@unpublished{AcharyaActisAghajanietal.2013, author = {Acharya, B. S. and Actis, M. and Aghajani, T. and Agnetta, G. and Aguilar, J. and Aharonian, Felix A. and Ajello, M. and Akhperjanian, A. G. and Alcubierre, M. and Aleksic, J. and Alfaro, R. and Aliu, E. and Allafort, A. J. and Allan, D. and Allekotte, I. and Amato, E. and Anderson, J. and Ang{\"u}ner, Ekrem Oǧuzhan and Antonelli, L. A. and Antoranz, P. and Aravantinos, A. and Arlen, T. and Armstrong, T. and Arnaldi, H. and Arrabito, L. and Asano, K. and Ashton, T. and Asorey, H. G. and Awane, Y. and Baba, H. and Babic, A. and Baby, N. and Baehr, J. and Bais, A. and Baixeras, C. and Bajtlik, S. and Balbo, M. and Balis, D. and Balkowski, C. and Bamba, A. and Bandiera, R. and Barber, A. and Barbier, C. and Barcelo, M. and Barnacka, Anna and Barnstedt, J{\"u}rgen and Barres de Almeida, U. and Barrio, J. A. and Basili, A. and Basso, S. and Bastieri, D. and Bauer, C. and Baushev, Anton N. and Becerra Gonzalez, J. and Becherini, Yvonne and Bechtol, K. C. and Tjus, J. Becker and Beckmann, Volker and Bednarek, W. and Behera, B. and Belluso, M. and Benbow, W. and Berdugo, J. and Berger, K. and Bernard, F. and Bernardino, T. and Bernl{\"o}hr, K. and Bhat, N. and Bhattacharyya, S. and Bigongiari, C. and Biland, A. and Billotta, S. and Bird, T. and Birsin, E. and Bissaldi, E. and Biteau, Jonathan and Bitossi, M. and Blake, S. and Blanch Bigas, O. and Blasi, P. and Bobkov, A. A. and Boccone, V. and Boettcher, Markus and Bogacz, L. and Bogart, J. and Bogdan, M. and Boisson, Catherine and Boix Gargallo, J. and Bolmont, J. and Bonanno, G. and Bonardi, A. and Bonev, T. and Bonifacio, P. and Bonnoli, G. and Bordas, Pol and Borgland, A. W. and Borkowski, Janett and Bose, R. and Botner, O. and Bottani, A. and Bouchet, L. and Bourgeat, M. and Boutonnet, C. and Bouvier, A. and Brau-Nogue, S. and Braun, I. and Bretz, T. and Briggs, M. S. and Bringmann, T. and Brook, P. and Brun, Pierre and Brunetti, L. and Buanes, T. and Buckley, J. H. and Buehler, R. and Bugaev, V. and Bulgarelli, A. and Bulik, Tomasz and Busetto, G. and Buson, S. and Byrum, K. and Cailles, M. and Cameron, R. A. and Camprecios, J. and Canestrari, R. and Cantu, S. and Capalbi, M. and Caraveo, P. A. and Carmona, E. and Carosi, A. and Carr, John and Carton, P. H. and Casanova, Sabrina and Casiraghi, M. and Catalano, O. and Cavazzani, S. and Cazaux, S. and Cerruti, M. and Chabanne, E. and Chadwick, Paula M. and Champion, C. and Chen, Andrew and Chiang, J. and Chiappetti, L. and Chikawa, M. and Chitnis, V. R. and Chollet, F. and Chudoba, J. and Cieslar, M. and Cillis, A. N. and Cohen-Tanugi, J. and Colafrancesco, Sergio and Colin, P. and Calome, J. and Colonges, S. and Compin, M. and Conconi, P. and Conforti, V. and Connaughton, V. and Conrad, Jan and Contreras, J. L. and Coppi, P. and Corona, P. and Corti, D. and Cortina, J. and Cossio, L. and Costantini, H. and Cotter, G. and Courty, B. and Couturier, S. and Covino, S. and Crimi, G. and Criswell, S. J. and Croston, J. and Cusumano, G. and Dafonseca, M. and Dale, O. and Daniel, M. and Darling, J. and Davids, I. and Dazzi, F. and De Angelis, A. and De Caprio, V. and De Frondat, F. and de Gouveia Dal Pino, E. M. and de la Calle, I. and De La Vega, G. A. and Lopez, R. de los Reyes and De Lotto, B. and De Luca, A. and de Mello Neto, J. R. T. and de Naurois, M. and de Oliveira, Y. and de Ona Wilhelmi, E. and de Souza, V. and Decerprit, G. and Decock, G. and Deil, C. and Delagnes, E. and Deleglise, G. and Delgado, C. and Della Volpe, D. and Demange, P. and Depaola, G. and Dettlaff, A. and Di Paola, A. and Di Pierro, F. and Diaz, C. and Dick, J. and Dickherber, R. and Dickinson, H. and Diez-Blanco, V. and Digel, S. and Dimitrov, D. and Disset, G. and Djannati-Ata{\"i}, A. and Doert, M. and Dohmke, M. and Domainko, W. and Prester, Dijana Dominis and Donat, A. and Dorner, D. and Doro, M. and Dournaux, J-L. and Drake, G. and Dravins, D. and Drury, L. and Dubois, F. and Dubois, R. and Dubus, G. and Dufour, C. and Dumas, D. and Dumm, J. and Durand, D. and Dyks, J. and Dyrda, M. and Ebr, J. and Edy, E. and Egberts, Kathrin and Eger, P. and Einecke, S. and Eleftheriadis, C. and Elles, S. and Emmanoulopoulos, D. and Engelhaupt, D. and Enomoto, R. and Ernenwein, J-P and Errando, M. and Etchegoyen, A. and Evans, P. and Falcone, A. and Fantinel, D. and Farakos, K. and Farnier, C. and Fasola, G. and Favill, B. and Fede, E. and Federici, S. and Fegan, S. and Feinstein, F. and Ferenc, D. and Ferrando, P. and Fesquet, M. and Fiasson, A. and Fillin-Martino, E. and Fink, D. and Finley, C. and Finley, J. P. and Fiorini, M. and Firpo Curcoll, R. and Flores, H. and Florin, D. and Focke, W. and Foehr, C. and Fokitis, E. and Font, L. and Fontaine, G. and Fornasa, M. and Foerster, A. and Fortson, L. and Fouque, N. and Franckowiak, A. and Fransson, C. and Fraser, G. and Frei, R. and Albuquerque, I. F. M. and Fresnillo, L. and Fruck, C. and Fujita, Y. and Fukazawa, Y. and Fukui, Y. and Funk, S. and Gaebele, W. and Gabici, S. and Gabriele, R. and Gadola, A. and Galante, N. and Gall, D. and Gallant, Y. and Gamez-Garcia, J. and Garcia, B. and Garcia Lopez, R. and Gardiol, D. and Garrido, D. and Garrido, L. and Gascon, D. and Gaug, M. and Gaweda, J. and Gebremedhin, L. and Geffroy, N. and Gerard, L. and Ghedina, A. and Ghigo, M. and Giannakaki, E. and Gianotti, F. and Giarrusso, S. and Giavitto, G. and Giebels, B. and Gika, V. and Giommi, P. and Girard, N. and Giro, E. and Giuliani, A. and Glanzman, T. and Glicenstein, J. -F. and Godinovic, N. and Golev, V. and Gomez Berisso, M. and Gomez-Ortega, J. and Gonzalez, M. M. and Gonzalez, A. and Gonzalez, F. and Gonzalez Munoz, A. and Gothe, K. S. and Gougerot, M. and Graciani, R. and Grandi, P. and Granena, F. and Granot, J. and Grasseau, G. and Gredig, R. and Green, A. and Greenshaw, T. and Gregoire, T. and Grimm, O. and Grube, J. and Grudzinska, M. and Gruev, V. and Gruenewald, S. and Grygorczuk, J. and Guarino, V. and Gunji, S. and Gyuk, G. and Hadasch, D. and Hagiwara, R. and Hahn, J. and Hakansson, N. and Hallgren, A. and Hamer Heras, N. and Hara, S. and Hardcastle, M. J. and Harris, J. and Hassan, T. and Hatanaka, K. and Haubold, T. and Haupt, A. and Hayakawa, T. and Hayashida, M. and Heller, R. and Henault, F. and Henri, G. and Hermann, G. and Hermel, R. and Herrero, A. and Hidaka, N. and Hinton, J. and Hoffmann, D. and Hofmann, W. and Hofverberg, P. and Holder, J. and Horns, D. and Horville, D. and Houles, J. and Hrabovsky, M. and Hrupec, D. and Huan, H. and Huber, B. and Huet, J. -M. and Hughes, G. and Humensky, T. B. and Huovelin, J. and Ibarra, A. and Illa, J. M. and Impiombato, D. and Incorvaia, S. and Inoue, S. and Inoue, Y. and Ioka, K. and Ismailova, E. and Jablonski, C. and Jacholkowska, A. and Jamrozy, M. and Janiak, M. and Jean, P. and Jeanney, C. and Jimenez, J. J. and Jogler, T. and Johnson, T. and Journet, L. and Juffroy, C. and Jung, I. and Kaaret, P. and Kabuki, S. and Kagaya, M. and Kakuwa, J. and Kalkuhl, C. and Kankanyan, R. and Karastergiou, A. and Kaercher, K. and Karczewski, M. and Karkar, S. and Kasperek, Aci. and Kastana, D. and Katagiri, H. and Kataoka, J. and Katarzynski, K. and Katz, U. and Kawanaka, N. and Kellner-Leidel, B. and Kelly, H. and Kendziorra, E. and Khelifi, B. and Kieda, D. B. and Kifune, T. and Kihm, T. and Kishimoto, T. and Kitamoto, K. and Kluzniak, W. and Knapic, C. and Knapp, J. w and Knoedlseder, J. and Koeck, F. and Kocot, J. and Kodani, K. and Koehne, J. -H. and Kohri, K. and Kokkotas, K. and Kolitzus, D. and Komin, N. and Kominis, I. and Konno, Y. and Koeppel, H. and Korohoda, P. and Kosack, K. and Koss, G. and Kossakowski, R. and Kostka, P. and Koul, R. and Kowal, G. and Koyama, S. and Koziol, J. and Kraehenbuehl, T. and Krause, J. and Krawzcynski, H. and Krennrich, F. and Krepps, A. and Kretzschmann, A. and Krobot, R. and Krueger, P. and Kubo, H. and Kudryavtsev, V. A. and Kushida, J. and Kuznetsov, A. and La Barbera, A. and La Palombara, N. and La Parola, V. and La Rosa, G. and Lacombe, K. and Lamanna, G. and Lande, J. and Languignon, D. and Lapington, J. and Laporte, P. and Lavalley, C. and Le Flour, T. and Le Padellec, A. and Lee, S. -H. and Lee, W. H. and Leigui de Oliveira, M. A. and Lelas, D. and Lenain, J. -P. and Leopold, D. J. and Lerch, T. and Lessio, L. and Lieunard, B. and Lindfors, E. and Liolios, A. and Lipniacka, A. and Lockart, H. and Lohse, T. and Lombardi, S. and Lopatin, A. and Lopez, M. and Lopez-Coto, R. and Lopez-Oramas, A. and Lorca, A. and Lorenz, E. and Lubinski, P. and Lucarelli, F. and Luedecke, H. and Ludwin, J. and Luque-Escamilla, P. L. and Lustermann, W. and Luz, O. and Lyard, E. and Maccarone, M. C. and Maccarone, T. J. and Madejski, G. M. and Madhavan, A. and Mahabir, M. and Maier, G. and Majumdar, P. and Malaguti, G. and Maltezos, S. and Manalaysay, A. and Mancilla, A. and Mandat, D. and Maneva, G. and Mangano, A. and Manigot, P. and Mannheim, K. and Manthos, I. and Maragos, N. and Marcowith, Alexandre and Mariotti, M. and Marisaldi, M. and Markoff, S. and Marszalek, A. and Martens, C. and Marti, J. and Martin, J-M. and Martin, P. and Martinez, G. and Martinez, F. and Martinez, M. and Masserot, A. and Mastichiadis, A. and Mathieu, A. and Matsumoto, H. and Mattana, F. and Mattiazzo, S. and Maurin, G. and Maxfield, S. and Maya, J. and Mazin, D. and Mc Comb, L. and McCubbin, N. and McHardy, I. and McKay, R. and Medina, C. and Melioli, C. and Melkumyan, D. and Mereghetti, S. and Mertsch, P. and Meucci, M. and Michalowski, J. and Micolon, P. and Mihailidis, A. and Mineo, T. and Minuti, M. and Mirabal, N. and Mirabel, F. and Miranda, J. M. and Mirzoyan, R. and Mizuno, T. and Moal, B. and Moderski, R. and Mognet, I. and Molinari, E. and Molinaro, M. and Montaruli, T. and Monteiro, I. and Moore, P. and Moralejo Olaizola, A. and Mordalska, M. and Morello, C. and Mori, K. and Mottez, F. and Moudden, Y. and Moulin, Emmanuel and Mrusek, I. and Mukherjee, R. and Munar-Adrover, P. and Muraishi, H. and Murase, K. and Murphy, A. and Nagataki, S. and Naito, T. and Nakajima, D. and Nakamori, T. and Nakayama, K. and Naumann, C. L. and Naumann, D. and Naumann-Godo, M. and Nayman, P. and Nedbal, D. and Neise, D. and Nellen, L. and Neustroev, V. and Neyroud, N. and Nicastro, L. and Nicolau-Kuklinski, J. and Niedzwiecki, A. and Niemiec, J. and Nieto, D. and Nikolaidis, A. and Nishijima, K. and Nolan, S. and Northrop, R. and Nosek, D. and Nowak, N. and Nozato, A. and O'Brien, P. and Ohira, Y. and Ohishi, M. and Ohm, S. and Ohoka, H. and Okuda, T. and Okumura, A. and Olive, J. -F. and Ong, R. A. and Orito, R. and Orr, M. and Osborne, J. and Ostrowski, M. and Otero, L. A. and Otte, N. and Ovcharov, E. and Oya, I. and Ozieblo, A. and Padilla, L. and Paiano, S. and Paillot, D. and Paizis, A. and Palanque, S. and Palatka, M. and Pallota, J. and Panagiotidis, K. and Panazol, J. -L. and Paneque, D. and Panter, M. and Paoletti, R. and Papayannis, Alexandros and Papyan, G. and Paredes, J. M. and Pareschi, G. and Parks, G. and Parraud, J. -M. and Parsons, D. and Arribas, M. Paz and Pech, M. and Pedaletti, G. and Pelassa, V. and Pelat, D. and Perez, M. D. C. and Persic, M. and Petrucci, P-O and Peyaud, B. and Pichel, A. and Pita, S. and Pizzolato, F. and Platos, L. and Platzer, R. and Pogosyan, L. and Pohl, M. and Pojmanski, G. and Ponz, J. D. and Potter, W. and Poutanen, J. and Prandini, E. and Prast, J. and Preece, R. and Profeti, F. and Prokoph, H. and Prouza, M. and Proyetti, M. and Puerto-Gimenez, I. and Puehlhofer, G. and Puljak, I. and Punch, M. and Pyziol, R. and Quel, E. J. and Quinn, J. and Quirrenbach, A. and Racero, E. and Rajda, P. J. and Ramon, P. and Rando, R. and Rannot, R. C. and Rataj, M. and Raue, M. and Reardon, P. and Reimann, O. and Reimer, A. and Reimer, O. and Reitberger, K. and Renaud, M. and Renner, S. and Reville, B. and Rhode, W. and Ribo, M. and Ribordy, M. and Richer, M. G. and Rico, J. and Ridky, J. and Rieger, F. and Ringegni, P. and Ripken, J. and Ristori, P. R. and Riviere, A. and Rivoire, S. and Rob, L. and Roeser, U. and Rohlfs, R. and Rojas, G. and Romano, Patrizia and Romaszkan, W. and Romero, G. E. and Rosen, S. and Lees, S. Rosier and Ross, D. and Rouaix, G. and Rousselle, J. and Rousselle, S. and Rovero, A. C. and Roy, F. and Royer, S. and Rudak, B. and Rulten, C. and Rupinski, M. and Russo, F. and Ryde, F. and Sacco, B. and Saemann, E. O. and Saggion, A. and Safiakian, V. and Saito, K. and Saito, T. and Saito, Y. and Sakaki, N. and Sakonaka, R. and Salini, A. and Sanchez, F. and Sanchez-Conde, M. and Sandoval, A. and Sandaker, H. and Sant'Ambrogio, E. and Santangelo, Andrea and Santos, E. M. and Sanuy, A. and Sapozhnikov, L. and Sarkar, S. and Sartore, N. and Sasaki, H. and Satalecka, K. and Sawada, M. and Scalzotto, V. and Scapin, V. and Scarcioffolo, M. and Schafer, J. and Schanz, T. and Schlenstedt, S. and Schlickeiser, R. and Schmidt, T. and Schmoll, J. and Schovanek, P. and Schroedter, M. and Schultz, C. and Schultze, J. and Schulz, A. and Schure, K. and Schwab, T. and Schwanke, U. and Schwarz, J. and Schwarzburg, S. and Schweizer, T. and Schwemmer, S. and Segreto, A. and Seiradakis, J. -H. and Sembroski, G. H. and Seweryn, K. and Sharma, M. and Shayduk, M. and Shellard, R. C. and Shi, J. and Shibata, T. and Shibuya, A. and Shum, E. and Sidoli, L. and Sidz, M. and Sieiro, J. and Sikora, M. and Silk, J. and Sillanpaa, A. and Singh, B. B. and Sitarek, J. and Skole, C. and Smareglia, R. and Smith, A. and Smith, D. and Smith, J. and Smith, N. and Sobczynska, D. and Sol, H. and Sottile, G. and Sowinski, M. and Spanier, F. and Spiga, D. and Spyrou, S. and Stamatescu, V. and Stamerra, A. and Starling, R. and Stawarz, L. and Steenkamp, R. and Stegmann, Christian and Steiner, S. and Stergioulas, N. and Sternberger, R. and Sterzel, M. and Stinzing, F. and Stodulski, M. and Straumann, U. and Strazzeri, E. and Stringhetti, L. and Suarez, A. and Suchenek, M. and Sugawara, R. and Sulanke, K. -H. and Sun, S. and Supanitsky, A. D. and Suric, T. and Sutcliffe, P. and Sykes, J. and Szanecki, M. and Szepieniec, T. and Szostek, A. and Tagliaferri, G. and Tajima, H. and Takahashi, H. and Takahashi, K. and Takalo, L. and Takami, H. and Talbot, C. and Tammi, J. and Tanaka, M. and Tanaka, S. and Tasan, J. and Tavani, M. and Tavernet, J. -P. and Tejedor, L. A. and Telezhinsky, Igor O. and Temnikov, P. and Tenzer, C. and Terada, Y. and Terrier, R. and Teshima, M. and Testa, V. and Tezier, D. and Thuermann, D. and Tibaldo, L. and Tibolla, O. and Tiengo, A. and Tluczykont, M. and Todero Peixoto, C. J. and Tokanai, F. and Tokarz, M. and Toma, K. and Torii, K. and Tornikoski, M. and Torres, D. F. and Torres, M. and Tosti, G. and Totani, T. and Toussenel, C. and Tovmassian, G. and Travnicek, P. and Trifoglio, M. and Troyano, I. and Tsinganos, K. and Ueno, H. and Umehara, K. and Upadhya, S. S. and Usher, T. and Uslenghi, M. and Valdes-Galicia, J. F. and Vallania, P. and Vallejo, G. and van Driel, W. and van Eldik, C. and Vandenbrouke, J. and Vanderwalt, J. and Vankov, H. and Vasileiadis, G. and Vassiliev, V. and Veberic, D. and Vegas, I. and Vercellone, S. and Vergani, S. and Veyssiere, C. and Vialle, J. P. and Viana, A. and Videla, M. and Vincent, P. and Vincent, S. and Vink, J. and Vlahakis, N. and Vlahos, L. and Vogler, P. and Vollhardt, A. and von Gunten, H. P. and Vorobiov, S. and Vuerli, C. and Waegebaert, V. and Wagner, R. and Wagner, R. G. and Wagner, S. and Wakely, S. P. and Walter, R. and Walther, T. and Warda, K. and Warwick, R. and Wawer, P. and Wawrzaszek, R. and Webb, N. and Wegner, P. and Weinstein, A. and Weitzel, Q. and Welsing, R. and Werner, M. and Wetteskind, H. and White, R. and Wierzcholska, A. and Wiesand, S. and Wilkinson, M. and Williams, D. A. and Willingale, R. and Winiarski, K. and Wischnewski, R. and Wisniewski, L. and Wood, M. and Woernlein, A. and Xiong, Q. and Yadav, K. K. and Yamamoto, H. and Yamamoto, T. and Yamazaki, R. and Yanagita, S. and Yebras, J. M. and Yelos, D. and Yoshida, A. and Yoshida, T. and Yoshikoshi, T. and Zabalza, V. and Zacharias, M. and Zajczyk, A. and Zanin, R. and Zdziarski, A. and Zech, Alraune and Zhao, A. and Zhou, X. and Zietara, K. and Ziolkowski, J. and Ziolkowski, P. and Zitelli, V. and Zurbach, C. and Zychowski, P.}, title = {Introducing the CTA concept}, series = {Astroparticle physics}, volume = {43}, journal = {Astroparticle physics}, number = {2}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, organization = {CTA Consortium}, issn = {0927-6505}, doi = {10.1016/j.astropartphys.2013.01.007}, pages = {3 -- 18}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is a new observatory for very high-energy (VHE) gamma rays. CTA has ambitions science goals, for which it is necessary to achieve full-sky coverage, to improve the sensitivity by about an order of magnitude, to span about four decades of energy, from a few tens of GeV to above 100 TeV with enhanced angular and energy resolutions over existing VHE gamma-ray observatories. An international collaboration has formed with more than 1000 members from 27 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and North and South America. In 2010 the CTA Consortium completed a Design Study and started a three-year Preparatory Phase which leads to production readiness of CTA in 2014. In this paper we introduce the science goals and the concept of CTA, and provide an overview of the project.}, language = {en} } @article{AbramowskiAceroAharonianetal.2012, author = {Abramowski, Attila and Acero, F. and Aharonian, Felix A. and Akhperjanian, A. G. and Anton, Gisela and Balzer, Arnim and Barnacka, Anna and de Almeida, U. Barres and Becherini, Yvonne and Becker, J. and Behera, B. and Bernl{\"o}hr, K. and Birsin, E. and Biteau, Jonathan and Bochow, A. and Boisson, Catherine and Bolmont, J. and Bordas, Pol and Brucker, J. and Brun, Francois and Brun, Pierre and Bulik, Tomasz and Buesching, I. and Carrigan, Svenja and Casanova, Sabrina and Cerruti, M. and Chadwick, Paula M. and Charbonnier, A. and Chaves, Ryan C. G. and Cheesebrough, A. and Clapson, A. C. and Coignet, G. and Cologna, Gabriele and Conrad, Jan and Dalton, M. and Daniel, M. K. and Davids, I. D. and Degrange, B. and Deil, C. and Dickinson, H. J. and Djannati-Ata{\"i}, A. and Domainko, W. and Drury, L. O'C. and Dubus, G. and Dutson, K. and Dyks, J. and Dyrda, M. and Egberts, Kathrin and Eger, P. and Espigat, P. and Fallon, L. and Farnier, C. and Fegan, S. and Feinstein, F. and Fernandes, M. V. and Fiasson, A. and Fontaine, G. and Foerster, A. and Fuessling, M. and Gallant, Y. A. and Gast, H. and Gerard, L. and Gerbig, D. and Giebels, B. and Glicenstein, J. F. and Glueck, B. and Goret, P. and Goering, D. and Haeffner, S. and Hague, J. D. and Hampf, D. and Hauser, M. and Heinz, S. and Heinzelmann, G. and Henri, G. and Hermann, G. and Hinton, James Anthony and Hoffmann, A. and Hofmann, W. and Hofverberg, P. and Holler, M. and Horns, D. and Jacholkowska, A. and de Jager, O. C. and Jahn, C. and Jamrozy, M. and Jung, I. and Kastendieck, M. A. and Katarzynski, K. and Katz, U. and Kaufmann, S. and Keogh, D. and Khangulyan, D. and Khelifi, B. and Klochkov, D. and Kluzniak, W. and Kneiske, T. and Komin, Nu. and Kosack, K. and Kossakowski, R. and Laffon, H. and Lamanna, G. and Lennarz, D. and Lohse, T. and Lopatin, A. and Lu, C. -C. and Marandon, V. and Marcowith, Alexandre and Masbou, J. and Maurin, D. and Maxted, N. and Mayer, M. and McComb, T. J. L. and Medina, M. C. and Mehault, J. and Moderski, R. and Moulin, Emmanuel and Naumann, C. L. and Naumann-Godo, M. and de Naurois, M. and Nedbal, D. and Nekrassov, D. and Nguyen, N. and Nicholas, B. and Niemiec, J. and Nolan, S. J. and Ohm, S. and Wilhelmi, E. de Ona and Opitz, B. and Ostrowski, M. and Oya, I. and Panter, M. and Arribas, M. Paz and Pedaletti, G. and Pelletier, G. and Petrucci, P. -O. and Pita, S. and Puehlhofer, G. and Punch, M. and Quirrenbach, A. and Raue, M. and Rayner, S. M. and Reimer, A. and Reimer, O. and Renaud, M. and de los Reyes, R. and Rieger, F. and Ripken, J. and Rob, L. and Rosier-Lees, S. and Rowell, G. and Rudak, B. and Rulten, C. B. and Ruppel, J. and Sahakian, V. and Sanchez, David M. and Santangelo, Andrea and Schlickeiser, R. and Schoeck, F. M. and Schulz, A. and Schwanke, U. and Schwarzburg, S. and Schwemmer, S. and Sheidaei, F. and Skilton, J. L. and Sol, H. and Spengler, G. and Stawarz, L. and Steenkamp, R. and Stegmann, Christian and Stinzing, F. and Stycz, K. and Sushch, Iurii and Szostek, A. and Tavernet, J. -P. and Terrier, R. and Tluczykont, M. and Valerius, K. and van Eldik, C. and Vasileiadis, G. and Venter, C. and Vialle, J. P. and Viana, A. and Vincent, P. and Voelk, H. J. and Volpe, F. and Vorobiov, S. and Vorster, M. and Wagner, S. J. and Ward, M. and White, R. and Wierzcholska, A. and Zacharias, M. and Zajczyk, A. and Zdziarski, A. A. and Zech, Alraune and Zechlin, H. -S. and Aleksic, J. and Antonelli, L. A. and Antoranz, P. and Backes, Michael and Barrio, J. A. and Bastieri, D. and Becerra Gonzalez, J. and Bednarek, W. and Berdyugin, A. and Berger, K. and Bernardini, E. and Biland, A. and Blanch Bigas, O. and Bock, R. K. and Boller, A. and Bonnoli, G. and Tridon, D. Borla and Braun, I. and Bretz, T. and Canellas, A. and Carmona, E. and Carosi, A. and Colin, P. and Colombo, E. and Contreras, J. L. and Cortina, J. and Cossio, L. and Covino, S. and Dazzi, F. and De Angelis, A. and De Cea del Pozo, E. and De Lotto, B. and Delgado Mendez, C. and Diago Ortega, A. and Doert, M. and Dominguez, A. and Prester, Dijana Dominis and Dorner, D. and Doro, M. and Elsaesser, D. and Ferenc, D. and Fonseca, M. V. and Font, L. and Fruck, C. and Garcia Lopez, R. J. and Garczarczyk, M. and Garrido, D. and Giavitto, G. and Godinovic, N. and Hadasch, D. and Haefner, D. and Herrero, A. and Hildebrand, D. and Hoehne-Moench, D. and Hose, J. and Hrupec, D. and Huber, B. and Jogler, T. and Klepser, S. and Kraehenbuehl, T. and Krause, J. and La Barbera, A. and Lelas, D. and Leonardo, E. and Lindfors, E. and Lombardi, S. and Lopez, M. and Lorenz, E. and Makariev, M. and Maneva, G. and Mankuzhiyil, N. and Mannheim, K. and Maraschi, L. and Mariotti, M. and Martinez, M. and Mazin, D. and Meucci, M. and Miranda, J. M. and Mirzoyan, R. and Miyamoto, H. and Moldon, J. and Moralejo, A. and Munar, P. and Nieto, D. and Nilsson, K. and Orito, R. and Oya, I. and Paneque, D. and Paoletti, R. and Pardo, S. and Paredes, J. M. and Partini, S. and Pasanen, M. and Pauss, F. and Perez-Torres, M. A. and Persic, M. and Peruzzo, L. and Pilia, M. and Pochon, J. and Prada, F. and Moroni, P. G. Prada and Prandini, E. and Puljak, I. and Reichardt, I. and Reinthal, R. and Rhode, W. and Ribo, M. and Rico, J. and Ruegamer, S. and Saggion, A. and Saito, K. and Saito, T. Y. and Salvati, M. and Satalecka, K. and Scalzotto, V. and Scapin, V. and Schultz, C. and Schweizer, T. and Shayduk, M. and Shore, S. N. and Sillanpaa, A. and Sitarek, J. and Sobczynska, D. and Spanier, F. and Spiro, S. and Stamerra, A. and Steinke, B. and Storz, J. and Strah, N. and Suric, T. and Takalo, L. and Takami, H. and Tavecchio, F. and Temnikov, P. and Terzic, T. and Tescaro, D. and Teshima, M. and Thom, M. and Tibolla, O. and Torres, D. F. and Treves, A. and Vankov, H. and Vogler, P. and Wagner, R. M. and Weitzel, Q. and Zabalza, V. and Zandanel, F. and Zanin, R. and Arlen, T. and Aune, T. and Beilicke, M. and Benbow, W. and Bouvier, A. and Bradbury, S. M. and Buckley, J. H. and Bugaev, V. and Byrum, K. and Cannon, A. and Cesarini, A. and Ciupik, L. and Connolly, M. P. and Cui, W. and Dickherber, R. and Duke, C. and Errando, M. and Falcone, A. and Finley, J. P. and Finnegan, G. and Fortson, L. and Furniss, A. and Galante, N. and Gall, D. and Godambe, S. and Griffin, S. and Grube, J. and Gyuk, G. and Hanna, D. and Holder, J. and Huan, H. and Hui, C. M. and Kaaret, P. and Karlsson, N. and Kertzman, M. and Khassen, Y. and Kieda, D. and Krawczynski, H. and Krennrich, F. and Lang, M. J. and LeBohec, S. and Maier, G. and McArthur, S. and McCann, A. and Moriarty, P. and Mukherjee, R. and Nunez, P. D. and Ong, R. A. and Orr, M. and Otte, A. N. and Park, N. and Perkins, J. S. and Pichel, A. and Pohl, Martin and Prokoph, H. and Ragan, K. and Reyes, L. C. and Reynolds, P. T. and Roache, E. and Rose, H. J. and Ruppel, J. and Schroedter, M. and Sembroski, G. H. and Sentuerk, G. D. and Telezhinsky, Igor O. and Tesic, G. and Theiling, M. and Thibadeau, S. and Varlotta, A. and Vassiliev, V. V. and Vivier, M. and Wakely, S. P. and Weekes, T. C. and Williams, D. A. and Zitzer, B. and de Almeida, U. Barres and Cara, M. and Casadio, C. and Cheung, C. C. and McConville, W. and Davies, F. and Doi, A. and Giovannini, G. and Giroletti, M. and Hada, K. and Hardee, P. and Harris, D. E. and Junor, W. and Kino, M. and Lee, N. P. and Ly, C. and Madrid, J. and Massaro, F. and Mundell, C. G. and Nagai, H. and Perlman, E. S. and Steele, I. A. and Walker, R. C. and Wood, D. L.}, title = {The 2010 very high energy gamma-ray flare and 10 years ofmulti-wavelength oservations of M 87}, series = {The astrophysical journal : an international review of spectroscopy and astronomical physics}, volume = {746}, journal = {The astrophysical journal : an international review of spectroscopy and astronomical physics}, number = {2}, publisher = {IOP Publ. Ltd.}, address = {Bristol}, organization = {HESS Collaboration, MAGIC Collaboration, VERITAS Collaboration}, issn = {0004-637X}, doi = {10.1088/0004-637X/746/2/151}, pages = {18}, year = {2012}, abstract = {The giant radio galaxy M 87 with its proximity (16 Mpc), famous jet, and very massive black hole ((3-6) x 10(9) M-circle dot) provides a unique opportunity to investigate the origin of very high energy (VHE; E > 100 GeV) gamma-ray emission generated in relativistic outflows and the surroundings of supermassive black holes. M 87 has been established as a VHE gamma-ray emitter since 2006. The VHE gamma-ray emission displays strong variability on timescales as short as a day. In this paper, results from a joint VHE monitoring campaign on M 87 by the MAGIC and VERITAS instruments in 2010 are reported. During the campaign, a flare at VHE was detected triggering further observations at VHE (H.E.S.S.), X-rays (Chandra), and radio (43 GHz Very Long Baseline Array, VLBA). The excellent sampling of the VHE gamma-ray light curve enables one to derive a precise temporal characterization of the flare: the single, isolated flare is well described by a two-sided exponential function with significantly different flux rise and decay times of tau(rise)(d) = (1.69 +/- 0.30) days and tau(decay)(d) = (0.611 +/- 0.080) days, respectively. While the overall variability pattern of the 2010 flare appears somewhat different from that of previous VHE flares in 2005 and 2008, they share very similar timescales (similar to day), peak fluxes (Phi(>0.35 TeV) similar or equal to (1-3) x 10(-11) photons cm(-2) s(-1)), and VHE spectra. VLBA radio observations of 43 GHz of the inner jet regions indicate no enhanced flux in 2010 in contrast to observations in 2008, where an increase of the radio flux of the innermost core regions coincided with a VHE flare. On the other hand, Chandra X-ray observations taken similar to 3 days after the peak of the VHE gamma-ray emission reveal an enhanced flux from the core (flux increased by factor similar to 2; variability timescale <2 days). The long-term (2001-2010) multi-wavelength (MWL) light curve of M 87, spanning from radio to VHE and including data from Hubble Space Telescope, Liverpool Telescope, Very Large Array, and European VLBI Network, is used to further investigate the origin of the VHE gamma-ray emission. No unique, common MWL signature of the three VHE flares has been identified. In the outer kiloparsec jet region, in particular in HST-1, no enhanced MWL activity was detected in 2008 and 2010, disfavoring it as the origin of the VHE flares during these years. Shortly after two of the three flares (2008 and 2010), the X-ray core was observed to be at a higher flux level than its characteristic range (determined from more than 60 monitoring observations: 2002-2009). In 2005, the strong flux dominance of HST-1 could have suppressed the detection of such a feature. Published models for VHE gamma-ray emission from M 87 are reviewed in the light of the new data.