TY - THES A1 - Leins, Johannes A. T1 - Combining model detail with large scales T1 - Die Verbindung von Modelldetails und großen Skalen BT - a simulation framework for population viability analyses in changing and disturbed environments BT - ein Simulationswerkzeug zur Analyse der Überlebensfähigkeit von Populationen in einer sich verändernden und gestörten Umwelt N2 - The global climate crisis is significantly contributing to changing ecosystems, loss of biodiversity and is putting numerous species on the verge of extinction. In principle, many species are able to adapt to changing conditions or shift their habitats to more suitable regions. However, change is progressing faster than some species can adjust, or potential adaptation is blocked and disrupted by direct and indirect human action. Unsustainable anthropogenic land use in particular is one of the driving factors, besides global heating, for these ecologically critical developments. Precisely because land use is anthropogenic, it is also a factor that could be quickly and immediately corrected by human action. In this thesis, I therefore assess the impact of three climate change scenarios of increasing intensity in combination with differently scheduled mowing regimes on the long-term development and dispersal success of insects in Northwest German grasslands. The large marsh grasshopper (LMG, Stethophyma grossum, Linné 1758) is used as a species of reference for the analyses. It inhabits wet meadows and marshes and has a limited, yet fairly good ability to disperse. Mowing and climate conditions affect the development and mortality of the LMG differently depending on its life stage. The specifically developed simulation model HiLEG (High-resolution Large Environmental Gradient) serves as a tool for investigating and projecting viability and dispersal success under different climate conditions and land use scenarios. It is a spatially explicit, stage- and cohort-based model that can be individually configured to represent the life cycle and characteristics of terrestrial insect species, as well as high-resolution environmental data and the occurrence of external disturbances. HiLEG is a freely available and adjustable software that can be used to support conservation planning in cultivated grasslands. In the three case studies of this thesis, I explore various aspects related to the structure of simulation models per se, their importance in conservation planning in general, and insights regarding the LMG in particular. It became apparent that the detailed resolution of model processes and components is crucial to project the long-term effect of spatially and temporally confined events. Taking into account conservation measures at the regional level has further proven relevant, especially in light of the climate crisis. I found that the LMG is benefiting from global warming in principle, but continues to be constrained by harmful mowing regimes. Land use measures could, however, be adapted in such a way that they allow the expansion and establishment of the LMG without overly affecting agricultural yields. Overall, simulation models like HiLEG can make an important contribution and add value to conservation planning and policy-making. Properly used, simulation results shed light on aspects that might be overlooked by subjective judgment and the experience of individual stakeholders. Even though it is in the nature of models that they are subject to limitations and only represent fragments of reality, this should not keep stakeholders from using them, as long as these limitations are clearly communicated. Similar to HiLEG, models could further be designed in such a way that not only the parameterization can be adjusted as required, but also the implementation itself can be improved and changed as desired. This openness and flexibility should become more widespread in the development of simulation models. N2 - Die globale Klimakrise trägt maßgeblich dazu bei, dass sich Ökosysteme verändern, die Artenvielfalt sinkt und zahlreiche Spezies vom Aussterben bedroht sind. Viele Arten sind prinzipiell in der Lage, sich wandelnden Bedingungen anzugleichen oder ihre Habitate in geeignetere Regionen zu verlagern. Allerdings schreitet der Wandel schneller voran als sich einige Spezies anpassen können oder die mögliche Anpassung wird durch direkte und indirekte menschliche Eingriffe blockiert und gestört. Gerade die nicht-nachhaltige Landnutzung durch den Menschen ist neben der Klimaerhitzung einer der treibenden Faktoren für diese ökologisch kritischen Entwicklungen. Gleichzeitig ist sie durch ihre unmittelbare menschliche Ursache ein Faktor, der sich kurzfristig und schnell korrigieren ließe. Zu diesem Zweck untersuche ich in dieser Dissertation, wie sich drei Klimawandelszenarien ansteigender Intensität im Zusammenspiel mit unterschiedlich terminierten Mahdregimen im Nordwestdeutschen Grünland auf die langfristige Entwicklung und Ausbreitung von Insekten auswirken. In der Untersuchung fungiert die Sumpfschrecke (Stethophyma grossum, Linné 1758) als Bezugsspezies. Sie ist in Feucht- und Nasswiesen zu Hause und zu räumlicher Ausbreitung fähig, auch wenn sie nur eingeschränkt mobil ist. Mahd und Klimabedingungen wirken sich je nach Lebensstadium unterschiedlich