TY - THES A1 - Schaefer, Christin T1 - „Gestärkt für den Lehrerberuf“ T1 - "Strengthened for the teaching profession" BT - psychische Gesundheit durch Förderung berufsbezogener Kompetenzen ; Entwicklung und Evaluation eines stärkenfokussierten Interventionsprogramms für Lehramtsstudierende BT - mental health by promoting professional skills ; development and evaluation of a strengths-based intervention program for student teachers N2 - In einer quasiexperimentellen Längsschnittstudie mit 380 Lehramtsstudierenden wurde das Interventionsprogramm „Gestärkt für den Lehrerberuf“, welches Elemente eines Self-Assessments der berufsrelevanten Kompetenzen mit konkreten Beratungsmöglichkeiten und einem Zieleffektivitätstraining (Dargel, 2006) zur Entwicklung individueller berufsbezogener Kompetenzen verbindet, auf seine Wirksamkeit (Reflexionskompetenz, Lehrerselbstwirksamkeit, berufsbezogene Kompetenzen, Beanspruchungserleben, Widerstandsfähigkeit) und den Wirkungsprozess (Zielbindung, Zielrealisierbarkeit, Zieleffektivität) hin überprüft. In dem Prä-Post-Follow-up-Test-Vergleichsgruppen-Design wurden eine Interventionsgruppe, deren Treatment auf dem Stärkenansatz basiert (1), eine defizitorientierte Interventionsgruppe (2), sowie eine kombinierte Interventionsgruppe, bei der der Stärkenansatz durch den Defizitansatz ergänzt wird (3), einer unbehandelten Kontrollgruppe sowie einer alternativ behandelten Kontrollgruppe, die ausschließlich in ihren sozial-kommunikativer Kompetenzen geschult wurde, gegenübergestellt. Es gelang zum Post- und Follow-up-Test, sowohl die individuellen beruflichen Kompetenzen als auch die Reflexionskompetenz von Teilnehmern der Interventionsgruppen im Vergleich zur unbehandelten Kontrollgruppe zu fördern. Die Teilnehmer der kombinierten Intervention profitierten im Vergleich zu den Teilnehmern der anderen beiden Interventionsgruppen stärker im Bereich Lehrerselbstwirksamkeit, Widerstandsfähigkeit und Zieleffektivität. Gegenüber der alternativen Kontrollgruppe zeigten sie ebenfalls einen stärkeren Zuwachs in der Entwicklung ihrer berufsrelevanten Kompetenzen und in ihrer Widerstandsfähigkeit. Die Studie liefert erste Hinweise darauf, dass ein Ansatz, welcher Stärkenfokussierung und Defizitorientierung integriert, besonders effektiv wirkt. N2 - In a sample of 380 student teachers this longitudinal study examined the effectiveness of a strengths-based intervention program that combined elements from a self-assessment of work related competencies with peer-coaching and a goal effectiveness training (Dargel, 2006). The intervention intended to improve work related competencies, reflectivity, teacher self-efficacy, strategies to cope with occupational stress, hardiness and the process of competence development (goal commitment, goal planning, goal accomplishment). The participants were assigned to three treatment conditions: (1) focus on their individual work related strengths, (2) focus on work related weaknesses or (3) integration of strengths and weaknesses and compared to a no-treatment control group and an alternative control group that focused on developing social-communicative competencies. Both at posttest and at follow-up-test the students in the three intervention conditions outperformed control students in measures of reflexivity and work related competencies. Relative to students, who focused on strengths or weaknesses only, students in the combined intervention were better able to maintain training induced teacher self-efficacy, hardiness and goal attainment. Compared to the alternative control group they showed a greater increase of work related competencies and hardiness. The study provides preliminary results that a combined treatment that integrated the training of work related strengths and weaknesses is more effective than a training that focuses either on strengths or relative weaknesses. KW - Lehrergesundheit KW - Lehrertraining KW - stärkenbasierte Intervention KW - Kompetenzentwicklung KW - Trainingsevaluation KW - Zieleffektivitätstraining KW - teachers health KW - teacher training KW - strengths-based intervention KW - competence development KW - training evaluation KW - goal effectiveness training Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-63487 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Moffitt, Ursula Elinor A1 - Juang, Linda P. T1 - “We don’t do that in Germany!” A critical race theory examination of Turkish heritage young adults’ school experiences JF - Ethnicities N2 - Turkish heritage students are underrepresented at university-track secondary schools in Germany, yet the institutional discrimination contributing to this ongoing disparity often remains unquestioned, situated within inequitable norms of belonging. Drawing on critical race theory and a risk and resilience framework, the current study investigated the interplay between institutional and interpersonal discrimination in relation to exclusionary norms enacted in university-track schools. Using thematic analysis, interviews with eight Turkish German young adults from multiple regions of Germany were analyzed, highlighting the need for culturally responsive teaching, more teacher reflexivity regarding bias, a greater focus on equity, and more direct discussions of racism and its impact. KW - Turkish German KW - secondary education KW - institutional discrimination KW - thematic analysis KW - critical race theory KW - risk and resilience Y1 - 2018 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1177/1468796818788596 SN - 1468-7968 SN - 1741-2706 VL - 19 IS - 5 SP - 830 EP - 857 PB - Sage Publ. CY - London ER - TY - JOUR A1 - van Egmond-Fröhlich, Andreas A1 - Mößle, Thomas A1 - Ahrens-Eipper, Sabine A1 - Schmid-Ott, Gerhard A1 - Hüllinghorst, Rolf A1 - Warschburger, Petra T1 - Übermässiger Medienkonsum von Kindern und Jugendlichen : Risiken für Psyche und Körper Y1 - 2007 UR - http://www.aerzteblatt.de/v4/archiv/artikel.asp?src=suche&p=&id=56968 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kirsch, Bärbel T1 - Überblick über das Forschungsprojekt "Problemerleben und -belastung sowie Problembewältigung bei Jugendlichen im Alter von 12 - 18 Jahren" Y1 - 1993 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kliegl, Reinhold T1 - Über rezeptive Gedächtnisse Y1 - 2005 SN - 978-3-9522759-5-5 ER - TY - THES A1 - Oehme, Astrid T1 - Ästhetisches Verständnis und ästhetische Wertschätzung von Automobildesign : eine Frage der Expertise T1 - Aesthetic understanding and aesthetic appreciation of automotive design : a question of expertise N2 - Automobildesigner haben als Gestaltungsexperten die Aufgabe, die Identität und damit die Werte einer Marke in Formen zu übersetzen, welche eine Vielzahl von Kunden ansprechen (Giannini & Monti, 2003; Karjalainen, 2002). Für diesen Übersetzungsprozess ist es zielführend, ästhetische Kundenbedürfnisse zu kennen, denn die Qualität einer Designlösung hängt auch davon ab, inwieweit der Designer Kundenbe-dürfnisse und damit das Designproblem richtig erfasst hat (Ulrich, 2006). Eine Grundlage hierfür entsteht durch eine erfolgreiche Designer-Nutzer-Interaktion und den Aufbau eines gemeinsamen Kontextwissens (Lee, Popovich, Blackler & Lee, 2009). Zwischen Designern und Kunden findet jedoch häufig kein direkter Austausch statt (Zeisel, 2006). Zudem belegen Befunde der Kunst- und Produktästhetikforschung, dass der Erwerb von gestalterischem Wissen und damit die Entwicklung ästhetischer Expertise mit Veränderungen der kognitiven Verarbeitung ästhetischer Objekte einhergeht, die sich in Wahrnehmung, Bewertung und Verhalten manifestieren. Damit ist auch zu erwarten, dass die Präferenzurteile von Designern und Kunden bei der ästhetischen Bewertung von Design nicht immer konvergieren. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war daher die systematische Untersuchung dieser expertisebedingten Wahrnehmungs- und Bewertungsunterschiede zwischen designge-schulten und ungeschulten Personen bei der Betrachtung von Automobildesign. Damit sollten Perzeption, Verarbeitung und Bewertung von Automobildesign durch design-ungeschulte Personen transparenter gemacht und mit der Verarbeitung designgeschul-ter Personen verglichen werden, um einen Beitrag zur gemeinsamen Wissensbasis und damit einer erfolgreichen Designer-Nutzer-Interaktion zu leisten. Die theoretische Einbettung der Arbeit basierte auf dem Modell ästhetischer Erfahrung und ästheti-schen Urteilens von Leder, Belke, Oeberst und Augustin (2004), welches konkrete Annahmen zu Verarbeitungsunterschieden von ästhetischen Objekten zwischen Experten und Laien bietet, die bisher allerdings noch nicht umfassend geprüft wurden. Den ersten Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit bildete die Untersuchung von Unter-schieden zwischen Designern und designungeschulten Rezipienten bei der Beschrei-bung und Bewertung auf dem Markt vorhandenen Fahrzeugdesigns. Dabei sollte auch geprüft werden, ob eine lexikalische Verbindung zwischen Beschreibungsattributen von Fahrzeugrezipienten und den postulierten Markenwerten von Automobilmarken hergestellt werden kann. Diesem ersten Untersuchungsanliegen wurde in zwei Studien nachgegangen: Studie I diente der Erhebung von Beschreibungsattributen mittels Triadenvergleich in Anlehnung an Kelly (1955). Es wurde geprüft, ob designgeschulte Teilnehmer produkti-ver verbalisieren, dabei anteilig mehr symbolbezogene als formbezogene Attribute generieren und innerhalb ihrer Gruppe häufiger gleiche Attribute nutzen als designun-geschulte Teilnehmer. Hierfür beschrieben 20 designgeschulte Probanden und 20 designungeschulte Probanden mit selbst gewählten Adjektiven die Unterschiede zwischen vier präsentierten Fahrzeugen. Die Gruppen nutzten dabei entgegen der Annahmen sehr ähnliche Attribute und unterschieden sich somit auch nicht in ihrer Verwendung symbolbezogener und formbezogener Attribute. Die generierten Attribute wurden mittels Prototypenansatz (Amelang & Zielinski, 2002) den ermittelten und nachfolgend kategorisierten Markenwerten von 10 Automobilherstellern zugeordnet, so dass sechs Skalen zur Erfassung der ästhetischen Wirkung von Fahrzeugen entstanden. In Studie II wurde ein diese sechs Skalen umfassender Fragebogen an einer Stichprobe von 83 Designern und Designstudierenden sowie 98 Probanden ohne Designausbildung in einer Onlinebefragung hinsichtlich Skalenkonsistenz geprüft. Außerdem wurden erste Annahmen aus dem Modell von Leder et al. (2004) abgeleitet und durch einen Vergleich der beiden Teilnehmergruppen hinsichtlich der Bewertung der vier präsentierten Fahrzeugmodelle für die Skalen mit guter interner Konsistenz (Attraktivität, Dynamik, Fortschritt, Qualität), sowie eines ästhetischen Gesamturteils, der benötigten Bewertungszeit und der Automobilaffinität überprüft. Hierbei vergaben Designstudierende und insbesondere ausgebildete Designer radikalere Bewertungen als Designlaien, benötigten mehr Zeit bei der Bewertung und waren automobilaffiner als die ungeschulten Befragungsteilnehmer. Den zweiten Schwerpunkt der Arbeit bildete eine konzeptionelle Zusammen-führung der Annahmen des Modells von Leder et al. (2004) und der Postulate zur Wirkung von Objekteigenschaften auf ästhetische Urteile (Berlyne, 1971; Martindale, 1988; Silvia, 2005b). Konkret sollte geprüft werden, welchen Einfluss marktrelevante Objekteigenschaften, wie z.B. das Ausmaß an Innovativität, auf die durch Expertise moderierte Bewertung von Design haben. In den Studien III und IV wurden hierfür systematisch bezüglich Innovativität und Balance gestufte Linienmodelle von Fahrzeu-gen präsentiert. In Studie III wurden die Modelle in einer Onlinebefragung durch 18 Designstudierende und 20 Studenten der Fahrzeugtechnik hinsichtlich Attraktivität, Innovativität und Balance bewertet. Im Einklang mit den Annahmen konnte gezeigt werden, dass sehr neuartiges Design von den designungeschulten Probanden als weniger attraktiv bewertet wird als von Betrachtern eines Designstudienganges. In Studie IV wurden neben den Ästhetikbewertungen zusätzlich das Blickverhal-ten und der affektiver Zustand der Versuchsteilnehmer in einem Messwiederholungs-design mit einer zwischengelagerten Phase elaborierter Designbewertung, in welcher der in Studie II geprüfte Fragebogen eingesetzt wurde, erhoben. An der Laborstudie nahmen je 11 Designer, Ingenieure, und Geisteswissenschaftler teil. Wiederum wurde innovatives Design von den designungeschulten Gruppen als weniger attraktiv bewertet. Dieser Unterschied reduzierte sich jedoch nach wiederholter Bewertung der Modelle. Die Manifestation expertisebedingten Blickverhaltens konnte nicht beobach-tet werden, wie auch die durch eine angenommene bessere Bewältigung einherge-hende positivere Stimmung oder höhere Zufriedenheit in der Expertengruppe. Gemeinsam mit den Befunden aus den Studien II und III wurde deutlich, dass Designausbildung und, noch ausgeprägter, Designexpertise neben einer höheren Attraktivitätsbewertung innovativen Designs auch zu einer differenzierteren Beurtei-lung von Innovativität führt. Dies wurde mit der Erweiterung des mentalen Schemas für Fahrzeuge durch die Beschäftigung mit vielfältigen Modellvarianten bereits während des Studiums interpretiert. Es wurden Hinweise auf eine stilbezogene, elaboriertere Verarbeitung von Fahrzeugdesign durch designgeschulte Betrachter beobachtet sowie eine mit Expertise einhergehende Autonomität ästhetischer Urteile als Ausdruck einer hohen ästhetischen Entwicklungsstufe (Parsons, 1987). Mit diesen bei unterschiedlichen Stichproben beobachteten, stabilen expertisebedingten Bewer-tungsunterschieden wurde eine begründete Basis für die geforderte Sensibilisierung für ästhetische Kundenbedürfnisse im Gestaltungsprozess geschaffen. Der in dieser Arbeit entwickelte Fragebogen kann hierbei für eine elaborierte Messung von Fahrzeugdesignpräferenzen, zum Vergleich der ästhetischen Wirkung mit den intendierten Markenwerten sowie für die Diskussion von Nutzereindrücken eingesetzt werden. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeiten tragen somit zur Erweiterung und Präzisierung des theoretischen Verständnisses von Ästhetikbewertungen bei und lassen sich gleichzeitig in die Praxis der Designausbildung und des Designprozesses übertragen. N2 - Car designers are experts in creating car exteriors that transport a brand’s identity by giving a form to its values which has to appeal to a multitude of customers (Giannini & Monti, 2003; Karjalainen, 2002). In this process of translating values into forms it is quintessential to apprehend the customers’ requirements, as the designers understanding of these needs and thus of the design problem itself has a major impact on the quality of the design (Ulrich, 2011). One basis for this apprehension is shared contextual knowledge stemming from a successful interaction between the designer and the user (Lee, Popovich, Blackler & Lee, 2009). Unfortunately, there often is no direct exchange between designers and users (Zeisel, 2006). What is more, findings from research on the fine arts and product aesthetics prove that acquiring design knowledge and aesthetic expertise distinctly alters one’s cognitive processing of aesthetic objects, which also manifests in one’s perception, assessment, and behaviour. One should also expect experts’ preferential assessments to differ from the ones of users as far as aesthetic assessment is concerned. Considering these propositions, the goal of this doctoral thesis was to systematically examine these expertise-induced differences between design experts and laymen in perceiving and assessing automotive design. This thesis also contibutes to furthering the interaction between designers and users by establishing a shared knowledge basis and does so by analyzing the perception, processing, and assessment of car design by designers and laymen. Theoretical assumptions are based on the model of aesthetic appreciation by Leder, Belke, Oeberst and Augustin (2004), which provides detailed but hitherto untested assumptions on how experts and laymen differ in their processing of aesthetic objects. The thesis first focussed on examining the expertiseinduced differences in describing and assessing car design available „in the wild“, i.e. on the market. This and the lexical link between customers’ descriptive attributes and brand values as intended by the car companies were tested in two studies: Study I collected descriptive attributes by using Kelly’s (1955) method of triadic comparions. It also tested the assumption that experts verbalise more productively, generate a higher ratio of symbol-related to form-related attributes and are more homogenous in their use of attributes. In this study, 20 experts and 20 laymen were presented four cars and were to describe the differences between them using self-chosen adjectives. Contrary to the initial assumption, both