@phdthesis{Schuette2011, author = {Sch{\"u}tte, Moritz}, title = {Evolutionary fingerprints in genome-scale networks}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-57483}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Mathematical modeling of biological phenomena has experienced increasing interest since new high-throughput technologies give access to growing amounts of molecular data. These modeling approaches are especially able to test hypotheses which are not yet experimentally accessible or guide an experimental setup. One particular attempt investigates the evolutionary dynamics responsible for today's composition of organisms. Computer simulations either propose an evolutionary mechanism and thus reproduce a recent finding or rebuild an evolutionary process in order to learn about its mechanism. The quest for evolutionary fingerprints in metabolic and gene-coexpression networks is the central topic of this cumulative thesis based on four published articles. An understanding of the actual origin of life will probably remain an insoluble problem. However, one can argue that after a first simple metabolism has evolved, the further evolution of metabolism occurred in parallel with the evolution of the sequences of the catalyzing enzymes. Indications of such a coevolution can be found when correlating the change in sequence between two enzymes with their distance on the metabolic network which is obtained from the KEGG database. We observe that there exists a small but significant correlation primarily on nearest neighbors. This indicates that enzymes catalyzing subsequent reactions tend to be descended from the same precursor. Since this correlation is relatively small one can at least assume that, if new enzymes are no "genetic children" of the previous enzymes, they certainly be descended from any of the already existing ones. Following this hypothesis, we introduce a model of enzyme-pathway coevolution. By iteratively adding enzymes, this model explores the metabolic network in a manner similar to diffusion. With implementation of an Gillespie-like algorithm we are able to introduce a tunable parameter that controls the weight of sequence similarity when choosing a new enzyme. Furthermore, this method also defines a time difference between successive evolutionary innovations in terms of a new enzyme. Overall, these simulations generate putative time-courses of the evolutionary walk on the metabolic network. By a time-series analysis, we find that the acquisition of new enzymes appears in bursts which are pronounced when the influence of the sequence similarity is higher. This behavior strongly resembles punctuated equilibrium which denotes the observation that new species tend to appear in bursts as well rather than in a gradual manner. Thus, our model helps to establish a better understanding of punctuated equilibrium giving a potential description at molecular level. From the time-courses we also extract a tentative order of new enzymes, metabolites, and even organisms. The consistence of this order with previous findings provides evidence for the validity of our approach. While the sequence of a gene is actually subject to mutations, its expression profile might also indirectly change through the evolutionary events in the cellular interplay. Gene coexpression data is simply accessible by microarray experiments and commonly illustrated using coexpression networks where genes are nodes and get linked once they show a significant coexpression. Since the large number of genes makes an illustration of the entire coexpression network difficult, clustering helps to show the network on a metalevel. Various clustering techniques already exist. However, we introduce a novel one which maintains control of the cluster sizes and thus assures proper visual inspection. An application of the method on Arabidopsis thaliana reveals that genes causing a severe phenotype often show a functional uniqueness in their network vicinity. This leads to 20 genes of so far unknown phenotype which are however suggested to be essential for plant growth. Of these, six indeed provoke such a severe phenotype, shown by mutant analysis. By an inspection of the degree distribution of the A.thaliana coexpression network, we identified two characteristics. The distribution deviates from the frequently observed power-law by a sharp truncation which follows after an over-representation of highly connected nodes. For a better understanding, we developed an evolutionary model which mimics the growth of a coexpression network by gene duplication which underlies a strong selection criterion, and slight mutational changes in the expression profile. Despite the simplicity of our assumption, we can reproduce the observed properties in A.thaliana as well as in E.coli and S.cerevisiae. The over-representation of high-degree nodes could be identified with mutually well connected genes of similar functional families: zinc fingers (PF00096), flagella, and ribosomes respectively. In conclusion, these four manuscripts demonstrate the usefulness of mathematical models and statistical tools as a source of new biological insight. While the clustering approach of gene coexpression data leads to the phenotypic characterization of so far unknown genes and thus supports genome annotation, our model approaches offer explanations for observed properties of the coexpression network and furthermore substantiate punctuated equilibrium as an evolutionary process by a deeper understanding of an underlying molecular mechanism.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mubeen2018, author = {Mubeen, Umarah}, title = {Regulation of central carbon and nitrogen metabolism by Target of Rapamycin (TOR) kinase in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vii, 153}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The highly conserved protein complex containing the Target of Rapamycin (TOR) kinase is known to integrate intra- and extra-cellular stimuli controlling nutrient allocation and cellular growth. This thesis describes three studies aimed to understand how TOR signaling pathway influences carbon and nitrogen metabolism in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The first study presents a time-resolved analysis of the molecular and physiological features across the diurnal cycle. The inhibition of TOR leads to 50\% reduction in growth followed by nonlinear delays in the cell cycle progression. The metabolomics analysis showed that the growth repression is mainly driven by differential carbon partitioning between anabolic and catabolic processes. Furthermore, the high accumulation of nitrogen-containing compounds indicated that TOR kinase controls the carbon to nitrogen balance of the cell, which is responsible for biomass accumulation, growth and cell cycle progression. In the second study the cause of the high accumulation of amino acids is explained. For this purpose, the effect of TOR inhibition on Chlamydomonas was examined under different growth regimes using stable 13C- and 15N-isotope labeling. The data clearly showed that an increased nitrogen uptake is induced within minutes after the inhibition of TOR. Interestingly, this increased N-influx is accompanied by increased activities of nitrogen assimilating enzymes. Accordingly, it was concluded that TOR inhibition induces de-novo amino acid synthesis in Chlamydomonas. The recognition of this novel process opened an array of questions regarding potential links between central metabolism and TOR signaling. Therefore a detailed phosphoproteomics study was conducted to identify the potential substrates of TOR pathway regulating central metabolism. Interestingly, some of the key enzymes involved in carbon metabolism as well as amino acid synthesis exhibited significant changes in the phosphosite intensities immediately after TOR inhibition. Altogether, these studies provide a) detailed insights to metabolic response of Chlamydomonas to TOR inhibition, b) identification of a novel process causing rapid upshifts in amino acid levels upon TOR inhibition and c) finally highlight potential targets of TOR signaling regulating changes in central metabolism. Further biochemical and molecular investigations could confirm these observations and advance the understanding of growth signaling in microalgae.}, language = {en} }