@phdthesis{Mtilatila2023, author = {Mtilatila, Lucy Mphatso Ng'ombe}, title = {Climate change effects on drought, freshwater availability and hydro-power generation in an African environment}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-59929}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-599298}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xv, 167}, year = {2023}, abstract = {The work is designed to investigate the impacts and sensitivity of climate change on water resources, droughts and hydropower production in Malawi, the South-Eastern region which is highly vulnerable to climate change. It is observed that rainfall is decreasing and temperature is increasing which calls for the understanding of what these changes may impact the water resources, drought occurrences and hydropower generation in the region. The study is conducted in the Greater Lake Malawi Basin (Lake Malawi and Shire River Basins) and is divided into three projects. The first study is assessing the variability and trends of both meteorological and hydrological droughts from 1970-2013 in Lake Malawi and Shire River basins using the standardized precipitation index (SPI) and standardized precipitation and evaporation Index (SPEI) for meteorological droughts and the lake level change index (LLCI) for hydrological droughts. And later the relationship of the meteorological and hydrological droughts is established. While the second study extends the drought analysis into the future by examining the potential future meteorological water balance and associated drought characteristics such as the drought intensity (DI), drought months (DM), and drought events (DE) in the Greater Lake Malawi Basin. The sensitivity of drought to changes of rainfall and temperature is also assessed using the scenario-neutral approach. The climate change projections from 20 Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) models for Africa based on two scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) for the periods 2021-2050 and 2071-2100 are used. The study also investigates the effect of bias-correction (i.e., empirical quantile mapping) on the ability of the climate model ensemble in reproducing observed drought characteristics as compared to raw climate projections. The sensitivity of key hydrologic variables and hydropower generation to climate change in Lake Malawi and Shire River basins is assessed in third study. The study adapts the mesoscale Hydrological Model (mHM) which is applied separately in the Upper Lake Malawi and Shire River basins. A particular Lake Malawi model, which focuses on reservoir routing and lake water balance, has been developed and is interlinked between the two basins. Similar to second study, the scenario-neutral approach is also applied to determine the sensitivity of climate change on water resources more particularly Lake Malawi level and Shire River flow which later helps to estimate the hydropower production susceptibility. Results suggest that meteorological droughts are increasing due to a decrease in precipitation which is exacerbated by an increase in temperature (potential evapotranspiration). The hydrological system of Lake Malawi seems to have a >24-month memory towards meteorological conditions since the 36-months SPEI can predict hydrological droughts ten-months in advance. The study has found the critical lake level that would trigger hydrological drought to be 474.1 m.a.s.l. Despite the differences in the internal structures and uncertainties that exist among the climate models, they all agree on an increase of meteorological droughts in the future in terms of higher DI and longer events (DM). DI is projected to increase between +25\% and +50\% during 2021-2050 and between +131\% and +388\% during 2071-2100. This translates into +3 to +5, and +7 to +8 more drought months per year during both periods, respectively. With longer lasting drought events, DE is decreasing. Projected droughts based on RCP8.5 are 1.7 times more severe than droughts based on RCP4.5. It is also found that an annual temperature increase of 1°C decreases mean lake level and outflow by 0.3 m and 17\%, respectively, signifying the importance of intensified evaporation for Lake Malawi's water budget. Meanwhile, a +5\% (-5\%) deviation in annual rainfall changes mean lake level by +0.7 m (-0.6 m). The combined effects of temperature increase and rainfall decrease result in significantly lower flows on Shire River. The hydrological river regime may change from perennial to seasonal with the combination of annual temperature increase and precipitation decrease beyond 1.5°C (3.5°C) and -20\% (-15\%). The study further projects a reduction in annual hydropower production between 1\% (RCP8.5) and 2.5\% (RCP4.5) during 2021-2050 and between 5\% (RCP4.5) and 24\% (RCP8.5) during 2071-2100. The findings are later linked to global policies more particularly the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)'s Paris Agreement and the United Nations (UN)'s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and how the failure to adhere the restriction of temperature increase below the global limit of 1.5°C will affect drought and the water resources in Malawi consequently impact the hydropower production. As a result, the achievement of most of the SDGs will be compromised. The results show that it is of great importance that a further development of hydro energy on the Shire River should take into account the effects of climate change. The information generation is important for decision making more especially supporting the climate action required to fight against climate change. The frequency of extreme climate events due to climate change has reached the climate emergency as saving lives and livelihoods require urgent action.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hesse2018, author = {Hesse, Cornelia}, title = {Integrated water quality modelling in meso- to large-scale catchments of the Elbe river basin under climate and land use change}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-42295}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-422957}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ix, 217}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In einer sich {\"a}ndernden Umwelt sind Fließgew{\"a}sser{\"o}kosysteme vielf{\"a}ltigen direkten und indirekten anthropogenen Belastungen ausgesetzt, die die Gew{\"a}sser sowohl in ihrer Menge als auch in ihrer G{\"u}te beeintr{\"a}chtigen k{\"o}nnen. Ein {\"u}berm{\"a}ßiger Eintrag von N{\"a}hrstoffen verursacht etwa Massenentwicklungen von Algen und Sauerstoffdefizite in den Gew{\"a}ssern, was zum Verfehlen der Ziele der Wasserrahmenrichtlinie (WRRL) f{\"u}hren kann. In vielen europ{\"a}ischen Einzugsgebieten und auch dem der Elbe sind solche Probleme zu beobachten. W{\"a}hrend der letzten Jahrzehnte entstanden diverse computergest{\"u}tzte Modelle, die zum Schutz und Management von Wasserressourcen genutzt werden k{\"o}nnen. Sie helfen beim Verstehen der N{\"a}hrstoffprozesse und Belastungspfade in Einzugsgebieten, bei der Absch{\"a}tzung m{\"o}glicher Folgen von Klima- und Landnutzungs{\"a}nderungen f{\"u}r die Wasserk{\"o}rper, sowie bei der Entwicklung eventueller Kompensationsmaßnahmen. Aufgrund der Vielzahl an sich gegenseitig beeinflussenden Prozessen ist die Modellierung der Wasserqualit{\"a}t komplexer und aufw{\"a}ndiger als eine reine hydrologische Modellierung. {\"O}kohydrologische Modelle zur Simulation der Gew{\"a}sserg{\"u}te, einschließlich des Modells SWIM (Soil and Water Integrated Model), bed{\"u}rfen auch h{\"a}ufig noch einer Weiterentwicklung und Verbesserung der Prozessbeschreibungen. Aus diesen {\"U}berlegungen entstand die vorliegende Dissertation, die sich zwei Hauptanliegen widmet: 1) einer Weiterentwicklung des N{\"a}hrstoffmoduls des {\"o}kohydrologischen Modells SWIM f{\"u}r Stickstoff- und Phosphorprozesse, und 2) der Anwendung des Modells SWIM im Elbegebiet zur Unterst{\"u}tzung eines anpassungsf{\"a}higen Wassermanagements im Hinblick auf m{\"o}gliche zuk{\"u}nftige {\"A}nderungen der Umweltbedingungen. Die kumulative Dissertation basiert auf f{\"u}nf wissenschaftlichen Artikeln, die in internationalen Zeitschriften ver{\"o}ffentlicht wurden. Im Zuge der Arbeit wurden verschiedene Modellanpassungen in SWIM vorgenommen, wie etwa ein einfacher Ansatz zur Verbesserung der Simulation der Wasser- und N{\"a}hrstoffverh{\"a}ltnisse in Feuchtgebieten, ein um Ammonium erweiterter Stickstoffkreislauf im Boden, sowie ein Flussprozessmodul, das Umwandlungsprozesse, Sauerstoffverh{\"a}ltnisse und Algenwachstum im Fließgew{\"a}sser simuliert, haupts{\"a}chlich angetrieben von Temperatur und Licht. Auch wenn dieser neue Modellansatz ein sehr komplexes Modell mit einer Vielzahl an neuen Kalibrierungsparametern und steigender Unsicherheit erzeugte, konnten gute Ergebnisse in den Teileinzugsgebieten und dem gesamten Gebiet der Elbe erzielt werden, so dass das Modell zur Absch{\"a}tzung m{\"o}glicher Folgen von Klimavariabilit{\"a}ten und ver{\"a}nderten anthropogenen Einfl{\"u}ssen f{\"u}r die Gew{\"a}sserg{\"u}te genutzt werden konnte. Das neue Fließgew{\"a}ssermodul ist ein wichtiger Beitrag zur Verbesserung der N{\"a}hrstoffmodellierung in SWIM, vor allem f{\"u}r Stoffe, die haupts{\"a}chlich aus Punktquellen in die Gew{\"a}sser gelangen (wie z.B. Phosphat). Der neue Modellansatz verbessert zudem die Anwendbarkeit von SWIM f{\"u}r Fragestellungen im Zusammenhang mit der WRRL, bei der biologische Qualit{\"a}tskomponenten (wie etwa Phytoplankton) eine zentrale Rolle spielen. Die dargestellten Ergebnisse der Wirkungsstudien k{\"o}nnen bei Entscheidungstr{\"a}gern und anderen Akteuren das Verst{\"a}ndnis f{\"u}r zuk{\"u}nftige Herausforderungen im Gew{\"a}ssermanagement erh{\"o}hen und dazu beitragen, ein angepasstes Management f{\"u}r das Elbeeinzugsgebiet zu entwickeln.