@phdthesis{Schauer2006, author = {Schauer, Nicolas}, title = {Quantitative trait loci (QTL) for metabolite accumulation and metabolic regulation : metabolite profiling of interspecific crosses of tomato}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-7643}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2006}, abstract = {The advent of large-scale and high-throughput technologies has recently caused a shift in focus in contemporary biology from decades of reductionism towards a more systemic view. Alongside the availability of genome sequences the exploration of organisms utilizing such approach should give rise to a more comprehensive understanding of complex systems. Domestication and intensive breeding of crop plants has led to a parallel narrowing of their genetic basis. The potential to improve crops by conventional breeding using elite cultivars is therefore rather limited and molecular technologies, such as marker assisted selection (MAS) are currently being exploited to re-introduce allelic variance from wild species. Molecular breeding strategies have mostly focused on the introduction of yield or resistance related traits to date. However given that medical research has highlighted the importance of crop compositional quality in the human diet this research field is rapidly becoming more important. Chemical composition of biological tissues can be efficiently assessed by metabolite profiling techniques, which allow the multivariate detection of metabolites of a given biological sample. Here, a GC/MS metabolite profiling approach has been applied to investigate natural variation of tomatoes with respect to the chemical composition of their fruits. The establishment of a mass spectral and retention index (MSRI) library was a prerequisite for this work in order to establish a framework for the identification of metabolites from a complex mixture. As mass spectral and retention index information is highly important for the metabolomics community this library was made publicly available. Metabolite profiling of tomato wild species revealed large differences in the chemical composition, especially of amino and organic acids, as well as on the sugar composition and secondary metabolites. Intriguingly, the analysis of a set of S. pennellii introgression lines (IL) identified 889 quantitative trait loci of compositional quality and 326 yield-associated traits. These traits are characterized by increases/decreases not only of single metabolites but also of entire metabolic pathways, thus highlighting the potential of this approach in uncovering novel aspects of metabolic regulation. Finally the biosynthetic pathway of the phenylalanine-derived fruit volatiles phenylethanol and phenylacetaldehyde was elucidated via a combination of metabolic profiling of natural variation, stable isotope tracer experiments and reverse genetic experimentation.}, subject = {Tomate}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Unterstab2005, author = {Unterstab, Gunhild}, title = {Charakterisierung der viralen Genprodukte p10 und P des Borna Disease Virus}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-6905}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Das Borna Disease Virus (BDV, Bornavirus) besitzt ein einzelstr{\"a}ngiges RNA-Genom negativer Polarit{\"a}t und ist innerhalb der Ordnung Mononegavirales der Prototyp einer eigenen Virusfamilie, die der Bornaviridae. Eine außergew{\"o}hnliche Eigenschaft des Virus ist seine nukle{\"a}re Transkription und Replikation, eine weitere besteht in seiner F{\"a}higkeit, als neurotropes Virus sowohl in vivo als auch in vitro persistente Infektionen zu etablieren. Die zugrunde liegenden Mechanismen sowohl der Replikation als auch der Persistenz sind derzeit noch unzureichend verstanden, auch deshalb, weil das Virus noch relativ „jung" ist: Erste komplette Sequenzen des RNA-Genoms wurden 1994 publiziert und erst vor einigen Monaten gelang die Generierung rekombinanter Viren auf der Basis klonierter cDNA. Im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit standen das p10 Protein und das Phosphoprotein (P), die von der gemeinsamen Transkriptionseinheit II in {\"u}berlappenden Leserahmen kodiert werden. Als im Kern der Wirtszelle replizierendes Virus ist das Bornavirus auf zellul{\"a}re Importmechanismen angewiesen, um den Kernimport aller an der Replikation beteiligten viralen Proteine zu gew{\"a}hrleisten. Das p10 Protein ist ein negativer Regulator der viralen RNA-abh{\"a}ngigen RNA-Polymerase (L). In vitro Importexperimente zeigten, dass p10 {\"u}ber den klassischen Importin alpha/beta abh{\"a}ngigen Kernimportweg in den Nukleus transportiert wird. Dies war unerwartet, da p10 kein vorhersagbares klassisches Kernlokalisierungssignal (NLS) besitzt und weist darauf hin, dass der zellul{\"a}re Importapparat offensichtlich flexibler ist als allgemein angenommen. Die ersten 20 N-terminalen AS vermitteln sowohl Kernimport als auch die Bindung an den Importrezeptor Importin alpha. Durch Di-Alanin-Austauschmutagenese wurden die f{\"u}r diesen Transportprozess essentiellen AS identifiziert und die Bedeutung hydrophober und polarer AS-Reste demonstriert. Die F{\"a}higkeit des Bornavirus, persistente Infektionen zu etablieren, wirft die Frage auf, wie das Virus die zellul{\"a}ren antiviralen Abwehrmechanismen, insbesondere das Typ I Interferon (IFN)-System, unterwandert. Das virale P Protein wurde in dieser Arbeit als potenter Antagonist der IFN-Induktion charakterisiert. Es verhindert die Phosphorylierung des zentralen Transkriptionsfaktors IRF3 durch die zellul{\"a}re Kinase TBK1 und somit dessen Aktivierung. Der Befund, dass P mit TBK1 Komplexe bildet und zudem auch als Substrat f{\"u}r die zellul{\"a}re Kinase fungiert, erlaubt es, erstmalig einen Mechanismus zu postulieren, in dem ein virales Protein (BDV-P) als putatives TBK1-Pseudosubstrat die IRF3-Aktivierung kompetitiv hemmt.}, subject = {Interferon }, language = {de} } @inproceedings{KuehlingMaerkerZehe2006, author = {K{\"u}hling, Matthias and M{\"a}rker, Michael and Zehe, Erwin}, title = {Musterdynamik und Fernerkundung in der D{\"o}beritzer Heide : [Poster]}, editor = {Gzik, Axel and Hochschild, Volker and Schneider, Ingo and Schr{\"o}der, Boris}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-7277}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Mit der politischen Wende in den Staaten des ehemaligen Ostblockes wurde f{\"u}r viele milit{\"a}risch genutzte Fl{\"a}chen ein tiefgreifender Nutzungswandel eingeleitet. Truppen{\"u}bungspl{\"a}tze als stark gest{\"o}rte Bestandteile unserer Kulturlandschaft weisen auf großen Fl{\"a}chen naturschutzfachlich wertvolle Habitatmosaike mit speziellen Lebensgemeinschaften auf. Der Nutzungswandel ist mit einer Ver{\"a}nderung der Vegetationsstrukturen (Sukzession) und weiteren landschafts{\"o}kologischen Prozessen verbunden. Der ehemalige Truppen{\"u}bungsplatz D{\"o}beritz im Norden der Landeshauptstadt Potsdam kann auf eine lange milit{\"a}rische Nutzungsgeschichte verweisen (erste Man{\"o}ver des Soldatenk{\"o}nigs im Jahr 1713). Nach 1992 wurden das NSG D{\"o}beritzer Heide (3.415 ha) und das NSG Ferbitzer Bruch (1.155 ha) ausgewiesen. Als Schutzgebiete nach der Vogelschutzrichtlinie sind sie Bestandteile des koh{\"a}renten Schutzgebietssystems Natura 2000 der europ{\"a}ischen Gemeinschaft. Trotz des Schutzstatus und der milit{\"a}rischen Altlasten unterliegt das Gebiet als gr{\"o}ßte zusammenh{\"a}ngende Naturfl{\"a}che im engeren Verflechtungsraum des Landes Brandenburg einem hohen Nutzungsdruck.
