@phdthesis{Harding2016, author = {Harding, Eleanor Elizabeth}, title = {Neurocognitive entrainment to meter influences syntactic comprehension in music and language}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-102258}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vi, 318}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Meter and syntax have overlapping elements in music and speech domains, and individual differences have been documented in both meter perception and syntactic comprehension paradigms. Previous evidence insinuated but never fully explored the relationship that metrical structure has to syntactic comprehension, the comparability of these processes across music and language domains, and the respective role of individual differences. This dissertation aimed to investigate neurocognitive entrainment to meter in music and language, the impact that neurocognitive entrainment had on syntactic comprehension, and whether individual differences in musical expertise, temporal perception and working memory played a role during these processes. A theoretical framework was developed, which linked neural entrainment, cognitive entrainment, and syntactic comprehension while detailing previously documented effects of individual differences on meter perception and syntactic comprehension. The framework was developed in both music and language domains and was tested using behavioral and EEG methods across three studies (seven experiments). In order to satisfy empirical evaluation of neurocognitive entrainment and syntactic aspects of the framework, original melodies and sentences were composed. Each item had four permutations: regular and irregular metricality, based on the hierarchical organization of strong and weak notes and syllables, and preferred and non-preferred syntax, based on structurally alternate endings. The framework predicted — for both music and language domains — greater neurocognitive entrainment in regular compared to irregular metricality conditions, and accordingly, better syntactic integration in regular compared to irregular metricality conditions. Individual differences among participants were expected for both entrainment and syntactic processes. Altogether, the dissertation was able to support a holistic account of neurocognitive entrainment to musical meter and its subsequent influence on syntactic integration of melodies, with musician participants. The theoretical predictions were not upheld in the language domain with musician participants, but initial behavioral evidence in combination with previous EEG evidence suggest that perhaps non-musician language EEG data would support the framework's predictions. Musicians' deviation from hypothesized results in the language domain were suspected to reflect heightened perception of acoustic features stemming from musical training, which caused current 'overly' regular stimuli to distract the cognitive system. The individual-differences approach was vindicated by the surfacing of two factors scores, Verbal Working Memory and Time and Pitch Discrimination, which in turn correlated with multiple experimental data across the three studies.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schroen2016, author = {Schr{\"o}n, Martin}, title = {Cosmic-ray neutron sensing and its applications to soil and land surface hydrology}, publisher = {Verlag Dr. Hut GmbH}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, isbn = {978-3-8439-3139-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-395433}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {223}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Water scarcity, adaption on climate change, and risk assessment of droughts and floods are critical topics for science and society these days. Monitoring and modeling of the hydrological cycle are a prerequisite to understand and predict the consequences for weather and agriculture. As soil water storage plays a key role for partitioning of water fluxes between the atmosphere, biosphere, and lithosphere, measurement techniques are required to estimate soil moisture states from small to large scales. The method of cosmic-ray neutron sensing (CRNS) promises to close the gap between point-scale and remote-sensing observations, as its footprint was reported to be 30 ha. However, the methodology is rather young and requires highly interdisciplinary research to understand and interpret the response of neutrons to soil moisture. In this work, the signal of nine detectors has been systematically compared, and correction approaches have been revised to account for meteorological and geomagnetic variations. Neutron transport simulations have been consulted to precisely characterize the sensitive footprint area, which turned out to be 6--18 ha, highly local, and temporally dynamic. These results have been experimentally confirmed by the significant influence of water bodies and dry roads. Furthermore, mobile measurements on agricultural fields and across different land use types were able to accurately capture the various soil moisture states. It has been further demonstrated that the corresponding spatial and temporal neutron data can be beneficial for mesoscale hydrological modeling. Finally, first tests with a gyrocopter have proven the concept of airborne neutron sensing, where increased footprints are able to overcome local effects. This dissertation not only bridges the gap between scales of soil moisture measurements. It also establishes a close connection between the two worlds of observers and modelers, and further aims to combine the disciplines of particle physics, geophysics, and soil hydrology to thoroughly explore the potential and limits of the CRNS method.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Vormoor2016, author = {Vormoor, Klaus Josef}, title = {The changing role of snowmelt- and rainfall dominated floods in Norway under climate change}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {115}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pirhayati2016, author = {Pirhayati, Mohammad}, title = {Edge operators and boundary value problems}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VI, 119}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Rettig2016, author = {Rettig, Robert}, title = {{\"U}ber die Anisotropie der Kosmischen Strahlung}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {90, XV}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Lyu2016, author = {Lyu, Xiaojing}, title = {Operators on singular manifolds}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-103643}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {117}, year = {2016}, abstract = {We study the interplay between analysis on manifolds with singularities and complex analysis and develop new structures of operators based on the Mellin transform and tools for iterating the calculus for higher singularities. We refer to the idea of interpreting boundary value problems (BVPs) in terms of pseudo-differential operators with a principal symbolic hierarchy, taking into account that BVPs are a source of cone and edge operator algebras. The respective cone and edge pseudo-differential algebras in turn are the starting point of higher corner theories. In addition there are deep relationships between corner operators and complex analysis. This will be illustrated by the Mellin symbolic calculus.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stagl2016, author = {Stagl, Judith C.}, title = {Ecosystems' exposure to climate change - Modeling as support for nature conservation management}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {127}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jaeger2016, author = {J{\"a}ger, Susanne}, title = {Genetic variants and metabolic pathways of type 2 diabetes within the EPIC-Potsdam study}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {139, XXVII}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Frahnow2016, author = {Frahnow, Turid}, title = {Bioinformatische Analyse der NUGAT-Studie (NUtriGenomic Analysis in Twins)}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-394902}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XI, 91, xxvi}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Durch die Zunahme metabolischer Stoffwechselst{\"o}rungen und Erkrankungen in der Weltbev{\"o}lkerung wird in der Medizin und den Lebenswissenschaften vermehrt nach Pr{\"a}ventionsstrategien und Ansatzpunkten gesucht, die die Gesundheit f{\"o}rdern, Erkrankungen verhindern helfen und damit auch die Gesamtlast auf die Gesundheitssysteme erleichtern. Ein Ansatzpunkt wird dabei in der Ern{\"a}hrung gesehen, da insbesondere der Konsum von ges{\"a}ttigten Fetten die Gesundheit nachtr{\"a}glich zu beeinflussen scheint. Dabei wird {\"u}bersehen, dass in vielen Studien Hochfettdi{\"a}ten nicht ausreichend von den Einfl{\"u}ssen einer zum Bedarf hyperkalorischen Energiezufuhr getrennt werden, sodass die Datenlage zu dem Einfluss von (ges{\"a}ttigten) Fetten auf den Metabolismus bei gleichbleibender Energieaufnahme noch immer unzureichend ist. In der NUtriGenomic Analysis in Twins-Studie wurden 46 Zwillingspaare (34 monozygot, 12 dizygot) {\"u}ber einen Zeitraum von sechs Wochen mittels einer kohlenhydratreichen, fettarmen Di{\"a}t nach Richtlinien der Deutschen Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Ern{\"a}hrung f{\"u}r ihr Ern{\"a}hrungsverhalten standardisiert, ehe sie zu einer kohlenhydratarmen, fettreichen Di{\"a}t, die insbesondere ges{\"a}ttigte Fette enthielt, f{\"u}r weitere sechs Wochen wechselten. Beide Di{\"a}ten waren dem individuellen Energiebedarf der Probanden angepasst, um so sowohl akut nach einerWoche als auch l{\"a}ngerfristig nach sechs Wochen {\"A}nderungen des Metabolismus beobachten zu k{\"o}nnen, die sich in der vermehrten Aufnahme von (ges{\"a}ttigten) Fetten begr{\"u}ndeten. Die {\"u}ber die detaillierte Charakterisierung der Probanden an den klinischen Untersuchungstagen generierten Datens{\"a}tze wurden mit statistischen und mathematischen Methoden (z.B. lineare gemischte Modellierung) analysiert, die der Gr{\"o}ße der Datens{\"a}tze und damit ihrem Informationsvolumen angepasst waren. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die metabolisch gesunden und relativ jungen Probanden, die eine gute Compliance zeigten, im Hinblick auf ihren Glukosestoffwechsel adaptieren konnten, indem die Akutantwort nach einer Woche im N{\"u}chterninsulin und dem Index f{\"u}r Insulinresistenz in den weiteren f{\"u}nf Wochen ausgeglichen wurde. Der Lipidstoffwechsel in Form der klassischen Marker wie Gesamtcholesterin, LDL und HDL war dagegen st{\"a}rker beeinflusst und auch nach insgesamt sechs Wochen deutlich erh{\"o}ht. Letzteres unterst{\"u}tzt die Beobachtung im Transkriptom des weißen, subkutanen Fettgewebes, bei der eine Aktivierung der {\"u}ber die Toll-like receptors und das Inflammasom vermittelten subklinischen Inflammation beobachtet werden konnte. Die auftretenden Ver{\"a}nderungen in Konzentration und Komposition des Plasmalipidoms zeigte ebenfalls nur eine teilweise und auf bestimmte Spezies begrenzte Gegenregulation. Diesbez{\"u}glich kann also geschlussfolgert werden, dass auch die isokalorische Aufnahme von (ges{\"a}ttigten) Fetten zu Ver{\"a}nderungen im Metabolismus f{\"u}hrt, wobei die Auswirkungen in weiteren (Langzeit-)Studien und Experimenten noch genauer untersucht werden m{\"u}ssen. Insbesondere w{\"a}re dabei ein l{\"a}ngerer Zeitraum unter isokalorischen Bedingungen von Interesse und die Untersuchung von Probanden mit metabolischer Vorbelastung (z.B. Insulinresistenz). Dar{\"u}ber hinaus konnte in NUGAT aber ebenfalls gezeigt werden, dass die Nutrigenetik und Nutrigenomik zwei nicht zu vernachl{\"a}ssigende Faktoren darstellen. So zeigten unter anderem die Konzentrationen einiger Lipidspezies eine starke Erblichkeit und Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Di{\"a}t. Zudem legen die Ergebnisse nahe, dass laufende wie geplante Pr{\"a}ventionsstrategien und medizinische Behandlungen deutlich st{\"a}rker den Patienten als Individuum mit einbeziehen m{\"u}ssen, da die Datenanalyse interindividuelle Unterschiede identifizierte und Hinweise lieferte, dass einige Probanden die nachteiligen, metabolischen Auswirkungen einer Hochfettdi{\"a}t besser ausgleichen konnten als andere.