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Bevölkerungsmeinung und Elitendiskurs : die deutsche und die französische Debatte über den europäischen Verfassungsvertrag

Public opinion and elites in the German and French debate on the European Constitutional Treaty

  • The authors argue that the public opinion and the discourse of political elites differ significantly within the Franco-German debate on the Constitutional Treaty of the EU. Moreover, the article shows that the discussion reflects different conceptions of European politics. These differences lead to the claim that the co-operation and the leading role of Germany and France in the EU have to be re-defined. This has to occur in the context of a politicisation of European politics, which is crucial for the future of the enlarged European Union.

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Author details:Carina Sprungk, Sabine von Oppeln
Publication type:Postprint
Publication year:2005
Publishing institution:Universität Potsdam
Release date:2010/09/27
Tag:Deutschland; EU-Verfassungsvertrag; Europäische Union; Frankreich
EU-Constitutional Treaty; European Union; France; Germany
Source:WeltTrends - Zeitschrift für Internationale Politik, 48 (2005), S. 121 - 131
Organizational units:Extern / WeltTrends e.V. Potsdam
DDC classification:3 Sozialwissenschaften / 32 Politikwissenschaft / 320 Politikwissenschaft
Collection(s):Universität Potsdam / Zeitschriften / WeltTrends : Zeitschrift für internationale Politik, ISSN 0944-8101 / Internet Macht Politik 48 (2005)
License (German):License LogoKeine öffentliche Lizenz: Unter Urheberrechtsschutz
External remark:
In Printform erschienen bei WeltTrends e.V.:

Internet, Macht, Politik. - Potsdam : Welt-Trends, 2005. - 208 S. - (Welttrends; 13.2005, 48)
ISSN 0944-8101
ISBN 3-937786-42-2
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