Interdisziplin{\"a}res Zentrum f{\"u}r Musterdynamik und Angewandte Fernerkundung Workshop vom 9. - 10. Februar 2006}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hoffmann2007, author = {Hoffmann, Toni}, title = {Cloning and characterisation of the HMA3 gene and its promoter from Arabidopsis halleri (L.) O'Kane and Al'Shehbaz and Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynhold}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-15259}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Being living systems unable to adjust their location to changing environmental conditions, plants display homeostatic networks that have evolved to maintain transition metal levels in a very narrow concentration range in order to avoid either deficiency or toxicity. Hence, plants possess a broad repertoire of mechanisms for the cellular uptake, compartmentation and efflux, as well as for the chelation of transition metal ions. A small number of plants are hypertolerant to one or a few specific transition metals. Some metal tolerant plants are also able to hyperaccumulate metal ions. The Brassicaceae family member Arabidopis halleri ssp. halleri (L.) O´KANE and AL´SHEHBAZ is a hyperaccumulator of zinc (Zn), and it is closely related to the non-hypertolerant and non-hyperaccumulating model plant Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) HEYNHOLD. The close relationship renders A. halleri a promising emerging model plant for the comparative investigation of the molecular mechanisms behind hypertolerance and hyperaccumulation. Among several potential candidate genes that are probably involved in mediating the zinc-hypertolerant and zinc-hyperaccumulating trait is AhHMA3. The AhHMA3 gene is highly similar to AtHMA3 (AGI number: At4g30120) in A. thaliana, and its encoded protein belongs to the P-type IB ATPase family of integral membrane transporter proteins that transport transition metals. In contrast to the low AtHMA3 transcript levels in A. thaliana, the gene was found to be constitutively highly expressed across different Zn treatments in A. halleri, especially in shoots. In this study, the cloning and characterisation of the HMA3 gene and its promoter from Arabidopsis halleri (L.) O´KANE and AL´SHEHBAZ and Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) HEYNHOLD is described. Heterologously expressed AhHMA3 mediated enhanced tolerance to Zn and to a much lesser degree to cadmium (Cd) but not to cobalt (Co) in metal-sensitive mutant strains of budding yeast. It is demonstrated that the genome of A. halleri contains at least four copies of AhHMA3, AhHMA3-1 to AhHMA3-4. A copy-specific real-time RT-PCR indicated that an AhHMA3-1 related gene copy is the source of the constitutively high transcript level in A. halleri and not a gene copy similar to AhHMA3-2 or AhHMA3-4. In accordance with the enhanced AtHMA3mRNA transcript level in A. thaliana roots, an AtHMA3 promoter-GUS gene construct mediated GUS activity predominantly in the vascular tissues of roots and not in shoots. However, the observed AhHMA3-1 and AhHMA3-2 promoter-mediated GUS activity in A. thaliana or A. halleri plants did not reflect the constitutively high expression of AhHMA3 in shoots of A. halleri. It is suggested that other factors e. g. characteristic sequence inserts within the first intron of AhHMA3-1 might enable a constitutively high expression. Moreover, the unknown promoter of the AhHMA3-3 gene copy could be the source of the constitutively high AhHMA3 transcript levels in A. halleri. In that case, the AhHMA3-3 sequence is predicted to be highly homologous to AhHMA3-1. The lack of solid localisation data for the AhHMA3 protein prevents a clear functional assignment. The provided data suggest several possible functions of the AhHMA3 protein: Like AtHMA2 and AtHMA4 it might be localised to the plasma membrane and could contribute to the efficient translocation of Zn from root to shoot and/or to the cell-to-cell distribution of Zn in the shoot. If localised to the vacuolar membrane, then a role in maintaining a low cytoplasmic zinc concentration by vacuolar zinc sequestration is possible. In addition, AhHMA3 might be involved in the delivery of zinc ions to trichomes and mesophyll leaf cells that are major zinc storage sites in A. halleri.}, language = {en} } @misc{Koechert2007, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {K{\"o}chert, Karl}, title = {Development of a method to assess EAAT1 transcription levels in Alzheimer's disease}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-15965}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Zur Zeit leiden ca. 24 Millionen Menschen auf der ganzen Welt unter Demenz, Alzheimer macht dabei 50-60\% aller Demenzf{\"a}lle aus. Da der Anteil der Bev{\"o}lkerung, der an Demenz leidet, proportional zum Alter zunimmt und der Anteil {\"a}lterer Menschen in der Gesellschaft von Jahr zu Jahr steigt, wird Alzheimer immer mehr zu einem ernstzunehmenden, gesellschaftlichen Problem. Zum Stand der heutigen Forschung ist es etabliert, dass die Aminos{\"a}ure Glutamat - quantitativ einer der wichtigsten Neurotransmitter im Zentralen Nervensystem (ZNS) - toxische Konzentrationen erreichen kann wenn sie - im Zuge der {\"U}bertragung von Aktionspotentialen - nach ihrer Freisetzung nicht aus dem Synaptischen Spalt entfernt wird. Viele Studien haben gezeigt, dass in der Alzheimerschen Krankheit die Glutamataufnahme beeintr{\"a}chtigt ist, was zu toxischen Konzentrationen von Glutamat und dem daraus folgenden Absterben von Neuronen f{\"u}hrt. Der exitatorische Aminos{\"a}uretransporter 1 (EAAT1) geh{\"o}rt zu der Familie der Na+-abh{\"a}ngigen Glutamattransporter und stellt nach EAAT2 den quantitativ wichtigsten Glutamattransporter im ZNS dar. In diesem Projekt wurde eine bis dahin f{\"u}r den Menschen nicht bekannte EAAT1 Spleißvariante, in der Exon 3 ausgeschnitten wird, nachgewiesen. Diese Variante wurde EAAT1Δ3 genannt und stellt damit mit EAAT1Δ9 die zweite f{\"u}r EAAT1 nachgewiesene Spleißvariante dar. Eine auf real-time RT-PCR basierende Methode wurde entwickelt, um die Transkripte von EAAT1 wildtyp (EAAT1 wt), EAAT1Δ3 und EAAT1Δ9 zu quantifizieren. Proben aus verschiedenen Hirnarealen wurden aus einem Set von Kontrollen und Alzheimerf{\"a}llen bei der Quantifizierung verwendet. Die gew{\"a}hlten Areale sind von der Alzheimerschen Krankheit unterschiedlich stark betroffen. Dies diente als interne Kontrolle f{\"u}r die durchgef{\"u}hrten Experimente und erm{\"o}glichte so die Differenzierung zwischen beobachteten Effekten: Nur Effekte die alleinig in von Alzheimer betroffenen Gehirnarealen auftreten, k{\"o}nnen als spezifisch f{\"u}r die Krankheit angesehen werden. Die Resultate diese Projektes zeigen, dass EAAT1Δ3 in sehr geringer Anzahl transkribiert wird, die nur 0.15\% der EAAT1 wt Transkription entspricht. Dahingegen entspricht das EAAT1 Δ9 Transkript im Durchschnitt 26.6\% des EAAT1 wt Transkripts. Es wurde nachgewiesen, dass die Transkriptionsrate aller EAAT1 Varianten in Alzheimerf{\"a}llen signifikant reduziert ist (P<0.0001). Dies unterst{\"u}tzt die Theorie, dass bei Alzheimerf{\"a}llen die EAAT1 Proteinexpression stark reduziert und der Glutamattransport, der normalerweise durch diesen Transporter gew{\"a}hrleistet wird, stark eingeschr{\"a}nkt ist. Dies wiederum resultiert in toxisch hohen Glutamatkonzentrationen und damit dem Absterben von Neuronen. Die gefundene Reduktion der EAAT1Transkription ist nicht spezifisch f{\"u}r Gehirnareale die von Alzheimer betroffen sind, sondern tritt in selbem Maße in nicht von Alzheimer betroffenen Gehirnarealen auf. Daraus l{\"a}sst sich schließen, dass die Reduktion der EAAT1 Transkription eher ein Resultat eines in der Alzheimerschen Krankheit pr{\"a}senten, grundlegenden Krankheitsmechanismus ist als deren Ursache.}, language = {en} } @misc{KoechyBrakenhielm2008, author = {K{\"o}chy, Martin and Br{\aa}kenhielm, Sven}, title = {Separation of effects of moderate N deposition from natural change in ground vegetation of forests and bogs}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-16621}, year = {2008}, abstract = {The effect of moderate rates of nitrogen deposition on ground floor vegetation is poorly predicted by uncontrolled surveys or fertilization experiments using high rates of nitrogen (N) addition. We compared the temporal trends of ground floor vegetation in permanent plots with moderate (7-13 kg ha-1 year-1) and lower bulk N deposition (4-6 kg ha-1 year-1) in southern Sweden during 1982-1998. We examined whether trends differed between growth forms (vascular plants and bryophytes) and vegetation types (three types of coniferous forest, deciduous forest, and bog). Trends of site-standardized cover and richness varied among growth forms, vegetation types, and deposition regions. Cover in spruce forests decreased at the same rate with both moderate and low deposition. In pine forests cover decreased faster with moderate deposition and in bogs cover decreased faster with low deposition. Cover of bryophytes in spruce forests increased at the same rate with both moderate and low deposition. In pine forests cover decreased faster with moderate deposition and in bogs and deciduous forests there was a strong non-linear increase with moderate deposition. The trend of number of vascular plants was constant with moderate and decreased with low deposition. We found no trend in the number of bryophyte species. We propose that the decrease of cover and number with low deposition was related to normal ecosystem development (increased shading), suggesting that N deposition maintained or increased the competitiveness of some species in the moderate-deposition region. Deposition had no consistent negative effect on vegetation suggesting that it is less important than normal successional processes.