}, language = {en} } @article{AliuArchambaultAuneetal.2014, author = {Aliu, E. and Archambault, S. and Aune, T. and Behera, B. and Beilicke, M. and Benbow, W. and Berger, K. and Bird, R. and Bouvier, A. and Buckley, J. H. and Bugaev, V. and Byrum, K. and Cerruti, M. and Chen, X. and Ciupik, L. and Connolly, M. P. and Cui, W. and Duke, C. and Dumm, J. and Errando, M. and Falcone, A. and Federici, S. and Feng, Q. and Finley, J. P. and Fortin, P. and Fortson, L. and Furniss, A. and Galante, N. and Gillanders, G. H. and Griffin, S. and Griffiths, S. T. and Grube, J. and Gyuk, G. and Hanna, D. and Holder, J. and Hughes, G. and Humensky, T. B. and Kaaret, P. and Kertzman, M. and Khassen, Y. and Kieda, D. and Krawczynski, H. and Krennrich, F. and Lang, M. J. and Madhavan, A. S. and Maier, G. and Majumdar, P. and McCann, A. and Moriarty, P. and Mukherjee, R. and Nieto, D. and Ong, R. A. and Otte, A. N. and Park, N. and Perkins, J. S. and Pohl, M. and Popkow, A. and Prokoph, H. and Quinn, J. and Ragan, K. and Rajotte, J. and Reyes, L. C. and Reynolds, P. T. and Richards, G. T. and Roache, E. and Rousselle, J. and Sembroski, G. H. and Sheidaei, F. and Skole, C. and Smith, A. W. and Staszak, D. and Stroh, M. and Telezhinsky, Igor O. and Theiling, M. and Tucci, J. V. and Tyler, J. and Varlotta, A. and Vincent, S. and Wakely, S. P. and Weinstein, A. and Welsing, R. and Williams, D. A. and Zajczyk, A. and Zitzer, B. and Abramowski, Attila and Aharonian, Felix A. and Benkhali, Faical Ait and Akhperjanian, A. G. and Ang{\"u}ner, Ekrem Oǧuzhan and Anton, Gisela and Balenderan, Shangkari and Balzer, Arnim and Barnacka, Anna and Becherini, Yvonne and Tjus, J. Becker and Bernl{\"o}hr, K. and Birsin, E. and Bissaldi, E. and Biteau, Jonathan and Boettcher, Markus and Boisson, Catherine and Bolmont, J. and Bordas, Pol and Brucker, J. and Brun, Francois and Brun, Pierre and Bulik, Tomasz and Carrigan, Svenja and Casanova, Sabrina and Cerruti, M. and Chadwick, Paula M. and Chalme-Calvet, R. and Chaves, Ryan C. G. and Cheesebrough, A. and Chretien, M. and Colafrancesco, Sergio and Cologna, Gabriele and Conrad, Jan and Couturier, C. and Dalton, M. and Daniel, M. K. and Davids, I. D. and Degrange, B. and Deil, C. and deWilt, P. and Dickinson, H. J. and Djannati-Ata{\"i}, A. and Domainko, W. and Dubus, G. and Dutson, K. and Dyks, J. and Dyrda, M. and Edwards, T. and Egberts, Kathrin and Eger, P. and Espigat, P. and Farnier, C. and Fegan, S. and Feinstein, F. and Fernandes, M. V. and Fernandez, D. and Fiasson, A. and Fontaine, G. and Foerster, A. and Fuessling, M. and Gajdus, M. and Gallant, Y. A. and Garrigoux, T. and Giavitto, G. and Giebels, B. and Glicenstein, J. F. and Grondin, M. -H. and Grudzinska, M. and Haeffner, S. and Hahn, J. and Harris, J. and Heinzelmann, G. and Henri, G. and Hermann, G. and Hervet, O. and Hillert, A. and Hinton, James Anthony and Hofmann, W. and Hofverberg, P. and Holler, M. and Horns, D. and Jacholkowska, A. and Jahn, C. and Jamrozy, M. and Janiak, M. and Jankowsky, F. and Jung, I. and Kastendieck, M. A. and Katarzynski, K. and Katz, U. and Kaufmann, S. and Khelifi, B. and Kieffer, M. and Klepser, S. and Klochkov, D. and Kluzniak, W. and Kneiske, T. and Kolitzus, D. and Komin, Nu. and Kosack, K. and Krakau, S. and Krayzel, F. and Krueger, P. P. and Laffon, H. and Lamanna, G. and Lefaucheur, J. and Lemiere, A. and Lemoine-Goumard, M. and Lenain, J. -P. and Lennarz, D. and Lohse, T. and Lopatin, A. and Lu, C. -C. and Marandon, V. and Marcowith, Alexandre and Marx, R. and Maurin, G. and Maxted, N. and Mayer, M. and McComb, T. J. L. and Mehault, J. and Menzler, U. and Meyer, M. and Moderski, R. and Mohamed, M. and Moulin, Emmanuel and Murach, T. and Naumann, C. L. and de Naurois, M. and Niemiec, J. and Nolan, S. J. and Oakes, L. and Ohm, S. and Wilhelmi, E. de Ona and Opitz, B. and Ostrowski, M. and Oya, I. and Panter, M. and Parsons, R. D. and Arribas, M. Paz and Pekeur, N. W. and Pelletier, G. and Perez, J. and Petrucci, P. -O. and Peyaud, B. and Pita, S. and Poon, H. and Puehlhofer, G. and Punch, M. and Quirrenbach, A. and Raab, S. and Raue, M. and Reimer, A. and Reimer, O. and Renaud, M. and de los Reyes, R. and Rieger, F. and Rob, L. and Romoli, C. and Rosier-Lees, S. and Rowell, G. and Rudak, B. and Rulten, C. B. and Sahakian, V. and Sanchez, David M. and Santangelo, Andrea and Schlickeiser, R. and Schuessler, F. and Schulz, A. and Schwanke, U. and Schwarzburg, S. and Schwemmer, S. and Sol, H. and Spengler, G. and Spies, F. and Stawarz, L. and Steenkamp, R. and Stegmann, Christian and Stinzing, F. and Stycz, K. and Sushch, Iurii and Szostek, A. and Tavernet, J. -P. and Tavernier, T. and Taylor, A. M. and Terrier, R. and Tluczykont, M. and Trichard, C. and Valerius, K. and van Eldik, C. and Vasileiadis, G. and Venter, C. and Viana, A. and Vincent, P. and Voelk, H. J. and Volpe, F. and Vorster, M. and Wagner, S. J. and Wagner, P. and Ward, M. and Weidinger, M. and Weitzel, Q. and White, R. and Wierzcholska, A. and Willmann, P. and Woernlein, A. and Wouters, D. and Zacharias, M. and Zajczyk, A. and Zdziarski, A. A. and Zech, Alraune and Zechlin, H. -S.}, title = {Long-term TeV and X-RAY observations of the GAMMA- RAY binary hess J0632+057}, series = {The astrophysical journal : an international review of spectroscopy and astronomical physics}, volume = {780}, journal = {The astrophysical journal : an international review of spectroscopy and astronomical physics}, number = {2}, publisher = {IOP Publ. Ltd.}, address = {Bristol}, organization = {VERITAS Collaboration, HESS Collaboration}, issn = {0004-637X}, doi = {10.1088/0004-637X/780/2/168}, pages = {14}, year = {2014}, language = {en} } @article{AbramowskiAceroAkhperjanianetal.2013, author = {Abramowski, Attila and Acero, F. and Akhperjanian, A. G. and Anton, Gisela and Balenderan, Shangkari and Balzer, Arnim and Barnacka, Anna and Becherini, Yvonne and Tjus, J. Becker and Behera, B. and Bernl{\"o}hr, K. and Birsin, E. and Biteau, Jonathan and Bochow, A. and Boisson, Catherine and Bolmont, J. and Bordas, Pol and Brucker, J. and Brun, Francois and Brun, Pierre and Bulik, Tomasz and Carrigan, Svenja and Casanova, Sabrina and Cerruti, M. and Chadwick, Paula M. and Chaves, Ryan C. G. and Cheesebrough, A. and Colafrancesco, Sergio and Cologna, Gabriele and Conrad, Jan and Couturier, C. and Dalton, M. and Daniel, M. K. and Davids, I. D. and Degrange, B. and Deil, C. and deWilt, P. and Dickinson, H. J. and Djannati-Ata{\"i}, A. and Domainko, W. and Drury, L. O\&rsquo and C., and Dubus, G. and Dutson, K. and Dyks, J. and Dyrda, M. and Egberts, Kathrin and Eger, P. and Espigat, P. and Fallon, L. and Farnier, C. and Fegan, S. and Feinstein, F. and Fernandes, M. V. and Fernandez, D. and Fiasson, A. and Fontaine, G. and Foerster, A. and Fussling, Matthias and Gajdus, M. and Gallant, Y. A. and Garrigoux, T. and Gast, H. and Giebels, B. and Glicenstein, J. F. and Glueck, B. and Goering, D. and Grondin, M. -H. and Grudzinska, M. and Haeffner, S. and Hague, J. D. and Hahn, J. and Hampf, D. and Harris, J. and Heinz, S. and Heinzelmann, G. and Henri, G. and Hermann, G. and Hillert, A. and Hinton, James Anthony and Hofmann, W. and Hofverberg, P. and Holler, M. and Horns, D. and Jacholkowska, A. and Jahn, C. and Jamrozy, M. and Jung, I. and Kastendieck, M. A. and Katarzynski, K. and Katz, U. and Kaufmann, S. and Khelifi, B. and Klepser, S. and Klochkov, D. and Kluzniak, W. and Kneiske, T. and Kolitzus, D. and Komin, Nu and Kosack, K. and Kossakowski, R. and Krayzel, F. and Krueger, P. P. and Laffon, H. and Lamanna, G. and Lefaucheur, J. and Lemoine-Goumard, M. and Lenain, J. -P. and Lennarz, D. and Lohse, T. and Lopatin, A. and Lu, C. -C. and Marandon, V. and Marcowith, Alexandre and Masbou, J. and Maurin, G. and Maxted, N. and Mayer, M. and McComb, T. J. L. and Medina, M. C. and Mehault, J. and Menzler, U. and Moderski, R. and Mohamed, M. and Moulin, Emmanuel and Naumann, C. L. and Naumann-Godo, M. and de Naurois, M. and Nedbal, D. and Nguyen, N. and Niemiec, J. and Nolan, S. J. and Ohm, S. and Wilhelmi, E. de Ona and Opitz, B. and Ostrowski, M. and Oya, I. and Panter, M. and Parsons, R. D. and Arribas, M. Paz and Pekeur, N. W. and Pelletier, G. and Perez, J. and Petrucci, P. -O. and Peyaud, B. and Pita, S. and Puehlhofer, G. and Punch, M. and Quirrenbach, A. and Raab, S. and Raue, M. and Reimer, A. and Reimer, O. and Renaud, M. and de los Reyes, R. and Rieger, F. and Ripken, J. and Rob, L. and Rosier-Lees, S. and Rowell, G. and Rudak, B. and Rulten, C. B. and Sahakian, V. and Sanchez, David M. and Santangelo, Andrea and Schlickeiser, R. and Schulz, A. and Schwanke, U. and Schwarzburg, S. and Schwemmer, S. and Sheidaei, F. and Skilton, J. L. and Sol, H. and Spengler, G. and Stawarz, L. and Steenkamp, R. and Stegmann, Christian and Stinzing, F. and Stycz, K. and Sushch, Iurii and Szostek, A. and Tavernet, J. -P. and Terrier, R. and Tluczykont, M. and Trichard, C. and Valerius, K. and van Eldik, C. and Vasileiadis, G. and Venter, C. and Viana, A. and Vincent, P. and Voelk, H. J. and Volpe, F. and Vorobiov, S. and Vorster, M. and Wagner, S. J. and Ward, M. and White, R. and Wierzcholska, A. and Wouters, D. and Zacharias, M. and Zajczyk, A. and Zdziarski, A. A. and Zech, Alraune and Zechlin, H. -S. and Pelat, D.}, title = {Discovery of TeV gamma-ray emission from PKS 0447-439 and derivation of an upper limit on its redshift}, series = {ASTRONOMY \& ASTROPHYSICS}, volume = {552}, journal = {ASTRONOMY \& ASTROPHYSICS}, number = {4}, publisher = {EDP SCIENCES S A}, address = {LES ULIS CEDEX A}, organization = {HESS Collaboration}, issn = {0004-6361}, doi = {10.1051/0004-6361/201321108}, pages = {14}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Very high-energy gamma-ray emission from PKS 0447-439 was detected with the H. E. S. S. Cherenkov telescope array in December 2009. This blazar is one of the brightest extragalactic objects in the Fermi bright source list and has a hard spectrum in the MeV to GeV range. In the TeV range, a photon index of 3.89 +/- 0.37 (stat) +/- 0.22 (sys) and a flux normalisation at 1 TeV, phi(1) (TeV) = (3.5 +/- 1.1(stat) +/- 0.9(sys)) x 10(-13) cm(-2) s(-1) TeV-1 were found. The detection with H. E. S. S. triggered observations in the X-ray band with the Swift and RXTE telescopes. Simultaneous UV and optical data from Swift UVOT and data from the optical telescopes ATOM and ROTSE are also available. The spectrum and light curve measured with H. E. S. S. are presented and compared to the multi-wavelength data at lower energies. A rapid flare is seen in the Swift XRT and RXTE data, together with a flux variation in the UV band, at a time scale of the order of one day. A firm upper limit of z < 0.59 on the redshift of PKS 0447-439 is derived from the combined Fermi-LAT and H. E. S. S. data, given the assumptions that there is no upturn in the intrinsic spectrum above the Fermi-LAT energy range and that absorption on the extragalactic background light (EBL) is not weaker than the lower limit provided by current models. The spectral energy distribution is well described by a simple one-zone synchrotron self-Compton scenario, if the redshift of the source is less than z less than or similar to 0.4.}, language = {en} } @article{AbramowskiAceroAharonianetal.2013, author = {Abramowski, Attila and Acero, F. and Aharonian, Felix A. and Benkhali, Faical Ait and Akhperjanian, A. G. and Ang{\"u}ner, Ekrem Oǧuzhan and Anton, Gisela and Balenderan, Shangkari and Balzer, Arnim and Barnacka, Anna and Becherini, Yvonne and Tjus, J. Becker and Bernl{\"o}hr, K. and Birsin, E. and Bissaldi, E. and Biteau, Jonathan and Boettcher, Markus and Boisson, Catherine and Bolmont, J. and Bordas, Pol and Brucker, J. and Brun, Francois and Brun, Pierre and Bulik, Tomasz and Carrigan, Svenja and Casanova, Sabrina and Cerruti, M. and Chadwick, Paula M. and Chalme-Calvet, R. and Chaves, Ryan C. G. and Cheesebrough, A. and Chretien, M. and Colafrancesco, Sergio and Cologna, Gabriele and Conrad, Jan and Couturier, C. and Dalton, M. and Daniel, M. K. and Davids, I. D. and Degrange, B. and Deil, C. and deWilt, P. and Dickinson, H. J. and Djannati-Ata{\"i}, A. and Domainko, W. and Drury, L. O\&rsquo and C., and Dubus, G. and Dutson, K. and Dyks, J. and Dyrda, M. and Edwards, T. and Egberts, Kathrin and Eger, P. and Espigat, P. and Farnier, C. and Fegan, S. and Feinstein, F. and Fernandes, M. V. and Fernandez, D. and Fiasson, A. and Fontaine, G. and Foerster, A. and Fuessling, M. and Gajdus, M. and Gallant, Y. A. and Garrigoux, T. and Giebels, B. and Glicenstein, J. F. and Grondin, M. -H. and Grudzinska, M. and Haeffner, S. and Hague, J. D. and Hahn, J. and Harris, J. and Heinzelmann, G. and Henri, G. and Hermann, G. and Hervet, O. and Hillert, A. and Hinton, James Anthony and Hofmann, W. and Hofverberg, P. and Holler, M. and Horns, D. and Jacholkowska, A. and Jahn, C. and Jamrozy, M. and Janiak, M. and Jankowsky, F. and Jung, I. and Kastendieck, M. A. and Katarzynski, K. and Katz, U. and Kaufmann, S. and Khelifi, B. and Kieffer, M. and Klepser, S. and Klochkov, D. and Kluzniak, W. and Kneiske, T. and Kolitzus, D. and Komin, Nu. and Kosack, K. and Krakau, S. and Krayzel, F. and Krueger, P. P. and Laffon, H. and Lamanna, G. and Lefaucheur, J. and Lemoine-Goumard, M. and Lenain, J. -P. and Lennarz, D. and Lohse, T. and Lopatin, A. and Lu, C. -C. and Marandon, V. and Marcowith, Alexandre and Marx, R. and Maurin, G. and Maxted, N. and Mayer, M. and McComb, T. J. L. and Medina, M. C. and Mehault, J. and Menzler, U. and Meyer, M. and Moderski, R. and Mohamed, M. and Moulin, Emmanuel and Murach, T. and Naumann, C. L. and de Naurois, M. and Nedbal, D. and Niemiec, J. and Nolan, S. J. and Oakes, L. and Ohm, S. and Wilhelmi, E. de Ona and Opitz, B. and Ostrowski, M. and Oya, I. and Panter, M. and Parsons, R. D. and Arribas, M. Paz and Pekeur, N. W. and Pelletier, G. and Perez, J. and Petrucci, P. -O. and Peyaud, B. and Pita, S. and Poon, H. and Puehlhofer, G. and Punch, M. and Quirrenbach, A. and Raab, S. and Raue, M. and Reimer, A. and Reimer, O. and Renaud, M. and de los Reyes, R. and Rieger, F. and Rob, L. and Rosier-Lees, S. and Rowell, G. and Rudak, B. and Rulten, C. B. and Sahakian, V. and Sanchez, David M. and Santangelo, Andrea and Schlickeiser, R. and Schuessler, F. and Schulz, A. and Schwanke, U. and Schwarzburg, S. and Schwemmer, S. and Sol, H. and Spengler, G. and Spies, F. and Stawarz, L. and Steenkamp, R. and Stegmann, Christian and Stinzing, F. and Stycz, K. and Sushch, Iurii and Szostek, A. and Tavernet, J. -P. and Terrier, R. and Tluczykont, M. and Trichard, C. and Valerius, K. and van Eldik, C. and Vasileiadis, G. and Venter, C. and Viana, A. and Vincent, P. and Voelk, H. J. and Volpe, F. and Vorster, M. and Wagner, S. J. and Wagner, P. and Ward, M. and Weidinger, M. and Weitzel, Q. and White, R. and Wierzcholska, A. and Willmann, P. and Woernlein, A. and Wouters, D. and Zacharias, M. and Zajczyk, A. and Zdziarski, A. A. and Zech, Alraune and Zechlin, H. -S.}, title = {Discovery of very high energy gamma-ray emission from the BL Lacertae object PKS0301-243 with HESS}, series = {ASTRONOMY \& ASTROPHYSICS}, volume = {559}, journal = {ASTRONOMY \& ASTROPHYSICS}, publisher = {EDP SCIENCES S A}, address = {LES ULIS CEDEX A}, organization = {HESS Collaboration}, issn = {0004-6361}, doi = {10.1051/0004-6361/201321639}, pages = {11}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The active galactic nucleus PKS 0301-243 (z = 0.266) is a high-synchrotron-peaked BL Lac object that is detected at high energies (HE, 100 MeV < E < 100 GeV) by Fermi/LAT. This paper reports on the discovery of PKS 0301-243 at very high energies (E > 100 GeV) by the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) from observations between September 2009 and December 2011 for a total live time of 34.9 h. Gamma rays above 200 GeV are detected at a significance of 9.4 sigma. A hint of variability at the 2.5 sigma level is found. An integral flux I(E > 200GeV) = (3.3 +/- 1.1(stat) +/- 0.7(syst)) x 10(-12) ph cm(-2) s(-1) and a photon index Gamma = 4.6 +/- 0.7(stat) +/- 0.2(syst) are measured. Multi-wavelength light curves in HE, X-ray and optical bands show strong variability, and a minimal variability timescale of eight days is estimated from the optical light curve. A single-zone leptonic synchrotron self-Compton scenario satisfactorily reproduces the multi-wavelength data. In this model, the emitting region is out of equipartition and the jet is particle dominated. Because of its high redshift compared to other sources observed at TeV energies, the very high energy emission from PKS 0301-243 is attenuated by the extragalactic background light (EBL) and the measured spectrum is used to derive an upper limit on the opacity of the EBL.}, language = {en} } @article{AbramowskiAceroAharonianetal.2013, author = {Abramowski, Attila and Acero, F. and Aharonian, Felix A. and Akhperjanian, A. G. and Anton, Gisela and Balenderan, Shangkari and Balzer, Arnim and Barnacka, Anna and Becherini, Yvonne and Tjus, J. Becker and Bernl{\"o}hr, K. and Birsin, E. and Biteau, Jonathan and Bochow, A. and Boisson, Catherine and Bolmont, J. and Bordas, Pol and Brucker, J. and Brun, Francois and Brun, Pierre and Bulik, Tomasz and Carrigan, Svenja and Casanova, Sabrina and Cerruti, M. and Chadwick, Paula M. and Chaves, Ryan C. G. and Cheesebrough, A. and Colafrancesco, Sergio and Cologna, Gabriele and Conrad, Jan and Couturier, C. and Dalton, M. and Daniel, M. K. and Davids, I. D. and Degrange, B. and Deil, C. and deWilt, P. and Dickinson, H. J. and Djannati-Ata{\"i}, A. and Domainko, W. and Drury, L. O\&rsquo and C., and Dubus, G. and Dutson, K. and Dyks, J. and Dyrda, M. and Egberts, Kathrin and Eger, P. and Espigat, P. and Fallon, L. and Farnier, C. and Fegan, S. and Feinstein, F. and Fernandes, M. V. and Fernandez, D. and Fiasson, A. and Fontaine, G. and Foerster, A. and Fuessling, M. and Gajdus, M. and Gallant, Y. A. and Garrigoux, T. and Gast, H. and Giebels, B. and Glicenstein, J. F. and Glueck, B. and Goering, D. and Grondin, M-H. and Grudzinska, M. and Haeffner, S. and Hague, J. D. and Hahn, J. and Hampf, D. and Harris, J. and Heinz, S. and Heinzelmann, G. and Henri, G. and Hermann, G. and Hillert, A. and Hinton, James Anthony and Hofmann, W. and Hofverberg, P. and Holler, M. and Horns, D. and Jacholkowska, A. and Jahn, C. and Jamrozy, M. and Jung, I. and Kastendieck, M. A. and Katarzynski, K. and Katz, U. and Kaufmann, S. and Khelifi, B. and Klepser, S. and Klochkov, D. and Kluzniak, W. and Kneiske, T. and Kolitzus, D. and Komin, Nu. and Kosack, K. and Kossakowski, R. and Krayzel, F. and Krueger, P. P. and Laffon, H. and Lamanna, G. and Lefaucheur, J. and Lemoine-Goumard, M. and Lenain, J-P and Lennarz, D. and Lohse, T. and Lopatin, A. and Lu, C-C. and Marandon, V. and Marcowith, Alexandre and Masbou, J. and Maurin, G. and Maxted, N. and Mayer, M. and McComb, T. J. L. and Medina, M. C. and Mehault, J. and Menzler, U. and Moderski, R. and Mohamed, M. and Moulin, Emmanuel and Naumann, C. L. and Naumann-Godo, M. and de Naurois, M. and Nedbal, D. and Nguyen, N. and Niemiec, J. and Nolan, S. J. and Ohm, S. and de Ona Wilhelmi, E. and Opitz, B. and Ostrowski, M. and Oya, I. and Panter, M. and Parsons, R. D. and Arribas, M. Paz and Pekeur, N. W. and Pelletier, G. and Perez, J. and Petrucci, P-O and Peyaud, B. and Pita, S. and Puehlhofer, G. and Punch, M. and Quirrenbach, A. and Raab, S. and Raue, M. and Reimer, A. and Reimer, O. and Renaud, M. and de los Reyes, R. and Rieger, F. and Ripken, J. and Rob, L. and Rosier-Lees, S. and Rowell, G. and Rudak, B. and Rulten, C. B. and Sahakian, V. and Sanchez, David M. and Santangelo, Andrea and Schlickeiser, R. and Schulz, A. and Schwanke, U. and Schwarzburg, S. and Schwemmer, S. and Sheidaei, F. and Skilton, J. L. and Sol, H. and Spengler, G. and Stawarz, L. and Steenkamp, R. and Stegmann, Christian and Stinzing, F. and Stycz, K. and Sushch, Iurii and Szostek, A. and Tavernet, J-P and Terrier, R. and Tluczykont, M. and Trichard, C. and Valerius, K. and van Eldik, C. and Vasileiadis, G. and Venter, C. and Viana, A. and Vincent, P. and Voelk, H. J. and Volpe, F. and Vorobiov, S. and Vorster, M. and Wagner, S. J. and Ward, M. and White, R. and Wierzcholska, A. and Wouters, D. and Zacharias, M. and Zajczyk, A. and Zdziarski, A. A. and Zech, Alraune and Zechlin, H-S}, title = {Search for very-high-energy gamma-ray emission from Galactic globular clusters with HESS}, series = {ASTRONOMY \& ASTROPHYSICS}, volume = {551}, journal = {ASTRONOMY \& ASTROPHYSICS}, publisher = {EDP SCIENCES S A}, address = {LES ULIS CEDEX A}, organization = {HESS Collaboration}, issn = {0004-6361}, doi = {10.1051/0004-6361/201220719}, pages = {8}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Context. Globular clusters (GCs) are established emitters of high-energy (HE, 100 MeV < E < 100 GeV) gamma-ray radiation which could originate from the cumulative emission of the numerous millisecond pulsars (msPSRs) in the clusters\’ cores or from inverse Compton (IC) scattering of relativistic leptons accelerated in the GC environment. These stellar clusters could also constitute a new class of sources in the very-high-energy (VHE, E > 100 GeV) gamma-ray regime, judging from the recent detection of a signal from the direction of Terzan 5 with the H.E.S.S. telescope array. Aims. To search for VHE gamma-ray sources associated with other GCs, and to put constraints on leptonic emission models, we systematically analyzed the observations towards 15 GCs taken with the H. E. S. S. array of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. Methods. We searched for point-like and extended VHE gamma-ray emission from each GC in our sample and also performed a stacking analysis combining the data from all GCs to investigate the hypothesis of a population of faint emitters. Assuming IC emission as the origin of the VHE gamma-ray signal from the direction of Terzan 5, we calculated the expected gamma-ray flux from each of the 15 GCs, based on their number of millisecond pulsars, their optical brightness and the energy density of background photon fields. Results. We did not detect significant VHE gamma-ray emission from any of the 15 GCs in either of the two analyses. Given the uncertainties related to the parameter determinations, the obtained flux upper limits allow to rule out the simple IC/msPSR scaling model for NGC6388 and NGC7078. The upper limits derived from the stacking analyses are factors between 2 and 50 below the flux predicted by the simple leptonic scaling model, depending on the assumed source extent and the dominant target photon fields. Therefore, Terzan 5 still remains exceptional among all GCs, as the VHE gamma-ray emission either arises from extra-ordinarily efficient leptonic processes, or from a recent catastrophic event, or is even unrelated to the GC itself.}, language = {en} } @article{AbramowskiAceroAharonianetal.2013, author = {Abramowski, Attila and Acero, F. and Aharonian, Felix A. and Akhperjanian, A. G. and Anton, Gisela and Balenderan, Shangkari and Balzer, Arnim and Barnacka, Anna and Becherini, Yvonne and Tjus, J. Becker and Behera, B. and Bernl{\"o}hr, K. and Birsin, E. and Biteau, Jonathan and Bochow, A. and Boisson, Catherine and Bolmont, J. and Bordas, Pol and Brucker, J. and Brun, Francois and Brun, Pierre and Bulik, Tomasz and Carrigan, Svenja and Casanova, Sabrina and Cerruti, M. and Chadwick, Paula M. and Chaves, Ryan C. G. and Cheesebrough, A. and Colafrancesco, Sergio and Cologna, Gabriele and Conrad, Jan and Couturier, C. and Dalton, M. and Daniel, M. K. and Davids, I. D. and Degrange, B. and Deil, C. and deWilt, P. and Dickinson, H. J. and Djannati-Ata{\"i}, A. and Domainko, W. and Drury, L. O'C. and Dubus, G. and Dutson, K. and Dyks, J. and Dyrda, M. and Egberts, Kathrin and Eger, P. and Espigat, P. and Fallon, L. and Farnier, C. and Fegan, S. and Feinstein, F. and Fernandes, M. V. and Fernandez, D. and Fiasson, A. and Fontaine, G. and Foester, A. and Fuessling, M. and Gajdus, M. and Gallant, Y. A. and Garrigoux, T. and Gast, H. and Giebels, B. and Glicenstein, J. F. and Glueck, B. and Goeing, D. and Grondin, M. -H. and Grudzinska, M. and Haeffner, S. and Hague, J. D. and Hahn, J. and Hampf, D. and Harris, J. and Hauser, M. and Heinz, S. and Heinzelmann, G. and Henri, G. and Hermann, G. and Hillert, A. and Hinton, James Anthony and Hofmann, W. and Hofverberg, P. and Holler, Markus and Horns, D. and Jacholkowska, A. and Jahn, C. and Jamrozy, M. and Jung, I. and Kastendieck, M. A. and Katarzynski, K. and Katz, U. and Kaufmann, S. and Khelifi, B. and Klepser, S. and Klochkov, D. and Kluzniak, W. and Kneiske, T. and Komin, Nu. and Kosack, K. and Kossakowski, R. and Krayzel, F. and Krueger, P. P. and Laffon, H. and Lamanna, G. and Lefaucheur, J. and Lemoine-Goumard, M. and Lenain, J. -P. and Lennarz, D. and Lohse, T. and Lopatin, A. and Lu, C. -C. and Marandon, V. and Marcowith, Alexandre and Masbou, J. and Maurin, G. and Maxted, N. and Mayer, M. and McComb, T. J. L. and Medina, M. C. and Mehault, J. and Menzler, U. and Moderski, R. and Mohamed, M. and Moulin, Emmanuel and Naumann, C. L. and Naumann-Godo, M. and de Naurois, M. and Nedbal, D. and Nguyen, N. and Niemiec, J. and Nolan, S. J. and Ohm, S. and Wilhelmi, E. de Ona and Opitz, B. and Ostrowski, M. and Oya, I. and Panter, M. and Parsons, R. D. and Arribas, M. Paz and Pekeur, N. W. and Pelletier, G. and Perez, J. and Petrucci, P. -O. and Peyaud, B. and Pita, S. and Puehlhofer, G. and Punch, M. and Quirrenbach, A. and Raab, S. and Raue, M. and Reimer, A. and Reimer, O. and Renaud, M. and de los Reyes, R. and Rieger, F. and Ripken, J. and Rob, L. and Rosier-Lees, S. and Rowell, G. and Rudak, B. and Rulten, C. B. and Sahakian, V. and Sanchez, David M. and Santangelo, Andrea and Schlickeiser, R. and Schulz, A. and Schwanke, U. and Schwarzburg, S. and Schwemmer, S. and Sheidaei, F. and Skilton, J. L. and Sol, H. and Spengler, G. and Stawarz, L. and Steenkamp, R. and Stegmann, Christian and Stinzing, F. and Stycz, K. and Sushch, Iurii and Szostek, A. and Tavernet, J. -P. and Terrier, R. and Tluczykont, M. and Trichard, C. and Valerius, K. and van Eldik, C. and Vasileiadis, G. and Venter, C. and Viana, A. and Vincent, P. and Voelk, H. J. and Volpe, F. and Vorobiov, S. and Vorster, M. and Wagner, S. J. and Ward, M. and White, R. and Wierzcholska, A. and Wouters, D. and Zacharias, M. and Zajczyk, A. and Zdziarski, A. A. and Zech, Alraune and Zechlin, H. S.}, title = {HESS discovery of VHE gamma-rays from the quasar PKS 1510-089}, series = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, volume = {554}, journal = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, number = {6}, publisher = {EDP Sciences}, address = {Les Ulis}, organization = {HESS Collaboration}, issn = {0004-6361}, doi = {10.1051/0004-6361/201321135}, pages = {7}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The quasar PKS 1510-089 (z = 0.361) was observed with the H.E.S.S. array of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes during high states in the optical and GeV bands, to search for very high energy (VHE, defined as E >= 0.1 TeV) emission. VHE gamma-rays were detected with a statistical significance of 9.2 standard deviations in 15.8 h of H. E. S. S. data taken during March and April 2009. A VHE integral flux of I(0.15 TeV < E < 1.0TeV) = (1.0 +/- 0.2(stat) +/- 0.2(sys)) x 10(-11) cm(-2) s(-1) is measured. The best-fit power law to the VHE data has a photon index of G = 5.4 +/- 0.7(stat) +/- 0.3(sys). The GeV and optical light curves show pronounced variability during the period of H.E.S.S. observations. However, there is insufficient evidence to claim statistically significant variability in the VHE data. Because of its relatively high redshift, the VHE flux from PKS 1510-089 should suffer considerable attenuation in the intergalactic space due to the extragalactic background light (EBL). Hence, the measured gamma-ray spectrum is used to derive upper limits on the opacity due to EBL, which are found to be comparable with the previously derived limits from relatively-nearby BL Lac objects. Unlike typical VHE-detected blazars where the broadband spectrum is dominated by nonthermal radiation at all wavelengths, the quasar PKS 1510-089 has a bright thermal component in the optical to UV frequency band. Among all VHE detected blazars, PKS 1510-089 has the most luminous broad line region. The detection of VHE emission from this quasar indicates a low level of gamma - gamma absorption on the internal optical to UV photon field.