groups used similar attributes and did thus also not differ in the ratio of symbol-related and form-related attributes. The attributes generated in this study were matched to the collected and categorised values of ten brands using a prototype approach (cp. Amelang & Zielinski, 2002), which resulted in six scales for covering the aesthetic impression of cars. Study II tested these scales for consistency on 83 designers and students of design and 98 design laymen in an online questionnaire. In addition, first predictions were derived from the model by Leder et al. (2004) and tested by comparing these two groups regarding their assessment of four cars on the scales that had shown a high level of internal consistency (attractiveness, dynamics, progressiveness and quality) as well as regarding their overall aesthetic appreciation, response time, and affinity for cars. In this study, the experts were more radical in their assessments, took more time working in the tasks, and cherished cars more than the laymen. The second focus of this work was to combine the assumptions of the model by Leder et al. (2004) and the postulations on how the characteristics of aesthetic objects influence aesthetic assessments (Berlyne, 1971; Martindale, 1988; Silvia, 2005b): Inhowfar do market-relevant characteristics such as innovativeness affect expertise-induced assessment of design? Study III and IV used line art models that were systematically graduated for innovativeness and balance to answer this question. In study III, 18 design students and 20 engineering students assessed these models in an online questionnaire regarding attractiveness, innovativeness, and balance. The results were in line with the assumptions and showed that laymen rated highly innovative design less attractive than experts. Study IV collected data on the aesthetic assessment, gaze behavior, and the participants’ affective state in a repeated measures design that included an intermediary phase of elaborately assessing design by using the questionnaire developed in study II. The sample consisted of 11 designers, 11 engineers, and 11 humanities scholars. Although highly innovative design – as in study III – was rated less attractive by the laymen, repeated measurement decreased this group difference. The study assumed but could not show effects of expertise-induced gaze behaviour, and an expertise-induced better coping with the task resulting in a greater satisfaction with one’s task performance. The findings of this thesis demonstrate that experience with design and – even more pronounced – expertise in this field result in a greater appreciation for innovative design and a more nuanced assessment of innovativeness. Probably, designers constantly enhance their mental schema due to being confronted with various variations of and solutions for a design problem. The studies suggest that experts process car design in a more style-related, elaborate manner and also that designers, due to their more advanced aesthetic level of development (Parsons, 1987) and expertise, are more autonomous in their assessment. These stable expertise-induced differences in assessment between laymen and experts could be demonstrated for various samples. Thus, they are a valid basis for dealing more sensitively with customers’ requirements in the design process. The questionnaire developed in this thesis can be applied to measure design preferences in detail, to compare the aesthetic impact to the intended brand statement, and to discuss users’ impressions. To conclude, the results presented in this thesis contribute to the theory of aesthetic assessment in providing a more precise understanding of aesthetic assessments and can also be applied to design education and design processes. T3 - Potsdam Cognitive Science Series - 4 KW - Expertise KW - Automobildesign KW - Produkterleben KW - Innovativität KW - ästhetische Nutzeranforderungen KW - ästhetische Präferenzen KW - expertise KW - automotive design KW - product experience KW - innovativeness KW - aesthetic user requirements KW - aesthetic preferences Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-62013 SN - 978-3-86956-210-0 PB - Universitätsverlag Potsdam CY - Potsdam ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schaarschmidt, Uwe T1 - Älterwerden und berufliche Eignung von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern Y1 - 1998 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Fries, Stefan T1 - Zur Wirksamkeit eines motivational optimierten Denktrainings für Groß- und Kleingruppen Y1 - 1998 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kliegl, Reinhold T1 - Zur Wahrnehmung und (Selbst-)Attribution von Kausalität Y1 - 2007 SN - 978-3-939818-07-6 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Meckelmann, Viola T1 - Zur sozialen Entwicklung im Jugendalter-Entwicklungsbesonderheiten 12-18jähriger Schüler Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Krahé, Barbara T1 - Zur Renaissance des idiographischen Ansatzes in der Persönlichkeitsforschung : eine Zwischenbilanz T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe - paper 191 Y1 - 1991 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-45607 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Meckelmann, Viola T1 - Zur Problembewältigung bei Potsdamer Jugendlichen : ausgewählte Ergebnisse der Querschnittsuntersuchungen 1991, 1992, 1993 und 1994 Y1 - 1995 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Bohn, Christiane A1 - Kliegl, Reinhold T1 - Zur Interaktion von Verarbeitungstiefe und dem Wortvorhersagbarkeitseffekt beim Lesen von Sätzen T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe - paper 243 Y1 - 2008 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-57036 ER - TY - THES A1 - Brademann, Thomas T1 - Zur Entwicklung geistiger Fähigkeiten in der gymnasialen Oberstufe : Potsdamer Längsschnittstudie Y1 - 1992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Meckelmann, Viola T1 - Zur Entwicklung des Selbstkonzepts im Jugendalter Y1 - 1993 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kuhn, J. A1 - Metz, Anna-Marie T1 - Zur Einführung : Gesundheit und Familie als Rahmenbedingungen der Gestaltung von Arbeit Y1 - 2003 ER - TY - BOOK A1 - Niehaus, Susanna T1 - Zur Anwendbarkeit inhaltlicher Glaubhaftigkeitsmerkmale bei Zeugenaussagen unterschiedlichen Wahrheitsgehaltes T3 - Europäische Hochschulschriften : Reihe 6, Psychologie N2 - Vor Gericht stellt sich häufig die Frage, ob man Zeugenaussagen Glauben schenken kann. Bei der Begutachtung kindlicher Zeugen soll die merkmalsorientierte Inhaltsanalyse zur Beantwortung dieser Frage beitragen. Nach einer kritischen Würdigung des Verfahrens und bisheriger empirischer Überprüfungen weist die Autorin auf mögliche Schwachstellen hin und entwickelt Verbesserungsvorschläge. In einer methodisch sehr aufwendigen Simulationsstudie wird u.a. untersucht, inwieweit das Verfahren zur Wahrheitsfindung beitragen kann, wenn Falschaussagende nicht frei phantasieren, sondern auf ähnliche Erfahrungen zurückgreifen können. Die Befunde stützen die Brauchbarkeit der Methodik, verweisen jedoch auf Grenzen ihrer Anwendbarkeit und legen eine Modifizierung des traditionellen Merkmalssystems nahe. Y1 - 2001 SN - 3-631-36940-9 VL - 675 PB - Lang CY - Frankfurt am Main ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bangeow, Petjo T1 - Zur Abschaffung des Gutachterverfahrens in der Vertragspsychotherapie – ein Qualitätsverlust? JF - Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie N2 - Objectives: This article investigates whether or not the abolishment of the expertise procedure for an outpatient psychotherapy is a reliable quality feature; and whether or not the elimination of this procedure results in a reduction of quality in outpatient psychotherapy. Methods: We conducted a literature research that considered articles written between the years 2000 and 2020 dealing with the expertise procedure as a quality standard of outpatient psychotherapy. In order to discuss the different views of the cited authors, we also refer to further literature. Results: The expertise procedure is not a reliable quality feature of outpatient psychotherapy. The idea that abolishing the expertise procedure results in a reduction of quality in outpatient psychotherapy is not confirmed by the studies summarized. N2 - Zielsetzung: Der vorliegende Artikel befasst sich mit der