Teacher gender-related influences in Greek schools

  • BACKGROUND. Although there is a wealth of empirical studies examining the effects and the correlates of student gender in school, teacher gender has rarely been a research focus. Since Greece is one of the few Western countries with an about equal percentage of male and female teachers at primary and secondary levels of public education, it offers itself as a well-suited context for exploring teacher gender-related influences. AIMS. The aim of the study was to examine gender-related differences in Greek classrooms focusing on teacher gender. It was hypothesised that due to the societal context clear gender effects could be detected. It was also assumed that teacher-student interaction patterns would be influenced by teacher gender not so much as a main effect but as interaction effects involving variables such as student gender, student achievement, grade, and teacher specialisation. Samples. The samples consisted of 1041 elementary school (mean age = 11.4 years) and 862 secondary school (mean age = 14.3 years) students in publicBACKGROUND. Although there is a wealth of empirical studies examining the effects and the correlates of student gender in school, teacher gender has rarely been a research focus. Since Greece is one of the few Western countries with an about equal percentage of male and female teachers at primary and secondary levels of public education, it offers itself as a well-suited context for exploring teacher gender-related influences. AIMS. The aim of the study was to examine gender-related differences in Greek classrooms focusing on teacher gender. It was hypothesised that due to the societal context clear gender effects could be detected. It was also assumed that teacher-student interaction patterns would be influenced by teacher gender not so much as a main effect but as interaction effects involving variables such as student gender, student achievement, grade, and teacher specialisation. Samples. The samples consisted of 1041 elementary school (mean age = 11.4 years) and 862 secondary school (mean age = 14.3 years) students in public schools in Greece. METHODS. A multi-informant and multiperspective approach to academic and psychosocial competence was used, involving teacher, peer, and self-ratings. Achievement data were also obtained. RESULTS. Several significant teacher gender differences were found in teachers' assessment of students' competence at both age groups. Furthermore, various domains of children's self-concept were found to be different in classes of female and male teachers. CONCLUSIONS. The findings indicate the need to use teacher gender as a relevant variable in future research.show moreshow less

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Author details:Diether Hopf, Chryse Hatzichristou
Publication series (Volume number):Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe (paper 144)
Publication type:Postprint
Publication year:1999
Publishing institution:Universität Potsdam
Release date:2009/12/21
Source:British Journal of Educational Psychology 68 (1999) 1, S. 1-18, ISSN 0007-0998
Organizational units:Humanwissenschaftliche Fakultät / Strukturbereich Bildungswissenschaften / Department Erziehungswissenschaft
DDC classification:3 Sozialwissenschaften / 37 Bildung und Erziehung / 370 Bildung und Erziehung
Institution name at the time of the publication:Humanwissenschaftliche Fakultät / Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft
License (German):License LogoKeine öffentliche Lizenz: Unter Urheberrechtsschutz
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