}, language = {en} } @article{AbramowskiAceroAharonianetal.2013, author = {Abramowski, Attila and Acero, F. and Aharonian, Felix A. and Akhperjanian, A. G. and Anton, Gisela and Balenderan, Shangkari and Balzer, Arnim and Barnacka, Anna and Becherini, Yvonne and Tjus, J. Becker and Bernl{\"o}hr, K. and Birsin, E. and Biteau, Jonathan and Bochow, A. and Boisson, Catherine and Bolmont, J. and Bordas, Pol and Brucker, J. and Brun, Francois and Brun, Pierre and Bulik, Tomasz and Carrigan, Svenja and Casanova, Sabrina and Cerruti, M. and Chadwick, Paula M. and Chaves, Ryan C. G. and Cheesebrough, A. and Colafrancesco, Sergio and Cologna, Gabriele and Conrad, Jan and Couturier, C. and Dalton, M. and Daniel, M. K. and Davids, I. D. and Degrange, B. and Deil, C. and deWilt, P. and Dickinson, H. J. and Djannati-Ata{\"i}, A. and Domainko, W. and Drury, L. O'C. and Dubus, G. and Dutson, K. and Dyks, J. and Dyrda, M. and Egberts, Kathrin and Eger, P. and Espigat, P. and Fallon, L. and Farnier, C. and Fegan, S. and Feinstein, F. and Fernandes, M. V. and Fernandez, D. and Fiasson, A. and Fontaine, G. and Foerster, A. and Fussling, Matthias and Gajdus, M. and Gallant, Y. A. and Garrigoux, T. and Gast, H. and Giebels, B. and Glicenstein, J. F. and Glueck, B. and Goering, D. and Grondin, M. -H. and Haeffner, S. and Hague, J. D. and Hahn, J. and Hampf, D. and Harris, J. and Heinz, S. and Heinzelmann, G. and Henri, G. and Hermann, G. and Hillert, A. and Hinton, James Anthony and Hofmann, W. and Hofverberg, P. and Holler, M. and Horns, D. and Jacholkowska, A. and Jahn, C. and Jamrozy, M. and Jung, I. and Kastendieck, M. A. and Katarzynski, K. and Katz, U. and Kaufmann, S. and Khelifi, B. and Klepser, S. and Klochkov, D. and Kluzniak, W. and Kneiske, T. and Komin, Nu and Kosack, K. and Kossakowski, R. and Krayzel, F. and Krueger, P. P. and Laffon, H. and Lamanna, G. and Lefaucheur, J. and Lemoine-Goumard, M. and Lenain, J. -P. and Lennarz, D. and Lohse, T. and Lopatin, A. and Lu, C. -C. and Marandon, V. and Marcowith, Alexandre and Masbou, J. and Maurin, G. and Maxted, N. and Mayer, M. and McComb, T. J. L. and Medina, M. C. and Mehault, J. and Menzler, U. and Moderski, R. and Mohamed, M. and Moulin, Emmanuel and Naumann, C. L. and Naumann-Godo, M. and de Naurois, M. and Nedbal, D. and Nekrassov, D. and Nguyen, N. and Niemiec, J. and Nolan, S. J. and Ohm, S. and Awilhelmi, E. de Ona and Opitz, B. and Ostrowski, M. and Oya, I. and Panter, M. and Parsons, R. D. and Arribas, M. Paz and Pekeur, N. W. and Pelletier, G. and Perez, J. and Petrucci, P. -O. and Peyaud, B. and Pita, S. and Puehlhofer, G. and Punch, M. and Quirrenbach, A. and Raue, M. and Reimer, A. and Reimer, O. and Renaud, M. and de los Reyes, R. and Rieger, F. and Ripken, J. and Rob, L. and Rosier-Lees, S. and Rowell, G. and Rudak, B. and Rulten, C. B. and Sahakian, V. and Sanchez, David M. and Santangelo, Andrea and Schlickeiser, R. and Schulz, A. and Schwanke, U. and Schwarzburg, S. and Schwemmer, S. and Sheidaei, F. and Skilton, J. L. and Sol, H. and Spengler, G. and Stawarz, L. and Steenkamp, R. and Stegmann, Christian and Stinzing, F. and Stycz, K. and Sushch, Iurii and Szostek, A. and Tavernet, J. -P. and Terrier, R. and Tluczykont, M. and Trichard, C. and Valerius, K. and van Eldik, C. and Vasileiadis, G. and Venter, C. and Viana, A. and Vincent, P. and Voelk, H. J. and Volpe, F. and Vorobiov, S. and Vorster, M. and Wagner, S. J. and Ward, M. and White, R. and Wierzcholska, A. and Wouters, D. and Zacharias, M. and Zajczyk, A. and Zdziarski, A. A. and Zech, Alraune and Zechlin, H. -S.}, title = {Search for Photon-Linelike Signatures from Dark Matter Annihilations with H.E.S.S.}, series = {Physical review letters}, volume = {110}, journal = {Physical review letters}, number = {4}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, address = {College Park}, organization = {HESS Collaboration}, issn = {0031-9007}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.041301}, pages = {6}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Gamma-ray line signatures can be expected in the very-high-energy (E-gamma > 100 GeV) domain due to self-annihilation or decay of dark matter (DM) particles in space. Such a signal would be readily distinguishable from astrophysical gamma-ray sources that in most cases produce continuous spectra that span over several orders of magnitude in energy. Using data collected with the H. E. S. S. gamma-ray instrument, upper limits on linelike emission are obtained in the energy range between similar to 500 GeV and similar to 25 TeV for the central part of the Milky Way halo and for extragalactic observations, complementing recent limits obtained with the Fermi-LAT instrument at lower energies. No statistically significant signal could be found. For monochromatic gamma-ray line emission, flux limits of (2 x 10(-7)-2 x 10(-5)) m(-2)s(-1)sr(-1) and (1 x 10(-8)- 2 x 10(-6)) m(-2)s(-1)sr(-1) are obtained for the central part of the Milky Way halo and extragalactic observations, respectively. For a DM particle mass of 1 TeV, limits on the velocity- averaged DM annihilation cross section (chi chi ->gamma gamma) reach similar to 10(-27)cm(3)s(-1), based on the Einasto parametrization of the Galactic DM halo density profile. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.041301}, language = {en} } @article{AbramowskiAceroAharonianetal.2013, author = {Abramowski, Attila and Acero, F. and Aharonian, Felix A. and Akhperjanian, A. G. and Ang{\"u}ner, Ekrem Oǧuzhan and Anton, Gisela and Balenderan, Shangkari and Balzer, Arnim and Barnacka, Anna and Becherini, Yvonne and Tjus, J. Becker and Bernl{\"o}hr, K. and Birsin, E. and Bissaldi, E. and Biteau, Jonathan and Boisson, Catherine and Bolmont, J. and Bordas, Pol and Brucker, J. and Brun, Francois and Brun, Pierre and Bulik, Tomasz and Carrigan, Svenja and Casanova, Sabrina and Cerruti, M. and Chadwick, Paula M. and Chalme-Calvet, R. and Chaves, Ryan C. G. and Cheesebrough, A. and Chretien, M. and Colafrancesco, Sergio and Cologna, Gabriele and Conrad, Jan and Couturier, C. and Dalton, M. and Daniel, M. K. and Davids, I. D. and Degrange, B. and Deil, C. and deWilt, P. and Dickinson, H. J. and Djannati-Ata{\"i}, A. and Domainko, W. and Drury, L. O'C. and Dubus, G. and Dutson, K. and Dyks, J. and Dyrda, M. and Edwards, T. and Egberts, Kathrin and Eger, P. and Espigat, P. and Farnier, C. and Fegan, S. and Feinstein, F. and Fernandes, M. V. and Fernandez, D. and Fiasson, A. and Fontaine, G. and Foerster, A. and Fuessling, M. and Gajdus, M. and Gallant, Y. A. and Garrigoux, T. and Gast, H. and Giebels, B. and Glicenstein, J. F. and Goering, D. and Grondin, M. -H. and Grudzinska, M. and Haeffner, S. and Hague, J. D. and Hahn, J. and Harris, J. and Heinzelmann, G. and Henri, G. and Hermann, G. and Hervet, O. and Hillert, A. and Hinton, James Anthony and Hofmann, W. and Hofverberg, P. and Holler, Markus and Horns, D. and Jacholkowska, A. and Jahn, C. and Jamrozy, M. and Janiak, M. and Jankowsky, F. and Jung, I. and Kastendieck, M. A. and Katarzynski, K. and Katz, U. and Kaufmann, S. and Khelifi, B. and Kieffer, M. and Klepser, S. and Klochkov, D. and Kluzniak, W. and Kneiske, T. and Kolitzus, D. and Komin, Nu. and Kosack, K. and Krakau, S. and Krayzel, F. and Krueger, P. P. and Laffon, H. and Lamanna, G. and Lefaucheur, J. and Lemoine-Goumard, M. and Lenain, J. -P. and Lennarz, D. and Lohse, T. and Lopatin, A. and Lu, C. -C. and Marandon, V. and Marcowith, Alexandre and Maxted, N. and Mayer, M. and McComb, T. J. L. and Medina, M. C. and Mehault, J. and Menzler, U. and Meyer, M. and Moderski, R. and Mohamed, M. and Moulin, Emmanuel and Murach, T. and Naumann, C. L. and de Naurois, M. and Nedbal, D. and Niemiec, J. and Nolan, S. J. and Oakes, L. and Ohm, S. and Wilhelmi, E. de Ona and Opitz, B. and Ostrowski, M. and Oya, I. and Panter, M. and Parsons, R. D. and Arribas, M. Paz and Pekeur, N. W. and Pelletier, G. and Perez, J. and Petrucci, P. -O. and Peyaud, B. and Pita, S. and Poon, H. and Punch, M. and Quirrenbach, A. and Raab, S. and Raue, M. and Reimer, A. and Reimer, O. and Renaud, M. and de los Reyes, R. and Rieger, F. and Rob, L. and Rosier-Lees, S. and Rowell, G. and Rudak, B. and Rulten, C. B. and Sahakian, V. and Sanchez, David M. and Santangelo, Andrea and Schlickeiser, R. and Schuessler, F. and Schulz, A. and Schwanke, U. and Schwarzburg, S. and Schwemmer, S. and Sol, H. and Spengler, G. and Spiess, F. and Stawarz, L. and Steenkamp, R. and Stegmann, Christian and Stinzing, F. and Stycz, K. and Sushch, Iurii and Szostek, A. and Tavernet, J. -P. and Terrier, R. and Tluczykont, M. and Trichard, C. and Valerius, K. and van Eldik, C. and Vasileiadis, G. and Venter, C. and Viana, A. and Vincent, P. and Voelk, H. J. and Volpe, F. and Vorster, M. and Wagner, S. J. and Wagner, P. and Ward, M. and Weidinger, M. and White, R. and Wierzcholska, A. and Willmann, P. and Woernlein, A. and Wouters, D. and Zacharias, M. and Zajczyk, A. and Zdziarski, A. A. and Zech, Alraune and Zechlin, H. -S.}, title = {Discovery of high and very high-energy emission from the BL Lacertae object SHBL J001355.9-185406}, series = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, volume = {554}, journal = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, publisher = {EDP Sciences}, address = {Les Ulis}, organization = {HESSCollaboration}, issn = {0004-6361}, doi = {10.1051/0004-6361/201220996}, pages = {8}, year = {2013}, abstract = {The detection of the high-frequency peaked BL Lac object (HBL) SHBL J001355.9-185406 (z = 0.095) at high (HE; 100 MeV < E < 300 GeV) and very high-energy (VHE; E > 100 GeV) with the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) and the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) is reported. Dedicated observations were performed with the H. E. S. S. telescopes, leading to a detection at the 5.5 sigma significance level. The measured flux above 310 GeV is (8.3 +/- 1.7(stat) +/- 1.7(sys)) x 10(-13) photons cm(-2) s(-1) (about 0.6\% of that of the Crab Nebula), and the power-law spectrum has a photon index of Gamma = 3.4 +/- 0.5(stat) +/- 0.2(sys). Using 3.5 years of publicly available Fermi-LAT data, a faint counterpart has been detected in the LAT data at the 5.5 sigma significance level, with an integrated flux above 300 MeV of (9.3 +/- 3.4(stat) +/- 0.8(sys)) x 10(-10) photons cm(-2) s(-1) and a photon index of Gamma = 1.96 +/- 0.20(stat) +/- 0.08(sys). X-ray observations with Swift-XRT allow the synchrotron peak energy in vF(v) representation to be located at similar to 1.0 keV. The broadband spectral energy distribution is modelled with a one-zone synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) model and the optical data by a black-body emission describing the thermal emission of the host galaxy. The derived parameters are typical of HBLs detected at VHE, with a particle-dominated jet.}, language = {en} } @article{AbramowskiAceroAharonianetal.2013, author = {Abramowski, Attila and Acero, F. and Aharonian, Felix A. and Akhperjanian, A. G. and Anton, Gisela and Balenderan, Shangkari and Balzer, Arnim and Barnacka, Anna and Becherini, Yvonne and Tjus, J. Becker and Bernl{\"o}hr, K. and Birsin, E. and Biteau, Jonathan and Boisson, Catherine and Bolmont, J. and Bordas, Pol and Brucker, J. and Brun, Francois and Brun, Pierre and Bulik, Tomasz and Carrigan, Svenja and Casanova, Sabrina and Cerruti, M. and Chadwick, Paula M. and Chaves, Ryan C. G. and Cheesebrough, A. and Colafrancesco, Sergio and Cologna, Gabriele and Conrad, Jan and Couturier, C. and Dalton, M. and Daniel, M. K. and Davids, I. D. and Degrange, B. and Deil, C. and deWilt, P. and Dickinson, H. J. and Djannati-Ata{\"i}, A. and Domainko, W. and Drury, L. O'C. and Dubus, G. and Dutson, K. and Dyks, J. and Dyrda, M. and Egberts, Kathrin and Eger, P. and Espigat, P. and Fallon, L. and Farnier, C. and Fegan, S. and Feinstein, F. and Fernandes, M. V. and Fernandez, D. and Fiasson, A. and Fontaine, G. and Foerster, A. and Fuessling, M. and Gajdus, M. and Gallant, Y. A. and Garrigoux, T. and Gast, H. and Giebels, B. and Glicenstein, J. F. and Glueck, B. and Goering, D. and Grondin, M. -H. and Grudzinska, M. and Haeffner, S. and Hague, J. D. and Hahn, J. and Hampf, D. and Harris, J. and Heinz, S. and Heinzelmann, G. and Henri, G. and Hermann, G. and Hillert, A. and Hinton, James Anthony and Hofmann, W. and Hofverberg, P. and Holler, Markus and Horns, D. and Jacholkowska, A. and Jahn, C. and Jamrozy, M. and Jung, I. and Kastendieck, M. A. and Katarzynski, K. and Katz, U. and Kaufmann, S. and Khelifi, B. and Klepser, S. and Klochkov, D. and Kluzniak, W. and Kneiske, T. and Kolitzus, D. and Komin, Nu and Kosack, K. and Kossakowski, R. and Krayzel, F. and Krueger, P. P. and Laffon, H. and Lamanna, G. and Lefaucheur, J. and Lemoine-Goumard, M. and Lenain, J. -P. and Lennarz, D. and Lohse, T. and Lopatin, A. and Lu, C. -C. and Marandon, V. and Marcowith, Alexandre and Masbou, J. and Maurin, G. and Maxted, N. and Mayer, M. and McComb, T. J. L. and Medina, M. C. and Mehault, J. and Menzler, U. and Moderski, R. and Mohamed, M. and Moulin, Emmanuel and Naumann, C. L. and Naumann-Godo, M. and de Naurois, M. and Nedbal, D. and Nguyen, N. and Niemiec, J. and Nolan, S. J. and Oakes, L. and Ohm, S. and Wilhelmi, E. de Ona and Opitz, B. and Ostrowski, M. and Oya, I. and Panter, M. and Parsons, R. D. and Arribas, M. Paz and Pekeur, N. W. and Pelletier, G. and Perez, J. and Petrucci, P. -O. and Peyaud, B. and Pita, S. and Puehlhofer, G. and Punch, M. and Quirrenbach, A. and Raab, S. and Raue, M. and Reimer, A. and Reimer, O. and Renaud, M. and de los Reyes, R. and Rieger, F. and Ripken, J. and Rob, L. and Rosier-Lees, S. and Rowell, G. and Rudak, B. and Rulten, C. B. and Sahakian, V. and Sanchez, David M. and Santangelo, Andrea and Schlickeiser, R. and Schulz, A. and Schwanke, U. and Schwarzburg, S. and Schwemmer, S. and Sheidaei, F. and Skilton, J. L. and Sol, H. and Spengler, G. and Stawarz, L. and Steenkamp, R. and Stegmann, Christian and Stinzing, F. and Stycz, K. and Sushch, Iurii and Szostek, A. and Tavernet, J. -P. and Terrier, R. and Tluczykont, M. and Trichard, C. and Valerius, K. and van Eldik, C. and Vasileiadis, G. and Venter, C. and Viana, A. and Vincent, P. and Voelk, H. J. and Volpe, F. and Vorobiov, S. and Vorster, M. and Wagner, S. J. and Ward, M. and White, R. and Wierzcholska, A. and Willmann, P. and Wouters, D. and Zacharias, M. and Zajczyk, A. and Zdziarski, A. A. and Zech, Alraune and Zechlin, H. -S.}, title = {HESS observations of the binary system PSR B1259-63/LS 2883 around the 2010/2011 periastron passage}, series = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, volume = {551}, journal = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, publisher = {EDP Sciences}, address = {Les Ulis}, organization = {HESS Collaboration}, issn = {0004-6361}, doi = {10.1051/0004-6361/201220612}, pages = {7}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Aims. We present very high energy (VHE; E > 100 GeV) data from the gamma-ray binary system PSR B1259-63/LS 2883 taken around its periastron passage on 15th of December 2010 with the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H. E. S. S.) of Cherenkov Telescopes. We aim to search for a possible TeV counterpart of the GeV flare detected by the Fermi LAT. In addition, we aim to study the current periastron passage in the context of previous observations taken at similar orbital phases, testing the repetitive behaviour of the source. Methods. Observations at VHEs were conducted with H.E.S.S. from 9th to 16th of January 2011. The total dataset amounts to similar to 6 h of observing time. The data taken around the 2004 periastron passage were also re-analysed with the current analysis techniques in order to extend the energy spectrum above 3 TeV to fully compare observation results from 2004 and 2011. Results. The source is detected in the 2011 data at a significance level of 11.5 sigma revealing an averaged integral flux above 1 TeV of (1.01 +/- 0.18(stat) +/- 0.20(sys)) x 10(-12) cm(-2) s(-1). The differential energy spectrum follows a power-law shape with a spectral index Gamma = 2.92 +/- 0.30(stat) +/- 0.20(sys) and a flux normalisation at 1 TeV of N-0 = (1.95 +/- 0.32(stat) +/- 0.39(sys)) x 10(-12) TeV-1 cm(-2) s(-1). The measured light curve does not show any evidence for variability of the source on the daily scale. The re-analysis of the 2004 data yields results compatible with the published ones. The differential energy spectrum measured up to similar to 10 TeV is consistent with a power law with a spectral index Gamma = 2.81 +/- 0.10(stat) +/- 0.20(sys) and a flux normalisation at 1 TeV of N-0 = (1.29 +/- 0.08(stat) +/- 0.26(sys)) x 10(-12) TeV-1 cm(-2) s(-1). Conclusions. The measured integral flux and the spectral shape of the 2011 data are compatible with the results obtained around previous periastron passages. The absence of variability in the H.E.S.S. data indicates that the GeV flare observed by Fermi LAT in the time period covered also by H.E.S.S. observations originates in a different physical scenario than the TeV emission. Moreover, the comparison of the new results to the results from the 2004 observations made at a similar orbital phase provides a stronger evidence of the repetitive behaviour of the source.}, language = {en} } @article{AbramowskiAharonianBenkhalietal.2014, author = {Abramowski, Attila and Aharonian, Felix A. and Benkhali, Faical Ait and Akhperjanian, A. G. and Ang{\"u}ner, Ekrem Oǧuzhan and Anton, Gisela and Balenderan, Shangkari and Balzer, Arnim and Barnacka, Anna and Becherini, Yvonne and Tjus, J. Becker and Bernl{\"o}hr, K. and Birsin, E. and Bissaldi, E. and Biteau, Jonathan and Boettcher, Markus and Boisson, Catherine and Bolmont, J. and Bordas, Pol and Brucker, J. and Brun, Francois and Brun, Pierre and Bulik, Tomasz and Carrigan, Svenja and Casanova, Sabrina and Cerruti, M. and Chadwick, Paula M. and Chalme-Calvet, R. and Chaves, Ryan C. G. and Cheesebrough, A. and Chretien, M. and Colafrancesco, Sergio and Cologna, Gabriele and Conrad, Jan and Couturier, C. and Cui, Y. and Dalton, M. and Daniel, M. K. and Davids, I. D. and Degrange, B. and Deil, C. and deWilt, P. and Dickinson, H. J. and Djannati-Ata{\"i}, A. and Domainko, W. and Dubus, G. and Dutson, K. and Dyks, J. and Dyrda, M. and Edwards, T. and Egberts, Kathrin and Eger, P. and Espigat, P. and Farnier, C. and Fegan, S. and Feinstein, F. and Fernandes, M. V. and Fernandez, D. and Fiasson, A. and Fontaine, G. and Foerster, A. and Fuessling, Matthias and Gajdus, M. and Gallant, Y. A. and Garrigoux, T. and Giavitto, G. and Giebels, B. and Glicenstein, J. F. and Grondin, M. -H. and Grudzinska, M. and Haeffner, S. and Hahn, J. and Harris, J. and Heinzelmann, G. and Henri, G. and Hermann, G. and Hervet, O. and Hillert, A. and Hinton, James Anthony and Hofmann, W. and Hofverberg, P. and Holler, M. and Horns, D. and Jacholkowska, A. and Jahn, C. and Jamrozy, M. and Janiak, M. and Jankowsky, F. and Jung, I. and Kastendieck, M. A. and Katarzynski, K. and Katz, U. and Kaufmann, S. and Khelifi, B. and Kieffer, M. and Klepser, S. and Klochkov, D. and Kluzniak, W. and Kneiske, T. and Kolitzus, D. and Komin, Nu and Kosack, K. and Krakau, S. and Krayzel, F. and Krueger, P. P. and Laffon, H. and Lamanna, G. and Lefaucheur, J. and Lemiere, A. and Lemoine-Goumard, M. and Lenain, J. -P. and Lennarz, D. and Lohse, T. and Lopatin, A. and Lu, C. -C. and Marandon, V. and Marcowith, Alexandre and Marx, R. and Maurin, G. and Maxted, N. and Mayer, M. and McComb, T. J. L. and Mehault, J. and Meintjes, P. J. and Menzler, U. and Meyer, M. and Moderski, R. and Mohamed, M. and Moulin, Emmanuel and Murach, T. and Naumann, C. L. and de Naurois, M. and Niemiec, J. and Nolan, S. J. and Oakes, L. and Ohm, S. and Wilhelmi, E. de Ona and Opitz, B. and Ostrowski, M. and Oya, I. and Panter, M. and Parsons, R. D. and Arribas, M. Paz and Pekeur, N. W. and Pelletier, G. and Perez, J. and Petrucci, P. -O. and Peyaud, B. and Pita, S. and Poon, H. and Puehlhofer, G. and Punch, M. and Quirrenbach, A. and Raab, S. and Raue, M. and Reimer, A. and Reimer, O. and Renaud, M. and de los Reyes, R. and Rieger, F. and Rob, L. and Romoli, C. and Rosier-Lees, S. and Rowell, G. and Rudak, B. and Rulten, C. B. and Sahakian, V. and Sanchez, David M. and Santangelo, Andrea and Schlickeiser, R. and Schuessler, F. and Schulz, A. and Schwanke, U. and Schwarzburg, S. and Schwemmer, S. and Sol, H. and Spengler, G. and Spies, F. and Stawarz, L. and Steenkamp, R. and Stegmann, Christian and Stinzing, F. and Stycz, K. and Sushch, Iurii and Szostek, A. and Tavernet, J. -P. and Tavernier, T. and Taylor, A. M. and Terrier, R. and Tluczykont, M. and Trichard, C. and Valerius, K. and van Eldik, C. and van Soelen, B. and Vasileiadis, G. and Venter, C. and Viana, A. and Vincent, P. and Voelk, H. J. and Volpe, F. and Vorster, M. and Vuillaume, T. and Wagner, S. J. and Wagner, P. and Ward, M. and Weidinger, M. and Weitzel, Q. and White, R. and Wierzcholska, A. and Willmann, P. and Woernlein, A. and Wouters, D. and Zabalza, V. and Zacharias, M. and Zajczyk, A. and Zdziarski, A. A. and Zech, Alraune and Zechlin, H. -S.}, title = {TeV gamma-ray observations of the young synchrotron-dominated SNRs G1.9+0.3 and G330.2+1.0 with HESS}, series = {Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society}, volume = {441}, journal = {Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society}, number = {1}, publisher = {Oxford Univ. Press}, address = {Oxford}, organization = {HESS Collaboration}, issn = {0035-8711}, doi = {10.1093/mnras/stu459}, pages = {790 -- 799}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The non-thermal nature of the X-ray emission from the shell-type supernova remnants (SNRs) G1.9+0.3 and G330.2+1.0 is an indication of intense particle acceleration in the shock fronts of both objects. This suggests that the SNRs are prime candidates for very-high-energy (VHE; E > 0.1 TeV) gamma-ray observations. G1.9+0.3, recently established as the youngest known SNR in the Galaxy, also offers a unique opportunity to study the earliest stages of SNR evolution in the VHE domain. The purpose of this work is to probe the level of VHE gamma-ray emission from both SNRs and use this to constrain their physical properties. Observations were conducted with the H. E. S. S. (High Energy Stereoscopic System) Cherenkov Telescope Array over a more than six-year period spanning 2004-2010. The obtained data have effective livetimes of 67 h for G1.9+0.3 and 16 h for G330.2+1.0. The data are analysed in the context of the multiwavelength observations currently available and in the framework of both leptonic and hadronic particle acceleration scenarios. No significant gamma-ray signal from G1.9+0.3 or G330.2+1.0 was detected. Upper limits (99 per cent confidence level) to the TeV flux from G1.9+0.3 and G330.2+1.0 for the assumed spectral index Gamma = 2.5 were set at 5.6 x 10(-1)3 cm(-2) s(-1) above 0.26 TeV and 3.2 x 10(-12) cm(-2) s(-1) above 0.38 TeV, respectively. In a one-zone leptonic scenario, these upper limits imply lower limits on the interior magnetic field to B-G1.9 greater than or similar to 12 mu G for G1.9+0.3 and to B-G330 greater than or similar to 8 mu G for G330.2+1.0. In a hadronic scenario, the low ambient densities and the large distances to the SNRs result in very low predicted fluxes, for which the H.E.S.S. upper limits are not constraining.}, language = {en} } @article{AbramowskiAceroAharonianetal.2013, author = {Abramowski, Attila and Acero, F. and Aharonian, Felix A. and Benkhali, Faical Ait and Akhperjanian, A. G. and Ang{\"u}ner, Ekrem Oǧuzhan and Anton, Gisela and Balenderan, Shangkari and Balzer, Arnim and Barnacka, Anna and Becherini, Yvonne and Tjus, J. Becker and Bernl{\"o}hr, K. and Birsin, E. and Bissaldi, E. and Biteau, Jonathan and Boisson, Catherine and Bolmont, J. and Bordas, Pol and Brucker, J. and Brun, Francois and Brun, Pierre and Bulik, Tomasz and Carrigan, Svenja and Casanova, Sabrina and Cerruti, M. and Chadwick, Paula M. and Chalme-Calvet, R. and Chaves, Ryan C. G. and Cheesebrough, A. and Chretien, M. and Colafrancesco, Sergio and Cologna, Gabriele and Conrad, Jan and Couturier, C. and Dalton, M. and Daniel, M. K. and Davids, I. D. and Degrange, B. and Deil, C. and deWilt, P. and Dickinson, H. J. and Djannati-Ata{\"i}, A. and Domainko, W. and Drury, L. O'C. and Dubus, G. and Dutson, K. and Dyks, J. and Dyrda, M. and Edwards, T. and Egberts, Kathrin and Eger, P. and Espigat, P. and Farnier, C. and Fegan, S. and Feinstein, F. and Fernandes, M. V. and Fernandez, D. and Fiasson, A. and Fontaine, G. and Foerster, A. and Fuessling, M. and Gajdus, M. and Gallant, Y. A. and Garrigoux, T. and Gast, H. and Giebels, B. and Glicenstein, J. F. and Goering, D. and Grondin, M. -H. and Grudzinska, M. and Haeffner, S. and Hague, J. D. and Hahn, J. and Harris, J. and Heinzelmann, G. and Henri, G. and Hermann, G. and Hervet, O. and Hillert, A. and Hinton, James Anthony and Hofmann, W. and Hofverberg, P. and Holler, Markus and Horns, D. and Jacholkowska, A. and Jahn, C. and Jamrozy, M. and Janiak, M. and Jankowsky, F. and Jung, I. and Kastendieck, M. A. and Katarzynski, K. and Katz, U. and Kaufmann, S. and Khelifi, B. and Kieffer, M. and Klepser, S. and Klochkov, D. and Kluzniak, W. and Kneiske, T. and Kolitzus, D. and Komin, Nu. and Kosack, K. and Krakau, S. and Krayzel, F. and Krueger, P. P. and Laffon, H. and Lamanna, G. and Lefaucheur, J. and Lemoine-Goumard, M. and Lenain, J-P. and Lennarz, D. and Lohse, T. and Lopatin, A. and Lu, C-C. and Marandon, V. and Marcowith, Alexandre and Marx, R. and Maurin, G. and Maxted, N. and Mayer, M. and McComb, T. J. L. and Medina, M. C. and Mehault, J. and Menzler, U. and Meyer, M. and Moderski, R. and Mohamed, M. and Moulin, Emmanuel and Murach, T. and Naumann, C. L. and de Naurois, M. and Nedbal, D. and Niemiec, J. and Nolan, S. J. and Oakes, L. and Ohm, S. and Wilhelmi, E. de Ona and Opitz, B. and Ostrowski, M. and Oya, I. and Panter, M. and Parsons, R. D. and Arribas, M. Paz and Pekeur, N. W. and Pelletier, G. and Perez, J. and Petrucci, P-O. and Peyaud, B. and Pita, S. and Poon, H. and Puehlhofer, G. and Punch, M. and Quirrenbach, A. and Raab, S. and Raue, M. and Reimer, A. and Reimer, O. and Renaud, M. and de los Reyes, R. and Rieger, F. and Rob, L. and Rosier-Lees, S. and Rowell, G. and Rudak, B. and Rulten, C. B. and Sahakian, V. and Sanchez, David M. and Santangelo, Andrea and Schlickeiser, R. and Schuessler, F. and Schulz, A. and Schwanke, U. and Schwarzburg, S. and Schwemmer, S. and Sol, H. and Spengler, G. and Spiess, F. and Stawarz, L. and Steenkamp, R. and Stegmann, Christian and Stinzing, F. and Stycz, K. and Sushch, Iurii and Szostek, A. and Tavernet, J-P. and Terrier, R. and Tluczykont, M. and Trichard, C. and Valerius, K. and van Eldik, C. and Vasileiadis, G. and Venter, C. and Viana, A. and Vincent, P. and Voelk, H. J. and Volpe, F. and Vorster, M. and Wagner, S. J. and Wagner, P. and Ward, M. and Weidinger, M. and Weitzel, Q. and White, R. and Wierzcholska, A. and Willmann, P. and Woernlein, A. and Wouters, D. and Zacharias, M. and Zajczyk, A. and Zdziarski, A. A. and Zech, Alraune and Zechlin, H-S.}, title = {Constraints on axionlike particles with HESS from the irregularity of the PKS 2155-304 energy spectrum}, series = {Physical review : D, Particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology}, volume = {88}, journal = {Physical review : D, Particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology}, number = {10}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, address = {College Park}, organization = {HESS Collaboration}, issn = {1550-7998}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.88.102003}, pages = {12}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Axionlike particles (ALPs) are hypothetical light (sub-eV) bosons predicted in some extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics. In astrophysical environments comprising high-energy gamma rays and turbulent magnetic fields, the existence of ALPs can modify the energy spectrum of the gamma rays for a sufficiently large coupling between ALPs and photons. This modification would take the form of an irregular behavior of the energy spectrum in a limited energy range. Data from the H. E. S. S. observations of the distant BL Lac object PKS 2155 - 304 (z = 0.116) are used to derive upper limits at the 95\% C. L. on the strength of the ALP coupling to photons, g(gamma a) < 2.1 x 10(-11) GeV-1 for an ALP mass between 15 and 60 neV. The results depend on assumptions on the magnetic field around the source, which are chosen conservatively. The derived constraints apply to both light pseudoscalar and scalar bosons that couple to the electromagnetic field.}, language = {en} } @misc{AbramowskiAharonianBenkhalietal.2014, author = {Abramowski, Attila and Aharonian, Felix A. and Benkhali, Faical Ait and Akhperjanian, A. G. and Ang{\"u}ner, Ekrem Oǧuzhan and Anton, Gisela and Balenderan, Shangkari and Balzer, Arnim and Barnacka, Anna and Becherini, Yvonne and Tjus, J. Becker and Bernl{\"o}hr, K. and Birsin, E. and Bissaldi, E. and Biteau, Jonathan and Boettcher, Markus and Boisson, Catherine and Bolmont, J. and Bordas, Pol and Brucker, J. and Brun, Francois and Brun, Pierre and Bulik, Tomasz and Carrigan, Svenja and Casanova, Sabrina and Cerruti, M. and Chadwick, Paula M. and Chalme-Calvet, R. and Chaves, Ryan C. G. and Cheesebrough, A. and Chretien, M. and Colafrancesco, Sergio and Cologna, Gabriele and Conrad, Jan and Couturier, C. and Cui, Y. and Dalton, M. and Daniel, M. K. and Davids, I. D. and Degrange, B. and Deil, C. and deWilt, P. and Dickinson, H. J. and Djannati-Ata{\"i}, A. and Domainko, W. and Dubus, G. and Dutson, K. and Dyks, J. and Dyrda, M. and Edwards, T. and Egberts, Kathrin and Eger, P. and Espigat, P. and Farnier, C. and Fegan, S. and Feinstein, F. and Fernandes, M. V. and Fernandez, D. and Fiasson, A. and Fontaine, G. and Foerster, A. and Fuessling, M. and Gajdus, M. and Gallant, Y. A. and Garrigoux, T. and Giavitto, G. and Giebels, B. and Glicenstein, J. F. and Grondin, M. -H. and Grudzinska, M. and Haeffner, S. and Hahn, J. and Harris, J. and Heinzelmann, G. and Henri, G. and Hermann, G. and Hervet, O. and Hillert, A. and Hinton, James Anthony and Hofmann, W. and Hofverberg, P. and Holler, M. and Horns, D. and Jacholkowska, A. and Jahn, C. and Jamrozy, M. and Janiak, M. and Jankowsky, F. and Jung, I. and Kastendieck, M. A. and Katarzynski, K. and Katz, U. and Kaufmann, S. and Khelifi, B. and Kieffer, M. and Klepser, S. and Klochkov, D. and Kluzniak, W. and Kneiske, T. and Kolitzus, D. and Komin, Nu. and Kosack, K. and Krakau, S. and Krayzel, F. and Krueger, P. P. and Laffon, H. and Lamanna, G. and Lefaucheur, J. and Lemiere, A. and Lemoine-Goumard, M. and Lenain, J. -P. and Lennarz, D. and Lohse, T. and Lopatin, A. and Lu, C. -C. and Marandon, V. and Marcowith, Alexandre and Marx, R. and Maurin, G. and Maxted, N. and Mayer, Michael and McComb, T. J. L. and Mehault, J. and Meintjes, P. J. and Menzler, U. and Meyer, M. and Moderski, R. and Mohamed, M. and Moulin, Emmanuel and Murach, T. and Naumann, C. L. and de Naurois, M. and Niemiec, J. and Nolan, S. J. and Oakes, L. and Ohm, S. and Wilhelmi, E. de Ona and Opitz, B. and Ostrowski, M. and Oya, I. and Panter, M. and Parsons, R. D. and Arribas, M. Paz and Pekeur, N. W. and Pelletier, G. and Perez, J. and Petrucci, P. -O. and Peyaud, B. and Pita, S. and Poon, H. and Puehlhofer, G. and Punch, M. and Quirrenbach, A. and Raab, S. and Raue, M. and Reimer, A. and Reimer, O. and Renaud, M. and de los Reyes, R. and Rieger, F. and Rob, L. and Romoli, C. and Rosier-Lees, S. and Rowell, G. and Rudak, B. and Rulten, C. B. and Sahakian, V. and Sanchez, David M. and Santangelo, Andrea and Schlickeiser, R. and Schuessler, F. and Schulz, A. and Schwanke, U. and Schwarzburg, S. and Schwemmer, S. and Sol, H. and Spengler, G. and Spies, F. and Stawarz, L. and Steenkamp, R. and Stegmann, Christian and Stinzing, F. and Stycz, K. and Sushch, Iurii and Szostek, A. and Tavernet, J. -P. and Tavernier, T. and Taylor, A. M. and Terrier, R. and Tluczykont, M. and Trichard, C. and Valerius, K. and van Eldik, C. and van Soelen, B. and Vasileiadis, G. and Venter, C. and Viana, A. and Vincent, P. and Vink, J. and Voelk, H. J. and Volpe, F. and Vorster, M. and Vuillaume, T. and Wagner, S. J. and Wagner, P. and Ward, M. and Weidinger, M. and Weitzel, Q. and White, R. and Wierzcholska, A. and Willmann, P. and Woernlein, A. and Wouters, D. and Zabalza, V. and Zacharias, M. and Zajczyk, A. and Zdziarski, A. A. and Zech, Alraune and Zechlin, H. -S.