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{OPUS4-41661, title = {International Conference on "Natural Hazards and Risks in a Changing World"}, series = {Book of Abstracts}, booktitle = {Book of Abstracts}, editor = {Petrow, Theresia and Bronstert, Axel and Thieken, Annegret and Vogel, Kristin}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-416613}, pages = {118}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Natural hazards such as floods, earthquakes, landslides, and multi-hazard events heavily affect human societies and call for better management strategies. Due to the severity of such events, it is of utmost importance to understand whether and how they change in re-sponse to evolving hydro-climatological, geo-physical and socio-economic conditions. These conditions jointly determine the magnitude, frequency, and impact of disasters, and are changing in response to climate change and human behavior. Therefore methods are need-ed for hazard and risk quantification accounting for the transient nature of hazards and risks in response to changing natural and anthropogenic altered systems. The purpose of this conference is to bring together researchers from natural sciences (e.g. hydrology, meteorology, geomorphology, hydraulic engineering, environmental science, seismology, geography), risk research, nonlinear systems dynamics, and applied mathematics to discuss new insights and developments about data science, changing systems, multi-hazard events and the linkage between hazard and vulnerabilities under unstable environmental conditions. Knowledge transfer, communication and networking will be key issues of the conference. The conference is organized by means of invited talks given by outstanding experts, oral presentations, poster sessions and discussions.}, language = {en} } @misc{Koechy2006, author = {K{\"o}chy, Martin}, title = {Opposite trends in life stages of annual plants caused by daily rainfall variability}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-14699}, pages = {347 -- 357}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Global Circulation Models of climate predict not only a change of annual precipitation amounts but also a shift in the daily distribution. To improve the understanding of the importance of daily rain pattern for annual plant communities, which represent a large portion of semi-natural vegetation in the Middle East, I used a detailed, spatially explicit model. The model explicitly considers water storage in the soil and has been parameterized and validated with data collected in field experiments in Israel and data from the literature. I manipulated daily rainfall variability by increasing the mean daily rain intensity on rainy days (MDI, rain volume/day) and decreasing intervals between rainy days while keeping the mean annual amount constant. In factorial combination, I also increased mean annual precipitation (MAP). I considered five climatic regions characterized by 100, 300, 450, 600, and 800 mm MAP. Increasing MDI decreased establishment when MAP was >250 mm but increased establishment at more arid sites. The negative effect of increasing MDI was compensated by increasing mortality with increasing MDI in dry and typical Mediterranean regions (c. 360-720 mm MAP). These effects were strongly tied to water availability in upper and lower soil layers and modified by competition among seedlings and adults. Increasing MAP generally increased water availability, establishment, and density. The order of magnitudes of MDI and MAP effects overlapped partially so that their combined effect is important for projections of climate change effects on annual vegetation. The effect size of MAP and MDI followed a sigmoid curve along the MAP gradient indicating that the semi-arid region (≈300 mm MAP) is the most sensitive to precipitation change with regard to annual communitie}, subject = {Klima{\"a}nderung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hattermann2005, author = {Hattermann, Fred}, title = {Integrated modelling of Global Change impacts in the German Elbe River Basin}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-6052}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2005}, abstract = {The scope of this study is to investigate the environmental change in the German part of the Elbe river basin, whereby the focus is on two water related problems: having too little water and having water of poor quality. The Elbe region is representative of humid to semi-humid landscapes in central Europe, where water availability during the summer season is the limiting factor for plant growth and crop yields, especially in the loess areas, where the annual precipitation is lower than 500 mm. It is most likely that water quantity problems will accelerate in future, because both the observed and the projected climate trend show an increase in temperature and a decrease in annual precipitation, especially in the summer. Another problem is nutrient pollution of rivers and lakes. In the early 1990s, the Elbe was one of the most heavily polluted rivers in Europe. Even though nutrient emissions from point sources have notably decreased in the basin due to reduction of