@phdthesis{Fiedler2016, author = {Fiedler, Dorothea}, title = {Impact of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen on Freshwater Phytoplankton}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XIII, 92}, year = {2016}, abstract = {In freshwater sciences, nitrogen gained increasing attention in the past as an important resource potentially influencing phytoplankton growth and thus eutrophication. Most studies and all management approaches, however, are still restricted to dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN = nitrate + nitrite + ammonium) since dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) was considered to be refractory for most of the photoautotrophs. In the meantime this assumption has been disproved for all aquatic systems. While research on DON in marine ecosystems substantially increased, in freshwater a surprisingly small number of investigations has been carried out on DON utilization by phytoplankton or even the occurrence and seasonal development of total DON or its compounds in lakes. Therefore, our present knowledge on DON utilization by phytoplankton is often based on single species experiments using a sole, usually low molecular weight DON component, often in unnaturally high amounts mainly carried out with marine phytoplankton species. Thus, we know that some phytoplankton species can take up different DON fractions if they are available in high concentrations and as sole nitrogen source. This does not necessarily imply that phytoplankton would perform likewise in natural environments. In addition, it will be difficult to draw conclusions on the behavior of freshwater phytoplankton from experiments with marine phytoplankton since the nutrient regime in marine environments differs from that of freshwater. In the light of the parallel availability of inorganic and organic nitrogen species in natural freshwater ecosystems, several questions must be raised: "If inorganic nitrogen is available, would phytoplankton really rely on an organic nitrogen source? Could a connection be detected between the seasonal development of DON and changes in the phytoplankton community composition as found for inorganic nitrogen? And if we reduce the input of inorganic nitrogen in lakes and rivers would the importance of DON as nitrogen source for phytoplankton increase, counteracting all management efforts or even leading to undesired effects due to changes in phytoplankton physiology and biodiversity?" I experimentally addressed the questions whether those DON compounds differentially influence growth, physiology and composition of phytoplankton both as sole available nitrogen source and in combination with other nitrogen compounds. I hypothesized that all offered DON - compounds (urea, natural organic matter (NOM), dissolved free and combined amino acids (DFAA, DCAA)) could be utilized by phytoplankton at natural concentrations. However, I assumed that the availability would decrease with increasing compound complexity. I furthermore hypothesized that the occurrence of low DIN concentrations would not affect the utilization of DON negatively. The nitrogen source, whatsoever, would have an impact on phytoplankton physiology as well as community composition. To investigate these questions and assumptions I conducted bioassays with algae monocultures as well as phytoplankton communities testing the utilization of various DON compounds by several freshwater phytoplankton species. Especially the potential utilization of NOM, a complex DON compound mainly consisting of humic substances is of interest, since it is usually regarded to be refractory. In order to be able to use natural concentrations of DON - compounds for my experiments the concentration of total DON and some DON - compounds (urea, humic substances, heigh molecular weight substances) was assessed in Lake M{\"u}ggelsee. All compounds were able to support algae growth in the low natural concentrations supplied. However, I found that the offered DON compounds differ in their availability to various algae species, both, as sole nitrogen source or in combination with low DIN concentrations. As expected, the availability decreased with increasing complexity of the nitrogen compound. Furthermore, I could show that changes in algal physiology (nitrogen storage, metabolism) occur depending on the utilized nitrogen source. Especially the secondary photosynthetic pigment composition, heterocyst frequency and C:N - ratio of the algae were affected. The uptake and usage of certain nitrogen compounds might be more costly, potentially resulting in those physiology changes. Whereas laboratory experiments with single species revealed strong effects of DON, algal responses to DON in a multi-species situation remain unclear. Experiments with phytoplankton communities from Lake M{\"u}ggelsee revealed that the nitrogen pool composition does influence the phytoplankton community structure. The findings furthermore show that several species combined might utilize the supplied nitrogen completely different than monocultures in the laboratory. Thus, besides the actual ability of algae to use the offered nitrogen sources other factors, such as interspecific competition, may be of importance. I further investigated, if the results of the laboratory experiments, can be verified in the field. Here, I surveyed the seasonal development of several dissolved organic matter (DOM) components (urea, high molecular weight substances (HMWS), humic substances (HS)) and associated parameters (Specific UV-absorption (SUVA), C:N - ratio) in Lake M{\"u}ggelsee between 2011 and 2013. Furthermore, data from the long term measurements series of Lake M{\"u}ggelsee such as physical (temperature, light, pH, O2) and chemical parameters (nitrogen, phosphorous, silica, inorganic carbon), zooplankton and phytoplankton data were used to investigate how much of the variability of the phytoplankton composition in Lake M{\"u}ggelsee can be explained by DON/DOM concentration and composition, relative to the other groups of explanatory variables. The results show that DON mainly consists of rather complex compounds such as humic substances and biopolymers (80 \%) and that only slight seasonal trends are detectable. Using variance partitioning I could show, that the usually investigated nutrients (DIN, silica, inorganic carbon, phosphorous) and abiotic factors together explain most of the algae composition as was to be expected (57.1 \% of modeled variance). However, DOM and the associated parameters uniquely explain 10.3 \% of the variance and thus slightly more than zooplankton with 9.3 \%. I could therefore prove, that the composition of DOM (nitrogen and carbon) is connected to the algae composition in an eutrophic lake such as Lake M{\"u}ggelsee. DON - compounds such as urea, however, could not be correlated with the occurrence of specific phytoplankton species. Overall, the results of this study imply that DON can be a valuable nitrogen source for freshwater phytoplankton. DON is used by various species even when DIN is available in low concentrations. Through the reduction of DIN in lakes and rivers, the DON:DIN ratio might be changed, resulting even in an increased importance of DON as phytoplankton nitrogen source. My work suggests that not only N2-fixation but also DON utilization might compensate for reduced N - input. Changes from DIN to DON as main nitrogen source might also promote certain, potentially undesired algae species and influence the biodiversity of a limnic ecosystem through changes in the phytoplankton community structure. Thus, DON, especially urea, should be included in calculations concerning total available nitrogen and when determining nitrogen threshold values. Furthermore, the input-reduction of DON, for example from waste-water treatment plants should also be evaluated and the results of my thesis should find consideration when planning to reduce the nitrogen input in freshwater.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mueller2016, author = {M{\"u}ller, Stephan Heinz}, title = {Aggregates Caching for Enterprise Applications}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {167}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The introduction of columnar in-memory databases, along with hardware evolution, has made the execution of transactional and analytical enterprise application workloads on a single system both feasible and viable. Yet, we argue that executing analytical aggregate queries directly on the transactional data can decrease the overall system performance. Despite the aggregation capabilities of columnar in-memory databases, the direct access to records of a materialized aggregate is always more efficient than aggregating on the fly. The traditional approach to materialized aggregates, however, introduces significant overhead in terms of materialized view selection, maintenance, and exploitation. When this overhead is handled by the application, it increases the application complexity, and can slow down the transactional throughput of inserts, updates, and deletes. In this thesis, we motivate, propose, and evaluate the aggregate cache, a materialized aggregate engine in the main-delta architecture of a columnar in-memory database that provides efficient means to handle costly aggregate queries of enterprise applications. For our design, we leverage the specifics of the main-delta architecture that separates a table into a main and delta partition. The central concept is to only cache the partial aggregate query result as defined on the main partition of a table, because the main partition is relatively stable as records are only inserted into the delta partition. We contribute by proposing incremental aggregate maintenance and query compensation techniques for mixed workloads of enterprise applications. In addition, we introduce aggregate profit metrics that increase the likelihood of persisting the most profitable aggregates in the aggregate cache. Query compensation and maintenance of materialized aggregates based on joins of multiple tables is expensive due to the partitioned tables in the main-delta architecture. Our analysis of enterprise applications has revealed several data schema and workload patterns. This includes the observation that transactional data is persisted in header and item tables, whereas in many cases, the insertion of related header and item records is executed in a single database transaction. We contribute by proposing an approach to transport these application object semantics to the database system and optimize the query processing using the aggregate cache by applying partition pruning and predicate pushdown techniques. For the experimental evaluation, we propose the FICO benchmark that is based on data from a productive ERP system with extracted mixed workloads. Our evaluation reveals that the aggregate cache can accelerate the execution of aggregate queries up to a factor of 60 whereas the speedup highly depends on the number of aggregated records in the main and delta partitions. In mixed workloads, the proposed aggregate maintenance and query compensation techniques perform up to an order of magnitude better than traditional materialized aggregate maintenance approaches. The introduced aggregate profit metrics outperform existing costbased metrics by up to 20\%. Lastly, the join pruning and predicate pushdown techniques can accelerate query execution in the aggregate cache in the presence of multiple partitioned tables by up to an order of magnitude.