@phdthesis{Roehl2014, author = {R{\"o}hl, Vera Regine}, title = {"Es gibt kein Himmelreich auf Erden" : Heinrich Margulies : ein s{\"a}kularer Zionist}, publisher = {K{\"o}nigshausen \& Neumann}, address = {W{\"u}rzburg}, isbn = {978-3-8260-5421-1}, pages = {302 S.}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Muksin2014, author = {Muksin, Umar}, title = {A fault-controlled geothermal system in Tarutung (North Sumatra, Indonesia)investigated by seismological analysis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-72065}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The seismic structure (Vp, Vp/Vs, and Qp anomalies) contributes to the physical properties and the lithology of rocks and possible fluid distribution in the region. The Vp model images the geometry of the Tarutung and the Sarulla basins. Both basins have a depth of around 2.0 km. High Vp/Vs and high attenuation (low Qp) anomalies are observed along the Sarulla graben associated with a weak zone caused by volcanic activities along the graben. Low Vp/Vs and low conductivity anomalies are found in the west of the Tarutung basin. This anomaly is interpreted as dry, compact, and rigid granitic rock in the region as also found by geological observations. Low Vp, high Vp/Vs and low Qp anomalies are found at the east of the Tarutung basin which appear to be associated with the three big geothermal manifestations in Sipoholon, Hutabarat, and Panabungan area. These anomalies are connected with high Vp/Vs and low Qp anomalies below the Tarutung basin at depth of around 3 - 10 km. This suggests that these geothermal manifestations are fed by the same source of the hot fluid below the Tarutung basin. The hot fluids from below the Tarutung basin propagate to the more dilatational and more permeable zone in the northeast. Granite found in the west of the Tarutung basin could also be abundant underneath the basin at a certain depth so that it prevents the hot fluid to be transported directly to the Tarutung basin. High seismic attenuation and low Vp/Vs anomalies are found in the southwest of the Tarutung basin below the Martimbang volcano. These anomalies are associated with hot rock below the volcano without or with less amount of partial melting. There is no indication that the volcano controls the geothermal system around the Tarutung basin. The geothermal resources around the Tarutung basin is a fault-controlled system as a result of deep circulation of fluids. Outside of the basin, the seismicity delineation and the focal mechanism correlate with the shape and the characteristics of the strike-slip Sumatran fault. Within the Tarutung basin, the seismicity is distributed more broadly which coincides with the margin of the basin. An extensional duplex system in the Tarutung basin is derived from the seismicity and focal mechanism analysis which is also consistent with the geological observations. The vertical distribution of the seismicity suggests the presence of a negative flower structure within the Tarutung basin.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kamprath2014, author = {Kamprath, Martin}, title = {A microfoundations perspectives on fresight and business models}, pages = {224}, year = {2014}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mauri2014, author = {Mauri, Marco}, title = {A model for sigma factor competition in bacterial cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-72098}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {167}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Bacteria respond to changing environmental conditions by switching the global pattern of expressed genes. In response to specific environmental stresses the cell activates several stress-specific molecules such as sigma factors. They reversibly bind the RNA polymerase to form the so-called holoenzyme and direct it towards the appropriate stress response genes. In exponentially growing E. coli cells, the majority of the transcriptional activity is carried out by the housekeeping sigma factor, while stress responses are often under the control of alternative sigma factors. Different sigma factors compete for binding to a limited pool of RNA polymerase (RNAP) core enzymes, providing a mechanism for cross talk between genes or gene classes via the sharing of expression machinery. To quantitatively analyze the contribution of sigma factor competition to global changes in gene expression, we develop a thermodynamic model that describes binding between sigma factors and core RNAP at equilibrium, transcription, non-specific binding to DNA and the modulation of the availability of the molecular components. Association of housekeeping sigma factor to RNAP is generally favored by its abundance and higher binding affinity to the core. In order to promote transcription by alternative sigma subunits, the bacterial cell modulates the transcriptional efficiency in a reversible manner through several strategies such as anti-sigma factors, 6S RNA and generally any kind of transcriptional regulators (e.g. activators or inhibitors). By shifting the outcome of sigma factor competition for the core, these modulators bias the transcriptional program of the cell. The model is validated by comparison with in vitro competition experiments, with which excellent agreement is found. We observe that transcription is affected via the modulation of the concentrations of the different types of holoenzymes, so saturated promoters are only weakly affected by sigma factor competition. However, in case of overlapping promoters or promoters recognized by two types of sigma factors, we find that even saturated promoters are strongly affected. Active transcription effectively lowers the affinity between the sigma factor driving it and the core RNAP, resulting in complex cross talk effects and raising the question of how their in vitro measure is relevant in the cell. We also estimate that sigma factor competition is not strongly affected by non-specific binding of core RNAPs, sigma factors, and holoenzymes to DNA. Finally, we analyze the role of increased core RNAP availability upon the shut-down of ribosomal RNA transcription during stringent response. We find that passive up-regulation of alternative sigma-dependent transcription is not only possible, but also displays hypersensitivity based on the sigma factor competition. Our theoretical analysis thus provides support for a significant role of passive control during that global switch of the gene expression program and gives new insights into RNAP partitioning in the cell.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{D'Agata2014, author = {D'Agata, Valeria Costanza}, title = {A partire dalla Somaestetica di Shusterman}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-72650}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {280}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Con la sua proposta di una Somaestetica, articolata fondamentalmente in analitica, pragmatica e pratica, Richard Shusterman intende in primo luogo fornire e creare una cornice metodologica, un orientamento unitario che sia in grado di rintracciare, ricostruire e portare a manifestazione - all'interno di eterogenee riflessioni teoriche e pratiche somatiche - la comune esigenza di ridare luce alla dimensione corporea come modo primario di essere nel mondo. Recuperando l'accezione baumgarteniana di Aesthetica come gnoseologia inferiore, arte dell'analogo della ragione, scienza della conoscenza sensibile, la somaestetica intende dare nuovo impulso alla pi{\`u} profonda radice di estetica e filosofia che coglie la vita nel suo processo di metamorfosi e rigenerazione continua, in quel respiro vitale che, per quanto possa diventare cosciente, non {\`e} mai totalmente afferrabile dalla ragione discorsiva, situandosi piuttosto in quello spazio primordiale in cui coscienza e corpo si coappartengono, in cui il soggetto non {\`e} ancora individualizzabile perch{\´e} fuso con l'ambiente, non {\`e} totalmente privatizzabile perch{\´e} intrinsecamente plasmato dal tessuto sociale cui egli stesso conferisce dinamicamente forma. A partire dunque dalla rivalutazione del concetto di Aisthesis la disciplina somaestetica mira ad una intensificazione di sensorialit{\`a}, percezione, emozione, commozione, rintracciando proprio nel Soma la fonte di quelle facolt{\`a} "inferiori" irriducibili a quelle puramente intellettuali, che permettono di accedere alle dimensioni qualitative dell'esperienza, di portare a manifestazione e far maturare l'essere umano come essere indivisibile che non si lascia incontrare da un pensiero che ne rinnega l'unitariet{\`a} in nome di fittizie e laceranti distinzioni dicotomiche. Nel corpo infatti si radicano in modo silente regole, convenzioni, norme e valori socioculturali che determinano e talvolta limitano la configurazione ed espressione di sensazioni, percezioni, cognizioni, pensieri, azioni, volizioni, disposizioni di un soggetto da sempre inserito in una Mitwelt (mondo comune), ed {\`e} allora proprio al corpo che bisogna rivolgersi per riconfigurare pi{\`u} autentiche modalit{\`a} di espressione del soggetto che crea equilibri dinamici per mantenere una relazione di coerenza con il pi{\`u} ampio contesto sociale, culturale, ambientale. L'apertura al confronto con eterogenee posizioni filosofiche e l'intrinseca multidisciplinariet{\`a} spiegano la centralit{\`a} nel contemporaneo dibattito estetologico internazionale della Somaestetica che, rivolgendosi tanto ad una formulazione teorica quanto ad una concreta applicazione pratica, intende rivalutare il soma come corporeit{\`a} intelligente, senziente, intenzionale e attiva, non riducibile all'accezione peccaminosa di caro (mero corpo fisico privo di vita e sensazione). Attraverso la riflessione e la pratica di tecniche di coscienza somatica si portano in primo piano i modi in cui il sempre pi{\`u} consapevole rapporto con la propria corporeit{\`a} come mediatamente esperita e immediatamente vissuta, sentita, offre occasioni autentiche di realizzazione progressiva di s{\´e} innanzitutto come persone, capaci di autocoltivazione, di riflessione cosciente sulle proprie abitudini incorporate, di ristrutturazione creativa di s{\´e}, di intensificata percezione e apprezzamento sensoriale sia nel concreto agire quotidiano, sia nella dimensione pi{\`u} propriamente estetologica di ricezione, fruizione e creazione artistica. L'indirizzo essenzialmente pragmatista della riflessione di Shusterman traccia cos{\`i} una concezione fondamentalmente relazionale dell'estetica in grado di porsi proprio nel movimento e nel rapporto continuamente diveniente di vera e propria trasformazione e passaggio tra le dimensioni fisiche, proprio-corporee, psichiche e spirituali del soggetto la cui interazione, ed il cui reciproco riversarsi le une nelle altre, pu{\`o} risultare profondamente arricchito attraverso una progressiva e sempre crescente consapevolizzazione della ricchezza della dimensione corporea in quanto intenzionale, percettiva, senziente, volitiva, tanto quanto vulnerabile, limitante, caduca, patica. Il presente lavoro intende ripercorrere ed approfondire alcuni dei principali referenti di Shusterman, focalizzandosi prevalentemente sulla radice pragmatista della sua proposta e sul confronto con il dibattito di area tedesca tra estetica, antropologia filosofica, neofenomenologia e antropologia medica, per riguadagnare una nozione di soma che proprio a partire dal contrasto, dall'impatto irriducibile con la potenza annullante delle situazioni limite, della crisi possa acquisire un pi{\`u} complesso e ricco valore armonizzante delle intrinseche e molteplici dimensioni che costituiscono il tessuto della soggettivit{\`a} incarnata. In particolare il primo capitolo (1. Somaestetica) chiarisce le radici essenzialmente pragmatiste della proposta shustermaniana e mostra come sia possibile destrutturare e dunque riconfigurare radicati modi di esperienza, rendendo coscienti abitudini e modi di vivere che si fissano a livello somatico in modo per lo pi{\`u} inavvertito. Il confronto con la nozione di Habitus, di cui Pierre Bourdieu mette brillantemente in luce l'invisibile e socialmente determinata matrice somatica, lascia scorgere come ogni manifestazione umana sia sostenuta dall'incorporazione di norme, credenze, valori che determinano e talvolta limitano l'espressione, lo sviluppo, persino le predisposizioni e le inclinazioni degli individui. Ed {\`e} proprio intervenendo a questo livello che si pu{\`o} restituire libert{\`a} alle scelte e aprirsi cos{\`i} alle dimensioni essenzialmente qualitative dell'esperienza che, nell'accezione deweyana {\`e} un insieme olistico unitario e coeso che fa da sfondo alle relazioni organismo-ambiente, un intreccio inestricabile di teoria e prassi, particolare e universale, psiche e soma, ragione ed emozione, percettivo e concettuale, insomma quell'immediata conoscenza corporea che struttura lo sfondo di manifestazione della coscienza.