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Reeg2016, author = {Reeg, Sandra}, title = {Degradation of oxidized proteins by the proteasome - Involvement of chaperones and the ubiquitin-system}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {117}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nowotny2016, author = {Nowotny, Kerstin}, title = {The impact of collagen modifications by methylglyoxal on fibroblast function and the role in aging}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {107}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Ott2016, author = {Ott, Christiane}, title = {Untersuchung der intrazellul{\"a}ren Proteolyse w{\"a}hrend der Zellalterung}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {100}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Vogel2016, author = {Vogel, Dominik}, title = {F{\"u}hrung im {\"o}ffentlichen Sektor}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-363-3}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-89214}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XV, 256}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit F{\"u}hrungsverhalten im {\"o}ffentlichen Sektor sowie mit Einflussfaktoren auf dieses F{\"u}hrungsverhalten. Hierzu wurde eine Taxonomie, bestehend aus sechs Metakategorien von F{\"u}hrungsverhalten, entwickelt. Die Metakategorien umfassen Aufgaben-, Beziehungs-, Ver{\"a}nderungs-, Außen-, Ethik- und Sachbearbeitungsorientierung. Eine Analyse von Umfragedaten, die f{\"u}r diese Arbeit bei Mitarbeitern und unteren F{\"u}hrungskr{\"a}ften dreier Beh{\"o}rden erhoben wurden, zeigt, dass diese Taxonomie sehr gut geeignet ist, die F{\"u}hrungsrealit{\"a}t in der {\"o}ffentlichen Verwaltung abzubilden. Eine deskriptive Auswertung der Daten zeigt außerdem, dass es eine relativ große Differenz zwischen der Selbsteinsch{\"a}tzung der F{\"u}hrungskr{\"a}fte und der Fremdeinsch{\"a}tzung durch ihre Mitarbeiter gibt. Diese Differenz ist bei der Beziehungs- und Ver{\"a}nderungsorientierung besonders hoch. Der deskriptiven Auswertung schließt sich eine Analyse von Einflussfaktoren auf das F{\"u}hrungsverhalten an. Die Einflussfaktoren k{\"o}nnen den vier Kategorien "Charakteristika und Eigenschaften der F{\"u}hrungskr{\"a}fte", "Erwartungen und Interesse von Vorgesetzten", "Charakteristika und Einstellungen von Gef{\"u}hrten" und "Managementinstrumente und -rahmenbedingungen" zugeordnet werden. Eine Analyse mit Hilfe von hierarchischen linearen Modellen zeigt, dass vor allem die F{\"u}hrungsmotivation und die Managementorientierung der F{\"u}hrungskr{\"a}fte, die Gemeinwohlorientierung und die Art der Aufgabe der Gef{\"u}hrten sowie die strategische F{\"u}hrungskr{\"a}fteauswahl und die Leistungsmessung durch die F{\"u}hrungskr{\"a}fte anhand konkreter Ziele einen Einfluss auf das F{\"u}hrungsverhalten haben. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit erg{\"a}nzen die Literatur zu F{\"u}hrungsverhalten im {\"o}ffentlichen Sektor um die Perspektive der Einflussfaktoren auf das F{\"u}hrungsverhalten und leisten zus{\"a}tzlich mit Hilfe der verwendeten Taxonomie einen Beitrag zur theoretischen Diskussion von F{\"u}hrungsverhalten in der Public-Management-Forschung. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus bieten die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse der Verwaltungspraxis Hinweise zu relevanten Einflussfaktoren auf das F{\"u}hrungsverhalten sowie auf beachtliche Differenzen zwischen Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmung des F{\"u}hrungsverhaltens.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Osudar2016, author = {Osudar, Roman}, title = {Methane distribution and oxidation across aquatic interfaces}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-96799}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vii, 170}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The increase in atmospheric methane concentration, which is determined by an imbalance between its sources and sinks, has led to investigations of the methane cycle in various environments. Aquatic environments are of an exceptional interest due to their active involvement in methane cycling worldwide and in particular in areas sensitive to climate change. Furthermore, being connected with each other aquatic environments form networks that can be spread on vast areas involving marine, freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems. Thus, aquatic systems have a high potential to translate local or regional environmental and subsequently ecosystem changes to a bigger scale. Many studies neglect this connectivity and focus on individual aquatic or terrestrial ecosystems. The current study focuses on environmental controls of the distribution and aerobic oxidation of methane at the example of two aquatic ecosystems. These ecosystems are Arctic fresh water bodies and the Elbe estuary which represent interfaces between freshwater-terrestrial and freshwater-marine environments, respectively. Arctic water bodies are significant atmospheric sources of methane. At the same time the methane cycle in Arctic water bodies is strongly affected by the surrounding permafrost environment, which is characterized by high amounts of organic carbon. The results of this thesis indicate that the methane concentrations in Arctic lakes and streams substantially vary between each other being regulated by local landscape features (e.g. floodplain area) and the morphology of the water bodies (lakes, streams and river). The highest methane concentrations were detected in the lake outlets and in a floodplain lake complex. In contrast, the methane concentrations measured at different sites of the Lena River did not vary substantially. The lake complexes in comparison to the Lena River, thus, appear as more individual and heterogeneous systems with a pronounced imprint of the surrounding soil environment. Furthermore, connected with each other Arctic aquatic environments have a large potential to transport methane from methane-rich water bodies such as streams and floodplain lakes to aquatic environments relatively poor in methane such as the Lena River. Estuaries represent hot spots of oceanic methane emissions. Also, estuaries are intermediate zones between methane-rich river water and methane depleted marine water. Substantiated through this thesis at the example of the Elbe estuary, the methane distribution in estuaries, however, cannot entirely be described by the conservative mixing model i.e. gradual decrease from the freshwater end-member to the marine water end-member. In addition to the methane-rich water from the Elbe River mouth substantial methane input occurs from tidal flats, areas of significant interaction between aquatic and terrestrial environments. Thus, this study demonstrates the complex interactions and their consequences for the methane distribution within estuaries. Also it reveals how important it is to investigate estuaries at larger spatial scales. Methane oxidation (MOX) rates are commonly correlated with methane concentrations. This was shown in previous research studies and was substantiated by the present thesis. In detail, the highest MOX rates in the Arctic water bodies were detected in methane-rich streams and in the floodplain area while in the Elbe estuary the highest MOX rates were observed at the coastal stations. However, in these bordering environments, MOX rates are affected not only via the regulation through methane concentrations. The MOX rates in the Arctic lakes were shown to be also dependent on the abundance and community composition of methane-oxidising bacteria (MOB), that in turn are controlled by local landscape features (regardless of the methane concentrations) and by the transport of MOB between neighbouring environments. In the Elbe estuary, the MOX rates in addition to the methane concentrations are largely affected by the salinity, which is in turn regulated by the mixing of fresh- and marine waters. The magnitude of the salinity impact on MOX rates thereby depends on the MOB community composition and on the rate of the salinity change. This study extends our knowledge of environmental controls of methane distribution and aerobic methane oxidation in aquatic environments. It also illustrates how important it is to investigate complex ecosystems rather than individual ecosystems to better understand the functioning of whole biomes.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Marc2016, author = {Marc, Odin}, title = {Earthquake-induced landsliding}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-96808}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xvi, 171}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Earthquakes deform Earth's surface, building long-lasting topographic features and contributing to landscape and mountain formation. However, seismic waves produced by earthquakes may also destabilize hillslopes, leading to large amounts of soil and bedrock moving downslope. Moreover, static deformation and shaking are suspected to damage the surface bedrock and therefore alter its future properties, affecting hydrological and erosional dynamics. Thus, earthquakes participate both in mountain building and stimulate directly or indirectly their erosion. Moreover, the impact of earthquakes on hillslopes has important implications for the amount of sediment and organic matter delivered to rivers, and ultimately to oceans, during episodic catastrophic seismic crises, the magnitude of life and property losses associated with landsliding, the perturbation and recovery of landscape properties after shaking, and the long term topographic evolution of mountain belts. Several of these aspects have been addressed recently through individual case studies but additional data compilation as well as theoretical or numerical modelling are required to tackle these issues in a more systematic and rigorous manner. This dissertation combines data compilation of earthquake characteristics, landslide mapping, and seismological data interpretation with physically-based modeling in order to address how earthquakes impact on erosional processes and landscape evolution. Over short time scales (10-100 s) and intermediate length scales (10 km), I have attempted to improve our understanding and ability to predict the amount of landslide debris triggered by seismic shaking in epicentral areas. Over long time scales (1-100 ky) and across a mountain belt (100 km) I have modeled the competition between erosional unloading and building of topography associated with earthquakes. Finally, over intermediate time scales (1-10 y) and at the hillslope scale (0.1-1 km) I have collected geomorphological and seismological data that highlight persistent effects of earthquakes on landscape properties and behaviour. First, I compiled a database on earthquakes that produced significant landsliding, including an estimate of the total landslide volume and area, and earthquake characteristics such as seismic moment and source depth. A key issue is the accurate conversion of landslide maps into volume estimates. Therefore I also estimated how amalgamation - when mapping errors lead to the bundling of multiple landslide into a single polygon - affects volume estimates from various earthquake-induced landslide inventories and developed an algorithm to automatically detect this artifact. The database was used to test a physically-based prediction of the total landslide area and volume caused by earthquakes, based on seismological scaling relationships and a statistical description of the landscape properties. The model outperforms empirical fits in accuracy, with 25 out of 40 cases well predicted, and allows interpretation of many outliers in physical terms. Apart from seismological complexities neglected by the model I found that exceptional rock strength properties or antecedent conditions may explain most outliers. Second, I assessed the geomorphic effects of large earthquakes on landscape dynamics by surveying the temporal evolution of precipitation-normalized landslide rate. I found strongly elevated landslide rates following earthquakes that progressively recover over 1 to 4 years, indicating that regolith strength drops and