TY - JOUR A1 - Zali, Zahra A1 - Ohrnberger, Matthias A1 - Scherbaum, Frank A1 - Cotton, Fabrice A1 - Eibl, Eva P. S. T1 - Volcanic tremor extraction and earthquake detection using music information retrieval algorithms JF - Seismological research letters N2 - Volcanic tremor signals are usually observed before or during volcanic eruptions and must be monitored to evaluate the volcanic activity. A challenge in studying seismic signals of volcanic origin is the coexistence of transient signal swarms and long-lasting volcanic tremor signals. Separating transient events from volcanic tremors can, therefore, contrib-ute to improving upon our understanding of the underlying physical processes. Exploiting the idea of harmonic-percussive separation in musical signal processing, we develop a method to extract the harmonic volcanic tremor signals and to detect tran-sient events from seismic recordings. Based on the similarity properties of spectrogram frames in the time-frequency domain, we decompose the signal into two separate spec-trograms representing repeating (harmonic) and nonrepeating (transient) patterns, which correspond to volcanic tremor signals and earthquake signals, respectively. We reconstruct the harmonic tremor signal in the time domain from the complex spectrogram of the repeating pattern by only considering the phase components for the frequency range in which the tremor amplitude spectrum is significantly contribut-ing to the energy of the signal. The reconstructed signal is, therefore, clean tremor signal without transient events. Furthermore, we derive a characteristic function suitable for the detection of tran-sient events (e.g., earthquakes) by integrating amplitudes of the nonrepeating spectro-gram over frequency at each time frame. Considering transient events like earthquakes, 78% of the events are detected for signal-to-noise ratio = 0.1 in our semisynthetic tests. In addition, we compared the number of detected earthquakes using our method for one month of continuous data recorded during the Holuhraun 2014-2015 eruption in Iceland with the bulletin presented in Agustsdottir et al. (2019). Our single station event detection algorithm identified 84% of the bulletin events. Moreover, we detected a total of 12,619 events, which is more than twice the number of the bulletin events. KW - algorithms KW - body waves KW - earthquakes KW - elastic waves KW - eruptions KW - geologic hazards KW - natural hazards KW - P-waves KW - S-waves KW - seismic waves KW - signal-to-noise ratio KW - swarms KW - volcanic earthquakes Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1785/0220210016 SN - 0895-0695 SN - 1938-2057 VL - 92 IS - 6 SP - 3668 EP - 3681 PB - Seismological Society of America CY - Boulder, Colo. ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Günther, Oliver A1 - Schüle, Manja A1 - Zurell, Damaris A1 - Jeltsch, Florian A1 - Roeleke, Manuel A1 - Kampe, Heike A1 - Zimmermann, Matthias A1 - Scholz, Jana A1 - Engbert, Ralf A1 - Elsner, Birgit A1 - Schlangen, David A1 - Agrofylax, Luisa A1 - Georgi, Doreen A1 - Weymar, Mathias A1 - Wagener, Thorsten A1 - Bookhagen, Bodo A1 - Eibl, Eva P. S. A1 - Korup, Oliver A1 - Oswald, Sascha A1 - Thieken, Annegret A1 - van der Beek, Pieter A. T1 - Portal Wissen = Exzellenz JF - Portal Wissen: Das Forschungsmagazin der Universität Potsdam N2 - Was nicht nur gut oder sehr gut ist, nennen wir gern exzellent. Aber was meint das eigentlich? Vom lateinischen „excellere“ kommend, beschreibt es Dinge, Personen oder Handlungen, die „hervor-“ oder „herausragen“ aus der Menge, sich „auszeichnen“ gegenüber anderen. Mehr geht nicht. Exzellenz ist das Mittel der Wahl, wenn es darum geht, der Erste oder Beste zu sein. Und das macht auch vor der Forschung nicht halt. Wer auf die Universität Potsdam schaut, findet zahlreiche ausgezeichnete Forschende, hervorragende Projekte und immer wieder auch aufsehenerregende Erkenntnisse, Veröffentlichungen und Ergebnisse. Aber ist die UP auch exzellent? Eine Frage, die 2023 ganz sicher andere Wellen schlägt als vielleicht vor 20 Jahren. Denn seit dem Start der Exzellenzinitiative 2005 gelten als – wörtlich – exzellent jene Hochschulen, denen es gelingt, in dem umfangreichsten Förderprogramm für Wissenschaft in Deutschland einen Zuschlag zu erhalten. Egal ob in Form von Graduiertenschulen, Forschungsclustern oder – seit Fortsetzung des Programms ab 2019 unter dem Titel „Exzellenzstrategie“ – ganzen Exzellenzuniversitäten: Wer im Kreis der Forschungsuniversitäten zu den Besten gehören will, braucht das Siegel der Exzellenz. In der gerade eingeläuteten neuen Wettbewerbsrunde der „Exzellenzstrategie des Bundes und der Länder“ bewirbt sich die Universität Potsdam mit drei Clusterskizzen um Förderung. Ein Antrag kommt aus der Ökologie- und Biodiversitätsforschung. Ziel ist es, ein komplexes Bild ökologischer Prozesse zu zeichnen – und dabei die Rolle von einzelnen Individuen ebenso zu betrachten wie das Zusammenwirken vieler Arten in einem Ökosystem, um die Funktion der Artenvielfalt genauer zu bestimmen. Eine zweite Skizze haben die Kognitionswissenschaften eingereicht. Hier soll das komplexe Nebeneinander von Sprache und Kognition, Entwicklung und Lernen sowie Motivation und Verhalten als dynamisches Miteinander erforscht werden – wobei auch mit den Erziehungswissenschaften kooperiert wird, um verknüpfte Lernund Bildungsprozesse stets mitzudenken. Der dritte Antrag aus den Geo- und Umweltwissenschaften nimmt extreme und besonders folgenschwere Naturgefahren und -prozesse wie Überschwemmungen und Dürren in den Blick. Die Forschenden untersuchen die Extremereignisse mit besonderem Fokus auf deren Wechselwirkung mit der Gesellschaft, um mit ihnen einhergehende Risiken und Schäden besser einschätzen sowie künftig rechtzeitig Maßnahmen einleiten zu können. „Alle drei Anträge zeichnen ein hervorragendes Bild unserer Leistungsfähigkeit“, betont der Präsident der Universität, Prof. Oliver Günther, Ph.D. „Die Skizzen dokumentieren eindrucksvoll unser Engagement, vorhandene Forschungsexzellenz sowie die Potenziale der Universität Potsdam insgesamt. Allein die Tatsache, dass sich drei schlagkräftige Konsortien in ganz unterschiedlichen Themenbereichen zusammengefunden haben, zeigt, dass wir auf unserem Weg in die Spitzengruppe der deutschen Universitäten einen guten Schritt vorangekommen sind.“ In diesem Heft schauen wir, was sich in und hinter diesen Anträgen verbirgt: Wir haben mit den Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern gesprochen, die sie geschrieben haben, und sie gefragt, was sie sich vornehmen, sollten sie den Zuschlag erhalten und ein Cluster an die Universität holen. Wir haben aber auch auf die Forschung geschaut, die zu den Anträgen geführt hat und die schon länger das Profil der Universität prägt und ihr national wie international Anerkennung eingebracht hat. Wir stellen eine kleine Auswahl an Projekten, Methoden und Forschenden vor, um zu zeigen, warum in diesen Anträgen tatsächlich exzellente Forschung steckt! Übrigens: Auch „Exzellenz“ ist nicht das Ende der Fahnenstange. Immerhin lässt sich das Adjektiv exzellent sogar steigern. In diesem Sinne wünschen wir exzellentestes Vergnügen beim Lesen! T3 - Portal Wissen: Das Forschungsmagazin der Universität Potsdam [Deutsche Ausgabe] - 02/2023 Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-611440 SN - 2194-4245 IS - 02/2023 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Günther, Oliver A1 - Schüle, Manja A1 - Zurell, Damaris A1 - Jeltsch, Florian A1 - Roeleke, Manuel A1 - Kampe, Heike A1 - Zimmermann, Matthias A1 - Scholz, Jana A1 - Mikulla, Stefanie A1 - Engbert, Ralf A1 - Elsner, Birgit A1 - Schlangen, David A1 - Agrofylax, Luisa A1 - Georgi, Doreen A1 - Weymar, Mathias A1 - Wagener, Thorsten A1 - Bookhagen, Bodo A1 - Eibl, Eva P. S. A1 - Korup, Oliver A1 - Oswald, Sascha A1 - Thieken, Annegret A1 - van der Beek, Pieter A. T1 - Portal Wissen = Excellence JF - Portal Wissen: The research magazine of the University of Potsdam N2 - When something is not just good or very good, we often call it excellent. But what does that really mean? Coming from the Latin word “excellere,” it describes things, persons, or actions that are outstanding or superior and distinguish themselves from others. It cannot get any better. Excellence is the top choice for being the first or the best. Research is no exception. At the university, you will find numerous exceptional researchers, outstanding projects, and, time and again, sensational findings, publications, and results. But is the University of Potsdam also excellent? A question that will certainly create a different stir in 2023 than it did perhaps 20 years ago. Since the launch of the Excellence Initiative in 2005, universities that succeed in winning the most comprehensive funding program for research in Germany have been considered – literally – excellent. Whether in the form of graduate schools, research clusters, or – since the program was continued in 2019 under the title “Excellence Strategy” – entire universities of excellence: Anyone who wants to be among the best research universities needs the seal of excellence. The University of Potsdam is applying for funding with three cluster proposals in the recently launched new round of the “Excellence Strategy of the German Federal and State Governments.” One proposal comes from ecology and biodiversity research. The aim is to paint a comprehensive picture of ecological processes by examining the role of single individuals as well as the interactions among many species in an ecosystem to precisely determine the function of biodiversity. A second proposal has been submitted by the cognitive sciences. Here, the complex coexistence of language and cognition, development and learning, as well as motivation and behavior will be researched as a dynamic interrelation. The projects will include cooperation with the educational sciences to constantly consider linked learning and educational processes. The third proposal from the geo and environmental sciences concentrates on extreme and particularly devastating natural hazards and processes such as floods and droughts. The researchers examine these extreme events, focusing on their interaction with society, to be able to better assess the risks and damages they might involve and to initiate timely measures in the future. “All three proposals highlight the excellence of our performance,” emphasizes University President Prof. Oliver Günther, Ph.D. “The outlines impressively document our commitment, existing research excellence, and the potential of the University of Potsdam as a whole. The fact that three powerful consortia have come together in different subject areas shows that we have taken a good step forward on our way to becoming one of the top German universities.” In this issue, we are looking at what is in and behind these proposals: We talked to the researchers who wrote them. We asked them about their plans in case their proposals are successful and they bring a cluster of excellence to the university. But we also looked at the research that has led to the proposals, has long shaped the university’s profile, and earned it national and international recognition. We present a small selection of projects, methods, and researchers to illustrate why there really is excellent research in these proposals! By the way, “excellence” is also not the end of the flagpole. After all, the adjective “excellent” even has a comparative and a superlative. With this in mind, I wish you the most excellent pleasure reading this issue! T3 - Portal Wissen: The research magazine of the University of Potsdam [Englische Ausgabe] - 02/2023 Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-611456 SN - 2198-9974 IS - 02/2023 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Izgi, Gizem A1 - Eibl, Eva P. S. A1 - Donner, Stefanie A1 - Bernauer, Felix T1 - Performance Test of the Rotational Sensor blueSeis-3A in a Huddle Test in Fürstenfeldbruck T2 - Postprints der Universität Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe N2 - Rotational motions play a key role in measuring seismic wavefield properties. Using newly developed portable rotational instruments, it is now possible to directly measure rotational motions in a broad frequency range. Here, we investigated the instrumental self-noise and data quality in a huddle test in Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany, in August 2019. We compare the data from six rotational and three translational sensors. We studied the recorded signals using correlation, coherence analysis, and probabilistic power spectral densities. We sorted the coherent noise into five groups with respect to the similarities in frequency content and shape of the signals. These coherent noises were most likely caused by electrical devices, the dehumidifier system in the building, humans, and natural sources such as wind. We calculated self-noise levels through probabilistic power spectral densities and by applying the Sleeman method, a three-sensor method. Our results from both methods indicate that self-noise levels are stable between 0.5 and 40 Hz. Furthermore, we recorded the 29 August 2019 ML 3.4 Dettingen earthquake. The calculated source directions are found to be