eine wichtige Rolle spielen könnten, sind die Menge an erlebtem Stress sowie die Art und Weise, wie mit einem Stressor umgegangen wird (Coping). Unter Verwendung eines Multimethodenansatzes, war es demnach Ziel dieser Dissertation herauszufinden, inwieweit SMG dazu beitragen kann, den erlebten Stress abzumildern und eine heilsamere Bewältigung im Umgang mit stressigen Situationen zu fördern. Diese Prozesse könnten letztendlich dazu beitragen, das affektive Wohlbefinden zu verbessern. Daraus abgeleitet, wurde die Hypothese aufgestellt, dass mehr SMG mit weniger wahrgenommenem Stress und einem intensiveren Gebrauch von protektiven Bewältigungsreaktionen verbunden ist. Darüber hinaus wurde vermutet, dass wahrgenommener Stress und Coping den Zusammenhang zwischen SMG und affektivem Wohlbefinden vermitteln. Methode: Zur Beantwortung der Forschungsfragen wurden drei Einzelstudien und eine Metastudie konzipiert. Um die Annahmen über die Zusammenhänge von SMG und Bewältigungsstrategien zu überprüfen, wurde eine systematische Literaturrecherche durchgeführt. Die durchgeführte Suche ergab k = 136 Stichproben mit einer Gesamtstichprobengröße von N = 38.913. Zur Integration der z-transformierten Pearson-Korrelationskoeffizienten wurden Random-Effects-Modelle berechnet. In zwei Längsschnittstudien wurden alle Hypothesen mit einem Drei-Wellen-Cross-Lagged-Design überprüft, um die Zusammenhänge von SMG, wahrgenommenem Stress und Bewältigungsreaktionen zu bewerten. Die erste Studie untersuchte über einen Zeitraum von 12 Wochen die Annahmen anhand einer Stichprobe von Studenten (N = 684) mit einem Durchschnittsalter von 27,91 Jahren. Die zweite Studie fand im Rahmen einer bevölkerungsbasierten Paneluntersuchung (GESIS) in einem Zeitraum von 4 Monaten statt. An der Befragung nahmen N = 2934 mit einem Durchschnittsalter von 52,76 Jahren teil. Abschließend wurde eine Ambulante Assessmentstudie konzipiert, mit Hilfe dieser sollten die Hypothesen auf der intraindividuellen Ebene überprüft werden. 213 TeilnehmerInnen füllten Fragebögen zu momentanem SC, wahrgenommenem Stress, verwendeten Copingstrategien und affektivem Wohlbefinden dreimal täglich auf ihren Smartphones an sieben aufeinanderfolgenden Tagen aus. Die Daten wurden mithilfe von 1-1-1-Multilevel-Mediationsanalysen analysiert. Ergebnisse: Die Ergebnisse der Metaanalyse zeigten, dass eine Ausprägung in SMG signifikant mit mehr Einsatz von Annäherungscoping und weniger Einsatz von Vermeidungscoping verbunden ist. Sowohl die cross-lagged Pfade der Längstschnittstudien als auch die Pfade der Mehrebenenanalysen des Ambulanten Assessments zeigten erwartete Zusammenhänge zwischen SMG und allen relevanten Stressvariablen. Wie erwartet, zeigte sich ein signifikant negativer Zusammenhang zwischen SMG und wahrgenommenem Stress sowie Vermeidungscoping sowohl auf dispositioneller als auch intraindividueller Ebene. Des Weiteren wurde ein positiver Zusammenhang mit Annäherungscoping auf beiden Ebenen gefunden. Die Mediationshypothese konnte nur teilweise bestätigt werden. So erwies sich der Mediator wahrgenommener Stress als konsistent im Zusammenhang zwischen SMG und affektivem Wohlbefinden in allen drei Studien, während die Mediationspfade für Coping weniger robust waren. Fazit: Eine selbstmitfühlendere Haltung sowie höheres momentanes SMG kann in bestimmten Situationen dabei helfen, Stress effektiver zu bewältigen. Insbesondere weniger Stresswahrnehmung scheint ein vielversprechender Kandidat in der Vermittlung des Zusammenhangs zwischen SMG und affektivem Wohlbefinden auf dispositionell und auf intraindividueller Ebene zu sein. Personen mit mehr SMG erleben in anspruchsvollen Situationen weniger Stress, was schon von Beginn des stressigen Erlebnisses für das AWB förderlich sein kann, ohne dass weitere Bewältigungsreaktionen erforderlich werden. Zukünftige Forschung sollte zugrundeliegende Mechanismen zwischen SMG und affektivem Wohlbefinden in spezifischen Kontexten und Stichproben untersuchen, und auch weitere Einflussfaktoren berücksichtigen. KW - self-compassion KW - Selbstmitgefühl KW - stress processing KW - Stressverarbeitung KW - coping KW - Coping KW - well-being KW - Wohlbefinden Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-607486 ER - TY - THES A1 - Heinze, Peter Eric T1 - An exploration of activity and therapist preferences and their predictors in German-speaking samples T1 - Exploration von Aktivitäts- und Therapeut:innenpräferenzen und deren Prädiktoren in deutschsprachigen Stichproben N2 - According to current definitions of evidence-based practice, patients’ preferences play an important role for the psychotherapeutic process and outcomes. However, whereas a significant body of research investigated preferences regarding specific treatments, research on preferred activities or therapist characteristics is rare, investigated heterogeneous aspects with inconclusive results, lacked validated assessment tools, and neglected relevant preferences, their predictors as well as the perspective of mental health professionals. Therefore, the three studies of this dissertation aimed to address the most fundamental drawbacks in current preference research by providing a validated questionnaire, focus efforts on activity and therapist preferences and add preferences of psychotherapy trainees. To this end, Paper I reports the translation and validation of the 18-item Cooper-Norcross Inventory of Preference (C-NIP) in a broad, heterogeneous sample of N = 969 laypeople, resulting in good to acceptable reliabilities and first evidence of validity. However, the original factor structure was not replicated. Paper II assesses activity preferences of psychotherapists in training using the C-NIP and compares them with the initial laypeople sample. There were significant differences between both samples, with trainees preferring a more patient-directed, emotionally intense and confrontational approach than laypeople. CBT trainees preferred a more therapist-directed, present-focused, challenging and less emotional intense approach than psychodynamic or -analytic trainees. Paper III explores therapist preferences and tests predictors for specific preference choices. For most characteristics, more than half of the participants did not have specific preferences. Results pointed towards congruency effects (i.e., preference for similar characteristics), especially for members of marginalized groups. The dissertation provides both researchers and practitioners with a validated questionnaire, shows potentially obstructive differences between patients and therapists and underlines the importance of therapist characteristics for marginalized groups, thereby laying the foundation for future applications and implementations in research and practice. N2 - Aktuelle Definitionen von evidenzbasierter Psychotherapie betonen neben Faktoren wie Therapiearten, Interventionen, Therapeut:inneneffekte, Beziehungseffekte und Patient:innenfaktoren die Relevanz von Präferenzen für den Therapieprozess und -erfolg. Während Behandlungspräferenzen bereits in vielen Studien untersucht wurden, gibt es nur wenige heterogene Ergebnisse zu Präferenzen bezüglich des psychotherapeutischen Vorgehens sowie gewünschter Eigenschaften von Psychotherapeut:innen. Zudem fehlen ein validierter Fragebogen, wichtige Präferenzen und deren Prädiktoren sowie die Perspektive der Behandler:innen. Die Dissertation greift daher die größten Lücken der Präferenzforschung im Rahmen von drei Studien zu Aktivitäts- und Therapeut:innenpräferenzen auf. Paper I stellt die Übersetzung und Validierung des Cooper-Norcross Inventory of Preferences in einer breiten Bevölkerungsstichprobe (N = 969) dar. Obwohl die Originalfaktorstruktur nicht repliziert werden konnte, erfasst die Skala vier Faktoren der Aktivitätspräferenz reliabel und valide. Paper II ergänzt eine Stichprobe von N = 466 Psychotherapeut:innen in Ausbildung (PiA) und vergleicht diese mit der ursprünglichen Bevölkerungsstichprobe. PiAs präferierten dabei einen signifikant stärkeren patientengeleiteten, emotional fordernden und konfrontativen Ansatz. PiAs der KVT präferierten im Vergleich zu PiAs der Psychoanalyse oder -dynamik einen therapeutengeleiteten, gegenwärtigen, konfrontativen und weniger emotional fordernden Ansatz. Paper III untersuchte Präferenzen hinsichtlich mehrerer Therapeut:inneneigenschaften und deren Prädiktoren. Für die meisten Eigenschaften gaben mehr als die Hälfte der Proband:innen an, keine spezifischen Präferenzen zu haben. Es zeigten sich jedoch Kongruenzeffekte, insbesondere für Personen aus marginalisierten Gruppen. Die Dissertation legt den Grundstein für künftige Anwendungen von Präferenzen für Forschende und Behandelnde, indem ein validierter Fragebogen vorgestellt, potentiell hinderliche Unterschiede zwischen Patient:innen und Therapeut:innen beschrieben und die Relevanz von Therapeut:inneneigenschaften für marginalisierte Gruppen dargestellt wird. KW - psychotherapy KW - preferences KW - preference assessment KW - psychotherapy training KW - respondent pool KW - Psychotherapie KW - Präferenzen KW - Präferenzmessung KW - Psychotherapieausbildung KW - Panelstichprobe Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-607534 ER - TY - THES A1 - Kwarikunda, Diana T1 - Interest, motivation, and learning strategies use during physics learning T1 - Interesse, Motivation und Einsatz von Lernstrategien beim Physikunterricht N2 - The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the developmental dynamics between interest, motivation, and learning strategy use during physics learning. The target population was lower secondary school students from a developing country, given that there is hardly in research that studies the above domain-specific concepts in the context of developing countries. The aim was addressed in four parts. The first part of the study was guided by three objectives: (a) to adapt and validate the Science Motivation Questionnaire (SMQ-II) for the Ugandan context; (b) to examine whether there are significant differences in motivation for learning Physics with respect to students’ gender; and (c) to establish the extent to which students’ interest predicts their motivation to learn Physics. Being a pilot study, the sample comprised 374 randomly selected students from five schools in central Uganda who responded to anonymous questionnaires that included scales from the SMQ-II and the Individual Interest Questionnaire. Data were analysed using confirmatory factor analyses, t-tests and structural equation modelling in SPSS-25 and Mplus-8. The five-factor model solution of the SMQ-II fitted adequately with the study data, with deletion of one item. The modified SMQ-II exhibited invariant factor loadings and intercepts (i.e., strong measurement invariance) when administered to boys and girls. Furthermore, on assessing whether motivation for learning Physics varied with gender, no significant differences were noted. On assessing the predictive effects of individual interest on students’ motivation, individual interest significantly predicted all motivational constructs, with stronger predictive strength on students’ self-efficacy and self-determination in learning Physics. In the second part whilst using comprised 934 Grade 9 students from eight secondary schools in Uganda, Latent profile analysis (LPA) - a person-centred approach was used to investigate motivation patterns that exist in lower secondary school students during physics learning. A three-step approach to LPA was used to answer three research questions: RQ1, which profiles of secondary school students exist with regards to their motivation for Physics learning; RQ2, are there differences in students’ cognitive learning strategies in the identified profiles; and RQ3, does students’ gender, attitudes, and individual interest predict membership in these profiles? Six motivational profiles were identified: (i) low-quantity motivation profile (101 students; 10.8%); (ii) moderate-quantity motivation profile (246 students; 26.3%); (iii) high-quantity motivation profile (365 students; 39.1%); (iv) primarily intrinsically motivated profile (60 students,6.4%); (v) mostly extrinsically motivated profile (88 students, 9.4%); and (vi) grade-introjected profile (74 students, 7.9%). Low-quantity and grade introjected motivated students mostly used surface learning strategies whilst the high-quantity and primarily intrinsically motivated students used deep learning strategies. On examining the predictive effect of gender, individual interest, and students’ attitudes on the profile membership, unlike gender, individual interest and students’ attitudes towards Physics learning strongly predicted profile membership. In the third part of the study, the occurrence of different secondary school learner profiles depending on their various combinations of cognitive and metacognitive learning strategy use, as well as their differences in perceived autonomy support, intrinsic motivation, and gender was examined. Data were collected from 576 9th grade student. Four learner profiles were identified: competent strategy user, struggling user, surface-level learner, and deep-level learner profiles. Gender differences were noted in students’ use of elaboration and organization strategies to learn Physics, in favour of girls. In terms of profile memberships, significant differences in gender, intrinsic motivation and perceived autonomy support were also noted. Girls were 2.4 - 2.7 times more likely than boys to be members of the competent strategy user and surface-level learner profiles. Additionally, higher levels of intrinsic motivation predicted an increased likelihood membership into the deep-level learner profile, whilst higher levels of perceived teacher autonomy predicted an increased likelihood membership into the competent strategy user profile as compared to other profiles. Lastly, in the fourth part, changes in secondary school students’ physics motivation and cognitive learning strategies use during physics learning across time were examined. Two waves of data were collected from initially 954 9th students through to their 10th grade. A three-step approach to Latent transition analysis was used. Generally, students’ motivation decreased from 9th to 10th grade. Qualitative students’ motivation profiles indicated strong with-in person stability whilst the quantitative profiles were relatively less stable. Mostly, students moved from the high quantity motivation profile to the extrinsically motivated profiles. On the other hand, the cognitive learning strategies use profiles were moderately stable; with higher with-in person stability in the deep-level learner profile. None of the struggling users and surface-level learners transitioned into the deep-level learners’ profile. Additionally, students who perceived increased support for autonomy from their teachers had higher membership likelihood into the competent users’ profiles whilst those with an increase in individual interest score had higher membership likelihood into the deep-level learner profile. N2 - Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Entwicklungsdynamik zwischen Interesse, Motivation und dem Einsatz von Lernstrategien während des Physikunterrichts zu untersuchen. Die Zielpopulation waren Schüler der Sekundarstufe I aus einem Entwicklungsland, da es in der Forschung kaum Forschung gibt, die die oben genannten domänenspezifischen Konzepte im Kontext von Entwicklungsländern Ländern untersucht. Das Ziel wurde in vier Teilen verfolgt. Der erste Teil der Studie wurde von drei Zielen geleitet: (a) Anpassung und Validierung des Fragebogens zur Wissenschaftsmotivation (SMQ-II) für den ugandischen Kontext; (b) die Untersuchung ob es signifikante Unterschiede in der Motivation für das Lernen von Physik in Bezug auf das Geschlecht der SchülerInnen gibt; und (c) das Ausmaß, in dem das Interesse der SchülerInnen ihre Motivation zum Lernen von Physik vorhersagt. Da es sich um eine Pilotstudie handelt, umfasste die Stichprobe 374 zufällig ausgewählte von fünf Schulen in Zentraluganda, die anonyme Fragebögen beantworteten die Skalen aus dem SMQ-II und dem Fragebogen zum individuellen Interesse enthielten. Die Daten wurden mittels konfirmatorischer Faktorenanalysen, t-Tests und Strukturgleichungsmodellen in SPSS-25 und Mplus-8. Die Lösung des Fünf-Faktoren-Modells der SMQ-II passte adäquat zu den Studiendaten, wobei ein Item gestrichen wurde. Die modifizierte SMQ-II wies invariante Faktorladungen Ladungen und Achsenabschnitte (d. h. starke Messinvarianz), wenn er an Jungen und Mädchen. Darüber hinaus wurden bei der Beurteilung der Frage, ob die Motivation für das Lernen von Physik mit dem Geschlecht variiert, wurden keine signifikanten Unterschiede festgestellt. Bei der Bewertung der prädiktiven Effekte des individuellen Interesse auf die Motivation der Schüler ergab, dass das individuelle Interesse alle Motivationskonstrukte signifikant vorhersagte, wobei die Konstrukte vor, wobei die Vorhersagekraft für die Selbstwirksamkeit und die Selbstbestimmung der Schüler beim Lernen von Physik. Im zweiten Teil, der 934 Schüler der Klasse 9 aus acht Sekundarschulen in Uganda umfasste Schulen in Uganda, wurde die latente Profilanalyse (LPA) - ein personenzentrierter Ansatz - verwendet, um Motivationsmuster zu untersuchen, die bei Schülern der Sekundarstufe I während des Physik lernen. Die LPA wurde in drei Schritten durchgeführt, um drei Forschungsfragen zu beantworten: RQ1, Welche Profile von Sekundarschülern gibt es in Bezug auf ihre Motivation für das Physiklernen? lernen; RQ2, gibt es Unterschiede in den kognitiven Lernstrategien der Schüler in den identifizierten Profilen; und RQ3, sagt das Geschlecht, die Einstellung und das individuelle Interesse der Schüler die Zugehörigkeit zu diesen Profilen vor? Es wurden sechs Motivationsprofile identifiziert: (i) Profil mit geringer QuantitätMotivationsprofil (101 Studierende; 10,8 %); (ii) Motivationsprofil mit mittlerer Quantität (246Studenten; 26,3%); (iii) Motivationsprofil mit hohem Bedarf (365 Studenten; 39,1%); (iv) primär intrinsisch motiviertes Profil (60 Studierende, 6,4%); (v) überwiegend extrinsisch motiviertes Profil (88 Schüler, 9,4 %); und (vi) ein Profil, das von der Note abhängt (74 Schüler, 7,9 %). Geringfügig und Grade-introjizierte motivierte Studierende verwendeten hauptsächlich oberflächliche Lernstrategien, während die hochquantitativen und hauptsächlich intrinsisch motivierten Studierenden tiefgehende Lernstrategien verwendeten. Auf Untersuchung des prädiktiven Effekts des Geschlechts, des individuellen Interesses und der Einstellung der Studierenden auf die Profilzugehörigkeit: Im Gegensatz zum Geschlecht haben das individuelle Interesse und die Einstellung der Schüler zum Physik eine starke Vorhersage der Profilzugehörigkeit. Im dritten Teil der Studie wird das Auftreten unterschiedlicher Lernerprofile in der Sekundarstufe Lernenden der Sekundarstufe in Abhängigkeit von den verschiedenen Kombinationen kognitiver und metakognitiver und metakognitiven Lernstrategien sowie die Unterschiede in der wahrgenommenen Autonomieunterstützung, der intrinsischen Motivation und Geschlecht untersucht. Es wurden Daten von 576 Schülern der 9. Klasse erhoben. Vier Lernende wurden vier Lernerprofile identifiziert: kompetente Strategieanwender, schwierige Anwender, oberflächliche Lerner und Profile mit tiefem Lernniveau. Es wurden geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede bei der Verwendung von Elaborations- und Organisationsstrategien für das Erlernen von Physik, wobei Mädchen bevorzugt wurden. In Bezug auf die Zugehörigkeit zu den Profilen, wurden signifikante Unterschiede in Bezug auf Geschlecht, intrinsische Motivation und wahrgenommene Autonomieunterstützung wurden ebenfalls festgestellt. Mädchen gehörten mit 2,4 bis 2,7-mal höherer Wahrscheinlichkeit als Jungen zu den kompetenten Strategieanwender- und Oberflächenniveau-Lernprofilen. Darüber hinaus sagten höhere Werte der intrinsischen Motivation eine höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit für die Zugehörigkeit zum Profil der tiefgründigen Lernenden voraus, während ein höheres Maß an wahrgenommener Lehrerautonomie eine höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit für eine Zugehörigkeit zum Profil des kompetenten Strategieanwenders im Vergleich zu den anderen Profilen. Im vierten Teil schließlich wurden die Veränderungen in der Physikmotivation von Sekundarschülern und die Verwendung kognitiver Lernstrategien während des Physikunterrichts im Laufe der Zeit untersucht. In zwei Wellen wurden die Daten von ursprünglich 954 Schülern der 9. bis zur 10. Es wurde ein dreistufiger Ansatz der latenten Übergangsanalyse verwendet. Im Allgemeinen nahm die Motivation der Schüler von der 9. zur 10.Klasse ab. Die qualitativen Motivationsprofile der Schüler zeigten eine starke Stabilität innerhalb der Person, während die quantitativen Profile relativ weniger stabil waren. Meistens, wechselten die Schüler vom Profil der hohen quantitativen Motivation zu den extrinsisch motivierten Profilen. Andererseits waren die Profile für die Nutzung kognitiver Lernstrategien mäßig stabil, wobei das Profil der tiefgründig Lernenden eine höhere Stabilität aufwies. Keiner der schwierigen Nutzer und der oberflächlichen Lernenden ging in das Profil der tiefgründigen Lernenden über. Darüber hinaus hatten Schüler, die von ihren Lehrern eine stärkere Unterstützung der Autonomie wahrnahmen eine höhere Zugehörigkeitswahrscheinlichkeit zu den Profilen der kompetenten Nutzer, während die Schüler mit einer höheren individuellem Interesse eine höhere Zugehörigkeitswahrscheinlichkeit zum Profil der tiefgründigen Lernenden hatten Profil aufwiesen. KW - individual interest KW - motivation KW - cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies KW - person-centered approaches KW - individuelle Interessen KW - Motivation KW - kognitive und metakognitive Lernstrategien KW - personenzentrierte Ansätze Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-609311 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Asselmann, Eva A1 - Holst, Elke A1 - Specht, Jule T1 - Longitudinal bidirectional associations between personality and becoming a leader JF - Journal of personality N2 - Objective Leaders differ in their personalities from non-leaders. However, when do these differences emerge? Are leaders "born to be leaders" or does their personality change in preparation for a leadership role and due to increasing leadership experience? Method Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study, we examined personality differences between leaders (N = 2683 leaders, women: n = 967; 36.04%) and non-leaders (N = 33,663) as well as personality changes before and after becoming a leader. Results Already in the years before starting a leadership position, leaders-to-be were more extraverted, open, emotionally stable, conscientious, and willing to take risks, felt to have greater control, and trusted others more than non-leaders. Moreover, personality changed in emergent leaders: While approaching a leadership position, leaders-to-be (especially men) became gradually more extraverted, open, and willing to take risks and felt to have more control over their life. After becoming a leader, they became less extraverted, less willing to take risks, and less conscientious but gained self-esteem. Conclusions Our findings suggest that people are not simply "born to be leaders" but that their personalities change considerably in preparation for a leadership role and due to leadership experience. Some changes are transient, but others last for a long time. KW - Big Five KW - development KW - leadership KW - manager KW - occupational success Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1111/jopy.12719 SN - 0022-3506 SN - 1467-6494 VL - 91 IS - 2 SP - 285 EP - 298 PB - Wiley-Blackwell CY - Boston, Mass. [u.a.] ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kayser, Daniela Niesta T1 - Lehrkräftegesundheit und Umgang mit Beanspruchungsfolgen im Praxissemester BT - Die Bedeutung von Ressourcenwissen und Ressourcennutzung zur Bewältigung von Anforderungen und zur Gesunderhaltung während der Corona-Pandemie JF - PSI-Potsdam: Ergebnisbericht zu den Aktivitäten im Rahmen der Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung (2019-2023) (Potsdamer Beiträge zur Lehrerbildung und Bildungsforschung ; 3) N2 - Mit Blick auf den Schuldienst existieren viele Studien zur Arbeitsbelastung und Arbeitsbeanspruchung von Lehrkräften. Bereits die Praxisphasen im Lehramtsstudium sind geprägt von zahlreichen Anforderungen für Lehramtsanwärter:innen, weshalb Wissen und Kenntnisse um eigene Ressourcen eine erhebliche Bedeutung für die Ressourcennutzung zur Bewältigung der Anforderungen und zur Gesunderhaltung darstellen. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt den Gesundheitsbegriff sowie die theoretischen Grundlagen der Ressourcen zur Gesundheitsförderung anhand repräsentativer Studien innerhalb sowie außerhalb des Potsdamer Praxissemesters vor. Insbesondere wird sich den Anforderungen im Praxissemester, die durch die Corona-Pandemie geprägt waren, gewidmet. Ziel ist es, angehenden Lehrkräften die wichtigsten Methoden bzw. Strategien der Gesundheitsförderung zu vermitteln und sie damit zur Stärkung ihrer eigenen Gesundheit auch in Zeiten erhöhter Belastung bzw. in Krisenzeiten zu befähigen. Erste empirische Ergebnisse aus einer qualitativen Erhebung zeigen, dass die Teilnehmenden in Bezug auf innere Ressourcen die zentrale Rolle von produktiven Überzeugungssystemen und produktiven Bewältigungsstrategien betonen. Ein Mentoringprogramm, angelegt analog zur Potsdamer AG der Mentor:innenqualifzierung, könnte dazu dienen, inhaltliche Eckpunkte zur Gesundheitsförderung im Unterricht des Praxissemesters zu verankern und angehende Lehrkräfte zu begleiten. N2 - With regard to the teaching profession, many studies exist on the workload and work stress of teachers. The practical phases of teacher training are already characterized by numerous requirements for trainee teachers, which is why knowledge and understanding of one’s own resources are of considerable importance for the use of resources to cope with the requirements and to maintain health. This paper presents the concept of health as well as the theoretical basis of resources for health promotion based on representative studies within as well as outside of the Potsdam internship semester. In particular, it addresses the demands of the internship semester, which were shaped by the Corona pandemic. The aim is to teach prospective teachers the most important methods and strategies of health promotion and thus enable them to strengthen their own health, even in times of increased stress or in times of crisis. Initial empirical results from a qualitative survey show that participants emphasize the central role of productive belief systems and productive coping strategies with regard to inner resources. A mentoring program analogous to the Potsdam AG of mentor qualification could serve to anchor content-related cornerstones of health promotion in the teaching of the internship semester and to accompany prospective teachers. KW - Beanspruchungserleben KW - Resilienz KW - innere Ressourcen KW - Gesundheitsförderung KW - Praxisphasen KW - resilience KW - internal resources KW - health promotion KW - practical phases Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-618643 SN - 978-3-86956-568-2 SN - 2626-3556 SN - 2626-4722 IS - 3 SP - 375 EP - 393 PB - Universitätsverlag Potsdam CY - Potsdam ER - TY - THES A1 - Hettinger, Katharina T1 - Teaching-related self-efficacy beliefs of teachers BT - do they matter for teaching behavior and students’ affective-motivational characteristics? N2 - Teacher self-efficacy is highly relevant for effective teaching, student academic development, and teachers’ wellbeing, as theoretical work (Bandura, 1997; Tschannen-Moran et al., 1998) and empirical studies (i.e., Burić & Kim, 2020; Klassen & Chiu, 2010; van Uden et al., 2013) have shown associations with effective classroom management, student support, student motivation, and teachers’ job satisfaction. Given the importance of teacher self-efficacy for teaching and learning, it is interesting to note that existing research is limited in several aspects – first, longitudinal studies on the relations between teacher self-efficacy and student academic outcomes are widely missing; second, empirical studies often assess teacher self-efficacy as a one-dimensional construct, neglecting its multidimensional character; third, studies often only focus on either the students’ or the teachers’ perspective on teaching and thus do not include simultaneously multiple sources of information on teaching practices as a consequence of teacher self-efficacy; fourth, research often does not systematically consider the effects of teacher self-efficacy on students’ academic outcomes at both the group and individual level. Against this backdrop, this dissertation presents three longitudinal studies that aim to contribute to a more detailed perspective on teacher self-efficacy by examining systematically and longitudinally the relations between multiple dimensions of teacher self-efficacy and theoretically aligned teaching quality facets as perceived by teachers and students, as well as their relations to students’ motivational-affective outcomes – more concretely, their relations to students’ interest, enjoyment, and self-efficacy in a multi-level analysis approach. Study 1 examines the longitudinal relations between teacher self-efficacy for classroom management and student-perceived monitoring and social relatedness, and investigates whether the two student-reported teaching dimensions explain the relations between teacher self-efficacy for classroom management and student enjoyment using multi-level analyses. Study 2 examines longitudinally how teacher self-efficacy for student engagement relates to student interest through student- and teacher-perceived emotional support. Also, including student and teacher perspectives on teaching, Study 3 examines the longitudinal relations between specific facets of teacher self-efficacy for classroom management and classroom discipline, teacher self-efficacy for instructional strategies and cognitive activation, teacher self-efficacy for student engagement and competence support, teacher self-efficacy for emotional support and social relatedness, as well as teacher self-efficacy for student-oriented teaching and learning goal-oriented instruction with students’ enjoyment and self-efficacy. Furthermore, in Studies 2 and 3 the cross-level mediation effects of longitudinal relations with teacher self-efficacy on student motivational-affective characteristics via teaching practices are examined in order to address the lack of empirical studies disentangling the relations for specifically individual- vs. group-level effects. The limitations and implications are discussed in terms of their theoretical and practical relevance for school practice, teacher education, and teacher training. KW - teacher self-efficacy facets KW - perceived teaching quality KW - students' motivational and emotional characteristics KW - longitudinal analyses KW - multi-level modeling Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - THES A1 - Roth-Rawald, Julia T1 - Krankheitsängste in verschiedenen Populationen und die Effektivität ambulanter Verhaltenstheraphie Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Stone, Kate A1 - Nicenboim, Bruno A1 - Vasishth, Shravan A1 - Rösler, Frank T1 - Understanding the effects of constraint and predictability in ERP JF - Neurobiology of language N2 - Intuitively, strongly constraining contexts should lead to stronger probabilistic representations of sentences in memory. Encountering unexpected words could therefore be expected to trigger costlier shifts in these representations than expected words. However, psycholinguistic measures commonly used to study probabilistic processing, such as the N400 event-related potential (ERP) component, are sensitive to word predictability but not to contextual constraint. Some research suggests that constraint-related processing cost may be measurable via an ERP positivity following the N400, known as the anterior post-N400 positivity (PNP). The PNP is argued to reflect update of a sentence representation and to be distinct from the posterior P600, which reflects conflict detection and reanalysis. However, constraint-related PNP findings are inconsistent. We sought to conceptually replicate Federmeier et al. (2007) and Kuperberg et al. (2020), who observed that the PNP, but not the N400 or the P600, was affected by constraint at unexpected but plausible words. Using a pre-registered design and statistical approach maximising power, we demonstrated a dissociated effect of predictability and constraint: strong evidence for predictability but not constraint in the N400 window, and strong evidence for constraint but not predictability in the later window. However, the constraint effect was consistent with a P600 and not a PNP, suggesting increased conflict between a strong representation and unexpected input rather than greater update of the representation. We conclude that either a simple strong/weak constraint design is not always sufficient to elicit the PNP, or that previous PNP constraint findings could be an artifact of smaller sample size. KW - N400 KW - anterior PNP KW - posterior P600 KW - probabilistic processing KW - constraint KW - predictability KW - entropy Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1162/nol_a_00094 SN - 2641-4368 VL - 4 IS - 2 SP - 221 EP - 256 PB - MIT Press CY - Cambridge, MA, USA ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Pollatos, Olga A1 - Mönkemöller, Karla A1 - Groppe, Karoline A1 - Elsner, Birgit T1 - Interoceptive accuracy is associated with benefits in decision making in children JF - Frontiers in psychology N2 - Introduction: Decision making results not only from logical analyses, but seems to be further guided by the ability to perceive somatic information (interoceptive accuracy). Relations between interoceptive accuracy and decision making have been exclusively studied in adults and with regard to complex, uncertain situations (as measured by the Iowa Gambling Task, IGT). Methods: In the present study, 1454 children (6-11 years) were examined at two time points (approximately 1 year apart) using an IGT as well as a delay-of-gratification task for sweets-items and toy-items. Interoceptive accuracy was measured using a child-adapted version of the Heartbeat Perception Task. Results: The present results revealed that children with higher, as compared to lower, interoceptive accuracy showed more advantageous choices in the IGT and delayed more sweets-items, but not toy-items, in a delay-of-gratification task at time point 2 but not at time point 1. However, no longitudinal relation between interoceptive accuracy and decision making 1 year later could be shown. Discussion: Results indicate that interoceptive accuracy relates to decision-making abilities in situations of varying complexity already in middle childhood, and that this link might consolidate across the examined 1-year period. Furthermore, the association of interoceptive accuracy and the delay of sweets-items might have implications for the regulation of body weight at a later age. KW - cardiac perception KW - interoception KW - emotion KW - decision making KW - Iowa gambling task KW - somatic-marker hypothesis KW - childhood development Y1 - 2023 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1070037 SN - 1664-1078 VL - 13 PB - Frontiers Research Foundation CY - Lausanne ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Agthe, Maria A1 - Kayser, Daniela Niesta A1 - Schwarz, Sascha A1 - Maner, Jon K. T1 - Antecedents of the red-romance effect BT - men's attractiveness and women's fertility JF - PLOS ONE / Public Library of Science N2 - The color red has been implicated in a variety of social processes, including those involving mating. While previous research suggests that women sometimes wear red strategically to increase their attractiveness, the replicability of this literature has been questioned. The current research is a reasonably powered conceptual replication designed to strengthen this literature by testing whether women are more inclined to display the color red 1) during fertile (as compared with less fertile) days of the menstrual cycle, and 2) when expecting to interact with an attractive man (as compared with a less attractive man and with a control condition). Analyses controlled for a number of theoretically relevant covariates (relationship status, age, the current weather). Only the latter hypothesis received mixed support (mainly among women on hormonal birth control), whereas results concerning the former hypothesis did not reach significance. Women (N = 281) displayed more red when expecting to interact with an attractive man; findings did not support the prediction that women would increase their display of red on fertile days of the cycle. Findings thus suggested only mixed replicability for the link between the color red and psychological processes involving romantic attraction. They also illustrate the importance of further investigating the boundary conditions of color effects on everyday social processes. Y1 - 2023 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0284035 SN - 1932-6203 VL - 18 IS - 4 PB - PLOS CY - San Fransisco ER - TY - JOUR A1 - de Carvalho Souza, Alyson Matheus A1 - Barrocas, Roberta A1 - Fischer, Martin H. A1 - Arnaud, Emanuel A1 - Moeller, Korbinian A1 - Rennó-Costa, César T1 - Combining virtual reality and tactile stimulation to investigate embodied finger-based numerical representations JF - Frontiers in psychology / Frontiers Research Foundation N2 - Finger-based representation of numbers is a high-level cognitive strategy to assist numerical and arithmetic processing in children and adults. It is unclear whether this paradigm builds on simple perceptual features or comprises several attributes through embodiment. Here we describe the development and initial testing of an experimental setup to study embodiment during a finger-based numerical task using Virtual Reality (VR) and a low-cost tactile stimulator that is easy to build. Using VR allows us to create new ways to study finger-based numerical representation using a virtual hand that can be manipulated in ways our hand cannot, such as decoupling tactile and visual stimuli. The goal is to present a new methodology that can allow researchers to study embodiment through this new approach, maybe shedding new light on the cognitive strategy behind the finger-based representation of numbers. In this case, a critical methodological requirement is delivering precisely targeted sensory stimuli to specific effectors while simultaneously recording their behavior and engaging the participant in a simulated experience. We tested the device's capability by stimulating users in different experimental configurations. Results indicate that our device delivers reliable tactile stimulation to all fingers of a participant's hand without losing motion tracking quality during an ongoing task. This is reflected by an accuracy of over 95% in participants detecting stimulation of a single finger or multiple fingers in sequential stimulation as indicated by experiments with sixteen participants. We discuss possible application scenarios, explain how to apply our methodology to study the embodiment of finger-based numerical representations and other high-level cognitive functions, and discuss potential further developments of the device based on the data obtained in our testing. KW - virtual reality KW - numerical cognition KW - finger counting KW - embodied cognition KW - cognitive science KW - virtual environment Y1 - 2023 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1119561 SN - 1664-1078 VL - 14 PB - Frontiers Research Foundation CY - Lausanne ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schwetlick, Lisa A1 - Backhaus, Daniel A1 - Engbert, Ralf T1 - A dynamical scan-path model for task-dependence during scene viewing JF - Psychological review N2 - In real-world scene perception, human observers generate sequences of fixations to move image patches into the high-acuity center of the visual field. Models of visual attention developed over the last 25 years aim to predict two-dimensional probabilities of gaze positions for a given image via saliency maps. Recently, progress has been made on models for the generation of scan paths under the constraints of saliency as well as attentional and oculomotor restrictions. Experimental research demonstrated that task constraints can have a strong impact on viewing behavior. Here, we propose a scan-path model for both fixation positions and fixation durations, which include influences of task instructions and interindividual differences. Based on an eye-movement experiment with four different task conditions, we estimated model parameters for each individual observer and task condition using a fully Bayesian dynamical modeling framework using a joint spatial-temporal likelihood approach with sequential estimation. Resulting parameter values demonstrate that model properties such as the attentional span are adjusted to task requirements. Posterior predictive checks indicate that our dynamical model can reproduce task differences in scan-path statistics across individual observers. KW - scene viewing KW - eye movements KW - task dependence KW - individual differences; KW - Bayesian inference Y1 - 2023 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1037/rev0000379 SN - 0033-295X SN - 1939-1471 VL - 130 IS - 3 SP - 807 EP - 840 PB - American Psychological Association CY - Washington ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kühne, Katharina A1 - Jeglinski-Mende, Melinda A. T1 - Refraining from interaction can decrease fear of physical closeness during COVID-19 JF - Scientific reports N2 - Perception of peripersonal space (PPS) and interpersonal distance (IPD) has been shown to be modified by external factors such as perceived danger, the use of tools, and social factors. Especially in times of social distancing in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is vital to study factors that modify PPS and IPD. The present work addresses the question of whether wearing a face mask as a protection tool and social interaction impact the perception of IPD. We tested estimated IPD in pictures at three distances: 50 cm, 90 cm, and 150 cm in both social interaction (shaking hands) and without interaction and when the two people in the pictures wore a face mask or not. Data from 60 subjects were analyzed in a linear mixed model (on both difference in distance estimation to the depicted distance and in absolute distance estimation) and in a 3 (distance: 50, 90, 150) x 2 (interaction: no interaction, shake hands), x 2 face mask (no mask, mask) rmANOVA on distance estimation difference. All analyses showed that at a distance of 50 and 90 cm, participants generally underestimated the IPD while at an IPD of 150 cm, participants overestimated the distance. This could be grounded in perceived danger and avoidance behavior at closer distances, while the wider distance between persons was not perceived as dangerous. Our findings at an IPD of 90 cm show that social interaction has the largest effect at the border of our PPS, while the face mask did not affect social interaction at either distance. In addition, the ANOVA results indicate that when no social interaction was displayed, participants felt less unsafe when depicted persons wore a face mask at distances of 90 and 150 cm. This shows that participants are on the one hand aware of the given safety measures and internalized them; on the other hand, that refraining from physical social interaction helps to get close to other persons. KW - health policy KW - human behaviour Y1 - 2023 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-34667-x SN - 2045-2322 VL - 13 IS - 1 PB - Nature portfolio CY - London ER - TY - THES A1 - Strauß, Sophie T1 - Justice sensitivity in middle childhood T1 - Ungerechtigkeitssensibilität in der mittleren Kindheit T2 - exploring the measurement and manifestation of a trait in a sensitive developmental phase and its relations to variables from the social and moral development space T2 - Erforschung der Messung und Manifestation eines Traits in einer sensiblen Entwicklungsphase und seiner Beziehungen zu Variablen der sozialen und moralischen Entwicklung N2 - Justice structures societies and social relations of any kind; its psychological integration provides a fundamental cornerstone for social, moral, and personality development. The trait justice sensitivity captures individual differences in responses toward perceived injustice (JS; Schmitt et al., 2005, 2010). JS has shown substantial relations to social and moral behavior in adult and adolescent samples; however, it was not yet investigated in middle childhood despite this being a sensitive phase for personality development. JS differentiates in underlying perspectives that are either more self- or other-oriented regarding injustice, with diverging outcome relations. The present research project investigated JS and its perspectives in children aged 6 to 12 years with a special focus on variables of social and moral development as potential correlates and outcomes in four cross-sectional studies. Study 1 started with a closer investigation of JS trait manifestation, measurement, and relations to important variables from the nomological network, such as temperamental dimensions, social-cognitive skills, and global pro- and antisocial behavior in a pilot sample of children from south Germany. Study 2 investigated relations between JS and distributive behavior following distributive principles in a large-scale data set of children from Berlin and Brandenburg. Study 3 explored the relations of JS with moral reasoning, moral emotions, and moral identity as important precursors of moral development in the same large-scale data set. Study 4 investigated punishment motivation to even out, prevent, or compensate norm transgressions in a subsample, whereby JS was considered as a potential predictor of different punishment motives. All studies indicated that a large-scale, economic measurement of JS is possible at least from middle childhood onward. JS showed relations to temperamental dimensions, social skills, global social behavior; distributive decisions and preferences for distributive principles; moral reasoning, emotions, and identity; as well as with punishment motivation; indicating that trait JS is highly relevant for social and moral development. The underlying self- or other-oriented perspectives showed diverging correlate and outcome relations mostly in line with theory and previous findings from adolescent and adult samples, but also provided new theoretical ideas on the construct and its differentiation. Findings point to an early internal justice motive underlying trait JS, but additional motivations underlying the JS perspectives. Caregivers, educators, and clinical psychologists should pay attention to children’s JS and toward promoting an adaptive justice-related personality development to foster children’s prosocial and moral development as well as their mental health. N2 - Gerechtigkeit strukturiert Gesellschaften und soziale Beziehungen jeglicher Art; ihre psychologische Integration stellt einen grundlegenden Eckpfeiler für die soziale, moralische und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung dar. Ungerechtigkeitssensibilität (justice sensitivity; JS) erfasst als Trait individuelle Unterschiede in der Reaktion auf wahrgenommene Ungerechtigkeit (Schmitt et al., 2005, 2010). JS hat bei Erwachsenen und Jugendlichen substanzielle Zusammenhänge mit sozialem und moralischem Verhalten gezeigt; in der mittleren Kindheit wurde sie jedoch noch nicht untersucht, obwohl die mittlere Kindheit eine sensible Phase für die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung ist. JS differenziert sich in zugrunde liegende Perspektiven, die in Bezug auf Ungerechtigkeit entweder stärker selbst- oder fremdorientiert sind, mit divergierenden Outcome Beziehungen. Das vorliegende Forschungsprojekt untersuchte JS und seine Perspektiven bei Kindern im Alter von 6 bis 12 Jahren mit besonderem Augenmerk auf Variablen der sozialen und moralischen Entwicklung als mögliche Korrelate und Outcomes in vier Querschnittsstudien. Studie 1 begann mit einer näheren Untersuchung der Manifestation und Messung von JS sowie der Beziehungen zu wichtigen Variablen des nomologischen Netzwerks, wie z. B. Temperamentsdimensionen, sozial-kognitiven Fähigkeiten und globalem pro- und antisozialen Verhalten in einer Pilotstichprobe mit Kindern aus Süddeutschland. Studie 2 untersuchte Beziehungen zwischen JS und distributivem Verhalten nach distributiven Prinzipien in einem groß angelegten Datensatz mit Kindern aus Berlin und Brandenburg. Studie 3 untersuchte die Beziehungen zwischen JS und moralischem Schlussfolgern, moralischen Emotionen und moralischer Identität als wichtigen Vorläufern der moralischen Entwicklung in demselben Datensatz. Studie 4 untersuchte Bestrafungsmotivation zum Ausgleich, zur Verhinderung oder zur Kompensation von Normübertretungen in einer Teilstichprobe, wobei JS als potenzieller Prädiktor für verschiedene Bestrafungsmotive betrachtet wurde. Alle Studien zeigten, dass eine groß angelegte, ökonomische Messung von JS mindestens ab der mittleren Kindheit möglich ist. JS zeigte Beziehungen zu Temperamentsdimensionen, sozialen Fähigkeiten, globalem Sozialverhalten; distributiven Entscheidungen und Präferenzen für distributive Prinzipien; moralischem Schlussfolgern, Emotionen und Identität sowie mit Bestrafungsmotivation. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass Trait JS für die soziale und moralische Entwicklung von großer Bedeutung ist. Die zugrunde liegenden selbst- oder fremdorientierten Perspektiven zeigten divergierende Korrelat- und Outcome Beziehungen, die größtenteils mit der Theorie und früheren Befunden aus Jugendlichen- und Erwachsenenstichproben übereinstimmten, aber auch neue theoretische Ideen über das Konstrukt und seine Differenzierung lieferten. Die Ergebnisse deuten auf ein frühes internalisiertes Gerechtigkeitsmotiv hin, das Trait JS zugrunde liegt, aber auch auf zusätzliche Motivationen, die den JS-Perspektiven zugrunde liegen. Eltern, Betreuungspersonen, Pädagog:innen und klinische Psycholog:innen sollten die JS von Kindern beachten und eine adaptive gerechtigkeitsbezogene Persönlichkeitsentwicklung unterstützen, um die prosoziale und moralische Entwicklung der Kinder sowie ihre psychische Gesundheit zu fördern. KW - justice sensitivity KW - moral development KW - middle childhood KW - distributive justice KW - personality development KW - justice development KW - Ungerechtigkeitssensibilität KW - Verteilungsgerechtigkeit KW - Gerechtigkeitsentwicklung KW - mittlere Kindheit KW - moralische Entwicklung KW - Persönlichkeitsentwicklung Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-591944 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Dumont, Hanna A1 - Ready, Douglas D. D. T1 - On the promise of personalized learning for educational equity JF - npj science of learning N2 - Students enter school with a vast range of individual differences, resulting from the complex interplay between genetic dispositions and unequal environmental conditions. Schools thus face the challenge of organizing instruction and providing equal opportunities for students with diverse needs. Schools have traditionally managed student heterogeneity by sorting students both within and between schools according to their academic ability. However, empirical evidence suggests that such tracking approaches increase inequalities. In more recent years, driven largely by technological advances, there have been calls to embrace students' individual differences in the classroom and to personalize students' learning experiences. A central justification for personalized learning is its potential to improve educational equity. In this paper, we discuss whether and under which conditions personalized learning can indeed increase equity in K-12 education by bringing together empirical and theoretical insights from different fields, including the learning sciences, philosophy, psychology, and sociology. We distinguish between different conceptions of equity and argue that personalized learning is unlikely to result in "equality of outcomes" and, by definition, does not provide "equality of inputs". However, if implemented in a high-quality way, personalized learning is in line with "adequacy" notions of equity, which aim to equip all students with the basic competencies to participate in society as active members and to live meaningful lives. KW - Education KW - Psychology KW - Sociology Y1 - 2023 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1038/s41539-023-00174-x SN - 2056-7936 VL - 8 IS - 1 PB - Nature Publishing Group CY - London ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Warschburger, Petra A1 - Gmeiner, Michaela Silvia A1 - Bondü, Rebecca A1 - Klein, Alexandra-Maria A1 - Busching, Robert A1 - Elsner, Birgit T1 - Self-regulation as a resource for coping with developmental challenges during middle childhood and adolescence BT - the prospective longitudinal PIER YOUTH-study JF - BMC Psychology N2 - Background Self-regulation (SR) as the ability to regulate one's own physical state, emotions, cognitions, and behavior, is considered to play a pivotal role in the concurrent and subsequent mental and physical health of an individual. Although SR skills encompass numerous sub-facets, previous research has often focused on only one or a few of these sub-facets, and only rarely on adolescence. Therefore, little is known about the development of the sub-facets, their interplay, and their specific contributions to future developmental outcomes, particularly in adolescence. To fill these research gaps, this study aims to prospectively examine (1) the development of SR and (2) their influence on adolescent-specific developmental outcomes in a large community sample. Methods/design Based on previously collected data from the Potsdam Intrapersonal Developmental Risk (PIER) study with three measurement points, the present prospective, longitudinal study aims to add a fourth measurement point (PIERYOUTH). We aim to retain at least 1074 participants now between 16 and 23 years of the initially 1657 participants (6-11 years of age at the first measurement point in 2012/2013; 52.2% female). The study will continue to follow a multi-method (questionnaires, physiological assessments, performance-based computer tasks), multi-facet (assessing various domains of SR), and multi-rater (self-, parent-, and teacher-report) approach. In addition, a broad range of adolescent-specific developmental outcomes is considered. In doing so, we will cover the development of SR and relevant outcomes over the period of 10 years. In addition, we intend to conduct a fifth measurement point (given prolonged funding) to investigate development up to young adulthood. Discussion With its broad and multimethodological approach, PIERYOUTH aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of the development and role of various SR sub-facets from middle childhood to adolescence. The large sample size and low drop-out rates in the first three measurements points form a sound database for our present prospective research.Trial registration German Clinical Trials Register, registration number DRKS00030847. KW - Self-regulation KW - Adolescence KW - Prospective longitudinal study KW - Mental health Y1 - 2023 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1186/s40359-023-01140-3 SN - 2050-7283 VL - 11 IS - 1 PB - Springer Nature CY - London ER - TY - THES A1 - Förstner, Bernd Rainer T1 - Transdiagnostic assessment of mental disorders using the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) approach: relationship to disease severity N2 - Traditionally, mental disorders have been identified based on specific symptoms and standardized diagnostic systems such as the DSM-5 and ICD-10. However, these symptom-based definitions may only partially represent neurobiological and behavioral research findings, which could impede the development of targeted treatments. A transdiagnostic approach to mental health research, such as the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) approach, maps resilience and broader aspects of mental health to associated components. By investigating mental disorders in a transnosological way, we can better understand disease patterns and their distinguishing and common factors, leading to more precise prevention and treatment options. Therefore, this dissertation focuses on (1) the latent domain structure of the RDoC approach in a transnosological sample including healthy controls, (2) its domain associations to disease severity in patients with anxiety and depressive disorders, and (3) an overview of the scientific results found regarding Positive (PVS) and Negative Valence Systems (NVS) associated with mood and anxiety disorders. The following main results were found: First, the latent RDoC domain structure for PVS and NVS, Cognitive Systems (CS), and Social Processes (SP) could be validated using self-report and behavioral measures in a transnosological sample. Second, we found transdiagnostic and disease-specific associations between those four domains and disease severity in patients with depressive and anxiety disorders. Third, the scoping review showed a sizable amount of RDoC research conducted on PVS and NVS in mood and anxiety disorders, with research gaps for both domains and specific conditions. In conclusion, the research presented in this dissertation highlights the potential of the transnosological RDoC framework approach in improving our understanding of mental disorders. By exploring the latent RDoC structure and associations with disease severity and disease-specific and transnosological associations for anxiety and depressive disorders, this research provides valuable insights into the full spectrum of psychological functioning. Additionally, this dissertation highlights the need for further research in this area, identifying both RDoC indicators and research gaps. Overall, this dissertation represents an important contribution to the ongoing efforts to improve our understanding and the treatment of mental disorders, particularly within the commonly comorbid disease spectrum of mood and anxiety disorders. N2 - Traditionell werden psychische Störungen auf der Grundlage spezifischer Symptome und standardisierter Diagnosesysteme wie DSM-5 und ICD-10 diagnostiziert. Diese symptombasierten Definitionen entsprechen jedoch nur teilweise den Erkenntnissen der neurobiologischen und Verhaltensforschung, was die Entwicklung gezielter Behandlungen behindern kann. Ein transdiagnostischer Ansatz zur Erforschung psychischer Gesundheit, wie z. B. der Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) Ansatz, ordnet umfassendere Aspekte psychischer Gesundheit, wie z. B. Resilienz, den entsprechenden Komponenten zu. Durch die Untersuchung psychischer Störungen aus einer transnosologischen Perspektive können wir Krankheitsbilder und ihre gemeinsamen und unterscheidenden Faktoren besser verstehen, was zu präziseren Präventions- und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten führt. Daher konzentriert sich diese Dissertation auf (1) die latente Domänenstruktur des RDoC-Ansatzes in einer transnosologischen Stichprobe einschließlich gesunder Kontrollen, (2) die domänenspezifischen Assoziationen zur Krankheitsschwere bei Patienten mit Angst- und depressiven Störungen und (3) einen Überblick über die wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse zu Positiven (PVS) und Negativen Valenzsystemen (NVS), die mit Affektiven Störungen assoziiert sind. Die folgenden Hauptergebnisse wurden gefunden: Erstens konnte die latente RDoC-Domänenstruktur für PVS und NVS, Kognitive Systeme (CS) und Soziale Prozesse (SP) anhand von Selbstberichten und Verhaltensmessungen in einer transnosologischen Stichprobe validiert werden. Zweitens fanden wir transdiagnostische und krankheitsspezifische Assoziationen zwischen diesen vier Domänen und der Krankheitsschwere bei Patienten mit Angst- und depressiven Störungen. Drittens zeigte die durchgeführte Übersichtsarbeit eine beträchtliche Menge an RDoC-Forschung zu PVS und NVS bei affektiven Störungen, mit Forschungslücken für beide Domänen und spezifische Bedingungen. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass die in dieser Dissertation vorgestellten Forschungsergebnisse das Potenzial des transnosologischen RDoC-Konzepts zur Verbesserung unseres Verständnisses psychischer Störungen unterstreichen. Durch die Untersuchung der latenten RDoC-Struktur und der Assoziationen mit dem Krankheitsschweregrad sowie der krankheitsspezifischen und transnosologischen Assoziationen für Angst- und depressive Störungen liefert diese Forschungsarbeit wertvolle Einblicke in das gesamte Spektrum psychischer Funktionsweisen. Darüber hinaus zeigt diese Dissertation den Bedarf an weiterer Forschung in diesem Bereich auf, indem sie sowohl RDoC-Indikatoren als auch Forschungslücken identifiziert. Insgesamt stellt diese Dissertation einen wichtigen Beitrag zu den laufenden Bemühungen um ein besseres Verständnis und eine bessere Behandlung psychischer Störungen dar, insbesondere innerhalb des häufig komorbiden Krankheitsspektrums der affektiven Störungen. KW - diagnosis and classification KW - Research Domain Criteria KW - RDoC KW - transdiagnostic KW - positive valence systems KW - negative valence systems KW - disease severity KW - Diagnose und Klassifikation KW - transdiagnostisch KW - positives Valenzsystem KW - negatives Valenzsystem KW - Krankheitsschwere Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-611150 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Chen, Hao A1 - Belanger, Matthew J. A1 - Garbusow, Maria A1 - Kuitunen-Paul, Soeren A1 - Huys, Quentin J. M. A1 - Heinz, Andreas A1 - Rapp, Michael A. A1 - Smolka, Michael N. T1 - Susceptibility to interference between Pavlovian and instrumental control predisposes risky alcohol use developmental trajectory from ages 18 to 24 JF - Addiction biology N2 - Pavlovian cues can influence ongoing instrumental behaviour via Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer (PIT) processes. While appetitive Pavlovian cues tend to promote instrumental approach, they are detrimental when avoidance behaviour is required, and vice versa for aversive cues. We recently reported that susceptibility to interference between Pavlovian and instrumental control assessed via a PIT task was associated with risky alcohol use at age 18. We now investigated whether such susceptibility also predicts drinking trajectories until age 24, based on AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test) consumption and binge drinking (gramme alcohol/drinking occasion) scores. The interference PIT effect, assessed at ages 18 and 21 during fMRI, was characterized by increased error rates (ER) and enhanced neural responses in the ventral striatum (VS), the lateral and dorsomedial prefrontal cortices (dmPFC) during conflict, that is, when an instrumental approach was required in the presence of an aversive Pavlovian cue or vice versa. We found that a stronger VS response during conflict at age 18 was associated with a higher starting point of both drinking trajectories but predicted a decrease in binge drinking. At age 21, high ER and enhanced neural responses in the dmPFC were associated with increasing AUDIT-C scores over the next 3 years until age 24. Overall, susceptibility to interference between Pavlovian and instrumental control might be viewed as a predisposing mechanism towards hazardous alcohol use during young adulthood, and the identified high-risk group may profit from targeted interventions. KW - interference control KW - Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer KW - risky drinking Y1 - 2023 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1111/adb.13263 SN - 1355-6215 SN - 1369-1600 VL - 28 IS - 2 PB - Wiley CY - Hoboken ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Michirev, Alexej A1 - Kühne, Katharina A1 - Lindemann, Oliver A1 - Fischer, Martin H. A1 - Raab, Markus T1 - How to not induce SNAs BT - the insufficiency of directional force JF - PLoS one N2 - People respond faster to smaller numbers in their left space and to larger numbers in their right space. Here we argue that movements in space contribute to the formation of spatial-numerical associations (SNAs). We studied the impact of continuous isometric forces along the horizontal or vertical cardinal axes on SNAs while participants performed random number production and arithmetic verification tasks. Our results suggest that such isometric directional force do not suffice to induce SNAs. Y1 - 2023 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0288038 SN - 1932-6203 VL - 18 IS - 6 PB - PLoS CY - San Fransisco ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Warschburger, Petra A1 - Kamrath, Clemens A1 - Lanzinger, Stefanie A1 - Sengler, Claudia A1 - Wiegand, Susanna A1 - Göldel, Julia Marlen A1 - Weihrauch-Blüher, Susann A1 - Holl, Reinhard A1 - Minden, Kirsten T1 - A prospective analysis of the long-term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on well-being and health care among children with a chronic condition and their families BT - a study protocol of the KICK-COVID study JF - BMC pediatrics N2 - Background There is consistent evidence that the COVID-19 pandemic is associated with an increased psychosocial burden on children and adolescents and their parents. Relatively little is known about its particular impact on high-risk groups with chronic physical health conditions (CCs). Therefore, the primary aim of the study is to analyze the multiple impacts on health care and psychosocial well-being on these children and adolescents and their parents. Methods We will implement a two-stage approach. In the first step, parents and their underage children from three German patient registries for diabetes, obesity, and rheumatic diseases, are invited to fill out short questionnaires including questions about corona-specific stressors, the health care situation, and psychosocial well-being. In the next step, a more comprehensive, in-depth online survey is carried out in a smaller subsample. Discussion The study will provide insights into the multiple longer-term stressors during the COVID-19 pandemic in families with a child with a CC. The simultaneous consideration of medical and psycho-social endpoints will help to gain a deeper understanding of the complex interactions affecting family functioning, psychological well-being, and health care delivery. KW - Chronic conditions KW - COVID-19 KW - Children and adolescents KW - Parents KW - Risk perception KW - Psychosocial strain KW - Diabetes KW - Rheumatic diseases KW - Obesity Y1 - 2023 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1186/s12887-023-03912-7 SN - 1471-2431 VL - 23 IS - 1 PB - BioMed Central CY - London ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rezori, Roman Enzio von A1 - Buchallik, Friederike A1 - Warschburger, Petra T1 - Validation of the German Benefit Finding Scale for youth with chronic conditions JF - Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health N2 - Background Benefit finding, defined as perceiving positive life changes resulting from adversity and negative life stressors, gains growing attention in the context of chronic illness. The study aimed at examining the psychometric properties of the Benefit Finding Scale for Children (BFSC) in a sample of German youth facing chronic conditions. Methods A sample of adolescents with various chronic conditions (N = 304; 12 – 21years) completed the 10-item BFSC along with measures of intra- and interpersonal resources, coping strategies, and health-related quality of life (hrQoL). The total sample was randomly divided into two subsamples for conducting exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses (EFA/CFA). Results EFA revealed that the BFSC scores had a one-dimensional factor structure. CFA verified the one-dimensional factor structure with an acceptable fit. The BFSC exhibited acceptable internal consistency (α = 0.87 – 0.88) and construct validity. In line with our hypotheses, benefit finding was positively correlated with optimism, self-esteem, self-efficacy, sense of coherence, and support seeking. There were no correlations with avoidance, wishful thinking, emotional reaction, and hrQoL. Sex differences in benefit finding were not consistent across subsamples. Benefit finding was also positively associated with age, disease severity, and social status. Conclusions The BFSC is a psychometrically sound instrument to assess benefit finding in adolescents with chronic illness and may facilitate further research on positive adaptation processes in adolescents, irrespective of their specific diagnosis. KW - Measure validation KW - Chronic conditions KW - Resilience KW - Coping skills and adjustment KW - Youth Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1186/s13034-021-00438-7 SN - 1753-2000 VL - 16 SP - 1 EP - 8 PB - Biomed Central CY - London ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gmeiner, Michaela Silvia A1 - Warschburger, Petra T1 - Simply too much BT - The extent to which weight bias internalization results in a higher risk of eating disorders and psychosocial problems JF - Eating and weight disorders : studies on anorexia, bulimia and obesity N2 - Purpose Weight bias internalization (WBI) is associated with negative health consequences such as eating disorders and psychosocial problems in children. To date, it is unknown to what extent WBI considerably raises the risk of negative outcomes. Methods Analyses are based on cross-sectional data of 1,061 children (9-13 years, M = 11, SD = 0.9; 52.1% female) who filled in the WBI scale (WBIS-C). First, ROC analyses were run to identify critical cut-off values of WBI (WBIS-C score) that identify those who are at higher risk for psychosocial problems or eating disorder symptoms (as reported by parents). Second, it was examined whether WBI is more sensitive than the relative weight status in that respect. Third, to confirm that the cut-off value is also accompanied by higher psychological strain, high- and low-risk groups were compared in terms of their self-reported depressive symptoms, anxious symptoms, body dissatisfaction, and self-esteem. Results WBIS-C scores >= 1.55 were associated with a higher risk of disturbed eating behavior; for psychosocial problems, no cut-off score reached adequate sensitivity and specificity. Compared to relative weight status, WBI was better suited to detect disturbed eating behavior. Children with a WBIS-C score >= 1.55 also reported higher scores for both depressive and anxious symptoms, higher body dissatisfaction, and lower self-esteem. Conclusion The WBIS-C is suitable for identifying risk groups, and even low levels of WBI are accompanied by adverse mental health. Therefore, WBI is, beyond weight status, an important risk factor that should be considered in prevention and intervention. KW - Weight bias internalization KW - Self-stigmatization KW - Children KW - ROC KW - Mental KW - health Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s40519-021-01170-z SN - 1590-1262 VL - 27 IS - 1 SP - 317 EP - 324 PB - Springer CY - Cham ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ay-Bryson, Destina Sevde A1 - Weck, Florian A1 - Kühne, Franziska T1 - Can simulated patient encounters appear authentic? BT - development and pilot results of a rating instrument based on the portrayal of depressive patients JF - Training and education in professional psychology N2 - Public Significance Statement This study demonstrates that simulated patients (SPs) can authentically portray a depressive case. The results provide preliminary evidence of psychometrically sound properties of the rating scale that contributes to distinguishing between authentic and unauthentic SPs and may thus foster SPs' dissemination into evidence-based training.
For training purposes, simulated patients (SPs), that is, healthy people portraying a disorder, are disseminating more into clinical psychology and psychotherapy. In the current study, we developed an observer-based rating instrument for the evaluation of SP authenticity-namely, it not being possible to distinguish them from real patients-so as to foster their use in evidence-based training. We applied a multistep inductive approach to develop the Authenticity of Patient Demonstrations (APD) scale. Ninety-seven independent psychotherapy trainees, 77.32% female, mean age of 31.49 (SD = 5.17) years, evaluated the authenticity of 2 independent SPs, each of whom portrayed a depressive patient. The APD demonstrated good internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = .83) and a strong correlation (r = .82) with an established tool for assessing SP performance in medical contexts. The APD scale distinguished significantly between an authentic and unauthentic SP (d = 2.35). Preliminary evidence for the psychometric properties of the APD indicates that the APD could be a viable tool for recruiting, training, and evaluating the authenticity of SPs. Strengths, limitations, and future directions are also discussed in detail. KW - authenticity KW - evidence-based training KW - standardized patients KW - role-play KW - mental disorders Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1037/tep0000349 SN - 1931-3918 SN - 1931-3926 VL - 16 IS - 1 SP - 20 EP - 27 PB - American Psychological Association CY - Washington ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Risse, Sarah A1 - Krügel, Andre A1 - Backhaus, Daniel T1 - Open Education in Methods Training T1 - Open Education in der Methodenausbildung BT - Vorstellung eines digitalen Lehrkonzepts für computergestütztes wissenschaftliches Arbeiten BT - Presentation of a digital Teaching Concept for computer-supported scientific Work JF - Psychologische Rundschau : offizielles Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1026/0033-3042/a000602 SN - 0033-3042 SN - 2190-6238 VL - 73 IS - 3 SP - 206 EP - 208 PB - HOGREFE VERLAG CY - Göttingen ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rentzsch, Katrin A1 - Schröder-Abé, Michela T1 - Top down or bottom up? BT - evidence from the longitudinal development of global and domain-specific self-esteem in adulthood JF - Journal of personality and social psychology / American Psychological Association N2 - Classical theoretical perspectives have implied that either global self-esteem has an impact on domain-specific self-esteem (top-down) or domain-specific self-esteem affects global self-esteem (bottom-up). The goal of the present research was to investigate whether classical top-down and bottom-up approaches could withstand a thorough test. To do so, we applied elaborate analytical methods in a four-wave longitudinal study across 6 years with preregistered hypotheses and data analyses. We analyzed data from N = 1,417 German participants (30.6% men, median of 12 to 13 years of education) with an average age of 47.0 years (SD = 12.4, range 18 to 88) at intake. Analyses using latent variable approaches for modeling intraindividual change provided evidence of top-down effects only. For example, participants with higher global self-esteem exhibited an increase in performance self-esteem but not vice versa. Our results also provided evidence of "vertical" associations between global and domain-specific self-esteem, that is, parallel development within the same time frame. In addition, the analyses revealed high rank order stability and a substantial trait component in global self-esteem and the self-esteem domains. The present findings have important theoretical and practical implications for the stability and development of self-esteem in adulthood and advance the understanding of global and domain-specific self-esteem in personality theory. KW - self-esteem KW - domain-specific KW - top-down and bottom-up KW - stability KW - adulthood Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1037/pspp0000393 SN - 0022-3514 SN - 1939-1315 VL - 122 IS - 4 SP - 714 EP - 730 PB - American Psychological Association CY - Washington ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Meixner, Johannes M. A1 - Nixon, Jessie S. A1 - Laubrock, Jochen T1 - The perceptual span is dynamically adjusted in response to foveal load by beginning readers JF - Journal of experimental psychology : general N2 - The perceptual span describes the size of the visual field from which information is obtained during a fixation in reading. Its size depends on characteristics of writing system and reader, but-according to the foveal load hypothesis-it is also adjusted dynamically as a function of lexical processing difficulty. Using the moving window paradigm to manipulate the amount of preview, here we directly test whether the perceptual span shrinks as foveal word difficulty increases. We computed the momentary size of the span from word-based eye-movement measures as a function of foveal word frequency, allowing us to separately describe the perceptual span for information affecting spatial saccade targeting and temporal saccade execution. First fixation duration and gaze duration on the upcoming (parafoveal) word N + 1 were significantly shorter when the current (foveal) word N was more frequent. We show that the word frequency effect is modulated by window size. Fixation durations on word N + 1 decreased with high-frequency words N, but only for large windows, that is, when sufficient parafoveal preview was available. This provides strong support for the foveal load hypothesis. To investigate the development of the foveal load effect, we analyzed data from three waves of a longitudinal study on the perceptual span with German children in Grades 1 to 6. Perceptual span adjustment emerged early in development at around second grade and remained stable in later grades. We conclude that the local modulation of the perceptual span indicates a general cognitive process, perhaps an attentional gradient with rapid readjustment. KW - eye movements KW - attention KW - perceptual span KW - foveal load KW - reading KW - development Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1037/xge0001140 SN - 0096-3445 SN - 1939-2222 VL - 151 IS - 6 SP - 1219 EP - 1232 PB - American Psychological Association CY - Washington ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kawasaki, Yui A1 - Akamatsu, Rie A1 - Warschburger, Petra T1 - The relationship between traditional and common Japanese childhood education and adulthood towards avoiding food waste behaviors JF - Waste Management N2 - Japanese parents and educators teach children to refrain from leaving food in their plates. Their teachings have direct (advising children to refrain from leaving food uneaten) and indirect (meal-related rituals before and after mealtimes) influence in enhancing gratitude for food in daily life.This cross-sectional study aimed to examine 1) the interaction of direct and indirect approaches to avoiding food waste behaviors and 2) the mediation of gratitude for food by preventing such behaviors. Overall, 400 Japanese adults (female: n = 200) responded to a self-administrated anonymous questionnaire survey measuring: the present food waste avoiding behaviors; current gratitude for food; direct and indirect childhood approaches for avoiding food waste behaviors. Participants' mean (standard deviation) age and body mass index were 40.0 (11.6) and 21.9 (3.9), respectively. A significant main effect of the indirect approach and the interaction of direct and indirect approaches were obtained by adjusting the participants' background. Moreover, through mediation analyses with percentile-corrected bootstrap confidence intervals, it was observed that gratitude for food mediated the association between direct and indirect childhood approaches and avoiding food waste behaviors. Despite no information on the current meal-related rituals of the respondents, this study suggests the potential of these approaches in enhancing gratitude for food as a new approach to reduce food waste worldwide. KW - Cross-sectional KW - Meal-related ritual KW - Education KW - Food waste KW - Gratitude Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2022.04.020 SN - 0956-053X SN - 1879-2456 VL - 145 SP - 1 EP - 9 PB - Elsevier CY - Oxford ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Behrend, Nicole A1 - Warschburger, Petra T1 - Validation of a German version of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2) JF - Body image : an international journal of research N2 - The Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2) is the most current measure of body appreciation, a central facet of positive body image. This work aimed to examine the factor structure and psychometric properties of a German version. In Study 1 (N = 659; M-age = 27.19, SD = 8.57), exploratory factor analyses (EFA) revealed that the German BAS-2 has a one-dimensional factor structure in women and men, showing cross-gender factor similarity. In Study 2 (N = 472; M-age = 30.08, SD = 12.35), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) further supported the original scale's one-dimensional factor structure after freeing correlated errors. The German BAS-2 also showed partial scalar invariance across gender, with women and men not differing significantly in latent mean scores. As predicted, we found convergent relationships with measures of self-esteem, intuitive eating, and variables associated with negative body image (i.e., weight-and shape concerns, drive for thinness). Correlations with BMI were small and in an inverse direction. Incremental validity was demonstrated by predicting self-esteem and intuitive eating over and above measures of negative body image. Additionally, the German BAS-2 showed internal consistency and 2-week test-retest reliability. Overall, our results suggest that the German BAS-2 is a psychometrically sound instrument. KW - BAS-2 KW - Body appreciation KW - Positive body image KW - Validation Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bodyim.2022.01.020 SN - 1740-1445 SN - 1873-6807 VL - 41 SP - 216 EP - 224 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Angerer, Marie-Luise T1 - Nicht-bewusst BT - Affektive Kurzschlüsse zwischen Psyche und Maschine N2 - Die digitale Aufrüstung des Sozialen und Psychischen schreitet voran. Social media, verkabelte Infrastrukturen und autonome technische Artefakte bestimmen das Bild einer Gesellschaft, die in immer komplexeren Gefügen agiert. Die zunehmende Präsenz von nonhumanen Agenten (nicht nur in Film und Literatur), die Entwicklung von smarten Objekten und die sensortechnologische Ausstattung des menschlichen Körpers und der Umwelt führen zu Kurzschlüssen zwischen humaner und nonhumaner agency, die nicht mehr unbewusst, sondern nichtbewusst sind. Das Unbewusste der Psychoanalyse ist an ein humanes (sprachlich-symbolisch organisiertes) Subjekt gekoppelt, der Begriff »nicht«-bewusst verbindet hingegen technische, mentale und körperliche Prozesse und ist damit nicht mehr ausschließlich dem Menschen zuzuordnen. Doch wie ist dieses ›nichtbewusst‹ zu fassen: ist es etwas Zusätzliches, ist es eine neue Zone, die sich zwischen unbewusst und bewusst schiebt, oder wird durch die Unterscheidung von unbewusst und bewusst dadurch insgesamt in Frage gestellt? Manches deutet auf die zweite Entwicklung hin. Denn spätestens mit der Kybernetik werden technische und neuronale Prozesse zusammen gedacht. Gilbert Simondon hat die technische und humane Entwicklung als einen Prozess verstanden. Catherine Malabou führt den Begriff des cerebral nonconscious ein, um das psychoanalytische Unbewusste in ein nichtbewusstes Gehirn überzuführen, und N. Katherine Hayles spricht von nonconscious cognition, um das Zusammenwirken von neuronalen und technischen Prozessen zu benennen. Doch all diesen Unternehmungen, die diese (intensiven) Beziehungen von Gehirn und Maschine zu fassen suchen, fehlt ein wesentliches Moment der Verkopplung und psychischen Integration. Hierfür wird der Begriff des Affektiven eingeführt, der als technischer Terminus die Bewegungen des Schließens, Unterbrechens und Übersetzens zwischen human und nonhuman bezeichnet. Dadurch werden die Kurzschlüsse von psycho-technischen Prozessen als nichtbewusste Taktung von Bewegungs- und Zeitformationen fassbar. Y1 - 2022 SN - 978-3-98514-019-0 PB - Turia + Kant CY - Berlin ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Heinze, Peter Eric A1 - Weck, Florian A1 - Hahn, Daniela A1 - Kühne, Franziska T1 - Differences in psychotherapy preferences between psychotherapy trainees and laypeople JF - Psychotherapy research : the official journal of the Society for Psychotherapy Research N2 - Objective: Despite increasing research on psychotherapy preferences, the preferences of psychotherapy trainees are largely unknown. Moreover, differences in preferences between trainees and their patients could (a) hinder symptom improvement and therapy success for patients and (b) represent significant obstacles in the early career and development of future therapists. Method: We compared the preferences of n = 466 psychotherapy trainees to those of n = 969 laypersons using the Cooper-Norcross Inventory of Preferences. Moreover, we compared preferences between trainees in cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and psychodynamic trainees. Results: We found significant differences between both samples in 13 of 18 items, and three of four subscales. Psychotherapy trainees preferred less therapist directiveness (d = 0.58), more emotional intensity (d = 0.74), as well as more focused challenge (d = 0.35) than laypeople. CBT trainees preferred more therapist directiveness (d = 2.00), less emotional intensity (d = 0.51), more present orientation (d = 0.76) and more focused challenge (d = 0.33) than trainees in psychodynamic/psychoanalytic therapy. Conclusion: Overall, the results underline the importance of implementing preference assessment and discussion during psychotherapy training. Moreover, therapists of different orientations seem to cover a large range of preferences for patients, in order to choose the right fit. KW - psychotherapy process KW - psychotherapy training KW - activity preference; KW - C-NIP KW - assessment Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1080/10503307.2022.2098076 SN - 1050-3307 SN - 1468-4381 VL - 33 IS - 3 SP - 374 EP - 386 PB - Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group CY - Abingdon ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Calvano, Claudia A1 - Warschburger, Petra T1 - Treatment for pediatric functional abdominal pain BT - an initial examination of reciprocal associations between pain, functional impairment, and parental distress JF - Journal of pediatric psychology N2 - Objective While cross-sectional studies underline that child and parent factors in pediatric chronic pain are reciprocally related, so far, little is known on their prospective relationship, especially in treatment contexts. This study aims to analyze directions of influence between child and parental outcomes using data from an intervention study. Methods The sample covered 109 families with children aged 7-13 years diagnosed with functional abdominal pain (FAP). Child outcomes included pain and impairment, and parental outcomes covered caregiver-specific distress including both parental personal time burden (i.e., less time available for personal needs) and emotional burden due to child's pain (i.e., increased worries). Cross-lagged panel analyses examined the directions of the relations between child and parental outcomes across time (pretreatment T1, post-treatment T2, and 3-month follow-up and 12-month follow-up T3/T4). Results First, a significant improvement over time in all measures was observed. Cross-lagged effects were found for less parental personal time burden at T2, predicting both less pain (beta = -0.254, p = .004) and less impairment (beta = -0.150, p = .039) at T3. Higher baseline pain was predictive for higher parental emotional burden after treatment (beta = -0.130, p = .049) and, reversely, for less emotional burden at 12-month follow-up (beta = 0.261, p = .004). Conclusions Addressing parental personal time burden in FAP treatment might possibly support the improvement on the child level. Replication of results in larger samples is warranted to gain more insight into the directions of influence and, in that way, to optimize treatment for pediatric FAP. KW - chronic or recurrent pain KW - intervention outcome KW - parent psychosocial KW - functioning KW - parents Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1093/jpepsy/jsac011 SN - 0146-8693 SN - 1465-735X VL - 47 IS - 4 SP - 483 EP - 496 PB - Oxford Univ. Press CY - Oxford ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Engbert, Ralf A1 - Rabe, Maximilian Michael A1 - Schwetlick, Lisa A1 - Seelig, Stefan A. A1 - Reich, Sebastian A1 - Vasishth, Shravan T1 - Data assimilation in dynamical cognitive science JF - Trends in cognitive sciences N2 - Dynamical models make specific assumptions about cognitive processes that generate human behavior. In data assimilation, these models are tested against timeordered data. Recent progress on Bayesian data assimilation demonstrates that this approach combines the strengths of statistical modeling of individual differences with the those of dynamical cognitive models. Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tics.2021.11.006 SN - 1364-6613 SN - 1879-307X VL - 26 IS - 2 SP - 99 EP - 102 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Stone, Kate A1 - Vasishth, Shravan A1 - Malsburg, Titus von der T1 - Does entropy modulate the prediction of German long-distance verb particles? JF - PLOS ONE N2 - In this paper we examine the effect of uncertainty on readers’ predictions about meaning. In particular, we were interested in how uncertainty might influence the likelihood of committing to a specific sentence meaning. We conducted two event-related potential (ERP) experiments using particle verbs such as turn down and manipulated uncertainty by constraining the context such that readers could be either highly certain about the identity of a distant verb particle, such as turn the bed […] down, or less certain due to competing particles, such as turn the music […] up/down. The study was conducted in German, where verb particles appear clause-finally and may be separated from the verb by a large amount of material. We hypothesised that this separation would encourage readers to predict the particle, and that high certainty would make prediction of a specific particle more likely than lower certainty. If a specific particle was predicted, this would reflect a strong commitment to sentence meaning that should incur a higher processing cost if the prediction is wrong. If a specific particle was less likely to be predicted, commitment should be weaker and the processing cost of a wrong prediction lower. If true, this could suggest that uncertainty discourages predictions via an unacceptable cost-benefit ratio. However, given the clear predictions made by the literature, it was surprisingly unclear whether the uncertainty manipulation affected the two ERP components studied, the N400 and the PNP. Bayes factor analyses showed that evidence for our a priori hypothesised effect sizes was inconclusive, although there was decisive evidence against a priori hypothesised effect sizes larger than 1μV for the N400 and larger than 3μV for the PNP. We attribute the inconclusive finding to the properties of verb-particle dependencies that differ from the verb-noun dependencies in which the N400 and PNP are often studied. Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0267813 SN - 1932-6203 SP - 1 EP - 25 PB - PLOS ONE CY - San Francisco, California, US ER - TY - GEN A1 - Stone, Kate A1 - Nicenboim, Bruno A1 - Vasishth, Shravan A1 - Rösler, Frank T1 - Understanding the effects of constraint and predictability in ERP T2 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe N2 - Intuitively, strongly constraining contexts should lead to stronger probabilistic representations of sentences in memory. Encountering unexpected words could therefore be expected to trigger costlier shifts in these representations than expected words. However, psycholinguistic measures commonly used to study probabilistic processing, such as the N400 event-related potential (ERP) component, are sensitive to word predictability but not to contextual constraint. Some research suggests that constraint-related processing cost may be measurable via an ERP positivity following the N400, known as the anterior post-N400 positivity (PNP). The PNP is argued to reflect update of a sentence representation and to be distinct from the posterior P600, which reflects conflict detection and reanalysis. However, constraint-related PNP findings are inconsistent. We sought to conceptually replicate Federmeier et al. (2007) and Kuperberg et al. (2020), who observed that the PNP, but not the N400 or the P600, was affected by constraint at unexpected but plausible words. Using a pre-registered design and statistical approach maximising power, we demonstrated a dissociated effect of predictability and constraint: strong evidence for predictability but not constraint in the N400 window, and strong evidence for constraint but not predictability in the later window. However, the constraint effect was consistent with a P600 and not a PNP, suggesting increased conflict between a strong representation and unexpected input rather than greater update of the representation. We conclude that either a simple strong/weak constraint design is not always sufficient to elicit the PNP, or that previous PNP constraint findings could be an artifact of smaller sample size. T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe - 829 KW - N400 KW - anterior PNP KW - posterior P600 KW - probabilistic processing KW - constraint KW - predictability KW - entropy Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-587594 SN - 1866-8364 IS - 829 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ewert, Christina A1 - Hoffmann, Cosma Frauke Antonia A1 - Schröder-Abé, Michela T1 - Stress processing mediates the link between momentary self-compassion and affective well-being JF - Mindfulness N2 - Objectives While the positive effects of trait self-compassion on affective well-being are widely known, within-person effects of state self-compassion and underlying mechanisms between state self-compassion and affective well-being have rarely been investigated. The current study aimed at examining whether perceived stress and healthier coping responses are mediators in the relation between momentary self-compassion and affective well-being. Methods A total of 213 participants completed measures of momentary self-compassion, momentary perceived stress, and engagement and disengagement coping responses, as well as affective well-being (i.e., presence of positive and absence of negative affect) via their smartphones. The ambulatory assessment design included three measurements per day (morning, afternoon, evening) for 7 days. Results Multilevel modeling revealed that within-persons, momentary levels of self-compassion were related to momentary levels of stress, coping responses, and affective well-being components. 1-1-1 multilevel mediation analyses were conducted and demonstrated that, at the within-person level, momentary self-compassion was related to more positive and less negative affect via perceived stress and facilitating healthy coping responses. The within-person relations of the original 1-1-1 multilevel mediation could partially be replicated in an alternative model with momentary self-compassion one occasion prior and positive affect. However, the link between self-compassion one occasion prior and negative affect was only mediated by perceived stress. Conclusions This work helps to understand the processes underlying the adaptive effects of momentary self-compassion on momentary affective well-being on a given occasion. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed. KW - Self-compassion KW - Stress processing KW - Coping KW - Affective well-being Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s12671-022-01954-z SN - 1868-8527 SN - 1868-8535 VL - 13 IS - 9 SP - 2269 EP - 2281 PB - Springer CY - Dordrecht ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Fatfouta, Ramzi A1 - Heinze, Peter Eric T1 - Do bigger egos mean bigger presence? Facets of grandiose narcissism and mindfulness JF - Current Psychology N2 - Broad sections of the population try to be more mindful, often with quite self-centered motives. It is therefore not surprising that there is growing interest in the investigation of narcissism and mindfulness. Despite theoretical and empirical ties, however, existing research on this association is scarce. In two studies (N = 3,134 and 403) with English- and German-speaking participants, we apply structural equation modeling (SEM) to examine the relationships between facets of grandiose narcissism and trait mindfulness. Across both studies and, using different narcissism and mindfulness measures, SEM consistently revealed opposing patterns for agentic and antagonistic narcissism, with agentic narcissism being positively related to trait mindfulness, and antagonistic narcissism being negatively related to it. Findings highlight the necessity to acknowledge the conceptual heterogeneity of narcissism when examining its relationship with trait mindfulness. Practical implications regarding how agentic and antagonistic narcissists might profit differently from mindfulness practice are discussed. KW - Narcissism KW - Mindfulness KW - Meditation KW - Structural equation modeling KW - Self-enhancement Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-022-03115-w SN - 1046-1310 SN - 1936-4733 VL - 42 SP - 19795 EP - 19807 PB - Springer CY - New York ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wendt, Julia A1 - Morriss, Jayne T1 - An examination of intolerance of uncertainty and contingency instruction on multiple indices during threat acquisition and extinction training JF - International journal of psychophysiology : official journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology N2 - Individuals who score high in self-reported Intolerance of Uncertainty (IU) tend to find uncertainty aversive. Prior research has demonstrated that under uncertainty individuals with high IU display difficulties in updating learned threat associations to safety associations. Importantly, recent research has shown that providing contingency instructions about threat and safety contingencies (i.e. reducing uncertainty) to individuals with high IU promotes the updating of learned threat associations to safety associations. Here we aimed to conceptually replicate IU and contingency instruction-based effects by conducting a secondary analysis of self-reported IU, ratings, skin conductance, and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data recorded during uninstructed/instructed blocks of threat acquisition and threat extinction training (n = 48). Generally, no significant associations were observed between self-reported IU and differential responding to learned threat and safety cues for any measure during uninstructed/instructed blocks of threat acquisition and threat extinction training. There was some tentative evidence that higher IU was associated with greater ratings of unpleasantness and arousal to the safety cue after the experiment and greater skin conductance response to the safety cue during extinction generally. Potential explanations for these null effects and directions for future research are discussed. KW - Acquisition KW - Extinction KW - Threat KW - Instructions KW - Intolerance of KW - Uncertainty KW - Skin conductance KW - fMRI Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2022.05.005 SN - 0167-8760 SN - 1872-7697 VL - 177 SP - 171 EP - 178 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam [u.a.] ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Stone, Kate A1 - Vasishth, Shravan A1 - von der Malsburg, Titus Raban T1 - Does entropy modulate the prediction of German long-distance verb particles? JF - PLOS ONE N2 - In this paper we examine the effect of uncertainty on readers' predictions about meaning. In particular, we were interested in how uncertainty might influence the likelihood of committing to a specific sentence meaning. We conducted two event-related potential (ERP) experiments using particle verbs such as turn down and manipulated uncertainty by constraining the context such that readers could be either highly certain about the identity of a distant verb particle, such as turn the bed [...] down, or less certain due to competing particles, such as turn the music [...] up/down. The study was conducted in German, where verb particles appear clause-finally and may be separated from the verb by a large amount of material. We hypothesised that this separation would encourage readers to predict the particle, and that high certainty would make prediction of a specific particle more likely than lower certainty. If a specific particle was predicted, this would reflect a strong commitment to sentence meaning that should incur a higher processing cost if the prediction is wrong. If a specific particle was less likely to be predicted, commitment should be weaker and the processing cost of a wrong prediction lower. If true, this could suggest that uncertainty discourages predictions via an unacceptable cost-benefit ratio. However, given the clear predictions made by the literature, it was surprisingly unclear whether the uncertainty manipulation affected the two ERP components studied, the N400 and the PNP. Bayes factor analyses showed that evidence for our a priori hypothesised effect sizes was inconclusive, although there was decisive evidence against a priori hypothesised effect sizes larger than 1 mu Vfor the N400 and larger than 3 mu V for the PNP. We attribute the inconclusive finding to the properties of verb-particle dependencies that differ from the verb-noun dependencies in which the N400 and PNP are often studied. Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0267813 SN - 1932-6203 VL - 17 IS - 8 PB - PLOS CY - San Francisco, California, US ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hahn, Daniela A1 - Weck, Florian A1 - Witthöft, Michael A1 - Maiwald, Lisa Marie A1 - Foral, Annika A1 - Kühne, Franziska T1 - Wie erleben Psychotherapeut_innen in Ausbildung ihre Selbsterfahrung? BT - eine qualitative Untersuchung BT - a qualitative analysis JF - Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie N2 - Background: Self-experiential work is a central component of psychotherapy training. However, research on this matter has not received a lot of attention. Objective: This study explores the conditions and effects of helpful self-experiential work. Method: We interviewed 14 psychotherapists in training using a semistructured interview guide and applied qualitative content analysis according to Mayring (2015). Results: Different characteristics were associated with helpful self-experiential work: characteristics of the instructor (e. g., implementation skills), organization, willingness of the trainees to learn, topics and methods applied, and a sustainable working atmosphere. Among the positive effects reported was the promotion of the trainees' interpersonal competencies. Furthermore, we found some side effects and negative impact (e. g.. exhaustion). Conclusions: We were able to extract conditions that can guide the execution of helpful self-experiential work and the effects of self-experiential work from the perspective of the trainees. N2 - Theoretischer Hintergrund: Selbsterfahrung ist zentraler Bestandteil der Psychotherapieausbildung. Gleichzeitig wurde Selbsterfahrung selten empirisch untersucht. Fragestellung: Ziel unserer Studie war es, Bedingungen und Effekte hilfreicher Selbsterfahrung zu explorieren. Methode: Vierzehn verhaltenstherapeutische Ausbildungskandidat_innen wurden anhand halbstrukturierter Leitfadeninterviews befragt. Die Auswertung erfolgte mittels qualitativer Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring (2015). Ergebnisse: Verschiedene Bedingungen wurden mit hilfreich erlebter Selbsterfahrung in Zusammenhang gebracht: Merkmale der Selbsterfahrungsleitung (u. a. Durchführungskompetenz), der Organisation, der Teilnehmer_innen (Lernbereitschaft), die behandelten Themen und die eingesetzten Techniken, sowie eine tragfähige Arbeitsbeziehung. Berichtete positive Effekte waren u. a. die Förderung interpersoneller Kompetenzen. Zudem wurden Nebenwirkungen und negative Effekte formuliert (u. a. Erschöpfung). Schlussfolgerungen: Bedingungen zur Durchführung von als hilfreich erlebter Selbsterfahrung und Effekte von Selbsterfahrung wurden aus Sicht der Teilnehmer_innen extrahiert. T2 - How do psychotherapists in training experience their own self-experiential work? KW - personal practice KW - psychotherapy training KW - qualitative content analysis KW - Selbsterfahrung KW - Psychotherapeutische Ausbildung KW - Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1026/1616-3443/a000626 SN - 1616-3443 SN - 2190-6297 VL - 50 IS - 2 SP - 78 EP - 89 PB - Hogrefe CY - Göttingen ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Eiserbeck, Anna A1 - Enge, Alexander A1 - Rabovsky, Milena A1 - Abdel Rahman, Rasha T1 - Electrophysiological chronometry of graded consciousness during the attentional blink JF - Cerebral cortex N2 - One of the ongoing debates about visual consciousness is whether it can be considered as an all-or-none or a graded phenomenon. While there is increasing evidence for the existence of graded states of conscious awareness based on paradigms such as visual masking, only little and mixed evidence is available for the attentional blink paradigm, specifically in regard to electrophysiological measures. Thereby, the all-or-none pattern reported in some attentional blink studies might have originated from specifics of the experimental design, suggesting the need to examine the generalizability of results. In the present event-related potential (ERP) study (N = 32), visual awareness of T2 face targets was assessed via subjective visibility ratings on a perceptual awareness scale in combination with ERPs time-locked to T2 onset (components P1, N1, N2, and P3). Furthermore, a classification task preceding visibility ratings allowed to track task performance. The behavioral results indicate a graded rather than an all-or-none pattern of visual awareness. Corresponding graded differences in the N1, N2, and P3 components were observed for the comparison of visibility levels. These findings suggest that conscious perception during the attentional blink can occur in a graded fashion. KW - attentional blink KW - consciousness KW - event-related potentials KW - neural KW - correlates of consciousness KW - perceptual awareness scale Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1093/cercor/bhab289 SN - 1047-3211 SN - 1460-2199 VL - 32 IS - 6 SP - 1244 EP - 1259 PB - Oxford University Press CY - New York, NY ER - TY - JOUR A1 - D'Ascenzo, Stefania A1 - Fischer, Martin H. A1 - Shaki, Samuel A1 - Lugli, Luisa T1 - Number to me, space to you BT - joint representation of spatial-numerical associations JF - Psychonomic bulletin & review : a journal of the Psychonomic Society N2 - Recent work has shown that number concepts activate both spatial and magnitude representations. According to the social co-representation literature which has shown that participants typically represent task components assigned to others together with their own, we asked whether explicit magnitude meaning and explicit spatial coding must be present in a single mind, or can be distributed across two minds, to generate a spatial-numerical congruency effect. In a shared go/no-go task that eliminated peripheral spatial codes, we assigned explicit magnitude processing to participants and spatial processing to either human or non-human co-agents. The spatial-numerical congruency effect emerged only with human co-agents. We demonstrate an inter-personal level of conceptual congruency between space and number that arises from a shared conceptual representation not contaminated by peripheral spatial codes. Theoretical implications of this finding for numerical cognition are discussed. KW - Social co-representation KW - Conceptual congruency effect KW - Numerical KW - cognition KW - SNARC effect Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3758/s13423-021-02013-9 SN - 1069-9384 SN - 1531-5320 VL - 29 IS - 2 SP - 485 EP - 491 PB - Springer CY - New York ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Skowronski, Marika A1 - Busching, Robert A1 - Krahé, Barbara T1 - Links between exposure to sexualized Instagram images and body image concerns in girls and boys JF - Journal of media psychology N2 - The current study examined the links between viewing female and male sexualized Instagram images (SII) and body image concerns within the three-step process of self-objectification among adolescents aged 13-18 years from Germany (N = 300, 61% female). Participants completed measures of SII use, thin- and muscular-ideal internalization, valuing appearance over competence, and body surveillance. Structural equation modeling revealed that SII use was associated with body image concerns for boys and girls via different routes. Specifically, female SII use was indirectly associated with higher body surveillance via thin-ideal internalization and subsequent valuing appearance over competence for girls. For both girls and boys, male SII use was indirectly linked to higher body surveillance via muscular-ideal internalization. Implications for the three-step model of self-objectification by sexualized social media are discussed. KW - social media KW - sexualization KW - body image concerns KW - self-objectification; KW - body surveillance Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1027/1864-1105/a000296 SN - 1864-1105 SN - 2151-2388 VL - 34 IS - 1 SP - 55 EP - 62 PB - Hogrefe & Huber Publ. [u.a.] CY - Göttingen ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Skowronski, Marika A1 - Busching, Robert A1 - Krahé, Barbara T1 - Women’s exposure to sexualized TV, self-objectification, and consideration of cosmetic surgery BT - the role of age JF - Psychology of popular media N2 - Public Policy Relevance Statement TV is full of content presenting women in a sexualized way, with a focus on their sexual appearance and appeal to others. We found that across an age spectrum from 15 to 72 years, the more women watched sexualized TV, the more concerned they were about their body; a link between watching sexualized TV and considering cosmetic surgery was found only for women above the age of 31. Adding to the evidence documenting negative consequences of sexualized media use on young women's body image, this study is a first indicator that these might also apply to women across a broader age spectrum.