}, title = {HESS J1640-465 - an exceptionally luminous TeV gamma-ray supernova remnant (vol 439, pg 2828, 2014)}, series = {Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society}, volume = {441}, journal = {Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society}, number = {4}, publisher = {Oxford Univ. Press}, address = {Oxford}, organization = {HESS Collaboration}, issn = {0035-8711}, doi = {10.1093/mnras/stu826}, pages = {3640 -- 3642}, year = {2014}, language = {en} } @article{AbramowskiAharonianBenkhalietal.2014, author = {Abramowski, Attila and Aharonian, Felix A. and Benkhali, Faical Ait and Akhperjanian, A. G. and Ang{\"u}ner, Ekrem Oǧuzhan and Anton, Gisela and Balenderan, Shangkari and Balzer, Arnim and Barnacka, Anna and Becherini, Yvonne and Tjus, J. Becker and Bernl{\"o}hr, K. and Birsin, E. and Bissaldi, E. and Biteau, Jonathan and Boettcher, Markus and Boisson, Catherine and Bolmont, J. and Bordas, Pol and Brucker, J. and Brun, Francois and Brun, Pierre and Bulik, Tomasz and Carrigan, Svenja and Casanova, Sabrina and Cerruti, M. and Chadwick, Paula M. and Chalme-Calvet, R. and Chaves, Ryan C. G. and Cheesebrough, A. and Chretien, M. and Colafrancesco, Sergio and Cologna, Gabriele and Conrad, Jan and Couturier, C. and Cui, Y. and Dalton, M. and Daniel, M. K. and Davids, I. D. and Degrange, B. and Deil, C. and dewilt, P. and Dicldnson, H. J. and Djannati-Ata{\"i}, A. and Domainko, W. and Dubus, G. and Dutson, K. and Dyks, J. and Dyrda, M. and Edwards, T. and Egberts, Kathrin and Eger, P. and Espigat, P. and Farnier, C. and Fegan, S. and Feinstein, F. and Fernandes, M. V. and Fernandez, D. and Fiasson, A. and Fontaine, G. and Foerster, A. and Fuessling, M. and Gajdus, M. and Gallant, Y. A. and Garrigoux, T. and Giavitto, G. and Giebels, B. and Glicenstein, J. F. and Grondin, M. -H. and Grudzinska, M. and Haeffner, S. and Hahn, J. and Harris, J. and Heinzelmann, G. and Henri, G. and Hermann, G. and Hervet, O. and Hillert, A. and Hinton, James Anthony and Hofmann, W. and Hofverberg, P. and Holler, M. and Horns, D. and Jacholkowska, A. and Jahn, C. and Jamrozy, M. and Janiak, M. and Jankowsky, F. and Jung, I. and Kastendieck, M. A. and Katarzynski, K. and Katz, U. and Kaufmann, S. and Khelifi, B. and Kieffer, M. and Klepser, S. and Klochkov, D. and Kluzniak, W. and Kneiske, T. and Kolitzus, D. and Komin, Nu. and Kosack, K. and Krakau, S. and Krayzel, F. and Krueger, P. P. and Laffon, H. and Lamanna, G. and Lefaucheur, J. and Lemiere, A. and Lemoine-Goumard, M. and Lenain, J. -P. and Lennarz, D. and Lohse, T. and Lopatin, A. and Lu, C. -C. and Marandon, V. and Marcowith, Alexandre and Marx, R. and Maurin, G. and Maxted, N. and Mayer, M. and McComb, T. J. L. and Mehault, J. and Meintjes, P. J. and Menzler, U. and Meyer, M. and Moderski, R. and Mohamed, M. and Moulin, Emmanuel and Murach, T. and Naumann, C. L. and de Naurois, M. and Niemiec, J. and Nolan, S. J. and Oakes, L. and Ohm, S. and Wilhelmi, E. de Ona and Opitz, B. and Ostrowski, M. and Oya, I. and Panter, M. and Parsons, R. D. and Arribas, M. Paz and Pekeur, N. W. and Pelletier, G. and Perez, J. and Petrucci, P. -O. and Peyaud, B. and Pita, S. and Poon, H. and Puehlhofer, G. and Punch, M. and Quirrenbach, A. and Raab, S. and Raue, M. and Reimer, A. and Reimer, O. and Renaud, M. and Reyes, R. de Los and Rieger, F. and Rob, L. and Romoli, C. and Rosier-Lees, S. and Rowell, G. and Rudak, B. and Rulten, C. B. and Sahakian, V. and Sanchez, David M. and Santangelo, Andrea and Schlickeiser, R. and Schuessler, F. and Schulz, A. and Schwanke, U. and Schwarzburg, S. and Schwemmer, S. and Sol, H. and Spengler, G. and Spies, F. and Stawarz, L. and Steenkamp, R. and Stegmann, Christian and Stinzing, F. and Stycz, K. and Sushch, Iurii and Szostek, A. and Tavernet, J. -P. and Tavernier, T. and Taylor, A. M. and Terrier, R. and Tluczykont, M. and Trichard, C. and Valerius, K. and van Eldik, C. and van Soelen, B. and Vasileiadis, G. and Venter, C. and Viana, A. and Vincent, P. and Voelk, H. J. and Volpe, F. and Vorster, M. and Vuillaume, T. and Wagner, S. J. and Wagner, P. and Ward, M. and Weidinger, M. and Weitzel, Q. and White, R. and Wierzcholska, A. and Willmann, P. and Woernlein, A. and Wouters, D. and Zabalza, V. and Zacharias, M. and Zajczyk, A. and Zdziarski, A. A. and Zech, Alraune and Zechlin, H. -S.}, title = {Flux upper limits for 47 AGN observed with HESS in 2004-2011}, series = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, volume = {564}, journal = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, publisher = {EDP Sciences}, address = {Les Ulis}, organization = {HESS Collaboration}, issn = {0004-6361}, doi = {10.1051/0004-6361/201322897}, pages = {10}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Context. About 40\% of the observation time of the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) is dedicated to studying active galactic nuclei (AGN), with the aim of increasing the sample of known extragalactic very-high-energy (VHE, E > 100 GeV) sources and constraining the physical processes at play in potential emitters. Aims. H.E.S.S. observations of AGN, spanning a period from April 2004 to December 2011, are investigated to constrain their gamma-ray fluxes. Only the 47 sources without significant excess detected at the position of the targets are presented. Methods. Upper limits on VHE fluxes of the targets were computed and a search for variability was performed on the nightly time scale. Results. For 41 objects, the flux upper limits we derived are the most constraining reported to date. These constraints at VHE are compared with the flux level expected from extrapolations of Fermi-LAT measurements in the two-year catalog of AGN. The H.E.S.S. upper limits are at least a factor of two lower than the extrapolated Fermi-LAT fluxes for 11 objects Taking into account the attenuation by the extragalactic background light reduces the tension for all but two of them, suggesting intrinsic curvature in the high-energy spectra of these two AGN. Conclusions. Compilation efforts led by current VHE instruments are of critical importance for target-selection strategies before the advent of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA).}, language = {en} } @article{CollaborationAbramowskiAharonianetal.2014, author = {Collaboration, H. E. S. S. and Abramowski, Attila and Aharonian, Felix A. and Benkhali, Faical Ait and Akhperjanian, A. G. and Ang{\"u}ner, Ekrem Oǧuzhan and Anton, Gisela and Balenderan, Shangkari and Balzer, Arnim and Barnacka, Anna and Becherini, Yvonne and Tjus, J. Becker and Bernl{\"o}hr, K. and Birsin, E. and Bissaldi, E. and Biteau, Jonathan and Boettcher, Markus and Boisson, Catherine and Bolmont, J. and Bordas, Pol and Brucker, J. and Brun, Francois and Brun, Pierre and Bulik, Tomasz and Carrigan, Svenja and Casanova, Sabrina and Cerruti, M. and Chadwick, Paula M. and Chalme-Calvet, R. and Chaves, Ryan C. G. and Cheesebrough, A. and Chretien, M. and Colafrancesco, Sergio and Cologna, Gabriele and Conrad, Jan and Couturier, C. and Cui, Y. and Dalton, M. and Daniel, M. K. and Davids, I. D. and Degrange, B. and Deil, C. and de Wilt, P. and Dickinson, H. J. and Djannati-Ata{\"i}, A. and Domainko, W. and Dubus, G. and Dutson, K. and Dyks, J. and Dyrda, M. and Edwards, T. and Egberts, Kathrin and Eger, P. and Espigat, P. and Farnier, C. and Fegan, S. and Feinstein, F. and Fernandes, M. V. and Fernandez, D. and Fiasson, A. and Fontaine, G. and Foerster, A. and Fuessling, M. and Gajdus, M. and Gallant, Y. A. and Garrigoux, T. and Giavitto, G. and Giebels, B. and Glicenstein, J. F. and Grondin, M. -H. and Grudzinska, M. and Haeffner, S. and Hahn, J. and Harris, J. and Heinzelmann, G. and Henri, G. and Hermann, G. and Hervet, O. and Hillert, A. and Hinton, James Anthony and Hofmann, W. and Hofverberg, P. and Holler, M. and Horns, Dieter and Jacholkowska, A. and Jahn, C. and Jamrozy, M. and Janiak, M. and Jankowsky, F. and Jung, I. and Kastendieck, M. A. and Katarzynski, K. and Katz, U. and Kaufmann, S. and Khelifi, B. and Kieffer, M. and Klepser, S. and Klochkov, D. and Kluzniak, W. and Kneiske, T. and Kolitzus, D. and Komin, Nu. and Kosack, K. and Krakau, S. and Krayzel, F. and Krueger, P. P. and Laffon, H. and Lamanna, G. and Lefaucheur, J. and Lemiere, A. and Lemoine-Goumard, M. and Lenain, J. -P. and Lennarz, D. and Lohse, T. and Lopatin, A. and Lu, C. -C. and Marandon, V. and Marcowith, Alexandre and Marx, R. and Maurin, G. and Maxted, N. and Mayer, M. and McComb, T. J. L. and Mehault, J. and Meintjes, P. J. and Menzler, U. and Meyer, M. and Moderski, R. and Mohamed, M. and Moulin, Emmanuel and Murach, T. and Naumann, C. L. and de Naurois, M. and Niemiec, J. and Nolan, S. J. and Oakes, L. and Ohm, S. and Wilhelmi, E. de Ona and Opitz, B. and Ostrowski, M. and Oya, I. and Panter, M. and Parsons, R. D. and Arribas, M. Paz and Pekeur, N. W. and Pelletier, G. and Perez, J. and Petrucci, P. -O. and Peyaud, B. and Pita, S. and Poon, H. and Puehlhofer, G. and Punch, M. and Quirrenbach, A. and Raab, S. and Raue, M. and Reimer, A. and Reimer, O. and Renaud, M. and de los Reyes, R. and Rieger, F. and Rob, L. and Romoli, C. and Rosier-Lees, S. and Rowell, G. and Rudak, B. and Rulten, C. B. and Sahakian, V. and Sanchez, David M. and Santangelo, Andrea and Schlickeiser, R. and Schuessler, F. and Schulz, A. and Schwanke, U. and Schwarzburg, S. and Schwemmer, S. and Sol, H. and Spengler, G. and Spies, F. and Stawarz, L. and Steenkamp, R. and Stegmann, Christian and Stinzing, F. and Stycz, Kornelia and Sushch, Iurii and Szostek, A. and Tavernet, J. -P. and Tavernier, T. and Taylor, A. M. and Terrier, R. and Tluczykont, M. and Trichard, C. and Valerius, K. and van Eldik, C. and van Soelen, B. and Vasileiadis, G. and Venter, C. and Viana, A. and Vincent, P. and Voelk, H. J. and Volpe, F. and Vorster, M. and Vuillaume, T. and Wagner, S. J. and Wagner, P. and Ward, M. and Weidinger, M. and Weitzel, Q. and White, R. and Wierzcholska, A. and Willmann, P. and Woernlein, A. and Wouters, D. and Zabalza, V. and Zacharias, M. and Zajczyk, A. and Zdziarski, A. A. and Zech, Alraune and Zechlin, H. -S.}, title = {HESS observations of the Crab during its March 2013 GeV gamma-ray flare}, series = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, volume = {562}, journal = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, publisher = {EDP Sciences}, address = {Les Ulis}, issn = {0004-6361}, doi = {10.1051/0004-6361/201323013}, pages = {5}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Context. On March 4, 2013 the Fermi-EAT and AGILE reported a flare from the direction of the Crab nebula in which the high-energy (HE; E > 100 MeV) flux was six times above its quiescent level. Simultaneous observations in other energy bands give us hints about the emission processes during the flare episode and the physics of pulsar wind nebulae in general. Aims. We search for variability in the emission of the Crab nebula at very-high energies (VHF,; E > 100 GeV), using contemporaneous data taken with the H.E.S.S. array of Cherenkov telescopes. Methods. Observational data taken with the H.E.S.S. instrument on five consecutive days during the flare were analysed for the flux and spectral shape of the emission from the Crab nebula. Night-wise light curves are presented with energy thresholds of 1 TeV and 5 TeV. Results. The observations conducted with H.E.S.S. on March 6 to March 10, 2013 show no significant changes in the flux. They limit the variation in the integral flux above 1 TeV to less than 63\% and the integral flux above 5 TeV to less than 78\% at a 95\% confidence level.}, language = {en} } @article{AbramowskiAharonianBenkhalietal.2015, author = {Abramowski, Attila and Aharonian, Felix A. and Benkhali, Faical Ait and Akhperjanian, A. G. and Ang{\"u}ner, Ekrem Oǧuzhan and Anton, Gisela and Backes, Michael and Balenderan, Shangkari and Balzer, Arnim and Barnacka, Anna and Becherini, Yvonne and Tjus, J. Becker and Bernl{\"o}hr, K. and Birsin, E. and Bissaldi, E. and Biteau, Jonathan and Boettcher, Markus and Boisson, Catherine and Bolmont, J. and Bordas, Pol and Brucker, J. and Brun, Francois and Brun, Pierre and Bulik, Tomasz and Carrigan, Svenja and Casanova, Sabrina and Chadwick, Paula M. and Chalme-Calvet, R. and Chaves, Ryan C. G. and Cheesebrough, A. and Chretien, M. and Colafrancesco, Sergio and Cologna, Gabriele and Conrad, Jan and Couturier, C. and Cui, Y. and Dalton, M. and Daniel, M. K. and Davids, I. D. and Degrange, B. and Deil, C. and deWilt, P. and Dickinson, H. J. and Djannati-Ata{\"i}, A. and Domainko, W. and Dubus, G. and Dutson, K. and Dyks, J. and Dyrda, M. and Edwards, T. and Egberts, Kathrin and Eger, P. and Espigat, P. and Farnier, C. and Fegan, S. and Feinstein, F. and Fernandes, M. V. and Fernandez, D. and Fiasson, A. and Fontaine, G. and Foerster, A. and F{\"u}ßling, Matthias and Gajdus, M. and Gallant, Y. A. and Garrigoux, T. and Giavitto, G. and Giebels, B. and Glicenstein, J. F. and Grondin, M. -H. and Grudzinska, M. and Haeffner, S. and Hahn, J. and Harris, J. and Heinzelmann, G. and Henri, G. and Hermann, G. and Hervet, O. and Hillert, A. and Hinton, James Anthony and Hofmann, W. and Hofverberg, P. and Holler, Markus and Horns, D. and Jacholkowska, A. and Jahn, C. and Jamrozy, M. and Janiak, M. and Jankowsky, F. and Jung, I. and Kastendieck, M. A. and Katarzynski, K. and Katz, U. and Kaufmann, S. and Khelifi, B. and Kieffer, M. and Klepser, S. and Klochkov, D. and Kluzniak, W. and Kneiske, T. and Kolitzus, D. and Komin, Nu. and Kosack, K. and Krakau, S. and Krayzel, F. and Krueger, P. P. and Laffon, H. and Lamanna, G. and Lefaucheur, J. and Lemiere, A. and Lemoine-Goumard, M. and Lenain, J. -P. and Lohse, T. and Lopatin, A. and Lu, C. -C. and Marandon, V. and Marcowith, Alexandre and Marx, R. and Maurin, G. and Maxted, N. and Mayer, Markus and McComb, T. J. L. and Mehault, J. and Meintjes, P. J. and Menzler, U. and Meyer, M. and Moderski, R. and Mohamed, M. and Moulin, Emmanuel and Murach, T. and Naumann, C. L. and de Naurois, M. and Niemiec, J. and Nolan, S. J. and Oakes, L. and Odaka, H. and Ohm, S. and Wilhelmi, E. de Ona and Opitz, B. and Ostrowski, M. and Oya, I. and Panter, M. and Parsons, R. D. and Arribas, M. Paz and Pekeur, N. W. and Pelletier, G. and Perez, J. and Petrucci, P. -O. and Peyaud, B. and Pita, S. and Poon, H. and Puehlhofer, G. and Punch, M. and Quirrenbach, A. and Raab, S. and Raue, M. and Reichardt, I. and Reimer, A. and Reimer, O. and Renaud, M. and Reyes, R. de los and Rieger, F. and Rob, L. and Romoli, C. and Rosier-Lees, S. and Rowell, G. and Rudak, B. and Rulten, C. B. and Sahakian, V. and Sanchez, David M. and Santangelo, Andrea and Schlickeiser, R. and Schuessler, F. and Schulz, A. and Schwanke, U. and Schwarzburg, S. and Schwemmer, S. and Sol, H. and Spengler, G. and Spies, F. and Stawarz, L. and Steenkamp, R. and Stegmann, Christian and Stinzing, F. and Stycz, K. and Sushch, Iurii and Tavernet, J. -P. and Tavernier, T. and Taylor, A. M. and Terrier, R. and Tluczykont, M. and Trichard, C. and Valerius, K. and van Eldik, C. and van Soelen, B. and Vasileiadis, G. and Venter, C. and Viana, A. and Vincent, P. and Voelk, H. J. and Volpe, F. and Vorster, M. and Vuillaume, T. and Wagner, S. J. and Wagner, P. and Wagner, R. M. and Ward, M. and Weidinger, M. and Weitzel, Q. and White, R. and Wierzcholska, A. and Willmann, P. and Woernlein, A. and Wouters, D. and Yang, R. and Zabalza, V. and Zacharias, M. and Zdziarski, A. A. and Zech, Alraune and Zechlin, H. -S. and Acero, F. and Casandjian, J. M. and Cohen-Tanugi, J. and Giordano, F. and Guillemot, L. and Lande, J. and Pletsch, H. and Uchiyama, Y.}, title = {Probing the gamma-ray emission from HESS J1834-087 using HESS and Fermi LAT observations}, series = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, volume = {574}, journal = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, publisher = {EDP Sciences}, address = {Les Ulis}, organization = {HESS Collaboration, Fermi-LAT Collaboration}, issn = {0004-6361}, doi = {10.1051/0004-6361/201322694}, pages = {10}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Aims. Previous observations with the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) have revealed an extended very-high-energy (VHE; E > 100 GeV) gamma-ray source, HESS J1834-087, coincident with the supernova remnant (SNR) W41. The origin of the gamma-ray emission was investigated in more detail with the H.E.S.S. array and the Large Area Telescope (LAT) onboard the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. Methods. The gamma-ray data provided by 61 h of observations with H.E.S.S., and four years with the Fermi LAT were analyzed, covering over five decades in energy from 1.8 GeV up to 30 TeV. The morphology and spectrum of the TeV and GeV sources were studied and multiwavelength data were used to investigate the origin of the gamma-ray emission toward W41. Results. The TeV source can be modeled with a sum of two components: one point-like and one significantly extended (sigma(TeV) = 0.17 degrees +/- 0.01 degrees), both centered on SNR W41 and exhibiting spectra described by a power law with index Gamma(TeV) similar or equal to 2.6. The GeV source detected with Fermi LAT is extended (sigma(GeV) = 0.15 degrees +/- 0.03 degrees) and morphologically matches the VHE emission. Its spectrum can be described by a power-law model with an index Gamma(GeV) = 2.15 +/- 0.12 and smoothly joins the spectrum of the whole TeV source. A break appears in the gamma-ray spectra around 100 GeV. No pulsations were found in the GeV range. Conclusions. Two main scenarios are proposed to explain the observed emission: a pulsar wind nebula (PWN) or the interaction of SNR W41 with an associated molecular cloud. X-ray observations suggest the presence of a point-like source (a pulsar candidate) near the center of the remnant and nonthermal X-ray diffuse emission that could arise from the possibly associated PWN. The PWN scenario is supported by the compatible positions of the TeV and GeV sources with the putative pulsar. However, the spectral energy distribution from radio to gamma-rays is reproduced by a one-zone leptonic model only if an excess of low-energy electrons is injected following a Maxwellian distribution by a pulsar with a high spin-down power (> 10(37) erg s(-1)). This additional low-energy component is not needed if we consider that the point-like TeV source is unrelated to the extended GeV and TeV sources. The interacting SNR scenario is supported by the spatial coincidence between the gamma-ray sources, the detection of OH (1720 MHz) maser lines, and the hadronic modeling.}, language = {en} } @article{AbramowskiAharonianBenkhalietal.2014, author = {Abramowski, Attila and Aharonian, Felix A. and Benkhali, Faical Ait and Akhperjanian, A. G. and Ang{\"u}ner, Ekrem Oǧuzhan and Anton, Gisela and Balenderan, Shangkari and Balzer, Arnim and Barnacka, Anna and Becherini, Yvonne and Tjus, J. Becker and Bernl{\"o}hr, K. and Birsin, E. and Bissaldi, E. and Biteau, Jonathan and Boettcher, Markus and Boisson, Catherine and Bolmont, J. and Bordas, Pol and Brucker, J. and Brun, Francois and Brun, Pierre and Bulik, Tomasz and Carrigan, Svenja and Casanova, Sabrina and Cerruti, M. and Chadwick, Paula M. and Chalme-Calvet, R. and Chaves, Ryan C. G. and Cheesebrough, A. and Chretien, M. and Colafrancesco, Sergio and Cologna, Gabriele and Conrad, Jan and Couturier, C. and Cui, Y. and Dalton, M. and Daniel, M. K. and Davids, I. D. and Degrange, B. and Deil, C. and dewilt, P. and Dickinson, H. J. and Djannati-Ata{\"i}, A. and Domainko, W. and Dubus, G. and Dutson, K. and Dyks, J. and Dyrda, M. and Edwards, T. and Egberts, Kathrin and Eger, P. and Espigat, P. and Farnier, C. and Fegan, S. and Feinstein, F. and Fernandes, M. V. and Fernandez, D. and Fiasson, A. and Fontaine, G. and Foerster, A. and Fuessling, M. and Gajdus, M. and Gallant, Y. A. and Garrigoux, T. and Giavitto, G. and Giebels, B. and Glicenstein, J. F. and Grondin, M. -H. and Grudzinska, M. and Haeffner, S. and Hahn, J. and Harris, J. and Heinzelmann, G. and Henri, G. and Hermann, G. and Hervet, O. and Hillert, A. and Hinton, James Anthony and Hofmann, W. and Hofverberg, P. and Holler, M. and Horns, D. and Jacholkowska, A. and Jahn, C. and Jamrozy, M. and Janiak, M. and Jankowsky, F. and Jung, I. and Kastendieck, M. A. and Katarzynski, K. and Katz, U. and Kaufmann, S. and Khelifi, B. and Kieffer, M. and Klepser, S. and Klochkov, D. and Kluzniak, W. and Kneiske, T. and Kolitzus, D. and Komin, Nu. and Kosack, K. and Krakau, S. and Krayzel, F. and Krueger, P. P. and Laffon, H. and Lamanna, G. and Lefaucheur, J. and Lemiere, A. and Lemoine-Goumard, M. and Lenain, J. -P. and Lennarz, D. and Lohse, T. and Lopatin, A. and Lu, C. -C. and Marandon, V. and Marcowith, Alexandre and Marx, R. and Maurin, G. and Maxted, N. and Mayer, M. and McComb, T. J. L. and Mehault, J. and Meintjes, P. J. and Menzler, U. and Meyer, M. and Moderski, R. and Mohamed, M. and Moulin, Emmanuel and Murach, T. and Naumann, C. L. and de Naurois, M. and Niemiec, J. and Nolan, S. J. and Oakes, L. and Ohm, S. and Wilhelmi, E. de Ona and Opitz, B. and Ostrowski, M. and Oya, I. and Panter, M. and Parsons, R. D. and Arribas, M. Paz and Pekeur, N. W. and Pelletier, G. and Perez, J. and Petrucci, P. -O. and Peyaud, B. and Pita, S. and Poon, H. and Puehlhofer, G. and Punch, M. and Quirrenbach, A. and Raab, S. and Raue, M. and Reimer, A. and Reimer, O. and Renaud, M. and de los Reyes, R. and Rieger, F. and Rob, L. and Romoli, C. and Rosier-Lees, S. and Rowell, G. and Rudak, B. and Rulten, C. B. and Sahakian, V. and Sanchez, David M. and Santangelo, Andrea and Schlickeiser, R. and Schuessler, F. and Schulz, A. and Schwanke, U. and Schwarzburg, S. and Schwemmer, S. and Sol, H. and Spengler, G. and Spies, F. and Stawarz, L. and Steenkamp, R. and Stegmann, Christian and Stinzing, F. and Stycz, K. and Sushch, Iurii and Szostek, A. and Tavernet, J. -P. and Tavernier, T. and Taylor, A. M. and Terrier, R. and Tluczykont, M. and Trichard, C. and Valerius, K. and van Eldik, C. and van Soelen, B. and Vasileiadis, G. and Venter, C. and Viana, A. and Vincent, P. and Voelk, H. J. and Volpe, F. and Vorster, M. and Vuillaume, T. and Wagner, S. J. and Wagner, P. and Ward, M. and Weidinger, M. and Weitzel, Q. and White, R. and Wierzcholska, A. and Willmann, P. and Woernlein, A. and Wouters, D. and Zabalza, V. and Zacharias, M. and Zajczyk, A. and Zdziarski, A. A. and Zech, Alraune and Zechlin, H. -S.}, title = {HESS J1818-154, a new composite supernova remnant discovered in TeV gamma rays and X-rays}, series = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, volume = {562}, journal = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, publisher = {EDP Sciences}, address = {Les Ulis}, organization = {HESS Collaboration}, issn = {0004-6361}, doi = {10.1051/0004-6361/201322914}, pages = {10}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Composite supernova remnants (SNRs) constitute a small subclass of the remnants of massive stellar explosions where non-thermal radiation is observed from both the expanding shell-like shock front and from a pulsar wind nebula (PWN) located inside of the SNR. These systems represent a unique evolutionary phase of SNRs where observations in the radio, X-ray, and gamma-ray regimes allow the study of the co-evolution of both these energetic phenomena. In this article, we report results from observations of the shell-type SNR G15.4+0.1 performed with the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H. E. S. S.) and XMM-Newton. A compact TeV gamma-ray source, HESS J1818-154, located in the center and contained within the shell of G15.4+0.1 is detected by H. E. S. S. and featurs a spectrum best represented by a power-law model with a spectral index of -2.3 +/- 0.3(stat) +/- 0.2(sys) and an integral flux of F(>0.42 TeV) = (0.9 +/- 0.3(stat) +/- 0.2(sys)) x 10(-12) cm(-2) s(-1). Furthermore, a recent observation with XMM-Newton reveals extended X-ray emission strongly peaked in the center of G15.4+0.1. The X-ray source shows indications of an energy-dependent morphology featuring a compact core at energies above 4 keV and more extended emission that fills the entire region within the SNR at lower energies. Together, the X-ray and VHE gamma-ray emission provide strong evidence of a PWN located inside the shell of G15.4+0.1 and this SNR can therefore be classified as a composite based on these observations. The radio, X-ray, and gamma-ray emission from the PWN is compatible with a one-zone leptonic model that requires a low average magnetic field inside the emission region. An unambiguous counterpart to the putative pulsar, which is thought to power the PWN, has been detected neither in radio nor in X-ray observations of G15.4+0.1.}, language = {en} } @article{AbramowskiAceroAharonianetal.2013, author = {Abramowski, Attila and Acero, F. and Aharonian, Felix A. and Akhperjanian, A. G. and Ang{\"u}ner, Ekrem Oǧuzhan and Anton, Gisela and Balenderan, Shangkari and Balzer, Arnim and Barnacka, Anna and Becherini, Yvonne and Tjus, J. Becker and Bernl{\"o}hr, K. and Birsin, E. and Bissaldi, E. and Biteau, Jonathan and Boisson, Catherine and Bolmont, J. and Bordas, Pol and Brucker, J. and Brun, Francois and Brun, Pierre and Bulik, Tomasz and Carrigan, Svenja and Casanova, Sabrina and Cerruti, M. and Chadwick, Paula M. and Chalme-Calvet, R. and Chaves, Ryan C. G. and Cheesebrough, A. and Chretien, M. and Colafrancesco, Sergio and Cologna, Gabriele and Conrad, Jan and Couturier, C. and Dalton, M. and Daniel, M. K. and Davids, I. D. and Degrange, B. and Deil, C. and deWilt, P. and Dickinson, H. J. and Djannati-Ata{\"i}, A. and Domainko, W. and Drury, L. O'C. and Dubus, G. and Dutson, K. and Dyks, J. and Dyrda, M. and Edwards, T. and Egberts, Kathrin and Eger, P. and Espigat, P. and Farnier, C. and Fegan, S. and Feinstein, F. and Fernandes, M. V. and Fernandez, D. and Fiasson, A. and Fontaine, G. and Foerster, A. and Fuessling, M. and Gajdus, M. and Gallant, Y. A. and Garrigoux, T. and Gast, H. and Giebels, B. and Glicenstein, J. F. and Goering, D. and Grondin, M-H. and Grudzinska, M. and Haeffner, S. and Hague, J. D. and Hahn, J. and Harris, J. and Heinzelmann, G. and Henri, G. and Hermann, G. and Hervet, O. and Hillert, A. and Hinton, James Anthony and Hofmann, W. and Hofverberg, P. and Holler, M. and Horns, D. and Jacholkowska, A. and Jahn, C. and Jamrozy, M. and Janiak, M. and Jankowsky, F. and Jung, I. and Kastendieck, M. A. and Katarzynski, K. and Katz, U. and Kaufmann, S. and Khelifi, B. and Kieffer, M. and Klepser, S. and Klochkov, D. and Kluzniak, W. and Kneiske, T. and Kolitzus, D. and Komin, Nu. and Kosack, K. and Krakau, S. and Krayzel, F. and Krueger, P. P. and Laffon, H. and Lamanna, G. and Lefaucheur, J. and Lemoine-Goumard, M. and Lenain, J-P. and Lennarz, D. and Lohse, T. and Lopatin, A. and Lu, C-C. and Marandon, V. and Marcowith, Alexandre and Maurin, G. and Maxted, N. and Mayer, M. and McComb, T. J. L. and Medina, M. C. and Mehault, J. and Menzler, U. and Meyer, M. and Moderski, R. and Mohamed, M. and Moulin, Emmanuel and Murach, T. and Naumann, C. L. and de Naurois, M. and Nedbal, D. and Niemiec, J. and Nolan, S. J. and Oakes, L. and Ohm, S. and Wilhelmi, E. de Ona and Opitz, B. and Ostrowski, M. and Oya, I. and Panter, M. and Parsons, R. D. and Arribas, M. Paz and Pekeur, N. W. and Pelletier, G. and Perez, J. and Petrucci, P-O. and Peyaud, B. and Pita, S. and Poon, H. and Puehlhofer, G. and Punch, M. and Quirrenbach, A. and Raab, S. and Raue, M. and Reimer, A. and Reimer, O. and Renaud, M. and de los Reyes, R. and Rieger, F. and Rob, L. and Rosier-Lees, S. and Rowell, G. and Rudak, B. and Rulten, C. B. and Sahakian, V. and Sanchez, David M. and Santangelo, Andrea and Schlickeiser, R. and Schuessler, F. and Schulz, A. and Schwanke, U. and Schwarzburg, S. and Schwemmer, S. and Sol, H. and Spengler, G. and Spiess, F. and Stawarz, L. and Steenkamp, R. and Stegmann, Christian and Stinzing, F. and Stycz, K. and Sushch, Iurii and Szostek, A. and Tavernet, J-P. and Terrier, R. and Tluczykont, M. and Trichard, C. and Valerius, K. and van Eldik, C. and Vasileiadis, G. and Venter, C. and Viana, A. and Vincent, P. and Voelk, H. J. and Volpe, F. and Vorster, M. and Wagner, S. J. and Wagner, P. and Ward, M. and Weidinger, M. and White, R. and Wierzcholska, A. and Willmann, P. and Woernlein, A. and Wouters, D. and Zacharias, M. and Zajczyk, A. and Zdziarski, A. A. and Zech, Alraune and Zechlin, H-S. and Perkins, J. S. and Ojha, R. and Stevens, J. and Edwards, P. G. and Kadler, M.