The Celtic Englishes IV : the interface between english and the celtic languages ; proceedings of the fourth International Colloquium on the "Celtic Englishes" held at the University of Potsdam in Golm (Germany) from 22 - 26 September 2004

  • What is "Celtic"and what is universal in the "Celtic Englishes"? This was the central concern of the fourth and final Colloquium of studies on language contact between English and the Celtic languages at the University of Potsdam in September 2004. The contributions to this volume discuss the "Celtic" peculiarities of Standard English in England and in Ireland (North and South). They also examine the perceived "Celticity" of personal names in the "Celtic" countries (Ireland, Wales, Cornwall, Brittany). Moreover, they put emphasis on specific grammatical features such as the expression of perfectivity, relativity, intensification and the typological shift of verbal word formation from syntheticity to analycity as well as the emergence of universal contact trends shared by Celtic, African and Indian Englishes. Thus, the choice of contributors and the scope of their articles makes Celtic Englishes IV an invaluable handbook for scholarly work in the field of the English - Celtic relations.

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Publisher:Universitätsverlag Potsdam
Place of publishing:Potsdam
Editor(s):Hildegard L. C. Tristram
Publication type:Monograph/Edited Volume
Publication year:2006
Publishing institution:Universität Potsdam
Release date:2010/01/19
Number of pages:350
RVK - Regensburg classification:HF 540
Organizational units:Philosophische Fakultät / Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
DDC classification:4 Sprache / 42 Englisch, Altenglisch / 420 Englisch, Altenglisch
Collection(s):Universität Potsdam / Sammelwerke (nicht fortlaufend) / The Celtic Englishes IV / Gesamtwerk
Publishing method:Universitätsverlag Potsdam
License (German):License LogoKeine öffentliche Lizenz: Unter Urheberrechtsschutz
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Erste Auflage in Printform erschienen im Universitätsverlag Potsdam:

The Celtic Englishes IV : the interface between English and the Celtic languages ; proceedings of the fourth international colloquium on the "Celtic Englishes" held at the University of Potsdam in Golm (Germany) from 22-26 September 2004 / Hildegard L. C. Tristram (ed.). - Potsdam : Univ.-Verl., 2006. - 350 S.
ISBN 978-3-939469-06-3
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