Fragestellung, inwiefern das Gutachterverfahren in der Vertragspsychotherapie ein zuverlässiges Qualitätsinstrument darstellt und ob sich aus der geplanten Abschaffung des Gutachterverfahrens das Risiko einer Qualitätsminderung in der ambulanten Psychotherapie ergibt. Methodik: Es wurde eine Literaturrecherche durchgeführt. Arbeiten von den Jahren 2000 bis 2020 wurden berücksichtigt, welche sich mit dem Gutachterverfahren als Qualitätsmerkmal der ambulanten Psychotherapie befassen. Um die unterschiedlichen Standpunkte der zitierten Autor_innen zu diskutieren, wurde auch Bezug auf weiterführende Literatur genommen. Ergebnisse: Das Gutachterverfahren scheint empirisch nicht sicher als zuverlässiges Qualitätsmerkmal der ambulanten Psychotherapie herangezogen werden zu können. Die Annahme, dass sich durch eine gutachterbefreite Vertragspsychotherapie eine Qualitätsminderung der Psychotherapie ergibt, wird durch die hier zusammengefassten Arbeiten insgesamt nicht gestützt. T2 - The abolition of the expertise procedure for outpatient psychotherapy - A reduction of quality in the psychotherapy? KW - psychotherapy KW - guideline KW - expertise procedure KW - quality standards KW - outpatient psychotherapy KW - Psychotherapie KW - Richtlinie KW - Gutachterverfahren KW - Qualitätsstandard KW - ambulante Psychotherapie Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1024/1422-4917/a000778 SN - 1422-4917 SN - 1664-2880 VL - 49 IS - 1 SP - 64 EP - 72 PB - Hogrefe CY - Bern ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schaarschmidt, Uwe A1 - Fischer, Andreas W. T1 - Zum Zusammenhang von Alter und psychischer Gesundheit bei Lehrerinnen und Lehrern Y1 - 1996 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Franz, Sigrid T1 - Zum Zusammenhang Problemerleben und Selbstkonzept Y1 - 1993 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schaarschmidt, Uwe T1 - Zum Zusamenhang von Alter, Leistungsfähigkeit und psychischer Gesundheit im Lehrerberuf Y1 - 1996 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Krahé, Barbara T1 - Zum Stand der Diskussion um den "self-serving bias" in der Attributionsforschung N2 - The 'fact or fiction1 controversy about self-serving attributional biases is discussed under two aspects: a) The lack of a clear conceptual definition of "bias" referring to cognitive models of causal attribution which specify unbiased, rational modes of causal inference; b) The empirical evidence with regard to the decision whether attributional distortions are due to self-protective and self-enhancing motives rather than errors and biases in information processing. It is concluded that progress in self-serving bias research is conditional upon a theoretical clarification and operational definition of self-serving biases explicitly derived from a rational standard of causal inference and based on a motivational analysis of the functions of causal attributions. T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe - paper 183 Y1 - 1983 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-45286 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Mallwitz, Gisela T1 - Zum Problemerleben und zur Problembewältigung besonders problembelasteter Potsdamer Schüler Y1 - 1995 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Dietrich, Peter T1 - Zu den Erscheinungsformen und Ursachen von schulverweigerischem Verhalten - Ausgewählte Ergebnisse einer Brandenburger Studie Y1 - 1996 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Vollmeyer, Regina A1 - Burns, Bruce D. A1 - Rheinberg, Falko T1 - Zielspezifität, Strategien und Motivation Y1 - 1999 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Vollmeyer, Regina A1 - Holyoak, Keith J. T1 - Zielspezifität beim Problemlösen Y1 - 1994 ER - TY - BOOK ED - Esser, Günter T1 - Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie : Themenheft Entwicklungspsychopathologie ; Ergebnisse aus Langzeitstudien Y1 - 2000 SN - 0084-5345 PB - Hogrefe CY - Göttingen ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Shaki, Samuel A1 - Fischer, Martin H. T1 - Your neighbors define your value a study of spatial bias in number comparison JF - Acta psychologica : international journal of psychonomics N2 - Several chronometric biases in numerical cognition have informed our understanding of a mental number line (MNL). Complementing this approach, we investigated spatial performance in a magnitude comparison task. Participants located the larger or smaller number of a pair on a horizontal line representing the interval from 0 to 10. Experiments 1 and 2 used only number pairs one unit apart and found that digits were localized farther to the right with "select larger" instructions than with "select smaller" instructions. However, when numerical distance was varied (Experiment 3), digits were localized away from numerically near neighbors. This repulsion effect reveals context-specific distortions in number representation not previously noticed with chronometric measures. KW - Magnitude comparison KW - Mental number line KW - Numerical cognition KW - Spatial bias Y1 - 2013 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actpsy.2013.01.004 SN - 0001-6918 VL - 142 IS - 3 SP - 308 EP - 313 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schad, Daniel A1 - Nuthmann, Antje A1 - Engbert, Ralf T1 - Your mind wanders weakly, your mind wanders deeply - objective measures reveal mindless reading at different levels JF - Cognition : international journal of cognitive science N2 - When the mind wanders, attention turns away from the external environment and cognitive processing is decoupled from perceptual information. Mind wandering is usually treated as a dichotomy (dichotomy-hypothesis), and is often measured using self-reports. Here, we propose the levels of inattention hypothesis, which postulates attentional decoupling to graded degrees at different hierarchical levels of cognitive processing. To measure graded levels of attentional decoupling during reading we introduce the sustained attention to stimulus task (SAST), which is based on psychophysics of error detection. Under experimental conditions likely to induce mind wandering, we found that subjects were less likely to notice errors that required high-level processing for their detection as opposed to errors that only required low-level processing. Eye tracking revealed that before errors were overlooked influences of high- and low-level linguistic variables on eye fixations were reduced in a graded fashion, indicating episodes of mindless reading at weak and deep levels. Individual fixation durations predicted overlooking of lexical errors 5 s before they occurred. Our findings support the levels of inattention hypothesis and suggest that different levels of mindless reading can be measured behaviorally in the SAST. Using eye tracking to detect mind wandering online represents a promising approach for the development of new techniques to study mind wandering and to ameliorate its negative consequences. KW - Mind wandering KW - Reading KW - Eye movements KW - Signal detection theory KW - Levels of processing KW - Sustained attention Y1 - 2012 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cognition.2012.07.004 SN - 0010-0277 VL - 125 IS - 2 SP - 179 EP - 194 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - GEN A1 - Cosco, Theodore D. A1 - Lemsalu, Liis A1 - Brehme, David F. A1 - Grigoruta, Nora A1 - Kaufmann, Lisa-Katrin A1 - Meex, Ruth A1 - Schuurmans, Angela A. T. A1 - Sener, Neslihan A1 - Stephan, Blossom C. M. A1 - Brayne, Carol T1 - Younger europeans' conceptualizations of successful aging T2 - Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Y1 - 2015 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1111/jgs.13307 SN - 0002-8614 SN - 1532-5415 VL - 63 IS - 3 SP - 609 EP - 611 PB - Wiley-Blackwell CY - Hoboken ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kayhan, Ezgi A1 - Heil, Lieke A1 - Kwisthout, Johan A1 - van Rooij, Iris A1 - Hunnius, Sabine A1 - Bekkering, Harold T1 - Young children integrate current observations, priors and agent information to predict others’ actions JF - PLOS ONE / Public Library of Science N2 - From early on in life, children are able to use information from their environment to form predictions about events. For instance, they can use statistical information about a population to predict the sample drawn from that population and infer an agent’s