@article{LuChengWangetal.2017, author = {Lu, Honghua and Cheng, Lu and Wang, Zhen and Zhang, Tianqi and Lu, Yanwu and Zhao, Junxiang and Li, Youli and Zheng, Xiangmin}, title = {Latest Quaternary rapid river incision across an inactive fold in the northern Chinese Tian Shan foreland}, series = {Quaternary science reviews : the international multidisciplinary research and review journal}, volume = {179}, journal = {Quaternary science reviews : the international multidisciplinary research and review journal}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Oxford}, issn = {0277-3791}, doi = {10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.10.017}, pages = {167 -- 181}, year = {2017}, abstract = {This work focuses on the incision process over the Tuostai anticline, a fold of the proximal structure Belt I in the northern Chinese Tian Shan foreland, where the Sikeshu River has incised deeply into the alluvial gravels and the fold's underlying bedrock strata. Field investigation and geomorphic mapping define five terraces of the Sikeshu River (designated as T1 to T5 from oldest to youngest) preserved within the Tuostai anticline. 10Be surface exposure dating and optically stimulated luminescence dating constrain stabilization of the highest three terrace surfaces at about 80 ka (T1), 16 ka (T2), and 15 ka (T3), respectively. Around 16 ka, the calculated river incision rates significantly increase from <2 mm/yr to >6 mm/yr. Undeformed longitudinal profiles of terraces T2, T3 and T4 over the Tuostai anticline suggest that this structure may have been tectonically inactive since stabilization of these three terraces. We thus think that the observed rapid river incision over the Tuostai anticline has not been largely forced by tectonic uplift. Instead, the progressively warmer and wetter palaeoclimatic condition within the Tian Shan range and its surrounding area during the period of ∼20-10 ka may have enhanced river incision across the Tuostai anticline. A reduced sediment/water ratio might have lowered the gradient of the Sikeshu River.}, language = {en} } @article{PalagushkinaWetterichBiskabornetal.2017, author = {Palagushkina, Olga and Wetterich, Sebastian and Biskaborn, Boris K. and Nazarova, Larisa B. and Schirrmeister, Lutz and Lenz, Josefine and Schwamborn, Georg and Grosse, Guido}, title = {Diatom records and tephra mineralogy in pingo deposits of Seward Peninsula, Alaska}, series = {Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology : an international journal for the geo-sciences}, volume = {479}, journal = {Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology : an international journal for the geo-sciences}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0031-0182}, doi = {10.1016/j.palaeo.2017.04.006}, pages = {1 -- 15}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Vast areas of the terrestrial Subarctic and Arctic are underlain by permafrost. Landscape evolution is therefore largely controlled by climate-driven periglacial processes. The response of the frozen ground to late Quaternary warm and cold stages is preserved in permafrost sequences, and deducible by multi-proxy palaeoenvironmental approaches. Here, we analyse radiocarbon-dated mid-Wisconsin Interstadial and Holocene lacustrine deposits preserved in the Kit-1 pingo permafrost sequence combined with water and surface sediment samples from nine modern water bodies on Seward Peninsula (NW Alaska) to reconstruct thermokarst dynamics and determine major abiotic factors that controlled the aquatic ecosystem variability. Our methods comprise taxonomical diatom analyses as well as Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) and Redundancy Analysis (RDA). Our results show, that the fossil diatom record reflects thermokarst lake succession since about 42 C-14 kyr BP. Different thermolcarst lake stages during the mid-Wisconsin Interstadial, the late Wisconsin and the early Holocene are mirrored by changes in diatom abundance, diversity, and ecology. We interpret the taxonomical changes in the fossil diatom assemblages in combination with both modern diatom data from surrounding ponds and existing micropalaeontological, sedimentological and mineralogical data from the pingo sequence. A diatom based quantitative reconstruction of lake water pH indicates changing lake environments during mid-Wisconsin to early Holocene stages. Mineralogical analyses indicate presence of tephra fallout and its impact on fossil diatom communities. Our comparison of modern and fossil diatom communities shows the highest floristic similarity of modern polygon ponds to the corresponding initial (shallow water) development stages of thermolcarst lakes. We conclude, that mid-Wisconsin thermokarst processes in the study area could establish during relatively warm interstadial climate conditions accompanied by increased precipitation due to approaching coasts, while still high continentality and hence high seasonal temperature gradients led to warm summers in the central part of Beringia. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.