}, language = {it} } @phdthesis{Herenz2014, author = {Herenz, Peter}, title = {A study of the absorption characteristics of gaseous galaxy halos in the local Universe}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-70513}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Today, it is well known that galaxies like the Milky Way consist not only of stars but also of gas and dust. The galactic halo, a sphere of gas that surrounds the stellar disk of a galaxy, is especially interesting. It provides a wealth of information about in and outflowing gaseous material towards and away from galaxies and their hierarchical evolution. For the Milky Way, the so-called high-velocity clouds (HVCs), fast moving neutral gas complexes in the halo that can be traced by absorption-line measurements, are believed to play a crucial role in the overall matter cycle in our Galaxy. Over the last decades, the properties of these halo structures and their connection to the local circumgalactic and intergalactic medium (CGM and IGM, respectively) have been investigated in great detail by many different groups. So far it remains unclear, however, to what extent the results of these studies can be transferred to other galaxies in the local Universe. In this thesis, we study the absorption properties of Galactic HVCs and compare the HVC absorption characteristics with those of intervening QSO absorption-line systems at low redshift. The goal of this project is to improve our understanding of the spatial extent and physical conditions of gaseous galaxy halos in the local Universe. In the first part of the thesis we use HST /STIS ultraviolet spectra of more than 40 extragalactic background sources to statistically analyze the absorption properties of the HVCs in the Galactic halo. We determine fundamental absorption line parameters including covering fractions of different weakly/intermediately/highly ionized metals with a particular focus on SiII and MgII. Due to the similarity in the ionization properties of SiII and MgII, we are able to estimate the contribution of HVC-like halo structures to the cross section of intervening strong MgII absorbers at z = 0. Our study implies that only the most massive HVCs would be regarded as strong MgII absorbers, if the Milky Way halo would be seen as a QSO absorption line system from an exterior vantage point. Combining the observed absorption-cross section of Galactic HVCs with the well-known number density of intervening strong MgII absorbers at z = 0, we conclude that the contribution of infalling gas clouds (i.e., HVC analogs) in the halos of Milky Way-type galaxies to the cross section of strong MgII absorbers is 34\%. This result indicates that only about one third of the strong MgII absorption can be associated with HVC analogs around other galaxies, while the majority of the strong MgII systems possibly is related to galaxy outflows and winds. The second part of this thesis focuses on the properties of intervening metal absorbers at low redshift. The analysis of the frequency and physical conditions of intervening metal systems in QSO spectra and their relation to nearby galaxies offers new insights into the typical conditions of gaseous galaxy halos. One major aspect in our study was to regard intervening metal systems as possible HVC analogs. We perform a detailed analysis of absorption line properties and line statistics for 57 metal absorbers along 78 QSO sightlines using newly-obtained ultraviolet spectra obtained with HST /COS. We find clear evidence for bimodal distribution in the HI column density in the absorbers, a trend that we interpret as sign for two different classes of absorption systems (with HVC analogs at the high-column density end). With the help of the strong transitions of SiII λ1260, SiIII λ1206, and CIII λ977 we have set up Cloudy photoionization models to estimate the local ionization conditions, gas densities, and metallicities. We find that the intervening absorption systems studied by us have, on average, similar physical conditions as Galactic HVC absorbers, providing evidence that many of them represent HVC analogs in the vicinity of other galaxies. We therefore determine typical halo sizes for SiII, SiIII, and CIII for L = 0.01L∗ and L = 0.05L∗ galaxies. Based on the covering fractions of the different ions in the Galactic halo, we find that, for example, the typical halo size for SiIII is ∼ 160 kpc for L = 0.05L∗ galaxies. We test the plausibility of this result by searching for known galaxies close to the QSO sightlines and at similar redshifts as the absorbers. We find that more than 34\% of the measured SiIII absorbers have galaxies associated with them, with the majority of the absorbers indeed being at impact parameters ρ ≤160 kpc.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Yadavalli2014, author = {Yadavalli, Nataraja Sekhar}, title = {Advances in experimental methods to probe surface relief grating formation mechanism in photosensitive materials}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-71213}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {When azobenzene-modified photosensitive polymer films are irradiated with light interference patterns, topographic variations in the film develop that follow the electric field vector distribution resulting in the formation of surface relief grating (SRG). The exact correspondence of the electric field vector orientation in interference pattern in relation to the presence of local topographic minima or maxima of SRG is in general difficult to determine. In my thesis, we have established a systematic procedure to accomplish the correlation between different interference patterns and the topography of SRG. For this, we devise a new setup combining an atomic force microscope and a two-beam interferometer (IIAFM). With this set-up, it is possible to track the topography change in-situ, while at the same time changing polarization and phase of the impinging interference pattern. To validate our results, we have compared two photosensitive materials named in short as PAZO and trimer. This is the first time that an absolute correspondence between the local distribution of electric field vectors of interference pattern and the local topography of the relief grating could be established exhaustively. In addition, using our IIAFM we found that for a certain polarization combination of two orthogonally polarized interfering beams namely SP (↕, ↔) interference pattern, the topography forms SRG with only half the period of the interference patterns. Exploiting this phenomenon we are able to fabricate surface relief structures below diffraction limit with characteristic features measuring only 140 nm, by using far field optics with a wavelength of 491 nm. We have also probed for the stresses induced during the polymer mass transport by placing an ultra-thin gold film on top (5-30 nm). During irradiation, the metal film not only deforms along with the SRG formation, but ruptures in regular and complex manner. The morphology of the cracks differs strongly depending on the electric field distribution in the interference pattern even when the magnitude and the kinetic of the strain are kept constant. This implies a complex local distribution of the opto-mechanical stress along the topography grating. The neutron reflectivity measurements of the metal/polymer interface indicate the penetration of metal layer within the polymer resulting in the formation of bonding layer that confirms the transduction of light induced stresses in the polymer layer to a metal film.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schmidt2014, author = {Schmidt, Lukas}, title = {Aerosols and boundary layer structure over Arctic sea ice based on airborne lidar and dropsonde measurements}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-75076}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vii, 98, xiii}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The atmosphere over the Arctic Ocean is strongly influenced by the distribution of sea ice and open water. Leads in the sea ice produce strong convective fluxes of sensible and latent heat and release aerosol particles into the atmosphere. They increase the occurrence of clouds and modify the structure and characteristics of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) and thereby influence the Arctic climate. In the course of this study aircraft measurements were performed over the western Arctic Ocean as part of the campaign PAMARCMIP 2012 of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI). Backscatter from aerosols and clouds within the lower troposphere and the ABL were measured with the nadir pointing Airborne Mobile Aerosol Lidar (AMALi) and dropsondes were launched to obtain profiles of meteorological variables. Furthermore, in situ measurements of aerosol properties, meteorological variables and turbulence were part of the campaign. The measurements covered a broad range of atmospheric and sea ice conditions. In this thesis, properties of the ABL over Arctic sea ice with a focus on the influence of open leads are studied based on the data from the PAMARCMIP campaign. The height of the ABL is determined by different methods that are applied to dropsonde and AMALi backscatter profiles. ABL heights are compared for different flights representing different conditions of the atmosphere and of sea ice and open water influence. The different criteria for ABL height that are applied show large variation in terms of agreement among each other, depending on the characteristics of the ABL and its history. It is shown that ABL height determination from lidar backscatter by methods commonly used under mid-latitude conditions is applicable to the Arctic ABL only under certain conditions. Aerosol or clouds within the ABL are needed as a tracer for ABL height detection from backscatter. Hence an aerosol source close to the surface is necessary, that is typically found under the present influence of open water and therefore convective conditions. However it is not always possible to distinguish residual layers from the actual ABL. Stable boundary layers are generally difficult to detect. To illustrate the complexity of the Arctic ABL and processes therein, four case studies are analyzed each of which represents a snapshot of the interplay between atmosphere and underlying sea ice or water surface. Influences of leads and open water on the aerosol and clouds within the ABL are identified and discussed. Leads are observed to cause the formation of fog and cloud layers within the ABL by humidity emission. Furthermore they decrease the stability and increase the height of the ABL and consequently facilitate entrainment of air and aerosol layers from the free troposphere.