TY - THES A1 - Patyniak, Magda T1 - Seismotectonic segmentation, paleoearthquakes and style of deformation along the Northern Pamir thrust system, South Kyrgyzstan T1 - Seismotektonische Segmentierung, Paläoerdbeben und Art der Deformation entlang des nördlichen Pamir-Überschiebungssystems, Südkirgisistan N2 - The Pamir Frontal Thrust (PFT) located in the Trans Alai range in Central Asia is the principal active fault of the intracontinental India-Eurasia convergence zone and constitutes the northernmost boundary of the Pamir orogen at the NW edge of this collision zone. Frequent seismic activity and ongoing crustal shortening reflect the northward propagation of the Pamir into the intermontane Alai Valley. Quaternary deposits are being deformed and uplifted by the advancing thrust front of the Trans Alai range. The Alai Valley separates the Pamir range front from the Tien Shan mountains in the north; the Alai Valley is the vestige of a formerly contiguous basin that linked the Tadjik Depression in the west with the Tarim Basin in the east. GNSS measurements across the Central Pamir document a shortening rate of ~25 mm/yr, with a dramatic decrease of ~10-15 mm over a short distance across the northernmost Trans Alai range. This suggests that almost half of the shortening in the greater Pamir – Tien Shan collision zone is absorbed along the PFT. The short-term (geodetic) and long-term (geologic) shortening rates across the northern Pamir appear to be at odds with an apparent slip-rate discrepancy along the frontal fault system of the Pamir. Moreover, the present-day seismicity and historical records have not revealed great Mw > 7 earthquakes that might be expected with such a significant slip accommodation. In contrast, recent and historic earthquakes exhibit complex rupture patterns within and across seismotectonic segments bounding the Pamir mountain front, challenging our understanding of fault interaction and the seismogenic potential of this area, and leaving the relationships between seismicity and the geometry of the thrust front not well understood. In this dissertation I employ different approaches to assess the seismogenic behavior along the PFT. Firstly, I provide paleoseismic data from five trenches across the central PFT segment (cPFT) and compute a segment-wide earthquake chronology over the past 16 kyr. This novel dataset provides important insights into the recurrence, magnitude, and rupture extent of past earthquakes along the cPFT. I interpret five, possibly six paleoearthquakes that have ruptured the Pamir mountain front since ∼7 ka and 16 ka, respectively. My results indicate that at least three major earthquakes ruptured the full-segment length and possibly crossed segment boundaries with a recurrence interval of ∼1.9 kyr and potential magnitudes of up to Mw 7.4. Importantly, I did not find evidence for great (i.e., Mw ≥8) earthquakes. Secondly, I combine my paleoseimic results with morphometric analyses to establish a segment-wide distribution of the cumulative vertical separation along offset fluvial terraces and I model a long-term slip rate for the cPFT. My investigations reveal discrepancies between the extents of slip and rupture during apparent partial segment ruptures in the western half of the cPFT. Combined with significantly higher fault scarp offsets in this sector of the cPFT, the observations indicate a more mature fault section with a potential for future fault linkage. I estimate an average rate of horizontal motion for the cPFT of 4.1 ± 1.5 mm/yr during the past ∼5 kyr, which does not fully match the GNSS-derived present-day shortening rate of ∼10 mm/yr. This suggests a complex distribution of strain accumulation and potential slip partitioning between the cPFT and additional faults and folds within the Pamir that may be associated with a partially locked regional décollement. The third part of the thesis provides new insights regarding the surface rupture of the 2008 Mw 6.6 Nura earthquake that ruptured along the eastern PFT sector. I explore this rupture in the context of its structural complexity by combining extensive field observations with high-resolution digital surface models. I provide a map of the rupture extent, net slip measurements, and updated regional geological observations. Based on this data I propose a tectonic model in this area associated with secondary flexural-slip faulting along steeply dipping bedding of folded Paleogene sedimentary strata that is related to deformation along a deeper blind thrust. Here, the strain release seems to be transferred from the PFT towards older inherited basement structures within the area of advanced Pamir-Tien Shan collision zone. The extensive research of my dissertation results in a paleoseismic database of the past 16 ~kyr, which contributes to the understanding of the seismogenic behavior of the PFT, but also to that of segmented thrust-fault systems in active collisional settings. My observations underscore the importance of combining different methodological approaches in the geosciences, especially in structurally complex tectonic settings like the northern Pamir. Discrepancy between GNSS-derived present-day deformation rates and those from different geological archives in the central part, as well as the widespread distribution of the deformation due to earthquake triggered strain transfer in the eastern part reveals the complexity of this collision zone and calls for future studies involving multi-temporal and interdisciplinary approaches. N2 - Die Pamir-Frontüberschiebung (PFT) des Trans-Alai-Gebirges in Zentralasien ist die wichtigste aktive Verwerfung der intrakontinentalen indisch-eurasischen Konvergenzzone und bildet die nördlichste Grenze des Pamir-Orogens am NW-Rand dieser Kollisionszone. Die intensive Seismizität und die fortschreitende Krustenverkürzung spiegeln die nach Norden gerichtete Verlagerung des Pamir in das intermontane Alai-Tal wider. Quartäre Ablagerungen werden durch die vorstoßende Überschiebungsfront des Trans-Alai-Gebirges sukzessive deformiert und angehoben. Das Alai-Tal trennt das Pamir-Gebirge vom Südrand des Tien Shan-Gebirges und verkörpert die Überreste eines ehemals zusammenhängenden Beckens, welches früher die Tadjik-Senke im Westen mit dem Tarim-Becken im Osten verband. GNSS-Messungen südlich der PFT im Bereich des Zentralpamirs dokumentieren eine Verkürzungsrate von 25 mm/Jahr, welche über eine kurze Strecke zur nördlichen Front des Trans-Alai-Gebirges hin drastisch um 10-15 mm abnimmt. Dies lässt darauf schließen, dass fast die Hälfte der Einengung entlang der PFT absorbiert wird, welche sich in der Kollisionszone zwischen dem Pamir und dem Tien Shan befindet. Eine offensichtliche Abweichung zwischen den kurzfristigen (geodätischen) und langfristigen (geologischen) Verkürzungsraten im nördlichen Pamir weist auf eine Diskrepanz in den Versatzraten entlang des nördlichen frontalen Verwerfungssystems hin. Darüber hinaus weisen weder die heutige Seismizität noch die historischen Aufzeichnungen auf große Erdbeben der Stärke Mw > 7 hin, wie sie bei einer solch signifikanten Verschiebung zu erwarten wären. Stattdessen zeigen rezente und historische Erdbeben komplexe Bruchmuster innerhalb und quer zu seismotektonisch definierten Segmenten, die die Pamir-Gebirgsfront begrenzen, was unser Verständnis der Verwerfungsinteraktion und des seismogenen Potenzials dieses Gebiets herausfordert. Die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Seismizität und der Geometrie der Überschiebungsfront sind somit nicht gut verstanden. In dieser Dissertation verwende ich verschiedene Verfahren, um das seismogene Verhalten entlang der PFT zu bestimmen. Dazu werden zunächst paläoseismische Daten aus fünf Schürfgräben entlang des zentralen Segmentes der PFT (cPFT) erhoben und eine segmentweite Erdbebenchronologie zusammengestellt. Dieser neue Datensatz liefert wichtige Erkenntnisse über die Häufigkeit, die Stärke und das Bruchausmaß vergangener Erdbeben entlang der cPFT. Darauf basierend wurden fünf bzw. sechs Paläoerdbeben interpretiert, die sich entlang der nördlichen Pamir-Gebirgsfront in den letzten ∼7 ka bzw. ~16 ka ereigneten. Meine Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass davon mindestens drei große Erdbeben die gesamte Länge des zentralen Segments durchbrochen haben und der Bruch möglicherweise sogar die Segmentgrenzen überschritten hat, mit einem Wiederholungsintervall von ∼1,9 kyr und potenziellen Magnituden von bis zu Mw 7,4. Entscheidend an dieser Stelle ist, dass ich keine Hinweise auf sehr große (d.h. Mw ≥ 8) Erdbeben gefunden habe. Meine paläoseismischen Ergebnisse werden anschließend mit morphometrischen Analysen entlang des zentralen PFT-Segmentes verknüpft, um eine segmentweite Verteilung der kumulativ versetzten Geländestufe entlang fluvialer Terrassen zu ermitteln. Aus dieser Verteilung wird eine langzeitliche Versatzrate für die cPFT modelliert. In der westlichen Hälfte der cPFT zeigen meine Untersuchungen deutliche Unstimmigkeiten zwischen dem Versatz und der Ausdehnung des Oberflächenbruchs auf. In Anbetracht der deutlich höheren Geländestufen im westlichen Bereich deuten die Beobachtungen auf einen reiferen Verwerfungsabschnitt hin. Somit besteht Potenzial für zukünftige Verbindung der Segmente und potenziell stärke Erdbeben. Mit meinen Daten konnte ich eine mittlere horizontale Bewegungsrate von 4,1 ± 1,5 mm/Jahr während der letzten ∼5 kyr für die cPFT ermitteln, welche nicht vollständig mit der von GNSS abgeleiteten heutigen Verkürzungsrate von ∼10 mm/Jahr übereinstimmt. Dies deutet auf eine komplexe Verteilung des Spannungsaufbaus und eine potenzielle Aufteilung dieser Spannungen zwischen der cPFT und den übrigen Verwerfungen und Falten innerhalb des Pamirs hin, welche möglicherweise mit einem teilweise blockierten regionalen Décollement einhergehen. Der letzte Teil der Arbeit liefert neue Erkenntnisse über den Oberflächenbruch des Nura-Erdbebens der Stärke 6,6 (Mw) aus dem Jahr 2008, das sich entlang der östlichen PFT ereignete. Ich untersuche diesen Bruch im Hinblick auf seine strukturelle Komplexität, indem ich umfangreiche Feldbeobachtungen mit hochauflösenden digitalen Oberflächenmodellen verknüpfe. Ich erstelle eine Karte der Bruchausdehnung, des gemessenen Gesamtversatzes und aktualisiere regionale geologische Beobachtungen. Auf der Grundlage dieser Daten entwickle ich für dieses Gebiet Szenarien für ein tektonisches Modell, das mit Biegegleitfalten in mesozoischen und känozoischen Sedimentschichten im Zusammenhang steht. Ich zeige, dass diese Formen mit älteren, kumulativ versetzten seismogenen Strukturen übereinzustimmen scheinen und auf eine wiederkehrende, langfristige Deformationsgeschichte entlang dieses Sektors der nördlichen Pamir-Gebirgsfront hinweisen. Die umfangreichen Forschungsarbeiten meiner Dissertation resultieren in einer paleoseismischen Datenbasis der letzten ~16,000 Jahre, welche zum Verständnis des seismogenen Verhaltens der PFT, aber auch zu dem von segmentierten Überschiebungssystemen in aktiven Kollisionsgebieten beitragen. Meine Beobachtungen unterstreichen, wie wichtig die Kombination verschiedener methodischer Ansätze in den Geowissenschaften ist, insbesondere in strukturell komplexen tektonischen Gebieten wie dem nördlichen Pamir. Die Diskrepanz zwischen den von GNSS abgeleiteten heutigen Deformationsraten und denen aus verschiedenen geologischen Archiven im zentralen Teil, und die weite Verbreitung der Deformation durch erdbebenbedingten Dehnungstransfer im östlichen Teil offenbart die Komplexität dieser Kollisionszone und erfordert künftige Studien mit multitemporalen und interdisziplinären Ansätzen. KW - paleoseismology KW - Paleoseismologie KW - Neotektonik KW - Strukturgeologie KW - quartäre Geochronologie KW - Zentral Asien Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-577141 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Singh, Manudeo A1 - Sinha, Rajiv A1 - Mishra, Arjit A1 - Babu, Suresh T1 - Wetlandscape (dis)connectivity and fragmentation in a large wetland (Haiderpur) in west Ganga plains, India JF - Earth surface processes and landforms : the journal of the British Geomorphological Research Group N2 - Wetlands are dynamic ecosystems that require continuous monitoring and assessment of degradation status to design strategies for their sustainable management. While hydrology provides the primary functional control for the wetland ecosystem, the loss of landscape connectivity influences wetland degradation in a major way as it leads to fragmentation. This article aims to integrate hydrogeomorphic and ecological concepts for the assessment of degradation status and its causal factors for a large wetland in the western Ganga plains, India, the Haiderpur, using a wetlandscape approach. We have used a remote-sensing-based approach, which offers a powerful tool for assessing and linking cross-scale structures, functions, and controls in a wetlandscape. The Haiderpur, a Ramsar site since December 2021, is an artificial wetland located on the right bank of the Ganga River wherein the inflows are controlled by a barrage constructed on the Ganga River apart from smaller tributaries flowing in from the north. A novel aspect of this work is the integration of river dynamics and its connectivity to the wetlandscape to understand the spatiotemporal variability in the waterspread area in the wetland. In this work, we have developed an integrated wetlandscape assessment approach by evaluating wetland's geomorphic and hydrological connectivity status for the period 1993-2019 (25 years) across three different spatial scales - regional, catchment, and wetland. We have highlighted the ecological implications of connectivity and patch dynamics for developing sustainable wetland management plans. KW - floodplain wetlands KW - Ganga River KW - geomorphic connectivity KW - wetland KW - degradation KW - wetland hydrology Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.5352 SN - 0197-9337 SN - 1096-9837 VL - 47 IS - 7 SP - 1872 EP - 1887 PB - Wiley CY - New York, NY [u.a.] ER - TY - BOOK ED - Falk, Gregor C. ED - Strecker, Manfred ED - Schneider, Simon T1 - Alexander von Humboldt BT - multiperspective approaches N2 - This book aims to view and to understand Alexander von Humboldt from different perspectives and in varying disciplinary contexts. His contributions addressed numerous topics in the earth but also life sciences—spanning from geo-botany, climatology, paleontology, oceanography, mineralogy, resources, and hydrogeology to links between the environmental impact of humans, erosion, and climate change. From the very beginning, he paved the way for a modern, integrated earth system science approach to decipher, characterize, and model the different forcing factors and their feedback mechanisms. It becomes obvious that Humboldt’s holistic approach is far beyond simple description and empiric data collection. As documented and analyzed in the different texts of this volume, he combines observation and analysis with emotions and subjective perceptions in a very affectionate way. However, this publication does not intend to add another encyclopedic text compilation but to observe and critically analyze this unique personality´s relevance in a modern context, particularly in discussing environmental and social key issues in the twenty-first century. KW - Alexander von Humboldt KW - multiperspective reception of AvH KW - biogeography KW - environmentalism KW - interdisciplinarity KW - earth system sciences KW - mining sciences KW - andean geology KW - intercultural understanding KW - expedition KW - Orinoco River system KW - historical geography Y1 - 2022 SN - 978-3-030-94007-2 SN - 978-3-030-94008-9 SN - 978-3-030-94010-2 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-94008-9 PB - Springer CY - Cham ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Procyk, Roman A1 - Lovejoy, Shaun A1 - Hébert, Raphaёl T1 - The fractional energy balance equation for climate projections through 2100 JF - Earth system dynamics / European Geosciences Union N2 - We produce climate projections through the 21st century using the fractional energy balance equation (FEBE): a generalization of the standard energy balance equation (EBE). The FEBE can be derived from Budyko-Sellers models or phenomenologically through the application of the scaling symmetry to energy storage processes, easily implemented by changing the integer order of the storage (derivative) term in the EBE to a fractional value. The FEBE is defined by three parameters: a fundamental shape parameter, a timescale and an amplitude, corresponding to, respectively, the scaling exponent h, the relaxation time tau and the equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS). Two additional parameters were needed for the forcing: an aerosol recalibration factor alpha to account for the large aerosol uncertainty and a volcanic intermittency correction exponent upsilon. A Bayesian framework based on historical temperatures and natural and anthropogenic forcing series was used for parameter estimation. Significantly, the error model was not ad hoc but rather predicted by the model itself: the internal variability response to white noise internal forcing. The 90 % credible interval (CI) of the exponent and relaxation time were h = [0.33, 0.44] (median = 0.38) and tau = [2.4, 7.0] (median = 4.7) years compared to the usual EBE h = 1, and literature values of tau typically in the range 2-8 years. Aerosol forcings were too strong, requiring a decrease by an average factor alpha = [0.2, 1.0] (median = 0.6); the volcanic intermittency correction exponent was upsilon = [0.15, 0.41] (median = 0.28) compared to standard values alpha = upsilon = 1. The overpowered aerosols support a revision of the global modern (2005) aerosol forcing 90 % CI to a narrower range [ -1.0, -0.2] W m(-2). The key parameter ECS in comparison to IPCC AR5 (and to the CMIP6 MME), the 90 % CI range is reduced from [1.5, 4.5] K ([2.0, 5.5] K) to [1.6, 2.4] K ([1.5, 2.2] K), with median value lowered from 3.0 K (3.7 K) to 2.0 K (1.8 K) Similarly we found for the transient climate response (TCR), the 90 % CI range shrinks from [1.0, 2.5] K ([1.2, 2.8] K) to [1.2, 1.8] K ([1.1, 1.6] K) and the median estimate decreases from 1.8 K (2.0 K) to 1.5 K (1.4 K). As often seen in other observational-based studies, the FEBE values for climate sensitivities are therefore somewhat lower but still consistent with those in IPCC AR5 and the CMIP6 MME.
Using these parameters, we made projections to 2100 using both the Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) and Shared Socioeconomic Pathway (SSP) scenarios, and compared them to the corresponding CMIP5 and CMIP6 multi-model ensembles (MMEs). The FEBE historical reconstructions (1880-2020) closely follow observations, notably during the 1998-2014 slowdown ("hiatus"). We also reproduce the internal variability with the FEBE and statistically validate this against centennial-scale temperature observations. Overall, the FEBE projections were 10 %-15 % lower but due to their smaller uncertainties, their 90 % CIs lie completely within the GCM 90 % CIs. This agreement means that the FEBE validates the MME, and vice versa. Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.5194/esd-13-81-2022 SN - 2190-4979 SN - 2190-4987 VL - 13 IS - 1 SP - 81 EP - 107 PB - Copernicus CY - Göttingen ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rasigraf, Olivia A1 - Wagner, Dirk T1 - Landslides BT - an emerging model for ecosystem and soil chronosequence research JF - Earth science reviews : the international geological journal bridging the gap between research articles and textbooks N2 - Erosion by landslides is a common phenomenon in mountain regions around the globe, affecting all climatic zones. Landslides facilitate bedrock weathering, pedogenesis and ecological succession, being key drivers of biodiversity. Landslide chronosequences have long been used for studies of vegetation succession in initial ecosystems, but they further offer ideal model systems for studies of soil development and microbial community succession. In this review we synthesize the state of knowledge on the role of landslides in ecosystems, their influence on element cycles and interactions with biota. Further, we discuss feedback mechanisms between global warming, landslide activity and greenhouse gas emissions. In the view of increasing anthropogenic influence and climate change, soils are becoming a critical resource. Due to their ubiquity, landslide chronosequences have the potential to provide critical insights into soil development under different climates and thereby contribute to future soil restoration efforts. KW - Landslides KW - Greenhouse gas emissions KW - Landslide chronosequences KW - Soil KW - microbial community KW - Erosion KW - Biodiversity KW - Microbial processes KW - Climate KW - change Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2022.104064 SN - 0012-8252 SN - 1872-6828 VL - 231 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bartholomäus, Alexander A1 - Lipus, Daniel A1 - Mitzscherling, Julia A1 - MacLean, Joana A1 - Wagner, Dirk T1 - Draft Genome Sequence of Nocardioides alcanivorans NGK65(T), a Hexadecane-Degrading Bacterium JF - Microbiology Resource Announcements N2 - The Gram-positive bacterium Nocardioides alcanivorans NGK65(T) was isolated from plastic-polluted soil and cultivated on medium with polyethylene as the single carbon source. Nanopore sequencing revealed the presence of candidate enzymes for the biodegradation of polyethylene. Here, we report the draft genome of this newly described member of the terrestrial plastisphere. Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1128/mra.01213-21 SN - 2576-098X VL - 11 IS - 8 PB - American Society for Microbiology CY - Washington ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Monhonval, Arthur A1 - Strauss, Jens A1 - Thomas, Maxime A1 - Hirst, Catherine A1 - Titeux, Hugues A1 - Louis, Justin A1 - Gilliot, Alexia A1 - D'Aische, Eleonore du Bois A1 - Pereira, Benoit A1 - Vandeuren, Aubry A1 - Grosse, Guido A1 - Schirrmeister, Lutz A1 - Jongejans, Loeka Laura A1 - Ulrich, Mathias A1 - Opfergelt, Sophie T1 - Thermokarst processes increase the supply of stabilizing surfaces and elements (Fe, Mn, Al, and Ca) for mineral-organic carbon interactions JF - Permafrost and periglacial processes N2 - The stabilizing properties of mineral-organic carbon (OC) interactions have been studied in many soil environments (temperate soils, podzol lateritic soils, and paddy soils). Recently, interest in their role in permafrost regions is increasing as permafrost was identified as a hotspot of change. In thawing ice-rich permafrost regions, such as the Yedoma domain, 327-466 Gt of frozen OC is buried in deep sediments. Interactions between minerals and OC are important because OC is located very near the mineral matrix. Mineral surfaces and elements could mitigate recent and future greenhouse gas emissions through physical and/or physicochemical protection of OC. The dynamic changes in redox and pH conditions associated with thermokarst lake formation and drainage trigger metal-oxide dissolution and precipitation, likely influencing OC stabilization and microbial mineralization. However, the influence of thermokarst processes on mineral-OC interactions remains poorly constrained. In this study, we aim to characterize Fe, Mn, Al, and Ca minerals and their potential protective role for OC. Total and selective extractions were used to assess the crystalline and amorphous oxides or complexed metal pools as well as the organic acids found within these pools. We analyzed four sediment cores from an ice-rich permafrost area in Central Yakutia, which were drilled (i) in undisturbed Yedoma uplands, (ii) beneath a recent lake formed within Yedoma deposits, (iii) in a drained thermokarst lake basin, and (iv) beneath a mature thermokarst lake from the early Holocene period. We find a decrease in the amount of reactive Fe, Mn, Al, and Ca in the deposits on lake formation (promoting reduction reactions), and this was largely balanced by an increase in the amount of reactive metals in the deposits on lake drainage (promoting oxidation reactions). We demonstrate an increase in the metal to C molar ratio on thermokarst process, which may indicate an increase in metal-C bindings and could provide a higher protective role against microbial mineralization of organic matter. Finally, we find that an increase in mineral-OC interactions corresponded to a decrease in CO2 and CH4 gas emissions on thermokarst process. Mineral-OC interactions could mitigate greenhouse gas production from permafrost thaw as soon as lake drainage occurs. KW - Arctic KW - organic carbon stabilization KW - permafrost KW - redox processes KW - thaw KW - Yedoma Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1002/ppp.2162 SN - 1045-6740 SN - 1099-1530 VL - 33 IS - 4 SP - 452 EP - 469 PB - Wiley CY - Hoboken ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Nomosatryo, Sulung A1 - Tjallingii, Rik A1 - Henny, Cynthia A1 - Ridwansyah, Iwan A1 - Wagner, Dirk A1 - Tomás, Sara A1 - Kallmeyer, Jens T1 - Surface sediment composition and depositional environments in tropical Lake Sentani, Papua Province, Indonesia JF - Journal of Paleolimnology N2 - Tropical Lake Sentani in the Indonesian Province Papua consists of four separate basins and is surrounded by a catchment with a very diverse geology. We characterized the surface sediment (upper 5 cm) of the lake's four sub-basins based on multivariate statistical analyses (principal component analysis, hierarchical clustering) of major element compositions obtained by X-ray fluorescence scanning. Three types of sediment are identified based on distinct compositional differences between rivers, shallow/proximal and deep/distal lake sediments. The different sediment types are mainly characterized by the correlation of elements associated with redox processes (S, Mn, Fe), carbonates (Ca), and detrital input (Ti, Al, Si, K) derived by river discharge. The relatively coarse-grained river sediments mainly derive form the mafic catchment geology and contribution of the limestone catchment geology is only limited. Correlation of redox sensitive and detrital elements are used to reveal oxidation conditions, and indicate oxic conditions in river samples and reducing conditions for lake sediments. Organic carbon (TOC) generally correlates with redox sensitive elements, although a correlation between TOC and individual elements change strongly between the three sediment types. Pyrite is the quantitatively dominant reduced sulfur mineral, monosulfides only reach appreciable concentrations in samples from rivers draining mafic and ultramafic catchments. Our study shows large spatial heterogeneity within the lake's sub-basins that is mainly caused by catchment geology and topography, river runoff as well as the bathymetry and the depth of the oxycline. We show that knowledge about lateral heterogeneity is crucial for understanding the geochemical and sedimentological variations recorded by these sediments. The highly variable conditions make Lake Sentani a natural laboratory, with its different sub-basins representing different depositional environments under identical tropical climate conditions. KW - Tropical lake KW - Lacustrine sediment KW - XRF analysis KW - Multivariate KW - statistics Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s10933-022-00259-4 SN - 0921-2728 SN - 1573-0417 PB - Springer CY - Dordrecht ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bufe, Aaron A1 - Cook, Kristen L. A1 - Galy, Albert A1 - Wittmann, Hella A1 - Hovius, Niels T1 - The effect of lithology on the relationship between denudation rate and chemical weathering pathways BT - evidence from the eastern Tibetan Plateau JF - Earth surface dynamics N2 - The denudation of rocks in mountain belts exposes a range of fresh minerals to the surface of the Earth that are chemically weathered by acidic and oxygenated fluids. The impact of the resulting coupling between denudation and weathering rates fundamentally depends on the types of minerals that are weathering. Whereas silicate weathering sequesters CO2, the combination of sulfide oxidation and carbonate dissolution emits CO2 to the atmosphere. Here, we combine the concentrations of dissolved major elements in stream waters with Be-10 basin-wide denudation rates from 35 small catchments in eastern Tibet to elucidate the importance of lithology in modulating the relationships between denudation rate, chemical weathering pathways, and CO2 consumption or release. Our catchments span 3 orders of magnitude in denudation rate in low-grade flysch, high-grade metapelites, and granitoid rocks. For each stream, we estimate the concentrations of solutes sourced from silicate weathering, carbonate dissolution, and sulfide oxidation using a mixing model. We find that for all lithologies, cation concentrations from silicate weathering are largely independent of denudation rate, but solute concentrations from carbonates and, where present, sulfides increase with increasing denudation rate. With increasing denudation rates, weathering may therefore shift from consuming to releasing CO2 in both (meta)sedimentary and granitoid lithologies. For a given denudation rate, we report dissolved solid concentrations and inferred weathering fluxes in catchments underlain by (meta)sedimentary rock that are 2-10 times higher compared to catchments containing granitoid lithologies, even though climatic and topographic parameters do not vary systematically between these catchments. Thus, varying proportions of exposed (meta)sedimentary and igneous rocks during orogenesis could lead to changes in the sequestration and release of CO2 that are independent of denudation rate. Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.5194/esurf-10-513-2022 SN - 2196-6311 SN - 2196-632X VL - 10 IS - 3 SP - 513 EP - 530 PB - Copernicus CY - Göttingen ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Buter, Anuschka A1 - Heckmann, Tobias A1 - Filisetti, Lorenzo A1 - Savi, Sara A1 - Mao, Luca A1 - Gems, Bernhard A1 - Comiti, Francesco T1 - Effects of catchment characteristics and hydro-meteorological scenarios on sediment connectivity in glacierised catchments JF - Geomorphology : an international journal on pure and applied geomorphology N2 - In the past decade, sediment connectivity has become a widely recognized characteristic of a geomorphic system. However, the quantification of functional connectivity (i.e. connectivity which arises due to the actual occurrence of sediment transport processes) and its variation over space and time is still a challenge. In this context, this study assesses the effects of expected future phenomena in the context of climate change (i.e. glacier retreat, permafrost degradation or meteorological extreme events) on sediment transport dynamics in a glacierised Alpine basin. The study area is the Sulden river basin (drainage area 130 km(2)) in the Italian Alps, which is composed of two geomorphologically diverse sub-basins. Based on graph theory, we evaluated the spatio-temporal variations in functional connectivity in these two sub-basins. The graph-object, obtained by manually mapping sediment transport processes between landforms, was adapted to 6 different hydro-meteorological scenarios, which derive from combining base, heatwave and rainstorm conditions with snowmelt and glacier-melt periods. For each scenario and each sub-basin, the sediment transport network and related catchment characteristics were analysed. To compare the effects of the scenarios on functional connectivity, we introduced a connectivity degree, calculated based on the area of the landforms involved in sediment cascades. Results indicate that the area of the basin connected to its outlet in terms of sediment transport might feature a six-fold increase in case of rainstorm conditions compared to "average " meteorological conditions assumed for the base scenario. Furthermore, markedly different effects of climate change on sediment connectivity are expected between the two sub-catchments due to their contrasting morphological and lithological characteristics, in terms of relative importance of rainfall triggered colluvial processes vs temperature-driven proglacial fluvial dynamics. KW - Functional connectivity KW - Graph theory KW - Climate change KW - Geomorphic systems Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2022.108128 SN - 0169-555X SN - 1872-695X VL - 402 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Foong, Adrian A1 - Pradhan, Prajal A1 - Frör, Oliver A1 - Kropp, Jürgen P. T1 - Adjusting agricultural emissions for trade matters for climate change mitigation JF - Nature Communications N2 - Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in food systems is becoming more challenging as food is increasingly consumed away from producer regions, highlighting the need to consider emissions embodied in trade in agricultural emissions accounting. To address this, our study explores recent trends in trade-adjusted agricultural emissions of food items at the global, regional, and national levels. We find that emissions are largely dependent on a country’s consumption patterns and their agricultural emission intensities relative to their trading partners’. The absolute differences between the production-based and trade-adjusted emissions accounting approaches are especially apparent for major agricultural exporters and importers and where large shares of emission-intensive items such as ruminant meat, milk products and rice are involved. In relative terms, some low-income and emerging and developing economies with consumption of high emission intensity food products show large differences between approaches. Similar trends are also found under various specifications that account for trade and re-exports differently. These findings could serve as an important element towards constructing national emissions reduction targets that consider trading partners, leading to more effective emissions reductions overall. Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-30607-x SN - 2041-1723 VL - 13 IS - 1 PB - Nature Publishing Group CY - London ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Daskalopoulou, Kyriaki A1 - D'Alessandro, Walter A1 - Longo, Manfredi A1 - Pecoraino, Giovannella A1 - Calabrese, Sergio T1 - Shallow sea gas manifestations in the Aegean Sea (Greece) as natural analogs to study ocean acidification BT - first catalog and geochemical characterization JF - Frontiers in Marine Science N2 - The concepts of CO2 emission, global warming, climate change, and their environmental impacts are of utmost importance for the understanding and protection of the ecosystems. Among the natural sources of gases into the atmosphere, the contribution of geogenic sources plays a crucial role. However, while subaerial emissions are widely studied, submarine outgassing is not yet well understood. In this study, we review and catalog 122 literature and unpublished data of submarine emissions distributed in ten coastal areas of the Aegean Sea. This catalog includes descriptions of the degassing vents through in situ observations, their chemical and isotopic compositions, and flux estimations. Temperatures and pH data of surface seawaters in four areas affected by submarine degassing are also presented. This overview provides useful information to researchers studying the impact of enhanced seawater CO2 concentrations related either to increasing CO2 levels in the atmosphere or leaking carbon capture and storage systems. KW - CO2 emissions KW - submarine gas vents KW - geogenic degassing KW - environmental KW - impact KW - Greek Islands KW - gas flux Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2021.775247 SN - 2296-7745 VL - 8 PB - Frontiers Media CY - Lausanne ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Müller, Daniela A1 - Neugebauer, Ina A1 - Ben Dor, Yoav A1 - Enzel, Yehouda A1 - Schwab, Markus Julius A1 - Tjallingii, Rik A1 - Brauer, Achim T1 - Phases of stability during major hydroclimate change ending the Last Glacial in the Levant JF - Scientific reports N2 - In-depth understanding of the reorganization of the hydrological cycle in response to global climate change is crucial in highly sensitive regions like the eastern Mediterranean, where water availability is a major factor for socioeconomic and political development. The sediments of Lake Lisan provide a unique record of hydroclimatic change during the last glacial to Holocene transition (ca. 24-11 ka) with its tremendous water level drop of similar to 240 m that finally led to its transition into the present hypersaline water body-the Dead Sea. Here we utilize high-resolution sedimentological analyses from the marginal terraces and deep lake to reconstruct an unprecedented seasonal record of the last millennia of Lake Lisan. Aragonite varve formation in intercalated intervals of our record demonstrates that a stepwise long-term lake level decline was interrupted by almost one millennium of rising or stable water level. Even periods of pronounced water level drops indicated by gypsum deposition were interrupted by decades of positive water budgets. Our results thus highlight that even during major climate change at the end of the last glacial, decadal to millennial periods of relatively stable or positive moisture supply occurred which could have been an important premise for human sedentism. Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-10217-9 SN - 2045-2322 VL - 12 IS - 1 PB - Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature CY - London ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ortiz, Gustavo A1 - Saez, Mauro A1 - Alvarado, Patricia A1 - Rivas, Carolina A1 - García, Víctor Hugo A1 - Alonso, Ricardo A1 - Zullo, Fernando Morales T1 - Seismotectonic characterization of the 1948 (M-W 6.9) Anta earthquake Santa Barbara System, central Andes broken foreland of northwestern Argentina JF - Journal of South American earth sciences N2 - The region of the Andean back-arc of northwestern Argentina has been struck by several magnitude >= 6 crustal earthquakes since the first historically recorded event in 1692. One of these events corresponds to the Anta earthquake on 25 August 1948, with epicenter in the Santa Barbara System causing three deaths and severe damage in Salta and Jujuy provinces with maximum Modified Mercalli seismic intensities (MMI) of IX. We collected and digitized analog seismograms of this earthquake from worldwide seismic observatories in order to perform first-motion analysis and modeling of long-period teleseismic P-waveforms. Our results indicate a simple seismic source of M0 = 2.85 x 1019 N m consistent with a moment magnitude Mw = 6.9. We have also tested for the focal depth determining a shallow source at 8 km with a reverse focal mechanism solution with a minor dextral strike-slip component (strike 20 degrees, dip 30 degrees, rake 120 degrees) from the best fit of waveforms. Using magnitude size empirical relationships, the comparison of the obtained Mw 6.9 magnitude value and the ca. 10,000 km2 area of MMI >= IX from our seismic intensity map, which was obtained from newspaper and many historical reports, indicates a rupture length of 42 +/- 8 km for the Anta earthquake. We show our results in a 3D geological model around the epicentral area, which integrates modern seismicity, geological data, and information of a previously studied east-west cross section located a few kilometers south of the 1948 epicenter. The integration of all available information provides evidence of the re-activation of the Pie de la Sierra del Gallo fault during the 1948 Mw 6.9 shallow earthquake; this thrust fault bounds the Santa Barbara System along its western foothill. KW - Active tectonics KW - Analog historical seismograms KW - Andean back-arc; KW - Thick-skinned tectonics KW - Central Andes Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsames.2022.103822 SN - 0895-9811 SN - 1873-0647 VL - 116 PB - Elsevier CY - Oxford ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Krämer, Hauke Kai A1 - Gelbrecht, Maximilian A1 - Pavithran, Induja A1 - Sujith, Ravindran A1 - Marwan, Norbert T1 - Optimal state space reconstruction via Monte Carlo decision tree search JF - Nonlinear Dynamics N2 - A novel idea for an optimal time delay state space reconstruction from uni- and multivariate time series is presented. The entire embedding process is considered as a game, in which each move corresponds to an embedding cycle and is subject to an evaluation through an objective function. This way the embedding procedure can be modeled as a tree, in which each leaf holds a specific value of the objective function. By using a Monte Carlo ansatz, the proposed algorithm populates the tree with many leafs by computing different possible embedding paths and the final embedding is chosen as that particular path, which ends at the leaf with the lowest achieved value of the objective function. The method aims to prevent getting stuck in a local minimum of the objective function and can be used in a modular way, enabling practitioners to choose a statistic for possible delays in each embedding cycle as well as a suitable objective function themselves. The proposed method guarantees the optimization of the chosen objective function over the parameter space of the delay embedding as long as the tree is sampled sufficiently. As a proof of concept, we demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over the classical time delay embedding methods using a variety of application examples. We compare recurrence plot-based statistics inferred from reconstructions of a Lorenz-96 system and highlight an improved forecast accuracy for map-like model data as well as for palaeoclimate isotope time series. Finally, we utilize state space reconstruction for the detection of causality and its strength between observables of a gas turbine type thermoacoustic combustor. KW - State space reconstruction KW - Embedding KW - Optimization KW - Time series analysis KW - Causality KW - Prediction KW - Recurrence analysis Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s11071-022-07280-2 SN - 0924-090X SN - 1573-269X VL - 108 IS - 2 SP - 1525 EP - 1545 PB - Springer CY - Dordrecht ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Svennevig, Kristian A1 - Hermanns, Reginald L. A1 - Keiding, Marie A1 - Binder, Daniel A1 - Citterio, Michele A1 - Dahl-Jensen, Trine A1 - Mertl, Stefan A1 - Sørensen, Erik Vest A1 - Voss, Peter Henrik T1 - A large frozen debris avalanche entraining warming permafrost ground-the June 2021 Assapaat landslibe, West Greenland JF - Landslides N2 - A large landslide (frozen debris avalanche) occurred at Assapaat on the south coast of the Nuussuaq Peninsula in Central West Greenland on June 13, 2021, at 04:04 local time. We present a compilation of available data from field observations, photos, remote sensing, and seismic monitoring to describe the event. Analysis of these data in combination with an analysis of pre- and post-failure digital elevation models results in the first description of this type of landslide. The frozen debris avalanche initiated as a 6.9 * 10(6) m(3) failure of permafrozen talus slope and underlying colluvium and till at 600-880 m elevation. It entrained a large volume of permafrozen colluvium along its 2.4 km path in two subsequent entrainment phases accumulating a total volume between 18.3 * 10(6) and 25.9 * 10(6) m(3). About 3.9 * 10(6) m(3) is estimated to have entered the Vaigat strait; however, no tsunami was reported, or is evident in the field. This is probably because the second stage of entrainment along with a flattening of slope angle reduced the mobility of the frozen debris avalanche. We hypothesise that the initial talus slope failure is dynamically conditioned by warming of the ice matrix that binds the permafrozen talus slope. When the slope ice temperature rises to a critical level, its shear resistance is reduced, resulting in an unstable talus slope prone to failure. Likewise, we attribute the large-scale entrainment to increasing slope temperature and take the frozen debris avalanche as a strong sign that the permafrost in this region is increasingly at a critical state. Global warming is enhanced in the Arctic and frequent landslide events in the past decade in Western Greenland let us hypothesise that continued warming will lead to an increase in the frequency and magnitude of these types of landslides. Essential data for critical arctic slopes such as precipitation, snowmelt, and ground and surface temperature are still missing to further test this hypothesis. It is thus strongly required that research funds are made available to better predict the change of landslide threat in the Arctic. KW - Assapaat landslide KW - Slope temperature KW - Global warming Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s10346-022-01922-7 SN - 1612-510X SN - 1612-5118 VL - 19 SP - 2549 EP - 2567 PB - Springer CY - Heidelberg ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Stevanato, Luca A1 - Baroni, Gabriele A1 - Oswald, Sascha A1 - Lunardon, Marcello A1 - Mareš, Vratislav A1 - Marinello, Francesco A1 - Moretto, Sandra A1 - Polo, Matteo A1 - Sartori, Paolo A1 - Schattan, Paul A1 - Rühm, Werner T1 - An alternative incoming correction for cosmic-ray neutron sensing observations using local muon measurement JF - Geophysical research letters N2 - Measuring the variability of incoming neutrons locally would be usefull for the cosmic-ray neutron sensing (CRNS) method. As the measurement of high energy neutrons is not so easy, alternative particles can be considered for such purpose. Among them, muons are particles created from the same cascade of primary cosmic-ray fluxes that generate neutrons at the ground. In addition, they can be easily detected by small and relatively inexpensive detectors. For these reasons they could provide a suitable local alternative to incoming corrections based on remote neutron monitor data. The reported measurements demonstrated that muon detection system can detect incoming cosmic-ray variations locally. Furthermore the precision of this measurement technique is considered adequate for many CRNS applications. KW - CRNS KW - soil-moisture KW - neutrons KW - muons KW - cosmic-rays Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL095383 SN - 0094-8276 SN - 1944-8007 VL - 49 IS - 6 PB - American Geophysical Union CY - Washington ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Jozi Najafabadi, Azam A1 - Haberland, Christian A1 - Le Breton, Eline A1 - Handy, Mark R. A1 - Verwater, Vincent F. A1 - Heit, Benjamin A1 - Weber, Michael T1 - Constraints on crustal structure in the vicinity of the adriatic indenter (European Alps) from Vp and Vp/Vs local earthquake tomography JF - Journal of geophysical research : Solid earth N2 - In this study, 3-D models of P-wave velocity (Vp) and P-wave and S-wave ratio (Vp/Vs) of the crust and upper mantle in the Eastern and eastern Southern Alps (northern Italy and southern Austria) were calculated using local earthquake tomography (LET). The data set includes high-quality arrival times from well-constrained hypocenters observed by the dense, temporary seismic networks of the AlpArray AASN and SWATH-D. The resolution of the LET was checked by synthetic tests and analysis of the model resolution matrix. The small inter-station spacing (average of similar to 15 km within the SWATH-D network) allowed us to image crustal structure at unprecedented resolution across a key part of the Alps. The derived P velocity model revealed a highly heterogeneous crustal structure in the target area. One of the main findings is that the lower crust is thickened, forming a bulge at 30-50 km depth just south of and beneath the Periadriatic Fault and the Tauern Window. This indicates that the lower crust decoupled both from its mantle substratum as well as from its upper crust. The Moho, taken to be the iso-velocity contour of Vp = 7.25 km/s, agrees with the Moho depth from previous studies in the European and Adriatic forelands. It is shallower on the Adriatic side than on the European side. This is interpreted to indicate that the European Plate is subducted beneath the Adriatic Plate in the Eastern and eastern Southern Alps. KW - European Alps KW - crustal structure KW - subduction KW - seismic tomography KW - body waves Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JB023160 SN - 2169-9313 SN - 2169-9356 VL - 127 IS - 2 PB - American Geophysical Union CY - Washington ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ramachandran, Srikanthan A1 - Rupakheti, Maheswar A1 - Cherian, R. A1 - Lawrence, Mark T1 - Climate Benefits of Cleaner Energy Transitions in East and South Asia Through Black Carbon Reduction JF - Frontiers in environmental science N2 - The state of air pollution has historically been tightly linked to how we produce and use energy. Air pollutant emissions over Asia are now changing rapidly due to cleaner energy transitions; however, magnitudes of benefits for climate and air quality remain poorly quantified. The associated risks involve adverse health impacts, reduced agricultural yields, reduced freshwater availability, contributions to climate change, and economic costs. We focus particularly on climate benefits of energy transitions by making first-time use of two decades of high quality observations of atmospheric loading of light-absorbing black carbon (BC) over Kanpur (South Asia) and Beijing (East Asia) and relating these observations to changing energy, emissions, and economic trends in India and China. Our analysis reveals that absorption aerosol optical depth (AAOD) due to BC has decreased substantially, by 40% over Kanpur and 60% over Beijing between 2001 and 2017, and thus became decoupled from regional economic growth. Furthermore, the resultant decrease in BC emissions and BC AAOD over Asia is regionally coherent and occurs primarily due to transitions into cleaner energies (both renewables and fossil fuels) and not due to the decrease in primary energy supply or decrease in use of fossil use and biofuels and waste. Model simulations show that BC aerosols alone contribute about half of the surface temperature change (warming) of the total forcing due to greenhouse gases, natural and internal variability, and aerosols, thus clearly revealing the climate benefits due to a reduction in BC emissions, which would significantly reduce global warming. However, this modeling study excludes responses from natural variability, circulation, and sea ice responses, which cause relatively strong temperature fluctuations that may mask signals from BC aerosols. Our