TY - THES A1 - Robalo, João Ramiro Alavedra Mendes T1 - Investigating the role of fluorinated amino acids on protein structure and function using simulation Y1 - 2018 ER - TY - THES A1 - Behrens, Ricarda T1 - Causes for slow weathering and erosion in the steep, warm, monsoon-subjected Highlands of Sri Lanka T1 - Ursache von langsamer Verwitterung und Erosion im steilen, warmen und Monsun-beeinflussten Hochland von Sri Lanka N2 - In the Highlands of Sri Lanka, erosion and chemical weathering rates are among the lowest for global mountain denudation. In this tropical humid setting, highly weathered deep saprolite profiles have developed from high-grade metamorphic charnockite during spheroidal weathering of the bedrock. The spheroidal weathering produces rounded corestones and spalled rindlets at the rock-saprolite interface. I used detailed textural, mineralogical, chemical, and electron-microscopic (SEM, FIB, TEM) analyses to identify the factors limiting the rate of weathering front advance in the profile, the sequence of weathering reactions, and the underlying mechanisms. The first mineral attacked by weathering was found to be pyroxene initiated by in situ Fe oxidation, followed by in situ biotite oxidation. Bulk dissolution of the primary minerals is best described with a dissolution – re-precipitation process, as no chemical gradients towards the mineral surface and sharp structural boundaries are observed at the nm scale. Only the local oxidation in pyroxene and biotite is better described with an ion by ion process. The first secondary phases are oxides and amorphous precipitates from which secondary minerals (mainly smectite and kaolinite) form. Only for biotite direct solid state transformation to kaolinite is likely. The initial oxidation of pyroxene and biotite takes place in locally restricted areas and is relatively fast: log J = -11 molmin/(m2 s). However, calculated corestone-scale mineral oxidation rates are comparable to corestone-scale mineral dissolution rates: log R = -13 molpx/(m2 s) and log R = -15 molbt/(m2 s). The oxidation reaction results in a volume increase. Volumetric calculations suggest that this observed oxidation leads to the generation of porosity due to the formation of micro-fractures in the minerals and the bedrock allowing for fluid transport and subsequent dissolution of plagioclase. At the scale of the corestone, this fracture reaction is responsible for the larger fractures that lead to spheroidal weathering and to the formation of rindlets. Since these fractures have their origin from the initial oxidational induced volume increase, oxidation is the rate limiting parameter for weathering to take place. The ensuing plagioclase weathering leads to formation of high secondary porosity in the corestone over a distance of only a few cm and eventually to the final disaggregation of bedrock to saprolite. As oxidation is the first weathering reaction, the supply of O2 is a rate-limiting factor for chemical weathering. Hence, the supply of O2 and its consumption at depth connects processes at the weathering front with erosion at the surface in a feedback mechanism. The strength of the feedback depends on the relative weight of advective versus diffusive transport of O2 through the weathering profile. The feedback will be stronger with dominating diffusive transport. The low weathering rate ultimately depends on the transport of O2 through the whole regolith, and on lithological factors such as low bedrock porosity and the amount of Fe-bearing primary minerals. In this regard the low-porosity charnockite with its low content of Fe(II) bearing minerals impedes fast weathering reactions. Fresh weatherable surfaces are a pre-requisite for chemical weathering. However, in the case of the charnockite found in the Sri Lankan Highlands, the only process that generates these surfaces is the fracturing induced by oxidation. Tectonic quiescence in this region and low pre-anthropogenic erosion rate (attributed to a dense vegetation cover) minimize the rejuvenation of the thick and cohesive regolith column, and lowers weathering through the feedback with erosion. N2 - Erosions- und chemische Verwitterungsraten im srilankischen Hochland gehören zu den langsamsten der globalen Gebirgsdenudationsraten. In diesem tropischen, humiden Gebiet entwickelten sich mächtige Verwitterungsprofile – sogenannte Saprolite – auf spheroidal verwittertem, hochgradig metamorphen Charnockit. Spheroidale Verwitterung führt zu abgerundeten „corestones“ mit abgesplitterten Rinden („rindlets“) an der Gesteins – Saprolit Grenze. Zur Identifizierung der ratenlimitierenden Faktoren des Fortschreiten der Verwitterungsfront, der Sequenz der Verwitterungsreaktionen und der dahinterliegenden Mechanismen nutzte ich detaillierte gesteinsstrukturelle, mineralogische, chemische und elektronenmikroskopische (SEM, FIB, TEM) Analysemethoden. Die initiale Verwitterung beginnt mit lokal begrenzter in situ Oxidation in Pyroxen, gefolgt von in situ Oxidation von Biotit. Die Auflösung der Minerale wird am besten durch einen Auflöse – Wiederausfällungs-prozess beschrieben, da zur Mineralgrenze hin keine chemischen Gradienten, dafür aber auf der nm-Skala scharfe strukturelle Grenzen zu beobachten sind. Die ersten ausfallenden Sekundärphasen sind Oxide und amorphe Phasen aus denen sich Sekundärmineral (hauptsächlich Smectit und Kaolinit) bilden. Für Biotit ist auch eine direkte Umwandlung im Festzustand zu Kaolinit möglich. Die initiale Pyroxen- und Biotitoxidation ist relativ schnell: log J = -11 molmin/(m2 s). Berechnete Oxidationsraten auf der corestone-Skala (cm) sind vergleichbar zu Auflöseraten auf derselben Skala: log R = -13 molpx/(m2 s) und log R = -15 molbt/(m2 s). Volumetrische Berechnungen führen zum Schluss, dass die Oxidation mit einhergehender Volumenzunahme zur Entwicklung von Mikrofrakturen in den Mineralen und dem Gesamtgestein führt. Diese begünstigen Fluidtransport und damit einhergehende Plagioklasverwitterung. Des Weiteren ist diese Oxidationsreaktion verantwortlich für die Entstehung der Frakturen bei spheroidaler Verwitterung des Gesteins, welche die „rindlets“ vom „corestone“ abgrenzen. Daraus kann geschlossen werden, dass in situ Oxidation der ratenlimitierende Prozess bei der Verwitterung ist. Plagioklasverwitterung führt zu einer hohen Porositätszunahme und der endgültigen Umwandlung von Gestein zu Saprolit. Da Oxidation die erste Verwitterungsreaktion ist, verbinden die Zuführung und der Verbrauch von O2 zur, beziehungsweise an die Verwitterungsfront Erosion an der Oberfläche mit Prozessen an der Verwitterungsfront über einen Feedbackmechanismus. Daher hängt die langsame Verwitterungsrate letztlich vom Sauerstofftransport durch das Verwitterungsprofil und von lithologischen Faktoren des Charnockit wie zum Beispiel geringe Gesteinsporosität und/oder wenige Fe(II)-haltige Primärminerale ab. Des Weiteren ist der einzige Prozess im Charnockit der frische verwitterbare Oberflächen (eine Voraussetzung für chemische Verwitterung) generiert die oxidations-induzierte Frakturierung. Darüber hinaus minimieren die Abwesenheit von tektonischer Aktivität und geringe prä-anthropogene Erosionsraten in dieser Region den Abtrag des mächtigen und kohäsiven Verwitterungsprofils und somit über den beschriebenen Feedback auch die chemische Verwitterungsrate. KW - Sri Lanka KW - chemical weathering KW - erosion KW - saprolite KW - weathering feedback KW - charnockite KW - critical zone KW - mineral weathering reactions KW - Sri Lanka KW - chemische Verwitterung KW - Erosion KW - Saprolit KW - Verwitterungsfeedback KW - Charnockit KW - kritische Zone KW - Mineralverwitterungsreaktionen Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-408503 ER - TY - THES A1 - Sieg, Tobias T1 - Reliability of flood damage estimations across spatial scales T1 - Verlässlichkeit von Hochwasserschadensschätzungen über räumliche Skalen N2 - Extreme Naturereignisse sind ein integraler Bestandteil der Natur der Erde. Sie werden erst dann zu Gefahren für die Gesellschaft, wenn sie diesen Ereignissen ausgesetzt ist. Dann allerdings können Naturgefahren verheerende Folgen für die Gesellschaft haben. Besonders hydro-meteorologische Gefahren wie zum Beispiel Flusshochwasser, Starkregenereignisse, Winterstürme, Orkane oder Tornados haben ein hohes Schadenspotential und treten rund um den Globus auf. Einhergehend mit einer immer wärmer werdenden Welt, werden auch Extremwetterereignisse, welche potentiell Naturgefahren auslösen können, immer wahrscheinlicher. Allerdings trägt nicht nur eine sich verändernde Umwelt zur Erhöhung des Risikos von Naturgefahren bei, sondern auch eine sich verändernde Gesellschaft. Daher ist ein angemessenes Risikomanagement erforderlich um die Gesellschaft auf jeder räumlichen Ebene an diese Veränderungen anzupassen. Ein essentieller Bestandteil dieses Managements ist die Abschätzung der ökonomischen Auswirkungen der Naturgefahren. Bisher allerdings fehlen verlässliche Methoden um die Auswirkungen von hydro-meteorologischen Gefahren abzuschätzen. Ein Hauptbestandteil dieser Arbeit ist daher die Entwicklung und Anwendung einer neuen Methode, welche die Verlässlichkeit der Schadensschätzung verbessert. Die Methode wurde beispielhaft zur Schätzung der ökonomischen Auswirkungen eines Flusshochwassers auf einzelne Unternehmen bis hin zu den Auswirkungen auf das gesamte Wirtschaftssystem Deutschlands erfolgreich angewendet. Bestehende Methoden geben meist wenig Information über die Verlässlichkeit ihrer Schätzungen. Da diese Informationen Entscheidungen zur Anpassung an das Risiko erleichtern, wird die Verlässlichkeit der Schadensschätzungen mit der neuen Methode dargestellt. Die Verlässlichkeit bezieht sich dabei nicht nur auf die Schadensschätzung selber, sondern auch auf die Annahmen, die über betroffene Gebäude gemacht werden. Nach diesem Prinzip kann auch die Verlässlichkeit von Annahmen