@article{SchinkoethBrand2020, author = {Schink{\"o}th, Michaela and Brand, Ralf}, title = {Automatic associations and the affective valuation of exercise}, series = {German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research}, volume = {50}, journal = {German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research}, number = {654}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin ; Heidelberg}, issn = {2509-3150}, doi = {10.1007/s12662-020-00664-9}, pages = {366 -- 376}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The decision to exercise is not only bound to rational considerations but also automatic affective processes. The affective-reflective theory of physical inactivity and exercise (ART) proposes a theoretical framework for explaining how the automatic affective process (type‑1 process) will influence exercise behavior, i.e., through the automatic activation of exercise-related associations and a subsequent affective valuation of exercise. This study aimed to empirically test this assumption of the ART with data from 69 study participants. A single-measurement study, including within-subject experimental variation, was conducted. Automatic associations with exercise were first measured with a single-target implicit association test. The somato-affective core of the participants' automatic valuation of exercise-related pictures was then assessed via heart rate variability (HRV) analysis, and the affective valence of the valuation was tested with a facial expression (FE; smile and frown) task. Exercise behavior was assessed via self-report. Multiple regression (path) analysis revealed that automatic associations predicted HRV reactivity (β = -0.24, p = .044); the signs of the correlation between automatic associations and the smile FE score was in the expected direction but remained nonsignificant (β = -0.21, p = .078). HRV reactivity predicted self-reported exercise behavior (β = -0.28, p = .013) (the same pattern of results was achieved for the frown FE score). The HRV-related results illustrate the potential role of automatic negative affective reactions to the thought of exercise as a restraining force in exercise motivation. For better empirical distinction between the two ART type‑1 process components, automatic associations and the affective valuation should perhaps be measured separately in the future. The results support the notion that automatic and affective processes should be regarded as essential aspects of the motivation to exercise.}, language = {en} } @article{HadzicEichlerVoelleretal.2022, author = {Hadzic, Miralem and Eichler, Sarah and V{\"o}ller, Heinz and Salzwedel, Annett}, title = {Akzeptanz und Nutzung eines telemedizinischen Rehabilitationsprogramms f{\"u}r Patienten mit Knie- oder H{\"u}ft-Totalendoprothese}, series = {Bewegungstherapie und Gesundheitssport : B \& G ; offizielles Organ des Deutschen Verbandes f{\"u}r Gesundheitssport und Sporttherapie e.V. (DVGS)}, volume = {38}, journal = {Bewegungstherapie und Gesundheitssport : B \& G ; offizielles Organ des Deutschen Verbandes f{\"u}r Gesundheitssport und Sporttherapie e.V. (DVGS)}, number = {01}, publisher = {Thieme}, address = {Stuttgart}, organization = {Arbeitsgrp ReMove-It}, issn = {1613-0863}, doi = {10.1055/a-1714-3629}, pages = {20 -- 25}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Objective of the study: The long-term use of telemedical programs depends not only on their effectiveness, but also on patient acceptance and satisfaction. The effectiveness of telemedical exercise therapy for patients after implantation of a total knee or hip prosthesis and subsequent rehabilitation has already been examined in a randomized controlled study. This article focuses on the patient's acceptance and usage behaviour with regard to the tele-rehabilitation system. Methodology: 48 patients (53 +/- 7 years; 26 women; 35 hip/13 knee TEP) were questioned after a three-month telemedical movement therapy using the Telehealth Usability Questionnaire (TUQ) to determine the acceptance of the technology. The questionnaire consisted of 21 items (seven-point Likert scale) in six scales (e. g. usefulness, quality of interactions, reliability). System-specific questions were summarized on an additional scale. The results were presented as a percentage of the scale (100 estimates complete agreement). The usage behaviour was examined using system-generated process data for training and integrated voice/text messages. Results: The TUQ scales "Usefulness" (Mdn 95.2) and "Ease of use and learnability" (Mdn 92.9) were rated the highest, while "Reliability" (Mdn 57.1) and "Quality of interactions" ( Mdn 71.4) showed the lowest levels. The system-specific scale was placed in the upper quartile (Mdn 85.7). In the first week, 39 patients (81\%) and in the second 45 patients (94\%) performed at least one training exercise with the system. The proportion of active patients (>= 1 exercise/week) decreased in the further course to 75\% (n=36) in the 7th week and 48\% (n=23) in the 12th week. The system communication options were initially used frequently after the start of therapy: in the first week, 42 patients (88\%) sent messages, 47 patients (98\%) received messages from their therapist respectively. In week 7, 9 (19\%) and 13 (27\%) patients sent/received messages via the system respectively. Conclusion: Most of the patients perceived telemedical movement therapy as useful and user-friendly and seemed to be largely satisfied with the system. This proved to be well suited for short-term use of 6 to 8 weeks following subsequent rehabilitation.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Gutschow2009, author = {Gutschow, Ivonne}, title = {Auswirkungen des Cellvas-Mikrostromverfahrens auf die Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit bei Sportlern : Analyse m{\"o}glicher Effekte auf ausgew{\"a}hlte psycho-physische Belastungsparameter im Leistungssport}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-40224}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Hohe Leistungsanspr{\"u}che im Wettkampfsport erfordern von den Athleten eine hohe sportliche Belastbarkeit. M{\"o}glichkeiten die Trainingsumf{\"a}nge und -intensit{\"a}ten zu erh{\"o}hen, sind z.T. ausgesch{\"o}pft. So bestehen nach wie vor Bestrebungen neue Wege zu finden, um m{\"o}gliche Leistungsreserven zu erschließen. Elektrotherapieverfahren haben sich im klinischen Alltag, u.a. zur Behandlung von Traumata, bew{\"a}hrt und werden h{\"a}ufig zum Zweck der Analgesierung, Verbesserung der Gewebedurchblutung und zur Muskelstimulation angewandt. Deren Einsatz im adjuvanten Bereich der Trainingsbegleitung wurde bislang nur vereinzelt beschrieben. In der vorliegenden Studie wurden die Auswirkungen einer elektromagnetischen Anwendungsform auf ausgew{\"a}hlte psycho-physische Parameter untersucht (Kontrollgruppenvergleich mit placebokontrolliertem Design), um Aussagen {\"u}ber praxisrelevante Ans{\"a}tze zur trainingsunterst{\"u}tzenden Betreuung abzuleiten. Es stellte sich die Frage, ob eine Intervention (15 x / 4 Wo.) mit frequenzmodulierten Wechselstr{\"o}men im vorwiegend niederfrequenten Wirkungsspektrum (0-10000Hz, 5 μA / cm², CellVAS®) zu einer Beeinflussung der untersuchten Parameter f{\"u}hren und dahingehend nachhaltige leistungsf{\"o}rdernde oder -reduzierende Effekte erzielt werden k{\"o}nnten. Des Weiteren sollte gepr{\"u}ft werden, inwiefen die erhobenen Parameter (PWC170, Squat-Jump, Lateralflexion der Wirbels{\"a}ule und SF36®) aussagekr{\"a}ftig genug sind. Die Wirksamkeit des Applikationsform wurde im Pr{\"a}-Post-Vergleich vor (T1), nach (T2) und 4 Wo. nach Abschluss (T3, Nachhaltigkeit) der Intervention analysiert. Die Teilnehmer der Kontrollgruppe erhielten vergleichbare Applikationen im Placebomodus. Das Probandenkollektiv bestand aus gesunden Leistungssportlern, deren Sportarten einen hohen Kraftausdaueranteil enthielten (n=127). Die Gruppenzuteilung erfolgte teilrandomisiert in Haupt- (HG) und Kontrollgruppe (KG). Zudem wurden die Gruppen zus{\"a}tzlich geschlechtsspezifisch getrennt. Im Untersuchungsverlauf ließen sich Ver{\"a}nderungen f{\"u}r die Leistungsparameter PWC170 und Squat Jump erkennen. Inwiefern diese Abweichungen auf den Einfluss der Intervention mit frequenzmodulierten Wechselstr{\"o}men im niederfrequenten Wirkungsspektrum zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren sind, konnte in dieser Untersuchung nicht eindeutig gekl{\"a}rt werden. Die nachgewiesenen Effekte ließen sich nach den zu Grunde liegenden wissenschaftlichen Standards nicht statistisch valide belegen. Der wissenschaftliche Nachweis einer m{\"o}gliche Leistungsver{\"a}nderung konnte nicht abschließend erbracht werden. Im therapeutischen Bereich hat die untersuchte Applikationsform, auf Basis der bestehen Studienlage, ihre Anwendung gefunden und kann bedenkenlos verwendet werden. F{\"u}r den Einsatz als unterst{\"u}tzendes Verfahren in der sportlichen Praxis besteht nach wie vor Bedarf an validen, randomisierten Studien, die die Wirksamkeit der Applikationsform auf psycho-physische Parameter von Athleten nachhaltig belegen, bevor sie in der sportlichen Praxis Anwendung finden sollten.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Barsuhn2016, author = {Barsuhn, Michael}, title = {Sportentwicklungsplanung als ein strategisches Steuerungsinstrument f{\"u}r kommunale Sportveranstaltungen}, series = {Schriften zur K{\"o}rperkultur ; 79}, journal = {Schriften zur K{\"o}rperkultur ; 79}, publisher = {Lit}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-643-13525-4}, pages = {264}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schluenz2002, author = {Schl{\"u}nz, Uwe}, title = {Vergleich der Effektivit{\"a}t von rehabilitativen Trainingsformen im Wasser zu herk{\"o}mmlichen Maßnahmen bei Patienten mit Low Back Pain}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0000749}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Die wachsenden Kosten f{\"u}r die Behandlung chronischer lumbaler R{\"u}ckenschmerzen stehen zunehmend in Diskrepanz mit den begrenzten Mitteln f{\"u}r das Gesundheitswesen. Untersuchungen zeigen, dass aktive Trainingsprogramme, je fr{\"u}her sie eingesetzt werden, einen positiven Einfluss auf die Senkung von Kosten f{\"u}r die Gesellschaft haben. Ein rechtzeitiger Einsatz der medizinischen Kr{\"a}ftigungstherapie bei R{\"u}ckenschmerzpatienten ist somit unter rehabilitativen Gesichtspunkten notwendig. Insbesondere das Training im Wasser gestattet gelenkschonende {\"U}bungen in fr{\"u}hen Phasen der Rehabilitation und lassen eine raschere Wiederherstellung erwarten. {\"U}ber die k{\"o}rperlichen Auswirkungen therapeutischer Trainingsmaßnahmen im Wasser sind bis dato wenige Studien verf{\"u}gbar, welche die Wirkung des Mediums Wasser auf konditionelle Parameter objektiv quantifizieren und bewerten. Jedoch sind bislang die M{\"o}glichkeiten f{\"u}r ein gezieltes Krafttraining im Wasser begrenzt. Eine ger{\"a}tetechnische Entwicklung, die ein rumpfstabilisierendes Krafttraining im Warmwasser erm{\"o}glicht, l{\"a}sst im Vergleich zu herk{\"o}mmlichen Trainingsm{\"o}glichkeiten eine noch effizientere rehabilitative Behandlung erwarten. Es wird die Fragestellung verfolgt, inwieweit aktive Trainingsformen im Wasser die Maximalkraft und die neuromuskul{\"a}re Funktion der Rumpfmuskulatur, sowie den Schmerz von R{\"u}ckenpatienten beeinflussen. Ferner soll im Rahmen der Untersuchungen die Effektivit{\"a}t eines neu entwickelten Wassertrainingsger{\"a}tes gepr{\"u}ft werden. Die Untersuchungen der Ergebnisse von 80 weiblichen Probanden (in f{\"u}nf Gruppen aufgeteilt: Kontrollgruppe, Aquajogging, Aquar{\"u}cken, Aquager{\"a}t und R{\"u}ckengymnastik an Land) zeigen, dass durch aktive Interventionsmaßnahmen eine Verbesserung der Kraftf{\"a}higkeit und eine Reduzierung von Schmerzen erzielt werden kann. Hingegen kommt es in der Kontrollgruppe, ohne Trainingsanwendungen, zur Stagnation des chronischen Schmerzzustandes, sogar zur Verschlechterung der Kraftentwicklung der R{\"u}ckenstreckmuskulatur. In allen Trainingsgruppen konnten kurzfristig und mittelfristig weniger Muskelfunktionsst{\"o}rungen nachgewiesen werden. Bei Betrachtung der Kraftentwicklung der unteren Rumpfmuskulatur f{\"a}llt auf, dass die h{\"o}chsten Zuw{\"a}chse der Bauchmuskelkraft in den Gruppen Aquar{\"u}cken und Aquager{\"a}t festzustellen sind. Die Kraft der R{\"u}ckenstreckermuskulatur entwickelte sich in der Gruppe Aquager{\"a}t mit einer Steigerung von 55\% nach der Intervention am st{\"a}rksten. Es kann die Hypothese aufgestellt werden, dass das Training im warmen Wasser unter stabilisierten Voraussetzungen eine effizientere Methode zur St{\"a}rkung der unteren Rumpfmuskulatur zu sein scheint. Bei der Entwicklung der Kraft der oberen R{\"u}cken- und Schulterg{\"u}rtelmuskulatur kommt es in den Gruppen Aquajogging und Aquar{\"u}cken zu den gr{\"o}ßten Steigerungen. Dies k{\"o}nnte mit der h{\"o}heren Aktivit{\"a}t der Arme im {\"U}bungsprogramm zusammenh{\"a}ngen. Positiv ist die hohe Reduzierung der Schmerzen in allen Trainingsgruppen zu bewerten. Jedoch ist bei Betrachtung der Ergebnisse festzustellen, dass f{\"u}r eine weitere Manifestierung der Trainingserfolge ein weiterf{\"u}hrendes Training bedeutsam ist. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie belegen, dass durch ein gezieltes Training im Wasser und an Land {\"u}ber 6 Wochen, je zweimal pro Woche, deutliche Verbesserungen in der Entwicklung von Kraft, Schmerzintensit{\"a}t, Funktionseinschr{\"a}nkung und Muskelfunktion m{\"o}glich sind. Ferner werden in dieser Arbeit positive Zusammenh{\"a}nge zwischen den Entwicklungen Schmerzintensit{\"a}t und R{\"u}ckenstreckerkraft, sowie Schmerzintensit{\"a}t und Bauchmuskelkraft beobachtet. Zwischen den Versuchsgruppen im Wasser und der Versuchsgruppe an Land konnten nur geringe Unterschiede in den Ergebnissen nachgewiesen werden. Jedoch geben die Resultate Hinweis darauf, dass bei h{\"o}heren Schmerzintensit{\"a}ten die Intervention im Wasser die Therapie der Wahl zu sein scheint. Die Resultate dieser Untersuchungen machen deutlich, dass der Einsatz eines Wassertrainingsger{\"a}tes in der Therapie chronischer R{\"u}ckenschmerzpatienten eine effiziente Methode zur Senkung von Schmerzen und zur Steigerung der Kraft der R{\"u}cken- und Bauchmuskulatur ist. Vorteile des Wassertraingsger{\"a}tes sind die gute Stabilisation des Beckens, trotz auftriebswirksamer Mechanismen im Wasser, die bedienerfreundliche Handhabung, der separat einstellbare Widerstand, die schnellen Therapieerfolge und die hohe Motivation der Kursteilnehmer. Diese Beobachtungen lassen eine effizientere Therapie und damit Kostenersparnisse vermuten. Nachteile sind das hohe Gewicht des Wassertraingsger{\"a}tes und die relativ hohen Anschaffungskosten. Die hohe Reduzierung der Schmerzintensit{\"a}t bei den Probanden, die am Wassertrainingsger{\"a}t Interventionen durchf{\"u}hrten, lassen vermuten, dass diese Ger{\"a}teanwendungen f{\"u}r Patienten mit sehr schmerzhaften oder subakuten Verlaufsformen besonders geeignet ist. Der schonende Charakter der Aquatherapie und der Einsatz eines neuen Wassertrainingsger{\"a}tes unterst{\"u}tzt in effektiver Weise die modernen Konzepte der Rehabilitation chronischer R{\"u}ckenschmerzpatienten.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{LueckSchneider2007, author = {L{\"u}ck-Schneider, Dagmar}, title = {Sportberufe im Kontext neuerer Sportentwicklungen : Analyse {\"o}ffentlicher Arbeitsmarktdaten (1997-2006)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-18420}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Expansion und Pluralisierung des Sports lassen sich auch in {\"o}ffentlichen Arbeitsmarktstatistiken nachweisen. Dies zeigen Analysen {\"o}ffentlich eingesetzter Berufsverzeichnisse ab 1927 sowie Besch{\"a}ftigungsdaten, Arbeitslosenzahlen und Daten zu offen gemeldeten Stellen der Bundesagentur f{\"u}r Arbeit. Diese wurden f{\"u}r eine Vielzahl von Sportberufen ab 1997 erstmals ausgewertet. Die Bedeutung von Sportberufen in Berufsverzeichnissen ist gewachsen. Neue Berufe fanden bei entsprechender Arbeitsmarktbedeutung Eingang in die Verzeichnisse. Vereinzelt zeigen sich auch neuere Sporttrends. Ferner gab es seit 1999 eine außergew{\"o}hnliche Zunahme geringf{\"u}gig Besch{\"a}ftigter in allen betrachteten Berufsordnungen mit Sportberufen, teils auch eine Zunahme der sozialversicherungspflichtig Besch{\"a}ftigten. Fast ausnahmslos waren die Entwicklungen in beiden Besch{\"a}ftigungsarten in den untersuchten Berufsordnungen weit g{\"u}nstiger als im {\"u}bergeordneten Berufsumfeld. F{\"u}r den {\"u}berwiegenden Teil der Sportberufe ergab sich ein solches Ergebnis auch bei Betrachtung der Arbeitslosenzahlen, die von Anfang 1998 bis Ende 2004 ausgewertet wurden. Demgegen{\"u}ber wurden der Bundesagentur f{\"u}r Arbeit f{\"u}r fast alle sportbezogenen Berufsklassen 2006 weniger offene ungef{\"o}rderte Stellen gemeldet als noch 2000. Diese Entwicklung war jedoch nicht ausschließlich f{\"u}r die Berufsklassen im Sport zu beobachten. So sprechen die Ergebnisse zumindest f{\"u}r eine vergleichsweise gute Arbeitsmarktentwicklung in den meisten untersuchten Sportberufen. Die große Zunahme geringf{\"u}giger Besch{\"a}ftigung zeigt aber, dass hier vor allem keine als Haupterwerbsquelle geeigneten Besch{\"a}ftigungen entstanden sind. Dies reduziert zugleich die Chancen, mit diesen Berufen Arbeitslosigkeit zu reduzieren.