@phdthesis{Mueller2018, author = {M{\"u}ller, Steffen}, title = {Relevance of back bain and validity of neuromuscular diagnostics in adolescent athletes}, address = {Potsdam}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {135}, year = {2018}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{deVera2018, author = {de Vera, Jean-Pierre Paul}, title = {The relevance of ecophysiology in astrobiology and planetary research}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {219}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Eco-physiological processes are expressing the interaction of organisms within an environmental context of their habitat and their degree of adaptation, level of resistance as well as the limits of life in a changing environment. The present study focuses on observations achieved by methods used in this scientific discipline of "Ecophysiology" and to enlarge the scientific context in a broader range of understanding with universal character. The present eco-physiological work is building the basis for classifying and exploring the degree of habitability of another planet like Mars by a bio-driven experimentally approach. It offers also new ways of identifying key-molecules which are playing a specific role in physiological processes of tested organisms to serve as well as potential biosignatures in future space exploration missions with the goal to search for life. This has important implications for the new emerging scientific field of Astrobiology. Astrobiology addresses the study of the origin, evolution, distribution and future of life in the universe. The three fundamental questions which are hidden behind this definition are: how does life begin and evolve? Is there life beyond Earth and, if so, how can we detect it? What is the future of life on Earth and in the universe? It means that this multidisciplinary field encompasses the search for habitable environments in our Solar System and habitable planets outside our Solar System. It comprises the search for the evidence of prebiotic chemistry and life on Mars and other bodies in our Solar System like the icy moons of the Jovian and Saturnian system, laboratory and field research into the origins and early evolution of life on Earth, and studies of the potential for life to adapt to challenges on Earth and in space. For this purpose an integrated research strategy was applied, which connects field research, laboratory research allowing planetary simulation experiments with investigation enterprises performed in space (particularly performed in the low Earth Orbit.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Brune2018, author = {Brune, Sascha}, title = {Modelling continental rift dynamics}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-43236}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-432364}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {192}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Continental rift systems open up unique possibilities to study the geodynamic system of our planet: geodynamic localization processes are imprinted in the morphology of the rift by governing the time-dependent activity of faults, the topographic evolution of the rift or by controlling whether a rift is symmetric or asymmetric. Since lithospheric necking localizes strain towards the rift centre, deformation structures of previous rift phases are often well preserved and passive margins, the end product of continental rifting, retain key information about the tectonic history from rift inception to continental rupture. Current understanding of continental rift evolution is based on combining observations from active rifts with data collected at rifted margins. Connecting these isolated data sets is often accomplished in a conceptual way and leaves room for subjective interpretation. Geodynamic forward models, however, have the potential to link individual data sets in a quantitative manner, using additional constraints from rock mechanics and rheology, which allows to transcend previous conceptual models of rift evolution. By quantifying geodynamic processes within continental rifts, numerical modelling allows key insight to tectonic processes that operate also in other plate boundary settings, such as mid ocean ridges, collisional mountain chains or subduction zones. In this thesis, I combine numerical, plate-tectonic, analytical, and analogue modelling approaches, whereas numerical thermomechanical modelling constitutes the primary tool. This method advanced rapidly during the last two decades owing to dedicated software development and the availability of massively parallel computer facilities. Nevertheless, only recently the geodynamical modelling community was able to capture 3D lithospheric-scale rift dynamics from onset of extension to final continental rupture. The first chapter of this thesis provides a broad introduction to continental rifting, a summary of the applied rift modelling methods and a short overview of previews studies. The following chapters, which constitute the main part of this thesis feature studies on plate boundary dynamics in two and three dimension followed by global scale analyses (Fig. 1). Chapter II focuses on 2D geodynamic modelling of rifted margin formation. It highlights the formation of wide areas of hyperextended crustal slivers via rift migration as a key process that affected many rifted margins worldwide. This chapter also contains a study of rift velocity evolution, showing that rift strength loss and extension velocity are linked through a dynamic feed-back. This process results in abrupt accelerations of the involved plates during rifting illustrating for the first time that rift dynamics plays a role in changing global-scale plate motions. Since rift velocity affects key processes like faulting, melting and lower crustal flow, this study also implies that the slow-fast velocity evolution should be imprinted in rifted margin structures. Chapter III relies on 3D Cartesian rift models in order to investigate various aspects of rift obliquity. Oblique rifting occurs if the extension direction is not orthogonal to the rift trend. Using 3D lithospheric-scale models from rift initialisation to breakup I could isolate a characteristic evolution of dominant fault orientations. Further work in Chapter III addresses the impact of rift obliquity on the strength of the rift system. We illustrate that oblique rifting is mechanically preferred over orthogonal rifting, because the brittle yielding requires a lower tectonic force. This mechanism elucidates rift competition during South Atlantic rifting, where the more