Extensive research has documented links between sexualized media use and body image concerns. Previous findings are based largely on female adolescents or young adults, although objectification theory predicts changes of body image concerns with age. Therefore, the current study investigated the link of sexualized TV exposure (STE) with self-objectification and consideration of cosmetic surgery within the framework of objectification theory in a sample of 519 female participants between the age of 15 and 72 (M = 39.43 years). Participants completed measures of STE, appearance-ideal internalization, valuing appearance over competence, body surveillance, and consideration of cosmetic surgery. Structural equation modeling revealed that STE was indirectly linked with consideration of cosmetic surgery via valuing appearance over competence and body surveillance. Age was negatively related to internalization, valuing appearance over competence, and body surveillance, but did not moderate the links between STE and body image. Older women scored lower on the body-related variables, but the associations between STE and self-objectification were the same across the age spectrum. STE predicted consideration of cosmetic surgery only for women over 31 years of age. Implications concerning the role of age in linking sexualized media to self-objectification are discussed. KW - television KW - sexualization KW - age KW - body image KW - self-objectification Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1037/ppm0000348 SN - 2160-4143 SN - 2160-4142 VL - 11 IS - 2 SP - 117 EP - 124 PB - American Psychological Association CY - Washington ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Arkes, Hal R. A1 - Aberegg, Scott K. A1 - Arpin, Kevin A. T1 - Analysis of physicians' probability estimates of a medical outcome based on a sequence of events JF - JAMA network open / American Medical Association N2 - IMPORTANCE The probability of a conjunction of 2 independent events is the product of the probabilities of the 2 components and therefore cannot exceed the probability of either component; violation of this basic law is called the conjunction fallacy. A common medical decision-making scenario involves estimating the probability of a final outcome resulting from a sequence of independent events; however, little is known about physicians' ability to accurately estimate the overall probability of success in these situations. OBJECTIVE To ascertain whether physicians are able to correctly estimate the overall probability of a medical outcome resulting from 2 independent events. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS This survey study consisted of 3 separate substudies, in which 215 physicians were asked via internet-based survey to estimate the probability of success of each of 2 components of a diagnostic or prognostic sequence as well as the overall probability of success of the 2-step sequence. Substudy 1 was performed from April 2 to 4, 2021, substudy 2 from November 2 toll, 2021, and substudy 3 from May 13 to 19, 2021. All physicians were board certified or board eligible in the primary specialty germane to the substudy (ie, obstetrics and gynecology for substudies land 3 and pulmonology for substudy 2), were recruited from a commercial survey service, and volunteered to participate in the study. EXPOSURES Case scenarios presented in an online survey. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Respondents were asked to provide their demographic information in addition to 3 probability estimates. The first substudy included a scenario describing a brow presentation discovered during labor; the 2 conjuncts were the probabilities that the brow presentation would resolve and that the delivery would be vaginal. The second substudy involved a diagnostic evaluation of an incidentally discovered pulmonary nodule; the 2 conjuncts were the probabilities that the patient had a malignant condition and that a technically successful transthoracic needle biopsy would reveal a malignant condition. The third substudy included a modification of the first substudy in an attempt to debias the conjunction fallacy prevalent in the first substudy. Respondents' own probability estimates of the individual events were used to calculate the mathematically correct conjunctive probability. RESULTS Among 215 respondents, the mean (SD) age was 54.0 (9.5) years; 142 respondents (66.0%) were male. Data on race and ethnicity were not collected. A total of 168 physicians (78.1%) estimated the probability of the 2-step sequence to be greater than the probability of at least 1 of the 2 component events. Compared with the product of their 2 estimated components, respondents overestimated the combined probability by 12.8% (95% CI, 9.6%-16.1%; P < .001) in substudy 1, 19.8% (95% Cl, 16.6%-23.0%; P < .001) in substudy 2, and 18.0% (95% CI, 13.4%-22.5%; P < .001) in substudy 3, results that were mathematically incoherent (ie, formally illogical and mathematically incorrect). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE In this survey study of 215 physicians, respondents consistently overestimated the combined probability of 2 events compared with the probability calculated from their own estimates of the individual events. This biased estimation, consistent with the conjunction fallacy, may have substantial implications for diagnostic and prognostic decision-making. Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.18804 SN - 2574-3805 VL - 5 IS - 6 PB - American Veterinary Medical Association CY - Chicago ER - TY - JOUR A1 - De Schrijver, Lotte A1 - Fomenko, Elizaveta A1 - Krahe, Barbara A1 - Roelens, Kristien A1 - Vander Beken, Tom A1 - Keygnaert, Ines T1 - Minority Identity, Othering-Based Stress, and Sexual Violence JF - International journal of environmental research and public health : IJERPH N2 - Background: Some (minority) groups (MGs) are more vulnerable to sexual violence (SV) exposure than others. Othering-based stress (OBS) may mediate the relationship between minority identification and SV. This study aims to assess the prevalence of SV in different MGs to explore the relationship between minority identification and SV, to investigate whether belonging to multiple MGs moderates this relationship, and to explore OBS SV moderation for different MGs. Method: Through an online survey administered to a nationally representative sample in Belgium, data was collected from 4632 persons, of whom 21.01% self-identified as belonging to a MG (SI-Minority). SV prevalence was measured using behaviorally specific questions based on the WHO definition of SV. SI-Minority participants received an additional scale on OBS. Results: SI-Minority participants reported more SV victimization compared to the non-minorities. However, this increased risk was not moderated by minority identification but linked to the socio-demographic SV risk markers common to minority individuals. Multiple-minority participants were found more at risk of SV compared to single-minority respondents. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, pan-/omnisexual, asexual, and other non-heterosexual (LGB+) participants were found more at risk than heterosexual participants. OBS was found to be significantly correlated to SV in sexual and gender minorities and in cultural minorities. Conclusions: This study contributes to our understanding of the relationship between minority identification, OBS, and SV. Studying both specific and common SV vulnerabilities and outcomes within specific societal subgroups and the general population may inform policy makers when allocating resources to those interventions with the largest societal impact. KW - sexual orientation KW - poverty KW - minority health KW - sexual and gender-based KW - violence KW - rape Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19074221 SN - 1661-7827 SN - 1660-4601 VL - 19 IS - 7 PB - MDPI CY - Basel ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Butkovic, Ana A1 - Galesic, Mirta T1 - Relationship between COVID-19 threat beliefs and individual differences in demographics, personality, and related beliefs JF - Frontiers in psychology N2 - Individual differences in demographics, personality, and other related beliefs are associated with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) threat beliefs. However, the relative contributions of these different types of individual differences to COVID-19 threat beliefs are not known. In this study, a total of 1,700 participants in Croatia (68% female; age 18-86 years) completed a survey that included questions about COVID-19 risks, questions about related beliefs including vaccination beliefs, trust in the health system, trust in scientists, and trust in the political system, the HEXACO 60 personality inventory, as well as demographic questions about gender, age, chronic diseases, and region. We used hierarchical regression analyses to examine the proportion of variance explained by demographics, personality, and other related beliefs. All three types of individual differences explained a part of the variance of COVID-19 threat beliefs, with related beliefs explaining the largest part. Personality facets explained a slightly larger amount of variance than personality factors. These results have implications for communication about COVID-19. KW - COVID-19 threat beliefs KW - individual differences KW - personality KW - trust; KW - vaccination Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.831199 SN - 1664-1078 VL - 13 PB - Frontiers Media CY - Lausanne ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schad, Daniel A1 - Vasishth, Shravan T1 - The posterior probability of a null hypothesis given a statistically significant result JF - The quantitative methods for psychology N2 - When researchers carry out a null hypothesis significance test, it is tempting to assume that a statistically significant result lowers Prob(H0), the probability of the null hypothesis being true. Technically, such a statement is meaningless for various reasons: e.g., the null hypothesis does not have a probability associated with it. However, it is possible to relax certain assumptions to compute the posterior probability Prob(H0) under repeated sampling. We show in a step-by-step guide that the intuitively appealing belief, that Prob(H0) is low when significant results have been obtained under repeated sampling, is in general incorrect and depends greatly on: (a) the prior probability of the null being true; (b) type-I error rate, (c) type-II error rate, and (d) replication of a result. Through step-by-step simulations using open-source code in the R System of Statistical Computing, we show that uncertainty about the null hypothesis being true often remains high despite a significant result. To help the reader develop intuitions about this common misconception, we provide a Shiny app (https://danielschad.shinyapps.io/probnull/). We expect that this tutorial will help researchers better understand and judge results from null hypothesis significance tests. KW - Null hypothesis significance testing KW - Bayesian inference KW - statistical KW - power Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.20982/tqmp.18.2.p011 SN - 1913-4126 SN - 2292-1354 VL - 18 IS - 2 SP - 130 EP - 141 PB - University of Montreal, Department of Psychology CY - Montreal ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Marchewka, Juliette A1 - Tomaszewska, Paulina A1 - Schuster, Isabell A1 - Krahé, Barbara T1 - Unacknowledged and missed cases of sexual victimization BT - a comparison of responses to broad versus behaviorally specific questions JF - Aggressive behavior : a multidisciplinary journal devoted to the experimental and observational analysis of conflict in humans and animals N2 - From the beginning of systematic research on sexual victimization, it has been recognized that a substantial proportion of women report nonconsensual sexual experiences meeting the defining criteria of rape in response to behaviorally specific items, but do not acknowledge their experience as rape in response to broad questions about whether they have ever been raped. Recent studies suggest that rates of unacknowledged rape may be as high or even higher among men than among women. This study examined rates of unacknowledged female and male victims of rape and sexual assault by comparing responses to behaviorally specific items of the Sexual Aggression and Victimization Scale (SAV-S) with responses to broad questions using the labels of sexual assault and rape (SARA) in 593 participants (303 women) in Germany. As predicted, more women and men were classified as rape victims based on behaviorally specific items than on the basis of the broad rape item. The rates of unacknowledged rape were about 60% for women and 75% for men. The gender difference was not significant. Against our prediction, no significant differences in acknowledgement of sexual assault were found in relation to coercive strategy and victim-perpetrator relationship. Few cases of rape and sexual assault identified by the SARA items were missed by the behaviorally specific questions. The implications for establishing prevalence rates of rape and sexual assault and for comparing victims and nonvictims in terms of vulnerability factors and outcomes of sexual victimization are discussed. KW - Germany KW - rape KW - Sexual Aggression and Victimization Scale KW - sexual assault KW - sexual victimization KW - unacknowledged victims Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1002/ab.22043 SN - 0096-140X SN - 1098-2337 VL - 48 IS - 6 SP - 573 EP - 582 PB - Wiley-Liss CY - New York ER - TY - GEN A1 - Borghi, Anna M. A1 - Shaki, Samuel A1 - Fischer, Martin H. T1 - Concrete constraints on abstract concepts-editorial T2 - Psychological research : an international journal of perception, attention, memory, and action N2 - This special issue, "Concrete constraints of abstract concepts", addresses the role of concrete determinants, both external and internal to the human body, in acquisition, processing and use of abstract concepts while at the same time presenting to the readers an overview of methods used to assess their representation. Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s00426-022-01685-9 SN - 0340-0727 SN - 1430-2772 VL - 86 SP - 2366 EP - 2369 PB - Springer CY - Heidelberg ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Borghi, Anna M. A1 - Shaki, Samuel A1 - Fischer, Martin H. T1 - Abstract concepts: external influences, internal constraints, and methodological issues JF - Psychological research : an international journal of perception, attention, memory, and action N2 - There is a longstanding and widely held misconception about the relative remoteness of abstract concepts from concrete experiences. This review examines the current evidence for external influences and internal constraints on the processing, representation, and use of abstract concepts, like truth, friendship, and number. We highlight the theoretical benefit of distinguishing between grounded and embodied cognition and then ask which roles do perception, action, language, and social interaction play in acquiring, representing and using abstract concepts. By reviewing several studies, we show that they are, against the accepted definition, not detached from perception and action. Focussing on magnitude-related concepts, we also discuss evidence for cultural influences on abstract knowledge and explore how internal processes such as inner speech, metacognition, and inner bodily signals (interoception) influence the acquisition and retrieval of abstract knowledge. Finally, we discuss some methodological developments. Specifically, we focus on the importance of studies that investigate the time course of conceptual processing and we argue that, because of the paramount role of sociality for abstract concepts, new methods are necessary to study concepts in interactive situations. We conclude that bodily, linguistic, and social constraints provide important theoretical limitations for our theories of conceptual knowledge. Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s00426-022-01698-4 SN - 0340-0727 SN - 1430-2772 VL - 86 SP - 2370 EP - 2388 PB - Springer CY - Heidelberg ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wright, Michelle F. A1 - Wachs, Sebastian T1 - Adolescents' emotional reactions for not intervening in cyberbullying as moderators in the longitudinal association between witnessing cyberbullying and health issues JF - Current psychology N2 - Not much is known about how bystanders' emotional reactions after not intervening in cyberbullying might impact their health issues. Narrowing this gap in the literature, the present study focused on examining the moderating effects of emotional reactions (i.e., guilt, sadness, anger) after not intervening in cyberbullying on the longitudinal relationship between cyberbullying bystanding and health issues (i.e., subjective health complaints, suicidal ideation, non-suicidal self-harm). Participants were 1,067 adolescents between 12 and 15 years old included in this study (M-age = 13.67; 51% girls). The findings showed a positive association between Time 1 cyberbullying bystanding and Time 2 health issues. Guilt moderated the positive relationships among Time 1 cyberbullying bystanding, Time 2 subjective health complaints, suicidal ideation, and non-suicidal self-harm. Time 1 sadness also moderated the relationship between Time 1 cyberbullying bystanding and Time 2 suicidal ideation and non-suicidal self-harm. However, anger did not moderate any of the associations. KW - Bystanding KW - Cyberbullying KW - Guilt KW - Anger KW - Sadness KW - Health Issues; KW - Suicidal ideation KW - Self-harm Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-022-03773-w SN - 1046-1310 SN - 1936-4733 SP - 19378 EP - 19385 PB - Springer CY - New York ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kansok-Dusche, Julia A1 - Ballaschk, Cindy A1 - Krause, Norman A1 - Zeissig, Anke A1 - Seemann-Herz, Lisanne A1 - Wachs, Sebastian A1 - Bilz, Ludwig T1 - A systematic review on hate speech among children and adolescents BT - definitions, prevalence, and overlap with related phenomena JF - Trauma, violence & abuse : a review journal N2 - Little is known about the current state of research on the involvement of young people in hate speech. Thus, this systematic review presents findings on a) the prevalence of hate speech among children and adolescents and on hate speech definitions that guide prevalence assessments for this population; and b) the theoretical and empirical overlap of hate speech with related concepts. This review was guided by the Cochrane approach. To be included, publications were required to deal with real-life experiences of hate speech, to provide empirical data on prevalence for samples aged 5 to 21 years and they had to be published in academic formats. Included publications were full-text coded using two raters (kappa = .80) and their quality was assessed. The string-guided electronic search (ERIC, SocInfo, Psycinfo, Psyndex) yielded 1,850 publications. Eighteen publications based on 10 studies met the inclusion criteria and their findings were systematized. Twelve publications were of medium quality due to minor deficiencies in their theoretical or methodological foundations. All studies used samples of adolescents and none of younger children. Nine out of 10 studies applied quantitative methodologies. Eighteen publications based on 10 studies were included. Results showed that frequencies for hate speech exposure were higher than those related to victimization and perpetration. Definitions of hate speech and assessment instruments were heterogeneous. Empirical evidence for an often theorized overlap between hate speech and bullying was found. The paper concludes by presenting a definition of hate speech, including implications for practice, policy, and research. KW - hate speech KW - bullying KW - adolescents KW - children KW - youth KW - systematic review Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1177/15248380221108070 SN - 1524-8380 SN - 1552-8324 VL - 24 IS - 4 SP - 2598 EP - 2615 PB - Sage Publ. CY - Thousand Oaks ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wachs, Sebastian A1 - Bilz, Ludwig A1 - Wettstein, Alexander A1 - Wright, Michelle F. A1 - Kansok-Dusche, Julia A1 - Krause, Norman A1 - Ballaschk, Cindy T1 - Associations between witnessing and perpetrating online hate speech among adolescents BT - testing moderation effects of moral disengagement and empathy JF - Psychology of violence N2 - Objective: The open expression of hatred, hostility, and violence against minorities has become a common online phenomenon. Adolescents are at particular risk of being involved in different hate speech roles (e.g., witness, perpetrator). However, the correlates of their involvement as perpetrators and the mechanisms that might explain their involvement in hate speech across different roles have not yet been thoroughly investigated. To this end, this study investigates moral disengagement and empathy as correlates of online hate speech perpetration and the moderation effects of empathy and moral disengagement in the relationship between witnessing and perpetrating online hate speech. Method: The sample consists of 3,560 7th to 9th graders from 40 schools in Germany and Switzerland. Self-report questionnaires were utilized to assess online hate speech involvement, moral disengagement, and empathy. Results: Multilevel regression analyses revealed that moral disengagement and witnessing online hate speech were positively associated with online hate speech perpetration, while empathy was negatively associated with it. The findings also showed that the positive relationship between witnessing and perpetrating online hate speech was stronger at higher levels of moral disengagement and weaker when moral disengagement was low. The association between witnessing and perpetrating online hate speech was weaker when adolescents had higher rather than lower levels of empathy. Conclusions: The findings underscore the need for prevention efforts to accelerate moral engagement and empathy as critical future directions in hate speech prevention. This study also contributes to our understanding of underlying mechanisms that explain adolescents' involvement across different roles in hate speech. KW - hate speech KW - cyberhate KW - empathy KW - moral disengagement KW - adolescents Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1037/vio0000422 SN - 2152-0828 SN - 2152-081X VL - 12 IS - 6 SP - 371 EP - 381 PB - American Psychological Association CY - Washington ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wachs, Sebastian A1 - Bilz, Ludwig A1 - Wettstein, Alexander A1 - Wright, Michelle F. A1 - Krause, Norman A1 - Ballaschk, Cindy A1 - Kansok-Dusche, Julia T1 - The online hate speech cycle of violence BT - moderating effects of moral disengagement and empathy in the victim-to-perpetrator relationship JF - Cyberpsychology, behavior and social networking N2 - Adolescents around the globe are increasingly exposed to online hate speech (OHS). And yet little is known about the varying roles of involvement and the determinants of adolescents' hate speech perpetration. Building on previous research, this study aims to test the cycle of violence hypothesis for OHS and to analyze whether moral disengagement (MD) and empathy moderate the victim-to-perpetrator relationship. The sample consists of 3,560 seventh to ninth graders (52.1 percent girls), recruited from 40 schools across Germany and Switzerland. Self-report questionnaires were administered to assess OHS involvement, MD, and empathy. Multilevel analyses revealed that victims of OHS were more likely to report OHS perpetration. In addition, victims of OHS were more likely to report OHS perpetration when they reported higher levels of MD than those with lower levels of MD. Finally, victims of OHS were less likely to report OHS perpetration when they reported higher levels of empathy than those with lower levels of empathy. The findings extend the cycle of violence hypothesis to OHS and highlight the need to address MD and empathy in hate speech prevention. Implications for future research will be discussed. KW - hate speech KW - cyberhate KW - online discrimination KW - empathy KW - moral KW - disengagement KW - adolescents Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1089/cyber.2021.0159 SN - 2152-2715 SN - 2152-2723 VL - 25 IS - 4 SP - 223 EP - 229 PB - Liebert CY - New Rochelle ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wright, Michelle F. A1 - Wachs, Sebastian A1 - Gamez-Guadix, Manuel T1 - The Role of Perceived Gay-Straight Alliance Social Support in the Longitudinal Association Between Homophobic Cyberbullying and LGBTQIA Adolescents' Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms JF - Journal of youth and adolescence : a multidisciplinary research publication N2 - There has been little research attention given to how Gay-Straight Alliances might mitigate mental health consequences associated with experiencing homophobic cyberbullying. To address this gap in knowledge, the purpose of this one-year longitudinal study was to investigate the moderating effect of perceived social support from Gay-Straight Alliances in the relationships among homophobic cyberbullying victimization and bystanding and depressive and anxiety symptoms among 466 LGBTQIA adolescents (M-age = 15.76; 52% female). The findings revealed that perceived social support was related negatively to homophobic cyberbullying involvement and depressive and anxiety symptoms. Homophobic cyberbullying involvement was related positively to depressive and anxiety symptoms. High perceived social support buffered against the depressive and anxiety symptoms resulting from homophobic victimization and bystanding among LGBTQIA adolescents but low levels and average levels did not moderate these associations. These findings highlight the importance of expanding Gay-Straight Alliances in schools. KW - Homophobic KW - Cyberbullying KW - LGBT KW - Depression KW - Anxiety KW - Gay-Straight Alliance Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s10964-022-01585-6 SN - 0047-2891 SN - 1573-6601 VL - 51 IS - 7 SP - 1388 EP - 1396 PB - Springer CY - New York ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wagner, Birgit A1 - Hofmann, Laura A1 - Maaß, Ulrike T1 - A therapist-supported internet-based intervention for bereaved siblings: a randomized controlled trial JF - Palliative medicine N2 - Background: The loss of a sibling can have a long-term impact on the mental and physical health of the surviving sibling throughout adolescence and later adulthood. Even though bereaved siblings can be identified as a high-risk group, evidence-based interventions for this bereavement group are still missing. Aim: To evaluate the treatment effects of an internet-based writing intervention for bereaved siblings aged 16-65 years. Design: A two-armed randomized controlled trial (DRKS00011514) compared the intervention to a waiting list control group. The 6-week intervention consisted of six structured writing assignments that were based on cognitive behavioral therapy, focusing on the specific situation of bereaved siblings. Setting/participants: Eighty-six bereaved siblings (loss >1 month ago, no severe psychiatric symptoms) were randomly allocated to the intervention group (n = 47) or the waiting list control group (n = 39). Primary outcomes were symptoms of prolonged grief disorder and depression; secondary outcomes were posttraumatic stress symptoms and survivor guilt. Results: Symptoms of depression and prolonged grief disorder improved significantly in the intention-to-treat analyses from pre-to post-measurement compared with the control group (g(Depression) = -0.62, g(Grief) = 0.33). In the intervention group, all primary and secondary outcomes decreased significantly from baseline to 12-month follow-up (gs = -0.38 to -1.04). A significant clinical change could be found for depression (34%) compared to the waitlist control group (10%). Conclusions: Bereaved siblings profited from this brief internet-based writing intervention in the short- and long-term. However, future research, such as dismantling studies, may help to further optimize the benefits of an intervention aimed at bereaved siblings. KW - grief KW - siblings KW - prolonged grief disorder KW - posttraumatic stress disorder KW - bereaved parents KW - randomized-controlled trial KW - internet-based intervention Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1177/02692163221122344 SN - 0269-2163 SN - 1477-030X VL - 36 IS - 10 SP - 1532 EP - 1543 PB - Sage Publications CY - London ER - TY - JOUR A1 - von Steinkeller, Annika A1 - Grosse, Gerlind T1 - Children are more social when playing analog games together than digital games JF - Computers in Human Behavior Reports N2 - Digital media are being used more and more frequently by children and for a wide variety of functions. However, there are no studies to date that examine the effect of such use on peer interactions and the occurrence of prosocial behavior in peers. For parents, it has been found that when using digital media only few parents respond responsively to their children's attempts at interaction and also very rarely, they communicate with them verbally and nonverbally. In the present study, we investigated how playing a game in a digital versus analog form influences in-teractions (especially prosocial behavior) of peers. We used an experimental situation, where 24 dyads of 4-10-year-old children were examined. Each of the dyads was randomly assigned to a condition where they played either a digital or analog game together. Various interaction parameters and prosocial behavior during and after the game were analyzed. Results show that children in the analog