recovers. The relaxation is clearly non-linear for at least one case, and does not seem to correlate with coseismic landslide reactivation, water table level increase or tree root-system recovery. I suggested that shallow bedrock is damaged by the earthquake and then heals on annual timescales. Such variations in ground strength must be translated into shallow subsurface seismic velocities that are increasingly surveyed with ambient seismic noise correlations. With seismic noise autocorrelation I computed the seismic velocity in the epicentral areas of three earthquakes where I constrained a change in landslide rate. We found similar recovery dynamics and timescales, suggesting that seismic noise correlation techniques could be further developed to meaningfully assess ground strength variations for landscape dynamics. These two measurements are also in good agreement with the temporal dynamics of post-seismic surface displacement measured by GPS. This correlation suggests that the surface healing mechanism may be driven by tectonic deformation, and that the surface regolith and fractured bedrock may behave as a granular media that slowly compacts as it is sheared or vibrated. Last, I compared our model of earthquake-induced landsliding with a standard formulation of surface deformation caused by earthquakes to understand which parameters govern the competition between the building and destruction of topography caused by earthquakes. In contrast with previous studies I found that very large (Mw>8) earthquakes always increase the average topography, whereas only intermediate (Mw ~ 7) earthquakes in steep landscapes may reduce topography. Moreover, I illustrated how the net effect of earthquakes varies with depth or landscape steepness implying a complex and ambivalent role through the life of a mountain belt. Further I showed that faults producing a Gutenberg-Richter distribution of earthquake sizes, will limit topography over a larger range of fault sizes than faults producing repeated earthquakes with a characteristic size.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Imelauer2016, author = {Imelauer, Gregor}, title = {Recruitment Process Outsourcing}, series = {Unternehmerisches Personalmanagement}, journal = {Unternehmerisches Personalmanagement}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-12772-5}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {231}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Gregor Imelauer untersucht, wie vor dem Hintergrund von Globalisierung, Digitalisierung und Hyperspezialisierung eine wettbewerbsf{\"a}hige HR-Organisation aussehen kann. Er zeigt, wie sich die Personalauswahl als einer der personalwirtschaftlichen Kernprozesse intelligent sourcen l{\"a}sst, so dass nicht nur Kostenkriterien, sondern auch langfristig-strategische Implikationen Ber{\"u}cksichtigung finden. Grundlage der Untersuchung bilden 15 Interviews mit Top-Managern aus dem Personalwesen deutscher Großunternehmen sowie mit namhaften Organisationsberatern. Der Autor erarbeitet kritische Erfolgsfaktoren und konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen f{\"u}r das Sourcing personalwirtschaftlicher Prozesse und eine Personalarbeit im Netzwerk.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Spichalsky2016, author = {Spichalsky, Katharina}, title = {Change Management und Mitarbeiterbefragungen}, series = {AutoUni Schriftenreihe ; 87}, journal = {AutoUni Schriftenreihe ; 87}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-14095-3}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {214}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Lormes2016, author = {Lormes, Ivo}, title = {Kommunalisierung der Energieversorgung}, publisher = {Wiesbaden}, address = {Springer}, isbn = {978-3-658-13318-4}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {368}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Ivo Lormes zeigt, dass der Kommunalisierungstrend in der Energieversorgung als Indikator eines zukunftsgerichteten Zeitalterskommunal(-energie-)wirtschaftlicher Bet{\"a}tigung gedeutet werden kann. Die sich dabei manifestierende neue Qualit{\"a}t institutioneller Arrangements interpretiert er als Indiz f{\"u}r eine ‚Gew{\"a}hrleistungskommune 2.0'. Neben einer Analyse der seit 2005 in Deutschland erfolgten Stadtwerke-Gr{\"u}ndungen werden in seinem Buch erstmals die im Rahmen dieser Kommunalisierungen ablaufenden politischen Prozesse fallstudienvergleichend untersucht. Dadurch wird eine systematische Ermittlung der Einflussfaktoren zu der Frage erm{\"o}glicht, warum manche Kommunen ihre Energieversorgung kommunalisieren und andere nicht.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Winckler2016, author = {Winckler, Konrad}, title = {Unternehmer in den politischen Theorien der B{\"u}rgerschaft}, series = {Region Nation Europa ; 79}, journal = {Region Nation Europa ; 79}, publisher = {LIT}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-643-13404-2}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {372}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Ist Unternehmensethik nach angloamerikanischem Vorbild die Antwort auf die Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts Viele Unternehmen versuchen Corporate Social Responsibility zu etablieren, um den Anspr{\"u}chen der Zivilgesellschaft gerecht zu werden. Aber sind Ethik und Verantwortung messbar und skalierbar - und damit wirtschaftlich sinnvoll Hat die Soziale Marktwirtschaft im Zuge der Denationalisierung und Globalisierung ausgedient Ein Vergleich von sozial- und wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Theorien verschafft Klarheit.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Emberson2016, author = {Emberson, Robert}, title = {Chemical weathering driven by bedrock landslides}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {221}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mueller2016, author = {M{\"u}ller, Maximilian}, title = {Organisationsmodelle f{\"u}r Beschaffung, Betrieb und Finanzierung von Lufttransportkapazit{\"a}ten in der internationalen Katastrophenhilfe}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-101021}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ix, 229}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die Dissertation befasst sich mit der Organisation von humanit{\"a}ren Lufttransporten bei internationalen Katastrophen. Diese Fl{\"u}ge finden immer dann statt, wenn die eigene Hilfeleistungsf{\"a}higkeit der von Katastrophen betroffenen Regionen {\"u}berfordert ist und Hilfe aus dem Ausland angefordert wird. Bei jedem der darauffolgenden Hilfseins{\"a}tze stehen Hilfsorganisationen und weitere mit der Katastrophenhilfe beteiligte Akteure erneut vor der Herausforderung, in k{\"u}rzester Zeit eine logistische Kette aufzubauen, damit die G{\"u}ter zum richtigen Zeitpunkt in der richtigen Menge am richtigen Ort eintreffen. Humanit{\"a}re Lufttransporte werden in der Regel als Charterfl{\"u}ge organisiert und finden auf langen Strecken zu Zielen statt, die nicht selten abseits der hochfrequentierten Warenstr{\"o}me liegen. Am Markt ist das Angebot f{\"u}r derartige Transportdienstleistungen nicht gesichert verf{\"u}gbar und unter Umst{\"a}nden m{\"u}ssen Hilfsorganisationen warten bis Kapazit{\"a}ten mit geeigneten Flugzeugen zur Verf{\"u}gung stehen. Auch qualitativ sind die Anforderungen von Hilfsorganisationen an die Hilfsg{\"u}tertransporte h{\"o}her als im regul{\"a}ren Linientransport. Im Rahmen der Dissertation wird ein alternatives Organisationsmodell f{\"u}r die Beschaffung und den Betrieb sowie die Finanzierung von humanit{\"a}ren Lufttransporten aufgebaut. Dabei wird die gesicherte Verf{\"u}gbarkeit von besonders flexibel einsetzbaren Flugzeugen in Betracht gezogen, mit deren Hilfe die Qualit{\"a}t und insbesondere die Planbarkeit der Hilfeleistung verbessert werden k{\"o}nnte. Ein idealtypisches Modell wird hier durch die Kopplung der Kollektivg{\"u}tertheorie, die der Finanzwissenschaft zuzuordnen ist, mit der Vertragstheorie als Bestandteil der Neuen Institutionen{\"o}konomik erarbeitet. Empirische Beitr{\"a}ge zur Vertragstheorie bem{\"a}ngeln, dass es bei der Beschaffung von transaktionsspezifischen Investitionsg{\"u}tern, wie etwa Flugzeugen mit besonderen Eigenschaften, aufgrund von Risiken und Umweltunsicherheiten zu ineffizienten L{\"o}sungen zwischen Vertragspartnern kommt. Die vorliegende Dissertation zeigt eine M{\"o}glichkeit auf, wie durch Aufbau einer gemeinsamen Informationsbasis ex-ante, also vor Vertragsschluss, Risiken und Umweltunsicherheiten reduziert werden k{\"o}nnen. Dies geschieht durch eine temporale Erweiterung eines empirischen Modells zur Bestimmung der Organisationsform bei transaktionsspezifischen Investitionsg{\"u}tern aus der Regulierungs{\"o}konomik. Die Arbeitet leistet dar{\"u}ber hinaus einen Beitrag zur Steigerung der Effizienz in der humanit{\"a}ren Logistik durch die fallspezifische Betrachtung von horizontalen Kooperationen und Professionalisierung der Hilfeleistung im Bereich der humanit{\"a}ren Luftfahrt.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{OnanaEloundouEpseMbebi2016, author = {Onana Eloundou Epse Mbebi, Jeanne Marie}, title = {Robustness and plasticity in chemical reaction networks}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {116}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weidling2016, author = {Weidling, Stefan}, title = {Neue Ans{\"a}tze zur Verbesserung der Fehlertoleranz gegen{\"u}ber transienten Fehlern in sequentiellen Schaltungen}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XII, 181}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{HankeGogokhia2016, author = {Hanke-Gogokhia, Christin}, title = {Small GTPase ARL3-GTP is key molecule in transition zone formation and trafficking of ciliary cargo in mouse photoreceptors}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {166}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Niess2016, author = {Nieß, G{\"u}nther}, title = {Modellierung und Erkennung von technischen Fehlern mittels linearer und nichtlinearer Codes}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {V, 97}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schoeppler2016, author = {Sch{\"o}ppler, Vanessa}, title = {Material properties of Banksia follicles}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {119}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hannemann2016, author = {Hannemann, Katrin}, title = {Seismological investigation of the oceanic crust und upper mantle using an ocean bottom station array in the vicinity of the Gloria fault (easter mid Atlantic)}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {199}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zhu2016, author = {Zhu, Fangjun}, title = {Gene evolution and expression patterns in the all-female fish Amazon molly: Poecilia formosa}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {113}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{JaraMunoz2016, author = {Jara Mu{\~n}oz, Julius}, title = {Quantifying forearc deformation patterns using coastal geomorphic markers}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-102652}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XXV, 213}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Rapidly uplifting coastlines are frequently associated with convergent tectonic boundaries, like subduction zones, which are repeatedly breached by giant megathrust earthquakes. The coastal relief along tectonically active realms is shaped by the effect of sea-level variations and heterogeneous patterns of permanent tectonic deformation, which are accumulated through several cycles of megathrust earthquakes. However, the correlation between earthquake deformation patterns and the sustained long-term segmentation of forearcs, particularly in Chile, remains poorly understood. Furthermore, the methods used to estimate permanent deformation from geomorphic markers, like marine terraces, have remained qualitative and are based on unrepeatable methods. This contrasts with the increasing resolution of digital elevation models, such as Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and high-resolution bathymetric surveys. Throughout this thesis I study permanent deformation in a holistic