industrial sources and introduction of new and improved sewage treatment facilities, the diffuse sources of pollution are still not sufficiently controlled. The investigations have been done using the eco-hydrological model SWIM (Soil and Water Integrated Model), which has been embedded in a model framework of climate and agro-economic models. A global scenario of climate and agro-economic change has been regionalized to generate transient climate forcing data and land use boundary conditions for the model. The model was used to transform the climate and land use changes into altered evapotranspiration, groundwater recharge, crop yields and river discharge, and to investigate the development of water quality in the river basin. Particular emphasis was given to assessing the significance of the impacts on the hydrology, taking into account in the analysis the inherent uncertainty of the regional climate change as well as the uncertainty in the results of the model. The average trend of the regional climate change scenario indicates a decrease in mean annual precipitation up to 2055 of about 1.5 \%, but with high uncertainty (covering the range from -15.3 \% to +14.8 \%), and a less uncertain increase in temperature of approximately 1.4 K. The relatively small change in precipitation in conjunction with the change in temperature leads to severe impacts on groundwater recharge and river flow. Increasing temperature induces longer vegetation periods, and the seasonality of the flow regime changes towards longer low flow spells in summer. As a results the water availability will decrease on average of the scenario simulations by approximately 15 \%. The increase in temperatures will improve the growth conditions for temperature limited crops like maize. The uncertainty of the climate trend is particularly high in regions where the change is the highest. The simulation results for the Nuthe subbasin of the Elbe indicate that retention processes in groundwater, wetlands and riparian zones have a high potential to reduce the nitrate concentrations of rivers and lakes in the basin, because they are located at the interface between catchment area and surface water bodies, where they are controlling the diffuse nutrient inputs. The relatively high retention of nitrate in the Nuthe basin is due to the long residence time of water in the subsurface (about 40 years), with good conditions for denitrification, and due to nitrate retention and plant uptake in wetlands and riparian zones. The concluding result of the study is that the natural environment and communities in parts of Central Europe will have considerably lower water resources under scenario conditions. The water quality will improve, but due to the long residence time of water and nutrients in the subsurface, this improvement will be slower in areas where the conditions for nutrient turn-over in the subsurface are poor.}, subject = {Hydrologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Thonicke2003, author = {Thonicke, Kirsten}, title = {Fire disturbance and vegetation dynamics : analysis and models}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0000713}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Untersuchungen zur Rolle nat{\"u}rlicher St{\"o}rungen in der Vegetation bzw. in {\"O}kosystemen zeigen, dass nat{\"u}rliche St{\"o}rungen ein essentielles und intrinsisches Element in {\"O}kosystemen darstellen, substanziell zur Vitalit{\"a}t und strukturellen Diversit{\"a}t der {\"O}kosysteme beitragen und Stoffkreisl{\"a}ufe sowohl auf dem lokalen als auch auf dem globalen Niveau beeinflussen. Feuer als Grasland-, Busch- oder Waldbrand ist ein besonderes St{\"o}rungsagens, da es sowohl durch biotische als auch abiotische Umweltfaktoren verursacht wird. Es beeinflusst biogeochemische Kreisl{\"a}ufe und spielt f{\"u}r die chemische Zusammensetzung der Atmosph{\"a}re durch Freisetzung klimarelevanter Spurengase und Aerosole aus der Verbrennung von Biomasse eine bedeutende Rolle. Dies wird auch durch die Emission von ca. 3.9 Gt Kohlenstoff pro Jahr unterstrichen, was einen großen Anteil am globalen Gesamtaufkommen ausmacht. Ein kombiniertes Modell, das die Effekte und R{\"u}ckkopplungen zwischen Feuer und Vegetation beschreibt, wurde erforderlich, als {\"A}nderungen in den Feuerregimes als Folge von {\"A}nderungen in der Landnutzung und dem Landmanagement festgestellt wurden. Diese Notwendigkeit wurde noch durch die Erkenntnis unterstrichen, daß die Menge verbrennender Biomasse als ein bedeutender Kohlenstoffluß sowohl die chemische Zusammensetzung der Atmosph{\"a}re und das Klima, aber auch die Vegetationsdynamik selbst beeinflusst. Die bereits existierenden Modellans{\"a}tze reichen hier jedoch nicht aus, um entsprechende Untersuchungen durchzuf{\"u}hren. Als eine Schlussfolgerung daraus wurde eine optimale Menge von Faktoren gefunden, die das Auftreten und die Ausbreitung des Feuers, sowie deren {\"o}kosystemare Effekte ausreichend beschreiben. Ein solches Modell sollte die Merkmale beobachteter Feuerregime