@article{ScheweSchmaelzlinWalz2008, author = {Schewe, Bettina and Schmaelzlin, Elmar and Walz, Bernd}, title = {Intracellular pH homeostasis and serotonin-induced pH changes in Calliphora salivary glands : the contribution of V-ATPase and carbonic anhydrase}, year = {2008}, language = {en} } @article{DamesZimmermannSchmidtetal.2006, author = {Dames, Petra and Zimmermann, Bernhard and Schmidt, Ruth and Rein, Julia and Voss, Martin and Schewe, Bettina and Walz, Bernd and Baumann, Otto}, title = {cAMP regulates plasma membrane vacuolar-type H+-ATPase assembly and activity in blowfly salivary glands}, issn = {0027-8424}, doi = {10.1073/pnas.0600011103}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Reversible assembly of the V0V1 holoenzyme from V-0 and V-1 subcomplexes is a widely used mechanism for regulation of vacuolar-type H+-ATPases (V-ATPases) in animal cells. in the blowfly (Calliphora vicina) salivary gland, V- ATPase is located in the apical membrane of the secretory cells and energizes the secretion of a KCl-rich saliva in response to the hormone serotonin. We have examined whether the CAMP pathway, known to be activated by serotonin, controls V-ATPase assembly and activity. Fluorescence measurements of pH changes at the luminal surface of isolated glands demonstrate that CAMP, Sp-adenosine-3',5'-cyclic monophosphorothioate, or forskolin, similar to serotonin, cause V-ATPase-dependent luminal acidification. In addition, V-ATPase-dependent ATP hydrolysis increases upon treatment with these agents. Immunofluorescence microscopy and pelleting assays have demonstrated further that V, components become translocated from the cytoplasm to the apical membrane and V-ATPase holoenzymes are assembled at the apical membrane during conditions that increase intracellular cAMP. Because these actions occur without a change in cytosolic Ca2+, our findings suggest that the cAMP pathway mediates the reversible assembly and activation of V-ATPase molecules at the apical membrane upon hormonal stimulus}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schewe2008, author = {Schewe, Bettina}, title = {R{\"a}umliche und zeitliche Aspekte der intrazellul{\"a}ren pH-Regulation in Epithelien}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-26879}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Die Speicheldr{\"u}sen der Schmeißfliege Calliphora vicina produzieren bei Stimulierung mit dem Neurohormon Serotonin (5-Hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) einen KCl-reichen Prim{\"a}rspeichel. Der transepitheliale K+-Transport wird durch eine apikal lokalisierte vakuol{\"a}re H+-ATPase (V-ATPase) energetisiert. Stimulierung der Speicheldr{\"u}sen mit 5-HT aktiviert die apikale V-ATPase, die Protonen aus der Zelle in das Dr{\"u}senlumen transportiert. Trotz des ausw{\"a}rts gerichteten Protonentransportes f{\"u}hrt die 5-HT-Stimulierung kurioserweise zu einer intrazellul{\"a}ren Ans{\"a}uerung. Die Ursachen dieser 5-HT-induzierten Ans{\"a}uerung waren unzureichend untersucht. Deshalb war das Ziel dieser Arbeit die Identifikation aller Transporter, die an der intrazellul{\"a}ren pH-(pHi)-Regulation in unstimulierten Speicheldr{\"u}sen von Calliphora vicina beteiligt sind und an der Entstehung und Regulation der 5-HT-induzierten pHi-{\"A}nderungen mitwirken. Von besonderem Interesse war hierbei die funktionelle Mitwirkung der V-ATPase, deren Beteiligung an der pHi-Regulation in tierischen Zellen bisher wenig untersucht war. Wesentliche Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit waren: • Messungen des pHi-Wertes in der unstimulierten Dr{\"u}se zeigten, dass vor allem die V-ATPase und mindestens ein Na+-abh{\"a}ngiger HCO3--Transporter an der Aufrechterhaltung des Ruhe-pHi beteiligt sind. • Zur Wiederherstellung des Ruhe-pHi nach einer intrazellul{\"a}ren Ans{\"a}uerung (NH4Cl-Vorpuls) tragen ebenfalls im Wesentlichen die V-ATPase und mindestens ein Na+-abh{\"a}ngiger HCO3--Transporter bei. Der Na+/H+-Antiporter hat in der unstimulierten Dr{\"u}se keinen messbaren Einfluss auf den Ruhe-pHi. • Die Wiederherstellung des Ruhe-pHi nach einer intrazellul{\"a}ren Alkalisierung (Na-acetat-Vorpuls) ist Cl--abh{\"a}ngig, aber auch unter extremen Bedingungen waren die Zellen noch in der Lage sich vollst{\"a}ndig von einer intrazellull{\"a}ren Alkalisierung zu erholen. Einen entscheidenden Anteil daran hat offenbar die hohe intrazellul{\"a}re Pufferkapazit{\"a}t. • Ein Na+-abh{\"a}ngiger Glutamat-Transporter ist per se kein pHi-regulierender Transporter, seine Aktivit{\"a}t hat jedoch Einfluss auf den Ruhe-pHi in der unstimulierten Speicheldr{\"u}se von Calliphora vicina. • 