@phdthesis{Boelling2006, author = {B{\"o}lling, Christian}, title = {Comprehensive metabolite analysis in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii : method development and application to the study of environmental and genetic perturbations}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-11329}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2006}, abstract = {This study introduces a method for multiparallel analysis of small organic compounds in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, one of the premier model organisms in cell biology. The comprehensive study of the changes of metabolite composition, or metabolomics, in response to environmental, genetic or developmental signals is an important complement of other functional genomic techniques in the effort to develop an understanding of how genes, proteins and metabolites are all integrated into a seamless and dynamic network to sustain cellular functions. The sample preparation protocol was optimized to quickly inactivate enzymatic activity, achieve maximum extraction capacity and process large sample quantities. As a result of the rapid sampling, extraction and analysis by gas chromatography coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC-TOF) more than 800 analytes from a single sample can be measured, of which over a 100 could be positively identified. As part of the analysis of GC-TOF raw data, aliquot ratio analysis to systematically remove artifact signals and tools for the use of principal component analysis (PCA) on metabolomic datasets are proposed. Cells subjected to nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), sulfur (S) or iron (Fe) depleted growth conditions develop highly distinctive metabolite profiles with metabolites implicated in many different processes being affected in their concentration during adaptation to nutrient deprivation. Metabolite profiling allowed characterization of both specific and general responses to nutrient deprivation at the metabolite level. Modulation of the substrates for N-assimilation and the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway indicated a priority for maintaining the capability for immediate activation of N assimilation even under conditions of decreased metabolic activity and arrested growth, while the rise in 4-hydroxyproline in S deprived cells could be related to enhanced degradation of proteins of the cell wall. The adaptation to sulfur deficiency was analyzed with greater temporal resolution and responses of wild-type cells were compared with mutant cells deficient in SAC1, an important regulator of the sulfur deficiency response. Whereas concurrent metabolite depletion and accumulation occurs during adaptation to S deprivation in wild-type cells, the sac1 mutant strain is characterized by a massive incapability to sustain many processes that normally lead to transient or permanent accumulation of the levels of certain metabolites or recovery of metabolite levels after initial down-regulation. For most of the steps in arginine biosynthesis in Chlamydomonas mutants have been isolated that are deficient in the respective enzyme activities. Three strains deficient in the activities of N-acetylglutamate-5-phosphate reductase (arg1), N2 acetylornithine-aminotransferase (arg9), and argininosuccinate lyase (arg2), respectively, were analyzed with regard to activation of endogenous arginine biosynthesis after withdrawal of externally supplied arginine. Enzymatic blocks in the arginine biosynthetic pathway could be characterized by precursor accumulation, like the amassment of argininosuccinate in arg2 cells, and depletion of intermediates occurring downstream of the enzymatic block, e.g. N2-acetylornithine, ornithine, and argininosuccinate depletion in arg9 cells. The unexpected finding of substantial levels of the arginine pathway intermediates N-acetylornithine, citrulline, and argininosuccinate downstream the enzymatic block in arg1 cells provided an explanation for the residual growth capacity of these cells in the absence of external arginine sources. The presence of these compounds, together with the unusual accumulation of N-Acetylglutamate, the first intermediate that commits the glutamate backbone to ornithine and arginine biosynthesis, in arg1 cells suggests that alternative pathways, possibly involving the activity of ornithine aminotransferase, may be active when the default reaction sequence to produce ornithine via acetylation of glutamate is disabled.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bielecka2007, author = {Bielecka, Monika}, title = {Analysis of transcription factors under sulphur deficiency stress}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-14812}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Sulphur, a macronutrient essential for plant growth, is among the most versatile elements in living organisms. Unfortunately, little is known about regulation of sulphate uptake and assimilation by plants. Identification of sulphate signalling processes will allow to control sulphate acquisition and assimilation and may prove useful in the future to improve sulphur-use efficiency in agriculture. Many of genes involved in sulphate metabolism are regulated on transcriptional level by products of other genes called transcription factors (TF). Several published experiments revealed TF genes that respond to sulphate deprivation, but none of these have been so far been characterized functionally. Thus, we aimed at identifying and characterising transcription factors that control sulphate metabolism in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. To achieve that goal we postulated that factors regulating Arabidopsis responses to inorganic sulphate deficiency change their transcriptional levels under sulphur-limited conditions. By comparing TF transcript profiles from plants grown on different sulphate regimes, we identified TF genes that may specifically induce or repress changes in expression of genes that allow plants to adapt to changes in sulphate availability. Candidate genes obtained from this screening were tested by reverse genetics approaches. Transgenic plants constitutively overproducing selected TF genes and mutant plants, lacking functional selected TF genes (knock out), were used. By comparing metabolite and transcript profiles from transgenic and wild type plants we aimed at confirming the role of selected AP2 TF candidate genes in plant adaptation to sulphur unavailability. After preliminary characterisation of WRKY24 and MYB93 TF genes, we postulate that these factors are involved in a complex multifactorial regulatory network, in which WRKY24 and MYB93 would act as superior factors regulating other transcription factors directly involved in the regulation of S-metabolism genes. Results obtained for plants overproducing TOE1 and TOE2 TF genes suggests that these factors may be involved in a mechanism, which is promoting synthesis of an essential amino acid, methionine, over synthesis of another amino acid, cysteine. Thus, TOE1 and TOE2 genes might be a part of transcriptional regulation of methionine synthesis. Approaches creating genetically manipulated plants may produce plant phenotypes of immediate biotechnological interest, such as plants with increased sulphate or sulphate-containing amino acid content, or better adapted to the sulphate unavailability.}, language = {en} }