@phdthesis{Urton2016, author = {Urton, Karolina}, title = {Inklusion als Schulentwicklungsaufgabe}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {115}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Trautmann2016, author = {Trautmann, Michael}, title = {Neue Polystyrolharze mit Sulfoxid-Ankergruppen f{\"u}r die Festphasenextraktion von Platin und Ruthenium aus salzsauren L{\"o}sungen}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {191}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schoeppler2016, author = {Sch{\"o}ppler, Vanessa}, title = {Material properties of Banksia follicles}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {119}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Emberson2016, author = {Emberson, Robert}, title = {Chemical weathering driven by bedrock landslides}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {221}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Borgnaes2016, author = {Borgn{\"a}s, Kajsa}, title = {Governing through 'governing images'}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In the debate on how to govern sustainable development, a central question concerns the interaction between knowledge about sustainability and policy developments. The discourse on what constitutes sustainable development conflict on some of the most basic issues, including the proper definitions, instruments and indicators of what should be 'developed' or 'sustained'. Whereas earlier research on the role of (scientific) knowledge in policy adopted a rationalist-positivist view of knowledge as the basis for 'evidence-based policy making', recent literature on knowledge creation and transfer processes has instead pointed towards aspects of knowledge-policy 'co-production' (Jasanoff 2004). It is highlighted that knowledge utilisation is not just a matter of the quality of the knowledge as such, but a question of which knowledge fits with the institutional context and dominant power structures. Just as knowledge supports and justifies certain policy, policy can produce and stabilise certain knowledge. Moreover, rather than viewing knowledge-policy interaction as a linear and uni-directional model, this conceptualization is based on an assumption of the policy process as being more anarchic and unpredictable, something Cohen, March and Olsen (1972) has famously termed the 'garbage-can model'. The present dissertation focuses on the interplay between knowledge and policy in sustainability governance. It takes stock with the practice of 'Management by Objectives and Results' (MBOR: Lundqvist 2004) whereby policy actors define sustainable development goals (based on certain knowledge) and are expected to let these definitions guide policy developments as well as evaluate whether sustainability improves or not. As such a knowledge-policy instrument, Sustainability Indicators (SI:s) help both (subjectively) construct 'social meaning' about sustainability and (objectively) influence policy and measure its success. The different articles in this cumulative dissertation analyse the development, implementation and policy support (personal and institutional) of Sustainability Indicators as an instrument for MBOR in a variety of settings. More specifically, the articles centre on the question of how sustainability definitions and measurement tools on the one hand (knowledge) and policy instruments and political power structures on the other, are co-produced. A first article examines the normative foundations of popular international SI:s and country rankings. Combining theoretical (constructivist) analysis with factor analysis, it analyses how the input variable structure of SI:s are related to different sustainability paradigms, producing a different output in terms of which countries (developed versus developing) are most highly ranked. Such a theoretical input-output analysis points towards a potential problem of SI:s becoming a sort of 'circular argumentation constructs'. The article thus, highlights on a quantitative basis what others have noted qualitatively - that different definitions and interpretations of sustainability influence indicator output to the point of contradiction. The normative aspects of SI:s does thereby not merely concern the question of which indicators to use for what purposes, but also the more fundamental question of how normative and political bias are intrinsically a part of the measurement instrument as such. The study argues that, although no indicator can be expected to tell the sustainability 'truth-out-there', a theoretical localization of indicators - and of the input variable structure - may help facilitate interpretation of SI output and the choice of which indicators to use for what (policy or academic) purpose. A second article examines the co-production of knowledge and policy in German sustainability governance. It focuses on the German sustainability strategy 'Perspektiven f{\"u}r Deutschland' (2002), a strategy that stands out both in an international comparison of national sustainability strategies as well as among German government policy strategies because of its relative stability over five consecutive government constellations, its rather high status and increasingly coercive nature. The study analyses what impact the sustainability strategy has had on the policy process between 2002 and 2015, in terms of defining problems and shaping policy processes. Contrasting rationalist and constructivist perspectives on the role of knowledge in policy, two factors, namely the level of (scientific and political) consensus about policy goals and the 'contextual fit' of problem definitions, are found to be main factors explaining how different aspects of the strategy is used. Moreover, the study argues that SI:s are part of a continuous process of 'structuring' in which indicator, user and context factors together help structure the sustainability challenge in such a way that it becomes more manageable for government policy. A third article examines how 31 European countries have built supportive institutions of MBOR between 1992 and 2012. In particular during the 1990s and early 2000s much hope was put into the institutionalisation of Environmental Policy Integration (EPI) as a way to overcome sectoral thinking in sustainability policy making and integrate issues of environmental sustainability into all government policy. However, despite high political backing (FN, EU, OECD), implementation of EPI seems to differ widely among countries. The study is a quantitative longitudinal cross-country comparison of how countries' 'EPI architectures' have developed over time. Moreover, it asks which 'EPI architectures' seem to be more effective in producing more 'stringent' sustainability policy.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mazzonetto2016, author = {Mazzonetto, Sara}, title = {On the exact simulation of (skew) Brownian diffusions with discontinuous drift}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-102399}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ii, 100}, year = {2016}, abstract = {This thesis is focused on the study and the exact simulation of two classes of real-valued Brownian diffusions: multi-skew Brownian motions with constant drift and Brownian diffusions whose drift admits a finite number of jumps. The skew Brownian motion was introduced in the sixties by It{\^o} and McKean, who constructed it from the reflected Brownian motion, flipping its excursions from the origin with a given probability. Such a process behaves as the original one except at the point 0, which plays the role of a semipermeable barrier. More generally, a skew diffusion with several semipermeable barriers, called multi-skew diffusion, is a diffusion everywhere except when it reaches one of the barriers, where it is partially reflected with a probability depending on that particular barrier. Clearly, a multi-skew diffusion can be characterized either as solution of a stochastic differential equation involving weighted local times (these terms providing the semi-permeability) or by its infinitesimal generator as Markov process. In this thesis we first obtain a contour integral representation for the transition semigroup of the multiskew Brownian motion with constant drift, based on a fine analysis of its complex properties. Thanks to this representation we write explicitly the transition densities of the two-skew Brownian motion with constant drift as an infinite series involving, in particular, Gaussian functions and their tails. Then we propose a new useful application of a generalization of the known rejection sampling method. Recall that this basic algorithm allows to sample from a density as soon as one finds an - easy to sample - instrumental density verifying that the ratio between the goal and the instrumental densities is a bounded function. The generalized rejection sampling method allows to sample exactly from densities for which indeed only an approximation is known. The originality of the algorithm lies in the fact that one finally samples directly from the law without any approximation, except the machine's. As an application, we sample from the transition density of the two-skew Brownian motion with or without constant drift. The instrumental density is the transition density of the Brownian motion with constant drift, and we provide an useful uniform bound for the ratio of the densities. We also present numerical simulations to study the efficiency of the algorithm. The second aim of this thesis is to develop an exact simulation algorithm for a Brownian diffusion whose drift admits several jumps. In the literature, so far only the case of a continuous drift (resp. of a drift with one finite jump) was treated. The theoretical method we give allows to deal with any finite number of discontinuities. Then we focus on the case of two jumps, using the transition densities of the two-skew Brownian motion obtained before. Various examples are presented and the efficiency of our approach is discussed.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Draeger2016, author = {Dr{\"a}ger, Nadine}, title = {Holocene climate and environmental variability in NE Germany inferred from annually laminated lake sediments}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-103037}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xv, 144 Seiten}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Understanding the role of natural climate variability under the pressure of human induced changes of climate and landscapes, is crucial to improve future projections and adaption strategies. This doctoral thesis aims to reconstruct Holocene climate and environmental changes in NE Germany based on annually laminated lake sediments. The work contributes to the ICLEA project (Integrated CLimate and Landscape Evolution Analyses). ICLEA intends to compare multiple high-resolution proxy records with independent chronologies from the N central European lowlands, in order to disentangle the impact of climate change and human land use on landscape development during the Lateglacial and Holocene. In this respect, two study sites in NE Germany are investigated in this doctoral project, Lake Tiefer See and palaeolake Wukenfurche. While both sediment records are studied with a combination of high-resolution sediment microfacies and geochemical analyses (e.g. µ-XRF, carbon geochemistry and stable isotopes), detailed proxy understanding mainly focused on the continuous 7.7 m long sediment core from Lake Tiefer See covering the last ~6000 years. Three main objectives are pursued at Lake Tiefer See: (1) to perform a reliable and independent chronology, (2) to establish microfacies and geochemical proxies as indicators for climate and environmental changes, and (3) to trace the effects of climate variability and human activity on sediment deposition. Addressing the first aim, a reliable chronology of Lake Tiefer See is compiled by using a multiple-dating concept. Varve counting and tephra findings form the chronological framework for the last ~6000 years. The good agreement with independent radiocarbon dates of terrestrial plant remains verifies the robustness of the age model. The resulting reliable and independent chronology of Lake Tiefer See and, additionally, the identification of nine tephras provide a valuable base for detailed comparison and synchronization of the Lake Tiefer See data set with other climate records. The sediment profile of Lake Tiefer See exhibits striking alternations between well-varved and non-varved sediment intervals. The combination of microfacies, geochemical and microfossil (i.e. Cladocera and diatom) analyses indicates that these changes of varve preservation are caused by variations of lake circulation in Lake Tiefer See. An exception is the well-varved sediment deposited since AD 1924, which is mainly influenced by human-induced lake eutrophication. Well-varved intervals before the 20th century are considered to reflect phases of reduced lake circulation and, consequently, stronger anoxic conditions. Instead, non-varved intervals indicate increased lake circulation in Lake Tiefer See, leading to more oxygenated conditions at the lake ground. Furthermore, lake circulation is not only influencing sediment deposition, but also geochemical processes in the lake. As, for example, the proxy meaning of δ13COM varies in time in response to changes of the oxygen regime in the lake hypolinion. During reduced lake circulation and stronger anoxic conditions δ13COM is influenced by microbial carbon cycling. In contrast, organic matter degradation controls δ13COM during phases of intensified lake circulation and more oxygenated conditions. The varve preservation indicates an increasing trend of lake circulation at Lake Tiefer See after ~4000 cal a BP. This trend is superimposed by decadal to centennial scale variability of lake circulation intensity. Comparison to other records in Central Europe suggests that the long-term trend is probably related to gradual changes in Northern Hemisphere orbital forcing, which induced colder and windier conditions in Central Europe and, therefore, reinforced lake circulation. Decadal to centennial scale periods of increased lake circulation coincide with settlement phases at Lake Tiefer See, as inferred from pollen data of the same sediment record. Deforestation reduced the wind shelter of the lake, which probably increased the sensitivity of lake circulation to wind stress. However, results of this thesis also suggest that several of these phases of increased lake circulation are additionally reinforced by climate changes. A first indication is provided by the comparison to the Baltic Sea record, which shows striking correspondence between major non-varved intervals at Lake Tiefer See and bioturbated sediments in the Baltic Sea. Furthermore, a preliminary comparison to the ICLEA study site Lake Czechowskie (N central Poland) shows a coincidence of at least three phases of increased lake circulation in both lakes, which concur with periods of known climate changes (2.8 ka event, 'Migration Period' and 'Little Ice Age'). These results suggest an additional over-regional climate forcing also on short term increased of lake circulation in Lake Tiefer See. In summary, the results of this thesis suggest that lake circulation at Lake Tiefer See is driven by a combination of long-term and short-term climate changes as well as of anthropogenic deforestation phases. Furthermore, the lake circulation drives geochemical cycles in the lake affecting the meaning of proxy data. Therefore, the work presented here expands the knowledge of climate and environmental variability in NE Germany. Furthermore, the integration of the Lake Tiefer See multi-proxy record in a regional comparison with another ICLEA side, Lake Czechowskie, enabled to better decipher climate changes and human impact on the lake system. These first results suggest a huge potential for further detailed regional comparisons to better understand palaeoclimate dynamics in N central Europe.