manner: from the methods to assess deformation rates, to the processes involved in its accumulation. My research focuses particularly on two aspects: Developing methodologies to assess permanent deformation using marine terraces, and comparing permanent deformation with seismic cycle deformation patterns under different spatial scales along the M8.8 Maule earthquake (2010) rupture zone. Two methods are developed to determine deformation rates from wave-built and wave-cut terraces respectively. I selected an archetypal example of a wave-built terrace at Santa Maria Island studying its stratigraphy and recognizing sequences of reoccupation events tied with eleven radiocarbon sample ages (14C ages). I developed a method to link patterns of reoccupation with sea-level proxies by iterating relative sea level curves for a range of uplift rates. I find the best fit between relative sea-level and the stratigraphic patterns for an uplift rate of 1.5 +- 0.3 m/ka. A Graphical User Interface named TerraceM® was developed in Matlab®. This novel software tool determines shoreline angles in wave-cut terraces under different geomorphic scenarios. To validate the methods, I select test sites in areas of available high-resolution LiDAR topography along the Maule earthquake rupture zone and in California, USA. The software allows determining the 3D location of the shoreline angle, which is a proxy for the estimation of permanent deformation rates. The method is based on linear interpolations to define the paleo platform and cliff on swath profiles. The shoreline angle is then located by intersecting these interpolations. The accuracy and precision of TerraceM® was tested by comparing its results with previous assessments, and through an experiment with students in a computer lab setting at the University of Potsdam. I combined the methods developed to analyze wave-built and wave-cut terraces to assess regional patterns of permanent deformation along the (2010) Maule earthquake rupture. Wave-built terraces are tied using 12 Infra Red Stimulated luminescence ages (IRSL ages) and shoreline angles in wave-cut terraces are estimated from 170 aligned swath profiles. The comparison of coseismic slip, interseismic coupling, and permanent deformation, leads to three areas of high permanent uplift, terrace warping, and sharp fault offsets. These three areas correlate with regions of high slip and low coupling, as well as with the spatial limit of at least eight historical megathrust ruptures (M8-9.5). I propose that the zones of upwarping at Arauco and Topocalma reflect changes in frictional properties of the megathrust, which result in discrete boundaries for the propagation of mega earthquakes. To explore the application of geomorphic markers and quantitative morphology in offshore areas I performed a local study of patterns of permanent deformation inferred from hitherto unrecognized drowned shorelines at the Arauco Bay, at the southern part of the (2010) Maule earthquake rupture zone. A multidisciplinary approach, including morphometry, sedimentology, paleontology, 3D morphoscopy, and a landscape Evolution Model is used to recognize, map, and assess local rates and patterns of permanent deformation in submarine environments. Permanent deformation patterns are then reproduced using elastic models to assess deformation rates of an active submarine splay fault defined as Santa Maria Fault System. The best fit suggests a reverse structure with a slip rate of 3.7 m/ka for the last 30 ka. The register of land level changes during the earthquake cycle at Santa Maria Island suggest that most of the deformation may be accrued through splay fault reactivation during mega earthquakes, like the (2010) Maule event. Considering a recurrence time of 150 to 200 years, as determined from historical and geological observations, slip between 0.3 and 0.7 m per event would be required to account for the 3.7 m/ka millennial slip rate. However, if the SMFS slips only every ~1000 years, representing a few megathrust earthquakes, then a slip of ~3.5 m per event would be required to account for the long- term rate. Such event would be equivalent to a magnitude ~6.7 earthquake capable to generate a local tsunami. The results of this thesis provide novel and fundamental information regarding the amount of permanent deformation accrued in the crust, and the mechanisms responsible for this accumulation at millennial time-scales along the M8.8 Maule earthquake (2010) rupture zone. Furthermore, the results of this thesis highlight the application of quantitative geomorphology and the use of repeatable methods to determine permanent deformation, improve the accuracy of marine terrace assessments, and estimates of vertical deformation rates in tectonically active coastal areas. This is vital information for adequate coastal-hazard assessments and to anticipate realistic earthquake and tsunami scenarios.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Falter2016, author = {Falter, Daniela}, title = {A novel approach for large-scale flood risk assessments}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-90239}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {95}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In the past, floods were basically managed by flood control mechanisms. The focus was set on the reduction of flood hazard. The potential consequences were of minor interest. Nowadays river flooding is increasingly seen from the risk perspective, including possible consequences. Moreover, the large-scale picture of flood risk became increasingly important for disaster management planning, national risk developments and the (re-) insurance industry. Therefore, it is widely accepted that risk-orientated flood management ap-proaches at the basin-scale are needed. However, large-scale flood risk assessment methods for areas of several 10,000 km² are still in early stages. Traditional flood risk assessments are performed reach wise, assuming constant probabilities for the entire reach or basin. This might be helpful on a local basis, but where large-scale patterns are important this approach is of limited use. Assuming a T-year flood (e.g. 100 years) for the entire river network is unrealistic and would lead to an overestimation of flood risk at the large scale. Due to the lack of damage data, additionally, the probability of peak discharge or rainfall is usually used as proxy for damage probability to derive flood risk. With a continuous and long term simulation of the entire flood risk chain, the spatial variability of probabilities could be consider and flood risk could be directly derived from damage data in a consistent way. The objective of this study is the development and application of a full flood risk chain, appropriate for the large scale and based on long term and continuous simulation. The novel approach of 'derived flood risk based on continuous simulations' is introduced, where the synthetic discharge time series is used as input into flood impact models and flood risk is directly derived from the resulting synthetic damage time series. The bottleneck at this scale is the hydrodynamic simu-lation. To find suitable hydrodynamic approaches for the large-scale a benchmark study with simplified 2D hydrodynamic models was performed. A raster-based approach with inertia formulation and a relatively high resolution of 100 m in combination with a fast 1D channel routing model was chosen. To investigate the suitability of the continuous simulation of a full flood risk chain for the large scale, all model parts were integrated into a new framework, the Regional Flood Model (RFM). RFM consists of the hydrological model SWIM, a 1D hydrodynamic river network model, a 2D raster based inundation model and the flood loss model FELMOps+r. Subsequently, the model chain was applied to the Elbe catchment, one of the largest catchments in Germany. For the proof-of-concept, a continuous simulation was per-formed for the period of 1990-2003. Results were evaluated / validated as far as possible with available observed data in this period. Although each model part introduced its own uncertainties, results and runtime were generally found to be adequate for the purpose of continuous simulation at the large catchment scale. Finally, RFM was applied to a meso-scale catchment in the east of Germany to firstly perform a flood risk assessment with the novel approach of 'derived flood risk assessment based on continuous simulations'. Therefore, RFM was driven by long term synthetic meteorological input data generated by a weather generator. Thereby, a virtual time series of climate data of 100 x 100 years was generated and served as input to RFM providing subsequent 100 x 100 years of spatially consistent river discharge series, inundation patterns and damage values. On this basis, flood risk curves and expected annual damage could be derived directly from damage data, providing a large-scale picture of flood risk. In contrast to traditional flood risk analysis, where homogenous return periods are assumed for the entire basin, the presented approach provides a coherent large-scale picture of flood risk. The spatial variability of occurrence probability is respected. Additionally, data and methods are consistent. Catchment and floodplain processes are repre-sented in a holistic way. Antecedent catchment conditions are implicitly taken into account, as well as physical processes like storage effects, flood attenuation or channel-floodplain interactions and related damage influencing effects. Finally, the simulation of a virtual period of 100 x 100 years and consequently large data set on flood loss events enabled the calculation of flood risk directly from damage distributions. Problems associated with the transfer of probabilities in rainfall or peak runoff to probabilities in damage, as often used in traditional approaches, are bypassed. RFM and the 'derived flood risk approach based on continuous simulations' has the potential to provide flood risk statements for national planning, re-insurance aspects or other questions where spatially consistent, large-scale assessments are required.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nied2016, author = {Nied, Manuela}, title = {The role of soil moisture and weather patterns for flood occurrence and characteristics at the river basin scale}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-94612}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XVI, 86}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Flood generation at the scale of large river basins is triggered by the interaction of the hydrological pre-conditions and the meteorological event conditions at different spatial and temporal scales. This interaction controls diverse flood generating processes and results in floods varying in magnitude and extent, duration as well as socio-economic consequences. For a process-based understanding of the underlying cause-effect relationships, systematic approaches are required. These approaches have to cover the complete causal flood chain, including the flood triggering meteorological event in combination with the hydrological (pre-)conditions in the catchment, runoff generation, flood routing, possible floodplain inundation and finally flood losses. In this thesis, a comprehensive probabilistic process-based understanding of the causes and effects of floods is advanced. The spatial and temporal dynamics of flood events as well as the geophysical processes involved in the causal flood chain are revealed and the systematic interconnections within the flood chain are deciphered by means of the classification of their associated causes and effects. This is achieved by investigating the role of the hydrological pre-conditions and the meteorological event conditions with respect to flood occurrence, flood processes and flood characteristics as well as their interconnections at the river basin scale. Broadening the knowledge about flood triggers, which up to now has been limited to linking large-scale meteorological conditions to flood occurrence, the influence of large-scale pre-event hydrological conditions on flood initiation is investigated. Using the Elbe River basin as an example, a classification of soil moisture, a