@phdthesis{Diab2020, author = {Diab, Sarah}, title = {Der Einfluss von nachhaltigem Konsumbewusstsein auf Luxuskonsum unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung verschiedener Moderatoren}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {259}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Das Ziel der vorliegenden Dissertation war es herauszuarbeiten, ob Nachhaltigkeitsbewusstsein den Konsum von Luxusg{\"u}tern beeinflusst und ob verschiedene Moderatoren einen Einfluss auf diesen Zusammenhang aus{\"u}ben. Das Nachhaltigkeitsbewusstsein wurde dabei basierend auf dem von Balderjahn et al. (2013) entwickelten Consciousness-for-sustainable-consumption-Modell durch die {\"o}kologische, soziale und die {\"o}konomische Nachhaltigkeit sowie erg{\"a}nzend durch das Tierschutzbewusstsein und Bewusstsein f{\"u}r lokale Produktion repr{\"a}sentiert. Als Moderatoren dienten das Streben nach sozialer Anerkennung und Prestige, Materialismus, Hedonismus und Traditionsbewusstsein. F{\"u}r die Aufdeckung m{\"o}glicher Zusammenh{\"a}nge zwischen den verschiedenen Dimensionen der Nachhaltigkeit und Luxuskonsum wurde eine Pr{\"a}diktorenanalyse durchgef{\"u}hrt. Moderatorenanalysen offenbarten zus{\"a}tzlich, ob ein Einfluss der verschiedenen Moderatoren auf die einzelnen Zusammenh{\"a}nge vorlag. Die Untersuchung zeigte, dass jeweils das Umweltbewusstsein, das Bewusstsein f{\"u}r gen{\"u}gsamen Konsum sowie das Bewusstsein f{\"u}r schuldenfreien Konsum als Teil der {\"o}konomischen Nachhaltigkeit und das Tierschutzbewusstsein einen Einfluss auf den Luxuskonsum aus{\"u}ben. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus konnten insgesamt sieben Einfl{\"u}sse durch die verschiedenen Moderatorvariablen auf die unterschiedlichen Zusammenh{\"a}nge zwischen den Nachhaltigkeitsdimensionen und Luxuskonsum aufgedeckt werden.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Benter2020, author = {Benter, Christine}, title = {Wert und Nutzenstiftung in der Medizin}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {235}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Zufriedenheitsanalysen durch Patientenbefragungen, wie in diesem Fall der neu entwickele und getestet Fragebogen (HNO-PROM), haben drei S{\"a}ulen. Es kann zum einen eine bessere Patientenbindung geschaffen werden, die Qualit{\"a}t kann gemessen, verglichen und optimiert werden und es kann ein Mitarbeiterleitfaden im Sinne einer „Corporate Identity" erstellt werden, welcher konkrete Managementimplikationen im Sinne von Handlungsimplikationen enth{\"a}lt. Der Leitgedanke des Qualit{\"a}tsmanagements ist die Patientenorientierung im Sinne der Patientenzentrierten Medizin. Hierbei sollen nicht nur W{\"u}nsche und Bed{\"u}rfnisse des Patienten erf{\"u}llt werden, sondern vorallem auch die Zufriedenheit gemessen und geplant werden. Gleichzeit muss man in diesem Zusammenhang die Behandlung der Patienten als Dienstleistung verstehen und die gr{\"o}ßtm{\"o}gliche Zufriedenheit des Patienten als prim{\"a}res Ziel setzen. Dies f{\"u}hrt zu einer Kundenbindung dadurch, dass Patienten sowohl eine gleichbleibende Qualit{\"a}t erwarten k{\"o}nnen als auch und auch weiche Faktoren ihren W{\"u}nschen entsprechen werden. Corporate Identity mit dem Ziel als Unternehmen einheitlich f{\"u}r die Werte und damit die Qualit{\"a}t zu stehen.. Dies erm{\"o}glicht, das Wohlbefinden in der Vorstellung der Patienten beginnen zu lassen und dadurch Vertrauen zu schaffen. Alle drei S{\"a}ulen haben nicht nur die Patientenzufriedenheit zum Ziel, sondern in gleichem Maße auch die Positionierung einer Institution auf dem Gesundheitsmarkt und damit die Verbesserung der Kosten-Nutzen-Rechnung durch ein positives Outcome. Damit f{\"o}rdern Zufriedenheitsanalysen nicht nur die {\"o}konomische Position einer Abteilung, sondern behalten gleichermaßen die ethischen Aspekte einer Arzt-Patienten-Beziehung im Blick.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schuetze2020, author = {Sch{\"u}tze, Franziska}, title = {Finance for a sustainable economy}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-48441}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-484415}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xi, 128}, year = {2020}, abstract = {With his September 2015 speech "Breaking the tragedy of the horizon", the President of the Central Bank of England, Mark Carney, put climate change on the agenda of financial market regulators. Until then, climate change had been framed mainly as a problem of negative externalities leading to long-term economic costs, which resulted in countries trying to keep the short-term costs of climate action to a minimum. Carney argued that climate change, as well as climate policy, can also lead to short-term financial risks, potentially causing strong adjustments in asset prices. Analysing the effect of a sustainability transition on