über die Zukunft dargestellt werden, dies ist ein wesentlicher Aspekt für Prognosen. Die Darstellung der Verlässlichkeit und die erfolgreiche Anwendung zeigt das Potential der Methode zur Verwendung von Analysen für gegenwärtige und zukünftige hydro-meteorologische Gefahren. N2 - Natural extreme events are an integral part of nature on planet earth. Usually these events are only considered hazardous to humans, in case they are exposed. In this case, however, natural hazards can have devastating impacts on human societies. Especially hydro-meteorological hazards have a high damage potential in form of e.g. riverine and pluvial floods, winter storms, hurricanes and tornadoes, which can occur all over the globe. Along with an increasingly warm climate also an increase in extreme weather which potentially triggers natural hazards can be expected. Yet, not only changing natural systems, but also changing societal systems contribute to an increasing risk associated with these hazards. These can comprise increasing exposure and possibly also increasing vulnerability to the impacts of natural events. Thus, appropriate risk management is required to adapt all parts of society to existing and upcoming risks at various spatial scales. One essential part of risk management is the risk assessment including the estimation of the economic impacts. However, reliable methods for the estimation of economic impacts due to hydro-meteorological hazards are still missing. Therefore, this thesis deals with the question of how the reliability of hazard damage estimates can be improved, represented and propagated across all spatial scales. This question is investigated using the specific example of economic impacts to companies as a result of riverine floods in Germany. Flood damage models aim to describe the damage processes during a given flood event. In other words they describe the vulnerability of a specific object to a flood. The models can be based on empirical data sets collected after flood events. In this thesis tree-based models trained with survey data are used for the estimation of direct economic flood impacts on the objects. It is found that these machine learning models, in conjunction with increasing sizes of data sets used to derive the models, outperform state-of-the-art damage models. However, despite the performance improvements induced by using multiple variables and more data points, large prediction errors remain at the object level. The occurrence of the high errors was explained by a further investigation using distributions derived from tree-based models. The investigation showed that direct economic impacts to individual objects cannot be modeled by a normal distribution. Yet, most state-of-the-art approaches assume a normal distribution and take mean values as point estimators. Subsequently, the predictions are unlikely values within the distributions resulting in high errors. At larger spatial scales more objects are considered for the damage estimation. This leads to a better fit of the damage estimates to a normal distribution. Consequently, also the performance of the point estimators get better, although large errors can still occur due to the variance of the normal distribution. It is recommended to use distributions instead of point estimates in order to represent the reliability of damage estimates. In addition current approaches also mostly ignore the uncertainty associated with the characteristics of the hazard and the exposed objects. For a given flood event e.g. the estimation of the water level at a certain building is prone to uncertainties. Current approaches define exposed objects mostly by the use of land use data sets. These data sets often show inconsistencies, which introduce additional uncertainties. Furthermore, state-of-the-art approaches also imply problems of missing consistency when predicting the damage at different spatial scales. This is due to the use of different types of exposure data sets for model derivation and application. In order to face these issues a novel object-based method was developed in this thesis. The method enables a seamless estimation of hydro-meteorological hazard damage across spatial scales including uncertainty quantification. The application and validation of the method resulted in plausible estimations at all spatial scales without overestimating the uncertainty. Mainly newly available data sets containing individual buildings make the application of the method possible as they allow for the identification of flood affected objects by overlaying the data sets with water masks. However, the identification of affected objects with two different water masks revealed huge differences in the number of identified objects. Thus, more effort is needed for their identification, since the number of objects affected determines the order of magnitude of the economic flood impacts to a large extent. In general the method represents the