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Busching2014, author = {Busching, Robert}, title = {Affektive und kognitive Desensibilisierung als Konsequenz von Mediengewaltkonsum : eine experimentelle Untersuchung auf Basis lerntheoretischer {\"U}berlegungen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-71360}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {NutzerInnen von gewalthaltigen Medien geben einerseits oftmals zu, dass sie fiktionale, gewalthaltige Medien konsumieren, behaupten jedoch gleichzeitig, dass dies nicht ihr Verhalten außerhalb des Medienkontexts beeinflusst. Sie argumentieren, dass sie leicht zwischen Dingen, die im fiktionalen Kontext und Dingen, die in der Realit{\"a}t gelernt wurden, unterscheiden k{\"o}nnen. Im Kontrast zu diesen Aussagen zeigen Metanalysen Effektst{\"a}rken im mittleren Bereich f{\"u}r den Zusammenhang zwischen Gewaltmedienkonsum und aggressivem Verhalten. Diese Ergebnisse k{\"o}nnen nur erkl{\"a}rt werden, wenn MediennutzerInnen gewalthaltige Lernerfahrungen auch außerhalb des Medienkontexts anwenden. Ein Prozess, der Lernerfahrungen innerhalb des Medienkontexts mit dem Verhalten in der realen Welt verkn{\"u}pft, ist Desensibilisierung, die oftmals eine Reduktion des negativen Affektes gegen{\"u}ber Gewalt definiert ist. Zur Untersuchung des Desensibilisierungsprozesses wurden vier Experimente durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die erste in dieser Arbeit untersuchte Hypothese war, dass je h{\"a}ufiger Personen Gewaltmedien konsumieren, desto weniger negativen Affekt zeigen sie gegen{\"u}ber Bildern mit realer Gewalt. Jedoch wurde angenommen, dass diese Bewertung auf Darstellungen von realer Gewalt beschr{\"a}nkt ist und nicht bei Bildern ohne Gewaltbezug, die einen negativen Affekt ausl{\"o}sen, zu finden ist. Die zweite Hypothese bezog sich auf den Affekt w{\"a}hrend des Konsums von Mediengewalt. Hier wurde angenommen, dass besonders Personen, die Freude an Gewalt in den Medien empfinden weniger negativen Affekt gegen{\"u}ber realen Gewaltdarstellungen zeigen. Die letzte Hypothese besch{\"a}ftigte sich mit kognitiver Desensibilisierung und sagte vorher, dass Gewaltmedienkonsum zu einem Transfer von Reaktionen, die normalerweise gegen{\"u}ber gewalthaltigen Reizen gezeigt werden, auf urspr{\"u}nglich neutrale Reize f{\"u}hrt. Das erste Experiment (N = 57) untersuchte, ob die habituelle Nutzung von gewalthaltigen Medien den selbstberichteten Affekt (Valenz und Aktivierung) gegen{\"u}ber Darstellungen von realer Gewalt und nichtgewalthaltigen Darstellungen, die negativen Affekt ausl{\"o}sen, vorhersagt. Die habituelle Nutzung von gewalthaltigen Medien sagte weniger negative Valenz und weniger allgemeine Aktivierung gegen{\"u}ber gewalthalten und nichtgewalthaltigen Bildern vorher. Das zweite Experiment (N = 103) untersuchte auch die Beziehung zwischen habituellem Gewaltmedienkonsum und den affektiven Reaktionen gegen{\"u}ber Bildern realer Gewalt und negativen affektausl{\"o}senden Bildern. Als weiterer Pr{\"a}diktor wurde der Affekt beim Betrachten von gewalthaltigen Medien hinzugef{\"u}gt. Der Affekt gegen{\"u}ber den Bildern wurde zus{\"a}tzlich durch psychophysiologische Maße (Valenz: C: Supercilii; Aktivierung: Hautleitreaktion) erhoben. Wie zuvor sagte habitueller Gewaltmedienkonsum weniger selbstberichte Erregung und weniger negative Valenz f{\"u}r die gewalthaltigen und die negativen, gewalthaltfreien Bilder vorher. Die physiologischen Maßen replizierten dieses Ergebnis. Jedoch zeigte sich ein anderes Muster f{\"u}r den Affekt beim Konsum von Gewalt in den Medien. Personen, die Gewalt in den Medien st{\"a}rker erfreut, zeigen eine Reduktion der Responsivit{\"a}t gegen{\"u}ber Gewalt auf allen vier Maßen. Weiterhin war bei drei dieser vier Maße (selbstberichte Valenz, Aktivit{\"a}t des C. Supercilii und Hautleitreaktion) dieser Zusammenhang auf die gewalthaltigen Bilder beschr{\"a}nkt, mit keinem oder nur einem kleinen Effekt auf die negativen, aber nichtgewalthaltigen Bilder. Das dritte Experiment (N = 73) untersuchte den Affekt w{\"a}hrend die Teilnehmer ein Computerspiel spielten. Das Spiel wurde eigens f{\"u}r dieses Experiment programmiert, sodass einzelne Handlungen im Spiel mit der Aktivit{\"a}t des C. Supercilii, dem Indikator f{\"u}r negativen Affekt, in Bezug gesetzt werden konnten. Die Analyse des C. Supercilii zeigte, dass wiederholtes Durchf{\"u}hren von aggressiven Spielz{\"u}gen zu einem R{\"u}ckgang von negativen Affekt f{\"u}hrte, der die aggressiven Spielhandlungen begleitete. Der negative Affekt w{\"a}hrend gewalthaltiger Spielz{\"u}ge wiederum sagte die affektive Reaktion gegen{\"u}ber Darstellungen von gewalthaltigen Bildern vorher, nicht jedoch gegen{\"u}ber den negativen Bildern. Das vierte Experiment (N = 77) untersuchte kognitive Desensibilisierung, die die Entwicklung von Verkn{\"u}pfungen zwischen neutralen und aggressiven Kognitionen beinhaltete. Die Teilnehmer spielten einen Ego-Shooter entweder auf einem Schiff- oder einem Stadtlevel. Die Beziehung zwischen den neutralen Konstrukten (Schiff/Stadt) und den aggressiven Kognitionen wurde mit einer lexikalischen Entscheidungsaufgabe gemessen. Das Spielen im Schiff-/Stadt-Level f{\"u}hrte zu einer k{\"u}rzen Reaktionszeit f{\"u}r aggressive W{\"o}rter, wenn sie einem Schiff- bzw. Stadtprime folgten. Dies zeigte, dass die im Spiel enthaltenen neutralen Konzepte mit aggressiven Knoten verkn{\"u}pft werden. Die Ergebnisse dieser vier Experimente wurden diskutiert im Rahmen eines lerntheoretischen Ansatzes um Desensibilisierung zu konzeptualisieren.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Frenzel2014, author = {Frenzel, Tom}, title = {Aggression und Freiheit : eine Relekt{\"u}re Hegels und Spinozas zu Grenzfragen der Psychologie}, address = {Potsdam}, pages = {269 S.}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Lindauer2014, author = {Lindauer, T. Marius}, title = {Algorithm selection, scheduling and configuration of Boolean constraint solvers}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-71260}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ii, 130}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Boolean constraint solving technology has made tremendous progress over the last decade, leading to industrial-strength solvers, for example, in the areas of answer set programming (ASP), the constraint satisfaction problem (CSP), propositional satisfiability (SAT) and satisfiability of quantified Boolean formulas (QBF). However, in all these areas, there exist multiple solving strategies that work well on different applications; no strategy dominates all other strategies. Therefore, no individual solver shows robust state-of-the-art performance in all kinds of applications. Additionally, the question arises how to choose a well-performing solving strategy for a given application; this is a challenging question even for solver and domain experts. One way to address this issue is the use of portfolio solvers, that is, a set of different solvers or solver configurations. We present three new automatic portfolio methods: (i) automatic construction of parallel portfolio solvers (ACPP) via algorithm configuration,(ii) solving the \$NP\$-hard problem of finding effective algorithm schedules with Answer Set Programming (aspeed), and (iii) a flexible algorithm selection framework (claspfolio2) allowing for fair comparison of different selection approaches. All three methods show improved performance and robustness in comparison to individual solvers on heterogeneous instance sets from many different applications. Since parallel solvers are important to effectively solve hard problems on parallel computation systems (e.g., multi-core processors), we extend all three approaches to be effectively applicable in parallel settings. We conducted extensive experimental studies different instance sets from ASP, CSP, MAXSAT, Operation Research (OR), SAT and QBF that indicate an improvement in the state-of-the-art solving heterogeneous instance sets. Last but not least, from our experimental studies, we deduce practical advice regarding the question when to apply which of our methods.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bathke2014, author = {Bathke, Hannes}, title = {An investigation of complex deformation patterns detected by using InSAR at Llaima and Tend{\"u}rek volcanoes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-70522}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Surface displacement at volcanic edifices is related to subsurface processes associated with magma movements, fluid transfers within the volcano edifice and gravity-driven deformation processes. Understanding of associated ground displacements is of importance for assessment of volcanic hazards. For example, volcanic unrest is often preceded by surface uplift, caused by magma intrusion and followed by subsidence, after the withdrawal of magma. Continuous monitoring of the surface displacement at volcanoes therefore might allow the forecasting of upcoming eruptions to some extent. In geophysics, the measured surface displacements allow the parameters of possible deformation sources to be estimated through analytical or numerical modeling. This is one way to improve the understanding of subsurface processes acting at volcanoes. Although the monitoring of volcanoes has significantly improved in the last decades (in terms of technical advancements and number of monitored volcanoes), the forecasting of volcanic eruptions remains puzzling. In this work I contribute towards the understanding of the subsurface processes at volcanoes and thus to the improvement of volcano eruption forecasting. I have investigated the displacement field of Llaima volcano in Chile and of Tend{\"u}rek volcano in East Turkey by using synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR). Through modeling of the deformation sources with the extracted displacement data, it was possible to gain insights into potential subsurface processes occurring at these two volcanoes that had been barely studied before. The two volcanoes, although of very different origin, composition and geometry, both show a complexity of interacting deformation sources. At Llaima volcano, the InSAR technique was difficult to apply, due to the large decorrelation of the radar signal between the acquisition of images. I developed a model-based unwrapping scheme, which allows the production of reliable displacement maps at the volcano that I used for deformation source modeling. The modeling results show significant differences in pre- and post-eruptive magmatic deformation source parameters. Therefore, I conjecture that two magma chambers exist below Llaima volcano: a post-eruptive deep one and a shallow one possibly due to the pre-eruptive ascent of magma. Similar reservoir depths at Llaima have been confirmed by independent petrologic studies. These reservoirs are interpreted to be temporally coupled. At Tend{\"u}rek volcano I have found long-term subsidence of the volcanic edifice, which can be described by a large, magmatic, sill-like source that is subject to cooling contraction. The displacement data in conjunction with high-resolution optical images, however, reveal arcuate fractures at the eastern and western flank of the volcano. These are most likely the surface expressions of concentric ring-faults around the volcanic edifice that show low magnitudes of slip over a long time. This might be an alternative mechanism for the development of large caldera structures, which are so far assumed to be generated during large catastrophic collapse events. To investigate the potential subsurface geometry and relation of the two proposed interacting sources at Tend{\"u}rek, a sill-like magmatic source and ring-faults, I have performed a more sophisticated numerical modeling approach. The optimum source geometries show, that the size of the sill-like source was overestimated in the simple models and that it is difficult to determine the dip angle of the ring-faults with surface displacement data only. However, considering physical and geological criteria a combination of outward-dipping reverse faults in the west and inward-dipping normal faults in the east seem to be the most likely. Consequently, the underground structure at the Tend{\"u}rek volcano consists of a small, sill-like, contracting, magmatic source below the western summit crater that causes a trapdoor-like faulting along the ring-faults around the volcanic edifice. Therefore, the magmatic source and the ring-faults are also interpreted to be temporally coupled. In addition, a method for data reduction has been improved. The modeling of subsurface deformation sources requires only a relatively small number of well distributed InSAR observations at the earth's surface. Satellite radar images, however, consist of several millions of these observations. Therefore, the large amount of data needs to be reduced by several orders of magnitude for source modeling, to save computation time and increase model flexibility. I have introduced a model-based subsampling approach in particular for heterogeneously-distributed observations. It allows a fast calculation of the data error variance-covariance matrix, also supports the modeling of time dependent displacement data and is, therefore, an alternative to existing methods.