@book{OPUS4-837, title = {Handelsmarketing und st{\"a}dtische Handelsentwicklung : untersucht am Beispiel Potsdam}, editor = {Balderjahn, Ingo and Mennicken, Claudia}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-9299}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {1996}, abstract = {Inhalt: Ulrike Franke, Gabriele Kr{\"a}tzer: Das Leitbild der Stadtentwicklung in Potsdam und die Bedeutung des Handels f{\"u}r die Stadtentwicklung Silvana Wagenitz: Rahmenbedingungen des Handels in und um Potsdam Torben Roffka: Vorhandene Handelsstrukturen und geplante Handelsprojekte in und um Potsdam Gesine Schmeichel: Perspektiven der Potsdamer Stadt- und Handelsentwicklung : Szenarien der Handelsentwicklung in Potsdam Cindy Kramer, Elke Radke: Perspektiven der Potsdamer Stadt- und Handelsentwicklung : Maßnahmen zur Steigerung der Attraktivit{\"a}t des inner- und außerst{\"a}dtischen Handels in Potsdam}, language = {de} } @book{OPUS4-1001, title = {Image und Akzeptanz der Potsdamer Arkadien - eine empirische Analyse im Kulturmarketing}, editor = {Balderjahn, Ingo}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-10893}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {1996}, abstract = {Dieser vorliegende Lehr- und Forschungsbericht des Lehrstuhls f{\"u}r Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit dem Schwerpunkt Marketing beschreibt ausgew{\"a}hlte Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie zum Kulturmarketing. Inhalt: Erhebungssteckbrief Ziel der Studie und methodisches Vorgehen Erhebungsdesign und Stichprobenstruktur - Vorgehen bei der Erhebung - Probleme bei der Durchf{\"u}hrung der Interviews - Stichprobenstruktur - Eine Analyse der Besucherstrukturen der Potsdamer Arkadien und konkurrierender Kulturveranstaltungen Marktanalyse des Kulturangebots in Potsdam - Beschreibung der Wettbewerbssituation des Potsdamer Kulturangebots - Positionierung der Potsdamer Arkadien und anderer Kulturveranstaltungen aus Sicht der Veranstalter Darstellung der Ergebnisse - Bekanntheit der Potsdamer Arkadien - Das Entscheidungs- und Nutzungsverhalten von Besuchern der Potsdamer Arkadien und Besuchern konkurrierender Kulturveranstaltungen - Das lnformationsverhalten von Besuchern der Potsdamer Arkadien - St{\"a}rken und Schw{\"a}chen der Potsdamer Arkadien - Verbesserungsvorschl{\"a}ge - Zufriedenheit mit den Potsdamer Arkadien aus Sicht der Besucher - Zahlungsbereitschaftsanalyse von Besuchern der Potsdamer Arkadien - Erwartungen an Kulturveranstaltungen und Gr{\"u}nde f{\"u}r den Besuch der Potsdamer Arkadien - Einstellungen zu den Potsdamer Arkadien: Wichtigkeit und Bewertung von ausgew{\"a}hlten Merkmalen der Potsdamer Arkadien - Die Stadt Potsdam in der Wahrnehmung ihrer B{\"u}rger: Ermittlung des Wahrnehmungsraumes von Kulturveranstaltungen mittels der Korrespondenzanalyse - Typologisierung der Befragten nach ihren kulturellen Werteorientierungen}, language = {de} } @misc{HummelWehrhoefer1996, author = {Hummel, Hartwig and Wehrh{\"o}fer, Birgit}, title = {Geopolitische Identit{\"a}ten : Kritik der Ethnisierung einer sich regionalisierenden Welt als paradigmatische Erweiterung der Friedensforschung}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-11137}, year = {1996}, abstract = {The post cold war world order is popularly discussed in terms of what Samuel Huntington has called the "clash of civilizations". The authors hold that Huntington is just a prominent example of the trend which constructs geopolitical identities based on ethnic definitions of world regions, where ethnicitiy is understood to be a primordial, transhistorical and static understanding of cultural identities. In their paper, they extensively deconstruct this concept of ethnicity, drawing parallels with the history of nationalism and nation-building, and analyze its functions for legitimizing projects of building exclusive economic blocs in Europe, America and Pacific Asia. At present, ethnic concepts of world regions are competing with liberal, non-ethnic identities of the three world regions. Finally, the dangerous potentials of ethnic regionalization are discussed. From a peace research perspective, support for a common global identity of "mankind" is strongly advocated.}, language = {de} } @misc{Ferguson1996, author = {Ferguson, Yale H.