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pellizzer2016, author = {Pellizzer, Tommaso}, title = {A novel approach to identify plastidic factors for plastome genome incompatibility and evidence for the central involvement of the chloroplast in leaf shaping}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {136}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dick2016, author = {Dick, Uwe}, title = {Discriminative Classification Models for Internet Security}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-102593}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {x, 57}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Services that operate over the Internet are under constant threat of being exposed to fraudulent use. Maintaining good user experience for legitimate users often requires the classification of entities as malicious or legitimate in order to initiate countermeasures. As an example, inbound email spam filters decide for spam or non-spam. They can base their decision on both the content of each email as well as on features that summarize prior emails received from the sending server. In general, discriminative classification methods learn to distinguish positive from negative entities. Each decision for a label may be based on features of the entity and related entities. When labels of related entities have strong interdependencies---as can be assumed e.g. for emails being delivered by the same user---classification decisions should not be made independently and dependencies should be modeled in the decision function. This thesis addresses the formulation of discriminative classification problems that are tailored for the specific demands of the following three Internet security applications. Theoretical and algorithmic solutions are devised to protect an email service against flooding of user inboxes, to mitigate abusive usage of outbound email servers, and to protect web servers against distributed denial of service attacks. In the application of filtering an inbound email stream for unsolicited emails, utilizing features that go beyond each individual email's content can be valuable. Information about each sending mail server can be aggregated over time and may help in identifying unwanted emails. However, while this information will be available to the deployed email filter, some parts of the training data that are compiled by third party providers may not contain this information. The missing features have to be estimated at training time in order to learn a classification model. In this thesis an algorithm is derived that learns a decision function that integrates over a distribution of values for each missing entry. The distribution of missing values is a free parameter that is optimized to learn an optimal decision function. The outbound stream of emails of an email service provider can be separated by the customer IDs that ask for delivery. All emails that are sent by the same ID in the same period of time are related, both in content and in label. Hijacked customer accounts may send batches of unsolicited emails to other email providers, which in turn might blacklist the sender's email servers after detection of incoming spam emails. The risk of being blocked from further delivery depends on the rate of outgoing unwanted emails and the duration of high spam sending rates. An optimization problem is developed that minimizes the expected cost for the email provider by learning a decision function that assigns a limit on the sending rate to customers based on the each customer's email stream. Identifying attacking IPs during HTTP-level DDoS attacks allows to block those IPs from further accessing the web servers. DDoS attacks are usually carried out by infected clients that are members of the same botnet and show similar traffic patterns. HTTP-level attacks aim at exhausting one or more resources of the web server infrastructure, such as CPU time. If the joint set of attackers cannot increase resource usage close to the maximum capacity, no effect will be experienced by legitimate users of hosted web sites. However, if the additional load raises the computational burden towards the critical range, user experience will degrade until service may be unavailable altogether. As the loss of missing one attacker depends on block decisions for other attackers---if most other attackers are detected, not blocking one client will likely not be harmful---a structured output model has to be learned. In this thesis an algorithm is developed that learns a structured prediction decoder that searches the space of label assignments, guided by a policy. Each model is evaluated on real-world data and is compared to reference methods. The results show that modeling each classification problem according to the specific demands of the task improves performance over solutions that do not consider the constraints inherent to an application.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Heybl2016, author = {Heybl, Christine}, title = {Der Klimawandel}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-102442}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {293}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Was ist Gerechtigkeit? Wie k{\"o}nnten gerechte Regelungen aussehen f{\"u}r die Katastrophen und Leiden, die der Klimawandel ausl{\"o}st bzw. ausl{\"o}sen wird? Diese sind h{\"a}ufig ungerecht, weil sie oft deutlich st{\"a}rker diejenigen treffen, die am wenigsten zur Klimaver{\"a}nderung beigetragen haben. Doch was genau verstehen wir unter dem Schlagwort: ‚Klimawandel'? Und kann dieser wirklich den Menschen direkt treffen? Ein kurzer naturwissenschaftlicher Abriss kl{\"a}rt hier die wichtigsten Fragen. Da es sich hierbei um eine philosophische Arbeit handelt, muss zun{\"a}chst gekl{\"a}rt werden, ob der Mensch {\"u}berhaupt die Ursache von so etwas sein kann wie z.B. der Klimaerw{\"a}rmung. Robert Spaemanns These dazu ist, dass der Mensch durch seinen freien Willen mit seinen Einzelhandlungen das Weltgeschehen ver{\"a}ndern kann. Hans Jonas f{\"u}gt dem hinzu, dass wir durch diese F{\"a}higkeit, verantwortlich sind f{\"u}r die gewollten und ungewollten Folgen unserer Handlungen. Damit w{\"a}re aus naturwissenschaftlicher Sicht (1. Teil der Arbeit) und aus philosophischer Sicht (Anfang 2. Teil) gekl{\"a}rt, dass der Mensch mit gr{\"o}ßter Wahrscheinlichkeit die Ursache des Klimawandels ist und diese Verursachung moralische Konsequenzen f{\"u}r ihn hat. Ein philosophischer Gerechtigkeitsbegriff wird aus der Kantischen Rechts- und Moralphilosophie entwickelt, weil diese die einzige ist, die dem Menschen {\"u}berhaupt ein Recht auf Rechte zusprechen kann. Diese entspringt der transzendentalen Freiheitsf{\"a}higkeit des Menschen, weshalb jedem das Recht auf Rechte absolut und immer zukommt. Gleichzeitig m{\"u}ndet Kants Philosophie wiederum in dem Freiheitsgedanken, indem Gerechtigkeit nur existiert, wenn alle Menschen gleichermaßen frei sein k{\"o}nnen. Was heißt das konkret? Wie k{\"o}nnte Gerechtigkeit in der Realit{\"a}t wirklich umgesetzt werden? Die Realisierung schl{\"a}gt zwei Grundrichtungen ein. John Rawls und Stefan Gosepath besch{\"a}ftigen sich u.a. eingehend mit der prozeduralen Gerechtigkeit, was bedeutet, dass gerechte Verfahren gefunden werden, die das gesellschaftliche Zusammenleben regeln. Das leitende Prinzip hierf{\"u}r ist vor allem: ein Mitbestimmungsrecht aller, so dass sich im Prinzip alle B{\"u}rger ihre Gesetze selbst geben und damit frei handeln. In Bezug auf den Klimawandel steht die zweite Ausrichtung im Vordergrund - die distributive oder auch Verteilungs-Gerechtigkeit. Materielle G{\"u}ter m{\"u}ssen so aufgeteilt werden, dass auch trotz empirischer Unterschiede alle Menschen als moralische Subjekte anerkannt werden und frei sein k{\"o}nnen. Doch sind diese philosophischen Schlussfolgerungen nicht viel zu abstrakt, um auf ein ebenso schwer fassbares und globales Problem wie den Klimawandel angewendet zu werden? Was k{\"o}nnte daher eine Klimagerechtigkeit sein? Es gibt viele Gerechtigkeitsprinzipien, die vorgeben, eine gerechte Grundlage f{\"u}r die Klimaprobleme zu bieten wie z.B. das Verursacherprinzip, das F{\"a}higkeitsprinzip oder das Grandfathering-Prinzip, bei dem die Hauptverursacher nach wie vor am meisten emittieren d{\"u}rfen (dieses Prinzip leitete die bisherigen internationalen Verhandlungen). Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, herauszufinden, wie die Klimaprobleme gel{\"o}st werden k{\"o}nnen, so dass f{\"u}r alle Menschen unter allen Umst{\"a}nden die universellen Menschenrechte her- und sichergestellt werden und diese frei und moralisch handeln k{\"o}nnen. Die Schlussfolgerung dieser Arbeit ist, dass Kants Gerechtigkeitsbegriff durch eine Kombination des Subsistenzemissions-Rechts, des Greenhouse-Development-Rights-Principles (GDR-Prinzip) und einer internationalen Staatlichkeit durchgesetzt werden k{\"o}nnte. Durch das Subsistenzemissions-Recht hat jeder Mensch das Recht, so viel Energie zu verbrauchen und damit zusammenh{\"a}ngende Emissionen zu produzieren, dass er ein menschenw{\"u}rdiges Leben f{\"u}hren kann. Das GDR-Prinzip errechnet den Anteil an der weltweiten Gesamtverantwortung zum Klimaschutz eines jeden Landes oder sogar eines jeden Weltb{\"u}rgers, indem es die historischen Emissionen (Klimaschuld) zu der jetzigen finanziellen Kapazit{\"a}t des Landes/ des Individuums (Verantwortungsf{\"a}higkeit) hinzuaddiert. Die Implementierung von internationalen Gremien wird verteidigt, weil es ein globales, grenz{\"u}berschreitendes Problem ist, dessen Effekte und dessen Verantwortung globale Ausmaße haben. Ein schlagendes Argument f{\"u}r fast alle Klimaschutzmaßnahmen ist, dass sie Synergien aufweisen zu anderen gesellschaftlichen Bereichen aufweisen wie z.B. Gesundheit und Armutsbek{\"a}mpfung, in denen auch noch um die Durchsetzung unserer Menschenrechte gerungen wird. Ist dieser L{\"o}sungsansatz nicht v{\"o}llig utopisch? Dieser Vorschlag stellt f{\"u}r die internationale Gemeinschaft eine große Herausforderung dar, w{\"a}re jedoch die einzig gerechte L{\"o}sung unserer Klimaprobleme. Des Weiteren wird an dem Kantischen Handlungsgrundsatz festgehalten, dass das ewige Streben auf ideale Ziele hin, die beste Verwirklichung dieser durch menschliche, fehlbare Wesen ist.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Luettig2016, author = {L{\"u}ttig, Julia}, title = {Protektiver Effekt von 6-Shogaol, Ellags{\"a}ure und Myrrhe auf die intestinale epitheliale Barriere}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-102571}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {IX, 108}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Viele bioaktive Pflanzeninhaltsstoffe bzw. Pflanzenmetabolite besitzen antiinflammatorische Eigenschaften. Diese versprechen ein hohes Potential f{\"u}r den Einsatz in der Phytotherapie bzw. Pr{\"a}vention von chronisch-entz{\"u}ndlichen Darmerkrankungen (CED). Eine intestinale Barrieredysfunktion ist ein typisches Charakteristikum von CED Patienten, die dadurch an akuter Diarrhoe leiden. In dieser Arbeit werden die Pflanzenkomponenten 6-Shogaol, Ellags{\"a}ure und Myrrhe an den intestinalen Kolonepithelzellmodellen HT-29/B6 und Caco-2 auf ihr Potential hin, die intestinale Barriere zu st{\"a}rken bzw. eine Barrieredysfunktion zu verhindern, untersucht. Hauptschwerpunkt der Analysen ist die parazellul{\"a}re Barrierefunktion und die Regulation der daf{\"u}r entscheidenden Proteinfamilie der Tight Junctions (TJs), der Claudine. Die Barrierefunktion wird durch Messung des transepithelialen Widerstands (TER) und der Fluxmessung in der Ussing-Kammer bestimmt. Dazu werden die HT-29/B6- und Caco-2-Monolayer mit den Pflanzenkomponenten (6-Shogaol, Ellags{\"a}ure, Myrrhe), dem proinflammatorischen Zytokin TNF-α oder der Kombination von beiden Subsztanzen f{\"u}r 24 oder 48 h behandelt. Außerdem wurden zur weiteren Charakterisierung die Expression sowie die Lokalisation der f{\"u}r die parazellul{\"a}re Barriere relevanten Claudine, die TJ-Ultrastruktur und verschiedene Signalwege analysiert. In Caco-2-Monolayern f{\"u}hrten Ellags{\"a}ure und Myrrhe, nicht aber 6-Shogaol, allein zu einem TER-Anstieg bedingt durch eine verringerte Permeabilit{\"a}t f{\"u}r Natriumionen. Myrrhe verminderte die Expression des Kationenkanal-bildenden TJ-Proteins Claudin-2 {\"u}ber die Inhibierung des PI3K/Akt-Signalweges, w{\"a}hrend Ellags{\"a}ure die Expression der TJ-Proteine Claudin-4 und -7 reduzierte. Alle Pflanzenkomponenten sch{\"u}tzten in den Caco-2-Zellen vor einer TNF-α-induzierten Barrieredysfunktion. An den HT-29/B6-Monolayern {\"a}nderte keine der Pflanzenkomponenten allein die Barrierefunktion. Die HT-29/B6-Zellen reagierten auf TNF-α mit einer deutlichen Verminderung des TER und einer erh{\"o}hten Fluoreszein-Permeabilit{\"a}t. Die TER-Abnahme war durch eine PI3K/Akt-vermittelte gesteigerte Claudin-2-Expression sowie eine NFκB-vermittelte Umverteilung des abdichtenden TJ-Proteins Claudin-1 gekennzeichnet. 6-Shogaol konnte den TER-Abfall partiell hemmen sowie die PI3K/Akt-induzierte Claudin-2-Expression und die NFκB-bedingte Claudin-1-Umverteilung verhindern. Ebenso inhibierte Myrrhe, nicht aber Ellags{\"a}ure, den TNF-α-induzierten TER-Abfall. Dabei konnte Myrrhe zwar den Claudin-2-Expressionsanstieg und die Claudin-1-Umverteilung unterbinden, jedoch weder die NFκB- noch die PI3K/Akt-Aktivierung hemmen. Diese Arbeit zeigt, dass auch STAT6 an dem Claudin-2-Expressionsanstieg durch TNF-α in HT-29/B6-Zellen beteiligt ist. So wurde durch Myrrhe die TNF-α-induzierte Phosphorylierung von STAT6 und die erh{\"o}hte Claudin-2-Expression inhibiert. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die Pflanzenkomponenten 6-Shogaol, Ellags{\"a}ure und Myrrhe mit unterschiedlichen Mechanismen st{\"a}rkend auf die Barriere einwirken. Zur Behandlung von intestinalen Erkrankungen mit Barrieredysfunktion k{\"o}nnten daher Kombinationspr{\"a}parate aus verschiedenen Pflanzen effektiver sein als Monopr{\"a}parate.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Sauter2016, author = {Sauter, J{\"o}rg}, title = {The molecular origin of plant cell wall swelling}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {iii, 127 S.}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In dieser Arbeit werden die Eigenschaften von hydratisierten Hemicellulose Polysacchariden mittels Computersimulation untersucht. Die hohe Quellfähigkeit von Materialien die aus diesen Molek{\"u}len bestehen, erlaubt die Erzeugung von zielgerichteter Bewegung in Planzenmaterialien, ausschließlich gesteuert durch Wasseraufnahme. Um den molekularen Ursprung dieses Quellvermögens zu untersuchen wird, im Vergleich mit Experimenten, ein atomistisches Modell f{\"u}r Hemicellulose Polysaccharide entwickelt und getestet. Unter Verwendung dieses Modells werden Simulationen von kleinen Polysacchariden benutzt um die Wechselwirkungen mit Wasser, den Einfluss von Wasser auf die Konformationsfreiheit der Molek{\"u}le, und die Quellfähigkeit, quantifiziert durch den osmotischen Druck, zu verstehen. Es wird gezeigt, dass verzweigte und lineare Polysaccharide unterschiedliche Hydratisierungseingenschaften im Vergleich zu lineare Polysacchariden aufweisen. Um das Quellverhalten auf Längen- und Zeitskalen untersuchen zu können die {\"u}ber die Begrenzungen atomistischer Simulationen hinausgehen, wurde eine Prozedur entwickelt um {\"u}bertragbare vergröberte Modelle herzuleiten. Die Übertragbarkeit der vegröberten Modelle wird gezeigt, sowohl {\"u}ber unterschiedliche Polysaccharidkonzentrationen als auch {\"u}ber unterschiedliche Polymerlängen. Daher erlaubt die Prozedur die Konstruktion von großen vergröberter Systemen ausgehend von kleinen atomistischen Referenzsystemen. Abschließend wird das vergröberte Modell verwendet um zu zeigen, dass lineare und verzweigte Polysaccharide ein unterschiedliches Quellverhalten aufweisen, wenn sie mit einem Wasserbad gekoppelt werden.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Friese2016, author = {Friese, Viviane A.}, title = {Solvato-, vapo, mechanochromic and luminescent behavior of Rhodium, Platinum and Gold complexes and their coordination polymers}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {100 S.}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sin2016, author = {Sin, Celine}, title = {Post-transcriptional control of gene expression}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-102469}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxv, 238}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Gene expression describes the process of making functional gene products (e.g. proteins or special RNAs) from instructions encoded in the genetic information (e.g. DNA). This process is heavily regulated, allowing cells to produce the appropriate gene products necessary for cell survival, adapting production as necessary for different cell environments. Gene expression is subject to regulation at several levels, including transcription, mRNA degradation, translation and protein degradation. When intact, this system maintains cell homeostasis, keeping the cell alive and adaptable to different environments. Malfunction in the system can result in disease states and cell death. In this dissertation, we explore several aspects of gene expression control by analyzing data from biological experiments. Most of the work following uses a common mathematical model framework based on Markov chain models to test hypotheses, predict system dynamics or elucidate network topology. Our work lies in the intersection between mathematics and biology and showcases the power of statistical data analysis and math modeling for validation and discovery of biological phenomena.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{HankeGogokhia2016, author = {Hanke-Gogokhia, Christin}, title = {Small GTPase ARL3-GTP is key molecule in transition zone formation and trafficking of ciliary cargo in mouse photoreceptors}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {166}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Friess2016, author = {Frieß, Fabian}, title = {Shape-memory polymer micronetworks}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiv, 111 S.}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bohlken2016, author = {Bohlken, Jens}, title = {Ambulante medikament{\"o}se Behandlung von Patienten mit Demenz}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Joest2016, author = {J{\"o}st, Jan Moritz Michael}, title = {Broad leaves, narrow leaves or no leaves at all - a genetic and phenotypic dissection of barley leaf size mutants}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {99}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Buerger2016, author = {B{\"u}rger, Arne}, title = {MaiStep - Mainzer Schultraining zur Essst{\"o}rungspr{\"a}vention}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-98369}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {IX, 160}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Objectives The aim of this doctoral thesis was to investigate the efficacy of a German skills-based primary prevention program for partial-syndrome and full-syndrome eating disorders (Mainzer Schultraining zur Essst{\"o}rungspr{\"a}vention (MaiStep)) in reducing eating disorder symptoms as the primary outcome and associated psychopathology as a secondary outcome. Design Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT), three-intervention-group design, with two intervention groups and one active control group with a 3-month and 12-month follow-up. Setting A project in nine schools within the state of Rhineland-Palatine, Germany; funded by the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs (MSAGD) and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research (MBWWK). Participants 1,654 adolescents (female/male: 781/873; mean age: 13.1±0.7; BMI: 20.0±3.5) recruited from randomly selected schools. Interventions The implementation and development of the skills based program was based on a systematic review of 63 scientific articles regarding eating disorder prevention in childhood and adolescence. One intervention group was conducted by psychologists and one by trained teachers. The active control group was performed by trained teachers using a stress and addiction prevention program. Main outcome measures The primary outcome measure was the incidence of partial-syndrome and full-syndrome eating disorders after completion of the program; secondary outcomes included self-reported questionnaires about eating disorder pathology. Results MaiStep did not reveal significant group differences at 3-month follow-up but showed a significant difference between the intervention groups and the active control group for partial anorexia nervosa (CHI²(2)) = 8.74, p = .01**) and partial bulimia nervosa (CHI²(2) = 7.25, p = .02*) at 12-month follow-up. Consistent with the primary outcome, the secondary measures were even more effective in the intervention groups at 12-month follow-up. The subscales of the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI-2) drive of thinness (F (2, 355) = 3.94, p = .02*) and perfectionism (F (2, 355) = 4.19, p = .01**) and the Body Image Avoidance Questionnaire (BIAQ) (F (2, 525) = 18.79, p = .01**) showed significant differences for the intervention groups and demonstrated the effectiveness of MaiStep. Conclusions MaiStep has shown to be a successful program to prevent eating disorders in adolescents at 13 to 15 years of age. In addition, MaiStep was equally effective when conducted by teachers compared to psychologists suggesting feasibility of implementation in real world settings. Trial registration MaiStep is registered at the German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS00005050).}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Krah2016, author = {Krah, Franziska}, title = {Ein Ungeheuer, das wenigstens theoretisch besiegt sein muß}, series = {Wissenschaftliche Reihe des Fritz Bauer Institut ; 29}, journal = {Wissenschaftliche Reihe des Fritz Bauer Institut ; 29}, number = {29}, publisher = {Campus Verlag}, address = {Frankfurt / New York}, isbn = {978-3-59350- 624-1}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {466}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Was und von wem wurde mit wissenschaftlichem Anspruch w{\"a}hrend des ersten Drittels des 20. Jahrhunderts {\"u}ber Antisemitismus in Deutschland gearbeitet und geschrieben? Welche Ans{\"a}tze bot die fr{\"u}he Antisemitismusforschung? Das sind die Leitfragen dieser Studie, die ein St{\"u}ck Kulturund Wissenschaftsgeschichte zugleich bietet. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus schl{\"a}gt das Buch einen Bogen zur Geschichte des Abwehrkampfs gegen den Antisemitismus bis 1933. Das Fazit: Bereits in der Weimarer Republik existierte ein tiefergehendes Wissen {\"u}ber den Antisemitismus, das jedoch f{\"u}r den Abwehrkampf gegen antisemitische und v{\"o}lkische Bewegungen wenig Perspektiven bieten konnte.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Simon2016, author = {Simon, Sebastian}, title = {Der Einfluss der Koordination von Spurenelementen in silikatischen und aluminosilikatischen Schmelzen auf Elementverteilungsprozesse in magmatischen Systemen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-100932}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xviii, 138}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Das Wissen um die lokale Struktur von Seltenen Erden Elementen (SEE) in silikatischen und aluminosilikatischen Schmelzen ist von fundamentalem Interesse f{\"u}r die Geochemie der magmatischen Prozesse, speziell wenn es um ein umfassendes Verst{\"a}ndnis der Verteilungsprozesse von SEE in magmatischen Systemen geht. Es ist allgemein akzeptiert, dass die SEE-Verteilungsprozesse von Temperatur, Druck, Sauerstofffugazit{\"a}t (im Fall von polyvalenten Kationen) und der Kristallchemie kontrolliert werden. Allerdings ist wenig {\"u}ber den Einfluss der Schmelzzusammensetzung selbst bekannt. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, eine Beziehung zwischen der Variation der SEE-Verteilung mit der Schmelzzusammensetzung und der Koordinationschemie dieser SEE in der Schmelze zu schaffen. Dazu wurden Schmelzzusammensetzungen von Prowatke und Klemme (2005), welche eine deutliche {\"A}nderung der Verteilungskoeffizienten zwischen Titanit und Schmelze ausschließlich als Funktion der Schmelzzusammensetzung zeigen, sowie haplogranitische bzw. haplobasaltische Schmelzzusammensetzungen als Vertreter magmatischer Systeme mit La, Gd, Yb und Y dotiert und als Glas synthetisiert. Die Schmelzen variierten systematisch im Aluminiums{\"a}ttigungsindex (ASI), welcher bei den Prowatke und Klemme (2005) Zusammensetzungen einen Bereich von 0.115 bis 0.768, bei den haplogranitischen Zusammensetzungen einen Bereich von 0.935 bis 1.785 und bei den haplobasaltischen Zusammensetzungen einen Bereich von 0.368 bis 1.010 abdeckt. Zus{\"a}tzlich wurden die haplogranitischen Zusammensetzungen mit 4 \% H2O synthetisiert, um den Einfluss von Wasser auf die lokale Umgebung von SEE zu studieren. Um Informationen {\"u}ber die lokalen Struktur von Gd, Yb und Y zu erhalten wurde die R{\"o}ntgenabsorptionsspektroskopie angewendet. Dabei liefert die Untersuchung der Feinstruktur mittels der EXAFS-Spektroskopie (engl. Extended X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure) quantitative Informationen {\"u}ber die lokale Umgebung, w{\"a}hrend RIXS (engl. resonant inelastic X-ray scattering), sowie die daraus extrahierte hoch aufgel{\"o}ste Nahkantenstruktur, XANES (engl. X-ray absorption near edge structure) qualitative Informationen {\"u}ber m{\"o}gliche Koordinations{\"a}nderungen von La, Gd und Yb in den Gl{\"a}sern liefert. Um m{\"o}gliche Unterschiede der lokalen Struktur oberhalb der Glastransformationstemperatur (TG) zur Raumtemperatur zu untersuchen, wurden exemplarisch Hochtemperatur Y-EXAFS Untersuchungen durchgef{\"u}hrt. F{\"u}r die Auswertung der EXAFS-Messungen wurde ein neu eingef{\"u}hrter Histogramm-Fit verwendet, der auch nicht-symmetrische bzw. nichtgaußf{\"o}rmige Paarverteilungsfunktionen beschreiben kann, wie sie bei einem hohen Grad der Polymerisierung bzw. bei hohen Temperaturen auftreten k{\"o}nnen. Die Y-EXAFS-Spektren f{\"u}r die Prowatke und Klemme (2005) Zusammensetzungen zeigen mit Zunahme des ASI, eine Zunahme der Asymmetrie und Breite der Y-O Paarverteilungsfunktion, welche sich in sich in der {\"A}nderung der Koordinationszahl von 6 nach 8 und einer Zunahme des Y-O Abstand um 0.13{\AA} manifestiert. Ein {\"a}hnlicher Trend l{\"a}sst sich auch f{\"u}r die Gd- und Yb-EXAFS-Spektren beobachten. Die hoch aufgel{\"o}sten XANESSpektren f{\"u}r La, Gd und Yb zeigen, dass sich die strukturellen Unterschiede zumindest halb-quantitativ bestimmen lassen. Dies gilt insbesondere f{\"u}r {\"A}nderungen im mittleren Abstand zu den Sauerstoffatomen. Im Vergleich zur EXAFS-Spektroskopie liefert XANES jedoch keine Informationen {\"u}ber die Form und Breite von Paarverteilungsfunktionen. Die Hochtemperatur EXAFS-Untersuchungen von Y zeigen {\"A}nderungen der lokalen Struktur oberhalb der Glas{\"u}bergangstemperatur an, welche sich vordergr{\"u}ndig auf eine thermisch induzierte Erh{\"o}hung des mittleren Y-O Abstandes zur{\"u}ckf{\"u}hren lassen. Allerdings zeigt ein Vergleich der Y-O Abst{\"a}nde f{\"u}r Zusammensetzungen mit einem ASI von 0.115 bzw. 0.755, ermittelt bei Raumtemperatur und TG, dass der im Glas beobachtete strukturelle Unterschied entlang der Zusammensetzungsserie in der Schmelze noch st{\"a}rker ausfallen kann, als bisher f{\"u}r die Gl{\"a}ser angenommen wurde. Die direkte Korrelation der Verteilungsdaten von Prowatke und Klemme (2005) mit den strukturellen {\"A}nderungen der Schmelzen offenbart f{\"u}r Y eine lineare Korrelation, wohingegen Yb und Gd eine nicht lineare Beziehung zeigen. Aufgrund seines Ionenradius und seiner Ladung wird das 6-fach koordinierte SEE in den niedriger polymerisierten Schmelzen bevorzugt durch nicht-br{\"u}ckenbildende Sauerstoffatome koordiniert, um stabile Konfigurationen zu bilden. In den h{\"o}her polymerisierten Schmelzen mit ASI-Werten in der N{\"a}he von 1 ist 6-fache Koordination nicht m{\"o}glich, da fast nur noch br{\"u}ckenbildende Sauerstoffatome zur Verf{\"u}gung stehen. Die {\"U}berbindung von br{\"u}ckenbildenden Sauerstoffatomen um das SEE wird durch Erh{\"o}hung der Koordinationszahl und des mittleren SEE-O Abstandes ausgeglichen. Dies bedeutet eine energetisch g{\"u}nstigere Konfiguration in den st{\"a}rker depolymerisierten Zusammensetzungen, aus welcher die beobachtete Variation des Verteilungskoeffizienten resultiert, welcher sich jedoch f{\"u}r jedes Element stark unterscheidet. F{\"u}r die haplogranitischen und haplobasaltischen Zusammensetzungen wurde mit Zunahme der Polymerisierung auch eine Zunahme der Koordinationszahl und des durchschnittlichen Bindungsabstands, einhergehend mit der Zunahme der Schiefe und der Asymmetrie der Paarverteilungsfunktion, beobachtet. Dies impliziert, dass das jeweilige SEE mit Zunahme der Polymerisierung auch inkompatibler in diesen Zusammensetzungen wird. Weiterhin zeigt die Zugabe von Wasser, dass die Schmelzen depolymerisieren, was in einer symmetrischeren Paarverteilungsfunktion resultiert, wodurch die Kompatibilit{\"a}t wieder zunimmt. Zusammenfassend zeigt sich, dass die Ver{\"a}nderungen der Schmelzzusammensetzungen in einer {\"A}nderung der Polymerisierung der Schmelzen resultieren, die dann einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die lokale Umgebung der SEE hat. Die strukturellen {\"A}nderungen lassen sich direkt mit Verteilungsdaten korrelieren, die Trends unterscheiden sich aber stark zwischen leichten, mittleren und schweren SEE. Allerdings konnte diese Studie zeigen, in welcher Gr{\"o}ßenordnung die {\"A}nderungen liegen m{\"u}ssen, um einen signifikanten Einfluss auf den Verteilungskoeffizenten zu haben. Weiterhin zeigt sich, dass der Einfluss der Schmelzzusammensetzung auf die Verteilung der Spurenelemente mit Zunahme der Polymerisierung steigt und daher nicht vernachl{\"a}ssigt werden darf.