TY - THES A1 - Patzwald, Christiane T1 - Actions through the lens of communicative cues BT - the influence of verbal cues and emotional cues on action processing and action selection in the second year of life N2 - The PhD thesis entitled “Actions through the lens of communicative cues. The influence of verbal cues and emotional cues on action processing and action selection in the second year of life” is based on four studies, which examined the cognitive integration of another person’s communicative cues (i.e., verbal cues, emotional cues) with behavioral cues in 18- and 24-month-olds. In the context of social learning of instrumental actions, it was investigated how the intention-related coherence of either a verbally announced action intention or an emotionally signaled action evaluation with an action demonstration influenced infants’ neuro-cognitive processing (Study I) and selection (Studies II, III, IV) of a novel object-directed action. Developmental research has shown that infants benefit from another’s behavioral cues (e.g., action effect, persistency, selectivity) to infer the underlying goal or intention, respectively, of an observed action (e.g., Cannon & Woodward, 2012; Woodward, 1998). Particularly action effects support infants in distinguishing perceptual action features (e.g., target object identity, movement trajectory, final target object state) from conceptual action features such as goals and intentions. However, less is known about infants’ ability to cognitively integrate another’s behavioral cues with additional action-related communicative cues. There is some evidence showing that in the second year of life, infants selectively imitate a novel action that is verbally (“There!”) or emotionally (positive expression) marked as aligning with the model’s action intention over an action that is verbally (“Whoops!”) or emotionally (negative expression) marked as unintentional (Carpenter, Akhtar, & Tomasello, 1998; Olineck & Poulin-Dubois, 2005, 2009; Repacholi, 2009; Repacholi, Meltzoff, Toub, & Ruba, 2016). Yet, it is currently unclear which role the specific intention-related coherence of a communicative cue with a behavioral cue plays in infants’ action processing and action selection that is, whether the communicative cue confirms, contrasts, clarifies, or is unrelated to the behavioral cue. Notably, by using both verbal cues and emotional cues, we examined not only two domains of communicative cues but also two qualitatively distinct relations between behavioral cues on the one hand and communicative cues on the other hand. More specifically, a verbal cue has the potential to communicate an action intention in the absence of an action demonstration and thus a prior-intention (Searle, 1983), whereas an emotional cue evaluates an ongoing or past action demonstration and thus signals an intention-in-action (Searle, 1983). In a first research focus, this thesis examined infants’ capacity to cognitively integrate another’s intention-related communicative cues and behavioral cues, and also focused on the role of the social cues’ coherence in infants’ action processing and action selection. In a second research focus, and to gain more elaborate insights into how the sub-processes of social learning (attention, encoding, response; cf. Bandura, 1977) are involved in this coherence-sensitive integrative processing, we employed a multi-measures approach. More specifically, we used Electroencephalography (EEG) and looking times to examine how the cues’ coherence influenced the compound of attention and encoding, and imitation (including latencies to first-touch and first-action) to address the compound of encoding and response. Based on the action-reconstruction account (Csibra, 2007), we predicted that infants use extra-motor information (i.e., communicative cues) together with behavioral cues to reconstruct another’s action intention. Accordingly, we expected infants to possess a flexibly organized internal action hierarchy, which they adapt according to the cues’ coherence that is, according to what they inferred to be the overarching action goal. More specifically, in a social-learning situation that comprised an adult model, who demonstrated an action on a novel object that offered two actions, we expected the demonstrated action to lead infants’ action hierarchy when the communicative (i.e., verbal, emotional) cue conveyed similar (confirming coherence) or no additional (un-related coherence) intention-related information relative to the behavioral cue. In terms of action selection, this action hierarchy should become evident in a selective imitation of the demonstrated action. However, when the communicative cue questioned (contrasting coherence) the behaviorally implied action goal or was the only cue conveying meaningful intention-related information (clarifying coherence), the verbally/emotionally intended action should ascend infants’ action hierarchy. Consequently, infants’ action selection should align with the verbally/emotionally intended action (goal emulation). Notably, these predictions oppose the direct-matching perspective (Rizzolatti & Craighero, 2004), according to which the observation of another’s action directly resonates with the observer’s motor repertoire, with this motor resonance enabling the identification of the underlying action goal. Importantly, the direct-matching perspective predicts a rather inflexible action hierarchy inasmuch as the process of goal identification should solely rely on the behavioral cue, irrespective of the behavioral cue’s coherence with extra-motor intention-related information, as it may be conveyed via communicative cues. As to the role of verbal cues, Study I used EEG to examine the influence of a confirming (Congruent) versus contrasting (Incongruent) coherence of a verbal action intention with the same action demonstration on 18-month-olds’ conceptual action processing (as measured via mid-latency mean negative ERP amplitude) and motor activation (as measured via central mu-frequency band power). The action was demonstrated on a novel object that offered two action alternatives from a neutral position. We expected mid-latency ERP negativity to be enhanced in Incongruent compared to Congruent, because past EEG research has demonstrated enhanced conceptual processing for stimuli that mismatched rather than matched the semantic context (Friedrich & Friederici, 2010; Kaduk et al., 2016). Regarding motor activation, Csibra (2007) posited that the identification of a clear action goal constitutes a crucial basis for motor activation to occur. We therefore predicted reduced mu power (indicating enhanced motor activation) for Congruent than Incongruent, because in Congruent, the cues’ match provides unequivocal information about the model’s action goal, whereas in Incongruent, the conflict may render the model’s action goal more unclear. Unexpectedly, in the entire sample, 18-month-olds’ mid-latency ERP negativity during the observation of the same action demonstration did not differ significantly depending on whether this action was congruent or incongruent with the model’s verbal action intention. Yet, post hoc analyses revealed the presence of two subgroups of infants, each of which exhibited significantly different mid-latency ERP negativity for Congruent versus Incongruent, but in opposing directions. The subgroups differed in their productive action-related language skills, with the linguistically more advanced infants exhibiting the expected response pattern of enhanced ERP mean negativity in Incongruent than Congruent, indicating enhanced conceptual processing of an action demonstration that was contrasted rather than confirmed by the verbal action context. As expected, central mu power in the entire sample was reduced in Congruent relative to Incongruent, indicating enhanced motor activation when the action demonstration was preceded by a confirming relative to a contrasting verbal action intention. This finding may indicate the covert preparation for a preferential imitation of the congruent relative to the incongruent action (Filippi et al., 2016; Frey & Gerry, 2006). Overall, these findings are in line