}, language = {de} } @book{OPUS4-6290, title = {K{\"o}rperliche und motorische Entwicklung Brandenburger Grundsch{\"u}ler im L{\"a}ngsschnitt : Ergebnisse der EMOTIKON-Studie 2006-2010}, editor = {Wick, Ditmar and Golle, Kathleen and Ohlert, Henning}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-049-6}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-62879}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {347}, year = {2013}, abstract = {EMOTIKON-Studie benannte als Kurzform des Forschungsvorhabens zur "Interdisziplin{\"a}re(n) Evaluierung der motorischen Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit und des Gesundheitszustandes im Kontext sportlicher Eignung und Effizienz des Sportunterrichtes von Grundsch{\"u}lerInnen im Land Brandenburg". Die L{\"a}ngsschnittstudie wurde durch den Arbeitsbereich Trainings- und Bewegungswissenschaft der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam, unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Ditmar Wick, an 29 Grundschulen der Schul{\"a}mter Brandenburg/ Havel und Cottbus von 2006 bis 2010 realisiert. Mit der vorliegenden Publikation werden die Ergebnisse und deren Zusammenh{\"a}nge zur Entwicklung der motorischen Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit, des K{\"o}rperbaus, der Bewegungsaktivit{\"a}t und der Einsch{\"a}tzung des Sportunterrichts mit einf{\"u}hrenden theoretischen Grundlagen und dem aktuellen nationalen Forschungsstand referiert. Die Autoren sind {\"u}berzeugt, dass dieser Abschlussbericht nicht nur das Interesse der im aktuellen Forschungsprojekt „EMOTIKON-Grundschulsport 2010-2014" involvierten Brandenburger Grundschulsportlehrer wecken wird, sondern auch den politischen Entscheidungstr{\"a}gern (Schul{\"a}mter, Ministerien) eine Entscheidungshilfe bieten als auch den Diskussionsprozess der im Themengebiet forschenden Wissenschaftler anregen kann. Diese {\"U}berzeugung gr{\"u}ndet sich insbesondere auf die Ergebnisse zur k{\"o}rperlich-sportlichen Bewegungsaktivit{\"a}t der Dritt- bis Sechstkl{\"a}ssler sowie der Analyse motorischer Leistung in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von Geschlecht und soziodemografischen Gegebenheiten.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Borković2010, author = {Borković, Vladimir}, title = {Evaluation kommunaler Sportprojekte zur sozialen Integration von Heranwachsenden}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-051-9}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-48186}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {372}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Gegenstand der Studie ist die Evaluation eines kommunalen Sportprojekts. Die Forschungsarbeit entstand aus der wachsenden Erkenntnis heraus, dass es nicht mehr nur um die Entwicklung und Durchf{\"u}hrung kommunaler oder sozialer Projekte geht, sondern zunehmend darauf ankommt, die Projektarbeit zu evaluieren, um ihren Einfluss auf die kommunale, soziale und personale Entwicklung zu pr{\"u}fen und in der Folge die Implementierung zu optimieren. Die unterschiedlichen Schritte in der Definition des theoretischen Rahmens, der Datenanalyse sowie der Erarbeitung der evaluativen Empfehlungen wurden unternommen mit dem Anspruch auf Modellcharakter, um f{\"u}r zuk{\"u}nftige Evaluationsvorhaben entsprechende Standards zu setzen. Die Grundidee des kommunalen Sportprojekts „Straßenfußball f{\"u}r Toleranz" ist innovativ: M{\"a}dchen und Jungen erobern durch gemeinsames Fußballspielen den {\"o}ffentlichen Raum. Sie spielen ohne Schiedsrichter und nach speziellen Regeln. Das Projekt richtet sich ausdr{\"u}cklich an sozial benachteiligte Jugendliche und bezieht gleichermaßen Jungen wie M{\"a}dchen ein.}, language = {de} } @misc{SchweizerBluemkeBrandetal.2010, author = {Schweizer, Geoffrey and Bluemke, Matthias and Brand, Ralf and Kahlert, Daniela}, title = {Exercise might be good for me, but I don't feel good about it : do automatic associations predict exercise behavior?}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-42510}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Models employed in exercise psychology highlight the role of reflective processes for explaining behavior change. However, as discussed in social cognition literature, information-processing models also consider automatic processes (dual-process models). To examine the relevance of automatic processing in exercise psychology, we used a priming task to assess the automatic evaluations of exercise stimuli in physically active sport and exercise majors (n = 32), physically active nonsport majors (n = 31), and inactive students (n = 31). Results showed that physically active students responded faster to positive words after exercise primes, whereas inactive students responded more rapidly to negative words. Priming task reaction times were successfully used to predict reported amounts of exercise in an ordinal regression model. Findings were obtained only with experiential items reflecting negative and positive consequences of exercise. The results illustrate the potential importance of dual-process models in exercise psychology.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Buegner2005, author = {B{\"u}gner, J{\"o}rg}, title = {Nichtlineare Methoden in der trainingswissenschaftlichen Diagnostik : mit Untersuchungen aus dem Schwimmsport}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-5504}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Die trainingswissenschaftliche Diagnostik in den Kernbereichen Training, Wettkampf und Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit ist durch einen hohen Praxisbezug, eine ausgepr{\"a}gte strukturelle Komplexit{\"a}t und vielseitige Wechselwirkungen der sportwissenschaftlichen Teilgebiete gepr{\"a}gt. Diese Eigenschaften haben in der Vergangenheit dazu gef{\"u}hrt, dass zentrale Fragestellungen, wie beispielsweise die Maximierung der sportlichen Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit, eine {\"o}konomische Trainingsgestaltung, eine effektive Talentauswahl und -sichtung oder die Modellbildung noch nicht vollst{\"a}ndig gel{\"o}st werden konnten. Neben den bereits vorhandenen linearen L{\"o}sungsans{\"a}tzen werden in dieser Arbeit Methoden aus dem Bereich der Neuronalen Netzwerke eingesetzt. Diese nichtlinearen Diagnoseverfahren sind besonders geeignet f{\"u}r die Analyse von Prozessabl{\"a}ufen, wie sie beispielsweise im Training vorliegen. Im theoretischen Teil werden zun{\"a}chst Gemeinsamkeiten, Abh{\"a}ngigkeiten und Unterschiede in den Bereichen Training, Wettkampf und Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit untersucht sowie die Br{\"u}cke zwischen trainingswissenschaftlicher Diagnostik und nichtlinearen Verfahren {\"u}ber die Begriffe der Interdisziplinarit{\"a}t und Integrativit{\"a}t geschlagen. Angelehnt an die Theorie der Neuronalen Netze werden anschließend die Grundlagenmodelle Perzeptron, Multilayer-Perzeptron und Selbstorganisierende Karten theoretisch erl{\"a}utert. Im empirischen Teil stehen dann die nichtlineare Analyse von personalen Anforderungsstrukturen, Zust{\"a}nde der sportlichen Form und die Prognose sportlichen Talents - allesamt bei jugendlichen Leistungsschwimmerinnen und -schwimmern - im Mittelpunkt. Die nichtlinearen Methoden werden dabei einerseits auf ihre wissenschaftliche Aussagekraft {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft, andererseits untereinander sowie mit linearen Verfahren verglichen.}, subject = {Neuronales Netz}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Krueger2005, author = {Kr{\"u}ger, Tom}, title = {Zum Einfluss der Lateralit{\"a}t in zyklischen Sportarten bei Nachwuchsathleten}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-5810}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Die Auspr{\"a}gung der Lateralit{\"a}t der K{\"o}rperextremit{\"a}ten steht in engem Zusammenhang mit der Hemisph{\"a}renspezialisierung des menschlichen Gehirns. Die Lateralit{\"a}t und die Dominanz einer Hemisph{\"a}re mit ihren Auswirkungen auf die Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit ist ein bislang unvollst{\"a}ndig untersuchtes Ph{\"a}nomen im Sport. In der vorliegenden Arbeit soll daher die Bedeutung der Seitigkeitsauspr{\"a}gung im Rahmen sportlicher Bewegungsabl{\"a}ufe gepr{\"u}ft werden. Sowohl bei Messungen im "Freiwasser", als auch in der "Kanu-Gegenstromanlage" im Bereich des Kanurennsportes werden seit einigen Jahren sich in Qualit{\"a}t und Quantit{\"a}t unterscheidende Kraft-Zeit-Funktionen der linken und rechten K{\"o}rperseite beobachtet, die zwar dokumentiert, aber bislang ungepr{\"u}ft in ihrer Bedeutung als leistungsbeeinflussend angenommen werden. Im Zeitraum von Oktober 1997 bis Oktober 2000 wurden 275 Kajakfahrer und Canadierfahrer im Alter zwischen 11 und 20 Jahren zweimal j{\"a}hrlich (M{\"a}rz und Oktober) mit einem umfangreichen trainings- und bewegungswissenschaftlichen sowie biomechanischen Instrumentarium untersucht. Die Athleten geh{\"o}ren zum Nachwuchs- und Anschlusskader des LKV Brandenburg. Schwerpunkt der Fragestellung ist der Zusammenhang von auftretenden Kraftdifferenzen zwischen der linken und rechten oberen Extremit{\"a}t und sportartspezifischen Leistungen unter Laborbedingungen und Feldbedingungen. Es wurden objektive Daten zu ausgew{\"a}hlten Kraftf{\"a}higkeiten der oberen Arm-Beuge-Schlinge an einem Kraftdiagnoseger{\"a}t, Kraftverl{\"a}ufe am Messpaddel w{\"a}hrend Leistungs{\"u}berpr{\"u}fungen im "Kanu-Gegenstromkanal" und im "Freiwasser" {\"u}ber 250 m und 2.000 m im Jahresverlauf erhoben. Die Ergebnisse zeigen einen Trend der im Altersverlauf ansteigenden Differenz der Mittelwertunterschiede in der Maximalkraft zwischen dem linken und rechten Arm. Bei bestehenden Maximalkraftdifferenzen zwischen linker und rechter oberer Extremit{\"a}t in der L{\"a}ngsschnittgruppe liegen die Leistungen mit dem rechten Arm deutlich {\"u}ber den Kraftleistungen des linken Arms und sind nicht zuf{\"a}llig. Mit steigendem Maximalkraftniveau nimmt {\"u}berraschenderweise auch die Differenz der Maximalkraft zwischen der linken und rechten oberen Extremit{\"a}t trotz bilateralen Trainings zu. Die Ergebnisse der EMG-Analyse best{\"a}tigen, dass die Maximalkraft leistungsbestimmend f{\"u}r die Bootsleistungen ist. In den EMG-Signalverl{\"a}ufen werden die unterschiedlichen Belastungen der Labor- und Feldbedingungen mit individuellen Charakteristika nachgezeichnet. Deutlich unterscheiden sich die Kraftverl{\"a}ufe im "Freiwasser" gegen{\"u}ber den Kraftverl{\"a}ufen in der "Kanu-Gegenstromanlage". Bei der vorliegenden Untersuchung handelt es sich um eine erste empirische Arbeit zur Auswirkung von Seitigkeitsunterschieden in zyklischen Sportarten auf der Expertiseebene. In der Untersuchung wurden methodische Verfahren eingesetzt, die dem derzeitigen Forschungsstand in der Trainings- und Bewegungswissenschaft entsprechen. Neben varianzanalytischen Verfahren der Auswertung zur Darstellung von Mittelwertunterschieden und Zusammenh{\"a}nge pr{\"u}fenden Verfahren wurden ebenso explorative EMG-Analysen angewandt. Die Ergebnisse aus dem L{\"a}ngsschnitt belegen bei ausschließlich rechtsh{\"a}ndigen Probanden, dass die Schlussfolgerung von bevorzugter Extremit{\"a}t auf ein h{\"o}heres Kraftniveau nicht eineindeutig ist. Zwischen den oberen Extremit{\"a}ten bei Kanurennsportlern bestehen nicht nur zuf{\"a}llige Kraftunterschiede, trotz des bilateralen Trainings. Kontrovers diskutiert wird die Beziehung von bevorzugter Extremit{\"a}t und der H{\"o}he der Kraftentfaltung. Im Alltagsverst{\"a}ndnis wird h{\"a}ufig angenommen, dass ein h{\"o}heres Maximalkraftniveau in der Extremit{\"a}t vorliegen muss, die auch die bevorzugte (z.B. Schreibhand) ist (WIRTH \& LIPHARDT, 1999). Diese Eindeutigkeit konnte in der durchgef{\"u}hrten Untersuchung nicht best{\"a}tigt werden. Wie die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung deutlich zeigen, nimmt mit der h{\"o}heren Maximalkraft aber auch die Differenz der Kraftleistungen zwischen dem linken und rechten Arm bei bilateral ausgerichtetem Training zu. FISCHER (1988; 1992) wies nach, dass sich ein Training auf der subdominanten Seite in einem kontralateralen Leistungstransfer auf der dominanten Seite positiv auswirkte. Erkenntnisse von KUHN (1986) und HOLLMANN \& HETTINGER (2000) unterst{\"u}tzen nachhaltig die Ergebnisse. Die EMG-Ergebnisse zeigen die individuelle Reaktion auf die Belastungsanforderungen. Die elektromyographischen Daten beziehen sich auf den neuromuskul{\"a}ren Komplex. Somit sprechen hohe Amplitudenwerte einerseits f{\"u}r eine hohe Innervation der beteiligten motorischen Einheiten an der Bewegungsausf{\"u}hrung und andererseits f{\"u}r einsetzende Erm{\"u}dungserscheinungen im Muskel. In Bezug auf die Erm{\"u}dung der oberen Extremit{\"a}tenmuskeln der rechten und linken Seite beschreiben WILLIAMS, SHARMA \& BILODEAU (2002) keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen der dominanten und nichtdominanten Handseite.}, subject = {Kanurennsport}, language = {de} } @misc{MkaouerHammoudiNassibAmaraetal.2018, author = {Mkaouer, Bessem and Hammoudi-Nassib, Sarra and Amara, Samiha and Chaab{\`e}ne, Helmi}, title = {Evaluating the physical and basic gymnastics skills assessment for talent identification in men's artistic gymnastics proposed by the International Gymnastics Federation}, series = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe}, journal = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe}, number = {691}, issn = {1866-8364}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-46004}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-460049}, pages = {383 -- 392}, year = {2018}, abstract = {This study aimed to determine the specific physical and basic gymnastics skills considered critical in gymnastics talent identification and selection as well as in promoting men's artistic gymnastics performances. Fifty-one boys from a provincial gymnastics team (age 11.03 ± 0.95 years; height 1.33 ± 0.05 m; body mass 30.01 ± 5.53 kg; body mass index [BMI] 16.89 ± 3.93 kg/m²) regularly competing at national level voluntarily participated in this study. Anthropometric measures as well as the men's artistic gymnastics physical test battery (i.e., International Gymnastics Federation [FIG] age group development programme) were used to assess the somatic and physical fitness profile of participants, respectively. The physical characteristics assessed were: muscle strength, flexibility, speed, endurance, and muscle power. Test outcomes were subjected to a principal components analysis to identify the most representative factors. The main findings revealed that power speed, isometric and explosive strength, strength endurance, and dynamic and static flexibility are the most determinant physical fitness aspects of the talent selection process in young male artistic gymnasts. These findings are of utmost importance for talent identification, selection, and development.