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hildebrand2016, author = {Hildebrand, Viet}, title = {Twofold switchable block copolymers based on new polyzwitterions}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-101372}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xvi, 170, LXXX}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In complement to the well-established zwitterionic monomers 3-((2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl)dimethylammonio)propane-1-sulfonate ("SPE") and 3-((3-methacrylamidopropyl)dimethylammonio)propane-1-sulfonate ("SPP"), the closely related sulfobetaine monomers were synthesized and polymerized by reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization, using a fluorophore labeled RAFT agent. The polyzwitterions of systematically varied molar mass were characterized with respect to their solubility in water, deuterated water, and aqueous salt solutions. These poly(sulfobetaine)s show thermoresponsive behavior in water, exhibiting upper critical solution temperatures (UCST). Phase transition temperatures depend notably on the molar mass and polymer concentration, and are much higher in D2O than in H2O. Also, the phase transition temperatures are effectively modulated by the addition of salts. The individual effects can be in parts correlated to the Hofmeister series for the anions studied. Still, they depend in a complex way on the concentration and the nature of the added electrolytes, on the one hand, and on the detailed structure of the zwitterionic side chain, on the other hand. For the polymers with the same zwitterionic side chain, it is found that methacrylamide-based poly(sulfobetaine)s exhibit higher UCST-type transition temperatures than their methacrylate analogs. The extension of the distance between polymerizable unit and zwitterionic groups from 2 to 3 methylene units decreases the UCST-type transition temperatures. Poly(sulfobetaine)s derived from aliphatic esters show higher UCST-type transition temperatures than their analogs featuring cyclic ammonium cations. The UCST-type transition temperatures increase markedly with spacer length separating the cationic and anionic moieties from 3 to 4 methylene units. Thus, apparently small variations of their chemical structure strongly affect the phase behavior of the polyzwitterions in specific aqueous environments. Water-soluble block copolymers were prepared from the zwitterionic monomers and the non-ionic monomer N-isopropylmethacrylamide ("NIPMAM") by the RAFT polymerization. Such block copolymers with two hydrophilic blocks exhibit twofold thermoresponsive behavior in water. The poly(sulfobetaine) block shows an UCST, whereas the poly(NIPMAM) block exhibits a lower critical solution temperature (LCST). This constellation induces a structure inversion of the solvophobic aggregate, called "schizophrenic micelle". Depending on the relative positions of the two different phase transitions, the block copolymer passes through a molecularly dissolved or an insoluble intermediate regime, which can be modulated by the polymer concentration or by the addition of salt. Whereas, at low temperature, the poly(sulfobetaine) block forms polar aggregates that are kept in solution by the poly(NIPMAM) block, at high temperature, the poly(NIPMAM) block forms hydrophobic aggregates that are kept in solution by the poly(sulfobetaine) block. Thus, aggregates can be prepared in water, which switch reversibly their "inside" to the "outside", and vice versa.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Herenz2016, author = {Herenz, Edmund Christian}, title = {Detecting and understanding extragalactic Lyman α emission using 3D spectroscopy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-102341}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {175}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In this thesis we use integral-field spectroscopy to detect and understand of Lyman α (Lyα) emission from high-redshift galaxies. Intrinsically the Lyα emission at λ = 1216 {\AA} is the strongest recombination line from galaxies. It arises from the 2p → 1s transition in hydrogen. In star-forming galaxies the line is powered by ionisation of the interstellar gas by hot O- and B- stars. Galaxies with star-formation rates of 1 - 10 Msol/year are expected to have Lyα luminosities of 42 dex - 43 dex (erg/s), corresponding to fluxes ~ -17 dex - -18 dex (erg/s/cm²) at redshifts z~3, where Lyα is easily accessible with ground-based telescopes. However, star-forming galaxies do not show these expected Lyα fluxes. Primarily this is a consequence of the high-absorption cross-section of neutral hydrogen for Lyα photons σ ~ -14 dex (cm²). Therefore, in typical interstellar environments Lyα photons have to undergo a complex radiative transfer. The exact conditions under which Lyα photons can escape a galaxy are poorly understood. Here we present results from three observational projects. In Chapter 2, we show integral field spectroscopic observations of 14 nearby star-forming galaxies in Balmer α radiation (Hα, λ = 6562.8 {\AA}). These observations were obtained with the Potsdam Multi Aperture Spectrophotometer at the Calar-Alto 3.5m Telescope}. Hα directly traces the intrinsic Lyα radiation field. We present Hα velocity fields and velocity dispersion maps spatially registered onto Hubble Space Telescope Lyα and Hα images. From our observations, we conjecture a causal connection between spatially resolved Hα kinematics and Lyα photometry for individual galaxies. Statistically, we find that dispersion-dominated galaxies are more likely to emit Lyα photons than galaxies where ordered gas-motions dominate. This result indicates that turbulence in actively star-forming systems favours an escape of Lyα radiation. Not only massive stars can power Lyα radiation, but also non-thermal emission from an accreting super-massive black hole in the galaxy centre. If a galaxy harbours such an active galactic nucleus, the rate of hydrogen-ionising photons can be more than 1000 times higher than that of a typical star-forming galaxy. This radiation can potentially ionise large regions well outside the main stellar body of galaxies. Therefore, it is expected that the neutral hydrogen from these circum-galactic regions shines fluorescently in Lyα. Circum-galactic gas plays a crucial role in galaxy formation. It may act as a reservoir for fuelling star formation, and it is also subject to feedback processes that expel galactic material. If Lyα emission from this circum-galactic medium (CGM) was detected, these important processes could be studied in-situ around high-z galaxies. In Chapter 3, we show observations of five radio-quiet quasars with PMAS to search for possible extended CGM emission in the Lyα line. However, in four of the five objects, we find no significant traces of this emission. In the fifth object, there is evidence for a weak and spatially quite compact Lyα excess at several kpc outside the nucleus. The faintness of these structures is consistent with the idea that radio-quiet quasars typically reside in dark matter haloes of modest masses. While we were not able to detect Lyα CGM emission, our upper limits provide constraints for the new generation of IFS instruments at 8--10m class telescopes. The Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) at ESOs Very Large Telescopeis such an unique instrument. One of the main motivating drivers in its construction was the use as a survey instrument for Lyα emitting galaxies at high-z. Currently, we are conducting such a survey that will cover a total area of ~100 square arcminutes with 1 hour exposures for each 1 square arcminute MUSE pointing. As a first result from this survey we present in Chapter 5 a catalogue of 831 emission-line selected galaxies from a 22.2 square arcminute region in the Chandra Deep Field South. In order to construct the catalogue, we developed and implemented a novel source detection algorithm -- LSDCat -- based on matched filtering for line emission in 3D spectroscopic datasets (Chapter 4). Our catalogue contains 237 Lyα emitting galaxies in the redshift range 3 ≲ z ≲ 6. Only four of those previously had spectroscopic redshifts in the literature. We conclude this thesis with an outlook on the construction of a Lyα luminosity function based on this unique sample (Chapter 6).}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Harding2016, author = {Harding, Eleanor Elizabeth}, title = {Neurocognitive entrainment to meter influences syntactic comprehension in music and language}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-102258}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vi, 318}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Meter and syntax have overlapping elements in music and speech domains, and individual differences have been documented in both meter perception and syntactic comprehension paradigms. Previous evidence insinuated but never fully explored the relationship that metrical structure has to syntactic comprehension, the comparability of these processes across music and language domains, and the respective role of individual differences. This dissertation aimed to investigate neurocognitive entrainment to meter in music and language, the impact that neurocognitive entrainment had on syntactic comprehension, and whether individual differences in musical expertise, temporal perception and working memory played a role during these processes. A theoretical framework was developed, which linked neural entrainment, cognitive entrainment, and syntactic comprehension while detailing previously documented effects of individual differences on meter perception and syntactic comprehension. The framework was developed in both music and language domains and was tested using behavioral and EEG methods across three studies (seven experiments). In order to satisfy empirical evaluation of neurocognitive entrainment and syntactic aspects of the framework, original melodies and sentences were composed. Each item had four permutations: regular and irregular metricality, based on the hierarchical organization of strong and weak notes and syllables, and preferred and non-preferred syntax, based on structurally alternate endings. The framework predicted — for both music and language domains — greater neurocognitive entrainment in regular compared to irregular metricality conditions, and accordingly, better syntactic integration in regular compared to irregular metricality conditions. Individual differences among participants were expected for both entrainment and syntactic processes. Altogether, the dissertation was able to support a holistic account of neurocognitive entrainment to musical meter and its subsequent influence on syntactic integration of melodies, with musician participants. The theoretical predictions were not upheld in the language domain with musician participants, but initial behavioral evidence in combination with previous EEG evidence suggest that perhaps non-musician language EEG data would support the framework's predictions. Musicians' deviation from hypothesized results in the language domain were suspected to reflect heightened perception of acoustic features stemming from musical training, which caused current 'overly' regular stimuli to distract the cognitive system. The individual-differences approach was vindicated by the surfacing of two factors scores, Verbal Working Memory and Time and Pitch Discrimination, which in turn correlated with multiple experimental data across the three studies.