preferences from systematic violations of random sampling. We investigated whether and how young children infer an agent’s sampling biases. Moreover, we examined whether pupil data of toddlers follow the predictions of a computational model based on the causal Bayesian network formalization of predictive processing. We formalized three hypotheses about how different explanatory variables (i.e., prior probabilities, current observations, and agent characteristics) are used to predict others’ actions. We measured pupillary responses as a behavioral marker of ‘prediction errors’ (i.e., the perceived mismatch between what one’s model of an agent predicts and what the agent actually does). Pupillary responses of 24-month-olds, but not 18-month-olds, showed that young children integrated information about current observations, priors and agents to make predictions about agents and their actions. These findings shed light on the mechanisms behind toddlers’ inferences about agent-caused events. To our knowledge, this is the first study in which young children's pupillary responses are used as markers of prediction errors, which were qualitatively compared to the predictions by a computational model based on the causal Bayesian network formalization of predictive processing. Y1 - 2019 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0200976 SN - 1932-6203 VL - 14 IS - 5 PB - PLOS CY - San Fransisco ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Tschentscher, Nadja A1 - Hauk, Olaf A1 - Fischer, Martin H. A1 - Pulvermüller, Friedemann T1 - You can count on the motor cortex finger counting habits modulate motor cortex activation evoked by numbers JF - NeuroImage : a journal of brain function N2 - The embodied cognition framework suggests that neural systems for perception and action are engaged during higher cognitive processes. In an event-related fMRI study, we tested this claim for the abstract domain of numerical symbol processing: is the human cortical motor system part of the representation of numbers, and is organization of numerical knowledge influenced by individual finger counting habits? Developmental studies suggest a link between numerals and finger counting habits due to the acquisition of numerical skills through finger counting in childhood. In the present study, digits 1 to 9 and the corresponding number words were presented visually to adults with different finger counting habits, i.e. left- and right-starters who reported that they usually start counting small numbers with their left and right hand, respectively. Despite the absence of overt hand movements, the hemisphere contralateral to the hand used for counting small numbers was activated when small numbers were presented. The correspondence between finger counting habits and hemispheric motor activation is consistent with an intrinsic functional link between finger counting and number processing. KW - Embodied cognition KW - Numerical cognaion KW - Finger counting habits KW - SNARC effect Y1 - 2012 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2011.11.037 SN - 1053-8119 VL - 59 IS - 4 SP - 3139 EP - 3148 PB - Elsevier CY - San Diego ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rauh, Hellgard T1 - Wyss-Wanner, M., Ein Leben für Kinder: Leben und Werk von Marie Meierhofer, 1909-1998; Dietikon, Juris-Dr. u. Verl., 2000 BT - Ein Leben für Kinder: Leben und Werk von Marie Meierhofer, 1909-1998 Y1 - 2006 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Laucht, Manfred A1 - Esser, Günter A1 - Schmidt, Martin H. T1 - Wovor schützen Schutzfaktoren? : Anmerkungen zu einem populären Konzept der modernen Gesundheitsforschung Y1 - 1997 ER - TY - THES A1 - Muschalla, Beate T1 - Workplace-related anxieties and workplace phobia : a concept of domain-specific mental disorders T1 - Arbeitsplatzbezogene Ängste und Arbeitsplatzphobie : Konzeptualisierung einer lebensbereichsspezifischen psychischen Erkrankung N2 - Background: Anxiety in the workplace is a special problem as workplaces are especially prone to provoke anxiety: There are social hierarchies, rivalries between colleagues, sanctioning through superiors, danger of accidents, failure, and worries of job security. Workplace phobia is a phobic anxiety reaction with symptoms of panic occurring when thinking of or approaching the workplace, and with clear tendency of avoidance. Objectives: What characterizes workplace-related anxieties and workplace phobia as domain-specific mental disorders in contrast to conventional anxiety disorders? Method: 230 patients from an inpatient psychosomatic rehabilitation center were interviewed with the (semi-)structured Mini-Work-Anxiety-Interview and the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview, concerning workplace-related anxieties and conventional mental disorders. Additionally, the patients filled in the self-rating questionnaires Job-Anxiety-Scale (JAS) and the Symptom Checklist (SCL-90-R)measuring job-related and general psychosomatic symptom load. Results: Workplace-related anxieties occurred together with conventional anxiety disorders in 35% of the patients, but also alone in others (23%). Workplace phobia could be found in 17% of the interviewed, any diagnosis of workplace-related anxiety was stated in 58%. Workplace phobic patients had significantly higher scores in job-anxiety than patients without workplace phobia. Patients with workplace phobia were significantly longer on sick leave in the past 12 months (23,5 weeks) than patients without workplace phobia (13,4 weeks). Different qualities of workplace-related anxieties lead with different frequencies to work participation disorders. Conclusion: Workplace phobia cannot be described by only assessing the general level of psychosomatic symptom load and conventional mental disorders. Workplace-related anxieties and workplace phobia have an own clinical value which is mainly defined by specific workplace-related symptom load and work-participation disorders. They require special therapeutic attention and treatment instead of a “sick leave” certification by the general health physician. Workplace phobia should be named with a proper diagnosis according to ICD-10 chapter V, F 40.8: “workplace phobia”. N2 - Hintergrund: Angst am Arbeitsplatz ist ein spezielles Phänomen, da Arbeitsplätze ihrer Natur nach angstauslösende Charakteristika aufweisen: Vorgesetzte die sanktionieren, Rangkämpfe mit Kollegen, reale Unfallgefahren, Scheitern und Leistungsversagen, Unklarheit um plötzliche Veränderungen, Arbeitsplatzunsicherheit. Arbeitsplatzphobie ist eine phobische Angstreaktion mit Panikerleben beim Gedanken an oder bei Annäherung an den Arbeitsplatz. Fragestellung: Was charakterisiert arbeitsplatzbezogene Ängste und Arbeitsplatzphobie als lebensbereichsspezifische Angsterkrankungen in Abgrenzung zu klassischen Angsterkrankungen? Methode: 230 Patienten einer stationären psychosomatischen Rehabilitation wurden im halbstrukturierten Interview (Mini-Arbeits-Angst-Interview, Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview) hinsichtlich arbeitsplatzbezogener Ängste und klassischer psychischer Erkrankungen befragt. Selbsteinschätzungsurteile wurden hinsichtlich des Schweregrads der arbeitsbezogenen (Job-Angst-Skala, JAS) und allgemeinen psychosomatischen (Symptom-Checkliste, SCL-90-R) Symptombelastung erhoben. Ergebnisse: 58% der befragten Patienten litten an mindestens einer arbeitsplatzbezogenen Angstvariante. Arbeitsplatzbezogene Ängste kamen bei 35% der Befragten zusammen mit einer klassischen Angsterkrankung vor, bei 23% jedoch als allein stehende Angsterkrankung. 