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kluth2012, author = {Kluth, Oliver}, title = {Einfluss von Glucolipotoxizit{\"a}t auf die Funktion der β-Zellen diabetessuszeptibler und -resistenter Mausst{\"a}mme}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-61961}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, die Auswirkungen von Glucose- und Lipidtoxizit{\"a}t auf die Funktion der β-Zellen von Langerhans-Inseln in einem diabetesresistenten (B6.V-Lepob/ob, ob/ob) sowie diabetessuszeptiblen (New Zealand Obese, NZO) Mausmodell zu untersuchen. Es sollten molekulare Mechanismen identifiziert werden, die zum Untergang der β-Zellen in der NZO-Maus f{\"u}hren bzw. zum Schutz der β-Zellen der ob/ob-Maus beitragen. Zun{\"a}chst wurde durch ein geeignetes di{\"a}tetisches Regime in beiden Modellen durch kohlenhydratrestriktive Ern{\"a}hrung eine Adipositas(Lipidtoxizit{\"a}t) induziert und anschließend durch F{\"u}tterung einer kohlenhydrathaltigen Di{\"a}t ein Zustand von Glucolipotoxizit{\"a}t erzeugt. Dieses Vorgehen erlaubte es, in der NZO-Maus in einem kurzen Zeitfenster eine Hyperglyk{\"a}mie sowie einen β-Zelluntergang durch Apoptose auszul{\"o}sen. Im Vergleich dazu blieben ob/ob-M{\"a}use l{\"a}ngerfristig normoglyk{\"a}misch und wiesen keinen β-Zelluntergang auf. Die Ursache f{\"u}r den β-Zellverlust war die Inaktivierung des Insulin/IGF-1-Rezeptor-Signalwegs, wie durch Abnahme von phospho-AKT, phospho-FoxO1 sowie des β-zellspezifischen Transkriptionsfaktors PDX1 gezeigt wurde. Mit Ausnahme des Effekts einer Dephosphorylierung von FoxO1, konnten ob/ob-M{\"a}use diesen Signalweg aufrechterhalten und dadurch einen Verlust von β-Zellen abwenden. Die glucolipotoxischen Effekte wurden in vitro an isolierten Inseln beider St{\"a}mme und der β-Zelllinie MIN6 best{\"a}tigt und zeigten, dass ausschließlich die Kombination hoher Glucose und Palmitatkonzentrationen (Glucolipotoxizit{\"a}t) negative Auswirkungen auf die NZO-Inseln und MIN6-Zellen hatte, w{\"a}hrend ob/ob-Inseln davor gesch{\"u}tzt blieben. Die Untersuchung isolierter Inseln ergab, dass beide St{\"a}mme unter glucolipotoxischen Bedingungen keine Steigerung der Insulinexpression aufweisen und sich bez{\"u}glich ihrer Glucose-stimulierten Insulinsekretion nicht unterscheiden. Mit Hilfe von Microarray- sowie immunhistologischen Untersuchungen wurde gezeigt, dass ausschließlich ob/ob-M{\"a}use nach Kohlenhydratf{\"u}tterung eine kompensatorische transiente Induktion der β-Zellproliferation aufwiesen, die in einer nahezu Verdreifachung der Inselmasse nach 32 Tagen m{\"u}ndete. Die hier erzielten Ergebnisse lassen die Schlussfolgerung zu, dass der β-Zelluntergang der NZO-Maus auf eine Beeintr{\"a}chtigung des Insulin/IGF-1-Rezeptor-Signalwegs sowie auf die Unf{\"a}higkeit zur β- Zellproliferation zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt werden kann. Umgekehrt erm{\"o}glichen der Erhalt des Insulin/IGF-1-Rezeptor-Signalwegs und die Induktion der β-Zellproliferation in der ob/ob-Maus den Schutz vor einer Hyperglyk{\"a}mie und einem Diabetes.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Oey2008, author = {Oey, Melanie}, title = {Chloroplasts as bioreactors : high-yield production of active bacteriolytic protein antibiotics}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-28950}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Plants, more precisely their chloroplasts with their bacterial-like expression machinery inherited from their cyanobacterial ancestors, can potentially offer a cheap expression system for proteinaceous pharmaceuticals. This system would be easily scalable and provides appropriate safety due to chloroplasts maternal inheritance. In this work, it was shown that three phage lytic enzymes (Pal, Cpl-1 and PlyGBS) could be successfully expressed at very high levels and with high stability in tobacco chloroplasts. PlyGBS expression reached an amount of foreign protein accumulation (> 70\% TSP) that has never been obtained before. Although the high expression levels of PlyGBS caused a pale green phenotype with retarded growth, presumably due to exhaustion of plastid protein synthesis capacity, development and seed production were not impaired under greenhouse conditions. Since Pal and Cpl-1 showed toxic effects when expressed in E. coli, a special plastid transformation vector (pTox) was constructed to allow DNA amplification in bacteria. The construction of the pTox transformation vector allowing a recombinase-mediated deletion of an E. coli transcription block in the chloroplast, leading to an increase of foreign protein accumulation to up to 40\% of TSP for Pal and 20\% of TSP for Cpl-1. High dose-dependent bactericidal efficiency was shown for all three plant-derived lytic enzymes using their pathogenic target bacteria S. pyogenes and S. pneumoniae. Confirmation of specificity was obtained for the endotoxic proteins Pal and Cpl-1 by application to E. coli cultures. These results establish tobacco chloroplasts as a new cost-efficient and convenient production platform for phage lytic enzymes and address the greatest obstacle for clinical application. The present study is the first report of lysin production in a non-bacterial system. The properties of chloroplast-produced lysins described in this work, their stability, high accumulation rate and biological activity make them highly attractive candidates for future antibiotics.}, language = {en} } @article{BormkiKnoescheSchneider2003, author = {Bormki, G. and Kn{\"o}sche, Ralf and Schneider, Ingo}, title = {Untersuchungen zur N-Mineralisation und -Remobilisierung im Sediment eines extrem flachen Auensees (Schollener See)}, series = {Brandenburgische Umwelt-Berichte : BUB ; Schriftenreihe der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakult{\"a}t der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, volume = {13}, journal = {Brandenburgische Umwelt-Berichte : BUB ; Schriftenreihe der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakult{\"a}t der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, issn = {1434-2375}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-4081}, pages = {114 -- 120}, year = {2003}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Fritz2006, author = {Fritz, Christina}, title = {Der Einfluß des prim{\"a}ren Stickstoffstoffwechsels auf den Aminos{\"a}ure- und Sekund{\"a}rstoffwechsel in Nicotiana tabacum L.