key variable of pre-event conditions, is developed and a probabilistic link between patterns of soil moisture and flood occurrence is established. The soil moisture classification is applied to continuously simulated soil moisture data which is generated using the semi-distributed conceptual rainfall-runoff model SWIM. Applying successively a principal component analysis and a cluster analysis, days of similar soil moisture patterns are identified in the period November 1951 to October 2003. The investigation of flood triggers is complemented by including meteorological conditions described by a common weather pattern classification that represents the main modes of atmospheric state variability. The newly developed soil moisture classification thereby provides the basis to study the combined impact of hydrological pre-conditions and large-scale meteorological event conditions on flood occurrence at the river basin scale. A process-based understanding of flood generation and its associated probabilities is attained by classifying observed flood events into process-based flood types such as snowmelt floods or long-rain floods. Subsequently, the flood types are linked to the soil moisture and weather patterns. Further understanding of the processes is gained by modeling of the complete causal flood chain, incorporating a rainfall-runoff model, a 1D/2D hydrodynamic model and a flood loss model. A reshuffling approach based on weather patterns and the month of their occurrence is developed to generate synthetic data fields of meteorological conditions, which drive the model chain, in order to increase the flood sample size. From the large number of simulated flood events, the impact of hydro-meteorological conditions on various flood characteristics is detected through the analysis of conditional cumulative distribution functions and regression trees. The results show the existence of catchment-scale soil moisture patterns, which comprise of large-scale seasonal wetting and drying components as well as of smaller-scale variations related to spatially heterogeneous catchment processes. Soil moisture patterns frequently occurring before the onset of floods are identified. In winter, floods are initiated by catchment-wide high soil moisture, whereas in summer the flood-initiating soil moisture patterns are diverse and the soil moisture conditions are less stable in time. The combined study of both soil moisture and weather patterns shows that the flood favoring hydro-meteorological patterns as well as their interactions vary seasonally. In the analysis period, 18 \% of the weather patterns only result in a flood in the case of preceding soil saturation. The classification of 82 past events into flood types reveals seasonally varying flood processes that can be linked to hydro-meteorological patterns. For instance, the highest flood potential for long-rain floods is associated with a weather pattern that is often detected in the presence of so-called 'Vb' cyclones. Rain-on-snow and snowmelt floods are associated with westerly and north-westerly wind directions. The flood characteristics vary among the flood types and can be reproduced by the applied model chain. In total, 5970 events are simulated. They reproduce the observed event characteristics between September 1957 and August 2002 and provide information on flood losses. A regression tree analysis relates the flood processes of the simulated events to the hydro-meteorological (pre-)event conditions and highlights the fact that flood magnitude is primarily controlled by the meteorological event, whereas flood extent is primarily controlled by the soil moisture conditions. Describing flood occurrence, processes and characteristics as a function of hydro-meteorological patterns, this thesis is part of a paradigm shift towards a process-based understanding of floods. The results highlight that soil moisture patterns as well as weather patterns are not only beneficial to a probabilistic conception of flood initiation but also provide information on the involved flood processes and the resulting flood characteristics.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Molkenthin2016, author = {Molkenthin, Christian}, title = {Sensitivity analysis in seismic Hazard assessment using algorithmic differentiation}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {114}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Intziegianni2016, author = {Intziegianni, Konstantina}, title = {Influence of age and pathology on Achilles tendon properties under functional tasks}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-398732}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ix, 85, xii}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Prevalence of Achilles tendinopathy increases with age, leading to a weaker tendon with predisposition to rupture. Previous studies, investigating Achilles tendon (AT) properties, are restricted to standardized isometric conditions. Knowledge regarding the influence of age and pa-thology on AT response under functional tasks remains limited. Therefore, the aim of the thesis was to investigate the influence of age and pathology on AT properties during a single-leg vertical jump. Healthy children, asymptomatic adults and patients with Achilles tendinopathy participated. Ultrasonography was used to assess AT-length, AT-cross-sectional area and AT-elongation. The reliability of the methodology used was evaluated both Intra- and inter-rater at rest and at maximal isometric plantar-flexion contraction and was further implemented to investigate tendon properties during functional task. During the functional task a single-leg vertical jump on a force plate was performed while simultaneously AT elongation and vertical ground reaction forces were recorded. AT compliance [mm/N] (elongation/force) and AT strain [\%] (elongation/length) were calculated. Differences between groups were evaluated with respect to age (children vs. adults) and pathology (asymptomatic adults vs. patients). Good to excellent reliability with low levels of variability was achieved in the assessment of AT properties. During the jumps AT elongation was found to be statistical significant higher in children. However, no statistical significant difference was found for force among the groups. AT compliance and strain were found to be statistical significant higher only in children. No significant differences were found between asymptomatic adults and patients with tendinopathy. The methodology used to assess AT properties is reliable, allowing its implementation into further investigations. Higher AT-compliance in children might be considered as a protective factor against load-related injuries. During functional task, when higher forces are acting on the AT, tendinopathy does not result in a weaker tendon.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{MartinezValdes2016, author = {Mart{\´i}nez Vald{\´e}s, Eduardo Andr{\´e}s}, title = {Neuromuscular adaptations of either endurance or high-intensity interval training}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-396383}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VII, 140, XII}, year = {2016}, abstract = {During the last decade, high intensity interval training (HIIT) has been used as an alternative to endurance (END) exercise, since it requires less time to produce similar physiological adaptations. Previous literature has focused on HIIT changes in aerobic metabolism and cardiorespiratory fitness, however, there are currently no studies focusing on its neuromuscular adaptations. Therefore, this thesis aimed to compare the neuromuscular adaptations of both HIIT and END after a two-week training intervention, by using a novel technology called high-density surface electromyography (HDEMG) motor unit decomposition. This project consisted in two experiments, where healthy young men were recruited (aged between 18 to 35 years). In experiment one, the reliability of HDEMG motor unit variables (mean discharge rate, peak-to-peak amplitude, conduction velocity and discharge rate variability) was tested (Study 1), a new method to track the same motor units longitudinally was proposed (Study 2), and the level of low (<5Hz) and high (>5Hz) frequency motor unit coherence between vastus medialis (VM) and lateralis (VL) knee extensor muscles was measured (Study 4). In experiment two, a two-week HIIT and END intervention was conducted where cardiorespiratory fitness parameters (e.g. peak oxygen uptake) and motor unit variables from the VM and VL muscles were assessed pre and post intervention (Study 3). The results showed that HDEMG is reliable to monitor changes in motor unit activity and also allows the tracking of the same motor units across different testing sessions. As expected, both HIIT and END improved cardiorespiratory fitness parameters similarly. However, the neuromuscular adaptations of both types of training differed after the intervention, with HIIT showing a significant increase in knee extensor muscle strength that was accompanied by increased VM and VL motor unit discharge rates and HDEMG amplitude at the highest force levels [(50 and 70\% of the maximum voluntary contraction force (MVC)], while END training induced a marked increase in time to task failure at lower force levels (30\% MVC), without any influence on HDEMG amplitude and discharge rates. Additionally, the results showed that VM and VL muscles share most of their synaptic input since they present a large amount of low and high frequency motor unit coherence, which can explain the findings of the training intervention where both muscles showed similar changes in HDEMG amplitude and discharge rates. Taken together, the findings of the current thesis show that despite similar improvements in cardiopulmonary fitness, HIIT and END induced opposite adjustments in motor unit behavior. These results suggest that HIIT and END show specific neuromuscular adaptations, possibly related to their differences in exercise load intensity and training volume.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Engel2016, author = {Engel, Tilman}, title = {Motor control strategies in response to unexpected disturbances of dynamic postural control in people with and without low back pain}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-400742}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {110}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Background: Low back pain (LBP) is one of the world wide leading causes of limited activity and disability. Impaired motor control has been found to be one of the possible factors related to the development or persistence of LBP. In particularly, motor control strategies seemed to be altered in situations requiring reactive responses of the trunk counteracting sudden external forces. However, muscular responses were mostly assessed in (quasi) static testing situations under simplified laboratory conditions. Comprehensive investigations in motor control strategies during dynamic everyday situations are lacking. The present research project aimed to investigate muscular compensation strategies following unexpected gait perturbations in people with and without LBP. A novel treadmill stumbling protocol was tested for its validity and reliability to provoke muscular reflex responses at the trunk and the lower extremities (study 1). Thereafter, motor control strategies in response to sudden perturbations were compared between people with LBP and asymptomatic controls (CTRL) (study 2). In accordance with more recent concepts of motor adaptation to pain, it was hypothesized that pain may have profound consequences on motor control strategies in LBP. Therefore, it was investigated whether differences in compensation strategies were either consisting of changes local to the painful area at the trunk, or also being present in remote areas such as at the lower extremities. Methods: All investigations were performed on a custom build split-belt treadmill simulating trip-like events by unexpected rapid deceleration impulses (amplitude: 2 m/s; duration: 100 ms; 200 ms after heel contact) at 1m/s baseline velocity. A total number of 5 (study 1) and 15 (study 2) right sided perturbations were applied during walking trials. Muscular