with the action-reconstruction account (Csibra, 2007), because they suggest a coherence-sensitive attention to and encoding of the same perceptual features of another’s behavior and thus a cognitive integration of intention-related verbal cues and behavioral cues. Yet, because the subgroup constellation in infants’ ERPs was only discovered post hoc, future research is clearly required to substantiate this finding. Also, future research should validate our interpretation that enhanced motor activation may reflect an electrophysiological marker of subsequent imitation by employing EEG and imitation in a within-subjects design. Study II built on Study I by investigating the impact of coherence of a verbal cue and a behavioral cue on 18- and 24-month-olds’ action selection in an imitation study. When infants of both age groups observed a confirming (Congruent) or unrelated (Pseudo-word: action demonstration was associated with novel verb-like cue) coherence, they selectively imitated the demonstrated action over the not demonstrated, alternative action, with no difference between these two conditions. These findings suggest that, as expected, infants’ action hierarchy was led by the demonstrated action when the verbal cue provided similar (Congruent) or no additional (Pseudo-word) intention-related information relative to a meaningful behavioral cue. These findings support the above-mentioned interpretation that enhanced motor activation during action observation may reflect a covert preparation for imitation (Study I). Interestingly, infants did not seem to benefit from the intention-highlighting effect of the verbal cue in Congruent, suggesting that the verbal cue had an unspecific (e.g., attention-guiding) effect on infants’ action selection. Contrary, when infants observed a contrasting (Incongruent) or clarifying (Failed-attempt: model failed to manipulate the object but verbally announced a certain action intention) coherence, their action selection varied with age and also varied across the course of the experiment (block 1 vs. block 2). More specifically, the 24-month-olds made stronger use of the verbal cue for their action selection in block 1 than did the 18-month-olds. However, while the 18-month-olds’ use of the verbal cue increased across blocks, particularly in Incongruent, the 24-month-olds’ use of the verbal cue decreased across blocks. Overall, these results suggest that, as expected, infants’ action hierarchy in Incongruent (both age groups) and Failed-attempt (only 24-month-olds) drew on the verbal action intention, because in both age groups, infants emulated the verbal intention about as often as they imitated the demonstrated action or even emulated the verbal action intention preferentially. Yet, these findings were confined to certain blocks. It may be argued that the younger age group had a harder time inferring and emulating the intended, yet never observed action, because this requirement is more demanding in cognitive and motor terms. These demands may explain why the 18-month-olds needed some time to take account of the verbal action intention. Contrary, it seems that the 24-month-olds, although demonstrating their principle capacity to take account of the verbal cue in block 1, lost trust in the model’s verbal cue, maybe because the verbal cue did not have predictive value for the model’s actual behavior. Supporting this interpretation, research on selective trust has demonstrated that already infants evaluate another’s reliability or competence, respectively, based on how that model handles familiar objects (behavioral reliability) or labels familiar objects (verbal reliability; for reviews, see Mills, 2013; Poulin-Dubois & Brosseau-Liard, 2016). Relatedly, imitation research has demonstrated that the interpersonal aspects of a social-learning situation gain increasing relevance for infants during the second year of life (Gellén & Buttelmann, 2019; Matheson, Moore, & Akhtar, 2013; Uzgiris, 1981). It may thus be argued that when the 24-month-olds were repeatedly faced with a verbally unreliable model, they de-evaluated the verbal cue as signaling the model’s action intention and instead relied more heavily on alternative cues such as the behavioral cue (Incongruent) or the action context (e.g., object affordances, salience; Failed-attempt). Infants’ first-action latencies were higher in Incongruent and Failed-attempt than in both Congruent and Pseudo-word, and were also higher in Failed-attempt than in Incongruent. These latency-findings thus indicate that situations involving a meaningful verbal cue that deviated from the behavioral cue are cognitively more demanding, resulting in a delayed initiation of a behavioral response. In sum, the findings of Study II suggest that both age groups were highly flexible in their integration of a verbal cue and behavioral cue. Moreover, our results do not indicate a general superiority of either cue. Instead, it seems to depend on the informational gain conveyed by the verbal cue whether it exerts a specific, intention-highlighting effect (Incongruent, Failed-attempt) or an unspecific (e.g., attention-guiding) effect (Congruent, Pseudo-word). Studies III and IV investigated the impact of another’s action-related emotional cues on 18-month-olds’ action selection. In Study III, infants observed a model, who demonstrated two actions on a novel object in direct succession, and who combined one of the two actions with a positive (happy) emotional expression and the other action with a negative (sad) emotional expression. As expected, infants imitated the positively emoted (PE) action more often than the negatively emoted (NE) action. This preference arose from an increase in infants’ readiness to perform the PE action from the baseline period (prior to the action demonstrations) to the test period (following the action demonstrations), rather than from a decrease in readiness to the perform the NE action. The positive cue thus had a stronger behavior-regulating effect than the negative cue. Notably, infants’ more general object-directed behavior in terms of first-touch latencies remained unaffected by the emotional cues’ valence, indicating that infants had linked the emotional cues specifically to the corresponding action and not the object as a whole (Repacholi, 2009). Also, infants’ looking times during the action demonstration did not differ significantly as a function of emotional valence and were characterized by a predominant attentional focus to the action/object rather than to the model’s face. Together with the findings on infants’ first-touch latencies, these results indicate a sensitivity for the notion that emotions can have very specific referents (referential specificity; Martin, Maza, McGrath, & Phelps, 2014). Together, Study III provided evidence for selective imitation based on another’s intention-related (particularly positive) emotional cues in an action-selection task, and thus indicates that infants’ action hierarchy flexibly responds to another’s emotional evaluation of observed actions. According to Repacholi (2009), we suggest that infants used the model’s emotional evaluation to re-appraise the corresponding action (effect), for instance in terms of desirability. Study IV followed up on Study III by investigating the role of the negative emotional cue for infants’ action selection in more detail. Specifically, we investigated whether a contrasting (negative) emotional cue alone would be sufficient to differentially rank the two actions along infants’ action hierarchy or whether instead infants require direct information about the model’s action intention (in the form of a confirming action-emotion pair) to align their action selection with the emotional cues. Also, we examined whether the absence of a direct behavior-regulating effect of the negative cue in Study III was due to the negative cue itself or to the concurrently available positive cue masking the negative cue’s potential effect. To this end, we split the demonstration of the two action-emotion pairs across two trials. In each trial, one action was thus demonstrated and emoted (PE, NE action), and one action was not demonstrated and