}, language = {en} } @misc{SchinkoethBrand2020, author = {Schink{\"o}th, Michaela and Brand, Ralf}, title = {Automatic associations and the affective valuation of exercise}, series = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe}, journal = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe}, issn = {1866-8364}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-47552}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-475522}, pages = {366 -- 376}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The decision to exercise is not only bound to rational considerations but also automatic affective processes. The affective-reflective theory of physical inactivity and exercise (ART) proposes a theoretical framework for explaining how the automatic affective process (type‑1 process) will influence exercise behavior, i.e., through the automatic activation of exercise-related associations and a subsequent affective valuation of exercise. This study aimed to empirically test this assumption of the ART with data from 69 study participants. A single-measurement study, including within-subject experimental variation, was conducted. Automatic associations with exercise were first measured with a single-target implicit association test. The somato-affective core of the participants' automatic valuation of exercise-related pictures was then assessed via heart rate variability (HRV) analysis, and the affective valence of the valuation was tested with a facial expression (FE; smile and frown) task. Exercise behavior was assessed via self-report. Multiple regression (path) analysis revealed that automatic associations predicted HRV reactivity (β = -0.24, p = .044); the signs of the correlation between automatic associations and the smile FE score was in the expected direction but remained nonsignificant (β = -0.21, p = .078). HRV reactivity predicted self-reported exercise behavior (β = -0.28, p = .013) (the same pattern of results was achieved for the frown FE score). The HRV-related results illustrate the potential role of automatic negative affective reactions to the thought of exercise as a restraining force in exercise motivation. For better empirical distinction between the two ART type‑1 process components, automatic associations and the affective valuation should perhaps be measured separately in the future. The results support the notion that automatic and affective processes should be regarded as essential aspects of the motivation to exercise.}, language = {en} } @article{MkaouerHammoudiNassibAmaraetal.2018, author = {Mkaouer, Bessem and Hammoudi-Nassib, Sarra and Amara, Samiha and Chaabene, Helmi}, title = {Evaluating the physical and basic gymnastics skills assessment for International Gymnastics Federation}, series = {Biology of Sport}, volume = {35}, journal = {Biology of Sport}, number = {4}, publisher = {Inst Sport}, address = {Warsaw}, issn = {0860-021X}, doi = {10.5114/biolsport.2018.78059}, pages = {383 -- 392}, year = {2018}, abstract = {This study aimed to determine the specific physical and basic gymnastics skills considered critical in gymnastics talent identification and selection as well as in promoting men's artistic gymnastics performances. Fifty-one boys from a provincial gymnastics team (age 11.03 ± 0.95 years; height 1.33 ± 0.05 m; body mass 30.01 ± 5.53 kg; body mass index [BMI] 16.89 ± 3.93 kg/m²) regularly competing at national level voluntarily participated in this study. Anthropometric measures as well as the men's artistic gymnastics physical test battery (i.e., International Gymnastics Federation [FIG] age group development programme) were used to assess the somatic and physical fitness profile of participants, respectively. The physical characteristics assessed were: muscle strength, flexibility, speed, endurance, and muscle power. Test outcomes were subjected to a principal components analysis to identify the most representative factors. The main findings revealed that power speed, isometric and explosive strength, strength endurance, and dynamic and static flexibility are the most determinant physical fitness aspects of the talent selection process in young male artistic gymnasts. These findings are of utmost importance for talent identification, selection, and development.}, language = {en} } @article{LabudekSchweizerRothetal.2019, author = {Labudek, Sarah and Schweizer, Geoffrey and Roth, Anika and Pizzera, Alexandra and Plessner, Henning and Brand, Ralf}, title = {REFS-D}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Sportpsychologie}, volume = {26}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Sportpsychologie}, number = {1}, publisher = {Hogrefe}, address = {G{\"o}ttingen}, issn = {1612-5010}, doi = {10.1026/1612-5010/a000256}, pages = {15 -- 24}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Ziel des vorliegenden Artikels ist die teststatistische {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung und Validierung einer deutschsprachigen Version der Referee Self-Efficacy Scale (REFS). Die REFS erfasst im englischsprachigen Original die Selbstwirksamkeit von Schiedsrichterinnen und Schiedsrichtern mit den Subskalen Wissen {\"u}ber das Spiel, Entscheidungsfindung, Druck und Kommunikation. Die Items wurden mit Hilfe der {\"U}bersetzung-R{\"u}ck{\"u}bersetzung ins Deutsche {\"u}bertragen. Die Struktur und die psychometrischen Eigenschaften der deutschen Items wurden anhand einer Stichprobe aus 265 deutschsprachigen Fußballschiedsrichterinnen und -schiedsrichtern {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Da die im englischsprachigen Original vorgeschlagene Skalenzuordnung der REFS nach der {\"U}bersetzung ins Deutsche nicht replizierbar war, wurden Items mit mangelhaften Skaleneigenschaften aus der deutschsprachigen REFS-Version (REFS-D) ausgeschlossen. Das Resultat der Analysen ist eine Skala mit acht Items, die sich drei Subskalen, Spielumsetzung, Druck und Kommunikation, zuordnen lassen. Die REFS-D weist zufriedenstellende interne Konsistenzen und signifikante mittelhohe Korrelationen mit allgemeiner Selbstwirksamkeit auf. Trotz einiger Einschr{\"a}nkungen stellt die REFS-D als {\"o}konomische Skala einen Ansatzpunkt f{\"u}r zuk{\"u}nftige Forschung dar.}, language = {de} } @article{DobberkeBaritelloHadzicetal.2022, author = {Dobberke, Jeanette and Baritello, Omar and Hadzic, Miralem and V{\"o}ller, Heinz and Eichler, Sarah and Salzwedel, Annett}, title = {Test-retest reliability of center of pressure measures for postural control assessment in older cardiac patients}, series = {Gait \& posture : official journal of Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society (GCMAS) and European Society of Movement Analysis in Adults and Children (ESMAC)}, volume = {92}, journal = {Gait \& posture : official journal of Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society (GCMAS) and European Society of Movement Analysis in Adults and Children (ESMAC)}, publisher = {Elsevier Science}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0966-6362}, doi = {10.1016/j.gaitpost.2021.12.011}, pages = {359 -- 363}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Background Elderly patients are a growing population in cardiac rehabilitation (CR). As postural control declines with age, assessment of impaired balance is important in older CR patients in order to predict fall risk and to initiate counteracting steps. Functional balance tests are subjective and lack adequate sensitivity to small differences, and are further subject to ceiling effects. A quantitative approach to measure postural control on a continuous scale is therefore desirable. Force plates are already used for this purpose in other clinical contexts, therefore could be a promising tool also for older CR patients. However, in this population the reliability of the assessment is not fully known. Research question Analysis of test-retest reliability of center of pressure (CoP) measures for the assessment of postural control using a force plate in older CR patients. Methods 156 CR patients (> 75 years) were enrolled. CoP measures (path length (PL), mean velocity (MV), and 95\% confidence ellipse area (95CEA)) were analyzed twice with an interval of two days in between (bipedal narrow stance, eyes open (EO) and closed (EC), three trials for each condition, 30 s per trial), using a force plate. For test-retest reliability estimation absolute differences (\& UDelta;: T0-T1), intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) with 95\% confidence intervals, standard error of measurement and minimal detectable change were calculated. Results Under EO condition ICC were excellent for PL and MV (0.95) and good for 95CEA (0.88) with \& UDelta; of 10.1 cm (PL), 0.3 cm/sec (MV) and 1.5 cm(2 )(95CEA) respectively. Under EC condition ICC were excellent (> 0.95) for all variables with larger \& UDelta; (PL: 21.7 cm; MV: 0.7 cm/sec; 95CEA: 2.4 cm(2)) Significance In older CR patients, the assessment of CoP measures using a force plate shows good to excellent test retest reliability.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Karnahl2010, author = {Karnahl, Brita}, title = {Vergleichende Untersuchungen von Leistungs- und Stoffwechselparametern im ergometrischen Test an Land und im Wasser}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-49523}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Einleitung: Vorliegende empirische Daten verdeutlichen, dass in der Fachwelt zwar weites gehend Einigkeit {\"u}ber die Wirkung des Mediums Wasser auf den Organismus in Ruhe (metabolisch und endokrin) besteht, aber differente Aussagen bei Immersion und Bewegung (h{\"a}modynamisch, metabolisch und endokrin) getroffen werden. Wie unterscheidet sich die physische Beanspruchung an Land und im Wasser? Gelten die allgemeing{\"u}ltigen Empfehlungen an Land zur Steuerung erw{\"u}nschter Trainings- bzw. Belastungseffekte auch f{\"u}r aquale Bewegungs- und Trainingsformen? Ergebnisse und Diskussion: Die Herzfrequenz, der systolische Blutdruck und der Sauerstoffverbrauch waren in Ruhe (baseline) an der anaeroben Schwelle und w{\"a}hrend der Ausbelastung auf dem Land und im Wasser {\"a}hnlich. Der Respiratorische Quotient wurde gering reduziert, als die Probanden im Wasser trainierten. Die Glukose- und Laktatkonzentration wurden vermindert, wohingegen die freie Fetts{\"a}urekonzentration mit der Belastung im Wasser erh{\"o}ht wurde. Wasserimmersion senkte die Adrenalin- und Noradrenalinkonzentration und erh{\"o}hte die vermehrte ANP-Produktion w{\"a}hrend der Belastung. Belastungsinduzierte Anstiege endokriner Parameter (Adrenalin und Noradrenalin) sind im Wasser geringer ausgepr{\"a}gt als an Land. Hinsichtlich der Stoffwechselregulation konnte beobachtet werden, dass ANP eine Rolle bei der Regulation des Fettstoffwechsels spielt. Die Ergebnisse lassen vermuten, dass Belastungen im Wasser vor allem eine spezifische humorale und metabolische Antwort des Organismus entlocken. Belastungsinduzierte Anstiege endokriner Parameter (Katecholamine) im Wasser sind geringer ausgepr{\"a}gt als an Land. Immersions- und Belastungseffekte scheinen teilweise kontr{\"a}re Reize zu sein. Es sind daher weiterhin experimentelle Untersuchungen notwendig, um die Regulationsmechanismen des Organismus zur Kompensation eines erh{\"o}hten ven{\"o}sen R{\"u}ckstroms bei Immersion ohne und vor allem mit Bewegung zu kl{\"a}ren. Auf Grund der geringen Unterschiede in der h{\"a}modynamischen Reaktion des K{\"o}rpers bei vergleichbarer k{\"o}rperlicher Belastung Land vs. Wasser kann sich an den allgemeing{\"u}ltigen Empfehlungen an Land zur Steuerung erw{\"u}nschter Trainings-bzw. Belastungseffekte auch f{\"u}r aquale Bewegungs- und Trainingsformen orientiert werden.}, language = {de} } @article{NiehuesGerlachSallen2021, author = {Niehues, Maike and Gerlach, Erin and Sallen, Jeffrey}, title = {Measuring dual career motivation among German student-athletes using the Student Athletes' Motivation Toward Sports and Academics Questionnaire}, series = {German journal of exercise and sport research : Sportwissenschaft / Bundesinstitut f{\"u}r Sportwissenschaft, Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund, Deutsche Vereinigung f{\"u}r Sportwissenschaft}, volume = {51}, journal = {German journal of exercise and sport research : Sportwissenschaft / Bundesinstitut f{\"u}r Sportwissenschaft, Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund, Deutsche Vereinigung f{\"u}r Sportwissenschaft}, number = {3}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin ; Heidelberg}, issn = {2509-3142}, doi = {10.1007/s12662-021-00723-9}, pages = {378 -- 383}, year = {2021}, abstract = {With the 2012 EU guidelines on dual careers (DC), DC research gained increasing awareness in Europe focussing particularly on student-athletes' motivation. The Student Athletes' Motivation toward Sports and Academics Questionnaire (SAMSAQ), arguably the most prominent instrument in this research area, has been used in various cross-cultural studies assessing DC motivation. The present investigation contributes to the cross-cultural discourse aiming to (1) adapt the SAMSAQ for the German context and adolescent secondary school student-athletes, and (2) evaluate the German pre-version. A sample of 208 student-athletes (52.4\% females, mean age = 17.4 years, 49.5\% at squad level) at three German Elite Sport Schools participated in the study. The investigation was split into two parts. First, the SAMSAQ was adapted to the German context and tested. In the second part, the first pre-version was revised. A series of exploratory factor analyses were applied to verify the factor structure of both German SAMSAQ pre-versions. Eight different factor models based on item removal were compared. Neither model demonstrated good results for the replication of previous findings or a meaningful solution in terms of content. Reasons for the deviations between the original and target SAMSAQ factor structures can be found in the different target groups and the culturally different approaches to career assistant programmes as well as in the theoretical background of the instrument. Since neither model was identified as acceptable, the findings indicate that a new instrument needs to be developed for assessing student-athletes' DC motivation along their pathways in different cross-cultural contexts.}, language = {en} } @article{SallenAndraeLudygaetal.2020, author = {Sallen, Jeffrey and Andr{\"a}, Christian and Ludyga, Sebastian and M{\"u}cke, Manuel and Herrmann, Christian}, title = {School children's physical activity, motor competence, and corresponding self-perception}, series = {Journal of physical activity and health}, volume = {17}, journal = {Journal of physical activity and health}, number = {11}, publisher = {Human Kinetics Publ.}, address = {Champaign}, issn = {1543-3080}, doi = {10.1123/jpah.2019-0507}, pages = {1083 -- 1090}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Background: The relationship between engagement in physical activity and the development of motor competence (MC) is considered to be reciprocal and dynamic throughout childhood and adolescence. The 10-month follow-up study aimed to explore this reciprocal relationship and investigated whether the relationship is mediated by the corresponding self-perception of MC (PMC). Methods: A total of 51 children aged between 10 and 11 years (M = 10.27 [0.45]) participated in the study (52.9\% boys, 47.1\% girls). As an indicator for physical activity, the average vigorous physical activity (VPA) per day was measured by ActiGraph accelerometers. Two aspects of MC and PMC were recorded: self-movement and object movement. Saturated pathway models in a cross-lagged panel design with 2 measurement points were analyzed. Results: Reciprocal and direct relationships between VPA and MC object movement respectively MC self-movement were not found in longitudinal analyses with PMC as a mediator. Indirect effects of MC at t1 on VPA at t2 via PMC were identified (self-movement: beta = 0.13, 95\% confidence interval, 0.04 to 0.26; object movement: beta = 0.14, 95\% confidence interval, 0.01 to 0.49). Conclusion: The results highlight the importance of MC and PMC in promoting children's VPA. However, VPA does not drive the development of MC.