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Shikangalah2016, author = {Shikangalah, Rosemary Ndawapeka}, title = {An ecohydrological impact assessment in urban areas}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-102356}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ii, 105}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Over the last decades, the world's population has been growing at a faster rate, resulting in increased urbanisation, especially in developing countries. More than half of the global population currently lives in urbanised areas with an increasing tendency. The growth of cities results in a significant loss of vegetation cover, soil compaction and sealing of the soil surface which in turn results in high surface runoff during high-intensity storms and causes the problem of accelerated soil water erosion on streets and building grounds. Accelerated soil water erosion is a serious environmental problem in cities as it gives rise to the contamination of aquatic bodies, reduction of ground water recharge and increase in land degradation, and also results in damages to urban infrastructures, including drainage systems, houses and roads. Understanding the problem of water erosion in urban settings is essential for the sustainable planning and management of cities prone to water erosion. However, in spite of the vast existence of scientific literature on water erosion in rural regions, a concrete understanding of the underlying dynamics of urban erosion still remains inadequate for the urban dryland environments. This study aimed at assessing water erosion and the associated socio-environmental determinants in a typical dryland urban area and used the city of Windhoek, Namibia, as a case study. The study used a multidisciplinary approach to assess the problem of water erosion. This included an in depth literature review on current research approaches and challenges of urban erosion, a field survey method for the quantification of the spatial extent of urban erosion in the dryland city of Windhoek, and face to face interviews by using semi-structured questionnaires to analyse the perceptions of stakeholders on urban erosion. The review revealed that around 64\% of the literatures reviewed were conducted in the developed world, and very few researches were carried out in regions with extreme climate, including dryland regions. Furthermore, the applied methods for erosion quantification and monitoring are not inclusive of urban typical features and they are not specific for urban areas. The reviewed literature also lacked aspects aimed at addressing the issues of climate change and policies regarding erosion in cities. In a field study, the spatial extent and severity of an urban dryland city, Windhoek, was quantified and the results show that nearly 56\% of the city is affected by water erosion showing signs of accelerated erosion in the form of rills and gullies, which occurred mainly in the underdeveloped, informal and semi-formal areas of the city. Factors influencing the extent of erosion in Windhoek included vegetation cover and type, socio-urban factors and to a lesser extent slope estimates. A comparison of an interpolated field survey erosion map with a conventional erosion assessment tool (the Universal Soil Loss Equation) depicted a large deviation in spatial patterns, which underlines the inappropriateness of traditional non-urban erosion tools to urban settings and emphasises the need to develop new erosion assessment and management methods for urban environments. It was concluded that measures for controlling water erosion in the city need to be site-specific as the extent of erosion varied largely across the city. The study also analysed the perceptions and understanding of stakeholders of urban water erosion in Windhoek, by interviewing 41 stakeholders using semi-structured questionnaires. The analysis addressed their understanding of water erosion dynamics, their perceptions with regards to the causes and the seriousness of erosion damages, and their attitudes towards the responsibilities for urban erosion. The results indicated that there is less awareness of the process as a phenomenon, instead there is more awareness of erosion damages and the factors contributing to the damages. About 69\% of the stakeholders considered erosion damages to be ranging from moderate to very serious. However, there were notable disparities between the private householders and public authority groups. The study further found that the stakeholders have no clear understanding of their responsibilities towards the management of the control measures and payment for the damages. The private householders and local authority sectors pointed fingers at each other for the responsibilities for erosion damage payments and for putting up prevention measures. The reluctance to take responsibility could create a predicament for areas affected, specifically in the informal settlements where land management is not carried out by the local authority and land is not owned by the occupants. The study concluded that in order to combat urban erosion, it is crucial to understand diverse dynamics aggravating the process of urbanisation from different scales. Accordingly, the study suggests that there is an urgent need for the development of urban-specific approaches that aim at: (a) incorporating the diverse socio-economic-environmental aspects influencing erosion, (b) scientifically improving natural cycles that influence water storages and nutrients for plants in urbanised dryland areas in order to increase the amount of vegetation cover, (c) making use of high resolution satellite images to improve the adopted methods for assessing urban erosion, (d) developing water erosion policies, and (e) continuously monitoring the impact of erosion and the influencing processes from local, national and international levels.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Steeples2016, author = {Steeples, Elliot}, title = {Amino acid-derived imidazolium salts: platform molecules for N-Heterocyclic carbene metal complexes and organosilica materials}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-101861}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {139}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In the interest of producing functional catalysts from sustainable building-blocks, 1, 3-dicarboxylate imidazolium salts derived from amino acids were successfully modified to be suitable as N-Heterocyclic carbene (NHC) ligands within metal complexes. Complexes of Ag(I), Pd(II), and Ir(I) were successfully produced using known procedures using ligands derived from glycine, alanine, β-alanine and phenylalanine. The complexes were characterized in solid state using X-Ray crystallography, which allowed for the steric and electronic comparison of these ligands to well-known NHC ligands within analogous metal complexes. The palladium complexes were tested as catalysts for aqueous-phase Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling. Water-solubility could be induced via ester hydrolysis of the N-bound groups in the presence of base. The mono-NHC-Pd complexes were seen to be highly active in the coupling of aryl bromides with phenylboronic acid; the active catalyst of which was determined to be mostly Pd(0) nanoparticles. Kinetic studies determined that reaction proceeds quickly in the coupling of bromoacetophenone, for both pre-hydrolyzed and in-situ hydrolysis catalyst dissolution. The catalyst could also be recycled for an extra run by simply re-using the aqueous layer. The imidazolium salts were also used to produce organosilica hybrid materials. This was attempted via two methods: by post-grafting onto a commercial organosilica, and co-condensation of the corresponding organosilane. The co-condensation technique harbours potential for the production of solid-support catalysts.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wang2016, author = {Wang, Victor-C.}, title = {Injury and illness risk factors for elite athletes in training environment}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-100925}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {viii, 84, ix}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Since 1998, elite athletes' sport injuries have been monitored in single sport event, which leads to the development of first comprehensive injury surveillance system in multi-sport Olympic Games in 2008. However, injury and illness occurred in training phases have not been systematically studied due to its multi-facets, potentially interactive risk related factors. The present thesis aim to address issues of feasibility of establishing a validated measure for injury/illness, training environment and psychosocial risk factors by creating the evaluation tool namely risk of injury questionnaire (Risk-IQ) for elite athletes, which based on IOC consensus statement 2009 recommended content of preparticipation evaluation(PPE) and periodic health exam (PHE). A total of 335 top level athletes and a total of 88 medical care providers from Germany and Taiwan participated in tow "cross-sectional plus longitudinal" Risk-IQ and MCPQ surveys respectively. Four categories of injury/illness related risk factors questions were asked in Risk-IQ for athletes while injury risk and psychological related questions were asked in MCPQ for MCP cohorts. Answers were quantified scales wise/subscales wise before analyzed with other factors/scales. In addition, adapted variables such as sport format were introduced for difference task of analysis. Validated with 2-wyas translation and test-retest reliabilities, the Risk-IQ was proved to be in good standard which were further confirmed by analyzed results from official surveys in both Germany and Taiwan. The result of Risk-IQ revealed that elite athletes' accumulated total injuries, in general, were multi-factor dependent; influencing factors including but not limited to background experiences, medical history, PHE and PPE medical resources as well as stress from life events. Injuries of different body parts were sport format and location specific. Additionally, medical support of PPE and PHE indicated significant difference between German and Taiwan. The result of the present thesis confirmed that it is feasible to construct a comprehensive evalua-tion instrument for heterogeneous elite athletes cohorts' risk factor analysis for injury/illness oc-curred during their non-competition periods. In average and with many moderators involved, Ger-man elite athletes have superior medical care support yet suffered more severe injuries than Tai-wanese counterparts. Opinions of injury related psychological issues reflected differently on vari-ous MCP groups irrespective of different nationalities. In general, influencing factors and interac-tions existed among relevant factors in both studies which implied further investigation with multiple regression analysis is needed for better understanding.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bressel2016, author = {Bressel, Lena}, title = {Bedeutung der abh{\"a}ngigen Streuung f{\"u}r die optischen Eigenschaften hochkonzentrierter Dispersionen}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {154, XL}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Stagl2016, author = {Stagl, Judith C.}, title = {Ecosystems' exposure to climate change - Modeling as support for nature conservation management}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {127}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pampel2016, author = {Pampel, Jonas}, title = {Ionothermal carbon materials}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-101323}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {122, xlv}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Alternative concepts for energy storage and conversion have to be developed, optimized and employed to fulfill the dream of a fossil-independent energy economy. Porous carbon materials play a major role in many energy-related devices. Among different characteristics, distinct porosity features, e.g., specific surface area (SSA), total pore volume (TPV), and the pore size distribution (PSD), are important to maximize the performance in the final device. In order to approach the aim to synthesize carbon materials with tailor-made porosity in a sustainable fashion, the present thesis focused on biomass-derived precursors employing and developing the ionothermal carbonization. During the ionothermal carbonization, a salt melt simultaneously serves as solvent and porogen. Typically, eutectic mixtures containing zinc chloride are employed as salt phase. The first topic of the present thesis addressed the possibility to precisely tailor the porosity of ionothermal carbon materials by an experimentally simple variation of the molar composition of the binary salt mixture. The developed pore tuning tool allowed the synthesis of glucose derived carbon materials with predictable SSAs in the range of ~ 900 to ~ 2100 m2 g-1. Moreover, the nucleobase adenine was employed as precursor introducing nitrogen functionalities in the final material. Thereby, the chemical properties of the carbon materials are varied leading to new application fields. Nitrogen doped carbons (NDCs) are able to catalyze the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) which takes place on the cathodic site of a fuel cell. The herein developed porosity tailoring allowed the synthesis of adenine derived NDCs with outstanding SSAs of up to 2900 m2 g-1 and very large TPV of 5.19 cm3 g-1. Furthermore, the influence of the porosity on the ORR could be directly investigated enabling the precise optimization of the porosity characteristics of NDCs for this application. The second topic addressed the development of a new method to investigate the not-yet unraveled mechanism of the oxygen reduction reaction using a rotating disc electrode setup. The focus was put on noble-metal free catalysts. The results showed that the reaction pathway of the investigated catalysts is pH-dependent indicating different active species at different pH-values. The third topic addressed the expansion of the used salts for the ionothermal approach towards hydrated calcium and magnesium chloride. It was shown that hydrated salt phases allowed the introduction of a secondary templating effect which was connected to the coexistence of liquid and solid salt phases. The method enabled the synthesis of fibrous NDCs with SSAs of up to 2780 m2 g-1 and very large TPV of 3.86 cm3 g-1. Moreover, the concept of active site implementation by a facile low-temperature metalation employing the obtained NDCs as solid ligands could be shown for the first time in the context of ORR. Overall, the thesis may pave the way towards highly porous carbon with tailor-made porosity materials prepared by an inexpensive and sustainable pathway, which can be applied in energy related field thereby supporting the needed expansion of the renewable energy sector.