TY - JOUR A1 - Schinköth, Michaela A1 - Brand, Ralf T1 - Automatic associations and the affective valuation of exercise BT - disentangling the type-1 process of the affective–reflective theory of physical inactivity and exercise JF - German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research N2 - The decision to exercise is not only bound to rational considerations but also automatic affective processes. The affective–reflective theory of physical inactivity and exercise (ART) proposes a theoretical framework for explaining how the automatic affective process (type‑1 process) will influence exercise behavior, i.e., through the automatic activation of exercise-related associations and a subsequent affective valuation of exercise. This study aimed to empirically test this assumption of the ART with data from 69 study participants. A single-measurement study, including within-subject experimental variation, was conducted. Automatic associations with exercise were first measured with a single-target implicit association test. The somato-affective core of the participants’ automatic valuation of exercise-related pictures was then assessed via heart rate variability (HRV) analysis, and the affective valence of the valuation was tested with a facial expression (FE; smile and frown) task. Exercise behavior was assessed via self-report. Multiple regression (path) analysis revealed that automatic associations predicted HRV reactivity (β = −0.24, p = .044); the signs of the correlation between automatic associations and the smile FE score was in the expected direction but remained nonsignificant (β = −0.21, p = .078). HRV reactivity predicted self-reported exercise behavior (β = −0.28, p = .013) (the same pattern of results was achieved for the frown FE score). The HRV-related results illustrate the potential role of automatic negative affective reactions to the thought of exercise as a restraining force in exercise motivation. For better empirical distinction between the two ART type‑1 process components, automatic associations and the affective valuation should perhaps be measured separately in the future. The results support the notion that automatic and affective processes should be regarded as essential aspects of the motivation to exercise. KW - Heart rate variability KW - Facial expression KW - Somatic KW - Dual-process KW - Motivation Y1 - 2019 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s12662-020-00664-9 SN - 2509-3150 SN - 2509-3142 VL - 50 IS - 654 SP - 366 EP - 376 PB - Springer CY - Berlin ; Heidelberg ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hadzic, Miralem A1 - Eichler, Sarah A1 - Völler, Heinz A1 - Salzwedel, Annett T1 - Akzeptanz und Nutzung eines telemedizinischen Rehabilitationsprogramms für Patienten mit Knie- oder Hüft-Totalendoprothese JF - Bewegungstherapie und Gesundheitssport : B & G ; offizielles Organ des Deutschen Verbandes für Gesundheitssport und Sporttherapie e.V. (DVGS) N2 - Objective of the study: The long-term use of telemedical programs depends not only on their effectiveness, but also on patient acceptance and satisfaction. The effectiveness of telemedical exercise therapy for patients after implantation of a total knee or hip prosthesis and subsequent rehabilitation has already been examined in a randomized controlled study. This article focuses on the patient's acceptance and usage behaviour with regard to the tele-rehabilitation system. Methodology: 48 patients (53 +/- 7 years; 26 women; 35 hip/13 knee TEP) were questioned after a three-month telemedical movement therapy using the Telehealth Usability Questionnaire (TUQ) to determine the acceptance of the technology. The questionnaire consisted of 21 items (seven-point Likert scale) in six scales (e. g. usefulness, quality of interactions, reliability). System-specific questions were summarized on an additional scale. The results were presented as a percentage of the scale (100 estimates complete agreement). The usage behaviour was examined using system-generated process data for training and integrated voice/text messages. Results: The TUQ scales "Usefulness" (Mdn 95.2) and "Ease of use and learnability" (Mdn 92.9) were rated the highest, while "Reliability" (Mdn 57.1) and "Quality of interactions" ( Mdn 71.4) showed the lowest levels. The system-specific scale was placed in the upper quartile (Mdn 85.7). In the first week, 39 patients (81%) and in the second 45 patients (94%) performed at least one training exercise with the system. The proportion of active patients (>= 1 exercise/week) decreased in the further course to 75% (n=36) in the 7th week and 48% (n=23) in the 12th week. The system communication options were initially used frequently after the start of therapy: in the first week, 42 patients (88%) sent messages, 47 patients (98%) received messages from their therapist respectively. In week 7, 9 (19%) and 13 (27%) patients sent/received messages via the system respectively. Conclusion: Most of the patients perceived telemedical movement therapy as useful and user-friendly and seemed to be largely satisfied with the system. This proved to be well suited for short-term use of 6 to 8 weeks following subsequent rehabilitation. N2 - Ziel der Studie: Die langfristige Nutzung telemedizinischer Angebote hängt nicht nur von deren Wirksamkeit, sondern auch von der Akzeptanz und Zufriedenheit der Patienten ab. Für eine telemedizinische Bewegungstherapie für Patienten nach Implantation einer Knie- oder Hüft-Totalendoprothese und erfolgter Anschlussrehabilitation wurde die Wirksamkeit bereits in einer randomisiert kontrollierten Studie untersucht. Dieser Beitrag fokussiert die Akzeptanz und das Nutzungsverhalten der Patienten hinsichtlich des eingesetzten telerehabilitativen Systems. Methodik: Zur Erfassung der Technikakzeptanz wurden 48 Patienten (53±7 Jahre; 26 Frauen; 35 Hüft-/13 Knie-TEP) im Anschluss an eine dreimonatige telemedizinische Bewegungstherapie mittels des Telehealth Usability Questionnaire befragt. Der Fragebogen besteht aus 21 Items (siebenstufige Likert-Skala) in sechs Skalen (z. B. Nützlichkeit, Qualität der Interaktionen, Verlässlichkeit). In einer zusätzlichen Skala wurden systemspezifische Fragen zusammengefasst. Die Ergebnisse wurden als Skalenprozent (100 ≙ vollkommene Zustimmung) dargestellt. Das Nutzungsverhalten wurde anhand systemgenerierter Prozessdaten zum Training sowie zu integrierten Sprach-/Textnachrichten untersucht. Ergebnisse: Die TUQ-Skalen „Nützlichkeit“ (Mdn 95,2) sowie „Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Erlernbarkeit“ (Mdn 92,9) wurden am höchsten bewertet, während die „Verlässlichkeit“ (Mdn 57,1) und „Qualität der Interaktionen“ (Mdn 71,4) die geringsten Ausprägungen zeigten. Die systemspezifische Skala wurde im oberen Quartil eingeordnet (Mdn 85,7). In der ersten Woche führten 39 Patienten (81%), in der zweiten 45 Patienten (94%) mindestens eine Trainingsübung mit dem System durch. Der Anteil aktiver Patienten (≥1 Übung/Woche) reduzierte sich im weiteren Verlauf auf 75% (n=36) in der 7. Woche und 48% (n=23) in der 12. Woche. Die systemeigenen Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten wurden nach Therapiestart zunächst häufig genutzt: in der ersten Woche sendeten 42 Patienten (88%) Nachrichten, 47 Patienten (98%) erhielten Nachrichten von ihrem Therapeuten. In der 7. Woche sendeten/erhielten 9 (19%) bzw. 13 (27%) Patienten Nachrichten über das System. Schlussfolgerung: Die Patienten nahmen die telemedizinische Bewegungstherapie überwiegend als nützlich und benutzerfreundlich wahr und schienen im Wesentlichen mit dem System zufrieden, das sich damit für den kurzfristigen Einsatz von 6 bis 8 Wochen im Anschluss an eine Anschlussrehabilitation als gut geeignet zeigte. T2 - Acceptance and use of a telemedical rehabilitation program for patients with total knee or hip replacement KW - Telemedicine KW - tele-rehabilitation KW - acceptance KW - use KW - orthopaedic KW - rehabilitation KW - Telemedizin KW - Telerehabilitation KW - Akzeptanz KW - Nutzung KW - orthopädische Rehabilitation Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1055/a-1714-3629 SN - 1613-0863 SN - 1613-3269 VL - 38 IS - 01 SP - 20 EP - 25 PB - Thieme CY - Stuttgart ER - TY - THES A1 - Gutschow, Ivonne T1 - Auswirkungen des Cellvas-Mikrostromverfahrens auf die Leistungsfähigkeit bei Sportlern : Analyse möglicher Effekte auf ausgewählte psycho-physische Belastungsparameter im Leistungssport T1 - Cellvas effects of micro current system to the performance of athletes : analysis of possible effects on selected psycho-physical stress parameters in competitive N2 - Hohe Leistungsansprüche im Wettkampfsport erfordern von den Athleten eine hohe sportliche Belastbarkeit. Möglichkeiten die Trainingsumfänge und -intensitäten zu erhöhen, sind z.T. ausgeschöpft. So bestehen nach wie vor Bestrebungen neue Wege zu finden, um mögliche Leistungsreserven zu erschließen. Elektrotherapieverfahren haben sich im klinischen Alltag, u.a. zur Behandlung von Traumata, bewährt und werden häufig zum Zweck der Analgesierung, Verbesserung der Gewebedurchblutung und zur Muskelstimulation angewandt. Deren Einsatz im adjuvanten Bereich der Trainingsbegleitung wurde bislang nur vereinzelt beschrieben. In der vorliegenden Studie wurden die Auswirkungen einer elektromagnetischen Anwendungsform auf ausgewählte psycho-physische Parameter untersucht (Kontrollgruppenvergleich mit placebokontrolliertem Design), um Aussagen über praxisrelevante Ansätze zur trainingsunterstützenden Betreuung abzuleiten. Es stellte sich die Frage, ob eine Intervention (15 x / 4 Wo.) mit frequenzmodulierten Wechselströmen im vorwiegend niederfrequenten Wirkungsspektrum (0-10000Hz, 5 μA / cm², CellVAS®) zu einer Beeinflussung der untersuchten Parameter führen und dahingehend nachhaltige leistungsfördernde oder -reduzierende Effekte erzielt werden könnten. Des Weiteren sollte geprüft werden, inwiefen die erhobenen Parameter (PWC170, Squat-Jump, Lateralflexion der Wirbelsäule und SF36®) aussagekräftig genug sind. Die Wirksamkeit des Applikationsform wurde im Prä-Post-Vergleich vor (T1), nach (T2) und 4 Wo. nach Abschluss (T3, Nachhaltigkeit) der Intervention analysiert. Die Teilnehmer der Kontrollgruppe erhielten vergleichbare Applikationen im Placebomodus. Das Probandenkollektiv bestand aus gesunden Leistungssportlern, deren Sportarten einen hohen Kraftausdaueranteil enthielten (n=127). Die Gruppenzuteilung erfolgte teilrandomisiert in Haupt- (HG) und Kontrollgruppe (KG). Zudem wurden die Gruppen zusätzlich geschlechtsspezifisch getrennt. Im Untersuchungsverlauf ließen sich Veränderungen für die Leistungsparameter PWC170 und Squat Jump erkennen. Inwiefern diese Abweichungen auf den Einfluss der Intervention mit frequenzmodulierten Wechselströmen im niederfrequenten Wirkungsspektrum zurückzuführen sind, konnte in dieser Untersuchung nicht eindeutig geklärt werden. Die nachgewiesenen Effekte ließen sich nach den zu Grunde liegenden wissenschaftlichen Standards nicht statistisch valide belegen. Der wissenschaftliche Nachweis einer mögliche Leistungsveränderung konnte nicht abschließend erbracht werden. Im therapeutischen Bereich hat die untersuchte Applikationsform, auf Basis der bestehen Studienlage, ihre Anwendung gefunden und kann bedenkenlos verwendet werden. Für den Einsatz als unterstützendes Verfahren in der sportlichen Praxis besteht nach wie vor Bedarf an validen, randomisierten Studien, die die Wirksamkeit der Applikationsform auf psycho-physische Parameter von Athleten nachhaltig belegen, bevor sie in der sportlichen Praxis Anwendung finden sollten. N2 - High performance requirements in competitive sports require the athlete a high level of aerobic fitness. The training opportunities and scopes intensities increase, are z.T. exhausted. To persist The attempt to find new ways to potential performance reserves additional market opportunities. Electrotherapy procedures have been in clinical practice, including to treatment of trauma, and are often proved for the purpose of analgesia, improvement of tissue perfusion and muscle stimulation applied. Their use in the field of adjuvant training support has so far been described only sporadically. In the present study, the effects were a electromagnetic application form on selected psycho-physical parameters examined (control group compared with placebo-controlled design) to statements about practical approaches to derive training support care. It turned the whether an intervention (15 x / 4 wk) with frequency currents in predominantly low-spectrum (0-10000Hz, 5 uA / cm ², CellVAS ®) to influence the parameters investigated, and so lead sustainable performance-enhancing or-reducing effects could be achieved. It should also be examined to what extent the parameters collected (PWC170, squat-jump, lateral flexion of the spine and SF36 ®) meaningful enough. The effectiveness of the application form was in the pre-post comparison before (T1), after (T2) and 4 wk) after (T3, sustainability of intervention analysis. The participants in the control group received similar applications in the placebo mode. The group consisted of healthy volunteers, athletes, whose endurance sports a high proportion of included (n = 127). The group allocation was partially randomizedin in main-(HG) and ontrol group (KG). In addition, the groups were additionally gender separately. In the course of the investigation could be changes for the performance parameters and PWC170 Squat Jump recognize. How far this Deviations on the impact of the intervention with frequency Due to currents in the low frequency spectrum are, could not be clarified clearly in this study. The effects could be detected by the underlying academic standards show not statistically valid. The scientific evidence of a possible change in performance could not be finally delivered. In the therapeutic range has examined the application form, are based on the Study location, found their application and can be safely used will. For use as a supportive procedure in the sports practice, there remains a need for valid, randomized studies evaluating the effectiveness of the application form on psycho-physical parameters of athletes demonstrate a sustained before Refer to the athletic practice should apply. KW - Mikrostrom KW - Cellvas KW - sportliche Leistungsfähigkeit KW - micro current KW - cellvas KW - psycho-physical parameters Y1 - 2009 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-40224 ER - TY - THES A1 - Barsuhn, Michael T1 - Sportentwicklungsplanung als ein strategisches Steuerungsinstrument für kommunale Sportveranstaltungen BT - empirische Bedarfsermittlung für ein Studiengangmodell "Kommunale Sportentwicklungsplanung" T2 - Schriften zur Körperkultur ; 79 Y1 - 2016 SN - 978-3-643-13525-4 PB - Lit CY - Berlin ER - TY - THES A1 - Schlünz, Uwe T1 - Vergleich der Effektivität von rehabilitativen Trainingsformen im Wasser zu herkömmlichen Maßnahmen bei Patienten mit Low Back Pain N2 - Die wachsenden Kosten für die Behandlung chronischer lumbaler Rückenschmerzen stehen zunehmend in Diskrepanz mit den begrenzten Mitteln für das Gesundheitswesen. Untersuchungen zeigen, dass aktive Trainingsprogramme, je früher sie eingesetzt werden, einen positiven Einfluss auf die Senkung von Kosten für die Gesellschaft haben. Ein rechtzeitiger Einsatz der medizinischen Kräftigungstherapie bei Rückenschmerzpatienten ist somit unter rehabilitativen Gesichtspunkten notwendig. Insbesondere das Training im Wasser gestattet gelenkschonende Übungen in frühen Phasen der Rehabilitation und lassen eine raschere Wiederherstellung erwarten. Über die körperlichen Auswirkungen therapeutischer Trainingsmaßnahmen im Wasser sind bis dato wenige Studien verfügbar, welche die Wirkung des Mediums Wasser auf konditionelle Parameter objektiv quantifizieren und bewerten. Jedoch sind bislang die Möglichkeiten für ein gezieltes Krafttraining im Wasser begrenzt. Eine gerätetechnische Entwicklung, die ein rumpfstabilisierendes Krafttraining im Warmwasser ermöglicht, lässt im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Trainingsmöglichkeiten eine noch effizientere rehabilitative Behandlung erwarten. Es wird die Fragestellung verfolgt, inwieweit aktive Trainingsformen im Wasser die Maximalkraft und die neuromuskuläre Funktion der Rumpfmuskulatur, sowie den Schmerz von Rückenpatienten beeinflussen. Ferner soll im Rahmen der Untersuchungen die Effektivität eines neu entwickelten Wassertrainingsgerätes geprüft werden. Die Untersuchungen der Ergebnisse von 80 weiblichen Probanden (in fünf Gruppen aufgeteilt: Kontrollgruppe, Aquajogging, Aquarücken, Aquagerät und Rückengymnastik an Land) zeigen, dass durch aktive Interventionsmaßnahmen eine Verbesserung der Kraftfähigkeit und eine Reduzierung von Schmerzen erzielt werden kann. Hingegen kommt es in der Kontrollgruppe, ohne Trainingsanwendungen, zur Stagnation des chronischen Schmerzzustandes, sogar zur Verschlechterung der Kraftentwicklung der Rückenstreckmuskulatur. In allen Trainingsgruppen konnten kurzfristig und mittelfristig weniger Muskelfunktionsstörungen nachgewiesen werden. Bei Betrachtung der Kraftentwicklung der unteren Rumpfmuskulatur fällt auf, dass die höchsten Zuwächse der Bauchmuskelkraft in den Gruppen Aquarücken und Aquagerät festzustellen sind. Die Kraft der Rückenstreckermuskulatur entwickelte sich in der Gruppe Aquagerät mit einer Steigerung von 55% nach der Intervention am stärksten. Es kann die Hypothese aufgestellt werden, dass das Training im warmen Wasser unter stabilisierten Voraussetzungen eine effizientere Methode zur Stärkung der unteren Rumpfmuskulatur zu sein scheint. Bei der Entwicklung der Kraft der oberen Rücken- und Schultergürtelmuskulatur kommt es in den Gruppen Aquajogging und Aquarücken zu den größten Steigerungen. Dies könnte mit der höheren Aktivität der Arme im Übungsprogramm zusammenhängen. Positiv ist die hohe Reduzierung der Schmerzen in allen Trainingsgruppen zu bewerten. Jedoch ist bei Betrachtung der Ergebnisse festzustellen, dass für eine weitere Manifestierung der Trainingserfolge ein weiterführendes Training bedeutsam ist. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie belegen, dass durch ein gezieltes Training im Wasser und an Land über 6 Wochen, je zweimal pro Woche, deutliche Verbesserungen in der Entwicklung von Kraft, Schmerzintensität, Funktionseinschränkung und Muskelfunktion möglich sind. Ferner werden in dieser Arbeit positive Zusammenhänge zwischen den Entwicklungen Schmerzintensität und Rückenstreckerkraft, sowie Schmerzintensität und Bauchmuskelkraft beobachtet. Zwischen den Versuchsgruppen im Wasser und der Versuchsgruppe an Land konnten nur geringe Unterschiede in den Ergebnissen nachgewiesen werden. Jedoch geben die Resultate Hinweis darauf, dass bei höheren Schmerzintensitäten die Intervention im Wasser die Therapie der Wahl zu sein scheint. Die Resultate dieser Untersuchungen machen deutlich, dass der Einsatz eines Wassertrainingsgerätes in der Therapie chronischer Rückenschmerzpatienten eine effiziente Methode zur Senkung von Schmerzen und zur Steigerung der Kraft der Rücken- und Bauchmuskulatur ist. Vorteile des Wassertraingsgerätes sind die gute Stabilisation des Beckens, trotz auftriebswirksamer Mechanismen im Wasser, die bedienerfreundliche Handhabung, der separat einstellbare Widerstand, die schnellen Therapieerfolge und die hohe Motivation der Kursteilnehmer. Diese Beobachtungen lassen eine effizientere Therapie und damit Kostenersparnisse vermuten. Nachteile sind das hohe Gewicht des Wassertraingsgerätes und die relativ hohen Anschaffungskosten. Die hohe Reduzierung der Schmerzintensität bei den Probanden, die am Wassertrainingsgerät Interventionen durchführten, lassen vermuten, dass diese Geräteanwendungen für Patienten mit sehr schmerzhaften oder subakuten Verlaufsformen besonders geeignet ist. Der schonende Charakter der Aquatherapie und der Einsatz eines neuen Wassertrainingsgerätes unterstützt in effektiver Weise die modernen Konzepte der Rehabilitation chronischer Rückenschmerzpatienten. N2 - Question: Aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of different aquatic exercise programmes on trunk strength, pain level, neuromuscular function and functional ability for patients with low back pain. Another aim was to construct and implement of a new aquatic exercise machine. Methods: 80 female subjects aged from 25 to 45 years with low back pain were randomized into a control group or one of the following training groups: aqua jogging, aqua gymnastics, aqua machine and gymnastics on land. The four training groups took part in a muscle strengthening program two times a week over 6 weeks. The control group did not receive any alternative physiotherapeutic treatment. All groups were tested at the beginning, after 6 weeks and 4 months later. Results: The data obtained for the control group remained unchanged over all periods of investigation. The isometric maximum of trunk strength improved significantly in all exercise groups. Furthermore it was to be seen that there were less malfunction in all training groups after 6 weeks. The most significant improvements are in the exercise machine group concerning reduction of pain level and increase strength of lumbar extension. Conclusions: The results of this study should be viewed as encouraging. The aquatic exercise machine is to be seen as an effective complement of treatment for low back pain. KW - chronische Rückenschmerzen ; Aquatraining ; Rumpfkraft ; Wassertrainingsgerät ; Wirksamkeit KW - low back pain ; aquatic exercise machine ; trunk strength ; pain level ; effectiveness Y1 - 2002 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0000749 ER - TY - THES A1 - Lück-Schneider, Dagmar T1 - Sportberufe im Kontext neuerer Sportentwicklungen : Analyse öffentlicher Arbeitsmarktdaten (1997-2006) T1 - Sports-related occupations and career-paths : analysis of publicly accessible employment data (1997-2006) N2 - Expansion und Pluralisierung des Sports lassen sich auch in öffentlichen Arbeitsmarktstatistiken nachweisen. Dies zeigen Analysen öffentlich eingesetzter Berufsverzeichnisse ab 1927 sowie Beschäftigungsdaten, Arbeitslosenzahlen und Daten zu offen gemeldeten Stellen der Bundesagentur für Arbeit. Diese wurden für eine Vielzahl von Sportberufen ab 1997 erstmals ausgewertet. Die Bedeutung von Sportberufen in Berufsverzeichnissen ist gewachsen. Neue Berufe fanden bei entsprechender Arbeitsmarktbedeutung Eingang in die Verzeichnisse. Vereinzelt zeigen sich auch neuere Sporttrends. Ferner gab es seit 1999 eine außergewöhnliche Zunahme geringfügig Beschäftigter in allen betrachteten Berufsordnungen mit Sportberufen, teils auch eine Zunahme der sozialversicherungspflichtig Beschäftigten. Fast ausnahmslos waren die Entwicklungen in beiden Beschäftigungsarten in den untersuchten Berufsordnungen weit günstiger als im übergeordneten Berufsumfeld. Für den überwiegenden Teil der Sportberufe ergab sich ein solches Ergebnis auch bei Betrachtung der Arbeitslosenzahlen, die von Anfang 1998 bis Ende 2004 ausgewertet wurden. Demgegenüber wurden der Bundesagentur für Arbeit für fast alle sportbezogenen Berufsklassen 2006 weniger offene ungeförderte Stellen gemeldet als noch 2000. Diese Entwicklung war jedoch nicht ausschließlich für die Berufsklassen im Sport zu beobachten. So sprechen die Ergebnisse zumindest für eine vergleichsweise gute Arbeitsmarktentwicklung in den meisten untersuchten Sportberufen. Die große Zunahme geringfügiger Beschäftigung zeigt aber, dass hier vor allem keine als Haupterwerbsquelle geeigneten Beschäftigungen entstanden sind. Dies reduziert zugleich die Chancen, mit diesen Berufen Arbeitslosigkeit zu reduzieren. N2 - The expansion and increasing pluralism in the field of sports-related occupations and career-paths are both evident in the official labour market statistics. This view is supported by the analysis of publicly accessible career indexes since 1927, as well as employment data of the German Federal Employment Agency. The latter first evaluated occupations associated with sports from 1997 onwards. The public standing or recognition of occupations and career paths in the field of sports has since increased substantially. New occupations found their way into career indexes and there are also a growing number of new sports trends. Furthermore there has been an extraordinary increase in the field of part-time or low-income employment in the field of sport. A more moderate increase in the number of full-time positions has been noticed. This was also supported by the analysis of employment data covering the years from 1998 to 2004. In contrast, the Federal Employment Agency registered fewer open positions during 2006 than in 2000. This development was, however, not only observed in the field of sports associated occupations. Consequently the results suggest a comparatively positive labour market development for sports occupations. Yet, the great increase among the part-time and low-income positions indicates that almost no full-time, high-income positions have been generated. This simultaneously reduces the chances of reducing unemployment through promoting such occupations and careers. KW - Sport KW - Arbeitsmarkt KW - Berufe KW - Entwicklungen KW - sports KW - employment KW - development Y1 - 2007 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-18420 ER - TY - BOOK ED - Wick, Ditmar ED - Golle, Kathleen ED - Ohlert, Henning T1 - Körperliche und motorische Entwicklung Brandenburger Grundschüler im Längsschnitt : Ergebnisse der EMOTIKON-Studie 2006-2010 N2 - EMOTIKON-Studie benannte als Kurzform des Forschungsvorhabens zur “Interdisziplinäre(n) Evaluierung der motorischen Leistungsfähigkeit und des Gesundheitszustandes im Kontext sportlicher Eignung und Effizienz des Sportunterrichtes von GrundschülerInnen im Land Brandenburg“. Die Längsschnittstudie wurde durch den Arbeitsbereich Trainings- und Bewegungswissenschaft der Universität Potsdam, unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Ditmar Wick, an 29 Grundschulen der Schulämter Brandenburg/ Havel und Cottbus von 2006 bis 2010 realisiert. Mit der vorliegenden Publikation werden die Ergebnisse und deren Zusammenhänge zur Entwicklung der motorischen Leistungsfähigkeit, des Körperbaus, der Bewegungsaktivität und der Einschätzung des Sportunterrichts mit einführenden theoretischen Grundlagen und dem aktuellen nationalen Forschungsstand referiert. Die Autoren sind überzeugt, dass dieser Abschlussbericht nicht nur das Interesse der im aktuellen Forschungsprojekt „EMOTIKON-Grundschulsport 2010-2014“ involvierten Brandenburger Grundschulsportlehrer wecken wird, sondern auch den politischen Entscheidungsträgern (Schulämter, Ministerien) eine Entscheidungshilfe bieten als auch den Diskussionsprozess der im Themengebiet forschenden Wissenschaftler anregen kann. Diese Überzeugung gründet sich insbesondere auf die Ergebnisse zur körperlich-sportlichen Bewegungsaktivität der Dritt- bis Sechstklässler sowie der Analyse motorischer Leistung in Abhängigkeit von Geschlecht und soziodemografischen Gegebenheiten. KW - körperliche Leistungsfähigkeit KW - Längsschnittstudie KW - Grundschüler KW - motorische Tests KW - Sportunterricht KW - physical performance KW - longitudinal study KW - elementary pupils KW - motor tests KW - physical education Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-62879 SN - 978-3-86956-049-6 PB - Universitätsverlag Potsdam CY - Potsdam ER - TY - THES A1 - Borković, Vladimir T1 - Evaluation kommunaler Sportprojekte zur sozialen Integration von Heranwachsenden T1 - Evaluation of community sports projects focusing on the social integration of adolescents N2 - Gegenstand der Studie ist die Evaluation eines kommunalen Sportprojekts. Die Forschungsarbeit entstand aus der wachsenden Erkenntnis heraus, dass es nicht mehr nur um die Entwicklung und Durchführung kommunaler oder sozialer Projekte geht, sondern zunehmend darauf ankommt, die Projektarbeit zu evaluieren, um ihren Einfluss auf die kommunale, soziale und personale Entwicklung zu prüfen und in der Folge die Implementierung zu optimieren. Die unterschiedlichen Schritte in der Definition des theoretischen Rahmens, der Datenanalyse sowie der Erarbeitung der evaluativen Empfehlungen wurden unternommen mit dem Anspruch auf Modellcharakter, um für zukünftige Evaluationsvorhaben entsprechende Standards zu setzen. Die Grundidee des kommunalen Sportprojekts „Straßenfußball für Toleranz“ ist innovativ: Mädchen und Jungen erobern durch gemeinsames Fußballspielen den öffentlichen Raum. Sie spielen ohne Schiedsrichter und nach speziellen Regeln. Das Projekt richtet sich ausdrücklich an sozial benachteiligte Jugendliche und bezieht gleichermaßen Jungen wie Mädchen ein. N2 - The objective of the study is the evaluation of a community sports project. The thesis originated from the growing perception that it is not only about initiating and implementing a communal or social project but that the focus is increasingly also on the evaluation of the project work in order to measure its impact on communal, social and personal development and to optimise the implementation as a consequence. The different steps in the definition of the theoretical framework, the data analysis as well as the formulation of the evaluative recommendations were conducted with the pretension to set standards for future evaluation projects. The basic concept of the community sports project “Street Football for Tolerance” is innovative: boys and girls jointly conquer public spaces by playing football. They play without a referee and according to special rules. The project explicitly reaches out to socially disadvantaged adolescents, with the aim that boys and girls are equally involved. KW - Evaluation KW - Sozialisation KW - soziale Integration KW - Straßenfußball KW - evaluation KW - socialisation KW - social integration KW - street football Y1 - 2010 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-48186 SN - 978-3-86956-051-9 PB - Universitätsverlag Potsdam CY - Potsdam ER - TY - GEN A1 - Schweizer, Geoffrey A1 - Bluemke, Matthias A1 - Brand, Ralf A1 - Kahlert, Daniela T1 - Exercise might be good for me, but I don't feel good about it : do automatic associations predict exercise behavior? N2 - Models employed in exercise psychology highlight the role of reflective processes for explaining behavior change. However, as discussed in social cognition literature, information-processing models also consider automatic processes (dual-process models). To examine the relevance of automatic processing in exercise psychology, we used a priming task to assess the automatic evaluations of exercise stimuli in physically active sport and exercise majors (n = 32), physically active nonsport majors (n = 31), and inactive students (n = 31). Results showed that physically active students responded faster to positive words after exercise primes, whereas inactive students responded more rapidly to negative words. Priming task reaction times were successfully used to predict reported amounts of exercise in an ordinal regression model. Findings were obtained only with experiential items reflecting negative and positive consequences of exercise. The results illustrate the potential importance of dual-process models in exercise psychology. T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe - paper 178 KW - exercise KW - health behavior KW - automatic processes KW - evaluative priming KW - affective priming Y1 - 2010 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-42510 ER - TY - THES A1 - Bügner, Jörg T1 - Nichtlineare Methoden in der trainingswissenschaftlichen Diagnostik : mit Untersuchungen aus dem Schwimmsport T1 - Nonlinear methods for diagnostic purposes in training science N2 - Die trainingswissenschaftliche Diagnostik in den Kernbereichen Training, Wettkampf und Leistungsfähigkeit ist durch einen hohen Praxisbezug, eine ausgeprägte strukturelle Komplexität und vielseitige Wechselwirkungen der sportwissenschaftlichen Teilgebiete geprägt. Diese Eigenschaften haben in der Vergangenheit dazu geführt, dass zentrale Fragestellungen, wie beispielsweise die Maximierung der sportlichen Leistungsfähigkeit, eine ökonomische Trainingsgestaltung, eine effektive Talentauswahl und -sichtung oder die Modellbildung noch nicht vollständig gelöst werden konnten. Neben den bereits vorhandenen linearen Lösungsansätzen werden in dieser Arbeit Methoden aus dem Bereich der Neuronalen Netzwerke eingesetzt. Diese nichtlinearen Diagnoseverfahren sind besonders geeignet für die Analyse von Prozessabläufen, wie sie beispielsweise im Training vorliegen. Im theoretischen Teil werden zunächst Gemeinsamkeiten, Abhängigkeiten und Unterschiede in den Bereichen Training, Wettkampf und Leistungsfähigkeit untersucht sowie die Brücke zwischen trainingswissenschaftlicher Diagnostik und nichtlinearen Verfahren über die Begriffe der Interdisziplinarität und Integrativität geschlagen. Angelehnt an die Theorie der Neuronalen Netze werden anschließend die Grundlagenmodelle Perzeptron, Multilayer-Perzeptron und Selbstorganisierende Karten theoretisch erläutert. Im empirischen Teil stehen dann die nichtlineare Analyse von personalen Anforderungsstrukturen, Zustände der sportlichen Form und die Prognose sportlichen Talents - allesamt bei jugendlichen Leistungsschwimmerinnen und -schwimmern - im Mittelpunkt. Die nichtlinearen Methoden werden dabei einerseits auf ihre wissenschaftliche Aussagekraft überprüft, andererseits untereinander sowie mit linearen Verfahren verglichen. N2 - The diagnostic methods in training science concentrate on the core areas of training, competition, and performance. The methods commonly used are characterized by a high degree of practical applicability and distinct structural complexity. These characteristics have led to the question which scientific methods fit best for resolving problems like, for example, the optimization of athletic performance, efficient planning and monitoring of training processes, effective talent screening, selection and development, or the formation of analytical models. All these questions have not yet been answered sufficiently. Aside from the traditional mathematical approaches on the basis of the linear model, nonlinear methods in the field of neural networks are used in this dissertation. These nonlinear diagnostic methods are especially suitable for the analysis of coherent patterns in time series such as training processes. In the theoretical part of the dissertation, common aspects, mutual dependencies, and differences between training, competition, and performance are examined. In this context, a bridge is built between the diagnostic purposes in these fields and suitable nonlinear methods. Along the lines of the neural networks theory, the basic models Perceptron, Multilayer-Perceptron, and Self-Organizing Feature Maps are subsequently elucidated. In the empirical part of the thesis, three studies conducted with top level adolescent swimmers are presented that focus on the nonlinear analysis of personal athletic ability structures, different states of athletic shape, and the prognosis of athletic talent. The nonlinear methods are thus examined as to how worthwhile they are for analytical purposes in training science on the one hand, and they are compared to each other as well