condition communicated verbally with each other more often, responded more often to interaction attempts of their partners and showed less often negative forms of inter-action and more often positive forms of interaction than children in the digital condition. However, the type of medium had no influence on prosocial behavior after the game situation. These results suggest that the format of a game (digital vs. analog) has a decisive influence on peer interactions concerning their communication during but not their prosocial behavior after the game situation. KW - child development KW - peer interactions KW - media KW - prosocial behavior KW - digital KW - games Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chbr.2022.100195 SN - 2451-9588 VL - 6 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Johanssen, Helen A1 - Schoofs, Nikola A1 - Kliegl, Reinhold A1 - Bermpohl, Felix A1 - Ülsmann, Dominik A1 - Schulte-Herbrüggen, Olaf A1 - Priebe, Kathlen T1 - Negative posttraumatic cognitions color the pathway from event centrality to posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms JF - Cognitive therapy and research N2 - Background The centrality of an event indicates the extent to which it becomes a core part of identity and life story. Event centrality (EC) has been shown to have a strong relationship with PTSD symptoms, which seems to be indirectly influenced by negative posttraumatic cognitions (PTC). However, research on this potential mediation and its causal links particularly with clinical samples is limited and essential to derive treatment implications. Methods Pre- and posttreatment data of 103 day-unit patients with PTSD was examined using mediation analyses and structural equation modeling. Results Negative PTC mediated the relationship between EC and PTSD symptoms, partially pre- and completely posttreatment. Within extended longitudinal analyses causal directions of the mediation pathways were not adequately interpretable due to unexpected suppression effects. Conclusions The results suggest that EC may only have an indirect effect on PTSD symptoms through negative PTC. Thus, decreasing negative PTC which are connected to centralized events might be a key element for PTSD treatment. Thereby, transforming the cognitions' valence to more positive and constructive forms could be crucial rather than mere decentralization. Although suppression effects limited causal inferences, they do not contradict the mediation and further indicate potential interactional terms and a transformation of EC. KW - Event centrality KW - PTSD KW - Posttraumatic cognitions KW - Valence Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s10608-021-10266-w SN - 0147-5916 SN - 1573-2819 VL - 46 IS - 2 SP - 333 EP - 342 PB - Springer Science + Business Media B.V. CY - Dordrecht ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Spiegel, Thomas J. T1 - Liberal naturalism without reenchantment JF - European journal for philosophy of religion N2 - There is a close conceptual relation between the notions of religious disenchantment and scientific naturalism. One way of resisting philosophical and cultural implications of the scientific image and the subsequent process of disenchantment can be found in attempts at sketching a reenchanted worldview. The main issue of accounts of reenchantment can be a rejection of scientific results in a way that flies in the face of good reason. Opposed to such reenchantment is scientific naturalism which implies an entirely disenchanted worldview. However, one of the main problems of scientific naturalism are placement problems. A reenchanted worldview does have the conceptual resources to avoid placement problems, yet seems to throw out the baby (a reasonable appeal to science as an authority) with the bathwater (placement problems). A dilemma results: the Scylla of an undesirable scientific naturalism and the Charybdis of a rampant, seemingly prescientific reenchanted worldview. In this article I argue that there is a safe middle passage between these two options, i.e. the recently proposed liberal naturalism which allows for a moderate normative reenchantment. Liberal naturalism lets us have it both ways: avoiding the placement problems while retaining a necessary and reasonable adherence to science, thereby avoiding both an all-too restrictive scientific naturalism. KW - Naturalism KW - Liberal Naturalism KW - Disenchantment KW - Secularism Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.24204/EJPR.2022.3350 SN - 1689-8311 VL - 14 IS - 1 SP - 207 EP - 229 PB - University of Innsbruck CY - Innsbruck ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Brahms, Markus A1 - Heinzel, Stephan A1 - Rapp, Michael A. A1 - Mückstein, Marie A1 - Hortobágyi, Tibor A1 - Stelzel, Christine A1 - Granacher, Urs T1 - The acute effects of mental fatigue on balance performance in healthy young and older adults – A systematic review and meta-analysis JF - Acta Psychologica N2 - Cognitive resources contribute to balance control. There is evidence that mental fatigue reduces cognitive resources and impairs balance performance, particularly in older adults and when balance tasks are complex, for example when trying to walk or stand while concurrently performing a secondary cognitive task. We conducted a systematic literature search in PubMed (MEDLINE), Web of Science and Google Scholar to identify eligible studies and performed a random effects meta-analysis to quantify the effects of experimentally induced mental fatigue on balance performance in healthy adults. Subgroup analyses were computed for age (healthy young vs. healthy older adults) and balance task complexity (balance tasks with high complexity vs. balance tasks with low complexity) to examine the moderating effects of these factors on fatigue-mediated balance performance. We identified 7 eligible studies with 9 study groups and 206 participants. Analysis revealed that performing a prolonged cognitive task had a small but significant effect (SMDwm = −0.38) on subsequent balance performance in healthy young and older adults. However, age- and task-related differences in balance responses to fatigue could not be confirmed statistically. Overall, aggregation of the available literature indicates that mental fatigue generally reduces balance in healthy adults. However, interactions between cognitive resource reduction, aging and balance task complexity remain elusive. KW - Cognitive fatigue KW - Exertion KW - Tiredness KW - Postural control KW - Gait KW - Sway Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actpsy.2022.103540 SN - 1873-6297 VL - 225 SP - 1 EP - 13 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Muschalla, Beate A1 - Baron, Stefanie A1 - Klevers, Theresa T1 - Students or medical professionals: whose knowledge improved after social-medicine training? BT - results from a quasi-experimental evaluation study JF - Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology N2 - Purpose Rehabilitation professionals are faced with judging and describing the social-medicine status of their patients. Rehabilitation professionals must know the core concepts of acute unfitness for work, psychological capacities, and long-term work capacity. Acquiring and applying this knowledge, requires training. The research question is if and to what extent medical professionals and students' knowledge changes after social medicine training. Methods This quasi-experimental study was carried out in the real-life context of social medicine training. Psychology students (n = 42), physicians/psychotherapists (i.e. state-licensed health professionals) (n = 44) and medical assistant professionals (n = 29) were trained. Their social medicine knowledge was measured before and after training by a 10-min expert-approved and content valid knowledge questionnaire. Three free-text questions had to be answered on the essential aspects of present and prognostic work ability and psychological capacities. Answers were rated for correctness by two experts. Paired t tests and variance analysis have been calculated for group comparisons. Results All groups improved their social medicine knowledge from the pre- to the post-test. The students started with the lowest level of knowledge in the pre-test. After training, 69% of the physicians/psychotherapists and 56.8% of the medical assistant professionals, but only 7% of the students, obtained maximum scores for naming psychological capacities. Conclusions Social medicine knowledge increased after a training course consisting of eight lessons. The increase was greater for medical assistant professionals and physicians/psychotherapists than for students. Social medicine training must be adjusted to the trainee groups' knowledge levels. KW - ICF KW - work ability KW - mental health KW - impairment KW - rehabilitation professionals Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s00127-021-02197-4 SN - 0933-7954 SN - 1433-9285 VL - 57 IS - 7 SP - 1505 EP - 1514 PB - Springer CY - Heidelberg ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Birke, Joseph A1 - Bondü, Rebecca T1 - From fantasy to reality BT - self-reported aggression-related sexual fantasies predict sexually sadistic behavior beyond indirect and direct measures of sexual preference JF - The journal of sex research N2 - Aggression-related sexual fantasies (ASF) have been related to various forms of harmful sexual behavior in both sex offender and community samples. However, more research is needed to fully understand this relation, particularly whether ASF is associated with harmful sexual behavior beyond hostile sexism against women and a sexual preference for violence and sexual violence. In the present study, N = 428 participants (61.9% women) between 18 and 83 years of age (M = 28.17, SD = 9.7) reported their ASF and hostile sexism. They rated their sexual arousal by erotic, violent, and sexually violent pictures as a direct measure of sexual preference. Response latencies between stimulus presentation and arousal ratings were used as an indirect measure of sexual preference. ASF and the directly and indirectly assessed sexual preference for violent and sexually violent stimuli were positively correlated. They were unrelated to hostile sexism against women. ASF showed the strongest associations with self-reported sexually sadistic behavior and presumably non-consensual sexual sadism beyond these preferences and hostile sexism in the total group and separately among men and women. The findings indicate that ASF and sexual preference are not equivalent constructs and further underscore the potential relevance of ASF for harmful sexual behavior. Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1080/00224499.2021.2022588 SN - 0022-4499 SN - 1559-8519 VL - 60 IS - 4 SP - 558 EP - 573 PB - Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group CY - New York, NY ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hafner, Verena A1 - Hommel, Bernhard A1 - Kayhan, Ezgi A1 - Lee, Dongheui A1 - Paulus, Markus A1 - Verschoor, Stephan T1 - Editorial: The mechanisms underlying the human minimal self JF - Frontiers in psychology KW - agents KW - self KW - minimal self KW - robotics KW - humanoids KW - cognition Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.961480 SN - 1664-1078 VL - 13 PB - Frontiers Media CY - Lausanne ER - TY - GEN A1 - Brahms, Markus A1 - Heinzel, Stephan A1 - Rapp, Michael A. A1 - Mückstein, Marie A1 - Hortobágyi, Tibor A1 - Stelzel, Christine A1 - Granacher, Urs T1 - The acute effects of mental fatigue on balance performance in healthy young and older adults – A systematic review and meta-analysis T2 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe N2 - Cognitive resources contribute to balance control. There is evidence that mental fatigue reduces cognitive resources and impairs balance performance, particularly in older adults and when balance tasks are complex, for example when trying to walk or stand while concurrently performing a secondary cognitive task. We conducted a systematic literature search in PubMed (MEDLINE), Web of Science and Google Scholar to identify eligible studies and performed a random effects meta-analysis to quantify the effects of experimentally induced mental fatigue on balance performance in healthy adults. Subgroup analyses were computed for age (healthy young vs. healthy older adults) and balance task complexity (balance tasks with high complexity vs. balance tasks with low complexity) to examine the moderating effects of these factors on fatigue-mediated balance performance. We identified 7 eligible studies with 9 study groups and 206 participants. Analysis revealed that performing a prolonged cognitive task had a small but significant effect (SMDwm = −0.38) on subsequent balance performance in healthy young and older adults. However, age- and task-related differences in balance responses to fatigue could not be confirmed statistically. Overall, aggregation of the available literature indicates that mental fatigue generally reduces balance in healthy adults. However, interactions between cognitive resource reduction, aging and balance task complexity remain elusive. T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe - 779 KW - Cognitive fatigue KW - Exertion KW - Tiredness KW - Postural control KW - Gait KW - Sway Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-561560 SN - 1866-8364 SP - 1 EP - 13 PB - Universitätsverlag Potsdam CY - Potsdam ER - TY - THES A1 - Deeken, Friederike T1 - Relevance of non-pharmacological interventions that modify environmental factors in order to prevent and treat mental disorders in older patients and their caregivers N2 - We live in an aging society. The change in demographic structures poses a number of challenges, including an increase in age-associated diseases. Delirium, dementia, and depression are considered to be of particular interest in the field of aging and mental health. A common theory regarding healthy aging and mental health is that the highest satisfaction and best performance is achieved when a person's abilities match the demands of their environment. In this context, the person's environment includes both the physical and the social environment. Based on this assumption, this dissertation focuses on the investigation of non-pharmacological interventions that modify environmental factors in order to facilitate the prevention and treatment of mental disorders in older patients and their caregivers. The first part of this dissertation consists of two publications and deals with the prevention of postoperative delirium in elderly patients. The PAWEL study investigated the use of a multimodal, non-pharmacological intervention in the routine care of patients aged 70 years or older undergoing elective surgery. The intervention included an interdepartmental delirium prevention team, daily use of seven manualized “best practice” procedures, structured staff training on delirium, and the adaptation of the hospital environment to the patients’ needs. The second part of the dissertation used a meta-analysis to investigate whether technology-based interventions are a suitable form of support for informal caregivers of people with dementia. Subgroup analyses were conducted to examine the effect of different types of technology on caregiver burden and depressive symptoms. The following main results were found: The PAWEL study showed that the use of a multimodal, non-pharmacological intervention resulted in a significantly lower incidence rate of postoperative delirium and reduced days with delirium in the intervention group compared to the control group. However, this difference could not be observed in the group of patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery. The results of the meta-analysis showed that technology-based interventions offer a promising alternative to traditional “face-to-face” services. Significant effect sizes could be found in relation to both the burden and the depressive symptoms of caregiving relatives. These results provide further important information on the significant impact of non-pharmacological interventions that modify environmental factors on mental health, and support the consideration of such interventions in the prevention and treatment of mental disorders in both older patients and their caregivers. N2 - Wir leben in einer alternden Gesellschaft. Die Veränderung von demografischen Strukturen bringt eine Reihe von Herausfordergungen mit sich, unter anderem die Zunahme von alters-assoziierten Erkrankungen. Den drei Erkrankungen Delir, Demenz und Depression wird für den Bereich mentale Gesundheit im Alter eine besondere Bedeutung zugesprochen. Eine gängige Theorie für gesundes Altern und mentale Gesundheit bildet die Annahme, dass die höchste Zufriedenheit und beste Leistung gezeigt werden kann, wenn eine Passung zwischen den Anforderungen aus der Umwelt und den Fähigkeiten der Person gegeben ist. Zur Umwelt der Person zählen hierbei sowohl die physikalische Umgebung als auch das soziale Umfeld. Auf dieser Annahme basierend, widmet sich diese Dissertation der Untersuchung nicht-pharmakologischer Interventionen zur Modifikation von Umweltfaktoren zur Prävention und Behandlung psychischer Erkrankungen bei älteren Patienten und ihren pflegenden Angehörigen. Der erste Teil der Dissertation besteht aus zwei Publikationen und beschäftigt sich mit der Prävention von postoperativem Delir bei älteren PatientInnen. Die PAWEL-Studie untersuchte eine multimodale, nicht-pharmakologische Intervention in der Regelversorgung von PatientInnen über 70 Jahren, bei denen eine Elektivoperation durchgeführt wurde. Die Intervention umfasste den Einsatz eines interdisziplinären Delirium-Präventionsteams, die tägliche Anwendung von sieben manualisierten "Best-Practice"-Verfahren, strukturierte Mitarbeiterschulungen zum Thema Delirium und die Anpassung der Krankenhausumgebung an die Bedürfnisse der PatientInnen. Im zweiten Teil der Dissertation wurde mit Hilfe einer Meta-Analyse untersucht, ob technologie-basierte Interventionen geeignet sind, um pflegende Angehörige von Menschen mit Demenz zu unterstützen. In Subgruppen-Analysen wurde geprüft, wie unterschiedliche Technologiearten die Belastung und depressive Symptomatik der Angehörigen beeinflussen. Folgende Hauptergebnisse wurden gefunden: Die PAWEL-Studie zeigte, dass der Einsatz einer multimodalen, nicht-pharmakologischen Intervention zu einer signifikant niedrigeren Inzidenzrate von postoperativen Delirien sowie insgesamt weniger Delirtagen in der Interventionsgruppe im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe führte. Dieser Unterschied konnte jedoch nicht in der Gruppe der PatientInnen gezeigt werden, bei denen eine Herz- oder Gefäßoperation durchgeführt wurde. Die Ergebnisse der Meta-Analyse belegen, dass technologie-basierte Interventionen eine vielversprechende Alternative zu traditionellen „face-to-face“-Angeboten bieten. Es zeigten sich signifikante Effekte sowohl in Bezug auf die Belastung als auch auf die depressive Symptomatik der pflegenden Angehörigen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Dissertation belegen die Relevanz von nicht-pharmakologischen Interventionen zur Modifikation von Umweltfaktoren bei der Prävention und Behandlung von psychischen Erkankungen sowohl bei älteren PatientInnen als auch deren pflegenden Angehörigen. KW - delirium KW - prevention KW - old age KW - caregiver KW - dementia Y1 - 2022 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schulze, Susanne A1 - Merz, Sibille A1 - Thier, Anne A1 - Tallarek, Marie A1 - König, Franziska A1 - Uhlenbrock, Greta A1 - Nübling, Matthias A1 - Lincke, Hans-Joachim A1 - Rapp, Michael A. A1 - Spallek, Jacob A1 - Holmberg, Christine T1 - Psychosocial burden in nurses working in nursing homes during the Covid-19 pandemic BT - a cross-sectional study with quantitative and qualitative data JF - BMC health services research N2 - Background The Covid-19 pandemic led to increased work-related strain and psychosocial burden in nurses worldwide, resulting in high prevalences of mental health problems. Nurses in long-term care facilities seem to be especially affected by the pandemic. Nevertheless, there are few findings indicating possible positive changes for health care workers. Therefore, we investigated which psychosocial burdens and potential positive aspects nurses working in long-term care facilities experience during the Covid-19 pandemic. Methods We conducted a mixed-methods study among nurses and nursing assistants working in nursing homes in Germany. The survey contained the third German version of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ III). Using Welch's t-tests, we compared the COPSOQ results of our sample against a pre-pandemic reference group of geriatric nurses from Germany. Additionally, we conducted semi-structured interviews with geriatric nurses with a special focus on psychosocial stress, to reach a deeper understanding of their experiences on work-related changes and burdens during the pandemic. Data were analysed using thematic coding (Braun and Clarke). Results Our survey sample (n = 177) differed significantly from the pre-pandemic reference group in 14 out of 31 COPSOQ scales. Almost all of these differences indicated negative changes. Our sample scored significantly worse regarding the scales 'quantitative demands', 'hiding emotions', 'work-privacy conflicts', 'role conflicts', 'quality of leadership', 'support at work', 'recognition', 'physical demands', 'intention to leave profession', 'burnout', 'presenteeism' and 'inability to relax'. The interviews (n = 15) revealed six main themes related to nurses' psychosocial stress: 'overall working conditions', 'concern for residents', 'management of relatives', 'inability to provide terminal care', 'tensions between being infected and infecting others' and 'technicisation of care'. 'Enhanced community cohesion' (interviews), 'meaning of work' and 'quantity of social relations' (COPSOQ III) were identified as positive effects of the pandemic. Conclusions Results clearly illustrate an aggravation of geriatric nurses' situation and psychosocial burden and only few positive changes due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Pre-existing hardships seem to have further deteriorated and new stressors added to nurses' strain. The perceived erosion of care, due to an overemphasis of the technical in relation to the social and emotional dimensions of care, seems to be especially burdensome to geriatric nurses. KW - COPSOQ KW - Nurses KW - Nursing home KW - Psychosocial burden KW - Mixed-methods study KW - Covid-19 Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-022-08333-3 SN - 1472-6963 VL - 22 IS - 1 PB - BMC CY - London ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Maaß, Ulrike A1 - Kühne, Franziska A1 - Poltz, Nadine A1 - Lorenz, Anna A1 - Ay-Bryson, Destina Sevde A1 - Weck, Florian T1 - Live supervision in psychotherapy training BT - a systematic review JF - Training and education in professional psychology N2 - There is increasing interest in improving psychotherapy training using evidence-based supervision. One approach is live supervision (LS), in which the supervisor offers immediate feedback to the trainee (e.g., via microphone, text messages) during the session. This review summarizes the research on LS and its main results. The databases Web of Science Core Collection, PsycArticles, PsycBooks, PsycInfo, PSYNDEX, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection, and PubMed were searched from inception to January 23, 2020 (including a backward search) and updated November 15, 2020. The inclusion criteria (i.e., main focus on LS, immediate feedback from a present supervisor, psychological setting) were met by k = 138 publications, including k = 8 randomized controlled trials (RCTs; N = 339). Two reviewers independently evaluated the RCTs' risk of bias using the revised Cochrane Risk-of-Bias Tool. Most publications had a family therapy background (59%), were categorized as nonempirical (55%), aimed primarily at describing or comparing specific LS methods (35%), and displayed positive views on LS (87%). Based on the RCTs, LS was superior to no-supervision in 78% of all comparisons, but only in 13% of the cases compared to a delayed supervision (DS) condition (i.e., regarding trainee skills, patient outcomes, or other variables). These results somewhat contradict the overall favorable views in the literature. However, the generalizability is limited due to a lack of high-quality studies and substantial heterogeneity in terms of LS methods, concepts, outcomes, and measurements. Ideas for more systematic research on LS regarding objectives and methods are proposed.