findings show additional benefits for climate (beyond benefits of CO2 reduction) and for several other issues of sustainability over South and East Asia, provide motivation for ongoing cleaner energy production, and consumption transitions, especially when they are associated with reduced emissions of air pollutants. Such an analysis connecting the trends in energy transitions and aerosol absorption loading, unavailable so far, is crucial for simulating the aerosol climate impacts over Asia which is quite uncertain. KW - cleaner energy transitions KW - Asia KW - air pollution KW - black carbon KW - climate benefits Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2022.842319 SN - 2296-665X VL - 10 PB - Frontiers Media CY - Lausanne ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Fernandez-Palomino, Carlos Antonio A1 - Hattermann, Fred A1 - Krysanova, Valentina A1 - Lobanova, Anastasia A1 - Vega-Jacome, Fiorella A1 - Lavado, Waldo A1 - Santini, William A1 - Aybar, Cesar A1 - Bronstert, Axel T1 - A novel high-resolution gridded precipitation dataset for peruvian and ecuadorian watersheds BT - development and hydrological evaluation JF - Journal of hydrometeorology N2 - A novel approach for estimating precipitation patterns is developed here and applied to generate a new hydrologically corrected daily precipitation dataset, called RAIN4PE (Rain for Peru and Ecuador), at 0.1 degrees spatial resolution for the period 1981-2015 covering Peru and Ecuador. It is based on the application of 1) the random forest method to merge multisource precipitation estimates (gauge, satellite, and reanalysis) with terrain elevation, and 2) observed and modeled streamflow data to first detect biases and second further adjust gridded precipitation by inversely applying the simulated results of the ecohydrological model SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool). Hydrological results using RAIN4PE as input for the Peruvian and Ecuadorian catchments were compared against the ones when feeding other uncorrected (CHIRP and ERA5) and gauge-corrected (CHIRPS, MSWEP, and PISCO) precipitation datasets into the model. For that, SWAT was calibrated and validated at 72 river sections for each dataset using a range of performance metrics, including hydrograph goodness of fit and flow duration curve signatures. Results showed that gauge-corrected precipitation datasets outperformed uncorrected ones for streamflow simulation. However, CHIRPS, MSWEP, and PISCO showed limitations for streamflow simulation in several catchments draining into the Pacific Ocean and the Amazon River. RAIN4PE provided the best overall performance for streamflow simulation, including flow variability (low, high, and peak flows) and water budget closure. The overall good performance of RAIN4PE as input for hydrological modeling provides a valuable criterion of its applicability for robust countrywide hydrometeorological applications, including hydroclimatic extremes such as droughts and floods. Significance StatementWe developed a novel precipitation dataset RAIN4PE for Peru and Ecuador by merging multisource precipitation data (satellite, reanalysis, and ground-based precipitation) with terrain elevation using the random forest method. Furthermore, RAIN4PE was hydrologically corrected using streamflow data in watersheds with precipitation underestimation through reverse hydrology. The results of a comprehensive hydrological evaluation showed that RAIN4PE outperformed state-of-the-art precipitation datasets such as CHIRP, ERA5, CHIRPS, MSWEP, and PISCO in terms of daily and monthly streamflow simulations, including extremely low and high flows in almost all Peruvian and Ecuadorian catchments. This underlines the suitability of RAIN4PE for hydrometeorological applications in this region. Furthermore, our approach for the generation of RAIN4PE can be used in other data-scarce regions. KW - Amazon region KW - Complex terrain KW - South America KW - Streamflow KW - Precipitation KW - Hydrology KW - Water budget / balance KW - Inverse methods KW - Mountain meteorology KW - Machine learning Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1175/JHM-D-20-0285.1 SN - 1525-755X SN - 1525-7541 VL - 23 IS - 3 SP - 309 EP - 336 PB - American Meteorological Soc. CY - Boston ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ben Nsir, Siwar A1 - Jomaa, Seifeddine A1 - Yildirim, Umit A1 - Zhou, Xiangqian A1 - D'Oria, Marco A1 - Rode, Michael A1 - Khlifi, Slaheddine T1 - Assessment of climate change impact on discharge of the lakhmass catchment (Northwest Tunisia) JF - Water N2 - The Mediterranean region is increasingly recognized as a climate change hotspot but is highly underrepresented in hydrological climate change studies. This study aims to investigate the climate change effects on the hydrology of Lakhmass catchment in Tunisia. Lakhmass catchment is a part of the Medium Valley of Medjerda in northwestern Tunisia that drains an area of 126 km(2). First, the Hydrologiska Byrans Vattenbalansavdelning light (HBV-light) model was calibrated and validated successfully at a daily time step to simulate discharge during the 1981-1986 period. The Nash Sutcliffe Efficiency and Percent bias (NSE, PBIAS) were (0.80, +2.0%) and (0.53, -9.5%) for calibration (September 1982-August 1984) and validation (September 1984-August 1986) periods, respectively. Second, HBV-light model was considered as a predictive tool to simulate discharge in a baseline period (1981-2009) and future projections using data (precipitation and temperature) from thirteen combinations of General Circulation Models (GCMs) and Regional Climatic Models (RCMs). We used two trajectories of Representative Concentration Pathways, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5, suggested by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Each RCP is divided into three projection periods: near-term (2010-2039), mid-term (2040-2069) and long-term (2070-2099). For both scenarios, a decrease in precipitation and discharge will be expected with an increase in air temperature and a reduction in precipitation with almost 5% for every +1 degrees C of global warming. By long-term (2070-2099) projection period, results suggested an increase in temperature with about 2.7 degrees C and 4 degrees C, and a decrease in precipitation of approximately 7.5% and 15% under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5, respectively. This will likely result in a reduction of discharge of 12.5% and 36.6% under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5, respectively. This situation calls for early climate change adaptation measures under a participatory approach, including multiple stakeholders and water users. KW - hydrological modeling KW - HBV-light model KW - Mediterranean KW - discharge KW - climate change KW - RCP4,5 and 8,5 Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3390/w14142242 SN - 2073-4441 VL - 14 IS - 14 PB - MDPI CY - Basel ER - TY - JOUR A1 - McCool, Weston C. A1 - Codding, Brian F. A1 - Vernon, Kenneth B. A1 - Wilson, Kurt M. A1 - Yaworsky, Peter M. A1 - Marwan, Norbert A1 - Kennett, Douglas J. T1 - Climate change-induced population pressure drives high rates of lethal violence in the Prehispanic central Andes JF - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America : PNAS N2 - Understanding the influence of climate change and population pressure on human conflict remains a critically important topic in the social sciences. Long-term records that evaluate these dynamics across multiple centuries and outside the range of modern climatic variation are especially capable of elucidating the relative effect of-and the interaction between-climate and demography. This is crucial given that climate change may structure population growth and carrying capacity, while both climate and population influence per capita resource availability. This study couples paleoclimatic and demographic data with osteological evaluations of lethal trauma from 149 directly accelerator mass spectrometry C-14-dated individuals from the Nasca highland region of Peru. Multiple local and supraregional precipitation proxies are combined with a summed probability distribution of 149 C-14 dates to estimate population dynamics during a 700-y study window. Counter to previous findings, our analysis reveals a precipitous increase in violent deaths associated with a period of productive and stable climate, but volatile population dynamics. We conclude that favorable local climate conditions fostered population growth that put pressure on the marginal and highly circumscribed resource base, resulting in violent resource competition that manifested in over 450 y of internecine warfare. These findings help support a general theory of intergroup violence, indicating that relative resource scarcity-whether driven by reduced resource abundance or increased competition-can lead to violence in subsistence societies when the outcome is lower per capita resource availability. KW - climate change KW - population pressure KW - warfare KW - lethal violence KW - Andes Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2117556119 SN - 0027-8424 SN - 1091-6490 VL - 119 IS - 17 PB - National Acad. of Sciences CY - Washington ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gomez Zapata, Juan Camilo A1 - Zafrir, Raquel A1 - Pittore, Massimiliano A1 - Merino, Yvonne T1 - Towards a sensitivity analysis in seismic risk with probabilistic building exposure models BT - an application in Valparaiso, Chile using ancillary open-source data and parametric ground motions JF - ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information N2 - Efforts have been made in the past to enhance building exposure models on a regional scale with increasing spatial resolutions by integrating different data sources. This work follows a similar path and focuses on the downscaling of the existing SARA exposure model that was proposed for the residential building stock of the communes of Valparaiso and Vina del Mar (Chile). Although this model allowed great progress in harmonising building classes and characterising their differential physical vulnerabilities, it is now outdated, and in any case, it is spatially aggregated over large administrative units. Hence, to more accurately consider the impact of future earthquakes on these cities, it is necessary to employ more reliable exposure models. For such a purpose, we propose updating this existing model through a Bayesian approach by integrating ancillary data that has been made increasingly available from Volunteering Geo-Information (VGI) activities. Its spatial representation is also optimised in higher resolution aggregation units that avoid the inconvenience of having incomplete building-by-building footprints. A worst-case earthquake scenario is presented to calculate direct economic losses and highlight the degree of uncertainty imposed by exposure models in comparison with other parameters used to generate the seismic ground motions within a sensitivity analysis. This example study shows the great potential of using increasingly available VGI to update worldwide building exposure models as well as its importance in scenario-based seismic risk assessment. KW - exposure KW - buildings KW - Bayesian model KW - downscaling KW - OpenStreetMap KW - ground motion fields KW - sensitivity KW - earthquake KW - vulnerability KW - risk Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi11020113 SN - 2220-9964 VL - 11 IS - 2 PB - MDPI CY - Basel ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Melchert, Jan Olaf A1 - Wischhöfer, Philipp A1 - Knoblauch, Christian A1 - Eckhardt, Tim A1 - Liebner, Susanne A1 - Rethemeyer, Janet T1 - Sources of CO2 Produced in Freshly Thawed Pleistocene-Age Yedoma Permafrost JF - Frontiers in Earth Science N2 - The release of greenhouse gases from the large organic carbon stock in permafrost deposits in the circumarctic regions may accelerate global warming upon thaw. The extent of this positive climate feedback is thought to be largely controlled by the microbial degradability of the organic matter preserved in these sediments. In addition, weathering and oxidation processes may release inorganic carbon preserved in permafrost sediments as CO2, which is generally not accounted for. We used C-13 and C-14 analysis and isotopic mass balances to differentiate and quantify organic and inorganic carbon released as CO2 in the field from an active retrogressive thaw slump of Pleistocene-age Yedoma and during a 1.5-years incubation experiment. The results reveal that the dominant source of the CO2 released from freshly thawed Yedoma exposed as thaw mound is Pleistocene-age organic matter (48-80%) and to a lesser extent modern organic substrate (3-34%). A significant portion of the CO2 originated from inorganic carbon in the Yedoma (17-26%). The mixing of young, active layer material with Yedoma at a site on the slump floor led to the preferential mineralization of this young organic carbon source. Admixtures of younger organic substrates in the Yedoma thaw mound were small and thus rapidly consumed as shown by lower contributions to the CO2 produced during few weeks of aerobic incubation at 4 degrees C corresponding to approximately one thaw season. Future CO2 fluxes from the freshly thawed Yedoma will contain higher proportions of ancient inorganic (22%) and organic carbon (61-78%) as suggested by the results at the end, after 1.5 years of incubation. The increasing contribution of inorganic carbon during the incubation is favored by the accumulation of organic acids from microbial organic matter degradation resulting in lower pH values and, in consequence, in inorganic carbon dissolution. Because part of the inorganic carbon pool is assumed to be of pedogenic origin, these emissions would ultimately not alter carbon budgets. The results of this study highlight the preferential degradation of younger organic substrates in freshly thawed Yedoma, if available, and a substantial release of CO2 from inorganic sources. KW - yedoma ice complex KW - permafost KW - carbon cycle KW - climat change KW - thermokarst KW - radiocarbon KW - greenhouse gas Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2021.737237 SN - 2296-6463 VL - 9 PB - Frontiers Media CY - Lausanne ER - TY - JOUR A1 - West, Charles A1 - Rosolem, Rafael A1 - MacDonald, Alan M. A1 - Cuthbert, Mark O. A1 - Wagener, Thorsten T1 - Understanding process controls on groundwater recharge variability across Africa through recharge landscapes JF - Journal of hydrology N2 - Groundwater is critical in supporting current and future reliable water supply throughout Africa. Although continental maps of groundwater storage and recharge have been developed, we currently lack a clear understanding on how the controls on groundwater recharge vary across the entire continent. Reviewing the existing literature, we synthesize information on reported groundwater recharge controls in Africa. We find that 15 out of 22 of these controls can be characterised using global datasets. We develop 11 descriptors of climatic, topographic, vegetation, soil and geologic properties using global datasets, to characterise groundwater recharge controls in Africa. These descriptors cluster Africa into 15 Recharge Landscape Units for which we expect recharge controls to be similar. Over 80% of the continents land area is organized by just nine of these units. We also find that aggregating the Units by similarity into four broader Recharge Landscapes (Desert, Dryland, Wet tropical and Wet tropical forest) provides a suitable level of landscape organisation to explain differences in ground-based long-term mean annual recharge and recharge ratio (annual recharge / annual precipitation) estimates. Furthermore, wetter Recharge Landscapes are more efficient in converting rainfall to recharge than drier Recharge Landscapes as well as having higher annual recharge rates. In Dryland Recharge Landscapes, we found that annual recharge rates largely varied according to mean annual precipitation, whereas recharge ratio estimates increase with increasing monthly variability in P-PET. However, we were unable to explain why ground based estimates of recharge signatures vary across other Recharge Landscapes, in which there are fewer ground based recharge estimates, using global datasets alone. Even in dryland regions, there is still considerable unexplained variability in the estimates of annual recharge and recharge ratio, stressing the limitations of global datasets for investigating ground-based information. KW - Groundwater recharge KW - Africa KW - Recharge controls KW - Ground-based estimates KW - Landscapes KW - Comparative hydrology Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.127967 SN - 0022-1694 SN - 1879-2707 VL - 612 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kotha, Sreeram Reddy A1 - Weatherill, Graeme A1 - Bindi, Dino A1 - Cotton, Fabrice T1 - Near-source magnitude scaling of spectral accelerations BT - analysis and update of Kotha et al. (2020) model JF - Bulletin of earthquake engineering : official publication of the European Association for Earthquake Engineering N2 - Ground-motion models (GMMs) are often used to predict the random distribution of Spectral accelerations (SAs) at a site due to a nearby earthquake. In probabilistic seismic hazard and risk assessment, large earthquakes occurring close to a site are considered as critical scenarios. GMMs are expected to predict realistic SAs with low within-model uncertainty (sigma(mu)) for such rare scenarios. However, the datasets used to regress GMMs are usually deficient of data from critical scenarios. The (Kotha et al., A Regionally Adaptable Ground-Motion Model for Shallow Crustal Earthquakes in Europe Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 18:4091-4125, 2020) GMM developed from the Engineering strong motion (ESM) dataset was found to predict decreasing short-period SAs with increasing M-W >= M-h = 6.2, and with large sigma(mu) at near-source distances <= 30km. In this study, we updated the parametrisation of the GMM based on analyses of ESM and the Near source strong motion (NESS) datasets. With M-h = 5.7, we could rectify the M-W scaling issue, while also reducing sigma(mu). at M-W >= M-h. We then evaluated the GMM against NESS data, and found that the SAs from a few large, thrust-faulting events in California, New Zealand, Japan, and Mexico are significantly higher than GMM median predictions. However, recordings from these events were mostly made on soft-soil geology, and contain anisotropic pulse-like effects. A more thorough non-ergodic treatment of NESS was not possible because most sites sampled unique events in very diverse tectonic environments. We provide an updated set of GMM coefficients,sigma(mu), and heteroscedastic variance models; while also cautioning against its application for M-W <= 4 in low-moderate seismicity regions without evaluating the homogeneity of M-W estimates between pan-European ESM and regional datasets. KW - Ground-motion model KW - Spectral accelerations KW - Magnitude scalin KW - Near-source saturation KW - Within-model uncertainty KW - Heteroscedastic KW - variability Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-021-01308-5 SN - 1570-761X SN - 1573-1456 VL - 20 IS - 3 SP - 1343 EP - 1370 PB - Springer CY - Dordrecht ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Peña, Carlos A1 - Metzger, Sabrina A1 - Heidbach, Oliver A1 - Bedford, Jonathan A1 - Bookhagen, Bodo A1 - Moreno, Marcos A1 - Oncken, Onno A1 - Cotton, Fabrice T1 - Role of poroelasticity during the early postseismic deformation of the 2010 Maule megathrust earthquake JF - Geophysical research letters N2 - Megathrust earthquakes impose changes of differential stress and pore pressure in the lithosphere-asthenosphere system that are transiently relaxed during the postseismic period primarily due to afterslip, viscoelastic and poroelastic processes. Especially during the early postseismic phase, however, the relative contribution of these processes to the observed surface deformation is unclear. To investigate this, we use geodetic data collected in the first 48 days following the 2010 Maule earthquake and a poro-viscoelastic forward model combined with an afterslip inversion. This model approach fits the geodetic data 14% better than a pure elastic model. Particularly near the region of maximum coseismic slip, the predicted surface poroelastic uplift pattern explains well the observations. If poroelasticity is neglected, the spatial afterslip distribution is locally altered by up to +/- 40%. Moreover, we find that shallow crustal aftershocks mostly occur in regions of increased postseismic pore-pressure changes, indicating that both processes might be mechanically coupled. KW - Chilean subduction zone KW - poroelasticity KW - power-law rheology KW - afterslip inversion KW - InSAR KW - GNSS Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL098144 SN - 0094-8276 SN - 1944-8007 VL - 49 IS - 9 PB - Wiley CY - Hoboken, NJ ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sarrazin, Fanny J. A1 - Kumar, Rohini A1 - Basu, Nandita B. A1 - Musolff, Andreas A1 - Weber, Michael A1 - Van Meter, Kimberly J. A1 - Attinger, Sabine T1 - Characterizing catchment-scale nitrogen legacies and constraining their uncertainties JF - Water resources research N2 - Improving nitrogen (N) status in European water bodies is a pressing issue. N levels depend not only on current but also past N inputs to the landscape, that have accumulated through time in legacy stores (e.g., soil, groundwater). Catchment-scale N models, that are commonly used to investigate in-stream N levels, rarely examine the magnitude and dynamics of legacy components. This study aims to gain a better understanding of the long-term fate of the N inputs and its uncertainties, using a legacy-driven N model (ELEMeNT) in Germany's largest national river basin (Weser; 38,450 km(2)) over the period 1960-2015. We estimate the nine model parameters based on a progressive constraining strategy, to assess the value of different observational data sets. We demonstrate that beyond in-stream N loading, soil N content and in-stream N concentration allow to reduce the equifinality in model parameterizations. We find that more than 50% of the N surplus denitrifies (1480-2210 kg ha(-1)) and the stream export amounts to around 18% (410-640 kg ha(-1)), leaving behind as much as around 230-780 kg ha(-1) of N in the (soil) source zone and 10-105 kg ha(-1) in the subsurface. A sensitivity analysis reveals the importance of different factors affecting the residual uncertainties in simulated N legacies, namely hydrologic travel time, denitrification rates, a coefficient characterizing the protection of organic N in source zone and N surplus input. Our study calls for proper consideration of uncertainties in N legacy characterization, and discusses possible avenues to further reduce the equifinality in water quality modeling. KW - nitrogen legacies KW - water quality modeling KW - equifinality KW - parameter KW - estimation KW - sensitivity analysis Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1029/2021WR031587 SN - 0043-1397 SN - 1944-7973 VL - 58 IS - 4 PB - American Geophysical Union CY - Washington ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Cárdenas, Aura A1 - Schernthanner, Harald ED - Jacob-Lopes, Eduardo ED - Queiroz Zepka, Leila ED - Costa Deprá, Mariany T1 - The role of livestock wastes in clean energy BT - a mapping in Germany’s potential installations T2 - Handbook of waste biorefinery N2 - Agricultural production worldwide has been increasing in the last decades at a very fast pace and with it the waste generation. Livestock activities are one of the largest producers of residues in the agricultural sector and contribute greatly to climate change. The present chapter gives an introduction and an in-depth analysis of the waste management of livestock for the conversion in a circular agriculture and economy based on research and experience in the sector conducted in the last decades. The conversion of animal waste into energy generation is an opportunity for farmers to obtain additional economic benefits, while contributing to the environment by preventing the release of GHGs into the atmosphere. The use of animal waste for energy generation through anaerobic digestion is a progressive technique and is being widely accepted in Europe, where Germany is the leading country in the use of biogas plants for energy production among others in the European Union. Economically speaking, the livestock industry faces the challenge of converting its production into a clean and more profitable production. The goal of this chapter is to analyze the economic benefit as well as the environmental contribution and future challenges of the use of livestock waste in the biorefineries sector from different perspectives, based on an intensive literature review. This review is accompanied by a geospatial analysis component, mapping biogas reactor hotspots and clusters in Germany, by means of methods of spatial statistics as analysis methods as kernel density estimations (KDE) and K-means clustering, based on volunteer geographic data. The applied methods easily can be transferred to other regions and allow a quick macroscopic overview over existing biogas reactors; furthermore, an