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Girbig2014, author = {Girbig, Dorothee}, title = {Analysing concerted criteria for local dynamic properties of metabolic systems}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-72017}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Metabolic systems tend to exhibit steady states that can be measured in terms of their concentrations and fluxes. These measurements can be regarded as a phenotypic representation of all the complex interactions and regulatory mechanisms taking place in the underlying metabolic network. Such interactions determine the system's response to external perturbations and are responsible, for example, for its asymptotic stability or for oscillatory trajectories around the steady state. However, determining these perturbation responses in the absence of fully specified kinetic models remains an important challenge of computational systems biology. Structural kinetic modeling (SKM) is a framework to analyse whether a metabolic steady state remains stable under perturbation, without requiring detailed knowledge about individual rate equations. It provides a parameterised representation of the system's Jacobian matrix in which the model parameters encode information about the enzyme-metabolite interactions. Stability criteria can be derived by generating a large number of structural kinetic models (SK-models) with randomly sampled parameter sets and evaluating the resulting Jacobian matrices. The parameter space can be analysed statistically in order to detect network positions that contribute significantly to the perturbation response. Because the sampled parameters are equivalent to the elasticities used in metabolic control analysis (MCA), the results are easy to interpret biologically. In this project, the SKM framework was extended by several novel methodological improvements. These improvements were evaluated in a simulation study using a set of small example pathways with simple Michaelis Menten rate laws. Afterwards, a detailed analysis of the dynamic properties of the neuronal TCA cycle was performed in order to demonstrate how the new insights obtained in this work could be used for the study of complex metabolic systems. The first improvement was achieved by examining the biological feasibility of the elasticity combinations created during Monte Carlo sampling. Using a set of small example systems, the findings showed that the majority of sampled SK-models would yield negative kinetic parameters if they were translated back into kinetic models. To overcome this problem, a simple criterion was formulated that mitigates such infeasible models and the application of this criterion changed the conclusions of the SKM experiment. The second improvement of this work was the application of supervised machine-learning approaches in order to analyse SKM experiments. So far, SKM experiments have focused on the detection of individual enzymes to identify single reactions important for maintaining the stability or oscillatory trajectories. In this work, this approach was extended by demonstrating how SKM enables the detection of ensembles of enzymes or metabolites that act together in an orchestrated manner to coordinate the pathways response to perturbations. In doing so, stable and unstable states served as class labels, and classifiers were trained to detect elasticity regions associated with stability and instability. Classification was performed using decision trees and relevance vector machines (RVMs). The decision trees produced good classification accuracy in terms of model bias and generalizability. RVMs outperformed decision trees when applied to small models, but encountered severe problems when applied to larger systems because of their high runtime requirements. The decision tree rulesets were analysed statistically and individually in order to explore the role of individual enzymes or metabolites in controlling the system's trajectories around steady states. The third improvement of this work was the establishment of a relationship between the SKM framework and the related field of MCA. In particular, it was shown how the sampled elasticities could be converted to flux control coefficients, which were then investigated for their predictive information content in classifier training. After evaluation on the small example pathways, the methodology was used to study two steady states of the neuronal TCA cycle with respect to their intrinsic mechanisms responsible for stability or instability. The findings showed that several elasticities were jointly coordinated to control stability and that the main source for potential instabilities were mutations in the enzyme alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lindemann2014, author = {Lindemann, Marcus}, title = {Architekturmuster f{\"u}r Software-Produktlinien : Konzeption einer Methode zur Evaluation und Auswahl von Architekturmustern f{\"u}r die Gestaltung von Software-Produktlinien}, publisher = {Gito-Verl.}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-95545-068-7}, pages = {278 S.}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Zhou2014, author = {Zhou, Xu}, title = {Atmospheric interactions with land surface in the arctic based on regional climate model solutions}, pages = {143}, year = {2014}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wilde2014, author = {Wilde, Anja}, title = {Auspr{\"a}gungen r{\"a}umlicher Identit{\"a}t in ehemaligen sudetendeutschen Gebieten der Tschechischen Republik}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-311-4}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-70247}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XVI, 395}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Das tschechische Grenzgebiet ist eine der Regionen in Europa, die in der Folge des Zweiten Weltkrieges am gravierendsten von Umbr{\"u}chen in der zuvor bestehenden Bev{\"o}lkerungsstruktur betroffen waren. Der erzwungenen Aussiedlung eines Großteils der ans{\"a}ssigen Bev{\"o}lkerung folgten die Neubesiedlung durch verschiedenste Zuwanderergruppen sowie teilweise langanhaltende Fluktuationen der Einwohnerschaft. Die Stabilisierung der Bev{\"o}lkerung stand sodann unter dem Zeichen der sozialistischen Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsordnung, die die Lebensweise und Raumwahrnehmung der neuen Einwohner nachhaltig pr{\"a}gte. Die Grenz{\"o}ffnung von 1989, die politische Transformation sowie die Integration der Tschechischen Republik in die Europ{\"a}ische Union brachten neue demographische und sozio{\"o}konomische Entwicklungen mit sich. Sie schufen aber auch die Bedingungen daf{\"u}r, sich neu und offen auch mit der spezifischen Geschichte des ehemaligen Sudetenlandes sowie mit dem Zustand der gegenw{\"a}rtigen Gesellschaft in diesem Gebiet auseinanderzusetzen. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wird anhand zweier Beispielregionen untersucht, welche Raumvorstellungen und Raumbindungen bei der heute in den ehemaligen sudetendeutschen Gebieten ans{\"a}ssigen Bev{\"o}lkerung vorhanden sind und welche Einfl{\"u}sse die unterschiedlichen raumstrukturellen Bedingungen darauf aus{\"u}ben. Besonderes Augenmerk wird auf die soziale Komponente der Auspr{\"a}gung r{\"a}umlicher Identit{\"a}t gelegt, das heißt auf die Rolle von Bedeutungszuweisungen gegen{\"u}ber Raumelementen im Rahmen sozialer Kommunikation und Interaktion. Dies erscheint von besonderer Relevanz in einem Raum, der sich durch eine gewisse Heterogenit{\"a}t seiner Einwohnerschaft hinsichtlich ihres ethnischen, kulturellen beziehungsweise biographischen Hintergrundes auszeichnet. Schließlich wird ermittelt, welche Impulse unter Umst{\"a}nden von einer ausgepr{\"a}gten r{\"a}umlichen Identit{\"a}t f{\"u}r die Entwicklung des Raumes ausgehen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Grigoli2014, author = {Grigoli, Francesco}, title = {Automated seismic event location by waveform coherence analysis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-70329}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Automated location of seismic events is a very important task in microseismic monitoring operations as well for local and regional seismic monitoring. Since microseismic records are generally characterised by low signal-to-noise ratio, such methods are requested to be noise robust and sufficiently accurate. Most of the standard automated location routines are based on the automated picking, identification and association of the first arrivals of P and S waves and on the minimization of the residuals between theoretical and observed arrival times of the considered seismic phases. Although current methods can accurately pick P onsets, the automatic picking of the S onset is still problematic, especially when the P coda overlaps the S wave onset. In this thesis I developed a picking free automated method based on the Short-Term-Average/Long-Term-Average (STA/LTA) traces at different stations as observed data. I used the STA/LTA of several characteristic functions in order to increase the sensitiveness to the P wave and the S waves. For the P phases we use the STA/LTA traces of the vertical energy function, while for the S phases, we use the STA/LTA traces of the horizontal energy trace and then a more optimized characteristic function which is obtained using the principal component analysis technique. The orientation of the horizontal components can be retrieved by robust and linear approach of waveform comparison between stations within a network using seismic sources outside the network (chapter 2). To locate the seismic event, we scan the space of possible hypocentral locations and origin times, and stack the STA/LTA traces along the theoretical arrival time surface for both P and S phases. Iterating this procedure on a three-dimensional grid we retrieve a multidimensional matrix whose absolute maximum corresponds to the spatial and temporal coordinates of the seismic event. Location uncertainties are then estimated by perturbing the STA/LTA parameters (i.e the length of both long and short time windows) and relocating each event several times. In order to test the location method I firstly applied it to a set of 200 synthetic events. Then we applied it to two different real datasets. A first one related to mining induced microseismicity in a coal mine in the northern Germany (chapter 3). In this case we successfully located 391 microseismic event with magnitude range between 0.5 and 2.0 Ml. To further validate the location method I compared the retrieved locations with those obtained by manual picking procedure. The second dataset consist in a pilot application performed in the Campania-Lucania region (southern Italy) using a 33 stations seismic network (Irpinia Seismic Network) with an aperture of about 150 km (chapter 4). We located 196 crustal earthquakes (depth < 20 km) with magnitude range 1.1 < Ml < 2.7. A subset of these locations were compared with accurate locations retrieved by a manual location procedure based on the use of a double difference technique. In both cases results indicate good agreement with manual locations. Moreover, the waveform stacking location method results noise robust and performs better than classical location methods based on the automatic picking of the P and S waves first arrivals.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bach2014, author = {Bach, Tobias}, title = {Autonomie und Steuerung verselbst{\"a}ndigter Beh{\"o}rden : eine empirische Analyse am Beispiel Deutschlands und Norwegens}, series = {Interdisziplin{\"a}re Organisations- und Verwaltungsforschung}, volume = {19}, journal = {Interdisziplin{\"a}re Organisations- und Verwaltungsforschung}, publisher = {Springer Fachmedien}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-04298-1}, pages = {357 S.}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Grothaus2014, author = {Grothaus, Christian J.}, title = {Baukunst als unm{\"o}gliche M{\"o}glichkeit : Pl{\"a}doyer f{\"u}r eine unbestimmte Architektur}, publisher = {transcript Verlag}, address = {Bielefeld}, isbn = {978-3-8376-2631-5}, pages = {318 S.}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schoenebeck2014, author = {Sch{\"o}nebeck, Maria}, title = {Behavioural, visual, and electrophysiological correlates of infant reasoning about others' intentional actions}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {158}, year = {2014}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gerlach2014, author = {Gerlach, R{\"u}diger}, title = {Betriebliche Sozialpolitik im historischen Systemvergleich : das Volkswagenwerk und der VEB Sachsenring von den 1950er bis in die 1980er Jahre}, series = {Vierteljahreschrift f{\"u}r Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte - Beihefte}, volume = {227}, journal = {Vierteljahreschrift f{\"u}r Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte - Beihefte}, publisher = {Franz Steiner Verlag}, address = {Stuttgart}, isbn = {978-3-515-10664-1}, pages = {457 S.}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Sachse2014, author = {Sachse, Rita}, title = {Biological membranes in cell-free systems}, pages = {111, XIX}, year = {2014}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schipper2014, author = {Schipper, Florian}, title = {Biomass derived carbon for new energy storage technologies}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-72045}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The thesis deals with the production and evaluation of porous carbon materials for energy storage technologies, namely super capacitors and lithium sulfur batteries.