Public Significance Statement This review summarizes research on live supervision (LS). LS is a form of supervision in psychotherapy training in which the supervisor observes the trainee's therapy session and provides immediate feedback. The review concludes that LS is probably as effective as delayed supervision (DS), although more high-quality research is needed. KW - psychotherapy KW - feedback KW - bug-in-the-eye KW - training KW - therapist competence Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1037/tep0000390 SN - 1931-3918 SN - 1931-3926 VL - 16 IS - 2 SP - 130 EP - 142 PB - American Psychological Association CY - Washington ER - TY - GEN A1 - Heinze, Peter Eric A1 - Weck, Florian A1 - Kühne, Franziska T1 - Assessing Patient Preferences BT - Examination of the German Cooper-Norcross Inventory of Preferences T2 - Postprints der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe N2 - Despite the positive effects of including patients’ preferences into therapy on psychotherapy outcomes, there are still few thoroughly validated assessment tools at hand. We translated the 18-item Cooper-Norcross Inventory of Preferences (C-NIP) into German and aimed at replicating its factor structure. Further, we investigated the reliability of the questionnaire and its convergence with trait measures. A heterogeneous sample of N = 969 participants took part in our online survey. Performing ESEM models, we found acceptable model fit for a four-factor structure similar to the original factor structure. Furthermore, we propose an alternative model following the adjustment of single items. The German C-NIP showed acceptable to good reliability, as well as small correlations with Big-Five personality traits, trait and attachment anxiety, locus of control, and temporal focus. However, we recommend further replication of the factor structure and further validation of the C-NIP. T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe - 753 KW - psychotherapy KW - preference KW - activity preference KW - preference assessment KW - validation study Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-544140 SN - 1866-8364 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Heinze, Peter Eric A1 - Weck, Florian A1 - Kühne, Franziska T1 - Assessing Patient Preferences BT - Examination of the German Cooper-Norcross Inventory of Preferences JF - Frontiers in Psychology N2 - Despite the positive effects of including patients’ preferences into therapy on psychotherapy outcomes, there are still few thoroughly validated assessment tools at hand. We translated the 18-item Cooper-Norcross Inventory of Preferences (C-NIP) into German and aimed at replicating its factor structure. Further, we investigated the reliability of the questionnaire and its convergence with trait measures. A heterogeneous sample of N = 969 participants took part in our online survey. Performing ESEM models, we found acceptable model fit for a four-factor structure similar to the original factor structure. Furthermore, we propose an alternative model following the adjustment of single items. The German C-NIP showed acceptable to good reliability, as well as small correlations with Big-Five personality traits, trait and attachment anxiety, locus of control, and temporal focus. However, we recommend further replication of the factor structure and further validation of the C-NIP. KW - psychotherapy KW - preference KW - activity preference KW - preference assessment KW - validation study Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.795776 SN - 1664-1078 VL - 12 PB - Frontiers Research Foundation CY - Lausanne ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Heinze, Peter Eric A1 - Weck, Florian A1 - Kühne, Franziska T1 - Assessing patient preferences BT - examination of the german cooper-norcross inventory of preferences JF - Frontiers in psychology N2 - Despite the positive effects of including patients' preferences into therapy on psychotherapy outcomes, there are still few thoroughly validated assessment tools at hand. We translated the 18-item Cooper-Norcross Inventory of Preferences (C-NIP) into German and aimed at replicating its factor structure. Further, we investigated the reliability of the questionnaire and its convergence with trait measures. A heterogeneous sample of N = 969 participants took part in our online survey. Performing ESEM models, we found acceptable model fit for a four-factor structure similar to the original factor structure. Furthermore, we propose an alternative model following the adjustment of single items. The German C-NIP showed acceptable to good reliability, as well as small correlations with Big-Five personality traits, trait and attachment anxiety, locus of control, and temporal focus. However, we recommend further replication of the factor structure and further validation of the C-NIP. KW - psychotherapy KW - preference KW - activity preference KW - preference assessment KW - validation study Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.795776 SN - 1664-1078 VL - 12 PB - Frontiers Media CY - Lausanne ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Klein, Andreas A1 - Roediger, Lukas A1 - Bendau, Antonia A1 - Viohl, Leonard A1 - Ernst, Felicitas A1 - Helbig, Jonas A1 - Kühne, Franziska A1 - Petzold, Moritz Bruno A1 - Betzler, Felix T1 - Problem drinking among university students in Berlin JF - Journal of American College Health N2 - Objective Problem-drinking among university students is common and poses serious health-related risks. Therefore, identifying and addressing associated factors is important. Participants and methods A large cross-sectional online-survey with 12,914 university students from Berlin was conducted from November 2016 to August 2017. Relative-risk- and correlation-analysis was used to identify factors associated with problem-drinking and regular heavy-drinking. Independent t-tests compared impulsivity and personality traits, chi-square-tests compared drinking motives between risk- and non-risk-drinkers. Results Male gender, tobacco-smoking, illegal substance use, impulsivity and various sociodemographic and psychosocial variables were significantly related to problem/heavy-drinking. Extraversion was a risk, conscientiousness and agreeableness were protective factors. Drinking-motives did not differ significantly between risk- and non-risk-drinkers. Generally, the main drinking-motives were to feel elated, relax and social purposes. Conclusion The identified markers and related problem behaviors may serve as a tool to enhance the identification of student subgroups at risk for problem/heavy-drinking, and hence improve targeted health-intervention-programs. KW - Alcohol KW - addiction KW - mental health KW - substance use KW - youth Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1080/07448481.2022.2080503 SN - 0744-8481 SN - 1940-3208 PB - Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group CY - Abingdon ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Geirhos, Agnes A1 - Domhardt, Matthias A1 - Lunkenheimer, Frederike A1 - Temming, Svenja A1 - Holl, Reinhard A1 - Minden, Kirsten A1 - Warschburger, Petra A1 - Meissner, Thomas A1 - Mueller-Stierlin, Annabel S. A1 - Baumeister, Harald T1 - Feasibility and potential efficacy of a guided internet- and mobile-based CBT for adolescents and young adults with chronic medical conditions and comorbid depression or anxiety symptoms (youthCOACH(CD)): a randomized controlled pilot trial JF - BMC pediatrics N2 - Background: Adolescents and young adults (AYA) with a chronic medical condition show an increased risk for developing mental comorbidities compared to their healthy peers. Internet- and mobile-based cognitive behavioral therapy (iCBT) might be a low-threshold treatment to support affected AYA. In this randomized controlled pilot trial, the feasibility and potential efficacy of youthCOACH(CD), an iCBT targeting symptoms of anxiety and depression in AYA with chronic medical conditions, was evaluated. Methods: A total of 30 AYA (M-age 16.13; SD= 2.34; 73% female), aged 12-21 years either suffering from cystic fibrosis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis or type 1 diabetes, were randomly assigned to either a guided version of the iCBT youthCOACH(CD) (IC, n=15) or to a waitlist control group (CG, n=15), receiving an unguided version of the iCBT six months post-randomization. Participants of the IG and the CG were assessed before (t0), twelve weeks after (t1) and six months after (t2) randomization. Primary outcome was the feasibility of the iCBT. Different parameters of feasibility e.g. acceptance, client satisfaction or potential side effects were evaluated. First indications of the possible efficacy with regard to the primary efficacy outcome, the Patient Health Questionnaire Anxiety and Depression Scale, and further outcome variables were evaluated using linear regression models, adjusting for baseline values. Results: Regarding feasibility, intervention completion was 60%; intervention satisfaction (M = 25.42, SD = 5.85) and perceived therapeutic alliance (M = 2.83, SD = 1.25) were moderate and comparable to other iCBTs. No patterns emerged regarding subjective and objective negative side effects due to participation in youthCOACH(CD). Estimates of potential efficacy showed between group differences, with a potential medium-term benefit of youthCOACH(CD) (beta = -0.55, 95%Cl: -1.17; 0.07), but probably not short-term (beta = 0.20, 95%Cl: -0.47; 0.88). Conclusions: Our results point to the feasibility of youthCOACH(CD) and the implementation of a future definitive randomized controlled trial addressing its effectiveness and cost-effectiveness. Due to the small sample size, conclusions are premature, however, further strategies to foster treatment adherence should be considered. KW - Chronic medical condition KW - Depression KW - Anxiety KW - Internet- and mobile KW - based intervention KW - Cognitive behavioral therapy KW - Randomized controlled KW - pilot trial KW - Type 1 diabetes KW - Cystic fibrosis KW - Juvenile idiopathic KW - arthritis Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1186/s12887-022-03134-3 SN - 1471-2431 VL - 22 IS - 1 PB - Springer Nature CY - London ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Contier, Friederike A1 - Weymar, Mathias A1 - Wartenburger, Isabell A1 - Rabovsky, Milena T1 - Sustained attention as measured by reaction time variability is a strong modulator for the P600, but not the N400 JF - Journal of cognitive neuroscience N2 - The functional significance of the two prominent language-related ERP components N400 and P600 is still under debate. It has recently been suggested that one important dimension along which the two vary is in terms of automaticity versus attentional control, with N400 amplitudes reflecting more automatic and P600 amplitudes reflecting more controlled aspects of sentence comprehension. The availability of executive resources necessary for controlled processes depends on sustained attention, which fluctuates over time. Here, we thus tested whether P600 and N400 amplitudes depend on the level of sustained attention. We reanalyzed EEG and behavioral data from a sentence processing task by Sassenhagen and Bornkessel-Schlesewsky [The P600 as a correlate of ventral attention network reorientation. Cortex, 66, A3-A20, 2015], which included sentences with morphosyntactic and semantic violations. Participants read sentences phrase by phrase and indicated whether a sentence contained any type of anomaly as soon as they had the relevant information. To quantify the varying degrees of sustained attention, we extracted a moving reaction time coefficient of variation over the entire course of the task. We found that the P600 amplitude was significantly larger during periods of low reaction time variability (high sustained attention) than in periods of high reaction time variability (low sustained attention). In contrast, the amplitude of the N400 was not affected by reaction time variability. These results thus suggest that the P600 component is sensitive to sustained attention whereas the N400 component is not, which provides independent evidence for accounts suggesting that P600 amplitudes reflect more controlled and N400 amplitudes reflect more automatic aspects of sentence comprehension. Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1162/jocn_a_01918 SN - 0898-929X SN - 1530-8898 VL - 34 IS - 12 SP - 2297 EP - 2310 PB - MIT Press CY - Cambridge ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lachmair, Martin A1 - Fischer, Martin H. A1 - Gerjets, Peter T1 - Action-control mappings of interfaces in virtual reality: a study of embodied interaction JF - Frontiers in virtual reality N2 - The development of interface technologies is driven by the goal of making interaction more positive through natural action-control mappings. In Virtual Reality (VR), the entire body is potentially involved for interaction, using such mappings with a maximum of degrees of freedom. The downside is the increase in interaction complexity, which can dramatically influence interface design. A cognitive perspective on detailed aspects of interaction patterns is lacking in common interface design guidelines, although it can be helpful to make this complexity controllable and, thus, make interaction behavior predictable. In the present study, the distinction between grounding, embodiment, and situatedness (the GES framework) is applied to organize aspects of interactions and to compare them with each other. In two experiments, zooming into or out of emotional pictures through changes of arm span was examined in VR. There are qualitatively different aspects during such an interaction: i) perceptual aspects caused by zooming are fundamental for human behavior (Grounding: closer objects appear bigger) and ii) aspects of gestures correspond to the physical characteristics of the agents (Embodiment: little distance of hands signals little or, in contrast, "creating more detail"). The GES-framework sets aspects of Grounding against aspects of Embodiment, thus allowing to predict human behavior regarding these qualitatively different aspects. For the zooming procedure, the study shows that Grounding can overrule Embodiment in interaction design. Thus, we propose GES as a cognitive framework that can help to inform interaction guidelines for user interface design in VR. KW - embodied interaction KW - grounded cognition KW - virtual reality KW - action-control mapping KW - zooming KW - valence KW - user interface KW - embodiment Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3389/frvir.2022.976849 SN - 2673-4192 VL - 3 PB - Frontiers Media CY - Lausanne ER - TY - GEN A1 - Giraudier, Manon A1 - Ventura-Bort, Carlos A1 - Wendt, Julia A1 - Lischke, Alexander A1 - Weymar, Mathias T1 - Memory advantage for untrustworthy faces: Replication across lab- and web-based studies T2 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe N2 - The Covid-19 pandemic imposed new constraints on empirical research and forced researchers to transfer from traditional laboratory research to the online environment. This study tested the validity of a web-based episodic memory paradigm by comparing participants’ memory performance for trustworthy and untrustworthy facial stimuli in a supervised laboratory setting and an unsupervised web setting. Consistent with previous results, we observed enhanced episodic memory for untrustworthy compared to trustworthy faces. Most importantly, this memory bias was comparable in the online and the laboratory experiment, suggesting that web-based procedures are a promising tool for memory research. T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe - 780 Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-561586 SN - 1866-8364 SP - 1 EP - 11 PB - Universitätsverlag Potsdam CY - Potsdam ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Giraudier, Manon A1 - Ventura-Bort, Carlos A1 - Wendt, Julia A1 - Lischke, Alexander A1 - Weymar, Mathias T1 - Memory advantage for untrustworthy faces BT - replication across lab- and web-based studies JF - PLoS one N2 - The Covid-19 pandemic imposed new constraints on empirical research and forced researchers to transfer from traditional laboratory research to the online environment. This study tested the validity of a web-based episodic memory paradigm by comparing participants' memory performance for trustworthy and untrustworthy facial stimuli in a supervised laboratory setting and an unsupervised web setting. Consistent with previous results, we observed enhanced episodic memory for untrustworthy compared to trustworthy faces. Most importantly, this memory bias was comparable in the online and the laboratory experiment, suggesting that web-based procedures are a promising tool for memory research. Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0264034 SN - 1932-6203 VL - 17 IS - 2 PB - PLoS CY - San Fransisco ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Giraudier, Manon A1 - Ventura-Bort, Carlos A1 - Wendt, Julia A1 - Lischke, Alexander A1 - Weymar, Mathias T1 - Memory advantage for untrustworthy faces: Replication across lab- and web-based studies JF - PLoS ONE N2 - The Covid-19 pandemic imposed new constraints on empirical research and forced researchers to transfer from traditional laboratory research to the online environment. This study tested the validity of a web-based episodic memory paradigm by comparing participants’ memory performance for trustworthy and untrustworthy facial stimuli in a supervised laboratory setting and an unsupervised web setting. Consistent with previous results, we observed enhanced episodic memory for untrustworthy compared to trustworthy faces. Most importantly, this memory bias was comparable in the online and the laboratory experiment, suggesting that web-based procedures are a promising tool for memory research. Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0264034 SN - 1932-6203 VL - 17 SP - 1 EP - 11 PB - PLoS ONE CY - San Francisco, California, US ET - 2 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Weymar, Mathias A1 - Giraudier, Manon A1 - Ventura-Bort, Carlos T1 - Influence of non-invasive transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS) on emotional episodic memory: the role of tonic and transient stimulation T2 - Psychophysiology Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1111/psyp.14139 SN - 0048-5772 SN - 1469-8986 VL - 59 IS - S1 SP - S33 EP - S33 PB - Wiley CY - Hoboken ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Malayeri, Shera A1 - Nater, Christa A1 - Krahé, Barbara A1 - Sczesny, Sabine T1 - Sexual aggression among women and men in an Iranian sample BT - prevalence and correlates JF - Sex roles : a journal of research N2 - This pre-registered study examined the prevalence and correlates of sexual aggression in a sample of 530 Iranians (322 women, 208 men) with a behaviorally specific questionnaire distinguishing between different coercive strategies, victim-perpetrator relationships, and sexual acts. Significantly more women (63.0%) than men (51.0%) experienced at least one incident of sexual aggression victimization since the age of 15 years, and significantly more men (37.0%) than women (13.4%) reported at least one incident of sexual aggression perpetration. In women and men, the experience of child sexual abuse predicted sexual victimization and sexual aggression perpetration after the age of 15 years, both directly and indirectly through higher engagement in risky sexual behavior. Greater endorsement of hostile masculinity among men explained additional variance in the prediction of sexual aggression perpetration. This research is a first step towards documenting and explaining high rates of sexual aggression victimization and perpetration among Iranian women and men, providing important information for sex education as well for the prevention of sexual aggression. However, to achieve these goals, we highlight the need for systematic actions in all educational, social, and legal sectors of Iranian society. KW - sexual aggression perpetration KW - sexual victimization KW - child sexual KW - abuse KW - risky sexual behavior KW - Iran Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s11199-022-01312-2 SN - 0360-0025 SN - 1573-2762 VL - 87 IS - 3-4 SP - 139 EP - 153 PB - Springer CY - New York ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bangeow, Petjo T1 - Zur Abschaffung des Gutachterverfahrens in der Vertragspsychotherapie – ein Qualitätsverlust? JF - Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie N2 - Objectives: This article investigates whether or not the abolishment of the expertise procedure for an outpatient psychotherapy is a reliable quality feature; and whether or not the elimination of this procedure results in a reduction of quality in outpatient psychotherapy. Methods: We conducted a literature research that considered articles written between the years 2000 and 2020 dealing with the expertise procedure as a quality standard of outpatient psychotherapy. In order to discuss the different views of the cited authors, we also refer to further literature. Results: The expertise procedure is not a reliable quality feature of outpatient psychotherapy. The idea that abolishing the expertise procedure results in a reduction of quality in outpatient psychotherapy is not confirmed by the studies summarized. N2 - Zielsetzung: Der vorliegende Artikel befasst sich mit der Fragestellung, inwiefern das Gutachterverfahren in der Vertragspsychotherapie ein zuverlässiges Qualitätsinstrument darstellt und ob sich aus der geplanten Abschaffung des Gutachterverfahrens das Risiko einer Qualitätsminderung in der ambulanten Psychotherapie ergibt. Methodik: Es wurde eine Literaturrecherche durchgeführt. Arbeiten von den Jahren 2000 bis 2020 wurden berücksichtigt, welche sich mit dem Gutachterverfahren als Qualitätsmerkmal der ambulanten Psychotherapie befassen. Um die unterschiedlichen Standpunkte der zitierten Autor_innen zu diskutieren, wurde auch Bezug auf weiterführende Literatur genommen. Ergebnisse: Das Gutachterverfahren scheint empirisch nicht sicher als zuverlässiges Qualitätsmerkmal der ambulanten Psychotherapie herangezogen werden zu können. Die Annahme, dass sich durch eine gutachterbefreite Vertragspsychotherapie eine Qualitätsminderung der Psychotherapie ergibt, wird durch die hier zusammengefassten Arbeiten insgesamt nicht gestützt. T2 - The abolition of the expertise procedure for outpatient psychotherapy - A reduction of quality in the psychotherapy? KW - psychotherapy KW - guideline KW - expertise procedure KW - quality standards KW - outpatient psychotherapy KW - Psychotherapie KW - Richtlinie KW - Gutachterverfahren KW - Qualitätsstandard KW - ambulante Psychotherapie Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1024/1422-4917/a000778 SN - 1422-4917 SN - 1664-2880 VL - 49 IS - 1 SP - 64 EP - 72 PB - Hogrefe CY - Bern ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kayser, Daniela Niesta A1 - Vock, Miriam A1 - Wojciechowicz, Anna Aleksandra T1 - Example of best practice BT - refugee teachers at the University of Potsdam. A requalification program for newly arrived teachers in Germany JF - Intercultural education N2 - The Refugee Teachers Program, established at the University of Potsdam, Brandenburg, in 2016, represents a successful model for training and integrating individuals with foreign teaching qualifications through an 18-month teaching and language course. Initially created to help meet the demand for teachers in Germany, the Refugee Teachers Program has been further refined over the course of the last three years in the light of expert meetings, theoretical considerations, and negotiations with the Brandenburg Ministry of Education. This was the first program of its kind in Germany, following an influx of people being forced to migrate from countries such as Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq in 2015. The program responded to these international events by providing training, work, and refuge for migrants who already had teaching experience in their home countries. More than 85 participants successfully completed the program and many have taken up newly created positions as teachers and pedagogical assistants in German schools. However, a number of hurdles still remain before most of the program's graduates can be granted full employment as teachers in Germany. Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1080/14675986.2021.1851513 SN - 1467-5986 SN - 1469-8439 VL - 32 IS - 1 SP - 108 EP - 118 PB - Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group CY - Abingdon ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Weck, Florian T1 - Ein praxisnaher Leitfaden zur kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutischen Behandlung von Auftrittsängsten bei Musikerinnen und Musikern BT - Rezension zu: Mumm, Jennifer ; Plag, Jens ; Fehm, Lydia ; Witzleben Ines von ; Fernholz, Isabel; Schmidt, Alexander; Stöhle, Andreas: Auftrittsängste bei Musikerinnen und Musikern : ein kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutischer Behandlungsleitfaden. - Göttingen: Hogrefe, 2020. - 231 S. - ISBN 978-3-8017-2988-2 JF - Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie Y1 - 2021 SN - 978-3-8017-2988-2 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1026/1616-3443/a000615 SN - 1616-3443 SN - 2190-6297 VL - 50 IS - 1 SP - 46 EP - 47 PB - Hogrefe CY - Göttingen ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Malesza, Marta T1 - The reduced discounting inventory BT - construction and initial validation JF - Current psychology N2 - In two studies, the aim of this research was to develop and validate a Polish version of the reduced Discounting Inventory. In Study 1 (N = 623) items extraction from the 48-item DI was based upon item-total correlation and items with highest coefficients were considered. The reduced Discounting Inventory resulted in sixteen items. Cronbach's a coefficient was .78, and the item-total correlations ranged between .59 and .77. The correlation between Polish versions of reduced Discounting Inventory and longer 48-item Discounting Inventory was .85. Next, the reduced Discounting Inventory was evaluated in terms of factorial and construct validity. The structure of the instrument was analysed by Confirmatory Factor Analyses procedure. It indicated that the four-factor structure had the best fit to the data. Additionally, we show that this reduced Discounting Inventory closely parallels the longer 48-item inventory its relation to traditional discounting measures using pairs of hypothetical choices (expect for the delay discounting subscale). Finally, in study 2, the test-retest reliability of the reduced Discounting Inventory over a 3-month interval was assessed (247 subjects of the 623 individuals who participated in Study 1). Results indicated good stability of the reduced measure (>= .88). It is concluded that the reduced Discounting Inventory has notable psychometric properties and that it can serve as an alternative measure of discounting when situations do not allow the use of longer inventories. KW - Discounting inventory KW - Reduced measure KW - Reliability KW - Validity Y1 - 2018 SN - 1046-1310 SN - 1936-4733 VL - 40 IS - 2 SP - 545 EP - 552 PB - Springer CY - New York ER - TY - THES A1 - Pingel, Ruta T1 - Well-being effects of proactivity through the lens of self-determination theory N2 - In modern times of evolving globalization and continuous technological developments, organizations are required to respond to ever-changing demands. Therefore, to be successful in today’s highly uncertain environments, organizations need employees to actively search for opportunities, anticipate challenges, and act ahead. In other words, employee proactivity in the workplace represents a highly valuable resource in nowadays organizations. Empirical studies conducted as part of this thesis advance the research on the outcomes of proactivity from the individual perspective. The main contribution of this thesis pertains to revealing several important individual and contextual conditions under which engaging in proactivity will have negative and positive effects on employees’ well-being and their consequent behaviours, as well as shedding light on the unique psychological mechanisms through which these effects unfold. From a practical standpoint, this research underscores the importance of creating work environments that support employees’ autonomous motivation for proactivity and urge organizations and managers to be mindful about the pressures they place on employees to be proactive at work. Besides, this thesis stimulates research efforts aimed at further extending our knowledge of when and how individual proactive behaviours at work will do more good than harm for those who enact them. KW - Proactivity KW - Well-Being KW - Self-Determination Theory KW - Proaktivität KW - Wohlbefinden KW - Selbstbestimmungstheorie Y1 - 2021 ER - TY - THES A1 - Kühne, Franziska T1 - Beurteilung und Aufbau psychotherapeutischer Kompetenzen und die Veränderung von Patientenfertigkeiten Y1 - 2021 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hodapp, Alice A1 - Rabovsky, Milena T1 - The N400 ERP component reflects an error-based implicit learning signal during language comprehension JF - European journal of neuroscience N2 - The functional significance of the N400 evoked-response component is still actively debated. An increasing amount of theoretical and computational modelling work is built on the interpretation of the N400 as a prediction error. In neural network modelling work, it was proposed that the N400 component can be interpreted as the change in a probabilistic representation of meaning that drives the continuous adaptation of an internal model of the statistics of the environment. These results imply that increased N400 amplitudes should correspond to greater adaptation, which can be measured via implicit memory. To investigate this model derived hypothesis, the current study manipulated expectancy in a sentence reading task to influence N400 amplitudes and subsequently presented the previously expected vs. unexpected words in a perceptual identification task to measure implicit memory. As predicted, reaction times in the perceptual identification task were significantly faster for previously unexpected words that induced larger N400 amplitudes in the previous sentence reading task. Additionally, it could be demonstrated that this adaptation seems to specifically depend on the process underlying N400 amplitudes, as participants with larger N400 differences during sentence reading also exhibited a larger implicit memory benefit in the perceptual identification task. These findings support the interpretation of the N400 as an implicit learning signal driving adaptation in language processing. KW - adaptation KW - EEG KW - expectancy KW - implicit learning KW - prediction error Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1111/ejn.15462 SN - 0953-816X SN - 1460-9568 VL - 54 IS - 9 SP - 7125 EP - 7140 PB - Wiley CY - Oxford ER - TY - GEN A1 - Miklashevsky, Alex A1 - Fischer, Martin H. T1 - Motor simulation in sentence-picture verification BT - Beyond Ostarek et al. (2019) T2 - Cognitive processing : international quarterly of cognitive science; Abstracts and authors of the 8th International Conference on Spatial Cognition: Cognition and Action in a Plurality of Spaces (ICSC 2021) TALKS: Submission 58 N2 - Background and Aims: Ostarek et al. (2019) claimed a conclusive demonstration that language comprehension relies profoundly on visual simulations. They presented participants with visual noise during sentence-picture verification (SPV) and measured lateralized button response speed. The authors selectively eliminated the classical congruency effect (faster yes decisions when pictures match the objects implied by the sentences) with ‘‘high level’’ noise made from images of other objects. However, that visual noise included tool pictures, known to activate lateralized motor affordances. Moreover, some of their sentences described motor actions. This raises the question whether motor simulation may have contaminated their results. Methods: Replicating Ostarek et al. (2019), 33 right-handed participants performed SPV but either without visual noise or while viewing (a) only left-handled or (b) only right-handled or (c) alternatingly left- and right-handled tools. Accuracy and reaction times of manual yes responses were analyzed. Additionally, hand-relatedness of sentences was rated. Results: Replicating Ostarek et al. (2019), the classical SPV congruency effect appeared without noise and vanished when alternatingly handled tools were presented. Crucially, it reappeared when noise objects were consistently either left- or righthandled. Higher hand-relatedness of sentence content reduced SPV performance and accuracy was lower with right-handled noise. Conclusion: First, we demonstrated an interaction between motor- related language, visual affordances and motor responses in SPV. This result supports the embodied view of language processing. Second, we identified a motor process not previously known in SPV. This extends our understanding of mental simulation and calls for methodological controls in future studies. Y1 - 2021 UR - https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s10339-021-01058-x.pdf U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s10339-021-01058-x SN - 1612-4782 SN - 1612-4790 VL - 22 IS - Suppl. 