stark auf die Entwicklung und Mortalität der Sumpfschrecke aus. Das eigens entwickelte Simulationsmodell HiLEG (High-resolution Large Environmental Gradient) dient als Werkzeug zur Untersuchung und Projektion der Überlebens- und Ausbreitungswahrscheinlichkeit unter verschiedenen Klima- und Landnutzungsszenarien. Es ist ein räumlich explizites, stadien- und kohortenbasiertes Modell, das individuell konfiguriert werden kann, um den Lebenszyklus und die Charakteristiken terrestrischer Insektenarten sowie hochaufgelöste Umweltdaten und das zeitlich variierende Auftreten externer Störfaktoren abzubilden. HiLEG ist eine frei verfügbare Software und kann zur Unterstützung bei der Planung von Umweltschutzmaßnahmen in kultiviertem Grünland verwendet werden. In den drei Fallstudien dieser Arbeit habe ich verschiedene Aspekte in Bezug auf die Struktur von Simulationsmodellen an sich, deren Bedeutung im Naturschutz im Allgemeinen und Erkenntnisse für die Sumpfschrecke im Speziellen untersucht. Es zeigte sich, dass die detaillierte Auflösung der Modellprozesse und -komponenten entscheidend ist, um den langfristigen Effekt räumlich und zeitlich begrenzter Ereignisse projizieren zu können. Insbesondere in Anbetracht der Klimakrise hat sich die gesteigerte Relevanz von Naturschutzmaßnahmen auf regionaler Ebene herausgestellt. Ich konnte außerdem bestätigen, dass die Sumpfschrecke zwar im Prinzip von der Klimaerwärmung profitiert, aber weiterhin durch ungeeignete Mahdregime beschränkt wird. Bewirtschaftungspläne könnten allerdings in dem Sinne angepasst werden, dass sie die Ausbreitung und Etablierung der Sumpfschrecke erlauben, ohne sich über die Maßen auf den Ertrag der Landwirtschaft auszuwirken. Insgesamt können Simulationsmodelle wie HiLEG einen wichtigen Beitrag und Mehrwert für die Planung von Naturschutzmaßnahmen und Politikinstrument leisten. Richtig eingesetzt beleuchten die Simulationsergebnisse Aspekte, die durch subjektive Bewertung und Erfahrung einzelner Akteure möglicherweise übersehen würden. Auch wenn es in der Natur von Modellen liegt, dass sie Einschränkungen unterworfen sind und nur Ausschnitte der Realität abbilden, sollte dies kein Hindernis für ihren Einsatz sein, solange diese Limitierungen klar kommuniziert werden. Analog zu HiLEG könnten Modelle so konzipiert werden, dass nicht nur ihre Parametrisierung nach Bedarf angepasst, sondern auch die Implementierung selbst beliebig verbessert und verändert werden kann. Diese Offenheit und Flexibilität sollte sich bei der Entwicklung von Simulationsmodelle stärker durchsetzen. KW - spatially explicit model KW - large marsh grasshopper KW - simulation framework KW - climate change KW - land use KW - Open Source KW - Open Access KW - dispersal KW - PVA (population viability analysis) KW - high resolution KW - scaling KW - grassland KW - disturbance timing KW - Klimawandel KW - Ausbreitung KW - Zeitpunkt von Störungen KW - Grünland KW - hohe Auflösung KW - Landnutzung KW - Sumpfschrecke KW - Open Access KW - Open Source KW - Populationsgefährdungsanalyse KW - Skalierung KW - Simulationsframework KW - räumlich explizites Modell KW - Stethophyma grossum Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-582837 ER - TY - THES A1 - Karabudak, Engin T1 - Development of MWL-AUC / CCD-C-AUC / SLS-AUC detectors for the analytical ultracentrifuge T1 - Entwicklung von MWL-AUC / CCD-C-AUC / SLS-AUC-Detektoren für die analytische Ultrazentrifuge N2 - Analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC) has made an important contribution to polymer and particle characterization since its invention by Svedberg (Svedberg and Nichols 1923; Svedberg and Pederson 1940) in 1923. In 1926, Svedberg won the Nobel price for his scientific work on disperse systems including work with AUC. The first important discovery performed with AUC was to show the existence of macromolecules. Since that time AUC has become an important tool to study polymers in biophysics and biochemistry. AUC is an absolute technique that does not need any standard. Molar masses between 200 and 1014 g/mol and particle size between 1 and 5000 nm can be detected by AUC. Sample can be fractionated into its components due to its molar mass, particle size, structure or density without any stationary phase requirement as it is the case in chromatographic techniques. This very property of AUC earns it an important status in the analysis of polymers and particles. The distribution of molar mass, particle sizes and densities can be measured with the fractionation. Different types of experiments can give complementary physicochemical parameters. For example, sedimentation equilibrium experiments can lead to the study of pure thermodynamics. For complex mixtures, AUC is the main method that can analyze the system. Interactions between molecules can be studied at different concentrations without destroying the chemical equilibrium (Kim et al. 1977). Biologically relevant weak interactions can also be monitored (K ≈ 10-100 M-1). An analytical ultracentrifuge experiment can yield the following information: • Molecular weight of the sample • Number of the components in the sample if the sample is not a single component • Homogeneity of the sample • Molecular weight distribution if the sample is not a single