}, language = {en} } @masterthesis{Noa2021, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Noa, Laura Charleen}, title = {Wassergew{\"o}hnung zu Hause: Schwimmenlernen beginnt in der Badewanne}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-56173}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-561737}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {29}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Das Hauptziel der Bachelorarbeit stellt eine theoretische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema Wassergew{\"o}hnung im eigenen Zuhause dar. Ausgehend von dieser Ausf{\"u}hrung erstellt die Autorin als Theorie-Praxis-Transfer eine Handreichung f{\"u}r Erziehungsberechtigte mit den relevantesten Informationen ihrer Qualifikationsarbeit in komprimierter Form. Damit die Erziehungsberechtigten ihren Kindern proaktiv zur Seite stehen k{\"o}nnen, soll die Handreichung adressat*innengerecht und pr{\"a}gnant sein, ohne den Erziehungsberechtigten essenzielle Details vorzuenthalten. Die Erziehungsberechtigten erhalten eine Handreichung, welche die bedeutendsten Informationen rund um die Wassergew{\"o}hnung zu Hause enth{\"a}lt. Sie erfahren unter anderem etwas {\"u}ber die h{\"o}chstm{\"o}gliche Aufenthaltsdauer der Kinder im Wasser und die optimale Temperatur des Badewassers. Außerdem erhalten sie wichtige Informationen rund um die K{\"o}rperreaktionen, welche durch oder im Wasser auftreten k{\"o}nnen. Das sind bspw. der Lidschlussreflex oder der K{\"a}ltereiz. Sie werden {\"u}ber essenzielle Sicherheitsaspekte informiert und erhalten eine kompakte Darstellung {\"u}ber Verhaltensregeln, den sogenannten do's and dont's. Die {\"U}bungen/Spiele werden nach den aktuellen Vorgaben der DGUV (2019) f{\"u}r die Inhalte der Wassergew{\"o}hnung ausgew{\"a}hlt und nach den heimischen Voraussetzungen strukturiert sein. In der Handreichung werden zudem auch {\"U}bungen/Spiele zu finden sein, bei welchen keine Eigenschaften oder Wirkungen des Wassers kennengelernt werden. Atem- und Tauch{\"u}bungen werden in der Handreichung ebenso beschrieben. Die Angst vor dem Wasser stellt, sobald sie sich manifestiert, bekanntlich das gr{\"o}ßte Hindernis der Nichtschwimmer*innen dar (DGUV, 2019). Darum m{\"o}chte die Autorin mit der Aufkl{\"a}rung {\"u}ber diese Angst in ihrer Qualifikationsarbeit und der Handreichung bewirken, dass die Erziehungsberechtigten in der Lage sind, den Kindern das Angstgef{\"u}hl gegen{\"u}ber dem Wasser zu nehmen oder ihre Angstfreiheit beizubehalten und um daran anschließend den Kindern Freude an der Bewegung im Wasser zu erm{\"o}glichen. „Je mehr Freude die Kinder im Kleinkindalter am Baden haben, je weniger Angst sie mit dem Medium verbinden, umso schneller erlernen sie sp{\"a}ter das Schwimmen" (DGUV, 2016, S. 6). Die theoretischen Grundlagen der Handreichungen stellen die zentralen Aspekte und Ziele der Wassergew{\"o}hnung dar. Diese werden der, im Rahmen Schule, bedeutsamen Publikation der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung aus dem Jahr 2019 entnommen. Hierbei handelt es sich um die Wahrnehmung der spezifischen Voraussetzungen des Wassers sowie deren Ann{\"a}herung und Gew{\"o}hnung. Die Kinder erfahren die Eigenschaften Dichte, Druck und Temperatur des Elements und den Einfluss des Wassers auf den K{\"o}rper. Das sind Wasserwiderstand, Auftrieb und die Wasserkraft. So werden die {\"U}bungen, in denen die Kinder das Wasser kennenlernen, beziehungsweise zum ersten Mal intensiv in Ber{\"u}hrung mit diesem kommen, zu Beginn erw{\"a}hnt. Anschließend folgen {\"U}bungen, {\"u}berwiegend in Spielformen, bei denen die Freude geweckt werden soll. Als letzte Phase folgen {\"U}bungen, bei welchen der spezifische Umgang mit dem Wassers vonn{\"o}ten ist. Diese Struktur ist an den ersten drei Phasen nach Baumeisters (1984) Methodik zur Wassergew{\"o}hnung orientiert. So wird zudem das methodische Prinzip vom Einfachen zum Komplexen als theoretische Grundlage verwendet. Legahn (2007) beschreibt einige Lernmodelle, die je nach Alter und Entwicklungsstand bei der Wassergew{\"o}hnung angewendet werden k{\"o}nnen. In der Handreichung wird die Autorin auf diese zur{\"u}ckgreifen und passende Lerntechniken ausf{\"u}hren. Beispiele hierf{\"u}r sind unter anderem das Lernen am Modell (Nachahmung von Personen, Tieren oder Puppen) oder das Aktive Lernen (ein spielerischer Bewegungsaufbau verbessert die Fertigkeiten). Die ben{\"o}tigten Materialien werden in der Handreichung unter der {\"U}berschrift der {\"U}bungen/Spiele ausgef{\"u}hrt und dienen als erste Information. Neben der {\"U}berschrift werden die m{\"o}glichen Eigenschaften und Wirkungen des Wassers, welche in dieser spezifischen {\"U}bung kennengelernt werden, benannt. Das sind beispielsweise Druck und Auftrieb f{\"u}r Wasserdruck und Wasserauftrieb. Darunter wird die jeweilige {\"U}bung beschrieben. Als Visualisierung erstellt die Autorin selbstst{\"a}ndig gezeichnete Bilder. Unterhalb dieser Bilder befindet sich oft auch eine passende Spielvariante, um mit dieser {\"U}bung noch zus{\"a}tzlich Freude zu wecken. Ebenso werden auch mehrmals passende {\"U}bungsformen oder Tipps erw{\"a}hnt.}, language = {de} } @misc{BrandVoelckerRehage2020, author = {Brand, Ralf and Voelcker-Rehage, Claudia}, title = {DEAL und eine Zwischenbilanz {\"u}ber die Entwicklung der Zeitschrift}, series = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe}, journal = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe}, issn = {1866-8364}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-52265}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-522652}, pages = {1 -- 4}, year = {2020}, language = {de} } @article{WippertArampatzisBanzeretal.2019, author = {Wippert, Pia-Maria and Arampatzis, Adamantios and Banzer, Winfried and Beck, Heidrun and Hasenbring, Monika Ilona and Schiltenwolf, Marcus and Schneider, Christian and Stengel, Dirk and Platen, Petra and Mayer, Frank}, title = {Psychosoziale Risikofaktoren in der Entstehung von chronisch unspezifischen R{\"u}ckenschmerzen}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Sportpsychologie}, volume = {26}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Sportpsychologie}, number = {1}, publisher = {Hogrefe}, address = {G{\"o}ttingen}, issn = {1612-5010}, doi = {10.1026/1612-5010/a000245}, pages = {25 -- 35}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Chronisch unspezifische R{\"u}ckenschmerzen (CURS) geh{\"o}ren international zu den h{\"a}ufigsten Schmerzph{\"a}nomenen und k{\"o}nnen f{\"u}r Athletinnen und Athleten karrierelimitierend sein. Knapp ein Drittel der j{\"a}hrlichen Trainingsausfallzeiten werden auf CURS zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt. In der Entstehung von chronischen Schmerzen ist ein multifaktorielles {\"A}tiologiemodell mit einem signifikanten Einfluss psychosozialer Risikofaktoren evident. Obwohl dies in der Allgemeinbev{\"o}lkerung bereits gut erforscht ist, gibt es in der Sportwissenschaft vergleichsweise wenige Arbeiten dar{\"u}ber. Dieses Thema wird daher in drei Multicenterstudien und zahlreichen Teilstudien des MiSpEx-Netzwerks (Medicine in Spine-Exercise-Network, F{\"o}rderzeitraum 2011 - 2018) aufgegriffen. Entsprechend der Empfehlung einer fr{\"u}hzeitigen Diagnostik von Chronifizierungsfaktoren in der „Nationalen Versorgungsleitlinie Kreuzschmerz", besch{\"a}ftigt sich das Netzwerk u. a. mit der {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung, Entwicklung und Evaluation diagnostischer M{\"o}glichkeiten. Der vorliegende Beitrag beschreibt die Entwicklung einer Diagnostik von psychosozialen Risikofaktoren, die einerseits eine Einsch{\"a}tzung des Risikos der Entwicklung von CURS und andererseits eine individuelle Zuweisung zu (Trainings)Interventionen erlaubt. Es wird die Entwicklungsrationale beschrieben und dabei verschiedene methodische Herangehensweisen und Entscheidungssequenzen reflektiert.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Ritter2002, author = {Ritter, Andreas}, title = {Wandlungen in der Steuerung des DDR-Hochleistungssports in den 1960er und 1970er Jahren}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-935024-61-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0000665}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {337}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Die intensive Auswertung unterschiedlicher schriftlicher und m{\"u}ndlicher Quellen sowie die Erschließung von damals "geheimer" Literatur f{\"u}r die Forschung heute erm{\"o}glicht eine differenzierte Rekonstruktion historischer Abl{\"a}ufe. Die vorliegende Arbeit nutzt diesen Zugang zur Darstellung von kleineren und gr{\"o}ßeren DDR-internen sportpolitischen Strukturwandlungen der 1960er und 1970er Jahre, die ihren H{\"o}hepunkt in einer dramatischen Umsteuerung des DDR-Hochleistungssports fanden. Es wird gezeigt, wie die Akteure unter F{\"u}hrung von Manfred EWALD, gew{\"a}hltem Mitglied des SED-Zentralkomitees, einer Zentralfigur des DDR-Sports (vergleichbar mit der Bedeutung eines Willi DAUME im Westen) zwischen Systemzw{\"a}ngen und individueller Handlungsfreiheit innerhalb des Rahmens einer Diktatur in der Phase des Wechsels von Walter ULBRICHT zu Erich HONECKER eine Effektivierung des zentralistischen Modells durchsetzten (eine Parallele zum Ansatz von Monika KAISER). Im Gegensatz zu vielen kontroversen Erkl{\"a}rungsmodellen belegt der Verf., dass die Medaillenerfolge durch die zentrale Steuerung aller Abl{\"a}ufe gew{\"a}hrleistet wurden. Ohne SED-Auftrag wurde 1967 die "Leistungssportkommission der DDR" (LSK der DDR) gebildet. Im Unterschied zu den zahlreichen vom Verf. erstmals dargestellten Vorg{\"a}ngermodellen war diese SED-LSK "oberhalb des DTSB" angesiedelt und erteilte ihm Parteiauftr{\"a}ge - die Unterordnung des organisierten Sports unter die Autorit{\"a}t des Zentralkomitee machte angesichts der "Nationalen Fronten" von Armeesportvereinigung "Vorw{\"a}rts" und Sportvereinigung "Dynamo" (SPITZER) jegliche zentrale Sportpolitik erst durchsetzbar. Zur "LSK der DDR" waren SED-Mitglieder abgeordnet, welche ihr Sachgebiet vertraten und nach gemeinsamer Beschlussfassung die Ergebnisse der LSK-Arbeit wiederum in ihrem jeweiligen T{\"a}tigkeitsfeld durchzusetzen hatten, was in der Diss. ausgef{\"u}hrt wird. Sportvertreter ebenso wie hochrangige Abgesandte der Ministerien, die mit der Produktion von G{\"u}tern f{\"u}r den Hochleistungssport befasst waren, geh{\"o}rten den LSK-Gremien an, die auch die DDR-Sportwissenschaft steuerten; es l{\"a}sst sich sogar nachweisen, dass die Herrschaft {\"u}ber diesen wichtigen Apparat sowie die Dopingforschung ein Hauptmotiv der LSK-Bildung gewesen ist. Durch seine Quellenorientierung und die F{\"u}lle an Belegen gibt die vorliegende Arbeit neue Anreize zur Auseinandersetzung mit dem Ph{\"a}nomen der Steuerung des Hochleistungssports in der DDR - auch {\"u}ber den Untersuchungszeitraum hinaus. Die Untersuchung wurde von der Humanwissenschaftlichen Fakult{\"a}t der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam als Dissertation angenommen. Sie geht auf ein Stipendium dieser Universit{\"a}t zur{\"u}ck; das Verfahren konnte mit einem Pr{\"a}dikat abgeschlossen werden. Gutachter waren Prof. Dr. Dr. Gertrud PFISTER, Kopenhagen, Prof. Dr. Christoph KLEßMANN, Potsdam, und der Betreuer, Steady Visiting Prof. Univ. Odense, Priv.-Doz. Dr. habil. Giselher SPITZER, Berlin / Potsdam / Odense (D{\"a}nemark).}, language = {de} } @misc{PuschmannLinWippert2021, author = {Puschmann, Anne-Katrin and Lin, I-Chiao and Wippert, Pia-Maria}, title = {Sustainability of a motor control exercise intervention}, series = {Zweitver{\"o}ffentlichungen der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe}, journal = {Zweitver{\"o}ffentlichungen der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {1866-8364}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-54408}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-544083}, pages = {1 -- 8}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Development of chronic pain after a low back pain episode is associated with increased pain sensitivity, altered pain processing mechanisms and the influence of psychosocial factors. Although there is some evidence that multimodal therapy (such as behavioral or motor control therapy) may be an important therapeutic strategy, its long-term effect on pain reduction and psychosocial load is still unclear. Prospective longitudinal designs providing information about the extent of such possible long-term effects are missing. This study aims to investigate the long-term effects of a homebased uni- and multidisciplinary motor control exercise program on low back pain intensity, disability and psychosocial variables. 14 months after completion of a multicenter study comparing uni- and multidisciplinary exercise interventions, a sample of one study center (n = 154) was assessed once more. Participants filled in questionnaires regarding their low back pain symptoms (characteristic pain intensity and related disability), stress and vital exhaustion (short version of the Maastricht Vital Exhaustion Questionnaire), anxiety and depression experiences (the Hospital and Anxiety Depression Scale), and pain-related cognitions (the Fear Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire). Repeated measures mixed ANCOVAs were calculated to determine the long-term effects of the interventions on characteristic pain intensity and disability as well as on the psychosocial variables. Fifty four percent of the sub-sample responded to the questionnaires (n = 84). Longitudinal analyses revealed a significant long-term effect of the exercise intervention on pain disability. The multidisciplinary group missed statistical significance yet showed a medium sized long-term effect. The groups did not differ in their changes of the psychosocial variables of interest. There was evidence of long-term effects of the interventions on pain-related disability, but there was no effect on the other variables of interest. This may be partially explained by participant's low comorbidities at baseline. Results are important regarding costless homebased alternatives for back pain patients and prevention tasks. Furthermore, this study closes the gap of missing long-term effect analysis in this field.}, language = {en} } @article{SchinkoethWeymarBrand2019, author = {Schink{\"o}th, Michaela and Weymar, Mathias and Brand, Ralf}, title = {Listening to the heart}, series = {Psychology of sport and exercise}, volume = {45}, journal = {Psychology of sport and exercise}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {1469-0292}, doi = {10.1016/j.psychsport.2019.101541}, pages = {4}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Objective: The affective-reflective theory of physical inactivity and exercise suggests that the mere thought of exercise can lead to an immediate somato-affective response which, if negative, will drive a physically inactive person to maintain his or her current exercise-avoidant behavior. This study aimed to test the assumption that the somatic core of this affective response can be identified by means of heart rate variability (HRV) analysis. Design: This study followed a within-subject experimental design. Method. Participants were 91 adult men and women whose HR and HRV were monitored whilst they viewed exercise-related and control pictures in a laboratory setting. Results: Analyses revealed a decrease in HRV during the viewing of exercise-related pictures in less physically active participants. These participants reported that the same pictures elicited feelings with relatively low affective valence and arousal. There were no changes in HR.}, language = {en} } @misc{BisiBalogunTorlak2017, author = {Bisi-Balogun, Adebisi and Torlak, Firdevs}, title = {Outcomes following hip and quadriceps strengthening exercises for patellofemoral syndrome}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-400413}, pages = {21}, year = {2017}, abstract = {There is growing evidence to support change in the rehabilitation strategy of patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) from traditional quadriceps strengthening exercises to inclusion of hip musculature strengthening in individuals with PFPS. Several studies have evaluated effects of quadriceps and hip musculature strengthening on PFPS with varying outcomes on pain and function. This systematic review and meta-analysis aims to synthesize outcomes of pain and function post-intervention and at follow-up to determine whether outcomes vary depending on the exercise strategy in both the short and long term. Electronic databases including MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, Web of Science, PubMed, Pedro database, Proquest, Science direct, and EBscoHost databases were searched for randomized control trials published between 1st of January 2005 and 31st of June 2015, comparing the outcomes of pain and function following quadriceps strengthening and hip musculature strengthening exercises in patients with PFPS. Two independent reviewers assessed each paper for inclusion and quality. Means and SDs were extracted from each included study to allow effect size calculations and comparison of results. Six randomized control trials met the inclusion criteria. Limited to moderate evidence indicates that hip abductor strengthening was associated with significantly lower pain post-intervention (SMD -0.88, -1.28 to -0.47 95\% CI), and at 12 months (SMD -3.10, -3.71 to -2.50 95\% CI) with large effect sizes (greater than 0.80) compared to quadriceps strengthening. Our findings suggest that incorporating hip musculature strengthening in management of PFPS tailored to individual ability will improve short-term and long-term outcomes of rehabilitation. Further research evaluating the effects of quadriceps and hip abductors strengthening focusing on reduction in anterior knee pain and improvement in function in management of PFPS is needed.