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Tinnefeld2014, author = {Tinnefeld, Christian}, title = {Building a columnar database on shared main memory-based storage}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-72063}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {175}, year = {2014}, abstract = {In the field of disk-based parallel database management systems exists a great variety of solutions based on a shared-storage or a shared-nothing architecture. In contrast, main memory-based parallel database management systems are dominated solely by the shared-nothing approach as it preserves the in-memory performance advantage by processing data locally on each server. We argue that this unilateral development is going to cease due to the combination of the following three trends: a) Nowadays network technology features remote direct memory access (RDMA) and narrows the performance gap between accessing main memory inside a server and of a remote server to and even below a single order of magnitude. b) Modern storage systems scale gracefully, are elastic, and provide high-availability. c) A modern storage system such as Stanford's RAMCloud even keeps all data resident in main memory. Exploiting these characteristics in the context of a main-memory parallel database management system is desirable. The advent of RDMA-enabled network technology makes the creation of a parallel main memory DBMS based on a shared-storage approach feasible. This thesis describes building a columnar database on shared main memory-based storage. The thesis discusses the resulting architecture (Part I), the implications on query processing (Part II), and presents an evaluation of the resulting solution in terms of performance, high-availability, and elasticity (Part III). In our architecture, we use Stanford's RAMCloud as shared-storage, and the self-designed and developed in-memory AnalyticsDB as relational query processor on top. AnalyticsDB encapsulates data access and operator execution via an interface which allows seamless switching between local and remote main memory, while RAMCloud provides not only storage capacity, but also processing power. Combining both aspects allows pushing-down the execution of database operators into the storage system. We describe how the columnar data processed by AnalyticsDB is mapped to RAMCloud's key-value data model and how the performance advantages of columnar data storage can be preserved. The combination of fast network technology and the possibility to execute database operators in the storage system opens the discussion for site selection. We construct a system model that allows the estimation of operator execution costs in terms of network transfer, data processed in memory, and wall time. This can be used for database operators that work on one relation at a time - such as a scan or materialize operation - to discuss the site selection problem (data pull vs. operator push). Since a database query translates to the execution of several database operators, it is possible that the optimal site selection varies per operator. For the execution of a database operator that works on two (or more) relations at a time, such as a join, the system model is enriched by additional factors such as the chosen algorithm (e.g. Grace- vs. Distributed Block Nested Loop Join vs. Cyclo-Join), the data partitioning of the respective relations, and their overlapping as well as the allowed resource allocation. We present an evaluation on a cluster with 60 nodes where all nodes are connected via RDMA-enabled network equipment. We show that query processing performance is about 2.4x slower if everything is done via the data pull operator execution strategy (i.e. RAMCloud is being used only for data access) and about 27\% slower if operator execution is also supported inside RAMCloud (in comparison to operating only on main memory inside a server without any network communication at all). The fast-crash recovery feature of RAMCloud can be leveraged to provide high-availability, e.g. a server crash during query execution only delays the query response for about one second. Our solution is elastic in a way that it can adapt to changing workloads a) within seconds, b) without interruption of the ongoing query processing, and c) without manual intervention.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Steinert2014, author = {Steinert, Bastian}, title = {Built-in recovery support for explorative programming}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-71305}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {This work introduces concepts and corresponding tool support to enable a complementary approach in dealing with recovery. Programmers need to recover a development state, or a part thereof, when previously made changes reveal undesired implications. However, when the need arises suddenly and unexpectedly, recovery often involves expensive and tedious work. To avoid tedious work, literature recommends keeping away from unexpected recovery demands by following a structured and disciplined approach, which consists of the application of various best practices including working only on one thing at a time, performing small steps, as well as making proper use of versioning and testing tools. However, the attempt to avoid unexpected recovery is both time-consuming and error-prone. On the one hand, it requires disproportionate effort to minimize the risk of unexpected situations. On the other hand, applying recommended practices selectively, which saves time, can hardly avoid recovery. In addition, the constant need for foresight and self-control has unfavorable implications. It is exhaustive and impedes creative problem solving. This work proposes to make recovery fast and easy and introduces corresponding support called CoExist. Such dedicated support turns situations of unanticipated recovery from tedious experiences into pleasant ones. It makes recovery fast and easy to accomplish, even if explicit commits are unavailable or tests have been ignored for some time. When mistakes and unexpected insights are no longer associated with tedious corrective actions, programmers are encouraged to change source code as a means to reason about it, as opposed to making changes only after structuring and evaluating them mentally. This work further reports on an implementation of the proposed tool support in the Squeak/Smalltalk development environment. The development of the tools has been accompanied by regular performance and usability tests. In addition, this work investigates whether the proposed tools affect programmers' performance. In a controlled lab study, 22 participants improved the design of two different applications. Using a repeated measurement setup, the study examined the effect of providing CoExist on programming performance. The result of analyzing 88 hours of programming suggests that built-in recovery support as provided with CoExist positively has a positive effect on programming performance in explorative programming tasks.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Loersch2014, author = {Loersch, Christian}, title = {Business start-ups and the effect of coaching programs}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-72605}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XII, 282}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Entrepreneurship is known to be a main driver of economic growth. Hence, governments have an interest in supporting and promoting entrepreneurial activities. Start-up subsidies, which have been analyzed extensively, only aim at mitigating the lack of financial capital. However, some entrepreneurs also lack in human, social, and managerial capital. One way to address these shortcomings is by subsidizing coaching programs for entrepreneurs. However, theoretical and empirical evidence about business coaching and programs subsidizing coaching is scarce. This dissertation gives an extensive overview of coaching and is the first empirical study for Germany analyzing the effects of coaching programs on its participants. In the theoretical part of the dissertation the process of a business start-up is described and it is discussed how and in which stage of the company's evolvement coaching can influence entrepreneurial success. The concept of coaching is compared to other non-monetary types of support as training, mentoring, consulting, and counseling. Furthermore, national and international support programs are described. Most programs have either no or small positive effects. However, there is little quantitative evidence in the international literature. In the empirical part of the dissertation the effectiveness of coaching is shown by evaluating two German coaching programs, which support entrepreneurs via publicly subsidized coaching sessions. One of the programs aims at entrepreneurs who have been employed before becoming self-employed, whereas the other program is targeted at former unemployed entrepreneurs. The analysis is based on the evaluation of a quantitative and a qualitative dataset. The qualitative data are gathered by intensive one-on-one interviews with coaches and entrepreneurs. These data give a detailed insight about the coaching topics, duration, process, effectiveness, and the thoughts of coaches and entrepreneurs. The quantitative data include information about 2,936 German-based entrepreneurs. Using propensity score matching, the success of participants of the two coaching programs is compared with adequate groups of non-participants. In contrast to many other studies also personality traits are observed and controlled for in the matching process. The results show that only the program for former unemployed entrepreneurs has small positive effects. Participants have a larger survival probability in self-employment and a larger probability to hire employees than matched non-participants. In contrast, the program for former employed individuals has negative effects. Compared to individuals who did not participate in the coaching program, participants have a lower probability to stay in self-employment, lower earned net income, lower number of employees and lower life satisfaction. There are several reasons for these differing results of the two programs. First, former unemployed individuals have more basic coaching needs than former employed individuals. Coaches can satisfy these basic coaching needs, whereas former employed individuals have more complex business problems, which are not very easy to be solved by a coaching intervention. Second, the analysis reveals that former employed individuals are very successful in general. It is easier to increase the success of former unemployed individuals as they have a lower base level of success than former employed individuals. An effect heterogeneity analysis shows that coaching effectiveness differs by region. Coaching for previously unemployed entrepreneurs is especially useful in regions with bad labor market conditions. In summary, in line with previous literature, it is found that coaching has little effects on the success of entrepreneurs. The previous employment status, the characteristics of the entrepreneur and the regional labor market conditions play a crucial role in the effectiveness of coaching. In conclusion, coaching needs to be well tailored to the individual and applied thoroughly. Therefore, governments should design and provide coaching programs only after due consideration.