}, title = {HESS and Fermi-LAT discovery of gamma-rays from the blazar 1ES 1312-423}, series = {Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society}, volume = {434}, journal = {Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society}, number = {3}, publisher = {Oxford Univ. Press}, address = {Oxford}, organization = {HESS Collaboration}, issn = {0035-8711}, doi = {10.1093/mnras/stt1081}, pages = {1889 -- 1901}, year = {2013}, abstract = {A deep observation campaign carried out by the High Energy Stereoscopic System (HESS) on Centaurus A enabled the discovery of gamma-rays from the blazar 1ES 1312-423, 2 degrees away from the radio galaxy. With a differential flux at 1 TeV of phi(1 TeV) = (1.9 +/- 0.6(stat) +/- 0.4(sys)) x 10(-13) cm(-2) s(-1) TeV-1 corresponding to 0.5 per cent of the Crab nebula differential flux and a spectral index Gamma = 2.9 +/- 0.5(stat) +/- 0.2(sys), 1ES 1312-423 is one of the faintest sources ever detected in the very high energy (E > 100 GeV) extragalactic sky. A careful analysis using three and a half years of Fermi Large Area Telescope (Fermi-LAT) data allows the discovery at high energies (E > 100 MeV) of a hard spectrum (Gamma = 1.4 +/- 0.4(stat) +/- 0.2(sys)) source coincident with 1ES 1312-423. Radio, optical, UV and X-ray observations complete the spectral energy distribution of this blazar, now covering 16 decades in energy. The emission is successfully fitted with a synchrotron self-Compton model for the non-thermal component, combined with a blackbody spectrum for the optical emission from the host galaxy.}, language = {en} } @article{AbramowskiAceroAharonianetal.2015, author = {Abramowski, Attila and Acero, F. and Aharonian, Felix A. and Benkhali, Faical Ait and Akhperjanian, A. G. and Ang{\"u}ner, Ekrem Oǧuzhan and Anton, Gisela and Balenderan, Shangkari and Balzer, Arnim and Barnacka, Anna and Becherini, Yvonne and Tjus, J. Becker and Bernl{\"o}hr, K. and Birsin, E. and Bissaldi, E. and Biteau, Jonathan and Boettcher, Markus and Boisson, Catherine and Bolmont, J. and Bordas, Pol and Brucker, J. and Brun, Francois and Brun, Pierre and Bulik, Tomasz and Carrigan, Svenja and Casanova, Sabrina and Cerruti, M. and Chadwick, Paula M. and Chalme-Calvet, R. and Chaves, Ryan C. G. and Cheesebrough, A. and Chretien, M. and Clapson, A. C. and Colafrancesco, Sergio and Cologna, Gabriele and Conrad, Jan and Couturier, C. and Cui, Y. and Dalton, M. and Daniel, M. K. and Davids, I. D. and Degrange, B. and Deil, C. and deWilt, P. and Dickinson, H. J. and Djannati-Ata{\"i}, A. and Domainko, W. and Dubus, G. and Dutson, K. and Dyks, J. and Dyrda, M. and Edwards, T. and Egberts, Kathrin and Eger, P. and Espigat, P. and Farnier, C. and Fegan, S. and Feinstein, F. and Fernandes, M. V. and Fernandez, D. and Fiasson, A. and Fontaine, G. and Foerster, A. and Fuessling, M. and Gajdus, M. and Gallant, Y. A. and Garrigoux, T. and Giavitto, G. and Giebels, B. and Glicenstein, J. F. and Grondin, M. -H. and Grudzinska, M. and Haeffner, S. and Hahn, J. and Harris, J. and Heinzelmann, G. and Henri, G. and Hermann, G. and Hervet, O. and Hillert, A. and Hinton, James Anthony and Hofmann, W. and Hofverberg, P. and Holler, Markus and Horns, D. and Jacholkowska, A. and Jahn, C. and Jamrozy, Marek and Janiak, M. and Jankowsky, F. and Jung, I. and Kastendieck, M. A. and Katarzynski, Krzysztof and Katz, Uli and Kaufmann, S. and Khelifi, B. and Kieffer, M. and Klepser, S. and Klochkov, D. and Kluzniak, W. and Kneiske, T. and Kolitzus, D. and Komin, Nu. and Kosack, K. and Krakau, S. and Krayzel, F. and Krueger, P. P. and Laffon, H. and Lamanna, G. and Lefaucheur, J. and Lemiere, A. and Lemoine-Goumard, M. and Lenain, J. -P. and Lennarz, D. and Lohse, T. and Lopatin, A. and Lu, C. -C. and Marandon, V. and Marcowith, Alexandre and Marx, R. and Maurin, G. and Maxted, N. and Mayer, M. and McComb, T. J. L. and Mehault, J. and Meintjes, P. J. and Menzler, U. and Meyer, Manuel and Moderski, R. and Mohamed, M. and Moulin, Emmanuel and Murach, T. and Naumann, C. L. and de Naurois, M. and Niemiec, J. and Nolan, S. J. and Oakes, L. and Ohm, S. and Wilhelmi, E. de Ona and Opitz, B. and Ostrowski, M. and Oya, I. and Panter, M. and Parsons, R. D. and Arribas, M. Paz and Pekeur, N. W. and Pelletier, G. and Perez, J. and Petrucci, P. -O. and Peyaud, B. and Pita, S. and Poon, H. and Puehlhofer, G. and Punch, M. and Quirrenbach, A. and Raab, S. and Raue, M. and Reimer, A. and Reimer, O. and Renaud, M. and de los Reyes, R. and Rieger, F. and Rob, L. and Romoli, C. and Rosier-Lees, S. and Rowell, G. and Rudak, B. and Rulten, C. B. and Sahakian, V. and Sanchez, David M. and Santangelo, Andrea and Schlickeiser, R. and Schuessler, F. and Schulz, A. and Schwanke, U. and Schwarzburg, S. and Schwemmer, S. and Sol, H. and Spengler, G. and Spies, F. and Stawarz, L. and Steenkamp, R. and Stegmann, Christian and Stinzing, F. and Stycz, K. and Sushch, Iurii and Szostek, A. and Tavernet, J. -P. and Tavernier, T. and Taylor, A. M. and Terrier, R. and Tluczykont, M. and Trichard, C. and Valerius, K. and van Eldik, Christopher and van Soelen, B. and Vasileiadis, G. and Venter, C. and Viana, A. and Vincent, P. and Voelk, H. J. and Volpe, F. and Vorster, M. and Vuillaume, T. and Wagner, S. J. and Wagner, P. and Ward, M. and Weidinger, M. and Weitzel, Q. and White, R. and Wierzcholska, A. and Willmann, P. and Woernlein, A. and Wouters, D. and Zabalza, V. and Zacharias, M. and Zajczyk, A. and Zdziarski, A. A. and Zech, Alraune and Zechlin, H. -S.}, title = {Discovery of the VHE gamma-ray source HESS J1832-093 in the vicinity of SNR G22.7-0.2}, series = {Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society}, volume = {446}, journal = {Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society}, number = {2}, publisher = {Oxford Univ. Press}, address = {Oxford}, organization = {HESS Collaboration}, issn = {0035-8711}, doi = {10.1093/mnras/stu2148}, pages = {1163 -- 1169}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @article{AbramowskiAharonianBenkhalietal.2014, author = {Abramowski, Attila and Aharonian, Felix A. and Benkhali, Faical Ait and Akhperjanian, A. G. and Ang{\"u}ner, Ekrem Oǧuzhan and Anton, Gisela and Balenderan, Shangkari and Balzer, Arnim and Barnacka, Anna and Becherini, Yvonne and Tjus, J. Becker and Bernl{\"o}hr, K. and Birsin, E. and Bissaldi, E. and Biteau, Jonathan and Boettcher, Markus and Boisson, Catherine and Bolmont, J. and Bordas, Pol and Brucker, J. and Brun, Francois and Brun, Pierre and Bulik, Tomasz and Carrigan, Svenja and Casanova, Sabrina and Cerruti, M. and Chadwick, Paula M. and Chalme-Calvet, R. and Chaves, Ryan C. G. and Cheesebrough, A. and Chretien, M. and Colafrancesco, Sergio and Cologna, Gabriele and Conrad, Jan and Couturier, C. and Dalton, M. and Daniel, M. K. and Davids, I. D. and Degrange, B. and Deil, C. and deWilt, P. and Dicldnson, H. J. and Djannati-Ata{\"i}, A. and Domainko, W. and Dubus, G. and Dutson, K. and Dyks, J. and Dyrda, M. and Edwards, T. and Egberts, Kathrin and Eger, P. and Espigat, P. and Farnier, C. and Fegan, S. and Feinstein, F. and Fernandes, M. V. and Fernandez, D. and Fiasson, A. and Fontaine, G. and Foerster, A. and Fuessling, Matthias and Gajdus, M. and Gallant, Y. A. and Garrigoux, T. and Giebels, B. and Glicenstein, J. F. and Grondin, M-H and Grudzinska, M. and Haeffner, S. and Hahn, J. and Harris, J. and Heinzelmann, G. and Henri, G. and Hermann, G. and Hervet, O. and Hillert, A. and Hinton, James Anthony and Hofmann, W. and Hofverberg, P. and Holler, Markus and Horns, D. and Jacholkowska, A. and Jahn, C. and Jamrozy, M. and Janiak, M. and Jankowsky, F. and Jung, I. and Kastendieck, M. A. and Katarzynski, K. and Katz, U. and Kaufmann, S. and Khelifi, B. and Kieffer, M. and Klepser, S. and Klochkov, D. and Kluzniak, W. and Kneiske, T. and Kolitzus, D. and Komin, Nu and Kosack, K. and Krakau, S. and Krayzel, F. and Krueger, P. P. and Laffon, H. and Lamanna, G. and Lefaucheur, J. and Lemiere, A. and Lemoine-Goumard, M. and Lenain, J-P and Lennarz, D. and Lohse, T. and Lopatin, A. and Lu, C-C and Marandon, V. and Marcowith, Alexandre and Marx, R. and Maurin, G. and Maxted, N. and Mayer, M. and McComb, T. J. L. and Mehault, J. and Menzler, U. and Meyer, M. and Moderski, R. and Mohamed, M. and Moulin, Emmanuel and Murach, T. and Naumann, C. L. and de Naurois, M. and Niemiec, J. and Nolan, S. J. and Oakes, L. and Ohm, S. and Wilhelmi, E. de Ona and Opitz, B. and Ostrowski, M. and Oya, I. and Panter, M. and Parsons, R. D. and Arribas, M. Paz and Pekeur, N. W. and Pelletier, G. and Perez, J. and Petrucci, P-O and Peyaud, B. and Pita, S. and Poon, H. and Puehlhofer, G. and Punch, M. and Quirrenbach, A. and Raab, S. and Raue, M. and Reimer, A. and Reimer, O. and Renaud, M. and de los Reyes, R. and Rieger, F. and Rob, L. and Romoli, C. and Rosier-Lees, S. and Rowell, G. and Rudak, B. and Rulten, C. B. and Sahakian, V. and Sanchez, David M. and Santangelo, Andrea and Schlickeiser, R. and Schuessler, F. and Schulz, A. and Schwanke, U. and Schwarzburg, S. and Schwemmer, S. and Sol, H. and Spengler, G. and Spies, F. and Stawarz, L. and Steenkamp, R. and Stegmann, Christian and Stinzing, F. and Stycz, K. and Sushch, Iurii and Szostek, A. and Tam, P. H. T. and Tavernet, J-P and Tavernier, T. and Taylor, A. M. and Terrier, R. and Tluczykont, M. and Trichard, C. and Valerius, K. and van Eldik, C. and Vasileiadis, G. and Venter, C. and Viana, A. and Vincent, P. and Voelk, H. J. and Volpe, F. and Vorster, M. and Wagner, S. J. and Wagner, P. and Ward, M. and Weidinger, M. and Weitzel, Q. and White, R. and Wierzcholska, A. and Willmann, P. and Woernlein, A. and Wouters, D. and Zacharias, M. and Zajczyk, A. and Zdziarski, A. A. and Zech, Alraune and Zechlin, H-S}, title = {Search for TeV Gamma-ray emission from GRB 100621A, an extremely bright GRB in X-rays, with HESS}, series = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, volume = {565}, journal = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, publisher = {EDP Sciences}, address = {Les Ulis}, organization = {HESS Collaboration}, issn = {0004-6361}, doi = {10.1051/0004-6361/201322984}, pages = {6}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The long gamma-ray burst (GRB) 100621A, at the time the brightest X-ray transient ever detected by Swift-XRT in the 0.3-10 keV range, has been observed with the H.E.S.S. imaging air Cherenkov telescope array, sensitive to gamma radiation in the very-high-energy (VHE, >100 GeV) regime. Due to its relatively small redshift of z similar to 0.5, the favourable position in the southern sky and the relatively short follow-up time (<700 s after the satellite trigger) of the H.E.S.S. observations, this GRB could be within the sensitivity reach of the HESS. instrument. The analysis of the HESS. data shows no indication of emission and yields an integral flux upper limit above similar to 380 GeV of 4.2 x 10(-12) cm(-2) s(-1) s (95\% confidence level), assuming a simple Band function extension model. A comparison to a spectral-temporal model, normalised to the prompt flux at sub-MeV energies, constraints the existence of a temporally extended and strong additional hard power law, as has been observed in the other bright X-ray GRB 130427A. A comparison between the HESS. upper limit and the contemporaneous energy output in X-rays constrains the ratio between the X-ray and VHE gamma-ray fluxes to be greater than 0.4. This value is an important quantity for modelling the afterglow and can constrain leptonic emission scenarios, where leptons are responsible for the X-ray emission and might produce VHE gamma rays.}, language = {en} } @article{AbramowskiAharonianBenkhalietal.2014, author = {Abramowski, Attila and Aharonian, Felix A. and Benkhali, Faical Ait and Akhperjanian, A. G. and Ang{\"u}ner, Ekrem Oǧuzhan and Backes, Michael and Balenderan, Shangkari and Balzer, Arnim and Barnacka, Anna and Becherini, Yvonne and Tjus, J. Becker and Berge, David and Bernhard, Sabrina and Bernl{\"o}hr, K. and Birsin, E. and Biteau, Jonathan and B{\"o}ttcher, Markus and Boisson, Catherine and Bolmont, J. and Bordas, Pol and Bregeon, Johan and Brun, Francois and Brun, Pierre and Bryan, Mark and Bulik, Tomasz and Carrigan, Svenja and Casanova, Sabrina and Chadwick, Paula M. and Chakraborty, N. and Chalme-Calvet, R. and Chaves, Ryan C. G. and Chretien, M. and Colafrancesco, Sergio and Cologna, Gabriele and Conrad, Jan and Couturier, C. and Cui, Y. and Dalton, M. and Davids, I. D. and Degrange, B. and Deil, C. and dewilt, P. and Djannati-Ata{\"i}, A. and Domainko, W. and Donath, A. and Dubus, G. and Dutson, K. and Dyks, J. and Dyrda, M. and Edwards, T. and Egberts, Kathrin and Eger, P. and Espigat, P. and Farnier, C. and Fegan, S. and Feinstein, F. and Fernandes, M. V. and Fernandez, D. and Fiasson, A. and Fontaine, G. and Forster, A. and Fuling, M. and Gabici, S. and Gajdus, M. and Gallant, Y. A. and Garrigoux, T. and Giavitto, G. and Giebels, B. and Glicenstein, J. F. and Gottschall, D. and Grondin, M. -H. and Grudzinska, M. and Hadsch, D. and Haeffner, S. and Hahn, J. and Harris, J. and Heinzelmann, G. and Henri, G. and Hermann, G. and Hervet, O. and Hillert, A. and Hinton, James Anthony and Hofmann, W. and Hofverberg, P. and Holler, Markus and Horns, D. and Ivascenko, A. and Jacholkowska, A. and Jahn, C. and Jamrozy, M. and Janiak, M. and Jankowsky, F. and Jung, I. and Kastendieck, M. A. and Katarzynski, K. and Katz, U. and Kaufmann, S. and Khelifi, B. and Kiefeer, M. and Klepser, S. and Klochkov, D. and Kluzniak, W. and Kolitzus, D. and Komin, Nu. and Kosack, K. and Krakau, S. and Krayzel, F. and Kruger, P. P. and Laffon, H. and Lamanna, G. and Lefaucheur, J. and Lefranc, V. and Lemiere, A. and Lemoine-Goumard, M. and Lenain, J. -P. and Lohse, T. and Lopatin, A. and Lu, C. -C. and Marandon, V. and Marcowith, Alexandre and Marx, R. and Maurin, G. and Maxted, N. and Mayer, M. and McComb, T. J. L. and Mehault, J. and Meintjes, P. J. and Menzler, U. and Meyer, M. and Mitchell, A. M. W. and Moderski, R. and Mohamed, M. and Mora, K. and Moulin, Emmanuel and Murach, T. and de Naurois, M. and Niemiec, J. and Nolan, S. J. and Oakes, L. and Odaka, H. and Ohm, S. and Opitz, B. and Ostrowski, M. and Oya, I. and Panter, M. and Parsons, R. D. and Arribas, M. Paz and Pekeur, N. W. and Pelletier, G. and Perez, J. and Petrucci, P. -O. and Peyaud, B. and Pita, S. and Poon, H. and Puhlhofer, G. and Punch, M. and Quirrenbach, A. and Raab, S. and Reichardt, I. and Reimer, A. and Reimer, O. and Renaud, M. and de los Reyes, R. and Rieger, F. and Rob, L. and Romoli, C. and Rosier-Lees, S. and Rowell, G. and Rudak, B. and Rulten, C. B. and Sahakian, V. and Salek, D. and Sanchez, David M. and Santangelo, Andrea and Schlickeiser, R. and Schussler, F. and Schulz, A. and Schwanke, U. and Schwarzburg, S. and Schwemmer, S. and Sol, H. and Spanier, F. and Spengler, G. and Spies, F. and Stawarz, L. and Steenkamp, R. and Stegmann, Christian and Stinzing, F. and Stycz, K. and Sushch, Iurii and Tavernet, J. -P. and Tavernier, T. and Taylor, A. M. and Terrier, R. and Tluczykont, M. and Trichard, C. and Valerius, K. and Van Eldik, C. and Van Soelen, B. and Vasileiadis, G. and Veh, J. and Venter, C. and Viana, A. and Vincent, P. and Vink, J. and Volk, H. J. and Volpe, F. and Vorster, M. and Vuillaume, T. and Wagner, S. J. and Wagner, P. and Wagner, R. M. and Ward, M. and Weidinger, M. and Weitzel, Q. and White, R. and Wierzcholska, A. and Willmann, P. and Wornlein, A. and Wouters, D. and Yang, R. and Zabalza, V. and Zaborov, D. and Zacharias, M. and Zdziarski, A. A. and Zech, Alraune and Zechlin, H. -S.}, title = {Long-term monitoring of PKS2155-304 with ATOM and HESS:investigation of optical/gamma-ray correlations in different spectral states}, series = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, volume = {571}, journal = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, publisher = {EDP Sciences}, address = {Les Ulis}, organization = {HESSS Collaboration}, issn = {0004-6361}, doi = {10.1051/0004-6361/201424142}, pages = {10}, year = {2014}, abstract = {In this paper we report on the analysis of all the available optical and very high-energy gamma-ray (> 200 GeV) data for the BL Lac object PKS 2155-304, collected simultaneously with the ATOM and H.E.S.S. telescopes from 2007 until 2009. This study also includes X-ray (RXTE, Swift) and high-energy gamma-ray (Fermi-LAT) data. During the period analysed, the source was transitioning from its flaring to quiescent optical states, and was characterized by only moderate flux changes at different wavelengths on the timescales of days and months. A flattening of the optical continuum with an increasing optical flux can be noted in the collected dataset, but only occasionally and only at higher flux levels. We did not find any universal relation between the very high-energy gamma-ray and optical flux changes on the timescales from days and weeks up to several years. On the other hand, we noted that at higher flux levels the source can follow two distinct tracks in the optical flux-colour diagrams, which seem to be related to distinct gamma-ray states of the blazar. The obtained results therefore indicate a complex scaling between the optical and gamma-ray emission of PKS 2155 304, with different correlation patterns holding at different epochs, and a gamma-ray flux depending on the combination of an optical flux and colour rather than a flux alone.}, language = {en} } @article{AbramowskiAharonianBenkhalietal.2015, author = {Abramowski, Attila and Aharonian, Felix A. and Benkhali, Faical Ait and Akhperjanian, A. G. and Ang{\"u}ner, Ekrem Oǧuzhan and Backes, Michael and Balenderan, Shangkari and Balzer, Arnim and Barnacka, Anna and Becherini, Yvonne and Tjus, J. Becker and Berge, David and Bernhard, Sabrina and Bernl{\"o}hr, K. and Birsin, E. and Biteau, Jonathan and Boettcher, Markus and Boisson, Catherine and Bolmont, J. and Bordas, Pol and Bregeon, Johan and Brun, Francois and Brun, Pierre and Bryan, Mark and Bulik, Tomasz and Carrigan, Svenja and Casanova, Sabrina and Chadwick, Paula M. and Chakraborty, N. and Chalme-Calvet, R. and Chaves, Ryan C. G. and Chretien, M. and Colafrancesco, Sergio and Cologna, Gabriele and Conrad, Jan and Couturier, C. and Cui, Y. and Davids, I. D. and Degrange, B. and Deil, C. and deWilt, P. and Djannati-Ata{\"i}, A. and Domainko, W. and Donath, A. and Dubus, G. and Dutson, K. and Dyks, J. and Dyrda, M. and Edwards, T. and Egberts, Kathrin and Eger, P. and Espigat, P. and Farnier, C. and Fegan, S. and Feinstein, F. and Fernandes, M. V. and Fernandez, D. and Fiasson, A. and Fontaine, G. and Foerster, A. and F{\"u}ssling, Matthias and Gabici, S. and Gajdus, M. and Gallant, Y. A. and Garrigoux, T. and Giavitto, G. and Giebels, B. and Glicenstein, J. F. and Gottschall, D. and Grondin, M. -H. and Grudzinska, M. and Hadasch, D. and Haeffner, S. and Hahn, J. and Harris, J. and Heinzelmann, G. and Henri, G. and Hermann, G. and Hervet, O. and Hillert, A. and Hinton, James Anthony and Hofmann, W. and Hofverberg, P. and Holler, Maraike and Horns, D. and Ivascenko, A. and Jacholkowska, A. and Jahn, C. and Jamrozy, M. and Janiak, M. and Jankowsky, F. and Jung-Richardt, I. and Kastendieck, M. A. and Katarzynski, K. and Katz, U. and Kaufmann, S. and Khelifi, B. and Kieffer, M. and Klepser, S. and Klochkov, D. and Kluzniak, W. and Kolitzus, D. and Komin, Nu. and Kosack, K. and Krakau, S. and Krayzel, F. and Krueger, P. P. and Laffon, H. and Lamanna, G. and Lefaucheur, J. and Lefranc, V. and Lemiere, A. and Lemoine-Goumard, M. and Lenain, J. -P. and Lohse, T. and Lopatin, A. and Lu, C. -C. and Marandon, V. and Marcowith, Alexandre and Marx, R. and Maurin, G. and Maxted, N. and Mayer, Michael and McComb, T. J. L. and Mehault, J. and Meintjes, P. J. and Menzler, U. and Meyer, M. and Mitchell, A. M. W. and Moderski, R. and Mohamed, M. and Mora, K. and Moulin, Emmanuel and Murach, T. and de Naurois, M. and Niemiec, J. and Nolan, S. J. and Oakes, L. and Odaka, H. and Ohm, S. and Opitz, B. and Ostrowski, M. and Oya, I. and Panter, M. and Parsons, R. D. and Arribas, M. Paz and Pekeur, N. W. and Pelletier, G. and Petrucci, P. -O and Peyaud, B. and Pita, S. and Poon, H. and Puehlhofer, G. and Punch, M. and Quirrenbach, A. and Raab, S. and Reichardt, I. and Reimer, A. and Reimer, O. and Renaud, M. and de los Reyes, R. and Rieger, F. and Romoli, C. and Rosier-Lees, S. and Rowell, G. and Rudak, B. and Rulten, C. B. and Sahakian, V. and Salek, D. and Sanchez, David M. and Santangelo, Andrea and Schlickeiser, R. and Schuessler, F. and Schulz, A. and Schwanke, U. and Schwarzburg, S. and Schwemmer, S. and Sol, H. and Spanier, F. and Spengler, G. and Spies, F. and Stawarz, L. and Steenkamp, R. and Stegmann, Christian and Stinzing, F. and Stycz, K. and Sushch, Iurii and Tavernet, J. -P. and Tavernier, T. and Taylor, A. M. and Terrier, R. and Tluczykont, M. and Trichard, C. and Valerius, K. and van Eldik, C. and van Soelen, B. and Vasileiadis, G. and Veh, J. and Venter, C. and Viana, A. and Vincent, P. and Vink, J. and Voelk, H. J. and Volpe, F. and Vorster, M. and Vuillaume, T. and Wagner, S. J. and Wagner, P. and Wagner, R. M. and Ward, M. and Weidinger, M. and Weitzel, Q. and White, R. and Wierzcholska, A. and Willmann, P. and Woernlein, A. and Wouters, D. and Yang, R. and Zabalza, V. and Zaborov, D. and Zacharias, M. and Zdziarski, A. A. and Zech, Alraune and Zechlin, H. -S.}, title = {HESS reveals a lack of TeV emission from the supernova remnant Puppis A (Research Note)}, series = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, volume = {575}, journal = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, publisher = {EDP Sciences}, address = {Les Ulis}, organization = {HESS Collaboration}, issn = {0004-6361}, doi = {10.1051/0004-6361/2014424805}, pages = {6}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Context. Puppis A is an interesting similar to 4 kyr-old supernova remnant (SNR) that shows strong evidence of interaction between the forward shock and a molecular cloud. It has been studied in detail from radio frequencies to high-energy (HE, 0.1-100 GeV) gamma-rays. An analysis of the Fermi-LAT data has shown extended HE gamma-ray emission with a 0.2-100 GeV spectrum exhibiting no significant deviation from a power law, unlike most of the GeV-emitting SNRs known to be interacting with molecular clouds. This makes it a promising target for imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACTs) to probe the gamma-ray emission above 100 GeV. Aims. Very-high-energy (VHE, E >= 0.1 TeV) gamma-ray emission from Puppis A has been, for the first time, searched for with the High Energy Stereoscopic System (HESS.). Methods. Stereoscopic imaging of Cherenkov radiation from extensive air showers is used to reconstruct the direction and energy of the incident gamma-rays in order to produce sky images and source spectra. The profile likelihood method is applied to find constraints on the existence of a potential break or cutoff in the photon spectrum. Results. The analysis of the HESS. data does not reveal any significant emission towards Puppis A. The derived upper limits on the differential photon flux imply that its broadband gamma-ray spectrum must exhibit a spectral break or cutoff. By combining Fermi-LAT and HESS. measurements, the 99\% confidence-level upper limits on such a cutoff are found to be 450 and 280 GeV, assuming a power law with a simple exponential and a sub-exponential cutoff, respectively. It is concluded that none of the standard limitations (age, size, radiative losses) on the particle acceleration mechanism, assumed to be continuing at present, can explain the lack of VHE signal. The scenario in which particle acceleration has ceased some time ago is considered as an alternative explanation. The HE/VHE spectrum of Puppis A could then exhibit a break of non-radiative origin (as observed in several other interacting SNRs, albeit at somewhat higher energies), owing to the interaction with dense and neutral material, in particular towards the NE region.}, language = {en} } @article{AbramowskiAharonianBenkhalietal.2015, author = {Abramowski, Attila and Aharonian, Felix A. and Benkhali, Faical Ait and Akhperjanian, A. G. and Ang{\"u}ner, Ekrem Oǧuzhan and Anton, Gisela and Backes, Michael and Balenderan, Shangkari and Balzer, Arnim and Barnacka, Anna and Becherini, Yvonne and Tjus, J. Becker and Bernl{\"o}hr, K. and Birsin, E. and Bissaldi, E. and Biteau, Jonathan and Boettcher, Markus and Boisson, Catherine and Bolmont, J. and Bordas, Pol and Brucker, J. and Brun, Francois and Brun, Pierre and Bulik, Tomasz and Carrigan, Svenja and Casanova, Sabrina and Chadwick, Paula M. and Chalme-Calvet, R. and Chaves, Ryan C. G. and Cheesebrough, A. and Chretien, M. and Colafrancesco, Sergio and Cologna, Gabriele and Conrad, Jan and Couturier, C. and Cui, Y. and Dalton, M. and Daniel, M. K. and Davids, I. D. and Degrange, B. and Deil, C. and deWilt, P. and Dickinson, H. J. and Djannati-Ata{\"i}, A. and Domainko, W. and Dubus, G. and Dutson, K. and Dyks, J. and Dyrda, M. and Edwards, T. and Egberts, Kathrin and Eger, P. and Espigat, P. and Farnier, C. and Fegan, S. and Feinstein, F. and Fernandes, M. V. and Fernandez, D. and Fiasson, A. and Fontaine, G. and Foerster, A. and Fuessling, M. and Gajdus, M. and Gallant, Y. A. and Garrigoux, T. and Giavitto, G. and Giebels, B. and Glicenstein, J. F. and Grondin, M. -H. and Grudzinska, M. and Haeffner, S. and Hahn, J. and Harris, J. and Heinzelmann, G. and Henri, G. and Hermann, G. and Hervet, O. and Hillert, A. and Hinton, James Anthony and Hofmann, W. and Hofverberg, P. and Holler, M. and Horns, D. and Jacholkowska, A. and Jahn, C. and Jamrozy, M. and Janiak, M. and Jankowsky, F. and Jung, I. and Kastendieck, M. A. and Katarzynski, K. and Katz, Uli and Kaufmann, S. and Khelifi, B. and Kieffer, M. and Klepser, S. and Klochkov, D. and Kluzniak, W. and Kneiske, Tanja and Kolitzus, D. and Komin, Nu. and Kosack, K. and Krakau, S. and Krayzel, F. and Krueger, P. P. and Laffon, H. and Lamanna, G. and Lefaucheur, J. and Lemiere, A. and Lemoine-Goumard, M. and Lenain, J. -P. and Lohse, T. and Lopatin, A. and Lu, C. -C. and Marandon, V. and Marcowith, Alexandre and Marx, R. and Maurin, G. and Maxted, N. and Mayer, M. and McComb, T. J. L. and Mehault, J. and Meintjes, P. J. and Menzler, U. and Meyer, M. and Moderski, R. and Mohamed, M. and Moulin, Emmanuel and Murach, T. and Naumann, C. L. and de Naurois, M. and Niemiec, J. and Nolan, S. J. and Oakes, L. and Odaka, H. and Ohm, S. and Wilhelmi, E. de Ona and Opitz, B. and Ostrowski, M. and Oya, I. and Panter, M. and Parsons, R. D. and Arribas, M. Paz and Pekeur, N. W. and Pelletier, G. and Perez, J. and Petrucci, P. -O. and Peyaud, B. and Pita, S. and Poon, H. and Puehlhofer, G. and Punch, M. and Quirrenbach, A. and Raab, S. and Raue, M. and Reichardt, I. and Reimer, A. and Reimer, Olaf and Renaud, M. and de los Reyes, R. and Rieger, F. and Rob, L. and Romoli, C. and Rosier-Lees, S. and Rowell, G. and Rudak, B. and Rulten, C. B. and Sahakian, V. and Sanchez, David M. and Santangelo, Andrea and Schlickeiser, R. and Schuessler, F. and Schulz, A. and Schwanke, U. and Schwarzburg, S. and Schwemmer, S. and Sol, H. and Spengler, G. and Spies, F. and Stawarz, L. and Steenkamp, R. and Stegmann, Christian and Stinzing, F. and Stycz, K. and Sushch, Iurii and Tavernet, J. -P. and Tavernier, T. and Taylor, A. M. and Terrier, R. and Tluczykont, M. and Trichard, C. and Valerius, K. and van Eldik, Christopher and van Soelen, B. and Vasileiadis, G. and Venter, C. and Viana, A. and Vincent, P. and Voelk, H. J. and Volpe, F. and Vorster, M. and Vuillaume, T. and Wagner, S. J. and Wagner, P. and Wagner, R. M. and Ward, M. and Weidinger, M. and Weitzel, Q. and White, R. and Wierzcholska, A. and Willmann, P. and Wrnlein, A. and Wouters, D. and Yang, R. and Zabalza, V. and Zacharias, M. and Zdziarski, A. A. and Zech, Alraune and Zechlin, H. -S. and Finke, J. and Fortin, P. and Horan, D.