@phdthesis{CerdaDonate2020, author = {Cerd{\´a} Do{\~n}ate, Elisa}, title = {Microfluidics for the study of magnetotactic bacteria towards single-cell analysis}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {X, 92}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Magnetotactic bacteria comprise a heterogeneous group of Gram negative bacteria which share the ability to synthesise intracellular magnetic nanoparticles surrounded by a lipid bilayer, known as magnetosomes, which are arranged in linear chains. The bacteria exert a unique level of control onto the biomineralization of these nanoparticles, which is seen in the controlled size and shape they have. These characteristics have attracted great attention on understanding the process by which the bacteria synthesise the magnetosomes. Moreover, the magnetosome chain impart the bacteria with a net magnetic dipole which makes them susceptible to interact with magnetic fields and thus orient with the Earth's magnetic field. This feature has attracted as well much interest to understand how the swimming motility of these microorganisms is affected by the presence of magnetic fields. Most of the studies performed in these bacteria so far have been conducted in the traditional manner using large populations of cells. Such studies have the disadvantage of averaging many different individuals with heterogeneous behaviours and fail to consider individual variations. In addition, in large populations each bacterium will be subjected to a different microenvironment that will influence the bacterial behaviour, but which cannot be defined using these traditional methods. In this thesis, different microfluidic platforms are proposed to overcome these limitations and to offer the possibility to study magnetotactic bacteria in defined environments and down to a single-cell resolution. First, a sediment-like microfluidic platform is presented with the purpose of mimicking the porous environment they bacteria naturally dwell in. The platform allows to observe via transmitted light microscopy that bacterial navigation in crowded environments is enhanced by the Earth's magnetic field strengths (B = 50 μT) rather than by null (B = 0 μT) or higher magnetic fields (B = 500 μT). Second, a microfluidic system to confine single-bacterial cells in physically defined environments is presented. The system allows to study via transmitted light microscopy the interplay between wall curvature, magnetic fields and bacterial speed affect the motion of a confined bacterium, and shows how bacterial trajectories depend on those three parameters. Third, a microfluidic platform to conduct semi in vivo magnetosome nucleation with a single-cell resolution via X-ray fluorescence is fabricated. It is shown that signal arising from magnetosome full chains can be observed individually in each bacterium. Finally, the iron uptake kinetics of a single bacterium are studied via a fluorescent reporter through confocal microscopy. Two different approaches are used for this: one of the previously mentioned platforms, as well as giant lipid vesicles. It is observed how iron uptake rates vary between cells, as well as how these rates are consistent with magnetosome formation taking place within some hours. The present thesis shows therefore how microfluidic technologies can be implemented for the study of magnetotactic bacteria at different degrees, and the level of resolution that can be attained by going into the single- cell scale.
}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{ChandrakanthShetty2021, author = {Chandrakanth Shetty, Sunidhi}, title = {Directed chemical communication in artificial eukaryotic cells}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-53364}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-533642}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Eukaryotic cells can be regarded as complex microreactors capable of performing various biochemical reactions in parallel which are necessary to sustain life. An essential prerequisite for these complex metabolic reactions to occur is the evolution of lipid membrane-bound organelles enabling compartmental- ization of reactions and biomolecules. This allows for a spatiotemporal control over the metabolic reactions within the cellular system. Intracellular organi- zation arising due to compartmentalization is a key feature of all living cells and has inspired synthetic biologists to engineer such systems with bottom-up approaches. Artificial cells provide an ideal platform to isolate and study specific re- actions without the interference from the complex network of biomolecules present in biological cells. To mimic the hierarchical architecture of eukaryotic cells, multi-compartment assemblies with nested liposomal structures also re- ferred to as multi-vesicular vesicles (MVVs) have been widely adopted. Most of the previously reported