identification of cluster and hotspots with a high biogas potential, that in a subsequent step can be analyzed in depth in larger scales. Y1 - 2022 SN - 978-3-031-06561-3 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-06562-0_12 SP - 337 EP - 343 PB - Springer CY - Cham ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zuhr, Alexandra M. A1 - Dolman, Andrew M. A1 - Ho, Sze Ling A1 - Groeneveld, Jeroen A1 - Loewemark, Ludvig A1 - Grotheer, Hendrik A1 - Su, Chih-Chieh A1 - Laepple, Thomas T1 - Age-heterogeneity in marine sediments revealed by three-dimensional high-resolution radiocarbon measurements JF - Frontiers in Earth Science N2 - Marine sedimentary archives are routinely used to reconstruct past environmental changes. In many cases, bioturbation and sedimentary mixing affect the proxy time-series and the age-depth relationship. While idealized models of bioturbation exist, they usually assume homogeneous mixing, thus that a single sample is representative for the sediment layer it is sampled from. However, it is largely unknown to which extent this assumption holds for sediments used for paleoclimate reconstructions. To shed light on 1) the age-depth relationship and its full uncertainty, 2) the magnitude of mixing processes affecting the downcore proxy variations, and 3) the representativity of the discrete sample for the sediment layer, we designed and performed a case study on South China Sea sediment material which was collected using a box corer and which covers the last glacial cycle. Using the radiocarbon content of foraminiferal tests as a tracer of time, we characterize the spatial age-heterogeneity of sediments in a three-dimensional setup. In total, 118 radiocarbon measurements were performed on defined small- and large-volume bulk samples ( similar to 200 specimens each) to investigate the horizontal heterogeneity of the sediment. Additionally, replicated measurements on small numbers of specimens (10 x 5 specimens) were performed to assess the heterogeneity within a sample volume. Visual assessment of X-ray images and a quantitative assessment of the mixing strength show typical mixing from bioturbation corresponding to around 10 cm mixing depth. Notably, our 3D radiocarbon distribution reveals that the horizontal heterogeneity (up to 1,250 years), contributing to the age uncertainty, is several times larger than the typically assumed radiocarbon based age-model error (single errors up to 250 years). Furthermore, the assumption of a perfectly bioturbated layer with no mixing underneath is not met. Our analysis further demonstrates that the age-heterogeneity might be a function of sample size; smaller samples might contain single features from the incomplete mixing and are thus less representative than larger samples. We provide suggestions for future studies, optimal sampling strategies for quantitative paleoclimate reconstructions and realistic uncertainty in age models, as well as discuss possible implications for the interpretation of paleoclimate records. KW - paleoceanography KW - radiocarbon KW - age-heterogeneity KW - marine sediments KW - planktonic foraminifera KW - bioturbation KW - agemodeling KW - South China Sea Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2022.871902 SN - 2296-6463 VL - 10 PB - Frontiers Media CY - Lausanne ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rodriguez, Victoria A1 - Moskwa, Lisa-Marie A1 - Oses, Romulo A1 - Kühn, Peter A1 - Riveras-Muñoz, Nicolás A1 - Seguel, Oscar A1 - Scholten, Thomas A1 - Wagner, Dirk T1 - Impact of climate and slope aspects on the composition of soil bacterial communities involved in pedogenetic processes along the chilean coastal cordillera JF - Microorganisms N2 - Soil bacteria play a fundamental role in pedogenesis. However, knowledge about both the impact of climate and slope aspects on microbial communities and the consequences of these items in pedogenesis is lacking. Therefore, soil-bacterial communities from four sites and two different aspects along the climate gradient of the Chilean Coastal Cordillera were investigated. Using a combination of microbiological and physicochemical methods, soils that developed in arid, semi-arid, mediterranean, and humid climates were analyzed. Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Chloroflexi, Verrucomicrobia, and Planctomycetes were found to increase in abundance from arid to humid climates, while Actinobacteria and Gemmatimonadetes decreased along the transect. Bacterial-community structure varied with climate and aspect and was influenced by pH, bulk density, plant-available phosphorus, clay, and total organic-matter content. Higher bacterial specialization was found in arid and humid climates and on the south-facing slope and was likely promoted by stable microclimatic conditions. The presence of specialists was associated with ecosystem-functional traits, which shifted from pioneers that accumulated organic matter in arid climates to organic decomposers in humid climates. These findings provide new perspectives on how climate and slope aspects influence the composition and functional capabilities of bacteria, with most of these capabilities being involved in pedogenetic processes. KW - bacterial-community structure KW - bacterial diversity KW - climate gradient KW - slope aspect KW - Chilean Coastal Cordillera KW - soil formation Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms10050847 SN - 2076-2607 VL - 10 IS - 5 PB - MDPI CY - Basel ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Illien, Luc A1 - Sens-Schönfelder, Christoph A1 - Andermann, Christoff A1 - Marc, Odin A1 - Cook, Kristen L. A1 - Adhikari, Lok Bijaya A1 - Hovius, Niels T1 - Seismic velocity recovery in the subsurface BT - transient damage and groundwater drainage following the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake, Nepal JF - Journal of geophysical research : Solid earth N2 - Shallow earthquakes frequently disturb the hydrological and mechanical state of the subsurface, with consequences for hazard and water management. Transient post-seismic hydrological behavior has been widely reported, suggesting that the recovery of material properties (relaxation) following ground shaking may impact groundwater fluctuations. However, the monitoring of seismic velocity variations associated with earthquake damage and hydrological variations are often done assuming that both effects are independent. In a field site prone to highly variable hydrological conditions, we disentangle the different forcing of the relative seismic velocity variations delta v retrieved from a small dense seismic array in Nepal in the aftermath of the 2015 M-w 7.8 Gorkha earthquake. We successfully model transient damage effects by introducing a universal relaxation function that contains a unique maximum relaxation timescale for the main shock and the aftershocks, independent of the ground shaking levels. Next, we remove the modeled velocity from the raw data and test whether the corresponding residuals agree with a background hydrological behavior we inferred from a previously calibrated groundwater model. The fitting of the delta v data with this model is improved when we introduce transient hydrological properties in the phase immediately following the main shock. This transient behavior, interpreted as an enhanced permeability in the shallow subsurface, lasts for similar to 6 months and is shorter than the damage relaxation (similar to 1 yr). Thus, we demonstrate the capability of seismic interferometry to deconvolve transient hydrological properties after earthquakes from non-linear mechanical recovery. KW - earthquake damage KW - earthquake hydrology KW - relaxation KW - Gorkha earthquake KW - seismic monitoring KW - ambient noise Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JB023402 SN - 2169-9313 SN - 2169-9356 VL - 127 IS - 2 PB - American Geophysical Union CY - Washington ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Katzenberger, Anja A1 - Levermann, Anders A1 - Schewe, Jacob A1 - Pongratz, Julia T1 - Intensification of very wet monsoon seasons in India under global warming JF - Geophysical research letters N2 - Rainfall-intense summer monsoon seasons on the Indian subcontinent that are exceeding long-term averages cause widespread floods and landslides. Here we show that the latest generation of coupled climate models robustly project an intensification of very rainfall-intense seasons (June-September). Under the shared socioeconomic pathway SSP5-8.5, very wet monsoon seasons as observed in only 5 years in the period 1965-2015 are projected to occur 8 times more often in 2050-2100 in the multi-model average. Under SSP2-4.5, these seasons become only a factor of 6 times more frequent, showing that even modest efforts to mitigate climate change can have a strong impact on the frequency of very strong rainfall seasons. Besides, we find that the increasing risk of extreme seasonal rainfall is accompanied by a shift from days with light rainfall to days with moderate or heavy rainfall. Additionally, the number of wet days is projected to increase. KW - Indian monsoon KW - climate modeling KW - extreme seasons KW - climate change KW - CMIP6 KW - India Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL098856 SN - 0094-8276 SN - 1944-8007 VL - 49 IS - 15 PB - American Geophysical Union CY - Washington ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Dey, Somnath A1 - Schönleber, Andreas A1 - Smaalen, Sander van A1 - Morgenroth, Wolfgang A1 - Larsen, Finn Krebs T1 - Incommensurate phase in Λ-cobalt (III) sepulchrate trinitrate governed by highly competitive N-H...O and C-H...O hydrogen bond networks JF - Chemistry - a European journal N2 - Phase transitions in molecular crystals are often determined by intermolecular interactions. The cage complex of [Co(C12H30N8)](3+) . 3 NO3- is reported to undergo a disorder-order phase transition at T-c1 approximate to 133 K upon cooling. Temperature-dependent neutron and synchrotron diffraction experiments revealed satellite reflections in addition to main reflections in the diffraction patterns below T-c1. The modulation wave vector varies as function of temperature and locks in at T-c3 approximate to 98 K. Here, we demonstrate that the crystal symmetry lowers from hexagonal to monoclinic in the incommensurately modulated phases in T-c17) for the last 250 yr. Accordingly, this portion is potentially a major source contributing to the seismic hazard of the Istanbul region. On 26 September 2019, a sequence of moderate-sized events started along the MMF only 20 km south of Istanbul and were widely felt by the population. The largest three events, 26 September Mw 5.8 (10:59 UTC), 26 September 2019 Mw 4.1 (11:26 UTC), and 20 January 2020 Mw 4.7 were recorded by numerous strong-motion seismic stations and the resulting ground motions were compared to the predicted means resulting from a set of the most recent ground-motion prediction equations (GMPEs). The estimated residuals were used to investigate the spatial variation of ground motion across the Marmara region. Our results show a strong azimuthal trend in ground-motion residuals, which might indicate systematically repeating directivity effects toward the eastern Marmara region. Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1785/0220210168 SN - 0895-0695 SN - 1938-2057 VL - 93 IS - 2A SP - 693 EP - 705 PB - Seismological Society of America CY - Boulder, Colo. ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Fischer, Tomáš A1 - Hrubcova, Pavla A1 - Dahm, Torsten A1 - Woith, Heiko A1 - Vylita, Tomáš A1 - Ohrnberger, Matthias A1 - Vlček, Josef A1 - Horalek, Josef A1 - Dedecek, Petr A1 - Zimmer, Martin A1 - Lipus, Martin P. A1 - Pierdominici, Simona A1 - Kallmeyer, Jens A1 - Krüger, Frank A1 - Hannemann, Katrin A1 - Korn, Michael A1 - Kaempf, Horst A1 - Reinsch, Thomas A1 - Klicpera, Jakub A1 - Vollmer, Daniel A1 - Daskalopoulou, Kyriaki T1 - ICDP drilling of the Eger Rift observatory BT - magmatic fluids driving the earthquake swarms and deep biosphere JF - Scientific drilling : reports on deep earth sampling and monitoring N2 - The new in situ geodynamic laboratory established in the framework of the ICDP Eger project aims to develop the most modern, comprehensive, multiparameter laboratory at depth for studying earthquake swarms, crustal fluid flow, mantle-derived CO2 and helium degassing, and processes of the deep biosphere. In order to reach a new level of high-frequency, near-source and multiparameter observation of earthquake swarms and related phenomena, such a laboratory comprises a set of shallow boreholes with high-frequency 3-D seismic arrays as well as modern continuous real-time fluid monitoring at depth and the study of the deep biosphere. This laboratory is located in the western part of the Eger Rift at the border of the Czech Republic and Germany (in the West Bohemia–Vogtland geodynamic region) and comprises a set of five boreholes around the seismoactive zone. To date, all monitoring boreholes have been drilled. This includes the seismic monitoring boreholes S1, S2 and S3 in the crystalline units north and east of the major Nový Kostel seismogenic zone, borehole F3 in the Hartoušov mofette field and borehole S4 in the newly discovered Bažina maar near Libá. Supplementary borehole P1 is being prepared in the Neualbenreuth maar for paleoclimate and biological research. At each of these sites, a borehole broadband seismometer will be installed, and sites S1, S2 and S3 will also host a 3-D seismic array composed of a vertical geophone chain and surface seismic array. Seismic instrumenting has been completed in the S1 borehole and is in preparation in the remaining four monitoring boreholes. The continuous fluid monitoring site of Hartoušov includes three boreholes, F1, F2 and F3, and a pilot monitoring phase is underway. The laboratory also enables one to analyze microbial activity at CO2 mofettes and maar structures in the context of changes in habitats. The drillings into the maar volcanoes contribute to a better understanding of the Quaternary paleoclimate and volcanic activity. Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.5194/sd-31-31-2022 SN - 1816-8957 SN - 1816-3459 VL - 31 SP - 31 EP - 49 PB - Copernicus CY - Göttingen ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Spallanzani, Roberta A1 - Koga, Kenneth T. A1 - Cichy, Sarah B. A1 - Wiedenbeck, Michael A1 - Schmidt, Burkhard C. A1 - Oelze, Marcus A1 - Wilke, Max T1 - Lithium and boron diffusivity and isotopic fractionation in hydrated rhyolitic melts JF - Contributions to mineralogy and petrology N2 - Lithium and boron are trace components of magmas, released during exsolution of a gas phase during volcanic activity. In this study, we determine the diffusivity and isotopic fractionation of Li and B in hydrous silicate melts. Two glasses were synthesized with the same rhyolitic composition (4.2 wt% water), having different Li and B contents; these were studied in diffusion-couple experiments that were performed using an internally heated pressure vessel, operated at 300 MPa in the temperature range 700-1250 degrees C for durations from 0 s to 24 h. From this we determined activation energies for Li and B diffusion of 57 +/- 4 kJ/mol and 152 +/- 15 kJ/mol with pre-exponential factors of 1.53 x 10(-7) m(2)/s and 3.80 x 10(-8) m(2)/s, respectively. Lithium isotopic fractionation during diffusion gave beta values between 0.15 and 0.20, whereas B showed no clear isotopic fractionation. Our Li diffusivities and isotopic fractionation results differ somewhat from earlier published values, but overall confirm that Li diffusivity increases with water content. Our results on B diffusion show that similarly to Li, B mobility increases in the presence of water. By applying the Eyring relation, we confirm that B diffusivity is limited by viscous flow in silicate melts. Our results on Li and B diffusion present a new tool for understanding degassing-related processes, offering a potential geospeedometer to measure volcanic ascent rates. KW - stable isotopes KW - diffusion KW - isotopic fractionation KW - hydrated silicate KW - melts Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s00410-022-01937-2 SN - 0010-7999 SN - 1432-0967 VL - 177 IS - 8 PB - Springer CY - New York ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kühn, Daniela A1 - Hainzl, Sebastian A1 - Dahm, Torsten A1 - Richter, Gudrun A1 - Vera Rodriguez, Ismael T1 - A review of source models to further the understanding of the seismicity of the Groningen field JF - Netherlands journal of geosciences : NJG N2 - The occurrence of felt earthquakes due to gas production in Groningen has initiated numerous studies and model attempts to understand and quantify induced seismicity in this region. The whole bandwidth of available models spans the range from fully deterministic models to purely empirical and stochastic models. In this article, we summarise the most important model approaches, describing their main achievements and limitations. In addition, we discuss remaining open questions and potential future directions of development. KW - deterministic KW - empirical KW - hybrid KW - machine learning KW - seismicity model Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1017/njg.2022.7 SN - 0016-7746 SN - 1573-9708 VL - 101 PB - Cambridge Univ. Press CY - Cambridge ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Fischer, Tomas A1 - Hrubcova, Pavla A1 - Dahm, Torsten A1 - Woith, Heiko A1 - Vylita, Tomas A1 - Ohrnberger, Matthias A1 - Vlcek, Josef A1 - Horalek, Josef A1 - Dedecek, Petr A1 - Zimmer, Martin A1 - Lipus, Martin P. A1 - Pierdominici, Simona A1 - Kallmeyer, Jens A1 - Krüger, Frank A1 - Hannemann, Katrin A1 - Korn, Michael A1 - Kämpf, Horst A1 - Reinsch, Thomas A1 - Klicpera, Jakub A1 - Vollmer, Daniel A1 - Daskalopoulou, Kyriaki T1 - ICDP drilling of the Eger Rift observatory BT - magmatic fluids driving the earthquake swarms and deep biosphere JF - Scientific Drilling N2 - The new in situ geodynamic laboratory established in the framework of the ICDP Eger project aims to develop the most modern, comprehensive, multiparameter laboratory at depth for studying earthquake swarms, crustal fluid flow, mantle-derived CO2 and helium degassing, and processes of the deep biosphere. In order to reach a new level of high-frequency, near-source and multiparameter observation of earthquake swarms and related phenomena, such a laboratory comprises a set of shallow boreholes with high-frequency 3-D seismic arrays as well as modern continuous real-time fluid monitoring at depth and the study of the deep biosphere. This laboratory is located in the western part of the Eger Rift at the border of the Czech Republic and Germany (in the West Bohemia-Vogtland geodynamic region) and comprises a set of five boreholes around the seismoactive zone. To date, all monitoring boreholes have been drilled. This includes the seismic monitoring boreholes S1, S2 and S3 in the crystalline units north and east of the major Novy Kostel seismogenic zone, borehole F3 in the Hartousov mofette field and borehole S4 in the newly discovered Bazina maar near Liba. Supplementary borehole P1 is being prepared in the Neualbenreuth maar for paleoclimate and biological research. At each of these sites, a borehole broadband seismometer will be installed, and sites S1, S2 and S3 will also host a 3-D seismic array composed of a vertical geophone chain and surface seismic array. Seismic instrumenting has been completed in the S1 borehole and is in preparation in the remaining four monitoring boreholes. The continuous fluid monitoring site of Hartousov includes three boreholes, F1, F2 and F3, and a pilot monitoring phase is underway. The laboratory also enables one to analyze microbial activity at CO2 mofettes and maar structures in the context of changes in habitats. The drillings into the maar volcanoes contribute to a better understanding of the Quaternary paleoclimate and volcanic activity. Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.5194/sd-31-31-2022 SN - 1816-8957 SN - 1816-3459 VL - 31 SP - 31 EP - 49 PB - Copernicus CY - Göttingen ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Nievas, Cecilia A1 - Pilz, Marco A1 - Prehn, Karsten A1 - Schorlemmer, Danijel A1 - Weatherill, Graeme A1 - Cotton, Fabrice T1 - Calculating earthquake damage building by building BT - the case of the city of Cologne, Germany JF - Bulletin of earthquake engineering : official publication of the European Association for Earthquake Engineering N2 - The creation of building exposure models for seismic risk assessment is frequently challenging due to the lack of availability of detailed information on building structures. Different strategies have been developed in recent years to overcome this, including the use of census data, remote sensing imagery and volunteered graphic information (VGI). This paper presents the development of a building-by-building exposure model based exclusively on openly available datasets, including both VGI and census statistics, which are defined at different levels of spatial resolution and for different moments in time. The initial model stemming purely from building-level data is enriched with statistics aggregated at the neighbourhood and city level by means of a Monte Carlo simulation that enables the generation of full realisations of damage estimates when using the exposure model in the context of an earthquake scenario calculation. Though applicable to any other region of interest where analogous datasets are available, the workflow and approach followed are explained by focusing on the case of the German city of Cologne, for which a scenario earthquake is defined and the potential damage is calculated. The resulting exposure model and damage estimates are presented, and it is shown that the latter are broadly consistent with damage data from the 1978 Albstadt earthquake, notwithstanding the differences in the scenario. Through this real-world application we demonstrate the potential of VGI and open data to be used for exposure modelling for natural risk assessment, when combined with suitable knowledge on building fragility and accounting for the inherent uncertainties. KW - Building exposure modelling KW - Seismic damage assessment KW - Scenario KW - earthquake KW - Seismic risk KW - Cologne Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-021-01303-w SN - 1570-761X SN - 1573-1456 VL - 20 IS - 3 SP - 1519 EP - 1565 PB - Springer CY - Dordrecht ER - TY - THES A1 - Niemz, Peter T1 - Imaging and modeling of hydraulic fractures in crystalline rock via induced seismic activity T1 - Charakterisierung und Modellierung hydraulischer Brüche in Kristallingestein mit Hilfe induzierter Seismizität N2 - Enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) are considered a cornerstone of future sustainable energy production. In such systems, high-pressure fluid injections break the rock to provide pathways for water to circulate in and heat up. This approach inherently induces small seismic events that, in rare cases, are felt or can even cause damage. Controlling and reducing the seismic impact of EGS is crucial for a broader public acceptance. To evaluate the applicability of hydraulic fracturing (HF) in EGS and to improve the understanding of fracturing processes and the hydromechanical relation to induced seismicity, six in-situ, meter-scale HF experiments with different injection schemes were performed under controlled conditions in crystalline rock in a depth of 410 m at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory (Sweden). I developed a semi-automated, full-waveform-based detection, classification, and location workflow to extract and characterize the acoustic emission (AE) activity from the continuous recordings of 11 piezoelectric AE sensors. Based on the resulting catalog of 20,000 AEs, with rupture sizes of cm to dm, I mapped and characterized the fracture growth in great detail. The injection using a novel cyclic injection scheme (HF3) had a lower seismic impact than the conventional injections. HF3 induced fewer AEs with a reduced maximum magnitude and significantly larger b-values, implying a decreased number of large events relative to the number of small ones. Furthermore, HF3 showed an increased fracture complexity with multiple fractures or a fracture network. In contrast, the conventional injections developed single, planar fracture zones (Publication 1). An independent, complementary approach based on a comparison of modeled and observed tilt exploits transient long-period signals recorded at the horizontal components of two broad-band seismometers a few tens of meters apart from the injections. It validated the efficient creation of hydraulic fractures and verified the AE-based fracture geometries. The innovative joint analysis of AEs and tilt signals revealed different phases of the fracturing process, including the (re-)opening, growth, and aftergrowth of fractures, and provided evidence for the reactivation of a preexisting fault in one of the experiments (Publication 2). A newly developed network-based waveform-similarity analysis applied to the massive AE activity supports the latter finding. To validate whether the reduction of the seismic impact as observed for the cyclic injection schemes during the Äspö mine-scale experiments is transferable to other scales, I additionally calculated