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Supaporn2014, author = {Supaporn, Worakrit}, title = {Categorical equivalence of clones}, pages = {89}, year = {2014}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Tenenboim2014, author = {Tenenboim, Yehezkel}, title = {Characterization of a Chlamydomonas protein involved in cell division and autophagy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-70650}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The contractile vacuole (CV) is an osmoregulatory organelle found exclusively in algae and protists. In addition to expelling excessive water out of the cell, it also expels ions and other metabolites and thereby contributes to the cell's metabolic homeostasis. The interest in the CV reaches beyond its immediate cellular roles. The CV's function is tightly related to basic cellular processes such as membrane dynamics and vesicle budding and fusion; several physiological processes in animals, such as synaptic neurotransmission and blood filtration in the kidney, are related to the CV's function; and several pathogens, such as the causative agents of sleeping sickness, possess CVs, which may serve as pharmacological targets. The green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii has two CVs. They are the smallest known CVs in nature, and they remain relatively untouched in the CV-related literature. Many genes that have been shown to be related to the CV in other organisms have close homologues in C. reinhardtii. We attempted to silence some of these genes and observe the effect on the CV. One of our genes, VMP1, caused striking, severe phenotypes when silenced. Cells exhibited defective cytokinesis and aberrant morphologies. The CV, incidentally, remained unscathed. In addition, mutant cells showed some evidence of disrupted autophagy. Several important regulators of the cell cycle as well as autophagy were found to be underexpressed in the mutant. Lipidomic analysis revealed many meaningful changes between wild-type and mutant cells, reinforcing the compromised-autophagy observation. VMP1 is a singular protein, with homologues in numerous eukaryotic organisms (aside from fungi), but usually with no relatives in each particular genome. Since its first characterization in 2002 it has been associated with several cellular processes and functions, namely autophagy, programmed cell-death, secretion, cell adhesion, and organelle biogenesis. It has been implicated in several human diseases: pancreatitis, diabetes, and several types of cancer. Our results reiterate some of the observations in VMP1's six reported homologues, but, importantly, show for the first time an involvement of this protein in cell division. The mechanisms underlying this involvement in Chlamydomonas, as well as other key aspects, such as VMP1's subcellular localization and interaction partners, still await elucidation.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Sprenger2014, author = {Sprenger, Heike}, title = {Characterization of drought tolerance in potato cultivars for identification of molecular markers}, pages = {146}, year = {2014}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jueppner2014, author = {J{\"u}ppner, Jessica}, title = {Characterization of metabolomic dynamics in synchronized Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cell cultures and the impact of TOR inhibition on cell cycle, proliferation and growth}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-76923}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VI, 153}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The adaptation of cell growth and proliferation to environmental changes is essential for the surviving of biological systems. The evolutionary conserved Ser/Thr protein kinase "Target of Rapamycin" (TOR) has emerged as a major signaling node that integrates the sensing of numerous growth signals to the coordinated regulation of cellular metabolism and growth. Although the TOR signaling pathway has been widely studied in heterotrophic organisms, the research on TOR in photosynthetic eukaryotes has been hampered by the reported land plant resistance to rapamycin. Thus, the finding that Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is sensitive to rapamycin, establish this unicellular green alga as a useful model system to investigate TOR signaling in photosynthetic eukaryotes. The observation that rapamycin does not fully arrest Chlamydomonas growth, which is different from observations made in other organisms, prompted us to investigate the regulatory function of TOR in Chlamydomonas in context of the cell cycle. Therefore, a growth system that allowed synchronously growth under widely unperturbed cultivation in a fermenter system was set up and the synchronized cells were characterized in detail. In a highly resolved kinetic study, the synchronized cells were analyzed for their changes in cytological parameters as cell number and size distribution and their starch content. Furthermore, we applied mass spectrometric analysis for profiling of primary and lipid metabolism. This system was then used to analyze the response dynamics of the Chlamydomonas metabolome and lipidome to TOR-inhibition by rapamycin The results show that TOR inhibition reduces cell growth, delays cell division and daughter cell release and results in a 50\% reduced cell number at the end of the cell cycle. Consistent with the growth phenotype we observed strong changes in carbon and nitrogen partitioning in the direction of rapid conversion into carbon and nitrogen storage through an accumulation of starch, triacylglycerol and arginine. Interestingly, it seems that the conversion of carbon into triacylglycerol occurred faster than into starch after TOR inhibition, which may indicate a more dominant role of TOR in the regulation of TAG biosynthesis than in the regulation of starch. This study clearly shows, for the first time, a complex picture of metabolic and lipidomic dynamically changes during the cell cycle of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and furthermore reveals a complex regulation and adjustment of metabolite pools and lipid composition in response to TOR inhibition.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Wirth2014, author = {Wirth, Jonas A.}, title = {Chemische Reaktionen in Substrat-Adsorbat-Systemen}, pages = {156}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schnjakin2014, author = {Schnjakin, Maxim}, title = {Cloud-RAID}, pages = {137}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hewing2014, author = {Hewing, Martin}, title = {Collaboration with potential users for discontinuous innovation : eperimental research on user creativity}, publisher = {Springer Gabler}, address = {Wiesbaden}, isbn = {978-3-658-03752-9}, pages = {173 S.}, year = {2014}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Brem2014, author = {Brem, Patrick}, title = {Compact objects in dense astrophysical environments}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {173}, year = {2014}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Yeldesbay2014, author = {Yeldesbay, Azamat}, title = {Complex regimes of synchronization}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-73348}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ii, 60}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Synchronization is a fundamental phenomenon in nature. It can be considered as a general property of self-sustained oscillators to adjust their rhythm in the presence of an interaction. In this work we investigate complex regimes of synchronization phenomena by means of theoretical analysis, numerical modeling, as well as practical analysis of experimental data. As a subject of our investigation we consider chimera state, where due to spontaneous symmetry-breaking of an initially homogeneous oscillators lattice split the system into two parts with different dynamics. Chimera state as a new synchronization phenomenon was first found in non-locally coupled oscillators system, and has attracted a lot of attention in the last decade. However, the recent studies indicate that this state is also possible in globally coupled systems. In the first part of this work, we show under which conditions the chimera-like state appears in a system of globally coupled identical oscillators with intrinsic delayed feedback. The results of the research explain how initially monostable oscillators became effectivly bistable in the presence of the coupling and create a mean field that sustain the coexistence of synchronized and desynchronized states. Also we discuss other examples, where chimera-like state appears due to frequency dependence of the phase shift in the bistable system. In the second part, we make further investigation of this topic by modeling influence of an external periodic force to an oscillator with intrinsic delayed feedback. We made stability analysis of the synchronized state and constructed Arnold tongues. The results explain formation of the chimera-like state and hysteric behavior of the synchronization area. Also, we consider two sets of parameters of the oscillator with symmetric and asymmetric Arnold tongues, that correspond to mono- and bi-stable regimes of the oscillator. In the third part, we demonstrate the results of the work, which was done in collaboration with our colleagues from Psychology Department of University of Potsdam. The project aimed to study the effect of the cardiac rhythm on human perception of time using synchronization analysis. From our part, we made a statistical analysis of the data obtained from the conducted experiment on free time interval reproduction task. We examined how ones heartbeat influences the time perception and searched for possible phase synchronization between heartbeat cycles and time reproduction responses. The findings support the prediction that cardiac cycles can serve as input signals, and is used for reproduction of time intervals in the range of several seconds.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{BrandtKobele2014, author = {Brandt-Kobele, Oda-Christina}, title = {Comprehension of verb inflection in German-speaking children}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, isbn = {978-3-86956-216-2}, issn = {1869-3822}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-62046}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xx, 325}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Previous studies on the acquisition of verb inflection in normally developing children have revealed an astonishing pattern: children use correctly inflected verbs in their own speech but fail to make use of verb inflections when comprehending sentences uttered by others. Thus, a three-year old might well be able to say something like 'The cat sleeps on the bed', but fails to understand that the same sentence, when uttered by another person, refers to only one sleeping cat but not more than one. The previous studies that have examined children's comprehension of verb inflections have employed a variant of a picture selection task in which the child was asked to explicitly indicate (via pointing) what semantic meaning she had inferred from the test sentence. Recent research on other linguistic structures, such as pronouns or focus particles, has indicated that earlier comprehension abilities can be found when methods are used that do not require an explicit reaction, like preferential looking tasks. This dissertation aimed to examine whether children are truly not able to understand the connection the the verb form and the meaning of the sentence subject until the age of five years or whether earlier comprehension can be found when a different measure, preferential looking, is used. Additionally, children's processing of subject-verb agreement violations was examined. The three experiments of this thesis that examined children's comprehension of verb inflections revealed the following: German-speaking three- to four-year old children looked more to a picture showing one actor when hearing a sentence with a singular inflected verb but only when their eye gaze was tracked and they did not have to perform a picture selection task. When they were asked to point to the matching picture, they performed at chance-level. This pattern indicates asymmetries in children's language performance even within the receptive modality. The fourth experiment examined sensitivity to subject-verb agreement violations and did not reveal evidence for sensitivity toward agreement violations in three- and four-year old children, but only found that children's looking patterns were influenced by the grammatical violations at the age of five. The results from these experiments are discussed in relation to the existence of a production-comprehension asymmetry in the use of verb inflections and children's underlying grammatical knowledge.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Luedicke2014, author = {L{\"u}dicke, Lars}, title = {Constantin von Neurath : eine politische Biographie}, publisher = {Sch{\"o}ningh}, address = {Paderborn}, isbn = {978-3-506-77838-3}, pages = {705 S.