}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-13322}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Es ist bekannt, dass {\"A}nderungen im Kohlenstoff- bzw. Stickstoffstaus der Pflanzen zu einer parallelen statt reziproken {\"A}nderung der kohlenstoff- und stickstoffhaltigen Prim{\"a}rmetabolite f{\"u}hren. Unter diesem Gesichtspunkt wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit der Aminos{\"a}urestoffwechsel und der Sekund{\"a}rstoffwechsel unter reduzierten Stickstoffbedingungen untersucht. Zur Beeinflussung des Stickstoffstoffwechsels wurden nitratmangelern{\"a}hrte Tabakwildtyppflanzen und Genotypen mit unterschiedlich stark reduzierter Nitratreduktase-Aktivit{\"a}t verwendet. Dieses experimentelle System erlaubt zus{\"a}tzlich durch den Vergleich Nitrat defizienter Wildtyppflanzen mit Nitrat akkumulierenden NIA-Transformanten Prozesse zu identifizieren, die durch Nitrat gesteuert werden. Die Analysen der Prim{\"a}r- und Sekund{\"a}rmetabolite wurde in allen Genotypen diurnal durchgef{\"u}hrt, um auch tageszeitlich abh{\"a}ngige Prozesse zu identifizieren. Die Analyse der absoluten Gehalte aller individuellen Aminos{\"a}uren enth{\"u}llte bei den meisten erstaunlich stabile diurnale Muster mit einem Anstieg w{\"a}hrend des Tages und einem Abfall in der Nacht in Wildtyppflanzen gewachsen mit ausreichend Nitrat. Dieses Ergebnis legt die Schlussfolgerung nahe, dass die Biosynthese der Aminos{\"a}uren koordiniert abl{\"a}uft. In Pflanzen mit reduziertem Stickstoffstatus haben diese diurnalen Muster jedoch keinen Bestand. Die Kombination des erzeugten stickstoffbasierten Aminos{\"a}uredatensatz in Kombination mit einem bereits erzeugten Aminos{\"a}uredatensatz unter kohlenstofflimitierten Bedingungen von Matt et al. (2002) f{\"u}hrte durch Hauptkomponentenanalyse (PCA) und Korrelationsanalyse zu dem Ergebnis, dass die Hypothese nach einer koordinierten Aminos{\"a}urebiosynthese nicht allgemeine G{\"u}ltigkeit hat. Die PCA identifizierte Glutamin, Glutamat, Aspartat, Glycin, Pheny-lalanin und Threonin als Faktoren, die den Datens{\"a}tzen ihre charakteristische Eigenschaft und deren Varianz verleihen. Die Korrelationsanalyse zeigte, dass die sehr guten Korrelationen der individuellen Aminos{\"a}uren untereinander in reduzierten Stickstoff- und Kohlenstoffbedingungen sich verschlechtern. Das Verh{\"a}ltnis einer einzelnen Aminos{\"a}ure relativ zu den anderen f{\"u}hrte zur Identifizierung einiger Aminos{\"a}uren, die individuelle Antworten auf Stickstoff- und/oder Kohlenstoffstatus zeigen, und/oder speziell auf Nitrat, Licht und/oder den E-nergiestatus der Thylakoidmembran. Glutamat beispielsweise verh{\"a}lt sich in den meisten Situationen stabil, Phenylalanin dagegen zeigt in jeder physiologischen Situation eine individuelle Antwort. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit f{\"u}hren zu einer Erweiterung der Hypothese einer koordinierten Synthese der Aminos{\"a}uren dahingehend, dass diese nicht generell f{\"u}r alle Aminos{\"a}uren angenommen werden kann. Es gibt einige Aminos{\"a}uren deren, Anteile sich situationsbedingt anpassen. Die Reduktion des Stickstoffstatus in nitratmangelern{\"a}hrten Tabakwildtyppflanzen f{\"u}hrte zu der, nach der „Carbon-Nutrient-Balance" Hypothese erwarteten Verlagerung der kohlenstoffreichen Phenylpropanoide und des stickstoffreichen Nikotins. Die Erh{\"o}hung der Phenylpropanoidgehalte war nicht in der Nitrat akkumulierenden NIA-Transformante zu beobachten und somit konnte Nitrat als regulatorisches Element identifiziert werden. Ein Einfluss der Vorl{\"a}ufermetabolite konnte ausgeschlossen werden, da sowohl nitratmangelern{\"a}hrter Wildtyp als auch die Nitrat akkumulierende NIA-Transformante {\"a}hnliche Gehalte dieser aufwiesen. Genexpressionsanalysen {\"u}ber Mikroarray-Hybridisierung und quantitative RT-PCR zeigten, dass Nitrat durch noch nicht gekl{\"a}rte Mechanismen Einfluss auf die Expression einiger Gene nimmt, die dem Phenylpropanoidstoffwechsels zugeordnet sind. Aus der Arbeit hervorgegangene Ver{\"o}ffentlichungen: Christina Fritz, Natalia Palacios-Rojas, Regina Feil und Mark Stitt (2006) Regulation of Secondary Metabolism by the Carbon-Nitrogen Status in Tobacco: Nitrate Inhibits Large Sectors of Phenylpropanoid Metabolism. Plant Journal 46, 533 - 548 Christina Fritz, Petra Matt, Cathrin M{\"u}ller, Regina Feil und Mark Stitt (2006) Impact of the Carbon-Nitrogen Status on the Amino Acid Profile in Tobacco Source Leaves. Plant, Cell and Environment 29 (11), 2009 - 2111}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Senger2007, author = {Senger, Toralf}, title = {Untersuchungen zur Metallhom{\"o}ostase in Arabidopsis thaliana}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-13234}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Alle Organismen sind f{\"u}r ihr {\"U}berleben auf Metalle angewiesen. Hierbei gibt es f{\"u}r jedes Metall einen Konzentrationsbereich, der das Optimum zwischen Metallmangel, -bedarf und -toxizit{\"a}t darstellt. Es gilt mittlerweile als erwiesen, dass alle Organismen zur Aufrechterhaltung des Metallgleichgewichts ein komplexes Netzwerk von Proteinen und niedermolekularen Verbindungen entwickelt haben. Die molekularen Komponenten dieses Netzwerks sind nur zu einem Teil bekannt und charakterisiert: In den letzten Jahren wurden einige Proteinfamilien identifiziert, deren Mitglieder Metalle durch Lipidmembranen transportieren. Eine dieser Metalltransporterfamilien ist die Cation Diffusion Facilitator (CDF)-Familie: Alle charakterisierten Mitglieder exportieren Metalle aus dem Zytoplasma - entweder in zellul{\"a}re Kompartimente oder aus der Zelle heraus. Von den zw{\"o}lf Mitgliedern dieser Familie in Arabidopsis thaliana (A. thaliana) - Metall Toleranz Protein (MTP)-1 bis -12 - wurden bisher AtMTP1 und AtMTP3 charakterisiert. In dieser Arbeit wird die Charakterisierung von AtMTP2 beschrieben. Wie die homologen Proteine AtMTP1 und AtMTP3 f{\"u}hrt AtMTP2 zu Zn-Toleranz, wenn es heterolog in Zn-sensitiven Hefemutanten exprimiert wird. Mit AtMTP2 transformierte Hefemutanten zeigten dar{\"u}ber hinaus erh{\"o}hte Co-Toleranz. Expression von chim{\"a}ren AtMTP2/GFP Fusionsproteinen in Hefe, A.thaliana protoplasten und in stabil transformierten A.thalinana Planzenlinien deutet auf Lokalisation of AtMTP2 in Membranen des Endoplasmatischen Retikulums (ER) hin, wenn GFP an den C-Terminus von MTP2 fusioniert wird. Fusion of GFP an den N-Terminus von AtMTP2 f{\"u}hrte zu Lokalisation in der vakuol{\"a}ren Membran, was wahrscheinlichsten auf Fehllokalisierung durch Maskierung eines ER-Retentionsmotivs (XXRR) am N-Terminus von AtMTP2 zur{\"u}ckgeht. Dies legt nahe, dass AtMTP2 die erw{\"a}hnten Metalle in das Endomembransystem der Zelle transportieren kann. Eine gewebespezifische Lokalisierung wurde mit Pflanzen durchgef{\"u}hrt, die das β-Glucuronidase (GUS)-Reporterprotein bzw. chim{\"a}re Fusionsproteine aus EGFP und AtMTP2 unter Kontrolle des nativen pMTP2-Promotors exprimierten. Diese Experimente best{\"a}tigten zum einen, dass der pMTP2-Promotor nur unter Zn-Defizienz aktiv ist. GUS-Aktivit{\"a}t wurde unter diesen Bedingungen in zwei Zonen der Wurzelspitze beobachtet: in den isodiametrischen Zellen der meristematischen Zone und in der beginnenden Wurzelhaarzone. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus konnte gezeigt werden, dass die EGFP-Fusionsproteine unter Kontrolle des nativen pMTP2-Promotors nur in epidermalen Zellen exprimiert werden. F{\"u}r eine homozygote Knockout- Linie, mtp2-S3, konnte bisher kein eindeutiger Ph{\"a}notyp identifiziert werden. Auf Grundlage der bisher durchgef{\"u}hrten Charakterisierung von AtMTP2 erscheinen zwei Modelle der Funktion von AtMTP2 in der Pflanze m{\"o}glich: AtMTP2 k{\"o}nnte essentiell f{\"u}r die Versorgung des ER mit Zn unter Zn-Mangelbedingungen sein. Hierf{\"u}r spricht, dass AtMTP2 in jungen, teilungsaktiven und damit Zn-ben{\"o}tigenden Wurzelzonen exprimiert wird. Die auf die Epidermis beschr{\"a}nkte Lokalisation k{\"o}nnte bei diesem Modell auf die M{\"o}glichkeit der zwischenzellul{\"a}ren Zn-Verteilung innerhalb des ER {\"u}ber Desmotubules hindeuten. Alternativ k{\"o}nnte AtMTP2 eine Funktion bei der Detoxifizierung von Zn unter Zn-Schock Bedingungen haben: Es ist bekannt, dass unter Zn- Mangelbedingungen die Expression der zellul{\"a}ren Zn-Aufnahmesysteme hochreguliert wird. Wenn nun die Zn-Verf{\"u}gbarkeit im Boden z. B durch eine pH-{\"A}nderung innerhalb kurzer Zeit stark ansteigt, besteht die Notwendigkeit der Entgiftung von Zn innerhalb der Zelle, bis der starke Einstrom von Zn ins Zytoplasma durch die Deaktivierung der Zn-Aufnahmesysteme und einer geringeren Expression in der Pflanze gedrosselt ist. Ein {\"a}hnlicher Mechanismus wurde in der B{\"a}ckerhefe S. cerevisae beschrieben, in der dar{\"u}ber hinaus ein Zn-Transporter verst{\"a}rkt exprimiert wird, der Zn durch Transport in die Vakuole entgiften kann. Es ist durchaus m{\"o}glich, dass in Arabidopsis AtMTP2 die Zn-Detoxifizierung unter diesen speziellen