17% der Befragten erfüllten die Kriterien einer Arbeitsplatzphobie. Arbeitsplatzphobie-Patienten hatten signifikant höhere Job-Angst-Werte als Patienten ohne Arbeitsplatzphobie, und sie waren signifikant länger arbeitsunfähig in den letzten 12 Monaten (23,5 Wochen versus 13,4 Wochen). Schlussfolgerung: Arbeitsplatzbezogene Ängste und Arbeitsplatzphobie haben eine spezielle klinische Wertigkeit, die sich anhand arbeitsbezogener Partizipationsstörungen und spezifischer arbeitsbezogener Symptombelastung beschreiben lässt. Arbeitsplatzphobie erfordert besondere therapeutische Herangehensweisen anstelle von angsterhaltender da Vermeidungsverhalten fördernder „Krankschreibung“. Arbeitsplatzphobie sollte als Diagnose benannt werden entsprechend ICD-10 Kapitel V, F 40.8: “Arbeitsplatzphobie”. KW - Arbeitsplatzphobie KW - Angsterkrankung KW - Arbeitsplatz KW - Arbeitsunfähigkeit KW - Partizipationsstörung KW - workplace phobia KW - anxiety disorder KW - workplace KW - sick leave KW - participation disorder Y1 - 2008 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-20048 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Muschalla, Beate A1 - Linden, Michael T1 - Workplace phobia, workplace problems, and work ability among primary care patients with chronic mental disorders JF - Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine N2 - Purpose: Work-related anxieties are frequent and have a negative effect on the occupational performance of patients and absence due to sickness. Most important is workplace phobia, that is, panic when approaching or even thinking of the workplace. This study is the first to estimate the prevalence of workplace phobia among primary care patients suffering from chronic mental disorders and to describe which illness-related or workplace-specific context factors are associated with workplace phobia. Methods: A convenience sample of 288 primary care patients with chronic mental disorders (70% women) seen by 40 primary care clinicians in Germany were assessed using a standardized diagnostic interview about mental disorders and workplace problems. Workplace phobia was assessed by the Workplace Phobia Scale and a structured Diagnostic and Statical Manual of Mental Disorders-based diagnostic interview. In addition, capacity and participation restrictions, illness severity, and sick leave were assessed. Results: Workplace phobia was found in 10% of patients with chronic mental disorders, that is, approximately about 3% of all general practice patients. Patients with workplace phobia had longer durations of sick leave than patients without workplace phobia and were impaired to a higher degree in work-relevant capacities. They also had a higher degree of restrictions in participation in other areas of life. Conclusions: Workplace phobia seems to be a frequent problem in primary care. It may behoove primary care clinicians to consider workplace-related anxiety, including phobia, particularly when patients ask for a work excuse for nonspecific somatic complaints. KW - Anxiety KW - Mental Health KW - Sick Leave KW - Workplace Y1 - 2014 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3122/jabfm.2014.04.130308 SN - 1557-2625 SN - 1558-7118 VL - 27 IS - 4 SP - 486 EP - 494 PB - American Board of Family Medicine CY - Lexington ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Pliatsikas, Christos A1 - Verissimo, Joao Marques A1 - Babcock, Laura A1 - Pullman, Mariel Y. A1 - Glei, Dana A. A1 - Weinstein, Maxine A1 - Goldman, Noreen A1 - Ullman, Michael T. T1 - Working memory in older adults declines with age, but is modulated by sex and education JF - The quarterly journal of experimental psychology N2 - Working memory (WM), which underlies the temporary storage and manipulation of information, is critical for multiple aspects of cognition and everyday life. Nevertheless, research examining WM specifically in older adults remains limited, despite the global rapid increase in human life expectancy. We examined WM in a large sample (N=754) of healthy older adults (aged 58-89) in a non-Western population (Chinese speakers) in Taiwan, on a digit n-back task. We tested not only the influence of age itself and of load (1-back vs. 2-back) but also the effects of both sex and education, which have been shown to modulate WM abilities. Mixed-effects regression revealed that, within older adulthood, age negatively impacted WM abilities (with linear, not nonlinear, effects), as did load (worse performance at 2-back). In contrast, education level was positively associated with WM. Moreover, both age and education interacted with sex. With increasing age, males showed a steeper WM decline than females; with increasing education, females showed greater WM gains than males. Together with other findings, the evidence suggests that age, sex, and education all impact WM in older adults, but interact in particular ways. The results have both basic research and translational implications and are consistent with particular benefits from increased education for women. KW - Ageing KW - sex differences KW - education KW - working memory KW - n back Y1 - 2018 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1177/1747021818791994 SN - 1747-0218 SN - 1747-0226 VL - 72 IS - 6 SP - 1308 EP - 1327 PB - Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group CY - Abingdon ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Goethe, Katrin A1 - Esser, Günter A1 - Gendt, Anja A1 - Kliegl, Reinhold T1 - Working memory in children tracing age differences and special educational needs to parameters of a formal model JF - Developmental psychology N2 - Parameters of a formal working-memory model were estimated for verbal and spatial memory updating of children. The model proposes interference though feature overwriting and through confusion of whole elements as the primary cause of working-memory capacity limits. We tested 2 age groups each containing 1 group of normal intelligence and I deficit group. For young children the deficit was developmental dyslexia; for older children it was a general learning difficulty. The interference model predicts less interference through overwriting but more through confusion of whole elements for the dyslexic children than for their age-matched controls. Older children exhibited less interference through confusion of whole elements and a higher processing rate than young children, but general learning difficulty was associated with slower processing than in the age-matched control group. Furthermore, the difference between verbal and spatial updating mapped onto several meaningful dissociations of model parameters. KW - working-memory capacity KW - interference model KW - dyslexia KW - general learning difficulty Y1 - 2012 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1037/a0025660 SN - 0012-1649 VL - 48 IS - 2 SP - 459 EP - 476 PB - American Psychological Association CY - Washington ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Göthe, Katrin A1 - Esser, Günter A1 - Gendt, Anja A1 - Kliegl, Reinhold T1 - Working memory in children : tracing age differences and special educational needs to parameters of a formal model N2 - Parameters of a formal working-memory model were estimated for verbal and spatial memory updating of children. The model proposes interference though feature overwriting and through confusion of whole elements as the primary cause of working-memory capacity limits. We tested 2 age groups each containing 1 group of normal intelligence and 1 deficit group. For young children the deficit was developmental dyslexia; for older children it was a general learning difficulty. The interference model predicts less interference through overwriting but more through confusion of whole elements for the dyslexic children than for their age-matched controls. Older children exhibited less interference through confusion of whole elements and a higher processing rate than young children, but general learning difficulty was associated with slower processing than in the age-matched control group. Furthermore, the difference between verbal and spatial updating mapped onto several meaningful dissociations of model parameters. Y1 - 2012 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Nicenboim, Bruno A1 - Vasishth, Shravan A1 - Gattei, Carolina A1 - Sigman, Mariano A1 - Kliegl, Reinhold T1 - Working memory differences in long-distance dependency resolution JF - Frontiers in psychology N2 - There is a wealth of evidence showing that increasing the distance between an argument and its head leads to more processing effort, namely, locality effects; these are usually associated with constraints in working memory (DLT: Gibson, 2000; activation-based model: Lewis and Vasishth, 2005). In SOV languages, however, the opposite effect has been found: antilocality (see discussion in Levy et al., 2013). Antilocality effects can be explained by the expectation-based approach as proposed by Levy (2008) or by the activation-based model of sentence processing as proposed by Lewis and Vasishth (2005). We report an eye-tracking and a self-paced reading study with sentences in Spanish together with measures of individual differences to examine the distinction between