}, title = {R{\"u}ckw{\"a}rtsgeschaut auf die gegenw{\"a}rtige Politik : wider die fatalen Augenkrankheiten alter und neuer Realisten}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-11148}, year = {1996}, abstract = {The fatal "eye disease" that afflicts Realists and Neorealists, and even infects some self-styled Institutionalists and Constructivists, has several causes. In his polemical essay, the author defines these as historicism, the legalistic bias, the underestimation of non-state actors and the overestimation of the state as such. Discussing the linkage between loyality, ethnicy, and politics, he strongly argues for recognition of the fact that the world is groping for new political arrangements for which we simply do not have the appropriate ideas or words to describe. In the future, the range of political identities and loyalities in the global culture of "fragmegration" will extend beyond traditional multiculturalism.}, language = {de} } @misc{WolffPowęska1996, author = {Wolff-Powęska, Anna}, title = {Deutsche, Russen und Polen : Paradigmen der gegenseitigen Wahrnehmung}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-11158}, year = {1996}, abstract = {The transition and transformation within the three countries dealt with are still in process. In her essay, the author analyses whether there is a need for Poland to re-define its relationship to Germany and Russia, whilst searching for a new identity and a new place within Europe. She argues that there is a set of historical and geopolitical reasons for doing so. But whilst the Polish aim is to normalise its relationship to its neighbours, the perception of Russians and Germans in Poland is rather different. On the one hand, in the Polish people opinion, Germany is the main promoter of their European institutional integration wishes. On the other, relatively aggressive attitude towards Russia can also be identified. The essay is a strong plea for mutual responsibility and co-operation in favour of peace and security in Europe. Additionally Russia is to be regarded as part of European history, and should thus be involved in the European political process.}, language = {de} } @misc{Tomala1996, author = {Tomala, Mieczysław}, title = {"Erz{\"a}hlen Sie keinen Unsinn, Genosse Ulbricht!" : Die VR Polen und die DDR in den 60er Jahren ; offizielle Harmonie und internes Mißtrauen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-11164}, year = {1996}, abstract = {Gomułka's harsh criticism of the Stalinist past and the introduction of liberal elements into the public life of Poland was not welcomed by the East German leadership. Ulbricht demanded full support for the sovereignty of the GDR and tried to prevent any independent Polish moves to come to terms with the Federal Republic. The Polish leadership strived towards a closer economic integration with the GDR and Czechoslovakia to foster industrial development in Poland and to bind the East German state more closely into the "socialist camp". These ideas were flatly rejected by the GDR. The level of economic interdependence between the two German states and the advantages of the GDR resulting from the "intra-German" status of trade and transfer of technologies provoked Gomułka's distrust. Relations worsened even more when, towards the end of his time in power, Ulbricht moved towards a rapprochement with the FRG and showed some readiness to question the G{\"o}rlitz treaty on the German-Polish border line.}, language = {de} } @misc{Hassner1996, author = {Hassner, Pierre}, title = {B{\"u}rger und Barbar : {\"u}ber die Dialektik von Gewalt und Krieg in Philosophie und Geschichte}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-11114}, year = {1996}, abstract = {Are we witnessing a decline of war, the spread of violence or both? The growing number of wars and genocids conveys the impression of uncontrolled violence. Is there any possibility to overcome belligerent conflicts between states? Do imply social, technological, cultural or even anthropological changes moments which could shift the ground of state's rivalry towards non-belligerent relationships? Peace trough interdependence and democracy seems possible. The priorities of modern states cannot be thought on the basis of attributes like sovereignty and territoriality. The peaceful 'bourgeois islands' not only bring about prosperity but increasing social exclusion as well. New phenomenon of ethnicism and religiosity often originate from, around and in their midst. Threats arising from terrorism and racial or religious riots are the consequences. There are two options, the author considers as possible: an "embourgeoisement" of the "barbarians" or a "barbarisation of the bourgeois". Or is there a new political form emerging?}, language = {de} } @techreport{HassSchoeler1996, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Hass, Dirk and Sch{\"o}ler, Klaus}, title = {Exportsubventionen im internationalen r{\"a}umlichen Oligopol}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-13547}, year = {1996}, abstract = {Inhalt - Einf{\"u}hrung - Ausnahmen und Grundmodelle - Wohlfahrtswirkungen von Exportsubventionen - Abschließende {\"U}berlegungen}, language = {de} }