Bedingungen durch Zn-Transport in das ER oder die Vakuole vermittelt. Zur Identifikation weiterer Komponenten des Metallhom{\"o}ostasenetzwerks sind verschiedene Ans{\"a}tze denkbar. In dieser Arbeit wurde in Hefe ein heterologer Screen durchgef{\"u}hrt, um Interaktoren f{\"u}r vier Mitglieder der Arabidopsis-CDF-Familie zu identifizieren. Unter den 11 im Hefesystem best{\"a}tigten Kandidaten befindet sich mit AtSPL1 ein AtMTP1-Interaktionskandidat, der m{\"o}glicherweise eine Rolle bei der Cu-,Zn-Hom{\"o}ostase spielt. Als wahrscheinliche AtMTP3-Interaktionskandidaten wurde die c"-Untereinheit der vakuol{\"a}ren H+-ATPase AtVHA identifiziert sowie mit AtNPSN13 ein Protein, das vermutlich eine Rolle bei Fusionen von Vesikeln mit Zielmembranen spielt. Ein anderer Ansatz zur Identifikation neuer Metallhom{\"o}ostasegene ist die vergleichende Elementanalyse von nat{\"u}rlichen oder mutagenisierten Pflanzenpopulationen. Voraussetzung f{\"u}r diesen Ansatz ist die schnelle und genaue Analyse des Elementgehalts von Pflanzen. Eine etablierte Methode zur simultanen Bestimmung von bis zu 65 Elementen in einer Probe ist die Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP OES). Der limitierende Faktor f{\"u}r einen hohen Probendurchsatz ist die Notwendigkeit, Proben f{\"u}r die Analyse zu verfl{\"u}ssigen. Eine alternative Methode der Probenzuf{\"u}hrung zum Analyseger{\"a}t ist die elektrothermale Verdampfung (ETV) der Probe. Zur weitgehend automatisierten Analyse von Pflanzenmaterial mit minimiertem Arbeitsaufwand wurde eine Methode entwickelt, die auf der Kopplung der ETV mit der ICP OES basiert.}, language = {de} } @misc{WackervonElert2001, author = {Wacker, Alexander and von Elert, Eric}, title = {Polyunsaturated fatty acids : evidence for non-substitutable biochemical resources in Daphnia galeata}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-17587}, year = {2001}, abstract = {The factors that determine the efficiency of energy transfer in aquatic food webs have been investigated for many decades. The plant-animal interface is the most variable and least predictable of all levels in the food web. In order to study determinants of food quality in a large lake and to test the recently proposed central importance of the long-chained eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) at the pelagic producer-grazer interface, we tested the importance of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) at the pelagic producerconsumer interface by correlating sestonic food parameters with somatic growth rates of a clone of Daphnia galeata. Daphnia growth rates were obtained from standardized laboratory experiments spanning one season with Daphnia feeding on natural seston from Lake Constance, a large pre-alpine lake. Somatic growth rates were fitted to sestonic parameters by using a saturation function. A moderate amount of variation was explained when the model included the elemental parameters carbon (r2 = 0.6) and nitrogen (r2 = 0.71). A tighter fit was obtained when sestonic phosphorus was incorporated (r2 = 0.86). The nonlinear regression with EPA was relatively weak (r2 = 0.77), whereas the highest degree of variance was explained by three C18-PUFAs. The best (r2 = 0.95), and only significant, correlation of Daphnia's growth was found with the C18-PUFA α-linolenic acid (α-LA; C18:3n-3). This correlation was weakest in late August when C:P values increased to 300, suggesting that mineral and PUFA-limitation of Daphnia's growth changed seasonally. Sestonic phosphorus and some PUFAs showed not only tight correlations with growth, but also with sestonic α-LA content. We computed Monte Carlo simulations to test whether the observed effects of α-LA on growth could be accounted for by EPA, phosphorus, or one of the two C18-PUFAs, stearidonic acid (C18:4n-3) and linoleic acid (C18:2n-6). With >99 \% probability, the correlation of growth with α-LA could not be explained by any of these parameters. In order to test for EPA limitation of Daphnia's growth, in parallel with experiments on pure seston, growth was determined on seston supplemented with chemostat-grown, P-limited Stephanodiscus hantzschii, which is rich in EPA. Although supplementation increased the EPA content 80-800x, no significant changes in the nonlinear regression of the growth rates with α-LA were found, indicating that growth of Daphnia on pure seston was not EPA limited. This indicates that the two fatty acids, EPA and α-LA, were not mutually substitutable biochemical resources and points to different physiological functions of these two PUFAs. These results support the PUFA-limitation hypothesis for sestonic C:P < 300 but are contrary to the hypothesis of a general importance of EPA, since no evidence for EPA limitation was found. It is suggested that the resource ratios of EPA and α-LA rather than the absolute concentrations determine which of the two resources is limiting growth.}, language = {en} } @misc{WackervonElert2002, author = {Wacker, Alexander and von Elert, Eric}, title = {Strong influences of larval diet history on subsequent post-settlement growth in the freshwater mollusc Dreissena polymorpha}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-17627}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Significant seasonal variation in size at settlement has been observed in newly settled larvae of Dreissena polymorpha in Lake Constance. Diet quality, which varies temporally and spatially in freshwater habitats, has been suggested as a significant factor influencing life history and development of freshwater invertebrates. Accordingly, experiments were conducted with field-collected larvae to test the hypothesis that diet quality can determine planktonic larval growth rates, size at settlement and subsequent post-metamorphic growth rates. Larvae were fed one of two diets or starved. One diet was composed of cyanobacterial cells which are deficient in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), and the other was a mixed diet rich in PUFAs. Freshly metamorphosed animals from the starvation treatment had a carbon content per individual 70\% lower than that of larvae fed the mixed diet. This apparent exhaustion of larval internal reserves resulted in a 50\% reduction of the postmetamorphic growth rates. Growth was also reduced in animals previously fed the cyanobacterial diet. Hence, low food quantity or low food quality during the larval stage of D. polymorpha lead to irreversible effects for postmetamorphic animals, and is related to inferior competitive abilities.}, language = {en} } @misc{SteinfathGaertnerLisecetal.2009, author = {Steinfath, Matthias and G{\"a}rtner, Tanja and Lisec, Jan and Meyer, Rhonda C. and Altmann, Thomas and Willmitzer, Lothar and Selbig, Joachim}, title = {Prediction of hybrid biomass in Arabidopsis thaliana by selected parental SNP and metabolic markers}, series = {Zweitver{\"o}ffentlichungen der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, journal = {Zweitver{\"o}ffentlichungen der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, number = {1324}, issn = {1866-8372}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43111}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-431115}, pages = {9}, year = {2009}, abstract = {A recombinant inbred line (RIL) population, derived from two Arabidopsis thaliana accessions, and the corresponding testcrosses with these two original accessions were used for the development and validation of machine learning models to predict the biomass of hybrids. Genetic and metabolic information of the RILs served as predictors. Feature selection reduced the number of variables (genetic and metabolic markers) in the models by more than 80\% without impairing the predictive power. Thus, potential biomarkers have been revealed. Metabolites were shown to bear information on inherited macroscopic phenotypes. This proof of concept could be interesting for breeders. The example population exhibits substantial mid-parent biomass heterosis. The results of feature selection could therefore be used to shed light on the origin of heterosis. In this respect, mainly dominance effects were detected.