energy budgets for injection experiments from previously conducted laboratory tests and from a field application. Across all three scales, the cyclic injections reduce the seismic impact, as depicted by smaller maximum magnitudes, larger b-values, and decreased injection efficiencies (Publication 3). N2 - Hydraulisch-stimulierte tiefengeothermale Systeme (Enhanced Geothermal systems, EGS) gelten als einer der Eckpfeiler für die nachhaltige Energieerzeugung der Zukunft. In diesen geothermalen Systemen wird heißes Tiefengestein durch Fluidinjektionen unter hohem Druck aufgebrochen, um Wegsamkeiten zur Erwärmung von Wasser oder anderen Fluiden zu schaffen. Beim Aufbrechen werden zwangsläufig kleine seismische Ereignisse ausgelöst (induzierte Seismizität), die in sehr seltenen Fällen an der Oberfläche spürbar sind, jedoch in extremen Fällen auch Schäden verursachen können. Die Kontrolle bzw. die Reduzierung der seismischen Aktivität in EGS ist daher ein entscheidender Punkt, damit diese Art der Energiegewinnung eine breite gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz findet. Grundlage dieser Dissertation ist eine Serie von kontrollierten, hydraulischen Bruchexperimenten mit Bruchdimensionen von einigen Metern. Die Experimente wurden in einer Tiefe von 410 m in kristallinem Gestein eines Versuchsbergwerks (Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, Schweden) mit unterschiedlichen Injektionsstrategien durchgeführt. Die detaillierte Auswertung der Bruch-Experimente in dieser Dissertation zielt darauf ab, die Nutzbarkeit von hydraulischen Stimulationen (hydraulic fracturing, HF) in EGS zu untersuchen und das Verständnis von Bruchprozessen sowie der hydromechanischen Beziehung zur induzierten Seismizität zu verbessern. Um die Schallemissionsaktivität (acoustic emissions, AE), die durch 11 piezoelektrische AE-Sensoren kontinuierlich aufgezeichnet wurde, zu extrahieren und zu charakterisieren, wurde ein halbautomatischer, wellenformbasierter Detektions-, Klassifizierungs- und Lokalisierungsworkflow entwickelt. Mit Hilfe des resultierenden Katalogs von 20000 AEs wurde das Bruchwachstum detailliert kartiert und charakterisiert. Das Experiment mit der neuartigen, zyklischen Injektionsstrategie (HF3) weist einen geringeren seismischen Fußabdruck auf als die Standard-Injektionsstrategie. HF3 induzierte weniger AEs und eine kleinere Maximalmagnitude. Außerdem hatte das Experiment einen signifikant höheren b-Wert, was einer verringerten Anzahl von großen AEs relativ zur Anzahl der kleineren AEs entspricht. Darüber hinaus zeigte HF3 eine erhöhte Komplexität im Bruchmuster mit mehreren Brüchen bzw. einem Netzwerk von Brüchen. Im Gegensatz dazu entwickelten die Standard-Injektionen einzelne, ebene Bruchzonen (Publikation 1). Zusätzlich zu den induzierten AEs wurden transiente, langperiodische Signale auf den horizontalen Komponenten von zwei Breitband-Seismometern, die wenige Meter von den Brüchen installiert waren, ausgewertet. Diese Signale wurden als Neigungssignale interpretiert und mit modellierten Neigungssignalen verglichen. Der Vergleich zeigt unabhängig, dass hydraulische Brüche geöffnet wurden und bestätigt, dass die AE-basierte Analyse die Bruchgeometrie verlässlich kartieren kann. Die gemeinsame Betrachtung von AEs und Neigungssignalen offenbart verschiedene Phasen des Bruchprozesses: das (wiederholte) Öffnen des Bruches, das Bruchwachstum und das weitere Wachsen des Bruches nach dem Ende der Injektion. Außerdem liefert die Analyse Hinweise auf die Reaktivierung einer natürlichen Bruchzone in einem der Experimente (Publikation 2). Eine neuentwickelte und hier präsentierte Wellenform-Ähnlichkeitsanalyse, die Informationen des gesamten Sensornetzwerkes nutzt und zum ersten Mal auf einen umfangreichen AE-Katalog angewendet wurde, unterstützt diese Interpretation. Um zu validieren, ob die verringerte Seismizität während der zyklischen Injektion auf der Meter-Skala (Bergwerk) auf andere Maßstäbe übertragbar ist, wurden Energie-Budgets für Injektionsexperimente aus zuvor durchgeführten Laborversuchen und aus einem Tiefengeothermie-Projekt berechnet. Über alle drei Skalen hinweg zeigen die zyklischen Injektionen einen verringerten seismischen Fußabdruck mit kleineren Maximalmagnituden, größeren b-Werte und einem kleineren Verhältnis von seismisch-abgestrahlter zu injizierter Energie (Publikation 3). KW - induced seismicity KW - hydraulic fracturing KW - enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) KW - injection KW - deformation KW - acoustic emissions KW - fracture growth KW - injection scheme KW - basement rock KW - Schallemissionen KW - Grundgestein KW - Deformation KW - verbesserte geothermische Systeme KW - Bruchausbreitung KW - hydraulisches Aufbrechen KW - Induzierte Seismizität KW - Injektion KW - Injektionsschema Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-556593 ER - TY - GEN A1 - Jara Muñoz, Julius A1 - Melnick, Daniel A1 - Li, Shaoyang A1 - Socquet, Anne A1 - Cortés-Aranda, Joaquín A1 - Brill, Dominik A1 - Strecker, Manfred T1 - The cryptic seismic potential of the Pichilemu blind fault in Chile revealed by off-fault geomorphology T2 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe N2 - The first step towards assessing hazards in seismically active regions involves mapping capable faults and estimating their recurrence times. While the mapping of active faults is commonly based on distinct geologic and geomorphic features evident at the surface, mapping blind seismogenic faults is complicated by the absence of on-fault diagnostic features. Here we investigated the Pichilemu Fault in coastal Chile, unknown until it generated a Mw 7.0 earthquake in 2010. The lack of evident surface faulting suggests activity along a partly-hidden blind fault. We used off-fault deformed marine terraces to estimate a fault-slip rate of 0.52 ± 0.04 m/ka, which, when integrated with satellite geodesy suggests a 2.12 ± 0.2 ka recurrence time for Mw~7.0 normal-faulting earthquakes. We propose that extension in the Pichilemu region is associated with stress changes during megathrust earthquakes and accommodated by sporadic slip during upper-plate earthquakes, which has implications for assessing the seismic potential of cryptic faults along convergent margins and elsewhere. T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe - 1294 Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-574616 SN - 1866-8372 IS - 1294 ER - TY - THES A1 - Esfahani, Reza Dokht Dolatabadi T1 - Time-dependent monitoring of near-surface and ground motion modelling: developing new data processing approaches based on Music Information Retrieval (MIR) strategies N2 - Seismology, like many scientific fields, e.g., music information retrieval and speech signal pro- cessing, is experiencing exponential growth in the amount of data acquired by modern seismo- logical networks. In this thesis, I take advantage of the opportunities offered by "big data" and by the methods developed in the areas of music information retrieval and machine learning to predict better the ground motion generated by earthquakes and to study the properties of the surface layers of the Earth. In order to better predict seismic ground motions, I propose two approaches based on unsupervised deep learning methods, an autoencoder network and Generative Adversarial Networks. The autoencoder technique explores a massive amount of ground motion data, evaluates the required parameters, and generates synthetic ground motion data in the Fourier amplitude spectra (FAS) domain. This method is tested on two synthetic datasets and one real dataset. The application on the real dataset shows that the substantial information contained within the FAS data can be encoded to a four to the five-dimensional manifold. Consequently, only a few independent parameters are required for efficient ground motion prediction. I also propose a method based on Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (CGAN) for simulating ground motion records in the time-frequency and time domains. CGAN generates the time-frequency domains based on the parameters: magnitude, distance, and shear wave velocities to 30 m depth (VS30). After generating the amplitude of the time-frequency domains using the CGAN model, instead of classical conventional methods that assume the amplitude spectra with a random phase spectrum, the phase of the time-frequency domains is recovered by minimizing the observed and reconstructed spectrograms. In the second part of this dissertation, I propose two methods for the monitoring and characterization of near-surface materials and site effect analyses. I implement an autocorrelation function and an interferometry method to monitor the velocity changes of near-surface materials resulting from the Kumamoto earthquake sequence (Japan, 2016). The observed seismic velocity changes during the strong shaking are due to the non-linear response of the near-surface materials. The results show that the velocity changes lasted for about two months after the Kumamoto mainshock. Furthermore, I used the velocity changes to evaluate the in-situ strain-stress relationship. I also propose a method for assessing the site proxy "VS30" using non-invasive analysis. In the proposed method, a dispersion curve of surface waves is inverted to estimate the shear wave velocity of the subsurface. This method is based on the Dix-like linear operators, which relate the shear wave velocity to the phase velocity. The proposed method is fast, efficient, and stable. All of the methods presented in this work can be used for processing "big data" in seismology and for the analysis of weak and strong ground motion data, to predict ground shaking, and to analyze site responses by considering potential time dependencies and nonlinearities. KW - ground motion modeling KW - machine learning KW - near-surface monitoring KW - imaging KW - generative model KW - surface wave Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-567671 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bannister, Stephen A1 - Bertrand, Edward A. A1 - Heimann, Sebastian A1 - Bourguignon, Sandra A1 - Asher, Cameron A1 - Shanks, Jackson A1 - Harvison, Adrian T1 - Imaging sub-caldera structure with local seismicity, Okataina Volcanic Centre, Taupo Volcanic Zone, using double-difference seismic tomography JF - Journal of volcanology and geothermal research N2 - We examine sub-caldera structure and seismicity in and around the Okataina Volcanic Centre (OVC), Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand, using seismic data collected over 4+ years with a temporary array of broadband and short-period seismometers, supplementing data from the permanent New Zealand seismometer network. We derive a new 3-D image of P-wave seismic velocity for the upper crust in the region, using double-difference seismic tomography and utilising waveform cross-correlations. We subsequently relocate 6989 earthquakes which occurred in the region over the 2010-2021 time period, using the 3D velocity model. The seismicity distribution shows spatial clusters west of Lake Rotomahana, as well as beneath Haroharo and the Makatiti Dome, inside the Okataina caldera. Beneath Makatiti Dome 90% of the events are shallower than 7.7 +/- 0.5 km. Outside of the Okataina caldera event relocations highlight short (similar to 3-4 km long) streaks of activity in the Ngakuru graben, part of the active Taupo Rift southwest of Okataina caldera. Inside the OVC the relocated seismicity beneath Makatiti appears closely associated with low (similar to 10%) P-wave velocity anomalies, which we resolve in the similar to 5-to-8-km depth range beneath the Okataina caldera, and which are likely related to partial melt and/or fluid-volatile pathways. Moment tensor analyses for two larger-magnitude events (M(L)4.5 and M(L)4.9) near Haroharo indicate normal faulting, with NNE-SSW fault strike, but with positive CLVD and positive isotropic components when allowing for a full moment tensor, consistent with a magmatic environment with degassing and/or fluid migration. KW - Okataina Caldera KW - Taupo Rift KW - seismic tomography KW - sub-caldera structure KW - Volcanic system Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2022.107653 SN - 0377-0273 SN - 1872-6097 VL - 431 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Steirou, Eva A1 - Gerlitz, Lars A1 - Sun, Xun A1 - Apel, Heiko A1 - Agarwal, Ankit A1 - Totz, Sonja Juliana A1 - Merz, Bruno T1 - Towards seasonal forecasting of flood probabilities in Europe using climate and catchment information JF - Scientific reports N2 - We investigate whether the distribution of maximum seasonal streamflow is significantly affected by catchment or climate state of the season/month ahead. We fit the Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution to extreme seasonal streamflow for around 600 stations across Europe by conditioning the GEV location and scale parameters on 14 indices, which represent the season-ahead climate or catchment state. The comparison of these climate-informed models with the classical GEV distribution, with time-constant parameters, suggests that there is a substantial potential for seasonal forecasting of flood probabilities. The potential varies between seasons and regions. Overall, the season-ahead catchment wetness shows the highest potential, although climate indices based on large-scale atmospheric circulation, sea surface temperature or sea ice concentration also show some skill for certain regions and seasons. Spatially coherent patterns and a substantial fraction of climate-informed models are promising signs towards early alerts to increase flood preparedness already a season ahead. Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-16633-1 SN - 2045-2322 VL - 12 IS - 1 PB - Nature portfolio CY - Berlin ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Merz, Bruno A1 - Basso, Stefano A1 - Fischer, Svenja A1 - Lun, David A1 - Bloeschl, Guenter A1 - Merz, Ralf A1 - Guse, Bjorn A1 - Viglione, Alberto A1 - Vorogushyn, Sergiy A1 - Macdonald, Elena A1 - Wietzke, Luzie A1 - Schumann, Andreas T1 - Understanding heavy tails of flood peak distributions JF - Water resources research N2 - Statistical distributions of flood peak discharge often show heavy tail behavior, that is, extreme floods are more likely to occur than would be predicted by commonly used distributions that have exponential asymptotic behavior. This heavy tail behavior may surprise flood managers and citizens, as human intuition tends to expect light tail behavior, and the heaviness of the tails is very difficult to predict, which may lead to unnecessarily high flood damage. Despite its high importance, the literature on the heavy tail behavior of flood distributions is rather fragmented. In this review, we provide a coherent overview of the processes causing heavy flood tails and the implications for science and practice. Specifically, we propose nine hypotheses on the mechanisms causing heavy tails in flood peak distributions related to processes in the atmosphere, the catchment, and the river system. We then discuss to which extent the current knowledge supports or contradicts these hypotheses. We also discuss the statistical conditions for the emergence of heavy tail behavior based on derived distribution theory and relate them to the hypotheses and flood generation mechanisms. We review the degree to which the heaviness of the tails can be predicted from process knowledge and data. Finally, we recommend further research toward testing the hypotheses and improving the prediction of heavy tails. KW - extreme events KW - flood frequency KW - flood risk KW - upper tail Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1029/2021WR030506 SN - 0043-1397 SN - 1944-7973 VL - 58 IS - 6 PB - American Geophysical Union CY - Washington ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Macdonald, Elena A1 - Merz, Bruno A1 - Guse, Björn A1 - Wietzke, Luzie A1 - Ullrich, Sophie A1 - Kemter, Matthias A1 - Ahrens, Bodo A1 - Vorogushyn, Sergiy T1 - Event and catchment controls of heavy tail behavior of floods JF - Water resources research N2 - In some catchments, the distribution of annual maximum streamflow shows heavy tail behavior, meaning the occurrence probability of extreme events is higher than if the upper tail decayed exponentially. Neglecting heavy tail behavior can lead to an underestimation of the likelihood of extreme floods and the associated risk. Partly contradictory results regarding the controls of heavy tail behavior exist in the literature and the knowledge is still very dispersed and limited. To better understand the drivers, we analyze the upper tail behavior and its controls for 480 catchments in Germany and Austria over a period of more than 50 years. The catchments span from quickly reacting mountain catchments to large lowland catchments, allowing for general conclusions. We compile a wide range of event and catchment characteristics and investigate their association with an indicator of the tail heaviness of flood distributions, namely the shape parameter of the GEV distribution. Following univariate analyses of these characteristics, along with an evaluation of different aggregations of event characteristics, multiple linear regression models, as well as random forests, are constructed. A novel slope indicator, which represents the relation between the return period of flood peaks and event characteristics, captures the controls of heavy tails best. Variables describing the catchment response are found to dominate the heavy tail behavior, followed by event precipitation, flood seasonality, and catchment size. The pre-event moisture state in a catchment has no relevant impact on the tail heaviness even though it does influence flood magnitudes. KW - heavy tail behavior KW - floods KW - event characteristics KW - catchment KW - characteristics KW - catchment response Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1029/2021WR031260 SN - 0043-1397 SN - 1944-7973 VL - 58 IS - 6 PB - American Geophysical Union CY - Washington ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Farrag, Mostafa A1 - Brill, Fabio Alexander A1 - Nguyen, Viet Dung A1 - Sairam, Nivedita A1 - Schröter, Kai A1 - Kreibich, Heidi A1 - Merz, Bruno A1 - de Bruijn, Karin M. A1 - Vorogushyn, Sergiy T1 - On the role of floodplain storage and hydrodynamic interactions in flood risk estimation JF - Hydrological sciences journal = Journal des sciences hydrologiques N2 - Hydrodynamic interactions, i.e. the floodplain storage effects caused by inundations upstream on flood wave propagation, inundation areas, and flood damage downstream, are important but often ignored in large-scale flood risk assessments. Although new methods considering these effects sometimes emerge, they are often limited to a small or meso scale. In this study, we investigate the role of hydrodynamic interactions and floodplain storage on flood hazard and risk in the German part of the Rhine basin. To do so, we compare a new continuous 1D routing scheme within a flood risk model chain to the piece-wise routing scheme, which largely neglects floodplain storage. The results show that floodplain storage is significant, lowers water levels and discharges, and reduces risks by over 50%. Therefore, for accurate risk assessments, a system approach must be adopted, and floodplain storage and hydrodynamic interactions must carefully be considered. KW - hydrodynamic interactions KW - derived flood risk analysis KW - flood modelling; KW - Rhine basin Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2022.2030058 SN - 0262-6667 SN - 2150-3435 VL - 67 IS - 4 SP - 508 EP - 534 PB - Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group CY - Abingdon ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Eibl, Eva P. S. A1 - Rosskopf, Martina A1 - Sciotto, Mariangela A1 - Currenti, Gilda A1 - Di Grazia, Giuseppe A1 - Jousset, Philippe A1 - Krüger, Frank A1 - Weber, Michael T1 - Performance of a rotational sensor to decipher volcano seismic signals on Etna, Italy JF - Journal of geophysical research : Solid earth N2 - Volcano-seismic signals such as long-period events and tremor are important indicators for volcanic activity and unrest. However, their wavefield is complex and characterization and location using traditional seismological instrumentation is often difficult. In 2019 we recorded the full seismic wavefield using a newly developed 3C rotational sensor co-located with a 3C traditional seismometer on Etna, Italy. We compare the performance of the rotational sensor, the seismometer and the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia-Osservatorio Etneo (INGV-OE) seismic network with respect to the analysis of complex volcano-seismic signals. We create event catalogs for volcano-tectonic (VT) and long-period (LP) events combining a STA/LTA algorithm and cross-correlations. The event detection based on the rotational sensor is as reliable as the seismometer-based detection. The LP events are dominated by SH-type waves. Derived SH phase velocities range from 500 to 1,000 m/s for LP events and 300-400 m/s for volcanic tremor. SH-waves compose the tremor during weak volcanic activity and SH- and SV-waves during sustained strombolian activity. We derive back azimuths using (a) horizontal rotational components and (b) vertical rotation rate and transverse acceleration. The estimated back azimuths are consistent with the INGV-OE event location for (a) VT events with an epicentral distance larger than 3 km and some closer events, (b) LP events and tremor in the main crater area. Measuring the full wavefield we can reliably analyze the back azimuths, phase velocities and wavefield composition for VT, LP events and tremor in regions that are difficult to access such as volcanoes. KW - Etna KW - LP KW - monitoring KW - rotational sensor KW - VLP KW - volcanoseismology KW - VT events and tremor Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JB023617 SN - 0148-0227 SN - 2169-9356 VL - 127 IS - 6 PB - Wiley CY - Hoboken, NJ ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lescesen, Igor A1 - Sraj, Mojca A1 - Basarin, Biljana A1 - Pavic, Dragoslav A1 - Mesaros, Minucer A1 - Mudelsee, Manfred T1 - Regional flood frequency analysis of the sava river in south-eastern Europe JF - Sustainability N2 - Regional flood frequency analysis (RFFA) is a powerful method for interrogating hydrological series since it combines observational time series from several sites within a region to estimate risk-relevant statistical parameters with higher accuracy than from single-site series. Since RFFA extreme value estimates depend on the shape of the selected distribution of the data-generating stochastic process, there is need for a suitable goodness-of-distributional-fit measure in order to optimally utilize given data. Here we present a novel, least-squares-based measure to select the optimal fit from a set of five distributions, namely Generalized Extreme Value (GEV), Generalized Logistic, Gumbel, Log-Normal Type III and Log-Pearson Type III. The fit metric is applied to annual maximum discharge series from six hydrological stations along the Sava River in South-eastern Europe, spanning the years 1961 to 2020. Results reveal that (1) the Sava River basin can be assessed as hydrologically homogeneous and (2) the GEV distribution provides typically the best fit. We offer hydrological-meteorological insights into the differences among the six stations. For the period studied, almost all stations exhibit statistically insignificant trends, which renders the conclusions about flood risk as relevant for hydrological sciences and the design of regional flood protection infrastructure. KW - discharge time series KW - flood risk analysis KW - Generalized Extreme Value distribution KW - L-moments estimation KW - regional flood frequency analysis KW - Sava River Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3390/su14159282 SN - 2071-1050 VL - 14 IS - 15 PB - MDPI CY - Basel ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Carvalho, Thayslan A1 - Brosinsky, Arlena A1 - Foerster, Saskia A1 - Teixeira, Adunias A1 - Medeiros, Pedro Henrique Augusto T1 - Reservoir sediment characterisation by diffuse reflectance spectroscopy in a semiarid region to support sediment reuse for soil fertilization JF - Journal of soils and sediments : protection, risk assessment and remediation N2 - Purpose: Soil erosion by water yields sediment to surface reservoirs, reducing their storage capacities, changing their geometry, and degrading water quality. Sediment reuse, i.e., fertilization of agricultural soils with the nutrient-enriched sediment from reservoirs, has been proposed as a recovery strategy. However, the sediment needs to meet certain criteria. In this study, we characterize sediments from the densely dammed semiarid Northeast Brazil by VNIR-SWIR spectroscopy and assess the effect of spectral resolution and spatial scale on the accuracy of N, P, K, C, electrical conductivity, and clay prediction models. Methods Sediment was collected in 10 empty reservoirs, and physical and chemical laboratory analyses as well as spectral measurements were performed. The spectra, initially measured at 1 nm spectral resolution, were resampled to 5 and 10 nm, and samples were analysed for both high and low spectral resolution at three spatial scales, namely (1) reservoir, (2) catchment, and (3) regional scale. Results Partial least square regressions performed from good to very good in the prediction of clay and electrical conductivity from reservoir (<40 km(2)) to regional (82,500 km(2)) scales. Models for C and N performed satisfactorily at the reservoir scale, but degraded to unsatisfactory at the other scales. Models for P and K were more unstable and performed from unsatisfactorily to satisfactorily at all scales. Coarsening spectral resolution by up to 10 nm only slightly degrades the models' performance, indicating the potential of characterizing sediment from spectral data captured at lower resolutions, such as by hyperspectral satellite sensors. Conclusion: By reducing the costly and time-consuming laboratory analyses, the method helps to promote the sediment reuse as a practice of soil and water conservation. KW - Sediment characterization KW - Spectroscopy KW - Sediment reuse KW - Surface KW - reservoirs KW - Semiarid KW - Brazil Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1007/s11368-022-03281-1 SN - 1439-0108 SN - 1614-7480 VL - 22 SP - 2557 EP - 2577 PB - Springer CY - Heidelberg ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kaboth-Bahr, Stefanie A1 - Mudelsee, Manfred T1 - The multifaceted history of the Walker Circulation during the Plio-Pleistocene JF - Quaternary science reviews : the international multidisciplinary research and review journal N2 - The Walker Circulation (WC) is an east-west trending band of atmospheric circulation cells along the equator and the predominant controller of heat and moisture transport in the tropics. Its variability is closely linked to the sea-surface temperature (SST) changes across the Pacific, the Indian and the Atlantic Oceans and can have pronounced effects on the humidity regimes of the adjacent continents. In recent years, the evolution of the WC during the Plioand Pleistocene epochs has been intensely studied in the context of the effectiveness of the tropics in modulating global climate change (e.g., the intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation). However, the onset of the modern WC pattern as well as its global impact during the Plioand Pleistocene is controversially assessed in the literature. For its onset, previous studies have suggested dates ranging between 2.4 and 0.8 million years ago (Myr), while its argued impact ranges from crucially influencing the increase of Northern Hemisphere ice sheet growth by channelling heat and moisture from the tropics into the high latitudes to having no effect on global ice volume changes. In order to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the spatiotemporal evolution of the WC during this time frame, we statistically analysed 30 globally distributed SST records covering the low and high latitudes between 3.5 and 1.5 Myr, encompassing the Late Pliocene to Early Pleistocene. We utilized a statistical change-point regression model to determine significant change points in the SST evolution of the (sub)-tropics and high latitudes that potentially relate to changes in the WC. We find that the WC experienced a multifaceted evolution between the Late Pliocene and the Early Pleistocene with significant transitional steps at-2.7 and-2.1 Ma. Our results suggest after the Late Pliocene, a pre-modern WC set in, which was characterized by a progressively strengthened Pacific Walker Cell alongside a weakened Indian Ocean Walker Cell. This change was potentially triggered by the constriction of the Indonesian seaway, an important transmitter between the Pacific and Indian Ocean. The ensuing mode of the WC intensified until-2.1 Myr, when SST values around the global scale signalled a progressive strengthening of the Indian Walker Cell in phase with the progressive strengthening of the Pacific and Atlantic Cells. Our findings indicate that a shift from a pre-modern to a modern-like WC potentially only occurred during the mid-Pleistocene. KW - Walker circulation KW - Plio-pleistocene transition KW - Early pleistocene; KW - Statistical analysis KW - Change-point regression model Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107529 SN - 0277-3791 SN - 1873-457X VL - 286 PB - Elsevier CY - Oxford ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Yen, Ming-Hsuan A1 - von Specht, Sebastian A1 - Lin, Yen-Yu A1 - Cotton, Fabrice A1 - Ma, Kuo-Fong T1 - Within- and between-event variabilities of strong-velocity pulses of moderate earthquakes within dense seismic arrays JF - Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America N2 - Ground motion with strong-velocity pulses can cause significant damage to buildings and structures at certain periods; hence, knowing the period and velocity amplitude of such pulses is critical for earthquake structural engineering. However, the physical factors relating the scaling of pulse periods with magnitude are poorly understood. In this study, we investigate moderate but damaging earthquakes (M-w 6-7) and characterize ground- motion pulses using the method of Shahi and Baker (2014) while considering the potential static-offset effects. We confirm that the within-event variability of the pulses is large. The identified pulses in this study are mostly from strike-slip-like earthquakes. We further perform simulations using the freq uency-wavenumber algorithm to investigate the causes of the variability of the pulse periods within and between events for moderate strike-slip earthquakes. We test the effect of fault dips, and the impact of the asperity locations and sizes. The simulations reveal that the asperity properties have a high impact on the pulse periods and amplitudes at nearby stations. Our results emphasize the importance of asperity characteristics, in addition to earthquake magnitudes for the occurrence and properties of pulses produced by the forward directivity effect. We finally quantify and discuss within- and between-event variabilities of pulse properties at short distances. Y1 - 2021 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1785/0120200376 SN - 0037-1106 SN - 1943-3573 VL - 112 IS - 1 SP - 361 EP - 380 PB - Seismological Society of America CY - El Cerito, Calif. ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wolf, Sebastian G. A1 - Huismans, Ritske S. A1 - Braun, Jean A1 - Yuan, Xiaoping T1 - Topography of mountain belts controlled by rheology and surface processes JF - Nature : the international weekly journal of science N2 - It is widely recognized that collisional mountain belt topography is generated by crustal thickening and lowered by river bedrock erosion, linking climate and tectonics(1-4). However, whether surface processes or lithospheric strength control mountain belt height, shape and longevity remains uncertain. Additionally, how to reconcile high erosion rates in some active orogens with long-term survival of mountain belts for hundreds of millions of years remains enigmatic. Here we investigate mountain belt growth and decay using a new coupled surface process(5,6) and mantle-scale tectonic model(7). End-member models and the new non-dimensional Beaumont number, Bm, quantify how surface processes and tectonics control the topographic evolution of mountain belts, and enable the definition of three end-member types of growing orogens: type 1, non-steady state, strength controlled (Bm > 0.5); type 2, flux steady state(8), strength controlled (Bm approximate to 0.4-0.5); and type 3, flux steady state, erosion controlled (Bm < 0.4). Our results indicate that tectonics dominate in Himalaya-Tibet and the Central Andes (both type 1), efficient surface processes balance high convergence rates in Taiwan (probably type 2) and surface processes dominate in the Southern Alps of New Zealand (type 3). Orogenic decay is determined by erosional efficiency and can be subdivided into two phases with variable isostatic rebound characteristics and associated timescales. The results presented here provide a unified framework explaining how surface processes and lithospheric strength control the height, shape, and longevity of mountain belts. Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-04700-6 SN - 0028-0836 SN - 1476-4687 VL - 606 IS - 7914 SP - 516 EP - 521 PB - Nature portfolio CY - Berlin ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Inceoglu, Fadil A1 - Shprits, Yuri A1 - Heinemann, Stephan G. A1 - Bianco, Stefano T1 - Identification of coronal holes on AIA/SDO images using unsupervised machine learning JF - The astrophysical journal : an international review of spectroscopy and astronomical physics N2 - Through its magnetic activity, the Sun governs the conditions in Earth's vicinity, creating space weather events, which have drastic effects on our space- and ground-based technology. One of the most important solar magnetic features creating the space weather is the solar wind that originates from the coronal holes (CHs). The identification of the CHs on the Sun as one of the source regions of the solar wind is therefore crucial to achieve predictive capabilities. In this study, we used an unsupervised machine-learning method, k-means, to pixel-wise cluster the passband images of the Sun taken by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly on the Solar Dynamics Observatory in 171, 193, and 211 angstrom in different combinations. Our results show that the pixel-wise k-means clustering together with systematic pre- and postprocessing steps provides compatible results with those from complex methods, such as convolutional neural networks. More importantly, our study shows that there is a need for a CH database where a consensus about the CH boundaries is reached by observers independently. This database then can be used as the "ground truth," when using a supervised method or just to evaluate the goodness of the models. Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/ac5f43 SN - 1538-4357 VL - 930 IS - 2 PB - IOP Publ. Ltd. CY - Bristol ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Landis, Daji August A1 - Saikin, Anthony A1 - Zhelavskaya, Irina A1 - Drozdov, Alexander A1 - Aseev, Nikita A1 - Shprits, Yuri A1 - Pfitzer, Maximilian F. A1 - Smirnov, Artem G. T1 - NARX Neural Network Derivations of the Outer Boundary Radiation Belt Electron Flux JF - Space Weather: the international journal of research and applications N2 - We present two new empirical models of radiation belt electron flux at geostationary orbit. GOES-15 measurements of 0.8 MeV electrons were used to train a Nonlinear Autoregressive with Exogenous input (NARX) neural network for both modeling GOES-15 flux values and an upper boundary condition scaling factor (BF). The GOES-15 flux model utilizes an input and feedback delay of 2 and 2 time steps (i.e., 5 min time steps) with the most efficient number of hidden layers set to 10. Magnetic local time, Dst, Kp, solar wind dynamic pressure, AE, and solar wind velocity were found to perform as predicative indicators of GOES-15 flux and therefore were used as the exogenous inputs. The NARX-derived upper boundary condition scaling factor was used in conjunction with the Versatile Electron Radiation Belt (VERB) code to produce reconstructions of the radiation belts during the period of July-November 1990, independent of in-situ observations. Here, Kp was chosen as the sole exogenous input to be more compatible with the VERB code. This Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite-era reconstruction showcases the potential to use these neural network-derived boundary conditions as a method of hindcasting the historical radiation belts. This study serves as a companion paper to another recently published study on reconstructing the radiation belts during Solar Cycles 17-24 (Saikin et al., 2021, ), for which the results featured in this paper were used. KW - radiation belts KW - forecasting (1922, 4315, 7924, 7964) KW - machine learning (0555) Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1029/2021SW002774 SN - 1542-7390 VL - 20 IS - 5 PB - American Geophysical Union CY - Washington ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Shprits, Yuri A1 - Allison, Hayley J. A1 - Wang, Dedong A1 - Drozdov, Alexander A1 - Szabo-Roberts, Matyas A1 - Zhelavskaya, Irina A1 - Vasile, Ruggero T1 - A new population of ultra-relativistic electrons in the outer radiation zone JF - Journal of geophysical research : Space physics N2 - Van Allen Probes measurements revealed the presence of the most unusual structures in the ultra-relativistic radiation belts. Detailed modeling, analysis of pitch angle distributions, analysis of the difference between relativistic and ultra-realistic electron evolution, along with theoretical studies of the scattering and wave growth, all indicate that electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves can produce a very efficient loss of the ultra-relativistic electrons in the heart of the radiation belts. Moreover, a detailed analysis of the profiles of phase space densities provides direct evidence for localized loss by EMIC waves. The evolution of multi-MeV fluxes shows dramatic and very sudden enhancements of electrons for selected storms. Analysis of phase space density profiles reveals that growing peaks at different values of the first invariant are formed at approximately the same radial distance from the Earth and show the sequential formation of the peaks from lower to higher energies, indicating that local energy diffusion is the dominant source of the acceleration from MeV to multi-MeV energies. Further simultaneous analysis of the background density and ultra-relativistic electron fluxes shows that the acceleration to multi-MeV energies only occurs when plasma density is significantly depleted outside of the plasmasphere, which is consistent with the modeling of acceleration due to chorus waves. KW - radiation belts KW - ultra-relativistic electrons KW - EMIC waves KW - modeling; KW - plasma density KW - chorus waves Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JA030214 SN - 2169-9380 SN - 2169-9402 VL - 127 IS - 5 PB - American Geophysical Union CY - Washington ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Drozdov, Alexander A1 - Allison, Hayley J. A1 - Shprits, Yuri A1 - Usanova, Maria E. A1 - Saikin, Anthony A1 - Wang, Dedong T1 - Depletions of Multi-MeV Electrons and their association to Minima in Phase Space Density JF - Geophysical research letters N2 - Fast-localized electron loss, resulting from interactions with electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves, can produce deepening minima in phase space density (PSD) radial profiles. Here, we perform a statistical analysis of local PSD minima to quantify how readily these are associated with radiation belt depletions. The statistics of PSD minima observed over a year are compared to the Versatile Electron Radiation Belts (VERB) simulations, both including and excluding EMIC waves. The observed minima distribution can only be achieved in the simulation including EMIC waves, indicating their importance in the dynamics of the radiation belts. By analyzing electron flux depletions in conjunction with the observed PSD minima, we show that, in the heart of the outer radiation belt (L* < 5), on average, 53% of multi-MeV electron depletions are associated with PSD minima, demonstrating that fast localized loss by interactions with EMIC waves are a common and crucial process for ultra-relativistic electron populations. KW - radiation belts KW - EMIC KW - VERB KW - PSD Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL097620 SN - 0094-8276 SN - 1944-8007 VL - 49 IS - 8 PB - American Geophysical Union CY - Washington ER - TY - GEN A1 - Schmidt, Lena Katharina A1 - Francke, Till A1 - Rottler, Erwin A1 - Blume, Theresa A1 - Schöber, Johannes T1 - Suspended sediment and discharge dynamics in a glaciated alpine environment: identifying crucial areas and time periods on several spatial and temporal scales in the Ötztal, Austria T2 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe N2 - Glaciated high-alpine areas are fundamentally altered by climate change, with well-known implications for hydrology, e.g., due to glacier retreat, longer snow-free periods, and more frequent and intense summer rainstorms. While knowledge on how these hydrological changes will propagate to suspended sediment dynamics is still scarce, it is needed to inform mitigation and adaptation strategies. To understand the processes and source areas most relevant to sediment dynamics, we analyzed discharge and sediment dynamics in high temporal resolution as well as their patterns on several spatial scales, which to date few studies have done. We used a nested catchment setup in the Upper Ötztal in Tyrol, Austria, where high-resolution (15 min) time series of discharge and suspended sediment concentrations are available for up to 15 years (2006–2020). The catchments of the gauges in Vent, Sölden and Tumpen range from 100 to almost 800 km2 with 10 % to 30 % glacier cover and span an elevation range of 930 to 3772 m a.s.l. We analyzed discharge and suspended sediment yields (SSY), their distribution in space, their seasonality and spatial differences therein, and the relative importance of short-term events. We complemented our analysis by linking the observations to satellite-based snow cover maps, glacier inventories, mass balances and precipitation data. Our results indicate that the areas above 2500 m a.s.l., characterized by glacier tongues and the most recently deglaciated areas, are crucial for sediment generation in all sub-catchments. This notion is supported by the synchronous spring onset of sediment export at the three gauges, which coincides with snowmelt above 2500 m but lags behind spring discharge onsets. This points at a limitation of suspended sediment supply as long as the areas above 2500 m are snow-covered. The positive correlation of annual SSY with glacier cover (among catchments) and glacier mass balances (within a catchment) further supports the importance of the glacier-dominated areas. The analysis of short-term events showed that summer precipitation events were associated with peak sediment concentrations and yields but on average accounted for only 21 % of the annual SSY in the headwaters. These results indicate that under current conditions, thermally induced sediment export (through snow and glacier melt) is dominant in the study area. Our results extend the scientific knowledge on current hydro-sedimentological conditions in glaciated high-alpine areas and provide a baseline for studies on projected future changes in hydro-sedimentological system dynamics. T3 - Zweitveröffentlichungen der Universität Potsdam : Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe - 1296 Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus4-576564 SN - 1866-8372 IS - 1296 SP - 653 EP - 669 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Li, Wenjia A1 - Tian, Fang A1 - Rudaya, Natalya A. A1 - Herzschuh, Ulrike A1 - Cao, Xianyong T1 - Pollen-based holocene thawing-history of permafrost in Northern Asia and its potential impacts on climate change JF - Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution N2 - As the recent permafrost thawing of northern Asia proceeds due to anthropogenic climate change, precise and detailed palaeoecological records from past warm periods are essential to anticipate the extent of future permafrost variations. Here, based on the modern relationship between permafrost and vegetation (represented by pollen assemblages), we trained a Random Forest model using pollen and permafrost data and verified its reliability to reconstruct the history of permafrost in northern Asia during the Holocene. An early Holocene (12-8 cal ka BP) strong thawing trend, a middle-to-late Holocene (8-2 cal ka BP) relatively slow thawing trend, and a late Holocene freezing trend of permafrost in northern Asia are consistent with climatic proxies such as summer solar radiation and Northern Hemisphere temperature. The extensive distribution of permafrost in northern Asia inhibited the spread of evergreen coniferous trees during the early Holocene warming and might have decelerated the enhancement of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) by altering hydrological processes and albedo. Based on these findings, we suggest that studies of the EASM should consider more the state of permafrost and vegetation in northern Asia, which are often overlooked and may have a profound impact on climate change in this region. KW - pollen KW - Random Forest KW - Siberia KW - East Asian summer monsoon KW - permafrost Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2022.894471 SN - 2296-701X VL - 10 PB - Frontiers Media CY - Lausanne ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zhang, Di A1 - Cao, Kai A1 - Yuan, Xiaoping A1 - Wang, Guocan A1 - van der Beek, Pieter A. T1 - Late Oligocene-early Miocene origin of the First Bend of the Yangtze River explained by thrusting-induced river reorganization JF - Geomorphology N2 - The origin of the First Bend of the Yangtze River is key to understanding the birth of the modern Yangtze River. Despite considerable efforts, the timing and mechanism of formation of the First Bend remain highly debated. Inverse river-profile modeling of three tributaries (Chongjiang, Lima, and Gudu) of the Jinsha River, integrated with regional tectonic and geomorphic interpretations, allows the onset of incision at the First Bend to be constrained to 28-20 Ma. The spatio-temporal coincidence of initial river incision and activity of Yulong Thrust Belt in southeastern Tibet highlights thrusting to be fundamental in reshaping the pre-existing stream network at the First Bend. These results enable us to reinterpret a change in sedimentary environment from a braided river to a swamp-like lake in the Jianchuan Basin south of the First Bend, recording the destruction of the hypothesized southwards-flowing paleo-Jinsha and Shuiluo Rivers at ~36-35 Ma by magmatism. During the late Oligoceneearly Miocene, the paleo-Shuiluo River was diverted to the north by focused rock uplift due to thrusting along the Yulong Thrust Belt, which also led to exhumation of the Jianchuan Basin. Diversion of the paleo-Shuiluo River can be explained by capture from a downstream river in the footwall of the Yulong Thrust Belt. Subsequent rapid headward erosion, that was caused by thrusting-induced drop of local base level, is recorded by upstream younging ages for the onset of incision and led to the formation of the First Bend. The combination of new ages for the onset of incision at 28-20 Ma at the First Bend and younger ages upstream indicates northwards expansion of the Jinsha River at a rate of 62 +/- 18 mm/yr. Our results suggest that the origin of the First Bend was likely triggered by thrusting at 28-20 Ma, after which the Yangtze River formed. KW - Tibetan Plateau KW - Yangtze River KW - river incision KW - inverse modeling Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2022.108303 SN - 0169-555X SN - 1872-695X VL - 411 PB - Elsevier Science CY - Amsterdam [u.a.] ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ariagno, Coline A1 - Le Bouteiller, Caroline A1 - van der Beek, Pieter A. A1 - Klotz, Sébastien T1 - Sediment export in marly badland catchments modulated by frost-cracking intensity, Draix–Bléone Critical Zone Observatory, SE France JF - Earth surface dynamics : ESURF ; an interactive open access journal of the European Geosciences Union N2 - At the interface between the lithosphere and the atmosphere, the critical zone records the complex interactions between erosion, climate, geologic substrate, and life and can be directly monitored. Long data records (30 consecutive years for sediment yields) collected in the sparsely vegetated, steep, and small marly badland catchments of the Draix-Bleone Critical Zone Observatory (CZO), SE France, allow analyzing potential climatic controls on regolith dynamics and sediment export. Although widely accepted as a first-order control, rainfall variability does not fully explain the observed interannual variability in sediment export. Previous studies in this area have suggested that frost-weathering processes could drive regolith production and potentially modulate the observed pattern of sediment export. Here, we define sediment export anomalies as the residuals from a predictive model with annual rainfall intensity above a threshold as the control. We then use continuous soil temperature data recorded at different locations over multiple years to highlight the role of different frost-weathering processes (i.e., ice segregation versus volumetric expansion) in regolith production. Several proxies for different frost-weathering processes have been calculated from these data and compared to the sediment export anomalies, with careful consideration of field data quality. Our results suggest that frost-cracking intensity (linked to ice segregation) can explain about half (47 %-64 %) of the sediment export anomalies. In contrast, the number of freeze-thaw cycles (linked to volumetric expansion) has only a minor impact on catchment sediment response. The time spent below 0 degrees C also correlates well with the sediment export anomalies and requires fewer field data to be calculated than the frost-cracking intensity. Thus, frost-weathering processes modulate sediment export by controlling regolith production in these catchments and should be taken into account when building predictive models of sediment export from these badlands under a changing climate. Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.5194/esurf-10-81-2022 SN - 2196-6311 SN - 2196-632X VL - 10 IS - 1 SP - 81 EP - 96 PB - Copernicus CY - Göttingen ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Fuchs, Matthias A1 - Palmtag, Juri A1 - Juhls, Bennet A1 - Overduin, Pier Paul A1 - Grosse, Guido A1 - Abdelwahab, Ahmed A1 - Bedington, Michael A1 - Sanders, Tina A1 - Ogneva, Olga A1 - Fedorova, Irina A1 - Zimov, Nikita S. A1 - Mann, Paul J. A1 - Strauss, Jens T1 - High-resolution bathymetry models for the Lena Delta and Kolyma Gulf coastal zones JF - Earth system science data N2 - Arctic river deltas and deltaic near-shore zones represent important land-ocean transition zones influencing sediment dynamics and nutrient fluxes from permafrost-affected terrestrial ecosystems into the coastal Arctic Ocean. To accurately model fluvial carbon and freshwater export from rapidly changing river catchments as well as assess impacts of future change on the Arctic shelf and coastal ecosystems, we need to understand the sea floor characteristics and topographic variety of the coastal zones. To date, digital bathymetrical data from the poorly accessible, shallow, and large areas of the eastern Siberian Arctic shelves are sparse. We have digitized bathymetrical information for nearly 75 000 locations from large-scale (1 V 25000-1 V 500000) current and historical nautical maps of the Lena Delta and the Kolyma Gulf region in northeastern Siberia. We present the first detailed and seamless digital models of coastal zone bathymetry for both delta and gulf regions in 50 and 200m spatial resolution. We validated the resulting bathymetry layers using a combination of our own water depth measurements and a collection of available depth measurements, which showed a strong correlation (r>0.9). Our bathymetrical models will serve as an input for a high-resolution coupled hydrodynamic-ecosystem model to better quantify fluvial and coastal carbon fluxes to the Arctic Ocean, but they may be useful for a range of other studies related to Arctic delta and near-shore dynamics such as modeling of submarine permafrost, near-shore sea ice, or shelf sediment transport. The new digital high-resolution bathymetry products are available on the PANGAEA data set repository for the Lena Delta (https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.934045; Fuchs et al., 2021a) and Kolyma Gulf region (https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.934049; Fuchs et al., 2021b), respectively. Likewise, the depth validation data are available on PANGAEA as well (https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.933187; Fuchs et al., 2021c). Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-14-2279-2022 SN - 1866-3508 SN - 1866-3516 VL - 14 IS - 5 SP - 2279 EP - 2301 PB - Copernicus CY - Göttingen ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Mitzscherling, Julia A1 - MacLean, Joana A1 - Lipus, Daniel A1 - Bartholomäus, Alexander A1 - Mangelsdorf, Kai A1 - Lipski, André A1 - Roddatis, Vladimir A1 - Liebner, Susanne A1 - Wagner, Dirk T1 - Nocardioides alcanivorans sp. nov., a novel hexadecane-degrading species isolated from plastic waste JF - International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology N2 - Strain NGK65(T), a novel hexadecane degrading, non-motile, Gram-positive, rod-to-coccus shaped, aerobic bacterium, was isolated from plastic polluted soil sampled at a landfill. Strain NGK65(T) hydrolysed casein, gelatin, urea and was catalase-positive. It optimally grew at 28 degrees C. in 0-1% NaCl and at pH 7.5-8.0. Glycerol, D-glucose, arbutin, aesculin, salicin, potassium 5-ketogluconate. sucrose, acetate, pyruvate and hexadecane were used as sole carbon sources. The predominant membrane fatty acids were iso-C-16:0 followed by iso-C(17:)0 and C-18:1 omega 9c. The major polar lipids were phosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol and hydroxyphosphatidylinositol. The cell-wall peptidoglycan type was A3 gamma, with LL-diaminopimelic acid and glycine as the diagnostic amino acids. MK 8 (H-4) was the predominant menaquinone. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences indicated that strain NGK65(T) belongs to the genus Nocardioides (phylum Actinobacteria). appearing most closely related to Nocardioides daejeonensis MJ31(T) (98.6%) and Nocardioides dubius KSL-104(T) (98.3%). The genomic DNA G+C content of strain NGK65(T) was 68.2%. Strain NGK65(T) and the type strains of species involved in the analysis had average nucleotide identity values of 78.3-71.9% as well as digital DNA-DNA hybridization values between 22.5 and 19.7%, which clearly indicated that the isolate represents a novel species within the genus Nocardioides. Based on phenotypic and molecular characterization, strain NGK65(T) can clearly be differentiated from its phylogenetic neighbours to establish a novel species, for which the name Nocardioides alcanivorans sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is NGK65(T) (=DSM 113112(T)=NCCB 100846(T)). KW - Nocardioides alcanivorans KW - hexadecane KW - plastic degradation KW - terrestrial KW - plastisphere KW - bacteria Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1099/ijsem.0.005319 SN - 1466-5026 SN - 1466-5034 VL - 72 IS - 4 PB - Microbiology Society CY - London ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Smith, Taylor A1 - Traxl, Dominik A1 - Boers, Niklas T1 - Empirical evidence for recent global shifts in vegetation resilience JF - Nature climate change N2 - The authors demonstrate that a vegetation system's ability to recover from disturbances-its resilience-can be estimated from its natural variability. Global patterns of resilience loss and gains since the early 1990s reveal shifts towards widespread resilience loss since the early 2000s. The character and health of ecosystems worldwide is tightly coupled to changes in Earth's climate. Theory suggests that ecosystem resilience-the ability of ecosystems to resist and recover from external shocks such as droughts and fires-can be inferred from their natural variability. Here, we quantify vegetation resilience globally with complementary metrics based on two independent long-term satellite records. We first empirically confirm that the recovery rates from large perturbations can be closely approximated from internal vegetation variability across vegetation types and climate zones. On the basis of this empirical relationship, we quantify vegetation resilience continuously and globally from 1992 to 2017. Long-term vegetation resilience trends are spatially heterogeneous, with overall increasing resilience in the tropics and decreasing resilience at higher latitudes. Shorter-term trends, however, reveal a marked shift towards a global decline in vegetation resilience since the early 2000s, particularly in the equatorial rainforest belt. Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-022-01352-2 SN - 1758-678X SN - 1758-6798 VL - 12 IS - 5 SP - 477 EP - 484 PB - Nature Publ. Group CY - London ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sarr, Anta-Clarisse A1 - Donnadieu, Yannick A1 - Bolton, Clara T. A1 - Ladant, Jean-Baptiste A1 - Licht, Alexis A1 - Fluteau, Frédéric A1 - Laugié, Marie A1 - Tardif-Becquet, Delphine A1 - Dupont-Nivet, Guillaume T1 - Neogene South Asian monsoon rainfall and wind histories diverged due to topographic effects JF - Nature geoscience N2 - The drivers of the evolution of the South Asian Monsoon remain widely debated. An intensification of monsoonal rainfall recorded in terrestrial and marine sediment archives from the earliest Miocene (23-20 million years ago (Ma)) is generally attributed to Himalayan uplift. However, Indian Ocean palaeorecords place the onset of a strong monsoon around 13 Ma, linked to strengthening of the southwesterly winds of the Somali Jet that also force Arabian Sea upwelling. Here we reconcile these divergent records using Earth system model simulations to evaluate the interactions between palaeogeography and ocean-atmosphere dynamics. We show that factors forcing the South Asian Monsoon circulation versus rainfall are decoupled and diachronous. Himalayan and Tibetan Plateau topography predominantly controlled early Miocene rainfall patterns, with limited impact on ocean-atmosphere circulation. The uplift of the East African and Middle Eastern topography played a pivotal role in the establishment of the modern Somali Jet structure above the western Indian Ocean, while strong upwelling initiated as a direct consequence of the emergence of the Arabian Peninsula and the onset of modern-like atmospheric circulation. Our results emphasize that although elevated rainfall seasonality was probably a persistent feature since the India-Asia collision in the Paleogene, modern-like monsoonal atmospheric circulation only emerged in the late Neogene. Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1038/s41561-022-00919-0 SN - 1752-0894 SN - 1752-0908 VL - 15 IS - 4 SP - 314 EP - 319 PB - Nature Research CY - Berlin ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Toumoulin, Agathe A1 - Tardif-Becquet, Delphine A1 - Donnadieu, Yannick A1 - Licht, Alexis A1 - Ladant, Jean-Baptiste A1 - Kunzmann, Lutz A1 - Dupont-Nivet, Guillaume T1 - Evolution of continental temperature seasonality from the Eocene greenhouse to the Oligocene icehouse BT - a model-data comparison JF - Climate of the past : an interactive open access journal of the European Geosciences Union N2 - At the junction of greenhouse and icehouse climate states, the Eocene-Oligocene Transition (EOT) is a key moment in Cenozoic climate history. While it is associated with severe extinctions and biodiversity turnovers on land, the role of terrestrial climate evolution remains poorly resolved, especially the associated changes in seasonality. Some paleobotanical and geochemical continental records in parts of the Northern Hemisphere suggest the EOT is associated with a marked cooling in winter, leading to the development of more pronounced seasons (i.e., an increase in the mean annual range of temperature, MATR). However, the MATR increase has been barely studied by climate models and large uncertainties remain on its origin, geographical extent and impact. In order to better understand and describe temperature seasonality changes between the middle Eocene and the early Oligocene, we use the Earth system model IPSL-CM5A2 and a set of simulations reconstructing the EOT through three major climate forcings: pCO(2) decrease (1120, 840 and 560 ppm), the Antarctic ice-sheet (AIS) formation and the associated sea-level decrease. Our simulations suggest that pCO(2) lowering alone is not sufficient to explain the seasonality evolution described by the data through the EOT but rather that the combined effects of pCO(2) , AIS formation and increased continentality provide the best data-model agreement.pCO(2) decrease induces a zonal pattern with alternating increasing and decreasing seasonality bands particularly strong in the northern high latitudes (up to 8 degrees C MATR increase) due to sea-ice and surface albedo feedback. Conversely, the onset of the AIS is responsible for a more constant surface albedo yearly, which leads to a strong decrease in seasonality in the southern midlatitudes to high latitudes (> 40 degrees S). Finally, continental areas that emerged due to the sea-level lowering cause the largest increase in seasonality and explain most of the global heterogeneity in MATR changes (1MATR) patterns. The Delta MATR patterns we reconstruct are generally consistent with the variability of the EOT biotic crisis intensity across the Northern Hemisphere and provide insights on their underlying mechanisms. Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-18-341-2022 SN - 1814-9324 SN - 1814-9332 VL - 18 IS - 2 SP - 341 EP - 362 PB - Copernicus CY - Göttingen ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Haugk, Charlotte A1 - Jongejans, Loeka L. A1 - Mangelsdorf, Kai A1 - Fuchs, Matthias A1 - Ogneva, Olga A1 - Palmtag, Juri A1 - Mollenhauer, Gesine A1 - Mann, Paul J. A1 - Overduin, P. Paul A1 - Grosse, Guido A1 - Sanders, Tina A1 - Tuerena, Robyn E. A1 - Schirrmeister, Lutz A1 - Wetterich, Sebastian A1 - Kizyakov, Alexander A1 - Karger, Cornelia A1 - Strauss, Jens T1 - Organic matter characteristics of a rapidly eroding permafrost cliff in NE Siberia (Lena Delta, Laptev Sea region) JF - Biogeosciences N2 - Organic carbon (OC) stored in Arctic permafrost represents one of Earth's largest and most vulnerable terrestrial carbon pools. Amplified climate warming across the Arctic results in widespread permafrost thaw. Permafrost deposits exposed at river cliffs and coasts are particularly susceptible to thawing processes. Accelerating erosion of terrestrial permafrost along shorelines leads to increased transfer of organic matter (OM) to nearshore waters. However, the amount of terrestrial permafrost carbon and nitrogen as well as the OM quality in these deposits is still poorly quantified. We define the OM quality as the intrinsic potential for further transformation, decomposition and mineralisation. Here, we characterise the sources and the quality of OM supplied to the Lena River at a rapidly eroding permafrost river shoreline cliff in the eastern part of the delta (Sobo-Sise Island). Our multi-proxy approach captures bulk elemental, molecu- lar geochemical and carbon isotopic analyses of Late Pleistocene Yedoma permafrost and Holocene cover deposits, discontinuously spanning the last similar to 52 kyr. We showed that the ancient permafrost exposed in the Sobo-Sise cliff has a high organic carbon content (mean of about 5 wt %). The oldest sediments stem from Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 interstadial deposits (dated to 52 to 28 cal ka BP) and are overlaid by last glacial MIS 2 (dated to 28 to 15 cal ka BP) and Holocene MIS 1 (dated to 7-0 cal ka BP) deposits. The relatively high average chain length (ACL) index of n-alkanes along the cliff profile indicates a predominant contribution of vascular plants to the OM composition. The elevated ratio of isoand anteiso-branched fatty acids (FAs) relative to mid- and long-chain (C >= 20) n-FAs in the interstadial MIS 3 and the interglacial MIS 1 deposits suggests stronger microbial activity and consequently higher input of bacterial biomass during these climatically warmer periods. The overall high carbon preference index (CPI) and higher plant fatty acid (HPFA) values as well as high C/N ratios point to a good quality of the preserved OM and thus to a high potential of the OM for decomposition upon thaw. A decrease in HPFA values downwards along the profile probably indicates stronger OM decomposition in the oldest (MIS 3) deposits of the cliff. The characterisation of OM from eroding permafrost leads to a better assessment of the greenhouse gas potential of the OC released into river and nearshore waters in the future. Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-19-2079-2022 SN - 1726-4170 SN - 1726-4189 VL - 19 IS - 7 SP - 2079 EP - 2094 PB - Copernicus CY - Göttingen ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Voglimacci-Stephanopoli, Joëlle A1 - Wendleder, Anna A1 - Lantuit, Hugues A1 - Langlois, Alexandre A1 - Stettner, Samuel A1 - Schmitt, Andreas A1 - Dedieu, Jean-Pierre A1 - Roth, Achim A1 - Royer, Alain T1 - Potential of X-band polarimetric synthetic aperture radar co-polar phase difference for arctic snow depth estimation JF - Cryosphere N2 - Changes in snowpack associated with climatic warming has drastic impacts on surface energy balance in the cryosphere. Yet, traditional monitoring techniques, such as punctual measurements in the field, do not cover the full snowpack spatial and temporal variability, which hampers efforts to upscale measurements to the global scale. This variability is one of the primary constraints in model development. In terms of spatial resolution, active microwaves (synthetic aperture radar - SAR) can address the issue and outperform methods based on passive microwaves. Thus, high-spatial-resolution monitoring of snow depth (SD) would allow for better parameterization of local processes that drive the spatial variability of snow. The overall objective of this study is to evaluate the potential of the TerraSAR-X (TSX) SAR sensor and the wave co-polar phase difference (CPD) method for characterizing snow cover at high spatial resolution. Consequently, we first (1) investigate SD and depth hoar fraction (DHF) variability between different vegetation classes in the Ice Creek catchment (Qikiqtaruk/Herschel Island, Yukon, Canada) using in situ measurements collected over the course of a field campaign in 2019; (2) evaluate linkages between snow characteristics and CPD distribution over the 2019 dataset; and (3) determine CPD seasonality considering meteorological data over the 2015-2019 period. SD could be extracted using the CPD when certain conditions are met. A high incidence angle (>30 circle) with a high topographic wetness index (TWI) (>7.0) showed correlation between SD and CPD (R2 up to 0.72). Further, future work should address a threshold of sensitivity to TWI and incidence angle to map snow depth in such environments and assess the potential of using interpolation tools to fill in gaps in SD information on drier vegetation types. Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-16-2163-2022 SN - 1994-0416 SN - 1994-0424 VL - 16 IS - 6 SP - 2163 EP - 2181 PB - Copernicus CY - Göttingen ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kaya, Mustafa Yücel A1 - Dupont-Nivet, Guillaume A1 - Frieling, Joost A1 - Fioroni, Chiara A1 - Rohrmann, Alexander A1 - Altıner, Sevinç Özkan A1 - Vardar, Ezgi A1 - Tanyas, Hakan A1 - Mamtimin, Mehmut A1 - Zhaojie, Guo T1 - The Eurasian epicontinental sea was an important carbon sink during the Palaeocene-Eocene thermal maximum JF - Communications earth and environment N2 - The Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (ca. 56 million years ago) offers a primary analogue for future global warming and carbon cycle recovery. Yet, where and how massive carbon emissions were mitigated during this climate warming event remains largely unknown. Here we show that organic carbon burial in the vast epicontinental seaways that extended over Eurasia provided a major carbon sink during the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. We coupled new and existing stratigraphic analyses to a detailed paleogeographic framework and using spatiotemporal interpolation calculated ca. 720–1300 Gt organic carbon excess burial, focused in the eastern parts of the Eurasian epicontinental seaways. A much larger amount (2160–3900 Gt C, and when accounting for the increase in inundated shelf area 7400–10300 Gt C) could have been sequestered in similar environments globally. With the disappearance of most epicontinental seas since the Oligocene-Miocene, an effective negative carbon cycle feedback also disappeared making the modern carbon cycle critically dependent on the slower silicate weathering feedback. Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-022-00451-4 SN - 2662-4435 VL - 3 IS - 1 PB - Springer Nature CY - London ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Yuan, Xiaoping P. A1 - Jiao, Ruohong A1 - Dupont-Nivet, Guillaume A1 - Shen, Xiaoming T1 - Southeastern Tibetan Plateau growth revealed by inverse analysis of landscape evolution model JF - Geophysical research letters N2 - The Cenozoic history of the Tibetan Plateau topography is critical for understanding the evolution of the Indian-Eurasian collision, climate, and biodiversity. However, the long-term growth and landscape evolution of the Tibetan Plateau remain ambiguous, it remains unclear if plateau uplift occurred soon after the India-Asia collision in the Paleogene (similar to 50-25 Ma) or later in the Neogene (similar to 20-5 Ma). Here, we reproduce the uplift history of the southeastern Tibetan Plateau using a 2D landscape evolution model, which simultaneously solves fluvial erosion and sediment transport processes in the drainage basins of the Three Rivers region (Yangtze, Mekong, and Salween Rivers). Our model was optimized through a formal inverse analysis with 20,000 forward simulations, which aims to reconcile the transient states of the present-day river profiles. The results, compared to existing paleoelevation and thermochronologic data, suggest initially low elevations (similar to 300-500 m) during the Paleogene, followed by a gradual southeastward propagation of topographic uplift of the plateau margin. KW - Tibetan Plateau KW - landscape evolution KW - fluvial erosion KW - inverse analysis KW - mountain growth KW - propagating uplift Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL097623 SN - 0094-8276 SN - 1944-8007 VL - 49 IS - 10 PB - American Geophysical Union CY - Washington ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Dahm, Torsten A1 - Hainzl, Sebastian T1 - A Coulomb stress response model for time-dependent earthquake forecasts JF - Journal of geophysical research : Solid earth N2 - Seismicity models are probabilistic forecasts of earthquake rates to support seismic hazard assessment. Physics-based models allow extrapolating previously unsampled parameter ranges and enable conclusions on underlying tectonic or human-induced processes. The Coulomb Failure (CF) and the rate-and-state (RS) models are two widely used physics-based seismicity models both assuming pre-existing populations of faults responding to Coulomb stress changes. The CF model depends on the absolute Coulomb stress and assumes instantaneous triggering if stress exceeds a threshold, while the RS model only depends on stress changes. Both models can predict background earthquake rates and time-dependent stress effects, but the RS model with its three independent parameters can additionally explain delayed aftershock triggering. This study introduces a modified CF model where the instantaneous triggering is replaced by a mean time-to-failure depending on the absolute stress value. For the specific choice of an exponential dependence on stress and a stationary initial seismicity rate, we show that the model leads to identical results as the RS model and reproduces the Omori-Utsu relation for aftershock decays as well stress-shadowing effects. Thus, both CF and RS models can be seen as special cases of the new model. However, the new stress response model can also account for subcritical initial stress conditions and alternative functions of the mean time-to-failure depending on the problem and fracture mode. KW - seismicity KW - physics based model KW - earthquake physics Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JB024443 SN - 2169-9313 SN - 2169-9356 VL - 127 IS - 9 PB - American Geophysical Union CY - Washington ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Scherbaum, Frank A1 - Mzhavanadze, Nana A1 - Rosenzweig, Sebastian A1 - Müller, Meinard T1 - Tuning systems of traditional Georgian singing determined from a new corpus of field recordings JF - Musicologist N2 - In this study we examine the tonal organization of the 2016 GVM dataset, a newly-created corpus of high-quality multimedia field recordings of traditional Georgian singing with a focus on Svaneti. For this purpose, we developed a new processing pipeline for the computational analysis of non-western polyphonic music which was subsequently applied to the complete 2016 GVM dataset. To evaluate under what conditions a single tuning system is representative of current Svan performance practice, we examined the stability of the obtained tuning systems from an ensemble-, a song-, and a corpus-related perspective. Furthermore, we compared the resulting Svan tuning systems with the tuning systems obtained for the Erkomaishvili dataset (Rosenzweig et al., 2020) in the study by Scherbaum et al. (2020). In comparison to a 12-TET (12-tone-equal-temperament) system, the Erkomaishvili and the Svan tuning systems are surprisingly similar. Both systems show a strong presence of pure fourths (500 cents) and fifths (700 cents), and 'neutral' thirds (peaking around 350 cents) as well as 'neutral' sixths. In addition, the sizes of the melodic and the harmonic seconds in both tuning systems differ systematically from each other, with the size of the harmonic second being systematically larger than the melodic one. KW - traditional Georgian music KW - tuning KW - computational ethnomusicology Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.33906/musicologist.1068947 SN - 2618-5652 VL - 6 IS - 2 SP - 142 EP - 168 PB - Trabzon Univ State Conservatory CY - Trabzon ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lück, Erika A1 - Guillemoteau, Julien A1 - Tronicke, Jens A1 - Rummel, Udo A1 - Hierold, Wilfried T1 - From point to field scale-indirect monitoring of soil moisture variations at the DWD test site in Falkenberg JF - Geoderma : an international journal of soil science N2 - Information regarding the spatial distribution of soil water content is key in many disciplines and applications including soil and atmospheric sciences, hydrology, and agricultural engineering. Thus, within the past decades various experimental methods and strategies have been developed to map spatial variations in soil moisture