@article{GomezZapataZafrirPittoreetal.2022, author = {Gomez Zapata, Juan Camilo and Zafrir, Raquel and Pittore, Massimiliano and Merino, Yvonne}, title = {Towards a sensitivity analysis in seismic risk with probabilistic building exposure models}, series = {ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information}, volume = {11}, journal = {ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information}, number = {2}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, issn = {2220-9964}, doi = {10.3390/ijgi11020113}, pages = {38}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Efforts have been made in the past to enhance building exposure models on a regional scale with increasing spatial resolutions by integrating different data sources. This work follows a similar path and focuses on the downscaling of the existing SARA exposure model that was proposed for the residential building stock of the communes of Valparaiso and Vina del Mar (Chile). Although this model allowed great progress in harmonising building classes and characterising their differential physical vulnerabilities, it is now outdated, and in any case, it is spatially aggregated over large administrative units. Hence, to more accurately consider the impact of future earthquakes on these cities, it is necessary to employ more reliable exposure models. For such a purpose, we propose updating this existing model through a Bayesian approach by integrating ancillary data that has been made increasingly available from Volunteering Geo-Information (VGI) activities. Its spatial representation is also optimised in higher resolution aggregation units that avoid the inconvenience of having incomplete building-by-building footprints. A worst-case earthquake scenario is presented to calculate direct economic losses and highlight the degree of uncertainty imposed by exposure models in comparison with other parameters used to generate the seismic ground motions within a sensitivity analysis. This example study shows the great potential of using increasingly available VGI to update worldwide building exposure models as well as its importance in scenario-based seismic risk assessment.}, language = {en} } @article{GomezZapataBrinckmannHarigetal.2021, author = {Gomez-Zapata, Juan Camilo and Brinckmann, Nils and Harig, Sven and Zafrir, Raquel and Pittore, Massimiliano and Cotton, Fabrice and Babeyko, Andrey}, title = {Variable-resolution building exposure modelling for earthquake and tsunami scenario-based risk assessment : an application case in Lima, Peru}, series = {Natural hazards and earth system sciences : NHESS}, volume = {21}, journal = {Natural hazards and earth system sciences : NHESS}, number = {11}, publisher = {European Geophysical Society}, address = {Katlenburg-Lindau}, issn = {1561-8633}, doi = {10.5194/nhess-21-3599-2021}, pages = {3599 -- 3628}, year = {2021}, abstract = {We propose the use of variable resolution boundaries based on central Voronoi tessellations (CVTs) to spatially aggregate building exposure models for risk assessment to various natural hazards. Such a framework is especially beneficial when the spatial distribution of the considered hazards presents intensity measures with contrasting footprints and spatial correlations, such as in coastal environments. This work avoids the incorrect assumption that a single intensity value from hazards with low spatial correlation (e.g. tsunami) can be considered to be representative within large-sized geo-cells for physical vulnerability assessment, without, at the same time, increasing the complexity of the overall model. We present decoupled earthquake and tsunami scenario-based risk estimates for the residential building stock of Lima (Peru). We observe that earthquake loss models for far-field subduction sources are practically insensitive to the exposure resolution. Conversely, tsunami loss models and associated uncertainties depend on the spatial correlations of the hazard intensities as well as on the resolution of the exposure models. We note that for the portfolio located in the coastal area exposed to both perils in Lima, the ground shaking dominates the losses for lower-magnitude earthquakes, whilst tsunamis cause the most damage for larger-magnitude events. For the latter, two sets of existing empirical flow depth fragility models are used, resulting in large differences in the calculated losses. This study, therefore, raises awareness about the uncertainties associated with the selection of fragility models and spatial aggregation entities for exposure modelling and loss mapping.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{GomezZapata2023, author = {G{\´o}mez Zapata, Juan Camilo}, title = {Towards unifying approaches in exposure modelling for scenario-based multi-hazard risk assessments}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58614}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-586140}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {iii, xiii, 155}, year = {2023}, abstract = {This cumulative thesis presents a stepwise investigation of the exposure modelling process for risk assessment due to natural hazards while highlighting its, to date, not much-discussed importance and associated uncertainties. Although "exposure" refers to a very broad concept of everything (and everyone) that is susceptible to damage, in this thesis it is narrowed down to the modelling of large-area residential building stocks. Classical building exposure models for risk applications have been constructed fully relying on unverified expert elicitation over data sources (e.g., outdated census datasets), and hence have been implicitly assumed to be static in time and in space. Moreover, their spatial representation has also typically been simplified by geographically aggregating the inferred composition onto coarse administrative units whose boundaries do not always capture the spatial variability of the hazard intensities required for accurate risk assessments. These two shortcomings and the related epistemic uncertainties embedded within exposure models are tackled in the first three chapters of the thesis. The exposure composition of large-area residential building stocks is studied on the scope of scenario-based earthquake loss models. Then, the proposal of optimal spatial aggregation areas of exposure models for various hazard-related vulnerabilities is presented, focusing on ground-shaking and tsunami risks. Subsequently, once the experience is gained in the study of the composition and spatial aggregation of exposure for various hazards, this thesis moves towards