as to linear methods on the other hand. KW - Neuronales Netz KW - Längsschnittuntersuchung KW - Selbstorganisierende Karte KW - Mehrschichten-Perzeptron KW - Schwimmsport KW - Leistungsdiagnostik KW - neural networks KW - longitudinal design KW - swimming KW - multi-layer perceptron KW - self-organizing feature map Y1 - 2005 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-5504 ER - TY - THES A1 - Krüger, Tom T1 - Zum Einfluss der Lateralität in zyklischen Sportarten bei Nachwuchsathleten T1 - The effect of laterality on young elite cyclic-sports athletes N2 - Die Ausprägung der Lateralität der Körperextremitäten steht in engem Zusammenhang mit der Hemisphärenspezialisierung des menschlichen Gehirns. Die Lateralität und die Dominanz einer Hemisphäre mit ihren Auswirkungen auf die Leistungsfähigkeit ist ein bislang unvollständig untersuchtes Phänomen im Sport. In der vorliegenden Arbeit soll daher die Bedeutung der Seitigkeitsausprägung im Rahmen sportlicher Bewegungsabläufe geprüft werden. Sowohl bei Messungen im "Freiwasser", als auch in der "Kanu–Gegenstromanlage" im Bereich des Kanurennsportes werden seit einigen Jahren sich in Qualität und Quantität unterscheidende Kraft–Zeit–Funktionen der linken und rechten Körperseite beobachtet, die zwar dokumentiert, aber bislang ungeprüft in ihrer Bedeutung als leistungsbeeinflussend angenommen werden. Im Zeitraum von Oktober 1997 bis Oktober 2000 wurden 275 Kajakfahrer und Canadierfahrer im Alter zwischen 11 und 20 Jahren zweimal jährlich (März und Oktober) mit einem umfangreichen trainings- und bewegungswissenschaftlichen sowie biomechanischen Instrumentarium untersucht. Die Athleten gehören zum Nachwuchs- und Anschlusskader des LKV Brandenburg. Schwerpunkt der Fragestellung ist der Zusammenhang von auftretenden Kraftdifferenzen zwischen der linken und rechten oberen Extremität und sportartspezifischen Leistungen unter Laborbedingungen und Feldbedingungen. Es wurden objektive Daten zu ausgewählten Kraftfähigkeiten der oberen Arm–Beuge–Schlinge an einem Kraftdiagnosegerät, Kraftverläufe am Messpaddel während Leistungsüberprüfungen im "Kanu–Gegenstromkanal" und im "Freiwasser" über 250 m und 2.000 m im Jahresverlauf erhoben. Die Ergebnisse zeigen einen Trend der im Altersverlauf ansteigenden Differenz der Mittelwertunterschiede in der Maximalkraft zwischen dem linken und rechten Arm. Bei bestehenden Maximalkraftdifferenzen zwischen linker und rechter oberer Extremität in der Längsschnittgruppe liegen die Leistungen mit dem rechten Arm deutlich über den Kraftleistungen des linken Arms und sind nicht zufällig. Mit steigendem Maximalkraftniveau nimmt überraschenderweise auch die Differenz der Maximalkraft zwischen der linken und rechten oberen Extremität trotz bilateralen Trainings zu. Die Ergebnisse der EMG–Analyse bestätigen, dass die Maximalkraft leistungsbestimmend für die Bootsleistungen ist. In den EMG–Signalverläufen werden die unterschiedlichen Belastungen der Labor– und Feldbedingungen mit individuellen Charakteristika nachgezeichnet. Deutlich unterscheiden sich die Kraftverläufe im "Freiwasser" gegenüber den Kraftverläufen in der "Kanu–Gegenstromanlage". Bei der vorliegenden Untersuchung handelt es sich um eine erste empirische Arbeit zur Auswirkung von Seitigkeitsunterschieden in zyklischen Sportarten auf der Expertiseebene. In der Untersuchung wurden methodische Verfahren eingesetzt, die dem derzeitigen Forschungsstand in der Trainings- und Bewegungswissenschaft entsprechen. Neben varianzanalytischen Verfahren der Auswertung zur Darstellung von Mittelwertunterschieden und Zusammenhänge prüfenden Verfahren wurden ebenso explorative EMG–Analysen angewandt. Die Ergebnisse aus dem Längsschnitt belegen bei ausschließlich rechtshändigen Probanden, dass die Schlussfolgerung von bevorzugter Extremität auf ein höheres Kraftniveau nicht eineindeutig ist. Zwischen den oberen Extremitäten bei Kanurennsportlern bestehen nicht nur zufällige Kraftunterschiede, trotz des bilateralen Trainings. Kontrovers diskutiert wird die Beziehung von bevorzugter Extremität und der Höhe der Kraftentfaltung. Im Alltagsverständnis wird häufig angenommen, dass ein höheres Maximalkraftniveau in der Extremität vorliegen muss, die auch die bevorzugte (z.B. Schreibhand) ist (WIRTH & LIPHARDT, 1999). Diese Eindeutigkeit konnte in der durchgeführten Untersuchung nicht bestätigt werden. Wie die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung deutlich zeigen, nimmt mit der höheren Maximalkraft aber auch die Differenz der Kraftleistungen zwischen dem linken und rechten Arm bei bilateral ausgerichtetem Training zu. FISCHER (1988; 1992) wies nach, dass sich ein Training auf der subdominanten Seite in einem kontralateralen Leistungstransfer auf der dominanten Seite positiv auswirkte. Erkenntnisse von KUHN (1986) und HOLLMANN & HETTINGER (2000) unterstützen nachhaltig die Ergebnisse. Die EMG–Ergebnisse zeigen die individuelle Reaktion auf die Belastungsanforderungen. Die elektromyographischen Daten beziehen sich auf den neuromuskulären Komplex. Somit sprechen hohe Amplitudenwerte einerseits für eine hohe Innervation der beteiligten motorischen Einheiten an der Bewegungsausführung und andererseits für einsetzende Ermüdungserscheinungen im Muskel. In Bezug auf die Ermüdung der oberen Extremitätenmuskeln der rechten und linken Seite beschreiben WILLIAMS, SHARMA & BILODEAU (2002) keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen der dominanten und nichtdominanten Handseite. N2 - The development of body extremity laterality is closely linked to hemisphere specialization of the human brain. Laterality, the dominance of one hemisphere, and the effect of these two phenomena on sports performance capacity have yet to be described in detail. The question arises as to whether performance differences between paired extremities and the attendant extent of this difference might determine performance levels. In flat water canoeing, measurements in flat water as well as in the canoe counter current system reveal force time functions of the left and right body side that differ in quality and quantity. These differences have been documented for a number of years. However, so far their influence on performance has been presumed to exist and no attempt has been made to explain them. During the period from October 1997 to October 2000, 275 kayakers and canoeists between the ages of 11 and 20 were examined twice annually (March and October) using extensive training scientific, kinetic and biomechanical equipment. The athletes were members of a state-wide canoeing club. The main focus of the study was the correlation between (a) force differences arising between the left and right upper extremity and (b) athletic performance under laboratory conditions and field conditions. The following data was gathered: selected strength capacities of the upper arm flexor at a static strength measurement system (Wick & Krüger, 1998), force curves at the measuring paddle during exercise tests using the canoe counter current system and canoeing times in flat water over 250 m and 2,000 m during the course of the year. The results of the static maximum force test showed that the difference in maximum force between the left and right arm increases with age. In the cross-sectional group, maximum force differences were observed between the left and right upper extremity; in terms of strength performance the right arm was clearly superior to the left arm. Despite bilateral training, contrary to what might be expected, the difference in maximum force between the left and right upper extremity increases with rising maximum force level. The proportional relationship remains unaffected by this. The evaluation of force parameters from the longitudinal and cross-sectional standpoint does not provide any clear indication of performance dominance of a specific extremity. The differences of the force parameters between the left and right upper extremity as measured in the canoe counter current system and in flat water are not stable. An analysis of EMG results confirmed that the maximum force has a decisive effect on canoeing performance. Force curves in flat water differ markedly from force curves in the canoe counter current system. The present investigation is a first empirical paper on the effect of laterality differences on expert athletes in cyclic sports. The methodologies applied during the investigation correspond to the present state of research in the fields of training science and human kinetics. Variance-analytical methods of evaluation for the representation of average value differences, procedures that search connections and explorative EMG analyses were used. Results from the longitudinal section indicate that with exclusively right-handed subjects the preferred extremity cannot biuniquely be shown to have a higher force level. This result is confirmed by the cross-sectional findings. Despite bilateral training, force differences are observed between the upper extremities of canoeists. However, there is ongoing controversy about the relationship between preferred extremity and the extent of force development. The preferred extremity (e.g. the writing hand) is commonly believed to possess the higher maximum force level (Wirth & Liphardt, 1999). Nonetheless, this assumption could not be confirmed during the present investigation. However, the results of this investigation clearly show that as maximum force increases, the difference in strength performance between the left and right arm increases, including when bilateral training is applied. Fischer (1988; 1992) showed that training the subdominant side positively affected the dominant side. This is attributable to contralateral achievement transfer. These results are strongly supported by the findings of Kuhn (1986) and Hollmann & Hettinger (2000). The proportional difference remains stable over time with the athletes studied. This too supports the concept that the preferred extremity benefits from positive transfer effects. The electromyographic data pertains to the neuromuscular complex. Thus high amplitude values suggest on one hand a high innervation of the motor units involved in the performance of the movement and on the other hand the first signs of muscle fatigue. Williams, Sharma & Bilodeau (2002) found no significant differences between fatigue levels in the upper extremity muscles of the dominant and non-dominant extremity. KW - Kanurennsport KW - Lateralität KW - Elektromyographie KW - Maximalkraft KW - Schnellkraft KW - Hemisphaerendominanz KW - Dominanz KW - laterality KW - dominance of hemisphere KW - cyclic sports KW - flat water canoeing KW - electromyography KW - maximum force Y1 - 2005 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-5810 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Mkaouer, Bessem A1 - Hammoudi-Nassib, Sarra A1 - Amara, Samiha A1 - Chaabène, Helmi T1 - Evaluating the physical and basic gymnastics skills assessment for talent identification in men’s artistic gymnastics proposed by the International Gymnastics Federation T2 - Postprints der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe N2 - This study aimed to determine the specific physical and basic gymnastics skills considered critical in gymnastics talent identification and selection as well as in promoting men’s artistic gymnastics performances. Fifty-one boys from a provincial gymnastics team (age 11.03 ± 0.95 years; height 1.33 ± 0.05 m; body mass 30.01 ± 5.53 kg; body mass index [BMI] 16.89 ± 3.93 kg/m²) regularly competing at national level voluntarily participated in this study. Anthropometric measures as well as the men’s artistic gymnastics physical test battery (i.e., International Gymnastics Federation [FIG] age group development programme) were used to assess the somatic and physical fitness profile of participants, respectively. The physical characteristics assessed were: muscle strength, flexibility, speed, endurance, and muscle power. Test outcomes were subjected to a principal components analysis to identify the most representative factors. The main findings revealed that power speed, isometric and explosive strength, strength endurance, and dynamic and static flexibility are the most determinant physical fitness aspects of the talent selection process in young male artistic gymnasts. These findings are of utmost importance for talent identification, selection, and development. T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe - 691 KW - young male gymnast KW - fitness performance KW - assessment KW - selection KW - development Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-460049 SN - 1866-8364 IS - 691 SP - 383 EP - 392 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Schinköth, Michaela A1 - Brand, Ralf T1 - Automatic associations and the affective valuation of exercise BT - disentangling the type-1 process of the affective–reflective theory of physical inactivity and exercise T2 - Postprints der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe N2 - The decision to exercise is not only bound to rational considerations but also automatic affective processes. The affective–reflective theory of physical inactivity and exercise (ART) proposes a theoretical framework for explaining how the automatic affective process (type‑1 process) will influence exercise behavior, i.e., through the automatic activation of exercise-related associations and a subsequent affective valuation of exercise. This study aimed to empirically test this assumption of the ART with data from 69 study participants. A single-measurement study, including within-subject experimental variation, was conducted. Automatic associations with exercise were first measured with a single-target implicit association test. The somato-affective core of the participants’ automatic valuation of exercise-related pictures was then assessed via heart rate variability (HRV) analysis, and the affective valence of the valuation was tested with a facial expression (FE; smile and frown) task. Exercise behavior was assessed via self-report. Multiple regression (path) analysis revealed that automatic associations predicted HRV reactivity (β = −0.24, p = .044); the signs of the correlation between automatic associations and the smile FE score was in the expected direction but remained nonsignificant (β = −0.21, p = .078). HRV reactivity predicted self-reported exercise behavior (β = −0.28, p = .013) (the same pattern of results was achieved for the frown FE score). The HRV-related results illustrate the potential role of automatic negative affective reactions to the thought of exercise as a restraining force in exercise motivation. For better empirical distinction between the two ART type‑1 process components, automatic associations and the affective valuation should perhaps be measured separately in the future. The results support the notion that automatic and affective processes should be regarded as essential aspects of the motivation to exercise. T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe - 654 KW - Heart rate variability KW - Facial expression KW - Somatic KW - Dual-process KW - Motivation Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-475522 SN - 1866-8364 SP - 366 EP - 376 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Mkaouer, Bessem A1 - Hammoudi-Nassib, Sarra A1 - Amara, Samiha A1 - Chaabene, Helmi T1 - Evaluating the physical and basic gymnastics skills assessment for International Gymnastics Federation JF - Biology of Sport N2 - This study aimed to determine the specific physical and basic gymnastics skills considered critical in gymnastics talent identification and selection as well as in promoting men's artistic gymnastics performances. Fifty-one boys from a provincial gymnastics team (age 11.03 ± 0.95 years; height 1.33 ± 0.05 m; body mass 30.01 ± 5.53 kg; body mass index [BMI] 16.89 ± 3.93 kg/m²) regularly competing at national level voluntarily participated in this study. Anthropometric measures as well as the men's artistic gymnastics physical test battery (i.e., International Gymnastics Federation [FIG] age group development programme) were used to assess the somatic and physical fitness profile of participants, respectively. The physical characteristics assessed were: muscle strength, flexibility, speed, endurance, and muscle power. Test outcomes were subjected to a principal components analysis to identify the most representative factors. The main findings revealed that power speed, isometric and explosive strength, strength endurance, and dynamic and static flexibility are the most determinant physical fitness aspects of the talent selection process in young male artistic gymnasts. These findings are of utmost importance for talent identification, selection, and development. KW - Young male gymnast KW - Fitness performance KW - Assessment KW - Selection KW - Development Y1 - 2018 U6 - https://doi.org/10.5114/biolsport.2018.78059 SN - 0860-021X SN - 2083-1862 VL - 35 IS - 4 SP - 383 EP - 392 PB - Inst Sport CY - Warsaw ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Labudek, Sarah A1 - Schweizer, Geoffrey A1 - Roth, Anika A1 - Pizzera, Alexandra A1 - Plessner, Henning A1 - Brand, Ralf T1 - REFS-D BT - Eine deutschsprachige Skala zur Erfassung der Schiedsrichterselbstwirksamkeit BT - A German Scale for Assessing Referee Self-Efficacy JF - Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie N2 - Ziel des vorliegenden Artikels ist die teststatistische Überprüfung und Validierung einer deutschsprachigen Version der Referee Self-Efficacy Scale (REFS). Die REFS erfasst im englischsprachigen Original die Selbstwirksamkeit von Schiedsrichterinnen und Schiedsrichtern mit den Subskalen Wissen über das Spiel, Entscheidungsfindung, Druck und Kommunikation. Die Items wurden mit Hilfe der Übersetzung-Rückübersetzung ins Deutsche übertragen. Die Struktur und die psychometrischen Eigenschaften der deutschen Items wurden anhand einer Stichprobe aus 265 deutschsprachigen Fußballschiedsrichterinnen und -schiedsrichtern überprüft. Da die im englischsprachigen Original vorgeschlagene Skalenzuordnung der REFS nach der Übersetzung ins Deutsche nicht replizierbar war, wurden Items mit mangelhaften Skaleneigenschaften aus der deutschsprachigen REFS-Version (REFS-D) ausgeschlossen. Das Resultat der Analysen ist eine Skala mit acht Items, die sich drei Subskalen, Spielumsetzung, Druck und Kommunikation, zuordnen lassen. Die REFS-D weist zufriedenstellende interne Konsistenzen und signifikante mittelhohe Korrelationen mit allgemeiner Selbstwirksamkeit auf. Trotz einiger Einschränkungen stellt die REFS-D als ökonomische Skala einen Ansatzpunkt für zukünftige Forschung dar. N2 - The purpose of the present article was to evaluate statistically and validate a German version of the Referee Self-Efficacy Scale (REFS). The English REFS assesses referee self-efficacy and consists of the scales Game Knowledge, Decision-Making, Pressure, and Communication. Data from 265 soccer referees was used to evaluate the structure and psychometric properties of the German items. Since we could not replicate the original dimension structure, we excluded items from the German REFS (REFS-D) that showed poor item characteristics. Analyses resulted in a short REFS-D consisting of eight items, subdivided into three dimensions: game realization, pressure, and communication. Results show acceptable internal consistencies. All three subscales of the REFS-D showed significant moderate correlations with general self-efficacy. Despite some limitations, the REFS-D represents an economic questionnaire and starting point for future research. T2 - REFS-D KW - Refficacy KW - Schiedsrichterentscheidungen KW - Selbstwirksamkeit KW - Faktorenanalyse KW - Referees' Decisions KW - Self-efficacy KW - Factor+Analysis Y1 - 2019 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1026/1612-5010/a000256 SN - 1612-5010 SN - 2190-6300 VL - 26 IS - 1 SP - 15 EP - 24 PB - Hogrefe CY - Göttingen ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Dobberke, Jeanette A1 - Baritello, Omar A1 - Hadzic, Miralem A1 - Völler, Heinz A1 - Eichler, Sarah A1 - Salzwedel, Annett T1 - Test-retest reliability of center of pressure measures for postural control assessment in older cardiac patients JF - Gait & posture : official journal of Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society (GCMAS) and European Society of Movement Analysis in Adults and Children (ESMAC) N2 - Background Elderly patients are a growing population in cardiac rehabilitation (CR). As postural control declines with age, assessment of impaired balance is important in older CR patients in order to predict fall risk and to initiate counteracting steps. Functional balance tests are subjective and lack adequate sensitivity to small differences, and are further subject to ceiling effects. A quantitative approach to measure postural control on a continuous scale is therefore desirable. Force plates are already used for this purpose in other clinical contexts, therefore could be a promising tool also for older CR patients. However, in this population the reliability of the assessment is not fully known. Research question Analysis of test-retest reliability of center of pressure (CoP) measures for the assessment of postural control using a force plate in older CR patients. Methods 156 CR patients (> 75 years) were enrolled. CoP measures (path length (PL), mean velocity (MV), and 95% confidence ellipse area (95CEA)) were analyzed twice with an interval of two days in between (bipedal narrow stance, eyes open (EO) and closed (EC), three trials for each condition, 30 s per trial), using a force plate. For test-retest reliability estimation absolute differences (& UDelta;: T0-T1), intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) with 95% confidence intervals, standard error of measurement and minimal detectable change were calculated. Results Under EO condition ICC were excellent for PL and MV (0.95) and good for 95CEA (0.88) with & UDelta; of 10.1 cm (PL), 0.3 cm/sec (MV) and 1.5 cm(2 )(95CEA) respectively. Under EC condition ICC were excellent (> 0.95) for all variables with larger & UDelta; (PL: 21.7 cm; MV: 0.7 cm/sec; 95CEA: 2.4 cm(2)) Significance In older CR patients, the assessment of CoP measures using a force plate shows good to excellent test retest reliability. KW - Cardiac rehabilitation KW - Older patients KW - Postural control KW - Test-retest KW - reliability KW - Force plate Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gaitpost.2021.12.011 SN - 0966-6362 SN - 1879-2219 VL - 92 SP - 359 EP - 363 PB - Elsevier Science CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - THES A1 - Karnahl, Brita T1 - Vergleichende Untersuchungen von Leistungs- und Stoffwechselparametern im ergometrischen Test an Land und im Wasser T1 - Comparative studies on performance and metabolic parameters in the ergometric test on land and in water N2 - Einleitung: Vorliegende empirische Daten verdeutlichen, dass in der Fachwelt zwar weites gehend Einigkeit über die Wirkung des Mediums Wasser auf den Organismus in Ruhe (metabolisch und endokrin) besteht, aber differente Aussagen bei Immersion und Bewegung (hämodynamisch, metabolisch und endokrin) getroffen werden. Wie unterscheidet sich die physische Beanspruchung an Land und im Wasser? Gelten die allgemeingültigen Empfehlungen an Land zur Steuerung erwünschter Trainings- bzw. Belastungseffekte auch für aquale Bewegungs- und Trainingsformen? Ergebnisse und Diskussion: Die Herzfrequenz, der systolische Blutdruck und der Sauerstoffverbrauch waren in Ruhe (baseline) an der anaeroben Schwelle und während der Ausbelastung auf dem Land und im Wasser ähnlich. Der Respiratorische Quotient wurde gering reduziert, als die Probanden im Wasser trainierten. Die Glukose- und Laktatkonzentration wurden vermindert, wohingegen die freie Fettsäurekonzentration mit der Belastung im Wasser erhöht wurde. Wasserimmersion senkte die Adrenalin- und Noradrenalinkonzentration und erhöhte die vermehrte ANP-Produktion während der Belastung. Belastungsinduzierte Anstiege endokriner Parameter (Adrenalin und Noradrenalin) sind im Wasser geringer ausgeprägt als an Land. Hinsichtlich der Stoffwechselregulation konnte beobachtet werden, dass ANP eine Rolle bei der Regulation des Fettstoffwechsels spielt. Die Ergebnisse lassen vermuten, dass Belastungen im Wasser vor allem eine spezifische humorale und metabolische Antwort des Organismus entlocken. Belastungsinduzierte Anstiege endokriner Parameter (Katecholamine) im Wasser sind geringer ausgeprägt als an Land. Immersions- und Belastungseffekte scheinen teilweise konträre Reize zu sein. Es sind daher weiterhin experimentelle Untersuchungen notwendig, um die Regulationsmechanismen des Organismus zur Kompensation eines erhöhten venösen Rückstroms bei Immersion ohne und vor allem mit Bewegung zu klären. Auf Grund der geringen Unterschiede in der hämodynamischen Reaktion des Körpers bei vergleichbarer körperlicher Belastung Land vs. Wasser kann sich an den allgemeingültigen Empfehlungen an Land zur Steuerung erwünschter Trainings-bzw. Belastungseffekte auch für aquale Bewegungs- und Trainingsformen orientiert werden. N2 - Introduction: The empirical data we have shows clearly that that there may be a large area of agreement among professionals on the effect of water as a medium on the organism at rest (metabolic and endocrinal), but different conclusions have been drawn about immersion and exercise (hemodynamic, metabolic and endocrinal). How does physical stress differ on dry land and in the water? Do the general recommendations on land apply to control of desired training or stress effects as well as for aquatic types of exercise and training? Results and discussion: The heart rate, systolic blood pressure and uptake of oxygen at rest (baseline) were similar at the anaerobic threshold and during a workout on land and in the water. The respiratory quotient was slightly reduced when the test subjects were training in the water. Their glucose and lactate concentration was lowered, whereas the free fatty acid concentration was raised during physical workload in the water. Water immersion lowered adrenalin and noradrenalin concentration and raised the increased production of ANP during workload. Load-induced increases in endocrinal parameters (adrenalin and noradrenalin) are less marked in water than on land. When it comes to regulating the metabolism, it was possible to observe that ANP plays a role in regulating lipid metabolism. The results suggest that workloads in water elicit especially a specific humoral and metabolic response from the organism. Load-induced increases of endocrinal parameters (catecholamines) in water are less marked than on land. Immersion and load effects appear to be partly contrary stimuli. For this reason, further experimental tests are required in order to clarify the organism’s regulatory mechanisms to compensate for increased venous back current when immersed without and especially with exercise. Because of the slight differences in the body’s hemodynamic response at comparable physical loads on land versus water, the generally accepted recommendations to control the desired training and physical workload effects on land can be used as the basis for aquatic types of exercise and training as well. KW - Immersion KW - Aqua-Cycling KW - ANP KW - Aqua-Fitness KW - Lipolyse KW - Immersion KW - Aqua-Cycling KW - ANP KW - Aqua-Fitness KW - Lipolyse Y1 - 2010 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-49523 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Niehues, Maike A1 - Gerlach, Erin A1 - Sallen, Jeffrey T1 - Measuring dual career motivation among German student-athletes using the Student Athletes’ Motivation Toward Sports and Academics Questionnaire BT - Challenges and failures of linguistic and cultural adaptations JF - German journal of exercise and sport research : Sportwissenschaft / Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund, Deutsche Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft N2 - With the 2012 EU guidelines on dual careers (DC), DC research gained increasing awareness in Europe focussing particularly on student-athletes' motivation. The Student Athletes' Motivation toward Sports and Academics Questionnaire (SAMSAQ), arguably the most prominent instrument in this research area, has been used in various cross-cultural studies assessing DC motivation. The present investigation contributes to the cross-cultural discourse aiming to (1) adapt the SAMSAQ for the German context and adolescent secondary school student-athletes, and (2) evaluate the German pre-version. A sample of 208 student-athletes (52.4% females, mean age = 17.4 years, 49.5% at squad level) at three German Elite Sport Schools participated in the study. The investigation was split into two parts. First, the SAMSAQ was adapted to the German context and tested. In the second part, the first pre-version was revised. A series of exploratory factor analyses were applied to verify the factor structure of both German SAMSAQ pre-versions. Eight different factor models based on item removal were compared. Neither model demonstrated good results for the replication of previous findings or a meaningful solution in terms of content. Reasons for the deviations between the original and target SAMSAQ factor structures can be found in the different target groups and the culturally different approaches to career assistant programmes as well as in the theoretical background of the instrument. Since neither model was identified as acceptable, the findings indicate that a new instrument needs to be developed for assessing student-athletes' DC motivation along their pathways in different cross-cultural contexts. T2 - Messung der Motivation deutscher Schüler-Athleten und -Athletinnen in der dualen Karriere mithilfe des Student Athletes’ Motivation Toward Sports and Academics Questionnaire - Herausforderungen und Scheitern sprachlicher und kultureller Anpassungen KW - SAMSAQ KW - Factor-analysis KW - Expectancy-value KW - Translation KW - Cross-culture KW - Elite sport Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s12662-021-00723-9 SN - 2509-3142 SN - 2509-3150 VL - 51 IS - 3 SP - 378 EP - 383 PB - Springer CY - Berlin ; Heidelberg ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sallen, Jeffrey A1 - Andrä, Christian A1 - Ludyga, Sebastian A1 - Mücke, Manuel A1 - Herrmann, Christian T1 - School children's physical activity, motor competence, and corresponding self-perception BT - a longitudinal analysis of reciprocal relationships JF - Journal of physical activity and health N2 - Background: The relationship between engagement in physical activity and the development of motor competence (MC) is considered to be reciprocal and dynamic throughout childhood and adolescence. The 10-month follow-up study aimed to explore this reciprocal relationship and investigated whether the relationship is mediated by the corresponding self-perception of MC (PMC). Methods: A total of 51 children aged between 10 and 11 years (M = 10.27 [0.45]) participated in the study (52.9% boys, 47.1% girls). As an indicator for physical activity, the average vigorous physical activity (VPA) per day was measured by ActiGraph accelerometers. Two aspects of MC and PMC were recorded: self-movement and object movement. Saturated pathway models in a cross-lagged panel design with 2 measurement points were analyzed. Results: Reciprocal and direct relationships between VPA and MC object movement respectively MC self-movement were not found in longitudinal analyses with PMC as a mediator. Indirect effects of MC at t1 on VPA at t2 via PMC were identified (self-movement: beta = 0.13, 95% confidence interval, 0.04 to 0.26; object movement: beta = 0.14, 95% confidence interval, 0.01 to 0.49). Conclusion: The results highlight the importance of MC and PMC in promoting children's VPA. However, VPA does not drive the development of MC. KW - MOBAK KW - SEMOK KW - fundamental movement skills KW - motor proficiency Y1 - 2020 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1123/jpah.2019-0507 SN - 1543-3080 SN - 1543-5474 VL - 17 IS - 11 SP - 1083 EP - 1090 PB - Human Kinetics Publ. CY - Champaign ER - TY - THES A1 - Noa, Laura Charleen T1 - Wassergewöhnung zu Hause: Schwimmenlernen beginnt in der Badewanne T1 - Water familiarization at home: Learning to swim begins in the bathtub BT - ein Leitfaden für Erziehungsberechtigte BT - a guide for guardians N2 - Das Hauptziel der Bachelorarbeit stellt eine theoretische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema Wassergewöhnung im eigenen Zuhause dar. Ausgehend von dieser Ausführung erstellt die Autorin als Theorie-Praxis-Transfer eine Handreichung für Erziehungsberechtigte mit den relevantesten Informationen ihrer Qualifikationsarbeit in komprimierter Form. Damit die Erziehungsberechtigten ihren Kindern proaktiv zur Seite stehen können, soll die Handreichung adressat*innengerecht und prägnant sein, ohne den Erziehungsberechtigten essenzielle Details vorzuenthalten. Die Erziehungsberechtigten erhalten eine Handreichung, welche die bedeutendsten Informationen rund um die Wassergewöhnung zu Hause enthält. Sie erfahren unter anderem etwas über die höchstmögliche Aufenthaltsdauer der Kinder im Wasser und die optimale Temperatur des Badewassers. Außerdem erhalten sie wichtige Informationen rund um die Körperreaktionen, welche durch oder im Wasser auftreten können. Das sind bspw. der Lidschlussreflex oder der Kältereiz. Sie werden über essenzielle Sicherheitsaspekte informiert und erhalten eine kompakte Darstellung über Verhaltensregeln, den sogenannten do’s and dont‘s. Die Übungen/Spiele werden nach den aktuellen Vorgaben der DGUV (2019) für die Inhalte der Wassergewöhnung ausgewählt und nach den heimischen Voraussetzungen strukturiert sein. In der Handreichung werden zudem auch Übungen/Spiele zu finden sein, bei welchen keine Eigenschaften oder Wirkungen des Wassers kennengelernt werden. Atem- und Tauchübungen werden in der Handreichung ebenso beschrieben. Die Angst vor dem Wasser stellt, sobald sie sich manifestiert, bekanntlich das größte Hindernis der Nichtschwimmer*innen dar (DGUV, 2019). Darum möchte die Autorin mit der Aufklärung über diese Angst in ihrer Qualifikationsarbeit und der Handreichung bewirken, dass die Erziehungsberechtigten in der Lage sind, den Kindern das Angstgefühl gegenüber dem Wasser zu nehmen oder ihre Angstfreiheit beizubehalten und um daran anschließend den Kindern Freude an der Bewegung im Wasser zu ermöglichen. „Je mehr Freude die Kinder im Kleinkindalter am Baden haben, je weniger Angst sie mit dem Medium verbinden, umso schneller erlernen sie später das Schwimmen“ (DGUV, 2016, S. 6). Die theoretischen Grundlagen der Handreichungen stellen die zentralen Aspekte und Ziele der Wassergewöhnung dar. Diese werden der, im Rahmen Schule, bedeutsamen Publikation der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung aus dem Jahr 2019 entnommen. Hierbei handelt es sich um die Wahrnehmung der spezifischen Voraussetzungen des Wassers sowie deren Annäherung und Gewöhnung. Die Kinder erfahren die Eigenschaften Dichte, Druck und Temperatur des Elements und den Einfluss des Wassers auf den Körper. Das sind Wasserwiderstand, Auftrieb und die