}, title = {The high-energy gamma-ray emission of AP Librae}, series = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, volume = {573}, journal = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, publisher = {EDP Sciences}, address = {Les Ulis}, organization = {HESS Collaboration}, issn = {0004-6361}, doi = {10.1051/0004-6361/201321436}, pages = {7}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The gamma-ray spectrum of the low-frequency-peaked BL Lac (LBL) object AP Librae is studied, following the discovery of very-high-energy (VHE; E > 100 GeV) gamma-ray emission up to the TeV range by the H.E.S.S. experiment. Thismakes AP Librae one of the few VHE emitters of the LBL type. The measured spectrum yields a flux of (8.8 +/- 1.5(stat) +/- 1.8(sys)) x 10(-12) cm(-2) s(-1) above 130 GeV and a spectral index of Gamma = 2.65 +/- 0.19(stat) +/- 0.20(sys). This study also makes use of Fermi-LAT observations in the high energy (HE, E > 100 MeV) range, providing the longest continuous light curve (5 years) ever published on this source. The source underwent a flaring event between MJD 56 306-56 376 in the HE range, with a flux increase of a factor of 3.5 in the 14 day bin light curve and no significant variation in spectral shape with respect to the low-flux state. While the H.E.S.S. and (low state) Fermi-LAT fluxes are in good agreement where they overlap, a spectral curvature between the steep VHE spectrum and the Fermi-LAT spectrum is observed. The maximum of the gamma-ray emission in the spectral energy distribution is located below the GeV energy range.}, language = {en} } @article{AbramowskiAharonianBenkhalietal.2014, author = {Abramowski, Attila and Aharonian, Felix A. and Benkhali, Faical Ait and Akhperjanian, A. G. and Uner, E. O. Ang and Backes, Michael and Balenderan, Shangkari and Balzer, Arnim and Barnacka, Anna and Becherini, Yvonne and Tjus, J. Becker and Berge, David and Bernhard, Sabrina and Bernl{\"o}hr, K. and Birsin, E. and Biteau, Jonathan and Boettcher, Markus and Boisson, Catherine and Bolmont, J. and Bordas, Pol and Bregeon, Johan and Brun, Francois and Brun, Pierre and Bryan, Mark and Bulik, Tomasz and Carrigan, Svenja and Casanova, Sabrina and Chadwick, Paula M. and Chakraborty, N. and Chalme-Calvet, R. and Chaves, Ryan C. G. and Chretien, M. and Colafrancesco, Sergio and Cologna, Gabriele and Conrad, Jan and Couturier, C. and Cui, Y. and Dalton, M. and Davids, I. D. and Degrange, B. and Deil, C. and deWilt, P. and Djannati-Ata{\"i}, A. and Domainko, W. and Donath, A. and Dubus, G. and Dutson, K. and Dyks, J. and Dyrda, M. and Edwards, T. and Egberts, Kathrin and Eger, P. and Espigat, P. and Farnier, C. and Fegan, S. and Feinstein, F. and Fernandes, M. V. and Fernandez, D. and Fiasson, A. and Fontaine, G. and Foerster, A. and Fuessling, M. and Gabici, S. and Gajdus, M. and Gallant, Y. A. and Garrigoux, T. and Giavitto, G. and Giebels, B. and Glicenstein, J. F. and Gottschall, D. and Grondin, M. -H. and Grudzinska, M. and Hadasch, D. and Haeffner, S. and Hahn, J. and Harris, J. and Heinzelmann, G. and Henri, G. and Hermann, G. and Hervet, O. and Hillert, A. and Hinton, James Anthony and Hofmann, W. and Hofverberg, P. and Holler, Markus and Horns, D. and Ivascenko, A. and Jacholkowska, A. and Jahn, C. and Jamrozy, M. and Janiak, M. and Jankowsky, F. and Jung-Richardt, I. and Kastendieck, M. A. and Katarzynski, K. and Katz, U. and Kaufmann, S. and Khelifi, B. and Kieffer, M. and Klepser, S. and Klochkov, D. and Kluzniak, W. and Kolitzus, D. and Komin, Nu. and Kosack, K. and Krakau, S. and Krayzel, F. and Krueger, P. P. and Laffon, H. and Lamanna, G. and Lau, J. and Lefaucheur, J. and Lefranc, V. and Lemiere, A. and Lemoine-Goumard, M. and Lenain, J. -P. and Lohse, T. and Lopatin, A. and Lu, C. -C. and Marandon, V. and Marcowith, Alexandre and Marx, R. and Maurin, G. and Maxted, N. and Mayer, M. and McComb, T. J. L. and Mehault, J. and Meintjes, P. J. and Menzler, U. and Meyer, M. and Mitchell, A. M. W. and Moderski, R. and Mohamed, M. and Mora, K. and Moulin, Emmanuel and Murach, T. and de Naurois, M. and Niemiec, J. and Nolan, S. J. and Oakes, L. and Odaka, H. and Ohm, S. and Opitz, B. and Ostrowski, M. and Oya, I. and Panter, M. and Parsons, R. D. and Arribas, M. Paz and Pekeur, N. W. and Pelletier, G. and Petrucci, P. -O. and Peyaud, B. and Pita, S. and Poon, H. and Puehlhofer, G. and Punch, M. and Quirrenbach, A. and Raab, S. and Reichardt, I. and Reimer, A. and Reimer, O. and Renaud, M. and Reyes, R. de Los and Rieger, F. and Romoli, C. and Rosier-Lees, S. and Rowell, G. and Rudak, B. and Rulten, C. B. and Sahakian, V. and Salek, D. and Sanchez, David M. and Santangelo, Andrea and Schlickeiser, R. and Schuessler, F. and Schulz, A. and Schwanke, U. and Schwarzburg, S. and Schwemmer, S. and Sol, H. and Spanier, F. and Spengler, G. and Spies, F. and Stawarz, L. and Steenkamp, R. and Stegmann, Christian and Stinzing, F. and Stycz, K. and Sushch, Iurii and Tavernet, J. -P. and Tavernier, T. and Taylor, A. M. and Terrier, R. and Tluczykont, M. and Trichard, C. and Valerius, K. and Van Eldik, C. and van Soelen, B. and Vasileiadis, G. and Veh, J. and Venter, C. and Viana, A. and Vincent, P. and Vink, J. and Voelk, H. J. and Volpe, F. and Vorster, M. and Vuillaume, T. and Wagner, S. J. and Wagner, P. and Wagner, R. M. and Ward, M. and Weidinger, M. and Weitzel, Q. and White, R. and Wierzcholska, A. and Willmann, P. and Woernlein, A. and Wouters, D. and Yang, R. and Zabalza, V. and Zaborov, D. and Zacharias, M. and Zdziarski, A. A. and Zech, Alraune and Zechlin, H. -S. and Fukui, Y. and Sano, H. and Fukuda, T. and Yoshiike, S.}, title = {Discovery of the hard spectrum VHE gamma-ray source Hess J1641-463}, series = {The astrophysical journal : an international review of spectroscopy and astronomical physics ; Part 2, Letters}, volume = {794}, journal = {The astrophysical journal : an international review of spectroscopy and astronomical physics ; Part 2, Letters}, number = {1}, publisher = {IOP Publ. Ltd.}, address = {Bristol}, organization = {HESS Collaboration}, issn = {2041-8205}, doi = {10.1088/2041-8205/794/1/L1}, pages = {6}, year = {2014}, abstract = {This Letter reports the discovery of a remarkably hard spectrum source, HESS J1641-463, by the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) in the very high energy (VHE) domain. HESS J1641-463 remained unnoticed by the usual analysis techniques due to confusion with the bright nearby source HESS J1640-465. It emerged at a significance level of 8.5 standard deviations after restricting the analysis to events with energies above 4 TeV. It shows a moderate flux level of phi(E > 1TeV) = (3.64 +/- 0.44(stat)+/- 0.73(sys)) x 10(-13) cm(-2) s(-1), corresponding to 1.8\% of the Crab Nebula flux above the same energy, and a hard spectrum with a photon index of Gamma = 2.07 +/- 0.11(stat)+/- 0.20(sys). It is a point-like source, although an extension up to a Gaussian width of sigma = 3 arcmin cannot be discounted due to uncertainties in the H.E.S.S. point-spread function. The VHE gamma-ray flux of HESS J1641-463 is found to be constant over the observed period when checking time binnings from the year-by-year to the 28 minute exposure timescales. HESS J1641-463 is positionally coincident with the radio supernova remnant SNR G338.5+0.1. No X-ray candidate stands out as a clear association; however, Chandra and XMM-Newton data reveal some potential weak counterparts. Various VHE gamma-ray production scenarios are discussed. If the emission from HESS J1641-463 is produced by cosmic ray protons colliding with the ambient gas, then their spectrum must extend close to 1 PeV. This object may represent a source population contributing significantly to the galactic cosmic ray flux around the knee.}, language = {en} } @article{AbramowskiAharonianBenkhalietal.2014, author = {Abramowski, Attila and Aharonian, Felix A. and Benkhali, Faical Ait and Akhperjanian, A. G. and Ang{\"u}ner, Ekrem Oǧuzhan and Backes, Michael and Balenderan, Shangkari and Balzer, Arnim and Barnacka, Anna and Becherini, Yvonne and Tjus, J. Becker and Berge, David and Bernhard, Sabrina and Bernl{\"o}hr, K. and Birsin, E. and Biteau, Jonathan and Boettcher, Markus and Boisson, Catherine and Bolmont, J. and Bordas, Pol and Bregeon, Johan and Brun, Francois and Brun, Pierre and Bryan, Mark and Bulik, Tomasz and Carrigan, Svenja and Casanova, Sabrina and Chadwick, Paula M. and Chakraborty, N. and Chalme-Calvet, R. and Chaves, Ryan C. G. and Chretien, M. and Colafrancesco, Sergio and Cologna, Gabriele and Conrad, Jan and Couturier, C. and Cui, Y. and Dalton, M. and Davids, I. D. and Degrange, B. and Deil, C. and deWilt, P. and Djannati-Ata{\"i}, A. and Domainko, W. and Donath, A. and Dubus, G. and Dutson, K. and Dyks, J. and Dyrda, M. and Edwards, T. and Egberts, Kathrin and Eger, P. and Espigat, P. and Farnier, C. and Fegan, S. and Feinstein, F. and Fernandes, M. V. and Fernandez, D. and Fiasson, A. and Fontaine, G. and Foerster, A. and Fuessling, M. and Gabici, S. and Gajdus, M. and Gallant, Y. A. and Garrigoux, T. and Giavitto, G. and Giebels, B. and Glicenstein, J. F. and Gottschall, D. and Goudelis, A. and Grondin, M. -H. and Grudzinska, M. and Hadsch, D. and Haeffner, S. and Hahn, J. and Harris, J. and Heinzelmann, G. and Henri, G. and Hermann, G. and Hervet, O. and Hillert, A. and Hinton, James Anthony and Hofmann, W. and Hofverberg, P. and Holler, M. and Horns, D. and Ivascenko, A. and Jacholkowska, A. and Jahn, C. and Jamrozy, M. and Janiak, M. and Jankowsky, F. and Jung, I. and Kastendieck, M. A. and Katarzynski, K. and Katz, U. and Kaufmann, S. and Khelifi, B. and Kieffer, M. and Klepser, S. and Klochkov, D. and Kluzniak, W. and Kolitzus, D. and Komin, Nu. and Kosack, K. and Krakau, S. and Krayzel, F. and Krueger, P. P. and Laffon, H. and Lamanna, G. and Lefaucheur, J. and Lefranc, V. and Lemiere, A. and Lemoine-Goumard, M. and Lenain, J. -P. and Lohse, T. and Lopatin, A. and Lu, C. -C. and Marandon, V. and Marcowith, Alexandre and Marx, R. and Maurin, G. and Maxted, N. and Mayer, M. and McComb, T. J. L. and Mehault, J. and Meintjes, P. J. and Menzler, U. and Meyer, M. and Mitchell, A. M. W. and Moderski, R. and Mohamed, M. and Mora, K. and Moulin, Emmanuel and Murach, T. and de Naurois, M. and Niemiec, J. and Nolan, S. J. and Oakes, L. and Odaka, H. and Ohm, S. and Opitz, B. and Ostrowski, M. and Oya, I. and Panter, M. and Parsons, R. D. and Arribas, M. Paz and Pekeur, N. W. and Pelletier, G. and Perez, J. and Petrucci, P. -O. and Peyaud, B. and Pita, S. and Poon, H. and Puehlhofer, G. and Punch, M. and Quirrenbach, A. and Raab, S. and Reichardt, I. and Reimer, A. and Reimer, Olaf and Renaud, M. and de los Reyes, R. and Rieger, F. and Rob, L. and Romoli, C. and Rosier-Lees, S. and Rowell, G. and Rudak, B. and Rulten, C. B. and Sahakian, V. and Salek, D. and Sanchez, David M. and Santangelo, Andrea and Schlickeiser, R. and Schuessler, Fabian and Schulz, A. and Schwanke, U. and Schwarzburg, S. and Schwemmer, S. and Serpico, P. and Sol, H. and Spanier, F. and Spengler, G. and Spiess, F. and Steenkamp, R. and Stegmann, Christian and Stinzing, F. and Stycz, K. and Sushch, Iurii and Tavernet, J. -P. and Tavernier, T. and Taylor, A. M. and Terrier, R. and Tluczykont, M. and Trichard, C. and Valerius, K. and van Eldik, C. and van Soelen, B. and Vasileiadis, G. and Veh, J. and Venter, C. and Viana, A. and Vincent, P. and Vink, J. and Voelk, H. J. and Volpe, F. and Vorster, M. and Vuillaume, T. and Wagner, S. J. and Wagner, P. and Wagner, R. M. and Ward, M. and Weidinger, M. and Weitzel, Q. and White, R. and Wierzcholska, A. and Willmann, P. and Woernlein, A. and Wouters, D. and Yang, R. and Zabalza, V. and Zaborov, D. and Zacharias, M. and Zdziarski, A. A. and Zech, Alraune and Zechlin, H. -S.}, title = {Search for dark matter annihilation signatures in HESS observations of dwarf spheroidal galaxies}, series = {Physical review : D, Particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology}, volume = {90}, journal = {Physical review : D, Particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology}, number = {11}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, address = {College Park}, organization = {HESS Collaboration}, issn = {1550-7998}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.90.112012}, pages = {15}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Dwarf spheroidal galaxies of the Local Group are close satellites of the Milky Way characterized by a large mass-to-light ratio and are not expected to be the site of nonthermal high-energy gamma-ray emission or intense star formation. Therefore they are among the most promising candidates for indirect dark matter searches. During the last years the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes observed five of these dwarf galaxies for more than 140 hours in total, searching for TeV gamma-ray emission from annihilation of dark matter particles. The new results of the deep exposure of the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy, the first observations of the Coma Berenices and Fornax dwarves and the reanalysis of two more dwarf spheroidal galaxies already published by the H.E.S.S. Collaboration, Carina and Sculptor, are presented. In the absence of a significant signal new constraints on the annihilation cross section applicable to weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) are derived by combining the observations of the five dwarf galaxies. The combined exclusion limit depends on the WIMP mass and the best constraint is reached at 1-2 TeV masses with a cross-section upper bound of similar to 3.9 x 10(-24) cm(3) s(-1) at a 95\% confidence level.}, language = {en} } @article{AbramowskiAharonianBenkhalietal.2014, author = {Abramowski, Attila and Aharonian, Felix A. and Benkhali, Faical Ait and Akhperjanian, A. G. and Ang{\"u}ner, Ekrem Oǧuzhan and Anton, Gisela and Balenderan, Shangkari and Balzer, Arnim and Barnacka, Anna and Becherini, Yvonne and Tjus, J. Becker and Bernl{\"o}hr, K. and Birsin, E. and Bissaldi, E. and Biteau, Jonathan and Boettcher, Markus and Boisson, Catherine and Bolmont, J. and Bordas, Pol and Brucker, J. and Brun, Francois and Brun, Pierre and Bulik, Tomasz and Carrigan, Svenja and Casanova, Sabrina and Cerruti, M. and Chadwick, Paula M. and Chalme-Calvet, R. and Chaves, Ryan C. G. and Cheesebrough, A. and Chretien, M. and Colafrancesco, Sergio and Cologna, Gabriele and Conrad, Jan and Couturier, C. and Cui, Y. and Dalton, M. and Daniel, Michael K. and Davids, I. D. and Degrange, B. and Deil, C. and deWilt, P. and Dickinson, H. J. and Djannati-Ata{\"i}, A. and Domainko, W. and Dubus, G. and Dutson, K. and Dyks, J. and Dyrda, M. and Edwards, T. and Egberts, Kathrin and Eger, P. and Espigat, P. and Farnier, C. and Fegan, S. and Feinstein, F. and Fernandes, M. V. and Fernandez, D. and Fiasson, A. and Fontaine, G. and Foerster, A. and Fuessling, M. and Gajdus, M. and Gallant, Y. A. and Garrigoux, T. and Giavitto, G. and Giebels, B. and Glicenstein, J. F. and Grondin, M. -H. and Grudzinska, M. and Haeffner, S. and Hahn, J. and Harris, J. and Heinzelmann, G. and Henri, G. and Hermann, G. and Hervet, O. and Hillert, A. and Hinton, James Anthony and Hofmann, W. and Hofverberg, P. and Holler, M. and Horns, D. and Jacholkowska, A. and Jahn, C. and Jamrozy, Marek and Janiak, M. and Jankowsky, F. and Jung, I. and Kastendieck, M. A. and Katarzynski, Krzysztof and Katz, Uli and Kaufmann, S. and Khelifi, B. and Kieffer, M. and Klepser, S. and Klochkov, D. and Kluzniak, W. and Kneiske, T. and Kolitzus, D. and Komin, Nu. and Kosack, K. and Krakau, S. and Krayzel, F. and Krueger, P. P. and Laffon, H. and Lamanna, G. and Lefaucheur, J. and Lemiere, A. and Lemoine-Goumard, M. and Lenain, J. -P. and Lennarz, D. and Lohse, T. and Lopatin, A. and Lu, C. -C. and Marandon, V. and Marcowith, Alexandre and Marx, R. and Maurin, G. and Maxted, N. and Mayer, M. and McComb, T. J. L. and Mehault, J. and Meintjes, P. J. and Menzler, U. and Meyer, M. and Moderski, R. and Mohamed, M. and Moulin, Emmanuel and Murach, T. and Naumann, C. L. and de Naurois, M. and Niemiec, J. and Nolan, S. J. and Oakes, L. and Ohm, S. and Wilhelmi, E. de Ona and Opitz, B. and Ostrowski, M. and Oya, I. and Panter, M. and Parsons, R. D. and Arribas, M. Paz and Pekeur, N. W. and Pelletier, G. and Perez, J. and Petrucci, P. -O. and Peyaud, B. and Pita, S. and Poon, H. and Puehlhofer, G. and Punch, Michael and Quirrenbach, A. and Raab, S. and Raue, M. and Reimer, A. and Reimer, Olaf and Renaud, M. and de los Reyes, R. and Rieger, F. and Rob, L. and Romoli, C. and Rosier-Lees, S. and Rowell, G. and Rudak, B. and Rulten, C. B. and Sahakian, V. and Sanchez, David M. and Santangelo, Andrea and Schlickeiser, R. and Schuessler, F. and Schulz, A. and Schwanke, U. and Schwarzburg, S. and Schwemmer, S. and Sol, H. and Spengler, G. and Spies, F. and Stawarz, L. and Steenkamp, R. and Stegmann, Christian and Stinzing, F. and Stycz, K. and Sushch, Iurii and Szostek, A. and Tavernet, J. -P. and Tavernier, T. and Taylor, A. M. and Terrier, R. and Tluczykont, M. and Trichard, C. and Valerius, K. and van Eldik, Christopher and van Soelen, B. and Vasileiadis, G. and Venter, C. and Viana, A. and Vincent, P. and Vink, J. and Voelk, H. J. and Volpe, F. and Vorster, M. and Vuillaume, T. and Wagner, S. J. and Wagner, P. and Ward, M. and Weidinger, M. and Weitzel, Q. and White, R. and Wierzcholska, A. and Willmann, P. and Woernlein, A. and Wouters, D. and Zabalza, V. and Zacharias, M. and Zajczyk, A. and Zdziarski, A. A. and Zech, Alraune and Zechlin, H. -S.}, title = {HESS J1640-465-an exceptionally luminous TeV gamma-ray supernova remnant}, series = {Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society}, volume = {439}, journal = {Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society}, number = {3}, publisher = {Oxford Univ. Press}, address = {Oxford}, organization = {Hess Collaboration}, issn = {0035-8711}, doi = {10.1093/mnras/stu139}, pages = {2828 -- 2836}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The results of follow-up observations of the TeV gamma-ray source HESS J1640-465 from 2004 to 2011 with the High Energy Stereoscopic System (HESS) are reported in this work. The spectrum is well described by an exponential cut-off power law with photon index Gamma = 2.11 +/- 0.09(stat) +/- 0.10(sys), and a cut-off energy of E-2 = 6.0(-1.2)(+2.0) TeV. The TeV emission is significantly extended and overlaps with the northwestern part of the shell of the SNR G338.3-0.0. The new HESS results, a re-analysis of archival XMM-Newton data and multiwavelength observations suggest that a significant part of the gamma-ray emission from HESS J1640-465 originates in the supernova remnant shell. In a hadronic scenario, as suggested by the smooth connection of the GeV and TeV spectra, the product of total proton energy and mean target density could be as high as W(p)n(H) similar to 4 x 10(52)(d/10kpc)(2) erg cm(-3).}, language = {en} } @article{AbramowskiAharonianBenkhalietal.2015, author = {Abramowski, Attila and Aharonian, Felix A. and Benkhali, Faical Ait and Akhperjanian, A. G. and Ang{\"u}ner, Ekrem Oǧuzhan and Backes, Michael and Balenderan, Shangkari and Balzer, Arnim and Barnacka, Anna and Becherini, Yvonne and Tjus, J. Becker and Berge, David and Bernhard, Sabrina and Bernl{\"o}hr, K. and Birsin, E. and Biteau, Jonathan and Boettcher, Markus and Boisson, Catherine and Bolmont, J. and Bordas, Pol and Bregeon, Johan and Brun, Francois and Brun, Pierre and Bryan, Mark and Bulik, Tomasz and Carrigan, Svenja and Casanova, Sabrina and Chadwick, Paula M. and Chakraborty, N. and Chalme-Calvet, R. and Chaves, Ryan C. G. and Chretien, M. and Colafrancesco, Sergio and Cologna, Gabriele and Conrad, Jan and Couturier, C. and Cui, Y. and Davids, I. D. and Degrange, B. and Deil, C. and deWilt, P. and Djannati-Ata{\"i}, A. and Domainko, W. and Donath, A. and Dubus, G. and Dutson, K. and Dyks, J. and Dyrda, M. and Edwards, T. and Egberts, Kathrin and Eger, P. and Espigat, P. and Farnier, C. and Fegan, S. and Feinstein, F. and Fernandes, M. V. and Fernandez, D. and Fiasson, A. and Fontaine, G. and Foerster, A. and Fuessling, M. and Gabici, S. and Gajdus, M. and Gallant, Y. A. and Garrigoux, T. and Giavitto, G. and Giebels, B. and Glicenstein, J. F. and Gottschall, D. and Grondin, M. -H. and Grudzinska, M. and Hadasch, D. and Haeffner, S. and Hahn, J. and Harris, J. and Heinzelmann, G. and Henri, G. and Hermann, G. and Hervet, O. and Hillert, A. and Hinton, James Anthony and Hofmann, W. and Hofverberg, P. and Holler, Margitte and Horns, D. and Ivascenko, A. and Jacholkowska, A. and Jahn, C. and Jamrozy, M. and Janiak, M. and Jankowsky, F. and Jung-Richardt, I. and Kastendieck, M. A. and Katarzynski, K. and Katz, U. and Kaufmann, S. and Khelifi, B. and Kieffer, M. and Klepser, S. and Klochkov, D. and Kluzniak, W. and Kolitzus, D. and Komin, Nu and Kosack, K. and Krakau, S. and Krayzel, F. and Krueger, P. P. and Laffon, H. and Lamanna, G. and Lefaucheur, J. and Lefranc, V. and Lemiere, A. and Lemoine-Goumard, M. and Lenain, J. -P. and Lohse, T. and Lopatin, A. and Lu, C. -C. and Marandon, V. and Marcowith, Alexandre and Marx, R. and Maurin, G. and Maxted, N. and Mayer, Michael and McComb, T. J. L. and Mehault, J. and Meintjes, P. J. and Menzler, U. and Meyer, M. and Mitchell, A. M. W. and Moderski, R. and Mohamed, M. and Mora, K. and Moulin, Emmanuel and Murach, T. and de Naurois, M. and Niemiec, J. and Nolan, S. J. and Oakes, L. and Odaka, H. and Ohm, S. and Opitz, B. and Ostrowski, M. and Oya, I. and Panter, M. and Parsons, R. D. and Arribas, M. Paz and Pekeur, N. W. and Pelletier, G. and Petrucci, P. -O. and Peyaud, B. and Pita, S. and Poon, H. and Puehlhofer, G. and Punch, M. and Quirrenbach, A. and Raab, S. and Reichardt, I. and Reimer, A. and Reimer, O. and Renaud, M. and de los Reyes, R. and Rieger, F. and Romoli, C. and Rosier-Lees, S. and Rowell, G. and Rudak, B. and Rulten, C. B. and Sahakian, V. and Salek, D. and Sanchez, David M. and Santangelo, Andrea and Schlickeiser, R. and Schuessler, F. and Schulz, A. and Schwanke, U. and Schwarzburg, S. and Schwemmer, S. and Sol, H. and Spanier, F. and Spengler, G. and Spies, F. and Stawarz, L. and Steenkamp, R. and Stegmann, Christian and Stinzing, F. and Stycz, K. and Sushch, Iurii and Tavernet, J. -P. and Tavernier, T. and Taylor, A. M. and Terrier, R. and Tluczykont, M. and Trichard, C. and Valerius, K. and van Eldik, C. and van Soelen, B. and Vasileiadis, G. and Veh, J. and Venter, C. and Viana, A. and Vincent, P. and Vink, J. and Voelk, H. J. and Volpe, F. and Vorster, M. and Vuillaume, T. and Wagner, S. J. and Wagner, P. and Wagner, R. M. and Ward, M. and Weidinger, M. and Weitzel, Q. and White, R. and Wierzcholska, A. and Willmann, P. and Woernlein, A. and Wouters, D. and Yang, R. and Zabalza, V. and Zaborov, D. and Zacharias, M. and Zdziarski, A. A. and Zech, Alraune and Zechlin, H. -S.}, title = {Constraints on an Annihilation Signal from a Core of Constant Dark Matter Density around the Milky Way Center with HESS}, series = {Physical review letters}, volume = {114}, journal = {Physical review letters}, number = {8}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, address = {College Park}, organization = {HESS Collaboration}, issn = {0031-9007}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.081301}, pages = {6}, year = {2015}, abstract = {An annihilation signal of dark matter is searched for from the central region of the Milky Way. Data acquired in dedicated on-off observations of the Galactic center region with H.E.S.S. are analyzed for this purpose. No significant signal is found in a total of similar to 9 h of on-off observations. Upper limits on the velocity averaged cross section, , for the annihilation of dark matter particles with masses in the range of similar to 300 GeV to similar to 10 TeV are derived. In contrast to previous constraints derived from observations of the Galactic center region, the constraints that are derived here apply also under the assumption of a central core of constant dark matter density around the center of the Galaxy. Values of that are larger than 3 x 10(-24) cm(3)/s are excluded for dark matter particles with masses between similar to 1 and similar to 4 TeV at 95\% C.L. if the radius of the central dark matter density core does not exceed 500 pc. This is the strongest constraint that is derived on for annihilating TeV mass dark matter without the assumption of a centrally cusped dark matter density distribution in the search region.}, language = {en} } @article{AbramowskiAharonianBenkhalietal.2014, author = {Abramowski, Attila and Aharonian, Felix A. and Benkhali, Faical Ait and Akhperjanian, A. G. and Ang{\"u}ner, Ekrem Oǧuzhan and Anton, Gisela and Backes, Michael and Balenderan, Shangkari and Balzer, Arnim and Barnacka, Anna and Becherini, Yvonne and Tjus, J. Becker and Bernl{\"o}hr, K. and Birsin, E. and Bissaldi, E. and Biteau, Jonathan and Boettcher, Markus and Boisson, Catherine and Bolmont, J. and Bordas, Pol and Brucker, J. and Brun, Francois and Brun, Pierre and Bulik, Tomasz and Carrigan, Svenja and Casanova, Sabrina and Chadwick, Paula M. and Chalme-Calvet, R. and Chaves, Ryan C. G. and Cheesebrough, A. and Chretien, M. and Colafrancesco, Sergio and Cologna, Gabriele and Conrad, Jan and Couturier, C. and Cui, Y. and Djannati-Ata{\"i}, A. and Domainko, W. and Dubus, G. and Dutson, K. and Dyks, J. and Dyrda, M. and Edwards, T. and Egberts, Kathrin and Eger, P. and Espigat, P. and Farnier, C. and Fegan, S. and Feinstein, F. and Fernandes, M. V. and Fernandez, D. and Fiasson, A. and Fontaine, G. and Foerster, A. and Fussling, Matthias and Gajdus, M. and Gallant, Y. A. and Garrigoux, T. and Giavitto, G. and Giebels, B. and Glicenstein, J. F. and Grondin, M. -H. and Grudzinska, M. and Haeffner, S. and Hahn, J. and Harris, J. and Heinzelmann, G. and Henri, G. and Hermann, G. and Hervet, O. and Hillert, A. and Hinton, James Anthony and Hofmann, W. and Hofverberg, P. and Holler, M. and Horns, D. and Jacholkowska, A. and Jahn, C. and Jamrozy, M. and Janiak, M. and Jankowsky, F. and Jung, I. and Kastendieck, M. A. and Katarzynski, K. and Katz, U. and Kaufmann, S. and Khelifi, B. and Kieffer, M. and Klepser, S. and Klochkov, D. and Kluzniak, W. and Kneiske, T. and Kolitzus, D. and Komin, Nu. and Kosack, K. and Krakau, S. and Krayzel, F. and Krueger, P. P. and Laffon, H. and Lamanna, G. and Lefaucheur, J. and Lemiere, A. and Lemoine-Goumard, M. and Lenain, J. -P. and Lohse, T. and Lopatin, A. and Lu, C. -C. and Marandon, V. and Marcowith, Alexandre and Marx, R. and Maurin, G. and Maxted, N. and Mayer, M. and McComb, T. J. L. and Mehault, J. and Meintjes, P. J. and Menzler, U. and Meyer, M. and Moderski, R. and Mohamed, M. and Moulin, Emmanuel and Murach, T. and Naumann, C. L. and de Naurois, M. and Niemiec, J. and Nolan, S. J. and Oakes, L. and Odaka, H. and Ohm, S. and Wilhelmi, E. de Ona and Opitz, B. and Ostrowski, M. and Oya, I. and Panter, M. and Parsons, R. D. and Arribas, M. Paz and Pekeur, N. W. and Pelletier, G. and Perez, J. and Petrucci, P. -O. and Peyaud, B. and Pita, S. and Poon, H. and Puehlhofer, G. and Punch, M. and Quirrenbach, A. and Raab, S. and Raue, M. and Reichardt, I. and Reimer, A. and Reimer, O. and Renaud, M. and Reyes, R. de los and Rieger, F. and Rob, L. and Romoli, C. and Rosier-Lees, S. and Rowell, G. and Rudak, B. and Rulten, C. B. and Sahakian, V. and Sanchez, David M. and Santangelo, Andrea and Schlickeiser, R. and Schuessler, F. and Schulz, A. and Schwanke, U. and Schwarzburg, S. and Schwemmer, S. and Sol, H. and Spengler, G. and Spies, F. and Stawarz, L. and Steenkamp, R. and Stegmann, Christian and Stinzing, F. and Stycz, K. and Sushch, Iurii and Tavernet, J. -P. and Tavernier, T. and Taylor, A. M. and Terrier, R. and Tluczykont, M. and Trichard, C. and Valerius, K. and van Eldik, C. and van Soelen, B. and Vasileiadis, G. and Venter, C. and Viana, A. and Vincent, P. and Voelk, H. J. and Volpe, F. and Vorster, M. and Vuillaume, T. and Wagner, S. J. and Wagner, P. and Wagner, R. M. and Ward, M. and Weidinger, M. and Weitzel, Q. and White, R. and Wierzcholska, A. and Willmann, P. and Woernlein, A. and Wouters, D. and Yang, R. and Zabalza, V. and Zacharias, M. and Zdziarski, A. A. and Zech, Alraune and Zechlin, H. -S. and Malyshev, D.}, title = {Search for extended gamma-ray emission around AGN with HESS and Fermi-LAT}, series = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, volume = {562}, journal = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, publisher = {EDP Sciences}, address = {Les Ulis}, organization = {HESS Collaboration}, issn = {0004-6361}, doi = {10.1051/0004-6361/201322510}, pages = {10}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Context. Very-high-energy (VHE; E > 100 GeV) gamma-ray emission from blazars inevitably gives rise to electron-positron pair production through the interaction of these gamma-rays with the extragalactic background light (EBL). Depending on the magnetic fields in the proximity of the source, the cascade initiated from pair production can result in either an isotropic halo around an initially- beamed source or a magnetically- broadened cascade :aux. Aims. Both extended pair-halo (PH) and magnetically broadened cascade (MBC) emission from regions surrounding the blazars 1ES 1101-232, IRS 0229+200, and PKS 2155-304 were searched for using VHE y-ray data taken with the High Energy Stereoscopic System (HESS.) and high-energy (HE; 100 MeV < E < 100 GeV) gamma-ray data with the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT). Methods. By comparing the angular distributions of the reconstructed gamma-ray events to the angular profiles calculated from detailed theoretical models, the presence of PH and MBC was investigated. Results. Upper limits on the extended emission around lES 1101-232, lES 0229+200, and PKS 2155-304 are found to be at a level of a few per cent of the Crab nebula flux above 1 TeV, depending on the assumed photon index of the cascade emission. Assuming strong extra-Galactic magnetic field (EGME) values, >10(-12) G, this limits the production of pair haloes developing from electromagnetic cascades. For weaker magnetic fields, in which electromagnetic cascades would result in MBCs. EGMF strengths in the range (0.3-3) x 10(-15) G were excluded for PKS 2155-304 at the 99\% confidence level, under the assumption of a 1 Mpc coherence length.