multi-compartment systems adopt bulk method- ologies which suffer from low yield and poor control over size. Microfluidic strategies help circumvent these issues and facilitate a high-throughput and robust technique to assemble MVVs of uniform size distribution. In this thesis, firstly, the bulk methodologies are explored to build MVVs and implement a synthetic signalling cascade. Next, a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)-based microfluidic platform is introduced to build MVVs and the significance of PEGylated lipids for the successful encapsulation of inner com- partments to generate stable multi-compartment systems is highlighted. Next, a novel two-inlet channel PDMS-based microfluidic device to create MVVs encompassing a three-step enzymatic reaction cascade is presented. A directed reaction pathway comprising of the enzymes α-glucosidase (α-Glc), glucose oxidase (GOx), and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) spanning across three compartments via reconstitution of size-selective membrane proteins is described. Furthermore, owing to the monodispersity of our MVVs due to microfluidic strategies, this platform is employed to study the effect of com- partmentalization on reaction kinetics. Further integration of cell-free expression module into the MVVs would allow for gene-mediated signal transduction within artificial eukaryotic cells. Therefore, the chemically inducible cell-free expression of a membrane protein alpha-hemolysin and its further reconstitution into liposomes is carried out. In conclusion, the present thesis aims to build artificial eukaryotic cells to achieve size-selective chemical communication that also show potential for applications as micro reactors and as vehicles for drug delivery.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gerling2022, author = {Gerling, Marten Tobias}, title = {A microfluidic system for high-precision image-based live cell sorting using dielectrophoretic forces}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-58742}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-587421}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {vii, 87, VI}, year = {2022}, abstract = {An important goal in biotechnology and (bio-) medical research is the isolation of single cells from a heterogeneous cell population. These specialised cells are of great interest for bioproduction, diagnostics, drug development, (cancer) therapy and research. To tackle emerging questions, an ever finer differentiation between target cells and non-target cells is required. This precise differentiation is a challenge for a growing number of available methods. Since the physiological properties of the cells are closely linked to their morphology, it is beneficial to include their appearance in the sorting decision. For established methods, this represents a non addressable parameter, requiring new methods for the identification and isolation of target cells. Consequently, a variety of new flow-based methods have been developed and presented in recent years utilising 2D imaging data to identify target cells within a sample. As these methods aim for high throughput, the devices developed typically require highly complex fluid handling techniques, making them expensive while offering limited image quality. In this work, a new continuous flow system for image-based cell sorting was developed that uses dielectrophoresis to precisely handle cells in a microchannel. Dielectrophoretic forces are exerted by inhomogeneous alternating electric fields on polarisable particles (here: cells). In the present system, the electric fields can be switched on and off precisely and quickly by a signal generator. In addition to the resulting simple and effective cell handling, the system is characterised by the outstanding quality of the image data generated and its compatibility with standard microscopes. These aspects result in low complexity, making it both affordable and user-friendly. With the developed cell sorting system, cells could be sorted reliably and efficiently according to their cytosolic staining as well as morphological properties at different optical magnifications. The achieved purity of the target cell population was up to 95\% and about 85\% of the sorted cells could be recovered from the system. Good agreement was achieved between the results obtained and theoretical considerations. The achieved throughput of the system was up to 12,000 cells per hour. Cell viability studies indicated a high biocompatibility of the system. The results presented demonstrate the potential of image-based cell sorting using dielectrophoresis. The outstanding image quality and highly precise yet gentle handling of the cells set the system apart from other technologies. This results in enormous potential for processing valuable and sensitive cell samples.