Wasserkraft. So werden die Übungen, in denen die Kinder das Wasser kennenlernen, beziehungsweise zum ersten Mal intensiv in Berührung mit diesem kommen, zu Beginn erwähnt. Anschließend folgen Übungen, überwiegend in Spielformen, bei denen die Freude geweckt werden soll. Als letzte Phase folgen Übungen, bei welchen der spezifische Umgang mit dem Wassers vonnöten ist. Diese Struktur ist an den ersten drei Phasen nach Baumeisters (1984) Methodik zur Wassergewöhnung orientiert. So wird zudem das methodische Prinzip vom Einfachen zum Komplexen als theoretische Grundlage verwendet. Legahn (2007) beschreibt einige Lernmodelle, die je nach Alter und Entwicklungsstand bei der Wassergewöhnung angewendet werden können. In der Handreichung wird die Autorin auf diese zurückgreifen und passende Lerntechniken ausführen. Beispiele hierfür sind unter anderem das Lernen am Modell (Nachahmung von Personen, Tieren oder Puppen) oder das Aktive Lernen (ein spielerischer Bewegungsaufbau verbessert die Fertigkeiten). Die benötigten Materialien werden in der Handreichung unter der Überschrift der Übungen/Spiele ausgeführt und dienen als erste Information. Neben der Überschrift werden die möglichen Eigenschaften und Wirkungen des Wassers, welche in dieser spezifischen Übung kennengelernt werden, benannt. Das sind beispielsweise Druck und Auftrieb für Wasserdruck und Wasserauftrieb. Darunter wird die jeweilige Übung beschrieben. Als Visualisierung erstellt die Autorin selbstständig gezeichnete Bilder. Unterhalb dieser Bilder befindet sich oft auch eine passende Spielvariante, um mit dieser Übung noch zusätzlich Freude zu wecken. Ebenso werden auch mehrmals passende Übungsformen oder Tipps erwähnt. N2 - The main objective of the bachelor thesis is a theoretical examination of the topic of water familiarization in the child's own home. Based on this analysis, the author creates a handout for guardians as a theory-practice transfer with the most relevant information of her qualification thesis in a condensed form. In order for the guardians to be able to proactively support their children, the handout should be appropriate for the addressees and concise, without withholding essential details from the guardians. The parents receive a handout that contains the most important information about water familiarization at home. Among other things, they will learn about the maximum possible time children should spend in the water and the optimal temperature of the bathing water. In addition, they receive important information about the body reactions that can occur through or in the water. These are, for example, the eyelid closure reflex or the cold stimulus. They are informed about essential safety aspects and receive a compact presentation of rules of conduct, the so-called do's and dont's. The exercises/games will be selected according to the current guidelines of the DGUV (2019) for the contents of water familiarization and will be structured according to the home conditions. The handout will also include exercises/games in which no properties or effects of water are learned. Breathing and diving exercises are also described in the handout. The fear of water, as soon as it manifests itself, is known to be the biggest obstacle for non-swimmers (DGUV, 2019). That is why the author, by informing about this fear in her qualification work and the handout, wants to bring about that the guardians are able to take away the children's feeling of fear towards the water or to maintain their freedom from fear and to subsequently enable the children to enjoy the movement in the water. "The more children enjoy bathing in infancy, the less fear they associate with the medium, the faster they will learn to swim later" (DGUV, 2016, p. 6). The theoretical foundations of the handouts present the central aspects and goals of familiarization with water. These are taken from the publication of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) from 2019, which is significant in the context of school. German Social Accident Insurance from the year 2019. This involves the perception of the specific conditions of water as well as their approach and habituation. The children experience the properties of density, pressure and temperature of the element and the influence of water on the body. These are water resistance, buoyancy and the water force. Thus The exercises in which the children get to know the water or come into intensive contact with it for the first time are mentioned at the beginning. This is followed by exercises, predominantly in play forms, with which the joy is to be waked. The last phase consists of exercises that require specific handling of the water. This structure is oriented to the first three phases according to Baumeister's (1984) methodology for getting used to water. Thus, the methodological principle from the simple to the complex is also used as a theoretical basis. Legahn (2007) describes some learning models that can be applied to water familiarization depending on age and developmental stage. In the handout, the author will draw on these and execute appropriate learning techniques. Examples include model learning (imitating people, animals, or dolls) or active learning (building movement through play improves skills). The materials needed are detailed in the handout under the heading of exercises/games and serve as initial information. Next to the heading, the possible properties and effects of water, which are learned in this specific exercise, are named. These are, for example, pressure and buoyancy for water pressure and water buoyancy. Below that, the specific exercise is described. As visualization, the author creates independently drawn pictures. Below these pictures, there is often a suitable game variant to add to the fun of the exercise. to awaken additional joy with this exercise. Likewise, suitable exercise forms or tips are or tips are mentioned several times. KW - Wassergewöhnung KW - Schwimmenlernen KW - Leitfaden KW - Erziehungsberechtigte KW - water habituation KW - Zuhause KW - Guardian KW - guide KW - learning to swim KW - water familiarization KW - home Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-561737 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Brand, Ralf A1 - Voelcker-Rehage, Claudia T1 - DEAL und eine Zwischenbilanz über die Entwicklung der Zeitschrift T2 - Postprints der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe - 721 Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-522652 SN - 1866-8364 SP - 1 EP - 4 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wippert, Pia-Maria A1 - Arampatzis, Adamantios A1 - Banzer, Winfried A1 - Beck, Heidrun A1 - Hasenbring, Monika Ilona A1 - Schiltenwolf, Marcus A1 - Schneider, Christian A1 - Stengel, Dirk A1 - Platen, Petra A1 - Mayer, Frank T1 - Psychosoziale Risikofaktoren in der Entstehung von chronisch unspezifischen Rückenschmerzen BT - Auszug aus der methodischen Rationale der Multicenterstudien in MiSpEx JF - Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie N2 - Chronisch unspezifische Rückenschmerzen (CURS) gehören international zu den häufigsten Schmerzphänomenen und können für Athletinnen und Athleten karrierelimitierend sein. Knapp ein Drittel der jährlichen Trainingsausfallzeiten werden auf CURS zurückgeführt. In der Entstehung von chronischen Schmerzen ist ein multifaktorielles Ätiologiemodell mit einem signifikanten Einfluss psychosozialer Risikofaktoren evident. Obwohl dies in der Allgemeinbevölkerung bereits gut erforscht ist, gibt es in der Sportwissenschaft vergleichsweise wenige Arbeiten darüber. Dieses Thema wird daher in drei Multicenterstudien und zahlreichen Teilstudien des MiSpEx-Netzwerks (Medicine in Spine-Exercise-Network, Förderzeitraum 2011 – 2018) aufgegriffen. Entsprechend der Empfehlung einer frühzeitigen Diagnostik von Chronifizierungsfaktoren in der „Nationalen Versorgungsleitlinie Kreuzschmerz“, beschäftigt sich das Netzwerk u. a. mit der Überprüfung, Entwicklung und Evaluation diagnostischer Möglichkeiten. Der vorliegende Beitrag beschreibt die Entwicklung einer Diagnostik von psychosozialen Risikofaktoren, die einerseits eine Einschätzung des Risikos der Entwicklung von CURS und andererseits eine individuelle Zuweisung zu (Trainings)Interventionen erlaubt. Es wird die Entwicklungsrationale beschrieben und dabei verschiedene methodische Herangehensweisen und Entscheidungssequenzen reflektiert. N2 - Chronic nonspecific low back pain (CLBP) is one of the most common pain syndromes globally. Attributing to one third of missed training days, CLBP can seriously affect athletes’ careers. Studies in the general population show a multifactorial etiology with significant influence of psychosocial risk factors in the development of CLBP. As less is known about this phenomenon in athletes, the MiSpEx Network (Medicine in Spine Exercise, funded from 2011 to 2018) has conducted three multicenter studies and numerous substudies investigating this topic. The network has been concerned with the testing, development, and evaluation of diagnostics, in accordance with the recommendation of the German National Treatment Guidelines for CLBP that risk factors be recognized and treated early. Our article describes the development of a diagnostic tool for psychosocial risk factors that allows (medical) practitioners to predict the occurrence of CLBP and to suggest individualized (trainings) interventions. We present the methodological approach and discuss various methodological issues. T2 - Psychosocial Risk Factors in the Development of Chronic Nonspecific Back Pain: On the Methodical Rationale of the Multicenter Studies in MiSpEx KW - CLBP KW - MiSpEx KW - yellow flags KW - diagnostics KW - PROGRESS Y1 - 2019 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1026/1612-5010/a000245 SN - 1612-5010 SN - 2190-6300 VL - 26 IS - 1 SP - 25 EP - 35 PB - Hogrefe CY - Göttingen ER - TY - THES A1 - Ritter, Andreas T1 - Wandlungen in der Steuerung des DDR-Hochleistungssports in den 1960er und 1970er Jahren N2 - Die intensive Auswertung unterschiedlicher schriftlicher und mündlicher Quellen sowie die Erschließung von damals "geheimer" Literatur für die Forschung heute ermöglicht eine differenzierte Rekonstruktion historischer Abläufe. Die vorliegende Arbeit nutzt diesen Zugang zur Darstellung von kleineren und größeren DDR-internen sportpolitischen Strukturwandlungen der 1960er und 1970er Jahre, die ihren Höhepunkt in einer dramatischen Umsteuerung des DDR-Hochleistungssports fanden. Es wird gezeigt, wie die Akteure unter Führung von Manfred EWALD, gewähltem Mitglied des SED-Zentralkomitees, einer Zentralfigur des DDR-Sports (vergleichbar mit der Bedeutung eines Willi DAUME im Westen) zwischen Systemzwängen und individueller Handlungsfreiheit innerhalb des Rahmens einer Diktatur in der Phase des Wechsels von Walter ULBRICHT zu Erich HONECKER eine Effektivierung des zentralistischen Modells durchsetzten (eine Parallele zum Ansatz von Monika KAISER). Im Gegensatz zu vielen kontroversen Erklärungsmodellen belegt der Verf., dass die Medaillenerfolge durch die zentrale Steuerung aller Abläufe gewährleistet wurden. Ohne SED-Auftrag wurde 1967 die "Leistungssportkommission der DDR" (LSK der DDR) gebildet. Im Unterschied zu den zahlreichen vom Verf. erstmals dargestellten Vorgängermodellen war diese SED-LSK "oberhalb des DTSB" angesiedelt und erteilte ihm Parteiaufträge - die Unterordnung des organisierten Sports unter die Autorität des Zentralkomitee machte angesichts der "Nationalen Fronten" von Armeesportvereinigung "Vorwärts" und Sportvereinigung "Dynamo" (SPITZER) jegliche zentrale Sportpolitik erst durchsetzbar. Zur "LSK der DDR" waren SED-Mitglieder abgeordnet, welche ihr Sachgebiet vertraten und nach gemeinsamer Beschlussfassung die Ergebnisse der LSK-Arbeit wiederum in ihrem jeweiligen Tätigkeitsfeld durchzusetzen hatten, was in der Diss. ausgeführt wird. Sportvertreter ebenso wie hochrangige Abgesandte der Ministerien, die mit der Produktion von Gütern für den Hochleistungssport befasst waren, gehörten den LSK-Gremien an, die auch die DDR-Sportwissenschaft steuerten; es lässt sich sogar nachweisen, dass die Herrschaft über diesen wichtigen Apparat sowie die Dopingforschung ein Hauptmotiv der LSK-Bildung gewesen ist. Durch seine Quellenorientierung und die Fülle an Belegen gibt die vorliegende Arbeit neue Anreize zur Auseinandersetzung mit dem Phänomen der Steuerung des Hochleistungssports in der DDR - auch über den Untersuchungszeitraum hinaus. Die Untersuchung wurde von der Humanwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Potsdam als Dissertation angenommen. Sie geht auf ein Stipendium dieser Universität zurück; das Verfahren konnte mit einem Prädikat abgeschlossen werden. Gutachter waren Prof. Dr. Dr. Gertrud PFISTER, Kopenhagen, Prof. Dr. Christoph KLEßMANN, Potsdam, und der Betreuer, Steady Visiting Prof. Univ. Odense, Priv.-Doz. Dr. habil. Giselher SPITZER, Berlin / Potsdam / Odense (Dänemark). N2 - The guaranteed provision of material support for the athletes used to be a precondition for success in sports: 'Competitive sports under the conditions of the GDR' - thus the source material on this early model of professional sports. The author reveals both illegal (according to the IOC regulations) payments and a new drive towards success-oriented payments at least for the coaches. The latter trend was already the result of a dramatic change in competitive sports in the GDR. Today, a thorough analysis of contemporary documents, oral testimony, and formerly classified literature allows a more nuanced reconstruction of the historical events and processes. This work shows how the organisers of GDR sports, led by Manfred EWALD (EWALD was an elected member of the SED Central Committee and a central figure in the GDR sports scene. He might be characterised as the opposite number of Willi DAUME in the FRG.) succeeded with establishing a more efficient centralistic model (here, there is a parallel with Monika KAISER's approach). Despite the constraints of the system, they brought about his change at a time of political transition from Walter ULBRICHT to Erich HONECKER. In contrast to many other, controversial interpretations, the author argues that the athletic successes originated in the central organisation of GDR sports. In 1967, the 'Competitive Sports Commission of the GDR' (LSK) was established without explicit orders from the SED. In contrast to numerous older models, which the author has discovered, this new model was positioned 'above the DTSB' and gave party orders to the DTSB - the subordination of organised sports to the authority of the Central Committee allowed the implementation of a central sports policy. Given the 'National Fronts' of the Army Sports Club Vorwärts and the Sports Club Dynamo (SPITZER), this was an especially difficult task. The LSK was composed of members of the SED. After reaching an agreement on certain issues, every member had to implement the agreed policy in his or her specific field of activity, as this dissertation shows. The LSK subcommittees consisted of representatives of the sports as well as high-ranking representatives of those ministries which supervised the production of goods needed in competitive sports. It can be demonstrated, that control over this important body as well as the doping research was an important factor in the establishment of the LSK. The work on 'Changes in the control of competitive sports in the GDR in the 1960s and 1970s', brought the awarded degree of Doctor of Philosophy with distinction by the faculty of arts of the University of Potsdam to the author. The research was sponsored by the University of Potsdam. The degree committee consisted of Professor Gertrud PFISTER (Kopenhagen), Professor Christoph KLEßMANN (Potsdam), and the dissertation supervisor, Privatdozent Dr Giselher SPITZER (Berlin, Potsdam, Odense (Denmark)). T3 - Potsdamer Studien zur Geschichte von Sport und Gesundheit - 1 KW - Geschichte / Bewegungskultur / Berufssport / Spitzensport / Hochleistungssport / Leistungssport / Sport / Leistungssportkommission / LSK / Sportpoliti KW - history / sports / professional sports / competitive sports / commission for competitive sports / politics of sports / Olympics / doping / GDR / witne Y1 - 2002 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0000665 SN - 978-3-935024-61-7 PB - Universitätsverlag Potsdam CY - Potsdam ER - TY - GEN A1 - Puschmann, Anne-Katrin A1 - Lin, I-Chiao A1 - Wippert, Pia-Maria T1 - Sustainability of a motor control exercise intervention BT - Analysis of long-term effects in a low back pain study T2 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe N2 - Development of chronic pain after a low back pain episode is associated with increased pain sensitivity, altered pain processing mechanisms and the influence of psychosocial factors. Although there is some evidence that multimodal therapy (such as behavioral or motor control therapy) may be an important therapeutic strategy, its long-term effect on pain reduction and psychosocial load is still unclear. Prospective longitudinal designs providing information about the extent of such possible long-term effects are missing. This study aims to investigate the long-term effects of a homebased uni- and multidisciplinary motor control exercise program on low back pain intensity, disability and psychosocial variables. 14 months after completion of a multicenter study comparing uni- and multidisciplinary exercise interventions, a sample of one study center (n = 154) was assessed once more. Participants filled in questionnaires regarding their low back pain symptoms (characteristic pain intensity and related disability), stress and vital exhaustion (short version of the Maastricht Vital Exhaustion Questionnaire), anxiety and depression experiences (the Hospital and Anxiety Depression Scale), and pain-related cognitions (the Fear Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire). Repeated measures mixed ANCOVAs were calculated to determine the long-term effects of the interventions on characteristic pain intensity and disability as well as on the psychosocial variables. Fifty four percent of the sub-sample responded to the questionnaires (n = 84). Longitudinal analyses revealed a significant long-term effect of the exercise intervention on pain disability. The multidisciplinary group missed statistical significance yet showed a medium sized long-term effect. The groups did not differ in their changes of the psychosocial variables of interest. There was evidence of long-term effects of the interventions on pain-related disability, but there was no effect on the other variables of interest. This may be partially explained by participant's low comorbidities at baseline. Results are important regarding costless homebased alternatives for back pain patients and prevention tasks. Furthermore, this study closes the gap of missing long-term effect analysis in this field. T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe - 752 KW - MiSpEx KW - low back pain KW - long-term effects KW - multidisciplinary intervention KW - sustainability Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-544083 SN - 1866-8364 SP - 1 EP - 8 PB - Universitätsverlag Potsdam CY - Potsdam ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schinköth, Michaela A1 - Weymar, Mathias A1 - Brand, Ralf T1 - Listening to the heart BT - Getting closer to the somatic core of affective valuation of exercise through heart rate variability analysis JF - Psychology of sport and exercise N2 - Objective: The affective-reflective theory of physical inactivity and exercise suggests that the mere thought of exercise can lead to an immediate somato-affective response which, if negative, will drive a physically inactive person to maintain his or her current exercise-avoidant behavior. This study aimed to test the assumption that the somatic core of this affective response can be identified by means of heart rate variability (HRV) analysis. Design: This study followed a within-subject experimental design. Method. Participants were 91 adult men and women whose HR and HRV were monitored whilst they viewed exercise-related and control pictures in a laboratory setting. Results: Analyses revealed a decrease in HRV during the viewing of exercise-related pictures in less physically active participants. These participants reported that the same pictures elicited feelings with relatively low affective valence and arousal. There were no changes in HR. KW - Dual-process KW - Motivation KW - Valence KW - Arousal KW - Psychophysiology KW - Self-assessment manikin (SAM) Y1 - 2018 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychsport.2019.101541 SN - 1469-0292 SN - 1878-5476 VL - 45 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - GEN A1 - Bisi-Balogun, Adebisi A1 - Torlak, Firdevs T1 - Outcomes following hip and quadriceps strengthening exercises for patellofemoral syndrome BT - a systematic review and meta-analysis N2 - There is growing evidence to support change in the rehabilitation strategy of patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) from traditional quadriceps strengthening exercises to inclusion of hip musculature strengthening in individuals with PFPS. Several studies have evaluated effects of quadriceps and hip musculature strengthening on PFPS with varying outcomes on pain and function. This systematic review and meta-analysis aims to synthesize outcomes of pain and function post-intervention and at follow-up to determine whether outcomes vary depending on the exercise strategy in both the short and long term. Electronic databases including MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, Web of Science, PubMed, Pedro database, Proquest, Science direct, and EBscoHost databases were searched for randomized control trials published between 1st of January 2005 and 31st of June 2015, comparing the outcomes of pain and function following quadriceps strengthening and hip musculature strengthening exercises in patients with PFPS. Two independent reviewers assessed each paper for inclusion and quality. Means and SDs were extracted from each included study to allow effect size calculations and comparison of results. Six randomized control trials met the inclusion criteria. Limited to moderate evidence indicates that hip abductor strengthening was associated with significantly lower pain post-intervention (SMD −0.88, −1.28 to −0.47 95% CI), and at 12 months (SMD −3.10, −3.71 to −2.50 95% CI) with large effect sizes (greater than 0.80) compared to quadriceps strengthening. Our findings suggest that incorporating hip musculature strengthening in management of PFPS tailored to individual ability will improve short-term and long-term outcomes of rehabilitation. Further research evaluating the effects of quadriceps and hip abductors strengthening focusing on reduction in anterior knee pain and improvement in function in management of PFPS is needed. T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe - 336 KW - anterior knee pain KW - function KW - hip KW - muscle strengthening KW - muscle endurance Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-400413 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Sallen, Jeffrey A1 - Hemming, Karen A1 - Richartz, Alfred T1 - Facilitating dual careers by improving resistance to chronic stress BT - effects of an intervention programme for elite student athletes T2 - Postprints der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe N2 - The starting point of this contribution is the potential risk to health and performance from the combination of elite sporting careers with the pursuit of education. In European sport science and politics, structural measures to promote dual careers in elite sports have been discussed increasingly of late. In addition to organisational measures, there are calls for educational-psychological intervention programmes supporting the successful management of dual careers at the individual level. This paper presents an appropriate intervention programme and its evaluation: stress-resistance training for elite athletes (SRT-EA). It comprises 10 units, each lasting 90 minutes. It is intended for athletes and aims to improve their resistance to chronic stress. The evaluation was carried out in a quasi-experimental design, with three points of measurement (baseline, immediately after, and three months after) and two non-randomised groups: an intervention group (n = 128) and an untreated control group (n = 117). Participants were between 13 and 20 years of age (53.5% male) and represented various Olympic sports. Outcome variables were assessed with questionnaires. Significant short- and mid-term intervention effects were explored. The intervention increased stress-related knowledge, general self-efficacy, and stress sensitivity. Chronic stress level, stress symptoms, and stress reactivity were reduced. In line with the intention of the intervention, the results showed short- and mid-term, small to medium-sized effects. Accordingly, separate measurements at the end of the intervention and three months later showed mostly positive subjective experiences. Thus, the results reinforce the hope that educational-psychological stress-management interventions can support dual careers. T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe - 463 KW - chronic stress KW - stress-resistance KW - elite athletes KW - intervention KW - evaluation Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-412735 IS - 463 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kotthaus, Jochem A1 - Schäfer, Matthias A1 - Stankovic, Nikola A1 - Weitzel, Gerrit T1 - How soccer becomes politics BT - a case study on the communication of a transnational popular media event JF - International journal of sport communication N2 - In this case study, the authors elaborate on the narrative structure of transnational popular media events. Drawing from Dayan and Katz's concept of media events and Julia Sonnevend's exceptional work on iconic global media events, they argue that fundamental changes in the way occurrences are being reported on and news is structured must be considered. Allowing for recent technological advancements, the role of the consumer and the compression of time in media use, the authors develop a methodological and theoretical framework fitting a more mundane and everyday life-based approach. They derive their results from the analysis of the "Podgorica Media Event," a news cycle emerging from a racist incident during an international soccer game between England and Montenegro. Based on the body of 250 international news pieces, they identify a primary mother narration and a distinctive narration as the typical ways of storytelling on a transnational level. While differing greatly in content, aspects of transnational popular media events serve to protect and reify the cultural background they are grounded in on a national level. Thus, we assume that sport, or, more specifically, soccer, may become political in media communication not by the impact of state government but by the consumers themselves choosing and developing a popular media event in the first place. KW - banal nationalism KW - digital media KW - everyday life KW - prosumer KW - racism Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1123/ijsc.2020-0320 SN - 1936-3915 SN - 1936-3907 VL - 14 IS - 3 SP - 428 EP - 447 PB - Human Kinetics Publ. CY - Champaign ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Markov, Adrian A1 - Hauser, Lukas A1 - Chaabene, Helmi T1 - Effects of concurrent strength and endurance training on measures of physical fitness in healthy middle-aged and older adults BT - a systematic review with meta-analysis JF - Sports medicine : an international journal of applied medicine and science in sport and exercise N2 - Background There is evidence that in older adults the combination of strength training (ST) and endurance training (ET) (i.e., concurrent training [CT]) has similar effects on measures of muscle strength and cardiorespiratory endurance (CRE) compared with single-mode ST or ET, respectively. Therefore, CT seems to be an effective method to target broad aspects of physical fitness in older adults. Objectives The aim was to examine the effects of CT on measures of physical fitness (i.e., muscle strength, power, balance and CRE) in healthy middle-aged and older adults aged between 50 and 73 years. We also aimed to identify key moderating variables to guide training prescription. Study Design We conducted a systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Data Sources The electronic databases PubMed, Web of Science Core Collection, MEDLINE and Google Scholar were systematically searched until February 2022. Eligibility Criteria for Selecting Studies We included randomized controlled trials that examined the effects of CT versus passive controls on measures of physical fitness in healthy middle-aged and older adults aged between 50 and 73 years. Results Fifteen studies were eligible, including a total of 566 participants. CT induced moderate positive effects on muscle strength (standardized mean difference [SMD] = 0.74) and power (SMD = 0.50), with a small effect on CRE (SMD = 0.48). However, no significant effects were detected for balance (p > 0.05). Older adults > 65 years (SMD = 1.04) and females (SMD = 1.05) displayed larger improvements in muscle strength compared with adults <= 65 years old (SMD = 0.60) and males (SMD = 0.38), respectively. For CRE, moderate positive effects (SMD = 0.52) were reported in those <= 65 years old only, with relatively larger gains in females (SMD = 0.55) compared with males (SMD = 0.45). However, no significant differences between all subgroups were detected. Independent single training factor analysis indicated larger positive effects of 12 weeks (SMD = 0.87 and 0.88) compared with 21 weeks (SMD = 0.47 and 0.29) of CT on muscle strength and power, respectively, while for CRE, 21 weeks of CT resulted in larger gains (SMD = 0.62) than 12 weeks (SMD = 0.40). For CT frequency, three sessions per week produced larger beneficial effects (SMD = 0.91) on muscle strength compared with four sessions (SMD = 0.55), whereas for CRE, moderate positive effects were only noted after four sessions per week (SMD = 0.58). A session duration of > 30-60 min generated larger improvements in muscle strength (SMD = 0.99) and power (SMD = 0.88) compared with > 60-90 min (SMD = 0.40 and 0.29, respectively). However, for CRE, longer session durations (i.e., > 60-90 min) seem to be more effective (SMD = 0.61) than shorter ones (i.e., > 30-60 min) (SMD = 0.34). ET at moderate-to-near maximal intensities produced moderate (SMD = 0.64) and small positive effects (SMD = 0.49) on muscle strength and CRE, respectively, with no effects at low intensity ET (p > 0.05). Finally, intra-session ST before ET produced larger gains in muscle strength (SMD = 1.00) compared with separate sessions (SMD = 0.55), whereas ET and ST carried out separately induced larger improvements in CRE (SMD = 0.58) compared with intra-session ET before ST (SMD = 0.49). Conclusions CT is an effective method to improve measures of physical fitness (i.e., muscle strength, power, and CRE) in healthy middle-aged and older adults aged between 50 and 73 years, regardless of sex. Results of independent single training factor analysis indicated that the largest effects on muscle strength were observed after 12 weeks of training, > 30-60 min per session, three sessions per week, higher ET intensities and when ST preceded ET within the same session. For CRE, the largest effects were noted after 21 weeks of training, four sessions per week, > 60-90 min per session, higher ET intensities and when ET and ST sessions were performed separately. Regarding muscle power, the largest effects were observed after 12 weeks of training and > 30-60 min per session. Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s40279-022-01764-2 SN - 0112-1642 SN - 1179-2035 VL - 53 IS - 2 SP - 437 EP - 455 PB - Springer CY - Heidelberg ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Brand, Ralf A1 - Nosrat, Sanaz A1 - Späth, Constantin A1 - Timme, Sinika T1 - Using COVID-19 Pandemic as a Prism: A Systematic Review of Methodological Approaches and the Quality of Empirical Studies on Physical Activity Behavior Change JF - Frontiers in Sports and Active Living N2 - Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of scientific endeavors. The goal of this systematic review is to evaluate the quality of the research on physical activity (PA) behavior change and its potential to contribute to policy-making processes in the early days of COVID-19 related restrictions. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of methodological quality of current research according to PRISMA guidelines using Pubmed and Web of Science, of articles on PA behavior change that were published within 365 days after COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). Items from the JBI checklist and the AXIS tool were used for additional risk of bias assessment. Evidence mapping is used for better visualization of the main results. Conclusions about the significance of published articles are based on hypotheses on PA behavior change in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Results: Among the 1,903 identified articles, there were 36% opinion pieces, 53% empirical studies, and 9% reviews. Of the 332 studies included in the systematic review, 213 used self-report measures to recollect prepandemic behavior in often small convenience samples. Most focused changes in PA volume, whereas changes in PA types were rarely measured. The majority had methodological reporting flaws. Few had very large samples with objective measures using repeated measure design (pre and during the pandemic). In addition to the expected decline in PA duration, these studies show that many of those who were active prepandemic, continued to be active during the pandemic. Conclusions: Research responded quickly at the onset of the pandemic. However, most of the studies lacked robust methodology, and PA behavior change data lacked the accuracy needed to guide policy makers. To improve the field, we propose the implementation of longitudinal cohort studies by larger organizations such as WHO to ease access to data on PA behavior, and suggest those institutions set clear standards for this research. Researchers need to ensure a better fit between the measurement method and the construct being measured, and use both objective and subjective measures where appropriate to complement each other and provide a comprehensive picture of PA behavior. KW - meta-science KW - exercise KW - methods KW - quality KW - study designs KW - standards Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3389/fspor.2022.864468 SN - 2624-9367 VL - 4 SP - 1 EP - 17 PB - Frontiers CY - Lausanne, Schweiz ER - TY - GEN A1 - Brand, Ralf A1 - Nosrat, Sanaz A1 - Späth, Constantin A1 - Timme, Sinika T1 - Using COVID-19 Pandemic as a Prism: A Systematic Review of Methodological Approaches and the Quality of Empirical Studies on Physical Activity Behavior Change T2 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe N2 - Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of scientific endeavors. The goal of this systematic review is to evaluate the quality of the research on physical activity (PA) behavior change and its potential to contribute to policy-making processes in the early days of COVID-19 related restrictions. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of methodological quality of current research according to PRISMA guidelines using Pubmed and Web of Science, of articles on PA behavior change that were published within 365 days after COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). Items from the JBI checklist and the AXIS tool were used for additional risk of bias assessment. Evidence mapping is used for better visualization of the main results. Conclusions about the significance of published articles are based on hypotheses on PA behavior change in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Results: Among the 1,903 identified articles, there were 36% opinion pieces, 53% empirical studies, and 9% reviews. Of the 332 studies included in the systematic review, 213 used self-report measures to recollect prepandemic behavior in often small convenience samples. Most focused changes in PA volume, whereas changes in PA types were rarely measured. The majority had methodological reporting flaws. Few had very large samples with objective measures using repeated measure design (pre and during the pandemic). In addition to the expected decline in PA duration, these studies show that many of those who were active prepandemic, continued to be active during the pandemic. Conclusions: Research responded quickly at the onset of the pandemic. However, most of the studies lacked robust methodology, and PA behavior change data lacked the accuracy needed to guide policy makers. To improve the field, we propose the implementation of longitudinal cohort studies by larger organizations such as WHO to ease access to data on PA behavior, and suggest those institutions set clear standards for this research. Researchers need to ensure a better fit between the measurement method and the construct being measured, and use both objective and subjective measures where appropriate to complement each other and provide a comprehensive picture of PA behavior. T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe - 790 KW - meta-science KW - exercise KW - methods KW - quality KW - study designs KW - standards Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-563625 SN - 1866-8364 SP - 1 EP - 17 PB - Universitätsverlag Potsdam CY - Potsdam ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Palma-Muñoz, Ignacio A1 - Ramírez-Campillo, Rodrigo A1 - Azocar-Gallardo, Jairo A1 - Álvarez, Cristian A1 - Asadi, Abbas A1 - Moran, Jason A1 - Chaabene, Helmi T1 - Effects of progressed and nonprogressed volume-based overload plyometric training on components of physical fitness and body composition variables in youth male basketball players JF - Journal of strength and conditioning research : the research journal of the NSCA N2 - This study examined the effect of 6 weeks of progressed and nonprogressed volume-based overload plyometric training (PT) on components of physical fitness and body composition measures in young male basketball players, compared with an active control group. Subjects were randomly assigned to a progressed PT (PPT, n = 7; age = 14.6 +/- 1.1 years), a non-PPT (NPPT, n = 8, age = 13.8 +/- 2.0 years), or a control group (CG, n = 7, age = 14.0 +/- 2.0 years). Before and after training, body composition measures (muscle mass and fat mass), countermovement jump with arms (CMJA) and countermovement jump without arms (CMJ), horizontal bilateral (HCMJ) and unilateral jump with right leg (RJ) and left leg (LJ), 20-cm drop jump (DJ20), sprint speed (10 m sprint), and change of direction speed (CODS [i.e., T-test]) were tested. Significant effects of time were observed for muscle and fat mass, all jump measures, and CODS (all p < 0.01; d = 0.37-0.83). Significant training group x time interactions were observed for all jump measures (all p < 0.05; d = 0.24-0.41). Post hoc analyses revealed significant pre-post performance improvements for the PPT (RJ and LJ: increment 18.6%, d = 0.8 and increment 22.7%, d = 0.9, respectively; HCMJ: increment 16.4%, d = 0.8; CMJ: increment 22.4%, d = 0.7; CMJA: increment 23.3%, d = 0.7; and DJ20: increment 39.7%, d = 1.1) and for the NPPT group (LJ: increment 14.1%, d = 0.4; DJ20: increment 32.9%, d = 0.8) with greater changes after PPT compared with NPPT for all jump measures (all p < 0.05; d = 0.21-0.81). The training efficiency was greater (p < 0.05; d = 0.22) after PPT (0.015% per jump) compared with NPPT (0.0053% per-jump). The PPT induced larger performance improvements on measures of physical fitness as compared to NPPT. Therefore, in-season progressive volume-based overload PT in young male basketball players is recommended. KW - stretch-shortening cycle KW - young KW - team sports KW - athletic performance KW - anthropometry Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0000000000002950 SN - 1064-8011 SN - 1533-4287 VL - 35 IS - 6 SP - 1642 EP - 1649 PB - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins CY - Philadelphia ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Busch, Aglaja A1 - Trounson, Karl M. A1 - Browne, Peter A1 - Robertson, Sam T1 - Effects of lower limb light-weight wearable resistance on running biomechanics JF - Journal of biomechanics : affiliated with the American Society of Biomechanics, the European Society of Biomechanics, the International Society of Biomechanics, the Japanese Society for Clinical Biomechanics and Related Research and the Australian and New Zealand Society of Biomechanics N2 - Wearable resistance allows individualized loading for sport specific movements and can lead to specific strength adaptations benefiting the athlete. The objective was to determine biomechanical changes during running with lower limb light-weight wearable resistance. Fourteen participants (age: 28 +/- 4 years; height: 180 +/- 8 cm; body mass: 77 +/- 6 kg) wore shorts and calf sleeves of a compression suit allowing attachment of light loads. Participants completed four times two mins 20-m over-ground shuttle running bouts at 3.3 m*s(-1) alternated by three mins rest. The first running bout was unloaded and the other three bouts were under randomised loaded conditions (1%, 3% and 5% additional loading of the individual body mass). 3D motion cameras and force plates recorded kinematic and kinetic data at the midpoint of each 20-m shuttle. Friedman-test for repeated measures and linear mixed effect model analysis were used to determine differences between the loading conditions (alpha = 0.05). Increased peak vertical ground reaction force (2.7 N/kg to 2.74 N/kg), ground contact time (0.20 s to 0.21 s) and decreased step length (1.49 m to 1.45 m) were found with additional 5 % body mass loading compared to unloaded running (0.001 > p < 0.007). Marginally more knee flexion and hip extension and less plantarflexion was seen with higher loading. Differences in the assessed parameters were present between each loading condition but accompanied by subject variability. Further studies, also examining long term effects, should be conducted to further inform use of this training tool. KW - Kinematic KW - Kinetic KW - Weighted running KW - External loading KW - 3D motion KW - capture Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbiomech.2021.110903 SN - 0021-9290 SN - 1873-2380 VL - 130 PB - Elsevier Science CY - New York, NY [u.a.] ER - TY - THES A1 - Antoniewicz, Franziska T1 - Automatic evaluations of exercising T1 - Automatische Evaluationen von Sport N2 - Changing the perspective sometimes offers completely new insights to an already well-known phenomenon. Exercising behavior, defined as planned, structured and repeated bodily movements with the intention to maintain or increase the physical fitness (Caspersen, Powell, & Christenson, 1985), can be thought of as such a well-known phenomenon that has been in the scientific focus for many decades (Dishman & O’Connor, 2005). Within these decades a perspective that assumes rational and controlled evaluations as the basis for decision making, was predominantly used to understand why some people engage in physical activity and others do not (Ekkekakis & Zenko, 2015). Dual-process theories (Ekkekakis & Zenko, 2015; Payne & Gawronski, 2010) provide another perspective, that is not exclusively influenced by rational reasoning. These theories differentiate two different processes that guide behavior “depending on whether they operate automatically or in a controlled fashion“ (Gawronski & Creighton, 2012, p. 282). Following this line of thought, exercise behavior is not solely influenced by thoughtful deliberations (e.g. concluding that exercising is healthy) but also by spontaneous affective reactions (e.g. disliking being sweaty while exercising). The theoretical frameworks of dual-process models are not new in psychology (Chaiken & Trope, 1999) and have already been used for the explanation of numerous behaviors (e.g. Hofmann, Friese, & Wiers, 2008; Huijding, de Jong, Wiers, & Verkooijen, 2005). However, they have only rarely been used for the explanation of exercise behavior (e.g. Bluemke, Brand, Schweizer, & Kahlert, 2010; Conroy, Hyde, Doerksen, & Ribeiro, 2010; Hyde, Doerksen, Ribeiro, & Conroy, 2010). The assumption of two dissimilar behavior influencing processes, differs fundamentally from previous theories and thus from the research that has been conducted in the last decades in exercise psychology. Research mainly concentrated on predictors of the controlled processes and addressed the identified predictors in exercise interventions (Ekkekakis & Zenko, 2015; Hagger, Chatzisarantis, & Biddle, 2002). Predictors arising from the described automatic processes, for example automatic evaluations for exercising (AEE), have been neglected in exercise psychology for many years. Until now, only a few researchers investigated the influence of these AEE for exercising behavior (Bluemke et al., 2010; Brand & Schweizer, 2015; Markland, Hall, Duncan, & Simatovic, 2015). Marginally more researchers focused on the impact of AEE for physical activity behavior (Calitri, Lowe, Eves, & Bennett, 2009; Conroy et al., 2010; Hyde et al., 2010; Hyde, Elavsky, Doerksen, & Conroy, 2012). The extant studies mainly focused on the quality of AEE and the associated quantity of exercise (exercise much or little; Bluemke et al., 2010; Calitri et al., 2009; Conroy et al., 2010; Hyde et al., 2012). In sum, there is still a dramatic lack of empirical knowledge, when applying dual-process theories to exercising behavior, even though these theories have proven to be successful in explaining behavior in many other health-relevant domains like eating, drinking or smoking behavior (e.g. Hofmann et al., 2008). The main goal of the present dissertation was to collect empirical evidence for the influence of AEE on exercise behavior and to expand the so far exclusively correlational studies by experimentally controlled studies. By doing so, the ongoing debate on a paradigm shift from controlled and deliberative influences of exercise behavior towards approaches that consider automatic and affective influences (Ekkekakis & Zenko, 2015) should be encouraged. All three conducted publications are embedded in dual-process theorizing (Gawronski & Bodenhausen, 2006, 2014; Strack & Deutsch, 2004). These theories offer a theoretical framework that could integrate the established controlled variables of exercise behavior explanation and additionally consider automatic factors for exercise behavior like AEE. Taken together, the empirical findings collected suggest that AEE play an important and diverse role for exercise behavior. They represent exercise setting preferences, are a cause for short-term exercise decisions and are decisive for long-term exercise adherence. Adding to the few already present studies in this field, the influence of (positive) AEE for exercise behavior was confirmed in all three presented publications. Even though the available set of studies needs to be extended in prospectively studies, first steps towards a more complete picture have been taken. Closing with the beginning of the synopsis: I think that time is right for a change of perspectives! This means a careful extension of the present theories with controlled evaluations explaining exercise behavior. Dual-process theories including controlled and automatic evaluations could provide such a basis for future research endeavors in exercise psychology. N2 - Ein anderer Blickwinkel eröffnet manchmal komplett neue Erkenntnisse in so manches bekanntes Phänomen. Sporttreiben, definiert als geplante, strukturierte und wiederholt ablaufende Körperbewegungen mit der Intention die körperliche Fitness aufrecht zu erhalten oder zu verbessern (Caspersen, Powell & Christenson, 1985), kann als ein solches bekanntes Phänomen angesehen werden, welches seit vielen Dekaden im wissenschaftlichen Fokus steht (Dishman & O’Connor, 2005). Um zu verstehen warum manche Menschen körperlich aktiv sind und andere nicht, wurde in den letzten Dekaden meist angenommen, dass rationale und kontrollierte Bewertungen Entscheidungen beeinflussen (Ekkekakis & Zenko, 2015). Zwei-Prozess Theorien (Payne & Garwonski, 2010) bieten eine andere Perspektive, welche nicht nur durch rationales Überlegen beeinflusst ist. Diese Theorien unterscheiden zwei unterschiedliche Prozesse welche Verhalten beeinflussen „depending on whether they operate automatically or in a controlled fashion“ (Gawronski & Creighton, 2012, S. 282). Sportprädiktoren mit dem Ursprung in automatischen Prozessen, z.B. automatische Evaluationen von Sport (AES), wurden in der sportpsychologischen Forschung seit vielen Jahren vernachlässigt. Bisher haben nur wenige Wissenschaftler die Rolle von AES untersucht (Brand & Schweizer, 2015; Markland, Hall, Duncan, & Simatovic, 2015). Das Hauptziel der vorliegenden Dissertation ist es, empirische Belege für den Einfluss von AES auf Sportverhalten zu sammeln und die bisher ausschließlich korrelativen Studien um experimentelle zu erweitern. Meine erste Publikation adressierte eine Kernannahme von AES, die Eigenschaft der Automatizität der erfassten affektiven Evaluationen. Der methodische Ansatz der Studie über ein subliminales AMP (Murphy & Zajonc, 1993; Payne, Cheng, Govorun, & Stewart, 2005) ermöglichte die Schlussfolgerung, dass automatische affektive Evaluationen nach der Stimulusdarstellung ausgelöst wurden. Der Einfluss von AES auf qualitative Sportcharakteristika, die Präferenz eines bestimmten Sportsettings, wurde aufgezeigt. Meine zweite Publikation beabsichtigte notwendige Informationen für die Implementation von Sportinterventionen zu liefern, welche die automatische Komponente von Sportverhalten fokussieren. Das Adressieren automatischer Komponenten in Sportintervention wurde erst kürzlich gefordert (Marteau, Hollands, & Fletcher, 2012). In einer Abfolge von drei Studien wurde die experimentelle Zugänglichkeit, die sinnvolle Manipulation in eine gesundheitsrelevante Richtung und die damit verbundenen Verhaltenskonsequenzen von veränderten AES untersucht. Positive AES wurden durch Evaluatives Konditionieren (EK; Hofmann, De Houwer, Perugini, Baeyens, & Crombez, 2010) induziert. Dabei werden systematisch Bilder von Sporttreiben mit Bildern welche angenehme Empfindungen wecken kombiniert. Nicht-sportassoziierte Bilder werden hingegen konsequent von Bildern gefolgt, die unangenehme Emotionen hervorrufen. Die experimentelle Manipulation führte zur Wahl höherer Sportintensitäten in einer nachfolgenden Sportaufgabe. Darüber hinaus deuteten die Analysen darauf hin, dass das assoziative Erlernen positiver AES nicht in gleichen Anteilen durch den Erwerb positiver Assoziationen zu Sport und negativer Assoziationen mit Nicht-Sport gesteuert wurde. Meine dritte Publikation adressierte unterschiedlichen Anteile von AES im Hinblick auf langfristiges Sportverhalten, speziell die Sportkursadhärenz in einem 14-wöchigen Sportprogramm. Sportverhalten, wie das Besuchen eines Aerobickurses, kann mit positiven affektiven Assoziationen (PAA; z.B. Sport mit Musik ist angenehm) und negativen affektiven Assoziationen (NAA; z.B. Muskelkater ist unangenehm) gleichermaßen verbunden sein. Wissen über den individuellen Einfluss der einzelnen Komponenten auf Sportverhalten würde das Verständnis von AES erleichtern. Die bisher dominierenden Befunde von AES als Prädiktor für kurzfristiges Sportverhalten (z.B.Hyde et al., 2012) wurden erweitert und der Einfluss der AES für sportspezifische Entscheidungen (Brand & Schweizer, 2015) auf eine langfristige Perspektive erweitert. Da Adhärenz in Sportkursen ein gewaltiges Problem in aktuellen Gesundheitsprogrammen (Marcus et al., 2000) darstellt, ist zusätzliches Wissen über Prädiktoren der Sportadhärenz (wie AES) wertvoll für die erfolgreiche Implementation von Sportinterventionen. Die vorgestellten Studien meiner Dissertation hatten das Ziel empirische Belege für die Bedeutung von AES für Sportverhalten zu bieten. Zusammengefasst legen die gesammelten Befunde nahe, dass AES eine wichtige und vielfältige Rolle für Sportverhalten. Diese repräsentieren Präferenzen für Sportsettings, stellen eine Ursache für kurzfristige Sportentscheidungen dar und sind entscheidend für langfristige Sportadhärenz. In Ergänzung zu den wenigen bisher existierenden Studien in dem Feld, wurde der Einfluss von (positiven) AES für Sportverhalten in allen drei beschriebenen Studien bestätigt. KW - automaticity KW - dual-processes KW - exercise KW - health KW - implicit KW - automatisch KW - Zwei-Prozess Modelle KW - Sport KW - Gesundheit KW - implizit Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-92280 ER - TY - THES A1 - Serag, Rabe Al Sayed Al Sayed T1 - Motivationale und Volitionale Aspekte im Leistungssport im interkulturellen Vergleich zwischen Deutschland und Ägypten : eine explorative Analyse am Beispiel Ringen T1 - Motivational and Volitional aspects of competitive sports in cross-cultural comparison between Germany and Egypt : an exploratory analysis based on Sports Wrestling N2 - Kultur gibt den Menschen eine Orientierung. Sie machen darin ganz spezifische Erfahrungen. Hieraus entwickeln sich auch motivationale Orientierungen. Dadurch werden andere Erfahrungen gemacht, die Sportler können andere Motivation und Volition entwickeln. Dabei sind mehr kollektivistische Kulturen eher vermeidungs-motiviert und mehr individualistische Kulturen mehr erfolgsorientiert. Beim Kollektivismus erscheint die Leistungsmotivation eher unter einem sozialen Aspekt, nämlich die Auseinandersetzung mit einem Gütemaßstab, der eher von außen vorgegeben wird und weniger einem ausschließlich eigenen Maßstab. Ägypten erweist sich im Vergleich zu Deutschland als eine eher kollektivistisch geprägte Kultur. Daraus ergeben sich folgende Unterschiede: Einen signifikanten Unterschied zwischen deutschen und ägyptischen Ringern gibt es in der Wettkampforientierung und bei der Sieg- bzw. Gewinn-Orientierung. Die ägyptischen Ringer habe eine höhere Ausprägung als die Deutschen. Sie weisen auch eine etwas höhere Zielorientierung auf als die Deutschen. Entgegen den Erwartungen zeigte sich, dass es keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den ägyptischen und deutschen Ringern gibt in der Variable: Sieg- bzw. Gewinn-Orientierung. Die Furcht vor Misserfolg sowie auch die Hoffnung auf Erfolg liegen höher bei den Ägyptern als bei den Deutschen. Bezogen auf die Modi der Handlungskontrolle verfügen die Deutschen Ringer über eine höher Ausprägung auf allen drei Komponenten. Sie haben eine höhere Handlungsorientierung nach Misserfolg, eine höhere Handlungsplanung sowie eine höhere Handlungstätigkeitsausführung. Diese kulturell kontrastive Studie über die psychologischen Aspekte, im Bereich der Leistungsmotivation und der Handlungskontrolle, kann für die Sportart Ringen sehr nützlich werden, da sie sehr wichtig ist beim Erkennen der sportlichen Überlegenheits- und Schwächemerkmale. Sie wiederspiegelt auch die Hochstimmung in den entwickelten Staaten oder die Misere in den anderen Staaten. Aus den interkulturellen Unterschieden in der Motivation und Volition können somit verschiedene Maßnahmen zu sportpsychologischen Interventionen entwickelt werden. Es sollte unbedingt darauf wert gelegt werden, dass die kulturell bedingten Unterschiede im Trainingsalltag beachtet werden, bei Teams, die aus Personen aus unterschiedlichen Kulturkreisen stammen. N2 - Culture gives people a guide. They make very specific experiences. So they develop motivational orientations. Because other experiences are made, the athlete can develop other motivation and volition. While more collectivist cultures have more avoidance motivation the individualistic cultures are more performance-oriented. In collectivism appears motivation rather from a social aspect, namely the examination of a quality standard that is more externally determined and less an exclusively own scale. Egypt proves to be compared to Germany as a more collectivist influenced culture. This has the following differences: There are significant differences between German and Egyptian wrestlers in the competition orientation and the victory or profit-orientation. The Egyptian wrestlers have higher levels than the Germans. They also have a slightly higher goal orientation than the Germans. Contrary to expectations, it was found that there were no significant differences between the Egyptian and German wrestlers in the variable: victory or profit-orientation. The fear of failure and the hope of success are higher among Egyptians than the Germans. Based on the modes of action control, the Germans have a higher expression of wrestlers on all three components. They have a higher action orientation after failure, a higher action planning and a higher activity of action execution. This culturally contrastive study of the psychological aspects in the field of achievement motivation and executive control, can be very useful for the sport of wrestling, as it is very important in recognizing the athletic superiority and weak features. It also reflects the high spirits in the developed countries or the misery in the other states. From the intercultural differences in the motivation and volition thus several measures to sport psychological interventions are developed. Care should be made not worth that culturally specific differences were observed in the daily training, in teams that come from people from different cultures. KW - Motivationale und Volitionale Aspekte KW - Leistungssport im interkulturellen Vergleich KW - Deutschland und Ägypten Kulturvergleich KW - Sportringen KW - Motivational and Volitional aspects of competitive sports KW - an intercultural comparison KW - Germany and Egypt culture comparison KW - Sports Wrestling Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-64199 ER - TY - THES A1 - Höhne, Janet T1 - Aktivitäts- und Herzfrequenz-Monitoring zur Erfassung der Bewegungszeit und der Bewegungsintensität im schulischen und außerschulischen Kontext von Grundschülern im Land Brandenburg T1 - Activity and heart rate monitoring to detect the movement of time and intensity of movement in and outside the school context of elementary school students in the state of Brandenburg N2 - "Kinderwelt ist Bewegungswelt" (Schmidt, 1997, S. 156, zitiert nach Schmidt, Hartmann-Tews & Brettschneider, 2003, S. 31). Das kindliche Bewegungsverhalten hat sich bereits im Grundschulalter verändert, so dass sich Bewegungsaktivitäten von Kindern erheblich unterscheiden und keineswegs mehr verallgemeinert werden können. Richtet man den Fokus auf die Frage „Wie bewegt sind unsere Kinder?“ so scheint diese von den Medien bereits beantwortet zu sein, da dort von ansteigendem Bewegungsmangel der heutigen Kinder gegenüber früheren Generationen berichtet wird. Wenn es in den Diskussionen um den Gesundheitszustand unserer Kinder geht, nimmt die körperlich-sportliche Aktivität eine entscheidende Rolle ein. Bewegungsmangel ist hierbei ein zentraler Begriff der in der Öffentlichkeit diskutiert wird. Bei der Betrachtung der einzelnen Studien fällt auf, dass deutliche Defizite in der Messung der körperlich-sportlichen Aktivität bestehen. Zentraler Kritikpunkt in den meisten Studien ist die subjektive Erfassung der körperlich-sportlichen Aktivität. Ein Großteil bisheriger Untersuchungen zum Bewegungsverhalten basiert auf Beobachtungen, Befragungen oder Bewegungstagebüchern. Diese liefern ausschließlich zum Teil subjektive Einschätzungen der Kinder oder Eltern über die tatsächliche Bewegungszeit und -intensität. Das objektive Erfassen der Aktivität bzw. Inaktivität ist zwar seit einigen Jahren zentraler Gegenstand vieler Studien, dennoch gilt es, dieses noch sachkundiger zu lösen, um subjektive und objektive Daten zu vergleichen. Um dem Bewegungsmangel der heutigen Kinder entgegenzuwirken, sind empirisch abgesicherte Erkenntnisse über die Bedingungsfaktoren und die Folgen des veränderten Bewegungsverhaltens dringend nötig. Die Quer- und Längsschnittuntersuchung umfasst die Bereiche Anthropometrie, die Erfassung der körperlich-sportlichen Aktivität und die Herzfrequenzmessung über 24h. Für die Studie konnten 106 Jungen und Mädchen im Zeitraum von Januar 2007 bis April 2009 rekrutiert und überprüft werden. Die physiologischen Parameter wurden mit Hilfe des ACTIHEART-Messsytems aufgezeichnet und berechnet. Die Ergebnisse zur körperlich-sportlichen Aktivität wurden in die Untersuchungsabschnitte Schulzeit gesamt, Pause, Sportunterricht, Nachmittag und 24h unterteilt. Durch das Messsystem werden die Bewegungsaktivität und die Herzfrequenz synchron aufgezeichnet. Das System nimmt die Beschleunigungswerte des Körpers auf und speichert sie im frei wählbaren Zeitintervall, Short oder Long Term, in Form von „activity counts“ ab. Das Messsytem berechnet weiterhin die Intensität körperlicher Aktivität. N2 - "Children's World is the world movement" (Schmidt, 1997, p. 156, quoted by Schmidt, Hartmann-Tews & Brettschneider, 2003, p. 31). The child's physical activity has changed already in elementary school, so that physical activity of children vary considerably and can not be more generalized. If we turn our focus to the question "What moves are our children?" So this seems to have been answered by the media, because there is increasing lack of physical activity reported by today's children from previous generations. When it comes to discussions about the health of our children, taking the physical and sporting activity plays a decisive role. Lack of exercise is a key term here is in the public's debate. When examining the individual studies is striking that significant deficiencies exist in the measurement of physical and sporting activity. The central point of criticism in most studies is the subjective detection of physical and sporting activity. A majority of previous studies on physical activity based on observations, interviews, or movement diaries. These provide only partly subjective assessments of the children or parents about the actual movement of time and intensity. The objective recording of activity or inactivity, although in recent years, the central subject of many studies, yet it is true, this knowledgeable yet to be resolved in order to compare subjective and objective data. To counteract the lack of movement of today's children, empirically based insights into the determinants and consequences of changes in physical activity are urgently needed. The cross-sectional and longitudinal study covers the areas of anthropometry, the collection of physical and sporting activity and heart rate measured over 24 hours. For the study, 106 boys and girls in the period January 2007 to April 2009 are being recruited and examined. The physiological parameters were recorded using the ACTIHEART-measuring systems and calculated. The results for physical and sporting activity were divided into the total school study sections, breaks, physical education, and 24 afternoon. By the measurement system's physical activity and heart rate recorded synchronously. The system records the acceleration of the body and stores it in the selected time interval, from Short or Long Term, in the form of "activity counts". The measurement system calculates the intensity of physical activity continue. KW - körperliche Aktivität KW - körperlich-sportliche Aktivität KW - Grundschulkinder KW - Actiheart KW - physical activity KW - heart rate KW - movement of time Y1 - 2011 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-57937 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Keller, Sebastian A1 - Notbohm, Hannah Lisa A1 - Bloch, Wilhelm A1 - Schumann, Moritz T1 - Reduced serum concentrations of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species following strenuous exercise in the heat are not associated with an upregulation in serum antioxidative capacity JF - Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity N2 - Introduction: Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) are produced as a response to exercise and play a part in guiding the adaptive response to physical training. Exercise in the heat has been shown to further increase accumulation of RONS in systemic circulation; however, a high antioxidative response or heat acclimatization mechanisms could attenuate this response. In a previous study, we found reduced RONS concentrations in trained athletes following strenuous cycling in the heat. Therefore, this secondary analysis assessed whether these reduced RONS serum concentrations are induced by an increased serum antioxidant capacity. Methods: Twelve male cyclists (V?O2peak: 60 +/- 4 ml center dot kg-1 center dot min-1) completed a 60-minute constant workload trial (55% peak power output, ambient temperature 30.4 +/- 0.6 degrees C) with and without ice vest in a randomized order. The core body temperature (Tcore) was measured by an ingestible capsule. Blood samples were collected before and after each trial to determine superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activity, total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and RONS. Due to the absence of between-group differences, data of both conditions were pooled. Results: Tcore statistically increased (p < 0.001) over the experimental trials (+6.0 +/- 1.6%, effect size (ES) = 5.6). Concentrations of RONS (-17.2 +/- 15.5%, p < 0.001, ES = 1.0) and TAC (-8.9 +/- 22.9%, p = 0.04, ES = 0.7) statistically decreased, while the activity of CAT (+15.5 +/- 84.0%, p = 0.90, ES = 0.04) and SOD (+9.2 +/- 58.7%, p = 0.98, ES = 0.01) remained unchanged. Conclusions: Reduced serum RONS concentrations after strenuous cycling in the heat were not associated with upregulation of serum antioxidant capacity in trained athletes. The prooxidant-antioxidant balance may rather be regulated at a myocellular level and should be further assessed in future studies. KW - total antioxidant KW - capacity KW - antioxidants KW - catalase KW - reactive oxygen KW - species KW - superoxide dismutase KW - sports medicine Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.29359/BJHPA.14.4.03 SN - 2080-9999 VL - 14 IS - 4 PB - Gda`nsk Academy; Versita, Warsaw CY - Gdansk ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Davies, Michael J. A1 - Drury, Benjamin A1 - Ramirez-Campillo, Rodrigo A1 - Chaabene, Helmi A1 - Moran, Jason T1 - Effect of plyometric training and biological maturation on jump and change of direction ability in female youth JF - Journal of strength and conditioning research : the research journal of the NSCA / National Strength & Conditioning Association N2 - Biological maturation has been shown to affect male youths' responses to plyometric training (PT). However, to date, no researcher has examined the effect of maturation on the effects of PT in female youth. We undertook the first controlled intervention study to examine this, focusing on adaptive responses to countermovement jump (CMJ), reactive strength index (RSI), and change of direction (COD) performance in groups of female youth divided by maturation status (years from peak height velocity [PHV]). The training program lasted 7 weeks with subjects undertaking 2 sessions of PT per week. In the mid-PHV group, there was a small increase (effect size; 90% confidence interval = 0.40; -0.23 to 1.03) in CMJ performance. No changes were observed in the post-PHV group (0.02; -0.68 to 0.72). For RSI, there was a moderate increase in the mid-PHV group (0.94; 0.29-1.59) with only a trivial increase in the post-PHV group (0.06; -0.65 to 0.76). The intervention exerted no positive effect on COD performance in any group. Plyometric training seems to enhance CMJ and RSI in female youth, although the magnitude of adaptation could be affected by maturation status. A twice-per-week program of multidirectional jumping and hopping, with bilateral and unilateral components, can be used as a preparatory precursor to physical education classes or recreational sport. KW - girls KW - exercise KW - sport KW - athlete Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0000000000003216 SN - 1064-8011 SN - 1533-4287 VL - 35 IS - 10 SP - 2690 EP - 2697 PB - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins CY - Philadelphia ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Brand, Johannes A1 - Franke, Vanessa T1 - Verantwortungseigentum und Profifußball BT - eine Organisationsform für werteorientierte Fußballvereine? JF - Zeitschrift für Sport und Recht N2 - Verantwortungseigentum ist mittlerweile mehr als ein Nischenthema innerhalb der Rechtswissenschaft und unternehmerischen Praxis. Unternehmen werden in Verantwortungseigentum gegründet oder umgewandelt, also die persönlichen Gewinne der Gesellschafter perpetuiert und die Nachfolge reguliert. Auch der Profifußball stellt sich immer wieder die Frage nach der richtigen Balance zwischen Gewinnstreben und Gemeinwohl. Das wirft Fragen nach alternativen Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten auf, für die das Verantwortungseigentum eine Lösung bieten könnte. Y1 - 2023 UR - https://beck-online.beck.de/Bcid/Y-300-Z-SPURT-B-2023-S-196-N-1 SN - 0945-3873 VL - 30 IS - 3 SP - 196 EP - 201 PB - Beck CY - München ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lehmann, Nico A1 - Kuhn, Yves-Alain A1 - Keller, Martin A1 - Aye, Norman A1 - Herold, Fabian A1 - Draganski, Bogdan A1 - Taube, Wolfgang A1 - Taubert, Marco T1 - Brain activation during active balancing and its behavioral relevance in younger and older adults BT - a functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) study JF - Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience N2 - Age-related deterioration of balance control is widely regarded as an important phenomenon influencing quality of life and longevity, such that a more comprehensive understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying this process is warranted. Specifically, previous studies have reported that older adults typically show higher neural activity during balancing as compared to younger counterparts, but the implications of this finding on balance performance remain largely unclear. Using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), differences in the cortical control of balance between healthy younger (n = 27) and older (n = 35) adults were explored. More specifically, the association between cortical functional activity and balance performance across and within age groups was investigated. To this end, we measured hemodynamic responses (i.e., changes in oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin) while participants balanced on an unstable device. As criterion variables for brain-behavior-correlations, we also assessed postural sway while standing on a free-swinging platform and while balancing on wobble boards with different levels of difficulty. We found that older compared to younger participants had higher activity in prefrontal and lower activity in postcentral regions. Subsequent robust regression analyses revealed that lower prefrontal brain activity was related to improved balance performance across age groups, indicating that higher activity of the prefrontal cortex during balancing reflects neural inefficiency. We also present evidence supporting that age serves as a moderator in the relationship between brain activity and balance, i.e., cortical hemodynamics generally appears to be a more important predictor of balance performance in the older than in the younger. Strikingly, we found that age differences in balance performance are mediated by balancing-induced activation of the superior frontal gyrus, thus suggesting that differential activation of this region reflects a mechanism involved in the aging process of the neural control of balance. Our study suggests that differences in functional brain activity between age groups are not a mere by-product of aging, but instead of direct behavioral relevance for balance performance. Potential implications of these findings in terms of early detection of fall-prone individuals and intervention strategies targeting balance and healthy aging are discussed. KW - aging KW - neuroimaging KW - functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) KW - balance KW - postural control KW - prefrontal cortex KW - neural inefficiency Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3389/fnagi.2022.828474 SN - 1663-4365 VL - 14 PB - Frontiers Media CY - Lausanne ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Puschmann, Anne-Katrin A1 - Lin, Chiao-I A1 - Wippert, Pia-Maria T1 - Sustainability of a motor control exercise intervention BT - Analysis of long-term effects in a low back pain study JF - Frontiers in sports and active living N2 - Development of chronic pain after a low back pain episode is associated with increased pain sensitivity, altered pain processing mechanisms and the influence of psychosocial factors. Although there is some evidence that multimodal therapy (such as behavioral or motor control therapy) may be an important therapeutic strategy, its long-term effect on pain reduction and psychosocial load is still unclear. Prospective longitudinal designs providing information about the extent of such possible long-term effects are missing. This study aims to investigate the long-term effects of a homebased uni- and multidisciplinary motor control exercise program on low back pain intensity, disability and psychosocial variables. 