activities were assessed by surface electromyography (EMG), recorded at 12 trunk muscles and 10 (study 1) respectively 5 (study 2) leg muscles. EMG latencies of muscle onset [ms] were retrieved by a semi-automatic detection method. EMG amplitudes (root mean square (RMS)) were assessed within 200 ms post perturbation, normalized to full strides prior to any perturbation [RMS\%]. Latency and amplitude investigations were performed for each muscle individually, as well as for pooled data of muscles grouped by location. Characteristic pain intensity scores (CPIS; 0-100 points, von Korff) based on mean intensity ratings reported for current, worst and average pain over the last three months were used to allocate participants into LBP (≥30 points) or CTRL (≤10 points). Test-retest reproducibility between measurements was determined by a compilation of measures of reliability. Differences in muscular activities between LBP and CTRL were analysed descriptively for individual muscles; differences based on grouped muscles were statistically tested by using a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA, α =0.05). Results: Thirteen individuals were included into the analysis of study 1. EMG latencies revealed reflex muscle activities following the perturbation (mean: 89 ms). Respective EMG amplitudes were on average 5-fold of those assessed in unperturbed strides, though being characterized by a high inter-subject variability. Test-retest reliability of muscle latencies showed a high reproducibility, both for muscles at the trunk and legs. In contrast, reproducibility of amplitudes was only weak to moderate for individual muscles, but increased when being assessed as a location specific outcome summary of grouped muscles. Seventy-six individuals were eligible for data analysis in study 2. Group allocation according to CPIS resulted in n=25 for LBP and n=29 for CTRL. Descriptive analysis of activity onsets revealed longer delays for all muscles within LBP compared to CTRL (trunk muscles: mean 10 ms; leg muscles: mean 3 ms). Onset latencies of grouped muscles revealed statistically significant differences between LBP and CTRL for right (p=0.009) and left (p=0.007) abdominal muscle groups. EMG amplitude analysis showed a high variability in activation levels between individuals, independent of group assignment or location. Statistical testing of grouped muscles indicated no significant difference in amplitudes between LBP and CTRL. Discussion: The present research project could show that perturbed treadmill walking is suitable to provoke comprehensive reflex responses at the trunk and lower extremities, both in terms of sudden onsets and amplitudes of reflex activity. Moreover, it could demonstrate that sudden loadings under dynamic conditions provoke an altered reflex timing of muscles surrounding the trunk in people with LBP compared to CTRL. In line with previous investigations, compensation strategies seemed to be deployed in a task specific manner, with differences between LBP and CTRL being evident predominately at ventral sides. No muscular alterations exceeding the trunk could be found when being assessed under the automated task of locomotion. While rehabilitation programs tailored towards LBP are still under debate, it is tempting to urge the implementation of dynamic sudden loading incidents of the trunk to enhance motor control and thereby to improve spinal protection. Moreover, in respect to the consistently observed task specificity of muscular compensation strategies, such a rehabilitation program should be rich in variety.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kopinski2016, author = {Kopinski, Stephan}, title = {The neuromuscular efficiency of lower back muscles in low back pain}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-101241}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {117}, year = {2016}, abstract = {BACKGROUND: The etiology of low back pain (LBP), one of the most prevalent and costly diseases of our time, is accepted to be multi-causal, placing functional factors in the focus of research. Thereby, pain models suggest a centrally controlled strategy of trunk stiffening in LBP. However, supporting biomechanical evidence is mostly limited to static measurements during maximum voluntary contractions (MVC), probably influenced by psychological factors in LBP. Alternatively, repeated findings indicate that the neuromuscular efficiency (NME), characterized by the strength-to-activation relationship (SAR), of lower back muscles is impaired in LBP. Therefore, a dynamic SAR protocol, consisting of normalized trunk muscle activation recordings during submaximal loads (SMVC) seems to be relevant. This thesis aimed to investigate the influence of LBP on the NME and activation pattern of trunk muscles during dynamic trunk extensions. METHODS: The SAR protocol consisted of an initial MVC reference trial (MVC1), followed by SMVCs at 20, 40, 60 and 80\% of MVC1 load. An isokinetic trunk dynamometer (Con-Trex TP, ROM: 45° flexion to 10° extension, velocity: 45°/s) and a trunk surface EMG setup (myon, up to 12 leads) was used. Extension torque output [Nm] and muscular activation [V] were assessed in all trials. Finally, another MVC trial was performed (MVC2) for reliability analysis. For SAR evaluation the SMVC trial values were normalized [\%MVC1] and compared inter- and intra-individually. The methodical validity of the approach was tested in an isometric SAR single-case pilot study (S1a: N = 2, female LBP patient vs. healthy male). In addition, the validity of the MVC reference method was verified by comparing different contraction modes (S1b: N = 17, healthy individuals). Next, the isokinetic protocol was validated in terms of content for its applicability to display known physiological differences between sexes in a cross-sectional study (S2: each n = 25 healthy males/females). Finally, the influence of acute pain on NME was investigated longitudinally by comparing N = 8 acute LBP patients with the retest after remission of pain (S3). The SAR analysis focused on normalized agonistic extensor activation and abdominal and synergistic extensor co-activation (t-tests, ANOVA, α = .05) as well as on reliability of MVC1/2 outcomes. RESULTS: During the methodological validation of the protocol (S1a), the isometric SAR was found to be descriptively different between individuals. Whereas torque output was highest during eccentric MVC, no relevant difference in peak EMG activation was found between contraction modes (S1b). The isokinetic SAR sex comparison (S2), though showing no significant overall effects, revealed higher normalized extensor activation at moderate submaximal loads in females (13 ± 4\%), primarily caused by pronounced thoracic activation. Similarly, co-activation analysis resulted in significantly higher antagonistic activation at moderate loads compared to males (33 ± 9\%). During intra-individual analysis of SAR in LBP patients (S3), a significant effect of pain status on the SAR has been identified, manifesting as increased normalized EMG activation of extensors during acute LBP (11 ± 8\%) particularly at high load. Abdominal co-activation tended to be elevated (27 ± 11\%) just as the thoracic extensor parts seemed to take over proportions of lumbar activation. All together, the M. erector spinae behaviour during the SAR protocol was rather linear with the tendency to rise exponentially during high loads. For the level of normalized EMG activation during SMVCs, a clear increasing trend from healthy males to females over to non-acute and acute LBP patients was discovered. This was associated by elevated antagonistic activation and a shift of synergistic towards lumbar extensor activation. The MVC data revealed overall good reliability, with clearly higher variability during acute LBP. DISCUSSION: The present thesis demonstrates that the NME of lower back muscles is impaired in LBP patients, especially during an acute pain episode. A new dynamic protocol has been developed that makes it possible to display the underlying SAR using normalized trunk muscle EMG during submaximal isokinetic loads. The protocol shows promise as a biomechanical tool for diagnostic analysis of NME in LBP patients and monitoring of rehabilitation progress. Furthermore, reliability not of maximum strength but rather of peak EMG of MVC measurements seems to be decreased in LBP patients. Meanwhile, the findings of this thesis largely substantiate the assumptions made by the recently presented 'motor adaptation to pain' model, suggesting a pain-related intra- and intermuscular activation redistribution affecting movement and stiffness of the trunk. Further research is needed to distinguish the grade of NME impairment between LBP subgroups.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wang2016, author = {Wang, Victor-C.}, title = {Injury and illness risk factors for elite athletes in training environment}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-100925}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {viii, 84, ix}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Since 1998, elite athletes' sport injuries have been monitored in single sport event, which leads to the development of first comprehensive injury surveillance system in multi-sport Olympic Games in 2008. However, injury and illness occurred in training phases have not been systematically studied due to its multi-facets, potentially interactive risk related factors. The present thesis aim to address issues of feasibility of establishing a validated measure for injury/illness, training environment and psychosocial risk factors by creating the evaluation tool namely risk of injury questionnaire (Risk-IQ) for elite athletes, which based on IOC consensus statement 2009 recommended content of preparticipation evaluation(PPE) and periodic health exam (PHE). A total of 335 top level athletes and a total of 88 medical care providers from Germany and Taiwan participated in tow "cross-sectional plus longitudinal" Risk-IQ and MCPQ surveys respectively. Four categories of injury/illness related risk factors questions were asked in Risk-IQ for athletes while injury risk and psychological related questions were asked in MCPQ for MCP cohorts. Answers were quantified scales wise/subscales wise before analyzed with other factors/scales. In addition, adapted variables such as sport format were introduced for difference task of analysis. Validated with 2-wyas translation and test-retest reliabilities, the Risk-IQ was proved to be in good standard which were further confirmed by analyzed results from official surveys in both Germany and Taiwan. The result of Risk-IQ revealed that elite athletes' accumulated total injuries, in general, were multi-factor dependent; influencing factors including but not limited to background experiences, medical history, PHE and PPE medical resources as well as stress from life events. Injuries of different body parts were sport format and location specific. Additionally, medical support of PPE and PHE indicated significant difference between German and Taiwan. The result of the present thesis confirmed that it is feasible to construct a comprehensive evalua-tion instrument for heterogeneous elite athletes cohorts' risk factor analysis for injury/illness oc-curred during their non-competition periods. In average and with many moderators involved, Ger-man elite athletes have superior medical care support yet suffered more severe injuries than Tai-wanese counterparts. Opinions of injury related psychological issues reflected differently on vari-ous MCP groups irrespective of different nationalities. In general, influencing factors and interac-tions existed among relevant factors in both studies which implied further investigation with multiple regression analysis is needed for better understanding.