realistic for all sensors in comparison to the real back azimuth. We conclude that the five tested blueSeis-3A rotational sensors, when compared with respect to coherent noise, self-noise, and source direction, provide reliable and consistent results. Hence, field experiments with single rotational sensors can be undertaken. T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe - 1150 KW - rotational seismology KW - huddle test KW - coherency KW - source direction KW - coherent noise KW - blueSeis-3A sensors Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-518556 SN - 1866-8372 IS - 1150 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Izgi, Gizem A1 - Eibl, Eva P. S. A1 - Donner, Stefanie A1 - Bernauer, Felix T1 - Performance test of the rotational sensor blueSeis-3A in a huddle test in Fürstenfeldbruck JF - Sensors N2 - Rotational motions play a key role in measuring seismic wavefield properties. Using newly developed portable rotational instruments, it is now possible to directly measure rotational motions in a broad frequency range. Here, we investigated the instrumental self-noise and data quality in a huddle test in Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany, in August 2019. We compare the data from six rotational and three translational sensors. We studied the recorded signals using correlation, coherence analysis, and probabilistic power spectral densities. We sorted the coherent noise into five groups with respect to the similarities in frequency content and shape of the signals. These coherent noises were most likely caused by electrical devices, the dehumidifier system in the building, humans, and natural sources such as wind. We calculated self-noise levels through probabilistic power spectral densities and by applying the Sleeman method, a three-sensor method. Our results from both methods indicate that self-noise levels are stable between 0.5 and 40 Hz. Furthermore, we recorded the 29 August 2019 ML 3.4 Dettingen earthquake. The calculated source directions are found to be realistic for all sensors in comparison to the real back azimuth. We conclude that the five tested blueSeis-3A rotational sensors, when compared with respect to coherent noise, self-noise, and source direction, provide reliable and consistent results. Hence, field experiments with single rotational sensors can be undertaken. KW - rotational seismology KW - huddle test KW - coherency KW - source direction KW - coherent noise KW - blueSeis-3A sensors Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3390/s21093170 SN - 1424-8220 VL - 21 IS - 9 PB - MDPI CY - Basel ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Eibl, Eva P. S. A1 - Rosskopf, Martina A1 - Sciotto, Mariangela A1 - Currenti, Gilda A1 - Di Grazia, Giuseppe A1 - Jousset, Philippe A1 - Krüger, Frank A1 - Weber, Michael T1 - Performance of a rotational sensor to decipher volcano seismic signals on Etna, Italy JF - Journal of geophysical research : Solid earth N2 - Volcano-seismic signals such as long-period events and tremor are important indicators for volcanic activity and unrest. However, their wavefield is complex and characterization and location using traditional seismological instrumentation is often difficult. In 2019 we recorded the full seismic wavefield using a newly developed 3C rotational sensor co-located with a 3C traditional seismometer on Etna, Italy. We compare the performance of the rotational sensor, the seismometer and the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia-Osservatorio Etneo (INGV-OE) seismic network with respect to the analysis of complex volcano-seismic signals. We create event catalogs for volcano-tectonic (VT) and long-period (LP) events combining a STA/LTA algorithm and cross-correlations. The event detection based on the rotational sensor is as reliable as the seismometer-based detection. The LP events are dominated by SH-type waves. Derived SH phase velocities range from 500 to 1,000 m/s for LP events and 300-400 m/s for volcanic tremor. SH-waves compose the tremor during weak volcanic activity and SH- and SV-waves during sustained strombolian activity. We derive back azimuths using (a) horizontal rotational components and (b) vertical rotation rate and transverse acceleration. The estimated back azimuths are consistent with the INGV-OE event location for (a) VT events with an epicentral distance larger than 3 km and some closer events, (b) LP events