@book{OPUS4-4490, title = {Recht in der Transformation}, editor = {Boulanger, Christian}, publisher = {Berliner Debatte Wissenschaftsverlag}, address = {Berlin}, isbn = {978-3-931703-46-2}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-46846}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Die j{\"u}ngsten Ver{\"a}nderungen in den Gesellschaften Mittel- und Osteuropas wurden bisher vor allem unter den Stichworten „Demokratisierung" und „Marktwirtschaft" debattiert. Aber wie wurde der Umbruch in Politik und Wirtschaft rechtlich verankert? Welche Probleme entstehen, wenn westliche Normen wie die Vorschriften der EU nach Osteuropa {\"u}bertragen werden und welche Rolle spielt das Recht beim Aufbau der Wirtschaft? Dieser Band versucht Antworten zu geben, indem er theoretische Fragestellungen mit empirischen Fallstudien aus Ostmittel- und S{\"u}dosteuropa sowie Zentralasien verbindet.}, language = {de} } @misc{Berger2004, author = {Berger, Thomas}, title = {„Back to the Future" : German style}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-47434}, year = {2004}, language = {de} } @misc{Cichocki2004, author = {Cichocki, Marek A.}, title = {Der hohe Preis der Macht}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-47445}, year = {2004}, language = {de} } @misc{Handl2004, author = {Handl, Vladimir}, title = {„Machtpolitische" oder „nationalstaatliche Resozialisierung" Deutschlands?}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-47456}, year = {2004}, language = {de} } @misc{Muetzenich2005, author = {M{\"u}tzenich, Rolf}, title = {Wandel und Kontinuit{\"a}ten deutscher Außenpolitik}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-9722}, year = {2005}, abstract = {In the spring 2004 issue of WeltTrends, Gunther Hellmann sparked a debate on Germany's foreign policy. He argued that Germany's international behaviour is dominated by a "realpolitik" policy, generally referred to as "normalization". For Hellmann, this transformation indicates one of the "deepest crisis of Germany's foreign policy" ever. The first three parts were published in the summer, fall and winter editions (no. 43, 44 and 45) of WeltTrends, which featured contributions of German International Relations scholars as well as experts from abroad. In this issue, foreign policy makers and a Polish expert join the debate.}, language = {de} } @misc{Leibrecht2005, author = {Leibrecht, Harald}, title = {Außenpolitik und Legitimation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-47565}, year = {2005}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{SanockaPagel2009, author = {Sanocka-Pagel, Elżbieta}, title = {Estetyczne myślenie w tw{\´o}rczości Andrzeja Stasiuka : w kontekście mityzacji Europy Wschodniej}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-60862}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Potsdam}, year = {2009}, abstract = {W pracy został przedstawiony innowacyjny spos{\´o}b patrzenia na Europę Wschodnią, widoczny w tw{\´o}rczości Andrzeja Stasiuka odbiegający od klasycznego, czyli "r{\´o}wnoleżnikowego" widzenia tej części kontynentu w odwiecznej konfrontacji i nieustannych por{\´o}wnań z Zachodem. Tw{\´o}rczość tego artysty skupia się na zaniedbanym ,,pasie południowym". 1. Stan badań Tw{\´o}rczość pisarza cieszy się ogromną popularnością w kraju i za granicą. Krytyka literacka z wielką uwagą śledzi kolejno pojawiające się dzieła, niemniej jednak do tej pory stan badań jest stosunkowo niewielki. Nie powstało żadne kompendium wiedzy o wczesnej tw{\´o}rczości pisarza czy monograficzne opracowanie obejmujące ten sam okres tw{\´o}rczości artysty. Do tej pory uwaga krytyki i badaczy zwr{\´o}cona została gł{\´o}wnie na pierwsze utwory powstałe w latach dziewięćdziesiątych. 2. Cel pracy Gł{\´o}wnym celem dysertacji była analiza tw{\´o}rczości Stasiuka w odniesieniu do zagadnień i problem{\´o}w obecnych w filozofii i estetyce takich jak: kategoria piękna i brzydoty w ujęciu ontologicznym, metafizycznym i epistemologicznym, badanie wybranych utwor{\´o}w w kontekście niekonwencjonalnej autobiografii artystycznej, jak r{\´o}wnież nawiązanie do mityzacji Europy Wschodniej z odwołaniem się do prozy Brunona Schulza. Utworami łączącymi te zagadnienia ujmując chronologicznie są: „Opowieści galicyjskie"(1995), „Dukla"(1997), „Dziennik okrętowy"(2000), „Jadąc do Babadag"(2004). Teksty te łączy wsp{\´o}lny kontekst estetyczny, autobiograficzny, mityczny. 