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mueller2016, author = {M{\"u}ller, Maximilian}, title = {Organisationsmodelle f{\"u}r Beschaffung, Betrieb und Finanzierung von Lufttransportkapazit{\"a}ten in der internationalen Katastrophenhilfe}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-101021}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ix, 229}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die Dissertation befasst sich mit der Organisation von humanit{\"a}ren Lufttransporten bei internationalen Katastrophen. Diese Fl{\"u}ge finden immer dann statt, wenn die eigene Hilfeleistungsf{\"a}higkeit der von Katastrophen betroffenen Regionen {\"u}berfordert ist und Hilfe aus dem Ausland angefordert wird. Bei jedem der darauffolgenden Hilfseins{\"a}tze stehen Hilfsorganisationen und weitere mit der Katastrophenhilfe beteiligte Akteure erneut vor der Herausforderung, in k{\"u}rzester Zeit eine logistische Kette aufzubauen, damit die G{\"u}ter zum richtigen Zeitpunkt in der richtigen Menge am richtigen Ort eintreffen. Humanit{\"a}re Lufttransporte werden in der Regel als Charterfl{\"u}ge organisiert und finden auf langen Strecken zu Zielen statt, die nicht selten abseits der hochfrequentierten Warenstr{\"o}me liegen. Am Markt ist das Angebot f{\"u}r derartige Transportdienstleistungen nicht gesichert verf{\"u}gbar und unter Umst{\"a}nden m{\"u}ssen Hilfsorganisationen warten bis Kapazit{\"a}ten mit geeigneten Flugzeugen zur Verf{\"u}gung stehen. Auch qualitativ sind die Anforderungen von Hilfsorganisationen an die Hilfsg{\"u}tertransporte h{\"o}her als im regul{\"a}ren Linientransport. Im Rahmen der Dissertation wird ein alternatives Organisationsmodell f{\"u}r die Beschaffung und den Betrieb sowie die Finanzierung von humanit{\"a}ren Lufttransporten aufgebaut. Dabei wird die gesicherte Verf{\"u}gbarkeit von besonders flexibel einsetzbaren Flugzeugen in Betracht gezogen, mit deren Hilfe die Qualit{\"a}t und insbesondere die Planbarkeit der Hilfeleistung verbessert werden k{\"o}nnte. Ein idealtypisches Modell wird hier durch die Kopplung der Kollektivg{\"u}tertheorie, die der Finanzwissenschaft zuzuordnen ist, mit der Vertragstheorie als Bestandteil der Neuen Institutionen{\"o}konomik erarbeitet. Empirische Beitr{\"a}ge zur Vertragstheorie bem{\"a}ngeln, dass es bei der Beschaffung von transaktionsspezifischen Investitionsg{\"u}tern, wie etwa Flugzeugen mit besonderen Eigenschaften, aufgrund von Risiken und Umweltunsicherheiten zu ineffizienten L{\"o}sungen zwischen Vertragspartnern kommt. Die vorliegende Dissertation zeigt eine M{\"o}glichkeit auf, wie durch Aufbau einer gemeinsamen Informationsbasis ex-ante, also vor Vertragsschluss, Risiken und Umweltunsicherheiten reduziert werden k{\"o}nnen. Dies geschieht durch eine temporale Erweiterung eines empirischen Modells zur Bestimmung der Organisationsform bei transaktionsspezifischen Investitionsg{\"u}tern aus der Regulierungs{\"o}konomik. Die Arbeitet leistet dar{\"u}ber hinaus einen Beitrag zur Steigerung der Effizienz in der humanit{\"a}ren Logistik durch die fallspezifische Betrachtung von horizontalen Kooperationen und Professionalisierung der Hilfeleistung im Bereich der humanit{\"a}ren Luftfahrt.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hohenbrink2016, author = {Hohenbrink, Tobias Ludwig}, title = {Turning a problem into a solution: heterogeneities in soil hydrology}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-101485}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {x, 123}, year = {2016}, abstract = {It is commonly recognized that soil moisture exhibits spatial heterogeneities occurring in a wide range of scales. These heterogeneities are caused by different factors ranging from soil structure at the plot scale to land use at the landscape scale. There is an urgent need for effi-cient approaches to deal with soil moisture heterogeneity at large scales, where manage-ment decisions are usually made. The aim of this dissertation was to test innovative ap-proaches for making efficient use of standard soil hydrological data in order to assess seep-age rates and main controls on observed hydrological behavior, including the role of soil het-erogeneities. As a first step, the applicability of a simplified Buckingham-Darcy method to estimate deep seepage fluxes from point information of soil moisture dynamics was assessed. This was done in a numerical experiment considering a broad range of soil textures and textural het-erogeneities. The method performed well for most soil texture classes. However, in pure sand where seepage fluxes were dominated by heterogeneous flow fields it turned out to be not applicable, because it simply neglects the effect of water flow heterogeneity. In this study a need for new efficient approaches to handle heterogeneities in one-dimensional water flux models was identified. As a further step, an approach to turn the problem of soil moisture heterogeneity into a solu-tion was presented: Principal component analysis was applied to make use of the variability among soil moisture time series for analyzing apparently complex soil hydrological systems. It can be used for identifying the main controls on the hydrological behavior, quantifying their relevance, and describing their particular effects by functional averaged time series. The ap-proach was firstly tested with soil moisture time series simulated for different texture classes in homogeneous and heterogeneous model domains. Afterwards, it was applied to 57 mois-ture time series measured in a multifactorial long term field experiment in Northeast Germa-ny. The dimensionality of both data sets was rather low, because more than 85 \% of the total moisture variance could already be explained by the hydrological input signal and by signal transformation with soil depth. The perspective of signal transformation, i.e. analyzing how hydrological input signals (e.g., rainfall, snow melt) propagate through the vadose zone, turned out to be a valuable supplement to the common mass flux considerations. Neither different textures nor spatial heterogeneities affected the general kind of signal transfor-mation showing that complex spatial structures do not necessarily evoke a complex hydro-logical behavior. In case of the field measured data another 3.6\% of the total variance was unambiguously explained by different cropping systems. Additionally, it was shown that dif-ferent soil tillage practices did not affect the soil moisture dynamics at all. The presented approach does not require a priori assumptions about the nature of physical processes, and it is not restricted to specific scales. Thus, it opens various possibilities to in-corporate the key information from monitoring data sets into the modeling exercise and thereby reduce model uncertainties.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lenz2016, author = {Lenz, Josefine}, title = {Thermokarst dynamics in central-eastern Beringia}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-101364}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XII, 128, A-47}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Widespread landscape changes are presently observed in the Arctic and are most likely to accelerate in the future, in particular in permafrost regions which are sensitive to climate warming. To assess current and future developments, it is crucial to understand past environmental dynamics in these landscapes. Causes and interactions of environmental variability can hardly be resolved by instrumental records covering modern time scales. However, long-term environmental variability is recorded in paleoenvironmental archives. Lake sediments are important archives that allow reconstruction of local limnogeological processes as well as past environmental changes driven directly or indirectly by climate dynamics. This study aims at reconstructing Late Quaternary permafrost and thermokarst dynamics in central-eastern Beringia, the terrestrial land mass connecting Eurasia and North America during glacial sea-level low stands. In order to investigate development, processes and influence of thermokarst dynamics, several sediment cores from extant lakes and drained lake basins were analyzed to answer the following research questions: 1. When did permafrost degradation and thermokarst lake development take place and what were enhancing and inhibiting environmental factors? 2. What are the dominant processes during thermokarst lake development and how are they reflected in proxy records? 3. How did, and still do, thermokarst dynamics contribute to the inventory and properties of organic matter in sediments and the carbon cycle? Methods applied in this study are based upon a multi-proxy approach combining sedimentological, geochemical, geochronological, and micropaleontological analyses, as well as analyses of stable isotopes and hydrochemistry of pore-water and ice. Modern field observations of water quality and basin morphometrics complete the environmental investigations. The investigated sediment cores reveal permafrost degradation and thermokarst dynamics on different time scales. The analysis of a sediment core from GG basin on the northern Seward Peninsula (Alaska) shows prevalent terrestrial accumulation of yedoma throughout the Early to Mid Wisconsin with intermediate wet conditions at around 44.5 to 41.5 ka BP. This first wetland development was terminated by the accumulation of a 1-meter-thick airfall tephra most likely originating from the South Killeak Maar eruption at 42 ka BP. A depositional hiatus between 22.5 and 0.23 ka BP may indicate thermokarst lake formation in the surrounding of the site which forms a yedoma upland till today. The thermokarst lake forming GG basin initiated 230 ± 30 cal a BP and drained in Spring 2005 AD. Four years after drainage the lake talik was still unfrozen below 268 cm depth. A permafrost core from Mama Rhonda basin on the northern Seward Peninsula preserved a full lacustrine record including several lake phases. The first lake generation developed at 11.8 cal ka BP during the Lateglacial-Early Holocene transition; its old basin (Grandma Rhonda) is still partially preserved at the southern margin of the study basin. Around 9.0 cal ka BP a shallow and more dynamic thermokarst lake developed with actively eroding shorelines and potentially intermediate shallow water or wetland phases (Mama Rhonda). Mama Rhonda lake drainage at 1.1 cal ka BP was followed by gradual accumulation of terrestrial peat and top-down refreezing of the lake talik. A significant lower organic carbon content was measured in Grandma Rhonda deposits (mean TOC of 2.5 wt\%) than in Mama Rhonda deposits (mean TOC of 7.9 wt\%) highlighting the impact of thermokarst dynamics on biogeochemical cycling in different lake generations by thawing and mobilization of organic carbon into the lake system. Proximal and distal sediment cores from Peatball Lake on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska revealed young thermokarst dynamics since about 1,400 years along a depositional gradient based on reconstructions from shoreline expansion rates and absolute dating results. After its initiation as a remnant pond of a previous drained lake basin, a rapidly deepening lake with increasing oxygenation of the water column is evident from laminated sediments, and higher Fe/Ti and Fe/S ratios in the sediment. The sediment record archived characterizing shifts in depositional regimes and sediment sources from upland deposits and re-deposited sediments from drained thaw lake basins depending on the gradually changing shoreline configuration. These changes are evident from alternating organic inputs into the lake system which highlights the potential for thermokarst lakes to recycle old carbon from degrading permafrost deposits of its catchment. The lake sediment record from Herschel Island in the Yukon (Canada) covers the full Holocene period. After its initiation as a thermokarst lake at 11.7 cal ka BP and intense thermokarst activity until 10.0 cal ka BP, the steady sedimentation was interrupted by a depositional hiatus at 1.6 cal ka BP which likely resulted from lake drainage or allochthonous slumping due to collapsing shore lines. The specific setting of the lake on a push moraine composed of marine deposits is reflected in the sedimentary record. Freshening of the maturing lake is indicated by decreasing electrical conductivity in pore-water. Alternation of marine to freshwater ostracods and foraminifera confirms decreasing salinity as well but also reflects episodical re-deposition of allochthonous marine sediments. Based on permafrost and lacustrine sediment records, this thesis shows examples of the Late Quaternary evolution of typical Arctic permafrost landscapes in central-eastern Beringia and the complex interaction of local disturbance processes, regional environmental dynamics and global climate patterns. This study confirms that thermokarst lakes are important agents of organic matter recycling in complex and continuously changing landscapes.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{GonzalezCamargo2016, author = {Gonzalez Camargo, Rodolfo}, title = {Insulin resistance in cancer cachexia and metabolic syndrome}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-100973}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {104}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The ever-increasing fat content in Western diet, combined with decreased levels of physical activity, greatly enhance the incidence of metabolic-related diseases. Cancer cachexia (CC) and Metabolic syndrome (MetS) are both multifactorial highly complex metabolism related syndromes, whose etiology is not fully understood, as the mechanisms underlying their development are not completely unveiled. Nevertheless, despite being considered "opposite sides", MetS and CC share several common issues such as insulin resistance and low-grade inflammation. In these scenarios, tissue macrophages act as key players, due to their capacity to produce and release inflammatory mediators. One of the main features of MetS is hyperinsulinemia, which is generally associated with an attempt of the β-cell to compensate for diminished insulin sensitivity (insulin resistance). There is growing evidence that hyperinsulinemia per se may contribute to the development of insulin resistance, through the establishment of low grade inflammation in insulin responsive tissues, especially in the liver (as insulin is secreted by the pancreas into the portal circulation). The hypothesis of the present study was that insulin may itself provoke an inflammatory response culminating in diminished hepatic insulin sensitivity. To address this premise, firstly, human cell line U937 differentiated macrophages were exposed to insulin, LPS and PGE2. In these cells, insulin significantly augmented the gene expression of the pro-inflammatory mediators IL-1β, IL-8, CCL2, Oncostatin M (OSM) and microsomal prostaglandin E2 synthase (mPGES1), and of the anti-inflammatory mediator IL-10. Moreover, the synergism between insulin and LPS enhanced the induction provoked by LPS in IL-1β, IL-8, IL-6, CCL2 and TNF-α gene. When combined with PGE2, insulin enhanced the induction provoked by PGE2 in IL-1β, mPGES1 and COX2, and attenuated the inhibition induced by PGE2 in CCL2 and TNF-α gene expression contributing to an enhanced inflammatory response by both mechanisms. Supernatants of insulin-treated U937 macrophages reduced the insulin-dependent induction of glucokinase in hepatocytes by 50\%. Cytokines contained in the supernatant of insulin-treated U937 macrophages also activated hepatocytes ERK1/2, resulting in inhibitory serine phosphorylation of the insulin receptor substrate. Additionally, the transcription factor STAT3 was activated by phosphorylation resulting in the induction of SOCS3, which is capable of interrupting the insulin receptor signal chain. MicroRNAs, non-coding RNAs linked to protein expression regulation, nowadays recognized as active players in the generation of several inflammatory disorders such as cancer and type II diabetes are also of interest. Considering that in cancer cachexia, patients are highly affected by insulin resistance and inflammation, control, non-cachectic and cachectic cancer patients were selected and the respective circulating levels of pro-inflammatory mediators and microRNA-21-5p, a posttranscriptional regulator of STAT3 expression, assessed and correlated. Cachectic patients circulating cytokines IL-6 and IL-8 levels were significantly higher than those of non-cachectic and controls, and the expression of microRNA-21-5p was significantly lower. Additionally, microRNA-21-5p reduced expression correlated negatively with IL-6 plasma levels. These results indicate that hyperinsulinemia per se might contribute to the low grade inflammation prevailing in MetS patients and thereby promote the development of insulin resistance particularly in the liver. Diminished MicroRNA-21-5p expression may enhance inflammation and STAT3 expression in cachectic patients, contributing to the development of insulin resistance.