un-emoted (UE action). For trial 1, we predicted that infants, who observed a PE action demonstration, would selectively imitate the PE action, whereas infants, who observed a NE action demonstration would selectively emulate the UE action. As to trial 2, we expected the complementary action-emotion pair to provide additional clarifying information as the model’s emotional evaluation of both actions, which should either lead to adaptive perseveration (if infants’ action selection in trial 1 had already drawn on the emotional cue) or adaptive change (if infants’ action selection in trial 1 signaled a disregard of the emotional cue). As to trial 1, our findings revealed that, as expected, infants imitated the PE action more often than they emulated the UE action. Like in Study III, this selectivity arose from an increase in infants’ propensity to perform the PE action from baseline to trial 1. Also like in Study III, infants performed the NE action about equally often in baseline and trial 1, which speaks against a direct behavior-regulating effect of the negative cue also when presented in isolation. However, after a NE action demonstration, infants emulated the UE action more often in trial 1 than in baseline, suggesting an indirect behavior-regulating effect of the negative cue. Yet, this indirect effect did not yield a selective emulation of the UE action, because infants performed both action alternatives about equally often in trial 1. Unexpectedly, infants’ action selection in trial 2 was unaffected by the emotional cue. Instead, infants perseverated their action selection of trial 1 in trial 2, irrespective of whether it was adaptive or non-adaptive with respect to the model’s emotional evaluation of the action. It seems that infants changed their strategy across trials, from an initial adherence to the emotional (particularly positive) cue, towards bringing about a salient action effect (Marcovich & Zelazo, 2009). In sum, Studies III and IV indicate a dynamic interplay of different action-selection strategies, depending on valence and presentation order. Apparently, at least in infancy, action reconstruction as one basis for selective action performance reaches its limits when infants can only draw on indirect intention-related information (i.e., which action should be avoided). Overall, our findings favor the action-reconstruction account (Csibra, 2007), according to which actions are flexibly organized along a hierarchy, depending on inferential processes based on extra-motor intention-related information. At the same time, the findings question the direct-matching hypothesis (Rizzolatti & Craighero, 2004), according to which the identification (and pursuit) of action goals hinges on a direct simulation of another’s behavioral cues. Based on the studies’ findings, a preliminary working model is introduced, which seeks to integrate the two theoretical accounts by conceptualizing the routes that activation induced by social cues may take to eventually influence an infant’s action selection. Our findings indicate that it is useful to strive a differentiated conceptualization of communicative cues, because they seem to operate at different places within the process of cue integration, depending on their potential to convey direct intention-related information. Moreover, we suggest that there is bidirectional exchange within each compound of adjacent sub-processes (i.e., between attention and encoding, and encoding and response), and between the compounds. Hence, our findings highlight the benefits of a multi-measures approach when studying the development of infants’ social-cognitive abilities, because it provides a more comprehensive picture how the concerted use of social cues from different domains influences infants’ processing and selection of instrumental actions. Finally, this thesis points to potential future directions to substantiate our current interpretation of the findings.. Moreover, an extension to additional kinds of coherence is suggested to get closer to infants’ everyday-world of experience. KW - infancy KW - social cognition KW - action processing KW - emotions KW - language KW - imitation KW - EEG Y1 - 2020 ER - TY - THES A1 - Adam, Maurits T1 - Action-goal predictions in infancy BT - The influence of agency cues and verbal information Y1 - 2019 ER - TY - THES A1 - Seerangan, Kumar T1 - Actin-based regulation of cell and tissue scale morphogenesis in developing leaves T1 - Aktin-basierte Regulierung der Zell- und Gewebeskalenmorphogenese in sich entwickelnden Blättern N2 - Leaves exhibit cells with varying degrees of shape complexity along the proximodistal axis. Heterogeneities in growth directions within individual cells bring about such complexity in cell shape. Highly complex and interconnected gene regulatory networks and signaling pathways have been identified to govern these processes. In addition, the organization of cytoskeletal networks and cell wall mechanical properties greatly influences the regulation of cell shape. Research has shown that microtubules are involved in regulating cellulose deposition and direc-tion of cell growth. However, comprehensive analysis of the regulation of the actin cytoskele-ton in cell shape regulation has not been well studied. This thesis provides evidence that actin regulates aspects of cell growth, division, and direction-al expansion that impacts morphogenesis of developing leaves. The jigsaw puzzle piece mor-phology of epidermal pavement cells further serves as an ideal system to investigate the com-plex process of morphogenetic processes occurring at the cellular level. Here we have em-ployed live cell based imaging studies to track the development of pavement cells in actin com-promised conditions. Genetic perturbation of two predominantly expressed vegetative actin genes ACTIN2 and ACTIN7 results in delayed emergence of the cellular protrusions in pave-ment cells. Perturbation of actin also impacted the organization of microtubule in these cells that is known to promote emergence of cellular protrusions. Further, live-cell imaging of actin or-ganization revealed a correlation with cell shape, suggesting that actin plays a role in influencing pavement cell morphogenesis. In addition, disruption of actin leads to an increase in cell size along the leaf midrib, with cells being highly anisotropic due to reduced cell division. The reduction of cell division further im-pacted the morphology of the entire leaf, with the mutant leaves being more curved. These re-sults suggests that actin plays a pivotal role in regulating morphogenesis at the cellular and tis-sue scales thereby providing valuable insights into the role of the actin cytoskeleton in plant morphogenesis. N2 - Die Blätter weisen entlang der proximodistalen Achse Zellen mit unterschiedlich komplexer Form auf. Heterogenitäten in den Wachstumsrichtungen innerhalb einzelner Zellen führen zu einer solchen Komplexität der Zellform. Es wurden hochkomplexe und miteinander verbundene Genregulationsnetze und Signalwege identifiziert, die diese Prozesse steuern. Darüber hinaus haben die Organisation der Zytoskelettnetze und die mechanischen Eigenschaften der Zellwand großen Einfluss auf die Regulierung der Zellform. Die Forschung hat gezeigt, dass Mikrotubuli an der Regulierung der Zelluloseablagerung und der Richtung des Zellwachstums beteiligt sind. Eine umfassende Analyse der Regulierung des Aktin-Zytoskeletts bei der Regulierung der Zellform ist jedoch noch nicht ausreichend untersucht worden. Diese Arbeit liefert Beweise dafür, dass Aktin Aspekte des Zellwachstums, der Zellteilung und der gerichteten Expansion reguliert, die die Morphogenese der sich entwickelnden Blätter beeinflussen. Die puzzleartige Morphologie der epidermalen Zellen ist ein ideales System, um den komplexen Prozess der morphogenetischen Prozesse auf zellulärer Ebene zu untersuchen. Hier haben wir Bildgebungsstudien an lebenden Zellen durchgeführt, um die Entwicklung von Epidermiszellen unter Bedingungen zu verfolgen, bei denen das Aktin beeinträchtigt ist. Eine genetische Störung der beiden vorwiegend vegetativ exprimierten Aktin-Gene ACTIN2 und ACTIN7 führt zu einer verzögerten Entstehung