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Niemeyer2016, author = {Niemeyer, Bastian}, title = {Vegetation reconstruction and assessment of plant diversity at the treeline ecotone in northern Siberia}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {146}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pavlenko2016, author = {Pavlenko, Elena}, title = {Hybrid nanolayer architectures for ultrafast acousto-plasmonics in soft matter}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-99544}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {85}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The goal of the presented work is to explore the interaction between gold nanorods (GNRs) and hyper-sound waves. For the generation of the hyper-sound I have used Azobenzene-containing polymer transducers. Multilayer polymer structures with well-defined thicknesses and smooth interfaces were built via layer-by-layer deposition. Anionic polyelectrolytes with Azobenzene side groups (PAzo) were alternated with cationic polymer PAH, for the creation of transducer films. PSS/PAH multilayer were built for spacer layers, which do not absorb in the visible light range. The properties of the PAzo/PAH film as a transducer are carefully characterized by static and transient optical spectroscopy. The optical and mechanical properties of the transducer are studied on the picosecond time scale. In particular the relative change of the refractive index of the photo-excited and expanded PAH/PAzo is Δn/n = - 2.6*10-4. Calibration of the generated strain is performed by ultrafast X-ray diffraction calibrated the strain in a Mica substrate, into which the hyper-sound is transduced. By simulating the X-ray data with a linear-chain-model the strain in the transducer under the excitation is derived to be Δd/d ~ 5*10-4. Additional to the investigation of the properties of the transducer itself, I have performed a series of experiments to study the penetration of the generated strain into various adjacent materials. By depositing the PAzo/PAH film onto a PAH/PSS structure with gold nanorods incorporated in it, I have shown that nanoscale impurities can be detected via the scattering of hyper-sound. Prior to the investigation of complex structures containing GNRs and the transducer, I have performed several sets of experiments on GNRs deposited on a small buffer of PSS/PAH. The static and transient response of GNRs is investigated for different fluence of the pump beam and for different dielectric environments (GNRs covered by PSS/PAH). A systematic analysis of sample architectures is performed in order to construct a sample with the desired effect of GNRs responding to the hyper-sound strain wave. The observed shift of a feature related to the longitudinal plasmon resonance in the transient reflection spectra is interpreted as the event of GNRs sensing the strain wave. We argue that the shift of the longitudinal plasmon resonance is caused by the viscoelastic deformation of the polymer around the nanoparticle. The deformation is induced by the out of plane difference in strain in the area directly under a particle and next to it. Simulations based on the linear chain model support this assumption. Experimentally this assumption is proven by investigating the same structure, with GNRs embedded in a PSS/PAH polymer layer. The response of GNRs to the hyper-sound wave is also observed for the sample structure with GNRs embedded in PAzo/PAH films. The response of GNRs in this case is explained to be driven by the change of the refractive index of PAzo during the strain propagation.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bressel2016, author = {Bressel, Lena}, title = {Bedeutung der abh{\"a}ngigen Streuung f{\"u}r die optischen Eigenschaften hochkonzentrierter Dispersionen}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {154, XL}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Gopalakrishnan2016, author = {Gopalakrishnan, Sathej}, title = {Mathematical modelling of host-disease-drug interactions in HIV disease}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-100100}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {121}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has resisted nearly three decades of efforts targeting a cure. Sustained suppression of the virus has remained a challenge, mainly due to the remarkable evolutionary adaptation that the virus exhibits by the accumulation of drug-resistant mutations in its genome. Current therapeutic strategies aim at achieving and maintaining a low viral burden and typically involve multiple drugs. The choice of optimal combinations of these drugs is crucial, particularly in the background of treatment failure having occurred previously with certain other drugs. An understanding of the dynamics of viral mutant genotypes aids in the assessment of treatment failure with a certain drug combination, and exploring potential salvage treatment regimens. Mathematical models of viral dynamics have proved invaluable in understanding the viral life cycle and the impact of antiretroviral drugs. However, such models typically use simplified and coarse-grained mutation schemes, that curbs the extent of their application to drug-specific clinical mutation data, in order to assess potential next-line therapies. Statistical models of mutation accumulation have served well in dissecting mechanisms of resistance evolution by reconstructing mutation pathways under different drug-environments. While these models perform well in predicting treatment outcomes by statistical learning, they do not incorporate drug effect mechanistically. Additionally, due to an inherent lack of temporal features in such models, they are less informative on aspects such as predicting mutational abundance at treatment failure. This limits their application in analyzing the pharmacology of antiretroviral drugs, in particular, time-dependent characteristics of HIV therapy such as pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, and also in understanding the impact of drug efficacy on mutation dynamics. In this thesis, we develop an integrated model of in vivo viral dynamics incorporating drug-specific mutation schemes learned from clinical data. Our combined modelling approach enables us to study the dynamics of different mutant genotypes and assess mutational abundance at virological failure. As an application of our model, we estimate in vivo fitness characteristics of viral mutants under different drug environments. Our approach also extends naturally to multiple-drug therapies. Further, we demonstrate the versatility of our model by showing how it can be modified to incorporate recently elucidated mechanisms of drug action including molecules that target host factors. Additionally, we address another important aspect in the clinical management of HIV disease, namely drug pharmacokinetics. It is clear that time-dependent changes in in vivo drug concentration could have an impact on the antiviral effect, and also influence decisions on dosing intervals. We present a framework that provides an integrated understanding of key characteristics of multiple-dosing regimens including drug accumulation ratios and half-lifes, and then explore the impact of drug pharmacokinetics on viral suppression. Finally, parameter identifiability in such nonlinear models of viral dynamics is always a concern, and we investigate techniques that alleviate this issue in our setting.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Heinle2016, author = {Heinle, Karolin}, title = {Identifizierung von Kohlenhydratbindungsstellen in β-Helix-Proteinen}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {119}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Joest2016, author = {J{\"o}st, Jan Moritz Michael}, title = {Broad leaves, narrow leaves or no leaves at all - a genetic and phenotypic dissection of barley leaf size mutants}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {99}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sas2016, author = {Sas, Claudia}, title = {Evolution of the selfing syndrome in the genus capsella}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {94}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Haendler2016, author = {Haendler, Yair}, title = {Effects of embedded pronouns on relative clause processing}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-396883}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xvi, 186}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Difficulties with object relative clauses (ORC), as compared to subject relative clauses (SR), are widely attested across different languages, both in adults and in children. This SR-ORC asymmetry is reduced, or even eliminated, when the embedded constituent in the ORC is a pronoun, rather than a lexical noun phrase. The studies included in this thesis were designed to explore under what circumstances the pronoun facilitation occurs; whether all pronouns have the same effect; whether SRs are also affected by embedded pronouns; whether children perform like adults on such structures; and whether performance is related to cognitive abilities such as memory or grammatical knowledge. Several theoretical approaches that explain the pronoun facilitation in relative clauses are evaluated. The experimental data have been collected in three languages-German, Italian and Hebrew-stemming from both children and adults. In the German study (Chapter 2), ORCs with embedded 1st- or 3rd-person pronouns are compared to ORCs with an embedded lexical noun phrase. Eye-movement data from 5-year-old children show that the 1st-person pronoun facilitates processing, but not the 3rd-person pronoun. Moreover, children's performance is modulated by additive effects of their memory and grammatical skills. In the Italian study (Chapter 3), the 1st-person pronoun advantage over the 3rd-person pronoun is tested in ORCs and SRs that display a similar word order. Eye-movement data from 5-year-olds and adult controls and reading times data from adults are pitted against the outcome of a corpus analysis, showing that the 1st-/3rd-person pronoun asymmetry emerges in the two relative clause types to an equal extent. In the Hebrew study (Chapter 4), the goal is to test the effect of a special kind of pronoun-a non-referential arbitrary subject pronoun-on ORC comprehension, in the light of potential confounds in previous studies that used this pronoun. Data from a referent-identification task with 4- to 5-year-olds indicate that, when the experimental material is controlled, the non-referential pronoun does not necessarily facilitate ORC comprehension. Importantly, however, children have even more difficulties when the embedded constituent is a referential pronoun. The non-referentiality / referentiality asymmetry is emphasized by the relation between children's performance on the experimental task and their memory skills. Together, the data presented in this thesis indicate that sentence processing is not only driven by structural (or syntactic) factors, but also by discourse-related ones, like pronouns' referential properties or their discourse accessibility mechanism, which is defined as the level of ease or difficulty with which referents of pronouns are identified and retrieved from the discourse model. Although independent in essence, these structural and discourse factors can in some cases interact in a way that affects sentence processing. Moreover, both types of factors appear to be strongly related to memory. The data also support the idea that, from early on, children are sensitive to the same factors that affect adults' sentence processing, and that the processing strategies of both populations are qualitatively similar. In sum, this thesis suggests that a comprehensive theory of human sentence processing needs to account for effects that are due to both structural and discourse-related factors, which operate as a function of memory capacity.