3. Podział i budowa pracy Niniejsza praca składa się z trzech części: pierwszej - „Estetyka brzydoty", drugiej - „Homo geographicus Fascynacja geografią w kontekście autobiograficznym" stanowiącą pomost między kontekstem estetycznym i mitycznym oraz trzeciej: „Mityzacja Europy Wschodniej. Inspiracja Schulzem". 4. Uwagi końcowe W zamykających na koniec wnioskach i uwagach warto podkreślić, że w pracy zostały poddane analizie problemy omijane przez wielu badaczy. Celem dysertacji było przedstawienie tw{\´o}rczości tego pisarza w niepodejmowanych do tej pory obszarach tematycznych. Spojrzenie na przedstawioną rzeczywistość i jej zjawiska tym razem w aspekcie estetycznym i mitycznym pozwoliły w zupełnie inny spos{\´o}b spojrzeć na wybrane utwory Andrzeja Stasiuka.}, language = {mul} } @misc{ThiekenKienzlerKreibichetal.2016, author = {Thieken, Annegret and Kienzler, Sarah and Kreibich, Heidi and Kuhlicke, Christian and Kunz, Michael and M{\"u}hr, Bernhard and M{\"u}ller, Meike and Otto, Antje and Petrow, Theresia and Pisi, Sebastian and Schr{\"o}ter, Kai}, title = {Review of the flood risk management system in Germany after the major flood in 2013}, issn = {1866-8372}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-100600}, pages = {12}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Widespread flooding in June 2013 caused damage costs of €6 to 8 billion in Germany, and awoke many memories of the floods in August 2002, which resulted in total damage of €11.6 billion and hence was the most expensive natural hazard event in Germany up to now. The event of 2002 does, however, also mark a reorientation toward an integrated flood risk management system in Germany. Therefore, the flood of 2013 offered the opportunity to review how the measures that politics, administration, and civil society have implemented since 2002 helped to cope with the flood and what still needs to be done to achieve effective and more integrated flood risk management. The review highlights considerable improvements on many levels, in particular (1) an increased consideration of flood hazards in spatial planning and urban development, (2) comprehensive property-level mitigation and preparedness measures, (3) more effective flood warnings and improved coordination of disaster response, and (4) a more targeted maintenance of flood defense systems. In 2013, this led to more effective flood management and to a reduction of damage. Nevertheless, important aspects remain unclear and need to be clarified. This particularly holds for balanced and coordinated strategies for reducing and overcoming the impacts of flooding in large catchments, cross-border and interdisciplinary cooperation, the role of the general public in the different phases of flood risk management, as well as a transparent risk transfer system. Recurring flood events reveal that flood risk management is a continuous task. Hence, risk drivers, such as climate change, land-use changes, economic developments, or demographic change and the resultant risks must be investigated at regular intervals, and risk reduction strategies and processes must be reassessed as well as adapted and implemented in a dialogue with all stakeholders.}, language = {en} } @article{ThiekenKienzlerKreibichetal.2016, author = {Thieken, Annegret and Kienzler, Sarah and Kreibich, Heidi and Kuhlicke, Christian and Kunz, Michael and M{\"u}hr, Bernhard and M{\"u}ller, Meike and Otto, Antje and Petrow, Theresia and Pisi, Sebastian and Schr{\"o}ter, Kai}, title = {Review of the flood risk management system in Germany after the major flood in 2013}, series = {Ecology and society : E\&S ; a journal of integrative science for resilience and sustainability}, volume = {21}, journal = {Ecology and society : E\&S ; a journal of integrative science for resilience and sustainability}, number = {2}, publisher = {Resilience Alliance}, address = {Wolfville, NS}, issn = {1708-3087}, doi = {10.5751/ES-08547-210251}, pages = {12}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Widespread flooding in June 2013 caused damage costs of €6 to 8 billion in Germany, and awoke many memories of the floods in August 2002, which resulted in total damage of €11.6 billion and hence was the most expensive natural hazard event in Germany up to