and tremor in the main crater area. Measuring the full wavefield we can reliably analyze the back azimuths, phase velocities and wavefield composition for VT, LP events and tremor in regions that are difficult to access such as volcanoes. KW - Etna KW - LP KW - monitoring KW - rotational sensor KW - VLP KW - volcanoseismology KW - VT events and tremor Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JB023617 SN - 0148-0227 SN - 2169-9356 VL - 127 IS - 6 PB - Wiley CY - Hoboken, NJ ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Eibl, Eva P. S. A1 - Müller, Daniel A1 - Walter, Thomas R. A1 - Allahbakhshi, Masoud A1 - Jousset, Philippe A1 - Hersir, Gylfi Páll A1 - Dahm, Torsten T1 - Eruptive cycle and bubble trap of Strokkur Geyser, Iceland JF - Journal of geophysical research : JGR. B: Solid earth N2 - The eruption frequency of geysers can be studied easily on the surface. However, details of the internal structure including possible water and gas filled chambers feeding eruptions and the driving mechanisms often remain elusive. We used a multidisciplinary network of seismometers, video cameras, water pressure sensors and one tiltmeter to study the eruptive cycle, internal structure, and mechanisms driving the eruptive cycle of Strokkur geyser in June 2018. An eruptive cycle at Strokkur always consists of four phases: (1) Eruption, (2) post-eruptive conduit refilling, (3) gas filling of the bubble trap, and (4) regular bubble collapse at shallow depth in the conduit. For a typical single eruption 19 +/- 4 bubble collapses occur in Phase 3 and 8 +/- 2 collapses in Phase 4 at a mean spacing of 1.52 +/- 0.29 and 24.5 +/- 5.9 s, respectively. These collapses release latent heat to the fluid in the bubble trap (Phase 3) and later to the fluid in the conduit (Phase 4). The latter eventually reaches thermodynamic conditions for an eruption. Single to sextuple eruptions have similar spacings between bubble collapses and are likely fed from the same bubble trap at 23.7 +/- 4.4 m depth, 13-23 m west of the conduit. However, the duration of the eruption and recharging phase linearly increases likely due to a larger water, gas and heat loss from the system. Our tremor data provides documented evidence for a bubble trap beneath a pool geyser. KW - bubble trap KW - eruptive cycle KW - geyser KW - hydrothermal systems KW - source KW - location KW - tremor Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JB020769 SN - 2169-9313 SN - 2169-9356 VL - 126 IS - 4 PB - Wiley CY - Hoboken, NJ ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Eibl, Eva P. S. A1 - Hainzl, Sebastian A1 - Vesely, Nele I. K. A1 - Walter, Thomas R. A1 - Jousset, Philippe A1 - Hersir, Gylfi Pall A1 - Dahm, Torsten T1 - Eruption interval monitoring at strokkur Geyser, Iceland JF - Geophysical research letters N2 - Geysers are hot springs whose frequency of water eruptions remain poorly understood. We set up a local broadband seismic network for 1 year at Strokkur geyser, Iceland, and developed an unprecedented catalog of 73,466 eruptions. We detected 50,135 single eruptions but find that the geyser is also characterized by sets of up to six eruptions in quick succession. The number of single to sextuple eruptions exponentially decreased, while the mean waiting time after an eruption linearly increased (3.7 to 16.4 min). While secondary eruptions within double to sextuple eruptions have a smaller mean seismic amplitude, the amplitude of the first eruption is comparable for all eruption types. We statistically model the eruption frequency assuming discharges proportional to the eruption multiplicity and a constant probability for subsequent events within a multituple eruption. The waiting time after an eruption is predictable but not the type or amplitude of the next one.