der zellulären Wandausstülpungen in Epidermiszellen. Die Störung des Aktins wirkte sich auch auf die Organisation der Mikrotubuli in diesen Zellen aus, von denen bekannt ist, dass sie das Entstehen von Zellwandausstülpungen fördern. Darüber hinaus ergab die Live-Zell-Darstellung der Aktin-Organisation eine Korrelation mit der Zellform, was darauf hindeutet, dass Aktin eine Rolle bei der Morphogenese der Epidermiszellen spielt. Darüber hinaus führt die Unterbrechung von Aktin zu einer Zunahme der Zellgröße entlang der Blattmittelrippe, wobei die Zellen aufgrund der verringerten Zellteilung stark anisotrop sind. Die Verringerung der Zellteilung wirkte sich auch auf die Morphologie des gesamten Blattes aus, wobei die mutierten Blätter stärker gekrümmt waren. Diese Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass Aktin eine zentrale Rolle bei der Regulierung der Morphogenese auf zellulärer und geweblicher Ebene spielt, was wertvolle Einblicke in die Rolle des Aktin-Zytoskeletts bei der Morphogenese von Pflanzen ermöglicht. KW - leaf KW - pavement cell KW - actin/microtubules KW - spatio-temporal regulation KW - Blatt KW - Pflasterzelle KW - Aktin/Mikrotubuli KW - räumlich-zeitliche Regulierung Y1 - 2023 ER - TY - THES A1 - Chen, Hui Ching T1 - Acquisition of focus - in a cross-linguistic perspective T1 - Spracherwerb im Fokus - eine sprachübergreifende Perspektive N2 - In dieser Dissertation untersuchen wir, wie chinesischen Muttersprachler und deutschen Muttersprachler, sowohl die Erwachsenen als auch die Kinder, verschiedene linguistische Mittel, wie z. B. Wortstellungsinformationen, prosodische und lexikalische Mittel im Sprachverständnis korrekt interpretieren. N2 - Successful communication is often explored by people throughout their life courses. To effectively transfer one’s own information to others, people employ various linguistic tools, such as word order information, prosodic cues, and lexical choices. The exploration of these linguistic cues is known as the study of information structure (IS). Moreover, an important issue in the language acquisition of children is the investigation of how they acquire IS. This thesis seeks to improve our understanding of how children acquire different tools (i.e., prosodical cues, syntactical cues, and the focus particle only) of focus marking in a cross linguistic perspective. In the first study, following Szendrői and her colleagues (2017)- the sentence-picture verification task- was performed to investigate whether three- to five-year-old Mandarin-speaking children as well as Mandarin-speaking adults could apply prosodic information to recognize focus in sentences. More, in the second study, not only Mandarin-speaking adults and Mandarin-speaking children but also German-speaking adults and German-speaking children were included to confirm the assumption that children could have adult-like performance in understanding sentence focus by identifying language specific cues in their mother tongue from early onwards. In this study, the same paradigm- the sentence-picture verification task- as in the first study was employed together with the eye-tracking method. Finally, in the last study, an issue of whether five-year-old Mandarin-speaking children could understand the pre-subject only sentence was carried out and again whether prosodic information would help them to better understand this kind of sentences. The overall results seem to suggest that Mandarin-speaking children from early onwards could make use of the specific linguistic cues in their ambient language. That is, in Mandarin, a Topic-prominent and tone language, the word order information plays a more important rule than the prosodic information and even three-year-old Mandarin-speaking children could follow the word order information. More, although it seems that German-speaking children could follow the prosodic information, they did not have the adult-like performance in the object-accented condition. A feasible reason for this result is that there are more possibilities of marking focus in German, such as flexible word order, prosodic information, focus particles, and thus it would take longer time for German-speaking children to manage these linguistic tools. Another important empirical finding regarding the syntactically-marked focus in German is that it seems that the cleft construction is not a valid focus construction and this result corroborates with the previous observations (Dufter, 2009). Further, eye-tracking method did help to uncover how the parser direct their attention for recognizing focus. In the final study, it is showed that with explicit verbal context Mandarin-speaking children could understand the pre-subject only sentence and the study brought a better understanding of the acquisition of the focus particle- only with the Mandarin-speaking children. KW - information structure KW - language acquisition KW - Mandarin KW - German KW - Prosody KW - Informationsstruktur KW - Spracherwerb KW - Deutsch KW - Mandarin KW - Prosodie Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-553458 ER - TY - THES A1 - Heinz, Kathrin T1 - Achtsamkeit und Akzeptanz als sportpsychologische Intervention : Adaption, Weiterentwicklung und Wirksamkeitsprüfung Y1 - 2011 CY - Potsdam ER - TY - THES A1 - Antonelli, Andrea T1 - Accurate waveform models for gravitational-wave astrophysics: synergetic approaches from analytical relativity N2 - Gravitational-wave (GW) astrophysics is a field in full blossom. Since the landmark detection of GWs from a binary black hole on September 14th 2015, fifty-two compact-object binaries have been reported by the LIGO-Virgo collaboration. Such events carry astrophysical and cosmological information ranging from an understanding of how black holes and neutron stars are formed, what neutron stars are composed of, how the Universe expands, and allow testing general relativity in the highly-dynamical strong-field regime. It is the goal of GW astrophysics to extract such information as accurately as possible. Yet, this is only possible if the tools and technology used to detect and analyze GWs are advanced enough. A key aspect of GW searches are waveform models, which encapsulate our best predictions for the gravitational radiation under a certain set of parameters, and that need to be cross-correlated with data to extract GW signals. Waveforms must be very accurate to avoid missing important physics in the data, which might be the key to answer the fundamental questions of GW astrophysics. The continuous improvements of the current LIGO-Virgo detectors, the development of next-generation ground-based detectors such as the Einstein Telescope or the Cosmic Explorer, as well as the development of the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA), demand accurate waveform models. While available models are enough to capture the low spins, comparable-mass binaries routinely detected in LIGO-Virgo searches, those for sources from both current and next-generation ground-based and spaceborne detectors must be accurate enough to detect binaries with large spins and asymmetry in the masses. Moreover, the thousands of sources that we expect to detect with future detectors demand accurate waveforms to mitigate biases in the estimation of signals’ parameters due to the presence of a foreground of many sources that overlap in the frequency band. This is recognized as one of the biggest challenges for the analysis of future-detectors’ data, since biases might hinder the extraction of important astrophysical and cosmological information from future detectors’ data. In the first part of this thesis, we discuss how to improve waveform models for binaries with high spins and asymmetry in the masses. In the second, we present the first generic metrics that have been proposed to predict biases in the presence of a foreground of many overlapping signals in GW data. For the first task, we will focus on several classes of analytical techniques. Current models for LIGO and Virgo studies are based on the post-Newtonian (PN, weak-field, small velocities) approximation that is most natural for the bound orbits that are routinely detected in GW searches. However, two