expectation- and memory-based accounts, and within memory-based accounts the further distinction between DLT and the activation-based model. The experiments show that (i) antilocality effects as predicted by the expectation account appear only for high-capacity readers; (ii) increasing dependency length by interposing material that modifies the head of the dependency (the verb) produces stronger facilitation than increasing dependency length with material that does not modify the head; this is in agreement with the activation-based model but not with the expectation account; and (iii) a possible outcome of memory load on low-capacity readers is the increase in regressive saccades (locality effects as predicted by memory-based accounts) or, surprisingly, a speedup in the self-paced reading task; the latter consistent with good-enough parsing (Ferreira et al., 2002). In sum, the study suggests that individual differences in working memory capacity play a role in dependency resolution, and that some of the aspects of dependency resolution can be best explained with the activation-based model together with a prediction component. KW - locality KW - antilocality KW - working memory capacity KW - individual differences KW - Spanish KW - activation KW - DLT KW - expectation Y1 - 2015 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00312 SN - 1664-1078 VL - 6 IS - 312 PB - Frontiers Research Foundation CY - Lausanne ER - TY - GEN A1 - Nicenboim, Bruno A1 - Vasishth, Shravan A1 - Gattei, Carolina A1 - Sigman, Mariano A1 - Kliegl, Reinhold T1 - Working memory differences in long-distance dependency resolution N2 - There is a wealth of evidence showing that increasing the distance between an argument and its head leads to more processing effort, namely, locality effects; these are usually associated with constraints in working memory (DLT: Gibson, 2000; activation-based model: Lewis and Vasishth, 2005). In SOV languages, however, the opposite effect has been found: antilocality (see discussion in Levy et al., 2013). Antilocality effects can be explained by the expectation-based approach as proposed by Levy (2008) or by the activation-based model of sentence processing as proposed by Lewis and Vasishth (2005). We report an eye-tracking and a self-paced reading study with sentences in Spanish together with measures of individual differences to examine the distinction between expectation- and memory-based accounts, and within memory-based accounts the further distinction between DLT and the activation-based model. The experiments show that (i) antilocality effects as predicted by the expectation account appear only for high-capacity readers; (ii) increasing dependency length by interposing material that modifies the head of the dependency (the verb) produces stronger facilitation than increasing dependency length with material that does not modify the head; this is in agreement with the activation-based model but not with the expectation account; and (iii) a possible outcome of memory load on low-capacity readers is the increase in regressive saccades (locality effects as predicted by memory-based accounts) or, surprisingly, a speedup in the self-paced reading task; the latter consistent with good-enough parsing (Ferreira et al., 2002). In sum, the study suggests that individual differences in working memory capacity play a role in dependency resolution, and that some of the aspects of dependency resolution can be best explained with the activation-based model together with a prediction component. T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Humanwissenschaftliche Reihe - paper 273 KW - locality KW - antilocality KW - working memory capacity KW - individual differences KW - Spanish KW - activation KW - DLT KW - expectation Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-75694 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rodriguez-Villagra, Odir Antonio A1 - Göthe, Katrin A1 - Oberauer, Klaus A1 - Kliegl, Reinhold T1 - Working memory capacity in a go/no-go task - age differences in interference, processing speed, and attentional control JF - Developmental psychology N2 - We tested the limits of working-memory capacity (WMC) of young adults, old adults, and children with a memory-updating task. The task consisted of mentally shifting spatial positions within a grid according to arrows, their color signaling either only go (control) or go/no-go conditions. The interference model (IM) of Oberauer and Kliegl (2006) was simultaneously fitted to the data of all groups. In addition to the 3 main model parameters (feature overlap, noise, and processing rate), we estimated the time for switching between go and no-go steps as a new model parameter. In this study, we examined the IM parameters across the life span. The IM parameter estimates show that (a) conditions were not different in interference by feature overlap and interference by confusion; (b) switching costs time; (c) young adults and children were less susceptible than old adults to interference due to feature overlap; (d) noise was highest for children, followed by old and young adults; (e) old adults differed from children and young adults in lower processing rate; and (f) children and old adults had a larger switch cost between go steps and no-go steps. Thus, the results of this study indicated that across age, the IM parameters contribute distinctively for explaining the limits of WMC. KW - working memory capacity KW - interference model KW - inhibition KW - children KW - old adults and young adults Y1 - 2013 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1037/a0030883 SN - 0012-1649 VL - 49 IS - 9 SP - 1683 EP - 1696 PB - American Psychological Association CY - Washington ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Oberauer, Klaus A1 - Weidenfeld, Andrea A1 - Hörnig, Robin T1 - Working memory capacity and the construction of spatial mental models in comprehension and deductive reasoning N2 - We asked 149 high-school students who were pretested for their working memory capacity (WMC) to read spatial descriptions relating to five objects and to evaluate conclusions asserting an unmentioned relationship between two of the objects. Unambiguous descriptions were compatible with a single spatial arrangement, whereas ambiguous descriptions permitted two arrangements; a subset of the ambiguous descriptions still determined the relation asserted in the conclusion, whereas another subset did not. Two groups of participants received different instructions: The deduction group should accept conclusions only if they followed with logical necessity from the description, whereas the comprehension group should accept a conclusion if it agreed with their representation of the arrangement. Self-paced reading times increased on sentences that introduced an ambiguity, replicating previous findings in deductive reasoning experiments. This effect was also found in the comprehension group, casting doubt on the interpretation that people consider multiple possible arrangements online. Responses to conclusions could be modelled by a multinomial processing model with four parameters: the probability of constructing a correct mental model, the probability of detecting an ambiguity, and two guessing parameters. Participants with high and with low WMC differed mainly in the probability of successfully constructing a mental model Y1 - 2006 UR - http://www.informaworld.com/openurl?genre=journal&issn=1747-0218 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1080/17470210500151717 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Soemer, Alexander A1 - Schiefele, Ulrich T1 - Working memory capacity and (in)voluntary mind wandering JF - Psychonomic bulletin & review : a journal of the Psychonomic Society N2 - According to influential accounts of mind wandering (MW), working memory capacity (WMC) plays a key role in controlling the amount of off-task thought during the execution of a demanding task. Whereas WMC has primarily been associated with reduced levels of involuntarily occurring MW episodes in prior research, here we demonstrate for the first time that high-WMC individuals exhibit lower levels of voluntary MW. One hundred and eighty participants carried out a demanding reading task and reported their attentional state in response to random thought probes. In addition, participants' WMC was measured with two common complex span tasks (operation span and symmetry span). As a result, WMC was negatively related to both voluntary and involuntary MW, and the two forms of MW partially mediated the positive effect of WMC on reading performance. Furthermore, the negative relation between voluntary WM and reading remained significant after controlling for interest. Thus, in contrast to prior research suggesting that voluntary MW might be more closely related to motivation rather than WMC, the present results demonstrate that high-WMC individuals tend to limit both involuntary and voluntary MW more strictly than low-WMC individuals. KW - mind wandering KW - intention KW - working memory KW - executive control Y1 - 2020 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3758/s13423-020-01737-4 SN - 1069-9384 SN - 1531-5320 VL - 27 IS - 4 SP - 758 EP - 767 PB - Springer CY - New York ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Oberauer, Klaus A1 - Suess, Heinz-Martin A1 - Schulze, Ralf A1 - Wilhelm, Otto A1 - Wittmann, W. W. T1 - Working memory capacity - facets of a cognitive ability construct Y1 - 2000 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Oberauer, Klaus A1 - Süß, Heinz-Martin T1 - Working memory and interference : a comment on Jenkins, Myerson, Hale, and Fry (1999) Y1 - 2000 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Oberauer, Klaus A1 - Schulze, Ralf A1 - Wilhelm, Oliver A1 - Süss, Heinz-Martin T1 - Working memory and intelligence : their correlation and their relation ; Comment on Ackerman, Beier, and Boyle (2005) N2 - On the basis of a mete-analysis of pairwise correlations between working memory tasks and cognitive ability measures, P. L. Ackerman. M. E. Beier, and M. O. Boyle (2005) claimed that working memory capacity (WMC) shares less than 25% of its variance with general intelligence (,;) and with reasoning ability. In this comment, the authors argue that this is an underestimation because of several methodological shortcomings and biases. A reanalysis of the data reported in Ackerman et al. using the correct statistical procedures demonstrates that g and WMC are very highly correlated. On a conceptual level. the authors point out that WMC should be regarded as an explanatory construct for intellectual abilities. Theories of working memory do not claim that WMC is isomorphic with intelligence factors but that it is a very strong predictor of reasoning ability and also predicts general fluid intelligence and g. Y1 - 2005 SN - 0033-2909 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Voltmer, Edgar A1 - Spahn, Claudia A1 - Schaarschmidt, Uwe A1 - Kieschke, Ulf T1 - Work-related behavior and experience patterns of entrepreneurs compared to teachers and physicians JF - International archives of occupational and environmental health N2 - Purpose This study examined the status of health-related behavior and experience patterns of entrepreneurs in comparison with teachers and physicians to identify specific health risks and resources. Methods Entrepreneurs (n = 632), teachers (n = 5,196), and physicians (n = 549) were surveyed in a cross-sectional design. The questionnaire Work-related Behavior and Experience Patterns (AVEM) was used for all professions and, in addition, two scales (health prevention and self-confidence) from the Checklist for Entrepreneurs in the sample of entrepreneurs. Results The largest proportion of the entrepreneurs (45%) presented with a healthy pattern (compared with 18.4% teachers and 18.3% physicians). Thirty-eight percent of entrepreneurs showed a risk pattern of overexertion and stress, followed by teachers (28.9%) and physicians (20.6%). Unambitious or burnout patterns were seen in only 9.3/8.2% of entrepreneurs, respectively, and 25.3/27.3% of teachers, and 39.6/21.5% of physicians. While the distribution of patterns in teachers and physicians differed significantly between genders, a gender difference was not found among entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs with the risk pattern of overexertion scored significantly (P < 0.01) lower in self-confidence and health care than those with the healthy pattern. Conclusions The development of a successful enterprise depends, in part, on the health of the entrepreneur. The large proportion of entrepreneurs with the healthy pattern irrespective of gender may support the notion that self-selection effects of healthy individuals in this special career might be important. At the same time, a large proportion was at risk for overexertion and might benefit from measures to cope with professional demands and stress and promote a healthy behavior pattern. KW - Entrepreneurs KW - Physicians KW - Teachers KW - Occupational stress KW - Psychosocial health risks and resources Y1 - 2011 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s00420-011-0632-9 SN - 0340-0131 VL - 84 IS - 5 SP - 479 EP - 490 PB - Springer CY - New York ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Muschalla, Beate T1 - Work-related anxieties in research and practice JF - Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie : german journal of work and organizational psychology N2 - Workplaces contain by their very nature different anxiety-provoking characteristics. When workplace-related anxieties manifest, absenteeism, long-term-sick leave, and even disability pension can be the consequences. In medical-vocational rehabilitation about 30-60 % of the patients suffer from workplace-related anxieties that are often a barrier for return to work. Even in mentally healthy employees, 5 % said that they were prone to ask for a sick leave certificate due to workplace-related anxieties. Future research should focus on workplace-related anxieties not only in rehabilitation, but more earlier, i. e. in the workplace. The concept of workplace-related anxieties offers ideas which can be useful in mental-health-oriented work analysis, employee-workplace-fit, and job design. KW - workplace KW - anxiety KW - sick leave KW - mental health-oriented work analysis Y1 - 2014 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1026/0932-4089/a000166 SN - 0932-4089 SN - 2190-6270 VL - 58 IS - 4 SP - 206 EP - 214 PB - Hogrefe CY - Göttingen ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Muschalla, Beate T1 - Work-anxiety-coping intervention improves work-coping perception while a recreational intervention leads to deterioration BT - results from a randomized controlled trial JF - European journal of work and organizational psychology : the official journal of The European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology N2 - Work-anxieties are costly and need early intervention. The perception of being able to cope with work is a basic requirement for work ability. This randomized controlled trial investigates whether a cognitive behavioural, work-anxiety-coping group (WAG) intervention leads to better work-coping perception than an unspecific recreational group (RG). Heterogeneous people in medical rehabilitation, who were due to return to work, were interviewed concerning their work-anxieties, and either randomly assigned to a WAG (n=85) or a RG (n=95). The participants (with an average of 50years old [range 23-64]; 51% women; 70% workers or employees, 25% academics, 5% unskilled) followed the group intervention for four or six sessions. The perceived work-coping was assessed by self-rating (Inventory for Job-Coping and Return Intention JoCoRi) after each group session. Although participants had a slight temporary decrease in work-coping after group session two (from M-1=2.47 to M-2=2.28, d(Cohen)=-.22), the WAG led to the improvement of perceived work-coping over the intervention course (from M-1=2.47 to M-6=2.65, d(Cohen)=.18). In contrast, participants from the RG reported lower work-coping after six group sessions (from M-1=2.26 to M-6=2.02, d(Cohen)=-.18). It is considered that people with work-anxieties need training in work-coping. By focusing on recreation only, this may lead to deterioration of work-coping. Indeed, intervention designers should be aware of temporary deterioration (side effects) when confronting participants with work-coping. KW - Work-anxiety KW - work-coping KW - return to work KW - intervention KW - mental health Y1 - 2017 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1080/1359432X.2017.1384378 SN - 1359-432X SN - 1464-0643 VL - 26 IS - 6 SP - 858 EP - 869 PB - Taylor & Francis CY - Abingdon ER -