simulieren k{\"o}nnen und Analysen der Interaktionen zwischen Feuer und Vegetationsdynamik unterst{\"u}tzen, um auch Ursachen f{\"u}r bestimmte {\"A}nderungen in den Feuerregimes herausfinden zu k{\"o}nnen. Insbesondere die dynamischen Verkn{\"u}pfungen zwischen Vegetation, Klima und Feuerprozessen sind von Bedeutung, um dynamische R{\"u}ckkopplungen und Effekte einzelner, ver{\"a}nderter Umweltfaktoren zu analysieren. Dadurch ergab sich die Notwendigkeit, neue Feuermodelle zu entwickeln, die die genannten Untersuchungen erlauben und das Verst{\"a}ndnis der Rolle des Feuer in der globalen {\"O}kologie verbessern. Als Schlussfolgerung der Dissertation wird festgestellt, dass Feuchtebedingungen, ihre Andauer {\"u}ber die Zeit (L{\"a}nge der Feuersaison) und die Streumenge die wichtigsten Komponenten darstellen, die die Verteilung der Feuerregime global beschreiben. Werden Zeitreihen einzelner Regionen simuliert, sollten besondere Entz{\"u}ndungsquellen, brandkritische Klimabedingungen und die Bestandesstruktur als zus{\"a}tzliche Determinanten ber{\"u}cksichtigt werden. Die Bestandesstruktur ver{\"a}ndert das Niveau des Auftretens und der Ausbreitung von Feuer, beeinflusst jedoch weniger dessen interannuelle Variabilit{\"a}t. Das es wichtig ist, die vollst{\"a}ndige Wirkungskette wichtiger Feuerprozesse und deren Verkn{\"u}pfungen mit der Vegetationsdynamik zu ber{\"u}cksichtigen, wird besonders unter Klima{\"a}nderungsbedingungen deutlich. Eine l{\"a}nger werdende, vom Klima abh{\"a}ngige Feuersaison bedeutet nicht automatisch eine im gleichen Maße anwachsende Menge verbrannter Biomasse. Sie kann durch {\"A}nderungen in der Produktivit{\"a}t der Vegetation gepuffert oder beschleunigt werden. Sowohl durch {\"A}nderungen der Bestandesstruktur als auch durch eine erh{\"o}hte Produktivit{\"a}t der Vegetation k{\"o}nnen {\"A}nderungen der Feuereigenschaften noch weiter intensiviert werden und zu noch h{\"o}heren, feuerbezogenen Emissionen f{\"u}hren.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Guentner2002, author = {G{\"u}ntner, Andreas}, title = {Large-scale hydrological modelling in the semi-arid north-east of Brazil}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0000511}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Semi-arid areas are, due to their climatic setting, characterized by small water resources. An increasing water demand as a consequence of population growth and economic development as well as a decreasing water availability in the course of possible climate change may aggravate water scarcity in future, which often exists already for present-day conditions in these areas. Understanding the mechanisms and feedbacks of complex natural and human systems, together with the quantitative assessment of future changes in volume, timing and quality of water resources are a prerequisite for the development of sustainable measures of water management to enhance the adaptive capacity of these regions. For this task, dynamic integrated models, containing a hydrological model as one component, are indispensable tools. The main objective of this study is to develop a hydrological model for the quantification of water availability in view of environmental change over a large geographic domain of semi-arid environments. The study area is the Federal State of Cear{\´a} (150 000 km2) in the semi-arid north-east of Brazil. Mean annual precipitation in this area is 850 mm, falling in a rainy season with duration of about five months. Being mainly characterized by crystalline bedrock and shallow soils, surface water provides the largest part of the water supply. The area has recurrently been affected by droughts which caused serious economic losses and social impacts like migration from the rural regions. The hydrological model Wasa (Model of Water Availability in Semi-Arid Environments) developed in this study is a deterministic, spatially distributed model being composed of conceptual, process-based approaches. Water availability (river discharge, storage volumes in reservoirs, soil moisture) is determined with daily resolution. Sub-basins, grid cells or administrative units (municipalities) can be chosen as spatial target units. The administrative units enable the coupling of Wasa in the framework of an integrated model which contains modules that do not work on the basis of natural spatial units. The target units mentioned above are disaggregated in Wasa into smaller modelling units within a new multi-scale, hierarchical approach. The landscape units defined in this scheme capture in particular the effect of structured variability of terrain, soil and vegetation characteristics along toposequences on soil moisture and runoff generation. Lateral hydrological processes at the hillslope scale, as reinfiltration of surface runoff, being of particular importance in semi-arid environments, can thus be represented also within the large-scale model in a simplified form. Depending on the resolution of available data, small-scale variability is not represented