other approximations have risen in prominence, the post-Minkowskian (PM, weak- field only) approximation natural for unbound (scattering) orbits and the small-mass-ratio (SMR) approximation typical of binaries in which the mass of one body is much bigger than the other. These are most appropriate to binaries with high asymmetry in the masses that challenge current waveform models. Moreover, they allow one to “cover” regions of the parameter space of coalescing binaries, thereby improving the interpolation (and faithfulness) of waveform models. The analytical approximations to the relativistic two-body problem can synergically be included within the effective-one-body (EOB) formalism, in which the two-body information from each approximation can be recast into an effective problem of a mass orbiting a deformed Schwarzschild (or Kerr) black hole. The hope is that the resultant models can cover both the low-spin comparable-mass binaries that are routinely detected, and the ones that challenge current models. The first part of this thesis is dedicated to a study about how to best incorporate information from the PN, PM, SMR and EOB approaches in a synergistic way. We also discuss how accurate the resulting waveforms are, as compared against numerical-relativity (NR) simulations. We begin by comparing PM models, whether alone or recast in the EOB framework, against PN models and NR simulations. We will show that PM information has the potential to improve currently-employed models for LIGO and Virgo, especially if recast within the EOB formalism. This is very important, as the PM approximation comes with a host of new computational techniques from particle physics to exploit. Then, we show how a combination of PM and SMR approximations can be employed to access previously-unknown PN orders, deriving the third subleading PN dynamics for spin-orbit and (aligned) spin1-spin2 couplings. Such new results can then be included in the EOB models currently used in GW searches and parameter estimation studies, thereby improving them when the binaries have high spins. Finally, we build an EOB model for quasi-circular nonspinning binaries based on the SMR approximation (rather than the PN one as usually done). We show how this is done in detail without incurring in the divergences that had affected previous attempts, and compare the resultant model against NR simulations. We find that the SMR approximation is an excellent approximation for all (quasi-circular nonspinning) binaries, including both the equal-mass binaries that are routinely detected in GW searches and the ones with highly asymmetric masses. In particular, the SMR-based models compare much better than the PN models, suggesting that SMR-informed EOB models might be the key to model binaries in the future. In the second task of this thesis, we work within the linear-signal ap- proximation and describe generic metrics to predict inference biases on the parameters of a GW source of interest in the presence of confusion noise from unfitted foregrounds and from residuals of other signals that have been incorrectly fitted out. We illustrate the formalism with simple (yet realistic) LISA sources, and demonstrate its validity against Monte-Carlo simulations. The metrics we describe pave the way for more realistic studies to quantify the biases with future ground-based and spaceborne detectors. N2 - Wenn zwei kompakte Objekte wie Schwarze Löcher oder Neutronensterne kollidieren, wird der Raum und die Zeit um sie herum stark gekrümmt. Der effekt sind Störungen der Raumzeit, sogenannte Gravitationswellen, die sich im gesamten Universum ausbreiten. Mit den leistungsstarken und präzisen Netzwerken von Detektoren und der Arbeit vieler Wissenschaftler rund um den Globus kann man Gravitationswellen auf der Erde messen. Gravitationswellen tragen Informationen über das System, das sie erzeugt hat. Insbesondere kann man erfahren, wie sich die kompakten Objekte gebildet haben und woraus sie bestehen. Daraus lässt sich ableiten, wie sich das Universum ausdehnt, und man kann die Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie in Regionen mit starker Gravitation testen. Um diese Informationen zu extrahieren, werden genaue Modelle benötigt. Modelle können entweder numerisch durch Lösen der berühmten Einstein-Gleichungen oder analytisch durch Annäherung an deren Lösungen gewonnen werden. In meiner Arbeit haben wir den zweiten Ansatz verfolgt, um sehr genaue Vorhersagen für die Signale zu erhalten, die bei kommenden Beobachtungen durch Gravitationswellendetektoren verwendet werden können. KW - gravitational waves KW - Gravitationswellen KW - general relativity KW - allgemeine Relativitätstheorie KW - data analysis KW - Datenanalyse Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-576671 ER - TY - THES A1 - Kellermann, Thorsten T1 - Accurate numerical relativity simulations of non-vacuumspace-times in two dimensions and applications to critical collapse T1 - Exakte numerisch relativistische Simulationen der Nicht-Vakuum-Raum-Zeit in zwei Dimensionen und deren Anwendung zu Problemen des kritischen Kollaps N2 - This Thesis puts its focus on the physics of neutron stars and its description with methods of numerical relativity. In the first step, a new numerical framework the Whisky2D code will be developed, which solves the relativistic equations of hydrodynamics in axisymmetry. Therefore we consider an improved formulation of the conserved form of these equations. The second part will use the new code to investigate the critical behaviour of two colliding neutron stars. Considering the analogy to phase transitions in statistical physics, we will investigate the evolution of the entropy of the neutron stars during the whole process. A better understanding of the evolution of thermodynamical quantities, like the entropy in critical process, should provide deeper understanding of thermodynamics in relativity. More specifically, we have written the Whisky2D code, which solves the general-relativistic hydrodynamics equations in a flux-conservative form and in cylindrical coordinates. This of course brings in 1/r singular terms, where r is the radial cylindrical coordinate, which must be dealt with appropriately. In the above-referenced works, the flux operator is expanded and the 1/r terms, not containing derivatives, are moved to the right-hand-side of the equation (the source term), so that the left hand side assumes a form identical to the one of the three-dimensional (3D) Cartesian formulation. We call this the standard formulation. Another possibility is not to split the flux operator and to redefine the conserved variables, via a multiplication by r. We call this the new formulation. The new equations are solved with the same methods as in the Cartesian case. From a mathematical point of view, one would not expect differences between the two ways of writing the differential operator, but, of course, a difference is present at the numerical level. Our tests show that the new formulation yields results with a global truncation error which is one or more orders of magnitude smaller than those of alternative and commonly used formulations. The second part of the Thesis uses the new code for investigations of critical phenomena in general relativity. In particular, we consider the head-on-collision of two neutron stars in a region of the parameter space where two final states a new stable neutron star or a black hole, lay close to each other. In 1993, Choptuik considered one-parameter families of solutions, S[P], of the Einstein-Klein-Gordon equations for a massless scalar field in spherical symmetry, such that for every P > P⋆, S[P] contains a black hole and for every P < P⋆, S[P] is a solution not containing singularities. He studied numerically the behavior of S[P] as P → P⋆ and found that the critical solution, S[P⋆], is universal, in the sense that it is approached by all nearly-critical solutions regardless of the particular family of initial data considered. All these phenomena have the common property that, as P approaches P⋆, S[P] approaches a universal solution S[P⋆] and that all the physical quantities of S[P] depend only on |P − P⋆|. The