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kopinski2016, author = {Kopinski, Stephan}, title = {The neuromuscular efficiency of lower back muscles in low back pain}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-101241}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {117}, year = {2016}, abstract = {BACKGROUND: The etiology of low back pain (LBP), one of the most prevalent and costly diseases of our time, is accepted to be multi-causal, placing functional factors in the focus of research. Thereby, pain models suggest a centrally controlled strategy of trunk stiffening in LBP. However, supporting biomechanical evidence is mostly limited to static measurements during maximum voluntary contractions (MVC), probably influenced by psychological factors in LBP. Alternatively, repeated findings indicate that the neuromuscular efficiency (NME), characterized by the strength-to-activation relationship (SAR), of lower back muscles is impaired in LBP. Therefore, a dynamic SAR protocol, consisting of normalized trunk muscle activation recordings during submaximal loads (SMVC) seems to be relevant. This thesis aimed to investigate the influence of LBP on the NME and activation pattern of trunk muscles during dynamic trunk extensions. METHODS: The SAR protocol consisted of an initial MVC reference trial (MVC1), followed by SMVCs at 20, 40, 60 and 80\% of MVC1 load. An isokinetic trunk dynamometer (Con-Trex TP, ROM: 45° flexion to 10° extension, velocity: 45°/s) and a trunk surface EMG setup (myon, up to 12 leads) was used. Extension torque output [Nm] and muscular activation [V] were assessed in all trials. Finally, another MVC trial was performed (MVC2) for reliability analysis. For SAR evaluation the SMVC trial values were normalized [\%MVC1] and compared inter- and intra-individually. The methodical validity of the approach was tested in an isometric SAR single-case pilot study (S1a: N = 2, female LBP patient vs. healthy male). In addition, the validity of the MVC reference method was verified by comparing different contraction modes (S1b: N = 17, healthy individuals). Next, the isokinetic protocol was validated in terms of content for its applicability to display known physiological differences between sexes in a cross-sectional study (S2: each n = 25 healthy males/females). Finally, the influence of acute pain on NME was investigated longitudinally by comparing N = 8 acute LBP patients with the retest after remission of pain (S3). The SAR analysis focused on normalized agonistic extensor activation and abdominal and synergistic extensor co-activation (t-tests, ANOVA, α = .05) as well as on reliability of MVC1/2 outcomes. RESULTS: During the methodological validation of the protocol (S1a), the isometric SAR was found to be descriptively different between individuals. Whereas torque output was highest during eccentric MVC, no relevant difference in peak EMG activation was found between contraction modes (S1b). The isokinetic SAR sex comparison (S2), though showing no significant overall effects, revealed higher normalized extensor activation at moderate submaximal loads in females (13 ± 4\%), primarily caused by pronounced thoracic activation. Similarly, co-activation analysis resulted in significantly higher antagonistic activation at moderate loads compared to males (33 ± 9\%). During intra-individual analysis of SAR in LBP patients (S3), a significant effect of pain status on the SAR has been identified, manifesting as increased normalized EMG activation of extensors during acute LBP (11 ± 8\%) particularly at high load. Abdominal co-activation tended to be elevated (27 ± 11\%) just as the thoracic extensor parts seemed to take over proportions of lumbar activation. All together, the M. erector spinae behaviour during the SAR protocol was rather linear with the tendency to rise exponentially during high loads. For the level of normalized EMG activation during SMVCs, a clear increasing trend from healthy males to females over to non-acute and acute LBP patients was discovered. This was associated by elevated antagonistic activation and a shift of synergistic towards lumbar extensor activation. The MVC data revealed overall good reliability, with clearly higher variability during acute LBP. DISCUSSION: The present thesis demonstrates that the NME of lower back muscles is impaired in LBP patients, especially during an acute pain episode. A new dynamic protocol has been developed that makes it possible to display the underlying SAR using normalized trunk muscle EMG during submaximal isokinetic loads. The protocol shows promise as a biomechanical tool for diagnostic analysis of NME in LBP patients and monitoring of rehabilitation progress. Furthermore, reliability not of maximum strength but rather of peak EMG of MVC measurements seems to be decreased in LBP patients. Meanwhile, the findings of this thesis largely substantiate the assumptions made by the recently presented 'motor adaptation to pain' model, suggesting a pain-related intra- and intermuscular activation redistribution affecting movement and stiffness of the trunk. Further research is needed to distinguish the grade of NME impairment between LBP subgroups.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Huber2016, author = {Huber, Stefan}, title = {Basisaktivierung als Mittel gegen soziale Exklusion?}, series = {Region - Nation - Europa ; 80}, journal = {Region - Nation - Europa ; 80}, publisher = {LIT Verlag}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-643-13483-7}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {X, 336}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Seit Jahren steigen Politikverdrossenheit und die Zahl der Menschen an, die sich von der Gesellschaft exkludiert f{\"u}hlen. K{\"o}nnen Basisaktivierung durch Quartiersmanagement und Community Organizing diesen Trends entgegenwirken? F{\"o}rdert die Erm{\"o}glichung der gesellschaftlichen Teilhabe von benachteiligten Bev{\"o}lkerungsgruppen die Sozialkapitalbildung im Sinne Putnams? Um diese Fragen zu beantworten, wurden die vorhandene Literatur analysiert und zahlreiche Experteninterviews gef{\"u}hrt.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Weidling2016, author = {Weidling, Stefan}, title = {Neue Ans{\"a}tze zur Verbesserung der Fehlertoleranz gegen{\"u}ber transienten Fehlern in sequentiellen Schaltungen}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XII, 181}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Draffehn2016, author = {Draffehn, S{\"o}ren}, title = {Optical Spectroscopy-Based Characterization of Micellar and Liposomal Systems with Possible Applications in Drug Delivery}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VII, 106, XII}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Maier2016, author = {Maier, Natalia}, title = {Aufbau eines Testsystems zum Nachweis von Ethylglucuronid (EtG) in Haaren}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {IX, 122}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Korkuć2016, author = {Korkuć, Paula}, title = {Spatial investigations of protein structures with regard to compound binding and post-translational modifications}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {141}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pirhayati2016, author = {Pirhayati, Mohammad}, title = {Edge operators and boundary value problems}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VI, 119}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Niess2016, author = {Nieß, G{\"u}nther}, title = {Modellierung und Erkennung von technischen Fehlern mittels linearer und nichtlinearer Codes}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {V, 97}, year = {2016}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Engelmann2016, author = {Engelmann, Felix}, title = {Toward an integrated model of sentence processing in reading}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-100864}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xiii, 143}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In experiments investigating sentence processing, eye movement measures such as fixation durations and regression proportions while reading are commonly used to draw conclusions about processing difficulties. However, these measures are the result of an interaction of multiple cognitive levels and processing strategies and thus are only indirect indicators of processing difficulty. In order to properly interpret an eye movement response, one has to understand the underlying principles of adaptive processing such as trade-off mechanisms between reading speed and depth of comprehension that interact with task demands and individual differences. Therefore, it is necessary to establish explicit models of the respective mechanisms as well as their causal relationship with observable behavior. There are models of lexical processing and eye movement control on the one side and models on sentence parsing and memory processes on the other. However, no model so far combines both sides with explicitly defined linking assumptions. In this thesis, a model is developed that integrates oculomotor control with a parsing mechanism and a theory of cue-based memory retrieval. On the basis of previous empirical findings and independently motivated principles, adaptive, resource-preserving mechanisms of underspecification are proposed both on the level of memory access and on the level of syntactic parsing. The thesis first investigates the model of cue-based retrieval in sentence comprehension of Lewis \& Vasishth (2005) with a comprehensive literature review and computational modeling of retrieval interference in dependency processing. The results reveal a great variability in the data that is not explained by the theory. Therefore, two principles, 'distractor prominence' and 'cue confusion', are proposed as an extension to the theory, thus providing a more adequate description of systematic variance in empirical results as a consequence of experimental design, linguistic environment, and individual differences. In the remainder of the thesis, four interfaces between parsing and eye movement control are defined: Time Out, Reanalysis, Underspecification, and Subvocalization. By comparing computationally derived predictions with experimental results from the literature, it is investigated to what extent these four interfaces constitute an appropriate elementary set of assumptions for explaining specific eye movement patterns during sentence processing. Through simulations, it is shown how this system of in itself simple assumptions results in predictions of complex, adaptive behavior. In conclusion, it is argued that, on all levels, the sentence comprehension mechanism seeks a balance between necessary processing effort and reading speed on the basis of experience, task demands, and resource limitations. Theories of linguistic processing therefore need to be explicitly defined and implemented, in particular with respect to linking assumptions between observable behavior and underlying cognitive processes. The comprehensive model developed here integrates multiple levels of sentence processing that hitherto have only been studied in isolation. The model is made publicly available as an expandable framework for future studies of the interactions between parsing, memory access, and eye movement control.