}, language = {en} } @article{LuWuChengetal.2017, author = {Lu, Honghua and Wu, Dengyun and Cheng, Lu and Zhang, Tianqi and Xiong, Jianguo and Zheng, Xiangmin and Li, Youli}, title = {Late Quaternary drainage evolution in response to fold growth in the northern Chinese Tian Shan foreland}, series = {Geomorphology : an international journal on pure and applied geomorphology}, volume = {299}, journal = {Geomorphology : an international journal on pure and applied geomorphology}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, issn = {0169-555X}, doi = {10.1016/j.geomorph.2017.09.037}, pages = {12 -- 23}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Alluvial units are important in understanding the interactions of antecedent drainage evolution with fold growth along the flanks of active orogenic belts. This is demonstrated by the Anjihai River in the northern Chinese Tian Shan foreland, which at present flows northward cutting sequentially through the Nananjihai anticline, the Huoerguos anticline, and the Anjihai anticline. Three episodes of alluviation designated as fans F-a, F-b, and F-c are identified for the Anjihai River. These three alluvial terrain features comprise a series of terraces, where the topographic characteristics, geomorphologic structure, and up-warped longitudinal profiles indicate continuous uplift and lateral propagation of the Halaande anticline and the Anjihai anticline over the past 50 Icy. Shortly after similar to 3.6 ka when the oldest terrace during the period of the fan Fb sedimentation was formed, significant rock uplift at the overlapping zone of the Anjihai anticline and the Halaande anticline led to the eastward deflection of the antecedent Anjihai River. A series of local terraces with elevation decreasing eastward indicate the gradual eastward migration of the channel of the Anjihai River during the period of the fan F-c sedimentation. Finally the Anjihai River occupied the previous course of the Jingou River when the latter was deflected eastward in response to rock uplift of the Anjihai anticline, presently flowing across the eastern tip of the Anjihai anticline. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.}, language = {en} } @misc{FuchsGrosseStraussetal.2018, author = {Fuchs, Matthias and Grosse, Guido and Strauss, Jens and G{\"u}nther, Frank and Grigoriev, Mikhail N. and Maximov, Georgy M. and Hugelius, Gustaf}, title = {Carbon and nitrogen pools in thermokarst-affected permafrost landscapes in Arctic Siberia}, series = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, volume = {15}, journal = {Postprints der Universit{\"a}t Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe}, number = {654}, issn = {1866-8372}, doi = {10.25932/publishup-41802}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-418026}, pages = {19}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Ice-rich yedoma-dominated landscapes store con- siderable amounts of organic carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) and are vulnerable to degradation under climate warming. We investigate the C and N pools in two thermokarst-affected yedoma landscapes - on Sobo-Sise Island and on Bykovsky Peninsula in the north of eastern Siberia. Soil cores up to 3 m depth were collected along geomorphic gradients and anal- ysed for organic C and N contents. A high vertical sampling density in the profiles allowed the calculation of C and N stocks for short soil column intervals and enhanced under- standing of within-core parameter variability. Profile-level C and N stocks were scaled to the landscape level based on landform classifications from 5 m resolution, multispectral RapidEye satellite imagery. Mean landscape C and N storage in the first metre of soil for Sobo-Sise Island is estimated to be 20.2 kg C m -2 and 1.8 kg N m -2 and for Bykovsky Penin- sula 25.9 kg C m -2 and 2.2 kg N m -2 . Radiocarbon dating demonstrates the Holocene age of thermokarst basin de- posits but also suggests the presence of thick Holocene- age cover layers which can reach up to 2 m on top of in- tact yedoma landforms. Reconstructed sedimentation rates of 0.10-0.57 mm yr -1 suggest sustained mineral soil accu- mulation across all investigated landforms. Both yedoma and thermokarst landforms are characterized by limited accumu- lation of organic soil layers (peat). We further estimate that an active layer deepening of about 100 cm will increase organic C availability in a sea- sonally thawed state in the two study areas by ∼ 5.8 Tg (13.2 kg C m -2 ). Our study demonstrates the importance of increasing the number of C and N storage inventories in ice- rich yedoma and thermokarst environments in order to ac- count for high variability of permafrost and thermokarst en- vironments in pan-permafrost soil C and N pool estimates.