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mey2016, author = {Mey, J{\"u}rgen}, title = {Intermontane valley fills}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-103158}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 111}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Sedimentary valley fills are a widespread characteristic of mountain belts around the world. They transiently store material over time spans ranging from thousands to millions of years and therefore play an important role in modulating the sediment flux from the orogen to the foreland and to oceanic depocenters. In most cases, their formation can be attributed to specific fluvial conditions, which are closely related to climatic and tectonic processes. Hence, valley-fill deposits constitute valuable archives that offer fundamental insight into landscape evolution, and their study may help to assess the impact of future climate change on sediment dynamics. In this thesis I analyzed intermontane valley-fill deposits to constrain different aspects of the climatic and tectonic history of mountain belts over multiple timescales. First, I developed a method to estimate the thickness distribution of valley fills using artificial neural networks (ANNs). Based on the assumption of geometrical similarity between exposed and buried parts of the landscape, this novel and highly automated technique allows reconstructing fill thickness and bedrock topography on the scale of catchments to entire mountain belts. Second, I used the new method for estimating the spatial distribution of post-glacial sediments that are stored in the entire European Alps. A comparison with data from exploratory drillings and from geophysical surveys revealed that the model reproduces the measurements with a root mean squared error (RMSE) of 70m and a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.81. I used the derived sediment thickness estimates in combination with a model of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) icecap to infer the lithospheric response to deglaciation, erosion and deposition, and deduce their relative contribution to the present-day rock-uplift rate. For a range of different lithospheric and upper mantle-material properties, the results suggest that the long-wavelength uplift signal can be explained by glacial isostatic adjustment with a small erosional contribution and a substantial but localized tectonic component exceeding 50\% in parts of the Eastern Alps and in the Swiss Rh{\^o}ne Valley. Furthermore, this study reveals the particular importance of deconvolving the potential components of rock uplift when interpreting recent movements along active orogens and how this can be used to constrain physical properties of the Earth's interior. In a third study, I used the ANN approach to estimate the sediment thickness of alluviated reaches of the Yarlung Tsangpo River, upstream of the rapidly uplifting Namche Barwa massif. This allowed my colleagues and me to reconstruct the ancient river profile of the Yarlung Tsangpo, and to show that in the past, the river had already been deeply incised into the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Dating of basal sediments from drill cores that reached the paleo-river bed to 2-2.5 Ma are consistent with mineral cooling ages from the Namche Barwa massif, which indicate initiation of rapid uplift at ~4 Ma. Hence, formation of the Tsangpo gorge and aggradation of the voluminous valley fill was most probably a consequence of rapid uplift of the Namche Barwa massif and thus tectonic activity. The fourth and last study focuses on the interaction of fluvial and glacial processes at the southeastern edge of the Karakoram. Paleo-ice-extent indicators and remnants of a more than 400-m-thick fluvio-lacustrine valley fill point to blockage of the Shyok River, a main tributary of the upper Indus, by the Siachen Glacier, which is the largest glacier in the Karakoram Range. Field observations and 10Be exposure dating attest to a period of recurring lake formation and outburst flooding during the penultimate glaciation prior to ~110 ka. The interaction of Rivers and Glaciers all along the Karakorum is considered a key factor in landscape evolution and presumably promoted headward erosion of the Indus-Shyok drainage system into the western margin of the Tibetan Plateau. The results of this thesis highlight the strong influence of glaciation and tectonics on valley-fill formation and how this has affected the evolution of different mountain belts. In the Alps valley-fill deposition influenced the magnitude and pattern of rock uplift since ice retreat approximately 17,000 years ago. Conversely, the analyzed valley fills in the Himalaya are much older and reflect environmental conditions that prevailed at ~110 ka and ~2.5 Ma, respectively. Thus, the newly developed method has proven useful for inferring the role of sedimentary valley-fill deposits in landscape evolution on timescales ranging from 1,000 to 10,000,000 years.