component • Size and shape of macromolecules & particles • Aggregation & interaction of macromolecules • Conformational changes of macromolecules • Sedimentation coefficient and density distribution Such an extremely wide application area of AUC allows the investigation of all samples consisting of a solvent and a dispersed or dissolved substance including gels, micro gels, dispersions, emulsions and solutions. Another fact is that solvent or pH limitation does not exist for this method. A lot of new application areas are still flourishing, although the technique is 80 years old. In 1970s, 1500 AUC were operational throughout the world. At those times, due to the limitation in detection technologies, experimental results were obtained with photographic records. As time passed, faster techniques such as size exclusion chromatography (SEC), light scattering (LS) or SDS-gel electrophoresis occupied the same research fields with AUC. Due to these relatively new techniques, AUC began to loose its importance. In the 1980s, only a few AUC were in use throughout the world. In the beginning of the 1990s a modern AUC -the Optima XL-A - was released by Beckman Instruments (Giebeler 1992). The Optima XL-A was equipped with a modern computerized scanning absorption detector. The addition of Rayleigh Interference Optics is introduced which is called XL-I AUC. Furthermore, major development in computers made the analysis easier with the help of new analysis software. Today, about 400 XL-I AUC exist worldwide. It is usually applied in the industry of pharmacy, biopharmacy and polymer companies as well as in academic research fields such as biochemistry, biophysics, molecular biology and material science. About 350 core scientific publications which use analytical ultracentrifugation are published every year (source: SciFinder 2008 ) with an increasing number of references (436 reference in 2008). A tremendous progress has been made in method and analysis software after digitalization of experimental data with the release of XL-I. In comparison to the previous decade, data analysis became more efficient and reliable. Today, AUC labs can routinely use sophisticated data analysis methods for determination of sedimentation coefficient distributions (Demeler and van Holde 2004; Schuck 2000; Stafford 1992), molar mass distributions (Brookes and Demeler 2008; Brookes et al. 2006; Brown and Schuck 2006), interaction constants (Cao and Demeler 2008; Schuck 1998; Stafford and Sherwood 2004), particle size distributions with Angstrom resolution (Cölfen and Pauck 1997) and the simulations determination of size and shape distributions from sedimentation velocity experiments (Brookes and Demeler 2005; Brookes et al. 2006). These methods are also available in powerful software packages that combines various methods, such as, Ultrascan (Demeler 2005), Sedift/Sedphat (Schuck 1998; Vistica et al. 2004) and Sedanal (Stafford and Sherwood 2004). All these powerful packages are free of charge. Furthermore, Ultrascans source code is licensed under the GNU Public License (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html). Thus, Ultrascan can be further improved by any research group. Workshops are organized to support these software packages. Despite of the tremendous developments in data analysis, hardware for the system has not developed much. Although there are various user developed detectors in research laboratories, they are not commercially available. Since 1992, only one new optical system called “the fluorescence optics” (Schmidt and Reisner, 1992, MacGregor et al. 2004, MacGregor, 2006, Laue and Kroe, in press) has been commercialized. However, except that, there has been no commercially available improvement in the optical system. The interesting fact about the current hardware of the XL-I is that it is 20 years old, although there has been an enormous development in microelectronics, software and in optical systems in the last 20 years, which could be utilized for improved detectors. As examples of user developed detector, Bhattacharyya (Bhattacharyya 2006) described a Multiwavelength-Analytical Ultracentrifuge (MWL-AUC), a Raman detector and a small angle laser light scattering detector in his PhD thesis. MWL-AUC became operational, but a very high noise level prevented to work with real samples. Tests with the Raman detector were not successful due to the low light intensity and thus high integration time is required. The small angle laser light scattering detector could only detect latex particles but failed to detect smaller particles and molecules due to low sensitivity of the detector (a photodiode was used as detector). The primary motivation of this work is to construct a detector which can measure new physico-chemical properties with AUC with a nicely fractionated sample in the cell. The final goal is to obtain a multiwavelength detector for the AUC that measures complementary quantities. Instrument development is an option for a scientist only when there is a huge potential benefit but there is no available commercial enterprise developing appropriate equipment, or if there is not enough financial support to buy it. The first case was our motivation for developing detectors for AUC. Our aim is to use today’s