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pramanik2023, author = {Pramanik, Shreya}, title = {Protein reconstitution in giant vesicles}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-61278}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-612781}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {VIII, 132}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Das Leben auf der Erde ist vielf{\"a}ltig und reicht von einzelligen Organismen bis hin zu mehrzelligen Lebewesen wie dem Menschen. Obwohl es Theorien dar{\"u}ber gibt, wie sich diese Organismen entwickelt haben k{\"o}nnten, verstehen wir nur wenig dar{\"u}ber, wie "Leben" aus Molek{\"u}len entstanden ist. Die synthetische Bottom-up-Biologie zielt darauf ab, minimale Zellen zu schaffen, indem sie verschiedene Module wie Kompartimentierung, Wachstum, Teilung und zellul{\"a}re Kommunikation kombiniert. Alle lebenden Zellen haben eine Membran, die sie von dem sie umgebenden w{\"a}ssrigen Medium trennt und sie sch{\"u}tzt. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus haben alle eukaryotischen Zellen Organellen, die von intrazellul{\"a}ren Membranen umschlossen sind. Jede Zellmembran besteht haupts{\"a}chlich aus einer Lipiddoppelschicht mit Membranproteinen. Lipide sind amphiphile Molek{\"u}le, die molekulare Doppelschichten aus zwei Lipid-Monoschichten oder Bl{\"a}ttchen bilden. Die hydrophoben Ketten der Lipide sind einander zugewandt, w{\"a}hrend ihre hydrophilen Kopfgruppen die Grenzfl{\"a}chen zur w{\"a}ssrigen Umgebung bilden. Riesenvesikel sind Modellmembransysteme, die Kompartimente mit einer Gr{\"o}ße von mehreren Mikrometern bilden und von einer einzigen Lipiddoppelschicht umgeben sind. Die Gr{\"o}ße der Riesenvesikel ist mit der Gr{\"o}ße von Zellen vergleichbar und macht sie zu guten Membranmodellen, die mit einem Lichtmikroskop untersucht werden k{\"o}nnen. Allerdings fehlen den Riesenvesikelmembranen nach der ersten Pr{\"a}paration Membranproteine, die in weiteren Pr{\"a}parationsschritten in diese Membranen eingebaut werden m{\"u}ssen. Je nach Protein kann es entweder {\"u}ber Ankerlipide an eines der Membranbl{\"a}ttchen gebunden oder {\"u}ber seine Transmembrandom{\"a}nen in die Lipiddoppelschicht eingebaut werden. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Herstellung von Riesenvesikeln und der Rekonstitution von Proteinen in diesen Vesikeln. Außerdem wird ein mikrofluidischer Chip entworfen, der in verschiedenen Experimenten verwendet werden kann. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit werden anderen Forschern helfen, die Protokolle f{\"u}r die Herstellung von GUVs zu verstehen, Proteine in GUVs zu rekonstituieren und Experimente mit dem mikrofluidischen Chip durchzuf{\"u}hren. Auf diese Weise wird die vorliegende Arbeit f{\"u}r das langfristige Ziel von Nutzen sein, die verschiedenen Module der synthetischen Biologie zu kombinieren, um eine Minimalzelle zu schaffen.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stoermann2023, author = {St{\"o}rmann, Florian Konstantin}, title = {Multifunctional Microballoons for the active and passive control of fluid-flows}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, pages = {XVI, 104, A24}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Functional materials, also called "Smart Materials", are described by their ability to fulfill a desired task through targeted interaction with its environment. Due to this functional integration, such materials are of increased interest, especially in areas where the increasing micronization of components is required. Modern manufacturing processes (e.g. microfluidics) and the availability of a wide variety of functional materials (e.g. shape memory materials) now enable the production of particle-based switching components. This category includes micropumps and microvalves, whose basic function is the active control of liquid flows. One approach in realizing those microcomponents as pursued by this work, enables variable size-switching of water-filled microballoons by implementing a stimulus-sensitive switching motif in the capsule's membrane shell, while being under the influence of a constant driving force. The switching motif with its gatekeeper function has a critical influence on one or more material parameters, which modulate the capsule's resistance against the driving force in microballoon expansion process. The advantage of this concept is that even non-variable analyte conditions, such as concentration levels of ions, can be capitalized to generate external force fields that, under the control of the membrane, cause an inflation of the microballoon by an osmotically driven water influx. In case of osmotic pressure gradients as the driving force for the capsule expansion, material parameters associated with the gatekeeper function are specifically the permeability and the mechanical stiffness of the shell material. While a modulation of the shell permeability could be