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ziege2022, author = {Ziege, Ricardo}, title = {Growth dynamics and mechanical properties of E. coli biofilms}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-55986}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-559869}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xi, 123}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Biofilms are complex living materials that form as bacteria get embedded in a matrix of self-produced protein and polysaccharide fibres. The formation of a network of extracellular biopolymer fibres contributes to the cohesion of the biofilm by promoting cell-cell attachment and by mediating biofilm-substrate interactions. This sessile mode of bacteria growth has been well studied by microbiologists to prevent the detrimental effects of biofilms in medical and industrial settings. Indeed, biofilms are associated with increased antibiotic resistance in bacterial infections, and they can also cause clogging of pipelines or promote bio-corrosion. However, biofilms also gained interest from biophysics due to their ability to form complex morphological patterns during growth. Recently, the emerging field of engineered living materials investigates biofilm mechanical properties at multiple length scales and leverages the tools of synthetic biology to tune the functions of their constitutive biopolymers. This doctoral thesis aims at clarifying how the morphogenesis of Escherichia coli (E. coli) biofilms is influenced by their growth dynamics and mechanical properties. To address this question, I used methods from cell mechanics and materials science. I first studied how biological activity in biofilms gives rise to non-uniform growth patterns. In a second study, I investigated how E. coli biofilm morphogenesis and its mechanical properties adapt to an environmental stimulus, namely the water content of their substrate. Finally, I estimated how the mechanical properties of E. coli biofilms are altered when the bacteria express different extracellular biopolymers. On nutritive hydrogels, micron-sized E. coli cells can build centimetre-large biofilms. During this process, bacterial proliferation and matrix production introduce mechanical stresses in the biofilm, which release through the formation of macroscopic wrinkles and delaminated buckles. To relate these biological and mechanical phenomena, I used time-lapse fluorescence imaging to track cell and matrix surface densities through the early and late stages of E. coli biofilm growth. Colocalization of high cell and matrix densities at the periphery precede the onset of mechanical instabilities at this annular region. Early growth is detected at this outer annulus, which was analysed by adding fluorescent microspheres to the bacterial inoculum. But only when high rates of matrix production are present in the biofilm centre, does overall biofilm spreading initiate along the solid-air interface. By tracking larger fluorescent particles for a long time, I could distinguish several kinematic stages of E. coli biofilm expansion and observed a transition from non-linear to linear velocity profiles, which precedes the emergence of wrinkles at the biofilm periphery. Decomposing particle velocities to their radial and circumferential components revealed a last kinematic stage, where biofilm movement is mostly directed towards the radial delaminated buckles, which verticalize. The resulting compressive strains computed in these regions were observed to substantially deform the underlying agar substrates. The co-localization of higher cell and matrix densities towards an annular region and the succession of several kinematic stages are thus expected to promote the emergence of mechanical instabilities at the biofilm periphery. These experimental findings are predicted to advance future modelling approaches of biofilm morphogenesis. E. coli biofilm morphogenesis is further anticipated to depend on external stimuli from the environment. To clarify how the water could be used to tune biofilm material properties, we quantified E. coli biofilm growth, wrinkling dynamics and rigidity as a function of the water content of the nutritive substrates. Time-lapse microscopy and computational image analysis revealed that substrates with high water content promote biofilm spreading kinetics, while substrates with low water content promote biofilm wrinkling. The wrinkles observed on biofilm cross-sections appeared more bent on substrates with high water content, while they tended to be more vertical on substrates with low water content. Both wet and dry biomass, accumulated over 4 days of culture, were larger in biofilms cultured on substrates with high water content, despite extra porosity within the matrix layer. Finally, the micro-indentation analysis revealed that substrates with low water content supported the formation of stiffer biofilms. This study shows that E. coli biofilms respond to the water content of their substrate, which might be used for tuning their material properties in view of further applications. Biofilm material properties further depend on the composition and structure of the matrix of extracellular proteins and polysaccharides. In particular, E. coli biofilms were suggested to present tissue-like elasticity due to a dense fibre network consisting of amyloid curli and phosphoethanolamine-modified cellulose. To understand the contribution of these components to the emergent mechanical properties of E. coli biofilms, we performed micro-indentation on biofilms grown from bacteria of several strains. Besides showing higher dry masses, larger spreading diameters and slightly reduced water contents, biofilms expressing both main matrix components also presented high rigidities in the range of several hundred kPa, similar to biofilms containing only curli fibres. In contrast, a lack of amyloid curli fibres provides much higher adhesive energies and more viscoelastic fluid-like material behaviour. Therefore, the combination of amyloid curli and phosphoethanolamine-modified cellulose fibres implies the formation of a composite material whereby the amyloid curli fibres provide rigidity to E. coli biofilms, whereas the phosphoethanolamine-modified cellulose rather acts as a glue. These findings motivate further studies involving purified versions of these protein and polysaccharide components to better understand how their interactions benefit biofilm functions. All three studies depict different aspects of biofilm morphogenesis, which are interrelated. The first work reveals the correlation between non-uniform biological activities and the emergence of mechanical instabilities in the biofilm. The second work acknowledges the adaptive nature of E. coli biofilm morphogenesis and its mechanical properties to an environmental stimulus, namely water. Finally, the last study reveals the complementary role of the individual matrix components in the formation of a stable biofilm material, which not only forms complex morphologies but also functions as a protective shield for the bacteria it contains. Our experimental findings on E. coli biofilm morphogenesis and their mechanical properties can have further implications for fundamental and applied biofilm research fields.