}, language = {en} } @article{AbramowskiAharonianBenkhalietal.2015, author = {Abramowski, Attila and Aharonian, Felix A. and Benkhali, Faical Ait and Akhperjanian, A. G. and Ang{\"u}ner, Ekrem Oǧuzhan and Backes, Michael and Balenderan, Shangkari and Balzer, Arnim and Barnacka, Anna and Becherini, Yvonne and Tjus, J. Becker and Berge, David and Bernhard, Sabrina and Bernl{\"o}hr, K. and Birsin, E. and Biteau, Jonathan and Boettcher, Markus and Boisson, Catherine and Bolmont, J. and Bordas, Pol and Bregeon, Johan and Brun, Francois and Brun, Pierre and Bryan, Mark and Bulik, Tomasz and Carrigan, Svenja and Casanova, Sabrina and Chadwick, Paula M. and Chatraborty, N. and Chalme-Calvet, R. and Chaves, Ryan C. G. and Chretien, M. and Colafrancesco, Sergio and Cologna, Gabriele and Conrad, Jan and Couturier, C. and Cui, Y. and Davids, I. D. and Degrange, B. and Deil, C. and deWilt, P. and Djannati-Ata{\"i}, A. and Domainko, W. and Donath, A. and Dubus, G. and Dutson, K. and Dyks, J. and Dyrda, M. and Edwards, T. and Egberts, Kathrin and Eger, P. and Espigat, P. and Farnier, C. and Fegan, S. and Feinstein, F. and Fernandes, M. V. and Fernandez, D. and Fiasson, A. and Fontaine, G. and Foerster, A. and Fuessling, M. and Gabici, S. and Gajdus, M. and Gallant, Y. A. and Garrigoux, T. and Giavitto, G. and Giebels, B. and Glicenstein, J. F. and Gottschall, D. and Grondin, M. -H. and Grudzinska, M. and Hadasch, D. and Haeffner, S. and Hahn, J. and Harris, J. and Heinzelmann, G. and Henri, G. and Hermann, G. and Hervet, O. and Hillert, A. and Hinton, James Anthony and Hofmann, W. and Hofverberg, P. and Holler, Markus and Horns, D. and Ivascenko, A. and Jacholkowska, A. and Jahn, C. and Jamrozy, M. and Janiak, M. and Jankowsky, F. and Jung-Richardt, O. and Kastendieck, M. A. and Katarzynski, K. and Katz, U. and Kaufmann, S. and Khelifi, B. and Kieffer, M. and Klepser, S. and Klochkov, D. and Kluzniak, W. and Kolitzus, D. and Komin, Nu and Kosack, K. and Krakau, S. and Krayzel, F. and Krueger, P. P. and Laffon, H. and Lamanna, G. and Lefaucheur, J. and Lefranc, V. and Lemiere, A. and Lemoine-Goumard, M. and Lenain, J. P. and Lohse, T. and Lopatin, A. and Lu, C-C and Marandon, V. and Marcowith, Alexandre and Marx, R. and Maurin, G. and Maxted, N. and Mayer, Markus and McComb, T. J. L. and Mehault, J. and Meintjes, P. J. and Menzler, U. and Meyer, M. and Mitchell, A. M. W. and Moderski, R. and Mohamed, M. and Mora, K. and Moulin, Emmanuel and Murach, T. and de Naurois, M. and Niemiec, J. and Nolan, S. J. and Oakes, L. and Odaka, H. and Ohm, S. and Opitz, B. and Ostrowski, M. and Oya, I. and Panter, M. and Parsons, R. D. and Anibas, M. Paz and Pekeur, N. W. and Pelletier, G. and Petrucci, P-O and Peyaud, B. and Pita, S. and Poon, H. and Puehlhofer, G. and Punch, M. and Quirrenbach, A. and Raab, S. and Reichardt, I. and Reimer, A. and Reimer, O. and Renaud, M. and de los Reyes, R. and Rieger, F. and Romoli, C. and Rosier-Lees, S. and Rowell, G. and Rudak, B. and Rulten, C. B. and Sahakian, V. and Salek, D. and Sanchez, David M. and Santangelo, Andrea and Schlickeiser, R. and Schuessler, F. and Schulz, A. and Schwanke, U. and Schwarzburg, S. and Schwemmer, S. and Sol, H. and Spanier, F. and Spengler, G. and Spies, F. and Stawarz, L. and Steenkamp, R. and Stegmann, Christian and Stinzing, F. and Stycz, K. and Sushch, Iurii and Tavernet, J-P and Tavernier, T. and Taylor, A. M. and Terrier, R. and Tluczykont, M. and Trichard, C. and Valerius, K. and van Eldik, C. and van Soelen, B. and Vasileiadis, G. and Veh, J. and Venter, C. and Viana, A. and Vincent, P. and Vink, J. and Voelk, H. J. and Volpe, F. and Vorster, M. and Vuillaume, T. and Wagner, S. J. and Wagner, P. and Wagner, R. M. and Ward, M. and Weidinger, M. and Weitzel, Q. and White, R. and Wierzcholska, A. and Willmann, P. and Woernlein, A. and Wouters, D. and Yang, R. and Zabalza, V. and Zaborov, D. and Zacharias, M. and Zdziarski, A. A. and Zech, Alraune and Zechlin, H-S}, title = {HESS detection of TeV emission from the interaction region between the supernova remnant G349.7+0.2 and a molecular cloud}, series = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, volume = {574}, journal = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, publisher = {EDP Sciences}, address = {Les Ulis}, organization = {HESS Collaboration}, issn = {0004-6361}, doi = {10.1051/0004-6361/201425070}, pages = {7}, year = {2015}, abstract = {G349.7+0.2 is a young Galactic supernova remnant (SNR) located at the distance of 11.5 kpc and observed across the entire electromagnetic spectrum from radio to high energy (HE; 0.1 GeV < E < 100 GeV) gamma-rays. Radio and infrared observations indicate that the remnant is interacting with a molecular cloud. In this paper, the detection of very high energy (VHE, E > 100 GeV) gamma-ray emission coincident with this SNR with the High Energy Stereoscopic System (HESS.) is reported. This makes it one of the farthest Galactic SNR ever detected in this domain. An integral flux F(E > 400 GeV) = (6.5 +/- 1.1(stat) +/- 1.3(syst)) x 10-11 ph cm(-2) s(-1) corresponding to similar to 0.7\% of that of the Crab Nebula and to a luminosity of similar to 10(34) erg s(-1) above the same energy threshold, and a steep photon index Gamma(VHE) = 2.8 +/- 0.27(stat) +/- 0.20(syst) are measured. The analysis of more than 5 yr of Fermi-LAT data towards this source shows a power-law like spectrum with a best-fit photon index Gamma(HE) = 2.2 +/- 0.04.2(stat-0.31sys)(+0.13), The combined gamma-ray spectrum of 0349.7+0.2 can be described by either a broken power law (I3PL) or a power law with exponential (or sub exponential) cutoff (PLC). In the former case, the photon break energy is found at E-br,E-gamma = 551(-30)(+70) GeV, slightly higher than what is usually observed in the HE/VHE gamma-ray emitting middle-aged SNRs known to be interacting with molecular clouds. In the latter case. the exponential (respectively sub-exponential) cutoff energy is measured at E-cat,E-gamma = 1.4(-0.55)(+1.6) (respectively 0.35(-0.21)(+0.75)) TeV. A pion decay process resulting from the interaction of the accelerated protons and nuclei with the dense surrounding medium is clearly the preferred scenario to explain the gamma-ray emission. The BPL with a spectral steepening of 0.5-1 and the PLC provide equally good fits to the data. The product or the average gas density and the total energy content of accelerated protons and nuclei amounts to nu W-p similar to 5 x 10(51) erg cm(-3)}, language = {en} } @article{AbramowskiAharonianBenkhalietal.2015, author = {Abramowski, Attila and Aharonian, Felix A. and Benkhali, Faical Ait and Akhperjanian, A. G. and Ang{\"u}ner, Ekrem Oǧuzhan and Backes, Michael and Balenderan, Shangkari and Balzer, Arnim and Barnacka, Anna and Becherini, Yvonne and Becker-Tjus, J. and Berge, David and Bernhard, Sabrina and Bernl{\"o}hr, K. and Birsin, E. and Biteau, Jonathan and Boettcher, Markus and Boisson, Catherine and Bolmont, J. and Bordas, Pol and Bregeon, Johan and Brun, Francois and Brun, Pierre and Bryan, Mark and Bulik, Tomasz and Carrigan, Svenja and Casanova, Sabrina and Chadwick, Paula M. and Chakraborty, N. and Chalme-Calvet, R. and Chaves, Ryan C. G. and Chretien, M. and Colafrancesco, Sergio and Cologna, Gabriele and Conrad, Jan and Couturier, C. and Cui, Y. and Dalton, M. and Davids, I. D. and Degrange, B. and Deil, C. and de Wilt, P. and Djannati-Ata{\"i}, A. and Domainko, W. and Donath, A. and Dubus, G. and Dutson, K. and Dyks, J. and Dyrda, M. and Edwards, T. and Egberts, Kathrin and Eger, P. and Espigat, P. and Farnier, C. and Fegan, S. and Feinstein, F. and Fernandes, M. V. and Fernandez, D. and Fiasson, A. and Fontaine, G. and Foerster, A. and Fuessling, M. and Gabici, S. and Gajdus, M. and Gallant, Y. A. and Garrigoux, T. and Giavitto, G. and Giebels, B. and Glicenstein, J. F. and Gottschall, D. and Grondin, M-H. and Grudzinska, M. and Hadasch, D. and Haeffner, S. and Hahn, J. and Harris, J. and Heinzelmann, G. and Henri, G. and Hermann, G. and Hervet, O. and Hillert, A. and Hinton, James Anthony and Hofmann, W. and Hofverberg, P. and Holler, M. and Horns, D. and Ivascenko, A. and Jacholkowska, A. and Jahn, C. and Jamrozy, M. and Janiak, M. and Jankowsky, F. and Jung, I. and Kastendieck, M. A. and Katarzynski, K. and Katz, U. and Kaufmann, S. and Khelifi, B. and Kieffer, M. and Klepser, S. and Klochkov, D. and Kluzniak, W. and Kolitzus, D. and Komin, Nu. and Kosack, K. and Krakau, S. and Krayzel, F. and Krueger, P. P. and Laffon, H. and Lamanna, G. and Lefaucheur, J. and Lefranc, V. and Lemiere, A. and Lemoine-Goumard, M. and Lenain, J-P. and Lohse, T. and Lopatin, A. and Lu, C-C. and Marandon, V. and Marcowith, Alexandre and Marx, R. and Maurin, G. and Maxted, N. and Mayer, M. and McComb, T. J. L. and Mehault, J. and Meintjes, P. J. and Menzler, U. and Meyer, M. and Mitchell, A. M. W. and Moderski, R. and Mohamed, M. and Mora, K. and Moulin, Emmanuel and Murach, T. and de Naurois, M. and Niemiec, J. and Nolan, S. J. and Oakes, L. and Odaka, H. and Ohm, S. and Opitz, B. and Ostrowski, M. and Oya, I. and Panter, M. and Parsons, R. D. and Arribas, M. Paz and Pekeur, N. W. and Pelletier, G. and Perez, J. and Petrucci, P-O. and Peyaud, B. and Pita, S. and Poon, H. and Puehlhofer, G. and Punch, M. and Quirrenbach, A. and Raab, S. and Reichardt, I. and Reimer, A. and Reimer, O. and Renaud, M. and de los Reyes, R. and Rieger, F. and Rob, L. and Romoli, C. and Rosier-Lees, S. and Rowell, G. and Rudak, B. and Rulten, C. B. and Sahakian, V. and Salek, D. and Sanchez, David M. and Santangelo, Andrea and Schlickeiser, R. and Schuessler, F. and Schulz, A. and Schwanke, U. and Schwarzburg, S. and Schwemmer, S. and Sol, H. and Spanier, F. and Spengler, G. and Spies, F. and Stawarz, L. and Steenkamp, R. and Stegmann, Christian and Stinzing, F. and Stycz, K. and Sushch, Iurii and Tavernet, J-P. and Tavernier, T. and Taylor, A. M. and Terrier, R. and Tluczykont, M. and Trichard, C. and Valerius, K. and van Eldik, C. and van Soelen, B. and Vasileiadis, G. and Veh, J. and Venter, C. and Viana, A. and Vincent, P. and Vink, J. and Voelk, H. J. and Volpe, F. and Vorster, M. and Vuillaume, T. and Wagner, S. J. and Wagner, P. and Wagner, R. M. and Ward, M. and Weidinger, M. and Weitzel, Q. and White, R. and Wierzcholska, A. and Willmann, P. and Woernlein, A. and Wouters, D. and Yang, R. and Zabalza, V. and Zaborov, D. and Zacharias, M. and Zdziarski, A. A. and Zech, Alraune and Zechlin, H-S.}, title = {The exceptionally powerful TeV gamma-ray emitters in the Large Magellanic Cloud}, series = {Science}, volume = {347}, journal = {Science}, number = {6220}, publisher = {American Assoc. for the Advancement of Science}, address = {Washington}, organization = {HESS Collaboration}, issn = {0036-8075}, doi = {10.1126/science.1261313}, pages = {406 -- 412}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The Large Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way, has been observed with the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) above an energy of 100 billion electron volts for a deep exposure of 210 hours. Three sources of different types were detected: the pulsar wind nebula of the most energetic pulsar known, N 157B; the radio-loud supernova remnant N 132D; and the largest nonthermal x-ray shell, the superbubble 30 Dor C. The unique object SN 1987A is, unexpectedly, not detected, which constrains the theoretical framework of particle acceleration in very young supernova remnants. These detections reveal the most energetic tip of a g-ray source population in an external galaxy and provide via 30 Dor C the unambiguous detection of g-ray emission from a superbubble.}, language = {en} } @article{AbramowskiAharonianBenkhalietal.2014, author = {Abramowski, Attila and Aharonian, Felix A. and Benkhali, Faical Ait and Akhperjanian, A. G. and Ang{\"u}ner, Ekrem Oǧuzhan and Backes, Michael and Balenderan, Shangkari and Balzer, Arnim and Barnacka, Anna and Becherini, Yvonne and Tjus, J. Becker and Berge, David and Bernhard, Sabrina and Bernl{\"o}hr, K. and Birsin, E. and Biteau, Jonathan and Boettcher, Markus and Boisson, Catherine and Bolmont, J. and Bordas, Pol and Bregeon, Johan and Brun, Francois and Brun, Pierre and Bryan, Mark and Bulik, Tomasz and Carrigan, Svenja and Casanova, Sabrina and Chadwick, Paula M. and Chakraborty, N. and Chalme-Calvet, R. and Chaves, Ryan C. G. and Chretien, M. and Colafrancesco, Sergio and Cologna, Gabriele and Conrad, Jan and Couturier, C. and Cui, Y. and Davids, I. D. and Degrange, B. and Deil, C. and dewilt, P. and Djannati-Ata{\"i}, A. and Domainko, W. and Donath, A. and Dubus, G. and Dutson, K. and Dyks, J. and Dyrda, M. and Edwards, T. and Egberts, Kathrin and Eger, P. and Espigat, P. and Farnier, C. and Fegan, S. and Feinstein, F. and Fernandes, M. V. and Fernandez, D. and Fiasson, A. and Fontaine, G. and Foerster, A. and Fuessling, M. and Gabici, S. and Gajdus, M. and Gallant, Y. A. and Garrigoux, T. and Giavitto, G. and Giebels, B. and Glicenstein, J. F. and Gottschall, D. and Grondin, M. -H. and Grudzinska, M. and Hadasch, D. and Haeffner, S. and Hahn, J. and Harris, J. and Heinzelmann, G. and Henri, G. and Hermann, G. and Hervet, O. and Hillert, A. and Hinton, James Anthony and Hofmann, W. and Hofverberg, P. and Holler, M. and Horns, D. and Ivascenko, A. and Jacholkowska, A. and Jahn, C. and Jamrozy, Marek and Janiak, M. and Jankowsky, F. and Jung-Richardt, I. and Kastendieck, M. A. and Katarzynski, Krzysztof and Katz, Uli and Kaufmann, S. and Khelifi, B. and Kieffer, M. and Klepser, S. and Klochkov, D. and Kluzniak, W. and Kolitzus, D. and Komin, Nu. and Kosack, K. and Krakau, S. and Krayzel, F. and Krueger, P. P. and Laffon, H. and Lamanna, G. and Lefaucheur, J. and Lefranc, V. and Lemiere, A. and Lemoine-Goumard, M. and Lenain, J. -P. and Lohse, T. and Lopatin, A. and Lu, C. -C. and Marandon, V. and Marcowith, Alexandre and Marx, R. and Maurin, G. and Maxted, N. and Mayer, M. and McComb, T. J. L. and Mehault, J. and Meintjes, P. J. and Menzler, U. and Meyer, M. and Mitchell, A. M. W. and Moderski, R. and Mohamed, M. and Mora, K. and Moulin, Emmanuel and Murach, T. and de Naurois, M. and Niemiec, J. and Nolan, S. J. and Oakes, L. and Odaka, H. and Ohm, S. and Opitz, B. and Ostrowski, M. and Oya, I. and Panter, M. and Parsons, R. D. and Arribas, M. Paz and Pekeur, N. W. and Pelletier, G. and Petrucci, P. -O. and Peyaud, B. and Pita, S. and Poon, H. and Puehlhofer, G. and Punch, Michael and Quirrenbach, A. and Raab, S. and Reichardt, I. and Reimer, A. and Reimer, Olaf and Renaud, M. and de los Reyes, R. and Rieger, F. and Romoli, C. and Rosier-Lees, S. and Rowell, G. and Rudak, B. and Rulten, C. B. and Sahakian, V. and Salek, D. and Sanchez, David M. and Santangelo, Andrea and Schlickeiser, R. and Schuessler, Fabian and Schulz, A. and Schwanke, U. and Schwarzburg, S. and Schwemmer, S. and Sol, H. and Spanier, F. and Spengler, G. and Spies, F. and Stawarz, L. and Steenkamp, R. and Stegmann, Christian and Stinzing, F. and Stycz, K. and Sushch, Iurii and Tavernet, J. -P. and Tavernier, T. and Taylor, A. M. and Terrier, R. and Tluczykont, M. and Trichard, C. and Valerius, K. and van Eldik, Christopher and van Soelen, B. and Vasileiadis, G. and Veh, J. and Venter, C. and Viana, A. and Vincent, P. and Vink, J. and Voelk, H. J. and Volpe, F. and Vorster, M. and Vuillaume, T. and Wagner, S. J. and Wagner, P. and Wagner, R. M. and Ward, M. and Weidinger, M. and Weitzel, Q. and White, R. and Wierzcholska, A. and Willmann, P. and Woernlein, A. and Wouters, D. and Yang, R. and Zabalza, V. and Zaborov, D. and Zacharias, M. and Zdziarski, A. A. and Zech, Alraune and Zechlin, H. -S. and Fukui, Y.}, title = {Diffuse Galactic gamma-ray emission with HESS}, series = {Physical review : D, Particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology}, volume = {90}, journal = {Physical review : D, Particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology}, number = {12}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, address = {College Park}, organization = {HESS Collaboration}, issn = {1550-7998}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.90.122007}, pages = {8}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Diffuse gamma-ray emission is the most prominent observable signature of celestial cosmic-ray interactions at high energies. While already being investigated at GeVenergies over several decades, assessments of diffuse gamma-ray emission at TeVenergies remain sparse. After completion of the systematic survey of the inner Galaxy, the H.E.S.S. experiment is in a prime position to observe large-scale diffuse emission at TeVenergies. Data of the H.E.S.S. Galactic Plane Survey are investigated in regions off known gamma-ray sources. Corresponding gamma-ray flux measurements were made over an extensive grid of celestial locations. Longitudinal and latitudinal profiles of the observed gamma-ray fluxes show characteristic excess emission not attributable to known gamma-ray sources. For the first time large-scale gamma-ray emission along the Galactic plane using imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes has been observed. While the background subtraction technique limits the ability to recover modest variation on the scale of the H.E.S.S. field of view or larger, which is characteristic of the inverse Compton scatter-induced Galactic diffuse emission, contributions of neutral pion decay as well as emission from unresolved gamma-ray sources can be recovered in the observed signal to a large fraction. Calculations show that the minimum gamma-ray emission from pi(0) decay represents a significant contribution to the total signal. This detection is interpreted as a mix of diffuse Galactic gamma-ray emission and unresolved sources.}, language = {en} } @article{AbramowskiAharonianBenkhalietal.2015, author = {Abramowski, Attila and Aharonian, Felix A. and Benkhali, Faical Ait and Akhperjanian, A. G. and Ang{\"u}ner, Ekrem Oǧuzhan and Backes, Michael and Balenderan, Shangkari and Balzer, Arnim and Barnacka, Anna and Becherini, Yvonne and Tjus, J. Becker and Berge, David and Bernhard, Sabrina and Bernl{\"o}hr, K. and Birsin, E. and Biteau, Jonathan and Boettcher, Markus and Boisson, Catherine and Bolmont, J. and Bordas, Pol and Bregeon, Johan and Brun, Francois and Brun, Pierre and Bryan, Mark and Bulik, Tomasz and Carrigan, Svenja and Casanova, Sabrina and Chadwick, Paula M. and Chakraborty, N. and Chalme-Calvet, R. and Chaves, Ryan C. G. and Chretien, M. and Colafrancesco, Sergio and Cologna, Gabriele and Conrad, Jan and Couturier, C. and Cui, Y. and Dalton, M. and Davids, I. D. and Degrange, B. and Deil, C. and deWilt, P. and Djannati-Ata{\"i}, A. and Domainko, W. and Donath, A. and Dubus, G. and Dutson, K. and Dyks, J. and Dyrda, M. and Edwards, T. and Egberts, Kathrin and Eger, P. and Espigat, P. and Farnier, C. and Fegan, S. and Feinstein, F. and Fernandes, M. V. and Fernandez, D. and Fiaon, A. and Fontaine, G. and Foerster, A. and Fuessling, M. and Gabici, S. and Gajdus, M. and Gallant, Y. A. and Garrigoux, T. and Giavitto, G. and Giebels, B. and Glicenstein, J. F. and Gottschall, D. and Grondin, M. -H. and Grudzinska, M. and Hadsch, D. and Haeffner, S. and Hahn, J. and Harris, J. and Heinzelmann, G. and Henri, G. and Hermann, G. and Hervet, O. and Hillert, A. and Hinton, James Anthony and Hofmann, W. and Hofverberg, P. and Holler, M. and Horns, D. and Ivascenko, A. and Jacholkowska, A. and Jahn, C. and Jamrozy, M. and Janiak, M. and Jankowsky, F. and Jung, I. and Kastendieck, M. A. and Katarzynski, Krzysztof and Katz, Uli and Kaufmann, S. and Khelifi, B. and Kieffer, M. and Klepser, S. and Klochkov, D. and Kluzniak, W. and Kolitzus, D. and Komin, Nukri and Kosack, K. and Krakau, S. and Krayzel, F. and Krueger, P. P. and Laffon, H. and Lamanna, G. and Lefaucheur, J. and Lefranc, V. and Lemiere, A. and Lemoine-Goumard, M. and Lenain, J. -P. and Lohse, T. and Lopatin, A. and Lu, C-C and Marandon, V. and Marcowith, Alexandre and Marx, R. and Maurin, G. and Maxted, N. and Mayer, M. and McComb, T. J. L. and Mehault, J. and Meintjes, P. J. and Menzler, U. and Meyer, Manuela and Mitchell, A. M. W. and Moderski, R. and Mohamed, Mmahmoud and Mora, K. and Moulin, Emmanuel and Murach, T. and de Naurois, M. and Niemiec, J. and Nolan, S. J. and Oakes, L. and Odaka, H. and Ohm, S. and Opitz, B. and Ostrowski, M. and Oya, I. and Panter, M. and Parsons, R. D. and Arribas, M. Paz and Pekeur, N. W. and Pelletier, G. and Perez, J. and Petrucci, P. -O. and Peyaud, B. and Pita, S. and Poon, H. and Puehlhofer, G. and Punch, M. and Quirrenbach, A. and Raab, S. and Reichardt, I. and Reimer, A. and Reimer, Olaf and Renaud, M. and Reyes, R. de Los and Rieger, F. and Rob, L. and Romoli, C. and Rosier-Lees, S. and Rowell, G. and Rudak, B. and Rulten, C. B. and Sahakian, V. and Salek, D. and Sanchez, David M. and Santangelo, Andrea and Schlickeiser, R. and Schuessler, F. and Schulz, A. and Schwanke, U. and Schwarzburg, S. and Schwemmer, S. and Sol, H. and Spanier, F. and Spengler, G. and Spies, F. and Stawarz, L. and Steenkamp, R. and Stegmann, Christian and Stinzing, F. and Stycz, K. and Sushch, Iurii and Tavernet, J. -P. and Tavernier, T. and Taylor, A. M. and Terrier, R. and Tluczykont, M. and Trichard, C. and Valerius, K. and van Eldik, Christopher and van Soelen, B. and Vasileiadis, G. and Veh, J. and Venter, C. and Viana, A. and Vincent, P. and Vink, J. and Voelk, H. J. and Volpe, F. and Vorster, M. and Vuillaume, T. and Wagner, P. and Wagner, R. M. and Ward, M. and Weidinger, M. and Weitzel, Q. and White, R. and Wierzcholska, A. and Willmann, P. and Woernlein, A. and Wouters, D. and Yang, R. and Zabalza, V. and Zaborov, D. and Zacharias, M. and Zdziarski, A. A. and Zech, Alraune and Zechlin, H. -S.}, title = {The 2012 flare of PG 1553+113 seen with hess and Fermi-lat}, series = {The astrophysical journal : an international review of spectroscopy and astronomical physics}, volume = {802}, journal = {The astrophysical journal : an international review of spectroscopy and astronomical physics}, number = {1}, publisher = {IOP Publ. Ltd.}, address = {Bristol}, organization = {HESS Collaboration}, issn = {0004-637X}, doi = {10.1088/0004-637X/802/1/65}, pages = {14}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Very high energy (VHE, E > 100 GeV)gamma-ray flaring activity of the high-frequency peaked BL Lac object PG 1553 + 113 has been detected by the H.E.S.S. telescopes. The flux of the source increased by a factor of 3 during the nights of 2012 April 26 and 27 with respect to the archival measurements with a hint of intra-night variability. No counterpart of this event has been detected in the Fermi-Large Area Telescope data. This pattern is consistent with VHE gamma(-)ray flaring being caused by the injection of ultrarelativistic particles, emitting.-rays at the highest energies. The dataset offers a unique opportunity to constrain the redshift of this source at z = 0.49 +/- 0.04 using a novel method based on Bayesian statistics. The indication of intra-night variability is used to introduce a novel method to probe for a possible Lorentz invariance violation (LIV), and to set limits on the energy scale at which Quantum Gravity (QG) effects causing LIV may arise. For the subluminal case, the derived limits are E-QG,E- 1 > 4.10 x 10(17) GeV and E-QG,E- 2 > 2.10 x 10(10) GeV for linear and quadratic LIV effects, respectively.}, language = {en} } @misc{AbramowskiAharonianBenkhalietal.2015, author = {Abramowski, Attila and Aharonian, Felix A. and Benkhali, Faical Ait and Akhperjanian, A. G. and Ang{\"u}ner, Ekrem Oǧuzhan and Backes, Michael and Balenderan, Shangkari and Balzer, Arnim and Barnacka, Anna and Becherini, Yvonne and Tjus, Julia Becker and Berge, David and Bernhard, Sabrina and Bernl{\"o}hr, Konrad and Birsin, E. and Biteau, Jonathan and B{\"o}ttcher, Markus and Boisson, Catherine and Bolmont, J. and Bordas, Pol and Bregeon, Johan and Brun, Francois and Brun, Pierre and Bryan, Mark and Bulik, Tomasz and Carrigan, Svenja and Casanova, Sabrina and Chadwick, Paula M. and Chakraborty, Nachiketa and Chalme-Calvet, R. and Chaves, Ryan C. G. and Chretien, M. and Colafrancesco, Sergio and Cologna, Gabriele and Conrad, Jan and Couturier, Claire and Cui, Yudong and Davids, Isak Delberth and Degrange, Bernhard and Deil, Christoph and deWilt, P. and Djannati-Ata{\"i}, A. and Domainko, Wilfried and Donath, Axel and Dubus, G. and Dutson, K. and Dyks, J. and Dyrda, M. and Edwards, Tanya and Egberts, Kathrin and Eger, Peter and Espigat, P. and Farnier, C. and Fegan, Stephen and Feinstein, Fabrice and Fernandes, Milton Virgilio and Fernandez, Diane and Fiasson, A. and Fontaine, Gerard and F{\"o}rster, Andreas and Fuessling, M. and Gabici, S. and Gajdus, M. and Gallant, Yves A. and Garrigoux, Tania and Giavitto, G. and Giebels, Berrie and Glicenstein, Jean-Francois and Gottschall, Daniel and Grondin, M. -H. and Grudzinska, M. and Hadasch, Daniela and Haeffner, S. and Hahn, Joachim and Harris, Jonathan and Heinzelmann, G{\"o}tz and Henri, G. and Hermann, German and Hervet, O. and Hillert, Andreas and Hinton, James Anthony and Hofmann, Werner and Hofverberg, Petter and Holler, Markus and Horns, Dieter and Ivascenko, Alex and Jacholkowska, A. and Jahn, C. and Jamrozy, Marek and Janiak, M. and Jankowsky, F. and Jung-Richardt, I. and Kastendieck, Max Anton and Katarzynski, K. and Katz, U. and Kaufmann, S. and Khelifi, B. and Kieffer, Michel and Klepser, S. and Klochkov, Dmitry and Kluzniak, W. and Kolitzus, David and Komin, Nu and Kosack, Karl and Krakau, Steffen and Krayzel, F. and Krueger, Pat P. and Laffon, H. and Lamanna, G. and Lefaucheur, J. and Lefranc, Valentin and Lemiere, A. and Lemoine-Goumard, M. and Lenain, J. -P. and Lohse, Thomas and Lopatin, A. and Lu, Chia-Chun and Marandon, Vincent and Marcowith, Alexandre and Marx, Ramin and Maurin, G. and Maxted, Nigel and Mayer, Michael and McComb, T. J. Lowry and Mehault, J. and Meintjes, P. J. and Menzler, Ulf and Meyer, M. and Mitchell, Alison M. W. and Moderski, R. and Mohamed, M. and Mora, K. and Moulin, Emmanuel and Murach, Thomas and de Naurois, Mathieu and Niemiec, J. and Nolan, Sam J. and Oakes, Louise and Odaka, Hirokazu and Ohm, S. and Optiz, Bj{\"o}rn and Ostrowski, Michal and Oya, I. and Panter, Michael and Parsons, R. Daniel and Arribas, M. Paz and Pekeur, Nikki W. and Pelletier, G. and Petrucci, P. -O. and Peyaud, B. and Pita, S. and Poon, Helen and P{\"u}hlhofer, Gerd and Punch, M. and Quirrenbach, A. and Raab, S. and Reichardt, I. and Reimer, Anita and Reimer, Olaf and Renaud, Metz and de los Reyes, Raquel and Rieger, Frank and Romoli, C. and Rosier-Lees, S. and Rowell, G. and Rudak, B. and Rulten, C. B. and Sahakian, Vardan and Salek, D. and Sanchez, David M. and Santangelo, Andrea and Schlickeiser, Reinhard and Schuessler, F. and Schulz, A. and Schwanke, Ullrich and Schwarzburg, S. and Schwemmer, S. and Sol, H. and Spanier, Felix and Spengler, G. and Spies, Franziska and Stawarz, Lukasz and Steenkamp, Riaan and Stegmann, Christian and Stinzing, F. and Stycz, K. and Sushch, Iurii and Tavernet, J. -P. and Tavernier, T. and Taylor, A. M. and Terrier, R. and Tluczykont, Martin and Trichard, C. and Valerius, K. and van Eldik, C. and van Soelen, B. and Vasileiadis, Georges and Veh, J. and Venter, Christo and Viana, Aion and Vincent, P. and Vink, Jacco and V{\"o}lk, Heinrich J. and Volpe, Francesca and Vorster, Martine and Vuillaume, T. and Wagner, S. J. and Wagner, P. and Wagner, R. M. and Ward, Martin and Weidinger, Matthias and Weitzel, Quirin and White, R. and Wierzcholska, A. and Willmann, P. and Woernlein, A. and Wouters, D. and Yang, Ruizhi and Zabalza, Victor and Zaborov, Dmitry and Zacharias, M. and Zdziarski, A. A. and Zech, Alraune and Zechlin, Hannes -S.}, title = {H.E.S.S. detection of TeV emission from the interaction region between the supernova remnant G349.7+0.2 and a molecular cloud (vol 574, A100, 2015)}, series = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, volume = {580}, journal = {Astronomy and astrophysics : an international weekly journal}, publisher = {EDP Sciences}, address = {Les Ulis}, organization = {HESS Collaboration}, issn = {1432-0746}, doi = {10.1051/0004-6361/201425070e}, pages = {2}, year = {2015}, language = {en} } @article{TrumbullSudoHarrisetal.2019, author = {Trumbull, Robert B. and Sudo, Masafumi and Harris, C. and Armstrong, R. A. and de Beer, C. H.