@phdthesis{Wang2020, author = {Wang, Xia}, title = {Reef ecosystem recovery following the Middle Permian (Capitanian) mass extinction}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-48750}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-487502}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XI, 144}, year = {2020}, abstract = {To find out the future of nowadays reef ecosystem turnover under the environmental stresses such as global warming and ocean acidification, analogue studies from the geologic past are needed. As a critical time of reef ecosystem innovation, the Permian-Triassic transition witnessed the most severe demise of Phanerozoic reef builders, and the establishment of modern style symbiotic relationships within the reef-building organisms. Being the initial stage of this transition, the Middle Permian (Capitanian) mass extinction coursed a reef eclipse in the early Late Permian, which lead to a gap of understanding in the post-extinction Wuchiapingian reef ecosystem, shortly before the radiation of Changhsingian reefs. Here, this thesis presents detailed biostratigraphic, sedimentological, and palaeoecological studies of the Wuchiapingian reef recovery following the Middle Permian (Capitanian) mass extinction, on the only recorded Wuchiapingian reef setting, outcropping in South China at the Tieqiao section. Conodont biostratigraphic zonations were revised from the Early Permian Artinskian to the Late Permian Wuchiapingian in the Tieqiao section. Twenty main and seven subordinate conodont zones are determined at Tieqiao section including two conodont zone below and above the Tieqiao reef complex. The age of Tieqiao reef was constrained as early to middle Wuchiapingian. After constraining the reef age, detailed two-dimensional outcrop mapping combined with lithofacies study were carried out on the Wuchiapingian Tieqiao Section to investigate the reef growth pattern stratigraphically as well as the lateral changes of reef geometry on the outcrop scale. Semi-quantitative studies of the reef-building organisms were used to find out their evolution pattern within the reef recovery. Six reef growth cycles were determined within six transgressive-regressive cycles in the Tieqiao section. The reefs developed within the upper part of each regressive phase and were dominated by different biotas. The timing of initial reef recovery after the Middle Permian (Capitanian) mass extinction was updated to the Clarkina leveni conodont zone, which is earlier than previous understanding. Metazoans such as sponges were not the major components of the Wuchiapingian reefs until the 5th and 6th cycles. So, the recovery of metazoan reef ecosystem after the Middle Permian (Capitanian) mass extinction was obviously delayed. In addition, although the importance of metazoan reef builders such as sponges did increase following the recovery process, encrusting organisms such as Archaeolithoporella and Tubiphytes, combined with microbial carbonate precipitation, still played significant roles to the reef building process and reef recovery after the mass extinction. Based on the results from outcrop mapping and sedimentological studies, quantitative composition analysis of the Tieqiao reef complex were applied on selected thin sections to further investigate the functioning of reef building components and the reef evolution after the Middle Permian (Capitanian) mass extinction. Data sets of skeletal grains and whole rock components were analyzed. The results show eleven biocommunity clusters/eight rock composition clusters dominated by different skeletal grains/rock components. Sponges, Archaeolithoporella and Tubiphytes were the most ecologically important components within the Wuchiapingian Tieqiao reef, while the clotted micrites and syndepositional cements are the additional important rock components for reef cores. The sponges were important within the whole reef recovery. Tubiphytes were broadly distributed in different environments and played a key-role in the initial reef communities. Archaeolithoporella concentrated in the shallower part of reef cycles (i.e., the upper part of reef core) and was functionally significant for the enlargement of reef volume. In general, the reef recovery after the Middle Permian (Capitanian) mass extinction has some similarities with the reef recovery following the end-Permian mass extinction. It shows a delayed recovery of metazoan reefs and a stepwise recovery pattern that was controlled by both ecological and environmental factors. The importance of encrusting organisms and microbial carbonates are also similar to most of the other post-extinction reef ecosystems. These findings can be instructive to extend our understanding of the reef ecosystem evolution under environmental perturbation or stresses.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nomosatryo2023, author = {Nomosatryo, Sulung}, title = {Biogeochemical characteristics of a tropical lake}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-59400}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-594006}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xix, 175}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Biogeochemical analyses of lacustrine environments are well-established methods that allow exploring and understanding complex systems in the lake ecosystem. However, most were conducted in temperate lakes controlled by entirely different physical conditions than in tropical climates. The most important difference between the temperate and tropical lakes is lacking seasonal temperature fluctuations in the latter, which leads to a stable temperature gradient in the water column. Thus, the water column in tropical latitudes generally is void of perturbations that can be seen in their temperate counterparts. Permanent stratification in the water column provides optimal conditions for intact sedimentation. The geochemical processes in the water column and the weathering process in the distinct lithology in the catchment leads to the different biogeochemical characteristic in the sediment. Conducting a biogeochemical study in this lake sediment, especially in the Sediment Water Interface (SWI) helps reveal the sedimentation and diagenetic process records influenced by the internal or external