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hultzsch2006, author = {Hultzsch, Nadja}, title = {Lakustrine Sedimente als Archive des sp{\"a}tquart{\"a}ren Umweltwandels in der Amery-Oase, Ostantarktis}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-7980}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Im Rahmen einer deutsch-australischen Forschungskooperation erfolgte im S{\"u}dsommer 2001/2002 eine Expedition in die Amery-Oase (70°50'S, 68°00'E), die im Einzugsgebiet des Lambert-Gletscher/Amery-Schelfeis-Systems, dem gr{\"o}ßten ostantarktischen Eis-Drainagesystem, liegt. Von deutscher Seite wurden im Zuge der Gel{\"a}ndekampagne erstmals lakustrine Sedimentsequenzen gewonnen, um die bislang wenig erforschte sp{\"a}tquart{\"a}re Klima- und Umweltgeschichte dieser rund 1800 km2 großen eisfreien Region zu rekonstruieren. Die drei untersuchten Glazialseen Beaver, Radok und Terrasovoje unterscheiden sich sowohl deutlich in ihrer Gr{\"o}ße, Bathymetrie und den hydrologischen Merkmalen sowie in ihren Sedimentabfolgen. Einen Schwerpunkte dieser Doktorarbeit bildet die Rekonstruktion der Sedimentationsprozesse und des Ablagerungsmilieus sowie Untersuchungen zur Herkunft des detritischen Sedimentmaterials in den Seebecken. Der methodische Ansatz verfolgt die Charakterisierung der klastischen Sedimentfazies an Hand lithologisch-granulometrischer Merkmale sowie mineralogisch-geochemischer Analysen der Sedimentherkunft. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt ist die Rekonstruktion der holoz{\"a}nen biogen gesteuerten Ablagerungsbedingungen im Terrasovoje-See, die R{\"u}ckschl{\"u}sse auf den kurzfristigen postglazialen Klima- und Umweltwandel in der Amery-Oase gestattet. Dabei wurden mikrofazielle Untersuchungsmethoden und hochaufl{\"o}sende Elementscannermessungen angewandt. Die klastische Sedimentherkunft in den drei Seen unterscheidet sich r{\"a}umlich deutlich voneinander und spiegelt den komplexen geologischen Aufbau der Amery-Oase wider. Als Sedimentquellen konnten pr{\"a}kambrische Metamorphite, permotriassische Sedimentgesteine und terti{\"a}re Lockersedimente identifiziert werden. Die Varibilit{\"a}t der Herkunftssignale ist zeitlich weniger deutlich als r{\"a}umlich ausgepr{\"a}gt und deutet auf relativ konstante Liefergebiete in den einzelnen Seen hin. Das glaziolakustrine Ablagerungsmilieu der drei untersuchten Seen zeigt klare r{\"a}umliche und zeitliche Unterschiede. In allen drei Seen setzen sich die {\"a}lteren Sedimente aus grobk{\"o}rnigem, h{\"a}ufig diamiktischem Material zusammen, w{\"a}hrend die j{\"u}ngeren Sedimente aus feink{\"o}rnigen Laminiten bestehen. Die lithofazielle Zweiteilung in den Sedimentabfolgen deutet auf einen R{\"u}ckzug der Gletscher und/oder einen Anstieg der Wassertiefen im {\"U}bergang von den grobk{\"o}rnigen zu den feink{\"o}rnigen Ablagerungseinheiten hin. Die oberen feink{\"o}rnigen Kernabschnitte spiegeln in allen drei Seen die postglaziale lakustrine Sedimentation wider. Im Beaver-See wird die postglaziale Fazies durch laminierte klastische Stillwassersedimente repr{\"a}sentiert, im Radok-See durch Turbiditsequenzen und im Terrasovoje-See durch Algenlaminite. Abgesehen vom Terrasovoje-See ist die zeitliche Einordnung der Fazieswechsel auf Grund mangelnder Altersinformationen schwer erfassbar. Im Terrasovoje-See setzte die postglaziale Sedimentation um rund 12,4 cal. ka ein. Somit weisen die darunterliegenden glazigenen Klastika mindestens ein sp{\"a}tpleistoz{\"a}nes Alter auf. Die sedimentologischen Eigenschaften, {\"A}nderungen der Sedimentationsraten und organogene Zusammensetzung der postglazialen Biogenlaminite des Terrasovoje-Sees deuten auf Variationen der pal{\"a}olimnologischen Bedingungen hinsichtlich Eisbedeckung, biologischer Produktivit{\"a}t, Wasserstand, Redoxbedingungen und Salinit{\"a}t hin, die mit regionalen holoz{\"a}nen Klima{\"a}nderungen in Verbindung gebracht werden k{\"o}nnen. Weitere Anhaltspunkte ergeben sich aus der Zusammensetzung und den M{\"a}chtigkeitsvariationen der Laminae, die generell aus Wechsellagerungen von Cyanobakterienmatten mit feinklastischen Lagen bestehen. Lagenz{\"a}hlungen der Laminae belegen {\"A}nderungen des Ablagerungsmilieus auf subdekadischen Zeitskalen, wobei zeitweilige j{\"a}hrliche Signale nicht ausgeschlossen werden k{\"o}nnen. Unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung aller faziellen Indikatoren l{\"a}sst sich aus der Sedimentabfolge des Terrasovoje-Sees ein fr{\"u}hholoz{\"a}nes Klimaoptimum zwischen 9 und 7 cal. ka sowie weitere W{\"a}rmephasen zwischen 3,2 und 2,3 cal. ka sowie 1,5 und 1,0 cal. ka ableiten. Im Vergleich mit Eiskernarchiven und anderen Seesedimentabfolgen aus ostantarktischen Oasen zeigt sich, dass das Auftreten postglazialer Warmphasen nicht allenorts einem allgemein g{\"u}ltigen r{\"a}umlich-zeitlichen Muster folgt. Die Ursachen hierf{\"u}r liegen vermutlich in den lokalen geographischen Gegebenheiten. Es l{\"a}sst sich daraus schliessen, dass die bisher vorliegenden Klimarekonstruktionen eher das Lokalklima an einem Untersuchungsstandort als das Großklima der Ostantarktis reflektieren. Daraus ergibt sich die Notwendigkeit weiterer Untersuchungen von antarktischen Klimaarchiven und Untersuchungsstandorten, um {\"o}rtliche von {\"u}berregionalen Klimasignalen besser unterscheiden zu k{\"o}nnen.}, subject = {Antarktis}, language = {de} }