oblique Equatorial Atlantic Rift proceeded to breakup while the simultaneously active but less oblique West African rift system became a failed rift. Finally this Chapter also investigates the impact of a previous rift phase on current tectonic activity in the linkage area of the Kenyan with Ethiopian rift. We show that the along strike changes in rift style are not caused by changes in crustal rheology. Instead the rift linkage pattern in this area can be explained when accounting for the thinned crust and lithosphere of a Mesozoic rift event. Chapter IV investigates rifting from the global perspective. A first study extends the oblique rift topic of the previous chapter to global scale by investigating the frequency of oblique rifting during the last 230 million years. We find that approximately 70\% of all ocean-forming rift segments involved an oblique component of extension where obliquities exceed 20°. This highlights the relevance of 3D approaches in modelling, surveying, and interpretation of many rifted margins. In a final study, we propose a link between continental rift activity, diffuse CO2 degassing and Mesozoic/Cenozoic climate changes. We used recent CO2 flux measurements in continental rifts to estimate worldwide rift-related CO2 release, which we based on the global extent of rifts through time. The first-order correlation to paleo-atmospheric CO2 proxy data suggests that rifts constitute a major element of the global carbon cycle.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bibi2018, author = {Bibi, Faysal}, title = {Paleoecology and evolution in the Afro-Arabian neogene}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2018}, abstract = {This cumulative habilitation thesis presents new work on the systematics, paleoecology, and evolution of antelopes and other large mammals, focusing mainly on the late Miocene to Pleistocene terrestrial fossil record of Africa and Arabia. The studies included here range from descriptions of new species to broad-scale analyses of diversification and community evolution in large mammals over millions of years. A uniting theme is the evolution, across both temporal and spatial scales, of the environments and faunas that characterize modern African savannas today. One conclusion of this work is that macroevolutionary changes in large mammals are best characterized at regional (subcontinental to continental) and long-term temporal scales. General views of evolution developed on records that are too restricted in spatial and temporal extent are likely to ascribe too much influence to local or short-lived events. While this distinction in the scale of analysis and interpretation may seem trivial, it is challenging to implement given the geographically and temporally uneven nature of the fossil record, and the difficulties of synthesizing spatially and temporally dispersed datasets. This work attempts to do just that, bringing together primary fossil discoveries from eastern Africa to Arabia, from the Miocene to the Pleistocene, and across a wide range of (mainly large mammal) taxa. The end result is support for hypotheses stressing the impact of both climatic and biotic factors on long-term faunal change, and a more geographically integrated view of evolution in the African fossil record.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Scheffler2018, author = {Scheffler, Christiane}, title = {Studies on plasticity within the universal pattern of growth and developmet of children and adolescents}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {207}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The anatomically modern human Homo sapiens sapiens is distinguished by a high adaptability in physiology, physique and behaviour in short term changing environmental conditions. Since our environmental factors are constantly changing because of anthropogenic influences, the question arises as to how far we have an impact on the human phenotype in the very sensitive growth phase in children and adolescents. Growth and development of all children and adolescents follow a universal and typical pattern. This pattern has evolved as the result of trade-offs in the 6-7 million years of human evolution. This typically human growth pattern differs from that of other long-living social primate species. It can be divided into different biological age stages, with specific biological, cognitive and socio-cultural signs. Phenotypic plasticity is the ability of an organism to react to an internal or external environmental input with a change in the form, state, and movement rate of activity (West-Eberhard 2003). The plasticity becomes visible and measurable particularly when, in addition to the normal variability of the phenotypic characteristics within a population, the manifestation of this plasticity changes within a relatively short time. The focus of the present work is the comparison of age-specific dimensional changes. The basic of the presented studies are more than 75,000 anthropometric data-sets of children and adolescence from 1980 up today and historical data of height available in scientific literature. Due to reduced daily physical activity, today's 6-18 year-olds have lower values of pelvic and elbow breadths. The observed increase in body height can be explained by hierarchies in social networks of human societies, contrary to earlier explanations (influence of nutrition, good living conditions and genetics). A shift towards a more feminine fat distribution pattern in boys and girls is parallel to the increase in chemicals in our environment that can affect the hormone system. Changing environmental conditions can have selective effects over generations so that that genotype becomes increasingly prevalent whose individuals have a higher progeny rate than other individuals in this population. Those then form the phenotype which allows optimum adaptation to the changes of the environmental conditions. Due to the slow patterns of succession and the low progeny rate (Hawkes et al. 1998), fast visible in the phenotype due to changes in the genotype of a population are unlikely to occur in the case of Homo sapiens sapiens within short time. In the data sets on which the presented investigations are based, such changes appear virtually impossible. The study periods cover 5-30 to max.100 years (based on data from the body height from historical data sets).}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Paasche2018, author = {Paasche, Hendrik}, title = {Addressing uncertainty in geophysical parameter estimation}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {341}, year = {2018}, language = {en} }