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kaltschew2016, author = {Kaltschew, Kristian}, title = {Die politische Opposition in autorit{\"a}ren Regimen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-103930}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {237}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Die Empirie des beginnenden 21. Jahrhunderts weist mehr autorit{\"a}re Regime aus als am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts angenommen. Die gegenw{\"a}rtige Autoritarismusforschung versucht die Fortdauer dieses Regimetyps in Hinblick auf die politischen Institutionen zu erkl{\"a}ren - dabei bleiben politische Akteure, die nicht zum Herrschaftszentrum geh{\"o}ren, außen vor. Das vorliegende Projekt untersucht die Rolle und Funktion politischer Opposition in autorit{\"a}ren Regimen. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass sich an der Opposition eine signifikante Charakteristik autorit{\"a}rer Regime manifestiert. Das akteurszentrierte Projekt ist der qualitativ orientierten Politikwissenschaft zuzurechnen und verkn{\"u}pft das Autoritarismuskonzept von Juan Linz mit klassischen Ans{\"a}tzen der Oppositionsforschung und macht diese Theorien f{\"u}r die gegenw{\"a}rtige Autoritarismusforschung nutzbar. Die eigens entwickelte elitenorientierte Oppositionstypologie wird am Beispiel Kenias im Zeitraum 1990-2005 angewendet. Die Oppositionsgruppen werden im Institutionengef{\"u}ge autorit{\"a}rer Regime verortet und ihr politisches Agieren in den Dimensionen Handlungsstatus, Handlungs{\"u}berzeugung und Handlungsstrategie analysiert. Unter Beachtung der historisch gewachsenen regionalen und kulturellen Spezifika wird angenommen, dass generelle, Regionen {\"u}bergreifende Aussagen zur Opposition in autorit{\"a}ren Regimen getroffen werden k{\"o}nnen: Kein Oppositionstyp kann allein einen Herrschaftswechsel bewirken. Der Wechsel bzw. die Fortdauer der Herrschaft h{\"a}ngt von der Dominanz bestimmter Oppositionstypen im Oppositionsgeflecht sowie der gleichzeitigen Schw{\"a}che anderer Oppositionstypen ab. Durch die konzeptionelle Besch{\"a}ftigung mit Opposition sowie deren empirische Erschließung soll ein substantieller Beitrag f{\"u}r die notwendige Debatte um autorit{\"a}re Regime im 21. Jahrhundert geleistet werden.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Lontsi2016, author = {Lontsi, Agostiny Marrios}, title = {1D shallow sedimentary subsurface imaging using ambient noise and active seismic data}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-103807}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xix, 119}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The Earth's shallow subsurface with sedimentary cover acts as a waveguide to any incoming wavefield. Within the framework of my thesis, I focused on the characterization of this shallow subsurface within tens to few hundreds of meters of sediment cover. I imaged the seismic 1D shear wave velocity (and possibly the 1D compressional wave velocity). This information is not only required for any seismic risk assessment, geotechnical engineering or microzonation activities, but also for exploration and global seismology where site effects are often neglected in seismic waveform modeling. First, the conventional frequency-wavenumber (f - k) technique is used to derive the dispersion characteristic of the propagating surface waves recorded using distinct arrays of seismometers in 1D and 2D configurations. Further, the cross-correlation technique is applied to seismic array data to estimate the Green's function between receivers pairs combination assuming one is the source and the other the receiver. With the consideration of a 1D media, the estimated cross-correlation Green's functions are sorted with interstation distance in a virtual 1D active seismic experiment. The f - k technique is then used to estimate the dispersion curves. This integrated analysis is important for the interpretation of a large bandwidth of the phase velocity dispersion curves and therefore improving the resolution of the estimated 1D Vs profile. Second, the new theoretical approach based on the Diffuse Field Assumption (DFA) is used for the interpretation of the observed microtremors H/V spectral ratio. The theory is further extended in this research work to include not only the interpretation of the H/V measured at the surface, but also the H/V measured at depths and in marine environments. A modeling and inversion of synthetic H/V spectral ratio curves on simple predefined geological structures shows an almost perfect recovery of the model parameters (mainly Vs and to a lesser extent Vp). These results are obtained after information from a receiver at depth has been considered in the inversion. Finally, the Rayleigh wave phase velocity information, estimated from array data, and the H/V(z, f) spectral ratio, estimated from a single station data, are combined and inverted for the velocity profile information. Obtained results indicate an improved depth resolution in comparison to estimations using the phase velocity dispersion curves only. The overall estimated sediment thickness is comparable to estimations obtained by inverting the full micortremor H/V spectral ratio.