utilized to kinetically impede the water influx on large time scales, a modulation of the shell's mechanical stiffness even might be utilized to completely prevent the capsule inflation due to a possible non-deformability beneath a certain threshold pressure. In polymer networks, which are a suitable material class for the demanded capsule shell because of their excellent elasticity, both the permeability and the mechanical properties are strongly influenced by the crystallinity of the material. Since the permeability is effectively reduced with increasing crystallinity, while the mechanical stiffness is simultaneously greatly increased, both effects point in the same direction in terms of their functional relationship. For this reason and due to a reversible and contactless modulation of the membrane crystallinity by heat input, crystallites may be suitable switching motifs for controlling the capsule expansion. As second design element of reversible expandable microballoons, the capsule geometry, defined by an aqueous core enveloped by the temperature-sensitive polymer network membrane, should allow an osmotic pressure gradient across the membrane layer. The strength of the inflation pressure and the associated inflation velocity upon membrane melting should be controlled by the salt concentration within the aqueous core, while a turn in the osmotic gradient should furthermore allow the reversible process of capsule deflation. Therefore, it should be possible to build either microvalves and micropumps, while their intended action of either pumping or valving is determined by their state of expansion and the direction of the osmotic pressure gradient.. Microballoons of approximately 300 µm in diameter were formed via droplet-based microfluidics from double-emulsion templates (w/o/w). The elastomeric capsule membrane was formed by photo-crosslinking of methacrylate (MA) functionalized oligo(ε-caprolactone) precursors (≈ 3.8 MA-arms, Mn ≈ 12000 g mol-1) within the organic medium layer (o) via UV-exposure after droplet-formation. After removal of the toluene/chloroform mixture by slow extraction via the continuous aqueous phase, the capsules solidified under the development of a characteristic "mushroom"-like shape at specific experimental conditions (e.g. λ = 308 nm, 57 mJ·s-1·cm-2, 16 min). It could be furthermore shown that in dependency to the process parameters: oligomer concentration and curing-time also spherical capsules were accessible. Long curing-times and high oligomer concentrations at a fixed light-intensity favored the formation of "mushroom"-like capsules, whereas the contrary led to spherical shaped capsules. A comparative study on thin polymer network films of same composition and equal treatment proved a correlation between the film's crosslink density and their contraction capability, while stronger crosslinked polymer networks showed a stronger contraction after solvent removal. In combination with observations during capsule solidification via light-microscopy, where a continuous shaping from almost spherical crosslinked templates to "mushroom"-shaped and solidified capsules was stated, the following mechanism was proposed. In case of low oligomer contents and short curing-times, the contraction of the capsule shell during solvent removal is strongly diminished due to a low degree of crosslinking. Therefore, the solidifying shell could freely collapse onto the aqueous core. In the other case, high oligomer concentrations and long curing-times will favor the formation of highly crosslinked capsule membranes with a strong contraction capability. Due to an observed decentered location of the aqueous core within the swollen polymer network, an uneven radial stress along the capsule's circumference is exerted to the incompressible core. This lead to an uneven contraction during solvent removal and a directed flow of the core fluid into the direction of the minimal stress vector. In consequence, the initially thicker spherical cap contracts, whereas the opposing thinner spherical cap get stretched. The "mushroom"-shape over some advantages over their spherical shaped counterparts, why they were selected for the further experiments. Besides the necessity of a high density of crosslinking for the purpose of extraordinary elasticity and toughness, the form-anisotropy promotes a faster microballoon expandability due to a partial reduction of the membrane thickness. Additionally, pre-stretched regions of thin thickness might provide a better resistance against inflation pressure than spherical but non-stretched capsules of equal membrane thickness. The resulting "mushroom"-shaped microcapsules exhibited a melting point of Tm ≈ 50 - 60 °C and a degree of crystallinity of Xc ≈ 29 - 38 \% depending on the membrane thickness and internal salt content, which is slightly lower than for the non-crosslinked oligomer and reasoned by a