14 months after completion of a multicenter study comparing uni- and multidisciplinary exercise interventions, a sample of one study center (n = 154) was assessed once more. Participants filled in questionnaires regarding their low back pain symptoms (characteristic pain intensity and related disability), stress and vital exhaustion (short version of the Maastricht Vital Exhaustion Questionnaire), anxiety and depression experiences (the Hospital and Anxiety Depression Scale), and pain-related cognitions (the Fear Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire). Repeated measures mixed ANCOVAs were calculated to determine the long-term effects of the interventions on characteristic pain intensity and disability as well as on the psychosocial variables. Fifty four percent of the sub-sample responded to the questionnaires (n = 84). Longitudinal analyses revealed a significant long-term effect of the exercise intervention on pain disability. The multidisciplinary group missed statistical significance yet showed a medium sized long-term effect. The groups did not differ in their changes of the psychosocial variables of interest. There was evidence of long-term effects of the interventions on pain-related disability, but there was no effect on the other variables of interest. This may be partially explained by participant's low comorbidities at baseline. Results are important regarding costless homebased alternatives for back pain patients and prevention tasks. Furthermore, this study closes the gap of missing long-term effect analysis in this field. KW - MiSpEx KW - low back pain KW - long-term effects KW - multidisciplinary intervention KW - sustainability Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3389/fspor.2021.659982 SN - 2624-9367 VL - 3 SP - 1 EP - 8 PB - Frontiers Media CY - Lausanne, Schweiz ER - TY - GEN A1 - Appiah-Dwomoh, Edem Korkor A1 - Müller, Steffen A1 - Hadzic, Miralem A1 - Mayer, Frank T1 - Star Excursion Balance Test in young athletes with back pain N2 - The Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT) is effective in measuring dynamic postural control (DPC). This research aimed to determine whether DPC measured by the SEBT in young athletes (YA) with back pain (BP) is different from those without BP (NBP). 53 BP YA and 53 NBP YA matched for age, height, weight, training years, training sessions/week and training minutes/session were studied. Participants performed 4 practice trials after which 3 measurements in the anterior, posteromedial and posterolateral SEBT reach directions were recorded. Normalized reach distance was analyzed using the mean of all 3 measurements. There was no statistical significant difference (p > 0.05) between the reach distance of BP (87.2 ± 5.3, 82.4 ± 8.2, 78.7 ± 8.1) and NBP (87.8 ± 5.6, 82.4 ± 8.0, 80.0 ± 8.8) in the anterior, posteromedial and posterolateral directions respectively. DPC in YA with BP, as assessed by the SEBT, was not different from NBP YA. T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe - 337 KW - young athletes KW - back pain KW - star excursion balance test Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-400441 ER - TY - GEN A1 - De Souza Silveira, Raul A1 - Carlsohn, Anja A1 - Langen, Georg A1 - Mayer, Frank A1 - Scharhag-Rosenberger, Friederike T1 - Reliability and day-to-day variability of peak fat oxidation during treadmill ergometry T2 - Postprints der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe N2 - Background: Exercising at intensities where fat oxidation rates are high has been shown to induce metabolic benefits in recreational and health-oriented sportsmen. The exercise intensity (Fat peak ) eliciting peak fat oxidation rates is therefore of particular interest when aiming to prescribe exercise for the purpose of fat oxidation and related metabolic effects. Although running and walking are feasible and popular among the target population, no reliable protocols are available to assess Fat peak as well as its actual velocity (V PFO ) during treadmill ergometry. Our purpose was therefore, to assess the reliability and day-to-day variability of V PFO and Fat peak during treadmill ergometry running. Methods: Sixteen recreational athletes (f = 7, m = 9; 25 ± 3 y; 1.76 ± 0.09 m; 68.3 ± 13.7 kg; 23.1 ± 2.9 kg/m 2 ) performed 2 different running protocols on 3 different days with standardized nutrition the day before testing. At day 1, peak oxygen uptake (VO 2peak ) and the velocities at the aerobic threshold (V LT ) and respiratory exchange ratio (RER) of 1.00 (V RER ) were assessed. At days 2 and 3, subjects ran an identical submaximal incremental test (Fat-peak test) composed of a 10 min warm-up (70 % V LT ) followed by 5 stages of 6 min with equal increments (stage 1 = V LT , stage 5 = V RER ). Breath-by-breath gas exchange data was measured continuously and used to determine fat oxidation rates. A third order polynomial function was used to identify V PFO and subsequently Fat peak . The reproducibility and variability of variables was verified with an int raclass correlation coef ficient (ICC), Pearson ’ s correlation coefficient, coefficient of variation (CV) an d the mean differences (bias) ± 95 % limits of agreement (LoA). Results: ICC, Pearson ’ s correlation and CV for V PFO and Fat peak were 0.98, 0.97, 5.0 %; and 0.90, 0.81, 7.0 %, respectively. Bias ± 95 % LoA was − 0.3 ± 0.9 km/h for V PFO and − 2±8%ofVO 2peak for Fat peak. Conclusion: In summary, relative and absolute reliability indicators for V PFO and Fat peak were found to be excellent. The observed LoA may now serve as a basis for future training prescriptions, although fat oxidation rates at prolonged exercise bouts at this intensity still need to be investigated. T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe - 423 KW - peak fat oxidation KW - reliability KW - variability KW - running KW - treadmill ergometry Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-407334 IS - 423 ER - TY - THES A1 - Müller, Steffen T1 - Die belastungsspezifische neuromuskuläre Antwort bei Athleten mit Tendinopathie der Achilles- oder Patellarsehne : Analysen der funktionalen und therapeutischen Effekte eines sensomotorischen Trainings T1 - Neuromuscular response to physical stress in athletes with tendinopathie of the achilles- or patellartendon : funktional and therapeutic effects of an sensorimotor training N2 - Tendinopathien der Achilles- oder Patellarsehne sind häufig in Sportarten mit zahlreichen repetitiven Belastungen im Dehnungs-Verkürzungs-Zyklus der unteren Extremität zu finden. Sowohl eine möglicherweise alterierte belastungsspezifische neuromuskuläre Antwort (NMA), als auch funktional begründete Therapiemaßnahmen mit möglichen positiven Effekten sind aktuell ungeklärt. Ziel der Arbeit war deshalb die Untersuchung der belastungsspezifischen neuromuskulären Antwort bei Athleten mit Tendinopathie der Achilles- oder Patellarsehne im Vergleich zu beschwerdefreien Athleten. Zusätzlich sollten mögliche funktionale und therapeutische Effekte eines sensomotorischen Trainings im randomisierten, kontrollierten und prospektiven Studiendesign überprüft werden. 51 Sportler mit unilateraler Tendinopathie (Achilles-/Patellarsehne n = 35/16) und 33 gesunde Sportler wurden zur Beurteilung der belastungsspezifischen neuromuskulären Antwort eingeschlossen. Zur Klärung der Effekte eines sensomotorischen Trainings im Längsschnitt konnten 26 Sportler mit Tendinopathie randomisiert zu einer Kontrollgruppe (n = 14) und einer Therapiegruppe mit sensomotorischem Training (n = 12) zugeordnet werden. Nach einer ersten biomechanischen Messung M1 (Belastungssituationen: Lauf-, Stabilisations-, Kraftbelastung) und der Erhebung der subjektiven Schmerzsymptomatik folgte eine 8-wöchige Therapiephase mit einer abschließenden Re-Test-Messung M2 identisch zu M1. Das sensomotorische Training war auf die gesamte untere Extremität ausgerichtet und wurde nach Einweisung regelmäßig kontrolliert. Die Erfassung der NMA erfolgte über die Quantifizierung der muskulären Aktivität (EMG). Zusätzlich wurde die Kinetik (z.B. Maximalkraft) belastungsspezifisch erfasst. Eine reduzierte NMA konnte für die Sportler mit Tendinopathie über veränderte EMG-Zeit- und Amplitudenmessgrößen, eine reduzierte aktive Stabilisationsfähigkeit und Maximalkraft (p < 0,05) nachgewiesen werden. In Abhängigkeit der Lokalisation (Achilles-/Patellarsehen) bzw. der Seite (Beschwerdeseite/gesunde Seite) ergaben sich keine relevanten Differenzen. Das sensomotorische Training zeigte eine Optimierung der NMA (z.B. erhöhte Maximalkraft) bei Tendinopathie der Achilles- oder Patellarsehne. Die Überprüfung der Beschwerdesymptomatik wies in allen Schmerz-Scores nach der Therapie reduzierte Werte und damit einen positiven therapeutischen Effekt gegenüber der Kontrollgruppe auf. Zusammenfassend kann eine systematisch reduzierte NMA bei Lauf-, Stabilisations- und Kraftbelastung der Sportler mit Tendinopathie nachgewiesen werden. Das sensomotorische Training ist funktional und therapeutisch als effiziente Therapiemaßnahme zu erachten. N2 - Tendinopathies of the achilles- or patellartendon are common overuse unjuries in sports including high numbers of repetitive stretch-shortening-cycles of the lower limb. Possible alterations of the neuromuscular response (NMR) to physical stress and functionally justified therapies with potential positive effects are currently unknown. The aim of the study was therefore the analysis of the neuromuscular response in situations with physical stress in athletes with tendinopathie of the achilles or patellartendon compared to symptom free athletes. In addition, possible functional and therapeutic effects of a sensorimotor training were studied in a prospective, randomized and controlled study. 51 athletes with unilateral tendinopathy (achilles-/patellartendon n = 35/16) and 33 healthy athletes were included to assess the stress related neuromuscular response (NMR). To clarify the effects of a sensorimotor training 26 athletes with tendinopathy were randomized to a control group (n = 14) and a therapy group with sensorimotor training (n = 12). After initial biomechanical measurements M1 (situations: running, active postural stability and maximum strength test) and the collection of subjective complaints (pain) an 8-week treatment phase followed with a final re-test M2 measure identical to M1. The sensorimotor training was arranged for the entire lower extremity, and was checked after an initial briefing on a regular basis. The assessment of the NMR was quantified by muscle activity (EMG). In addition, the kinetics (e.g. maximum force) was acquired in the stabilization and maximum strength test. A reduced NMR could be proven for athletes with tendinopathy with changed EMG time and amplitude measurements, a reduced active postural stabilization ability and reduced maximum strength (p <0.05). No relevant differences could be observed in comparing localization (achilles-/patellartendon) and side (leg with complains/healthy leg). The sensorimotor training showed an optimization of NMR (e.g. increased maximum strength) for patient with tendinopathy of the achilles- or patellartendon. The examination of the complaints showed reduced values in all pain scores after therapy. The treatment had therefore positive therapeutic effects compared to the control group. In summary, a systematically reduced NMR in running, stabilization and strength tests are evident for athletes with tendinopathy. The sensorimotor training can be considered as an efficient treatment with functional and therapeutic effects. KW - Tendinopathie KW - neuromuskuläre Kontrolle KW - sensomotorisches Training KW - Reliabilität KW - tendinopathy KW - neuromuscular control KW - sensorimotor training KW - reproducibility Y1 - 2008 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-16454 SN - 978-3-940793-18-8 PB - Universitätsverlag Potsdam CY - Potsdam ER - TY - GEN A1 - Appiah-Dwomoh, Edem Korkor A1 - Carlsohn, Anja A1 - Mayer, Frank T1 - Assessment of Dietary Intake of Long-Distance Race Car Drivers BT - A Pilot Study T2 - Postprints der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe N2 - Long-distance race car drivers are classified as athletes. The sport is physically and mentally demanding, requiring long hours of practice. Therefore, optimal dietary intake is essential for health and performance of the athlete. The aim of the study was to evaluate dietary intake and to compare the data with dietary recommendations for athletes and for the general adult population according to the German Nutrition Society (DGE). A 24-h dietary recall during a competition preparation phase was obtained from 16 male race car drivers (28.3 ± 6.1 years, body mass index (BMI) of 22.9 ± 2.3 kg/m2). The mean intake of energy, nutrients, water and alcohol was recorded. The mean energy, vitamin B2, vitamin E, folate, fiber, calcium, water and alcohol intake were 2124 ± 814 kcal/day, 1.3 ± 0.5 mg/day, 12.5 ± 9.5 mg/day, 231.0 ± 90.9 ug/day, 21.4 ± 9.4 g/day, 1104 ± 764 mg/day, 3309 ± 1522 mL/day and 0.8 ± 2.5 mL/day respectively. Our study indicated that many of the nutrients studied, including energy and carbohydrate, were below the recommended dietary intake for both athletes and the DGE. T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe - 482 KW - long-distance race car driving KW - dietary intake KW - 24 h recall KW - pilot study Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-419997 IS - 482 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hagoort, Iris A1 - Vuillerme, Nicolas A1 - Hortobágyi, Tibor A1 - Lamoth, Claudine J. C. T1 - Outcome-dependent effects of walking speed and age on quantitative and qualitative gait measures JF - Gait & posture N2 - Background: Walking speed predicts many clinical outcomes in old age. However, a comprehensive assessment of how walking speed affects accelerometer based quantitative and qualitative gait measures in younger and older adults is lacking. Research question: What is the relationship between walking speed and quantitative and qualitative gait outcomes in younger and older adults? Methods: Younger (n = 27, age: 21.6) and older participants (n = 27, age: 69.5) completed 340 steps on a treadmill at speeds of 0.70 to a maximum of 1.75 m.s(-1). We used generalized additive mixed models to determine the relationship between walking speed and quantitative (stride length, stride time, stride frequency and their variability) and qualitative (stride regularity, stability, smoothness, symmetry, synchronization, predictability) gait measures extracted from trunk accelerations. Results: The type of relationship between walking speed and the majority of gait measures (quantitative and qualitative) was characterized as logarithmic, with more prominent speed-effects at speeds below 1.20 m.s(-1). Changes in quantitative measures included shorter strides, longer stride times, and a lower stride frequency, with more variability at lower speeds independent of age. For qualitative measures, we found a decrease in gait symmetry, stability and regularity in all directions with decreasing speeds, a decrease in gait predictability (Vertical, V, anterior-posterior, AP) and stronger gait synchronization (AP-mediolateral, ML, AP-V), and direction dependent effects of gait smoothness, which decreased in V direction, but increased in AP and ML directions with decreasing speeds. We found outcome-dependent effects of age on the quantitative and qualitative gait measures, with either no differences between age-groups, age-related differences that existed regardless of speed, and age-related differences in the type of relationship with walking speed. Significance: The relationship between walking speed and quantitative and qualitative gait measures, and the effects of age on this relationship, depends on the type of gait measure studied. KW - Gait quality and quantity KW - Aging KW - Walking speed KW - Treadmill KW - Generalized KW - additive mixed models Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gaitpost.2022.01.001 SN - 0966-6362 SN - 1879-2219 VL - 93 SP - 39 EP - 46 PB - Elsevier CY - Clare ER - TY - GEN A1 - Quarmby, Andrew James A1 - Mönnig, Jamal A1 - Mugele, Hendrik A1 - Henschke, Jakob A1 - Kim, MyoungHwee A1 - Cassel, Michael A1 - Engel, Tilman T1 - Biomechanics and lower limb function are altered in athletes and runners with achilles tendinopathy compared with healthy controls: A systematic review T2 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe N2 - Achilles tendinopathy (AT) is a debilitating injury in athletes, especially for those engaged in repetitive stretch-shortening cycle activities. Clinical risk factors are numerous, but it has been suggested that altered biomechanics might be associated with AT. No systematic review has been conducted investigating these biomechanical alterations in specifically athletic populations. Therefore, the aim of this systematic review was to compare the lower-limb biomechanics of athletes with AT to athletically matched asymptomatic controls. Databases were searched for relevant studies investigating biomechanics during gait activities and other motor tasks such as hopping, isolated strength tasks, and reflex responses. Inclusion criteria for studies were an AT diagnosis in at least one group, cross-sectional or prospective data, at least one outcome comparing biomechanical data between an AT and healthy group, and athletic populations. Studies were excluded if patients had Achilles tendon rupture/surgery, participants reported injuries other than AT, and when only within-subject data was available.. Effect sizes (Cohen's d) with 95% confidence intervals were calculated for relevant outcomes. The initial search yielded 4,442 studies. After screening, twenty studies (775 total participants) were synthesised, reporting on a wide range of biomechanical outcomes. Females were under-represented and patients in the AT group were three years older on average. Biomechanical alterations were identified in some studies during running, hopping, jumping, strength tasks and reflex activity. Equally, several biomechanical variables studied were not associated with AT in included studies, indicating a conflicting picture. Kinematics in AT patients appeared to be altered in the lower limb, potentially indicating a pattern of “medial collapse”. Muscular activity of the calf and hips was different between groups, whereby AT patients exhibited greater calf electromyographic amplitudes despite lower plantar flexor strength. Overall, dynamic maximal strength of the plantar flexors, and isometric strength of the hips might be reduced in the AT group. This systematic review reports on several biomechanical alterations in athletes with AT. With further research, these factors could potentially form treatment targets for clinicians, although clinical approaches should take other contributing health factors into account. The studies included were of low quality, and currently no solid conclusions can be drawn. T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe - 830 KW - achilles tendinopathy KW - biomechanics KW - neuromuscular KW - kinetics KW - electromyography KW - athletes KW - runners KW - kinematics Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-587603 SN - 1866-8364 IS - 830 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Quarmby, Andrew James A1 - Mönnig, Jamal A1 - Mugele, Hendrik A1 - Henschke, Jakob A1 - Kim, MyoungHwee A1 - Cassel, Michael A1 - Engel, Tilman T1 - Biomechanics and lower limb function are altered in athletes and runners with achilles tendinopathy compared with healthy controls: A systematic review JF - Frontiers in Sports and Active Living N2 - Achilles tendinopathy (AT) is a debilitating injury in athletes, especially for those engaged in repetitive stretch-shortening cycle activities. Clinical risk factors are numerous, but it has been suggested that altered biomechanics might be associated with AT. No systematic review has been conducted investigating these biomechanical alterations in specifically athletic populations. Therefore, the aim of this systematic review was to compare the lower-limb biomechanics of athletes with AT to athletically matched asymptomatic controls. Databases were searched for relevant studies investigating biomechanics during gait activities and other motor tasks such as hopping, isolated strength tasks, and reflex responses. Inclusion criteria for studies were an AT diagnosis in at least one group, cross-sectional or prospective data, at least one outcome comparing biomechanical data between an AT and healthy group, and athletic populations. Studies were excluded if patients had Achilles tendon rupture/surgery, participants reported injuries other than AT, and when only within-subject data was available.. Effect sizes (Cohen's d) with 95% confidence intervals were calculated for relevant outcomes. The initial search yielded 4,442 studies. After screening, twenty studies (775 total participants) were synthesised, reporting on a wide range of biomechanical outcomes. Females were under-represented and patients in the AT group were three years older on average. Biomechanical alterations were identified in some studies during running, hopping, jumping, strength tasks and reflex activity. Equally, several biomechanical variables studied were not associated with AT in included studies, indicating a conflicting picture. Kinematics in AT patients appeared to be altered in the lower limb, potentially indicating a pattern of “medial collapse”. Muscular activity of the calf and hips was different between groups, whereby AT patients exhibited greater calf electromyographic amplitudes despite lower plantar flexor strength. Overall, dynamic maximal strength of the plantar flexors, and isometric strength of the hips might be reduced in the AT group. This systematic review reports on several biomechanical alterations in athletes with AT. With further research, these factors could potentially form treatment targets for clinicians, although clinical approaches should take other contributing health factors into account. The studies included were of low quality, and currently no solid conclusions can be drawn. KW - achilles tendinopathy KW - biomechanics KW - neuromuscular KW - kinetics KW - electromyography KW - athletes KW - runners KW - kinematics Y1 - 2023 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3389/fspor.2022.1012471 SN - 2624-9367 PB - Frontiers CY - Lausanne, Schweiz ER - TY - THES A1 - Chan, Yuan-Shuo T1 - Zum Zusammenhang zwischen posturaler Balance und kognitiven bzw. somatischen Faktoren T1 - The correlation between postural balance and cognitive/ somatic factors N2 - Balance ist als die koordinative Fähigkeit anzusehen, die am meisten durch das Sinnes- und Nervensystem determiniert ist. Damit könnte sie als Indikator für Funktionseinschränkungen des Nervensystems - etwa bei Lernstörungen - von Wert sein. Aussagen über Zusammenhänge zwischen Balance und Kognition werden vielfach diskutiert, sind jedoch noch nicht hinreichend wissenschaftlich gesichert. Hieraus wird die zentrale Zielstellung der Arbeit abgeleitet, das Wissen über somatische und psychische Determinanten von Balance zu erweitern. Betrachtet werden daher bei Vorschulkindern mögliche Zusammenhänge mit dem Geschlecht, mit den anthropometrischen Parametern Körperhöhe und Fußgröße, mit Statikstörungen des Beckens und der Intelligenzleistung. An der Studie nahmen insgesamt 201 drei- bzw. vierjährige Kinder sowie 148 fünf- bzw. sechsjährige Kinder teil. Die Balancefähigkeit wurde mit Hilfe einer Kraftmomentenplattform sowie eines klinischen Tests erfasst und mit anthropometrischen Parametern, qualitativen statischen Befunden bzw. den Ergebnissen des BIVA-Intelligenztests nach SCHAARSCHMIDT verglichen. Für die Auswertung der Balanceparameter wurden sowohl lineare als auch nichtlineare Verfahren eingesetzt, die zum Teil gegenläufige Trends in Bezug auf Zusammenhänge lieferten. Im Ergebnis konnte ein starker Einfluss des Geschlechts nachgewiesen werden. Mädchen zeigten eine bessere Balanceleistung als Jungen sowohl bei 3-Jährigen als auch bei 6-Jährigen. Dies wird als Beleg für den geschlechtsspezifischen Vorsprung der sensomotorischen Entwicklung bei den Mädchen im Alter von 3 bis 6 Jahren angesehen. Außerdem gab es einige Hinweise auf einen Zusammenhang mit der Körperhöhe bzw. Fußlänge. Ein Zusammenhang mit den Umstellungen des ersten Gestaltwandels wird vermutet. Die Daten sprechen für einen statistisch schwachen Einfluss von Störungen der Beckenstatik (Beckenverwringung) auf die Balance bei den Kindern. Es wird vermutet, dass die Verrechnung Balance relevanter Inputs durch nozizeptive Impulse beeinträchtig werden kann. Dies könnte Anlass sein, diesen Aspekt bei Funktionsstörungen mit zu berücksichtigen. Signifikante Zusammenhänge mit Ergebnissen des BIVA-Intelligenztests konnten kaum gefunden werden. Allerdings fallen überzufällig viele Mittelwertvergleiche in Richtung der Hypothese aus, erreichen jedoch nicht Signifikanzniveau. Dies könnte ein Hinweis auf einen schwachen Zusammenhang darstellen, der jedoch mit einer größeren Gruppe noch bestätigt werden müsste. Weitere Forschung auf diesem Gebiet ist erforderlich. Sollte hinreichende Evidenz erreicht werden können, so könnte in der Förderung koordinativer Fähigkeiten und insbesondere der posturalen Balance eine wichtige pädagogische Reserve liegen. N2 - Balance is considered a coordinative ability, which is mostly affected by the sensory and nervous systems. It can be used as an indicator for the functional ability of the nervous system, such as learning disability. Although the relationship between balance and cognition has long been postulated, this interaction has not yet been scientifically well established. The aim of this study is to examine the somatic and psychological determinants of balance. Preschool children were used to analyse the balance-cognition relationship with respect to gender, anthropometric parameters of body height and foot length, pelvic static and intelligence ability. 201 three to four years old children, as well as 148 five to six years old children, were used in this study. A clinical test involving a force moment platform was used to examine the balance ability. Results obtained were compared with specific anthropometric parameters and findings obtained from the BIVA-intelligent tests (SCHAARSCHMIDT). In the results, there is a strong effect of gender on balance. Girls showed a better balance ability than boys in the age groups of three and six years old. This finding provides evidence of an earlier gender specific advantage of sensor-motor development in girls between the ages of 3 to 6 years old. A relationship between postural balance and body height/ foot length was found. This may be attributed to the transposition of the body developmental changes. The results show a weak statistical effect of pelvic static disorders on balance in children. It can be suggested that inputs through the nociceptive impulse pathway can have a negative effect on balance. This can be factored as an aspect of a function disorder. Slight significant relationship could be found from the results of BIVA-intelligent tests. This can provide information on the weak relationship, which might show in larger group size. Further studies in this research area are necessary. Sufficient evidence should be reached, regarding the support of coordination ability and particularly postural balance, and the relationship could play an important role in education KW - Sensomotorik KW - Gleichgewicht KW - Intelligenz KW - Balance KW - Kind KW - Kognition KW - Somatik KW - balance KW - cognition KW - sensorimotor function KW - child Y1 - 2006 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-10237 ER - TY - THES A1 - Stamm, Raini T1 - Significance of the anthropometric factor in young female volleyballers´ physical abilities, technical skills, psychophysiological properties and performance in the game T1 - Bedeutung des anthropometrischen Faktors bei der körperlichen Fähigkeiten, volleyballtechnischen Geschicklichkeiten, psychophysiologischen Eigenschaften und Spielleistung N2 - Aim The aim of the present study was to examine young female volleyballers’ body build, physical abilities, technical skills and psychophysiological properties in relation to their performance at competitions. The sample consisted of 46 female volleyballers aged 13-16 years. 49 basic anthropometric measurements were measured and 65 proportions and body composition characteristics were calculated. 9 physical ability tests, 9 volleyball technical skills tests and 21 psychophysiological tests were carried out. The game performance was recorded by the computer program Game. The program enabled to fix the performance of technical elements in case of each player. The computer program Game calculated the index of proficiency in case of each girl for each element. The first control group consisted of 74 female volleyballers aged 13–15 years with whom reduced anthropometry was provided and 28 games were recorded. The second control group consisted of 586 ordinary schoolgirls aged 13–16 years with whom full anthropometry was provided. Results In order to systematize all anthropometric characteristics, we first studied the essence of the anthropometric structure of the body as a whole. It turned out to be a characteristic system where all variables are in significant correlation between one another and where the leading characteristics are height and weight. Therefore we based the classification on the mean height and weight of the whole sample. We formed a 5 class SD classification. There are three classes of concordance between height and weight: small height – small weight, medium height – medium height, big height – big weight. The other two classes were classes of disconcordance between height and weight- pycnomorphs and leptomorphs. We managed to show that gradual increase in height and weight brought about statistically significant increase in length, breadth and depth measurements, circumferences, bone thicknesses and skinfolds. There were also systematic changes in indeces and body composition characteristics. Pycnomorphs and leptomorphs also showed differences specific to their body types in body measurements and body composition. The results of all tests were submitted to basic statistical analysis and all correlations were found between all the tests (volleyball technical skills, psychophysiological abilities, physical abilities), and all basic anthropometric variables (n = 49) and all proportions and body composition characteristics (n = 65). All anthropometric measurements and test results were correlated with the index of proficiency for all elements of the game. The best linear regression models were calculated for predicting proficiency in different elements of the game. We can see that body build and all kind of tests took part in predicting the proficiency of the game. The most essential for performing attack, block and feint were anthropometric and psychophysiological models. The studied complex of body build characteristics and tests results determine the players’ proficiency at competitions, are an important tool for testing the player’s individual development, enable to choose volleyballers from among schoolgirls and represent the whole body constitutional model of a young female volleyballer. Outlook Our outlook for the future is to continue recording of all Estonian championship games with the computer program Game, to continue the players’ anthropometric measuring and psychophysiological testing at competitions and to compile a national register for assessment of development of individual players and teams. N2 - Ziel Das Ziel dieser Untersuchung war den Körperbau, die körperliche Fähigkeiten, die technische Geschicklichkeiten und psychophysiologische Fähigkeiten der jungen Volleyballspielerinnen in Bezug auf ihre Leistung bei den Wettkämpfen zu untersuchen. Die Auswahl bestand aus 46 Volleyballspielerinnen im Alter 13-16 Jahren. Es wurden 49 anthropometrische Masse gemessen, 65 Proportionen und Körperbaumerkmale kalkuliert, 9 Tests der physischen Fähigkeit und 9 Testen der volleyballtechnischen Geschicken ausgeführt. Die Spielleistung wurde mit dem Computerprogramm Game gespeichert. Das Programm machte es möglich, die Leistung der technischen Elementen im Falle von jeder Spielerinnen zu bestimmen. Das Computerprogramm Game kalkulierte den Leistungsindex im Falle von jedem Mädchen für jedes Element. Die erste Kontrollgruppe bestand von 74 Volleyballspielerinnen im Alter von 13–15 Jahren, mit wem reduzierte Anthropometrie durchgeführt wurde und 28 Spiele gespeichert wurden. Die andere Kontrollgruppe bestand aus 586 gewöhnliche Schulmädchen im Alter von 13–16 Jahren, mit wem volle Anthropometrie durchgeführt wurde. Ergebnisse Um alle anthropometrische Merkmale zu systematisieren, haben wir zunächst das Wesen der anthropometrischen Struktur des Körpers als Ganzes geforscht. Es hat sich erwiesen, dass es um einem characteristischen System handelt, bei dem alle Merkmale in aussagekräftiger Beziehung miteinander sind und die führende Merkmale die Höhe und das Gewicht sind. Darum haben wir die Klassifikation auf die durchschnittliche Höhe und das durchschnittliche Gewicht der ganzen Auswahl gegründet. Wir haben eine Klass 5 SD Klassifikation gebildet. Es gibt drei Übereinstimmungsklassen zwischen Höhe und Gewicht: kleine Höhe – kleines Gewicht, mittlere Höhe – mittleres Gewicht, grosse Höhe – grosses Gewicht. Die andere zwei Klassen waren die Nichtübereinstimmungsklassen zwischen Höhe und Gewicht - Pyknomorphe und Leptomorphe. Es ist uns gelungen, zu beweisen, dass der stufenartige Anstieg in der Höhe und in dem Gewicht einen statistisch bedeutsamen Anstieg in den Merkmalen der Länge, Breite und Tiefe, in den Umkreisen, in den Dicken des Knochens und in den Hautfalten veranlassen. Es bestanden auch systematische Änderungen in den Indexen und Körperbaumerkmalen. Auch die Pyknomorphen und Leptomorphen zeigten Unterschiede für ihre Körpermasse und Körperbau spezifische Unterschiede. Die Ergebnisse von allen Testen wurden der statistischen Grundanalyse unterworfen und alle Korrelationen zwischen allen Testen (volleyballtechnische Geschicke, psychophysiologische Fähigkeiten, physische Fähigkeiten) und allen anthropometrischen Grundvariablen (n = 49) und allen Proportionen und Körperbaumerkmalen (n = 65) gefunden. Alle anthropometrische Merkmale und Testresultaten wurden im Falle von allen Spielelementen mit dem Leistungsindex korreliert. Die besten lineare Regressionmodellen, um die Leistung in verschiedenen Spielelementen vorauszusagen, wurden kalkuliert. Es ist sichtbar, dass der Körperbau und alle Testarten in der Voraussage der Spielleistung mitgemacht haben. Das Wichtigste um einen Angriff, einen Block und eine Finte durchzuführen, waren anthropometrische und psychophysiologische Modelle. Der geforschte Komplex der Körperbaumerkmalen und der Testergebnissen bestimmen die Leistung der Spielerin in den Wettbewerben, sind ein wichtiges Mittel für das Testen der individuellen Entwicklung der Spielerin, ermöglichen die Volleyballspielerinnen aus den Schulmädchen zu wählen und vertreten das ganze Körperbaumodell einer jungen Volleyballspielerin. Die Aussicht Unsere Aussicht für die Zukunft ist, das Speichern von allen Spielen der estnischen Meisterschaftswettbewerben mit dem Computerprogramm Game, die anthropometrische Messung und das psychophysiologisches Testen der Spielerinnen während Wettbewerben fortzusetzen und ein staatliches Register für die Bewertung der Entwicklung der individuellen Spielerinnen und Teamen zusammenzustellen. KW - Anthropometrie KW - Jugendliche KW - Testen KW - Volleyball KW - Spielleistung KW - anthropometry KW - adolescents KW - testing KW - volleyball KW - performance Y1 - 2007 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-13005 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Quarmby, Andrew James A1 - Khajooei, Mina A1 - Engel, Tilman A1 - Kaplick, Hannes A1 - Mayer, Frank T1 - The feasibility of a split-belt instrumented treadmill running protocol with perturbations JF - Journal of biomechanics N2 - Unexpected perturbations during locomotion can occur during daily life or sports performance. Adequate compensation for such perturbations is crucial in maintaining effective postural control. Studies utilising instrumented treadmills have previously validated perturbed walking protocols, however responses to perturbed running protocols remain less investigated. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility of a new instrumented treadmill-perturbed running protocol.