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Engelmann2016, author = {Engelmann, Felix}, title = {Toward an integrated model of sentence processing in reading}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-100864}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiii, 143}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In experiments investigating sentence processing, eye movement measures such as fixation durations and regression proportions while reading are commonly used to draw conclusions about processing difficulties. However, these measures are the result of an interaction of multiple cognitive levels and processing strategies and thus are only indirect indicators of processing difficulty. In order to properly interpret an eye movement response, one has to understand the underlying principles of adaptive processing such as trade-off mechanisms between reading speed and depth of comprehension that interact with task demands and individual differences. Therefore, it is necessary to establish explicit models of the respective mechanisms as well as their causal relationship with observable behavior. There are models of lexical processing and eye movement control on the one side and models on sentence parsing and memory processes on the other. However, no model so far combines both sides with explicitly defined linking assumptions. In this thesis, a model is developed that integrates oculomotor control with a parsing mechanism and a theory of cue-based memory retrieval. On the basis of previous empirical findings and independently motivated principles, adaptive, resource-preserving mechanisms of underspecification are proposed both on the level of memory access and on the level of syntactic parsing. The thesis first investigates the model of cue-based retrieval in sentence comprehension of Lewis \& Vasishth (2005) with a comprehensive literature review and computational modeling of retrieval interference in dependency processing. The results reveal a great variability in the data that is not explained by the theory. Therefore, two principles, 'distractor prominence' and 'cue confusion', are proposed as an extension to the theory, thus providing a more adequate description of systematic variance in empirical results as a consequence of experimental design, linguistic environment, and individual differences. In the remainder of the thesis, four interfaces between parsing and eye movement control are defined: Time Out, Reanalysis, Underspecification, and Subvocalization. By comparing computationally derived predictions with experimental results from the literature, it is investigated to what extent these four interfaces constitute an appropriate elementary set of assumptions for explaining specific eye movement patterns during sentence processing. Through simulations, it is shown how this system of in itself simple assumptions results in predictions of complex, adaptive behavior. In conclusion, it is argued that, on all levels, the sentence comprehension mechanism seeks a balance between necessary processing effort and reading speed on the basis of experience, task demands, and resource limitations. Theories of linguistic processing therefore need to be explicitly defined and implemented, in particular with respect to linking assumptions between observable behavior and underlying cognitive processes. The comprehensive model developed here integrates multiple levels of sentence processing that hitherto have only been studied in isolation. The model is made publicly available as an expandable framework for future studies of the interactions between parsing, memory access, and eye movement control.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Nicenboim2016, author = {Nicenboim, Bruno}, title = {Dependency resolution as a retrieval process}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiv, 209}, year = {2016}, abstract = {My thesis focused on the predictions of the activation-based model of Lewis and Vasishth (2005) to investigate the evidence for the use of the memory system in the formation of non-local dependencies in sentence comprehension. The activation-based model, which follows the Adaptive Control of Thought-Rational framework (ACT-R; Anderson et al., 2004), has been used to explain locality effects and similarity-based interference by assuming that dependencies are resolved by a cue-based retrieval mechanism, and that the retrieval mechanism is affected by decay and interference. Both locality effects and (inhibitory) similarity-based interference cause increased difficulty (e.g., longer reading times) at the site of the dependency completion where a retrieval is assumed: (I) Locality effects are attributed to the increased difficulty in the retrieval of a dependent when the distance from its retrieval site is increased. (II) Similarity-based interference is attributed to the retrieval being affected by the presence of items which have similar features as the dependent that needs to be retrieved. In this dissertation, I investigated some findings problematic to the activation-based model, namely, facilitation where locality effects are expected (e.g., Levy, 2008), and the lack of similarity-based interference from the number feature in grammatical sentences (e.g., Wagers et al., 2009). In addition, I used individual differences in working memory capacity and reading fluency as a way to validate the theories investigated (Underwood, 1975), and computational modeling to achieve a more precise account of the phenomena. Regarding locality effects, by using self-paced reading and eye-tracking-while reading methods with Spanish and German data, this dissertation yielded two main findings: (I) Locality effects seem to be modulated by working memory capacity, with high-capacity participants showing expectation-driven facilitation. (II) Once expectations and other potential confounds are controlled using baselines, with increased distance, high-capacity readers can show a slow-down (i.e., locality effects) and low-capacity readers can show a speedup. While the locality effects are compatible with the activation-based model, simulations show that the speedup of low-capacity readers can only be accounted for by changing some of the assumptions of the activation-based model. Regarding similarity-based interference, two relatively high-powered self-paced reading experiments in German using grammatical sentences yielded a slowdown at the verb as predicted by the activation-based model. This provides evidence in favor of dependency creation via cue-based retrieval, and in contrast with the view that cue-based retrieval is a reanalysis mechanism (Wagers et al., 2009). Finally, the same experimental results that showed inhibitory interference from the number feature are used for a finer grain evaluation of the retrieval process. Besides Lewis and Vasishth's (2005) activation-based model, also McElree's (2000) direct-access model can account for inhibitory interference. These two models assume a cue-based retrieval mechanism to build dependencies, but they are based on different assumptions. I present a computational evaluation of the predictions of these two theories of retrieval. The models were compared by implementing them in a Bayesian hierarchical framework. The evaluation of the models reveals that some aspects of the data fit better under the direct access model than under the activation-based model. However, a simple extension of the activation-based model provides a comparable fit to the direct access model. This serves as a proof of concept showing potential ways to improve the original activation-based model. In conclusion, this thesis adds to the body of evidence that argues for the use of the general memory system in dependency resolution, and in particular for a cue-based retrieval mechanism. However, it also shows that some of the default assumptions inherited from ACT-R in the activation-based model need to be revised.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Friedel2016, author = {Friedel, Eva}, title = {Der Einfluss von Kognition und Stresserleben auf die Entscheidungsfindung und deren Rolle f{\"u}r Alkoholabh{\"a}ngigkeit}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-91609}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {41}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, belohnungsabh{\"a}ngiges (instrumentelles) Lernen und Entscheidungsfindungsprozesse auf Verhaltens- und neuronaler Ebene in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von chronischem Stresserleben (erfasst {\"u}ber den Lifetime Stress Inventory, Holmes und Rahe 1962) und kognitiven Variablen (eingeteilt in eine fluide und eine kristalline Intelligenzkomponente) an gesunden Probanden zu untersuchen. Dabei steht zu Beginn die Sicherung der Konstruktvalidit{\"a}t zwischen den bislang oft synonym verwendeten Begriffen modellfrei ~ habituell, bzw. modellbasiert ~ zielgerichtet im Fokus. Darauf aufbauend soll dann insbesondere der differentielle und interaktionelle Einfluss von chronischem Stresserleben und kognitiven Variablen auf Entscheidungsprozesse (instrumentelles Lernen) und deren neuronales Korrelat im VS untersucht und dargestellt werden. Abschließend wird die Relevanz der untersuchten belohnungsabh{\"a}ngigen Lernprozesse f{\"u}r die Entstehung und Aufrechterhaltung der Alkoholabh{\"a}ngigkeit zusammen mit weiteren Einflussvariablen in einem {\"U}bersichtspapier diskutiert.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Zhang2016, author = {Zhang, Youjun}, title = {Investigation of the TCA cycle and glycolytic metabolons and their physiological impacts in plants}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {175}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bojahr2016, author = {Bojahr, Andre}, title = {Hypersound interaction studied by time-resolved inelastic light and x-ray scattering}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-93860}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxiii, 201}, year = {2016}, abstract = {This publications-based thesis summarizes my contribution to the scientific field of ultrafast structural dynamics. It consists of 16 publications, about the generation, detection and coupling of coherent gigahertz longitudinal acoustic phonons, also called hypersonic waves. To generate such high frequency phonons, femtosecond near infrared laser pulses were used to heat nanostructures composed of perovskite oxides on an ultrashort timescale. As a consequence the heated regions of such a nanostructure expand and a high frequency acoustic phonon pulse is generated. To detect such coherent acoustic sound pulses I use ultrafast variants of optical Brillouin and x-ray scattering. Here an incident optical or x-ray photon is scattered by the excited sound wave in the sample. The scattered light intensity measures the occupation of the phonon modes. The central part of this work is the investigation of coherent high amplitude phonon wave packets which can behave nonlinearly, quite similar to shallow water waves which show a steepening of wave fronts or solitons well known as tsunamis. Due to the high amplitude of the acoustic wave packets in the solid, the acoustic properties can change significantly in the vicinity of the sound pulse. This may lead to a shape change of the pulse. I have observed by time-resolved Brillouin scattering, that a single cycle hypersound pulse shows a wavefront steepening. I excited hypersound pulses with strain amplitudes until 1\% which I have calibrated by ultrafast x-ray diffraction (UXRD). On the basis of this first experiment we developed the idea of the nonlinear mixing of narrowband phonon wave packets which we call "nonlinear phononics" in analogy with the nonlinear optics, which summarizes a kaleidoscope of surprising optical phenomena showing up at very high electric fields. Such phenomena are for instance Second Harmonic Generation, four-wave-mixing or solitons. But in case of excited coherent phonons the wave packets have usually very broad spectra which make it nearly impossible to look at elementary scattering processes between phonons with certain momentum and energy. For that purpose I tested different techniques to excite narrowband phonon wave packets which mainly consist of phonons with a certain momentum and frequency. To this end epitaxially grown metal films on a dielectric substrate were excited with a train of laser pulses. These excitation pulses drive the metal film to oscillate with the frequency given by their inverse temporal displacement and send a hypersonic wave of this frequency into the substrate. The monochromaticity of these wave packets was proven by ultrafast optical Brillouin and x-ray scattering. Using the excitation of such narrowband phonon wave packets I was able to observe the Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) of coherent phonons as a first example of nonlinear wave mixing of nanometric phonon wave packets.}, language = {en} }