first study of critical phenomena concerning the head-on collision of NSs was carried out by Jin and Suen in 2007. In particular, they considered a series of families of equal-mass NSs, modeled with an ideal-gas EOS, boosted towards each other and varied the mass of the stars, their separation, velocity and the polytropic index in the EOS. In this way they could observe a critical phenomenon of type I near the threshold of black-hole formation, with the putative solution being a nonlinearly oscillating star. In a successive work, they performed similar simulations but considering the head-on collision of Gaussian distributions of matter. Also in this case they found the appearance of type-I critical behaviour, but also performed a perturbative analysis of the initial distributions of matter and of the merged object. Because of the considerable difference found in the eigenfrequencies in the two cases, they concluded that the critical solution does not represent a system near equilibrium and in particular not a perturbed Tolmann-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) solution. In this Thesis we study the dynamics of the head-on collision of two equal-mass NSs using a setup which is as similar as possible to the one considered above. While we confirm that the merged object exhibits a type-I critical behaviour, we also argue against the conclusion that the critical solution cannot be described in terms of equilibrium solution. Indeed, we show that, in analogy with what is found in, the critical solution is effectively a perturbed unstable solution of the TOV equations. Our analysis also considers fine-structure of the scaling relation of type-I critical phenomena and we show that it exhibits oscillations in a similar way to the one studied in the context of scalar-field critical collapse. N2 - Diese Arbeit legt seinen Schwerpunkt auf die Physik von Neutronensternen und deren Beschreibung mit Methoden der numerischen Relativitätstheorie. Im ersten Schritt wird eine neue numerische Umgebung, der Whisky2D Code entwickelt, dieser löst die relativistischen Gleichungen der Hydrodynamik in Axialymmetrie. Hierzu betrachten wir eine verbesserte Formulierung der sog. "flux conserved formulation" der Gleichungen. Im zweiten Teil wird der neue Code verwendet , um das kritische Verhalten zweier kollidierenden Neutronensternen zu untersuchen. In Anbetracht der Analogie, um Übergänge in der statistischen Physik Phase werden wir die Entwicklung der Entropie der Neutronensterne während des gesamten Prozesses betrachten. Ein besseres Verständnis der Evolution von thermodynamischen Größen, wie der Entropie in kritischer Prozess, sollte zu einem tieferen Verständnis der relativistischen Thermodynamik führen. Der Whisky2D Code, zur Lösung Gleichungen relativistischer Hydrodynamik wurde in einer „flux conserved form“ und in zylindrischen Koordinaten geschrieben. Hierdurch entstehen 1 / r singuläre Terme, wobei r der ist, die entsprechend behandelt werden müssen. In früheren Arbeiten, wird der Operator expandiert und die 1 / r spezifisch Therme auf die rechte Seite geschrieben, so dass die linke Seite eine Form annimmt, die identisch ist mit der kartesischen Formulierung. Wir nennen dies die Standard-Formulierung. Eine andere Möglichkeit ist, die Terme nicht zu expandieren, den und den 1/r Term in die Gleichung hinein zu ziehen. Wir nennen dies die Neue-Formulierung. Die neuen Gleichungen werden mit den gleichen Verfahren wie im kartesischen Fall gelöst. Aus mathematischer Sicht ist keine Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Formulierungen zu erwarten, erst die numerische Sicht zeigt die Unterschiede auf. Versuche zeigen, dass die Neue-Formulierung numerische Fehler um mehrere Größenordnungen reduziert. Der zweite Teil der Dissertation verwendet den neuen Code für die Untersuchung kritischer Phänomene in der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie. Insbesondere betrachten wir die Kopf-auf-Kollision zweier Neutronensterne in einem Bereich des Parameter Raums, deren zwei mögliche Endzustände entweder einen neuen stabilen Neutronenstern oder ein Schwarzes Loch darstellen. Im Jahr 1993, betrachtete Choptuik Ein-Parameter-Familien von Lösungen, S [P], der Einstein-Klein-Gordon-Gleichung für ein masseloses Skalarfeld in sphärischer Symmetrie, so dass für jedes P> P ⋆, S[P] ein Schwarzes Loch enthalten ist und jedes P

5 nm. This opens a way to use the nanoparticles with their interesting, optical characteristics in different new fields of application for example for modification of biosensors. KW - Mikroemulsion KW - Gold Cluster KW - Quantum Dots KW - Feldflussfraktionierung KW - Nanopartikel KW - Microemulsion KW - Gold Cluster KW - Quantum Dots KW - Field Flow Fractionation KW - Nanoparticles Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-68133 ER - TY - THES A1 - Regenstein, Wolfgang T1 - Absorptionsspektroskopische Untersuchungen zum Einfluß des Mediums und des Aggregatzustandes auf die Gestalt und Lage der Charge-Transfer-Bande N2 - An einigen CT-Modellkomplexen in verschiedenen Lösungsmitteln und bei Temperaturen von 113-300 K sollte der Einfluß der Umgebung auf die Form und Lage der Absorption von CT-Komplexen unterschiedlicher Bindungsfestigkeit untersucht werden. Dazu wurden bekannte Bandenprofilfunktionen auf ihre Anwendbar-keit geprüft. Da eine optimale Anpassung nicht möglich war, wurde eine neue Profilfunktion entwickelt, die eine bessere Beschreibung ergab. Nach der Bestimmung der Gleichgewichtskonstante und des Extink-tionskoeffizienten konnte mit der Profilfläche das Übergangsmoment berechnet werden. Die Lösungsmittelabhängigkeit wurde bei verschiedenen Brechzahlen und Dielektrizitätskonstanten untersucht. Für feste Komplexe wurde eine spezielle Präparationstechnik gewählt. Die beobachteten Feinstrukturen und der auftretende Streuuntergrund werden diskutiert. N2 - At some CT model complexes in various solvents and temperatures between 113- 300 K should investigate the influence of envirenment on the shape and position of CT complexes at various binding forces. Thereto known band profile functions were checked for their applicability. Because it was impossible to get an optimal accomodation a new profile function was developed, that results in a better description. After determination of equilibrium constant and extinction coefficient it was possible to calculate the transition moment with profiled area. The solvent dependence was investigated with various refractive indexes and dielectric constants. For solid complexes were selected a special preparation technique. The observed fine structures and the appered scattering underground were discussed. T2 - Absorption spectroscopic investigations on the influence of medium and aggregate state on the shape and position of CT bands KW - CT Komplex KW - Bandenprofil KW - Übergangsmoment KW - Lösungsmittelabhängigkeit KW - Präparation fester Komplexe KW - CT complex KW - band profile KW - transition moment KW - solvent dependence KW - solid complex preparation Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-496702 ER - TY - THES A1 - Merz, Bruno T1 - Abschätzung von Hochwasserrisiken Methoden, Grenzen und Möglichkeiten Y1 - 2006 CY - Potsdam ER - TY - THES A1 - Müller, Daniela T1 - Abrupt climate changes and extreme events in two different varved lake sediment records T1 - Abrupte Klimaveränderungen und Extremevents in Sedimentprofilen zweier verschiedener warvierter Seen N2 - Different lake systems might reflect different climate elements of climate changes, while the responses of lake systems are also divers, and are not completely understood so far. Therefore, a comparison of lakes in different climate zones, during the high-amplitude and abrupt climate fluctuations of the Last Glacial to Holocene transition provides an exceptional opportunity to investigate distinct natural lake system responses to different abrupt climate changes. The aim of this doctoral thesis was to reconstruct climatic and environmental fluctuations down to (sub-) annual resolution from two different lake systems during the Last Glacial-Interglacial transition (~17 and 11 ka). Lake Gościąż, situated in the temperate central