}, language = {en} } @misc{SallenHemmingRichartz2017, author = {Sallen, Jeffrey and Hemming, Karen and Richartz, Alfred}, title = {Facilitating dual careers by improving resistance to chronic stress}, series = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe}, journal = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe}, number = {463}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-412735}, pages = {12}, year = {2017}, abstract = {The starting point of this contribution is the potential risk to health and performance from the combination of elite sporting careers with the pursuit of education. In European sport science and politics, structural measures to promote dual careers in elite sports have been discussed increasingly of late. In addition to organisational measures, there are calls for educational-psychological intervention programmes supporting the successful management of dual careers at the individual level. This paper presents an appropriate intervention programme and its evaluation: stress-resistance training for elite athletes (SRT-EA). It comprises 10 units, each lasting 90 minutes. It is intended for athletes and aims to improve their resistance to chronic stress. The evaluation was carried out in a quasi-experimental design, with three points of measurement (baseline, immediately after, and three months after) and two non-randomised groups: an intervention group (n = 128) and an untreated control group (n = 117). Participants were between 13 and 20 years of age (53.5\% male) and represented various Olympic sports. Outcome variables were assessed with questionnaires. Significant short- and mid-term intervention effects were explored. The intervention increased stress-related knowledge, general self-efficacy, and stress sensitivity. Chronic stress level, stress symptoms, and stress reactivity were reduced. In line with the intention of the intervention, the results showed short- and mid-term, small to medium-sized effects. Accordingly, separate measurements at the end of the intervention and three months later showed mostly positive subjective experiences. Thus, the results reinforce the hope that educational-psychological stress-management interventions can support dual careers.}, language = {en} } @article{KotthausSchaeferStankovicetal.2021, author = {Kotthaus, Jochem and Sch{\"a}fer, Matthias and Stankovic, Nikola and Weitzel, Gerrit}, title = {How soccer becomes politics}, series = {International journal of sport communication}, volume = {14}, journal = {International journal of sport communication}, number = {3}, publisher = {Human Kinetics Publ.}, address = {Champaign}, issn = {1936-3915}, doi = {10.1123/ijsc.2020-0320}, pages = {428 -- 447}, year = {2021}, abstract = {In this case study, the authors elaborate on the narrative structure of transnational popular media events. Drawing from Dayan and Katz's concept of media events and Julia Sonnevend's exceptional work on iconic global media events, they argue that fundamental changes in the way occurrences are being reported on and news is structured must be considered. Allowing for recent technological advancements, the role of the consumer and the compression of time in media use, the authors develop a methodological and theoretical framework fitting a more mundane and everyday life-based approach. They derive their results from the analysis of the "Podgorica Media Event," a news cycle emerging from a racist incident during an international soccer game between England and Montenegro. Based on the body of 250 international news pieces, they identify a primary mother narration and a distinctive narration as the typical ways of storytelling on a transnational level. While differing greatly in content, aspects of transnational popular media events serve to protect and reify the cultural background they are grounded in on a national level. Thus, we assume that sport, or, more specifically, soccer, may become political in media communication not by the impact of state government but by the consumers themselves choosing and developing a popular media event in the first place.}, language = {en} } @article{MarkovHauserChaabene2022, author = {Markov, Adrian and Hauser, Lukas and Chaabene, Helmi}, title = {Effects of concurrent strength and endurance training on measures of physical fitness in healthy middle-aged and older adults}, series = {Sports medicine : an international journal of applied medicine and science in sport and exercise}, volume = {53}, journal = {Sports medicine : an international journal of applied medicine and science in sport and exercise}, number = {2}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Heidelberg}, issn = {0112-1642}, doi = {10.1007/s40279-022-01764-2}, pages = {437 -- 455}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Background There is evidence that in older adults the combination of strength training (ST) and endurance training (ET) (i.e., concurrent training [CT]) has similar effects on measures of muscle strength and cardiorespiratory endurance (CRE) compared with single-mode ST or ET, respectively. Therefore, CT seems to be an effective method to target broad aspects of physical fitness in older adults. Objectives The aim was to examine the effects of CT on measures of physical fitness (i.e., muscle strength, power, balance and CRE) in healthy middle-aged and older adults aged between 50 and 73 years. We also aimed to identify key moderating variables to guide training prescription. Study Design We conducted a systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Data Sources The electronic databases PubMed, Web of Science Core Collection, MEDLINE and Google Scholar were systematically searched until February 2022. Eligibility Criteria for Selecting Studies We included randomized controlled trials that examined the effects of CT versus passive controls on measures of physical fitness in healthy middle-aged and older adults aged between 50 and 73 years. Results Fifteen studies were eligible, including a total of 566 participants. CT induced moderate positive effects on muscle strength (standardized mean difference [SMD] = 0.74) and power (SMD = 0.50), with a small effect on CRE (SMD = 0.48). However, no significant effects were detected for balance (p > 0.05). Older adults > 65 years (SMD = 1.04) and females (SMD = 1.05) displayed larger improvements in muscle strength compared with adults <= 65 years old (SMD = 0.60) and males (SMD = 0.38), respectively. For CRE, moderate positive effects (SMD = 0.52) were reported in those <= 65 years old only, with relatively larger gains in females (SMD = 0.55) compared with males (SMD = 0.45). However, no significant differences between all subgroups were detected. Independent single training factor analysis indicated larger positive effects of 12 weeks (SMD = 0.87 and 0.88) compared with 21 weeks (SMD = 0.47 and 0.29) of CT on muscle strength and power, respectively, while for CRE, 21 weeks of CT resulted in larger gains (SMD = 0.62) than 12 weeks (SMD = 0.40). For CT frequency, three sessions per week produced larger beneficial effects (SMD = 0.91) on muscle strength compared with four sessions (SMD = 0.55), whereas for CRE, moderate positive effects were only noted after four sessions per week (SMD = 0.58). A session duration of > 30-60 min generated larger improvements in muscle strength (SMD = 0.99) and power (SMD = 0.88) compared with > 60-90 min (SMD = 0.40 and 0.29, respectively). However, for CRE, longer session durations (i.e., > 60-90 min) seem to be more effective (SMD = 0.61) than shorter ones (i.e., > 30-60 min) (SMD = 0.34). ET at moderate-to-near maximal intensities produced moderate (SMD = 0.64) and small positive effects (SMD = 0.49) on muscle strength and CRE, respectively, with no effects at low intensity ET (p > 0.05). Finally, intra-session ST before ET produced larger gains in muscle strength (SMD = 1.00) compared with separate sessions (SMD = 0.55), whereas ET and ST carried out separately induced larger improvements in CRE (SMD = 0.58) compared with intra-session ET before ST (SMD = 0.49). Conclusions CT is an effective method to improve measures of physical fitness (i.e., muscle strength, power, and CRE) in healthy middle-aged and older adults aged between 50 and 73 years, regardless of sex. Results of independent single training factor analysis indicated that the largest effects on muscle strength were observed after 12 weeks of training, > 30-60 min per session, three sessions per week, higher ET intensities and when ST preceded ET within the same session. For CRE, the largest effects were noted after 21 weeks of training, four sessions per week, > 60-90 min per session, higher ET intensities and when ET and ST sessions were performed separately. Regarding muscle power, the largest effects were observed after 12 weeks of training and > 30-60 min per session.}, language = {en} } @article{BrandNosratSpaethetal.2022, author = {Brand, Ralf and Nosrat, Sanaz and Sp{\"a}th, Constantin and Timme, Sinika}, title = {Using COVID-19 Pandemic as a Prism: A Systematic Review of Methodological Approaches and the Quality of Empirical Studies on Physical Activity Behavior Change}, series = {Frontiers in Sports and Active Living}, volume = {4}, journal = {Frontiers in Sports and Active Living}, publisher = {Frontiers}, address = {Lausanne, Schweiz}, issn = {2624-9367}, doi = {10.3389/fspor.2022.864468}, pages = {1 -- 17}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of scientific endeavors. The goal of this systematic review is to evaluate the quality of the research on physical activity (PA) behavior change and its potential to contribute to policy-making processes in the early days of COVID-19 related restrictions. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of methodological quality of current research according to PRISMA guidelines using Pubmed and Web of Science, of articles on PA behavior change that were published within 365 days after COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). Items from the JBI checklist and the AXIS tool were used for additional risk of bias assessment. Evidence mapping is used for better visualization of the main results. Conclusions about the significance of published articles are based on hypotheses on PA behavior change in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Results: Among the 1,903 identified articles, there were 36\% opinion pieces, 53\% empirical studies, and 9\% reviews. Of the 332 studies included in the systematic review, 213 used self-report measures to recollect prepandemic behavior in often small convenience samples. Most focused changes in PA volume, whereas changes in PA types were rarely measured. The majority had methodological reporting flaws. Few had very large samples with objective measures using repeated measure design (pre and during the pandemic). In addition to the expected decline in PA duration, these studies show that many of those who were active prepandemic, continued to be active during the pandemic. Conclusions: Research responded quickly at the onset of the pandemic. However, most of the studies lacked robust methodology, and PA behavior change data lacked the accuracy needed to guide policy makers. To improve the field, we propose the implementation of longitudinal cohort studies by larger organizations such as WHO to ease access to data on PA behavior, and suggest those institutions set clear standards for this research. Researchers need to ensure a better fit between the measurement method and the construct being measured, and use both objective and subjective measures where appropriate to complement each other and provide a comprehensive picture of PA behavior.}, language = {en} } @misc{BrandNosratSpaethetal.2022, author = {Brand, Ralf and Nosrat, Sanaz and Sp{\"a}th, Constantin and Timme, Sinika}, title = {Using COVID-19 Pandemic as a Prism: A Systematic Review of Methodological Approaches and the Quality of Empirical Studies on Physical Activity Behavior Change}, series = {Zweitver{\"o}ffentlichungen der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe}, journal = {Zweitver{\"o}ffentlichungen der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {1866-8364}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-56362}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-563625}, pages = {1 -- 17}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of scientific endeavors. The goal of this systematic review is to evaluate the quality of the research on physical activity (PA) behavior change and its potential to contribute to policy-making processes in the early days of COVID-19 related restrictions. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of methodological quality of current research according to PRISMA guidelines using Pubmed and Web of Science, of articles on PA behavior change that were published within 365 days after COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). Items from the JBI checklist and the AXIS tool were used for additional risk of bias assessment. Evidence mapping is used for better visualization of the main results. Conclusions about the significance of published articles are based on hypotheses on PA behavior change in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Results: Among the 1,903 identified articles, there were 36\% opinion pieces, 53\% empirical studies, and 9\% reviews. Of the 332 studies included in the systematic review, 213 used self-report measures to recollect prepandemic behavior in often small convenience samples. Most focused changes in PA volume, whereas changes in PA types were rarely measured. The majority had methodological reporting flaws. Few had very large samples with objective measures using repeated measure design (pre and during the pandemic). In addition to the expected decline in PA duration, these studies show that many of those who were active prepandemic, continued to be active during the pandemic. Conclusions: Research responded quickly at the onset of the pandemic. However, most of the studies lacked robust methodology, and PA behavior change data lacked the accuracy needed to guide policy makers. To improve the field, we propose the implementation of longitudinal cohort studies by larger organizations such as WHO to ease access to data on PA behavior, and suggest those institutions set clear standards for this research. Researchers need to ensure a better fit between the measurement method and the construct being measured, and use both objective and subjective measures where appropriate to complement each other and provide a comprehensive picture of PA behavior.}, language = {en} } @article{PalmaMunozRamirezCampilloAzocarGallardoetal.2021, author = {Palma-Mu{\~n}oz, Ignacio and Ram{\´i}rez-Campillo, Rodrigo and Azocar-Gallardo, Jairo and {\´A}lvarez, Cristian and Asadi, Abbas and Moran, Jason and Chaabene, Helmi}, title = {Effects of progressed and nonprogressed volume-based overload plyometric training on components of physical fitness and body composition variables in youth male basketball players}, series = {Journal of strength and conditioning research : the research journal of the NSCA}, volume = {35}, journal = {Journal of strength and conditioning research : the research journal of the NSCA}, number = {6}, publisher = {Lippincott Williams \& Wilkins}, address = {Philadelphia}, issn = {1064-8011}, doi = {10.1519/JSC.0000000000002950}, pages = {1642 -- 1649}, year = {2021}, abstract = {This study examined the effect of 6 weeks of progressed and nonprogressed volume-based overload plyometric training (PT) on components of physical fitness and body composition measures in young male basketball players, compared with an active control group. Subjects were randomly assigned to a progressed PT (PPT, n = 7; age = 14.6 +/- 1.1 years), a non-PPT (NPPT, n = 8, age = 13.8 +/- 2.0 years), or a control group (CG, n = 7, age = 14.0 +/- 2.0 years). Before and after training, body composition measures (muscle mass and fat mass), countermovement jump with arms (CMJA) and countermovement jump without arms (CMJ), horizontal bilateral (HCMJ) and unilateral jump with right leg (RJ) and left leg (LJ), 20-cm drop jump (DJ20), sprint speed (10 m sprint), and change of direction speed (CODS [i.e., T-test]) were tested. Significant effects of time were observed for muscle and fat mass, all jump measures, and CODS (all p < 0.01; d = 0.37-0.83). Significant training group x time interactions were observed for all jump measures (all p < 0.05; d = 0.24-0.41). Post hoc analyses revealed significant pre-post performance improvements for the PPT (RJ and LJ: increment 18.6\%, d = 0.8 and increment 22.7\%, d = 0.9, respectively; HCMJ: increment 16.4\%, d = 0.8; CMJ: increment 22.4\%, d = 0.7; CMJA: increment 23.3\%, d = 0.7; and DJ20: increment 39.7\%, d = 1.1) and for the NPPT group (LJ: increment 14.1\%, d = 0.4; DJ20: increment 32.9\%, d = 0.8) with greater changes after PPT compared with NPPT for all jump measures (all p < 0.05; d = 0.21-0.81). The training efficiency was greater (p < 0.05; d = 0.22) after PPT (0.015\% per jump) compared with NPPT (0.0053\% per-jump). The PPT induced larger performance improvements on measures of physical fitness as compared to NPPT. Therefore, in-season progressive volume-based overload PT in young male basketball players is recommended.