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bierkandt2016, author = {Bierkandt, Robert}, title = {Pressure from future sea-level rise on coastal power plants: near-term extremes and long-term commitment}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {187}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lyu2016, author = {Lyu, Xiaojing}, title = {Operators on singular manifolds}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-103643}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {117}, year = {2016}, abstract = {We study the interplay between analysis on manifolds with singularities and complex analysis and develop new structures of operators based on the Mellin transform and tools for iterating the calculus for higher singularities. We refer to the idea of interpreting boundary value problems (BVPs) in terms of pseudo-differential operators with a principal symbolic hierarchy, taking into account that BVPs are a source of cone and edge operator algebras. The respective cone and edge pseudo-differential algebras in turn are the starting point of higher corner theories. In addition there are deep relationships between corner operators and complex analysis. This will be illustrated by the Mellin symbolic calculus.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dey2016, author = {Dey, Saptarshi}, title = {Tectonic and climatic control on the evolution of the Himalayan mountain front}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-103390}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xii, 118}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Variations in the distribution of mass within an orogen may lead to transient sediment storage, which in turn might affect the state of stress and the level of fault activity. Distinguishing between different forcing mechanisms causing variations of sediment flux and tectonic activity, is therefore one of the most challenging tasks in understanding the spatiotemporal evolution of active mountain belts. The Himalayan mountain belt is one of the most significant Cenozoic collisional mountain belt, formed due to collision between northward-bound Indian Plate and the Eurasian Plate during the last 55-50 Ma. Ongoing convergence of these two tectonic plates is accommodated by faulting and folding within the Himalayan arc-shaped orogen and the continued lateral and vertical growth of the Tibetan Plateau and mountain belts adjacent to the plateau as well as regions farther north. Growth of the Himalayan orogen is manifested by the development of successive south-vergent thrust systems. These thrust systems divide the orogen into different morphotectonic domains. From north to south these thrusts are the Main Central Thrust (MCT), the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) and the Main Frontal Thrust (MFT). The growing topography interacts with moisture-bearing monsoonal winds, which results in pronounced gradients in rainfall, weathering, erosion and sediment transport toward the foreland and beyond. However, a fraction of this sediment is trapped and transiently stored within the intermontane valleys or 'dun's within the lower-elevation foothills of the range. Improved understanding of the spatiotemporal evolution of these sediment archives could provide a unique opportunity to decipher the triggers of variations in sediment production, delivery and storage in an actively deforming mountain belt and support efforts to test linkages between sediment volumes in intermontane basins and changes in the shallow crustal stress field. As sediment redistribution in mountain belts on timescales of 102-104 years can effect cultural characteristics and infrastructure in the intermontane valleys and may even impact the seismotectonics of a mountain belt, there is a heightened interest in understanding sediment-routing processes and causal relationships between tectonism, climate and topography. It is here at the intersection between tectonic processes and superposed climatic and sedimentary processes in the Himalayan orogenic wedge, where my investigation is focused on. The study area is the intermontane Kangra Basin in the northwestern Sub-Himalaya, because the characteristics of the different Himalayan morphotectonic provinces are well developed, the area is part of a region strongly influenced by monsoonal forcing, and the existence of numerous fluvial terraces provides excellent strain markers to assess deformation processes within the Himalayan orogenic wedge. In addition, being located in front of the Dhauladhar Range the region is characterized by pronounced gradients in past and present-day erosion and sediment processes associated with repeatedly changing climatic conditions. In light of these conditions I analysed climate-driven late Pleistocene-Holocene sediment cycles in this tectonically active region, which may be responsible for triggering the tectonic re-organization within the Himalayan orogenic wedge, leading to out-of-sequence thrusting, at least since early Holocene. The Kangra Basin is bounded by the MBT and the Sub-Himalayan Jwalamukhi Thrust (JMT) in the north and south, respectively and transiently stores sediments derived from the Dhauladhar Range. The Basin contains ~200-m-thick conglomerates reflecting two distinct aggradation phases; following aggradation, several fluvial terraces were sculpted into these fan deposits. 