An algorithm for linearizing the Collatz convergence

  • The Collatz dynamic is known to generate a complex quiver of sequences over natural numbers for which the inflation propensity remains so unpredictable it could be used to generate reliable proof-of-work algorithms for the cryptocurrency industry; it has so far resisted every attempt at linearizing its behavior. Here, we establish an ad hoc equivalent of modular arithmetics for Collatz sequences based on five arithmetic rules that we prove apply to the entire Collatz dynamical system and for which the iterations exactly define the full basin of attractions leading to any odd number. We further simulate these rules to gain insight into their quiver geometry and computational properties and observe that they linearize the proof of convergence of the full rows of the binary tree over odd numbers in their natural order, a result which, along with the full description of the basin of any odd number, has never been achieved before. We then provide two theoretical programs to explain why the five rules linearize Collatz convergence, oneThe Collatz dynamic is known to generate a complex quiver of sequences over natural numbers for which the inflation propensity remains so unpredictable it could be used to generate reliable proof-of-work algorithms for the cryptocurrency industry; it has so far resisted every attempt at linearizing its behavior. Here, we establish an ad hoc equivalent of modular arithmetics for Collatz sequences based on five arithmetic rules that we prove apply to the entire Collatz dynamical system and for which the iterations exactly define the full basin of attractions leading to any odd number. We further simulate these rules to gain insight into their quiver geometry and computational properties and observe that they linearize the proof of convergence of the full rows of the binary tree over odd numbers in their natural order, a result which, along with the full description of the basin of any odd number, has never been achieved before. We then provide two theoretical programs to explain why the five rules linearize Collatz convergence, one specifically dependent upon the Axiom of Choice and one on Peano moreshow less

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Author details:Alexander RahnORCiD, Eldar SultanowORCiDGND, Max HenkelORCiD, Sourangshu GhoshORCiD, Idriss J. Aberkane
Title of parent work (English):Mathematics : open access journal
Place of publishing:Basel
Publication type:Article
Date of first publication:2021/08/09
Publication year:2021
Release date:2024/09/30
Tag:Collatz sequence; Hydra game; Peano arithmetic; dynamical systems; modular arithmetic; non-ergodic systems
Article number:1898
Number of pages:32
Funding institution:Mohammed VI University, Morocco; Capgemini; Potsdam University; Nuremberg Institute of Technology; Strasbourg University
Organizational units:Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät / Wirtschaftswissenschaften / Fachgruppe Betriebswirtschaftslehre
DDC classification:5 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik / 51 Mathematik / 510 Mathematik
Peer review:Referiert
Publishing method:Open Access / Gold Open-Access
DOAJ gelistet
License (German):License LogoCC-BY - Namensnennung 4.0 International
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