}, language = {en} } @article{BuschTrounsonBrowneetal.2022, author = {Busch, Aglaja and Trounson, Karl M. and Browne, Peter and Robertson, Sam}, title = {Effects of lower limb light-weight wearable resistance on running biomechanics}, series = {Journal of biomechanics : affiliated with the American Society of Biomechanics, the European Society of Biomechanics, the International Society of Biomechanics, the Japanese Society for Clinical Biomechanics and Related Research and the Australian and New Zealand Society of Biomechanics}, volume = {130}, journal = {Journal of biomechanics : affiliated with the American Society of Biomechanics, the European Society of Biomechanics, the International Society of Biomechanics, the Japanese Society for Clinical Biomechanics and Related Research and the Australian and New Zealand Society of Biomechanics}, publisher = {Elsevier Science}, address = {New York, NY [u.a.]}, issn = {0021-9290}, doi = {10.1016/j.jbiomech.2021.110903}, pages = {7}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Wearable resistance allows individualized loading for sport specific movements and can lead to specific strength adaptations benefiting the athlete. The objective was to determine biomechanical changes during running with lower limb light-weight wearable resistance. Fourteen participants (age: 28 +/- 4 years; height: 180 +/- 8 cm; body mass: 77 +/- 6 kg) wore shorts and calf sleeves of a compression suit allowing attachment of light loads. Participants completed four times two mins 20-m over-ground shuttle running bouts at 3.3 m*s(-1) alternated by three mins rest. The first running bout was unloaded and the other three bouts were under randomised loaded conditions (1\%, 3\% and 5\% additional loading of the individual body mass). 3D motion cameras and force plates recorded kinematic and kinetic data at the midpoint of each 20-m shuttle. Friedman-test for repeated measures and linear mixed effect model analysis were used to determine differences between the loading conditions (alpha = 0.05). Increased peak vertical ground reaction force (2.7 N/kg to 2.74 N/kg), ground contact time (0.20 s to 0.21 s) and decreased step length (1.49 m to 1.45 m) were found with additional 5 \% body mass loading compared to unloaded running (0.001 > p < 0.007). Marginally more knee flexion and hip extension and less plantarflexion was seen with higher loading. Differences in the assessed parameters were present between each loading condition but accompanied by subject variability. Further studies, also examining long term effects, should be conducted to further inform use of this training tool.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Antoniewicz2016, author = {Antoniewicz, Franziska}, title = {Automatic evaluations of exercising}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-92280}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Changing the perspective sometimes offers completely new insights to an already well-known phenomenon. Exercising behavior, defined as planned, structured and repeated bodily movements with the intention to maintain or increase the physical fitness (Caspersen, Powell, \& Christenson, 1985), can be thought of as such a well-known phenomenon that has been in the scientific focus for many decades (Dishman \& O'Connor, 2005). Within these decades a perspective that assumes rational and controlled evaluations as the basis for decision making, was predominantly used to understand why some people engage in physical activity and others do not (Ekkekakis \& Zenko, 2015). Dual-process theories (Ekkekakis \& Zenko, 2015; Payne \& Gawronski, 2010) provide another perspective, that is not exclusively influenced by rational reasoning. These theories differentiate two different processes that guide behavior "depending on whether they operate automatically or in a controlled fashion" (Gawronski \& Creighton, 2012, p. 282). Following this line of thought, exercise behavior is not solely influenced by thoughtful deliberations (e.g. concluding that exercising is healthy) but also by spontaneous affective reactions (e.g. disliking being sweaty while exercising). The theoretical frameworks of dual-process models are not new in psychology (Chaiken \& Trope, 1999) and have already been used for the explanation of numerous behaviors (e.g. Hofmann, Friese, \& Wiers, 2008; Huijding, de Jong, Wiers, \& Verkooijen, 2005). However, they have only rarely been used for the explanation of exercise behavior (e.g. Bluemke, Brand, Schweizer, \& Kahlert, 2010; Conroy, Hyde, Doerksen, \& Ribeiro, 2010; Hyde, Doerksen, Ribeiro, \& Conroy, 2010). The assumption of two dissimilar behavior influencing processes, differs fundamentally from previous theories and thus from the research that has been conducted in the last decades in exercise psychology. Research mainly concentrated on predictors of the controlled processes and addressed the identified predictors in exercise interventions (Ekkekakis \& Zenko, 2015; Hagger, Chatzisarantis, \& Biddle, 2002). Predictors arising from the described automatic processes, for example automatic evaluations for exercising (AEE), have been neglected in exercise psychology for many years. Until now, only a few researchers investigated the influence of these AEE for exercising behavior (Bluemke et al., 2010; Brand \& Schweizer, 2015; Markland, Hall, Duncan, \& Simatovic, 2015). Marginally more researchers focused on the impact of AEE for physical activity behavior (Calitri, Lowe, Eves, \& Bennett, 2009; Conroy et al., 2010; Hyde et al., 2010; Hyde, Elavsky, Doerksen, \& Conroy, 2012). The extant studies mainly focused on the quality of AEE and the associated quantity of exercise (exercise much or little; Bluemke et al., 2010; Calitri et al., 2009; Conroy et al., 2010; Hyde et al., 2012). In sum, there is still a dramatic lack of empirical knowledge, when applying dual-process theories to exercising behavior, even though these theories have proven to be successful in explaining behavior in many other health-relevant domains like eating, drinking or smoking behavior (e.g. Hofmann et al., 2008). The main goal of the present dissertation was to collect empirical evidence for the influence of AEE on exercise behavior and to expand the so far exclusively correlational studies by experimentally controlled studies. By doing so, the ongoing debate on a paradigm shift from controlled and deliberative influences of exercise behavior towards approaches that consider automatic and affective influences (Ekkekakis \& Zenko, 2015) should be encouraged. All three conducted publications are embedded in dual-process theorizing (Gawronski \& Bodenhausen, 2006, 2014; Strack \& Deutsch, 2004). These theories offer a theoretical framework that could integrate the established controlled variables of exercise behavior explanation and additionally consider automatic factors for exercise behavior like AEE. Taken together, the empirical findings collected suggest that AEE play an important and diverse role for exercise behavior. They represent exercise setting preferences, are a cause for short-term exercise decisions and are decisive for long-term exercise adherence. Adding to the few already present studies in this field, the influence of (positive) AEE for exercise behavior was confirmed in all three presented publications. Even though the available set of studies needs to be extended in prospectively studies, first steps towards a more complete picture have been taken. Closing with the beginning of the synopsis: I think that time is right for a change of perspectives! This means a careful extension of the present theories with controlled evaluations explaining exercise behavior. Dual-process theories including controlled and automatic evaluations could provide such a basis for future research endeavors in exercise psychology.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Serag2013, author = {Serag, Rabe Al Sayed Al Sayed}, title = {Motivationale und Volitionale Aspekte im Leistungssport im interkulturellen Vergleich zwischen Deutschland und {\"A}gypten : eine explorative Analyse am Beispiel Ringen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-64199}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Kultur gibt den Menschen eine Orientierung. Sie machen darin ganz spezifische Erfahrungen. Hieraus entwickeln sich auch motivationale Orientierungen. Dadurch werden andere Erfahrungen gemacht, die Sportler k{\"o}nnen andere Motivation und Volition entwickeln. Dabei sind mehr kollektivistische Kulturen eher vermeidungs-motiviert und mehr individualistische Kulturen mehr erfolgsorientiert. Beim Kollektivismus erscheint die Leistungsmotivation eher unter einem sozialen Aspekt, n{\"a}mlich die Auseinandersetzung mit einem G{\"u}temaßstab, der eher von außen vorgegeben wird und weniger einem ausschließlich eigenen Maßstab. {\"A}gypten erweist sich im Vergleich zu Deutschland als eine eher kollektivistisch gepr{\"a}gte Kultur. Daraus ergeben sich folgende Unterschiede: Einen signifikanten Unterschied zwischen deutschen und {\"a}gyptischen Ringern gibt es in der Wettkampforientierung und bei der Sieg- bzw. Gewinn-Orientierung. Die {\"a}gyptischen Ringer habe eine h{\"o}here Auspr{\"a}gung als die Deutschen. Sie weisen auch eine etwas h{\"o}here Zielorientierung auf als die Deutschen. Entgegen den Erwartungen zeigte sich, dass es keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den {\"a}gyptischen und deutschen Ringern gibt in der Variable: Sieg- bzw. Gewinn-Orientierung. Die Furcht vor Misserfolg sowie auch die Hoffnung auf Erfolg liegen h{\"o}her bei den {\"A}gyptern als bei den Deutschen. Bezogen auf die Modi der Handlungskontrolle verf{\"u}gen die Deutschen Ringer {\"u}ber eine h{\"o}her Auspr{\"a}gung auf allen drei Komponenten. Sie haben eine h{\"o}here Handlungsorientierung nach Misserfolg, eine h{\"o}here Handlungsplanung sowie eine h{\"o}here Handlungst{\"a}tigkeitsausf{\"u}hrung. Diese kulturell kontrastive Studie {\"u}ber die psychologischen Aspekte, im Bereich der Leistungsmotivation und der Handlungskontrolle, kann f{\"u}r die Sportart Ringen sehr n{\"u}tzlich werden, da sie sehr wichtig ist beim Erkennen der sportlichen {\"U}berlegenheits- und Schw{\"a}chemerkmale. Sie wiederspiegelt auch die Hochstimmung in den entwickelten Staaten oder die Misere in den anderen Staaten. Aus den interkulturellen Unterschieden in der Motivation und Volition k{\"o}nnen somit verschiedene Maßnahmen zu sportpsychologischen Interventionen entwickelt werden. Es sollte unbedingt darauf wert gelegt werden, dass die kulturell bedingten Unterschiede im Trainingsalltag beachtet werden, bei Teams, die aus Personen aus unterschiedlichen Kulturkreisen stammen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hoehne2011, author = {H{\"o}hne, Janet}, title = {Aktivit{\"a}ts- und Herzfrequenz-Monitoring zur Erfassung der Bewegungszeit und der Bewegungsintensit{\"a}t im schulischen und außerschulischen Kontext von Grundsch{\"u}lern im Land Brandenburg}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-57937}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {"Kinderwelt ist Bewegungswelt" (Schmidt, 1997, S. 156, zitiert nach Schmidt, Hartmann-Tews \& Brettschneider, 2003, S. 31). Das kindliche Bewegungsverhalten hat sich bereits im Grundschulalter ver{\"a}ndert, so dass sich Bewegungsaktivit{\"a}ten von Kindern erheblich unterscheiden und keineswegs mehr verallgemeinert werden k{\"o}nnen. Richtet man den Fokus auf die Frage „Wie bewegt sind unsere Kinder?" so scheint diese von den Medien bereits beantwortet zu sein, da dort von ansteigendem Bewegungsmangel der heutigen Kinder gegen{\"u}ber fr{\"u}heren Generationen berichtet wird. Wenn es in den Diskussionen um den Gesundheitszustand unserer Kinder geht, nimmt die k{\"o}rperlich-sportliche Aktivit{\"a}t eine entscheidende Rolle ein. Bewegungsmangel ist hierbei ein zentraler Begriff der in der {\"O}ffentlichkeit diskutiert wird. Bei der Betrachtung der einzelnen Studien f{\"a}llt auf, dass deutliche Defizite in der Messung der k{\"o}rperlich-sportlichen Aktivit{\"a}t bestehen. Zentraler Kritikpunkt in den meisten Studien ist die subjektive Erfassung der k{\"o}rperlich-sportlichen Aktivit{\"a}t. Ein Großteil bisheriger Untersuchungen zum Bewegungsverhalten basiert auf Beobachtungen, Befragungen oder Bewegungstageb{\"u}chern. Diese liefern ausschließlich zum Teil subjektive Einsch{\"a}tzungen der Kinder oder Eltern {\"u}ber die tats{\"a}chliche Bewegungszeit und -intensit{\"a}t. Das objektive Erfassen der Aktivit{\"a}t bzw. Inaktivit{\"a}t ist zwar seit einigen Jahren zentraler Gegenstand vieler Studien, dennoch gilt es, dieses noch sachkundiger zu l{\"o}sen, um subjektive und objektive Daten zu vergleichen. Um dem Bewegungsmangel der heutigen Kinder entgegenzuwirken, sind empirisch abgesicherte Erkenntnisse {\"u}ber die Bedingungsfaktoren und die Folgen des ver{\"a}nderten Bewegungsverhaltens dringend n{\"o}tig. Die Quer- und L{\"a}ngsschnittuntersuchung umfasst die Bereiche Anthropometrie, die Erfassung der k{\"o}rperlich-sportlichen Aktivit{\"a}t und die Herzfrequenzmessung {\"u}ber 24h. F{\"u}r die Studie konnten 106 Jungen und M{\"a}dchen im Zeitraum von Januar 2007 bis April 2009 rekrutiert und {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft werden. Die physiologischen Parameter wurden mit Hilfe des ACTIHEART-Messsytems aufgezeichnet und berechnet. Die Ergebnisse zur k{\"o}rperlich-sportlichen Aktivit{\"a}t wurden in die Untersuchungsabschnitte Schulzeit gesamt, Pause, Sportunterricht, Nachmittag und 24h unterteilt. Durch das Messsystem werden die Bewegungsaktivit{\"a}t und die Herzfrequenz synchron aufgezeichnet. Das System nimmt die Beschleunigungswerte des K{\"o}rpers auf und speichert sie im frei w{\"a}hlbaren Zeitintervall, Short oder Long Term, in Form von „activity counts" ab. Das Messsytem berechnet weiterhin die Intensit{\"a}t k{\"o}rperlicher Aktivit{\"a}t.}, language = {de} } @article{ElAshkerChaabeneNegraetal.2018, author = {El-Ashker, Said and Chaabene, Helmi and Negra, Yassine and Prieske, Olaf and Granacher, Urs}, title = {Cardio-Respiratory Endurance Responses Following a Simulated 3 x 3 Minutes Amateur Boxing Contest in Elite Level Boxers}, series = {Sports}, volume = {6}, journal = {Sports}, number = {4}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2075-4663}, doi = {10.3390/sports6040119}, pages = {8}, year = {2018}, abstract = {This study aimed at examining physiological responses (i.e., oxygen uptake [VO2] and heart rate [HR]) to a semi-contact 3 x 3-min format, amateur boxing combat simulation in elite level male boxers. Eleven boxers aged 21.4 +/- 2.1 years (body height 173.4 +/- 3.7, body mass 74.9 +/- 8.6 kg, body fat 12.1 +/- 1.9, training experience 5.7 +/- 1.3 years) volunteered to participate in this study. They performed a maximal graded aerobic test on a motor-driven treadmill to determine maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max), oxygen uptake (VO2AT) and heart rate (HRAT) at the anaerobic threshold, and maximal heart rate (HRmax). Additionally, VO2 and peak HR (HRpeak) were recorded following each boxing round. Results showed no significant differences between VO2max values derived from the treadmill running test and VO2 outcomes of the simulated boxing contest (p > 0.05, d = 0.02 to 0.39). However, HRmax and HRpeak recorded from the treadmill running test and the simulated amateur boxing contest, respectively, displayed significant differences regardless of the boxing round (p < 0.01, d = 1.60 to 3.00). In terms of VO2 outcomes during the simulated contest, no significant between-round differences were observed (p = 0.19, d = 0.17 to 0.73). Irrespective of the boxing round, the recorded VO2 was >90\% of the VO2max. Likewise, HRpeak observed across the three boxing rounds were >= 90\% of the HRmax. In summary, the simulated 3 x 3-min amateur boxing contest is highly demanding from a physiological standpoint. Thus, coaches are advised to systematically monitor internal training load for instance through rating of perceived exertion to optimize training-related adaptations and to prevent boxers from overreaching and/or overtraining.