uncertainties associated with the three components of risk namely hazard, exposure and vulnerability, in form of probability distributions. The object-based approach enables a consistent propagation of these uncertainties in space. Aside from the propagation of damage estimates and their uncertainties across spatial scales, a propagation between models estimating direct and indirect economic impacts was demonstrated. This enables the inclusion of uncertainties associated with the direct economic impacts within the estimation of the indirect economic impacts. Consequently, the modeling procedure facilitates the representation of the reliability of estimated total economic impacts. The representation of the estimates' reliability prevents reasoning based on a false certainty, which might be attributed to point estimates. Therefore, the developed approach facilitates a meaningful flood risk management and adaptation planning. The successful post-event application and the representation of the uncertainties qualifies the method also for the use for future risk assessments. Thus, the developed method enables the representation of the assumptions made for the future risk assessments, which is crucial information for future risk management. This is an important step forward, since the representation of reliability associated with all components of risk is currently lacking in all state-of-the-art methods assessing future risk. In conclusion, the use of object-based methods giving results in the form of distributions instead of point estimations is recommended. The improvement of the model performance by the means of multi-variable models and additional data points is possible, but small. Uncertainties associated with all components of damage estimation should be included and represented within the results. Furthermore, the findings of the thesis suggest that, at larger scales, the influence of the uncertainty associated with the vulnerability is smaller than those associated with the hazard and exposure. This leads to the conclusion that for an increased reliability of flood damage estimations and risk assessments, the improvement and active inclusion of hazard and exposure, including their uncertainties, is needed in addition to the improvements of the models describing the vulnerability of the objects. KW - hydro-meteorological risk KW - damage modeling KW - uncertainty KW - probabilistic approach KW - economic impacts KW - OpenStreetMap KW - hydro-meteorologische Risiken KW - Schadensmodellierung KW - Unsicherheiten KW - probabilistischer Ansatz KW - ökonomische Auswirkungen KW - OpenStreetMap Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-426161 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Dvornikov, Yury A1 - Leibman, Marina A1 - Heim, Birgit A1 - Bartsch, Annett A1 - Herzschuh, Ulrike A1 - Skorospekhova, Tatiana A1 - Fedorova, Irina A1 - Khomutov, Artem A1 - Widhalm, Barbara A1 - Gubarkov, Anatoly A1 - Rößler, Sebastian T1 - Terrestrial CDOM in lakes of Yamal Peninsula BT - Connection to lake and lake catchment properties JF - Remote Sensing N2 - In this study, we analyze interactions in lake and lake catchment systems of a continuous permafrost area. We assessed colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) absorption at 440 nm (a(440)(CDOM)) and absorption slope (S300-500) in lakes using field sampling and optical remote sensing data for an area of 350 km(2) in Central Yamal, Siberia. Applying a CDOM algorithm (ratio of green and red band reflectance) for two high spatial resolution multispectral GeoEye-1 and Worldview-2 satellite images, we were able to extrapolate the a()(CDOM) data from 18 lakes sampled in the field to 356 lakes in the study area (model R-2 = 0.79). Values of a(440)(CDOM) in 356 lakes varied from 0.48 to 8.35 m(-1) with a median of 1.43 m(-1). This a()(CDOM) dataset was used to relate lake CDOM to 17 lake and lake catchment parameters derived from optical and radar remote sensing data and from digital elevation model analysis in order to establish the parameters controlling CDOM in lakes on the Yamal Peninsula. Regression tree model and boosted regression tree analysis showed that the activity of cryogenic processes (thermocirques) in the lake shores and lake water level were the two most important controls, explaining 48.4% and 28.4% of lake CDOM, respectively (R-2 = 0.61). Activation of thermocirques led to a large input of terrestrial organic matter and sediments from catchments and thawed permafrost to lakes (n = 15, mean a(440)(CDOM) = 5.3 m(-1)). Large lakes on the floodplain with a connection to Mordy-Yakha River received more CDOM (n = 7, mean a(440)(CDOM) = 3.8 m(-1)) compared to lakes located on higher terraces. KW - CDOM KW - lakes KW - lake catchments KW - permafrost KW - Yamal KW - remote sensing data Y1 - 2018 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3390/rs10020167 SN - 2072-4292 VL - 10 IS - 2 PB - MDPI CY - Basel ER -