the financial sector challenges traditional economic and financial analysis and requires a much deeper understanding of the interrelations between climate policy and financial markets. This dissertation thus investigates the implications of climate policy for financial markets as well as the role of financial markets in a transition to a sustainable economy. The approach combines insights from macroeconomic and financial risk analysis. Following an introduction and classification in Chapter 1, Chapter 2 shows a macroeconomic analysis that combines ambitious climate targets (negative externality) with technological innovation (positive externality), adaptive expectations and an investment program, resulting in overall positive macroeconomic outcomes. The analysis also reveals the limitations of climate economic models in their representation of financial markets. Therefore, the subsequent part of this dissertation is concerned with the link between climate policies and financial markets. In Chapter 3, an empirical analysis of stock-market responses to the announcement of climate policy targets is performed to investigate impacts of climate policy on financial markets. Results show that 1) international climate negotiations have an effect on asset prices and 2) investors increasingly recognize transition risks in carbon-intensive investments. In Chapter 4, an analysis of equity markets and the interbank market shows that transition risks can potentially affect a large part of the equity market and that financial interconnections can amplify negative shocks. In Chapter 5, an analysis of mortgage loans shows how information on climate policy and the energy performance of buildings can be integrated into risk management and reflected in interest rates. While costs of climate action have been explored at great depth, this dissertation offers two main contributions. First, it highlights the importance of a green investment program to strengthen the macroeconomic benefits of climate action. Second, it shows different approaches on how to integrate transition risks and opportunities into financial market analysis. Anticipating potential losses and gains in the value of financial assets as early as possible can make the financial system more resilient to transition risks and can stimulate investments into the decarbonization of the economy.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schill2020, author = {Schill, Denisa}, title = {Employer Branding in der Gesundheitswirtschaft}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-47333}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-473330}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XIV, 237}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Die Gesundheitswirtschaft in Deutschland steht vor zahlreichen Ver{\"a}nderungen in ihrem Umfeld. Dabei mangelt es der Krankenhauslandschaft an {\"a}rztlichem Personal. Es fehlt insbesondere an Arztstunden bei zugleich steigendem Bedarf an medizinischen Leistungen. Der demografische Wandel, Abwanderung ins Ausland (z. B. in die Schweiz) und Extrapolationen wie Feminisierung des Arztberufs und der Wertewandel respektive Generationenforschung beg{\"u}nstigen diese Entwicklung. Zudem wird der Arbeitsplatz Krankenhaus zunehmend als unattraktiv von zuk{\"u}nftigen Arbeitnehmerkohorten angesehen. Nachwuchs{\"a}rzte entscheiden sich bereits im Studium vermehrt gegen die kurative Medizin beziehungsweise gegen eine medizinisch-klinische T{\"a}tigkeit. Ein virulentes Beschaffungsproblem zeichnet sich ab, das es zu l{\"o}sen gilt. Das Forschungsziel ist die Entwicklung eines ganzheitlichen strategischen L{\"o}sungsansatzes mit marktorientierter Akzentuierung f{\"u}r den Arbeitgeber Krankenhaus. Dabei wird das Krankenhaus als wissens- und kompetenzintensive Dienstleistungsorganisation definiert. Employer Branding stellt den Bezugsrahmen eines marktorientierten Personalmanagements dar. Ein forschungstheoretischer Unterbau wird durch strategische Managementans{\"a}tze integriert. Employer Branding schl{\"a}gt die Br{\"u}cke vom Market-based View zum Competence-based View und ist Markenmanagement im Kontext des strategischen Personalmanagements. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein holistischer Bezugsrahmen vorgestellt, der die Wirkungszusammenh{\"a}nge respektive Employer Branding darstellt. Das Herzst{\"u}ck ist die Employer Value Proposition, die auf der Markenidentit{\"a}t der Organisation basiert. Ziel des Employer Branding Ansatzes ist es, unter anderem eine pr{\"a}ferenzerzeugende Wirkung im Prozess der Arbeitsplatzwahl sicherzustellen. Die Zielrichtung und die Erkenntnis-Interessen erfordern einen breit angelegten Forschungsansatz, der qualitative und quantitative Methoden kombiniert. Ziel der leitfadengesteuerten Tiefeninterviews (exploratives Studiendesign) ist es, bestehende und noch zu entwickelnde Kompetenzst{\"a}rken der Krankenhausorganisationen zu identifizieren. Bei der Stichprobe handelt es sich um ein „Typical Case Sampling" (N=12). Defizit{\"a}re Befunde, welche Werte und Attraktivit{\"a}tsfaktoren bei angehenden {\"A}rzten ausgepr{\"a}gt sind, werden best{\"a}tigt. In der Krankenhauslandschaft wird eine fragmentarische und reaktive Herangehensweise identifiziert, die die erfolgreiche Rekrutierung von qualifiziertem Krankenhauspersonal erschwert. Durch die qualitative Marktforschung werden Anforderungen des Marktes - also zuk{\"u}nftiges, {\"a}rztliches Krankenhauspersonal - auf faktorenanalytischer Basis analysiert. Die Stichprobe (N=475) ist isomorph. Dabei wird der Prozess der Einstellungsbildung in das neobehavioristische Erkl{\"a}rungsmodell des K{\"a}uferverhaltens eingeordnet. Die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf, Karriere und Familie sowie die betriebliche Kinderbetreuung werden als Schl{\"u}sselkomponenten erkannt. Wichtigste Arbeitswerte in Bezug auf einen attraktiven Arbeitgeber sind Verl{\"a}sslichkeit, Verantwortung und Respekt. Diese Komponenten haben kommunikativen Nutzen und Differenzierungskraft. Schließlich bewerten Bewerber ein Krankenhaus positiver im Prozess der Arbeitsplatzwahl, je mehr die Werte des potentiellen Arbeitnehmers mit dem Werteprofil der Person {\"u}bereinstimmen (Person-Organisation Fit). Krankenhausorganisationen, die den Employer Branding Ansatz implementieren und als Chance zur Definition ihrer St{\"a}rken, ihrer Vorz{\"u}ge und ihres Leistungsangebots als Arbeitgeber annehmen, r{\"u}sten sich f{\"u}r das verst{\"a}rkte Werben um Jungmediziner. Schließlich setzt Employer Branding als marktorientierter Strategieansatz intern und extern Kr{\"a}fte frei, die Differenzierungsvorteile gegen{\"u}ber anderen Arbeitgebern bringen. Dabei hat Employer Branding positive Auswirkungen auf den Human Ressource-Bereich entlang der Wertsch{\"o}pfungskette und mindert das gesamtwirtschaftliche Problem.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{LeueBensch2020, author = {Leue-Bensch, Carina}, title = {Supporting the expression of entrepreneurial potential}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XII, 127, XVIII}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The ability of a company to innovate and to launch innovation is a critical competitive edge to remain competitive in the 21st century. Large organizations therefore increasingly recognize employees as a significant factor and critical source of innovation. Several studies assert the fact that every employee has to offer certain skills and knowledge and can contribute to innovation. Hence, every employee has a certain 'entrepreneurial potential'. This potential can be expressed in the form of entrepreneurial behaviour and can occur in many ways, from monopersonal innovation championing to several small scale contributions, where several individuals team up for innovation. To support entrepreneurial behaviour of their employees, large organizations increasingly rely on Corporate Entrepreneurship. They set up organizational structures and venturing units, offer vehicles and tools to their employees to be more entrepreneurial. The evolvement of new tools and technologies thereby allow for new ways of employee involvement, also allowing for more radical innovation to be developed collaboratively. Yet, many of such offerings fail to achieve the desired outcome. While some employees immediately opt-in for innovation, others do not and their entrepreneurial potential remains untapped. This research explores how large organizations can better support their employees to express their entrepreneurial potential, thus moving from non-entrepreneurial behaviour or not wanting to be involved, to actually expressing entrepreneurial behaviour. The underlying research therefore is two-fold. While focusing on the individual level and the entrepreneurial behaviour of employees, this research also takes the organizational perspective into account in order to identify how non-entrepreneurial behaviour can be stimulated towards entrepreneurial behaviour. Using an empirical qualitative research design based on pragmatism and abduction, data is collected by means of qualitative interviews as well as a longitudinal use case setting. Grounded theory is then applied for analysis and sense making. The main outcome is a theoretical model of why employees are expressing or not expressing their entrepreneurial potential and how non-expression can potentially be triggered towards entrepreneurial behaviour. The results indicate that there is no one-size-fits all model of Corporate Entrepreneurship. This research therefore argues that organizations can achieve higher levels of entrepreneurial behaviour when addressing employees differently. By developing a theoretical model as well as suggestions of how this model can be applied in practice, this research contributes to theory and practice alike. This document closes suggesting future research areas around supporting employees to express their entrepreneurial potential.