explicitly with geographic reference in Wasa, but by the distribution of sub-scale units and by statistical transition frequencies for lateral fluxes between these units. Further model components of Wasa which respect specific features of semi-arid hydrology are: (1) A two-layer model for evapotranspiration comprises energy transfer at the soil surface (including soil evaporation), which is of importance in view of the mainly sparse vegetation cover. Additionally, vegetation parameters are differentiated in space and time in dependence on the occurrence of the rainy season. (2) The infiltration module represents in particular infiltration-excess surface runoff as the dominant runoff component. (3) For the aggregate description of the water balance of reservoirs that cannot be represented explicitly in the model, a storage approach respecting different reservoirs size classes and their interaction via the river network is applied. (4) A model for the quantification of water withdrawal by water use in different sectors is coupled to Wasa. (5) A cascade model for the temporal disaggregation of precipitation time series, adapted to the specific characteristics of tropical convective rainfall, is applied for the generating rainfall time series of higher temporal resolution. All model parameters of Wasa can be derived from physiographic information of the study area. Thus, model calibration is primarily not required. Model applications of Wasa for historical time series generally results in a good model performance when comparing the simulation results of river discharge and reservoir storage volumes with observed data for river basins of various sizes. The mean water balance as well as the high interannual and intra-annual variability is reasonably represented by the model. Limitations of the modelling concept are most markedly seen for sub-basins with a runoff component from deep groundwater bodies of which the dynamics cannot be satisfactorily represented without calibration. Further results of model applications are: (1) Lateral processes of redistribution of runoff and soil moisture at the hillslope scale, in particular reinfiltration of surface runoff, lead to markedly smaller discharge volumes at the basin scale than the simple sum of runoff of the individual sub-areas. Thus, these processes are to be captured also in large-scale models. The different relevance of these processes for different conditions is demonstrated by a larger percentage decrease of discharge volumes in dry as compared to wet years. (2) Precipitation characteristics have a major impact on the hydrological response of semi-arid environments. In particular, underestimated rainfall intensities in the rainfall input due to the rough temporal resolution of the model and due to interpolation effects and, consequently, underestimated runoff volumes have to be compensated in the model. A scaling factor in the infiltration module or the use of disaggregated hourly rainfall data show good results in this respect. The simulation results of Wasa are characterized by large uncertainties. These are, on the one hand, due to uncertainties of the model structure to adequately represent the relevant hydrological processes. On the other hand, they are due to uncertainties of input data and parameters particularly in view of the low data availability. Of major importance is: (1) The uncertainty of rainfall data with regard to their spatial and temporal pattern has, due to the strong non-linear hydrological response, a large impact on the simulation results. (2) The uncertainty of soil parameters is in general of larger importance on model uncertainty than uncertainty of vegetation or topographic parameters. (3) The effect of uncertainty of individual model components or parameters is usually different for years with rainfall volumes being above or below the average, because individual hydrological processes are of different relevance in both cases. Thus, the uncertainty of individual model components or parameters is of different importance for the uncertainty of scenario simulations with increasing or decreasing precipitation trends. (4) The most important factor of uncertainty for scenarios of water availability in the study area is the uncertainty in the results of global climate models on which the regional climate scenarios are based. Both a marked increase or a decrease in precipitation can be assumed for the given data. Results of model simulations for climate scenarios until the year 2050 show that a possible future change in precipitation volumes causes a larger percentage change in runoff volumes by a factor of two to three. In the case of a decreasing precipitation trend, the efficiency of new reservoirs for securing water availability tends to decrease in the study area because of the interaction of the large number of reservoirs in retaining the overall decreasing runoff volumes.}, subject = {Cear{\´a} / Semiarides Gebiet / Wasserreserve / Hydrologie / Mathematisches Modell}, language = {en} }