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schindler2016, author = {Schindler, Sven}, title = {Honeypot Architectures for IPv6 Networks}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {164}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sokolowska2016, author = {Sokolowska, Ewelina Maria}, title = {Implementation of a plasmodesmata gatekeeper system, and its effect on intercellular transport}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {143}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wenz2016, author = {Wenz, Leonie}, title = {Climate change impacts in an increasingly connected world}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {279}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mueller2016, author = {Mueller, Stefanie}, title = {Interacting with personal fabrication devices}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-100908}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xxi, 108}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Personal fabrication tools, such as 3D printers, are on the way of enabling a future in which non-technical users will be able to create custom objects. However, while the hardware is there, the current interaction model behind existing design tools is not suitable for non-technical users. Today, 3D printers are operated by fabricating the object in one go, which tends to take overnight due to the slow 3D printing technology. Consequently, the current interaction model requires users to think carefully before printing as every mistake may imply another overnight print. Planning every step ahead, however, is not feasible for non-technical users as they lack the experience to reason about the consequences of their design decisions. In this dissertation, we propose changing the interaction model around personal fabrication tools to better serve this user group. We draw inspiration from personal computing and argue that the evolution of personal fabrication may resemble the evolution of personal computing: Computing started with machines that executed a program in one go before returning the result to the user. By decreasing the interaction unit to single requests, turn-taking systems such as the command line evolved, which provided users with feedback after every input. Finally, with the introduction of direct-manipulation interfaces, users continuously interacted with a program receiving feedback about every action in real-time. In this dissertation, we explore whether these interaction concepts can be applied to personal fabrication as well. We start with fabricating an object in one go and investigate how to tighten the feedback-cycle on an object-level: We contribute a method called low-fidelity fabrication, which saves up to 90\% fabrication time by creating objects as fast low-fidelity previews, which are sufficient to evaluate key design aspects. Depending on what is currently being tested, we propose different conversions that enable users to focus on different parts: faBrickator allows for a modular design in the early stages of prototyping; when users move on WirePrint allows quickly testing an object's shape, while Platener allows testing an object's technical function. We present an interactive editor for each technique and explain the underlying conversion algorithms. By interacting on smaller units, such as a single element of an object, we explore what it means to transition from systems that fabricate objects in one go to turn-taking systems. We start with a 2D system called constructable: Users draw with a laser pointer onto the workpiece inside a laser cutter. The drawing is captured with an overhead camera. As soon as the the user finishes drawing an element, such as a line, the constructable system beautifies the path and cuts it--resulting in physical output after every editing step. We extend constructable towards 3D editing by developing a novel laser-cutting technique for 3D objects called LaserOrigami that works by heating up the workpiece with the defocused laser until the material becomes compliant and bends down under gravity. While constructable and LaserOrigami allow for fast physical feedback, the interaction is still best described as turn-taking since it consists of two discrete steps: users first create an input and afterwards the system provides physical output. By decreasing the interaction unit even further to a single feature, we can achieve real-time physical feedback: Input by the user and output by the fabrication device are so tightly coupled that no visible lag exists. This allows us to explore what it means to transition from turn-taking interfaces, which only allow exploring one option at a time, to direct manipulation interfaces with real-time physical feedback, which allow users to explore the entire space of options continuously with a single interaction. We present a system called FormFab, which allows for such direct control. FormFab is based on the same principle as LaserOrigami: It uses a workpiece that when warmed up becomes compliant and can be reshaped. However, FormFab achieves the reshaping not based on gravity, but through a pneumatic system that users can control interactively. As users interact, they see the shape change in real-time. We conclude this dissertation by extrapolating the current evolution into a future in which large numbers of people use the new technology to create objects. We see two additional challenges on the horizon: sustainability and intellectual property. We investigate sustainability by demonstrating how to print less and instead patch physical objects. We explore questions around intellectual property with a system called Scotty that transfers objects without creating duplicates, thereby preserving the designer's copyright.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gopalakrishnan2016, author = {Gopalakrishnan, Sathej}, title = {Mathematical modelling of host-disease-drug interactions in HIV disease}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-100100}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {121}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has resisted nearly three decades of efforts targeting a cure. Sustained suppression of the virus has remained a challenge, mainly due to the remarkable evolutionary adaptation that the virus exhibits by the accumulation of drug-resistant mutations in its genome. Current therapeutic strategies aim at achieving and maintaining a low viral burden and typically involve multiple drugs. The choice of optimal combinations of these drugs is crucial, particularly in the background of treatment failure having occurred previously with certain other drugs. An understanding of the dynamics of viral mutant genotypes aids in the assessment of treatment failure with a certain drug combination, and exploring potential salvage treatment regimens. Mathematical models of viral dynamics have proved invaluable in understanding the viral life cycle and the impact of antiretroviral drugs. However, such models typically use simplified and coarse-grained mutation schemes, that curbs the extent of their application to drug-specific clinical mutation data, in order to assess potential next-line therapies. Statistical models of mutation accumulation have served well in dissecting mechanisms of resistance evolution by reconstructing mutation pathways under different drug-environments. While these models perform well in predicting treatment outcomes by statistical learning, they do not incorporate drug effect mechanistically. Additionally, due to an inherent lack of temporal features in such models, they are less informative on aspects such as predicting mutational abundance at treatment failure. This limits their application in analyzing the pharmacology of antiretroviral drugs, in particular, time-dependent characteristics of HIV therapy such as pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, and also in understanding the impact of drug efficacy on mutation dynamics. In this thesis, we develop an integrated model of in vivo viral dynamics incorporating drug-specific mutation schemes learned from clinical data. Our combined modelling approach enables us to study the dynamics of different mutant genotypes and assess mutational abundance at virological failure. As an application of our model, we estimate in vivo fitness characteristics of viral mutants under different drug environments. Our approach also extends naturally to multiple-drug therapies. Further, we demonstrate the versatility of our model by showing how it can be modified to incorporate recently elucidated mechanisms of drug action including molecules that target host factors. Additionally, we address another important aspect in the clinical management of HIV disease, namely drug pharmacokinetics. It is clear that time-dependent changes in in vivo drug concentration could have an impact on the antiviral effect, and also influence decisions on dosing intervals. We present a framework that provides an integrated understanding of key characteristics of multiple-dosing regimens including drug accumulation ratios and half-lifes, and then explore the impact of drug pharmacokinetics on viral suppression. Finally, parameter identifiability in such nonlinear models of viral dynamics is always a concern, and we investigate techniques that alleviate this issue in our setting.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Punz2016, author = {Punz, Elisabeth}, title = {Effektivit{\"a}t fr{\"u}hzeitiger Interventionen zur Pr{\"a}vention von Lese- und Rechtschreibschwierigkeiten}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-96815}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {453}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Studie besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit der F{\"o}rderung der Lese- und Schreibkompetenz in der Anfangsphase des Schriftspracherwerbs. Ziel der Untersuchung ist die Erprobung und Evaluierung fr{\"u}hzeitiger, diagnosegeleiteter Interventionen zur Pr{\"a}vention von Lese- und Rechtschreibschwierigkeiten. Im Unterschied zu vielen Studien in diesem Bereich werden alle Maßnahmen unter realen schulischen Bedingungen im Rahmen des Erstlese- und Schreibunterrichts durch die Klassenlehrer selbst durchgef{\"u}hrt, wobei diese von der Autorin unterst{\"u}tzt und begleitet werden. F{\"o}rder- und Prozessdiagnose sowie Elemente diagnosegeleiteter F{\"o}rderung werden aus Theorien und Forschungslage abgeleitet und zu einem Interventionsset verbunden. Die Effektivit{\"a}t der evidenzbasierten Maßnahmen wird durch Parallelgruppenvergleiche {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. An der empirischen Untersuchung nahmen insgesamt 25 Schulklassen mit 560 Erstkl{\"a}sslern teil, geteilt in Versuchs- und Kontrollgruppe. Mit der Eingangsdiagnose am Schulbeginn wurden Voraussetzungen f{\"u}r den Schriftspracherwerb erhoben und mit der Evaluierungsdiagnose am Ende der ersten Schulstufe entwicklungsad{\"a}quate schriftsprachliche Kompetenzen auf der Wortebene {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Zus{\"a}tzlich erfasst wurden internale und externale Einflussfaktoren, deren Wirkung in der statistischen Auswertung ber{\"u}cksichtigt wurde. Alle Datenerhebungen wurden in Versuchs- und Kontrollgruppe durchgef{\"u}hrt, w{\"a}hrend die evidenzbasierten Treatments nur in der Versuchsgruppe stattfanden. Die Auswertung best{\"a}tigt mit signifikanten Ergebnissen den engen Zusammenhang zwischen der Phonologischen Bewusstheit zu Beginn des Schriftspracherwerbs und der Lese- und Rechtschreibf{\"a}higkeit am Ende der ersten Schulstufe sowie zwischen Famili{\"a}rer Literalit{\"a}t und Lesefertigkeit. Schriftsprachliche Vorkenntnisse weisen eine Tendenz zur Signifikanz hinsichtlich ihrer positiven Wirkung auf die Basale Lesefertigkeit auf. Eine h{\"o}chst signifikante positive Wirkung auf die Basale Lesefertigkeit zeigt die Druckschrift als Ausgangsschrift. Die Ergebnisse deuten auf eine {\"U}berlegenheit vorschulischer pr{\"a}literaler Fertigkeiten hinsichtlich ihrer Wirkung auf die Lese- und Rechtschreibfertigkeit am Ende der ersten Schulstufe gegen{\"u}ber F{\"o}rdermaßnahmen unter realen schulischen Bedingungen hin. Die positive Wirkung einer unverbundenen Ausgangsschrift auf den Leseerwerb betont die Wichtigkeit der Wahl der Ausgangsschrift. Im fr{\"u}hen Schriftspracherwerb sollte die Druckschrift f{\"u}r das Lesen und Schreiben verwendet werden.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Wutke2016, author = {Wutke, Saskia}, title = {Tracing Changes in Space and Time}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {x, 84}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The horse is a fascinating animal symbolizing power, beauty, strength and grace. Among all the animal species domesticated the horse had the largest impact on the course of human history due to its importance for warfare and transportation. Studying the process of horse domestication contributes to the knowledge about the history of horses and even of our own species. Research based on molecular methods has increasingly focused on the genetic basis of horse domestication. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analyses of modern and ancient horses detected immense maternal diversity, probably due to many mares that contributed to the domestic population. However, mtDNA does not provide an informative phylogeographic structure. In contrast, Y chromosome analyses displayed almost complete uniformity in modern stallions but relatively high diversity in a few ancient horses. Further molecular markers that seem to be well suited to infer the domestication history of horses or genetic and phenotypic changes during this process are loci associated with phenotypic traits. This doctoral thesis consists of three different parts for which I analyzed various single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with coat color, locomotion or Y chromosomal variation of horses. These SNPs were genotyped in 350 ancient horses from the Chalcolithic (5,000 BC) to the Middle Ages (11th century). The distribution of the samples ranges from China to the Iberian Peninsula and Iceland. By applying multiplexed next-generation sequencing (NGS) I sequenced short amplicons covering the relevant positions: i) eight coat-color-associated mutations in six genes to deduce the coat color phenotype; ii) the so-called 'Gait-keeper' SNP in the DMRT3 gene to screen for the ability to amble; iii) 16 SNPs previously detected in ancient horses to infer the corresponding haplotype. Based on these data I investigated the occurrence and frequencies of alleles underlying the respective phenotypes as well as Y chromosome haplotypes at different times and regions. Also, selection coefficients for several Y chromosome lineages or phenotypes were estimated. Concerning coat color differences in ancient horses my work constitutes the most comprehensive study to date. I detected an increase of chestnut horses in the Middle Ages as well as differential selection for spotted and solid phenotypes over time which reflects changing human preferences. With regard to ambling horses, the corresponding allele was present in medieval English and Icelandic horses. Based on these results I argue that Norse settlers, who frequently invaded parts of Britain, brought ambling individuals to Iceland from the British Isles which can be regarded the origin of this trait. Moreover, these settlers appear to have selected for ambling in Icelandic horses. Relating to the third trait, the paternal diversity, these findings represent the largest ancient dataset of Y chromosome variation in non-humans. I proved the existence of several Y chromosome haplotypes in early domestic horses. The decline of Y chromosome variation coincides with the movement of nomadic peoples from the Eurasian steppes and later with different breeding practices in the Roman period. In conclusion, positive selection was estimated for several phenotypes/lineages in different regions or times which indicates that these were preferred by humans. Furthermore, I could successfully infer the distribution and dispersal of horses in association with human movements and actions. Thereby, a better understanding of the influence of people on the changing appearance and genetic diversity of domestic horses could be gained. My results also emphasize the close relationship of ancient genetics and archeology or history and that only in combination well-founded conclusions can be reached.}, language = {en} }