1 SP - S32 EP - S33 PB - Springer CY - Heidelberg ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Weck, Florian T1 - Ein hilfreicher Leitfaden zur Verfassung des Berichts an den Gutachterim Rahmen der Verhaltenstherapie BT - Rezension zu: Surall, Daniel; Kunz, Oliver: Leitfaden für den VT-Bericht. Psychotherapie-Anträge erfolgreich stellen. - Göttingen: Hogrefe, 2019. - 205 S. - ISBN 978-3-8017-2947-9 JF - Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie N2 - Seit dem 01. 04. 2017 erfolgte eine umfangreiche Reform der Psychotherapie-Richtlinie. Neben der Einführung neuer Leistungen (z. B. Akutbehandlung, psychotherapeutische Sprechstunde) wurden auch Änderungen im Ablauf und der Beantragung von Psychotherapie beschlossen. Beispielsweise ist der Bericht an den Gutachter bzw. die Gutachterin seltener eine notwendige Voraussetzung zur Durchführung einer psychotherapeutischen Behandlung, als dass zuvor der Fall war. Im Zuge der Reform wurde auch der Leitfaden für die Gestaltung des Berichts an den Gutachter bzw. die Gutachterin überarbeitet. Vor dem Hintergrund der Psychotherapie-Richtlinien-Reform ist das Werk „Leitfaden für den VT-Bericht an den Gutachter“ von Daniel Surall und Oliver Kunz sehr willkommen. Das Buch gliedert sich insgesamt in zehn Kapitel, in denen die Autoren ausführlich auf den reformierten Bericht an den Gutachter bzw. an die Gutachterin eingehen. In den ersten beiden Kapiteln fassen die Autoren die Änderungen zur Psychotherapie-Richtlinie und im Bericht an den Gutachter / die Gutachterin zusammen. In den folgenden sechs Kapiteln wird auf die einzelnen Abschnitte des neuen Berichts an den Gutachter/die Gutachterin eingegangen. Sehr hilfreich ist hierbei, dass die Autoren zahlreiche Fallbeispiele nutzen, um die einzelnen Abschnitte des Berichts an den Gutachter/die Gutachterin zu erläutern. Auch die übersichtliche Darstellungsform in Form von Tabellen (z. B. zur Darstellung der Verhaltensanalyse) erleichtert den Leser_innen die Nachvollziehbarkeit der Inhalte. Erfreulich ist auch, dass die Autoren hinsichtlich der Antragstellung auch immer auf Unterschiede zwischen erwachsenen Patient_innen und Kindern und Jugendlichen eingehen. Im neunten Kapitel des Leitfadens wird ausführlicher das Thema Umwandlungs- und Fortführungsanträge aufgegriffen. Dies ist insbesondere sinnvoll, da nach der neuen Psychotherapie-Richtlinie für Kurzzeitanträge in der Regel keine Berichtspflicht besteht und Umwandlungs- und Fortführungsanträge in der Praxis häufiger als zuvor von Relevanz sein dürften. Im zehnten Kapitel wird in knapper Weise darauf eingegangen, wie bei Ablehnung oder Kürzung von beantragten Leistungen vorgegangen werden kann. Das Buch umfasst einen umfangreichen Anhang (67 Seiten), in dem Beispiele für Berichte an den Gutachter / die Gutachterin und Behandlungspläne für verschiedene psychische Störungen zu finden sind. Auch hierbei werden sowohl Berichte für Erwachsene als auch für Kinder und Jugendliche präsentiert. Zudem beinhaltet der Anhang des Buches das Berner Inventar für Therapieziele, Auszüge aus dem AMDP-Befundbogen (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Methodik und Dokumentation in der Psychiatrie, 2018)<\litr>, den Leitfaden zum Erstellen des Berichts an die Gutachter_innen (PTV 3) sowie einer Gegenüberstellung des alten und des neuen Leitfadens für den Bericht an die Gutachter_innen. Bei dem von Surall und Kunz vorgelegten Buch handelt es sich um einen äußerst hilfreichen Leitfaden, der Therapeut:innen bei der Abfassung des Berichts an den Gutachter / die Gutachterin im Rahmen der Verhaltenstherapie unterstützen kann. Hierbei kann der Leitfaden Psychotherapeut_innen in Ausbildung bei der Abfassung ihrer ersten Anträge unterstützen. Aber auch erfahrenen Kolleg_innen können bei dem Übergang in die neuen Antragsformalitäten, die mit der Reform der Psychotherapie-Richtlinie einhergingen, unterstützen werden. Hierbei ist insbesondere die Im Anhang befindliche Gegenüberstellung des alten und des neuen Leitfadens für den Bericht an den Gutachter / die Gutachterin hilfreich, um sich einen schnellen Überblick über die Änderungen zu verschaffen. Insgesamt werden die einzelnen Abschnitte des Berichts an den Gutachter / die Gutachterin sehr gut strukturiert und verständlich erläutert. Die vielen Beispiele und die ausführlichen Materialien im Anhang ergänzen zudem die Erläuterungen und erleichtern das Verständnis. Zu Beginn des Buches wäre zudem noch eine Abbildung hilfreich gewesen, die den Ablauf der Beantragung von Psychotherapie schematisch darstellt, um einen genaueren Überblick über die Beantragung von Psychotherapie nach der neuen Psychotherapie-Richtlinie zu erhalten. Auch ein Stichwortverzeichnis würde die Suche nach bestimmten Inhalten erleichtern. Zusammenfassend kann festgehalten werden, dass es sich bei dem Werk von Surall und Kunz um einen sehr empfehlenswerten Leitfaden handelt, der im Rahmen der Antragstellung von Verhaltenstherapie genutzt werden kann. Aufgrund der klaren Struktur und Anschaulichkeit durch viele Beispielanträge bringt das Buch alle Voraussetzungen mit, um sich als Standartwerk zu etablieren, dass Therapeut_innen bei der Beantragung von Verhaltenstherapie in äußerst hilfreicher Weise unterstützt. Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1026/1616-3443/a000553 SN - 1616-3443 SN - 2190-6297 VL - 49 IS - 3 SP - 193 EP - 194 PB - Hogrefe CY - Göttingen ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhou, Yuefang A1 - Kornher, Tristan A1 - Mohnke, Janett A1 - Fischer, Martin H. T1 - Tactile interaction with a humanoid robot BT - effects on physiology and subjective impressions JF - International journal of social robotics N2 - This study investigated how touching and being touched by a humanoid robot affects human physiology, impressions of the interaction, and attitudes towards humanoid robots. 21 healthy adult participants completed a 3 (touch style: touching, being touched, pointing) x 2 (body part: hand vs buttock) within-subject design using a Pepper robot. Skin conductance response (SCR) was measured during each interaction. Perceived impressions of the interaction (i.e., friendliness, comfort, arousal) were measured per questionnaire after each interaction. Participants' demographics and their attitude towards robots were also considered. We found shorter SCR rise times in the being touched compared to the touching condition, possibly reflecting psychological alertness to the unpredictability of robot-initiated contacts. The hand condition had shorter rise times than the buttock condition. Most participants evaluated the hand condition as most friendly and comfortable and the robot-initiated interactions as most arousing. Interacting with Pepper improved attitudes towards robots. Our findings require future studies with larger samples and improved procedures. They have implications for robot design in all domains involving tactile interactions, such as caring and intimacy. KW - Human– robot tactile interaction KW - Skin conductance KW - Buttocks KW - Robot Pepper KW - Human– robot intimate relationships Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s12369-021-00749-x SN - 1875-4791 SN - 1875-4805 VL - 13 IS - 7 SP - 1657 EP - 1677 PB - Springer CY - Dordrecht ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hilbert, Anja A1 - Warschburger, Petra T1 - Adipositas – Aktuelle Forschung zu Grundlagen und Therapie JF - Psychotherapeut T2 - Obesity - Current research on principles and treatment Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s00278-020-00479-x SN - 0935-6185 SN - 1432-2080 VL - 66 IS - 1-2 SP - 1 EP - 2 PB - Springer CY - Berlin ; Heidelberg ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Raith, Anna-Marie A1 - Hämmerling, Marie A1 - Klein, Sabrina A1 - Peitz, Diana A1 - Knaevelsrud, Christine A1 - Zagorscak, Pavle T1 - Selbstwertförderung in der universellen Prävention von Essstörungen BT - Pilotierung einer internetbasierten Intervention an einer studentischen Stichprobe JF - Psychotherapeut N2 - Background Eating disorders are prevalent, often have chronic courses and relapses are frequent even after effective treatment approaches. Therefore, prevention is decisive; however, many of the current prevention programs are resource intensive. Internet-based interventions can represent cost-effective and low threshold alternatives but only few approaches have so far been investigated. Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of an internet-based unaccompanied preventive intervention. Material and methods The intervention was newly developed based on behavior therapeutic techniques and piloted in a group of 200 students using a randomized waiting list control group design. Data on eating disorder-specific pathology (eating disorder examination questionnaire, EDE-Q), self-esteem (Rosenberg self-esteem scale, RSES), and well-being (World Health Organization-five well-being index, WHO-5) were collected before and after the intervention or the waiting period. Data were evaluated based on variance analysis. Results A total of 43% of participants completed the intervention. Self-esteem increases were stronger in the intervention group in comparison to the waiting control group with large effect sizes (eta(2)(p) p = 0.33). There were no significant differences between the groups for the other variables. Conclusion Unaccompanied online self-help appears to provide a promising approach for improving self-esteem thus contributing to the prevention of eating disorders. Investigations in larger and more heterogeneous groups are necessary in the future to identify possibly present smaller preventive effects. N2 - Hintergrund Essstörungen sind prävalent, chronifizieren häufig und gehen trotz wirksamer Behandlungsansätze oft mit Rückfällen einher. Prävention ist daher entscheidend, jedoch sind viele aktuelle Präventionsprogramme ressourcenintensiv. Internetbasierte Interventionen können eine kostengünstige und niedrigschwellige Alternative darstellen, sind jedoch bislang nur wenig untersucht. Fragestellung Wie wirksam ist ein internetbasiertes, unbegleitetes Präventionsangebot? Material und Methode Die Intervention wurde auf Basis verhaltenstherapeutischer Techniken neu entwickelt und im Rahmen eines randomisierten Wartekontrollgruppendesigns an 200 Studierenden pilotiert. Vor und nach der Intervention bzw. Wartezeit wurden Daten zu essstörungsspezifischer Pathologie (Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire, EDE‑Q), Wohlbefinden (WHO-Five Well-Being Index, WHO-5) sowie Selbstwert (Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, RSES) erhoben und varianzanalytisch untersucht. Ergebnisse Die Intervention wurde von 43 % der Teilnehmenden vollständig durchlaufen. Der Selbstwert nahm in der Interventionsgruppe im Vergleich zur Wartekontrollgruppe stärker zu (η2p= 0,33). Auf den anderen Variablen ergaben sich keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den Gruppen. Schlussfolgerung Unbegleitete Online-Selbsthilfe erscheint vielversprechend, um den Selbstwert zu verbessern und damit einen Beitrag zur Prävention von Essstörungen zu leisten. Untersuchungen in größeren, heterogenen Gruppen sind künftig nötig, um ggf. vorhandene, kleinere Präventionseffekte zu entdecken. T2 - Promotion of self-esteem in the universal prevention of eating disorders. Pilot study of an internet-based intervention in a sample of students KW - Internet-based Interventions KW - Self-care KW - Treatment adherence KW - Treatment KW - efficacy KW - Randomized controlled trial KW - Internetbasierte Interventionen KW - Selbsthilfe KW - Behandlungsadhärenz KW - Behandlungswirksamkeit KW - Randomisierte kontrollierte Studie Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s00278-021-00515-4 SN - 0935-6185 SN - 1432-2080 VL - 66 IS - 4 SP - 275 EP - 281 PB - Springer CY - Berlin ; Heidelberg ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Peitz, Diana A1 - Schulze, Julian A1 - Warschburger, Petra T1 - Getting a deeper understanding of mindfulness in the context of eating behavior BT - Development and validation of the Mindful Eating Inventory JF - Appetite : multidisciplinary research on eating and drinking N2 - Purpose: Current research supports the effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions for maladaptive eating behaviors associated with obesity and eating disorders. To investigate potential underlying mechanisms at work, reliable and valid instruments that allow for an exhaustive assessment of the context-specific construct Mindful Eating (ME) are needed. Therefore, the current work aimed to develop a comprehensive inventory reflecting a wide range of ME attitudes and behaviors: The Mindful Eating Inventory (MEI). Methods & Results: Study 1 describes the item pool development for an initial version of the MEI comprising various steps (compilation of items, expert ratings, focus groups and think aloud protocols by laypersons). Within Study 2, the factor structure of this initial version was explored in an online sample of N = 828 participants and the item pool was shortened via a sequential process based on statistical and content-related considerations. Exploratory factor analyses yielded a seven-factor structure. This structure could be confirmed within Study 3 on an independent online sample of N = 612 participants using confirmatory factor analysis. Criterion validity was supported by hypotheses-confirming correlations with eating-specific and global health-relevant outcomes. Conclusion: Our findings demonstrate that the MEI is a valid and reliable (in terms of internal consistency and retest-reliability) tool, which allows for a comprehensive assessment of various ME attitudes and behaviors within one parsimonious inventory. It further enabled us to propose a so far missing, initial scientific operational definition of this eating-specific construct, that may help to advance future research and clinical application by clarifying mechanisms of action. KW - Mindful Eating KW - Mindfulness KW - Assessment KW - Maladaptive Eating Behavior Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2020.105039 SN - 0195-6663 SN - 1095-8304 VL - 159 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Miklashevsky, Alex A1 - Lindemann, Oliver A1 - Fischer, Martin H. T1 - The force of numbers BT - Investigating manual signatures of embodied number processing JF - Frontiers in human neuroscience / Frontiers Research Foundation N2 - The study has two objectives: (1) to introduce grip force recording as a new technique for studying embodied numerical processing; and (2) to demonstrate how three competing accounts of numerical magnitude representation can be tested by using this new technique: the Mental Number Line (MNL), A Theory of Magnitude (ATOM) and Embodied Cognition (finger counting-based) account. While 26 healthy adults processed visually presented single digits in a go/no-go n-back paradigm, their passive holding forces for two small sensors were recorded in both hands. Spontaneous and unconscious grip force changes related to number magnitude occurred in the left hand already 100-140 ms after stimulus presentation and continued systematically. Our results support a two-step model of number processing where an initial stage is related to the automatic activation of all stimulus properties whereas a later stage consists of deeper conscious processing of the stimulus. This interpretation generalizes previous work with linguistic stimuli and elaborates the timeline of embodied cognition. We hope that the use of grip force recording will advance the field of numerical cognition research. KW - ATOM KW - embodied cognition KW - finger counting KW - grip force KW - mental number KW - line KW - number processing KW - numerical cognition Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2020.590508 SN - 1662-5161 VL - 14 PB - Frontiers Media CY - Lausanne ER - TY - THES A1 - Ay-Bryson, Destina Sevde T1 - The authenticity of simulated patients in psychotherapy training and research T1 - Die Authentizität von Simulationspatienten in der Psychotherapieausbildung und -forschung N2 - Mental health problems are highly prevalent worldwide. Fortunately, psychotherapy has proven highly effective in the treatment of a number of mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety disorders. In contrast, psychotherapy training as is practised currently cannot be considered evidence-based. Thus, there is much room for improvement. The integration of simulated patients (SPs) into psychotherapy training and research is on the rise. SPs originate from the medical education and have, in a number of studies, been demonstrated to contribute to effective learning environments. Nevertheless, there has been voiced criticism regarding the authenticity of SP portrayals, but few studies have examined this to date. Based on these considerations, this dissertation explores SPs’ authenticity while portraying a mental disorder, depression. Altogether, the present cumulative dissertation consists of three empirical papers. At the time of printing, Paper I and Paper III have been accepted for publication, and Paper II is under review after a minor revision. First, Paper I develops and validates an observer-based rating-scale to assess SP authenticity in psychotherapeutic contexts. Based on the preliminary findings, it can be concluded that the Authenticity of Patient Demonstrations scale is a reliable and valid tool that can be used for recruiting, training, and evaluating the authenticity of SPs. Second, Paper II tests whether student SPs are perceived as more authentic after they receive an in-depth role-script compared to those SPs who only receive basic information on the patient case. To test this assumption, a randomised controlled study design was implemented and the hypothesis could be confirmed. As a consequence, when engaging SPs, an in-depth role-script with details, e.g. on nonverbal behaviour and feelings of the patient, should be provided. Third, Paper III demonstrates that psychotherapy trainees cannot distinguish between trained SPs and real patients and therefore suggests that, with proper training, SPs are a promising training method for psychotherapy. Altogether, the dissertation shows that SPs can be trained to portray a depressive patient authentically and thus delivers promising evidence for the further dissemination of SPs. N2 - Psychotherapie gilt als hoch wirksame Behandlung von psychischen Störungen, wie Depressionen oder Angststörungen. Trotz verpflichtender Psychotherapieausbildung zur Befähigung psychotherapeutischer Behandlungen gibt es wenig Evidenz, welche Methoden dem effektiven Training von angehenden Psychotherapeut*innen dienen. Eine Lösung besteht im Einsatz von Simulationspatient*innen (SPs) in der Psychotherapieausbildung sowie -forschung als nachweislich effektive Lehrmethode. Dabei werden jedoch SPs für ihren Mangel an Authentizität kritisiert, wobei ungenügend Studien diesen Aspekt direkt untersuchten. Daher war es Ziel der vorliegenden Dissertation, die Authentizität von SPs, während sie eine psychische Störung (d.h. Depression) simulieren, zu untersuchen. Die vorliegende kumulative Dissertation basiert auf drei empirischen Arbeiten. Zum Zeitpunkt der Einreichung der Dissertation wurden Paper I und Paper III nach erfolgreichem Peer-Review in Fachzeitschriften zur Veröffentlichung angenommen, Paper II befindet sich nach einer Minor Revision im Peer-Review. In Paper I wurde die Skala Authentizität von Patientendarstellungen zur Erfassung von Authentizität von SPs, die psychische Störungen darstellen, entwickelt und validiert. Die Ratingskala weist gute psychometrische Gütekriterien auf und ist für den Einsatz in Forschung und Praxis geeignet. In Paper II wurde mittels einer randomisiert kontrollierten Studie demonstriert, dass die Ausarbeitung von Rollenanleitungen von SPs für deren Darstellung relevant ist: Studierende, die als SPs fungierten, wurden authentischer wahrgenommen, wenn sie eine detaillierte Rollenanleitung erhielten als jene SPs, die eine einfache Rollenanleitung erhielten. In Paper III konnte gezeigt werden, dass Psychotherapeut*innen in Ausbildung reale Patient*innen von trainierten SPs nicht unterscheiden konnten. Der Einsatz von SPs ist demzufolge eine vielversprechende Trainingsmethode der Psychotherapie. Insgesamt stellt die vorliegende Dissertation dar, dass SPs trainiert werden können, Patient*innen mit Depressionen authentisch darzustellen. Die Arbeit liefert erfolgsversprechende Ergebnisse für die weitere Dissemination von SPs im Ausbildungskontext der Psychotherapie. KW - Simulationspatienten KW - Ausbildungsforschung KW - Psychotherapieforschung KW - Authentizität KW - standardisierte Patienten KW - simulated patients KW - training research KW - psychotherapy research KW - authenticity KW - standardised patients Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-533735 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Kühne, Franziska A1 - Paunov, Tatjana A1 - Weck, Florian T1 - Recognizing obsessive-compulsive disorder BT - How suitable is the German Zohar-Fineberg obsessive-compulsive screen? T2 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe N2 - Background Despite the prevalence of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), its precise identification remains challenging. With the Zohar-Fineberg Obsessive-Compulsive Screen (ZF-OCS; 5 or 6 items), a brief instrument is widely available mainly in English. As there is a lack of empirical studies on the ZF-OCS, the aim of the present study was to translate the items into German and investigate the instrument in a nonclinical sample. Methods In two consecutive online surveys, n = 304 and n = 51 students participated. Besides the ZF-OCS, they answered established measures on OCD, depression, health anxiety, general anxiety and health-related well-being. Results Whereas internal consistency was low (α = .53–.72; ω = .55–.69), retest reliability (rt1,t2 = .89) at two weeks was high. As expected, we found high correlations with other OCD instruments (r > .61; convergent validity), and significantly weaker correlations with measures of depression (r = .39), health anxiety (r = .29), and health-related well-being (r = −.28, divergent validity). Nonetheless, the correlations with general anxiety were somewhere in between (r = .52). Conclusions Due to heterogeneous OCD subtypes, the ZF-OCS asks diverse questions which probably resulted in the present internal consistency. Nevertheless, the results on retest reliability and validity were promising. As for other OCD instruments, divergent validity regarding general anxiety seems problematic to establish. Even so, the ZF-OCS seems valuable for screening purposes, as it is short and easy to administer, and may facilitate initiating subsequent clinical assessment. Further studies should determine the instrument’s diagnostic accuracy. T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe - 771 KW - Obsessive-compulsive disorder KW - Psychodiagnostics KW - Psychometric properties KW - Screening Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-554473 SN - 1866-8364 IS - 771 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Rose, Robert A1 - Groeger, Lars A1 - Hölzle, Katharina T1 - The Emergence of Shared Leadership in Innovation Labs T2 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe N2 - Implementing innovation laboratories to leverage intrapreneurship are an increasingly popular organizational practice. A typical feature in these creative environments are semi-autonomous teams in which multiple members collectively exert leadership influence, thereby challenging traditional command-and-control conceptions of leadership. An extensive body of research on the team-centric concept of shared leadership has recognized the potential for pluralized leadership structures in enhancing team effectiveness; however, little empirical work has been conducted in organizational contexts in which creativity is key. This study set out to explore antecedents of shared leadership and its influence on team creativity in an innovation lab. Building on extant shared leadership and innovation research, we propose antecedents customary to creative teamwork, that is, experimental culture, task reflexivity, and voice. Multisource data were collected from 104 team members and 49 evaluations of 29 coaches nested in 21 teams working in a prototypical innovation lab. We identify factors specific to creative teamwork that facilitate the emergence of shared leadership by providing room for experimentation, encouraging team members to speak up in the creative process, and cultivating a reflective application of entrepreneurial thinking. We provide specific exemplary activities for innovation lab teams to increase levels of shared leadership. T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe - 757 KW - innovation laboratories KW - intrapreneurship KW - team creativity KW - shared leadership KW - social network analysis Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-548724 SN - 1866-8364 SP - 1 EP - 13 PB - Universitätsverlag Potsdam CY - Potsdam ER - TY - GEN A1 - Musculus, Lisa A1 - Tünte, Markus R. A1 - Raab, Markus A1 - Kayhan, Ezgi T1 - An Embodied Cognition Perspective on the Role of Interoception in the Development of the Minimal Self T2 - Postprints der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe N2 - Interoception is an often neglected but crucial aspect of the human minimal self. In this perspective, we extend the embodiment account of interoceptive inference to explain the development of the minimal self in humans. To do so, we first provide a comparative overview of the central accounts addressing the link between interoception and the minimal self. Grounding our arguments on the embodiment framework, we propose a bidirectional relationship between motor and interoceptive states, which jointly contribute to the development of the minimal self. We present empirical findings on interoception in development and discuss the role of interoception in the development of the minimal self. Moreover, we make theoretical predictions that can be tested in future experiments. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive view on the mechanisms underlying the minimal self by explaining the role of interoception in the development of the minimal self. T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe - 755 KW - interoception KW - development of minimal self KW - cardioception KW - embodied cognition KW - bodily self Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-544978 SN - 1866-8364 ER -