10Be CRN surface exposure dating of these terrace levels provides an age of 53.4±3.2 ka for the highest-preserved terrace (AF1); subsequently, this surface was incised until ~15 ka, when the second fan (AF2) began to form. AF2 fan aggradation was superseded by episodic Holocene incision, creating at least four terrace levels. We find a correlation between variations in sediment transport and ∂18O records from regions affected by the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM). During strengthened ISMs sand post-LGM glacial retreat, aggradation occurred in the Kangra Basin, likely due to high sediment flux, whereas periods of a weakened ISM coupled with lower sediment supply coincided with renewed re-incision. However, the evolution of fluvial terraces along Sub-Himalayan streams in the Kangra sector is also forced by tectonic processes. Back-tilted, folded terraces clearly document tectonic activity of the JMT. Offset of one of the terrace levels indicates a shortening rate of 5.6±0.8 to 7.5±1.0 mm.a-1 over the last ~10 ka. Importantly, my study reveals that late Pleistocene/Holocene out-of-sequence thrusting accommodates 40-60\% of the total 14±2 mm.a-1 shortening partitioned throughout the Sub-Himalaya. Importantly, the JMT records shortening at a lower rate over longer timescales hints towards out-of-sequence activity within the Sub-Himalaya. Re-activation of the JMT could be related to changes in the tectonic stress field caused by large-scale sediment removal from the basin. I speculate that the deformation processes of the Sub-Himalaya behave according to the predictions of critical wedge model and assume the following: While >200m of sediment aggradation would trigger foreland-ward propagation of the deformation front, re-incision and removal of most of the stored sediments (nearly 80-85\% of the optimum basin-fill) would again create a sub-critical condition of the wedge taper and trigger the retreat of the deformation front. While tectonism is responsible for the longer-term processes of erosion associated with steepening hillslopes, sediment cycles in this environment are mainly the result of climatic forcing. My new 10Be cosmogenic nuclide exposure dates and a synopsis of previous studies show the late Pleistocene to Holocene alluvial fills and fluvial terraces studied here record periodic fluctuations of sediment supply and transport capacity on timescales of 1000-100000 years. To further evaluate the potential influence of climate change on these fluctuations, I compared the timing of aggradation and incision phases recorded within remnant alluvial fans and terraces with continental climate archives such as speleothems in neighboring regions affected by monsoonal precipitation. Together with previously published OSL ages yielding the timing of aggradation, I find a correlation between variations in sediment transport with oxygen-isotope records from regions affected by the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM). Accordingly, during periods of increased monsoon intensity (transitions from dry and cold to wet and warm periods - MIS4 to MIS3 and MIS2 to MIS1) (MIS=marine isotope stage) and post-Last Glacial Maximum glacial retreat, aggradation occurred in the Kangra Basin, likely due to high sediment flux. Conversely, periods of weakened monsoon intensity or lower sediment supply coincide with re-incision of the existing basin-fill. Finally, my study entails part of a low-temperature thermochronology study to assess the youngest exhumation history of the Dhauladhar Range. Zircon helium (ZHe) ages and existing low-temperature data sets (ZHe, apatite fission track (AFT)) across this range, together with 3D thermokinematic modeling (PECUBE) reveals constraints on exhumation and activity of the range-bounding Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) since at least mid-Miocene time. The modeling results indicate mean slip rates on the MBT-fault ramp of ~2 - 3 mm.a-1 since its activation. This has lead to the growth of the >5-km-high frontal Dhauladhar Range and continuous deep-seated exhumation and erosion. The obtained results also provide interesting constraints of deformation patterns and their variation along strike. The results point towards the absence of the time-transient 'mid-crustal ramp' in the basal decollement and duplexing of the Lesser Himalayan sequence, unlike the nearby regions or even the central Nepal domain. A fraction of convergence (~10-15\%) is accommodated along the deep-seated MBT-ramp, most likely merging into the MHT. This finding is crucial for a rigorous assessment of the overall level of tectonic activity in the Himalayan morphotectonic provinces as it contradicts recently-published geodetic shortening estimates. In these studies, it has been proposed that the total Himalayan shortening in the NW Himalaya is accommodated within the Sub-Himalaya whereas no tectonic activity is assigned to the MBT.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{EbrahimianMotlagh2016, author = {Ebrahimian Motlagh, Saghar}, title = {Functional characterization of stress-responsive transcription factors and their gene regulatory networks in Arabidopsis thaliana}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {155, X}, year = {2016}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Errard2016, author = {Errard, Audrey}, title = {Multiple-pest infestations: impact on tomato Solanum lycopersicum biochemistry in the presence/absence of predator, and on pest biology}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {83}, year = {2016}, language = {en} }