technological advances in microelectronics, programming, mechanics in order to develop new detectors for AUC and improve the existing MWL detector to routine operation mode. The project has multiple aspects which can be listed as mechanical, electronical, optical, software, hardware, chemical, industrial and biological. Hence, by its nature it is a multidisciplinary project. Again by its nature it contains the structural problem of its kind; the problem of determining the exact discipline to follow at each new step. It comprises the risk of becoming lost in some direction. Having that fact in mind, we have chosen the simplest possible solution to any optical, mechanical, electronic, software or hardware problem we have encountered and we have always tried to see the overall picture. In this research, we have designed CCD-C-AUC (CCD Camera UV/Vis absorption detector for AUC) and SLS-AUC (Static Light Scattering detector for AUC) and tested them. One of the SLS-AUC designs produced successful test results, but the design could not be brought to the operational stage. However, the operational state Multiwavelength Analytical Ultracentrifuge (MWL-AUC) AUC has been developed which is an important detector in the fields of chemistry, biology and industry. In this thesis, the operational state Multiwavelength Analytical Ultracentrifuge (MWL-AUC) AUC is to be introduced. Consequently, three different applications of MWL-AUC to the aforementioned disciplines shall be presented. First of all, application of MWL-AUC to a biological system which is a mixture of proteins lgG, aldolase and BSA is presented. An application of MWL-AUC to a mass-produced industrial sample (β-carotene gelatin composite particles) which is manufactured by BASF AG, is presented. Finally, it is shown how MWL-AUC will impact on nano-particle science by investigating the quantum size effect of CdTe and its growth mechanism. In this thesis, mainly the relation between new technological developments and detector development for AUC is investigated. Pioneering results are obtained that indicate the possible direction to be followed for the future of AUC. As an example, each MWL-AUC data contains thousands of wavelengths. MWL-AUC data also contains spectral information at each radial point. Data can be separated to its single wavelength files and can be analyzed classically with existing software packages. All the existing software packages including Ultrascan, Sedfit, Sedanal can analyze only single wavelength data, so new extraordinary software developments are needed. As a first attempt, Emre Brookes and Borries Demeler have developed mutliwavelength module in order to analyze the MWL-AUC data. This module analyzes each wavelength separately and independently. We appreciate Emre Brookes and Borries Demeler for their important contribution to the development of the software. Unfortunately, this module requires huge amount of computer power and does not take into account the spectral information during the analysis. New software algorithms are needed which take into account the spectral information and analyze all wavelengths accordingly. We would like also invite the programmers of Ultrascan, Sedfit, Sedanal and the other programs, to develop new algorithms in this direction. N2 - Die analytische Chemie versucht die chemische Zusammensetzung, chemische und physikalische Eigenschaften von biologischen oder künstlichen Materialien zu bestimmen. Mit der Entwicklung deren Methoden können genauere Informationen über die Umweltverschmutzung, das Ozonloch, Proteinfunktionen und Wechselwirkungen im menschlichen Körper erlangt werden. Es sind eine Vielzahl von analytischen Techniken vorhanden, die durch Verbesserungen in der Mikroelektronik, Mechanik, Informatik und Nanotechnologie einer markanten Entwicklung unterworfen wurden. In dieser Arbeit wurde versucht die Detektionskapazität der analytischen Ultrazentrifuge zu erhöhen. Die analytische Ultrazentrifuge (AUZ) ist eine gut bekannte, sehr leistungsstarke Trennungsmethode. AUZ benutzt die Zentrifugalkraft zum Trennen von Stoffen. Die Probe kann für die Messung gelöst oder in einer Flüssigkeit dispergiert werden. Makromoleküle, Proteine und kolloidale Systeme in Lösung können in einer AUZ Zelle zwischen 1000-60000 Rotationen pro Minute zentrifugiert werden, wie beispielsweise in der kommerziellen Beckmann AUZ. Die Rotationsbeschleunigung entspricht 73-262mal der Erdschwerebeschleunigung (= 9.81 m s-2) für eine radiale Position von 6.5 Zentimeter. Diese Kraft ist der Schlüsselfaktor für die Fähigkeit der AUZ sogar kleine Moleküle und Ionen zu trennen. Die Experimente wurden bei kontrollierter Rotationsgeschwindigkeit und Temperatur ausgeführt. Drei verschiedene, neue Detektoren wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konstruiert und getestet. Diese Detektoren haben die analytischen Informationen sehr verbessert. Dies wurde für Proteine, halbleitende Nanopartikel sowie auch für industrielle Produkte gezeigt. KW - Ultrazentrifuge KW - Detektorentwicklung KW - Multi-Wellenlängen KW - Nanopartikel KW - Open Source KW - ultracentrifuge KW - detector development KW - multiwavelength KW - nanoparticles KW - open source Y1 - 2009 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-39921 ER -