loading. Lake Sentani, the study area, is one of the thousands of lakes in Indonesia and located in the Papua province. This tropical lake has a unique feature, as it consists of four interconnected sub-basins with different water depths. More importantly, its catchment is comprised of various different lithologies. Hence, its lithological characteristics are highly diverse, and range from mafic and ultramafic rocks to clastic sediment and carbonates. Each sub-basin receives a distinct sediment input. Equally important, besides the natural loading, Lake Sentani is also influenced by anthropogenic input. Previous studies have elaborated that there is an increase in population growth rate around the lake which has direct consequences on eutrophication. Considering these factors, the government of The Republic of Indonesia put Lake Sentani on the list of national priority lakes for restoration. This thesis aims to develop a fundamental understanding of Lake Sentani's sedimentary geochemistry and geomicrobiology with a special focus on the effects of different lithologies and anthropogenic pressures in the catchment area. We conducted geochemical and geomicrobiology research on Lake Sentani to meet this objective. We investigated geochemical characteristics in the water column, porewater, and sediment core of the four sub-basins. Additional to direct investigations of the lake itself, we also studied the sediments in the tributary rivers, of which some are ephemeral, as well as the river mouths, as connections between riverine and the lacustrine habitat. The thesis is composed of three main publications about Lake Sentani and supported by several publications that focus on other tropical lakes in Indonesia. The first main publication investigates the geochemical characterization of the water column, porewater, and surface sediment (upper 40-50 cm) from the center of the four sub-basins. It reveals that besides catchment lithology, the water column heavily influences the geochemical characteristics in the lake sediments and their porewater. The findings indicate that water column stratification has a strong influence on overall chemistry. The four sub-basins are very different with regard to their water column chemistry. Based on the physicochemical profiles, especially dissolved oxygen, one sub-basin is oxygenated, one intermediate i.e. just reaches oxygen depletion at the sediment-water interface, and two sub-basins are fully meromictic. However, all four sub-basins share the same surface water chemistry. The structure of the water column creates differences on the patterns of anions and cations in the porewater. Likewise, the distinct differences in geochemical composition between the sub-basins show that the lithology in the catchment affects the geochemical characteristic in the sediment. Overall, water column stratification and particularly bottom water oxygenation strongly influence the overall elemental composition of the sediment and porewater composition. The second publication reveals differences in surface sediment composition between habitats, influenced by lithological variations in the catchment area. The macro-element distribution shows that the geochemical characteristics between habitats are different. Furthermore, the geochemical composition also indicates a distinct distribution between the sub-basins. The geochemical composition of the eastern sub-basin suggests that lithogenic elements are more dominant than authigenic elements. This is also supported by sulfide speciation, particle distribution, and smear slide data. The third publication is a geomicrobiological study of the surface sediment. We compare the geochemical composition of the surface sediment and its microbiological composition and compare the different signals. Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) of the 16S rRNA gene was applied to determine the microbial community composition of the surface sediment from a great number of locations. We use a large number of sampling sites in all four sub-basins as well as in the rivers and river mouths to illustrate the links between the river, the river mouth, and the lake. Rigorous assessment of microbial communities across the diverse Lake Sentani habitats allowed us to study some of these links and report novel findings on microbial patterns in such ecosystems. The main result of the Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA) based on microbial community composition highlighted some commonalities but also differences between the microbial community analysis and the geochemical data. The microbial community in rivers, river mouths and sub-basins is strongly influenced by anthropogenic input from the catchment area. Generally, Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes could be an indicator for river sediments. The microbial community in the river is directly influenced by anthropogenic pressure and is markedly different from the lake sediment. Meanwhile, the microbial community in the lake sediment reflects the anoxic environment, which is prevalent across the lake in all sediments below a few mm burial depth. The lake sediments harbour abundant sulfate reducers and methanogens. The microbial communities in sediments from river mouths are influenced by both rivers and lake ecosystems. This study provides valuable information to understand the basic processes that control biogeochemical cycling in Lake Sentani. Our findings are critical for lake managers to accurately assess the uncertainties of the changing environmental conditions related to the anthropogenic pressure in the catchment area. Lake Sentani is a unique study site directly influenced by the different geology across the watershed and morphometry of the four studied basins. As a result of these factors, there are distinct geochemical differences between the habitats (river, river mouth, lake) and the four sub-basins. In addition to geochemistry, microbial community composition also shows differences between habitats, although there are no obvious differences between the four sub-basins. However, unlike sediment geochemistry, microbial community composition is impacted by human activities. Therefore, this thesis will provide crucial baseline data for future lake management.}, language = {en} }