}, title = {The age of the Koegel Fontein anorogenic complex, South Africa, and its relationship to the regional timing of magmatism and breakup along the South Atlantic rifted margin}, series = {South African Journal of Geology}, volume = {122}, journal = {South African Journal of Geology}, number = {1}, publisher = {Geological Society of South Africa}, address = {Marshalltown}, issn = {1012-0750}, doi = {10.25131/sajg.122.0007}, pages = {69 -- 78}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The early Cretaceous Koegel Fontein intrusive complex is situated near the Atlantic coast in South Africa, about 350 km northwest of Cape Town. The complex comprises felsic units of granite and syenite with compositionally related dykes, and a single intrusive plug of diorite. Existing zircon U-Pb ages of 144 +/- 2 Ma for the syenite and 133.9 +/- 1.3 Ma for the granite suggest that the emplacement of the complex took place over a period of about 10 My. This study provides additional and independent ages of the Koegel Fontein complex by Ar-40/Ar-39 dating to confirm the onset and duration of magmatism and better define the sequence of igneous units that comprise it. New laser step-heating Ar-40/Ar-3(9) ages on plagioclase and biotite from the main intrusive units in the complex are presented here, including samples previously dated by U-Pb dating. The Ar-40/Ar-39 ages for the granite and syenite units (131.1 +/- 0.9 Ma and 143.3 +/- 0.9, respectively) are in good agreement with the zircon U-Pb ages. Other units not previously dated include the Rooivleitjie alkaline granite (150.7 +/- 0.6 Ma), two quartz-porphyry dykes (143.0 +/- 0.9 and 139.4 +/- 1.7 Ma) and the Zout Rivier diorite plug (133.0 +/- 1.0 Ma). The new results confirm an early onset of magmatism at Koegel Fontein relative to that of the Etendeka Province some 1000 km to the north, which is consistent with the regional south-to-north propagation of South Atlantic rifting. The youngest Ar-40/Ar-3(9) ages at Koegel Fontein (134 to 131 Ma, Rietpoort Granite and 133 Ma, Zout Rivier diorite) correspond to the age of the first magnetic seafloor-spreading anomaly offshore, and we suggest that the longevity of Koegel Fontein magmatism relates to a superposition of pre-drift magmatism onshore and spreading-related magmatism as continental separation began.}, language = {en} } @article{WuttkeLiLietal.2019, author = {Wuttke, Matthias and Li, Yong and Li, Man and Sieber, Karsten B. and Feitosa, Mary F. and Gorski, Mathias and Tin, Adrienne and Wang, Lihua and Chu, Audrey Y. and Hoppmann, Anselm and Kirsten, Holger and Giri, Ayush and Chai, Jin-Fang and Sveinbjornsson, Gardar and Tayo, Bamidele O. and Nutile, Teresa and Fuchsberger, Christian and Marten, Jonathan and Cocca, Massimiliano and Ghasemi, Sahar and Xu, Yizhe and Horn, Katrin and Noce, Damia and Van der Most, Peter J. and Sedaghat, Sanaz and Yu, Zhi and Akiyama, Masato and Afaq, Saima and Ahluwalia, Tarunveer Singh and Almgren, Peter and Amin, Najaf and Arnlov, Johan and Bakker, Stephan J. L. and Bansal, Nisha and Baptista, Daniela and Bergmann, Sven and Biggs, Mary L. and Biino, Ginevra and Boehnke, Michael and Boerwinkle, Eric and Boissel, Mathilde and B{\"o}ttinger, Erwin and Boutin, Thibaud S. and Brenner, Hermann and Brumat, Marco and Burkhardt, Ralph and Butterworth, Adam S. and Campana, Eric and Campbell, Archie and Campbell, Harry and Canouil, Mickael and Carroll, Robert J. and Catamo, Eulalia and Chambers, John C. and Chee, Miao-Ling and Chee, Miao-Li and Chen, Xu and Cheng, Ching-Yu and Cheng, Yurong and Christensen, Kaare and Cifkova, Renata and Ciullo, Marina and Concas, Maria Pina and Cook, James P. and Coresh, Josef and Corre, Tanguy and Sala, Cinzia Felicita and Cusi, Daniele and Danesh, John and Daw, E. Warwick and De Borst, Martin H. and De Grandi, Alessandro and De Mutsert, Renee and De Vries, Aiko P. J. and Degenhardt, Frauke and Delgado, Graciela and Demirkan, Ayse and Di Angelantonio, Emanuele and Dittrich, Katalin and Divers, Jasmin and Dorajoo, Rajkumar and Eckardt, Kai-Uwe and Ehret, Georg and Elliott, Paul and Endlich, Karlhans and Evans, Michele K. and Felix, Janine F. and Foo, Valencia Hui Xian and Franco, Oscar H. and Franke, Andre and Freedman, Barry I. and Freitag-Wolf, Sandra and Friedlander, Yechiel and Froguel, Philippe and Gansevoort, Ron T. and Gao, He and Gasparini, Paolo and Gaziano, J. Michael and Giedraitis, Vilmantas and Gieger, Christian and Girotto, Giorgia and Giulianini, Franco and Gogele, Martin and Gordon, Scott D. and Gudbjartsson, Daniel F. and Gudnason, Vilmundur and Haller, Toomas and Hamet, Pavel and Harris, Tamara B. and Hartman, Catharina A. and Hayward, Caroline and Hellwege, Jacklyn N. and Heng, Chew-Kiat and Hicks, Andrew A. and Hofer, Edith and Huang, Wei and Hutri-Kahonen, Nina and Hwang, Shih-Jen and Ikram, M. Arfan and Indridason, Olafur S. and Ingelsson, Erik and Ising, Marcus and Jaddoe, Vincent W. V. and Jakobsdottir, Johanna and Jonas, Jost B. and Joshi, Peter K. and Josyula, Navya Shilpa and Jung, Bettina and Kahonen, Mika and Kamatani, Yoichiro and Kammerer, Candace M. and Kanai, Masahiro and Kastarinen, Mika and Kerr, Shona M. and Khor, Chiea-Chuen and Kiess, Wieland and Kleber, Marcus E. and Koenig, Wolfgang and Kooner, Jaspal S. and Korner, Antje and Kovacs, Peter and Kraja, Aldi T. and Krajcoviechova, Alena and Kramer, Holly and Kramer, Bernhard K. and Kronenberg, Florian and Kubo, Michiaki and Kuhnel, Brigitte and Kuokkanen, Mikko and Kuusisto, Johanna and La Bianca, Martina and Laakso, Markku and Lange, Leslie A. and Langefeld, Carl D. and Lee, Jeannette Jen-Mai and Lehne, Benjamin and Lehtimaki, Terho and Lieb, Wolfgang and Lim, Su-Chi and Lind, Lars and Lindgren, Cecilia M. and Liu, Jun and Liu, Jianjun and Loeffler, Markus and Loos, Ruth J. F. and Lucae, Susanne and Lukas, Mary Ann and Lyytikainen, Leo-Pekka and Magi, Reedik and Magnusson, Patrik K. E. and Mahajan, Anubha and Martin, Nicholas G. and Martins, Jade and Marz, Winfried and Mascalzoni, Deborah and Matsuda, Koichi and Meisinger, Christa and Meitinger, Thomas and Melander, Olle and Metspalu, Andres and Mikaelsdottir, Evgenia K. and Milaneschi, Yuri and Miliku, Kozeta and Mishra, Pashupati P. and Program, V. A. Million Veteran and Mohlke, Karen L. and Mononen, Nina and Montgomery, Grant W. and Mook-Kanamori, Dennis O. and Mychaleckyj, Josyf C. and Nadkarni, Girish N. and Nalls, Mike A. and Nauck, Matthias and Nikus, Kjell and Ning, Boting and Nolte, Ilja M. and Noordam, Raymond and Olafsson, Isleifur and Oldehinkel, Albertine J. and Orho-Melander, Marju and Ouwehand, Willem H. and Padmanabhan, Sandosh and Palmer, Nicholette D. and Palsson, Runolfur and Penninx, Brenda W. J. H. and Perls, Thomas and Perola, Markus and Pirastu, Mario and Pirastu, Nicola and Pistis, Giorgio and Podgornaia, Anna I. and Polasek, Ozren and Ponte, Belen and Porteous, David J. and Poulain, Tanja and Pramstaller, Peter P. and Preuss, Michael H. and Prins, Bram P. and Province, Michael A. and Rabelink, Ton J. and Raffield, Laura M. and Raitakari, Olli T. and Reilly, Dermot F. and Rettig, Rainer and Rheinberger, Myriam and Rice, Kenneth M. and Ridker, Paul M. and Rivadeneira, Fernando and Rizzi, Federica and Roberts, David J. and Robino, Antonietta and Rossing, Peter and Rudan, Igor and Rueedi, Rico and Ruggiero, Daniela and Ryan, Kathleen A. and Saba, Yasaman and Sabanayagam, Charumathi and Salomaa, Veikko and Salvi, Erika and Saum, Kai-Uwe and Schmidt, Helena and Schmidt, Reinhold and Ben Schottker, and Schulz, Christina-Alexandra and Schupf, Nicole and Shaffer, Christian M. and Shi, Yuan and Smith, Albert V. and Smith, Blair H. and Soranzo, Nicole and Spracklen, Cassandra N. and Strauch, Konstantin and Stringham, Heather M. and Stumvoll, Michael and Svensson, Per O. and Szymczak, Silke and Tai, E-Shyong and Tajuddin, Salman M. and Tan, Nicholas Y. Q. and Taylor, Kent D. and Teren, Andrej and Tham, Yih-Chung and Thiery, Joachim and Thio, Chris H. L. and Thomsen, Hauke and Thorleifsson, Gudmar and Toniolo, Daniela and Tonjes, Anke and Tremblay, Johanne and Tzoulaki, Ioanna and Uitterlinden, Andre G. and Vaccargiu, Simona and Van Dam, Rob M. and Van der Harst, Pim and Van Duijn, Cornelia M. and Edward, Digna R. Velez and Verweij, Niek and Vogelezang, Suzanne and Volker, Uwe and Vollenweider, Peter and Waeber, Gerard and Waldenberger, Melanie and Wallentin, Lars and Wang, Ya Xing and Wang, Chaolong and Waterworth, Dawn M. and Bin Wei, Wen and White, Harvey and Whitfield, John B. and Wild, Sarah H. and Wilson, James F. and Wojczynski, Mary K. and Wong, Charlene and Wong, Tien-Yin and Xu, Liang and Yang, Qiong and Yasuda, Masayuki and Yerges-Armstrong, Laura M. and Zhang, Weihua and Zonderman, Alan B. and Rotter, Jerome I. and Bochud, Murielle and Psaty, Bruce M. and Vitart, Veronique and Wilson, James G. and Dehghan, Abbas and Parsa, Afshin and Chasman, Daniel I. and Ho, Kevin and Morris, Andrew P. and Devuyst, Olivier and Akilesh, Shreeram and Pendergrass, Sarah A. and Sim, Xueling and Boger, Carsten A. and Okada, Yukinori and Edwards, Todd L. and Snieder, Harold and Stefansson, Kari and Hung, Adriana M. and Heid, Iris M. and Scholz, Markus and Teumer, Alexander and Kottgen, Anna and Pattaro, Cristian}, title = {A catalog of genetic loci associated with kidney function from analyses of a million individuals}, series = {Nature genetics}, volume = {51}, journal = {Nature genetics}, number = {6}, publisher = {Nature Publ. Group}, address = {New York}, organization = {Lifelines COHort Study}, issn = {1061-4036}, doi = {10.1038/s41588-019-0407-x}, pages = {957 -- +}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is responsible for a public health burden with multi-systemic complications. Through transancestry meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies of estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and independent replication (n = 1,046,070), we identified 264 associated loci (166 new). Of these,147 were likely to be relevant for kidney function on the basis of associations with the alternative kidney function marker blood urea nitrogen (n = 416,178). Pathway and enrichment analyses, including mouse models with renal phenotypes, support the kidney as the main target organ. A genetic risk score for lower eGFR was associated with clinically diagnosed CKD in 452,264 independent individuals. Colocalization analyses of associations with eGFR among 783,978 European-ancestry individuals and gene expression across 46 human tissues, including tubulo-interstitial and glomerular kidney compartments, identified 17 genes differentially expressed in kidney. Fine-mapping highlighted missense driver variants in 11 genes and kidney-specific regulatory variants. These results provide a comprehensive priority list of molecular targets for translational research.}, language = {en} } @article{MuellerFoerstendorfSteudtneretal.2019, author = {M{\"u}ller, Katharina and Foerstendorf, Harald and Steudtner, Robin and Tsushima, Satoru and Kumke, Michael Uwe and Lef{\`e}vre, Gr{\´e}gory and Rothe, J{\"o}rg and Mason, Harris and Szab{\´o}, Zolt{\´a}n and Yang, Ping and Adam, Christian K. R. and Andr{\´e}, R{\´e}mi and Brennenstuhl, Katlen and Chiorescu, Ion and Cho, Herman M. and Creff, Ga{\"e}lle and Coppin, Fr{\´e}d{\´e}ric and Dardenne, Kathy and Den Auwer, Christophe and Drobot, Bj{\"o}rn and Eidner, Sascha and Hess, Nancy J. and Kaden, Peter and Kremleva, Alena and Kretzschmar, Jerome and Kr{\"u}ger, Sven and Platts, James A. and Panak, Petra and Polly, Robert and Powell, Brian A. and Rabung, Thomas and Redon, Roland and Reiller, Pascal E. and R{\"o}sch, Notker and Rossberg, Andr{\´e} and Scheinost, Andreas C. and Schimmelpfennig, Bernd and Schreckenbach, Georg and Skerencak-Frech, Andrej and Sladkov, Vladimir and Solari, Pier Lorenzo and Wang, Zheming and Washton, Nancy M. and Zhang, Xiaobin}, title = {Interdisciplinary Round-Robin Test on molecular spectroscopy of the U(VI) Acetate System}, series = {ACS omega / American Chemical Society}, volume = {4}, journal = {ACS omega / American Chemical Society}, number = {5}, publisher = {American Chemical Society}, address = {Washington}, issn = {2470-1343}, doi = {10.1021/acsomega.9b00164}, pages = {8167 -- 8177}, year = {2019}, abstract = {A comprehensive molecular analysis of a simple aqueous complexing system. U(VI) acetate. selected to be independently investigated by various spectroscopic (vibrational, luminescence, X-ray absorption, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy) and quantum chemical methods was achieved by an international round-robin test (RRT). Twenty laboratories from six different countries with a focus on actinide or geochemical research participated and contributed to this scientific endeavor. The outcomes of this RRT were considered on two levels of complexity: first, within each technical discipline, conformities as well as discrepancies of the results and their sources were evaluated. The raw data from the different experimental approaches were found to be generally consistent. In particular, for complex setups such as accelerator-based X-ray absorption spectroscopy, the agreement between the raw data was high. By contrast, luminescence spectroscopic data turned out to be strongly related to the chosen acquisition parameters. Second, the potentials and limitations of coupling various spectroscopic and theoretical approaches for the comprehensive study of actinide molecular complexes were assessed. Previous spectroscopic data from the literature were revised and the benchmark data on the U(VI) acetate system provided an unambiguous molecular interpretation based on the correlation of spectroscopic and theoretical results. The multimethodologic approach and the conclusions drawn address not only important aspects of actinide spectroscopy but particularly general aspects of modern molecular analytical chemistry.}, language = {en} } @article{TaalStPourcainThieringetal.2012, author = {Taal, H. Rob and St Pourcain, Beate and Thiering, Elisabeth and Das, Shikta and Mook-Kanamori, Dennis O. and Warrington, Nicole M. and Kaakinen, Marika and Kreiner-Moller, Eskil and Bradfield, Jonathan P. and Freathy, Rachel M. and Geller, Frank and Guxens, Monica and Cousminer, Diana L. and Kerkhof, Marjan and Timpson, Nicholas J. and Ikram, M. Arfan and Beilin, Lawrence J. and Bonnelykke, Klaus and Buxton, Jessica L. and Charoen, Pimphen and Chawes, Bo Lund Krogsgaard and Eriksson, Johan and Evans, David M. and Hofman, Albert and Kemp, John P. and Kim, Cecilia E. and Klopp, Norman and Lahti, Jari and Lye, Stephen J. and McMahon, George and Mentch, Frank D. and Mueller-Nurasyid, Martina and O'Reilly, Paul F. and Prokopenko, Inga and Rivadeneira, Fernando and Steegers, Eric A. P. and Sunyer, Jordi and Tiesler, Carla and Yaghootkar, Hanieh and Breteler, Monique M. B. and Debette, Stephanie and Fornage, Myriam and Gudnason, Vilmundur and Launer, Lenore J. and van der Lugt, Aad and Mosley, Thomas H. and Seshadri, Sudha and Smith, Albert V. and Vernooij, Meike W. and Blakemore, Alexandra I. F. and Chiavacci, Rosetta M. and Feenstra, Bjarke and Fernandez-Banet, Julio and Grant, Struan F. A. and Hartikainen, Anna-Liisa and van der Heijden, Albert J. and Iniguez, Carmen and Lathrop, Mark and McArdle, Wendy L. and Molgaard, Anne and Newnham, John P. and Palmer, Lyle J. and Palotie, Aarno and Pouta, Annneli and Ring, Susan M. and Sovio, Ulla and Standl, Marie and Uitterlinden, Andre G. and Wichmann, H-Erich and Vissing, Nadja Hawwa and DeCarli, Charles and van Duijn, Cornelia M. and McCarthy, Mark I. and Koppelman, Gerard H. and Estivill, Xavier and Hattersley, Andrew T. and Melbye, Mads and Bisgaard, Hans and Pennell, Craig E. and Widen, Elisabeth and Hakonarson, Hakon and Smith, George Davey and Heinrich, Joachim and Jarvelin, Marjo-Riitta and Jaddoe, Vincent W. V. and Adair, Linda S. and Ang, Wei and Atalay, Mustafa and van Beijsterveldt, Toos and Bergen, Nienke and Benke, Kelly and Berry, Diane J. and Bradfield, Jonathan P. and Charoen, Pimphen and Coin, Lachlan and Cousminer, Diana L. and Das, Shikta and Davis, Oliver S. P. and Elliott, Paul and Evans, David M. and Feenstra, Bjarke and Flexeder, Claudia and Frayling, Tim and Freathy, Rachel M. and Gaillard, Romy and Geller, Frank and Groen-Blokhuis, Maria and Goh, Liang-Kee and Guxens, Monica and Haworth, Claire M. A. and Hadley, Dexter and Hebebrand, Johannes and Hinney, Anke and Hirschhorn, Joel N. and Holloway, John W. and Holst, Claus and Hottenga, Jouke Jan and Horikoshi, Momoko and Huikari, Ville and Hypponen, Elina and Iniguez, Carmen and Kaakinen, Marika and Kilpelainen, Tuomas O. and Kirin, Mirna and Kowgier, Matthew and Lakka, Hanna-Maaria and Lange, Leslie A. and Lawlor, Debbie A. and Lehtimaki, Terho and Lewin, Alex and Lindgren, Cecilia and Lindi, Virpi and Maggi, Reedik and Marsh, Julie and Middeldorp, Christel and Millwood, Iona and Mook-Kanamori, Dennis O. and Murray, Jeffrey C. and Nivard, Michel and Nohr, Ellen Aagaard and Ntalla, Ioanna and Oken, Emily and O'Reilly, Paul F. and Palmer, Lyle J. and Panoutsopoulou, Kalliope and Pararajasingham, Jennifer and Prokopenko, Inga and Rodriguez, Alina and Salem, Rany M. and Sebert, Sylvain and Siitonen, Niina and Sovio, Ulla and St Pourcain, Beate and Strachan, David P. and Sunyer, Jordi and Taal, H. Rob and Teo, Yik-Ying and Thiering, Elisabeth and Tiesler, Carla and Uitterlinden, Andre G. and Valcarcel, Beatriz and Warrington, Nicole M. and White, Scott and Willemsen, Gonneke and Yaghootkar, Hanieh and Zeggini, Eleftheria and Boomsma, Dorret I. and Cooper, Cyrus and Estivill, Xavier and Gillman, Matthew and Grant, Struan F. A. and Hakonarson, Hakon and Hattersley, Andrew T. and Heinrich, Joachim and Hocher, Berthold and Jaddoe, Vincent W. V. and Jarvelin, Marjo-Riitta and Lakka, Timo A. and McCarthy, Mark I. and Melbye, Mads and Mohlke, Karen L. and Dedoussis, George V. and Ong, Ken K. and Pearson, Ewan R. and Pennell, Craig E. and Price, Thomas S. and Power, Chris and Raitakari, Olli T. and Saw, Seang-Mei and Scherag, Andre and Simell, Olli and Sorensen, Thorkild I. A. and Timpson, Nicholas J. and Widen, Elisabeth and Wilson, James F. and Ang, Wei and van Beijsterveldt, Toos and Bergen, Nienke and Benke, Kelly and Berry, Diane J. and Bradfield, Jonathan P. and Charoen, Pimphen and Coin, Lachlan and Cousminer, Diana L. and Das, Shikta and Elliott, Paul and Evans, David M. and Frayling, Tim and Freathy, Rachel M. and Gaillard, Romy and Groen-Blokhuis, Maria and Guxens, Monica and Hadley, Dexter and Hottenga, Jouke Jan and Huikari, Ville and Hypponen, Elina and Kaakinen, Marika and Kowgier, Matthew and Lawlor, Debbie A. and Lewin, Alex and Lindgren, Cecilia and Marsh, Julie and Middeldorp, Christel and Millwood, Iona and Mook-Kanamori, Dennis O. and Nivard, Michel and O'Reilly, Paul F. and Palmer, Lyle J. and Prokopenko, Inga and Rodriguez, Alina and Sebert, Sylvain and Sovio, Ulla and St Pourcain, Beate and Standl, Marie and Strachan, David P. and Sunyer, Jordi and Taal, H. Rob and Thiering, Elisabeth and Tiesler, Carla and Uitterlinden, Andre G. and Valcarcel, Beatriz and Warrington, Nicole M. and White, Scott and Willemsen, Gonneke and Yaghootkar, Hanieh and Boomsma, Dorret I. and Estivill, Xavier and Grant, Struan F. A. and Hakonarson, Hakon and Hattersley, Andrew T. and Heinrich, Joachim and Jaddoe, Vincent W. V. and Jarvelin, Marjo-Riitta and McCarthy, Mark I. and Pennell, Craig E. and Power, Chris and Timpson, Nicholas J. and Widen, Elisabeth and Ikram, M. Arfan and Fornage, Myriam and Smith, Albert V. and Seshadri, Sudha and Schmidt, Reinhold and Debette, Stephanie and Vrooman, Henri A. and Sigurdsson, Sigurdur and Ropele, Stefan and Coker, Laura H. and Longstreth, W. T. and Niessen, Wiro J. and DeStefano, Anita L. and Beiser, Alexa and Zijdenbos, Alex P. and Struchalin, Maksim and Jack, Clifford R. and Nalls, Mike A. and Au, Rhoda and Hofman, Albert and Gudnason, Haukur and van der Lugt, Aad and Harris, Tamara B. and Meeks, William M. and Vernooij, Meike W. and van Buchem, Mark A. and Catellier, Diane and Gudnason, Vilmundur and Windham, B. Gwen and Wolf, Philip A. and van Duijn, Cornelia M. and Mosley, Thomas H. and Schmidt, Helena and Launer, Lenore J. and Breteler, Monique M. B. and DeCarli, Charles}, title = {Common variants at 12q15 and 12q24 are associated with infant head circumference}, series = {Nature genetics}, volume = {44}, journal = {Nature genetics}, number = {5}, publisher = {Nature Publ. Group}, address = {New York}, organization = {Cohorts Heart Aging Res Genetic Ep, Early Genetics Lifecourse Epidemio, Early Growth Genetics EGG Consorti}, issn = {1061-4036}, doi = {10.1038/ng.2238}, pages = {532 -- +}, year = {2012}, abstract = {To identify genetic variants associated with head circumference in infancy, we performed a meta-analysis of seven genome-wide association studies (GWAS) (N = 10,768 individuals of European ancestry enrolled in pregnancy and/or birth cohorts) and followed up three lead signals in six replication studies (combined N = 19,089). rs7980687 on chromosome 12q24 (P = 8.1 x 10(-9)) and rs1042725 on chromosome 12q15 (P = 2.8 x 10(-10)) were robustly associated with head circumference in infancy. Although these loci have previously been associated with adult height(1), their effects on infant head circumference were largely independent of height (P = 3.8 x 10(-7) for rs7980687 and P = 1.3 x 10(-7) for rs1042725 after adjustment for infant height). A third signal, rs11655470 on chromosome 17q21, showed suggestive evidence of association with head circumference (P = 3.9 x 10(-6)). SNPs correlated to the 17q21 signal have shown genome-wide association with adult intracranial volume(2), Parkinson's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases(3-5), indicating that a common genetic variant in this region might link early brain growth with neurological disease in later life.}, language = {en} } @article{IkramFornageSmithetal.2012, author = {Ikram, M. Arfan and Fornage, Myriam and Smith, Albert V. and Seshadri, Sudha and Schmidt, Reinhold and Debette, Stephanie and Vrooman, Henri A. and Sigurdsson, Sigurdur and Ropele, Stefan and Taal, H. Rob and Mook-Kanamori, Dennis O. and Coker, Laura H. and Longstreth, W. T. and Niessen, Wiro J. and DeStefano, Anita L. and Beiser, Alexa and Zijdenbos, Alex P. and Struchalin, Maksim and Jack, Clifford R. and Rivadeneira, Fernando and Uitterlinden, Andre G. and Knopman, David S. and Hartikainen, Anna-Liisa and Pennell, Craig E. and Thiering, Elisabeth and Steegers, Eric A. P. and Hakonarson, Hakon and Heinrich, Joachim and Palmer, Lyle J. and Jarvelin, Marjo-Riitta and McCarthy, Mark I. and Grant, Struan F. A. and St Pourcain, Beate and Timpson, Nicholas J. and Smith, George Davey and Sovio, Ulla and Nalls, Mike A. and Au, Rhoda and Hofman, Albert and Gudnason, Haukur and van der Lugt, Aad and Harris, Tamara B. and Meeks, William M. and Vernooij, Meike W. and van Buchem, Mark A. and Catellier, Diane and Jaddoe, Vincent W. V. and Gudnason, Vilmundur and Windham, B. Gwen and Wolf, Philip A. and van Duijn, Cornelia M. and Mosley, Thomas H. and Schmidt, Helena and Launer, Lenore J. and Breteler, Monique M. B. and DeCarli, Charles and Adair, Linda S. and Ang, Wei and Atalay, Mustafa and vanBeijsterveldt, Toos and Bergen, Nienke and Benke, Kelly and Berry, Diane J. and Coin, Lachlan and Davis, Oliver S. P. and Elliott, Paul and Flexeder, Claudia and Frayling, Tim and Gaillard, Romy and Groen-Blokhuis, Maria and Goh, Liang-Kee and Haworth, Claire M. A. and Hadley, Dexter and Hebebrand, Johannes and Hinney, Anke and Hirschhorn, Joel N. and Holloway, John W. and Holst, Claus and Hottenga, Jouke Jan and Horikoshi, Momoko and Huikari, Ville and Hypponen, Elina and Kilpelainen, Tuomas O. and Kirin, Mirna and Kowgier, Matthew and Lakka, Hanna-Maaria and Lange, Leslie A. and Lawlor, Debbie A. and Lehtimaki, Terho and Lewin, Alex and Lindgren, Cecilia and Lindi, Virpi and Maggi, Reedik and Marsh, Julie and Middeldorp, Christel and Millwood, Iona and Murray, Jeffrey C. and Nivard, Michel and Nohr, Ellen Aagaard and Ntalla, Ioanna and Oken, Emily and Panoutsopoulou, Kalliope and Pararajasingham, Jennifer and Rodriguez, Alina and Salem, Rany M. and Sebert, Sylvain and Siitonen, Niina and Strachan, David P. and Teo, Yik-Ying and Valcarcel, Beatriz and Willemsen, Gonneke and Zeggini, Eleftheria and Boomsma, Dorret I. and Cooper, Cyrus and Gillman, Matthew and Hocher, Berthold and Lakka, Timo A. and Mohlke, Karen L. and Dedoussis, George V. and Ong, Ken K. and Pearson, Ewan R. and Price, Thomas S. and Power, Chris and Raitakari, Olli T. and Saw, Seang-Mei and Scherag, Andre and Simell, Olli and Sorensen, Thorkild I. A. and Wilson, James F.}, title = {Common variants at 6q22 and 17q21 are associated with intracranial volume}, series = {Nature genetics}, volume = {44}, journal = {Nature genetics}, number = {5}, publisher = {Nature Publ. Group}, address = {New York}, organization = {Early Growth Genetics EGG Consorti, Cohorts Heart Aging Res Genomic Ep}, issn = {1061-4036}, doi = {10.1038/ng.2245}, pages = {539 -- +}, year = {2012}, abstract = {During aging, intracranial volume remains unchanged and represents maximally attained brain size, while various interacting biological phenomena lead to brain volume loss. Consequently, intracranial volume and brain volume in late life reflect different genetic influences. Our genome-wide association study (GWAS) in 8,175 community-dwelling elderly persons did not reveal any associations at genome-wide significance (P < 5 x 10(-8)) for brain volume. In contrast, intracranial volume was significantly associated with two loci: rs4273712 (P = 3.4 x 10(-11)), a known height-associated locus on chromosome 6q22, and rs9915547 (P = 1.5 x 10(-12)), localized to the inversion on chromosome 17q21. We replicated the associations of these loci with intracranial volume in a separate sample of 1,752 elderly persons (P = 1.1 x 10(-3) for 6q22 and 1.2 x 10(-3) for 17q21). Furthermore, we also found suggestive associations of the 17q21 locus with head circumference in 10,768 children (mean age of 14.5 months). Our data identify two loci associated with head size, with the inversion at 17q21 also likely to be involved in attaining maximal brain size.}, language = {en} } @article{RadchukReedTeplitskyetal.2019, author = {Radchuk, Viktoriia and Reed, Thomas and Teplitsky, Celine and van de Pol, Martijn and Charmantier, Anne and Hassall, Christopher and Adamik, Peter and Adriaensen, Frank and Ahola, Markus P. and Arcese, Peter and Miguel Aviles, Jesus and Balbontin, Javier and Berg, Karl S. and Borras, Antoni and Burthe, Sarah and Clobert, Jean and Dehnhard, Nina and de Lope, Florentino and Dhondt, Andre A. and Dingemanse, Niels J. and Doi, Hideyuki and Eeva, Tapio and Fickel, J{\"o}rns and Filella, Iolanda and Fossoy, Frode and Goodenough, Anne E. and Hall, Stephen J. G. and Hansson, Bengt and Harris, Michael and Hasselquist, Dennis and Hickler, Thomas and Jasmin Radha, Jasmin and Kharouba, Heather and Gabriel Martinez, Juan and Mihoub, Jean-Baptiste and Mills, James A. and Molina-Morales, Mercedes and Moksnes, Arne and Ozgul, Arpat and Parejo, Deseada and Pilard, Philippe and Poisbleau, Maud and Rousset, Francois and R{\"o}del, Mark-Oliver and Scott, David and Carlos Senar, Juan and Stefanescu, Constanti and Stokke, Bard G. and Kusano, Tamotsu and Tarka, Maja and Tarwater, Corey E. and Thonicke, Kirsten and Thorley, Jack and Wilting, Andreas and Tryjanowski, Piotr and Merila, Juha and Sheldon, Ben C. and Moller, Anders Pape and Matthysen, Erik and Janzen, Fredric and Dobson, F. Stephen and Visser, Marcel E. and Beissinger, Steven R. and Courtiol, Alexandre and Kramer-Schadt, Stephanie}, title = {Adaptive responses of animals to climate change are most likely insufficient}, series = {Nature Communications}, volume = {10}, journal = {Nature Communications}, publisher = {Nature Publ. Group}, address = {London}, issn = {2041-1723}, doi = {10.1038/s41467-019-10924-4}, pages = {14}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Biological responses to climate change have been widely documented across taxa and regions, but it remains unclear whether species are maintaining a good match between phenotype and environment, i.e. whether observed trait changes are adaptive. Here we reviewed 10,090 abstracts and extracted data from 71 studies reported in 58 relevant publications, to assess quantitatively whether phenotypic trait changes associated with climate change are adaptive in animals. A meta-analysis focussing on birds, the taxon best represented in our dataset, suggests that global warming has not systematically affected morphological traits, but has advanced phenological traits. We demonstrate that these advances are adaptive for some species, but imperfect as evidenced by the observed consistent selection for earlier timing. Application of a theoretical model indicates that the evolutionary load imposed by incomplete adaptive responses to ongoing climate change may already be threatening the persistence of species.}, language = {en} }