limited chain mobility upon crosslinking. Nonetheless, the melting transition of the polymer network was associated with a strong drop in its mechanical stiffness, which was shown to have a strong influence on the osmotic driven expansion of the microcapsules. Capsules that were subjected to osmotic pressures between 1.5 and 4.7 MPa did not expand if the temperature was well below the melting point of the capsule's membrane, i.e. at room temperature. In contrast, a continuous expansion, while approaching asymptotically to a final capsule size, was observed if the temperature exceeded the melting point, i.e. 60 °C. Microballoons, which were kept for 56 days at ∆Π = 1.5 MPa and room temperature, did not change significantly in diameter, why the impact of the mechanical stiffness on the expansion behavior is considered to be the greater than the influence of the shell permeability. The time-resolved expansion behavior of the microballoons above their Tm was subsequently modeled, using difusion equations that were corrected for shape anisotropy and elastic restoring forces. A shape-related and expansion dependent pre-factor was used to dynamically address the influence of the shell thickness differences along the circumference on the inflation velocity, whereas the microballoon's elastic contraction upon inflation was rendered by the inclusion of a hyperelastic constitutive model. An important finding resulting from this model was the pronounced increase in inflation velocity compared to hypothetical capsules with a homogeneous shell thickness, which stresses the benefit of employing shape anisotropic balloon-like capsules in this study. Furthermore, the model was able to predict the finite expandability on basis of entropy-elastic recovery forces and strain-hardening effects. A comparison of six different microballoons with different shell thicknesses and internal salt contents showed the linear relationship between the volumetric expansion, the shell thickness and the applied osmotic pressure, as represented by the model. As the proposed model facilitates the prediction of the expansion kinetics depending on the membranes mechanical and diffusional characteristics, it might be a screening tool for future material selections. In course of the microballoon expansion process, capsules of intermediate diameters could be isolated by recrystallization of the membrane, which is mainly caused by a restoration of the membrane's mechanical stiffness and is otherwise difficult to achieve with other stimuli-sensitive systems. The capsule's crystallinity of intermediate expansion states was nearly unchanged, whereas the lamellar crystal size tends to decreased with the expansion ratio. Therefore, it was assumed that the elastic modulus was only minimally altered and might increased due to the networks segment-chain extension. In addition to the volume increase achieved by inflation, a turn in the osmotic gradient also facilitated the reversible deflation, which was shown in inflation/deflation cycles. These both characteristics of the introduced microballoons are important parameter regarding the realization of micropumps and microvalves. The fixation of expanded microcapsules via recrystallization enabled the storage of entropy-elastic strain-energy, which could be utilized for pumping actions in non-aqueous media. Here, the pumping velocity depended on both, the type of surrounding medium and the applied temperature. Surrounding media that supported the fast transport of pumped liquid showed an accelerated deflation, while high temperatures further accelerate the pumping velocity. Very fast rejection of the incorporated payload was furthermore realized with pierced expanded microballoons, which were subjected to temperatures above their Tm. The possible fixation of intermediate particle sizes provide opportunities for vent constructions that allowed the precise adjustment of specific flow-rates and multiple valve openings and closings. A valve construction was realized by the insertion of a single or multiple microballoons in a microfluidic channel. A complete and a partial closing of the microballoon-valves was demonstrated as a function of the heating period. In this context, a difference between the inflation and deflation velocity was stated, summarizing slower expansion kinetics. Overall, microballoons, which presented both on-demand pumping and reversible valving by a temperature-triggered change in the capsule's volume, might be suitable components that help to design fully integrated LOC devices, due to the implementation of the control switch and controllable inflation/deflation kinetics. In comparison to other state of the art stimuli-sensitive materials, one has to highlight the microballoons capability of stabilizing almost continuously intermediate capsule sizes by simple recrystallization of the microballoon's membrane.}, language = {en} }