Poland, developed in the Allerød after recession of the Last Glacial ice sheets. The Dead Sea is located in the Levant (eastern Mediterranean) within a steep gradient from sub-humid to hyper-arid climate, and formed in the mid-Miocene. Despite their differences in sedimentation processes, both lakes form annual laminations (varves), which are crucial for studies of abrupt climate fluctuations. This doctoral thesis was carried out within the DFG project PALEX-II (Paleohydrology and Extreme Floods from the Dead Sea ICDP Core) that investigates extreme hydro-meteorological events in the ICDP core in relation to climate changes, and ICLEA (Virtual Institute of Integrated Climate and Landscape Evolution Analyses) that intends to better the understanding of climate dynamics and landscape evolutions in north-central Europe since the Last Glacial. Further, it contributes to the Helmholtz Climate Initiative REKLIM (Regional Climate Change and Humans) Research Theme 3 “Extreme events across temporal and spatial scales” that investigates extreme events using climate data, paleo-records and model-based simulations. The three main aims were to (1) establish robust chronologies of the lakes, (2) investigate how major and abrupt climate changes affect the lake systems, and (3) to compare the responses of the two varved lakes to these hemispheric-scale climate changes. Robust chronologies are a prerequisite for high-resolved climate and environmental reconstructions, as well as for archive comparisons. Thus, addressing the first aim, the novel chronology of Lake Gościąż was established by microscopic varve counting and Bayesian age-depth modelling in Bacon for a non-varved section, and was corroborated by independent age constrains from 137Cs activity concentration measurements, AMS radiocarbon dating and pollen analysis. The varve chronology reaches from the late Allerød until AD 2015, revealing more Holocene varves than a previous study of Lake Gościąż suggested. Varve formation throughout the complete Younger Dryas (YD) even allowed the identification of annually- to decadal-resolved leads and lags in proxy responses at the YD transitions. The lateglacial chronology of the Dead Sea (DS) was thus far mainly based on radiocarbon and U/Th-dating. In the unique ICDP core from the deep lake centre, continuous search for cryptotephra has been carried out in lateglacial sediments between two prominent gypsum deposits – the Upper and Additional Gypsum Units (UGU and AGU, respectively). Two cryptotephras were identified with glass analyses that correlate with tephra deposits from the Süphan and Nemrut volcanoes indicating that the AGU is ~1000 years younger than previously assumed, shifting it into the YD, and the underlying varved interval into the Bølling/Allerød, contradicting previous assumptions. Using microfacies analyses, stable isotopes and temperature reconstructions, the second aim was achieved at Lake Gościąż. The YD lake system was dynamic, characterized by higher aquatic bioproductivity, more re-suspended material and less anoxia than during the Allerød and Early Holocene, mainly influenced by stronger water circulation and catchment erosion due to stronger westerly winds and less lake sheltering. Cooling at the YD onset was ~100 years longer than the final warming, while environmental proxies lagged the onset of cooling by ~90 years, but occurred contemporaneously during the termination of the YD. Chironomid-based temperature reconstructions support recent studies indicating mild YD summer temperatures. Such a comparison of annually-resolved proxy responses to both abrupt YD transitions is rare, because most European lake archives do not preserve varves during the YD. To accomplish the second aim at the DS, microfacies analyses were performed between the UGU (~17 ka) and Holocene onset (~11 ka) in shallow- (Masada) and deep-water (ICDP core) environments. This time interval is marked by a huge but fluctuating lake level drop and therefore the complete transition into the Holocene is only recorded in the deep-basin ICDP core. In this thesis, this transition was investigated for the first time continuously and in detail. The final two pronounced lake level drops recorded by deposition of the UGU and AGU, were interrupted by one millennium of relative depositional stability and a positive water budget as recorded by aragonite varve deposition interrupted by only a few event layers. Further, intercalation of aragonite varves between the gypsum beds of the UGU and AGU shows that these generally dry intervals were also marked by decadal- to centennial-long rises in lake level. While continuous aragonite varves indicate decadal-long stable phases, the occurrence of thicker and more frequent event layers suggests general more instability during the gypsum units. These results suggest a pattern of complex and variable hydroclimate at different time scales during the Lateglacial at the DS. The third aim was accomplished based on the individual studies above that jointly provide an integrated picture of different lake responses to different climate elements of hemispheric-scale abrupt climate changes during the Last Glacial-Interglacial transition. In general, climatically-driven facies changes are more dramatic in the DS than at Lake Gościąż. Further, Lake Gościąż is characterized by continuous varve formation nearly throughout the complete profile, whereas the DS record is widely characterized by extreme event layers, hampering the establishment of a continuous varve chronology. The lateglacial sedimentation in Lake Gościąż is mainly influenced by westerly winds and minor by changes in catchment vegetation, whereas the DS is primarily influenced by changes in winter precipitation, which are caused by temperature variations in the Mediterranean. Interestingly, sedimentation in both archives is more stable during the Bølling/Allerød and more dynamic during the YD, even when sedimentation processes are different. In summary, this doctoral thesis presents seasonally-resolved records from two lake archives during the Lateglacial (ca 17-11 ka) to investigate the impact of abrupt climate changes in different lake systems. New age constrains from the identification of volcanic glass shards in the lateglacial sediments of the DS allowed the first lithology-based interpretation of the YD in the DS record and its comparison to Lake Gościąż. This highlights the importance of the construction of a robust chronology, and provides a first step for synchronization of the DS with other eastern Mediterranean archives. Further, climate reconstructions from the lake sediments showed variability on different time scales in the different archives, i.e. decadal- to millennial fluctuations in the lateglacial DS, and even annual variations and sub-decadal leads and lags in proxy responses during the rapid YD transitions in Lake Gościąż. This showed the importance of a comparison of different lake archives to better understand the regional and local impacts of hemispheric-scale climate variability. An unprecedented example is demonstrated here of how different lake systems show different lake responses and also react to different climate elements of abrupt climate changes. This further highlights the importance of the understanding of the respective lake system for climate reconstructions. N2 - Verschiedene Seesysteme können unterschiedliche Klimaelemente während Klimaveränderungen wiederspiegeln und auch diverse Seesystemreaktionen aufweisen, wobei letztere bislang noch nicht vollständig verstanden sind. Ein Vergleich von Seesystemen in verschiedenen Klimazonen während der hoch-amplituden und abrupten Klimaveränderung innerhalb des Übergangs vom Letzten Glazial zum Holozän, ermöglicht die Untersuchung deutlicher natürlicher Seesystemreaktionen in Bezug zu abrupten Klimaänderungen. Das Ziel dieser Doktorarbeit war die Rekonstruktion von Klima- und Umweltschwankungen von zwei verschiedenen Seesystemen während des Letzten Glazial-Interglazial-Übergangs (~17.000-11.000 BP) bis hinunter zu saisonaler Auflösung. Der Gościąż See liegt in der gemäßigten Klimazone in Zentralpolen und entwickelte sich im Allerød nach dem Rückgang