}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Steinhaus2014, author = {Steinhaus, Sebastian Peter}, title = {Constructing quantum spacetime}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-72558}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Despite remarkable progress made in the past century, which has revolutionized our understanding of the universe, there are numerous open questions left in theoretical physics. Particularly important is the fact that the theories describing the fundamental interactions of nature are incompatible. Einstein's theory of general relative describes gravity as a dynamical spacetime, which is curved by matter and whose curvature determines the motion of matter. On the other hand we have quantum field theory, in form of the standard model of particle physics, where particles interact via the remaining interactions - electromagnetic, weak and strong interaction - on a flat, static spacetime without gravity. A theory of quantum gravity is hoped to cure this incompatibility by heuristically replacing classical spacetime by quantum spacetime'. Several approaches exist attempting to define such a theory with differing underlying premises and ideas, where it is not clear which is to be preferred. Yet a minimal requirement is the compatibility with the classical theory, they attempt to generalize. Interestingly many of these models rely on discrete structures in their definition or postulate discreteness of spacetime to be fundamental. Besides the direct advantages discretisations provide, e.g. permitting numerical simulations, they come with serious caveats requiring thorough investigation: In general discretisations break fundamental diffeomorphism symmetry of gravity and are generically not unique. Both complicates establishing the connection to the classical continuum theory. The main focus of this thesis lies in the investigation of this relation for spin foam models. This is done on different levels of the discretisation / triangulation, ranging from few simplices up to the continuum limit. In the regime of very few simplices we confirm and deepen the connection of spin foam models to discrete gravity. Moreover, we discuss dynamical, e.g. diffeomorphism invariance in the discrete, to fix the ambiguities of the models. In order to satisfy these conditions, the discrete models have to be improved in a renormalisation procedure, which also allows us to study their continuum dynamics. Applied to simplified spin foam models, we uncover a rich, non--trivial fixed point structure, which we summarize in a phase diagram. Inspired by these methods, we propose a method to consistently construct the continuum theory, which comes with a unique vacuum state.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hermawan2014, author = {Hermawan, Romy}, title = {Coordination and civil service reform in Indonesia (1999-2009)}, publisher = {Center of South South Cooperation Studies, Univ.}, address = {Brawijaya}, isbn = {978-602-284-061-9}, pages = {XVIII, 236 S. : graph. Darst.}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The background of civil service reform in Indonesia reveals the emergence of the reformation movement in 1998, following the fall of the authoritarian New Order regime. The reformation movement has seen the introduction of reforms in Indonesia's various governmental institutions, including the civil service. The civil service reforms were marked by the revision of Act 8/ 74 with Act 43 of 1999 on Civil Service Administration. The implementation of the civil service reform program, which was carried out by both central and local governments, required cooperation between the actors (in particular, Ministries, agencies and local governments), known as coordination. Currently, the coordination that occurs between actors tends to be rigid and hierarchical. As a result, targets are not efficiently and effectively met. Hierarchical coordination, without a strong public sector infrastructure, tends to have a negative impact on achieving the desired outcomes of the civil service reform program. As an intrinsic part of the New Order regime, hierarchical coordination resulted in inefficiency and lack of efficacy. Despite these inefficiencies, the administration and the political environment have changed significantly as a result of the reform process. Obvious examples of the reforms are changes in recruitment patterns, placement and remuneration policies. However, in the case of Indonesia, it appears that every state institution has its own policy. Thus, it appears that there has not been policy coherence in the civil service reform program, resulting in the lack of a sustainable program. The important thing to examine is how the coordination mechanisms of the civil service reform program in the central government have developed during the reform era in Indonesia The purpose of this study is to analyse the linkages between coordination mechanisms and the actual implementation of civil service reform programs. This is undertaken as a basis for intervention based on the structures and patterns of coordination mechanisms in the implementation of civil service reform programs. The next step is to formulate the development coordination mechanisms, particularly to create structures and patterns of civil service reforms which are more sustainable to the specific characteristics of public sector organisations in Indonesia. The benefits of this research are a stronger understanding of the linkages between the mechanisms of coordination and implementation of civil service reform programs. Through this analysis, the findings can then be applied as a basic consideration in planning a sustainable civil service reform program. In the basis of theoretical issues concerning the linkages between coordination mechanisms and implementation of civil service reform program sustainability, this book explores the type of coordination, which is needed to test the proportional and sustainable concept of the intended civil service reform program in Indonesia. Research conducted through studies, surveys and donors has shown that poor coordination is the major hindrance to the civil service program reform in Indonesia. This research employs a qualitative approach. In this study, the coordination mechanisms and implementations of civil service reform programs are demonstrated by means of case studies of the State Ministry for Administrative Reform, the National Civil Service Agency and the National Public Administration Institute. The coordination mechanisms in these Ministries and agencies were analysed using indicators of effective and efficient coordination. The analysis of the coordination mechanisms shows a tendency towards rigid hierarchical coordination. This raises concerns about fragmentation among departments and agencies at the central government level and calls for integrated civil service reform both at central and local governmental levels. In the context of implementation programs, a hierarchical mechanism of coordination leverages on various aspects, such as the program formulation, implementation flow of the program, the impact of policies, and achievement targets. In particular, there was a shift process of the mainstream civil service reform in the Ministries and agencies which are marked by the emergence of sectoral interest and inefficiencies in the civil service reform program. The primary result of successful civil service reform is increased professionalism in the civil service. The findings on hierarchical mechanisms and the prescriptions which will follow show that the professionalism of Indonesia's civil service is at stake. The implementation of the program through coordination mechanisms in Ministries and agencies is measured in various dimensions: the centre of coordination, integration of coordination, sustainability of coordination and multidimensionality of coordination. The results of this analysis show that coordination mechanisms and the implementation of civil service reform are more successful when they are integration rather than hierarchical mechanisms. For a successful implementation of the reform program, it is crucial to intervene and change the type of coordination at the central government through the integration approach (hierarchy, market, and network). Furthermore, in order to move towards the integration type mechanism of coordination the separation of the administration and politics in the practice of good governance needs to be carried out immediately and simultaneously. Based on this analysis, it can be concluded that the integration type mechanism of coordination is a suitable for Indonesia for a sustainable civil service reform program. Finally, to achieve coherent civil service reforms, national policies developed according to the central government's priorities are indispensable, establishing a coordination mechanism that can be adhered to throughout all reform sectors.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Balzer2014, author = {Balzer, Arnim}, title = {Crab flare observations with H.E.S.S. phase II}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-72545}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The H.E.S.S. array is a third generation Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope (IACT) array. It is located in the Khomas Highland in Namibia, and measures very high energy (VHE) gamma-rays. In Phase I, the array started data taking in 2004 with its four identical 13 m telescopes. Since then, H.E.S.S. has emerged as the most successful IACT experiment to date. Among the almost 150 sources of VHE gamma-ray radiation found so far, even the oldest detection, the Crab Nebula, keeps surprising the scientific community with unexplained phenomena such as the recently discovered very energetic flares of high energy gamma-ray radiation. During its most recent flare, which was detected by the Fermi satellite in March 2013, the Crab Nebula was simultaneously observed with the H.E.S.S. array for six nights. The results of the observations will be discussed in detail during the course of this work. During the nights of the flare, the new 24 m × 32 m H.E.S.S. II telescope was still being commissioned, but participated in the data taking for one night. To be able to reconstruct and analyze the data of the H.E.S.S. Phase II array, the algorithms and software used by the H.E.S.S. Phase I array had to be adapted. The most prominent advanced shower reconstruction technique developed by de Naurois and Rolland, the template-based model analysis, compares real shower images taken by the Cherenkov telescope cameras with shower templates obtained using a semi-analytical model. To find the best fitting image, and, therefore, the relevant parameters that describe the air shower best, a pixel-wise log-likelihood fit is done. The adaptation of this advanced shower reconstruction technique to the heterogeneous H.E.S.S. Phase II array for stereo events (i.e. air showers seen by at least two telescopes of any kind), its performance using MonteCarlo simulations as well as its application to real data will be described.