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Scholz2020, author = {Scholz, Florian}, title = {Leadership and prosocial behavior}, year = {2020}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Ortmann2020, author = {Ortmann, Maximilian}, title = {Goal setting strategies in business negotiations}, series = {Schriftenreihe zum Verhandlungsmanagement}, journal = {Schriftenreihe zum Verhandlungsmanagement}, number = {12}, publisher = {Verlag Dr. Kovač}, address = {Hamburg}, isbn = {978-3-339-11630-7}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XVII, 102, LVI}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Negotiations have become a central aspect of managerial life and influence a company's profit significantly. This is why organizations generally endeavor to increase their negotiation performance. Over the last decades, besides other factors, research found goal setting to be one of the best predictor of negotiation outcomes. Given the extent and complexity of multi-issue business negotiations, profit optimizing by means of improving a company's goal setting has a great deal of potential. However, developing goal setting strategies before the actual negotiation is still rather uncommon in business practice. In order to provide professionals with empirical guidance, this work aims at investigating three steps for the development and effective management of goal setting strategies for business negotiations. Therefore, this dissertation contains three papers, each one dealing with one specific step. The first paper explores the characterization of social and economic outcomes in different business relationship types at the beginning of the relationship and the development of these outcomes toward the actual status quo. The second paper takes the number of goals into account for goal setting strategies. This paper uses the two dimensions goal scope and goal difficulty to investigate the relevance and potentials of combining different level of these dimensions in multi-issue negotiations. Therefore, a large experiment was conducted measuring the impact on individual and joint negotiation outcomes, and the impasse rate. The third paper analyzes the type and orientation of negotiation goals. When the set of negotiation issues has an integrative potential, the opportunity to increase the joint gains arises. To what extent negotiators pursue the integrative potential depends largely on their goal orientation. A quantitative analysis with practitioners was used to examine the influence that business negotiations' situative and organizational factors have on the negotiators' goal orientation. The dissertation closes with implications for practice, limitations of the work, and ideas for future research.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Menning2020, author = {Menning, Axel}, title = {Koh{\"a}renz und Kreativit{\"a}t}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {225}, year = {2020}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Tuebbicke2020, author = {T{\"u}bbicke, Stefan}, title = {Essays on start-up subsidies for the unemployed and methods for causal inference}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-47793}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {191}, year = {2020}, abstract = {This thesis offers new insights on the effects of Start-Up Subsidies (SUS) for unemployed individuals as a special kind of active labor market program (ALMP) that aims to re-integrate individuals into the labor market via the route of self-employment. Moreover, this thesis contributes to the literature on methods for causal inference when the treatment variable is continuous rather than binary. For example, this is the case when individuals differ in their degree of exposure to a common treatment. The analysis of the effects of SUS focuses on the main current German program called "Gr{\"u}ndungszuschuss" (New Start-Up Subsidy, NSUS) after its reform in 2011. Average Effects on participants' labor market outcomes - as measured by employment and earnings - as well as subjective well-being are estimated mainly based on propensity score matching (PSM) techniques. PSM aims to achieve balance in terms of observed characteristics by matching participants with at least one comparable non-participant in terms of their probability to receive the treatment. This estimation strategy is valid as long as all relevant characteristics that explain selection patterns into treatment are observed and included in the estimation of the propensity score. To make our analysis as credible as possible, we control for a large vector of characteristics as observed through the combination of rich