distribution and to monitor temporal changes. Our study examines the combination of electrical resistivity mapping and point observations of soil moisture to infer the spatial and the temporal variability of soil moisture. Over a period of around two years, we performed field measurements on six days to collect repeated electrical resistivity mapping data for a nine-hectare test site south-east of Berlin, Germany. Permanently installed TDR probes, temporary TDR measurements within permanently installed tubes, and gravimetric measurements using soil samples provided soil moisture data at various selected points. In addition, soil analysis and classification results are available for 132 regularly distributed positions up to depths of 1.2 m. We compare and link three-dimensional resistivity models obtained via data inversion to soil composition and soil moisture as provided by our point data. Both the soil samples and the resistivity models indicate a two-layer medium characterized by a sandy top layer with varying thickness and a loamy bottom soil. For all six field campaigns, we observe similar resistivity patterns reflecting the temporally stable influence of soil texture. While the overall patterns are stable, the range of resistivity values changes with soil moisture. Finally, to estimate spatial models of soil moisture, we link our soil moisture and resistivity data using empirical petrophysical models relying on a second order polynomial function. We observe a mean prediction error for soil moisture of +/-0.034 m3 & BULL; m? 3 using all observation points while we notice that point-specific models further reduce the error. Thus, we conclude that our experimental and data analysis strategies represent a reliable approach to establish site-specific models and to estimate three-dimensional moisture distribution including temporal variations. KW - earth boundary layer KW - electrical conductivity KW - electrical resistivity KW - near-surface geophysics KW - soil moisture at field scale Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2022.116134 SN - 0016-7061 SN - 1872-6259 VL - 427 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Geng, Rongwei A1 - Andreev, Andrei A1 - Kruse, Stefan A1 - Heim, Birgit A1 - van Geffen, Femke A1 - Pestryakova, Luidmila A1 - Zakharov, Evgenii A1 - Troeva, Elena I. A1 - Shevtsova, Iuliia A1 - Li, Furong A1 - Zhao, Yan A1 - Herzschuh, Ulrike T1 - Modern pollen assemblages from lake sediments and soil in East Siberia and relative pollen productivity estimates for Major Taxa JF - Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution N2 - Modern pollen-vegetation-climate relationships underpin palaeovegetation and palaeoclimate reconstructions from fossil pollen records. East Siberia is an ideal area for investigating the relationships between modern pollen assemblages and near natural vegetation under cold continental climate conditions. Reliable pollen-based quantitative vegetation and climate reconstructions are still scarce due to the limited number of modern pollen datasets. Furthermore, differences in pollen representation of samples from lake sediments and soils are not well understood. Here, we present a new pollen dataset of 48 moss/soil and 24 lake surface-sediment samples collected in Chukotka and central Yakutia in East Siberia. The pollen-vegetation-climate relationships were investigated by ordination analyses. Generally, tundra and taiga vegetation types can be well distinguished in the surface pollen assemblages. Moss/soil and lake samples contain generally similar pollen assemblages as revealed by a Procrustes comparison with some exceptions. Overall, modern pollen assemblages reflect the temperature and precipitation gradients in the study areas as revealed by constrained ordination analysis. We estimate the relative pollen productivity (RPP) of major taxa and the relevant source area of pollen (RSAP) for moss/soil samples from Chukotka and central Yakutia using Extended R-Value (ERV) analysis. The RSAP of the tundra-forest transition area in Chukotka and taiga area in central Yakutia are ca. 1300 and 360 m, respectively. For Chukotka, RPPs relative to both Poaceae and Ericaceae were estimated while RPPs for central Yakutia were relative only to Ericaceae. Relative to Ericaceae (reference taxon, RPP = 1), Larix, Betula, Picea, and Pinus are overrepresented while Alnus, Cyperaceae, Poaceae, and Salix are underrepresented in the pollen spectra. Our estimates are in general agreement with previously published values and provide the basis for reliable quantitative reconstructions of East Siberian vegetation. KW - modern pollen assemblages KW - pollen-vegetation-climate relationships KW - East Siberia KW - tundra KW - taiga KW - relative pollen productivity KW - quantitative vegetation reconstruction Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2022.837857 SN - 2296-701X VL - 10 PB - Frontiers Media CY - Lausanne ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kumar, Satish A1 - Guntu, Ravi Kumar A1 - Agarwal, Ankit A1 - Villuri, Vasant Govind Kumar A1 - Pasupuleti, Srinivas A1 - Kaushal, Deo Raj A1 - Gosian, Ashwin Kumar A1 - Bronstert, Axel T1 - Multi-objective optimization for stormwater management by green-roofs and infiltration trenches to reduce urban flooding in central Delhi JF - Journal of hydrology N2 - Urban surface runoff management via best management practices (BMP) and low impact development (LID) has earned significant recognition owing to positive environmental and ecological impacts. However, due to the complexity of the parameters involved, the estimation of LID efficiency in attenuating the urban surface runoff at the watershed scale is challenging. A planning analysis of employing Green Roofs and Infiltration Trenches as BMPs/LIDs practices for urban surface runoff control is presented in this study. A multi-objective optimization decision-making framework is established by coupling SWMM (Storm Water Management Model) with NSGA-II models to check the performance of BMPs/LIDs concerning the cost-benefit analysis of LID at the watershed scale. Two urbanized areas belonging to Central Delhi in India were used as case studies. The results showed that the SWMM model is useful in simulating optimization problems for managing urban surface runoff. The optimum scenarios efficiently minimized the urban runoff volume while maintaining the BMPs/LIDs implementation costs and size. With BMPs/LIDs implementation, the reduction in runoff volume increases as expenses increase initially; however, there is no noticeable reduction in flood volume after a certain threshold. Contrasted with the haphazard arrangement of BMPs/LIDs, the proposed approach demonstrates 22%-24% runoff reductions for the same expenditures in watershed 1 and 23%-26% in watershed 2. The result of the study provides insights into planning and management of the urban surface runoff control with LID practices. The proposed framework assists the hydrologists in optimum selection and placements of BMPs/LIDs practices to acquire the most extreme ecological advantages with the least expenses. KW - Storm water management model KW - Genetic algorithm KW - NSGA-II KW - Best management practice KW - Low impact development KW - Cost-benefit Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.127455 SN - 0022-1694 SN - 1879-2707 VL - 606 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hülscher, Julian A1 - Sobel, Edward A1 - Kallnik, Niklas A1 - Hoffmann, J. Elis A1 - Millar, Ian L. A1 - Hartmann, Kai A1 - Bernhardt, Anne T1 - Apatites record sedimentary provenance change 4-5 myrs before clay in the Oligocene/Miocene Alpine molasse JF - Frontiers in Earth Science N2 - Extracting information about past tectonic or climatic environmental changes from sedimentary records is a key objective of provenance research. Interpreting the imprint of such changes remains challenging as signals might be altered in the sediment-routing system. We investigate the sedimentary provenance of the Oligocene/Miocene Upper Austrian Northern Alpine Foreland Basin and its response to the tectonically driven exhumation of the Tauern Window metamorphic dome (28 +/- 1 Ma) in the Eastern European Alps by using the unprecedented combination of Nd isotopic composition of bulk-rock clay-sized samples and partly previously published multi-proxy (Nd isotopic composition, trace-element geochemistry, U-Pb dating) sand-sized apatite single-grain analysis. The basin offers an excellent opportunity to investigate environmental signal propagation into the sedimentary record because comprehensive stratigraphic and seismic datasets can be combined with present research results. The bulk-rock clay-sized fraction epsilon Nd values of well-cutting samples from one well on the northern basin slope remained stable at similar to-9.7 from 27 to 19 Ma but increased after 19 Ma to similar to-9.1. In contrast, apatite single-grain distributions, which were extracted from 22 drill-core samples, changed significantly around 23.3 Ma from apatites dominantly from low-grade ( The detailed vegetation cover and structure information in the first two datasets are of use for ecological applications, on one hand for summergreen and evergreen needle-leaf forests and also for tundra-taiga ecotones. Datasets 1 and 2 further support the generation and validation of land cover remote-sensing products in radar and optical remote sensing. In addition to providing information on forest structure and vegetation composition of the vegetation plots, the third and fourth datasets are prepared as training and validation data for machine-learning purposes. For example, the synthetic tree-crown dataset is generated from the raw UAV images and optimized to be used in neural networks. Furthermore, the fourth SiDroForest dataset contains S-2 labeled image patches processed to a high standard that provide training data on vegetation class categories for machine-learning classification with JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) labels provided. The SiDroForest data collection adds unique insights into remote hard-to-reach circumboreal forest regions. Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-14-4967-2022 SN - 1866-3508 SN - 1866-3516 VL - 14 IS - 11 SP - 4967 EP - 4994 PB - Copernicus CY - Göttingen ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Radosavljevic, Boris A1 - Lantuit, Hugues A1 - Knoblauch, Christian A1 - Couture, Nicole A1 - Herzschuh, Ulrike A1 - Fritz, Michael T1 - Arctic nearshore sediment dynamics - an example from Herschel Island - Qikiqtaruk, Canada JF - Journal of marine science and engineering N2 - Increasing arctic coastal erosion rates imply a greater release of sediments and organic matter into the coastal zone. With 213 sediment samples taken around Herschel Island-Qikiqtaruk, Canadian Beaufort Sea, we aimed to gain new insights on sediment dynamics and geochemical properties of a shallow arctic nearshore zone. Spatial characteristics of nearshore sediment texture (moderately to poorly sorted silt) are dictated by hydrodynamic processes, but ice-related processes also play a role. We determined organic matter (OM) distribution and inferred the origin and quality of organic carbon by C/N ratios and stable carbon isotopes delta C-13. The carbon content was higher offshore and in sheltered areas (mean: 1.0 wt.%., S.D.: 0.9) and the C/N ratios also showed a similar spatial pattern (mean: 11.1, S.D.: 3.1), while the delta C-13 (mean: -26.4 parts per thousand VPDB, S.D.: 0.4) distribution was more complex. We compared the geochemical parameters of our study with terrestrial and marine samples from other studies using a bootstrap approach. Sediments of the current study contained 6.5 times and 1.8 times less total organic carbon than undisturbed and disturbed terrestrial sediments, respectively. Therefore, degradation of OM and separation of carbon pools take place on land and continue in the nearshore zone, where OM is leached, mineralized, or transported beyond the study area. KW - permafrost KW - Arctic Ocean KW - stable carbon isotopes KW - nitrogen KW - sediment KW - chemistry KW - sediment dynamics KW - Beaufort Sea KW - grain size Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse10111589 SN - 2077-1312 VL - 10 IS - 11 PB - MDPI CY - Basel ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Stuenzi, Simone Maria A1 - Kruse, Stefan A1 - Boike, Julia A1 - Herzschuh, Ulrike A1 - Oehme, Alexander A1 - Pestryakova, Luidmila A. A1 - Westermann, Sebastian A1 - Langer, Moritz T1 - Thermohydrological impact of forest disturbances on ecosystem-protected permafrost JF - Journal of geophysical research : Biogeosciences N2 - Boreal forests cover over half of the global permafrost area and protect underlying permafrost. Boreal forest development, therefore, has an impact on permafrost evolution, especially under a warming climate. Forest disturbances and changing climate conditions cause vegetation shifts and potentially destabilize the carbon stored within the vegetation and permafrost. Disturbed permafrost-forest ecosystems can develop into a dry or swampy bush- or grasslands, shift toward broadleaf- or evergreen needleleaf-dominated forests, or recover to the pre-disturbance state. An increase in the number and intensity of fires, as well as intensified logging activities, could lead to a partial or complete ecosystem and permafrost degradation. We study the impact of forest disturbances (logging, surface, and canopy fires) on the thermal and hydrological permafrost conditions and ecosystem resilience. We use a dynamic multilayer canopy-permafrost model to simulate different scenarios at a study site in eastern Siberia. We implement expected mortality, defoliation, and ground surface changes and analyze the interplay between forest recovery and permafrost. We find that forest loss induces soil drying of up to 44%, leading to lower active layer thicknesses and abrupt or steady decline of a larch forest, depending on disturbance intensity. Only after surface fires, the most common disturbances, inducing low mortality rates, forests can recover and overpass pre-disturbance leaf area index values. We find that the trajectory of larch forests after surface fires is dependent on the precipitation conditions in the years after the disturbance. Dryer years can drastically change the direction of the larch forest development within the studied period. KW - permafrost KW - boreal forest KW - periglacial process KW - Siberia KW - larch forest KW - disturbance Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JG006630 SN - 2169-8953 SN - 2169-8961 VL - 127 IS - 5 PB - American Geophysical Union CY - Washington ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Herzschuh, Ulrike A1 - Li, Chenzhi A1 - Boehmer, Thomas A1 - Postl, Alexander K. A1 - Heim, Birgit A1 - Andreev, Andrei A. A1 - Cao, Xianyong A1 - Wieczorek, Mareike A1 - Ni, Jian T1 - LegacyPollen 1.0 BT - a taxonomically harmonized global late Quaternary pollen dataset of 2831 records with standardized chronologies JF - Earth system science data : ESSD N2 - Here we describe the LegacyPollen 1.0, a dataset of 2831 fossil pollen records with metadata, a harmonized taxonomy, and standardized chronologies. A total of 1032 records originate from North America, 1075 from Europe, 488 from Asia, 150 from Latin America, 54 from Africa, and 32 from the Indo-Pacific. The pollen data cover the late Quaternary (mostly the Holocene). The original 10 110 pollen taxa names (including variations in the notations) were harmonized to 1002 terrestrial taxa (including Cyperaceae), with woody taxa and major herbaceous taxa harmonized to genus level and other herbaceous taxa to family level. The dataset is valuable for synthesis studies of, for example, taxa areal changes, vegetation dynamics, human impacts (e.g., deforestation), and climate change at global or continental scales. The harmonized pollen and metadata as well as the harmonization table are available from PANGAEA (https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.929773; Herzschuh et al., 2021). R code for the harmonization is provided at Zenodo (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5910972; Herzschuh et al., 2022) so that datasets at a customized harmonization level can be easily established. Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-14-3213-2022 SN - 1866-3508 SN - 1866-3516 VL - 14 IS - 7 SP - 3213 EP - 3227 PB - Copernicus CY - Göttingen ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Glückler, Ramesh A1 - Geng, Rongwei A1 - Grimm, Lennart A1 - Baisheva, Izabella A1 - Herzschuh, Ulrike A1 - Stoof-Leichsenring, Kathleen R. A1 - Kruse, Stefan A1 - Andreev, Andrej Aleksandrovic A1 - Pestryakova, Luidmila A1 - Dietze, Elisabeth T1 - Holocene wildfire and vegetation dynamics in Central Yakutia, Siberia, reconstructed from lake-sediment proxies JF - Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution N2 - Wildfires play an essential role in the ecology of boreal forests. In eastern Siberia, fire activity has been increasing in recent years, challenging the livelihoods of local communities. Intensifying fire regimes also increase disturbance pressure on the boreal forests, which currently protect the permafrost beneath from accelerated degradation. However, long-term relationships between changes in fire regime and forest structure remain largely unknown. We assess past fire-vegetation feedbacks using sedimentary proxy records from Lake Satagay, Central Yakutia, Siberia, covering the past c. 10,800 years. Results from macroscopic and microscopic charcoal analyses indicate high amounts of burnt biomass during the Early Holocene, and that the present-day, low-severity surface fire regime has been in place since c. 4,500 years before present. A pollen-based quantitative reconstruction of vegetation cover and a terrestrial plant record based on sedimentary ancient DNA metabarcoding suggest a pronounced shift in forest structure toward the Late Holocene. Whereas the Early Holocene was characterized by postglacial open larch-birch woodlands, forest structure changed toward the modern, mixed larch-dominated closed-canopy forest during the Mid-Holocene. We propose a potential relationship between open woodlands and high amounts of burnt biomass, as well as a mediating effect of dense larch forest on the climate-driven intensification of fire regimes. Considering the anticipated increase in forest disturbances (droughts, insect invasions, and wildfires), higher tree mortality may force the modern state of the forest to shift toward an open woodland state comparable to the Early Holocene. Such a shift in forest structure may result in a positive feedback on currently intensifying wildfires. These new long-term data improve our understanding of millennial-scale fire regime changes and their relationships to changes of vegetation in Central Yakutia, where the local population is already being confronted with intensifying wildfire seasons. KW - fire KW - larch KW - boreal KW - forest KW - Russia KW - charcoal KW - pollen KW - ancient DNA Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2022.962906 SN - 2296-701X VL - 10 PB - Frontiers Media CY - Lausanne ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Song, Lina A1 - Jie, Dongmei A1 - Gao, Guizai A1 - Liu, Lidan A1 - Liu, Hongyan A1 - Li, Dehui A1 - Liu, Ying T1 - Application of a topsoil phytolith dataset to quantitative paleoclimate reconstruction in Northeast China JF - Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology : an international journal for the geo-sciences N2 - Although phytoliths are recognized as an important proxy for paleoenvironmental reconstruction, the quantitative relationship between phytoliths and climate is still debated. In order to provide an improved basis for phytolith-based paleoclimate reconstructions, a representative modern phytolith dataset is essential. Here, we synthesize a modern topsoil phytolith dataset for Northeast China, analyze its climatic significance, and apply it to a fossil phytolith series from the Hani peat core in Northeast China. The dataset comprises 660 topsoil phytolith assemblages from 289 sample sites. We compiled modern meteorological data to assess the quantitative relationship between the phytolith assemblages and climatic variables. Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) and Redundancy analysis (RDA) were used to determine the dominant climatic variable influencing the phytolith distributions. The results showed that mean annual temperature (MAT) is the dominant variable controlling the spatial distribution of phytoliths, accounting for 8.91% of the total variance. Transfer function based on inverse deshrinking locally-weighted weighted averaging (LWWA_Inv) was developed for MAT (R-_boot(2) = 0.86, RMSEP = 1.02 degrees C). Applying the LWWA_Inv transfer function to fossil phytolith records from the Hani peat core enables quantitative inferences to be made about Holocene climate changes in Northeast China. Overall, combined with the LWWA_Inv method, the topsoil phytolith dataset of Northeast China can be used for reliable quantitative MAT reconstruction. KW - Phytoliths KW - Northeast China KW - Transfer function KW - paleoclimate KW - reconstruction Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2022.111108 SN - 0031-0182 SN - 1872-616X VL - 601 PB - Elsevier CY - Amsterdam ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Öztürk, Ugur A1 - Bozzolan, Elisa A1 - Holcombe, Elizabeth A. A1 - Shukla, Roopam A1 - Pianosi, Francesca A1 - Wagener, Thorsten T1 - How climate change and unplanned urban sprawl bring more landslides JF - Nature : the international weekly journal of science N2 - More settlements will suffer as heavy rains and unregulated construction destabilize slopes in the tropics, models show. KW - Geophysics KW - Engineering KW - Climate change KW - Policy Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-02141-9 SN - 0028-0836 SN - 1476-4687 VL - 608 IS - 7922 SP - 262 EP - 265 PB - Nature portfolio CY - Berlin ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Cruces-Zabala, José Alejandro A1 - Ritter, Oliver A1 - Weckmann, Ute A1 - Tietze, Kristina A1 - Meqbel, Naser M. A1 - Audemard, Franck A1 - Schmitz, Michael T1 - Three-dimensional magnetotelluric imaging of the Merida Andes, Venezuela JF - Journal of South American earth sciences N2 - The 100 km wide Merida Andes extend from the Colombian/Venezuelan border to the Coastal Cordillera. The mountain chain and its associated major strike-slip fault systems in western Venezuela formed due to oblique convergence of the Caribbean with the South American Plates and the north-eastwards expulsion of the North Andean Block. Due to the limited knowledge of lithospheric structures related to the formation of the Merida Andes research projects have been developed to illuminate this zone with deep geophysical data. In this study, we present three-dimensional inversion of broadband magnetotelluric data, collected along a 240 km long profile crossing the Merida Andes and the Maracaibo and Barinas-Apure foreland basins. The distribution of the stations limits resolution of the model to off-profile features. Combining 3D inversion of synthetic data sets derived from 3D modelling with 3D inversion of measured data, we could derive a 10 to 15 km wide corridor with good lateral resolution to develop hypotheses about the origin of deep-reaching anomalies of high electrical conductivity. The Merida Andes appear generally as electrically resistive structures, separated by anomalies associated with the most important fault systems of the region, the Bocono and Valera faults. Sensitivity tests suggest that the Valera Fault reaches to depths of up to 12 km and the Bocono Fault to more than 35 km depth. Both structures are connected to a sizeable conductor located east of the profile at 12-15 km depth. We propose that the high conductivity associated with this off-profile conductor may be related to the detachment of the Trujillo Block. We also identified a conductive zone that correlates spatially with the location of a gravity low, possibly representing a SE tilt of the Maracaibo Triangular Block under the mountain chain to great depths (>30 km). The relevance of these tectonic blocks in our models at crustal depths seems to be consistent with proposed theories that describe the geodynamics of western Venezuela as dominated by floating blocks or orogens. Our results stress the importance of the Trujillo Block for the current tectonic evolution of western Venezuela and confirm the relevance of the Bocono Fault carrying deformation to the lower crust and upper mantle. The Barinas-Apure and the Maracaibo sedimentary basins are imaged as electrically conductive with depths of 4 to 5 km and 5 to 10 km, respectively. The Barinas-Apure basin is imaged as a simple 1D structure, in contrast to the Maracaibo Basin, where a series of conductive and resistive bodies could be related to active deformation causing the juxtaposition of older geological formations and younger basin sediments. KW - Magnetotellurics KW - Merida Andes KW - Geodynamics KW - Trujillo Block KW - Chain structure KW - Strike-slip faults KW - Bocono Y1 - 2022 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsames.2022.103711 SN - 0895-9811 SN - 1873-0647 VL - 114 PB - Elsevier CY - Oxford ER -