Extrapolating satellite-based flood masks by one-class classification

  • Flood masks are among the most common remote sensing products, used for rapid crisis information and as input for hydraulic and impact models. Despite the high relevance of such products, vegetated and urban areas are still unreliably mapped and are sometimes even excluded from analysis. The information content of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images is limited in these areas due to the side-looking imaging geometry of radar sensors and complex interactions of the microwave signal with trees and urban structures. Classification from SAR data can only be optimized to reduce false positives, but cannot avoid false negatives in areas that are essentially unobservable to the sensor, for example, due to radar shadows, layover, speckle and other effects. We therefore propose to treat satellite-based flood masks as intermediate products with true positives, and unlabeled cells instead of negatives. This corresponds to the input of a positive-unlabeled (PU) learning one-class classifier (OCC). Assuming that flood extent is at least partiallyFlood masks are among the most common remote sensing products, used for rapid crisis information and as input for hydraulic and impact models. Despite the high relevance of such products, vegetated and urban areas are still unreliably mapped and are sometimes even excluded from analysis. The information content of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images is limited in these areas due to the side-looking imaging geometry of radar sensors and complex interactions of the microwave signal with trees and urban structures. Classification from SAR data can only be optimized to reduce false positives, but cannot avoid false negatives in areas that are essentially unobservable to the sensor, for example, due to radar shadows, layover, speckle and other effects. We therefore propose to treat satellite-based flood masks as intermediate products with true positives, and unlabeled cells instead of negatives. This corresponds to the input of a positive-unlabeled (PU) learning one-class classifier (OCC). Assuming that flood extent is at least partially explainable by topography, we present a novel procedure to estimate the true extent of the flood, given the initial mask, by using the satellite-based products as input to a PU OCC algorithm learned on topographic features. Additional rainfall data and distance to buildings had only minor effect on the models in our experiments. All three of the tested initial flood masks were considerably improved by the presented procedure, with obtainable increases in the overall kappa score ranging from 0.2 for a high quality initial mask to 0.7 in the best case for a standard emergency response product. An assessment of kappa for vegetated and urban areas separately shows that the performance in urban areas is still better when learning from a high quality initial mask.show moreshow less

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Author details:Fabio Alexander BrillORCiDGND, Stefan Schlaffer, Sandro MartinisORCiD, Kai SchröterORCiDGND, Heidi KreibichORCiDGND
Title of parent work (English):Remote sensing / Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI)
Subtitle (English):a test case in Houston
Publisher:Molecular Diversity Preservation International
Place of publishing:Basel
Publication type:Article
Date of first publication:2021/05/22
Publication year:2021
Release date:2024/09/30
Tag:extrapolation; flood mask; one-class classification; pu learning; topographic features; urban flood mapping
Article number:2042
Number of pages:24
Funding institution:German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)Federal Ministry of Education & Research (BMBF) [03G0876B]
Organizational units:Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät / Institut für Umweltwissenschaften und Geographie
DDC classification:6 Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften / 62 Ingenieurwissenschaften / 620 Ingenieurwissenschaften und zugeordnete Tätigkeiten
Peer review:Referiert
Publishing method:Open Access / Gold Open-Access
DOAJ gelistet
License (German):License LogoCC-BY - Namensnennung 4.0 International
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