}, language = {en} } @misc{RamirezCampilloMoranOliveretal.2022, author = {Ramirez-Campillo, Rodrigo and Moran, Jason and Oliver, Jonathan L. and Pedley, Jason S. and Lloyd, Rhodri S. and Granacher, Urs}, title = {Programming Plyometric-Jump Training in Soccer: A Review}, series = {Zweitver{\"o}ffentlichungen der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe}, journal = {Zweitver{\"o}ffentlichungen der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe}, number = {813}, issn = {1866-8364}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58103}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-581031}, pages = {20}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The aim of this review was to describe and summarize the scientific literature on programming parameters related to jump or plyometric training in male and female soccer players of different ages and fitness levels. A literature search was conducted in the electronic databases PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus using keywords related to the main topic of this study (e.g., "ballistic" and "plyometric"). According to the PICOS framework, the population for the review was restricted to soccer players, involved in jump or plyometric training. Among 7556 identified studies, 90 were eligible for inclusion. Only 12 studies were found for females. Most studies (n = 52) were conducted with youth male players. Moreover, only 35 studies determined the effectiveness of a given jump training programming factor. Based on the limited available research, it seems that a dose of 7 weeks (1-2 sessions per week), with ~80 jumps (specific of combined types) per session, using near-maximal or maximal intensity, with adequate recovery between repetitions (<15 s), sets (≥30 s) and sessions (≥24-48 h), using progressive overload and taper strategies, using appropriate surfaces (e.g., grass), and applied in a well-rested state, when combined with other training methods, would increase the outcome of effective and safe plyometric-jump training interventions aimed at improving soccer players physical fitness. In conclusion, jump training is an effective and easy-to-administer training approach for youth, adult, male and female soccer players. However, optimal programming for plyometric-jump training in soccer is yet to be determined in future research.}, language = {en} } @article{NegraChaabeneFernandezFernandezetal.2020, author = {Negra, Yassine and Chaabene, Helmi and Fernandez-Fernandez, Jaime and Sammoud, Senda and Bouguezzi, Raja and Prieske, Olaf and Granacher, Urs}, title = {Short-term plyometric Jump training improves repeated-sprint ability in prepuberal male soccer players}, series = {Journal of strength and conditioning research : the research journal of the NSCA}, volume = {34}, journal = {Journal of strength and conditioning research : the research journal of the NSCA}, number = {11}, publisher = {Lippincott Williams \& Wilkins}, address = {Philadelphia}, issn = {1064-8011}, doi = {10.1519/JSC.0000000000002703}, pages = {3241 -- 3249}, year = {2020}, abstract = {This study examined the effects of a short-term (i.e., 8 weeks) combined horizontal and vertical plyometric jump training (PJT) program in combination with regular soccer-specific training as compared with soccer-specific training only on jump and change of direction (CoD) performances, speed, and repeated-sprint ability (RSA) in prepuberal male soccer players. Twenty-four players were recruited and randomly assigned to either a PJT group (PJT(G); n = 13; 12.7 +/- 0.2 years) or an active control group (CONG; n = 11; 12.7 +/- 0.2 years). The outcome measures included tests for the assessment of jump performance (drop jump from 20- to 40-cm height [DJ20 and DJ40] and 3-hop test [THT]), speed (20-m sprint), CoD (T-test), and RSA (20-m repeated shuttle sprint). Data were analyzed using magnitude-based inferences. Within-group analyses revealed large performance improvements in the T-test (d = -1.2), DJ20 (d = 3.7), DJ40 (d = 3.6), THT (d = 0.6), and the RSA(total) (d = -1.6) in the PJT(G). Between-group analyses showed greater performance improvements in the T-test (d = -2.9), 20-m sprint time (d = -2.0), DJ20 (d = 2.4), DJ40 (d = 2.0), THT (d = 1.9), RSA(best) (d = -1.9), and the RSA(total) (d = -1.9) in the PJT(G) compared with CONG. Eight weeks of an in-season PJT in addition to regular soccer-specific training induced larger increases in measures of physical fitness in prepuberal male soccer players compared with regular soccer-specific training only. More specifically, PJT was effective in improving RSA performance.}, language = {en} } @article{JafarnezhadgeroPiranHamlabadiSajedietal.2022, author = {Jafarnezhadgero, Amir Ali and Piran Hamlabadi, Milad and Sajedi, Heidar and Granacher, Urs}, title = {Recreational runners who recovered from COVID-19 show different running kinetics and muscle activities compared with healthy controls}, series = {Gait \& posture : official journal of Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society, European Society of Movement Analysis in Adults and Children, Societ{\`a} Italiana di Analisi del Movimento in Clinica, International Society for Posture and Gait Research}, volume = {91}, journal = {Gait \& posture : official journal of Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society, European Society of Movement Analysis in Adults and Children, Societ{\`a} Italiana di Analisi del Movimento in Clinica, International Society for Posture and Gait Research}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam [u.a.]}, issn = {0966-6362}, doi = {10.1016/j.gaitpost.2021.11.002}, pages = {260 -- 265}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Background: Social isolation through quarantine represents an effective means to prevent COVID-19 infection. A negative side-effect of quarantine is low physical activity. Research question: What are the differences of running kinetics and muscle activities of recreational runners with a history of COVID-19 versus healthy controls? Methods: Forty men and women aged 20-30 years participated in this study and were divided into two experimental groups. Group 1 (age: 24.1 +/- 2.9) consisted of participants with a history of COVID-19 (COVID group) and group 2 (age: 24.2 +/- 2.7) of healthy age and sex-matched controls (controls). Both groups were tested for their running kinetics using a force plate and electromyographic activities (i.e., tibialis anterior [TA], gastrocnemius medialis [Gas-M], biceps femoris [BF], semitendinosus [ST], vastus lateralis [VL], vastus medialis [VM], rectus femoris [RF], gluteus medius [Glut-M]). Results: Results demonstrated higher peak vertical (p = 0.029; d=0.788) and medial (p = 0.004; d=1.119) ground reaction forces (GRFs) during push-off in COVID individuals compared with controls. Moreover, higher peak lateral GRFs were found during heel contact (p = 0.001; d=1.536) in the COVID group. COVID-19 individuals showed a shorter time-to-reach the peak vertical (p = 0.001; d=3.779) and posterior GRFs (p = 0.005; d=1.099) during heel contact. Moreover, the COVID group showed higher Gas-M (p = 0.007; d=1.109) and lower VM activity (p = 0.026; d=0.811) at heel contact. Significance: Different running kinetics and muscle activities were found in COVID-19 individuals versus healthy controls. Therefore, practitioners and therapists are advised to implement balance and/or strength training to improve lower limbs alignment and mediolateral control during dynamic movements in runners who recovered from COVID-19.}, language = {en} } @article{SammoudNegraBouguezzietal.2021, author = {Sammoud, Senda and Negra, Yassine and Bouguezzi, Raja and Hachana, Younes and Granacher, Urs and Chaabene, Helmi}, title = {The effects of plyometric jump training on jump and sport-specific performances in prepubertal female swimmers}, series = {Journal of exercise science and fitness : JESF : official journal of The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness and Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine \& Sports Science}, volume = {19}, journal = {Journal of exercise science and fitness : JESF : official journal of The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness and Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine \& Sports Science}, number = {1}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Singapore}, issn = {1728-869x}, doi = {10.1016/j.jesf.2020.07.003}, pages = {25 -- 31}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Background/objective Dry land-training (e.g., plyometric jump training) can be a useful mean to improve swimming performance. This study examined the effects of an 8-week plyometric jump training (PJT) program on jump and sport-specific performances in prepubertal female swimmers. Methods Twenty-two girls were randomly assigned to either a plyometric jump training group (PJTG; n = 12, age: 10.01 ± 0.57 years, maturity-offset = -1.50 ± 0.50, body mass = 36.39 ± 6.32 kg, body height = 146.90 ± 7.62 cm, body mass index = 16.50 ± 1.73 kg/m2) or an active control (CG; n = 10, age: 10.50 ± 0.28 years, maturity-offset = -1.34 ± 0.51, body mass = 38.41 ± 9.42 kg, body height = 143.60 ± 5.05 cm, body mass index = 18.48 ± 3.77 kg/m2). Pre- and post-training, tests were conducted for the assessment of muscle power (e.g., countermovement-jump [CMJ], standing-long-jump [SLJ]). Sport-specific-performances were tested using the timed 25 and 50-m front crawl with a diving-start, timed 25-m front crawl without push-off from the wall (25-m WP), and a timed 25-m kick without push-off from the wall (25-m KWP). Results Findings showed a significant main effect of time for the CMJ (d = 0.78), the SLJ (d = 0.91), 25-m front crawl test (d = 2.5), and the 25-m-KWP (d = 1.38) test. Significant group × time interactions were found for CMJ, SLJ, 25-m front crawl, 50-m front crawl, 25-m KWP, and 25-m WP test (d = 0.29-1.63) in favor of PJTG (d = 1.34-3.50). No significant pre-post changes were found for CG (p > 0.05). Conclusion In sum, PJT is effective in improving muscle power and sport-specific performances in prepubertal swimmers. Therefore, PJT should be included from an early start into the regular training program of swimmers.}, language = {en} } @article{HammamiChaabeneKharratetal.2021, author = {Hammami, Raouf and Chaabene, Helmi and Kharrat, Fatma and Werfelli, Hanen and Duncan, Michael and Rebai, Haithem and Granacher, Urs}, title = {Acute effects of different balance exercise types on selected measures of physical fitness in youth female volleyball players}, series = {BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation}, volume = {13}, journal = {BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation}, publisher = {BioMed Central}, address = {London}, issn = {1758-2555}, doi = {10.1186/s13102-021-00249-5}, pages = {8}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Background Earlier studies have shown that balance training (BT) has the potential to induce performance enhancements in selected components of physical fitness (i.e., balance, muscle strength, power, speed). While there is ample evidence on the long-term effects of BT on components of physical fitness in youth, less is known on the short-term or acute effects of single BT sessions on selected measures of physical fitness. Objective To examine the acute effects of different balance exercise types on balance, change-of-direction (CoD) speed, and jump performance in youth female volleyball players. Methods Eleven female players aged 14 years participated in this study. Three types of balance exercises (i.e., anterior, posterolateral, rotational type) were conducted in randomized order. For each exercise, 3 sets including 5 repetitions were performed. Before and after the performance of the balance exercises, participants were tested for their static balance (center of pressure surface area [CoP SA] and velocity [CoP V]) on foam and firm surfaces, CoD speed (T-Half test), and vertical jump height (countermovement jump [CMJ] height). A 3 (condition: anterior, mediolateral, rotational balance exercise type) × 2 (time: pre, post) analysis of variance was computed with repeated measures on time. Results Findings showed no significant condition × time interactions for all outcome measures (p > 0.05). However, there were small main effects of time for CoP SA on firm and foam surfaces (both d = 0.38; all p < 0.05) with no effect for CoP V on both surface conditions (p > 0.05). For CoD speed, findings showed a large main effect of time (d = 0.91; p < 0.001). However, for CMJ height, no main effect of time was observed (p > 0.05). Conclusions Overall, our results indicated small-to-large changes in balance and CoD speed performances but not in CMJ height in youth female volleyball players, regardless of the balance exercise type. Accordingly, it is recommended to regularly integrate balance exercises before the performance of sport-specific training to optimize performance development in youth female volleyball players.}, language = {en} } @article{BrahmsHortobagyiKressigetal.2021, author = {Brahms, Clemens Markus and Hortob{\´a}gyi, Tibor and Kressig, Reto W. and Granacher, Urs}, title = {The Interaction between mobility status and exercise specificity in older adults}, series = {Exercise and sport sciences reviews}, volume = {49}, journal = {Exercise and sport sciences reviews}, number = {1}, publisher = {Lippincott Williams \& Wilkins}, address = {Hagerstown, Md.}, issn = {0091-6331}, doi = {10.1249/JES.0000000000000237}, pages = {15 -- 22}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Many adults older than 60 yr experience mobility limitations. Although physical exercise improves older adults' mobility, differences in baseline mobility produce large variations in individual responses to interventions, and these responses could further vary by the type and dose of exercise. Here, we propose an exercise prescription model for older adults based on their current mobility status.}, language = {en} } @article{HelmPrieskeMuehlbaueretal.2018, author = {Helm, Norman and Prieske, Olaf and M{\"u}hlbauer, Thomas and Kr{\"u}ger, Tom and Granacher, Urs}, title = {Effects of judo-specific resistance training on kinetic and electromyographic parameters of pulling exercises in judo athletes}, series = {Sportverletzung, Sportschaden : Grundlagen, Pr{\"a}vention, Rehabilitation}, volume = {32}, journal = {Sportverletzung, Sportschaden : Grundlagen, Pr{\"a}vention, Rehabilitation}, number = {2}, publisher = {Thieme}, address = {Stuttgart}, issn = {0932-0555}, doi = {10.1055/s-0043-122781}, pages = {134 -- 142}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Background In judo, rapid force production during pulling movements is an important component of athletic performance, which is why this capacity needs to be specifically exercised in judo. This study aimed at examining the effects of a judo-specific resistance training program using a judo ergometer system (PTJ) versus a traditional resistance training regime using a partner (PTP) on kinetics and muscle activity of judo-specific pulling exercises. Method Twenty-four male judo athletes (age: 22 +/- 4 years, training experience: 15 +/- 3 years) were randomly assigned to two groups. In a crossover design, the first group completed a 4-week PTJ followed by four weeks of PTP (each with three sessions per week). The second group conducted PTP prior to PTJ. PTJ and PTP were completed in addition to regular training. Before, 4 weeks and 8 weeks after training, tests were conducted to assess judo-specific pulling kinetics (i.e. maximal force, rate of force development [RFD], mechanical work) and electromyographic (EMG) shoulder/trunk muscle activity (i.e. biceps brachii muscle, deltoid muscle, trapezius muscle, erector spinae muscle) during pulling movements using a judo ergometer as well as unspecific strength tests (i.e. bench-pull, pull-ups). Results The statistical analysis revealed that in both groups ergometer pulling kinetics (p<.05, 0.83 <= d <= 1.77) and EMG activity (p<.05; 1.07 <= d <= 2.25) were significantly enhanced following 8 weeks of training. In addition, significantly larger gains in RFD, mechanical work, and EMG activity (i.e. deltoid muscle, erector spinae muscle, trapezius muscle) were found following PTJ compared to PTP (p<.05, 1.25 <= d <= 2.79). No significant enhancements were observed with the unspecific strength tests. Conclusion Our findings indicate that PTJ is superior to PTP regarding training-induced improvements in force production and muscle activity during judo-specific pulling exercises. Performance enhancements may partly be attributed to neural adaptations. No transfer effects on unspecific strength tests were detected following PTJ and PTP.