der Eisschilde des letzten Glazials. Das Tote Meer liegt in der Levante (östlicher Mittelmeerraum) innerhalb eines steilen Gradienten von subhumidem zu hyperaridem Klima und entstand im mittleren Miozän. Trotz ihrer unterschiedlichen Sedimentationsprozesse bilden beide Seen jährliche Laminierungen (Warven) aus. Dies ist essentiell für Studien abrupter Klimaveränderungen. Diese Doktorarbeit wurde innerhalb des DFG-Projektes PALEX-II (Paläohydrologie und Sturzfluten vom ICDP-Kern des Toten Meeres) und ICELA (Virtuelles Institut zur Integrierten Klima- und Landschaftsentwicklungsanalyse) durchgeführt. PALEX-II untersucht hydrometeorologische Extremereignisse im ICDP-Kern in Bezug zu Klimaveränderungen, während ICLEA beabsichtig das Verständnis von Klimadynamiken und Landschaftsevolution in Nord- und Zentraleuropa seit dem letzten Glazial zu verbessern. Zudem, trägt diese Doktorarbeit auch zum Forschungsthema 3 „Extremevents auf unterschiedlichen zeitlichen und räumlichen Skalen“ der Helmholtz-Klimainitiative REKLIM (Regionale Klimaänderungen und Mensch) bei, das basierend auf Klimadaten, Paläoarchiven und modelbasierten Simulationen Extremevents untersucht. Robuste Chronologien sind Voraussetzung für hochaufgelöste Klima- und Umweltstudien, sowie für den Vergleich von Archiven. Um das erste Ziel zu erreichen, wurde für den Gościąż See mithilfe von mikroskopischer Warvenzählung und einer bayesschen Alters-Tiefen-Modellierung eine neue Chronologie erstellt. Diese wurde durch unabhängige Altersinformationen von 137Cs Konzentrationsmessungen, AMS Radiokarbondatierung und Pollenanalyse bestätigt. Die Warvenchronologie beginnt im späten Allerød und endet AD 2015. Sie offenbart mehr Warven im Holozän als in einer früheren Studie vom Gościąż See gezeigt wurde. Warvenbildung durch die gesamte Jüngere Dryaszeit (JD) hindurch ermöglicht sogar die Identifizierung von jährlich bis dekadisch aufgelösten Abfolgen in Proxyreaktion während der Übergangszonen der JD. Die spätglaziale Chronologie des Toten Meeres basierte bisher auf Radiokarbon- und U/Th-Datierungen. In den spätglazialen Sedimenten des einzigartigen ICDP-Kern vom tiefen Seezentrum wurde zwischen zwei markanten Gipseinheiten – den Oberen und Zusätzlichen Gipseinheiten (UGU bzw. AGU) – kontinuierlich nach Kryptotephra gesucht. Gläser zweier Kryptotephren korrelieren mit Aschenablagerungen der Süphan und Nemrut Vulkane. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass die AGU ~1000 Jahre jünger ist als bisher angenommen, was sie komplett in die JD verlagert und das darunterliegende warvierte Intervall in das Bølling/Allerød. Diese Ergebnisse widersprechen bisherigen Annahmen. Unter Verwendung von Mikrofaziesanalysen, stabiler Isotope und Temperaturrekonstruktionen, wurde das zweite Ziel am Gościąż See erreicht. Das Seesystem war während der JD dynamisch und durch höhere aquatische Bioproduktivität, Resuspension und geringere anoxische Bedingungen als das Allerød und frühe Holozän gekennzeichnet. Dies wurde hauptsächlich durch eine verstärkte Wasserzirkulation und Erosion im Einzugsgebiet hervorgerufen, die wiederum durch stärkere Westwinde und geringeren Schutz vor Wind im Einzugsgebiet verursacht wurden. Die Abkühlung am Beginn der JD war etwa 100 Jahre länger als die finale Erwärmung an ihrem Ende, während die Umweltproxies ca. 90 Jahre nach Beginn der Abkühlung, aber gleichzeitig mit der Erwärmung auftraten. Auf Chironomiden basierende Temperatur-rekonstruktionen unterstützen neueste Studien, die milde Sommertemperaturen während der JD anzeigen. Da die meisten europäischen Seearchive keine Warven während der JD erhalten, ist ein solcher Vergleich von jährlich aufgelösten Proxyreaktionen während beiden JD Übergangszonen sehr selten. Um das zweite Ziel auch am Toten Meer zu realisieren, wurden Mikrofaziesanalysen zwischen der UGU (~17.000 BP) und dem Beginn des Holozäns (~11.000 BP) in Sedimenten aus dem Flachwasserbereich (Masada) und aus dem tiefen Becken (ICDP-Kern) durchgeführt. In diesem Intervall sinkt der Seespiegel gewaltig ab, wobei er von Schwankungen betroffen ist. Daher ist der komplette Übergang in das Holozän nur im ICDP-Kern enthalten, der im tiefen Becken gezogen wurde. In dieser Doktorarbeit wurde dieser Übergang zum ersten Mal kontinuierlich und im Detail untersucht. Während der beiden finalen Seespiegelabfälle wurden die UGU und AGU abgelagert. Zwischen den beiden Gipseinheiten zeugen jedoch Aragonitwarven und nur wenige Extremevents von sedimentärer Stabilität und einem positiven Wasserbudget für beinahe ein Jahrtausend. Selbst innerhalb der UGU und AGU deutet die Ablagerung von Aragonitwarven zwischen Gipslagen auf Dekaden bis Jahrhunderte andauernde Anstiege im Seespiegel hin, was zeigt, dass UGU und AGU nicht kontinuierlich von Trockenheit gekennzeichnet waren. Die kontinuierliche Bildung von Aragonitwarven zeigt hier stabile Phasen über Dekaden, wohingegen mächtigere und häufigere Extremevents generell auf eine erhöhte Instabilität während der Gipseinheiten hindeuten. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass ein komplexes und variables Hydroklima auf unterschiedlichen Zeitskalen während des Spätglazials am Toten Meer operierte. Das dritte Ziel wurde basierend auf den individuellen Studien erreicht, die zusammen ein ganzheitliches Bild zu verschiedenen Seesystemreaktionen liefern, die während des Übergangs vom letzten Glazial zum Holozän durch diverse Klimaelemente während abrupter Klimaveränderungen mit hemisphärischen Ausmaßen beeinflusst sind. Grundsätzlich sind die durch Klimaänderungen ausgelösten Faziesänderungen ausgeprägter am Toten Meer als im Gościąż See. Zudem ist der Gościąż See beinahe durchgängig warviert, während die Sedimente des Toten Meeres weithin durch Ablagerungen von Extremevents geprägt sind, welche die Konstruktion einer kontinuierlichen Warvenchronologie verhindern. Die spätglaziale Sedimentation im Gościąż See ist hauptsächlich durch Westwinde beeinflusst und untergeordnet auch durch Vegetationsänderungen im Einzugsgebiet. Im Gegensatz dazu ist die spätglaziale Sedimentation im Toten Meer überwiegend von Schwankungen im Niederschlag während des Winters beeinflusst. Diese wiederum werden durch Temperaturschwankungen im Mittelmeer verursacht. Obwohl die Sedimentationsprozesse so verschieden sind, ist die Sedimentation interessanterweise in beiden Archiven stabiler im Bølling/Allerød und dynamischer in der JD. Kurz zusammengefasst, präsentiert diese Doktorarbeit saisonal-aufgelöste Sedimentprofile zweier Seearchive während des Spätglazials (ca. 17.000-11.000 BP), um die Auswirkungen abrupter Klimaveränderungen in verschiedenen Seesystemen zu untersuchen. Neue Altersinformationen anhand der Identifizierung von vulkanischen Aschen in den spätglazialen Sedimenten des Toten Meeres erlaubten die erste Lithologie-basierte Interpretation der JD im Sedimentprofil des Toten Meeres und den Vergleich mit dem Gościąż See. Dies hebt die Bedeutung der Erstellung einer robusten Chronologie hervor und liefert einen ersten Schritt für die Synchronisierung des Toten Meeres mit anderen Archiven im östlichen Mittelmeerraum. Des Weiteren haben die Klimarekonstruktionen anhand der Seesedimente Variabilität auf verschiedenen Zeitskalen in den Archiven gezeigt. Diese umfassen dekadische bis tausendjährige Schwankungen im Toten Meer und sogar jährliche und sub-dekadische Schwankungen in Proxys während der rapiden Übergangszonen der JD im Gościąż See. Dies zeigt wie bedeutend es ist verschiedene Seearchive zu vergleichen um die regionalen und lokalen Auswirkungen von hemisphärischen Klimaschwankungen besser zu verstehen. Hier wurde eine beispiellose Fallstudie gezeigt, die die diversen Reaktionen unterschiedlicher Seen beleuchtet und aufzeigt wie diese von verschiedenen Klimaelementen abrupter Klimaveränderungen beeinflusst werden können. Dies hebt auch hervor, wie bedeutsam es für Klimarekonstruktionen ist das jeweilige Seesystem zu verstehen. KW - paleoclimatology KW - Paläoklimatologie KW - varved lake sediments KW - warvierte Seesedimente KW - extreme events KW - Extremereignisse KW - lake system responses KW - Seesystemreaktionen Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-558331 ER -