a multi-hazard context while addressing cumulative damage and losses due to consecutive hazard scenarios. This is achieved by proposing a novel method to account for the pre-existing damage descriptions on building portfolios as a key input to account for scenario-based multi-risk assessment. Finally, this thesis shows how the integration of the aforementioned elements can be used in risk communication practices. This is done through a modular architecture based on the exploration of quantitative risk scenarios that are contrasted with social risk perceptions of the directly exposed communities to natural hazards. In Chapter 1, a Bayesian approach is proposed to update the prior assumptions on such composition (i.e., proportions per building typology). This is achieved by integrating high-quality real observations and then capturing the intrinsic probabilistic nature of the exposure model. Such observations are accounted as real evidence from both: field inspections (Chapter 2) and freely available data sources to update existing (but outdated) exposure models (Chapter 3). In these two chapters, earthquake scenarios with parametrised ground motion fields were transversally used to investigate the role of such epistemic uncertainties related to the exposure composition through sensitivity analyses. Parametrised scenarios of seismic ground shaking were the hazard input utilised to study the physical vulnerability of building portfolios. The second issue that was investigated, which refers to the spatial aggregation of building exposure models, was investigated within two decoupled vulnerability contexts: due to seismic ground shaking through the integration of remote sensing techniques (Chapter 3); and within a multi-hazard context by integrating the occurrence of associated tsunamis (Chapter 4). Therein, a careful selection of the spatial aggregation entities while pursuing computational efficiency and accuracy in the risk estimates due to such independent hazard scenarios (i.e., earthquake and tsunami) are discussed. Therefore, in this thesis, the physical vulnerability of large-area building portfolios due to tsunamis is considered through two main frames: considering and disregarding the interaction at the vulnerability level, through consecutive and decoupled hazard scenarios respectively, which were then contrasted. Contrary to Chapter 4, where no cumulative damages are addressed, in Chapter 5, data and approaches, which were already generated in former sections, are integrated with a novel modular method to ultimately study the likely interactions at the vulnerability level on building portfolios. This is tested by evaluating cumulative damages and losses after earthquakes with increasing magnitude followed by their respective tsunamis. Such a novel method is grounded on the possibility of re-using existing fragility models within a probabilistic framework. The same approach is followed in Chapter 6 to forecast the likely cumulative damages to be experienced by a building stock located in a volcanic multi-hazard setting (ash-fall and lahars). In that section, special focus was made on the manner the forecasted loss metrics are communicated to locally exposed communities. Co-existing quantitative scientific approaches (i.e., comprehensive exposure models; explorative risk scenarios involving single and multiple hazards) and semi-qualitative social risk perception (i.e., level of understanding that the exposed communities have about their own risk) were jointly considered. Such an integration ultimately allowed this thesis to also contribute to enhancing preparedness, science divulgation at the local level as well as technology transfer initiatives. Finally, a synthesis of this thesis along with some perspectives for improvement and future work are presented.}, language = {en} } @article{GomezZapataPittoreCottonetal.2022, author = {Gomez-Zapata, Juan Camilo and Pittore, Massimiliano and Cotton, Fabrice and Lilienkamp, Henning and Shinde, Simantini and Aguirre, Paula and Santa Maria, Hernan}, title = {Epistemic uncertainty of probabilistic building exposure compositions in scenario-based earthquake loss models}, series = {Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering}, volume = {20}, journal = {Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering}, number = {5}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Dordrecht}, issn = {1570-761X}, doi = {10.1007/s10518-021-01312-9}, pages = {2401 -- 2438}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In seismic risk assessment, the sources of uncertainty associated with building exposure modelling have not received as much attention as other components related to hazard and vulnerability. Conventional practices such as assuming absolute portfolio compositions (i.e., proportions per building class) from expert-based assumptions over aggregated data crudely disregard the contribution of uncertainty of the exposure upon earthquake loss models. In this work, we introduce the concept that the degree of knowledge of a building stock can be described within a Bayesian probabilistic approach that integrates both expert-based prior distributions and data collection on individual buildings. We investigate the impact of the epistemic uncertainty in the portfolio composition on scenario-based earthquake loss models through an exposure-oriented logic tree arrangement based on synthetic building portfolios. For illustrative purposes, we consider the residential building stock of Valparaiso (Chile) subjected to seismic ground-shaking from one subduction earthquake. We have found that building class reconnaissance, either from prior assumptions by desktop studies with aggregated data (top-down approach), or from building-by-building data collection (bottom-up approach), plays a fundamental role in the statistical modelling of exposure. To model the vulnerability of such a heterogeneous building stock, we require that their associated set of structural fragility functions handle multiple spectral periods. Thereby, we also discuss the relevance and specific uncertainty upon generating either uncorrelated or spatially cross-correlated ground motion fields within this framework. We successively show how various epistemic uncertainties embedded within these probabilistic exposure models are differently propagated throughout the computed direct financial losses. This work calls for further efforts to redesign desktop exposure studies, while also highlighting the importance of exposure data collection with standardized and iterative approaches.}, language = {en} }