10 nM 5-HT induzieren in den Calliphora Speicheldr{\"u}sen eine intrazellul{\"a}re Ans{\"a}uerung. An dieser Ans{\"a}uerung ist der Na+/H+-Antiporter entscheidend beteiligt. Auch eine klare Cl--Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der 5-HT-induzierten Ans{\"a}uerung konnte beobachtet werden. Wahrscheinlich ist eine gekoppelte Aktivit{\"a}t von Na+/H+-Antiporter und Cl-/HCO3--Antiporter. • Messungen mit einem O2-empfindlichen Fluoreszenzfarbstoff zeigten, dass Stimulierung der Speicheldr{\"u}sen mit 5-HT die Zellatmung aktivierte. Der cAMP- und der IP3/Ca2+-Weg tragen auf komplexe Weise zu der 5-HT-induzierten Aktivierung der Zellatmung und damit auch zu den 5-HT-induzierten pHi-{\"A}nderungen bei. • Mit molekularbiologischen Untersuchungen ist es gelungen den Na+-abh{\"a}ngigen Glutamat-Transporter, den Na+/H+-Antiporter, die Carboanhydrase und die Untereinheit C der V-ATPase in den Calliphora Speicheldr{\"u}sen direkt nachzuweisen. Zudem konnte erstmals der direkte Nachweis f{\"u}r die Expression eines nH+/K+-Antiporters in den Speicheldr{\"u}sen von Calliphora vicina erbracht werden. Diese Arbeit trug ganz wesentlich zum Verst{\"a}ndnis der pHi-Regulation in der unstimulierten und stimulierten Speicheldr{\"u}se von Calliphora vicina bei. Mechanismen die zur Aufrechterhaltung und Wiederherstellung des Ruhe-pHi nach einer intrazellul{\"a}ren Ans{\"a}uerung bzw. Alkalisierung beitragen, konnten mit pHi-Messungen und auch molekularbiologisch nachgewiesen werden. Die Mechanismen, welche die 5-HT-induzierte intrazellul{\"a}re Ans{\"a}uerung verursachen, konnten ebenfalls aufgekl{\"a}rt werden. Zudem wurde an den Calliphora Speicheldr{\"u}sen eine neue optische Methode zur Messung des O2-Verbrauchs in tierischen Geweben etabliert.}, language = {de} } @misc{SchmaelzlinWalzKlimantetal.2006, author = {Schm{\"a}lzlin, Elmar and Walz, Bernd and Klimant, Ingo and Schewe, Bettina and L{\"o}hmannsr{\"o}ben, Hans-Gerd}, title = {Monitoring hormone-induced oxygen consumption in the salivary glands of the blowfly, Calliphora vicina, by use of luminescent microbeads}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-12206}, year = {2006}, abstract = {The salivary glands of the blowfly were injected with luminescent oxygen-sensitive microbeads. The changes in oxygen content within individual gland tubules during hormone-induced secretory activity were quantified. The measurements are based on an upgraded phase-modulation technique, where the phase shift of the sensor phosphorescence is determined independently from concentration and background signals. We show that the combination of a lock-in amplifier with a fluorescence microscope results in a convenient setup to measure oxygen concentrations within living animal tissues at the cellular level.}, language = {en} } @article{SchraplauScheweNeuschaeferRubeetal.2015, author = {Schraplau, Anne and Schewe, Bettina and Neusch{\"a}fer-Rube, Frank and Ringel, Sebastian and Neuber, Corinna and Kleuser, Burkhard and P{\"u}schel, Gerhard Paul}, title = {Enhanced thyroid hormone breakdown in hepatocytes by mutual induction of the constitutive androstane receptor (CAR, NR1I3) and arylhydrocarbon receptor by benzo[a]pyrene and phenobarbital}, series = {Toxicology}, volume = {328}, journal = {Toxicology}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Clare}, issn = {0300-483X}, doi = {10.1016/j.tox.2014.12.004}, pages = {21 -- 28}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Xenobiotics may interfere with the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid endocrine axis by inducing enzymes that inactivate thyroid hormones and thereby reduce the metabolic rate. This induction results from an activation of xeno-sensing nuclear receptors. The current study shows that benzo[a]pyrene, a frequent contaminant of processed food and activator of the arylhydrocarbon receptor (AhR) activated the promoter and induced the transcription of the nuclear receptor constitutive androstane receptor (CAR, NR1I3) in rat hepatocytes. Likewise, phenobarbital induced the AhR transcription. This mutual induction of the nuclear receptors enhanced the phenobarbital-dependent induction of the prototypic CAR target gene Cyp2b1 as well as the AhR-dependent induction of UDP-glucuronosyltransferases. In both cases, the induction by the combination of both xenobiotics was more than the sum of the induction by either substance alone. By inducing the AhR, phenobarbital enhanced the benzo[a]pyrene-dependent reduction of thyroid hormone half-life and the benzo[a]pyrene-dependent increase in the rate of thyroid hormone glucuronide formation in hepatocyte cultures. CAR ligands might thus augment the endocrine disrupting potential of AhR activators by an induction of the AhR. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.}, language = {en} } @article{NeuschaeferRubeSchraplauScheweetal.2015, author = {Neuschaefer-Rube, Frank and Schraplau, Anne and Schewe, Bettina and Lieske, Stefanie and Kruetzfeldt, Julia-Mignon and Ringel, Sebastian and Henkela, Janin and Birkenfeld, Andreas L. and P{\"u}schel, Gerhard Paul}, title = {Arylhydrocarbon receptor-dependent mIndy (SIc13a5) induction as possible contributor to benzo[a]pyrene-induced lipid accumulation in hepatocytes}, series = {Toxicology}, volume = {337}, journal = {Toxicology}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Clare}, issn = {0300-483X}, doi = {10.1016/j.tox.2015.08.007}, pages = {1 -- 9}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is a growing problem in industrialized and developing countries. Hepatic lipid accumulation is the result of an imbalance between fatty acid uptake, fatty acid de novo synthesis, beta-oxidation and secretion of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins from the hepatocyte. A central regulator of hepatic lipid metabolism is cytosolic citrate that can either be derived from the mitochondrium or be taken up from the blood via the plasma membrane sodium citrate transporter NaCT, the product of the mammalian INDY gene (SLC13A5). mINDY ablation protects against diet-induced steatosis whereas mINDY expression is increased in patients with hepatic steatosis. Diet-induced hepatic steatosis is also enhanced by activation of the arylhyrocarbon receptor (AhR) both in humans and animal models. Therefore, the hypothesis was tested whether the mINDY gene might be a target of the AhR. In accordance with such a hypothesis, the AhR activator benzo[a]pyrene induced the mINDY expression in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes in an AhR-dependent manner. This induction resulted in an increased citrate uptake and citrate incorporation into lipids which probably was further enhanced by the benzo[a]pyrene-dependent induction of key enzymes of fatty acid synthesis. A potential AhR binding site was identified in the mINDY promoter that appears to be conserved in the human promoter. Elimination or mutation of this site largely abolished the activation of the mINDY promoter by benzo[a]pyrene. This study thus identified the mINDY as an AhR target gene. AhR-dependent induction of the mINDY gene might contribute to the development of hepatic steatosis. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.}, language = {en} } @article{ScheweBlenauWalz2012, author = {Schewe, Bettina and Blenau, Wolfgang and Walz, Bernd}, title = {Intracellular pH regulation in unstimulated Calliphora salivary glands is Na+ dependent and requires V-ATPase activity}, series = {The journal of experimental biology}, volume = {215}, journal = {The journal of experimental biology}, number = {8}, publisher = {Company of Biologists Limited}, address = {Cambridge}, issn = {0022-0949}, doi = {10.1242/jeb.063172}, pages = {1337 -- 1345}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Salivary gland cells of the blowfly Calliphora vicina have a vacuolar-type H+-ATPase (V-ATPase) that lies in their apical membrane and energizes the secretion of a KCl-rich primary saliva upon stimulation with serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine). Whether and to what extent V-ATPase contributes to intracellular pH (pH(i)) regulation in unstimulated gland cells is unknown. We used the fluorescent dye BCECF to study intracellular pH(i) regulation microfluorometrically and show that: (1) under resting conditions, the application of Na+-free physiological saline induces an intracellular alkalinization attributable to the inhibition of the activity of a Na+-dependent glutamate transporter; (2) the maintenance of resting pHi is Na+, Cl-, concanamycin A and DIDS sensitive; (3) recovery from an intracellular acid load is Na+ sensitive and requires V-ATPase activity; (4) the Na+/H+ antiporter is not involved in pHi recovery after a NH4Cl prepulse; and (5) at least one Na+-dependent transporter and the V-ATPase maintain recovery from an intracellular acid load. Thus, under resting conditions, the V-ATPase and at least one Na+-dependent transporter maintain normal pH(i) values of pH.7.5. We have also detected the presence of a Na+-dependent glutamate transporter, which seems to act as an acid loader. Despite this not being a common pH(i)-regulating transporter, its activity affects steady-state pH(i) in C. vicina salivary gland cells.}, language = {en} }