Fifteen participants (age = 2 8 +/- 3 years; height = 172 +/- 9 cm; weight = 69 +/- 10 kg; 60% female) completed an 8-minute running protocol at baseline velocity of 2.5 m/s (9 km/h), whilst 15 one-sided belt perturbations were applied (pre-set perturbation characteristics: 150 ms delay (post-heel contact); 2.0 m/s amplitude; 100 ms duration). Perturbation characteristics and EMG responses were recorded. Bland-Altman analysis (BLA) was employed (bias +/- limits of agreement (LOA; bias +/- 1.96*SD)) and intra-individual variability of repeated perturbations was assessed via Coefficients of Variation (CV) (mean +/- SD).
On average, 9.4 +/- 2.2 of 15 intended perturbations were successful. Perturbation delay was 143 +/- 10 ms, amplitude was 1.7 +/- 0.2 m/s and duration was 69 +/- 10 ms. BLA showed -7 +/- 13 ms for delay, -0.3 +/- 0.1 m/s for amplitude and -30 +/- 10 ms for duration. CV showed variability of 19 +/- 4.5% for delay, 58 +/- 12% for amplitude and 30 +/- 7% for duration. EMG RMS amplitudes of the legs and trunk ranged from 113 +/- 25% to 332 +/- 305% when compared to unperturbed gait. This study showed that the application of sudden perturbations during running can be achieved, though with increased variability across individuals. The perturbations with the above characteristics appear to have elicited a neuromuscular response during running. KW - Lower-extremity perturbations KW - Split-belt treadmill KW - Running KW - Stumbling KW - EMC Y1 - 2020 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbiomech.2019.109493 SN - 0021-9290 SN - 1873-2380 VL - 98 PB - Elsevier CY - Oxford ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schomöller, Anne A1 - Schugardt, Monique A1 - Kotsch, Peggy A1 - Mayer, Frank T1 - The effect of body composition on cycling power during an incremental test in young athletes JF - Journal of strength and conditioning research : the research journal of the NSCA / National Strength & Conditioning Association N2 - Schomoller, A, Schugardt, M, Kotsch, P, and Mayer, F. The effect of body composition on cycling power during an incremental test in young athletes. J Strength Cond Res 35(11): 3225-3231, 2021-As body composition (BC) is a modifiable factor influencing sports performance, it is of interest for athletes and coaches to optimize BC to fulfill the specific physical demands of one sport discipline. The purpose of this study is to test the impact of body fat (BF) and fat-free mass (FFM) on aerobic performance in young athletes. Body composition parameters were evaluated among gender and age groups of young athletes undergoing their mandatory health examination. The maximal power (in Watts per kilogram body mass) of a stepwise incremental ergometer test was compared between 6 BC types: high BF, high FFM, high BF and high FFM, normal BC values, low BF, and low FFM. With increasing age (11-13 vs. 14-16 years) BF decreased and FFM increased in both genders. Both BC parameters, as well as body mass, correlated moderately with performance output (r = 0.36-0.6). Subjects with high BF or high FFM or both had significantly lower ergometer test results compared with those with low BF and FFM in all age and gender groups (p < 0.05). The finding that high levels of BF and FFM are detrimental for cycle power output is important to consider in disciplines that demand high levels of aerobic and anaerobic performance. KW - youth competitive sport KW - body fat KW - fat-free mass KW - cycling performance Y1 - 2020 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0000000000003271 SN - 1064-8011 SN - 1533-4287 VL - 35 IS - 11 SP - 3225 EP - 3231 PB - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins CY - Philadelphia ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Henschke, Jakob A1 - Zecher, Mahli Megan A1 - Mayer, Frank A1 - Engel, Tilman T1 - Contralateral repeated bout effect following preconditioning exercises BT - a systematic review JF - Sport sciences for health N2 - Background Recent studies indicate the existence of a repeated bout effect on the contralateral untrained limb following eccentric and isometric contractions. Aims This review aims to summarize the evidence for magnitude, duration and differences of this effect following isometric and eccentric preconditioning exercises. Methods Medline, Cochrane, and Web of science were searched from January 1971 until September 2020. Randomized controlled trials, case-control studies and cross-sectional studies were identified by combining keywords and synonyms (e.g., "contralateral", "exercise", "preconditioning", "protective effect"). At least two of the following outcome parameters were mandatory for study inclusion: strength, muscle soreness, muscle swelling, limb circumference, inflammatory blood markers or protective index (relative change of aforementioned measures). Results After identifying 1979 articles, 13 studies were included. Most investigations examined elbow flexors and utilized eccentric isokinetic protocols to induce the contralateral repeated bout effect. The magnitude of protection was observed in four studies, smaller values of the contralateral when compared to the ipsilateral repeated bout effect were noted in three studies. The potential mechanism is thought to be of neural central nature since no differences in peripheral muscle activity were observed. Time course was examined in three investigations. One study showed a smaller protective effect following isometric preconditioning when compared to eccentric preconditioning exercises. Conclusions The contralateral repeated bout effect demonstrates a smaller magnitude and lasts shorter than the ipsilateral repeated bout effect. Future research should incorporate long-term controlled trials including larger populations to identify central mechanisms. This knowledge should be used in clinical practice to prepare immobilized limbs prospectively for an incremental load. KW - musculoskeletal physiological phenomena KW - muscle damage KW - adaptation KW - Crossover KW - muscle soreness KW - isometric contraction Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s11332-021-00804-0 SN - 1824-7490 SN - 1825-1234 VL - 18 IS - 1 SP - 1 EP - 10 PB - Soringer Italia CY - Milan ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Appiah-Dwomoh, Edem Korkor A1 - Carlsohn, Anja A1 - Mayer, Frank T1 - Assessment of Dietary Intake of Long-Distance Race Car Drivers BT - A Pilot Study JF - Sports N2 - Long-distance race car drivers are classified as athletes. The sport is physically and mentally demanding, requiring long hours of practice. Therefore, optimal dietary intake is essential for health and performance of the athlete. The aim of the study was to evaluate dietary intake and to compare the data with dietary recommendations for athletes and for the general adult population according to the German Nutrition Society (DGE). A 24-h dietary recall during a competition preparation phase was obtained from 16 male race car drivers (28.3 ± 6.1 years, body mass index (BMI) of 22.9 ± 2.3 kg/m2). The mean intake of energy, nutrients, water and alcohol was recorded. The mean energy, vitamin B2, vitamin E, folate, fiber, calcium, water and alcohol intake were 2124 ± 814 kcal/day, 1.3 ± 0.5 mg/day, 12.5 ± 9.5 mg/day, 231.0 ± 90.9 ug/day, 21.4 ± 9.4 g/day, 1104 ± 764 mg/day, 3309 ± 1522 mL/day and 0.8 ± 2.5 mL/day respectively. Our study indicated that many of the nutrients studied, including energy and carbohydrate, were below the recommended dietary intake for both athletes and the DGE. KW - long-distance race car driving KW - dietary intake KW - 24 h recall KW - pilot study Y1 - 2018 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3390/sports6040118 SN - 2075-4663 VL - 6 IS - 4 SP - 1 EP - 7 PB - MDPI CY - Basel ER - TY - GEN A1 - Hirschmueller, Anja A1 - Baur, Heiner A1 - Braun, Sepp A1 - Kreuz, Peter C. A1 - Suedkamp, Norbert P A1 - Niemeyer, Philipp T1 - Rehabilitation after autologous chondrocyte implantation for isolated cartilage defects of the knee N2 - Autologous chondrocyte implantation for treatment of isolated cartilage defects of the knee has become well established. Although various publications report technical modifications, clinical results, and cell-related issues, little is known about appropriate and optimal rehabilitation after autologous chondrocyte implantation. This article reviews the literature on rehabilitation after autologous chondrocyte implantation and presents a rehabilitation protocol that has been developed considering the best available evidence and has been successfully used for several years in a large number of patients who underwent autologous chondrocyte implantation for cartilage defects of the knee. T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe - 367 KW - autologous chondrocyte implantation KW - cartilage repair KW - cartilage defect KW - cell transplantation KW - knee joint KW - rehabilitation Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-403170 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Herold, Fabian A1 - Theobald, Paula A1 - Gronwald, Thomas A1 - Rapp, Michael A. A1 - Müller, Notger Germar T1 - Going digital – a commentary on the terminology used at the intersection of physical activity and digital health JF - European review of aging and physical activity N2 - In recent years digital technologies have become a major means for providing health-related services and this trend was strongly reinforced by the current Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. As it is well-known that regular physical activity has positive effects on individual physical and mental health and thus is an important prerequisite for healthy aging, digital technologies are also increasingly used to promote unstructured and structured forms of physical activity. However, in the course of this development, several terms (e.g., Digital Health, Electronic Health, Mobile Health, Telehealth, Telemedicine, and Telerehabilitation) have been introduced to refer to the application of digital technologies to provide health-related services such as physical interventions. Unfortunately, the above-mentioned terms are often used in several different ways, but also relatively interchangeably. Given that ambiguous terminology is a major source of difficulty in scientific communication which can impede the progress of theoretical and empirical research, this article aims to make the reader aware of the subtle differences between the relevant terms which are applied at the intersection of physical activity and Digital Health and to provide state-of-art definitions for them. KW - Digital Health KW - Electronic Health KW - Mobile Health KW - Telehealth KW - Telemedicine KW - Physical activity KW - Physical training KW - Aging Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1186/s11556-022-00296-y SN - 1861-6909 VL - 19 PB - Springer CY - Berlin ; Heidelberg ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Negra, Yassine A1 - Sammoud, Senda A1 - Uthoff, Aaron A1 - Moran, Jason A1 - Ramirez-Campillo, Rodrigo A1 - Chaabene, Helmi T1 - The effects of repeated backward running training on measures of physical fitness in youth male soccer players JF - Journal of sports sciences N2 - This study explored the effects of an 8-week repeated backward running training (RBRT) programme on measures of physical fitness in youth male soccer players. Youth male soccer players were randomly allocated into a RBRT group (n = 20; 13.95 +/- 0.22y) or a control group (CG; n = 16; 14.86 +/- 0.29y). The CG continued normal soccer training, while the RBRT group replaced some soccer drills with RBRT twice per week. Within-group analysis revealed that RBRT improved all performance variables ( increment -9.99% to 14.50%; effect size [ES] = -1.79 to 1.29; p <= 0.001). Meanwhile, trivial-to-moderate detrimental effects on sprinting and change of direction (CoD) speed ( increment 1.55% to 10.40%; p <= 0.05) were noted in the CG. The number of individuals improving performance above the smallest worthwhile change ranged from 65-100% across all performance variables in the RBRT group, whereas<50% in the CG reached that threshold. The between-group analysis indicated that the RBRT group improved performance on all performance tasks more than the CG (ES = -2.23 to 1.10; p <= 0.05). These findings demonstrate that substituting part of a standard soccer training regimen with RBRT can enhance youth soccer players' sprinting, CoD, jumping, and RSA performance. KW - musculoskeletal and neural physiological phenomena KW - human physical conditioning KW - movement KW - muscle strength KW - youth team sports Y1 - 2023 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2023.2184770 SN - 0264-0414 SN - 1466-447X VL - 40 IS - 24 SP - 2688 EP - 2696 PB - Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group CY - London ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Behm, David G. A1 - Alizadeh, Shahab A1 - Hadjizedah Anvar, Saman A1 - Hanlon, Courtney A1 - Ramsay, Emma A1 - Mahmoud, Mohamed Mamdouh Ibrahim A1 - Whitten, Joseph A1 - Fisher, James P. A1 - Prieske, Olaf A1 - Chaabene, Helmi A1 - Granacher, Urs A1 - Steele, James T1 - Non-local muscle fatigue effects on muscle strength, power, and endurance in healthy individuals BT - a systematic review with meta-analysis JF - Sports medicine : the world's premier sports medicine preview journal N2 - Background The fatigue of a muscle or muscle group can produce global responses to a variety of systems (i.e., cardiovascular, endocrine, and others). There are also reported strength and endurance impairments of non-exercised muscles following the fatigue of another muscle; however, the literature is inconsistent. Objective To examine whether non-local muscle fatigue (NLMF) occurs following the performance of a fatiguing bout of exercise of a different muscle(s). Design Systematic review and meta-analysis. Search and Inclusion A systematic literature search using a Boolean search strategy was conducted with PubMed, SPORTDiscus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar in April 2020, and was supplemented with additional 'snowballing' searches up to September 2020. To be included in our analysis, studies had to include at least one intentional performance measure (i.e., strength, endurance, or power), which if reduced could be considered evidence of muscle fatigue, and also had to include the implementation of a fatiguing protocol to a location (i.e., limb or limbs) that differed to those for which performance was measured. We excluded studies that measured only mechanistic variables such as electromyographic activity, or spinal/supraspinal excitability. After search and screening, 52 studies were eligible for inclusion including 57 groups of participants (median sample = 11) and a total of 303 participants. Results The main multilevel meta-analysis model including all effects sizes (278 across 50 clusters [median = 4, range = 1 to 18 effects per cluster) revealed a trivial point estimate with high precision for the interval estimate [- 0.02 (95% CIs = - 0.14 to 0.09)], yet with substantial heterogeneity (Q((277)) = 642.3, p < 0.01), I-2 = 67.4%). Subgroup and meta-regression analyses showed that NLMF effects were not moderated by study design (between vs. within-participant), homologous vs. heterologous effects, upper or lower body effects, participant training status, sex, age, the time of post-fatigue protocol measurement, or the severity of the fatigue protocol. However, there did appear to be an effect of type of outcome measure where both strength [0.11 (95% CIs = 0.01-0.21)] and power outcomes had trivial effects [- 0.01 (95% CIs = - 0.24 to 0.22)], whereas endurance outcomes showed moderate albeit imprecise effects [- 0.54 (95% CIs = - 0.95 to - 0.14)]. Conclusions Overall, the findings do not support the existence of a general NLMF effect; however, when examining specific types of performance outcomes, there may be an effect specifically upon endurance-based outcomes (i.e., time to task failure). However, there are relatively fewer studies that have examined endurance effects or mechanisms explaining this possible effect, in addition to fewer studies including women or younger and older participants, and considering causal effects of prior training history through the use of longitudinal intervention study designs. Thus, it seems pertinent that future research on NLMF effects should be redirected towards these still relatively unexplored areas. Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s40279-021-01456-3 SN - 0112-1642 SN - 1179-2035 VL - 51 IS - 9 SP - 1893 EP - 1907 PB - Springer CY - Berlin [u.a.] ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Chaabene, Helmi A1 - Negra, Yassine A1 - Moran, Jason A1 - Prieske, Olaf A1 - Sammoud, Senda A1 - Ramirez-Campillo, Rodrigo A1 - Granacher, Urs T1 - Plyometric training improves not only measures of linear speed, power, and change-of-direction speed but also repeated sprint ability in young female handball players JF - Journal of strength and conditioning research : the research journal of the NSCA N2 - This study examined the effects of an 8-week plyometric training (PT) program on components of physical fitness in young female handball players. Twenty-one female adolescent handball players were assigned to an experimental group (EG, n = 12; age = 15.9 +/- 0.2 years) or an active control group (CG, n = 9, age = 15.9 +/- 0.3 years). While EG performed plyometric exercises in replacement of some handball-specific drills, CG maintained the regular training schedule. Baseline and follow-up tests were performed for the assessment of linear speed (i.e., 5-, 10-, and 20-m time), change-of-direction (CoD) speed (i.e., T-test time), muscle power (i.e., countermovement jump [CMJ] height and reactive strength index [RSI]), and repeated sprint ability (RSA) (RSA total time [RSA(total)], RSA best time [RSA(best)], and RSA fatigue index [RSA(FI)]). Data were analyzed using magnitude-based inferences. Within-group analyses for the EG revealed moderate-to-large improvements for the 5-m (effect size [ES] = 0.81 [0.1-1.5]), 10-m sprint time (ES = 0.84 [0.1-1.5]), RSI (ES = 0.75 [0.1-1.4]), RSA(FI) (ES = 0.65 [0.0-1.3]), and T-test time (ES = 1.46 [0.7-2.2]). Trivial-to-small ES was observed for RSA(best) (ES = 0.18 [-0.5 to 0.9]), RSA(total) (ES = 0.45 [-0.2 to 1.1]), 20-m sprint time (ES = 0.56 [-0.1 to 1.2]), and CMJ height (ES = 0.57 [-0.1 to 1.3]). For the CG, within-group analyses showed a moderate performance decline for T-test time (ES = -0.71 [-1.5 to 0.1]), small decreases for 5-m sprint time (ES = -0.46 [-1.2 to 0.3]), and a trivial decline for 10-m (ES = -0.10 [-0.9 to 0.7]) and 20-m sprint times (ES = -0.16 [-0.9 to 0.6]), RSA(total) (ES = 0.0 [-0.8 to 0.8]), and RSA(best) (ES = -0.20 [-0.9 to 0.6]). The control group achieved trivial-to-small improvements for CMJ height (ES = 0.10 [-0.68 to 0.87]) and RSI (ES = 0.30 [-0.5 to 1.1]). In conclusion, a short-term in-season PT program, in replacement of handball-specific drills, is effective in improving measures of physical fitness (i.e., linear/CoD speed, jumping, and RSA) in young female handball players. KW - stretch-shortening cycle KW - physical fitness KW - young athletes Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0000000000003128 SN - 1064-8011 SN - 1533-4287 VL - 35 IS - 8 SP - 2230 EP - 2235 PB - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins CY - Philadelphia ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Helm, Norman A1 - Prieske, Olaf A1 - Mühlbauer, Thomas A1 - Krüger, Tom A1 - Granacher, Urs T1 - Effects of judo-specific resistance training on kinetic and electromyographic parameters of pulling exercises in judo athletes T1 - Effekte eines judospezifischen Messplatztrainings auf kinetische und elektromyografische Parameter des Anreißens bei Wurfeingangsbewegungen von Judoka JF - Sportverletzung, Sportschaden : Grundlagen, Prävention, Rehabilitation N2 - Background In judo, rapid force production during pulling movements is an important component of athletic performance, which is why this capacity needs to be specifically exercised in judo. This study aimed at examining the effects of a judo-specific resistance training program using a judo ergometer system (PTJ) versus a traditional resistance training regime using a partner (PTP) on kinetics and muscle activity of judo-specific pulling exercises. Method Twenty-four male judo athletes (age: 22 +/- 4 years, training experience: 15 +/- 3 years) were randomly assigned to two groups. In a crossover design, the first group completed a 4-week PTJ followed by four weeks of PTP (each with three sessions per week). The second group conducted PTP prior to PTJ. PTJ and PTP were completed in addition to regular training. Before, 4 weeks and 8 weeks after training, tests were conducted to assess judo-specific pulling kinetics (i.e. maximal force, rate of force development [RFD], mechanical work) and electromyographic (EMG) shoulder/trunk muscle activity (i.e. biceps brachii muscle, deltoid muscle, trapezius muscle, erector spinae muscle) during pulling movements using a judo ergometer as well as unspecific strength tests (i.e. bench-pull, pull-ups). Results The statistical analysis revealed that in both groups ergometer pulling kinetics (p<.05, 0.83 <= d <= 1.77) and EMG activity (p<.05; 1.07 <= d <= 2.25) were significantly enhanced following 8 weeks of training. In addition, significantly larger gains in RFD, mechanical work, and EMG activity (i.e. deltoid muscle, erector spinae muscle, trapezius muscle) were found following PTJ compared to PTP (p<.05, 1.25 <= d <= 2.79). No significant enhancements were observed with the unspecific strength tests. Conclusion Our findings indicate that PTJ is superior to PTP regarding training-induced improvements in force production and muscle activity during judo-specific pulling exercises. Performance enhancements may partly be attributed to neural adaptations. No transfer effects on unspecific strength tests were detected following PTJ and PTP. N2 - Hintergrund Schnellkräftige Wurfeingangsbewegungen stellen im Judo entscheidende Voraussetzungen für den Wettkampferfolg dar, weshalb das Training der Anrissbewegung ein zentrales Element des judospezifischen Trainings darstellt. Das Ziel der Studie bestand darin, die Effekte eines Anrisstrainings mit einem Judoergometer-System (ATJ) gegenüber einem tradierten Anrisstraining mit Partner (ATP) auf kinetische und elektromyografische Parameter des Anreißens bei Wurfeingangsbewegungen von Judoka zu untersuchen. Methode Männliche leistungsorientierte Judoka (N = 24, Alter: 22 ± 4 Jahre; Trainingserfahrung: 15 ± 3 Jahre) wurden randomisiert in zwei Gruppen aufgeteilt. Im Crossover-Design absolvierte die erste Gruppe über vier Wochen ein ATJ gefolgt von vier Wochen ATP (je 3x/ Woche). Die zweite Gruppe führte beide Trainingsvarianten in umgekehrter Reihenfolge durch. ATJ und ATP wurden zusätzlich zum bestehenden Training absolviert. Vor dem Training sowie nach vier und nach acht Wochen Training wurden Tests zur Erfassung kinetischer Parameter (dynamisch-realisierte Maximalkraft, Explosivkraft, mechanische Arbeit) und elektromyografischer (EMG) Schulter-/ Rumpfmuskelaktivitäten (M. biceps brachii, M. deltoideus, M. trapezius, M. erector spinae) für die Hub- und Zugarmseite bei Wurfeingangsbewegungen am Judoergometer sowie sportartunspezifische Krafttests (d. h. Liegend-Anreißen, Klimmziehen) durchgeführt. Ergebnisse Die Ergebnisse der statistischen Analyse ergaben über den gesamten Interventionszeitraum (8 Wochen) für beide Trainingsgruppen signifikante Verbesserungen der kinetischen Parameter (p <,05; 0,83 ≤d≤ 1,77) und EMG-Aktivitäten (p <,05; 1,07 ≤d≤ 2,25). Darüber hinaus zeigten sich größere Zuwachsraten in der Explosivkraft, der mechanischen Arbeit und den Schulter-/Rumpfmuskelaktivitäten (M. deltoideus, M. erector spinae, M. trapezius) zugunsten von ATJ im Vergleich zu ATP (p <,05; 1,25 ≤d≤ 2,79). Für die sportartunspezifischen Kraftwerte wurden keine signifikanten Veränderungen festgestellt. Schlussfolgerung Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse zeigen, dass ATJ gegenüber ATP größere Steigerungsraten von kinetischen und elektromyografischen Parametern des Anreißens bei Wurfeingangsbewegungen von Judoka bewirkt. Die trainingsbedingten Leistungssteigerungen scheinen zumindest teilweise auf neuronalen Anpassungen zu beruhen. KW - combat sport KW - athletic performance KW - specific strength training KW - surface electromyography KW - Kampfsport KW - sportliche Leistung KW - spezifisches Krafttraining KW - Oberflächenelektromyografie Y1 - 2018 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0043-122781 SN - 0932-0555 SN - 1439-1236 VL - 32 IS - 2 SP - 134 EP - 142 PB - Thieme CY - Stuttgart ER - TY - JOUR A1 - El-Ashker, Said A1 - Chaabene, Helmi A1 - Negra, Yassine A1 - Prieske, Olaf A1 - Granacher, Urs T1 - Cardio-Respiratory Endurance Responses Following a Simulated 3 x 3 Minutes Amateur Boxing Contest in Elite Level Boxers JF - Sports N2 - This study aimed at examining physiological responses (i.e., oxygen uptake [VO2] and heart rate [HR]) to a semi-contact 3 x 3-min format, amateur boxing combat simulation in elite level male boxers. Eleven boxers aged 21.4 +/- 2.1 years (body height 173.4 +/- 3.7, body mass 74.9 +/- 8.6 kg, body fat 12.1 +/- 1.9, training experience 5.7 +/- 1.3 years) volunteered to participate in this study. They performed a maximal graded aerobic test on a motor-driven treadmill to determine maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max), oxygen uptake (VO2AT) and heart rate (HRAT) at the anaerobic threshold, and maximal heart rate (HRmax). Additionally, VO2 and peak HR (HRpeak) were recorded following each boxing round. Results showed no significant differences between VO2max values derived from the treadmill running test and VO2 outcomes of the simulated boxing contest (p > 0.05, d = 0.02 to 0.39). However, HRmax and HRpeak recorded from the treadmill running test and the simulated amateur boxing contest, respectively, displayed significant differences regardless of the boxing round (p < 0.01, d = 1.60 to 3.00). In terms of VO2 outcomes during the simulated contest, no significant between-round differences were observed (p = 0.19, d = 0.17 to 0.73). Irrespective of the boxing round, the recorded VO2 was >90% of the VO2max. Likewise, HRpeak observed across the three boxing rounds were >= 90% of the HRmax. In summary, the simulated 3 x 3-min amateur boxing contest is highly demanding from a physiological standpoint. Thus, coaches are advised to systematically monitor internal training load for instance through rating of perceived exertion to optimize training-related adaptations and to prevent boxers from overreaching and/or overtraining. KW - aerobic metabolism KW - physiological strain KW - striking combat sports KW - elite athletes Y1 - 2018 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3390/sports6040119 SN - 2075-4663 VL - 6 IS - 4 PB - MDPI CY - Basel ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Pavillon, Thomas A1 - Tourny, Claire A1 - Ben Abderrahman, Abderraouf A1 - Salhi, Iyed A1 - Zouita, Sghaeir A1 - Rouissi, Mehdi A1 - Hackney, Anthony C. A1 - Granacher, Urs A1 - Zouhal, Hassane T1 - Sprint and jump performances in highly trained young soccer players of different chronological age BT - Effects of linear VS. CHANGE–OF–DIRECTION sprint training JF - Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness N2 - Objective The aim of this study was to examine the effects of two different sprint-training regimes on sprint and jump performances according to age in elite young male soccer players over the course of one soccer season. Methods Players were randomly assigned to two training groups. Group 1 performed systematic change-of-direction sprints (CODST, U19 [n = 9], U17 [n = 9], U15 [n = 10]) while group 2 conducted systematic linear sprints (LST, U19 [n = 9], U17 [n = 9], U15 [n = 9]). Training volumes were similar between groups (40 sprints per week x 30 weeks = 1200 sprints per season). Pre and post training, all players performed tests for the assessment of linear and slalom sprint speed (5-m and 10-m), countermovement jump, and maximal aerobic speed performance. Results For all physical fitness measures, the baseline-adjusted means data (ANCOVA) across the age groups showed no significant differences between LST and CODST at post (0.061 < p < 0.995; 0.0017 < d < 1.01). The analyses of baseline-adjusted means for all physical fitness measures for U15, U17, and U19 (LST vs. CODST) revealed no significant differences between LST and CODST for U15 (0.213 < p < 0.917; 0.001 < d < 0.087), U17 (0.132 < p < 0.976; 0.001 < d < 0.310), and U19 (0.300 < p < 0.999; 0.001 < d < 0.049) at post. Conclusions The results from this study showed that both, LST and CODST induced significant changes in the sprint, lower limbs power, and aerobic performances in young elite soccer players. Since no significant differences were observed between LST and CODST, the observed changes are most likely due to training and/or maturation. Therefore, more research is needed to elucidate whether CODST, LST or a combination of both is beneficial for youth soccer athletes’ performance development. KW - Football KW - Repeated sprint KW - Performance KW - Speed Y1 - 2020 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jesf.2020.10.003 SN - 1728-869x VL - 19 IS - 2 SP - 81 EP - 90 PB - Elsevier CY - Singapore ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Jafarnezhadgero, AmirAli A1 - Ghorbanloo, Farshad A1 - Fatollahi, Amir A1 - Dionisio, Valdeci Carlos A1 - Granacher, Urs T1 - Effects of an elastic resistance band exercise program on kinetics and muscle activities during walking in young adults with genu valgus BT - A double-blinded randomized controlled trial JF - Clinical biomechanics : a journal affiliated to the International Society of Biomechanics and the American Society of Biomechanics N2 - Background: This double-blinded randomized-controlled-trial aimed to identify the effects of an elastic band resistance training on walking kinetics and muscle activities in young adults with genu valgus. Methods: Forty-two male young adults aged 22.5(2.7) years with genu valgus were randomly allocated to two experimental groups. The intervention group (n = 21) conducted a 14-weeks elastic band resistance training. The control group was passive during the intervention period and received the same treatment after the post-tests. Pre and post training, ground reaction forces and lower limb muscle activities were recorded during walking. Findings: Results revealed significant group-by-time interactions for peak medial ground reaction force and timeto-peak for posterior ground reaction force in favor of the intervention group (p < 0.012; d = 0.83-3.76). Resistance training with elastic bands resulted in significantly larger peak medial ground reaction force (p < 0.001; d = 1.45) and longer time-to-peak for posterior ground reaction force (p < 0.001; d = 1.85). Finding showed significant group-by-time interactions for peak positive free moment amplitudes in favor of the intervention group (p < 0.001; d = 1.18-2.02). Resistance training resulted in a lower peak positive free moment amplitude (p = 0.001; d = 1.46). With regards to muscle activities, the analysis revealed significant group-by time interactions for rectus femoris and gluteus medius activities during the push-off phase in favor of the intervention group (p < 0.038; d = 0.68-0.89). Resistance training induced higher rectus femoris (p = 0.038; d = 0.84) and gluteus medius (p = 0.007; d = 0.54) activities. Interpretation: This study proved the effectiveness of resistance training using elastic bands on kinetics and muscle activities during walking in male adults with genu valgus disorder. Given that this training regime is low cost, effective, and easy-to-administer, we suggest that it should be implemented as a rehabilitative or preventive means for young adults with genu valgus. KW - Free moment KW - Gait KW - Knee valgus KW - Loading rate KW - Theraband training Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2020.105215 SN - 0268-0033 SN - 1879-1271 VL - 81 PB - Elsevier Science CY - Amsterdam [u.a.] ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Teich, Paula A1 - Fühner, Thea Heidi A1 - Baehr, Florian A1 - Puta, Christian A1 - Granacher, Urs A1 - Kliegl, Reinhold T1 - Covid pandemic effects on the physical fitness of primary school children BT - results of the german EMOTIKON project JF - Sports Medicine - Open N2 - BackgroundIn spring of 2020, the Sars-CoV-2 incidence rate increased rapidly in Germany and around the world. Throughout the next 2 years, schools were temporarily closed and social distancing measures were put in place to slow the spread of the Covid-19 virus. Did these social restrictions and temporary school lockdowns affect children's physical fitness? The EMOTIKON project annually tests the physical fitness of all third-graders in the Federal State of Brandenburg, Germany. The tests assess cardiorespiratory endurance (6-min-run test), coordination (star-run test), speed (20-m sprint test), lower (powerLOW, standing long jump test), and upper (powerUP, ball-push test) limbs muscle power, and static balance (one-legged stance test with eyes closed). A total of 125,893 children were tested in the falls from 2016 to 2022. Primary analyses focused on 98,510 keyage third-graders (i.e., school enrollment according to the legal key date, aged 8 to 9 years) from 515 schools. Secondary analyses included 27,383 older-than-keyage third-graders (i.e., OTK, delayed school enrollment or repetition of a grade, aged 9 to 10 years), who have been shown to exhibit lower physical fitness than expected for their age. Linear mixed models fitted pre-pandemic quadratic secular trends, and took into account differences between children and schools.ResultsThird-graders exhibited lower cardiorespiratory endurance, coordination, speed and powerUP in the Covid pandemic cohorts (2020-2022) compared to the pre-pandemic cohorts (2016-2019). Children's powerLOW and static balance were higher in the pandemic cohorts compared to the pre-pandemic cohorts. From 2020 to 2021, coordination, powerLOW and powerUP further declined. Evidence for some post-pandemic physical fitness catch-up was restricted to powerUP. Cohen's |ds| for comparisons of the pandemic cohorts 2020-2022 with pre-pandemic cohorts 2016-2019 ranged from 0.02 for powerLOW to 0.15 for coordination. Within the pandemic cohorts, keyage children exhibited developmental losses ranging from approximately 1 month for speed to 5 months for cardiorespiratory endurance. For powerLOW and static balance, the positive pandemic effects translate to developmental gains of 1 and 7 months, respectively. Pre-pandemic secular trends may account for some of the observed differences between pandemic and pre-pandemic cohorts, especially in powerLOW, powerUP and static balance. The pandemic further increased developmental delays of OTK children in cardiorespiratory endurance, powerUP and balance.ConclusionsThe Covid-19 pandemic was associated with declines in several physical fitness components in German third-graders. Pandemic effects are still visible in 2022. Health-related interventions should specifically target those physical fitness components that were negatively affected by the pandemic (cardiorespiratory endurance, coordination, speed). KW - Sars-CoV-2 KW - Cohort study KW - Cardiorespiratory endurance KW - Muscle power KW - Physical fitness KW - Youth KW - EMOTIKON KW - Linear mixed models Y1 - 2023 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1186/s40798-023-00624-1 SN - 2198-9761 VL - 9 IS - 1 PB - Springer CY - New York ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Jebabli, Nidhal A1 - Zouhal, Hassane A1 - Boullosa, Daniel A1 - Govindasamy, Karuppasamy A1 - Tourny, Claire A1 - Hackney, Anthony C. A1 - Granacher, Urs A1 - Ben Abderrahman, Abderraouf T1 - The effects of preferred music and its timing on performance, pacing, and psychophysiological responses during the 6-min test JF - Journal of human kinetics N2 - The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of listening to preferred music during a warm up or exercise, on performance during a 6-min all-out exercise test (6-MT) in young adult males. Twenty-five healthy males volunteered to participate in this study. Following a within subject design, participants performed three test conditions (MDT: music during the test; MDW: music during the warm-up; WM: without music) in random order. Outcomes included mean running speed over the 6-min test (MRS6), total distance covered (TDC), heart rate responses (HRpeak, HRmean), blood lactate (3-min after the test), and the rating of perceived exertion (RPE); additionally, feeling scale scores were recorded. Listening to preferred music during running resulted in significant TDC (Delta up arrow 10%, p=0.006, ES=0.80) and MRS6 (Delta up arrow 14%, p=0.012, ES=1.02) improvement during the 6-MT, improvement was also noted for the warm-up with music condition (TDC:Delta up arrow 8%, p=0.028, ES=0.63; MRS6:Delta up arrow 8%, p=0.032, ES=0.61). A similar reverse "J-shaped" pacing profile was detected during the three conditions. Blood lactate was lower in the MDT condition by 8% (p=0.01, ES=1.10), but not the MDW condition, compared to MW. In addition, no statistically significant differences were found between the test sessions for the HR, RPE, and feeling scale scores. In conclusion, listening to music during exercise testing would be more beneficial for optimal TDC and MRS6 performances compared to MDW and WM. KW - rating of perceived exertion KW - work-rate distribution KW - blood lactate; KW - aerobic exercise Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.2478/hukin-2022-0038 SN - 1640-5544 SN - 1899-7562 VL - 82 IS - 1 SP - 123 EP - 133 PB - Academy of Physical Education CY - Katowice ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hortobagyi, Tibor A1 - Deak, Dorina A1 - Farkas, Dora A1 - Blenyesi, Eszter A1 - Torok, Katalin A1 - Granacher, Urs A1 - Tollar, Jozsef T1 - Effects of exercise dose and detraining duration on mobility at late midlife BT - a randomized clinical trial JF - Gerontology N2 - Background: Office workers near retirement tend to be sedentary and can be prone to mobility limitations and diseases. We examined the dose effects of exergaming volume and duration of detraining on motor and cognitive function in office workers at late midlife to reduce sedentariness and mobility limitations. Methods: In an assessor-blinded randomized trial, 160 workers aged 55-65 years performed physically active video games in a nonimmersive form of virtual reality (exergaming) in small, supervised groups for 1 h, 1x, 2x, or 3x/week for 8 weeks followed by detraining for 8 and 16 weeks. Exergaming comprises high-intensity, full-body sensorimotor coordination, balance, endurance, and strengthening exercises. The primary outcome was the 6-minute walk test (6MWT), and secondary outcomes were body mass, self-reported physical activity, sleep quality, Berg Balance Scale, Short Physical Performance Battery, fast gait speed, dynamic balance, heart rate recovery after step test, and 6 cognitive tests. Results: The 3 groups were not different in any of the outcomes at baseline (all p > 0.05). The outcomes were stable and had acceptable reliability (intraclass correlation coefficients >= 0.334) over an 8-week control period. Training produced an inverted U-shaped dose response of no (1x), most (2x), and medium (3x/week) effects of exergaming volume in most motor and selected cognitive outcomes. The distance walked in the 6MWT (primary outcome) increased most (94 m, 19%, p < 0.05), medium (57 m, 12%, p < 0.05), and least (4 m, 1%) after exergaming 2x, 3x, or 0x (control) (all different p < 0.05). The highest responders tended to retain the exercise effects over 8 weeks of detraining, independent of training volume. This maintenance effect was less consistent after 16 weeks of detraining. Conclusion: Less was more during training and lasted longer after detraining. A medium dose volume of exergaming produced the largest clinically meaningful improvements in mobility and selected cognitive tests in 60-year-old office workers with mild mobility limitations and intact cognition. KW - exercise KW - dose response KW - walking capacity KW - cognitive function Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1159/000513505 SN - 0304-324X SN - 1423-0003 VL - 67 IS - 4 SP - 403 EP - 414 PB - Karger CY - Basel ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Negra, Yassine A1 - Chaabene, Helmi A1 - Fernandez-Fernandez, Jaime A1 - Sammoud, Senda A1 - Bouguezzi, Raja A1 - Prieske, Olaf A1 - Granacher, Urs T1 - Short-term plyometric Jump training improves repeated-sprint ability in prepuberal male soccer players JF - Journal of strength and conditioning research : the research journal of the NSCA N2 - This study examined the effects of a short-term (i.e., 8 weeks) combined horizontal and vertical plyometric jump training (PJT) program in combination with regular soccer-specific training as compared with soccer-specific training only on jump and change of direction (CoD) performances, speed, and repeated-sprint ability (RSA) in prepuberal male soccer players. Twenty-four players were recruited and randomly assigned to either a PJT group (PJT(G); n = 13; 12.7 +/- 0.2 years) or an active control group (CONG; n = 11; 12.7 +/- 0.2 years). The outcome measures included tests for the assessment of jump performance (drop jump from 20- to 40-cm height [DJ20 and DJ40] and 3-hop test [THT]), speed (20-m sprint), CoD (T-test), and RSA (20-m repeated shuttle sprint). Data were analyzed using magnitude-based inferences. Within-group analyses revealed large performance improvements in the T-test (d = -1.2), DJ20 (d = 3.7), DJ40 (d = 3.6), THT (d = 0.6), and the RSA(total) (d = -1.6) in the PJT(G). Between-group analyses showed greater performance improvements in the T-test (d = -2.9), 20-m sprint time (d = -2.0), DJ20 (d = 2.4), DJ40 (d = 2.0), THT (d = 1.9), RSA(best) (d = -1.9), and the RSA(total) (d = -1.9) in the PJT(G) compared with CONG. Eight weeks of an in-season PJT in addition to regular soccer-specific training induced larger increases in measures of physical fitness in prepuberal male soccer players compared with regular soccer-specific training only. More specifically, PJT was effective in improving RSA performance. KW - youth KW - stretch-shortening cycle KW - athletic performance KW - soccer Y1 - 2020 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0000000000002703 SN - 1064-8011 SN - 1533-4287 VL - 34 IS - 11 SP - 3241 EP - 3249 PB - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins CY - Philadelphia ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Brahms, Clemens Markus A1 - Hortobágyi, Tibor A1 - Kressig, Reto W. A1 - Granacher, Urs T1 - The Interaction between mobility status and exercise specificity in older adults JF - Exercise and sport sciences reviews N2 - Many adults older than 60 yr experience mobility limitations. Although physical exercise improves older adults' mobility, differences in baseline mobility produce large variations in individual responses to interventions, and these responses could further vary by the type and dose of exercise. Here, we propose an exercise prescription model for older adults based on their current mobility status. KW - exercise prescription KW - training intervention KW - walking speed KW - activities KW - of daily living KW - elderly Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1249/JES.0000000000000237 SN - 0091-6331 SN - 1538-3008 VL - 49 IS - 1 SP - 15 EP - 22 PB - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins CY - Hagerstown, Md. ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hammami, Raouf A1 - Chaabene, Helmi A1 - Kharrat, Fatma A1 - Werfelli, Hanen A1 - Duncan, Michael A1 - Rebai, Haithem A1 - Granacher, Urs T1 - Acute effects of different balance exercise types on selected measures of physical fitness in youth female volleyball players JF - BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation N2 - Background Earlier studies have shown that balance training (BT) has the potential to induce performance enhancements in selected components of physical fitness (i.e., balance, muscle strength, power, speed). While there is ample evidence on the long-term effects of BT on components of physical fitness in youth, less is known on the short-term or acute effects of single BT sessions on selected measures of physical fitness. Objective To examine the acute effects of different balance exercise types on balance, change-of-direction (CoD) speed, and jump performance in youth female volleyball players. Methods Eleven female players aged 14 years participated in this study. Three types of balance exercises (i.e., anterior, posterolateral, rotational type) were conducted in randomized order. For each exercise, 3 sets including 5 repetitions were performed. Before and after the performance of the balance exercises, participants were tested for their static balance (center of pressure surface area [CoP SA] and velocity [CoP V]) on foam and firm surfaces, CoD speed (T-Half test), and vertical jump height (countermovement jump [CMJ] height). A 3 (condition: anterior, mediolateral, rotational balance exercise type) × 2 (time: pre, post) analysis of variance was computed with repeated measures on time. Results Findings showed no significant condition × time interactions for all outcome measures (p > 0.05). However, there were small main effects of time for CoP SA on firm and foam surfaces (both d = 0.38; all p < 0.05) with no effect for CoP V on both surface conditions (p > 0.05). For CoD speed, findings showed a large main effect of time (d = 0.91; p < 0.001). However, for CMJ height, no main effect of time was observed (p > 0.05). Conclusions Overall, our results indicated small-to-large changes in balance and CoD speed performances but not in CMJ height in youth female volleyball players, regardless of the balance exercise type. Accordingly, it is recommended to regularly integrate balance exercises before the performance of sport-specific training to optimize performance development in youth female volleyball players. KW - Postural stability KW - Conditioning activity KW - Short‐term effect KW - Team sports KW - Youth Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1186/s13102-021-00249-5 SN - 1758-2555 VL - 13 PB - BioMed Central CY - London ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sammoud, Senda A1 - Negra, Yassine A1 - Bouguezzi, Raja A1 - Hachana, Younes A1 - Granacher, Urs A1 - Chaabene, Helmi T1 - The effects of plyometric jump training on jump and sport-specific performances in prepubertal female swimmers JF - Journal of exercise science and fitness : JESF : official journal of The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness and Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine & Sports Science N2 - Background/objective Dry land-training (e.g., plyometric jump training) can be a useful mean to improve swimming performance. This study examined the effects of an 8-week plyometric jump training (PJT) program on jump and sport-specific performances in prepubertal female swimmers. Methods Twenty-two girls were randomly assigned to either a plyometric jump training group (PJTG; n = 12, age: 10.01 ± 0.57 years, maturity-offset = -1.50 ± 0.50, body mass = 36.39 ± 6.32 kg, body height = 146.90 ± 7.62 cm, body mass index = 16.50 ± 1.73 kg/m2) or an active control (CG; n = 10, age: 10.50 ± 0.28 years, maturity-offset = -1.34 ± 0.51, body mass = 38.41 ± 9.42 kg, body height = 143.60 ± 5.05 cm, body mass index = 18.48 ± 3.77 kg/m2). Pre- and post-training, tests were conducted for the assessment of muscle power (e.g., countermovement-jump [CMJ], standing-long-jump [SLJ]). Sport-specific-performances were tested using the timed 25 and 50-m front crawl with a diving-start, timed 25-m front crawl without push-off from the wall (25-m WP), and a timed 25-m kick without push-off from the wall (25-m KWP). Results Findings showed a significant main effect of time for the CMJ (d = 0.78), the SLJ (d = 0.91), 25-m front crawl test (d = 2.5), and the 25-m-KWP (d = 1.38) test. Significant group × time interactions were found for CMJ, SLJ, 25-m front crawl, 50-m front crawl, 25-m KWP, and 25-m WP test (d = 0.29–1.63) in favor of PJTG (d = 1.34–3.50). No significant pre-post changes were found for CG (p > 0.05). Conclusion In sum, PJT is effective in improving muscle power and sport-specific performances in prepubertal swimmers. Therefore, PJT should be included from an early start into the regular training program of swimmers. KW - Stretch-shortening cycle KW - Young swimmers KW - Swimming performance Y1 - 2020 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jesf.2020.07.003 SN - 1728-869x VL - 19 IS - 1 SP - 25 EP - 31 PB - Elsevier CY - Singapore ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Prieske, Olaf A1 - Chaabene, Helmi A1 - Puta, Christian A1 - Behm, David G. A1 - Büsch, Dirk A1 - Granacher, Urs T1 - Effects of Drop Height on Jump Performance in Male and Female Elite Adolescent Handball Players JF - International journal of sports physiology and performance N2 - Purpose: To examine the effects of drop height on drop-jump (DJ) performance and on associations between DJ and horizontal-jump/sprint performances in adolescent athletes. Methods: Male (n = 119, 2.5 [0.6] y post-peak-height velocity) and female (n = 120, 2.5 [0.5] y post-peak-height velocity) adolescent handball players (national level) performed DJs in randomized order using 3 drop heights (20, 35, and 50 cm). DJ performance (jump height, reactive strength index [RSI]) was analyzed using the Optojump Next system. In addition, correlations were computed between DJ height and RSI with standing-long-jump and 20-m linear-sprint performances. Results: Statistical analyses revealed medium-size main effects of drop height for DJ height and RSI (P <.001, 0.63 <= d <= 0.71). Post hoc tests indicated larger DJ heights from 20 to 35 and 35 to 50 cm (P <=.031, 0.33 <= d <= 0.71) and better RSI from 20- to 35-cm drop height (P <.001, d = 0.77). No significant difference was found for RSI between 35- and 50-cm drop height. Irrespective of drop height, associations of DJ height and RSI were small with 5-m-split time (-.27 <= r <=.05), medium with 10-m-split time (-.44 <= r <=.14), and medium to large with 20-m sprint time and standing-long-jump distance (-.57 <= r <=.22). Conclusions: The present findings indicate that, irrespective of sex, 35-cm drop heights are best suited to induce rapid and powerful DJ performance (ie, RSI) during reactive strength training in elite adolescent handball players. Moreover, training-related gains in DJ performance may at least partly translate to gains in horizontal jump and longer sprint distances (ie, >= 20-m) and/or vice versa in male and female elite adolescent athletes, irrespective of drop height. KW - stretch-shortening cycle KW - plyometric training KW - strength training KW - tendon stiffness KW - young athletes Y1 - 2019 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1123/ijspp.2018-0482 SN - 1555-0265 SN - 1555-0273 VL - 14 IS - 5 SP - 674 EP - 680 PB - Human Kinetics Publ. CY - Champaign ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lesinski, Melanie A1 - Prieske, Olaf A1 - Chaabene, Helmi A1 - Granacher, Urs T1 - Seasonal effects of strength endurance vs. power training in young female soccer athletes JF - Journal of strength and conditioning research : the research journal of the NSCA N2 - Lesinski, M, Prieske, O, Chaabene, H, and Granacher, U. Seasonal effects of strength endurance vs. power training in young female soccer athletes. J Strength Cond Res 35(12S): S90-S96, 2021-This study examined the seasonal effects of strength endurance training (SET) vs. power training (PT) on physical fitness and body composition in young female soccer players. Thirty-six young female elite soccer players (15 +/- 1 years; maturity offset +3 +/- 1 years) were allocated to progressive SET (n = 19) or PT (n = 17). Over the course of one soccer season, SET performed slow movement velocity, moderate intensity (50-60% of the 1 repetition maximum [1RM]; 20-40 repetitions) strength exercises while PT performed moderate-to-high intensity (50-95% of the 1RM; 3-8 repetitions), high movement velocity strength exercises (2 sessions center dot wk(-1)). Before and after training, tests were performed for the assessment of muscle strength (1RM leg press), jump performance (countermovement jump [CMJ], drop jump [DJ]), muscular endurance (ventral Bourban test), linear speed (10 m, 20 m), change-of-direction (CoD) speed (T-test), dynamic balance (Y-balance test), sport-specific performance (kicking velocity), and body composition (lean body mass and fat mass). An analysis of covariance was used to test for between-group differences at post-test with baseline values as covariate. No significant between-group differences were observed in terms of total training volume over the respective soccer seasons (p = 0.069; d = 0.68). At post-test, SET showed significantly better ventral Bourban and T-test performances (d = 1.28-2.28; p = 0.000-0.001) compared with PT. However, PT resulted in significantly better 1RM leg press, DJ, 10-m, and 20-m sprint performances (d = 0.85-1.44; p = 0.000-0.026). No significant between-group differences were observed at post-test for CMJ, Y-balance test, kicking performance, and body composition (d = 0.20-0.74, p = 0.051-0.594). Our findings are mainly in accordance with the principle of training specificity. Both SET and PT are recommended to be implemented in young female elite soccer players according to the respective training period. KW - strength training KW - elite KW - training specificity KW - soccer players KW - muscle KW - endurance KW - periodization Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0000000000003564 SN - 1064-8011 SN - 1533-4287 VL - 35 IS - Supplement 12 SP - S90 EP - S96 PB - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins CY - Philadelphia ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ramirez-Campillo, Rodrigo A1 - Moran, Jason A1 - Oliver, Jonathan L. A1 - Pedley, Jason S. A1 - Lloyd, Rhodri S. A1 - Granacher, Urs T1 - Programming Plyometric-Jump Training in Soccer: A Review JF - Sports N2 - The aim of this review was to describe and summarize the scientific literature on programming parameters related to jump or plyometric training in male and female soccer players of different ages and fitness levels. A literature search was conducted in the electronic databases PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus using keywords related to the main topic of this study (e.g., “ballistic” and “plyometric”). According to the PICOS framework, the population for the review was restricted to soccer players, involved in jump or plyometric training. Among 7556 identified studies, 90 were eligible for inclusion. Only 12 studies were found for females. Most studies (n = 52) were conducted with youth male players. Moreover, only 35 studies determined the effectiveness of a given jump training programming factor. Based on the limited available research, it seems that a dose of 7 weeks (1–2 sessions per week), with ~80 jumps (specific of combined types) per session, using near-maximal or maximal intensity, with adequate recovery between repetitions (<15 s), sets (≥30 s) and sessions (≥24–48 h), using progressive overload and taper strategies, using appropriate surfaces (e.g., grass), and applied in a well-rested state, when combined with other training methods, would increase the outcome of effective and safe plyometric-jump training interventions aimed at improving soccer players physical fitness. In conclusion, jump training is an effective and easy-to-administer training approach for youth, adult, male and female soccer players. However, optimal programming for plyometric-jump training in soccer is yet to be determined in future research. KW - human physical conditioning KW - exercise KW - resistance training KW - muscle strength KW - plyometric exercise KW - musculoskeletal and neural physiological phenomena KW - movement KW - sports KW - football KW - youth sport Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3390/sports10060094 SN - 2075-4663 VL - 10 SP - 1 EP - 20 PB - MDPI CY - Basel, Schweiz ET - 6 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sandau, Ingo A1 - Granacher, Urs T1 - Effects of the barbell load on the acceleration phase during the snatch in elite Olympic weightlifting JF - Sports N2 - The load-depended loss of vertical barbell velocity at the end of the acceleration phase limits the maximum weight that can be lifted. Thus, the purpose of this study was to analyze how increased barbell loads affect the vertical barbell velocity in the sub-phases of the acceleration phase during the snatch. It was hypothesized that the load-dependent velocity loss at the end of the acceleration phase is primarily associated with a velocity loss during the 1st pull. For this purpose, 14 male elite weightlifters lifted seven load-stages from 70-100% of their personal best in the snatch. The load-velocity relationship was calculated using linear regression analysis to determine the velocity loss at 1st pull, transition, and 2nd pull. A group mean data contrast analysis revealed the highest load-dependent velocity loss for the 1st pull (t = 1.85, p = 0.044, g = 0.49 [-0.05, 1.04]) which confirmed our study hypothesis. In contrast to the group mean data, the individual athlete showed a unique response to increased loads during the acceleration sub-phases of the snatch. With the proposed method, individualized training recommendations on exercise selection and loading schemes can be derived to specifically improve the sub-phases of the snatch acceleration phase. Furthermore, the results highlight the importance of single-subject assessment when working with elite athletes in Olympic weightlifting. KW - biomechanics KW - barbell velocity KW - performance KW - training KW - load-velocity KW - relationship Y1 - 2020 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3390/sports8050059 SN - 2075-4663 VL - 8 IS - 5 PB - MDPI CY - Basel ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Saal, Christian A1 - Chaabene, Helmi A1 - Helm, Norman A1 - Warnke, Torsten A1 - Prieske, Olaf T1 - Network analysis of associations between anthropometry, physical fitness, and sport-specific performance in young canoe sprint athletes BT - The role of age and sex JF - Frontiers in sports and active living N2 - Introduction Anthropometric and physical fitness data can predict sport-specific performance (e.g., canoe sprint race time) in young athletes. Of note, inter-item correlations (i.e., multicollinearity) may exist between tests assessing similar physical qualities. However, multicollinearity among tests may change across age and/or sex due to age-/sex-specific non-linear development of test performances. Therefore, the present study aimed at analyzing inter-item correlations between anthropometric, physical fitness, and sport-specific performance data as a function of age and sex in young canoe sprint athletes. Methods Anthropometric, physical fitness, and sport-specific performance data of 618 male and 297 female young canoe sprint athletes (discipline: male/female kayak, male canoe) were recorded during a national talent identification program between 1992 and 2019. For each discipline, a correlation matrix (i.e., network analysis) was calculated for age category (U13, U14, U15, U16) and sex including anthropometrics (e.g., standing body height, body mass), physical fitness (e.g., cardiorespiratory endurance, muscle power), and sport-specific performance (i.e., 250 and 2,000-m on-water canoe sprint time). Network plots were used to explore the correlation patterns by visual inspection. Further, trimmed means (mu(trimmed)) of inter-item Pearson's correlations coefficients were calculated for each discipline, age category, and sex. Effects of age and sex were analyzed using one-way ANOVAs. Results Visual inspection revealed consistent associations among anthropometric measures across age categories, irrespective of sex. Further, associations between physical fitness and sport-specific performance were lower with increasing age, particularly in males. In this sense, statistically significant differences for mu(trimmed) were observed in male canoeists (p < 0.01, xi = 0.36) and male kayakers (p < 0.01, xi = 0.38) with lower mu(trimmed) in older compared with younger athletes (i.e., >= U15). For female kayakers, no statistically significant effect of age on mu(trimmed) was observed (p = 0.34, xi = 0.14). Discussion Our study revealed that inter-item correlation patterns (i.e., multicollinearity) of anthropometric, physical fitness, and sport-specific performance measures were lower in older (U15, U16) versus younger (U13, U14) male canoe sprint athletes but not in females. Thus, age and sex should be considered to identify predictors for sport-specific performance and design effective testing batteries for talent identification programs in canoe sprint athletes. KW - talent identification KW - youth sports [MeSH] KW - athletic performance KW - race KW - time KW - relationship KW - multicollinearity Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3389/fspor.2022.1038350 SN - 2624-9367 VL - 4 PB - Frontiers Media CY - Lausanne ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Jafarnezhadgero, Amir Ali A1 - Piran Hamlabadi, Milad A1 - Sajedi, Heidar A1 - Granacher, Urs T1 - Recreational runners who recovered from COVID-19 show different running kinetics and muscle activities compared with healthy controls JF - Gait & posture : official journal of Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society, European Society of Movement Analysis in Adults and Children, Società Italiana di Analisi del Movimento in Clinica, International Society for Posture and Gait Research N2 - Background: Social isolation through quarantine represents an effective means to prevent COVID-19 infection. A negative side-effect of quarantine is low physical activity. Research question: What are the differences of running kinetics and muscle activities of recreational runners with a history of COVID-19 versus healthy controls? Methods: Forty men and women aged 20-30 years participated in this study and were divided into two experimental groups. Group 1 (age: 24.1 +/- 2.9) consisted of participants with a history of COVID-19 (COVID group) and group 2 (age: 24.2 +/- 2.7) of healthy age and sex-matched controls (controls). Both groups were tested for their running kinetics using a force plate and electromyographic activities (i.e., tibialis anterior [TA], gastrocnemius medialis [Gas-M], biceps femoris [BF], semitendinosus [ST], vastus lateralis [VL], vastus medialis [VM], rectus femoris [RF], gluteus medius [Glut-M]). Results: Results demonstrated higher peak vertical (p = 0.029; d=0.788) and medial (p = 0.004; d=1.119) ground reaction forces (GRFs) during push-off in COVID individuals compared with controls. Moreover, higher peak lateral GRFs were found during heel contact (p = 0.001; d=1.536) in the COVID group. COVID-19 individuals showed a shorter time-to-reach the peak vertical (p = 0.001; d=3.779) and posterior GRFs (p = 0.005; d=1.099) during heel contact. Moreover, the COVID group showed higher Gas-M (p = 0.007; d=1.109) and lower VM activity (p = 0.026; d=0.811) at heel contact. Significance: Different running kinetics and muscle activities were found in COVID-19 individuals versus healthy controls. Therefore, practitioners and therapists are advised to implement balance and/or strength training to improve lower limbs alignment and mediolateral control during dynamic movements in runners who recovered from COVID-19. KW - Quarantine KW - Ground reaction force KW - Electromyography Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gaitpost.2021.11.002 SN - 0966-6362 SN - 1879-2219 VL - 91 SP - 260 EP - 265 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam [u.a.] ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Jafarnezhadgero, Amir Ali A1 - Anvari, Maryam A1 - Granacher, Urs T1 - Long-term effects of shoe mileage on ground reaction forces and lower limb muscle activities during walking in individuals with genu varus JF - Clinical biomechanics N2 - Background: Shoe mileage is an important factor that may influence the risk of sustaining injuries during walking. The aims of this study were to examine the effects of shoe mileage on ground reaction forces and activity of lower limb muscles during walking in genu varus individuals compared with controls. Methods: Fifteen healthy and 15 genu varus females received a new pair of running shoes. They were asked to wear these shoes over 6 months. Pre and post intervention, mechanical shoe testing was conducted and ground reaction forces and muscle activities of the right leg were recorded during walking at preferred gait speed. Findings: Significant group-by-time interactions were found for shoe stiffness, antero-posterior and vertical impact peak. We observed higher shoe stiffness and lower impact peaks after intervention in both groups with larger effect sizes in genu varus. Significant group-by-time interactions were identified for vastus medialis (loading phase) and rectus femoris (loading and push-off). For vastus medialis, significant decreases were found from pre-to-post during the loading phase in the control group. Rectus femoris activity was higher post intervention during the loading and push-off phases in both groups with larger effect sizes in genu varus. Interpretation: Our findings indicate that the observed changes in ground reaction forces are more prominent in genu varus individuals. Together with our findings on shoe stiffness, it seems appropriate to change running shoes after an intense wearing time of 6 months, particularly in genu varus individuals. KW - footwear KW - electromyography KW - loading rate KW - patients Y1 - 2020 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2020.01.006 SN - 0268-0033 SN - 1879-1271 VL - 73 SP - 55 EP - 62 PB - Elsevier CY - Oxford ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Jafarnezhadgero, Amir Ali A1 - Fatollahi, Amir A1 - Granacher, Urs T1 - Eight weeks of exercising on sand has positive effects on biomechanics of walking and muscle activities in individuals with pronated feet BT - a randomized double-blinded controlled trial JF - Sports : open access journal N2 - This study aimed to investigate the effects of eight weeks of barefoot running exercise on sand versus control on measures of walking kinetics and muscle activities in individuals with diagnosed pronated feet. Sixty physically active male adults with pronated feet were randomly allocated into an intervention or a waiting control group. The intervention group conducted an 8-weeks progressive barefoot running exercise program on sand (e.g., short sprints) with three weekly sessions. Pre and post intervention, participants walked at a constant speed of 1.3 m/s +/- 5% on a 18 m walkway with a force plate embedded in the middle of the walkway. Results showed significant group-by-time interactions for peak impact vertical and lateral ground reaction forces. Training but not control resulted in significantly lower peak impact vertical and lateral ground reaction forces. Significant group-by-time interactions were observed for vastus lateralis activity during the loading phase. Training-induced increases were found for the vastus lateralis in the intervention but not in the control group. This study revealed that the applied exercise program is a suitable means to absorb ground reaction forces (e.g., lower impact vertical and lateral peaks) and increase activities of selected lower limb muscles (e.g., vastus lateralis) when walking on stable ground. KW - flat foot KW - free moment KW - gait KW - loading rate KW - training Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3390/sports10050070 SN - 2075-4663 VL - 10 IS - 5 PB - MDPI CY - Basel ER - TY - GEN A1 - Sammoud, Senda A1 - Negra, Yassine A1 - Bouguezzi, Raja A1 - Hachana, Younes A1 - Granacher, Urs A1 - Chaabene, Helmi T1 - The effects of plyometric jump training on jump and sport-specific performances in prepubertal female swimmers T2 - Postprints der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe N2 - Background/objective Dry land-training (e.g., plyometric jump training) can be a useful mean to improve swimming performance. This study examined the effects of an 8-week plyometric jump training (PJT) program on jump and sport-specific performances in prepubertal female swimmers. Methods Twenty-two girls were randomly assigned to either a plyometric jump training group (PJTG; n = 12, age: 10.01 ± 0.57 years, maturity-offset = -1.50 ± 0.50, body mass = 36.39 ± 6.32 kg, body height = 146.90 ± 7.62 cm, body mass index = 16.50 ± 1.73 kg/m2) or an active control (CG; n = 10, age: 10.50 ± 0.28 years, maturity-offset = -1.34 ± 0.51, body mass = 38.41 ± 9.42 kg, body height = 143.60 ± 5.05 cm, body mass index = 18.48 ± 3.77 kg/m2). Pre- and post-training, tests were conducted for the assessment of muscle power (e.g., countermovement-jump [CMJ], standing-long-jump [SLJ]). Sport-specific-performances were tested using the timed 25 and 50-m front crawl with a diving-start, timed 25-m front crawl without push-off from the wall (25-m WP), and a timed 25-m kick without push-off from the wall (25-m KWP). Results Findings showed a significant main effect of time for the CMJ (d = 0.78), the SLJ (d = 0.91), 25-m front crawl test (d = 2.5), and the 25-m-KWP (d = 1.38) test. Significant group × time interactions were found for CMJ, SLJ, 25-m front crawl, 50-m front crawl, 25-m KWP, and 25-m WP test (d = 0.29–1.63) in favor of PJTG (d = 1.34–3.50). No significant pre-post changes were found for CG (p > 0.05). Conclusion In sum, PJT is effective in improving muscle power and sport-specific performances in prepubertal swimmers. Therefore, PJT should be included from an early start into the regular training program of swimmers. T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe - 658 KW - Stretch-shortening cycle KW - Young swimmers KW - Swimming performance Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-478272 SN - 1866-8364 IS - 658 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Jebabli, Nidhal A1 - Granacher, Urs A1 - Selmi, Mohamed Amin A1 - Al-Haddabi, Badriya A1 - Behm, David G. A1 - Chaouachi, Anis A1 - Haj Sassi, Radhouane T1 - Listening to preferred music improved running performance without changing the pacing pattern during a 6 minute run test with young male adults T2 - Postprints der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe N2 - Several studies have investigated the effects of music on both submaximal and maximal exercise performance at a constant work-rate. However, there is a lack of research that has examined the effects of music on the pacing strategy during self-paced exercise. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of preferred music on performance and pacing during a 6 min run test (6-MSPRT) in young male adults. Twenty healthy male participants volunteered for this study. They performed two randomly assigned trials (with or without music) of a 6-MSPRT three days apart. Mean running speed, the adopted pacing strategy, total distance covered (TDC), peak and mean heart rate (HRpeak, HRmean), blood lactate (3 min after the test), and rate of perceived exertion (RPE) were measured. Listening to preferred music during the 6-MSPRT resulted in significant TDC improvement (?10%; p = 0.016; effect size (ES) = 0.80). A significantly faster mean running speed was observed when listening to music compared with no music. The improvement of TDC in the present study is explained by a significant overall increase in speed (main effect for conditions) during the music trial. Music failed to modify pacing patterns as suggested by the similar reversed “J-shaped” profile during the two conditions. Blood-lactate concentrations were significantly reduced by 9% (p = 0.006, ES = 1.09) after the 6-MSPRT with music compared to those in the control condition. No statistically significant differences were found between the test conditions for HRpeak, HRmean, and RPE. Therefore, listening to preferred music can have positive effects on exercise performance during the 6-MSPRT, such as greater TDC, faster running speeds, and reduced blood lactate levels but has no effect on the pacing strategy. T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe - 696 KW - RPE KW - work-rate distribution KW - blood lactate KW - aerobic exercise Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-471884 SN - 1866-8364 IS - 696 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Sandau, Ingo A1 - Granacher, Urs T1 - Effects of the barbell load on the acceleration phase during the snatch in Olympic weightlifting T2 - Postprints der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe N2 - The load-depended loss of vertical barbell velocity at the end of the acceleration phase limits the maximum weight that can be lifted. Thus, the purpose of this study was to analyze how increased barbell loads affect the vertical barbell velocity in the sub-phases of the acceleration phase during the snatch. It was hypothesized that the load-dependent velocity loss at the end of the acceleration phase is primarily associated with a velocity loss during the 1st pull. For this purpose, 14 male elite weightlifters lifted seven load-stages from 70–100% of their personal best in the snatch. The load–velocity relationship was calculated using linear regression analysis to determine the velocity loss at 1st pull, transition, and 2nd pull. A group mean data contrast analysis revealed the highest load-dependent velocity loss for the 1st pull (t = 1.85, p = 0.044, g = 0.49 [−0.05, 1.04]) which confirmed our study hypothesis. In contrast to the group mean data, the individual athlete showed a unique response to increased loads during the acceleration sub-phases of the snatch. With the proposed method, individualized training recommendations on exercise selection and loading schemes can be derived to specifically improve the sub-phases of the snatch acceleration phase. Furthermore, the results highlight the importance of single-subject assessment when working with elite athletes in Olympic weightlifting. T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe - 681 KW - biomechanics KW - barbell velocity KW - performance KW - training KW - load–velocity relationship Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-471599 SN - 1866-8364 IS - 681 ER - TY - GEN A1 - El-Ashker, Said A1 - Chaabene, Helmi A1 - Negra, Yassine A1 - Prieske, Olaf A1 - Granacher, Urs T1 - Cardio-Respiratory endurance responses following a simulated 3 x 3 minutes amateur boxing contest in elite level boxers T2 - Postprints der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe N2 - This study aimed at examining physiological responses (i.e., oxygen uptake [VO2] and heart rate [HR]) to a semi-contact 3 x 3-min format, amateur boxing combat simulation in elite level male boxers. Eleven boxers aged 21.4 +/- 2.1 years (body height 173.4 +/- 3.7, body mass 74.9 +/- 8.6 kg, body fat 12.1 +/- 1.9, training experience 5.7 +/- 1.3 years) volunteered to participate in this study. They performed a maximal graded aerobic test on a motor-driven treadmill to determine maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max), oxygen uptake (VO2AT) and heart rate (HRAT) at the anaerobic threshold, and maximal heart rate (HRmax). Additionally, VO2 and peak HR (HRpeak) were recorded following each boxing round. Results showed no significant differences between VO2max values derived from the treadmill running test and VO2 outcomes of the simulated boxing contest (p > 0.05, d = 0.02 to 0.39). However, HRmax and HRpeak recorded from the treadmill running test and the simulated amateur boxing contest, respectively, displayed significant differences regardless of the boxing round (p < 0.01, d = 1.60 to 3.00). In terms of VO2 outcomes during the simulated contest, no significant between-round differences were observed (p = 0.19, d = 0.17 to 0.73). Irrespective of the boxing round, the recorded VO2 was >90% of the VO2max. Likewise, HRpeak observed across the three boxing rounds were >= 90% of the HRmax. In summary, the simulated 3 x 3-min amateur boxing contest is highly demanding from a physiological standpoint. Thus, coaches are advised to systematically monitor internal training load for instance through rating of perceived exertion to optimize training-related adaptations and to prevent boxers from overreaching and/or overtraining. T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe - 675 KW - aerobic metabolism KW - physiological strain KW - striking combat sports KW - elite athletes Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-472338 SN - 1866-8364 IS - 675 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wick, Kristin A1 - Kriemler, Susi A1 - Granacher, Urs T1 - Effects of a strength-dominated exercise program on physical fitness and cognitive performance in preschool children JF - Journal of strength and conditioning research : the research journal of the NSCA N2 - Wick, K, Kriemler, S, and Granacher, U. Effects of a strength-dominated exercise program on physical fitness and cognitive performance in preschool children. J Strength Cond Res 35(4): 983-990, 2021-Childhood is characterized by high neuroplasticity that affords qualitative rather than quantitative components of physical activity to maximize the potential to sufficiently develop motor skills and foster long-term engagement in regular physical activity. This study examined the effects of an integrative strength-dominated exercise program on measures of physical fitness and cognitive performance in preschool children. Children aged 4-6 years from 3 kindergartens were randomized into an intervention (INT) group (n = 32) or a control group (n = 22). The 10-week intervention period was conducted 3 times per week (each session lasted 30 minutes) and included exercises for the promotion of muscle strength and power, coordination, and balance. Pre and post training, tests were conducted for the assessment of muscle strength (i.e., handgrip strength), muscle power (i.e., standing long jump), balance (i.e., timed single-leg stand), coordination (hopping on right/left leg), and attentional span (i.e., "Konzentrations-Handlungsverfahren fur Vorschulkinder" [concentration-action procedure for preschoolers]). Results from 2 x 2 repeated-measures analysis of covariance revealed a significant (p <= 0.05) and near significant (p = 0.051) group x time interaction for the standing long jump test and the Konzentrations-Handlungsverfahren. Post hoc tests showed significant pre-post changes for the INT (p < 0.001; d = 1.53) but not the CON (p = 0.72; d = 0.83). Our results indicate that a 10-week strength-dominated exercise program increased jump performance with a concomitant trend toward improvements in attentional capacity of preschool children. Thus, we recommend implementing this type of exercise program for preschoolers. KW - motor skills KW - cognitive skills KW - attention KW - kindergarten KW - structured KW - physical activity program Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0000000000003942 SN - 1064-8011 SN - 1533-4287 VL - 35 IS - 4 SP - 983 EP - 990 PB - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins CY - Philadelphia ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Thiele, Dirk A1 - Prieske, Olaf A1 - Chaabene, Helmi A1 - Granacher, Urs T1 - Effects of strength training on physical fitness and sport-specific performance in recreational, sub-elite, and elite rowers BT - a systematic review with meta-analysis JF - Journal of sports sciences N2 - The purpose of this systematic review with meta-analysis was to examine the effects of strength training (ST) on selected components of physical fitness (e.g., lower/upper limb maximal strength, muscular endurance, jump performance, cardiorespiratory endurance) and sport-specific performance in rowers. Only studies with an active control group were included if they examined the effects of ST on at least one proxy of physical fitness and/or sport-specific performance in rowers. Weighted and averaged standardized mean differences (SMD) were calculated using random-effects models. Subgroup analyses were computed to identify effects of ST type or expertise level on sport-specific performance. Our analyses revealed significant small effects of ST on lower limb maximal strength (SMD = 0.42, p = 0.05) and on sport-specific performance (SMD = 0.32, p = 0.05). Non-significant effects were found for upper limb maximal strength, upper/lower limb muscular endurance, jump performance, and cardiorespiratory endurance. Subgroup analyses for ST type and expertise level showed non-significant differences between the respective subgroups of rowers (p >= 0.32). Our systematic review with meta-analysis indicated that ST is an effective means for improving lower limb maximal strength and sport-specific performance in rowers. However, ST-induced effects are neither modulated by ST type nor rowers' expertise level. KW - resistance training KW - plyometric training KW - on-water performance KW - race KW - time KW - oarsmen KW - athletic performance Y1 - 2020 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2020.1745502 SN - 0264-0414 SN - 1466-447X VL - 38 IS - 10 SP - 1186 EP - 1195 PB - Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group CY - Abingdon ER - TY - GEN A1 - Granacher, Urs A1 - Hortobágyi, Tibor T1 - Exercise to improve mobility in healthy aging T2 - Postprints der Universität Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe - 897 Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-432419 SN - 1866-8372 IS - 897 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Pavillon, Thomas A1 - Tourny, Claire A1 - Ben Abderrahman, Abderraouf A1 - Salhi, Iyed A1 - Zouita, Sghaeir A1 - Rouissi, Mehdi A1 - Hackney, Anthony C. A1 - Granacher, Urs A1 - Zouhal, Hassane T1 - Sprint and jump performances in highly trained young soccer players of different chronological age BT - Effects of linear VS. CHANGE–OF–DIRECTION sprint training T2 - Postprints der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe N2 - Objective The aim of this study was to examine the effects of two different sprint-training regimes on sprint and jump performances according to age in elite young male soccer players over the course of one soccer season. Methods Players were randomly assigned to two training groups. Group 1 performed systematic change-of-direction sprints (CODST, U19 [n = 9], U17 [n = 9], U15 [n = 10]) while group 2 conducted systematic linear sprints (LST, U19 [n = 9], U17 [n = 9], U15 [n = 9]). Training volumes were similar between groups (40 sprints per week x 30 weeks = 1200 sprints per season). Pre and post training, all players performed tests for the assessment of linear and slalom sprint speed (5-m and 10-m), countermovement jump, and maximal aerobic speed performance. Results For all physical fitness measures, the baseline-adjusted means data (ANCOVA) across the age groups showed no significant differences between LST and CODST at post (0.061 < p < 0.995; 0.0017 < d < 1.01). The analyses of baseline-adjusted means for all physical fitness measures for U15, U17, and U19 (LST vs. CODST) revealed no significant differences between LST and CODST for U15 (0.213 < p < 0.917; 0.001 < d < 0.087), U17 (0.132 < p < 0.976; 0.001 < d < 0.310), and U19 (0.300 < p < 0.999; 0.001 < d < 0.049) at post. Conclusions The results from this study showed that both, LST and CODST induced significant changes in the sprint, lower limbs power, and aerobic performances in young elite soccer players. Since no significant differences were observed between LST and CODST, the observed changes are most likely due to training and/or maturation. Therefore, more research is needed to elucidate whether CODST, LST or a combination of both is beneficial for youth soccer athletes’ performance development. T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe - 697 KW - Football KW - Repeated sprint KW - Performance KW - Speed Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-490557 SN - 1866-8364 IS - 697 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Hammami, Raouf A1 - Chaabene, Helmi A1 - Kharrat, Fatma A1 - Werfelli, Hanen A1 - Duncan, Michael A1 - Rebai, Haithem A1 - Granacher, Urs T1 - Acute effects of different balance exercise types on selected measures of physical fitness in youth female volleyball players T2 - Postprints der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe N2 - Background Earlier studies have shown that balance training (BT) has the potential to induce performance enhancements in selected components of physical fitness (i.e., balance, muscle strength, power, speed). While there is ample evidence on the long-term effects of BT on components of physical fitness in youth, less is known on the short-term or acute effects of single BT sessions on selected measures of physical fitness. Objective To examine the acute effects of different balance exercise types on balance, change-of-direction (CoD) speed, and jump performance in youth female volleyball players. Methods Eleven female players aged 14 years participated in this study. Three types of balance exercises (i.e., anterior, posterolateral, rotational type) were conducted in randomized order. For each exercise, 3 sets including 5 repetitions were performed. Before and after the performance of the balance exercises, participants were tested for their static balance (center of pressure surface area [CoP SA] and velocity [CoP V]) on foam and firm surfaces, CoD speed (T-Half test), and vertical jump height (countermovement jump [CMJ] height). A 3 (condition: anterior, mediolateral, rotational balance exercise type) × 2 (time: pre, post) analysis of variance was computed with repeated measures on time. Results Findings showed no significant condition × time interactions for all outcome measures (p > 0.05). However, there were small main effects of time for CoP SA on firm and foam surfaces (both d = 0.38; all p < 0.05) with no effect for CoP V on both surface conditions (p > 0.05). For CoD speed, findings showed a large main effect of time (d = 0.91; p < 0.001). However, for CMJ height, no main effect of time was observed (p > 0.05). Conclusions Overall, our results indicated small-to-large changes in balance and CoD speed performances but not in CMJ height in youth female volleyball players, regardless of the balance exercise type. Accordingly, it is recommended to regularly integrate balance exercises before the performance of sport-specific training to optimize performance development in youth female volleyball players. T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe - 713 KW - Postural stability KW - Conditioning activity KW - Short‐term effect KW - Team sports KW - Youth Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-517477 SN - 1866-8364 IS - 713 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Behrens, Martin A1 - Gube, Martin A1 - Chaabene, Helmi A1 - Prieske, Olaf A1 - Zenon, Alexandre A1 - Broscheid, Kim-Charline A1 - Schega, Lutz A1 - Husmann, Florian A1 - Weippert, Matthias T1 - Fatigue and human performance BT - an updated framework JF - Sports medicine : an international journal of applied medicine and science in sport and exercise N2 - Fatigue has been defined differently in the literature depending on the field of research. The inconsistent use of the term fatigue complicated scientific communication, thereby limiting progress towards a more in-depth understanding of the phenomenon. Therefore, Enoka and Duchateau (Med Sci Sports Exerc 48:2228-38, 2016, [3]) proposed a fatigue framework that distinguishes between trait fatigue (i.e., fatigue experienced by an individual over a longer period of time) and motor or cognitive task-induced state fatigue (i.e., self-reported disabling symptom derived from the two interdependent attributes performance fatigability and perceived fatigability). Thereby, performance fatigability describes a decrease in an objective performance measure, while perceived fatigability refers to the sensations that regulate the integrity of the performer. Although this framework served as a good starting point to unravel the psychophysiology of fatigue, several important aspects were not included and the interdependence of the mechanisms driving performance fatigability and perceived fatigability were not comprehensively discussed. Therefore, the present narrative review aimed to (1) update the fatigue framework suggested by Enoka and Duchateau (Med Sci Sports Exerc 48:2228-38, 2016, [3]) pertaining the taxonomy (i.e., cognitive performance fatigue and perceived cognitive fatigue were added) and important determinants that were not considered previously (e.g., effort perception, affective valence, self-regulation), (2) discuss the mechanisms underlying performance fatigue and perceived fatigue in response to motor and cognitive tasks as well as their interdependence, and (3) provide recommendations for future research on these interactions. We propose to define motor or cognitive task-induced state fatigue as a psychophysiological condition characterized by a decrease in motor or cognitive performance (i.e., motor or cognitive performance fatigue, respectively) and/or an increased perception of fatigue (i.e., perceived motor or cognitive fatigue). These dimensions are interdependent, hinge on different determinants, and depend on body homeostasis (e.g., wakefulness, core temperature) as well as several modulating factors (e.g., age, sex, diseases, characteristics of the motor or cognitive task). Consequently, there is no single factor primarily determining performance fatigue and perceived fatigue in response to motor or cognitive tasks. Instead, the relative weight of each determinant and their interaction are modulated by several factors. Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s40279-022-01748-2 SN - 0112-1642 SN - 1179-2035 VL - 53 IS - 1 SP - 7 EP - 31 PB - Springer CY - Heidelberg ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Saidi, Karim A1 - Zouhal, Hassane A1 - Boullosa, Daniel A1 - Dupont, Gregory A1 - Hackney, Anthony C. A1 - Bideau, Benoit A1 - Granacher, Urs A1 - Ben Abderrahman, Abderraouf T1 - Biochemical markers and wellness status during a congested match play period in elite soccer players JF - International journal of sports physiology and performance : IJSSP N2 - Objectives: To analyze biochemical markers, wellness status, and physical fitness in elite soccer players in relation to changes in training and match exposure during a congested period of match play. Methods: Fourteen elite soccer players were evaluated 3 times (T1, T2, and T3) over 12 weeks (T1-T2: 6-wk regular period of match play and T2-T3: 6-wk congested period of match play). Players performed vertical jump tests, repeated shuttle sprint ability test, and the Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test at T1, T2, and T3. Plasma C-reactive protein, creatinine, and creatine kinase were analyzed at T1, T2, and T3. Wellness status was measured daily using the Hopper questionnaire (delayed onset of muscle soreness, stress, fatigue, and sleep quality). Training session rating of perceived exertion was also recorded on a daily basis. Results: A significant increase was found in stress, fatigue, delayed onset of muscle soreness scores, and Hopper index during the congested period (between T2 and T3) compared with the regular period (between T1 and T2) (.001 < P < .008, 0.8 < ES < 2.3). Between T2 and T3, significant relationships were found between the percentage variations (Delta%) of C-reactive protein, and Delta% of creatine kinase with the Hopper Index, and the Delta% of fatigue score. In addition, the Delta% of fatigue score and Delta% of delayed onset of muscle soreness score correlated with Delta% Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test and Delta% best of repeated shuttle sprint ability test (.49 < r < P < .01). Conclusions: An intensive period of congested match play significantly compromised elite soccer players' physical fitness and wellness status. Elite soccer players' wellness status reflects declines in physical fitness during this period while biochemical changes do not. KW - training KW - congested calendar KW - overtraining KW - overreaching KW - recovery Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1123/ijspp.2020-0914 SN - 1555-0265 SN - 1555-0273 VL - 17 IS - 4 SP - 605 EP - 620 PB - Human Kinetics Publ. CY - Champaign ER - TY - GEN A1 - Ramirez-Campillo, Rodrigo A1 - Moran, Jason A1 - Oliver, Jonathan L. A1 - Pedley, Jason S. A1 - Lloyd, Rhodri S. A1 - Granacher, Urs T1 - Programming Plyometric-Jump Training in Soccer: A Review T2 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe N2 - The aim of this review was to describe and summarize the scientific literature on programming parameters related to jump or plyometric training in male and female soccer players of different ages and fitness levels. A literature search was conducted in the electronic databases PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus using keywords related to the main topic of this study (e.g., “ballistic” and “plyometric”). According to the PICOS framework, the population for the review was restricted to soccer players, involved in jump or plyometric training. Among 7556 identified studies, 90 were eligible for inclusion. Only 12 studies were found for females. Most studies (n = 52) were conducted with youth male players. Moreover, only 35 studies determined the effectiveness of a given jump training programming factor. Based on the limited available research, it seems that a dose of 7 weeks (1–2 sessions per week), with ~80 jumps (specific of combined types) per session, using near-maximal or maximal intensity, with adequate recovery between repetitions (<15 s), sets (≥30 s) and sessions (≥24–48 h), using progressive overload and taper strategies, using appropriate surfaces (e.g., grass), and applied in a well-rested state, when combined with other training methods, would increase the outcome of effective and safe plyometric-jump training interventions aimed at improving soccer players physical fitness. In conclusion, jump training is an effective and easy-to-administer training approach for youth, adult, male and female soccer players. However, optimal programming for plyometric-jump training in soccer is yet to be determined in future research. T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe - 813 KW - human physical conditioning KW - exercise KW - resistance training KW - muscle strength KW - plyometric exercise KW - musculoskeletal and neural physiological phenomena KW - movement KW - sports KW - football KW - youth sport Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-581031 SN - 1866-8364 IS - 813 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Chaabene, Helmi A1 - Prieske, Olaf A1 - Lesinski, Melanie A1 - Sandau, Ingo A1 - Granacher, Urs T1 - Short-term seasonal development of anthropometry, body composition, physical fitness, and sport-specific performance in young olympic weightlifters T2 - Postprints der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe N2 - The aim of this study is to monitor short-term seasonal development of young Olympic weightlifters’ anthropometry, body composition, physical fitness, and sport-specific performance. Fifteen male weightlifters aged 13.2 ± 1.3 years participated in this study. Tests for the assessment of anthropometry (e.g., body-height, body-mass), body-composition (e.g., lean-body-mass, relative fat-mass), muscle strength (grip-strength), jump performance (drop-jump (DJ) height, countermovement-jump (CMJ) height, DJ contact time, DJ reactive-strength-index (RSI)), dynamic balance (Y-balance-test), and sport-specific performance (i.e., snatch and clean-and-jerk) were conducted at different time-points (i.e., T1 (baseline), T2 (9 weeks), T3 (20 weeks)). Strength tests (i.e., grip strength, clean-and-jerk and snatch) and training volume were normalized to body mass. Results showed small-to-large increases in body-height, body-mass, lean-body-mass, and lower-limbs lean-mass from T1-to-T2 and T2-to-T3 (∆0.7–6.7%; 0.1 ≤ d ≤ 1.2). For fat-mass, a significant small-sized decrease was found from T1-to-T2 (∆13.1%; d = 0.4) and a significant increase from T2-to-T3 (∆9.1%; d = 0.3). A significant main effect of time was observed for DJ contact time (d = 1.3) with a trend toward a significant decrease from T1-to-T2 (∆–15.3%; d = 0.66; p = 0.06). For RSI, significant small increases from T1-to-T2 (∆9.9%, d = 0.5) were noted. Additionally, a significant main effect of time was found for snatch (d = 2.7) and clean-and-jerk (d = 3.1) with significant small-to-moderate increases for both tests from T1-to-T2 and T2-to-T3 (∆4.6–11.3%, d = 0.33 to 0.64). The other tests did not change significantly over time (0.1 ≤ d ≤ 0.8). Results showed significantly higher training volume for sport-specific training during the second period compared with the first period (d = 2.2). Five months of Olympic weightlifting contributed to significant changes in anthropometry, body-composition, and sport-specific performance. However, hardly any significant gains were observed for measures of physical fitness. Coaches are advised to design training programs that target a variety of fitness components to lay an appropriate foundation for later performance as an elite athlete. T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe - 685 KW - strength KW - monitoring KW - young athletes KW - weight training KW - somatic variables KW - periodization KW - training load Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-472609 SN - 1866-8364 IS - 685 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Wick, Kristin A1 - Leeger-Aschmann, Claudia S. A1 - Monn, Nico D. A1 - Radtke, Thomas A1 - Ott, Laura V. A1 - Rebholz, Cornelia E. A1 - Cruz, Sergio A1 - Gerber, Natalie A1 - Schmutz, Einat A. A1 - Puder, Jardena J. A1 - Munsch, Simone A1 - Kakebeeke, Tanja H. A1 - Jenni, Oskar G. A1 - Granacher, Urs A1 - Kriemler, Susi T1 - Interventions to promote fundamental movement skills in childcare and kindergarten BT - a systematic review and meta-analysis T2 - Postprints der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe N2 - Background Proficiency in fundamental movement skills (FMS) lays the foundation for being physically active and developing more complex motor skills. Improving these motor skills may provide enhanced opportunities for the development of a variety of perceptual, social, and cognitive skills. Objective The objective of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to assess the effects of FMS interventions on actual FMS, targeting typically developing young children. Method Searches in seven databases (CINAHL, Embase, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science) up to August 2015 were completed. Trials with children (aged 2-6 years) in childcare or kindergarten settings that applied FMS-enhancing intervention programs of at least 4 weeks and meeting the inclusion criteria were included. Standardized data extraction forms were used. Risk of bias was assessed using a standard scoring scheme (Effective Public Health Practice Project-Quality Assessment Tool for Quantitative Studies [EPHPP]). We calculated effects on overall FMS, object control and locomotor subscales (OCS and LMS) by weighted standardized mean differences (SMDbetween) using random-effects models. Certainty in training effects was evaluated using GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation System). Results Thirty trials (15 randomized controlled trials and 15 controlled trials) involving 6126 preschoolers (aged 3.3-5.5 years) revealed significant differences among groups in favor of the intervention group (INT) with small-to-large effects on overall FMS (SMDbetween 0.46), OCS (SMDbetween 1.36), and LMS (SMDbetween 0.94). Our certainty in the treatment estimates based on GRADE is very low. Conclusions Although there is relevant effectiveness of programs to improve FMS proficiency in healthy young children, they need to be interpreted with care as they are based on low-quality evidence and immediate post-intervention effects without long-term follow-up. T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe - 702 KW - motor skill KW - high effect size KW - fundamental movement skill KW - motivational climate KW - locomotor skill Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-435463 SN - 1866-8364 IS - 702 ER -