Plain Language Summary Geysers are springs that often erupt in hot water fountains. They erupt more often than volcanoes but are quite similar. Nevertheless, it is poorly understood how often volcanoes and also geysers erupt. We created a list of 73,466 eruption times of Strokkur geyser, Iceland, from 1 year of seismic data. The geyser erupted one to six times in quick succession. We found 50,135 single eruptions but only 1 sextuple eruption, while the mean waiting time increased from 3.7 min after single eruptions to 16.4 min after sextuple eruptions. Mean amplitudes of each eruption type were higher for single eruptions, but all first eruptions in a succession were similar in height. Assuming a constant heat inflow at depth, we can predict the waiting time after an eruption but not the type or amplitude of the next one. Y1 - 2019 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GL085266 SN - 0094-8276 SN - 1944-8007 VL - 47 IS - 1 PB - American Geophysical Union CY - Washington ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sudibyo, Maria R. P. A1 - Eibl, Eva P. S. A1 - Hainzl, Sebastian A1 - Hersir, Gylfi Páll T1 - Eruption Forecasting of Strokkur Geyser, Iceland, Using Permutation Entropy JF - Journal of geophysical research : Solid earth N2 - A volcanic eruption is usually preceded by seismic precursors, but their interpretation and use for forecasting the eruption onset time remain a challenge. A part of the eruptive processes in open conduits of volcanoes may be similar to those encountered in geysers. Since geysers erupt more often, they are useful sites for testing new forecasting methods. We tested the application of Permutation Entropy (PE) as a robust method to assess the complexity in seismic recordings of the Strokkur geyser, Iceland. Strokkur features several minute-long eruptive cycles, enabling us to verify in 63 recorded cycles whether PE behaves consistently from one eruption to the next one. We performed synthetic tests to understand the effect of different parameter settings in the PE calculation. Our application to Strokkur shows a distinct, repeating PE pattern consistent with previously identified phases in the eruptive cycle. We find a systematic increase in PE within the last 15 s before the eruption, indicating that an eruption will occur. We quantified the predictive power of PE, showing that PE performs better than seismic signal strength or quiescence when it comes to forecasting eruptions. KW - permutation entropy KW - forecasting KW - geyser KW - eruption KW - hydrothermal system; KW - volcano-seismology Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JB024840 SN - 2169-9313 SN - 2169-9356 VL - 127 IS - 10 PB - American Geophysical Union CY - Washington ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Greenfield, Tim A1 - Winder, Tom A1 - Rawlinson, Nicholas A1 - Maclennan, John A1 - White, Robert S. A1 - Ágústsdóttir, Thorbjörg A1 - Bacon, Conor Andrew A1 - Brandsdóttir, Bryndis A1 - Eibl, Eva P. S. A1 - Glastonbury-Southern, Esme A1 - Gudnason, Egill Árni A1 - Hersir, Gylfi Páll A1 - Horálek, Josef T1 - Deep long period seismicity preceding and during the 2021 Fagradalsfjall eruption, Iceland JF - Bulletin of volcanology : official journal of the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI) N2 - We use a dense seismic network on the Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland, to image a group of earthquakes at 10-12 km depth, 2 km north-east of 2021 Fagradalsfjall eruption site. These deep earthquakes have a lower frequency content compared to earthquakes located in the upper, brittle crust and are similar to deep long period (DLP) seismicity observed at other volcanoes in Iceland and around the world. We observed several swarms of DLP earthquakes between the start of the study period (June 2020) and the initiation of the 3-week-long dyke intrusion that preceded the eruption in March 2021. During the eruption, DLP earthquake swarms returned 1 km SW of their original location during periods when the discharge rate or fountaining style of the eruption changed. The DLP seismicity is therefore likely to be linked to the magma plumbing system beneath Fagradalsfjall. However, the DLP seismicity occurred similar to 5 km shallower than where petrological modelling places the near-Moho magma storage region in which the Fagradalsfjall lava was stored. We suggest that the DLP seismicity was triggered by the exsolution of CO2-rich fluids or the movement of magma at a barrier to the transport of melt in the lower crust. Increased flux through the magma plumbing system during the eruption likely adds to the complexity of the melt migration process, thus causing further DLP seismicity, despite a contemporaneous magma channel to the surface. KW - deep long-period earthquakes KW - magma plumbing system KW - Iceland KW - Reykjanes KW - low-frequency KW - Fagradalsfjall Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s00445-022-01603-2 SN - 0258-8900 SN - 1432-0819 VL - 84 IS - 12 PB - Springer CY - Berlin ; Heidelberg ; New York ER -