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Reiter2014, author = {Reiter, Karsten}, title = {Crustal stress variability across spatial scales - examples from Canada, Northern Switzerland and a South African gold mine}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-76762}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VIII, 149, XI}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The quantitative descriptions of the state of stress in the Earth's crust, and spatial-temporal stress changes are of great importance in terms of scientific questions as well as applied geotechnical issues. Human activities in the underground (boreholes, tunnels, caverns, reservoir management, etc.) have a large impact on the stress state. It is important to assess, whether these activities may lead to (unpredictable) hazards, such as induced seismicity. Equally important is the understanding of the in situ stress state in the Earth's crust, as it allows the determination of safe well paths, already during well planning. The same goes for the optimal configuration of the injection- and production wells, where stimulation for artificial fluid path ways is necessary. The here presented cumulative dissertation consists of four separate manuscripts, which are already published, submitted or will be submitted for peer review within the next weeks. The main focus is on the investigation of the possible usage of geothermal energy in the province Alberta (Canada). A 3-D geomechanical-numerical model was designed to quantify the contemporary 3-D stress tensor in the upper crust. For the calibration of the regional model, 321 stress orientation data and 2714 stress magnitude data were collected, whereby the size and diversity of the database is unique. A calibration scheme was developed, where the model is calibrated versus the in situ stress data stepwise for each data type and gradually optimized using statistically test methods. The optimum displacement on the model boundaries can be determined by bivariate linear regression, based on only three model runs with varying deformation ratio. The best-fit model is able to predict most of the in situ stress data quite well. Thus, the model can provide the full stress tensor along any chosen virtual well paths. This can be used to optimize the orientation of horizontal wells, which e.g. can be used for reservoir stimulation. The model confirms regional deviations from the average stress orientation trend, such as in the region of the Peace River Arch and the Bow Island Arch. In the context of data compilation for the Alberta stress model, the Canadian database of the World Stress Map (WSM) could be expanded by including 514 new data records. This publication of an update of the Canadian stress map after ~20 years with a specific focus on Alberta shows, that the maximum horizontal stress (SHmax) is oriented southwest to northeast over large areas in Northern America. The SHmax orientation in Alberta is very homogeneous, with an average of about 47°. In order to calculate the average SHmax orientation on a regular grid as well as to estimate the wave-length of stress orientation, an existing algorithm has been improved and is applied to the Canadian data. The newly introduced quasi interquartile range on the circle (QIROC) improves the variance estimation of periodic data, as it is less susceptible to its outliers. Another geomechanical-numerical model was built to estimate the 3D stress tensor in the target area "N{\"o}rdlich L{\"a}gern" in Northern Switzerland. This location, with Opalinus clay as a host rock, is a potential repository site for high-level radioactive waste. The performed modelling aims to investigate the sensitivity of the stress tensor on tectonic shortening, topography, faults and variable rock properties within the Mesozoic sedimentary stack, according to the required stability needed for a suitable radioactive waste disposal site. The majority of the tectonic stresses caused by the far-field shortening from the South are admitted by the competent rock units in the footwall and hanging wall of the argillaceous target horizon, the Upper Malm and Upper Muschelkalk. Thus, the differential stress within the host rock remains relatively low. East-west striking faults release stresses driven by tectonic shortening. The purely gravitational influence by the topography is low; higher SHmax magnitudes below topographical depression and lower values below hills are mainly observed near the surface. A complete calibration of the model is not possible, as no stress magnitude data are available for calibration, yet. The collection of this data will begin in 2015; subsequently they will be used to adjust the geomechanical-numerical model again. The third geomechanical-numerical model investigates the stress variation in an ultra-deep gold mine in South Africa. This reservoir model is spatially one order of magnitude smaller than the previous local model from Northern Switzerland. Here, the primary focus is to investigate the hypothesis that the Mw 1.9 earthquake on 27 December 2007 was induced by stress changes due to the mining process. The Coulomb failure stress change (DeltaCFS) was used to analyse the stress change. It confirmed that the seismic event was induced by static stress transfer due to the mining progress. The rock was brought closer to failure on the derived rupture plane by stress changes of up to 1.5-15MPa, in dependence of the DeltaCFS analysis type. A forward modelling of a generic excavation scheme reveals that with decreasing distance to the dyke the DeltaCFS values increase significantly. Hence, even small changes in the mining progress can have a significant impact on the seismic hazard risk, i.e. the change of the occurrence probability to induce a seismic event of economic concern.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Feld2014, author = {Feld, Christian}, title = {Crustal structure of the Eratosthenes Seamount, Cyprus and S. Turkey from an amphibian wide-angle seismic profile}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-73479}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {xi, 131}, year = {2014}, abstract = {In March 2010, the project CoCoCo (incipient COntinent-COntinent COllision) recorded a 650 km long amphibian N-S wide-angle seismic profile, extending from the Eratosthenes Seamount (ESM) across Cyprus and southern Turkey to the Anatolian plateau. The aim of the project is to reveal the impact of the transition from subduction to continent-continent collision of the African plate with the Cyprus-Anatolian plate. A visual quality check, frequency analysis and filtering were applied to the seismic data and reveal a good data quality. Subsequent first break picking, finite-differences ray tracing and inversion of the offshore wide-angle data leads to a first-arrival tomographic model. This model reveals (1) P-wave velocities lower than 6.5 km/s in the crust, (2) a variable crustal thickness of about 28 - 37 km and (3) an upper crustal reflection at 5 km depth beneath the ESM. Two land shots on Turkey, also recorded on Cyprus, airgun shots south of Cyprus and geological and previous seismic investigations provide the information to derive a layered velocity model beneath the Anatolian plateau and for the ophiolite complex on Cyprus. The analysis of the reflections provides evidence for a north-dipping plate subducting beneath Cyprus. The main features of this layered velocity model are (1) an upper and lower crust with large lateral changes of the velocity structure and thickness, (2) a Moho depth of about 38 - 45 km beneath the Anatolian plateau, (3) a shallow north-dipping subducting plate below Cyprus with an increasing dip and (4) a typical ophiolite sequence on Cyprus with a total thickness of about 12 km. The offshore-onshore seismic data complete and improve the information about the velocity structure beneath Cyprus and the deeper part of the offshore tomographic model. Thus, the wide-angle seismic data provide detailed insights into the 2-D geometry and velocity structures of the uplifted and overriding Cyprus-Anatolian plate. Subsequent gravity modelling confirms and extends the crustal P-wave velocity model. The deeper part of the subducting plate is constrained by the gravity data and has a dip angle of ~ 28°. Finally, an integrated analysis of the geophysical and geological information allows a comprehensive interpretation of the crustal structure related to the collision process.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kunze2014, author = {Kunze, Christoph}, title = {Das Merkmal "unbefugter" in den Strafnormen des Besonderen Teils des StGB}, series = {Schriftenreihe zum Strafrecht}, volume = {259}, journal = {Schriftenreihe zum Strafrecht}, publisher = {Duncker \& Humblot}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-428-14313-9}, doi = {10.3790/978-3-428-54313-7}, pages = {274 S.}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Loladze2014, author = {Loladze, Besik}, title = {Das Rechtsstaatsprinzip in der Verfassung Georgiens und in der Rechtsprechung des Verfassungsgerichts Georgiens}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-75425}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {498}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Die Dissertation wird der rechtsstaatlichen Problematik in der Verfassung von Georgien und in der Rechtsprechung des Verfassungsgerichts Georgiens gewidmet und bietet eine umfangreiche Analyse der wichtigsten Rechtsstaatsmerkmale in dieser Hinsicht. Neben dieser Analyse der fr{\"u}heren und bestehenden Gegebenheiten, prognostiziert sie mittels der perspektivistischen Denkmodele zuk{\"u}nftige Entwicklungen und schl{\"a}gt eventuelle L{\"o}sungswege von Problemen vor. Bei der Arbeit an der Dissertation wurde insbesondere die reiche Erfahrung der deutschen Rechtsstaatsdogmatik in Anspruch genommen.}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Cao2014, author = {Cao, Thanh Clara}, title = {Das vietnamesische Erbrecht im Vergleich zum deutschen Erbrecht}, series = {Nomos Universit{\"a}tsschriten Recht}, volume = {824}, journal = {Nomos Universit{\"a}tsschriten Recht}, publisher = {Nomos Verl.-Ges}, address = {Baden-Baden}, isbn = {978-3-8487-0724-9}, pages = {391 S.}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Heise2014, author = {Heise, Arvid}, title = {Data cleansing and integration operators for a parallel data analytics platform}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-77100}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {ii, 179}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The data quality of real-world datasets need to be constantly monitored and maintained to allow organizations and individuals to reliably use their data. Especially, data integration projects suffer from poor initial data quality and as a consequence consume more effort and money. Commercial products and research prototypes for data cleansing and integration help users to improve the quality of individual and combined datasets. They can be divided into either standalone systems or database management system (DBMS) extensions. On the one hand, standalone systems do not interact well with DBMS and require time-consuming data imports and exports. On the other hand, DBMS extensions are often limited by the underlying system and do not cover the full set of data cleansing and integration tasks. We overcome both limitations by implementing a concise set of five data cleansing and integration operators on the parallel data analytics platform Stratosphere. We define the semantics of the operators, present their parallel implementation, and devise optimization techniques for individual operators and combinations thereof. Users specify declarative queries in our query language METEOR with our new operators to improve the data quality of individual datasets or integrate them to larger datasets. By integrating the data cleansing operators into the higher level language layer of Stratosphere, users can easily combine cleansing operators with operators from other domains, such as information extraction, to complex data flows. Through a generic description of the operators, the Stratosphere optimizer reorders operators even from different domains to find better query plans. As a case study, we reimplemented a part of the large Open Government Data integration project GovWILD with our new operators and show that our queries run significantly faster than the original GovWILD queries, which rely on relational operators. Evaluation reveals that our operators exhibit good scalability on up to 100 cores, so that even larger inputs can be efficiently processed by scaling out to more machines. Finally, our scripts are considerably shorter than the original GovWILD scripts, which results in better maintainability of the scripts.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Spaethe2014, author = {Sp{\"a}the, Michael}, title = {Der Ausbau der informatorischen Polizeibefugnisse in Brandenburg : eine verfassungsrechtliche Untersuchung der erweiterten Polizeibefugnisse zur Gefahren- und Informationsvorsorge}, series = {Schriften zum Staats-, Verwaltungs- und Europarecht}, volume = {1}, journal = {Schriften zum Staats-, Verwaltungs- und Europarecht}, publisher = {Lang}, address = {Frankfurt am Main}, isbn = {978-3-631-64198-0}, issn = {2193-1143}, pages = {409 S.}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Schnabel2014, author = {Schnabel, Patrick Roger}, title = {Der Dialog nach Art. 17 III AEUV}, series = {Jus ecclesiasticum}, volume = {108}, journal = {Jus ecclesiasticum}, publisher = {Mohr Siebeck}, address = {T{\"u}bingen}, isbn = {978-3-16-153069-2}, issn = {0449-4349}, pages = {348 S.}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Woelbern2014, author = {W{\"o}lbern, Jan Philipp}, title = {Der H{\"a}ftlingsfreikauf aus der DDR 1962/63 - 1989 : zwischen Menschenhandel und humanit{\"a}ren Aktionen}, series = {Analysen und Dokumente}, volume = {38}, journal = {Analysen und Dokumente}, publisher = {Vandenhoeck \& Ruprecht}, address = {G{\"o}ttingen}, isbn = {978-3-525-35079-9}, pages = {563 S.}, year = {2014}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Emadpour2014, author = {Emadpour, Masoumeh}, title = {Development of tools for inducible gene expression in choroplasts}, pages = {viii}, year = {2014}, language = {en} }