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schuette2011, author = {Sch{\"u}tte, Moritz}, title = {Evolutionary fingerprints in genome-scale networks}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-57483}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Mathematical modeling of biological phenomena has experienced increasing interest since new high-throughput technologies give access to growing amounts of molecular data. These modeling approaches are especially able to test hypotheses which are not yet experimentally accessible or guide an experimental setup. One particular attempt investigates the evolutionary dynamics responsible for today's composition of organisms. Computer simulations either propose an evolutionary mechanism and thus reproduce a recent finding or rebuild an evolutionary process in order to learn about its mechanism. The quest for evolutionary fingerprints in metabolic and gene-coexpression networks is the central topic of this cumulative thesis based on four published articles. An understanding of the actual origin of life will probably remain an insoluble problem. However, one can argue that after a first simple metabolism has evolved, the further evolution of metabolism occurred in parallel with the evolution of the sequences of the catalyzing enzymes. Indications of such a coevolution can be found when correlating the change in sequence between two enzymes with their distance on the metabolic network which is obtained from the KEGG database. We observe that there exists a small but significant correlation primarily on nearest neighbors. This indicates that enzymes catalyzing subsequent reactions tend to be descended from the same precursor. Since this correlation is relatively small one can at least assume that, if new enzymes are no "genetic children" of the previous enzymes, they certainly be descended from any of the already existing ones. Following this hypothesis, we introduce a model of enzyme-pathway coevolution. By iteratively adding enzymes, this model explores the metabolic network in a manner similar to diffusion. With implementation of an Gillespie-like algorithm we are able to introduce a tunable parameter that controls the weight of sequence similarity when choosing a new enzyme. Furthermore, this method also defines a time difference between successive evolutionary innovations in terms of a new enzyme. Overall, these simulations generate putative time-courses of the evolutionary walk on the metabolic network. By a time-series analysis, we find that the acquisition of new enzymes appears in bursts which are pronounced when the influence of the sequence similarity is higher. This behavior strongly resembles punctuated equilibrium which denotes the observation that new species tend to appear in bursts as well rather than in a gradual manner. Thus, our model helps to establish a better understanding of punctuated equilibrium giving a potential description at molecular level. From the time-courses we also extract a tentative order of new enzymes, metabolites, and even organisms. The consistence of this order with previous findings provides evidence for the validity of our approach. While the sequence of a gene is actually subject to mutations, its expression profile might also indirectly change through the evolutionary events in the cellular interplay. Gene coexpression data is simply accessible by microarray experiments and commonly illustrated using coexpression networks where genes are nodes and get linked once they show a significant coexpression. Since the large number of genes makes an illustration of the entire coexpression network difficult, clustering helps to show the network on a metalevel. Various clustering techniques already exist. However, we introduce a novel one which maintains control of the cluster sizes and thus assures proper visual inspection. An application of the method on Arabidopsis thaliana reveals that genes causing a severe phenotype often show a functional uniqueness in their network vicinity. This leads to 20 genes of so far unknown phenotype which are however suggested to be essential for plant growth. Of these, six indeed provoke such a severe phenotype, shown by mutant analysis. By an inspection of the degree distribution of the A.thaliana coexpression network, we identified two characteristics. The distribution deviates from the frequently observed power-law by a sharp truncation which follows after an over-representation of highly connected nodes. For a better understanding, we developed an evolutionary model which mimics the growth of a coexpression network by gene duplication which underlies a strong selection criterion, and slight mutational changes in the expression profile. Despite the simplicity of our assumption, we can reproduce the observed properties in A.thaliana as well as in E.coli and S.cerevisiae. The over-representation of high-degree nodes could be identified with mutually well connected genes of similar functional families: zinc fingers (PF00096), flagella, and ribosomes respectively. In conclusion, these four manuscripts demonstrate the usefulness of mathematical models and statistical tools as a source of new biological insight. While the clustering approach of gene coexpression data leads to the phenotypic characterization of so far unknown genes and thus supports genome annotation, our model approaches offer explanations for observed properties of the coexpression network and furthermore substantiate punctuated equilibrium as an evolutionary process by a deeper understanding of an underlying molecular mechanism.}, language = {en} } @misc{KoechyMathajJeltschetal.2008, author = {K{\"o}chy, Martin and Mathaj, Martin and Jeltsch, Florian and Malkinson, Dan}, title = {Resilience of stocking capacity to changing climate in arid to Mediterranean landscapes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-18720}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Small livestock is an important resource for rural human populations in dry climates. How strongly will climate change affect the capacity of the rangeland? We used hierarchical modelling to scale quantitatively the growth of shrubs and annual plants, the main food of sheep and goats, to the landscape extent in the eastern Mediterranean region. Without grazing, productivity increased in a sigmoid way with mean annual precipitation. Grazing reduced productivity more strongly the drier the landscape. At a point just under the stocking capacity of the vegetation, productivity declined precipitously with more intense grazing due to a lack of seed production of annuals. We repeated simulations with precipitation patterns projected by two contrasting IPCC scenarios. Compared to results based on historic patterns, productivity and stocking capacity did not differ in most cases. Thus, grazing intensity remains the stronger impact on landscape productivity in this dry region even in the future.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stanke2023, author = {Stanke, Sandra}, title = {AC electrokinetic immobilization of influenza viruses and antibodies on nanoelectrode arrays for on-chip immunoassays}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61716}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-617165}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {x, 115}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In the present thesis, AC electrokinetic forces, like dielectrophoresis and AC electroosmosis, were demonstrated as a simple and fast method to functionalize the surface of nanoelectrodes with submicrometer sized biological objects. These nanoelectrodes have a cylindrical shape with a diameter of 500 nm arranged in an array of 6256 electrodes. Due to its medical relevance influenza virus as well as anti-influenza antibodies were chosen as a model organism. Common methods to bring antibodies or proteins to biosensor surfaces are complex and time-consuming. In the present work, it was demonstrated that by applying AC electric fields influenza viruses and antibodies can be immobilized onto the nanoelectrodes within seconds without any prior chemical modification of neither the surface nor the immobilized biological object. The distribution of these immobilized objects is not uniform over the entire array, it exhibits a decreasing gradient from the outer row to the inner ones. Different causes for this gradient have been discussed, such as the vortex-shaped fluid motion above the nanoelectrodes generated by, among others, electrothermal fluid flow. It was demonstrated that parts of the accumulated material are permanently immobilized to the electrodes. This is a unique characteristic of the presented system since in the literature the AC electrokinetic immobilization is almost entirely presented as a method just for temporary immobilization. The spatial distribution of the immobilized viral material or the anti-influenza antibodies at the electrodes was observed by either the combination of fluorescence microscopy and deconvolution or by super-resolution microscopy (STED). On-chip immunoassays were performed to examine the suitability of the functionalized electrodes as a potential affinity-based biosensor. Two approaches were pursued: A) the influenza virus as the bio-receptor or B) the influenza virus as the analyte. Different sources of error were eliminated by ELISA and passivation experiments. Hence, the activity of the immobilized object was inspected by incubation with the analyte. This resulted in the successful detection of anti-influenza antibodies by the immobilized viral material. On the other hand, a detection of influenza virus particles by the immobilized anti-influenza antibodies was not possible. The latter might be due to lost activity or wrong orientation of the antibodies. Thus, further examinations on the activity of by AC electric fields immobilized antibodies should follow. When combined with microfluidics and an electrical read-out system, the functionalized chips possess the potential to serve as a rapid, portable, and cost-effective point-of-care (POC) device. This device can be utilized as a basis for diverse applications in diagnosing and treating influenza, as well as various other pathogens.