administrative data from the Federal Employment Agency as well as through survey data. Chapters two to four of this thesis puts special emphasis on aspects regarding (the evaluation of) SUS programs that have received no or only limited attention thus far. The first aspect relates to the interplay of institutional details of the program and its effectiveness. So far, relatively little is known about the importance of SUS program features such as the duration of support. Second, there is no experimental benchmark evaluation of SUS available and thus, the reliability of non-experimental estimation techniques such as PSM is of crucial importance as estimates are biased when relevant confounders are omitted from the analysis. Third, there may be potentially detrimental effects of transitioning into (relatively risky) self-employment on subjective well-being among subsidized founders out of unemployment. These were to remain undetected if the analysis would focus exclusively on labor market outcomes of participants. The results indicate positive long-term effects of SUS participation on employment and earnings among participants. These effects are substantially larger than what estimated before the reform, indicating room for improvement in program design via changes in institutional details. Moreover, non-experimental estimates of treatment effects are remarkably robust to hidden confounding. Regarding subjective well-being, this thesis finds a positive long-run impact on job satisfaction and a detrimental effect on satisfaction with social security. The latter appears to be driven by adverse effects on social insurance contributions. In chapter five, a novel automated covariate balancing technique for the estimation of causal effects in the context of continuous treatments is derived and assessed regarding its performance compared to other (automated) balancing techniques. Although binary research designs that only differentiate between participants and non-participants of some treatment remain the most-common case in empirical practice, many applications can be adapted to include continuous treatments as well. Often, this will allow for more meaningful estimates of causal effects in order to further improve the design of programs. In the context of SUS, one may further investigate the effects of the size of monetary support or its duration on participants' labor market outcomes. Both Monte-Carlo investigations and analysis of two well-known datasets suggests superior performance of the proposed Entropy Balancing for continuous treatments (EBCT) compared to other existing estimation strategies.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fischer2020, author = {Fischer, Caroline}, title = {Knowledge Sharing in the Public Sector}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiii, 222}, year = {2020}, abstract = {This dissertation examines the activity of knowledge sharing by public employees in the workplace. Building on the Rubicon model of human behavior formation, I use a threefold approach to analyze the knowledge-sharing process: public employees' motivation to share knowledge, their intention to share, and knowledge sharing behavior as such. The first article maps the knowledge-sharing behavior of public employees. It builds a typology of behavioral patterns and shows that public employees mainly share their knowledge responsively and directly with a knowledge receiver rather than an information medium. The second article elaborates on the construct of knowledge-sharing motivation and develops a scale to measure this kind of work motivation in a selective and domain-specific way. Data from three studies indicate three dimensions of knowledge-sharing motivation, namely appreciation, growth and altruism, and tangible rewards. Based on these dimensions, the third article analyzes whether the satisfaction of public employees' underlying needs can foster ther knowledge-sharing intention. The study indicates that both tested treatments (appreciation by co-workers, benefits in a performance appraisal) positively affect knowledge-sharing intention if it is explicit knowledge that ought to be shared. However, no effects of either treatment can be found if implicit knowledge is shared. Hence, to foster sharing of explicit knowledge, the analyzed motivation-enhancing rewards can be used in public management practice. To enhance implicit knowledge sharing, ability- and opportunity-enhancing management instruments are discussed. All in all, this dissertation integrates a micro-level perspective on human knowledge sharing into a meso-level perspective on organizational knowledge management. It adds to the literature on workplace behaviors of public employees and knowledge management and aims to incorporate knowledge sharing and management into the public administration and management literature.}, language = {en} }