}, language = {de} } @article{JafarnezhadgeroGhorbanlooFatollahietal.2021, author = {Jafarnezhadgero, AmirAli and Ghorbanloo, Farshad and Fatollahi, Amir and Dionisio, Valdeci Carlos and Granacher, Urs}, title = {Effects of an elastic resistance band exercise program on kinetics and muscle activities during walking in young adults with genu valgus}, series = {Clinical biomechanics : a journal affiliated to the International Society of Biomechanics and the American Society of Biomechanics}, volume = {81}, journal = {Clinical biomechanics : a journal affiliated to the International Society of Biomechanics and the American Society of Biomechanics}, publisher = {Elsevier Science}, address = {Amsterdam [u.a.]}, issn = {0268-0033}, doi = {10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2020.105215}, pages = {10}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Background: This double-blinded randomized-controlled-trial aimed to identify the effects of an elastic band resistance training on walking kinetics and muscle activities in young adults with genu valgus. Methods: Forty-two male young adults aged 22.5(2.7) years with genu valgus were randomly allocated to two experimental groups. The intervention group (n = 21) conducted a 14-weeks elastic band resistance training. The control group was passive during the intervention period and received the same treatment after the post-tests. Pre and post training, ground reaction forces and lower limb muscle activities were recorded during walking. Findings: Results revealed significant group-by-time interactions for peak medial ground reaction force and timeto-peak for posterior ground reaction force in favor of the intervention group (p < 0.012; d = 0.83-3.76). Resistance training with elastic bands resulted in significantly larger peak medial ground reaction force (p < 0.001; d = 1.45) and longer time-to-peak for posterior ground reaction force (p < 0.001; d = 1.85). Finding showed significant group-by-time interactions for peak positive free moment amplitudes in favor of the intervention group (p < 0.001; d = 1.18-2.02). Resistance training resulted in a lower peak positive free moment amplitude (p = 0.001; d = 1.46). With regards to muscle activities, the analysis revealed significant group-by time interactions for rectus femoris and gluteus medius activities during the push-off phase in favor of the intervention group (p < 0.038; d = 0.68-0.89). Resistance training induced higher rectus femoris (p = 0.038; d = 0.84) and gluteus medius (p = 0.007; d = 0.54) activities. Interpretation: This study proved the effectiveness of resistance training using elastic bands on kinetics and muscle activities during walking in male adults with genu valgus disorder. Given that this training regime is low cost, effective, and easy-to-administer, we suggest that it should be implemented as a rehabilitative or preventive means for young adults with genu valgus.}, language = {en} } @article{WickKriemlerGranacher2021, author = {Wick, Kristin and Kriemler, Susi and Granacher, Urs}, title = {Effects of a strength-dominated exercise program on physical fitness and cognitive performance in preschool children}, series = {Journal of strength and conditioning research : the research journal of the NSCA}, volume = {35}, journal = {Journal of strength and conditioning research : the research journal of the NSCA}, number = {4}, publisher = {Lippincott Williams \& Wilkins}, address = {Philadelphia}, issn = {1064-8011}, doi = {10.1519/JSC.0000000000003942}, pages = {983 -- 990}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Wick, K, Kriemler, S, and Granacher, U. Effects of a strength-dominated exercise program on physical fitness and cognitive performance in preschool children. J Strength Cond Res 35(4): 983-990, 2021-Childhood is characterized by high neuroplasticity that affords qualitative rather than quantitative components of physical activity to maximize the potential to sufficiently develop motor skills and foster long-term engagement in regular physical activity. This study examined the effects of an integrative strength-dominated exercise program on measures of physical fitness and cognitive performance in preschool children. Children aged 4-6 years from 3 kindergartens were randomized into an intervention (INT) group (n = 32) or a control group (n = 22). The 10-week intervention period was conducted 3 times per week (each session lasted 30 minutes) and included exercises for the promotion of muscle strength and power, coordination, and balance. Pre and post training, tests were conducted for the assessment of muscle strength (i.e., handgrip strength), muscle power (i.e., standing long jump), balance (i.e., timed single-leg stand), coordination (hopping on right/left leg), and attentional span (i.e., "Konzentrations-Handlungsverfahren fur Vorschulkinder" [concentration-action procedure for preschoolers]). Results from 2 x 2 repeated-measures analysis of covariance revealed a significant (p <= 0.05) and near significant (p = 0.051) group x time interaction for the standing long jump test and the Konzentrations-Handlungsverfahren. Post hoc tests showed significant pre-post changes for the INT (p < 0.001; d = 1.53) but not the CON (p = 0.72; d = 0.83). Our results indicate that a 10-week strength-dominated exercise program increased jump performance with a concomitant trend toward improvements in attentional capacity of preschool children. Thus, we recommend implementing this type of exercise program for preschoolers.}, language = {en} } @article{JafarnezhadgeroFatollahiGranacher2022, author = {Jafarnezhadgero, Amir Ali and Fatollahi, Amir and Granacher, Urs}, title = {Eight weeks of exercising on sand has positive effects on biomechanics of walking and muscle activities in individuals with pronated feet}, series = {Sports : open access journal}, volume = {10}, journal = {Sports : open access journal}, number = {5}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2075-4663}, doi = {10.3390/sports10050070}, pages = {16}, year = {2022}, abstract = {This study aimed to investigate the effects of eight weeks of barefoot running exercise on sand versus control on measures of walking kinetics and muscle activities in individuals with diagnosed pronated feet. Sixty physically active male adults with pronated feet were randomly allocated into an intervention or a waiting control group. The intervention group conducted an 8-weeks progressive barefoot running exercise program on sand (e.g., short sprints) with three weekly sessions. Pre and post intervention, participants walked at a constant speed of 1.3 m/s +/- 5\% on a 18 m walkway with a force plate embedded in the middle of the walkway. Results showed significant group-by-time interactions for peak impact vertical and lateral ground reaction forces. Training but not control resulted in significantly lower peak impact vertical and lateral ground reaction forces. Significant group-by-time interactions were observed for vastus lateralis activity during the loading phase. Training-induced increases were found for the vastus lateralis in the intervention but not in the control group. This study revealed that the applied exercise program is a suitable means to absorb ground reaction forces (e.g., lower impact vertical and lateral peaks) and increase activities of selected lower limb muscles (e.g., vastus lateralis) when walking on stable ground.}, language = {en} } @article{SaalChaabeneHelmetal.2022, author = {Saal, Christian and Chaabene, Helmi and Helm, Norman and Warnke, Torsten and Prieske, Olaf}, title = {Network analysis of associations between anthropometry, physical fitness, and sport-specific performance in young canoe sprint athletes}, series = {Frontiers in sports and active living}, volume = {4}, journal = {Frontiers in sports and active living}, publisher = {Frontiers Media}, address = {Lausanne}, issn = {2624-9367}, doi = {10.3389/fspor.2022.1038350}, pages = {13}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Introduction Anthropometric and physical fitness data can predict sport-specific performance (e.g., canoe sprint race time) in young athletes. Of note, inter-item correlations (i.e., multicollinearity) may exist between tests assessing similar physical qualities. However, multicollinearity among tests may change across age and/or sex due to age-/sex-specific non-linear development of test performances. Therefore, the present study aimed at analyzing inter-item correlations between anthropometric, physical fitness, and sport-specific performance data as a function of age and sex in young canoe sprint athletes. Methods Anthropometric, physical fitness, and sport-specific performance data of 618 male and 297 female young canoe sprint athletes (discipline: male/female kayak, male canoe) were recorded during a national talent identification program between 1992 and 2019. For each discipline, a correlation matrix (i.e., network analysis) was calculated for age category (U13, U14, U15, U16) and sex including anthropometrics (e.g., standing body height, body mass), physical fitness (e.g., cardiorespiratory endurance, muscle power), and sport-specific performance (i.e., 250 and 2,000-m on-water canoe sprint time). Network plots were used to explore the correlation patterns by visual inspection. Further, trimmed means (mu(trimmed)) of inter-item Pearson's correlations coefficients were calculated for each discipline, age category, and sex. Effects of age and sex were analyzed using one-way ANOVAs. Results Visual inspection revealed consistent associations among anthropometric measures across age categories, irrespective of sex. Further, associations between physical fitness and sport-specific performance were lower with increasing age, particularly in males. In this sense, statistically significant differences for mu(trimmed) were observed in male canoeists (p < 0.01, xi = 0.36) and male kayakers (p < 0.01, xi = 0.38) with lower mu(trimmed) in older compared with younger athletes (i.e., >= U15). For female kayakers, no statistically significant effect of age on mu(trimmed) was observed (p = 0.34, xi = 0.14). Discussion Our study revealed that inter-item correlation patterns (i.e., multicollinearity) of anthropometric, physical fitness, and sport-specific performance measures were lower in older (U15, U16) versus younger (U13, U14) male canoe sprint athletes but not in females. Thus, age and sex should be considered to identify predictors for sport-specific performance and design effective testing batteries for talent identification programs in canoe sprint athletes.}, language = {en} } @misc{WickLeegerAschmannMonnetal.2017, author = {Wick, Kristin and Leeger-Aschmann, Claudia S. and Monn, Nico D. and Radtke, Thomas and Ott, Laura V. and Rebholz, Cornelia E. and Cruz, Sergio and Gerber, Natalie and Schmutz, Einat A. and Puder, Jardena J. and Munsch, Simone and Kakebeeke, Tanja H. and Jenni, Oskar G. and Granacher, Urs and Kriemler, Susi}, title = {Interventions to promote fundamental movement skills in childcare and kindergarten}, series = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe}, journal = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe}, number = {702}, issn = {1866-8364}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43546}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-435463}, pages = {26}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Background Proficiency in fundamental movement skills (FMS) lays the foundation for being physically active and developing more complex motor skills. Improving these motor skills may provide enhanced opportunities for the development of a variety of perceptual, social, and cognitive skills. Objective The objective of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to assess the effects of FMS interventions on actual FMS, targeting typically developing young children. Method Searches in seven databases (CINAHL, Embase, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science) up to August 2015 were completed. Trials with children (aged 2-6 years) in childcare or kindergarten settings that applied FMS-enhancing intervention programs of at least 4 weeks and meeting the inclusion criteria were included. Standardized data extraction forms were used. Risk of bias was assessed using a standard scoring scheme (Effective Public Health Practice Project-Quality Assessment Tool for Quantitative Studies [EPHPP]). We calculated effects on overall FMS, object control and locomotor subscales (OCS and LMS) by weighted standardized mean differences (SMDbetween) using random-effects models. Certainty in training effects was evaluated using GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation System). Results Thirty trials (15 randomized controlled trials and 15 controlled trials) involving 6126 preschoolers (aged 3.3-5.5 years) revealed significant differences among groups in favor of the intervention group (INT) with small-to-large effects on overall FMS (SMDbetween 0.46), OCS (SMDbetween 1.36), and LMS (SMDbetween 0.94). Our certainty in the treatment estimates based on GRADE is very low. Conclusions Although there is relevant effectiveness of programs to improve FMS proficiency in healthy young children, they need to be interpreted with care as they are based on low-quality evidence and immediate post-intervention effects without long-term follow-up.}, language = {en} } @misc{ElAshkerChaabeneNegraetal.2018, author = {El-Ashker, Said and Chaabene, Helmi and Negra, Yassine and Prieske, Olaf and Granacher, Urs}, title = {Cardio-Respiratory endurance responses following a simulated 3 x 3 minutes amateur boxing contest in elite level boxers}, series = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe}, journal = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe}, number = {675}, issn = {1866-8364}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-47233}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-472338}, pages = {10}, year = {2018}, abstract = {This study aimed at examining physiological responses (i.e., oxygen uptake [VO2] and heart rate [HR]) to a semi-contact 3 x 3-min format, amateur boxing combat simulation in elite level male boxers. Eleven boxers aged 21.4 +/- 2.1 years (body height 173.4 +/- 3.7, body mass 74.9 +/- 8.6 kg, body fat 12.1 +/- 1.9, training experience 5.7 +/- 1.3 years) volunteered to participate in this study. They performed a maximal graded aerobic test on a motor-driven treadmill to determine maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max), oxygen uptake (VO2AT) and heart rate (HRAT) at the anaerobic threshold, and maximal heart rate (HRmax). Additionally, VO2 and peak HR (HRpeak) were recorded following each boxing round. Results showed no significant differences between VO2max values derived from the treadmill running test and VO2 outcomes of the simulated boxing contest (p > 0.05, d = 0.02 to 0.39). However, HRmax and HRpeak recorded from the treadmill running test and the simulated amateur boxing contest, respectively, displayed significant differences regardless of the boxing round (p < 0.01, d = 1.60 to 3.00). In terms of VO2 outcomes during the simulated contest, no significant between-round differences were observed (p = 0.19, d = 0.17 to 0.73). Irrespective of the boxing round, the recorded VO2 was >90\% of the VO2max. Likewise, HRpeak observed across the three boxing rounds were >= 90\% of the HRmax. In summary, the simulated 3 x 3-min amateur boxing contest is highly demanding from a physiological standpoint. Thus, coaches are advised to systematically monitor internal training load for instance through rating of perceived exertion to optimize training-related adaptations and to prevent boxers from overreaching and/or overtraining.}, language = {en} }