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Martin2013, author = {Martin, Benjamin}, title = {Linking individual-based models and dynamic energy budget theory : lessons for ecology and ecotoxicology}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-67001}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2013}, abstract = {In the context of ecological risk assessment of chemicals, individual-based population models hold great potential to increase the ecological realism of current regulatory risk assessment procedures. However, developing and parameterizing such models is time-consuming and often ad hoc. Using standardized, tested submodels of individual organisms would make individual-based modelling more efficient and coherent. In this thesis, I explored whether Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory is suitable for being used as a standard submodel in individual-based models, both for ecological risk assessment and theoretical population ecology. First, I developed a generic implementation of DEB theory in an individual-based modeling (IBM) context: DEB-IBM. Using the DEB-IBM framework I tested the ability of the DEB theory to predict population-level dynamics from the properties of individuals. We used Daphnia magna as a model species, where data at the individual level was available to parameterize the model, and population-level predictions were compared against independent data from controlled population experiments. We found that DEB theory successfully predicted population growth rates and peak densities of experimental Daphnia populations in multiple experimental settings, but failed to capture the decline phase, when the available food per Daphnia was low. Further assumptions on food-dependent mortality of juveniles were needed to capture the population dynamics after the initial population peak. The resulting model then predicted, without further calibration, characteristic switches between small- and large-amplitude cycles, which have been observed for Daphnia. We conclude that cross-level tests help detecting gaps in current individual-level theories and ultimately will lead to theory development and the establishment of a generic basis for individual-based models and ecology. In addition to theoretical explorations, we tested the potential of DEB theory combined with IBMs to extrapolate effects of chemical stress from the individual to population level. For this we used information at the individual level on the effect of 3,4-dichloroanailine on Daphnia. The individual data suggested direct effects on reproduction but no significant effects on growth. Assuming such direct effects on reproduction, the model was able to accurately predict the population response to increasing concentrations of 3,4-dichloroaniline. We conclude that DEB theory combined with IBMs holds great potential for standardized ecological risk assessment based on ecological models.}, language = {en} } @misc{StieglerLinsDammhahnetal.2022, author = {Stiegler, Jonas and Lins, Alisa and Dammhahn, Melanie and Kramer-Schadt, Stephanie and Ortmann, Sylvia and Blaum, Niels}, title = {Personality drives activity and space use in a mammalian herbivore}, series = {Zweitver{\"o}ffentlichungen der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, journal = {Zweitver{\"o}ffentlichungen der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, issn = {1866-8372}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-57732}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-577327}, pages = {1 -- 12}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Background Animal personality has emerged as a key concept in behavioral ecology. While many studies have demonstrated the influence of personality traits on behavioral patterns, its quantification, especially in wild animal populations, remains a challenge. Only a few studies have established a link between personality and recurring movements within home ranges, although these small-scale movements are of key importance for identifying ecological interactions and forming individual niches. In this regard, differences in space use among individuals might reflect different exploration styles between behavioral types along the shy-bold continuum. Methods We assessed among-individual differences in behavior in the European hare (Lepus europaeus), a characteristic mammalian herbivore in agricultural landscapes using a standardized box emergence test for captive and wild hares. We determined an individuals' degree of boldness by measuring the latencies of behavioral responses in repeated emergence tests in captivity. During capture events of wild hares, we conducted a single emergence test and recorded behavioral responses proven to be stable over time in captive hares. Applying repeated novel environment tests in a near-natural enclosure, we further quantified aspects of exploration and activity in captive hares. Finally, we investigated whether and how this among-individual behavioral variation is related to general activity and space use in a wild hare population. Wild and captive hares were treated similarly and GPS-collared with internal accelerometers prior to release to the wild or the outdoor enclosure, respectively. General activity was quantified as overall dynamic body acceleration (ODBA) obtained from accelerometers. Finally, we tested whether boldness explained variation in (i) ODBA in both settings and (ii) variation in home ranges and core areas across different time scales of GPS-collared hares in a wild population. Results We found three behavioral responses to be consistent over time in captive hares. ODBA was positively related to boldness (i.e., short latencies to make first contact with the new environment) in both captive and wild hares. Space use in wild hares also varied with boldness, with shy individuals having smaller core areas and larger home ranges than bold conspecifics (yet in some of the parameter space, this association was just marginally significant). Conclusions Against our prediction, shy individuals occupied relatively large home ranges but with small core areas. We suggest that this space use pattern is due to them avoiding risky, and energy-demanding competition for valuable resources. Carefully validated, activity measurements (ODBA) from accelerometers provide a valuable tool to quantify aspects of animal personality along the shy-bold continuum remotely. Without directly observing—and possibly disturbing—focal individuals, this approach allows measuring variability in animal personality, especially in species that are difficult to assess with experiments. Considering that accelerometers are often already built into GPS units, we recommend activating them at least during the initial days of tracking to estimate individual variation in general activity and, if possible, match them with a simple novelty experiment. Furthermore, information on individual behavioral types will help to facilitate mechanistic understanding of processes that drive spatial and ecological dynamics in heterogeneous landscapes.}, language = {en} }