now. The event of 2002 does, however, also mark a reorientation toward an integrated flood risk management system in Germany. Therefore, the flood of 2013 offered the opportunity to review how the measures that politics, administration, and civil society have implemented since 2002 helped to cope with the flood and what still needs to be done to achieve effective and more integrated flood risk management. The review highlights considerable improvements on many levels, in particular (1) an increased consideration of flood hazards in spatial planning and urban development, (2) comprehensive property-level mitigation and preparedness measures, (3) more effective flood warnings and improved coordination of disaster response, and (4) a more targeted maintenance of flood defense systems. In 2013, this led to more effective flood management and to a reduction of damage. Nevertheless, important aspects remain unclear and need to be clarified. This particularly holds for balanced and coordinated strategies for reducing and overcoming the impacts of flooding in large catchments, cross-border and interdisciplinary cooperation, the role of the general public in the different phases of flood risk management, as well as a transparent risk transfer system. Recurring flood events reveal that flood risk management is a continuous task. Hence, risk drivers, such as climate change, land-use changes, economic developments, or demographic change and the resultant risks must be investigated at regular intervals, and risk reduction strategies and processes must be reassessed as well as adapted and implemented in a dialogue with all stakeholders.}, language = {en} } @misc{ThiekenKienzlerKreibichetal.2016, author = {Thieken, Annegret and Kienzler, Sarah and Kreibich, Heidi and Kuhlicke, Christian and Kunz, Michael and Muehr, Bernhard and Mueller, Meike and Otto, Antje and Petrow, Theresia and Pisi, Sebastian and Schroeter, Kai}, title = {Review of the flood risk management system in Germany after the major flood in 2013}, series = {Ecology and society : a journal of integrative science for resilience and sustainability}, volume = {21}, journal = {Ecology and society : a journal of integrative science for resilience and sustainability}, publisher = {Resilience Alliance}, address = {Wolfville}, issn = {1708-3087}, doi = {10.5751/ES-08547-210251}, pages = {8612 -- 8614}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Widespread flooding in June 2013 caused damage costs of (sic)6 to 8 billion in Germany, and awoke many memories of the floods in August 2002, which resulted in total damage of (sic)11.6 billion and hence was the most expensive natural hazard event in Germany up to now. The event of 2002 does, however, also mark a reorientation toward an integrated flood risk management system in Germany. Therefore, the flood of 2013 offered the opportunity to review how the measures that politics, administration, and civil society have implemented since 2002 helped to cope with the flood and what still needs to be done to achieve effective and more integrated flood risk management. The review highlights considerable improvements on many levels, in particular (1) an increased consideration of flood hazards in spatial planning and urban development, (2) comprehensive property-level mitigation and preparedness measures, (3) more effective flood warnings and improved coordination of disaster response, and (4) a more targeted maintenance of flood defense systems. In 2013, this led to more effective flood management and to a reduction of damage. Nevertheless, important aspects remain unclear and need to be clarified. This particularly holds for balanced and coordinated strategies for reducing and overcoming the impacts of flooding in large catchments, cross-border and interdisciplinary cooperation, the role of the general public in the different phases of flood risk management, as well as a transparent risk transfer system. Recurring flood events reveal that flood risk management is a continuous task. Hence, risk drivers, such as climate change, land-use changes, economic developments, or demographic change and the resultant risks must be investigated at regular intervals, and risk reduction strategies and processes must be reassessed as well as adapted and implemented in a dialogue with all stakeholders.}, language = {en} }